How to make an opening in a load-bearing brick. How to properly make a doorway in a load-bearing wall: recommendations from experts

The layout of the premises in an apartment is not always to the liking of its owners. There is a need to reconstruct the living space or redevelop it, connecting adjacent rooms. Perhaps there is a need for new windows or additional doorway, then to do this you need to punch holes in brick wall.

Prices: Diamond cutting (diamond blade)

Thickness of structures (cm.)BrickConcreteMonolithAsphalt
Up to 12400 700 900 300
13-15 600 900 1300 450
16-19 800 1200 1600 580
20-22 1200 1600 2000 800
23-25 1600 2000 2300 -
26-30 2000 2300 2800 -
31-35 2300 2800 3300 -
36-40 2800 3300 3800 -
41-50 3300 3800 4300 -
51-60 3800 4300 4800 -
61-70 4300 4800 5300 -
71-80 4800 5300 5800 -

This decision must be supported by permission from the architectural service, especially if it concerns load-bearing walls. Otherwise, unqualified intervention can cause the destruction of not only a separate wall, but the entire building. This may entail not only administrative, but also legal liability.

It is important to know that when designing some residential buildings, the safety factor of building structures is reduced to reduce costs. Therefore, it cannot be performed in such houses.

Perhaps the neighbors have already made changes to building construction, and their strength decreased. Then redevelopment is also impossible.

What is needed to make an opening in a brick wall?

Before starting work, you need to find out whether there are any communications - pipes, wires - running through the future opening. Discovered communications are moved to another location. The plaster and other covering down to the bricks are completely removed from the wall.

It is important to find out whether the wall being rebuilt is load-bearing. Construction drawings are used for this.

The size of the opening is regulated by building regulations. IN load-bearing wall the maximum permissible opening width is 200 cm. The load will be distributed evenly if the opening is placed closer to the center of the wall.

It is very important, when starting work, to make the correct markings for the future opening. If mistakes are made, they will be difficult to correct in the future. Markings are applied in accordance with the design on the surface of the wall on one side using a ruler, square and pencil. To transfer the marks to the other side of the wall, drill through holes at the corners of the perimeter and connect them with a pencil, outlining the perimeter of the future opening. To prevent a collapse brickwork, install supports. Along the perimeter of the future opening, rectangular holes of 75 * 100 mm are punched, the size of wooden pins, which are cut from beams. The studs are inserted into the prepared holes and supported by vertical supports made of iron beams. This creates a contour that secures the wall. Now, when breaking through an opening, the wall will not be damaged.

Punching an opening in a non-load-bearing brick wall

To prevent collapse, the excavation of bricks begins from the top row. The bricks are carefully knocked out using a hammer and chisel or using. The hole must be reinforced with a jumper, which will evenly distribute the load on the opening. For the lintel, two channels are used, which should be 30 cm longer than the opening on each side. First, holes are drilled in the channels every 30 cm. To install the reinforcing elements, grooves are made on both sides of the wall, channels are inserted into them, they are connected to each other with metal pins threaded through the prepared holes, and secured with washers.

How to make an opening in load-bearing walls

If a load-bearing wall is undergoing reconstruction, it must be strengthened above the opening. To do this, use metal corners or a channel. They withstand loads well without being subject to deformation. Corners are preferable, as they fit tightly to the wall and the edges of the opening. The technology for installing the reinforcing structure is as follows. Along the perimeter of the opening, grooves are made into which corners or channels are inserted in pairs on one side and the other. Through the through holes made, the corners are tightened together with bolts. Next, they begin to excavate bricks for the future opening, using a diamond tool, or carefully using a chisel and hammer.

When the opening is broken through, its side planes should be strengthened and bottom part. To do this, cut two pairs of channels of the required length for the side supports and one pair for the bottom, and make holes in them. Grooves are cut out on the wall into which channels are inserted and fastened with construction pins, threading them through through holes drilled in the wall. The side channels are welded to the upper and lower channels. Additionally metal structure reinforced with vertical metal bridges. For lintels, strips of metal are used, cut into sections equal to the thickness of the wall. Using welding, they are connected to vertical channels with an indentation of 30 cm. The lintels are placed along the entire perimeter of the opening.

The final stage of work will be plastering the broken opening and installing a window or door in it.

Punching openings is a set of measures aimed at expanding old or creating new niches and passages in load-bearing walls and partitions. The sequence of actions depends on the material of the structures; masonry made from small bricks requires special attention. Such work has direct influence for strength, their implementation begins only after receiving the appropriate permission housing services, ideally they are trusted to professionals. The main nuances of the technology include the creation of additional support systems, monitoring the progress of punching or cutting and strengthening in order to properly distribute the load.

Building codes limit the height of niches and passages in the load-bearing wall of an apartment building brick house 2.1 m, width – 0.7-2. The requirements become more stringent with increasing load; on the first floors the permissible maximum is 0.9 m. When preparing and approving the project, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Presence or absence of weight loads: making an opening in a partition is easier than in load-bearing systems. Considering that the majority interior walls In residential MBCs, beams or floor slabs are laid, safety requirements increase, strengthening becomes mandatory. The exact purpose is indicated in the registration certificate of the house.
  • Information about previous redevelopments. According to building regulations door passages on different floors must be located on the same line; the implementation of this work by neighbors reduces the chances of obtaining permission to break through.
  • Distances to external walls (the permissible minimum is 1 m), columns, ceilings, ventilation ducts, communications and chimneys. In each case, these parameters are different; for these reasons, specialists are involved in the design. In load-bearing structures, openings are located as close to the center as possible.
  • The condition of the brick base (if any), the foundation of the house and the degree of wear of the walls and ceilings, the pattern of dressing of products, the manifestation or absence of any masonry defects, the service life of the house.

The trim is removed, and when selecting sizes, the need for clearances for the door frame is taken into account. Work begins after receiving the appropriate permit; deviations from the plan are unacceptable. Partitions and openings installed during previous redevelopment are not affected; measures are taken to remove wiring in the right places and change the wiring of main communications. If there is no plan for their placement in the apartment, a metal detector is used.

Amplification technology

When working with critical load-bearing structures, a mandatory condition for admission is the presence of additional supports supporting a temporary beam that absorbs and redistributes weight loads. They can be made in the form of columns made of bricks or by installing reliable jacks, steel beams or wooden beams at a short distance from the wall being broken through in the area of ​​the future opening. After this, in the right places, using a hammer drill, through holes are drilled for metal pins supporting a temporary horizontal support.

This method allows you to remove a number of blocks and place a thick one in the resulting niche. wooden beam, reinforced concrete jumper or metal channel. The depth of the horizontal support depends on its height, the standard range varies between 15-30 cm. The lintels are secured with studs and concrete; dismantling of the lower rows begins after the solution has hardened. Strengthening is a prerequisite; the type, dimensions and thickness of the metal profiles to be laid in the case of load-bearing structures are justified by calculations, which can only be carried out by specialists.

The second, simpler method is to fasten two thick (at least 8 mm) corners, fixed with reliable metal bolts passing through the masonry. To press them in using diamond saws, two small slots should be made - to the depth of the supports along the length and taking into account the size of the shelf. To eliminate the risk of solution spillage, the cracks formed during drilling are covered. cement composition. This technology makes it possible to obtain a fairly reliable lintel; this method is often chosen when moving openings in one’s home.

Support for the upper rows is required; a wall without a lintel quickly collapses and reduces the overall strength of the building. The exception is arches, but they are allowed only in non-load-bearing partitions. If there is any doubt about reliability, additional measures are taken. These include filling possible cracks and defects with cement-polymer mortar, installing a U-shaped frame or corners around the perimeter, or installing 2-3 horizontal shelves. The latter are laid by drilling longitudinal strips with diamond saws and placing corners in the slots. All metal elements are connected by welding or bolts, the joints are cleaned of scale, and the surface is treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Sequence of punching an opening

The standard course of action after obtaining permission to make changes includes the following steps:

  • Protecting the floor and nearby structures from broken bricks, eliminating the risk of damage to communications. At this stage, all unnecessary objects and baseboards are removed, furniture is moved away from the future passage to a distance of 2.5 m, and all surfaces are protected from dust.
  • Marking and cutting to secure the lintel.
  • Installation of supports to unload load-bearing walls.
  • Laying the lintel with subsequent reinforcement with concrete. It is permissible to proceed to the next stage only after it has hardened.
  • Punching with a hammer drill or diamond cutting from top to bottom, followed by removing bricks and removing excess debris.
  • Check the condition of the edges and strengthen them if necessary.
  • Agreeing on the correctness of the reinforcement, obtaining a completion certificate.
  • Making changes to the registration certificate of the house in the BTI.
  • Finishing.

Depending on the type of tool used, the formation of the walls of a new opening or its expansion is carried out using the diamond cutting method or by punching using a hammer drill, sledgehammer, wedges and collapsible tongs. The advantage of the first option: when using water-cooled saws, virtually no dust is generated, the masonry is not subject to shock and vibration, and the work itself takes a minimum of time. This method is recommended to be chosen when making changes to bearing structures MDC, including due to low noise generation.

The disadvantages of diamond cutting include high prices and the need for expensive equipment, not everyone provides such services construction companies. Punching of openings is carried out with impact tools (compared to diamond saws, a hammer drill is more affordable).

The sequence of actions generally remains the same: several holes are drilled under the lintel, weakening the adhesion of the brick → the products are knocked out with a sledgehammer or hammer → all excess protrusions are knocked off, cracks and gaps are filled with cement-sand or polymer mortar → if necessary, the side edges are strengthened → all metal parts are cleaned and painted with anti-corrosion primers.

The holes are created carefully, the hammer drill is directed perpendicular to the wall. When working with ordinary internal partitions, you can start punching without reinforcement, the best option It is considered complete dismantling of this section and standard installation of support at the required height. Load-bearing structures clearly require the installation of additional supports; any actions aimed at destroying the masonry are carried out after transferring the load to the beams and the future lintel.

The expansion is carried out according to the same scheme, the only difference is the need to dismantle the old door frame. Given the small volume of bricks to be removed, it is recommended to do drilling using diamond saws. Supporting corners most often need to be lengthened; to avoid risks, it is worth replacing them. With rare exceptions, there is no need to place a new lintel for the opening. If the passage width exceeds 0.9 m, it is better to reinforce the new edges with a metal corner.

Cost of work

Approximate prices for these services excluding the price of building materials are given in the table:

View Additional conditions, thickness U measurement Price, rubles
Making an opening in a brick wall Up to 25 cm m2 1500
Up to 50 cm 2500
More than 50 cm From 3000
Construction of arches in brick partitions With a thickness of up to 15 cm 1500
Arrangement of openings within standard sizes using diamond cutting and subsequent reinforcement with metal Wall up to 15 cm, reinforced with a corner 50×50 PC. 15000
up to 25 cm/100×100 mm 23000
Up to 60 cm/100×100 mm 37000
Punching with a hammer drill followed by debris removal Wall 12.5 cm m2 1700
25 cm
38-40 cm 2000
50 cm 3000
75 cm 5000
Expansion of the opening using diamond cutting with simultaneous strengthening Wall 12.5 cm p.m. 800
25 cm 1500
38-40 cm 3000
50 cm 4000
75 cm 6000
Installation of lintels after disassembling partitions and laying a new opening 150
Corner reinforcement With corner dimensions 63×63 1600
100×100 2600
160×1600 7000
Complex reinforcement of an opening in brick walls with a channel 12 channel 2600
16 channel 4200
24 channel 7000

The prices given do not take into account the cost of building materials and the costs of their delivery. The conditions for collection and removal of waste are also negotiated separately, taking into account standard prices and volumes of broken bricks. Prices for work depend on the purpose of the walls; making changes to loaded structures is more expensive. The correctness of the strengthening must be checked by the housing inspection before signing the completion certificate; the punching and installation of lintels is entrusted to companies that have the appropriate approval.

Let us immediately note that the device opening in the main wall the matter is more than responsible, since the structures of the building, which are load-bearing, are affected. Under no circumstances should this be done without consulting with specialists and without obtaining permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and approval from the authors of the house!

With such a redevelopment of load-bearing walls, it is important to first go through the approval process, and only after its approval, begin the appropriate actions, strictly following the methodology prescribed in the project.

There are 3 types of residential multi-storey buildings in which the possibility of constructing an opening in a load-bearing wall can be considered:

  • old brick (Khrushchev, or aerated concrete block);
  • panel;
  • new monolithic ones.

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house.
Such redevelopment of the wall may be necessary in cases of connecting the kitchen and living room, increasing the window opening or increasing the living space due to the apartment located next door, etc.
However, carrying out such work without approval is fraught with adverse consequences:

  • destruction of a house or individual structures;
  • a fine for constructing an opening without permission;
  • repairing the wall and all building structures that were damaged as a result of unauthorized unacceptable actions, to transform them into their previous condition at their own expense.

So, what kind of opening can be made in a load-bearing wall? Clear general requirements, such as the width of the opening, the amount of indentation from the outer (external) wall, etc., exist only for panel houses due to the fact that they were all built in a standard way.

The answer to the question “is it possible to make a doorway in the load-bearing wall of a brick house?” will depend on the results technical inspection house, year of construction and other data. The same applies to modern monolithic houses - there are no general clear instructions, therefore the maximum width of the openings will vary, based on individual characteristics project of each house.

An important point is the year of construction of the building itself, since any material is subject to wear and tear over time. When constructing a doorway, it is impossible not to take into account the change in loads, therefore, for coordination, a project for strengthening the opening with the corresponding drawings is necessary.

Expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall

The very fact of expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall is a more serious matter than carrying out redevelopment due to the opening. In this case, strengthening the opening is the primary task of the event to ensure your safety. When enlarging a doorway in a load-bearing wall, it is important to remember several important points:

  • strengthening of support is necessary, the installation of a metal structure will help with this, which will prevent the destruction of the building;
  • approval is impossible without a technical report and preparation of a package of design documents, since such redevelopment is not possible in all houses.

If you want to enlarge the doorway in the load-bearing wall in apartments on the top floors, obtaining permission is much easier, due to the lower load on the main walls. The situation is more complicated with the coordination of such work on the lower floors, since the load is much greater and the walls are not designed to carry out such activities.

Moving a doorway in a load-bearing wall

The relocation of a doorway in a load-bearing wall also requires approval, since the main wall of the building is affected, in addition, all changes must be made to the BTI plans.

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the existence of such a possibility.
Such work must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of housing legislation, rules fire safety and SNiP. If you move a doorway in a load-bearing wall without coordination and taking into account all the requirements, this will entail a lot of unpleasant consequences, from a fine to returning the apartment to its original form at your own expense.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

Obtaining permission during the approval process for an opening in the load-bearing wall of a brick house is less problematic than in other houses. The thing is that brick houses are more durable, since the walls in them are less dependent on each other. If you are the owner of an apartment in a brick building, for approval you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt, where in accordance with current legislation you will be given a conclusion on the possibility of constructing an opening in the main wall.

The situation is different with obtaining permission when approving an opening in a load-bearing wall panel house, because in such houses almost every wall has an impressive load. If you unauthorizedly build an opening in such a wall, this will weaken it and have a detrimental effect on the structural stability and safety of the entire structure, because all the main walls are interconnected. To coordinate such work and obtain a technical opinion on the possibility of this redevelopment in panel house you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP (Moscow Research Institute of Typology).

To coordinate an opening in a load-bearing wall monolithic house you must also contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or directly to the authors of the house, which will issue a conclusion on the possibility of legitimizing an opening in a load-bearing wall.

The employees of Architectural Design Studio No. 1 will professionally approach the coordination of a doorway in a load-bearing wall. Quality of work, affordable prices and reasonable terms for approval - these are the main principles of the company.


The construction or transfer of an opening in a main wall is more than responsible, since the load-bearing structures of the building are affected! There are 3 types of houses in which the possibility of such redevelopment can be considered:

  • old brick (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt);
  • panel (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP);
  • new monolithic ones (permission can be obtained from the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or from the authors of the house).

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house and requires approval from the specified authorities.

Questions and answers:

Question: Tell me, is the installation of an opening or its relocation considered redevelopment or reconstruction of the building?

Answer: Redevelopment and reconstruction are completely different concepts. Reconstruction includes more global changes than redevelopment (for example, changing the number of storeys, replacing engineering systems etc.). And redevelopment is a change in the configuration of a room. Accordingly, work on moving or installing openings is redevelopment.

Sometimes, for redevelopment in an apartment or private house, it is necessary to make a new door or window opening. Creating an opening in the load-bearing wall of an apartment brick building is not the easiest task. Things are easier with redevelopment in a private house, here everyone is their own boss.

What is a doorway? This is a hole in the wall intended for installing entrance units. A fixed fixed element in the inter-wall space is called door frame. Often an arch is made as a decorative element of the interior.

Construction of a doorway in a load-bearing brick wall

Before starting work, you must contact a specialist who will make a demonstration project with all calculations based on the client’s wishes. To implement the project, significant costs are required, which start from an amount of 30 thousand rubles. So when you get down to business, you need to consider a lot. Independent work on the installation of a doorway will help the owner save money - it will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Construction of a new opening

  • it must comply with building codes;
  • It is advisable to place the hole in the central part of the supporting structure;
  • it is necessary that the top part coincides with the cement seam of the masonry;
  • the space between walls up to 0.9 m wide does not require reinforcement operations.

When creating an inter-wall space in a supporting wall, you need to properly create reinforcement. Equally important when changing the design of walls is the safety of life of other residents. apartment building and preservation of the structure of the building itself.

Work order

First of all, you need to decide where to organize additional space for entry and exit. It all starts with markup. You need to decide on the width of the hole, and then begin to determine its future location with a pencil. From external wall you need to measure the distance and make a mark - from here we begin to draw the outline of the future interior space.

A thick wall structure is being cut on both sides, so marking will be necessary on both sides. reverse side.

For their exact match, it is necessary to drill several holes according to the pencil markings (Fig. 1). And then on the other side connect all the holes with a pencil line.

Rice. 1

The above-described manipulations should be carried out using a building level, a triangle and a ruler.

Since we will create the space in the load-bearing wall of a brick house, it is necessary to take care of auxiliary partitions and lintels in advance (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Removing a section of wall


Before starting work, it is necessary to free the supporting wall structure from the layer of plaster along the drawn line so that the seams of the masonry are visible. However, it is necessary to remove the plaster with extreme caution, because most likely there is wiring located underneath it - damage can lead to the failure of the entire power supply system.

When the seams at the site of the future empty space are visible, you can begin to work. You need to start removing bricks from the very top. First, the top row of bricks is removed, which will be the width of the entire door space. A jumper is inserted here on which the structure will be supported.

Next, more holes are made above the jumper. It is necessary to install a beam into the resulting hole, which will act as a support. The support beam must be supported with a jack so that the structure does not collapse during operation. The beam and jack will support the weight of the entire wall structure (Fig. 3).

Channel lintel

Then all holes are lubricated with concrete solution. After drying concrete mixture, you can continue working on knocking out bricks.

The structure should be strengthened if the door space is more than one meter wide.

To protect the floor from falling bricks, it is necessary to make a flooring from boards. Bricks should be removed with diamond drills to minimize damage to the wall structure.

Violation of the technology for removing bricks can lead to weakening of the structure, its premature wear and deformation.

It should be noted that the space under the door must be 10-20 centimeters larger than the door or window frame. This gap can be filled polyurethane foam.

Strengthening the opening

Strengthening work is being taken away maximum amount time, as they are carried out painstakingly. Organized empty space under a door or arch must be reinforced with channels. It is advisable to use a channel jumper with vertical posts. Channels are mounted on both sides, which are screwed into the previously installed wooden lintel using bolts (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

If the space in the wall structure is large, then it is reinforced not only in the upper part, but also on the sides (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

How to determine a load-bearing wall in a brick house?

The most basic way to determine the supporting wall is to familiarize yourself with the floor plan of the living space. Such a plan must be included in the registration certificate or house register. To understand diagrams and drawings, you need to have some drawing skills. Experience in construction would be helpful. Then you can easily distinguish a supporting wall from a regular partition.

Rice. 6

Usually interior walls have a thickness of no more than 18 centimeters. The smallest thickness of the supporting wall is 38 centimeters - a masonry of three bricks. Four-brick masonry is possible, which forms a wall 51 centimeters thick. Often the wall thickness is brick houses is 64 centimeters - five-brick masonry (Fig. 6).

If the plan cannot be found, then you should use general rules definitions of load-bearing walls in a house:

  • if the walls face the street, we can definitely say that they are supporting;
  • walls shared with neighbors;
  • wall thickness more than 380 mm, as mentioned earlier;
  • walls facing the landing.

Exterior finishing

After completing the work on forming the opening in the brick load-bearing wall, everything must be decorated decoratively (Fig. 7). What is needed for this? First of all, you need to decide on the choice of finishing material. Will it be wood, plastic or decorative rock- you decide. Next, you need to show a little imagination and create decorative elements in the formed space of the brick wall.

Rice. 7

For self-cladding, you should have basic knowledge in the field finishing works, and also requires a special tool.

If you need to decorate the space for a door without having one, then you should use additional boards. This will add elegance to your new room decor and add sophistication to the interior. You can create such a cladding yourself.

The opening made in the form of an arch looks beautiful. As a rule, arches come in round or pointed shapes. To decide on the shape of the arch for the client, check out the design catalogs. The most common today is the Byzantine and Greek style. In some cases, the arch can be made with lighting.

Install door block on a load-bearing wall, if it is not provided for in the project, it is very difficult. The problems are related to obtaining permission. You cannot cut openings in load-bearing walls without authorization. In addition to the fine issued, the passage will be forced to be pawned. There will be more problems if the structure of a multi-story building is damaged during amateur activities.

Load-bearing walls take the load from the floor and roof slabs. Partial dismantling without installing a supporting structure will cause cracks to appear. Not on time Taken measures will lead to the collapse of the building.

You can independently determine where load-bearing walls and partitions are located according to the plan. They are indicated in the registration certificate for housing bold lines. In the absence of documentation, the main walls are determined visually by their increased thickness. Usually they are located at the junction of apartments with each other and with a flight of stairs.

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

To move or cut a new one doorway on a load-bearing wall, you must submit an application to the head of the housing inspection. Based on the decision made, further work is carried out.

If the issue is not agreed upon with the authorities, the opening will be forced to be walled up and a fine will be issued.

Cutting down or moving a doorway in a non-load-bearing wall can refuse:

  • If the service life of an apartment building more than 20 years and in all this time there has never been overhaul. A dilapidated building can collapse.
  • When there is already a door on the wall on the floor above. The refusal to obtain permission to make an opening is justified by the impossibility of their location on top of each other.
  • When the apartment is on the first and second floor. In multi-story buildings, the entire load falls on the walls.
  • If there are obvious building defects. If cracks have already appeared on the walls of the house, permission will be categorically refused.
  • When it comes to panel and monolithic high-rise buildings, it is easier to get approval to move the doorway for residents of a brick house.
  • Completely demolish the entire main wall of the building will not be allowed under any conditions. With this option, a collapse of the floor slabs will certainly occur.

To obtain a technical opinion on admissibility, the following authorities go through the process of issuing permits:

  1. The owner of the property submits an application to the head of the housing office. Additionally encloses an apartment plan and detailed description future changes to the main wall.
  2. The received permission gives the right to contact BTI employees, where specialists will develop a project and draw up new documentation. Further approval of changes to the main wall occurs with the gas and fire inspector.
  3. The final conclusion is made by the controlling organization.

After all documents have been completed, redevelopment can begin.

How to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

Making a doorway in a load-bearing wall begins with cleaning the surface. Delete everything Decoration Materials down to brick or concrete. The outline of the future opening is drawn on the cleaned wall. At all turns and straight sections, through holes are drilled at short intervals. On the back side of the partition, the outline of the opening is also drawn. The marks are previously made holes that help create an accurate projection.

Before cutting the passage, temporary supports for the ceiling are installed. The supports will reduce the load on the walls and support the floor slabs. Cutting along the markings begins from the bottom up. It is undesirable to use percussion instruments, especially for panel houses.

Tools and materials used

To cut an opening in a main wall you will need cutting tool. The simplest option is a grinder with a diamond blade. Professionals use a wire saw or circular saw With diamond coating. Make holes with a powerful electric drill. Drills are used with diamond tips in the shape of a cone or square.

Additionally, you will need a hammer, pry bar, sledgehammer, level, and marking tool.

The materials are used to prepare a channel, angle and steel strips. Metal will be needed to strengthen the new opening.

Panel house

Cutting an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house begins with arranging a lintel. A through slot is made along the horizontal marking line. Its length should be greater than the width of the passage in the wall. The protrusion is needed so that the lintel has reliable support beyond the boundaries of the opening. A metal corner is inserted inside the slot on both sides of the wall. To prevent the two halves of the lintel from moving apart, through holes are drilled through the wall and tightened with long bolts. Finished metal structure walled up with concrete.

Further work continues after the solution has hardened. Cutting is carried out using a grinder with a diamond blade. First they follow the entire marking on one side of the wall, then move to the other side. The cut section is cut into squares to make them easier to dismantle. Each segment is carefully knocked out with a sledgehammer. Defects at the ends of the opening are smoothed out with a grinder.

Brick house

To make a passage in a load-bearing brick wall, perform similar actions. The difference is the marking. It is advisable to place the lines at the seams of the masonry. The upper jumper from the corner is inserted into the space between the seams. Wall cutting can be done using diamond-coated drills. First, the mortar is drilled into the seams, and then the masonry is dismantled using a pry bar.


The embedded jumper is only a safety support. To strengthen the opening in the load-bearing wall, a channel is built in from brick. The workpiece is taken 60 cm larger than the width of the opening. Windows 30 cm deep are cut out at the ends of the walls for a new lintel. If the masonry is thick, then two channels are placed on both sides of the partition. All voids are sealed with concrete mortar.

To strengthen the opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, a lintel from a channel or I-beam is cut in in a similar way. On both sides of the aisle they install vertical racks. The result is an opening framed by a U-shaped channel structure. The posts are welded to the lintel using electric welding.

If a project is being developed to strengthen an opening in a load-bearing wall, where it is planned to cut out an arch, a mandatory trim is constructed on the sides. The supports are placed regardless of the wall material. The upper lintel is made of bent channel. Metal elements arched vault welded together.

Changing the size, location or new cutting of an opening in the main wall of a building is considered redevelopment. You cannot begin work without obtaining permits.