The end of the heating season is legal. Heating period according to the law of days

By September 15, 2017, persons responsible for managing residential apartment buildings (MKD) are required to complete preparations for the 2017-2018 heating season. Certificate of successful completion preparatory work is the availability of a Certificate of Readiness for the heating period.

As of the first days of July, only 37% of the housing stock, 30% of boiler houses and 37% of heating networks were ready for the new heating season.

Federal legislation on preparation for the heating season

Preparation for the heating season is regulated by Article 20 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”, and the assessment of activities is regulated by the Rules for assessing readiness for the heating season, which are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation dated March 12, 2013 No. 103 (hereinafter referred to as Order 103).

Due to the fact that there is no uniform law on preparation for the heating season, persons responsible for these activities must be guided by the following regulations:

  • Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building...”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings And residential buildings»;
  • rules for landscaping adjacent areas, approved by local governments;
  • other orders of regional and municipal authorities.

In addition to the above regulations, one of the most important aspects of preparing for the autumn-winter period is compliance with the requirements for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

In accordance with the requirements of Part 7 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving...”, the HOA or management company is obliged to develop and at least once a year bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building proposals on energy saving measures and increasing the energy efficiency of controlled MKDs.

What is included in preparation for the heating season?

The main objectives of the set of measures to prepare for the 2017-2018 heating season boil down to ensuring an uninterrupted supply of thermal energy (coolant) to heated premises, regardless of their purpose.

Mandatory activities in preparation for winter are:

  • adjustment of intra-block networks with adjustment of the calculated diameters of throttling devices at the heating unit;
  • carrying out hydraulic tests, repairs, verification and adjustment of heat supply and ventilation systems, boiler rooms, intra-house networks, group and local heating points;
  • checking the functionality of shut-off safety valves and pressure regulators of gas facilities.

In accordance with Order 103, it is necessary to report on preparations for the heating season in the central regions of Russia no later than September 15 of the current year. The preparation time for the heating season in the northern and eastern regions has been reduced to September 1, and for the southern regions it has been extended until October 1.

Control over the entire range of measures is entrusted to local authorities, owners of residential and non-residential premises in MKD, housing supervision authorities and other authorized structures.

Preparing the housing stock for the heating season 2017-2018

Comprehensive preparation of housing and communal services facilities for seasonal operation regulated regulatory requirements to people living in the autumn winter period.

  • eliminating cracks and holes in external walls, basement, attic floors, roof and places where they connect to each other, windows or doors;
  • restoration of plaster coating, roofing, etc.;
  • tidying up technical premises;
  • checking the integrity of window and door fillings, door closers and vestibules;
  • carrying out trial fires central heating and ovens;
  • ensuring the removal of atmospheric and melt water from descents into the basement and window pits;
  • checking the quality of waterproofing of foundations, basement walls and plinths;
  • functionality check heating stoves and installations with gas heaters, chimneys, gas ducts, internal heat, water and electricity supply systems.

Based on these recommendations, as well as shortcomings identified as a result of the spring inspection of the apartment building and its engineering systems, the management company or HOA develops an action plan to prepare for the heating season and approves it with local governments.

The management company’s preparation plan for the heating season, in addition to technical work includes a number of organizational activities:

  • retraining and advanced training of employees providing operation and emergency repairs of boiler houses, heating points, engineering systems;
  • briefing of emergency service workers, workers current repairs, wipers;
  • carrying out technical inspection and maintenance of vehicles, communications, equipment, tools, cleaning equipment, inventory;
  • preparation or restoration of diagrams of in-house engineering systems;
  • carrying out an audit of thermal units, operability of metering devices (with replacement, if necessary), certification of the integrity of seals.

In addition, management companies and homeowners associations, when preparing for the heating season, must take into account other requirements of Rule 103:

  • the degree of readiness of heat-consuming installations for operation and their provision of the thermal energy consumption regime specified in the resource supply agreement;
  • absence of debt for supplied thermal energy and coolant;

The main problem in preparing for the heating season remains the highest level of consumer debt for supplied energy resources. The debt in the housing and communal services sector amounts to more than one trillion rubles, of which 800 billion are debts of management companies to resource supply organizations.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491), responsibilities for preparing in-house engineering systems for seasonal operation are assigned to the owners of residential premises apartment building(in case of direct management) or HOAs and management companies. Financing of events is carried out at the expense of the owners.

Law on “alternative boiler house”

As for the preparation for the 2017-2018 heating season of the heating network, control over it will be entrusted to new structures - unified heat supply organizations (ETO).

On July 31, 2017, President Putin signed the federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Heat Supply” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on improving the system of relations in the field of heat supply.”

The document, which received the popular name “The Law on “Alternative Boiler House”” changed the system of regulation of heat tariffs. The new model provides for the establishment of a maximum price level for the coolant, which is called the “alternative boiler house”. This is a calculated figure. It corresponds to the cost of one gigacalorie of thermal energy if consumers want to build their own (alternative) boiler house.

In addition to ensuring the uninterrupted process of delivering heat from the producer to the consumer, ETO will be responsible for the entire range of activities for the construction, reconstruction, modernization of heat supply facilities, as well as for their preparation for seasonal operation.

However, maintenance of intra-house networks, installation of heat meters and preparation of the heating unit for the heating season will remain the responsibility of management companies and HOAs.

Equipping the heating unit with modern metering devices

Among the requirements for readiness for the heating period for thermal energy consumers, Order 101 includes the presence and operability of metering devices, as well as the absence of debt for the supplied thermal energy (power) and coolant. Reliable accounting of consumed energy resources and timely payment are considered by federal legislation as effective ways energy saving.

As practice has shown, the installation of communal heat metering devices has made the process of charging for resources more transparent and understandable for consumers, and has revealed to them the need and ways to save heat.

Many owners of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings have gone even further: they turn to RSO and management organizations with a request to install individual heat meters. Including the ability to remotely take readings and dispatch data in real time.

This allows each owner to pay only for the heat that he actually consumed in his premises, plus the costs of heating equipment. In a situation where a house is equipped only with a common house meter, the owners are forced to pay for heat in proportion to the area of ​​the premises they own.

We help automate the accounting of any resources: heat, water, electricity, gas.

Advantages of automated dispatch for a management organization:

  • Hourly consumption statistics online - see demo of your personal account;
  • generation of Excel files with hourly data on utility consumption;
  • The accountant will have all the data on hand by the 25th;
  • connection of up to 2,000,000 metering devices within a radius of 10 km without the need to purchase an additional base station, repeaters and concentrators.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without concentrators and repeaters.

Wireless solutions for resource dispatching in apartment buildings

In continuation of the article.

Russia is located in the most severe climatic conditions, and without properly functioning heating it is quite difficult to survive the frosty and long winters. Spring, on the contrary, arrives differently in different regions. And if somewhere people are already starting to feel uncomfortable at home with working batteries, then in other regions winter does not even think of giving up its rights, and a hot radiator is just in time.

Who is responsible for determining the start and end dates of the heating season?

Many of us are concerned about the question of what criteria and who makes the decision to supply heat to the radiators of apartment buildings and stop this supply. Probably, each of us at least once wondered who decides the beginning and end of the heating period in cooperative houses. After all, if the concern for heat in a private house falls on the shoulders of the owners themselves, then in the case of central heating everything is different.

City local municipal authorities make this decision by issuing orders to utility workers. And in Russian realities this most often happens in the month of October. Decisions are made locally, and the main catalyst for opening heating season is the average daily temperature, which stays at 8 degrees Celsius or lower for 5 days. To turn off the heating, accordingly, the opposite factors are necessary - the average daily temperature is above 8 degrees for more than 5 days. But at the same time, meteorological services must give a forecast that prolonged cold weather will not return.

When should the heating be turned off in 2017?

The decision to turn off heating will be made individually for each region depending on weather conditions. If somewhere in Russia spring is already showing itself in full force, then in many areas winter still holds its position. It is quite natural that residents of Voronezh, Vladivostok, Serpukhov, Angarsk, Kurgan, Kursk, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Lipetsk, Saratov and Sevastopol will feel the end of the heating season at different times. But we can say with confidence that in many cities of the country this will happen in April.

The 2017-2018 heating season is one of the most important and complex processes, requiring serious preparatory work, which is mainly carried out in the spring. summer time. Agree, the level of the upcoming heat regime in apartments and municipal enterprises in winter and late autumn directly depends on what work will be carried out and on its effectiveness.

Moreover, all work on preparing the heating season began a long time ago and is strictly controlled and recorded by the department of fuel and energy management.

Preparatory work.

Probably everyone will agree with the fact that the heating season is quite a responsible and important process, so it is necessary to approach the beginning of this time fully prepared. That is why, in order to achieve all pre-planned goals, a special program has been created and designed, which includes a wide variety of action items that must be followed. What points can rightfully be called and noted as paramount?

  • Firstly, the organization and creation of a special commission in executive authorities and industry enterprises. The main task of this commission is to control the preparation of all objects, the volumes and timing of all planned work.
  • Secondly, the creation and design of a special schedule for all repair work, as well as a preliminary and test run of the entire heating system to identify gaps and shortcomings in the work for their timely removal and elimination.
  • Thirdly, drawing up an estimate covering all repairs and preparatory work. If you study it carefully, it includes all objects that are in full or partial repair, together with the cost of all ongoing and necessary work.

When does it start?

One of the significant and important issues for many residents apartment buildings is when the heating will finally be turned on. Answering this question, it is immediately worth noting that every year the deadlines are adjusted and new ones are established. Ask why they do this if you can create one single schedule and strictly follow it? Everything is simple, since the start of the heating system directly depends on weather conditions, which are different in each individual region, because somewhere it is colder, and somewhere, on the contrary, warmer. You should not assume that this is just another whim of the local authorities, since all these points and points are spelled out and established in the legislation of the Russian Federation, although, after all, each region, region and region are endowed with their own rights and powers to independently decide and regulate this process locally. But, if, in general, we study the available deadlines, that is, the schedule that must be adhered to, then we can name the following figures.

  • March 10th is the start time of all necessary work to carry out hydraulic tests of heat exchangers; heat exchangers are a mechanism located and located directly at central heating points.
  • May 12 – the beginning of all hydraulic tests of main and distribution thermal stations.
  • May 25 is the time when all preparatory work is completely stopped and completed. As a rule, by this point in time, many errors and serious gaps have already been identified and eliminated, which could lead to serious consequences and failures of the entire system in winter.
  • October 15 is the time to start heating, taking into account all regulatory deadlines. But in the case of residential buildings and a separate category of municipal institutions, the launch date is 2 weeks earlier.

Conditions for the beginning and end of the heating season.

But, only conditional dates for the start of preparatory work and the heating season were listed above, since each region has the right to start this season much earlier if the following two very important conditions specified in the law are met.

  1. Autumn has arrived and, according to the rules, the heating season starts from October 1 to October 15, and by the last date there should already be warmth in every house.
  2. The average daily temperature should be +8 degrees for 5 days. At the same time, in no case should you delay the start of the heating season, since ultimately the entire system may freeze and you will have to spend and lay out a considerable amount of money from the budget for restoration work.

This applies to the beginning of the heating season, but the law also stipulates conditions that must be taken into account when turning off the heat.

  1. End of the season. According to the schedule, it falls between April and mid-May, here everything also depends on geographical location region.
  2. Weather forecast. In other words, if, according to weather forecasters, there will still be a cold snap, then it is unlikely that the heat will be turned off, but if, on the contrary, the weather is warm, then such expenses will simply be unreasonable.
  3. To end the heating season, the average daily temperature should be +8 degrees for 5 days.

From everything we can conclude that the heating season is a rather complex process that requires serious and high-quality preparation so that in winter every home is truly warm and cozy.

This year, heating shutdowns in Moscow will begin on May 4.According to the regulations, five days are allotted for the procedure, but usually energy workers complete it much earlier.

"The process of turning off heating in the capital will begin with today, this decision was made on behalf of the city mayor Sergei Sobyanin. According to existing standards, heating in the city is turned off if the average daily air temperature for five days remains at plus 8 degrees and tends to increase. The shutdown process will proceed in stages: first industrial enterprises, then residential buildings, then objects social sphere" , - noted Deputy Mayor for Housing, Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov.

/ Wednesday, May 4, 2016 /

According to the official, the heat supply will be stopped in several stages. . . . . .

Work to turn off heating in Moscow will be completely completed on May 6, Pyotr Biryukov, deputy mayor of the capital for housing and communal services and landscaping, told reporters on Thursday.

He explained that the temperature in the Moscow region has been exceeding the levels required to turn off the heating for several days.

Moscow. . . . . .

“The weather in the Moscow region has been above the norm for several days now, which is necessary to turn off the heating.”, - said P. Biryukov.

Biryukov to Interfax on May 4.

Today the heating season ends in Moscow - batteries in houses will begin to be turned off in the coming days. According to Pyotr Biryukov, Deputy Mayor of the Russian capital for housing, communal services and landscaping, the coolant temperature has already been reduced to a minimum, and preparations have begun to turn off the heat.

It is expected that batteries will be turned off first at industrial enterprises, then in residential buildings, and then at social facilities - in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics.

Typically, heating in homes, social facilities and enterprises is turned off within five days, but energy workers often cope faster.

In the coming days, weather forecasters predict from 16 to 25 degrees in the city during the day and 6-10 degrees at night.

The heating season is coming to an end in the capital - starting today, batteries will be turned off in houses. . . . . .

As the deputy mayor explained, currently the coolant temperature has already been reduced to a minimum and preparations have begun to turn off the heat.

Let us remind you that it was previously reported that this heating season began in October and passed without failures or accidents. The city's energy and heating systems fully withstood the load.

Starting today, heating will begin to be turned off in homes, enterprises and social facilities, the portal reports with reference to Deputy Mayor for Housing, Communal Services and Landscaping Peter Biryukov. The corresponding decision was made on behalf of Sergei Sobyanin.

The temperature of the coolant in the heating systems of residential buildings has already been reduced to a minimum; now a complete shutdown of heat will begin. At the same time, apartment buildings will become the last objects where heating will be turned off - utility workers will begin with industrial enterprises.

The heating season ends in Moscow - in residential buildings Heating began to be turned off on May 4, said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Utilities and Landscaping Pyotr Biryukov.

On behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the heating season ends in the capital on May 4. The city heating system switches to summer mode. The heating shutdown in the capital's buildings will be completed on May 6.

Heating is turned off after the average daily temperature is above +8 degrees for 5 days.

First of all, the heat supply is stopped at industrial enterprises, then in residential buildings. Lastly, heating is turned off in the buildings of kindergartens, schools, clinics and hospitals. The heating season passed without any problems.

The heating season is a very important and complex process that requires careful preparation. It is mainly carried out in spring and summer. The beginning of the 2017-2018 heating season depends on the efficiency and timing of the preparatory work.

Preparing for the heating season

The thermal conditions in our homes, social infrastructure institutions, and administrative buildings depend on how the preparatory work takes place. for various purposes, as well as in enterprises different shapes property in autumn and winter. It is no coincidence that this entire process is strictly controlled by the Department of Fuel and Energy.

To carry out the entire scope of work in a timely manner, we created a special program that clearly indicates the sequence of actions that should be performed. Among the priority points of this program are:

  • Creation in executive bodies the power of commissions whose purpose is to control the preparation, timing and volume of upcoming work.
  • Creation of a schedule of preparatory work and control start-up of heating, in order to preliminary identify all shortcomings and, if necessary, eliminate problems.
  • Drawing up estimates for all upcoming repairs and replacement of outdated equipment.

When does it start

This question concerns all city residents without exception. In this regard, it should be noted that the date for turning on the heating is adjusted every year. Many people are perplexed why constant timing for connecting heat cannot be established. Everything is explained very simply. Every year is different in one area or another. Therefore, constant updating of the schedule is required. It is impossible to set uniform deadlines for such a large country as Russia. After all, in some places frosts in Russia begin already in September, and in others only a month later. The process of starting the heating is fixed by law in all details:

Conditions for connecting and disconnecting heat

All of the above work can be regulated differently in each region of the Russian Federation. The table shows the approximate deadlines for completing the work. In each individual subject of the Russian Federation, work can be carried out earlier if the following conditions are met:

  • The rules regulate the timing of turning on the heating within the range of October 1-15. The last date is the deadline for turning on the heat.
  • The second condition for heating supply is an average daily temperature of +8 °C for five days. Delays in turning on the heat can lead to freezing of the system, which will entail considerable additional budgetary costs.
  • Turning off the heating system in each region also depends on specific weather conditions. This period begins in mid-April and lasts a whole month. It will depend on the specific forecast of weather forecasters whether you will be disconnected from the heat earlier or later. Agree that it is irrational to supply heat if it is abnormally warm outside. The heating will probably be turned off if it is above +8 °C outside for more than five days.

When will the heating be turned on in Moscow?

The last heating season in Moscow passed with some nuances. The start of the season passed without a hitch, but the heating period had to end twice. The first time the heating was turned off in accordance with existing legislation, when stable warmth set in in the capital, and the temperature did not fall below eight degrees Celsius for five days. This happened on May 1st. It should be noted that these days it was very warm weather. A record high temperature for this time was even recorded - over 25 degrees. The utility workers did their job very well and turned off the heat. However, a few days later frosts set in and it snowed unexpectedly. We had to turn on the heating again in hospitals and children's preschool institutions. This situation again raised the question: “What is the best date to turn the heating on and off?” Thus, in the spring of 2017, the preparation schedule for the next heating season shifted.

On May 15, utility services in Moscow reported that all heating networks had been turned off and preparations had begun for the new heating season. All problems that arose during hydraulic testing of the system have already been eliminated and repaired or replaced with new necessary equipment. This result was achieved through the organization of a special repair service, which monitored the necessary work in a timely manner and promptly corrected all problems. It is necessary to carry out preventive work in 73 thousand buildings, including 7.5 thousand social facilities and 33 thousand residential buildings. As Deputy Mayor of Moscow P. Biryukov noted, the relevant capital services will be ready for the new season on August 25. It is already known from official sources that the 2017-2018 heating season in the capital will begin in the middle of the first month of autumn.

How St. Petersburg solves heating problems

Preliminary heating switch-on dates northern capital- first ten days of October. However, it must be said that the weather can make adjustments to these plans. The experience of the long previous heating season (242 days) once again confirms this. The earliest start date for the heating system is considered to be the first of October. Until the tenth of October, the entire housing stock of the city, as a rule, is always connected to heat. First of all, heat is provided by health authorities, kindergartens, schools and other important facilities of the metropolis. Housing is connected to heat gradually from October 5 to October 10. It gets cold in Northern Palmyra already at the end of September, so many people resort to electric heaters even before the start of the heating season.

As stated by the Chairman of the Energy Committee A. Bondarchuk, due to the longest heating season in the last 37 years, 2016-2017, the timing of preparatory work for the new season has shifted somewhat. Let us remind you that due to the cold spring, heating in the city was turned off only on May 19.

Twenty-nine thousand buildings need to be prepared for the upcoming season, of which twenty-three thousand are housing. For these purposes, 66.6 billion rubles will be spent. Budget allocations will reach 13 billion rubles. Last year, similar expenses amounted to a smaller amount - 55.1 billion rubles.

When will the heating be turned off?

Since the Russian Federation, due to its size, covers almost all climatic zones inherent in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, due to the onset of the warm season, it is always associated with great difficulties for public utilities. This is primarily due to the fact that in all regions spring begins in different time, and in some, after the first thaw and a significant increase in temperature, prolonged frosts may occur. Therefore, determine the exact date when the heating is turned off, it can sometimes be extremely difficult both for residents of such regions and for employees of the housing and communal services sector.

But, despite all the difficulties caused by the diversity of climatic zones in Russia, there are certain rules. Based on them, you can determine when this will happen approximately and, if necessary, prepare.

Who makes the decision to turn off the heat supply and when?

The direct decision to turn off central heating in a city or region is made by the management of local thermal power plants. Therefore, when the heating is turned off before it becomes relatively warm outside, you should not conflict with housing authorities, since they have nothing to do with this decision.

At the same time, no one will turn off the heat supply if there is a long warm period in winter. After all, completely reheating the pipes and starting up the entire system is a very expensive and labor-intensive task. The only thing that is undertaken in such cases by the managers of the thermal power plant is to reduce the temperature of the entire heating main as much as possible.

Therefore, residents of regions where the onset of spring may be delayed, and long-term frosts are possible even at the end of May, should have additional devices heating. Since local utility workers will not be able to influence the date, and the management of the thermal power plant can cancel their decisions only in extreme cases, such as an environmental disaster, you should not count on the loyalty of housing and communal services workers.

Those who are going to change batteries in the summer should definitely have them tested or, at a minimum, fill the riser. After all, by the beginning of the heating season, the entire system must be filled for safety reasons and to identify any pipe defects.

The beginning and end of the heating season in Russia

Note! The decision to start supplying hot water to the heating system is usually made when the average temperature in the region or city drops to +8 degrees or lower.

Even if the management of the thermal power plant has some problems, in any case they have to solve them at 8 degrees Celsius, since if they are delayed, the heating equipment of the entrances may freeze. Freezing of pipes and radiators results in emergency situations, which are much more expensive than the timely activation of the central heating system.

Naturally, the launch takes place in the fall, usually in the first half of October. Even if there is a very cold summer with an average temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius, thermal power plants will not make unscheduled switching on due to the complexity of this process itself.

Launch occurs by step-by-step connection areas of the city so that public utilities have the opportunity to gradually solve problems. And their occurrence is inevitable after a long downtime of the heating main and heating systems houses.

Note! The heating season ends when approximately the same weather conditions occur in which it began. If the temperature in the region has risen to +8 degrees Celsius or higher, then if the weather forecasts are positive, the thermal power plant turns off the heating.

This usually occurs between early April and mid-May. The heating shutdown date can go beyond these limits only in certain areas with a warm or, conversely, extremely cold climate.

Without a positive meteorological forecast, such a decision cannot be made. Indeed, in addition to the dissatisfaction of consumers of thermal energy, that is, citizens, it is undesirable to do this due to the possible freezing of certain sections of the heating system or heating main and their failure. In some cases, repairs may take the entire summer due to the complexity and large volume of work. Therefore, all forecasts are studied as carefully as possible, and no one will rush to switch off if there is a danger of prolonged cold spells.

What heating systems should be used in the off-season

Electric wall-mounted fan heater with remote control

If the summer turns out to be cold, and the temperature in the apartment or house at night drops significantly below a comfortable level, then heating using some kind of autonomous heating system or heaters can be a solution.

Since in houses with centralized heating in winter the heating issue has been resolved, there is no point in creating complex autonomous systems.

You can get by with one of the simpler options:

  • Fan heaters. These devices are perfect for moderate heating of a house or apartment, as they consume little electricity and have a variety of configurations - from industrial to small portable.
  • Air conditioners. Despite the fact that these devices are usually used to cool the air, they also do an excellent job of heating it. In winter, of course, air conditioners will not save you, but in cold summer it will be one of the best solutions.
  • Oil heaters can also be called one of the optimal solutions, since they are able to heat the entire room at once, and not just a separate area. To heat a room of approximately 20 m2, you will need a device with a power of only 2 kW. The truth is oil heaters there is one minus - it is more high level electricity consumption than air conditioners or fans.


In general, we can advise you to choose those devices for heating your home in the off-season that heat the air in the entire room at once and do not consume too much energy.

It is also important to consider that even in the coldest summer, heaters do not require high power and performance, and even the weakest devices can cope with the task of increasing the temperature by 5-7 degrees.

This article is part of a series of AKATO publications dedicated to debunking. Unreliable explanations, false statements, myths and false theories in various issues of housing relations, according to AKATO specialists, are disastrous for the housing and communal services sector in Russia, contribute to the growth of social tension, the development of "" between consumers and providers of public services. The articles in the series are recommended, first of all, for consumers of housing and communal services (HCS), while specialists in the housing sector can also find something useful in them. In addition, the distribution of publications in the series “Myths of Housing and Communal Services” among consumers of housing and communal services can contribute to a deeper understanding by consumers of the essence of processes in housing and communal services and the development of constructive interaction between consumers of housing and communal services and providers of such services (UO, HOA, housing cooperative). The full list of articles in the series “Myths of Housing and Public Utilities” is available


This article examines the myth that supposedly heating season begins by decision of management or resource supply organizations, and also that before the end of the 5-day period, during which the outside air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius, it is prohibited to start the heating period.

The essence of the false theory

The false theory discussed in this article can be divided into several postulates that can be used both together and separately, and even in various combinations (depending on the level of illiteracy of individual adherents of such a theory):
1. Since it is the utility service provider (UO/HOA/ZhSK) who is responsible for the condition of the common building heating systems, it is this utility service provider (ICU) that makes the decision on the start of the heating period;
2. Since hot water for heating needs is produced by a resource supply organization (RSO), it is such an organization that makes the decision on the start of the heating period;
3. Since tariffs and standards for utility heating services are approved, it is these bodies that make the decision on the start of the heating period in populated areas of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
4. The heating period can begin no earlier than a 5-day period has passed during which the outside air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius. If, for example, such a condition is met for 4 days, and on the fifth day the temperature exceeds “+8” even for a minute, it is prohibited to start the heating period.

Let's try to refute all of these false statements.

When does the heating season actually begin?

First, let's figure out when the heating season should start.

According to paragraph 5 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the RF Government of May 6, 2011 N354: “ If thermal energy for space heating needs, it is supplied to the indoor engineering systems By centralized networks engineering and technical support, then the contractor begins and ends the heating period within the time limits established by the authorized body. The heating season should start no later than and end no earlier day following the end of the 5-day period during which respectively average daily outdoor temperature below 8 degrees Celsius or average daily outdoor temperature above 8 degrees Celsius»

Two conclusions follow from this norm:
1) The heating season must begin " no later than... the day following the day the end of a 5-day period during which... the average daily outdoor temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius..." The wording “no later” means that the heating period can begin earlier than such a period (theoretically, at any time at which the average daily outside air temperature is above +8). Besides, we're talking about about the average daily temperature - that is, if it is +12 outside during the day and +2 at night, provided that the day and night periods are equal, the average daily temperature will be +7, and, therefore, the heating period should already begin (despite the fact that that the daytime temperature is +12 higher than the established +8). Thus, right start the heating season is available all year round, but duty the beginning of such a period occurs on the day following the day of the end of the 5-day period, during which the average daily temperature was below +8.
2) The utility service provider begins the heating period (that is, supplies hot water to the heating system of managed apartment buildings) within the time frame “ established by the authorized body " That is, the contractor himself (UO, HOA, housing cooperative) does not make decisions about the start of the heating period, but is guided by the decision of some authorized body.

Which body is authorized to start the heating season?

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 16 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Law N131-FZ), issues of local importance of a municipal formation include the organization within the boundaries of this municipal formation of electricity, heat, gas and water supply, sewerage, and fuel supply to the population. According to Article 7 of Law N131-FZ on issues of local importance by the population of municipalities directly and (or) and officials local government are accepted municipal legal acts.

From the above norms it follows that the organization of heat supply within the boundaries of a municipality relates to issues of local importance, and decisions on such issues are authorized to be made by local government bodies, and decisions on such issues are formalized by municipal legal acts.

Additionally, to avoid ambiguous interpretation of the above standards, it should be noted that clause 2.6.9 of the Rules and Standards for the Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Sector dated September 27, 2003 N170, directly states that the beginning of the heating season is established local authorities.

In addition, it is important to point out that in the absence of a legal act establishing the start date of the heating period, neither the RSO, nor the UO/HOA/housing cooperative have the right to start the heating period, even if the average daily outside air temperature for five days was less than +8.


It follows that the authorities have the authority to decide on the start of the heating period local authorities, and not at all the RSO, not the management company/homeowners' association/housing cooperative and not the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, in which such a decision can be made precisely by the state authorities). The start date of the heating period must be not later the day following the end of a 5-day period during which the average daily outside air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius, and start the heating season earlier endings (and even beginnings) the specified 5-day period is not prohibited by law.

Due to the climatic conditions of the region, heating apartments and houses in cold weather is a prerequisite for comfortable and safe living in them.

The beginning of the heating season and its end are tied to specific date, But adjustments may be made to the timing if the cold snap begins earlier than usual. Therefore, the heating season may have a different start date, this is decided by local authorities, utilities cities, sanitary services.

For those apartment owners who use a centralized mains, it is important to know when heat will begin to be supplied. After all violation of the regime is a reason to file a complaint with the responsible authority.

ATTENTION! The standard heating period is typical for houses with a centralized heat supply system. Homeowners with an individual boiler can independently turn the heating on or off.

Determination of the heating season

Traditionally, heat is provided to the apartment in the fall, somewhere in the middle of this time of year. This is when the air temperature begins to decrease. Inside the apartments, the air is cooled to the permissible limit. The duration of the heating season is about six months, it completion depends on the establishment of a comfortable outside temperature s.

IMPORTANT! The appearance of the concept of a heating season in the public utilities sector became possible after the development of a centralized supply of thermal energy to apartment buildings.

What law regulates the process of heating residential premises?

The dates that define the heating season - October 15 and April 15 - are arbitrary. Utilities are roughly guided by them when preparing equipment and networks for long-term operation during the cold period. But in reality, the start and finish of heating houses is set differently every year, depending on the weather and the average temperature outside.

On May 26, 2006, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 304 was issued, according to which To start heating, you need to fix the temperature no higher than 8 degrees for 5 days. To calculate the average temperature, the highest and lowest temperatures are summed up. low rate air per day.

ATTENTION! Sometimes residents of houses complain that even after 5 days of cold (below 8 degrees), the radiators in the house are cold. But heat does not enter the apartments immediately after the boiler room is started up; it may take more than one day to uniformly heat all objects.

Principles of district heating

The pipeline through which heat is supplied to the house consists of pipes extending from the central city boiler house. Typically, the coolant in the pipeline is hot water. But can be used for heating steam, electricity.

In apartments, pipes are installed at the entrance hot water and on her way out. Thanks to a properly designed heating system, thermal energy is evenly distributed throughout the pipes and radiators. Centralized heating of apartments is used in settlements with different population sizes.

This type of heating is convenient, practical, and economical. But its duration does not always correspond to weather conditions. Therefore, it is important for apartment residents to know the norms for turning on heating depending on outside temperature.

What determines the start of heat supply?

At what temperature the heating is turned on is a question that interests consumers every autumn, because there is no desire to freeze in the house due to the fact that the autumn bad weather began earlier than expected. If in a residential area long time the average temperature remains low, this affects the health of residents, the condition of furnishings and the house itself.

ATTENTION! No matter what date the heating season starts, it is important that utility companies are fully prepared for it. It is necessary to check the integrity of the pipeline, the reliability of the boiler room equipment, and the readiness of the heating system inside the house to supply hot water.

  • For a certain time, standards determined the start of heating in October throughout the country. But on such a large area climatic conditions in cities and villages they are different, depending on the climate zone. And so the order of the start of the season was changed, as was its duration.
  • Which months are included in the heating period? This also depends on the region. In hot areas, heating is needed only for a few months; the cold part of the country needs to heat houses almost the entire year (ten months).

By law, heat energy suppliers must turn on heating systems for residential buildings if the outside temperature is no higher than 8 degrees Celsius for more than 5 days.

But the rules and procedures for the heating season also take into account other important factors. Even if it is cold outside in early autumn or late spring, but weather forecasters predict rapid warming, the batteries may remain cold. During the inter-heating period, it is very rare to start the heating system; this is associated with high costs.

The official decree on the beginning of the centralized heating season for apartments and houses is a guide to action for municipal utilities in the locality. Before the release of such a resolution, experts calculate the most favorable beginning of the period; for this, they record data on the average daily outside air temperature several times a day, and study information from meteorologists and weather forecasters.

ATTENTION! The heating period must begin before frost, since at an average temperature below zero, which persists for some time, the non-working equipment of the heating pipeline and boiler room fails. Expensive repairs will entail large expenses.

For the same reason, suppliers do not carry out heat shutdowns until the desired temperature on the street.

Features of the end of the central heating season

  • How long the heating period lasts and when it ends - it is important to know this information in order to demand high-quality utility services from heat suppliers. The months when you have to pay for heat are the most difficult in terms of financial costs for the population.
  • In what month the heating will be turned off this year cannot be said in advance; it depends on the weather conditions, the duration of low temperatures, and the climate zone in which the location is located. locality. That's why modern law does not establish an exact date when the period of heating residential premises by a centralized system ends.
  • Like the beginning of the heat supply, its end is related to the outside temperature. An important indicator for shutting off the coolant supply is maintaining a certain outside temperature for 5 days.
  • Suppliers must strictly comply with this and other conditions for the end of the heating period.

If it's frosty, low temperatures persist for a long time even in the spring, the heating season is delayed, although this will lead to high utility bills.

And yet, without comfortable temperature It is impossible to live in a house, relax, or maintain good health.

Is it possible to turn off during the heating season?

Suppliers must carefully prepare for each heating season, checking the condition of pipelines, boiler room equipment, and upgrading networks.

And yet, even with high quality preparation It is possible that utility companies turn off the heating in houses or apartments. This is usually due to emergency situations on pipeline lines or in the boiler room itself.

Also, heating of the house may be stopped temporarily due to damage to the pipeline in the premises of the residential building.

ATTENTION! According to the law, a shutdown during the heating period is not possible; if it has taken place, the time without heat supply should be minimal. Otherwise, the supplier will face fines and sanctions due to an irresponsible attitude to its responsibilities.

  • If the room temperature is only 8 degrees Celsius, heating can only be stopped for 2 hours. At a temperature of 10 degrees - no more than 8 hours.
  • It is only permissible to turn off the heat for 16 hours when the room temperature is 12 degrees.
  • Even due to accidents during the heating period, the permissible number of hours without the supply of thermal energy is 24.

If utility services do not comply with these important rules, mouth New by law, consumers have the right to demand a recalculation of heating payments. Payment will be reduced by 0.5% for each hour of exceeding permissible standards.

What to do if there is no heat in the apartment?

If during the period of centralized heating there is no heat in the room, you should first eliminate the formation air jams in radiators, then you need to call the management company to solve the problem. Perhaps an accident occurred and is now being repaired.

Useful video

This video investigates the reasons why in winter the heat from radiators is not enough to warm up our homes.


Consumers are often interested in what the heating season schedule is. At what temperature does the heating turn on and off? It often happens that the heating supply is turned on after the apartments become damp and cold, and is turned off long before the onset of warmth.

What time does the heating season begin and end? To understand this issue, you first need to analyze a few common opinions.

How decisions are made regarding the heating season schedule

In reality, housing and communal services enterprises have nothing to do with starting and stopping heating. This decision depends only on the municipal authorities. They are the ones who give the appropriate orders to local thermal power plants and heating networks, and they, in turn, give the housing and communal services team.
It is believed that turning heating on and off directly depends on the average daily temperature, but this is only a secondary factor. Greater value has a date - for example, if the weather is warm in February, the heat supply is not turned off - and it is clear that there will still be frosts, and starting the system is a labor-intensive and costly process (more details: " "). But in this case, the temperature of the batteries during the heating season is reduced to a minimum.

It should be taken into account that the invoice for the service is issued in full, despite the fact that the radiators were barely warm. This problem can only be solved by installing heat meters on heating devices, as shown in the photo. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that they are not cheap.

To start heating systems, it is not enough to simply turn the valves in the elevator unit. It is also necessary to bleed air from expansion tank or risers (for the upper and lower spill options, respectively), as well as solve problems with flooding of apartments and independent shutdowns of risers by residents. The fact is that after replacing batteries with your own hands, leaks are not uncommon: there are cases when several lower apartments suffer from a flood at once.

You can avoid this when replacing radiators: you just need to pressurize the new devices or at least fill the riser. By law, even in summer, heating systems must be filled with water.

The beginning of the heating season legally begins from October 1 to October 15, but the average daily temperature, as well as the set temperature, also plays an important role. It should be taken into account that by this time the system is ready to start, but the batteries do not heat up immediately. There is a special schedule for launching houses, thanks to which it is possible to solve problems that arise in a timely manner - for example, leaks. In buildings with a bottom spill (the risers are connected in pairs on the top floor), heat appears only after the residents of the upper apartments bleed the air themselves or call a plumber for this.

Beginning and end of the heating season

Now you can move on to what date the heating season begins and when it ends.

Heat appears in homes if two conditions are met:

  1. The appropriate time of year has arrived. Typically, heating is started between October 1 and October 15.
  2. The average daily temperature is less than +8 degrees for five days. Of course, a long-term cold spell can occur in the summer, but no one will turn on the heating for just a week - this is simply impractical. But it is not wise to delay the heating season, because if the system freezes, you will have to spend a lot financial resources and time for emergency recovery work.
When turning off the heating, three factors are taken into account:
  1. Season. Heating is usually turned off between April and mid-May, depending on the region.
  2. Weather forecast. Before deciding to stop the heating systems, the weather forecast is reviewed - if a strong cold snap is expected in the coming days, then the shutdown does not occur. In addition, if there are prolonged frosts, the heating will also not be turned off.
  3. For the heating season to end, the average daily temperature must be more than +8 degrees. Moreover, this parameter should be observed over the last five days.

Ways to heat your home in the off-season

As you can see, the timing of the beginning of the heating season (and its end) is not stable and varies depending on the average daily temperature. It is clear that at +8 degrees it is quite cold in the apartments, and within the required five days the housing freezes completely. In addition, before the average daily temperature drops to +8 degrees and below, it can be +10 outside for several weeks, and no one will turn on the heating system. That is why residents have to look for ways to heat the apartment on their own. What methods are the most popular and safe?

Fan heaters allow you to quickly heat even a large room, and at the same time they consume a small amount of electricity. Since they do not take up much space, they are convenient to store when not needed, even in small apartment. However, it must be taken into account that their use worsens the air quality - due to the oxidation of the spiral material and the combustion of dust, the oxygen content decreases (read also: " ").

However, it cannot be said that the temperature at the beginning of the heating season is a priority factor. Still, the time of year plays a big role - even if it’s still warm in November, the heating will still be turned on.

Heating season schedule on video: