Fire gap between private residential buildings. Conflict of law: fire breaks and neighbor relations. Factors influencing fire break values

Fire resistance level of buildings and structures

Minimum gaps between buildings and structures depending on the degree of their fire resistance and the category of explosion and fire hazard, m


Not standardized - for buildings and structures of categories D and D, 9 - categories A, B and C

  • Old houses can be death traps.
  • Stops it being hard to put in them.
  • Sprinklers can solve the problem.
  • Dust with fire is beautiful.
Is the building code currently required to install fire units? Is there an alternative material other than adding solid wood?

The reason why stopping fire is part of modern building codes, is not an accident or waste disposal. Many people have died and others have been seriously injured in older structures that did not have this simple framing component installed when the house was built.


The distance between the walls of buildings that do not have window openings may be reduced by 20%, with the exception of buildings of V – VIII fire resistance degrees. The distances between warehouses (open and closed) and from them to buildings and structures are standardized and depend on the capacity of the warehouse, types of stored materials, the degree of fire resistance of the building, and between open technological installations, units and equipment and from them to buildings and structures - according to technological standards design.

Once this wall is covered with drywall, you can imagine how each wall cavity will be sealed and separated from what was once next to it. Fire stop at correct installation does exactly what it says. It stops the spread or progression of fire from one part of the structure to another. The second house I owned was hinged, and this type of construction is a firefighter's worst nightmare.

Factors influencing fire break values

The old framing created countless chimneys on external walls. You could actually go up to the third floor attic of this house and throw a rock or a coin and it would end up on the basement floor in a few seconds. If a fire broke out in the basement, the flames would be drawn into the walls and explode as blowtorch in the attic. If the blocking or fire stop is not in place, the space between each of the wall studs acts as its own high speed chimney.

A sufficient network of pedestrian sidewalks with a width of at least 1.5 m should also be provided at the enterprise site.

The main entrance to the enterprise should be from the main passage or entrance to the enterprise. When constructing several checkpoints, they should be located at a distance of no more than 1.5 km from each other. The distance from the checkpoints to the entrances to the utility rooms of the main workshops, as a rule, should not exceed 800 m. For large distances, it is necessary to use in-plant transport. The width of the gates for automobile entrances to the enterprise site is taken according to the largest width of the vehicles used plus 1.5 m, but not less than 4.5 m, and the width of the gates for railway entrances is not less than 4.9 m.

How are fire breaks determined?

But imagine what would happen if you put a solid piece of wood at the bottom and top of the wall between all the walls in that house. The bottom block stops fire from entering the wall cavity to begin with. If a fire starts inside the wall, the top block stops the fire from entering the attic. It is also important to add solid wood blocking if the joists overlap the walls to prevent fire from rising up the wall and then sideways between the floor or ceiling joists.

Modern construction methods create effective instant fire extinguishing or fire blocks. The continuous top and bottom walls at the ends of the wall studs create this life-saving feature. Nothing can get from one stud cavity to another unless you cut a hole in either the wall stud or the top and bottom panels.

The main technical and economic indicator of the master plan is building density, which is determined by the percentage of the building area to the total area. In this case, the building area is determined by the sum of the areas occupied by buildings and structures of all types, as well as open warehouses or areas for storing finished products.

Generally, a building code is not retroactive. In most cities and towns, a home only has to comply with the building code that was in effect at the time it was built. That being said, you should check with your local building department to see what laws they have.

Older houses often have pieces of wood in the walls, such as this one. They stop the vertical movement of fire and hot gases, so that fires do not spread through the walls of the house. Sometimes, if a home is undergoing a major remodeling job, the building department may force you to update some very important aspects of the home. But in Once again Each town and city has its own set of rules, so you should see what is required in your area.

Well-equipped areas for workers' rest and gymnastic exercises should be located on the windward side in relation to industries with harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

The master plan of the enterprise shows an external fire-fighting ring water network with fire hydrants and backup fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs (if the latter are designed).

Some officials buildings will allow you to install fire batts that function as interlocking solid wood. The watts stop gases being drawn out for air and combustion into the wall cavity. If you are trying to use foam, make sure it is approved for fire retardant.

Some foam materials are highly flammable and produce toxic gases when burned. Fireproof sealing is also widely available to terminate through holes and cracks. If it is too expensive and impractical to install a fire, you may want to look at another alternative. Why not stop the fire from spreading by extinguishing it before it can spread into the wall cavity? You can do this with residential fire sprinklers.

In the upper left corner of the master plan is placed compass rose It is built on an appropriate scale as follows. The circle is divided into 8 equal parts and as a result 8 points are obtained: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, 3, NW. From the center of the circle (origin of coordinates) the percentage of wind recurrence along the corresponding directions is plotted on a selected scale (1 cm = 5%). The resulting points are connected. The circle located in the center of the compass rose indicates the number of Calm Days in the year. In a wind rose, the wind direction is characterized by a vector directed from the top of the corresponding compass to the center.

When a sprinkler head is activated, it can often extinguish a fire in less than a minute. You may find that it is much cheaper and much less intrusive to install sprinklers in strategic locations where fires typically start. Talk to your local fire marshal and let them tell you that there have been residential fires in a dozen places. Ask them to conduct a fire inspection of your home at the same time in order to target areas where there is a high fire risk.

Installing a fire stop in new homes is very important when ceilings and ceiling ceilings. If you do not understand the principal behind fire stops and fire blocks, it is advisable to have them professionally installed.

The territory of the enterprise must meet the requirements of inter-industry and sectoral sanitary rules, Inter-industry general rules on labor protection and other documents.

In accordance with these documents, the territory of enterprises must be landscaped as much as possible and kept clean. Driveways and passages must be free for traffic, leveled, free from potholes, holes and illuminated. Bulk and powder materials must be stored in closed warehouses. If this is not possible, sanitary gaps from open warehouses of dust-producing materials to industrial buildings must be at least 20 m, to domestic buildings - 25 m, and to other auxiliary buildings - 50 m. These gaps must be landscaped and regularly cleaned.

Holes created by plumbers, contractors and electricians must be filled to stop development. Expanding foams do a wonderful job. Here's a product that fills gaps quickly and is easy to work with. Always use approved fire stop materials. Many years ago, regular caulking was considered excellent by many building inspectors.

Great fire stop here trademark. This is a code approved fire stop. But now many code officials like to see special fire caulk used in place of the commercial caulk you use to fill cracks before painting. Some code-approved caulks are painted dark red so inspectors know the correct caulk is being used. These special caulks are not too expensive and they are very effective.

Principles for determining the required area of ​​auxiliary premises: sanitary facilities, health centers, catering, etc.

Each enterprise has auxiliary premises, which are divided into five groups: sanitary premises and facilities, catering premises, medical premises, cultural services premises, administrative premises.

Last year was a record year for wildfires in the United States. In Colorado, hundreds of homes have been destroyed by forests. There were record-breaking fires in Oregon, as well as New Mexico, Idaho, Nebraska and California. Extreme summer heat and widespread drought have turned the West into tinkers. Millions of acres burned and thousands of homes were lost. We, more than ever, as contractors and builders, will pay attention to the importance fire protection.

Forest fires are not just fire. They can become a "firestorm" - a deadly combination of endless fuel supply and thermally induced strong winds, which roll into the blast furnace and approach, uninvited, with the speed and power of a locomotive. Apparently, non-combustible materials burn or disintegrate. Strong winds they tear out trees, fences and roofs with unnatural ease. Superheated embers fly, bounce, and crawl into fresh areas to advance the wall of flame faster.

It is recommended that auxiliary premises for small and medium-sized industries be located in industrial buildings, while for large ones they should be located in extensions or separate buildings connected to the production building by an insulated passage.

Sanitary facilities should be located as close as possible to workplaces so that there are no oncoming flows of people, as well as passages through industrial premises with harmful emissions, unheated parts of buildings and open spaces. Sanitary premises are calculated depending on the sanitary characteristics of production processes (microclimate, degree of contamination of clothing, hands, body, release of dust, harmful gases, moisture, use of water, harmful and irritating substances) and the number of workers in the largest shift.

Its victims are called "fire tornado". Often fire breaks are the only answer, starving the fire of flammable substances that feed its insatiable appetite. On the edge of the fire line, things can still get weirder, with sharp demarcations between the burned and the unharmed. You may find half a tree charred by ash while still leafy and green on the far side, or an entire area burned to the ground except for one small structure seemingly untouched by the flames.

Wildfires can consume everything, leaving nothing behind but ashes, rubble and memories. What can be done to combat such disasters? As we have seen with recent events such as the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado, it is quite possible that it is nothing but a fire. However, there are many efforts you can make in your building and landscaping design to make your property more fire-resistant and prevent serious damage.

In accordance with the sanitary characteristics, production processes are divided into four groups, each of them into two to five subgroups.

The first group (which has three subgroups) includes production processes that take place under normal microclimatic conditions and are not associated with significant release of moisture, dust and pollutants. In such cases, a dressing room and washroom are provided. If there is a possibility of contamination of hands, overalls and body, showers and foot baths are also provided.

Between the trees and underbrush, this fire quickly spread throughout the rural area southwest of Tulsa. Areas with large grassy lawns created natural barriers that slowed the progress of the flames. Woods areas were quickly flooded as burning embers fell from trees onto rooftops. However, one property, located in a tree-shaded area, survived although the buildings around it were burned to the ground. In a forest fire, this is the first roof.

Although nothing guarantees fire resistance, metal roof creates an excellent barrier against falling coals. This house had flames directly against the back wall that burned the window casings and the flames were fifteen feet away front door, but it still stands today. They had a cleared area around the home and a fire-resistant metal roof. Use fireproof roofing materials.

The second group (which has six subgroups) includes processes occurring in unfavorable microclimatic conditions, with significant release of moisture, or associated with the release of dust or strenuous physical work. For processes in this group, additional (depending on the nature of occupational hazards) rooms are provided for heating, dust removal and drying of work clothes, half-showers, and respiratory rooms.

Contractors, will your new construction resist wildfire? The following short list is designed to give you something to think about and help you get started with your own fire protection program. Walk around the property and look up. Catch trees with overlapping crowns; proximity to other buildings and prevailing winds can make the property an easy target for wildfires. If the building is located in a high fire hazard area, create a " green belt» around a structure commonly called a zone.

The third group (which has four subgroups) includes processes with the presence of pronounced harmful factors. Depending on the nature of these factors, either premises must be provided for the neutralization of special clothing, or artificial ventilation of cabinets for storing it.

The fourth group includes processes that require a special regime to ensure product quality. These may be processes related to food processing, or the production of sterile materials that require special purity.

This is 30 feet on all sides of the structure, with no combustible materials including dead brush, wood, propane tanks or debris. Villages near a home may look cozy, but to be on the safe side, clear all trees from Zone 1 of the property. If this is not possible, trim overhanging branches at least 6 feet from the building. Keep lawns and foundation landscaping in the greenbelt low and well watered.

Create a "no fuel" zone around buildings. Lift gutters and downspouts to clear debris and consider pointing decorative rock, and not on mulch near the building. Review yours landscape design For fire safety; Keep portable or permanently installed gas grills away from your home. Combustible outbuildings and garden structures such as gazebos, bridges or decorative wells, may suggest a fire closer to the building; make sure that these structures are located at a large distance from the primary structure.

The number of certain sanitary and household devices is determined according to the SNiP tables, depending on the group and subgroup of the production process, based on the estimated number of people per device (shower net, faucet in the washroom, etc.).

There are a number of sanitary requirements for the design and placement of household premises. Showers should be located in rooms adjacent to dressing rooms, near the internal walls. Toilets are usually located on each floor at a distance of no more than 75 m from the most remote workplaces.

Rest rooms are designed at the rate of 0.2 per worker in the largest shift, but not less than 18. They are equipped with washbasins, drinking water supply devices and electric boilers.

Health centers are provided for those with a payroll of 300 people or more. They are usually placed on the first floors of industrial or auxiliary buildings; the distance from the most remote workplaces to the health center should not exceed 1000 m.

The areas of some other auxiliary premises are taken on the basis of: workrooms of departments and offices - 4 per employee; design bureau - 6 per drawing table; meeting rooms with a capacity of up to 100 people - 1.2 for each seat, and with a capacity of more than 100 people - 0.9 for each seat over 100. The halls must accommodate at least 30% of the people working in the largest shift.

In a working room with dimensions АхВхН m, N lamps of type OD with two LB-80 lamps in each are installed. The normalized illumination in the room is En lux; height of the working surface – hс m; reflection coefficients of the ceiling, walls and floor, respectively ρpot, ρst, ρp.

It is necessary to check whether the actual illumination is sufficient to carry out work in a given room and, if the result is negative, determine the required number of lamps.

Take the initial data of the task according to the table. 13.

Room dimensions, m:

Width B

Height H

Number of installed lamps N

Question 25. Fire breaks between buildings and structures.

Fire breaks between industrial buildings and structures are installed depending on the degree of fire resistance of opposing buildings in accordance with SNiP.

The correct relative arrangement of zones and grouping of buildings is the basis for the expedient construction of a master plan for an enterprise. Territory zoning allows you to achieve the most rational decision layouts industrial enterprise both according to the conditions of a clear organization of the production process, and according to sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements. Buildings with high fire hazard production facilities should be located on the leeward side of the factory territory; It is preferable to place warehouse facilities near its outer boundaries, taking into account effective use front of the railway tracks.

In agreement with the State Fire Supervision authorities, it is allowed to reduce fire gaps between buildings when using structures and devices during construction that increase their degree of fire resistance (lack of openings, special protective fences, etc.).

Fire gaps between industrial buildings are not standardized if:

the floor area of ​​two or more buildings, structures of III-V degree of fire resistance does not exceed the norms of areas allowed between fire walls, counting according to the most fire hazardous production and the lowest degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures;

one wall more tall building or a structure facing another building is fire resistant;

buildings or structures of the third degree of fire resistance, regardless of the fire hazard of the industries located in them, have opposing blank walls or walls with openings filled with glass blocks or reinforced glass with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours.

Question 26. Safety precautions when organizing a construction site.

Proper organization of a construction site and the creation of safe working conditions are the primary stage in the construction of any facility and one of the prerequisites for reducing industrial injuries and occupational diseases of workers.

Before the beginning construction work A range of work is carried out at the site aimed at preventing injuries. For example, the site is fenced off, depressions and potholes are filled in, and drainage is provided. surface waters, construction of access roads and on-site roads and driveways. Temporary roads are placed in such a way that vehicles can travel at any time of the year and in any weather to each building and temporary structures being erected. The width of temporary roads and driveways for vehicles moving in one direction is 3.5 m, for vehicles moving in two directions - 6 m. The curvature radius of temporary roads is at least 10 m, and for the movement of panel trucks and other large vehicles - at least 12 m.

Safety on a construction site largely depends on the clarity, speed and accuracy of visual information. Considering that color signaling is an important factor in ensuring safety, the International Standards Organization developed international standards for safety colors back in 1957. An effective remedy in the fight against injuries is the use of safety signs and inscriptions on the construction site. Safety signs are divided into four types according to their purpose: prohibiting, warning, prescriptive and indicating.

To properly organize traffic flow in the construction area, especially a large industrial complex and a residential area of ​​the city, a traffic diagram is posted and road signs are installed and road signs(“Enter”, “Exit”, “Turn”) with the designation of permissible speed, parking areas, turns and unloading of materials. All road signs and safety signs are installed in all dangerous areas of the construction site so that they are clearly visible during the day and at night.

At intersections on the site highways Along with the railway tracks, continuous decking is installed with the installation of counter rails and fencing. Crossings are equipped with light and sound alarms to warn of the approach of a train, and during heavy traffic they are protected with barriers.

Special safety measures are required by the engineering preparation of the construction site, for which, in places where workers move through trenches and ditches, walkways with a width of at least 0.6 m are installed with the installation of double-sided railings 1 m high. At night construction site illuminated and, in addition to fencing in dangerous places, set up light signals and arrange emergency lighting.

Passages located on ledges, slopes and slopes with a slope of more than 20° are provided with ladders or walkways at least 0.6 m wide with railings 1 m high. Temporary communications for water supply, sewerage, heating and electrical networks at intersections with roads and driveways are buried in the ground or arranged at a height that ensures the safe passage of people and vehicles.

Accidents often occur due to untimely installation of fencing for wells, pits, openings and trenches. Therefore, such dangerous places are covered with strong and dense shields or fenced off, and in the dark the fences are marked with signal lamps with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.

Hazardous working conditions often occur during soil landslides in pits and trenches, settlement of the soil or foundation under scaffolding, breakage of power lines, collapse of stacks of structures and bulk materials, etc. When laying crane tracks near pits and trenches, the permissible distance / from the upper structure of the track (end of the sleeper) to the bottom of the excavation slope must be maintained.

Within the soil collapse prism of an excavation whose walls are not secured, it is prohibited to store materials or install supports for air lines power transmission and communications. If materials are placed within the soil collapse prism, it is necessary to perform a preliminary check of the strength of the fastenings, taking into account the load dynamic coefficient.

Question 27. Fire barriers.

Fire barriers are designed to prevent the spread of fire towards adjacent rooms or buildings. They can also provide shelter for units involved in firefighting efforts. The main fire barriers include floors made of non-combustible materials, fire zones and walls (firewalls). Auxiliary fire barriers in buildings include heat shields, water curtains, smoke and explosive hatches.

Currently, fire zones are rarely designed, with the exception of zones that represent an insert or block of household or administrative premises within a building, separating production processes of different fire hazards. Therefore, let's consider design features fire walls and most important requirements fire safety requirements for them.

A fire wall (firewall) is a wall made of non-combustible materials or with openings protected accordingly, having a fire resistance limit of at least 2.5 hours, resting directly on the foundation and cutting everything structural elements buildings or structures made of fire-resistant and combustible materials.

In construction practice, fire walls are used to separate production processes with different fire hazard(when placed in one building), dividing into sections of large buildings for various purposes, separating warehouse and auxiliary premises from production facilities, dividing warehouse buildings into fire compartments, reducing fire gaps between buildings.

Fire walls can be internal, if they limit the spread of fire inside the building, and external, designed to limit the spread of fire to neighboring buildings or structures.

In order for a fire wall in buildings made of combustible and non-combustible materials to prevent the spread of fire from one part of the building to another, the elevation of the crest of the fire wall above a roof made of combustible materials or over a coating made of non-combustible or non-combustible materials with combustible insulation must be at least 0.6 m; the elevation of the ridge of the fire wall above the roof made of non-combustible or hard-to-burn materials with combustible insulation must be at least 0.3 m. If the covering made of non-combustible materials has fireproof insulation, then the firewall may not cut the coating and not rise above the roof (regardless of the flammability group of the roof) .

In buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, the fire wall must, in addition, extend beyond the outer plane of the external walls, cornices and roof overhangs by at least 0.3 m (if the installation of such projections is not possible or advisable, it is allowed to replace them with fire zones from non-combustible materials with a width of at least 1.8 m).

In fire walls (as well as in ceilings made of fireproof materials), it is allowed to provide openings for technological reasons. total area openings should not exceed 25% of the area of ​​the fire wall. To eliminate the possibility of fire spreading to adjacent rooms, filling openings in fire walls (doors, gates, windows, hatches, etc.) may be made from non-combustible materials.

Question 28. Organization of occupational safety and health services in construction.

In the system of organizing the occupational health and safety service, great importance is attached to intradepartmental supervision of safety and industrial sanitation at all levels of production and management from the construction site or workshop to the ministry or department.

The standard provision applies to construction and installation organizations and enterprises in the construction industry, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

The main tasks of the safety service are organizing work to eliminate the causes of industrial injuries and monitoring the work of production and technical services of organizations and enterprises to improve working conditions, improve safety precautions and protective equipment, as well as the development and implementation of organizational, technical and sanitary measures on the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Responsibility for general state safety precautions and industrial sanitation in construction organizations and at enterprises it is assigned in accordance with SNiP to the chief engineer and the head of the enterprise. Responsibility for the state of safety during construction and installation work, in accordance with the regulations on the foreman and work performer and SNiP, rests with the foremen within the work areas assigned to them and the work producers within the facilities they manage.

The number of safety workers at construction and installation organizations and enterprises in the construction industry is determined by the relevant ministries and departments, depending on the nature and volume of construction and installation work performed.

In order to attract widespread public organizations To work on the implementation of organizational, technical and sanitary-hygienic measures for labor protection and the prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases at construction sites and enterprises of the construction industry, labor protection commissions are created with the mandatory participation of safety service workers in them.
Safety personnel are responsible for performing all duties assigned to them Standard provision.

Employees of the safety service of trusts and other organizations equivalent to them are assigned the following responsibilities: 1) methodological management of the organization of work on safety and industrial sanitation in organizations and enterprises subordinate to the trust; 2) drawing up promising projects and annual plans to improve safety precautions and sanitary services for employees of organizations and enterprises of the trust, coordinating them with trade union organizations, as well as monitoring the implementation of these plans; 3) monitoring compliance at enterprises current legislation, orders, instructions and requirements of safety and sanitation rules and regulations, instructions and regulations of state supervisory authorities; 4) participation in the investigation of accidents, group and severe accidents in organizations, their recording and participation in the development of measures to prevent them; 5) analysis of the causes of industrial injuries and preparation of reports on victims of accidents; 6) a report on the use of funds allocated for labor protection measures in the trust system; 7) preparation of draft orders of the trust on issues of hazard technology and industrial sanitation; 8) organizing the exchange of best practices in safety and industrial sanitation in the trust system; 9) organization of training and testing of knowledge of rules and instructions on safety and industrial sanitation by engineering and technical employees of the trust, as well as employees of organizations subordinate to it; 10) monitoring the provision of workers with special clothing, safety footwear, and equipment personal protection, for organizing their storage, washing, cleaning and repair; 11) organizing the promotion of safe and healthy working conditions by holding reviews and competitions on safety precautions and industrial sanitation, reports, lectures, conversations, film shows, excursions, equipping safety rooms and corners; 12) providing subordinate organizations and enterprises with rules, instructions, leaflets, posters, and other visual aids on safety precautions and industrial sanitation; 13) preparation of proposals for the implementation in organizations subordinate to the trust and at enterprises of more advanced fencing and safety devices, protective devices, as well as the introduction into production of recommendations from research institutes and advanced construction sites (enterprises) to improve safety precautions; 14) consideration of projects for the organization of construction and production of work from the point of view of the validity of decisions made on safety precautions and industrial sanitation and preparation of appropriate conclusions on them; 15) organizing the development of safety instructions taking into account local conditions and submitting these instructions for approval to in the prescribed manner; 16) participation in the review and implementation of inventions and innovation proposals in the field of safety in construction.

Employees of the trust safety service are given the right to give instructions (instructions) to managers and engineering and technical personnel of subordinate organizations and enterprises to eliminate existing deficiencies and violations of safety rules and regulations and industrial sanitation. These instructions can only be overruled by the trust manager or chief engineer.

The safety service has the right to prohibit work on certain sections of construction sites and workshops, units, machines, mechanisms and machine tools under conditions that are dangerous to the life and health of workers, immediately notifying the heads of the organization or enterprise about this. Service employees must require that the heads of the trust departments perform work in strict accordance with the requirements of SNiP and safety decisions adopted in the work project, drawing up, approving and strictly observing combined work schedules and safety measures when work is performed simultaneously by several organizations.

The safety service may make proposals to the management of the trust to encourage employees of organizations and enterprises subordinate to the trust for achievements achieved in improving safety precautions and industrial sanitation, in reducing injuries and illnesses, as well as in punishing persons who do not comply with the instructions of the safety service and violate the rules established by it.

Similar responsibilities and rights are assigned to safety workers in construction, installation departments and similar organizations, who are additionally charged with the responsibility of conducting induction training, as well as monitoring the timely conduct of safety training at sites and workshops directly at the workplace. .

In addition, safety engineers of SU, PMK and other organizations equivalent to them are required to monitor compliance with the established testing deadlines for personal protective equipment, rigging devices, machines, mechanisms, scaffolding, suspended platforms and other devices subject to periodic or one-time testing.

In some cases, the number of occupational health and safety department (group) at the discretion of the manager can be increased depending on the number of construction projects, their territorial remoteness, the nature and volume of work.

Question 29. State supervision and public control over labor protection.

1) State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection rules - carried out by the department of state labor inspection, the Ministry of Labor and social protection RB;

2) State supervision and control over labor safety in industry - department for supervision of work safety in industry and nuclear energy at the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

3) State Energy Supervision - carried out by the Energy Efficiency Committee under the Council of Ministers;

4) State Sanitary Inspection - carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health;

5) State fire supervision - carried out by state fire supervision bodies under the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

6) Public supervision (trade unions);

7) Prosecutor's supervision.

The tasks of legal inspectors in a trade union are: to check compliance with labor legislation in organizations where trade union members work, if violations are identified, demand their elimination, to advise employees on labor legislation, to consider appeals from trade union members on legal regulation issues.

The inspectorate has the right to: make proposals to involve persons guilty of violating the law, file claims in court at the request of workers in defense of their rights, represent and defend trade union members in court, make, in the prescribed manner, proposals for the adoption of changes or repeal of legislative acts.

Question 30. Safety precautions when working in winter time.

Soil to be developed in winter conditions, must be previously defrosted. There are different ways to protect soil from freezing (plowing and harrowing, cross-loosening and deep loosening). They are chosen depending on climatic conditions.

For the development of frozen soils they use following methods works: drilling and blasting, impact, cutting with machines and devices, thawing using coolants (electricity, hot water, ferry). Just as the methods of soil development are different, so are the safety conditions for work.

The most common and economical method of developing frozen soils is mechanical method using a bulldozer with ripper teeth or a trailed ripper for T-130 or T-180 tractors, which carries out about 60...65% of the total volume of work.

The greatest danger when mining frozen soils with a percussion working body is mainly from flying individual pieces of soil, which can cause serious injury to a person at a considerable distance. To do this, firstly, a security zone is established. In addition, people are not allowed to be closer than 5 m from the loosening site. A protective net should be installed in front of the glass of the cab of an excavator, bulldozer or tractor on the driver’s side.

When frozen soil warms up electric shock There may be cases of injury due to workers coming under voltage or touching exposed wires. To prevent electrical injuries, the heating zone must be fenced and safety signs and warning signals (audible or light alarm), and is illuminated at night. The permissible voltage should be 380 V. Electrical heating during the entire time should be carried out under the guidance of an engineer and technical worker and electricians on duty. The distance between the fence and the contour of the heated area should be at least 3 m at a voltage of 110 V, and the height of the fence should be 1.1 m. In the electric heating zone, KRPT hose cables or insulated PRG-500 wires laid in rubber hose. Laying wires directly on the ground or on a layer of sawdust is prohibited. After each movement of electrical equipment and relocation of electrical wiring, you should visually check their serviceability.

When frozen soils are thawed with hot water and steam, personnel servicing the installations may receive burns if they touch hot pipes supplying steam or water, as well as if the pipes are damaged. To prevent injuries to workers, it is necessary to perform work correctly, provide constant technical supervision over the work, and follow safety regulations.

Production of stone works. When performing masonry using the freezing method, special importance should be attached to quality control of the work and the compliance of the materials used, compliance permissible heights masonry of walls and pillars and measures to ensure the stability and geometric immutability of structures during the period of their thawing (for example, the use, if necessary, of temporary fastenings for unloading load-bearing structures and piers to prevent their collapse). Masonry at subzero temperatures is carried out under the supervision of engineering and technical personnel. At the same time, the outside air temperature at which the structures were erected is recorded in the work log at least three times a day.

Electric heating brickwork produced under a voltage of 220...380 V, for warming up you must have a switch, three ammeters for 250 A, three fuses and a voltmeter for 400 V. Wiring from the main panel to the structure to be heated is carried out with a KRPT cable or insulated wire with a cross-section of at least 16 mm 2 with wire protection with a rubber sleeve. When using electric heating, it is necessary to conduct round-the-clock monitoring and measure the temperature in the heated masonry under the guidance of an engineer and technical worker and electricians on duty.

Production concrete works. Monolithic structures erected in winter conditions must be warmed up. In construction practice it is known various ways warming up, the most widely used method is electric heating. Although this method is simpler, its use requires greater caution. Areas where electrical heating is carried out must be under constant supervision of electricians with a qualification group of at least III. They are fenced and illuminated at night, provided with light alarms and safety signs. Warning posters are posted on the fences and on the electric heating site itself. Fences and warning lights are installed at a distance of at least 3 m from the border of the energized area.

When steam heating concrete, in order to avoid burns, it is necessary to carefully insulate the steam pipeline, valves and taps. Steam jackets should not have cracks or holes that allow steam to pass through, for which the formwork must be sheathed with inside roofing steel. Steam distribution devices should be located in accessible places, allowing the steam to be quickly turned off if necessary.

Question 31. Safety precautions when working with manual, pneumatic, electric tool.

In construction, hand and mechanized tools are used to carry out various basic and finishing processes and operations when processing wood, stone, concrete, and metal.

Nomenclature and quantity of construction materials hand tools are determined by the composition of the standard kits, and their operation is in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises. Work safety and high labor productivity depend on correct selection hand tools, taking into account their characteristics and the nature of the technological operations performed, as well as the use of a working tool.

The main requirements that apply to the tool in terms of its serviceability: impact (hammers, sledgehammers), chopping (chisels, chisels, etc.) Tools should not have hardening, bevel, potholes, cracks and burrs on the strikers; The sharpening angles of working cutting edges must correspond to the angles specified in the technical documentation. The edges themselves must be smooth, without dents, chips, or crumbled areas; instruments must be smooth (except for instruments of special shape), not bent, bent or twisted; tools (saws, screwdrivers, files, chisels, etc.) that have sharp ends for attaching handles should be used only with serviceable handles (without cracks, chips, edged metal rings).

In case of destruction of wooden handles when making new ones, one should follow the following rules. The wood used for the manufacture of handles must be dry, from hard and sticky species (birch, hornbeam, beech) with a moisture content of no more than 12%. At the same time, if possible, ensure the direction of the wood fibers along the length of the handle, which will reduce breakages. For better grip and grip on the handle of percussion instruments, it is made of an oval cross-section, sometimes with smooth ribs, thickening towards the free end. When attached to metal parts, the handles of axes, hammers, and sledgehammers are wedged for a more reliable connection. To avoid accidents when working with the tool, a number of requirements must be met. Thus, when cutting metal with chisels and wedges, it is necessary to wear safety glasses and hold the tool when striking with a sledgehammer using a wedge holder.

The work was carried out at the State educational institution additional vocational education State Academy professional retraining and advanced training of executives and investment specialists