Industrial air purification products. Cleaning ventilation air from dust

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Methods for cleaning air from dust

To neutralize aerosols (dusts and mists), dry, wet and electrical methods are used. In addition, the devices differ from each other both in design and in the principle of sedimentation of suspended particles. The operation of dry apparatus is based on gravitational, inertial and centrifugal sedimentation mechanisms or filtration mechanisms. In wet dust collectors, dust-laden gases come into contact with liquid. In this case, deposition occurs on drops, on the surface of gas bubbles or on a liquid film. In electric precipitators, the separation of charged aerosol particles occurs at the collection electrodes.

Dry mechanical dust collectors include devices that use various sedimentation mechanisms: gravitational, inertial and centrifugal.

Inertial dust collectors. If there is a sharp change in the direction of movement of the gas flow, dust particles, under the influence of inertial force, will tend to move in the same direction and, after turning the gas flow, fall into the bunker. The efficiency of these devices is low.

Blind devices. These devices have a louvered grille consisting of rows of plates or rings. The purified gas, passing through the grate, makes sharp turns. Dust particles, due to inertia, tend to maintain their original direction, which leads to the separation of large particles from the gas flow; their impacts on the inclined planes of the grating also contribute to this, from which they are reflected and bounce away from the cracks between the blades of the blinds. As a result, the gases are divided into two streams. The dust is mainly contained in the stream, which is sucked off and sent to a cyclone, where it is cleaned of dust and again merged with the main part of the stream that has passed through the grate. The gas velocity in front of the louvre grille must be high enough to achieve the effect of inertial dust separation.

Typically, louvered dust collectors are used to collect dust with a particle size >20 microns.

The efficiency of particle collection depends on the efficiency of the grid and the efficiency of the cyclone, as well as on the proportion of gas sucked into it.

Cyclones. Cyclone devices are the most common in industry.

According to the method of supplying gases to the apparatus, they are divided into cyclones with spiral, tangential and helical, as well as axial supply. Cyclones with axial gas supply operate both with gas return to top part device, and without it.

The gas rotates inside the cyclone, moving from top to bottom, and then moves up. Dust particles are thrown towards the wall by centrifugal force. Usually in cyclones, the centrifugal acceleration is several hundred, or even a thousand times greater than the acceleration of gravity, so even very small dust particles are not able to follow the gas, but under the influence of centrifugal force they move towards the wall.

In industry, cyclones are divided into high-efficiency and high-performance.

At high flow rates of purified gases, a group arrangement of devices is used. This makes it possible not to increase the diameter of the cyclone, which has a positive effect on the cleaning efficiency. The dusty gas enters through a common collector and is then distributed between cyclones.

Battery cyclones - combining a large number of small cyclones into a group. Reducing the diameter of the cyclone element aims to increase the cleaning efficiency.

Vortex dust collectors. The difference between vortex dust collectors and cyclones is the presence of an auxiliary swirling gas flow.

In a nozzle-type apparatus, the dusty gas flow is swirled by a blade swirler and moves upward, while being exposed to three jets of secondary gas flowing from tangentially located nozzles. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, the particles are thrown to the periphery, and from there into the spiral flow of secondary gas excited by the jets, directing them down into the annular intertubular space. The secondary gas gradually completely penetrates into it during the spiral flow around the flow of the purified gas. The annular space around the inlet pipe is equipped with a retaining washer, which ensures the irretrievable release of dust into the hopper. A blade-type vortex dust collector is characterized in that secondary gas is taken from the periphery of the purified gas and supplied by an annular guide vane with inclined blades.

Fresh gas can be used as a secondary gas in vortex dust collectors. atmospheric air, part of purified gas or dusty gases. The most economically advantageous is the use of dust-laden gases as a secondary gas.

As with cyclones, the efficiency of vortex devices decreases with increasing diameter. There may be battery installations consisting of individual multi-cells with a diameter of 40 mm.

Dynamic dust collectors. The purification of gases from dust is carried out due to centrifugal forces and Coriolis forces that arise during the rotation of the impeller of the draft device.

The most widely used is the smoke exhauster-dust collector. It is designed to capture dust particles >15 microns in size. Due to the difference in pressure created by the impeller, the dusty flow enters the “snail” and acquires a curvilinear movement. Dust particles are thrown to the periphery under the influence of centrifugal forces and, together with 8-10% of the gas, are discharged into a cyclone connected to the volute. The purified gas flow from the cyclone returns to the central part of the cochlea. Purified gases enter the Working wheel smoke exhauster-dust collector, and then through the emission casing into the chimney.

Filters. The operation of all filters is based on the process of filtering gas through a partition, during which solid particles are retained, and the gas passes completely through it.

Depending on the purpose and value of the input and output concentrations, filters are conventionally divided into three classes: fine filters, air filters and industrial filters.

Bag filters are a metal cabinet divided vertical partitions into sections, each of which houses a group of filter bags. The upper ends of the sleeves are capped and suspended from a frame connected to a shaking mechanism. At the bottom there is a dust bin with an auger for unloading it. Shaking of the sleeves in each section is done alternately. (Figure 6)

Fiber filters. The filter element of these filters consists of one or more layers in which the fibers are uniformly distributed. These are volumetric filters, as they are designed to capture and accumulate particles predominantly throughout the entire depth of the layer. A continuous layer of dust forms only on the surface of the most dense materials. Such filters are used at a dispersed solid phase concentration of 0.5-5 mg/m 3 and only some coarse fiber filters are used at a concentration of 5-50 mg/m 3 . At such concentrations, the main proportion of particles have sizes less than 5-10 microns.

The following types of industrial fiber filters are distinguished:

Dry - fine-fiber, electrostatic, deep, pre-filters (pre-filters);

Wet - mesh, self-cleaning, with periodic or continuous irrigation.

The filtration process in fiber filters consists of two stages. At the first stage, the captured particles practically do not change the structure of the filter over time; at the second stage of the process, continuous structural changes occur in the filter due to the accumulation of trapped particles in significant quantities.

Grain filters. They are used for gas purification less frequently than fiber filters. There are attachment filters and rigid granular filters.

Hollow gas scrubbers. The most common are hollow nozzle scrubbers. They represent a column of round or rectangular cross-section in which contact occurs between gas and liquid droplets. Based on the direction of gas and liquid movement, hollow scrubbers are divided into counter-flow, direct-flow and with a transverse liquid supply.

Packed gas scrubbers are columns with bulk or regular packing. They are used to capture well-wetted dust, but at low concentrations.

Gas scrubbers with a movable nozzle are widely used in dust collection. Balls made of polymer materials, glass or porous rubber are used as nozzles. The attachment can be rings, saddles, etc. The density of the nozzle balls should not exceed the density of the liquid.

Scrubbers with a movable conical ball nozzle (KSSH). To ensure stable operation in a wide range of gas velocities, improve liquid distribution and reduce splash entrainment, devices with a movable conical ball nozzle have been proposed. Two types of devices have been developed: nozzle and ejection

In an ejection scrubber, the balls are irrigated with a liquid that is sucked from a vessel with a constant level of gases to be cleaned.

Disc gas scrubbers (bubbling, foam). The most common foam machines are those with sink plates or overflow plates. Overflow plates have holes with a diameter of 3-8 mm. Dust is captured by a foam layer, which is formed by the interaction of gas and liquid.

The efficiency of the dust collection process depends on the size of the interfacial surface.

Foam apparatus with foam layer stabilizer. A stabilizer is installed on the failure grid, which is a honeycomb grid of vertically arranged plates that separate the cross-section of the apparatus and the foam layer into small cells. Thanks to the stabilizer, there is a significant accumulation of liquid on the plate, increasing the height of the foam compared to a failed plate without a stabilizer. The use of a stabilizer can significantly reduce water consumption for irrigation of the apparatus.

Gas scrubbers of shock-inertial action. In these devices, the contact of gases with liquid is carried out due to the impact of the gas flow on the surface of the liquid, followed by passing the gas-liquid suspension through holes of various configurations or by directly discharging the gas-liquid suspension into the liquid phase separator. As a result of this interaction, droplets with a diameter of 300-400 microns are formed.

Gas washers centrifugal action. The most common are centrifugal scrubbers, which according to their design can be divided into two types: 1) devices in which the gas flow is swirled using a central blade swirling device; 2) devices with lateral tangential or snail gas supply.

High-speed gas scrubbers (Venturi scrubbers). The main part of the apparatus is a spray pipe, which provides intensive crushing of the irrigated liquid with a gas flow moving at a speed of 40-150 m/s. There is also a drip eliminator.

Electrostatic precipitators. Gas purification from dust in electric precipitators occurs under the influence of electrical forces. In the process of ionization of gas molecules by an electric discharge, the particles contained in them are charged. The ions are absorbed on the surface of the dust grains, and then, under the influence of an electric field, they move and are deposited to the collecting electrodes.

To neutralize exhaust gases from gaseous and vaporous toxic substances, the following methods are used: absorption (physical and chemisorption), adsorption, catalytic, thermal, condensation and compression.

Absorption methods for cleaning exhaust gases are divided according to the following characteristics: 1) according to the absorbed component; 2) by the type of absorbent used; 3) by the nature of the process - with and without gas circulation; 4) on the use of the absorbent - with regeneration and its return to the cycle (cyclic) and without regeneration (non-cyclic); 5) on the use of recovered components - with and without recovery; 6) by type of recovered product; 7) on the organization of the process - periodic and continuous; 8) pa structural types absorption equipment.

For physical absorption, in practice, water, organic solvents that do not react with the extracted gas, and aqueous solutions of these substances are used. In chemisorption, aqueous solutions of salts and alkalis, organic substances and aqueous suspensions of various substances are used as absorbents.

The choice of purification method depends on many factors: the concentration of the extracted component in the exhaust gases, the volume and temperature of the gas, the content of impurities, the presence of chemisorbents, the possibility of using recovery products, and the required degree of purification. The choice is made based on the results of technical and economic calculations.

Adsorption methods of gas purification are used to remove gaseous and vapor impurities from them. The methods are based on the absorption of impurities by porous adsorbent bodies. Cleaning processes are carried out in batch or continuous adsorbers. The advantage of the methods is a high degree of purification, but the disadvantage is the impossibility of purifying dusty gases.

Catalytic purification methods are based on the chemical transformation of toxic components into non-toxic ones on the surface of solid catalysts. Gases that do not contain dust and catalyst poisons are subjected to purification. The methods are used to purify gases from nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon and organic impurities. They are carried out in reactors various designs. Thermal methods are used to neutralize gases from easily oxidized toxic impurities.

Methods for purifying air from dust when released into the atmosphere

To clean the air from dust, dust collectors and filters are used:

Filters are devices in which dust particles are separated from the air by filtration through porous materials.

Types of dust collection devices:

The main indicators are:

productivity (or throughput of the device), determined by the volume of air that can be cleared of dust per unit of time (m 3 / hour);

aerodynamic resistance of the apparatus to the passage of purified air through it (Pa). It is determined by the difference in pressure at the inlet and outlet.

the overall purification coefficient or the overall efficiency of dust collection, determined by the ratio of the mass of dust collected by the apparatus Су to the mass of dust entering it with contaminated air Сin: Су/Свх х 100 (%);

fractional cleaning coefficient, i.e., the dust collection efficiency of the apparatus in relation to fractions of different sizes (in fractions of a unit or in %)

Dust settling chambers, dust collection efficiency - 50 ... 60%. The principle of cleaning is the flow of dust-laden air from the chamber at a speed lower than the speed of dust floating, i.e. the dust has time to settle (see Fig. 1).

Cyclones - dust collection efficiency - 80...90%. The principle of cleaning is the throwing of heavy dust particles onto the walls of the cyclone when the flow of dust-laden air is swirled (see Fig. 2). The hydraulic resistance of cyclones ranges from 500... 1100 Pa. Suitable for heavy dusts: cement, sand, wood...

Bag filters (for catching dry non-coalescing dusts) dust collection efficiency - 90...99%. The cleaning principle is the retention of dust particles on the filter elements (see Fig. 3). The main working elements are fabric sleeves suspended from the shaking device. Suitable for heavy dusts: wood, flour,...

The hydraulic resistance of the filter, depending on the degree of dustiness of the hoses, ranges from 1...2.5 kPa.

Filter cyclones - a combination of a cyclone (separation of heavy particles) and a bag filter (separation of light particles). See fig. 3.

Electric filters - dust particles are separated from the air under the influence of a high-intensity electrostatic field. In a metal case, the walls of which are grounded and serve as precipitation electrodes, there are corona electrodes connected to the source. direct current. Voltage - 30...100 kV.

Forms around negatively charged electrodes. electric field. The dusty gas passing through the electrostatic precipitator is ionized and the dust particles acquire negative charges. The latter begin to move towards the filter walls. The collecting electrodes are cleaned by tapping or vibrating them, and sometimes by washing them with water. aerosol filter scrubber

Dust collection efficiency is 99.9%. Low hydraulic resistance 100...150 Pa,

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To neutralize aerosols (dusts and mists), dry, wet and electrical methods are used. In addition, the devices differ from each other both in design and in the principle of sedimentation of suspended particles. The operation of dry apparatus is based on gravitational, inertial and centrifugal sedimentation mechanisms or filtration mechanisms. In wet dust collectors, dust-laden gases come into contact with liquid. In this case, deposition occurs on drops, on the surface of gas bubbles or on a liquid film. In electric precipitators, the separation of charged aerosol particles occurs at the collection electrodes.

The choice of method and apparatus for capturing aerosols primarily depends on their dispersed composition (Table 1). 1

Table 1. Dependence of the collection apparatus on particle size

Particle size, microns Devices Particle size, microns Devices
40 – 1000 Dust settling chambers 20 – 100 Scrubbers
20 – 1000 Cyclones with a diameter of 1–2 m 0,9 – 100 Fabric filters
5 – 1000 Cyclones with a diameter of 1 m 0,05 – 100 Fiber filters
0,01 – 10 Electrostatic precipitators

Dry mechanical dust collectors include devices that use various sedimentation mechanisms: gravitational, inertial and centrifugal.

Inertial dust collectors. If there is a sharp change in the direction of movement of the gas flow, dust particles, under the influence of inertial force, will tend to move in the same direction and, after turning the gas flow, fall into the bunker. The efficiency of these devices is low. (Fig. 1)

Blind devices. These devices have a louvered grille consisting of rows of plates or rings. The purified gas, passing through the grate, makes sharp turns. Dust particles, due to inertia, tend to maintain their original direction, which leads to the separation of large particles from the gas flow; their impacts on the inclined planes of the grating also contribute to this, from which they are reflected and bounce away from the cracks between the blades of the blinds. As a result, the gases are divided into two streams. The dust is mainly contained in the stream, which is sucked off and sent to a cyclone, where it is cleaned of dust and again merged with the main part of the stream that has passed through the grate. The gas velocity in front of the louvre grille must be high enough to achieve the effect of inertial dust separation. (Fig. 2)

Typically, louvered dust collectors are used to collect dust with a particle size >20 microns.

The efficiency of particle collection depends on the efficiency of the grid and the efficiency of the cyclone, as well as on the proportion of gas sucked into it.

Cyclones. Cyclone devices are the most common in industry.

Rice. 1 Inertial dust collectors: A– with a partition; b – with a smooth rotation of the gas flow; V - with an expanding cone.

Rice. 2 Louvre dust collector (1 - frame; 2 - grate)

According to the method of supplying gases to the apparatus, they are divided into cyclones with spiral, tangential and helical, as well as axial supply. (Fig. 3) Cyclones with axial gas supply operate both with and without gas return to the upper part of the apparatus.

The gas rotates inside the cyclone, moving from top to bottom, and then moves up. Dust particles are thrown towards the wall by centrifugal force. Usually in cyclones, the centrifugal acceleration is several hundred, or even a thousand times greater than the acceleration of gravity, so even very small dust particles are not able to follow the gas, but under the influence of centrifugal force they move towards the wall. (Fig. 4)

In industry, cyclones are divided into high-efficiency and high-performance.

At high flow rates of purified gases, a group arrangement of devices is used. This makes it possible not to increase the diameter of the cyclone, which has a positive effect on the cleaning efficiency. The dusty gas enters through a common collector and is then distributed between cyclones.

Battery cyclones– combining a large number of small cyclones into a group. Reducing the diameter of the cyclone element aims to increase the cleaning efficiency.

Vortex dust collectors. The difference between vortex dust collectors and cyclones is the presence of an auxiliary swirling gas flow.

In a nozzle-type apparatus, the dusty gas flow is swirled by a blade swirler and moves upward, while being exposed to three jets of secondary gas flowing from tangentially located nozzles. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, the particles are thrown to the periphery, and from there into the spiral flow of secondary gas excited by the jets, directing them down into the annular intertubular space. The secondary gas gradually completely penetrates into it during the spiral flow around the flow of the purified gas. The annular space around the inlet pipe is equipped with a retaining washer, which ensures the irretrievable release of dust into the hopper. A blade-type vortex dust collector is characterized in that secondary gas is taken from the periphery of the purified gas and supplied by an annular guide vane with inclined blades. (Fig. 5)

Rice. 3 Main types of cyclones (for gas supply): A– spiral; b– tangential; v-helical; g, d– axial

Rice. 4. Cyclone: ​​1 – inlet pipe; 2 – exhaust pipe; 3 – cylindrical chamber; 4 – conical chamber; 5 – dust settling chamber

Fresh atmospheric air, part of the purified gas, or dusty gases can be used as a secondary gas in vortex dust collectors. The most economically advantageous is the use of dust-laden gases as a secondary gas.

As with cyclones, the efficiency of vortex devices decreases with increasing diameter. There may be battery installations consisting of individual multi-cells with a diameter of 40 mm.

Dynamic dust collectors. The purification of gases from dust is carried out due to centrifugal forces and Coriolis forces that arise during the rotation of the impeller of the draft device.

The most widely used is the smoke exhauster-dust collector. It is designed to capture dust particles >15 microns in size. Due to the difference in pressure created by the impeller, the dusty flow enters the “snail” and acquires a curvilinear movement. Dust particles are thrown to the periphery under the action of centrifugal forces and, together with 8–10% of the gas, are discharged into a cyclone connected to the volute. The purified gas flow from the cyclone returns to the central part of the cochlea. The purified gases enter the impeller of the smoke exhauster-dust collector through the guide vane, and then through the emission casing into the chimney.

Filters. The operation of all filters is based on the process of filtering gas through a partition, during which solid particles are retained, and the gas passes completely through it.

Depending on the purpose and value of the input and output concentrations, filters are conventionally divided into three classes: fine filters, air filters and industrial filters.

Bag filters They are a metal cabinet divided by vertical partitions into sections, each of which houses a group of filter bags. The upper ends of the sleeves are capped and suspended from a frame connected to a shaking mechanism. At the bottom there is a dust bin with an auger for unloading it. Shaking of the sleeves in each section is done alternately. (Figure 6)

Fiber filters. The filter element of these filters consists of one or more layers in which the fibers are uniformly distributed. These are volumetric filters, as they are designed to capture and accumulate particles predominantly throughout the entire depth of the layer. A continuous layer of dust forms only on the surface of the densest materials. Such filters are used at a dispersed solid phase concentration of 0.5–5 mg/m3, and only some coarse fiber filters are used at a concentration of 5–50 mg/m3. At such concentrations, the majority of particles have sizes less than 5–10 µm.

The following types of industrial fiber filters are distinguished:

– dry – fine-fiber, electrostatic, deep, pre-filters (pre-filters);

– wet – mesh, self-cleaning, with periodic or continuous irrigation.

The filtration process in fiber filters consists of two stages. At the first stage, the captured particles practically do not change the structure of the filter over time; at the second stage of the process, continuous structural changes occur in the filter due to the accumulation of trapped particles in significant quantities.

Grain filters. They are used for gas purification less frequently than fiber filters. There are attachment filters and rigid granular filters.

Hollow gas scrubbers. The most common are hollow nozzle scrubbers. They represent a column of round or rectangular cross-section in which contact occurs between gas and liquid droplets. Based on the direction of gas and liquid movement, hollow scrubbers are divided into counter-flow, direct-flow and with a transverse liquid supply. (Fig. 7)

Attachment gas scrubbers They are columns with bulk or regular packing. They are used to capture well-wetted dust, but at low concentrations.

Rice. 5 Vortex dust collectors: A– nozzle type: b – blade type; 1 – camera; 2– outlet pipe; 3 – nozzles; 4 – rosette-type blade swirler; 5 – inlet pipe; 6– retaining washer; 7 – dust bin; 8 – ring blade swirler

Rice. 6 Bag filter: 1 – housing; 2 – shaking device; 3 – sleeve; 4 – distribution grid

Gas scrubbers with movable nozzle are widely used in dust collection. Balls made of polymer materials, glass or porous rubber are used as nozzles. The attachment can be rings, saddles, etc. The density of the nozzle balls should not exceed the density of the liquid. (Fig. 8)

Scrubbers with a movable conical ball nozzle (KSSH). To ensure stable operation in a wide range of gas velocities, improve liquid distribution and reduce splash entrainment, devices with a movable conical ball nozzle have been proposed. Two types of devices have been developed: nozzle and ejection

In an ejection scrubber, the balls are irrigated with a liquid that is sucked from a vessel with a constant level of gases to be cleaned.

Disc gas scrubbers(bubbling, foam). The most common foam machines are those with sink plates or overflow plates. Overflow plates have holes with a diameter of 3–8 mm. Dust is captured by a foam layer, which is formed by the interaction of gas and liquid.

The efficiency of the dust collection process depends on the size of the interfacial surface.

Foam apparatus with foam layer stabilizer. A stabilizer is installed on the failure grid, which is a honeycomb grid of vertically arranged plates that separate the cross-section of the apparatus and the foam layer into small cells. Thanks to the stabilizer, there is a significant accumulation of liquid on the plate, increasing the height of the foam compared to a failed plate without a stabilizer. The use of a stabilizer can significantly reduce water consumption for irrigation of the apparatus.

Impact-inertial gas scrubbers. In these devices, the contact of gases with liquid is carried out due to the impact of the gas flow on the surface of the liquid, followed by passing the gas-liquid suspension through holes of various configurations or by directly discharging the gas-liquid suspension into the liquid phase separator. As a result of this interaction, droplets with a diameter of 300–400 µm are formed.

Rice. 7 Scrubbers: A– hollow nozzle: b– packed with transverse irrigation: 1 – body; 2– nozzles; 7 – body; 2– nozzle; 3 – irrigation device; 4– support grid; 5 – nozzle; 6 – sludge collector

Rice. 8. Gas scrubbers with a movable nozzle: A - with a cylindrical layer: 1 – support grid; 2– ball nozzle; 3– restrictive grid; 4 – irrigation device; 5 – splash trap; b And V - with a conical layer nozzle and ejection: 1 – body; 2– support grid; 3 – layer of balls; 4– splash trap; 5 – restrictive grid; 6 – nozzle; 7 – container with a constant liquid level

Centrifugal gas scrubbers. The most common are centrifugal scrubbers, which according to their design can be divided into two types: 1) devices in which the gas flow is swirled using a central blade swirling device; 2) devices with lateral tangential or snail gas supply.

High-speed gas scrubbers (Venturi scrubbers). The main part of the apparatus is a spray pipe, which provides intensive crushing of the irrigated liquid by a gas flow moving at a speed of 40–150 m/s. There is also a drip eliminator.

Electrostatic precipitators. Gas purification from dust in electric precipitators occurs under the influence of electrical forces. In the process of ionization of gas molecules by an electric discharge, the particles contained in them are charged. The ions are absorbed on the surface of the dust grains, and then, under the influence of an electric field, they move and are deposited to the collecting electrodes.

To neutralize exhaust gases from gaseous and vaporous toxic substances, the following methods are used: absorption (physical and chemisorption), adsorption, catalytic, thermal, condensation and compression.

Absorption methods for cleaning exhaust gases are divided according to the following characteristics: 1) according to the absorbed component; 2) by the type of absorbent used; 3) by the nature of the process - with and without gas circulation; 4) on the use of the absorbent - with regeneration and its return to the cycle (cyclic) and without regeneration (non-cyclic); 5) on the use of recovered components - with and without recovery; 6) by type of recovered product; 7) on the organization of the process - periodic and continuous; 8) on the design types of absorption equipment.

For physical absorption, in practice, water, organic solvents that do not react with the extracted gas, and aqueous solutions of these substances are used. In chemisorption, aqueous solutions of salts and alkalis, organic substances and aqueous suspensions of various substances are used as absorbents.

The choice of purification method depends on many factors: the concentration of the extracted component in the exhaust gases, the volume and temperature of the gas, the content of impurities, the presence of chemisorbents, the possibility of using recovery products, and the required degree of purification. The choice is made based on the results of technical and economic calculations.

Adsorption methods of gas purification are used to remove gaseous and vapor impurities from them. The methods are based on the absorption of impurities by porous adsorbent bodies. Cleaning processes are carried out in batch or continuous adsorbers. The advantage of the methods is a high degree of purification, but the disadvantage is the impossibility of purifying dusty gases.

Catalytic purification methods are based on the chemical transformation of toxic components into non-toxic ones on the surface of solid catalysts. Gases that do not contain dust and catalyst poisons are subjected to purification. The methods are used to purify gases from nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon and organic impurities. They are carried out in reactors of various designs. Thermal methods are used to neutralize gases from easily oxidized toxic impurities.

It is one of the leading Russian enterprises in the field of industrial air purification.

Our company is engaged in the design of aspiration systems, development and manufacture of filter equipment, dust fans, etc.

Since 2007 IC "KONSAR" successfully cooperates with one of the leading European manufacturers of equipment and fans for aspiration systems - the company "CORAL" Italy.

One of the areas of our activity is the design of aspiration systems and air purification equipment.

In our projects we use only highly reliable, proven equipment.

JSC "KONSAR" since 1998, it has been designing aspiration, dust removal and pneumatic transport systems and offering comprehensive solutions for air purification, aspiration, ventilation and waste disposal for enterprises:

Using our equipment allows you to:

  • Achieve significant savings in thermal and electrical energy by returning purified air to the room
  • Avoid pollution fees
  • Preserve the health of workers

Main activities:


  • Full range of works from project development suction system before installation and commissioning. Turnkey work
  • A full range of works from the development of a design for a dust and gas purification system to manufacturing, installation and commissioning. Turnkey work
  • Consultations with specialists in the selection of aspiration and ventilation systems, carrying out the necessary calculations
  • Visit to the Customer to coordinate technical and organizational issues
  • Delivery of products anywhere in Russia
  • Warranty and post-warranty service
  • Supply of components and spare parts
  • Balancing fan impellers
  • Reconstruction of existing "cyclones", allowing the return of purified warm air to production premises



IC "Konsar" designs and manufactures the following general industrial filters for air purification:

Bag filters with pulse regeneration system

Bag filters “FRI” with a pulse regeneration system (hereinafter referred to as Units) are designed to purify air from industrial emissions - dust and aerosols generated during the operation of metallurgical, foundry, machine-building enterprises and enterprises of other industries.

The units implement the principle of filter regeneration by blowing with compressed air.

The FRI series units are available in two types.

  • "SC-4-FRI"
  • "STS-FRI"
  • "STK-FREE"
  • "STM-FREE"
  • "ST-FREE"

Cartridge filters with pulse regeneration system

Cartridge filters “FKI” with pulse blowing (hereinafter referred to as Units) are designed to purify air from industrial emissions - dusts and aerosols generated during the operation of metallurgical, foundry, machine-building enterprises and enterprises of other industries.

The units implement the principle of filter regeneration by blowing pulses of compressed air.

High results are achieved by cleaning the air from fine dust, up to 0.1 microns, that is prone to sticking, formed during the operation of grinding equipment.

Installations of the FKI series are used for air purification in aspiration and pneumatic transport systems with or without the use of a recirculation air circulation scheme.

Installations of the FRI and FKI series are available in two types.

Filter block and storage hopper, made in a single housing:

  • "STs-4-FKI"
  • "STS-FKI"
  • "STK-FKI"
  • "STM-FKI"

A filter unit and a dust-sediment chamber with continuous unloading, made in a single housing:

  • "STS-FKI"

Bag filters with vibration shaking regeneration

Bag filters with regeneration by vibration shaking UVP-SC and UVP-ST (hereinafter referred to as Units) are designed for dry air purification from dust and sawdust with particle sizes of no less than 0.2 mm and no more than 5 mm and a bulk density of no less than 120 kg/m3.

The UVP-SC and UVP-ST installations are used for air purification in aspiration systems, both with and without the use of a recirculation air circulation scheme.

The units are available in two types:

  • "UVP-SC" with storage hopper
  • "UVP-ST" with a settling chamber and continuous unloading

Flow-through bag filters of the "PR" series

Installations of the "PR" series are designed for air purification from granules, sawdust, dust, various bulk materials and waste collection in storage tanks.

Filter cyclones "FKTs"

Installations of the FKTs series are designed to remove and purify air from coarse, medium and fine dust generated in the following technological processes: grinding, cutting, turning, processing of foundry molds, sandblasting and shot blasting, pouring dust-producing materials, etc.

The installation uses a two-stage air purification scheme.

Contaminated air, using a fan, is supplied to the installation, where it enters the cyclone element. Large particles, under the influence of their own weight, fall down and are deposited in a storage hopper located at the bottom of the installation. The fine dust fraction is retained in the filter cassette.

Thanks to the use of highly efficient cassette filter material, purified air is returned to the room. In the basic version, the units are produced in the form of a standard module with a capacity of 4000 m3/hour.

The modular system allows you to create aspiration complexes with the required performance:

  • UVP – FKTs - 4000 - 4000 m3/hour
  • UVP – FKTs - 8000 - 8000 m3/hour
  • UVP – FKTs - 12000 -12000 m3/hour
  • UVP – FKTs - 16000 -16000 m3/hour

Chip ejectors "UVP"

Individual chip ejectors of the UVP-IN series are designed to remove and clean air from shavings and sawdust and collect waste in storage bags. Chip ejectors are designed for use in small enterprises with a small amount of waste generated. The degree of air purification by installations of the IN series is 99.9%. The units are used to remove contaminated air from individual machines or groups of machines and have an air capacity of up to 7,000 m3/hour. Due to the design, the distance from the machine to the chip ejector, as a rule, should not exceed 2 m.

Scrubbers (wet dust collectors)

Scrubbers (wet dust collectors) of the “ICEF” series are designed to remove and purify air using water from dust and gases generated during various technological processes.

Principle of operation

The purification level is: for particles up to 5 microns in size - 95%, for particles 25 microns in size - 99.8%. Unlike installations with fabric filter elements, which after some time of operation require regeneration (cleaning of dirty filters) and replacement, ICEF series units are not susceptible to such contamination and maintain a constant air flow and pressure.


Electrostatic filters "FVU"

Installations of the FVU series are designed to remove and purify air from welding aerosol, gases and fine aerosols released during various technological processes.

The installations use the principle of aerosol deposition on an electrostatic filter, which allows achieving a high degree of air purification and returning it to the workroom.

The units use a three-stage polluted air purification system:

  • coarse filter stage
  • electrostatic filter stage
  • chemical filter stage.

Cartridge filters "CleanGo"

CLEANGO series units are designed to remove and purify air from welding fumes, gases, fine dust, solvents, and unpleasant odors by returning purified air to the workroom.

Principle of operation

The series units use three-stage air purification. The first and second stages are designed to clean the air from dust, the third stage is designed to clean the air from the gas component and odors.

Contaminated air is drawn through the rotator (1), the fan (2) enters the chamber where heavy particles settle, and passes through a pre-filter cellulose cartridge filter (4) that complies with the BIA USG C certificate (4). The air then passes through an activated carbon filter (6), where it absorbs unpleasant odors. The purified air is returned to the workroom (7).

Units of the "Cleaning No Smoke" series

Installations of the “CLEANING NO – SMOKE” series are designed to remove and purify air from welding aerosols, gases, fine dust, and odors generated during various technological processes. Unlike the "CleanGo" units, the "CLEANING NO - SMOKE" series units are equipped with a fourth stage of air purification.

"JetClean" series units

The JETCLEAN series units are designed to remove and purify air from welding fumes, gases, vapors, aerosols, solvents, dry dust, etc.

"JETCLEAN" is a portable unit with washable cartridges designed for a long service life and a manual filter cleaning system with compressed air.

Increased dust removal and filtration efficiency.

Distinctive characteristics of the JETCLEAN installation are reduced operating costs and the ability to return purified air to the room.

Installations of the "IperJet" series

The IPERJET series units are designed to remove and purify the air from fumes generated during welding, plasma cutting, fumes with a small admixture of oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, metal dust, dry shavings and sawdust in moderate quantities (model with cartridge) and dry dust ( model with pocket filter).

Versatility of use

New mobile units"IPERJET" with cartridge filter and "IPERFILTER" with pocket filter are the latest and most modern solution problems of air pollution in work areas. Usage wide range filter materials make this series of installations almost universal.

Installations of the "Iperjet-Maxi" series

The IPERJET–MAXI series units differ from the IPERJET series units by the use of special cartridge filters with a large filtration area.

Rotary consoles

Exhaust rotary devices "VPU" are local suction devices and are designed to provide maximum effective removal welding gases and aerosols from the formation zone in order to reduce the impact on the respiratory system. The “VPU” design allows you to easily mix the exhaust funnel in horizontal and vertical directions. To ensure ease of use, the VPU design uses a self-locking mechanism.

Modular filter chambers “CLEAN” and “CARBO”

Modular filter units “CLEAN” and “CARBO” are designed to clean air from welding fumes, gases, vapors, etc. and also to remove odor.

Principle of operation

1st stage of cleaning - pre-filter (6) made of corrugated polyester with an efficiency of 87.5% according to the ASHRAE 52-76 testing method, cleaning class G3. The filter section is made of a galvanized welded frame with a corrugated polyester filter.

2nd stage of cleaning - highly efficient microfiber pocket filter (5), cleaning degree 95% according to ASHRAE 52-76 testing method, cleaning class F9.

3rd cleaning stage (4) - installed if it is necessary to remove odors or absorb chemical substances or solvents formed, for example, during painting operations or when processing plastics. The CARBO activated carbon filter is used as the third stage of cleaning.

In "CARBO" it is used Activated carbon with a surface area of ​​1250 m2/g, bulk density of 500 kg/m3, iodine index of 1150 mg/g.

The activated carbon is housed in cylinders made from micro-perforated metal sheets, allowing for quick replacement of the activated carbon. All stages have combined connecting elements, which makes it easy to connect one element to another, ensuring a tight connection.


Units of the "Grindex" series

The GRINDEX series units are designed to remove and purify contaminated air from abrasive, metal dust generated during the operation of sharpening, grinding and cutting machines, when working on stone and glass, as well as where there is a possibility of damage to the filters by hot particles entering the unit along with air.

Operating principle

Contaminated air passes through a spark extinguishing system, consisting of an easily removable tray made of stainless steel filled with water. The air is then directed to the filters. In this case, heavier particles fall under the influence of gravity into the dust tray located under the filters, and the air is purified from smaller particles by pocket filters. The purified air is then released into the workroom through the soundproofing section.

Cleaning efficiency

The special polyester with a high filtration coefficient from which the pocket filters are made ensures a long service life of the filters and high degree air purification (up to 99%) in accordance with the BIA U standard, as well as low load losses compared to conventional types of filter materials, such as cotton. In the GRINDEX 3 and 3/T installations, a degree of air purification of up to 99.99% is achieved.

Scrubbers series "ICEF"

The ICEF series units are wet dust collectors and are designed to remove and purify air using water from dust and gases generated during various technological processes.

Areas of use:

  • Foundry: sanding, sanding, machining, cupola gas purification before pre-cooling, etc.
  • Steel industry: removal of fumes from reflow furnaces, roasting, etc.
  • Metalworking: fitting of parts, grinding, sawdust extraction machines, conveyors, drawing machines, sheet rolling, metal forming machines, etc.
  • Forging: removal of iron scale, fumes, fumes, dust, etc.
  • other industries

Principle of operation

The contaminated air passes through the centrifugation device, encountering a stream of atomized water, which absorbs all contaminants. Purified air passes through special precipitators on which the remaining drops of water are deposited and, after slowing down in the expansion chamber, is released outside. Water and dust are collected in a tank at the bottom of the installation and returned to circulation using a special pump, while the water level in the tank remains constant and is controlled by an electronic device level checks.

The purification level is: for particles up to 5 microns in size - 95%, for particles 25 microns in size - 99.8%.

Unlike units with fabric filter elements, which after some time of operation require regeneration (cleaning of dirty filters) and replacement, units of the “ICEF” series are not susceptible to such contamination and maintain a constant air flow and pressure.

Installations of the "UVP-A" series

Installations of the UVP-A series are designed to remove and purify air from abrasive dust generated during the operation of sharpening, cutting, and grinding machines. The degree of air purification with “A” series units is 99.9%.

Engineering company "KONSAR" also designs systems and supplies the following equipment and materials for cleaning and filtration:

Filters and equipment for air purification during the operation of shot blasting and sandblasting chambers

Detailed description: Cyclone dust collectors UC series

Waste storage bins of the BN series

Altair cartridge filters

Heimbach filter elements and filter materials

An important element ventilation units are dust cleaning devices. Cleaning is carried out if the supply and exhaust air contains dust in quantities exceeding those allowed by standards.

Cleaning can be: fine, medium and coarse.

Fine cleaning is used in supply systems to retain small fractions of dust (10 microns and below), as well as during recirculation, when dust-free air is released back into the workroom or partially mixed with the supply air in order to save heat.

During medium cleaning, dust particles measuring 10-100 microns are captured. Dust removal units are supplied with medium cleaning exhaust ventilation.

The purpose of coarse cleaning is to remove mainly dust particles larger than 100 microns in size from the exhaust air. It is used in cases where dust transported by air consists mainly of large particles (sawdust, husks, etc.).

Sometimes a two-stage cleaning of exhaust and especially recirculation air from dust is used: at the first stage; Coarse dust is caught, and fine dust is caught in the second.

The efficiency of air purification from dust is characterized mainly by weight (gravimetric) indicators and is expressed as a percentage using the formula:

where d1 is the concentration of dust in the air before cleaning in milligrams per 1 m 3;
d2 - dust concentration after cleaning.

So, for example, with an initial dust content of d1 = 100 mg/m 3 and final d2 = 10 mg/m 3, the weight efficiency of dust retention will be:

The choice of one or another dust cleaning device is determined by the dispersity, physical and chemical properties of the dust, the required degree of purification and technical and economic considerations. Considerations about the possibility of recycling retained dust are essential.

For fine cleaning, oil and paper filters are used, assembled into units from separate cells.

The oil filter cell is flat metal box with mesh bottoms. The box is filled with steel rings. The cells are wetted with a special grade of odorless liquid oil with a constant viscosity over a wide temperature range. The air, passing through a tortuous path in the filter, leaves dust on the surface of the filler, covered with an oil film. Periodically, contaminated cells are washed with a hot soda solution, dried and oiled again. In addition to metal, porcelain rings, metal and plastic corrugated mesh, mineral fiber, etc. are used as cell fillers.

At large quantities self-cleaning air filters are used to clean air from dust. oil filters, which are a mesh belt continuously moving in the vertical direction. When the tape passes through an oil bath installed at the bottom of the filter, it is freed from retained dust and the oil layer on it is renewed.

Paper filters are used for high dispersion and low initial dust concentrations. Porous paper (silk, alignin) is laid in 8-10 layers on a corrugated mesh attached to a metal frame. Paper layers contaminated with dust are replaced with fresh ones. Rolled paper filters are used.

If there is a need for very fine air purification (for example, from radioactive dust), special filter materials FPP and FPA are used, which practically ensure complete dust collection in the so-called LAIK filters.

Coarse and medium, and in some cases, fine air purification from dust, used in exhaust ventilation installations, can be done using various wet and dry methods.

Dust forms/accumulates almost everywhere and always - and each of us has encountered this sad truth in everyday life. In production, the situation is even worse, since any transfer of solid raw materials or finished product (not to mention mechanical processing) is associated with the formation of one or another amount of dust. This dust can vary in size and fractional composition of particles, density, etc., but the main thing is in the degree of its potential danger.

Not everyone realizes that if we are talking about fine dust from any flammable materials (particles of flour, powdered sugar, wood dust, etc.), then when a certain volumetric concentration of a suspension of such dust in the air is exceeded, it turns into a ready-made ammunition of a volumetric explosion, just waiting for its detonator. Safety courses have preserved for us a lot of instructive stories about explosions caused by dust in bakeries, flour mills, wood processing industries, etc. - an inquisitive reader will be able to find a lot of similar documentary stories on the Internet.

How to deal with dust in factories

There are many types of various types of dust collection devices, the most common of which include:

  • cyclones - devices for medium/coarse air purification from non-stick and non-fibrous dust due to centrifugal separation in a rotating air flow;
  • rotoclones (rotary dust collectors) - a type centrifugal fans, which serves to clean the air from coarse dust due to inertial forces;
  • mechanical filters are devices that use mesh and porous materials with different characteristic cell/hole sizes to separate dust particles from the passing through air flow (the range of filters for industrial aspiration systems can be viewed here - ot-pyili/);
  • scrubbers - devices that use sprayed liquid to clean the air;
  • electrostatic precipitators are devices built mainly around the use of the so-called. "corona discharge" in gases and used to deposit particularly fine dust by imparting an electrical charge to it;
  • ultrasonic filters are fine cleaning devices that use high-intensity ultrasound to coagulate a suspension of particularly small particles.

Of course, the list above is not exhaustive - and the interested reader should consult the literature for more detailed information.

Specifics of dust collection devices

It is important to understand that almost any dust is a complex, polydisperse system, the macroscopic properties of which can change very significantly due to external factors. Thus, a change in air humidity can both increase dust formation and contribute to the agglomeration of particles, and a simple change in the speed of the flow carrying them can affect the amount of accumulated volumetric triboelectric charge. It would be a big mistake to assume that dust collectors for some types of dust/conditions can easily be used in other circumstances with the same effectiveness. In practice, the vast majority of dust collection devices and aspiration installations first go through the stage of engineering and mathematical calculations and modeling, thus being optimized for a specific consumer and the specifics of his production conditions. It follows that when ordering such devices, it is necessary to communicate with the engineering and technical staff of the potential supplier, talking about the task at hand in the totality of the existing conditions. For example, in the case of planned growth production activities the system should initially be designed modularly, i.e. with the possibility of section-by-section increasing the productivity of the installation. Of course, only professionals can advise the consumer on the most optimal dust collection methods and effective types of installations - however, for this they must be provided with accurate technical information in a timely manner.