Dream interpretation railroad rails train. Why do you dream of a Railway in a dream, dream book of seeing a Railway, what does it mean

Why do you dream of a railway and a train? The dream book often interprets them as a symbol of travel, a long journey, and the need to take decisive action. But such a vision in a dream can also portend difficulties with business, the machinations of enemies, and anxiety.

A journey ahead

Did you dream about a railway and a train? In reality, a long journey awaits, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as benefits.

Why dream of seeing a train station from the outside? There are pleasant adventures, joyful events, and travel ahead. Waiting for the composition there - you need to be patient, waiting for the desired result.

Business success depends on your actions

Did you dream that you were very bothered by waiting for a train at the station? The dream book tells you: stop waiting, it’s time to act.

Meeting someone at a train station in a dream means a new beginning is coming, you should think everything through carefully. Seeing off - you will receive a very interesting offer.

Have you crossed a wide river on a bridge on a train? The dream book reports: business will experience a temporary decline, but it will soon be replaced by a sharp, significant rise. Try to make the most of it.

Seeing a railroad switch in a dream means: the sleeper is faced with a difficult choice. To translate it is to make an important decision.

Miller's Dream Book: guests will arrive

A dream about a railway and a train can foretell the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar and pleasant communication with them.

You will achieve your goal

Why dream of crossing the rails in front of a rapidly approaching train? An anxious period is approaching, full of labor-intensive work that will turn out to be of little profit.

Walking on rails in a dream - the dreamer will achieve happiness thanks to the masterly management of his affairs, although he may have to work for a long time.

In general, the rails, regardless of whether they run straight or bend, indicate: in reality you have chosen the right path.

Difficulties in business

The dream book, explaining why you dream of a railway and a train, warns of problems in the business field. Enemies, influencing the business that the sleeper is engaged in, try to move the person from a leading position. Now we need to prevent the initiative from passing to them, and concentrate on solving work issues.

Seeing a railway depot in a dream means receiving help from people you did not count on. Being inside it means trouble and anxiety.

The dream book calls a railway crossing a symbol of striving for a new goal, but it will be overshadowed by obstacles and difficulties.

Other meanings

Various nuances are important for the correct interpretation of a dream:

  • to see winding, tortuous paths - to experience a very difficult time;
  • I dreamed of traces of the paths, but they themselves are not there - there are changes ahead on the personal front;
  • snowy railway track - the sleeper will repent of his actions and will get a chance to change himself, his life, taking into account past mistakes;
  • if it is flooded with muddy water, an unpleasant event will occur that can cause depression, but if the water is clear, failures will follow for some time, but the person will overcome them;
  • paths leading to the sky, as the dream book indicates, portend profit, as well as moral satisfaction;
  • rushing to heaven on a train in a dream is a serious boost in business, which will require painstaking work, a lot of effort, and the ability to take risks, but all this will pay off handsomely and bring the dreamer an increase in his status.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about the Railway in a dream according to 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Railroad” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

A girl sees a railway in a dream- to the journey she will take to visit friends.

See obstacles on the road- speaks of unfair play towards you.

Crossing paths- means the onset of a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream- predicts that in real life You will achieve happiness by skillfully managing your affairs.

Seeing flooded rails in a dream clean water - portends that you will experience failure for some time, but you, like a phoenix, will rise again from the ashes.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Railway in a dream?

Seeing a railway in a dream- means that in reality you will soon have a long trip or business trip.

Be a railway worker yourself- to a quarrel with your boss or troubles at work.

To see a train in a dream- to the upcoming concern for one of the relatives, ride in it- a serious offer of cooperation awaits you.

If in a dream a train rushing at speed suddenly brakes or derails- this is a sign of your mistake, a wrong decision.

Being on a train that crashed- means that you have to sacrifice your principles, go against your will in order to achieve your goal.

Hurry for the train- to the news, arrive at your final destination- to achieve the set goal.

To see a locomotive in a dream- means that due to family contradictions you will have difficult communication with relatives.

Seeing an electric train in a dream- this means that soon you will meet a new acquaintance that will dramatically change your future life.

Seeing a train depot in a dream- means that you will receive help from those you didn’t even count on; being inside it means upcoming troubles and anxiety.

The driver you dreamed about- a symbol of the slow but sure achievement of the results of your work.

Seeing a railway worker with a crowbar in a dream- means that your competitors or ill-wishers are trying to harm you, so you need to make a lot of effort to resist them.

Seeing yourself in a train compartment in a dream- means that you have to go on a long trip to solve personal problems or family issues.

Azar's Dream Book

The railway is a journey.

Dream book of the future

Railroad - a pleasant, profitable journey awaits you.

Dream book for lovers

The girl who dreams of the railway- she will go to relax with friends, and a romantic adventure will await her there.

If you dream that the railway is flooded with clear water- this means that separation from your loved one awaits you, but after it you will find a surge of love and, possibly, marriage with this person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Railway and rails in a dream- symbolize certain circumstances that you cannot change.

Drive or walk along the railway without much difficulty- a sign that in some matter you should trust fate and not worry in vain.

Difficulties along the way- a warning that the things you are about to undertake do not promise to be easy.

Train crash in a dream- urges you to abandon some planned business, otherwise it may end in irreparable disaster.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a railway- this means that you will soon discover that your business needs special attention, since your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams of a railway- this means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there.

Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream- means betrayal in your affairs.

Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track- means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream- a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs.

Seeing railway tracks flooded with clear water in a dream- means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Railway in a dream?

Railway in a dream- portends a profitable trip at someone else’s expense. If in a dream you are driving along it- this means that pretty soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and resolutely begin to eliminate these obstacles.

Dreamed railway station- indicates that in the coming days you will have to use public transport services.

For a young girl to see herself in a dream at a train station- means that she will happily go to her friends vacationing outside the city and have great fun with them there.

A railway crossing seen in a dream- symbolizes your desire for a new goal, which will encounter significant obstacles and difficulties. Walking on sleepers in a dream- portends the intensification of your activities in a new direction, which will bring immediate success and high income.

Railway switch- means that at the moment you are at a crossroads in life, move the arrow- make the final choice.

Cross the railway tracks in front of a fast approaching train- means the onset of an alarming period in your life, full of painstaking but low-income work.

Driving across a railway bridge across a large, endless river in a dream- to the fact that a temporary decline in your business will be replaced by a sharp rise. Seeing yourself in a dream as a conductor of a railway carriage- in reality you will have to turn to your closest neighbors for a small favor.

If you dream that you are riding a train through an absolutely hopeless railway tunnel- this means that soon you will be involved in an unusual enterprise, which will result in sad events or endless troubles for you.

Walking through an underground railway passage in a dream- you will never be able to solve the mystery that you have already been working on for a long time you're scratching your head.

Get lost in such a transition- means that you will take a path that will not lead you to success, but will distance you from it.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a railway appears in a dream- the time has come to pay special attention to your affairs: your enemies are trying to take the initiative into their own hands.

Barrier on the railway track- means betrayal in the business sphere.

If you are walking on railroad ties- a time of anxiety and exhausting work awaits you.

Walking on rails is a sign that you will achieve great happiness through skillful management of affairs.

If a girl dreams of a railway- this means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have great fun there.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Railway according to the dream book?

Railway - symbol spiritual path, a strictly specified direction of development and course of life, which does not allow any personal freedom of action.

The railway, unlike a regular road, was laid earlier, it is straight and level. And therefore, if you move along it, it will report the most favorable or forced course of the circumstances and affairs of the sleeper.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were traveling on a railroad- soon you will be able to find out the cause of your failures and eliminate it.

If you dreamed of a train station- this means that in the near future you will be using public transport services.

If you dreamed of a railway crossing- there will be significant obstacles on your way to achieving your goal.

If you dreamed that you were walking on railroad sleepers- you will have a change in your field of activity and quick success.

If you dreamed of a railroad switch- this means that at the moment you are at a crossroads in life, move the arrow- the time has come to make a final decision.

If you dreamed that you were crossing the railway tracks in front of an approaching train- this means that turbulent times will soon come in your life, danger is possible.

If you dreamed that you were moving across railway bridge across the river- this means that a temporary decline in your business will be replaced by a sharp rise.

If you dream that you are traveling on a train through a railway tunnel- this means that you will soon be drawn into an adventure that could end very badly.

If you dream that you are walking along an underground railway track- this means that you will never be able to solve the mystery that has tormented you.

Schiller's Dream Book

The railway is a profitable journey.

Ukrainian dream book

Railway in a dream- you are traveling on a long road or some unexpected guests will arrive.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a railway- the dream means that after some time you will be overcome by uncertainty and doubts associated with your ability to sexually satisfy your partner. You will probably want to change a lot in your life, and above all in the sexual sphere. You should not act impulsively and thoughtlessly - in the future everything will be resolved by itself.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Railway according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, railway- warns you that your competitors are not asleep, and if you are not active, you may suffer losses.

More interpretations

Walking along it means good luck and joy await you.

I dream that you are stomping on sleepers- do something new that will bring you not only success, but also considerable material benefit.

Trying to jump the tracks in front of an oncoming train- vanity and worries await you, you will put in a lot of effort, but you will get scanty results.

A dream in which you imagined a railway crossing- speaks of your great desire to radically change something in your life, but something will interfere with you.

Video: Why do you dream about the Railway?

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    I walked in a dream across a bridge that was located under an even larger bridge. There were a lot of people and suddenly the supports of the bridge above me began to collapse and I managed to jump off and run away..... I also remember how some voice said how much one of the collapsed supports weighed. What would that mean?

    the dream was that I was riding on the rails on some kind of plank, trains were passing nearby, I was afraid that they would hit me, but everything was fine, then I was walking on the rails along the railway to the dacha, I’ve already dreamed about something like this, but I don’t know the meaning

    the train falls from the bridge into the water. a train with passengers travels across the bridge. I see the picture from the outside. The bridge over the water is broken in the middle. the train reaches the edge of the bridge at speed and, continuing its trajectory, travels through the air for some time, while some cars are still on the bridge. When the bridge ends for the entire train, the train is completely in the air, starting from the driver's cabin, gradually but quickly plunging under water.

    I dreamed that I was on a train, got out to buy something and fell behind him
    Left alone, without money and phone
    Wandered along the rails, looking for a way out of the situation
    The station where I got off was called Izurit
    A strange dream

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I and some group of guys and girls were running across the railway. ways. On the way there were arrows that we tried not to touch so as not to knock the train off the right path. The first time I crossed the tracks, and then I dreamed again that we were running again and there were more tracks than the first time, I saw that a train was coming and I had to run faster, but I began to get tired and run slower, there were arrows everywhere, there were a lot of them, which was very difficult there was no way to step on them. I ran to the edge and didn’t have enough strength to climb onto the platform, so I ran back, in the middle of the tracks someone turned the switch and I saw that the train was passing right next to me, and then it was as if I found myself lying under this train while it was moving and I was very scared that he might hurt me.

    Hello, I dreamed of a metro station that doesn’t exist. I passed my station and got off at this station. I drank tea in a cafe and took the train in the opposite direction. There was some strange elderly woman watching me there. And when the train pulled up to my station, I woke up.

    I dream of a railroad and my daughter’s bed is laid out on it and I see the train moving and in my head I think how good it is that the child is gone, but for some reason in the dream I suddenly see myself on the train with my daughter and her nose started bleeding and then everything got mixed up in a dream, my husband appeared and gave me a lot of paper money, but for some reason I swore that I didn’t give it all...

    Hello, today I dreamed that I was choosing shoes, and to make right choice, I took heroin. After the purchase, I swam naked along a river with rusty water, at the bottom of which there was a railroad. I swam to the girl. I arrived at some construction site, where the cops started looking for me. My girlfriend and I got into the elevator, went up to the 22nd floor, pressed the stop button, and decided to wait out the bustle that reigned below. I needed to urinate, and I did it right in the elevator, and urinated for about 3 minutes, and it felt like the liquid would never come out of me.

    At first I saw a man with a daughter, with whom I am in love, although he does not have a daughter in real life. My best friend was with me. The four of us were walking near the railway. I was constantly jealous of him for her. Then I saw that his daughter was running towards the railway, she ran after her to save her, but then she got scared, but, fortunately, everything worked out. Then they invited me to the cinema with them, but I already needed to go home, and I refused. I was terribly angry with my friend because she went with him and didn’t leave like me. After that, we met again in the evening and went to accompany him to the station. (he is not from my city), there I hugged him and whispered in his ear that I was glad that we had met. Then he left with his daughter, and I was still looking for them to see them off. I didn’t want to part with him.

    I was going to go somewhere to study. I have now finished 9th grade. My mother helped me get ready and took me to the station. It was abandoned, like the railroads in cowboy movies, but it didn't look real, it looked like an anime drawing. I got on the train and rode, looking out the window. It was very worrying.

    In a dream I cross the railway with my youngest son. and suddenly a freight train passed by and we stopped and then crossed the road. and on the other side of the road my husband was waiting for us. And we are all waiting for our train.

    i dreamed of trains passing me, I counted 5 of them, there were more passenger trains and they flew past me one after another with a small interval, it was night time, but not dark, but twilight. a warm vision, and before that my husband and I were traveling on just bought a car, but not a new one, by asphalt road with holes in the asphalt, but my husband drove the car carefully and never drove into a hole, the road seemed to be long, then the dream ended and I don’t remember what I dreamed about; it was the most vivid and memorable of the entire dream.

    In a dream, I was walking along the rails, a train was coming towards me, in order to avoid it, I switched to other rails, and found myself in a tunnel, nothing was visible, just darkness, there were no sounds, my ears seemed to be deaf, When, I still I came out of there and on my chest there was a pendant in the form of a pebble, usually it’s blue, but here it was red and it felt like my chest was being burned through with fire. then I woke up

    A railway with trains on it, a bridge that is not ordinary, but just slabs 1 m thick, not level, I follow a person I know, I stumble almost at the end of the path, I don’t fall, I wake up with a strong heartbeat

    I was traveling by train, I drove for a very long time, I was looking for some city, a homeless man sat down next to me, he talked to me about something, which I don’t remember, he also asked for my hand, then he got up and left, and a blood stain was left behind, I moved to another seat and the dream ended

    it was such a dream! as if I were on the train platform in the form of minibus 4 and in the form of buses 27.2, but I needed four to get to Vinogovovo, in my dream for some reason all the people were shouting at the driver of this train-bus, as it was in my dream. the train pulled up, and I started talking to the driver, how are we going to get on it to Vinogradavo!? to which he replied that we’ll only get there after two stops, I didn’t understand him, I said two stops and that’s it, I woke up...

    I saw my house in a dream ex-boyfriend, he lives near the railway tracks
    there were a lot of people, everyone was waiting for the train, but the arriving trains were all going in the wrong direction and my ex-martyr freaked out and went home. As soon as he left, the train everyone needed came up, but I didn’t get on it, although my current boyfriend was among the people. then my ex’s mom came out, we said hello and I went home, but my ex didn’t let me leave
    we stood with him, took pictures, he hugged me, everything was so real, his warmth was nearby... usually he didn’t really like to be photographed, and even more so he didn’t take the initiative to take a picture together
    we saw a car standing nearby and he was afraid that someone would see us together, that is, he wanted to be close, but he was afraid because my boyfriend and ex best friends

    I dreamed of a railroad with rails that were moving. I was very afraid to step on them in case my legs were cut off. As a result, I crossed these rails, but with constant fear inside.

    I stood on the same side of the railway with ex-girlfriend, hugged each other and kissed, and then, out of the blue, we started running across the railroad, we missed several trains passing by, we almost got hit by a train approaching us, but we still ended up crossing this road together.

    I was on a train, I had something in my hands - I don’t remember, then everyone got off at some small station in the middle of a forest, field, meadow, mountains, I was walking somewhere with someone - I don’t remember, but I need was about to return to the station and get on that same train again (I had tickets for it and I, like everyone else, didn’t get to the destination station, but the train was left for some reason - I don’t remember) and so... I needed to get to the platform , it was necessary to go through the tunnel. The tunnel was dark and it was scary to go down it alone, but my old friend (died in 2007 from a heart attack) promised to take me through the tunnel to the platform (I don’t remember when he promised and under what circumstances). So, I’m standing there, waiting, but my friend is still not there, and I’m pressed for time. I tried to go into the tunnel, but I couldn’t go any further - it was scary! I think, but how can that be, he was always so obligatory - my train will leave, it will leave without me! There was another girl, but I don’t remember what role she played. Only I decided to cross the railway. along the rails, although it was not so easy, but I overcame the path and ended up on the platform, and then the train arrived, although one was not mine and I missed it, then I got on the other and everything was fine. For some reason it was crowded. I sat up and remembered that I had forgotten that the girl had some small pebbles from the sea, about the size of a two or three liter container, like a saucepan, wrapped in a thin pink plastic bag... That’s when I woke up...

    I was standing in a grassy clearing, behind me there was a small building (the size of a garage), and to the right and left side there were railway tracks. Trains passed me, but not very quickly, since a little ahead the roads practically touched and two trains were traveling very close to each other.

    I dreamed that I was traveling by train to a certain place, but I passed my stop and got off in an unfamiliar place, at some station, I asked how I could get back. There I met a man I liked and because of him I was late for the return train and stayed with him. Then I woke up.

    I cross the railway and see that a train is coming... and I yell at some girls behind me, let’s hurry up, girls, the train is coming... and we run across the road and run forward along the wet path... and along the edges of the path thick green sedge grew... we ran into some yard and started drawing crosses on some board... I also dreamed that I was talking with my husband and in the conversation I discovered that my husband was cheating on me... I ask who she is, he begins to deny it and prove that I thought wrong....

    It was winter. I was riding the train, then I got out onto the platform, the train left, and I stayed, I saw my younger brother, you might say... for some reason he was naked. and as soon as I approached him... a train flies by, I grab it, jump with the child into a snowdrift, cover him with my fur coat... then someone takes my brother... I walk along the rails.

    I saw a neighbor when I lived in my parents’ house as a child and youth, she died about 15 years ago, she hugged me by the shoulders and said, let’s go, I’ll show you the new house where I will now live, we went, then she stopped and she says, this is where I will live (I haven’t seen the house itself), but just don’t tell anyone where I will live now, I answered her: I never tell anyone anything and woke up

    My friends and I (with whom I don’t communicate much anymore) walked to the side railway, like we would like to cross it, but here a rusty train is coming, and the last car got stuck in the rails and became detached from the other cars, we can’t understand anything, we quickly crossed the rails and watched what would happen next, and then a good train was coming, with normal coloring, modern and moving on this carriage that got stuck and seemed to pass through it and there was no rusty carriage, and the normal train was traveling as usual, and then my friends and I found ourselves in a completely different place where there were many railway tracks that were outdated and dangerous to ride on, and a lot of rusty pipes, carriages, and then trains began to travel and we began to run from some tracks but others so as not to get hit by a train, and then I climbed into some carriage and ended up in a prison where I was looking for my friend

    I dreamed that I was in the basement with my father and he had to fix something, when he went down he gave me a bag of potatoes and it tore. Then I left the basement and went to the rails, when I saw that the trains were coming, I began to run across the rails, when I ran across the rails, I tripped twice and almost got hit by a train. When I ran across, I ran back, when I ran across the bag of potatoes was intact and I went home with my father.

    I dreamed that I was walking along railroad tracks...on flights...which are in the air...it was very high and scary! There was something like an abyss below...
    and then the dream continued... but I was already walking on a very slippery road with pieces of ice. I slipped a lot but didn’t fall!
    Thank you)

    I had a dream that I wanted to fly on a plane, then I couldn’t leave the building because it was raining heavily, and so hard that this rain formed strong puddles. Then I somehow got out, I don’t remember how, and saw a railroad in front of me and crossed it

    Hello, I dreamed that I was going to some person’s birthday, I took a bottle of Becherovka and Marengo with me as a gift, at that time I was waiting for my girlfriend from another city, but she called me and said that she would not come that day, further I walked and it began to be like a poor quarter, there were no high-rise buildings there, only private houses in not very good condition, but before that I crossed the railway, at first there was a train there, I thought about crawling over it, but as soon as I changed my mind, it destroyed me places and left, the paths seemed to be on a small hill, but it was not very convenient to get over, but I climbed over it, then there was an area to my left where there was something like some kind of factories, it looked like some kind of ore was being mined there then I saw in the distance these enterprises were very big Bang, but it was planned, then I got to that birthday and woke up

    An abandoned railway, private houses have already been built close to it on one side, and on the other side the sea approaches closely. Right under the railway track there is a great depth. The water is very clear but not cold, but rather fresh and pleasant. And I didn’t notice that it was salty, maybe it wasn’t the sea, but a large lake, like Baikal. But while sleeping, seeing water without shores on the other side, I thought it was the sea.
    I walked past one such private house, along the railway, hearing the squeak of a puppy or kitten. I looked under the railway track. I saw him, climbed into the water, the water was not cold but not warm either. When I started getting this puppy or kitten, the alarm clock woke me up.

    a friend persuaded me to climb to the top of the bridge, it was like in America with hanging things, the bridge was familiar, but there is nothing in life from above. There were railway rails and carriages standing below. I am terribly afraid of heights and it was unrealistically scary to climb on them, but how -then I climbed in. They were just like wires, I climbed in and lay on my stomach on them. I also remember that I was wearing a black T-shirt, which I wear at home. Then the police detained us, it turns out that this was prohibited by law, but they only gave us a warning .

    I walked alone along the railway tracks, in the evening, to a neighboring town for a walk, when I arrived in town I met a friend, and she introduced me to her friends, after walking with them a little, I got on the bus and went home.

    I see a railway track. I'm looking for my girls, getting into the carriage to go home. I understand that I’m going in the other direction, I get out, I see the rails again. I climb into the carriage, which is as old as a 2-story one, and I don’t see anyone I know while driving. Then we saw a friend, talking to her, looking around the carriage through the eyes of my girls, but I couldn’t find it. I'm eating on the second floor. A pleasant conversation with a woman.

    in a dream I stopped at a railway crossing to let a train pass, it turned out to be a freight car that was moving on its own, and music was coming from it, as if it was singing, three or four guys were coming towards me, who saw the car, but still went to it at the cutting edge, I thought that they wouldn’t have time to get through and the carriage would crush them, but they managed

    I dreamed that I was driving a train at high speed and with right side I see another train that has gone off the rails and overturned. I start to brake sharply so as not to crash into it and manage to brake without colliding. I got off the train, and a lot of people got off with me. I climbed onto the bridge above the rails and there I saw a lot of people I knew. Suddenly everyone screamed, I look down and see that on the left side of the train from which I got off, another train is rushing at great speed and he doesn’t stop and everyone understands that he’s about to demolish everything. At breakneck speed he demolishes everything in his path, there’s a terrible accident and everyone is screaming. And after that, like a failure, I see that I’m going in the other direction on another train and suddenly it turns out that we’ve arrived at Moscow. I start asking the people sitting next to me where is my mother, where is my daughter? And they tell me: who cares, Natasha, think about yourself. I got off the train and don’t remember anything else. After this dream, I felt wild fear and I had a feeling that all this was real. Please help me find out what this means

    I am walking along the road and see railway tracks that I need to cross. Inside there is a feeling of panic and danger, as if I were crossing the road, and at any moment a car could jump out from around the corner and run me over. There are no trains on the rails closest to me, suddenly two trains appear on the far rails, and they travel almost simultaneously like this, as if they were interfering with each other, one practically jumped on the other. While they are driving like this, I pass through the rails closest to me, by that time they have already left and I cross the remaining rails. Relief appears inside, as if from passing an obstacle.

    I was traveling by train, when I arrived at my station, people simply did not let me get off. As a result, the doors closed and I had to get off at the next station and transfer to another train.

    I missed the train and had to walk along train rails, and route that I missed. There was a long tunnel on the way, and the rails also diverged. But a young man helped me, pointing out the right path. I walked for a long time and came to a cozy, most ordinary place, something like a village. There was a feeling of joy, I discussed this is with a young man.

    A freight train without carriages, just platforms, like a car chassis moving along the railway track. Suddenly there is a crash and the train goes off the rails. I find myself an eyewitness to this incident while at the same time being a passenger. I’m moving towards the point where the train leaves the path. I clearly see the reason: the flow of water washed through the embankment of the railway road, as a result of which the railway bed sank.

    According to the general mood, the atmosphere of the events taking place is more inclined to wartime (i.e. there is a war going on, people are hiding in the tunnels, but trains continue to run in them) I met a red-haired girl, became friends with her. But as the situation developed for a moment I I lose sight of her, but then I meet her again. We are lying on the tracks (for some reason people began to get out of the cars and walk along the tracks), a train passes over us (we were waiting for it as an event signifying something important) and then the war ends, everyone comes out of hiding into the street.

    I get on a motorcycle backseat I don’t even see who’s in charge, but I know it’s a young man. We very dashingly go out onto the railway and drive along the railway track, right along the sleepers

    the railway is the terminus for trams, i.e. in a circle and next to a bridge across a river and everything around in green grass I watched all this and only mowed the grass a little near the river; only there it was not cut.

    I'm on the train home. The next station is mine, the road smoothly turns to the left but the station is visible (edge). I was even more amazed at how close Malino was (the name of the platform from which we were setting off). On the railway there was a blockage of rubbish that was being cleared by workers. The ground lay on the rails so that the rails were not visible. The train started moving and I “thought we could get through or not?” We drove through and the road was clear. And even when I looked towards my station, at the houses and trees, my soul was happy!

    an old, rusty railway that runs through a swamp. The tracks are partially in the water, and in some places the rails are broken and bent. in a dream I either ride a trolley or walk. faint fog. All sorts of leeches are visible in the water. The whole dream was just this, how I made my way along this path, but I don’t know where or why.

    Dream: I am standing between two railway tracks. I turn my head to the right and see that two trains are moving simultaneously (fast) in my direction. It seems to me that they will knock me down, I look down, but then I am convinced that I am not standing on the tracks (I cannot move), therefore, “I will stay alive.” I look to the right again. One train travels directly between two railway tracks. There is no signal, only the obvious sound of an approaching train. Lights up bright green. Awakening. Although, I don’t always want to wake up in dreams of this kind. And I can't even explain why. If something very dangerous, serious, important, etc. happens. Then I would rather deal with the whole problem personally. But here I failed. Something made me wake up. I'm dreaming about this for the third time. Unfortunately, I won’t tell you the time difference. Does this mean anything?

    someone’s white Zaparozhets and my dissatisfaction with him because I asked for another car (I don’t remember which one) to go somewhere. There are 3 young people next to me. It’s as if we are getting into this Zaparozhets and setting off. then I see from above the railway tracks in the circular square, like in front of a depot or marshalling station, and from there a locomotive slowly leaves to the mouth of these roads. Then, with these young guys, we seemed to come out of Zaparozhets and walk along the frozen mud. the dirt is smooth without cobblestones and we find ourselves in the yard tall house with white walls.

    Hello, my name is Sveta. Tatyana please help me. I dreamed about how my mother and I were walking along the railway behind the train and suddenly my mother’s friend saw my nose and said why do you need this, come to my house, we said no thank you and her neighbors had an angry dog, she was in chains and barked at us and then we we drank some water and walked back as a lady along the iron roads and suddenly my mother became my brother and we walked and I got lost and couldn’t find the road there, it was very beautiful, there were cows in the field, a horse and I screamed, there was one girl in the distance, but she didn’t hear me and In a friend, I heard the voice of a girl who was having sex, but I didn’t see her, I went upstairs, I was very scared and cried and saw a very beautiful horse there with a guy with a violin and I woke up.

    I dream that I’m trying to get home, and something is always happening, for some reason (I didn’t have time, they didn’t let me pass) I can’t get off at my station. For example, today I dreamed that I was walking along the train cars to be closer to the end platform, people crowded together and did not allow passage, as a result, the doors closed and I went to the terminal with people I didn’t know. At the terminal I changed seats and went back, But even there, I tried to get to the exit earlier and got off one stop earlier, when than I knew that I was on the next one and got out anyway. There was a lot of snow and I was so tired of passing my stop that I walked in its direction. That’s it.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was walking along railroad tracks, but I couldn’t see the road ahead. Then I stumble and fall under the rails and get crushed and can’t get up. But my sister was nearby and helped me get up. When I looked at my leg there were no scratches or blood.

    I dreamed that my parents and I were dismantling some spare parts and moving a pile of some metal things. Moreover, my parents divorced a long time ago and my mother remarried. Mom is happy and so am I. Since I have a brother and I actually don’t miss my father at all. But in the dream, it is with my own father and mother that I do the big cleaning. We then come across a large abandoned railroad with a long abandoned train with colorful walls. And for some reason this road is in the air, as if it were a bridge. The side walls of the train are painted mainly in bright and warm colors. This is not the first time I have seen this abandoned train.

    I'm on the train, then the train drove a little and stopped. Columns of smoke can be seen in the distance. Someone said that our town was burning. We wait on the train. Railroad, turn ahead. Coniferous forest. Green. And I think that there were things and documents left there.

    I met some guys. A guy and two girls. They decided to go to the still closed shopping center to steal and they invited me. I went. Only one girl stole. And even when everything had already opened, she continued to do this, and I just walked around the center. As a result, we left the center (the guy seemed to also steal and had a thousand rubles and he gave me 500) and headed forward. I said that I didn’t want to go home and would go with them. This was in my hometown by the way, not where I am now. On the way, we came across a railway; we calmly walked along the tracks not along, but across. Suddenly I turn to the guy and tell him, be careful! I point to the train. I turn to the girl and shout to her, but I don’t clearly see (even though I’m nearby) how the train has already passed her. I look at the third girl and we both start running, first the train is on one track and we ran across, then another on the second and third, we made it. On the fourth, I see a girl falling, as if stumbling, and apparently she has a head injury. This didn't affect me. The ambulance has arrived. I saw the girl’s head covered in blood. I knew that there was one corpse, but there was no rumor about the guy at all. I only remembered him after I woke up. Again, I will say, I don’t know them. IN mall I found a place to sit somewhere. That wounded girl came up to me; she just hit her head on the rails, but didn’t hit the train. She was very beautiful and in some ways we were similar. And she took my hand and said let's get out of here. We walked arm in arm, up the stairs, and were almost out on the street, and then I say... I paid for my sin, for theft, the girl understood who I was talking about and said that ‘sin’ is not the right word, it’s not good... And that’s all. I woke up and can’t sleep anymore and I only think about this dream. And I'm afraid. The thing is that if you read the dream books here, then I will either lose someone, or I’m in danger, but at the same time I have a trip to see friends (and I’m just looking for money to go to my mother and friends in my hometown ) and you need to reconsider your affairs, otherwise your enemies will add insult to injury.

    A railway and a bridge suddenly appear in front of me. It’s as if the bridge itself begins to be built and all this happens within a minute. Then I find myself under the bridge and there are some people I know who are blowing up stones with dynamite, I’m trying to convince them and they are shouting “don’t leave... lie down” and they show in the center which box was there.

    I was walking (I don’t remember with whom) along some road (similar to a bridge over a river) and as if there were rails in front of us (also above the river and above us), but we saw that they had broken in the middle and people were sitting on the train and waiting when will these rails be fixed?

    I'm riding a bike with a man and a woman. Ahead I see railway tracks running along the hills, we step aside, a bright, elegant train slowly passes by. Passengers, many children, are looking out of the windows. On the train there is a sign "Timashevsk". Male voice He says, I remember my grandmother took Gosha there on this train.

    Hello, my husband and I are on our way home, and we got there right away; he had already left and was standing in front of the window. And I see that the train has already moved, and I try to jump from the window, but it doesn’t work. I'm throwing at the Vogons, please stop. But I still left the next station.

    There was a long story in a dream, then my friends and I ended up on the train, we were kicked out and they left, but for some reason I didn’t know that we were going, so I went, I was pushed away by the conductor and jumped out, crashed a little

    I dreamed that I was in a building on a high floor, looking for a ladder to go down and couldn’t find it, I saw rails right there in the room and in the distance a brown bear was lying on them, I slowed down, it was scary to approach and I saw she was already next to the bear cub, stroking him, and then slowly turns into a woman with a child. I woke up.

    I was walking along the railway, it was cold and dark, then I passed by some house in which a lantern was burning, a guy came out from there and offered to take me to my house, we had a very nice conversation, the guy was good and in many conversations our opinions coincided. Then I woke up. Why is this dream?

    I dreamed that I met my second cousin and we walked along an abandoned railway to an abandoned city, but we had already been there a couple of years ago. When we came to this abandoned city, in the forest on the path I saw myself dead at 12 years old. Then we just walked around the city, but noticed that we were being pursued by a maniac, and from there we went along an abandoned railway back to our city. When we arrived in the city where we live, we went to the store and a drunk man followed us, but when we entered the store this man disappeared. There was a crowd of teenagers in the store and one guy looked at us intently and angrily. Then we went to choose something for ourselves, but then thunder roared and I woke up.
    I already had this dream about how we walked into an abandoned city along an abandoned railway a year or two ago.

    I was driving a car, reaching an unregulated railway crossing, I looked around, thank God, standing in front of it, a lot of trains began to drive in front of me, from all sides of the railway tracks, one after another

    Hello. From yesterday to today I dreamed that I was traveling in a compartment with girls I knew, I recently started communicating with the common-law husband of one of them, and not only did it go to bed, but I can’t do this anymore and broke off relations with him today. In general, I’m going with them, I don’t know where they are, but I’m going to a sanatorium. And I’m still worried that this girl won’t find out about anything. And then I discovered that I forgot my bag in the taxi and decide to get off in the nearest city, but I pass the stop (this city) and decide to get off in another city in order to get home on another train, but when I get off the train they tell me that The next train back will only be in the evening, I decide to go buy a ticket and wait in the hotel, and then I wake up. Even now, in reality, I am also worried that no one will find out about this guy and me, his common-law wife. They worry so much that I’m already dreaming about it.

    I dreamed that I seemed to be walking idle along the railway... I was just walking here and there... And there were a lot of roads and I was just walking along them, jumping from one to another and so on... I was just walking, not following one path... somewhere in the distance I saw the forest, the air was warm, not cold.. the breeze was also warm, but it wasn’t hot.. the weather was good.. I just don’t remember if there was a train... The roads were empty, and I just walked along them, not definitely on the rails or sleepers.. I walked and didn’t think about what I was doing here, why I was walking here... I have a dream almost every day... I hardly have dreams, but if I do, they are mostly prophetic... I don’t even know how to understand this dream

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, but now I talk to him. We were planning to go somewhere by train, he left for the water and the train left, I was on the train and I and he both felt so sad... it was a sunny day, I didn’t see anything so bad

    The dream was from Saturday to Sunday. I dreamed of the railway in Lugansk like before the war in Donbass (before 2014), a bunch of passenger trains, people on the platform.. I’m walking along the platform, I don’t know why, and then policemen in Ukrainian uniforms are walking towards me and I have the thought “if my documents are checked (and I have a LPR passport!), then I’ll be in prison for separatism in at best, in at worst, they’ll kill you.”..and without hesitation I boarded the Moscow train that had arrived. I sat down, and my soul immediately became calm.. I called my mother and said that I was leaving for Moscow and would return as soon as the situation improved and there would be no persecution from Ukraine.. Here such a dream. thanks in advance

    I’m not walking to the railway alone with the children, they went to the platform and I noticed that the rails were trampled into the mud or there were none at all, there were lines on the dirt reminiscent of rails, some grandfather muttered something to me, I answered him, “Let everyone die on their own territory,” I I went to see the children and woke up... what could my dream mean, please answer.

    It was evening, I was with my friend (with whom I am in love) at the railway station. I met an old friend there and came up to talk, I asked the same guy not to disturb us. He got off the platform and lay down on the track line (there were no trains nearby), when I saw him on the tracks, I went down to him and began to peer to see if the train was coming. Before I could reach the guy along the tracks, a train appeared in the distance and all the electricity went off. It became completely dark and I crawled across the tracks to the platform and began to call my friend, he did not answer me and I woke up before the train reached us.

    My friend and I were just walking along the road. Then we came to the railway. It seemed like we were waiting for the train on which we could leave. I said that I should go to the farthest stop, and he should get out in 2. But you need to buy tickets. Which we never did.
    Then the picture changes and I am alone trying to get from this railway to my destination, but I can’t and call a taxi.
    Previously, I had a dream where my ex took me away from this railway

    Today I dreamed that I was standing among the rails in what seemed like a field, and I felt anxious because I was afraid of being hit. Also next to me there was some kind of switch or something else. But it was difficult to open the lid. Then I caught transport to my city. (hitchhiking) then two people got into a fight in the car.

    I dreamed that on railways, sleepers pass right between the rails, but there are pits there, not sleepers, and my husband and I seemed to be joking, etc., he left me in this pit and I shout to him, give him your hand, he really pulled me out and I come on to swear at him, why is he such a talent and never joke like that, and if the train arrives, it’s a little vague that he left the fence or wanted to leave it and the two of us got stuck in a hole, it seems, and I still vaguely remember that the train was traveling far away

    I dreamed that my family and I were supposed to go to Kyiv, we were already at the station. Then I was offended by my husband because he was standing smoking when the train was about to leave. But the husband seemed to come in at the very last moment with her boyfriend’s sister, grandmother and brothers.
    And then half the train understands that they are not going to Kyiv, but to another city. I ask the driver where he is going, he said that not to Kyiv but to some other city. And he quickly stops the train so that people get off. I ran out and waited for the steel ones to come out. But no one came out. Only my grandmother and brother waved to me. Then I ran to the station. And she ran through some kind of scary, abandoned basement. But at that moment I remembered that I had already dreamed of this basement in another dream and I knew how to get out and end up at the station. And I also remember that in another dream I was leading my grandmother and brother through this basement. Well, when I was almost there, I woke up.

    I'm walking along the railway tracks. A clear, sunny day, the grass is green and tall. There are many railway tracks, both on the right and on the left. Suddenly I hear a train whistle, turn around and see a train coming around the bend in the distance. I can't figure out which way he's going. I'm scared. I'm trying to run. The dream ends, or I don’t remember further. This is not the first time I have had dreams about trains, and I always feel afraid that the train will crush me.

    I'm approaching the station, where the railway diverges into many tracks, they intertwine and diverge. The station is still far away, and the trains travel there at great speed. I'm looking for something there. Or someone. And on the paths and between them I find many skeletons and people cut up by wheels. There is a person with me there who is very dear to me. And the dogs for which I also worry that they might suddenly be killed by a train.

    I dreamed that I was trying to cross the railway tracks, because on the other side someone was waiting for me and calling me, but I don’t remember who exactly, I couldn’t cross because the road was blocked by a moving train: two cars that pulled the entire train, the first car was facing forward and I was driving forward, the second was looking back, but was reaching out for the first, when the train caught up with me, as if it began to turn and bend over to fall, I tried to run, I had to run a little down the mountain, but at the same time the fences got in the way country gardens

    Today I had a dream around 3-4, as if I was walking along an empty railway, I heard a locomotive, but I didn’t see it. I hear my mother’s voice, she tells me, daughter, how beautiful you are. I feel as if I should die, I have yellow hair on my head, curled and as if I am saying that my children should not be given to anyone and my husband should not be allowed to marry

A station, a trip, a railway track in a dream often indicate the approach of expected changes in personal life, predestination, and sometimes come true in direct meaning: waiting long journey, business trip, pleasant trip. Common interpretations mean a long journey of life, moving along a well-trodden track. Intuitively, a person can most correctly interpret what a railroad and a train mean in a dream, despite the mystery or prosaic nature of the dream.

General meaning of a dream about a train and rails

It is as follows:

  • having a life goal, moving forward, improving;
  • to quick changes in life;
  • to changes in career and workplace;
  • the situation requires decisiveness in reality;
  • there will be a difficult choice;
  • perhaps long-distance planned or unexpected travel.


The inevitability of events, stability, and sometimes predestination or unhurried movement towards change - this is what dreams of railroads, rails, trains mean.

Regardless of the shape of the dreamed paths, whether they were curved or looked straight, the dream can be a confirmation of the right path.

Sometimes a railway track in a dream is a symbol of futility, the inability to change the situation, the interference of unwanted people in your affairs, as well as evidence that an important matter requires attention and adjustment.

The railroad can also mean the sequence and orderliness of events, depending on the nuances and details of the dream.

Sometimes seeing a railroad means interference of enemies in your affairs, interception of the initiative.

Walking on rails in a dream means you will have to solve current problems in an unconventional way, or you will be forced to take control of the situation. Considering the opinions of dream interpreters about what the railroad and train mean in dreams, we can assume that the plan will come true thanks to the talent and extraordinary abilities of the sleeper, and the dream also invites you to leave worries and trust in fate.

Rails covered with rust - poverty, sluggish development of events, predictability. Strongly winding rails can signify difficulties, as can paths covered with vegetation, or a dead end. A broken railway track can foretell death.

Walking along the railroad tracks means a restless time of problems, anxieties, and mental exhaustion is coming. Seeing intertwined rails is a sign of the unification of people or destinies. Walking along the rails towards a moving train is a risky undertaking, a danger. Walking along the sleepers means advancement in a new direction, success and big profits.

Crossing the railway in front of a fast-moving train means troubled times and unproductive work.


Let's look at what dreams of the railroad and rails mean. various circumstances dreams.

  • Seeing a train means worrying about loved ones.
  • Waiting out a rushing train is a forced pause; in reality, it will require a lot of patience; and sometimes the vision reflects missed chances.
  • Seeing many carriages is a sign of longevity.
  • Waiting for a train - in reality it corresponds to the application of effort.
  • The burdensome expectation symbolizes the need for decisiveness in reality.
  • Hurry to the train - get the news.
  • The train has started - progress in business.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train standing idle at a station?

  • A vivid plot of a dream about a parking lot may foreshadow a stop in a career, stagnation in life, the hopelessness of a project or a business that has no continuation.
  • Stopping the train is a delay, an annoying delay.
  • The slow movement of the train denotes the dreamer's anxiety regarding the solution of an important issue.
  • Fast train - receiving a message.

Travel by train:

  • Wait for a worthwhile offer in the business field.
  • Being inside a train compartment is a trip dedicated to solving personal issues.
  • Climbing onto the top shelf means unjustified expenses and unpleasant travel companions.
  • Motion sickness on a train means obstacles and unwanted incidents.

Seeing a destination in a dream is a favorable sign, meaning a successful outcome of events. Traveling by train across a wide river on a bridge means the end of difficulties; things will go uphill sharply. Being on a train passing through a dark tunnel means sad events, difficulties in business, and an unjustified adventure.

As the dream book says, a railway associated with a disaster in night vision calls for abandoning the plan, otherwise it could turn into a big disaster. A train derailing, sudden braking is a harbinger of irreparable mistakes, incorrect decisions in reality. Being on a train that crashed means in real life you will have to go against yourself and your principles.

Seeing an electric train means a new acquaintance and fateful changes. A freight train means fatigue, the need to retire, and sometimes a solid profit. "Freight Train" - symbol physical labor, and the passenger one - mental.

Many trains at the station - a series of important events.

Railway station

The station usually foreshadows new events that are coming or have already occurred, but the sleeper is not yet aware of them. A fateful meeting, a desire for change, a road, separation - these are the interpretations of a railway station, especially if there are no trains there.

If you dream an old man at the station, the vision may foreshadow his serious illness or death. Meeting at the station may mean the appearance important person in real.

As the dream book suggests, a railroad, rails, train that does not come to the fore in a dream can signify false hopes and unfulfilled plans.

Waiting for a train can also symbolize a thirst for change in life, a desire to break off an unwanted relationship, hide from an obsessive admirer, or meet new friends. A long wait is a prototype of long loneliness in reality.

Hearing an announcement of arrival means changes will burst into life. If you happen to see a train approaching the station from afar, this is a good sign.

Unusual details

If the railway tracks were flooded, expect unwanted obstacles that will darken your life for some time. If the water looked clean, the tests will be successfully completed, and marriage with a loved one is possible. If it is cloudy, hopes will not come true.

Obstacles on the rails symbolize hypocrisy and foul play in relation to the dreamer. Difficulties along the way can be interpreted as a difficult matter. If at the same time the dreamer clearly distinguishes the direction of the paths, it means that, despite any obstacles, everything will work out in the end.

Seeing a railway switch is a sign of an upcoming choice. Move the arrow with your own hand - to the final choice.

Rail marks, lack of rails - problems in your personal life.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train in the middle of winter or in unfavorable weather conditions? A snow-covered railway track, the progress of the train, held back by the raging elements, indicate impending repentance for wrong decisions and actions.

Paths ascending to the sky - to profit, to moral satisfaction. Rushing upward on a train at high speed is an unprecedented success and rise in business.

Moving sleepers, seeing how others do it - soon you will have to take on serious responsibilities that take a lot of physical and mental strength. If the sleepers were noticeably dilapidated, old problems will not fail to make themselves known, unfinished business from the past will require attention, perhaps familiar people will take you to places where you have not been for a long time.

Taking pictures on the rails is a sign of a new romance. Seeing the rails clearly in the photo is a sign of routine and a long, calm family life.

Erotic meanings

A railroad in a girl’s dream means what awaits her an amusing trip perhaps a happy time with friends.

In an erotic interpretation, seeing a train or railroad in a dream can mean the dreamer has doubts about his sexual capabilities. But the dream has positive interpretation: soon any questions will dissolve into memories and everything will return to normal.

Seeing a person on the platform, following a moving train with your gaze - means a change of sexual partner. A train rushing past can also symbolize sadness or boredom.

Looking at bright pictures of nature outside the train window is a sign of family life, full of emotions and fun.

Wandering around the carriages in search of a seat means inconstancy, frivolous meetings and a lengthy choice of a partner.

Indirect symbols

Walking through an underground passage means unsuccessful attempts to unravel someone’s plans. Getting lost in the transition means delaying the fulfillment of desire. Railway crossing - unexpected obstacles.

Being a railway worker means trouble in the workplace and dissatisfaction with your superiors. A railway worker with a crowbar - the ill will of competitors, the machinations of enemies.

Seeing a driver means unhurried and confident progress towards success. Railway depot to see - to unexpected help. Being inside the depot means facing trouble.

Meeting someone at the station is a warning about the importance of upcoming events and the need for reflection. Accompanying a person to the station means an interesting offer awaits.

Unusual circumstances

The appearance of a train in a dream can be interpreted based on the current situation. Considering the state of affairs or health, it is not difficult to understand why the railroad is dreamed of: in a dream for a pregnant woman, the symbol can mean the imminent approach of childbirth, but in normal circumstances, what is there will not remain the same.

It is also worth remembering the symbols that were present in the dream and diluting its main meaning. Details can inform about the features of the journey, if this is a dream about a train, complement the picture of meanings.

Sleep time and interpretation

It is believed that night hours are not conducive to receiving information from the subconscious, and the most suitable time for this is the morning, when the mind is rested and freed from disturbing thoughts. There is also an opinion that an unmemorable dream will not come true.

Considering the day of the week, dreams that occur on Friday and Sunday nights are more likely to come true, sometimes on Tuesday. You can also take into account the most likely dates of the month, moon phases, church holidays and your own date of birth when interpreting dreams. Experts define the third day of any month as the date of dreams coming true, as well as most of the numbers of the first ten days of the month.

You can understand whether a dream marks the past or the future by looking at the accompanying symbols: if their meaning has not yet been manifested in the life of the sleeper, perhaps the vision refers to upcoming events.

Seen in a dream, it is interpreted as the direction of life. If the road is straight, then life path will be exactly the same - without shying from side to side, without unnecessary “lyrical digressions” and painful questions “What to do?” and “Who is to blame?”

Whether such a life will be interesting is another question. Some may find it too bland. Someone will be completely satisfied. But a dream is a dream, and there’s no choice here.

Railway rails seen in a dream - how given direction, which you follow through life. There are no potholes or potholes, which means that the path to success and happiness is straight. But you can’t turn away from this path - the rails are iron.
If you dreamed rail marks, but for some reason without a railway, get ready for change. If you are already, and it is difficult to pick up speed, it means that you will have serious worries about some enterprise that will have to become the main source of your financial well-being.
Interference on the rails, which does not allow the train to move forward, warns the person seeing the dream that a traitor has appeared in his environment and he is carrying out destructive work against your business.
Concerning intimate sphere, then nothing good can be expected from the rails: the lovers will most likely diverge.

Interpretation of the dream: “Railways seen in a dream mean a quick trip, sleepers mean the risk of being late to where you are expected” (“Summer Dream Book”).

A passenger train seen in a dream prepares you for a trip in reality. Moreover, it will take place very soon if the train you saw in your dream is fast.
A train in a dream is a signal for the sleeper that it needs to be taken seriously take care of official business. Perhaps you have given yourself some indulgences, and now a swarm of envious people and ill-wishers are ready to “pawn” you and, if possible, to deceive you. The train is a kind of new round of your life. If the train I saw you in the distance, it means changes in your life will not happen very soon. Have time to prepare for them. But if you see a train on the platform or are sitting inside and waiting for departure, then change is practically on your doorstep.
The train means your concern for your family and friends. If you saw in a dream the entire train, including the locomotive, this means that there is no unanimity among your relatives, and you will have difficult communication with your relatives on some issues that are important to all of you.

An electric train seen in a dream promises you an interesting introduction to the prospect of changes in your personal life.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you saw a train in a dream, wait for an interesting invitation that will open up new perspectives for you” (“Modern Dream Book”).

Don't like the top bunks on trains? That's right. This is also in a dream not the best the best option . If you are sleeping and see yourself in a compartment, on the top bunk, it means that in reality you will be sent on a business trip with a not very pleasant assignment and with a not very good travel companion, and besides, you will waste your money in vain. But if companion will be nice to you, then the dream will mean that in real life you will find a person who can long years to become your faithful companion and reliable support.
And a few more interpretations of dreams about carriages:

  • freight car - to a deterioration in financial well-being,
  • an empty carriage - to self-flagellation and loneliness,
  • a crowded carriage - to slow down the progress of your business,
  • an uncoupled carriage on the rails - to the suspension of your business,
  • a large number of carriages means a long life.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you saw yourself entering the carriage, it means you are returning to your usual life, the course of which was disrupted” (“Tsvetkov’s Dream Book”).

A toy road is often dreamed of by those who in real life are busy with an unloved job and have not been able to realize all their talents and capabilities. If you see yourself as a child with a train and carriages in your hands, it means that in reality you are unhappy with the current situation, but changing it is not in your power. Dream interpreters believe that after such a dream a person should postpone the most important matters for a while, so as not to be disappointed in their results.

Interpretation of the dream: “A toy road in a dream is a model of the structure of your consciousness” (“Psychoanalytic Dream Book”).

Dream interpreters believe that a risky crossing of railway tracks means some kind of revolution in human behavior: he went against the grain, breaks stereotypes. But the dream does not answer the question of whether all this will end in success or failure.
If you run across the tracks dangerously close to an oncoming train, it means that tedious, hopeless work awaits you ahead, and this worries you.
If in a dream you took advantage of crossing the railway tracks, it means that in reality you are a “knight at a crossroads”, doubting everything before making any decision.

Interpretation of the dream: “Crossing railroad tracks means entering a period of anxiety and hard labor” (“Miller’s Dream Book”).

Follow the paths

If in a dream you confidently walk straight along the railway tracks, great news awaits you and good performance at work.

Walking towards a train means you are getting involved in a risky but promising enterprise.

You walk along the rails, but from time to time you slip onto them - this means that there are obstacles on the way to your intended goal and they must be overcome. But you don’t give up, but, on the contrary, you get down to business even stronger and more passionately.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you walked on rails in a dream, it means you will achieve happiness in life” (“Big Dream Book”).

This dream is mirror reflection happening in reality. Something is very disturbing, oppressive, and failure follows failure. , in which in a dream, should not scare you: this dream only promises the help that relatives and friends will offer you.
Some dream books consider a dream about a train accident as the onset of health problems. Prevent trouble by going to the doctor.

Interpretation of the dream: “A railway accident seen in a dream calls for abandoning the planned grandiose plan so that it does not end in irreparable misfortune” (“Dream Book of the 20th Century”).

Build a railway

A creative dream (you are building a railroad) is actually destructive and means that you are organizing for one of your enemies obstacles on the way to their goals.
And another interpretation option: if in a dream you are building a railway, then in real life get ready to receive a very interesting, career-promising offer.

Interpretation of the dream: “Building a railway means prosperity” (“ Newest dream book G. Ivanova).

This dream means the approach of the “black line” in your life. Obviously, you made some mistake, or the decision you made turned out to be wrong. Admit that this is so, and it will be much easier for you to correct the situation.
In the interpretation of this dream, it is very important whether you were a direct participant in the events or observed the tragedy from the side. If you were on the train, which means you have to “step on the throat of your own song” and sacrifice some of your principles for the sake of your intended goal. If you watched what was happening from the outside, indifferently, it means that in real life you are ready to be cowardly in the name of the same great goal.

Interpretation of the dream: “A derailed train means that in reality fortune will turn away from you” (“Hasse’s Dream Book”).

According to Freud

According to Freud's Dream Book, watching a train in a dream means a quick change sexual partner.

You go from carriage to carriage - they are waiting for you fleeting novels.

If in a dream you entered a carriage, it means that after a period of searching and dissatisfaction with yourself, you will return to your normal life. Get out of the car - get ready for changes in real life. Being late for the train means that you had a great chance that you missed.

According to Vanga

“Vanga’s Dream Book” interprets the dream of a train as a symbol of melancholy. The dream book compares a train passing you with changes in life that you are not happy about, moreover - sad and disappointed. And the longer the train, the longer this period of despondency and melancholy will last. But if there is no end in sight to the composition, this may portend a long life for a person who has just recovered from a serious illness.
If the person sleeping in a dream acts as a train passenger, then the dream is considered. And here we must try to retain all its details in memory in order to interpret it more accurately.

At all times, people paid close attention to dreams: they were given great importance, they saw deep meaning and omen, they were perceived as games of the subconscious. But there were no people who were indifferent or indifferent to their dreams.

Especially if the dream is quite mysterious and, one might say, metaphorical. For example, it is very interesting to find out what trains and railroads mean in dreams. After all, if you succumb to logical thinking, then you can interpret a dream about a railroad and trains rushing along it as a harbinger of future changes in life. Is this really so?

If a person dreams of trains moving along the railway, this may mean that:

  1. changes in life are coming soon;
  2. you have to go on an unplanned (and sometimes, on the contrary, very long-awaited!) trip;
  3. waiting for changes in career growth;
  4. you need to change something in your life;
  5. Difficult choices have to be made.

If a person dreams that he is walking along railroad tracks, this may indicate the dependence of his success on the ability to correctly and skillfully manage affairs.

Any obstacles on the railway track, which the sleeping person dreamed of, will indicate possible difficulties in life. If, despite the size or shape of obstacles (these could be rocks, cliffs, water, sticks, broken sleepers, faulty rails, etc.), a person clearly sees the railway tracks - this is good sign that he will be able to cope with all the difficulties and return everything to its true direction.

If a person stands at a railway crossing in a dream waiting for the tracks to open and sees trains rushing quickly past in front of him - such a dream tells that a person will have to be patient and wait for an important issue that worries him to be resolved.

Interpretation of dreams in different dream books

It would seem that such a prosaic dream as a railway and trains can be interpreted without any dream books. Each person can intuitively understand why and why he had a particular dream. But nonetheless, various dream books They offer their own interpretations of dreams, sometimes quite different from each other. Let's see what popular dream books interpret about trains and railways.

Miller's Dream Book

Referring to this dream book, we can confidently say that the railway represents a symbol of a long life, a great journey. In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the important details of such a dream:

  • if you dreamed that you were traveling in a train carriage, - in fact, you also have to go on a big or small trip;
  • motion sickness on the train, unpleasant sensations - difficulties will be encountered along the way;
  • the train is moving too slowly– excessive excitement about an important, promising matter, a desire to speed up the resolution of any situation;
  • freight train with many cars– to favorable changes, to profit;
  • train standing long time at the station, - stagnation in life, a stop in business or career growth.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud interpreted almost all dreams based on the two main human drives - libido and martido. These drives can also be recognized in dreams about railroads and trains:

  • see a train passing by, following him with your gaze, seeing someone off on the platform - to a quick change of sexual partner, to separation;
  • travel on a train for a long timefamily life got bored, bored, lost the former interest in the partner;
  • see yourself happy on the train, see beautiful landscapes through the window - family life will be happy, interesting, full of bright emotions and events;
  • move from carriage to carriage in a dream in search of your place - to fleeting hobbies, to a long choice of a partner.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreaming about trains and railway tracks speaks about the situation in the business sphere of a person’s life. It is important to correctly interpret some details:

  • dream about a locomotive rushing confidently forward– quick success, career growth, things will go uphill;
  • slow moving, frequently stopping train– things are going hard, there are a lot of work problems that need to be solved;
  • meet the arriving train– to business cooperation, a profitable offer;
  • go by train- there is an important matter ahead;
  • see a freight train– accumulated fatigue, need for rest.

Dream book of symbols

IN this dream book Great attention is paid to details:

  • many trailer cars– to a long and happy life;
  • a large number of trains at the station– many events await;
  • smoothly moving train– having a clear goal, the desire to improve, to move forward;
  • railway with sharp turns– difficult time in life, changes.