Security and fire systems: modern solutions for device integration. Mandatory pension insurance

(OPS) is a system through which a source of payments to elderly people is formed. Based on this, it follows that each person must receive the appropriate form. Only in this case will the pension be calculated as required. Let's take a closer look at what OPS is. Who are insurers and insureds? What is the insurance number?

What it is

Decoding OPS: mandatory pension insurance. Thanks to this document, every citizen of the Russian Federation receives a unique personal number, which is used to track all payments made by the Pension Fund.

Under this system, the pension is divided into two parts. The first share (insurance) implies that a person retires due to disability, old age, or if he has lost one of his breadwinners. The second part is cumulative.

Within the framework of OIP, there are three groups of insurance participants, which we will consider in more detail.


Since OPS is mandatory procedure, then when receiving a pension insurance card, all participants are subject to fairly strict requirements.

The insurer is, by and large, the main administrator of the insurance policy system. IN in this case its role is played by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Also, the insurer can be a non-state governing body or even Management Company. However, the last two categories have the right to carry out activities only in relation to funded pension contributions.

When determining the decoding of OPS and its features, it is worth saying that any citizen has the right to choose through which body he will be insured.


This role can be played by both physical and legal entities. An insurer is an employer who pays a certain percentage in the Pension Fund every month for each working employee. This is how the future pension is formed.

Each future pensioner is issued a personal account with the Pension Fund. It is to him that all payments from the policyholder (employer) come. Today, the insurance premium is 22%, which is taken from the annual wage fund. However, if the volume of the fund exceeds 796 thousand rubles per year, then the policyholder can pay not 22%, but 10%.

All entered insurance premiums allow you to form 6% of the funded part of the pension and 16% of the insurance share. However, according to the new conditions, a citizen may not share future payments, but most often everyone tries to keep both parts.

Insured persons

This definition applies to all citizens of a country who reside on its territory temporarily or throughout their lives. Also, insured persons in the OPS are people who:

  • are foreigners, but carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation (only if there is a corresponding agreement from the employer);
  • own a business and are classified as self-employed entrepreneurs;
  • work outside of Russia, but at the same time continue to contribute money to the Pension Fund.

To confirm that a person is insured, he is issued a special OPS card, which is a certificate indicating the personal data of the future pensioner and SNILS (numeric identification number). Typically, this document is drawn up immediately upon employment for the first job. If the employer does not ask the employee to provide him or formalize the OPS, then most likely he is an unscrupulous boss. In this case, you should once again reconsider your intention to work for such a person.

To date, more than 100 million people living in the Russian Federation have taken out insurance.

Does the cardholder have to pay dues?

Since OPS is mandatory type insurance, then monthly payments to the Pension Fund account must be received in the amount of 22% of the employee’s total salary. In fact, the employee himself does not pay anything, since this is the responsibility of his superiors. However, most employers deliberately underestimate wages by the same 22%, explaining that the insurer must pay these contributions for each employee.

This is very important point. Some believe that if they don't pay premiums, they can make more profit today. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that according to the new draft law on pension reform, every citizen of the Russian Federation throughout his life labor activity accumulates a certain number of points, which are calculated based on the volume of insurance payments. If, upon retirement, a person cannot confirm that his superiors actually made these payments, then he risks not gaining the required number of points, and accordingly, the amount of the pension will be significantly lower.

To create an appropriate level of security at the facility, it is necessary to install security and fire alarm. The OPS system is a combination technical means to detect a fire and identify attempts of illegal access to the protected perimeter. The two subsystems have common communication channels, similar algorithms for receiving, processing and transmitting information and alarm signals. In order to save money, it is best to combine them.

OPS systems are the most common today. These protective lines allow you to create an appropriate level of security for the protected object.

Thanks to a combination of technological means, the operation of such subsystems is based on several types of alarm systems: security, fire and emergency. The security alarm detects attempts at illegal entry, the fire alarm detects the presence of a fire, and the emergency alarm warns about the occurrence of emergency situations (gas leak, water pipe break, etc.).

What are the main tasks of security and fire systems?

Fire alarm systems are built on a combination that are integrated with each other. However, the goals set are individual for each subsystem. The following fire alarm tasks are distinguished:

  • Reception, processing, transmission of information about the occurrence of a fire;
  • Determining the location of the fire;
  • Transmitting a command to the automatic fire extinguishing mechanism;
  • Starting the smoke removal subsystem.

Tasks burglar alarm are:

  • Detection of all attempts of illegal access to the protected area;
  • Recording the place and time of violation of access rules;
  • Transferring information to a computerized control panel.

Despite the fact that individual goals are identified for both subsystems, the installation of fire alarm systems at an enterprise is designed to fulfill one common task: to ensure a timely response to a conditioned factor and the transfer of relevant information about the ongoing event.

The video shows how the fire and security alarm works:

Comprehensive composition of integrated security and fire systems

OPS systems may differ from each other in their complex composition. First of all, it depends on the tasks that the security and fire alarm system performs. As a rule, this complex includes three main categories of equipment:

  • A device for centralized control and management of the operation of alarm systems (a computer equipped with a specialized software, central control panel, receiving and control mechanism);
  • Devices for receiving, collecting and analyzing information coming from fire alarm sensors;
  • Signaling and sensory mechanisms ( various types sensors and notification devices).

Management of the operation of the security system and control over its implementation is carried out by a centralized device. Despite this, each alarm can be controlled by separate enterprise security services. When installing such protective circuits, the autonomy of each subsystem as part of the entire complex is maintained.

Systems security and fire alarm system are equipped with sensors that can detect the occurrence of an alarm. Usually, technical specifications The sensor determines the parameters of the entire protection circuit. The mechanisms for receiving, collecting and analyzing information coming from fire alarm sensors are actuators. They allow you to execute a programmed algorithm of actions in response to an received alarm signal.

A special feature of the fire alarm system is that it can be installed in two ways. The first is an alarm system with closed (local) security, i.e., arming is carried out inside the facility with the transfer of relevant information to the security service of the institution. The second is arming in special units (private or non-departmental) and the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Classification of OPS system complexes

Security and fire alarm systems of various types can be installed at a protected facility:

  • Non-addressable (analog);
  • Targeted (survey and non-survey);
  • Combined (addressable-analog).

The non-addressable fire alarm system operates according to simple principle. The perimeter of the protected object is divided into several parts, in each of which a loop is laid. It combines several notification mechanisms. The loop receives information from the detector immediately after it is triggered. The disadvantage of this type protective circuit is the possibility of false operation of the device. The functionality of the loop and detectors can only be checked during a technical inspection. The control zone is limited to one loop, and it is impossible to determine the exact location of the emergency situation. Centralized control is performed by security and fire panel mechanisms. At large facilities, when installing such systems, it is necessary to perform a large amount of work on laying connecting wires.

The addressable fire alarm system can be interrogated or non-interrogated. When installing this type of protective line, addressable sensors are installed on the loop. When triggered, the code of a specific sensor is indicated. Non-interrogation lines are threshold lines based on their operating principle. If any notification device fails, there is no connection with the receiving and control mechanism. A feature of polling systems is the periodic submission of a request about the functionality of the notification mechanism. In survey schemes, the false alarm rate is reduced.

Today the most common and effective are combined fire and security complexes. In practice, they are called analog addressable.

It is possible to connect to this system various types sensors All information is processed by specialized electronic computing equipment. The system independently determines the type of sensor and sets the algorithm for its operation. The combined line allows you to quickly process information and make appropriate decisions. Expansion of such a subsystem with additional protective lines is possible without special effort and costs.

Types of fire and security notification devices

The fire and security system must be equipped with sensors. Fire sensors are divided into:

  • By the method of transmitting the received information (analog and threshold);
  • By location on the protected perimeter (external and internal);
  • Based on the principle of recording changes in space (volumetric, linear, surface);
  • By control method individual items(local or point);
  • By signal generation method (active, passive);
  • According to the operating factor (thermal, light, smoke, ionization, manual, combined);
  • Based on the principle of physical impact (capacitive, seismic, radio beam, closing).

Among security sensors The following subtypes are distinguished (according to the type of notification mechanisms used):

  • Contact;
  • Magnetic;
  • Electric contact;
  • Infrared passive;
  • Active;
  • Volumetric radio waves;
  • Volumetric ultrasonic;
  • Microwave;
  • Acoustic;
  • Capacitive;
  • Vibrating;
  • Barometric.

On the video there is more information about the security and fire alarm system:

Video surveillance and security alarm system – effective integration of devices

Video surveillance systems installed at the facility allow you to monitor the protected area around the clock in real time. A modern solution is a combination of security alarm and video monitoring. Installation of such integrated systems will allow faster and better detection of the presence of a flame in a room or an attempt to illegally enter a protected area. Today, there are video cameras that can detect smoke entering the lens, the presence of fire, or other indicators of risk.

Thanks to the integration of a video surveillance device into the security system, the operation of security and fire installations is greatly facilitated. Video cameras allow you to promptly identify the location of smoke or the presence of a flame. This combination also helps to notify people of danger in time and carry out evacuation measures. Video cameras allow you to continuously monitor events taking place both inside the structure and in the surrounding area.

All data in the installed video surveillance subsystem is stored in an archive. Access to the archive is open at any time.

When introducing such a system into the work of an existing security guard, cameras from various leading manufacturers are used. Video surveillance on site has a number of capabilities:

  • Lighting control;
  • Sending text messages to persons responsible for ensuring safety, including fire safety, about the condition of the facility or the occurrence of an emergency;
  • Immediate notification of building security sector employees;
  • In the event of an emergency, it is possible to shut down engineering, communication and air conditioning subsystems;
  • Recording and playing video files;
  • Mode setting;
  • Setting the storage time for files in the archive;
  • Performing scaling of individual frames;
  • Search, view and analyze images according to the necessary parameters (by camera number, date, time, event, room).

When concluding (signing) an agreement on a mandatory security agreement, it receives the status “valid”. After the pension savings funds are received by the National Non-State Pension Fund from the previous insurer (NPF or Pension Fund), the National Non-State Pension Fund will send you a written message in which you will be notified of the entry into force of the OPS agreement with the Fund and will inform you about the amount received Money from the client's previous insurer.

A joint venture agreement concluded but not entered into force does not entail the rights and obligations of the parties.

  • What is a funded pension account? What means are reflected on it? How can I find out his number?

    This is an individual account opened for you in a non-state pension fund after the OPS agreement comes into force.

    The pension account takes into account insurance contributions for a funded pension paid in your favor by the employer, voluntary insurance contributions paid by you and state funds paid under the co-financing program, funds from maternity (family) capital aimed at forming a funded pension, as well as investment income , accrued to the savings reflected in the account.

    The number of the funded pension account opened for you by the Fund will be equal to your SNILS number (without the last two digits).

  • Can I receive funds from my savings before retirement, for example, transfer them to a personal bank account?

    Pension savings funds are intended to pay you a funded pension upon reaching the pension grounds - retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men or another age if you have the right to an early pension), the presence of the required insurance period and the value of the individual pension coefficient (determined by the Pension Foundation of the Russian Federation).

    Therefore, receiving payments from pension savings before the onset of pension grounds is not provided for by law.

  • Why did I stop receiving letters about the status of my pension account? Where can I get information about the amount of my savings?

    Mandatory distribution of information on the status of funded pension accounts has been canceled since January 1, 2013. The most convenient way (without contacting the Fund) to obtain information about the status of an account on-line is the Personal Pension Account (PAC) service on the Fund’s website. By registering with the LPK, you will have the opportunity to receive detailed information about the status of your pension account, provide the Fund with the necessary data, and also ask questions that interest you.

    In accordance with the law, you have the right to receive free information from the Fund once a year about the status of your funded pension accounts in the manner specified in the application.

  • My retirement account shows no employer contributions since 2014. Why?

    According to Federal Law No. 351-FZ of December 4, 2013, a moratorium on the transfer of funds for the funded part of the labor pension applies to insurance contributions for 2014 - 2016. For an insured person forming a funded pension, this means that all insurance premiums paid for him by the employer for this period will be used to form a future insurance pension. Consequently, insurance premiums for the specified period are not transferred to the pension account of the insured person’s funded pension in the Fund.

    • Where should you apply to receive pension savings? What types of payments are there? What documents need to be provided?

      If you are forming a funded pension at JSC “National Non-State Pension Fund” - if there are pension grounds (the right to an old-age insurance pension, including early) - you need to contact the Fund in person for its assignment.

      If it is not possible to personally contact the Fund for the appointment of payments from pension savings, the Application for Payment and the documents attached to it must be notarized and can be sent to the Fund by mail.

      Pension savings are paid to the insured person in the form of:

      • funded pension (NP);
      • urgent pension payment (SPV);
      • lump sum payment of pension savings funds (EPS).

      Detailed information (including a list of documents required for submission) is presented on the website in the section “Pension programs – Mandatory pension insurance – Payments from SPT and Documents”.

    • How often can I apply for payment of pension savings?

      An application for a funded pension (CP) and a fixed-term pension payment (FPV) is submitted once. Every year, from August 1, the size of the NP and SPV is adjusted due to the contributions received after the pension was assigned (if any) and the investment income received. The adjustment is made by the Fund independently; your application to the Fund is not required.

      A one-time payment of pension savings (EPS) is carried out by the Fund no later than two months after the date of application for it. No later than October 1 of the year following the year of application for EDV, the Fund pays the additional payment to EDV independently - without your repeated application. You will be able to apply to the Fund again for a lump sum payment (if there are new receipts) no earlier than five years from the date of your previous application.

    • Are my pension funds in the Fund inherited?

      Pension savings funds can be paid to legal successors if the death of the insured person occurs:

      • BEFORE the appointment of a payment to him from pension savings or before recalculating its amount taking into account additional pension savings (with the exception of funds from maternity (family) capital aimed at forming a future pension);
      • AFTER the appointment of an urgent pension payment to him. In this case, the legal successors have the right to receive the unpaid balance of pension savings (with the exception of maternal (family) capital funds aimed at forming a future pension);
      • AFTER a lump sum payment of pension savings has been assigned but not yet paid to him. It can be received by family members of a deceased pensioner (provided they live together with him), as well as his disabled dependents (regardless of whether they lived with the deceased or not) within 4 months from the date of the citizen’s death. If these persons are absent, the amount of the lump sum payment is included in the inheritance and is inherited on a general basis.

      If the insured person has been assigned a funded pension (indefinitely), in the event of his death, the pension savings funds are not paid to his legal successors.

      Accrued amounts of pension payments due to the insured person and remaining not received by him in connection with his death are paid in the manner established by Federal Law No. 424-FZ dated December 28, 2013

      If you need additional clarification, please contact the Foundation by calling the unified information line 8-800-555-999-1 (toll-free) or any division of the Foundation. The Foundation’s specialists will help you decide on the list necessary documents and suggest further actions.

    • How can I appoint/change legal successors under my agreement (add new ones, change existing ones, exclude any of the legal successors)?

      You have the right to appoint successors and change the circle of previously appointed successors an unlimited number of times. An application that has a later date of receipt by the Fund is considered valid.

      To fill out an application for the distribution of pension savings (i.e., the appointment of legal successors), you can fill out the application form presented in the Personal Pension Account and the section “Pension programs - Mandatory pension insurance -. Documents" - print it out and submit it to any division of the Foundation in person or by mail. In the latter case, the documents must be notarized. The legal successors you appoint will be considered legal successors under the agreement (application).

      If you need additional clarification, you must contact the Fund by calling the unified information line 8-800-555-999-1 (toll-free) or any division of the Fund. The Foundation’s specialists will help you determine the list of required documents and advise you on further actions.

    • What will happen to the pension savings of an insured person who has not appointed successors?

      In this case, pension savings will be in the Fund until the moment of application of relatives - legal successors under the law, which include his children, including adopted children, spouse, parents (adoptive parents), brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren, regardless of age and working capacity, in the following sequence:

      • first of all - to children, including adopted children, spouse and parents (adoptive parents);
      • secondly - to brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren.

      After receiving information about the death of the insured person, the Fund will send a corresponding message to his legal successors, which will indicate the procedure for applying for pension savings.

      If you need additional clarification, you must contact the Fund by calling the unified information line 8-800-555-999-1 (toll-free) or any division of the Fund. The Foundation’s specialists will help you determine the list of required documents and advise you on further actions.