Analysis of hazards, possible accidents and their consequences during the operation of a stationary gas station

Currently, there are a number of reasons that give rise to accidents at substations, when the power supply to consumers may be interrupted and the normal operation of the substation may be disrupted with equipment failure.

About the occurrence and development of the accident operational staff recognizes by the activation of alarm devices, by instrument readings, as well as by a set of signals about the operation of relay protection and automation.

Information sources. Alarm devices according to their intended purpose are divided into the following types:

Signaling provisions;

Providing information about the positions of switching devices, which is placed on consoles, switchboards, and mnemonic diagrams;

Warning alarms, notifying about deviations from the previously set operating mode of the EO, about the appearance of various malfunctions that require quick measures to eliminate them;

Alarms that notify personnel with light and sound signals about EO shutdowns, performed on the principle of mismatch between the position of switching devices and their control keys, which occurs when the devices are automatically turned off.

By nature and volume of transmitted information, alarm devices can be:

Individual, when a specific circuit element is indicated that automatically turned off during an accident, and the relay protection devices that turned off this element;

Precinct, indicating the section of the diagram where it happened emergency shutdown EO;

Central, representing a set of light displays with which to turn off sound signal and flashing light.

Devices of this kind are located on relay panels and substation control panels. In this case, an accident can catch personnel anywhere in the substation, therefore, in all cases of alarm activation, personnel must arrive at the control panel, where they can receive all the information and fully assess the emergency situation.

Action plan. At any emergency situation Operating personnel must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

1. Collect and systematize the information received.

2. Analyze the collected information.

3. Draw up an action plan based on the information received.

4. Implement an action plan, adjusted when new information is received in the actual course of liquidation of the accident.

In addition, in the event of an accident, the operational worker must:

Turn off the sound signal, record the start time of the emergency;
- determine the location of the accident using one of the available types of alarm;
- inspect the displays on panels and control panels;
- acknowledge the control keys of switching devices whose signal lamps indicate a discrepancy between the position of the device and the position of the control key;
- report to the superior dispatcher about the occurrence of an accident at the substation and obtain permission to inspect the electrical equipment.

In this case, all triggered relays should be marked with chalk, the names of triggered relays should be written down, and the flags of the indicating relays should be raised. After receiving information about the accident, it is necessary to analyze it, taking into account the zones and principles of operation of the relay protection and automation devices, not forgetting the possibility of false shutdowns of the electrical equipment and failures in the operation of automatic devices.

In practice, it has been proven that without a clear logical analysis of the information received and an understanding of the accident, its subsequent elimination is simply impossible.

Drawing up a personnel action plan. In fact, drawing up such an action plan among staff is considered one of the most important skills. A well-thought-out action plan meets the following requirements:

Equipment safety;
- ensuring the safety of operating personnel;
- the fastest restoration of power supply to extinguished consumers.

When drawing up a plan, it should be taken into account that it should not in any way contradict the requirements of the entire energy system for the output of power by power plants, without limiting the flow of power along overhead lines and through the buses of node substations.

The implementation of the action plan must be carried out by personnel fully consciously, without violating safety rules and established order switching.

The personnel must show all composure and speed of orientation. In implementing the action plan, it is essential to monitor the restoration of the PS scheme and avoid any mistakes.

In the event of an accident in work time, company officials are notified senior operator, according to the notification scheme.

The person responsible for eliminating the accident is transported to the scene of the accident by car. During the period of absence of the OR, the commodity operator assumes leadership in localizing and eliminating the accident.

The management team gathers at the headquarters for localization and elimination of accidents. The location of the headquarters is determined by the OR upon arrival at the scene of the accident.

When emergencies and accidents occur at gas stations, officials who are responsible for the correctness and effectiveness of actions, and enterprise personnel, participate in their localization and liquidation.

When localizing and eliminating emergency situations and accidents, the primary fire extinguishing means (tools and materials) available at the gas station are used.

> Responsibilities of responsible managers and officials (staff members) involved in the liquidation of the accident, the procedure for their actions

Management of work to eliminate the accident, rescue people and reduce the impact of hazardous factors of the accident on property (property), people and environment is carried out by the responsible manager (OR), appointed by order of the director of Sokar Petroleum LLC (Appendix 1).

In order to facilitate the detection of emergency situations among persons located at the location of the control body for localizing the accident, he must have brightly colored clothing (helmet, jacket, etc.) orange color. It is prohibited for other persons, except the OP, to wear clothing painted in a similar color.

It is prohibited to interfere with the actions of the OR. In case of clearly incorrect actions of the responsible work manager, a senior manager has the right to remove him and take over the management of the liquidation or appoint another appropriate person for this.

The responsibilities of the OR are performed by:

at the level of accident development “A” - the responsible representative from Sokar Petroleum LLC.

before his arrival at the scene, the duties of the OR are performed by the senior operator (operator);

If a fire occurs, the responsible leader of the fire extinguishing is the senior official of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

> Responsibilities of the OR for localization and elimination of emergencies and accidents

In the event of an oil spill:

1. Stop all types of hot work, receiving and dispensing petroleum products.

2. Assess the situation: determine the location of the depressurization, assess the possible area of ​​the spill and the presence of sources of ignition in places where the spill may occur.

3. With the help of shift personnel, organize a cordon of the dangerous area (placement of warning signs).

4. Monitor the implementation of activities provided for by the operational part of the PLAS, their orders and assignments.

In the event of a fire, upon arrival at the gas station, the OR is obliged to:

1. Check whether institutions and officials have been notified according to the “Notification List” officials and organizations about an emergency situation, an accident at a gas station,” duplicate the message about the occurrence of a fire to the fire department and notify senior management.

2. Identify the number and location of people caught in the accident, take measures to notify personnel about the accident.

3. In the event of a threat to people’s lives, immediately organize their rescue, using available forces and means for this.

4. If necessary, turn off the power and take other measures to help prevent the development of a fire.

5. Stop all work, except for work related to fire extinguishing measures.

6. Implement general leadership to extinguish the fire until the fire department arrives.

7. Ensure compliance with safety requirements by workers taking part in fire extinguishing.

8. Simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, organize the removal from the danger zone of people not directly involved in the liquidation of the emergency situation and the protection of material assets.

9. With the help of shift personnel, organize a cordon of the dangerous area (placement of warning signs).

10. Organize a meeting of fire departments and provide assistance in choosing the shortest route to the fire.

11. Monitor the implementation of activities provided for by the operational part of the PLAS, their orders and assignments.

> Responsibilities of the senior operator

The senior operator (operator), during whose work an accident occurred at the gas station, performs the duties of the responsible manager of the work on localizing and eliminating emergencies and accidents at the gas station (OR), until the arrival of the chief engineer of the enterprise - the responsible manager of the work, guided by the PLAS.

If an emergency situation occurs, the employee is obliged to stop work, immediately report the incident to the foreman (foreman) and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminate the emergency situation that has arisen.

Workers who are nearby due to an alarm signal are required to immediately come to the scene of the incident and take part in providing first aid to the victim or eliminating the emergency situation.

When eliminating an emergency situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.

If a fire occurs, notify the fire department and the work manager, and then begin to extinguish the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment.

When using foam (carbon dioxide, powder) fire extinguishers, do not direct the foam (powder, carbon dioxide) stream towards people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, it is necessary to wipe it off with a scarf or other material and rinse with a soda solution.

When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch the fire extinguisher nozzle with your hand. When extinguishing electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V, it is not allowed to bring the socket closer than 1 meter to the electrical installation and the flame.

Internal fire hydrants must be used by a crew of two people: one rolls out the hose from the faucet to the place of the fire, and the second, at the command of the one who rolls out the hose, opens the faucet.

When using a felt mat when extinguishing a fire, cover it with a felt mat so that the fire from under it does not fall on the person extinguishing it.

When extinguishing a fire with sand, use a scoop, shovel, etc. Do not raise it to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

Extinguish burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from contact network, only carbon dioxide, aerosol or powder fire extinguishers are allowed.

It is possible to extinguish burning objects with water, chemical, or foam fire extinguishers only after the work manager or other responsible person has indicated that the voltage from the contact network has been removed and it is grounded.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not touch the contact network or other live parts.

If foreign suspicious objects are detected, it is prohibited to carry out any actions with them. It is necessary to isolate access to them from others and immediately inform the foreman (foreman) and law enforcement officers about this.

Actions of employees to provide first aid medical care to victims of injuries.

First aid is a set of measures aimed at restoring or preserving the life and health of the victim, carried out by non-medical workers (mutual aid) or by the victim themselves (self-help). One of the most important provisions of first aid is its urgency.

First aid sequence:

1. eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors that threaten the health and life of the victim (free from action electric current, remove from the contaminated atmosphere, extinguish burning clothing, remove from water, etc.), assess the condition of the victim;

2. determine the nature and severity of the injury, the greatest threat to the life of the victim and the sequence of measures to save him;

3. carry out the necessary measures to save the victim in order of urgency (restore airway patency, perform artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, stop bleeding, etc.);

4. support the victim’s basic vital functions until arrival medical worker;

5. call an ambulance. help or a doctor, or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.