Dream Interpretation - train: why do you dream about a ticket, a road, being late for a train, rails? Why do you dream of a burning and falling train? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of buying a train ticket? Meaning and interpretation of a dream.

A train is a frequent sign that comes to a person in dreams. It is important to know the meaning of such dreams. Most often, the train embodies real life changes and news for a person.

We can say with confidence that dreams in which there is a road, transport and tickets always foreshadow some changes in life and symbolize only the fact that a person very much wants to change something in his life. Most likely, such dreams occur when everyday life has simply become a burden and boring. It is at such moments that the subconscious “pictures” trains and adventures into which a person plunges.

If in a dream you clearly see a train ticket in your hands, you can interpret this dream as a “signal to retreat,” that is, a sign that will help you make an important decision and change something in your life. Perhaps this dream is trying to hint to you about events that will somehow affect your life and bring changes to it. It’s worth thinking about what exactly matters to you and what doesn’t, make a kind of reassessment of values ​​and highlight several basic views on life.

The meaning of sleeping with a train. why do you dream about a train? Why do you dream about a train?

If in a dream one of your relatives or friends gave you a train ticket, this means that you need to pay attention to your family, because in the series of your events you may forget about your parents, relatives and simply those people for whom you have great importance. And if you have lost your train ticket, this is a clear sign that you are missing out on some real opportunities.

It is worth noting that depending on who had the dream, it is worth interpreting it. If a married woman buys a ticket in a dream, then this is not very good sign for her. Such a dream means that home life or household will suffer some kind of disruption. Everything can be simple: either a large financial and unnecessary waste, or a serious breakdown of familiar household items, or a series of failures followed by persecution.

Pay attention to the dream if it contains a train ticket:

  • If in a dream you get on a train and are worried that you cannot find a ticket for a long time, this only means that real life you will be faced with the need to share a secret.
  • If you are looking for and do not find a ticket in a dream, this is a bad sign that tells you that you will spend a lot of time on actions that will ultimately not bring you any fruit.
  • If in a dream you buy a ticket not at the box office, but from the hands of a stranger and stranger, this indicates that in life you will do things “not according to your mind”, but “after your heart”, which do not always have a favorable outcome for the person .
  • If you don’t have a train ticket and you notice this just before the transport departs, the same event awaits you in real life, but not directly, but in figurative meaning. You will lose the ability to think confidently and firmly, and you will experience a feeling of awkwardness and shame.
  • If in a dream a young man and a young girl buy a train ticket and leave alone without their significant other, this only means that the person is “fed up with his personal relationships” and wants to change something in his life.
  • If in a dream a person tore his train ticket, this means that in real life he will be able to cope with problems and finally throw off the burden of difficulties of various kinds that have arisen.

Positive meaning of dreaming from a train. What could a train mean in a dream?

Why do you dream about traveling on a train?

Train and Railway never just take off like that. In any case, such a dream signifies any life changes and at the same time alertness - you should pay close attention to all the little things at home and at work so as not to suffer any problems. If a woman who has good career growth dreams about the road, this indicates some obstacles and intrigues on the part of envious colleagues.

A railroad in a dream, where you can clearly see the rails and sleepers, suggests that in real life you can expect a dirty trick from envious people or even your superiors. Be careful not to make yourself look bad.

What does a dream in which a railway was present mean:

  • You dream of a railroad and obstacles on it if in real life you will experience betrayal both in business and in your personal life.
  • If you dreamed of a road and a train that smoothly rushes along the rails, this is a real opportunity in life to avoid emerging problems.
  • If you dreamed of a road and saw yourself walking along the rails in a dream, this is an alarming sign for you, indicating that in real life you will have to literally “walk on the edge of a knife” and face many problems and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you saw a railroad and a train that stopped in front of you, this is a clear hint that you should quickly make a completely contradictory decision that can change your life.

Why do you dream about a train? the meaning of a dream with a railway and a train

The railway also symbolizes future changes in life and the opportunity to change something for the better.

Other meanings of railway:

  • If you saw in a dream a railway and a train standing on it, this symbolizes melancholy in your personal life.
  • If in a dream you approached the railway and boarded a carriage, this dream suggests that dramatic changes will take place in your life.
  • If you woke up in a carriage and saw the road through the window, this dream is prophetic and speaks of your imminent trip.
  • If in a dream you look at a railway that continues to stretch and has no end, this is a good sign that foreshadows a long and healthy life.
  • If you see a railway in a dream and a train stopping abruptly on it, this indicates that in real life some kind of danger awaits you.

What does it mean to dream about a train and a railway?

Why do you dream about being late for a train?

If in a dream you saw a situation in which you were late for a train, this indicates that in real life you cannot achieve the expected changes. You're waiting so hard for something to happen, but you can't wait for it.

What does it mean to dream in which a person is late for a train?

A train is always a symbol of some kind of travel and change, and depending on what exactly your dream was, its meaning should be interpreted:

  • If in a dream you are often late for the train, this means that in real life you often think about the same thing, but you just can’t find a solution to your situations and problems. Take a break from work and everyday life and think about what exactly needs to be changed in your life.
  • Sometimes such a dream has a very unpleasant meaning and symbolizes your loss. It could be a loss Money, and maybe loss of hope. In any case, you need to concentrate on avoiding severe frustration and anxiety.
  • If in a dream you were late for the train and spent the entire dream worrying about this, then in real life this means that you are afraid of death.
  • A person who is late for a train in a dream in real life is characterized by anxiety and too much impressionability.
  • If you often dream about being late for a train, in real life you should think about whether you manage your time correctly and whether you manage to do everything. Pay attention to how you make decisions and whether you always give your attention to loved ones and important people.
  • If in a dream you were late for the train and are running after it, this dream has a completely understandable meaning: you are trying to change something in your life, but this does not always work out.
  • Being late for the train also indicates that in real life you are quite frivolous and reckless. You should pay attention to how you behave, what you say and what decisions you make; perhaps you have a habit of offending good people or do not take responsibility for the actions you commit.

How to interpret a dream in which a person saw a train?

If in a dream you are already late for a moving train, this is always a rather alarming sign. Trains in motion always symbolize danger and anxiety. A missed train is a symbol of loss and deprivation.

Why do you dream of falling behind the train?

Any person can see a train in a dream, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to be a frequent traveler or a railway employee. If you clearly remember the objects that you dreamed about, this means that they have meaning for you and foreshadow some events. Often dreams with trains show the movement of cars, roads and people.

A dream in which you were late for the train or fell behind has a completely understandable and alarming meaning - doubts in real life. These doubts can haunt your major life decisions or loss of hope.

Dreams in which you are behind the train most often symbolize the following meanings:

  • If a young girl fell behind the train in a dream, it only means that in life she behaves rather indecisively: she doesn’t know what she wants, doubts her personal relationships, leads an excessively wild lifestyle, or cheats on her loved one. Such a dream tells her that she should think about whether you are planning your life correctly and pushes her to make important decisions.
  • If in a dream you are rushing after a train and notice that you are still lagging behind it, this indicates that you are trying in vain to solve problems in real life. Something always becomes an obstacle for you: people, events, thoughts. Such a dream prompts you to make important decisions and tells you that you should decisively know what you want, not doubt your capabilities and believe in your strength.
  • There is another meaning of such a dream - if you are behind the train, it means you are late to do something in real life: ask for forgiveness, congratulate a person, or simply remind yourself.
  • If we talk about personal relationships, then you dream of regularly being late for the train when a person often does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships.
  • Lagging behind a train in a dream often prompts a person to be as decisive and courageous as possible in real life, to be able to take the situation into his own hands and not be afraid of problems.

What is the meaning of a dream in which a person fell behind the train?

Depending on what day you had a dream about a train delay, you can get a different interpretation:

  • Saturday - I had a dream because you were able to avoid any acute and dangerous life adventure.
  • Sunday or Monday - tells you that possible and real danger has passed you and given you a chance to live in peace.
  • Tuesday or Wednesday - expect some troubles and unexpected news in real life.
  • Thursday or Friday - expect changes or unexpected messages.

Why do you dream about a train going off the rails?

If you dream of a train, this is not always a sign of some changes in life. It also has the meaning of anxiety and restlessness, especially if he gets into some kind of accident or unpleasant things happen to him.

The meaning of a dream in which a train derailed:

  • If you are watching a train in a dream and clearly see that it is derailing at high speeds, this dream has an alarming meaning and often hints to you that there are some threats to you in real life.
  • A train that has gone off the rails often portends health problems. Perhaps something unpleasant will happen to you or your loved one soon. Also, such a train portends a terrible and serious illness, and in some cases, death.
  • If a train derails in a dream, pay attention to your well-being, check your health with a doctor and allow yourself a short vacation or rest.
  • If you had a dream before your trip in which your train derailed, this is a clear hint that future trips and trips need to be cancelled.
  • On the other hand, a train that derails matters about your financial situation. If he crashes, then perhaps in the future the same fate will befall yours. financial position. Warn yourself against unnecessary expenses and try to avoid bankruptcy.

Why do you dream about a train that has gone off the rails?

You need to interpret the meaning of such a dream with extreme caution, because it is quite possible that it portends suffering and problems for you in the future at work, in your personal life and in relationships with loved ones.

Why do you dream of seeing you off on the train?

It is possible that you may have a dream in which you will see off a train or a person who will subsequently board it. In any case, such a dream has a note of anxiety and sadness for a person and most often speaks of possible separations.

  • If in a dream a girl sees off a man, then in real life she will most likely suffer betrayal or farewell from her loved one.
  • If you sadly see off the train and wave at it, then in real life you expect possible problems and disappointments in professional field or in love.
  • If you unexpectedly witnessed a train leaving in a dream and began to see it off, then in real life the changes will be very unpleasant and unexpected for you.
  • If you are seeing off a train alone, then in life you should expect various problems that may appear for no reason and unexpectedly.
  • Depending on what emotions you experienced in the dream, the interpretation of your dream takes on meaning, but in any case it will be of the most favorable nature.

Possible interpretations of a dream in which a train was dreamed

Why do you dream about getting off the train?

If in a dream you clearly see a situation in which a person or you personally get off the train, this has several characteristic interpretations:

  • If you see yourself traveling and then getting off the train and at that moment experiencing joyful emotions, this only means that you will soon experience a joyful journey or reunion with loved ones.
  • If you are forced off a train in a dream, this only means that in real life you will not be able to achieve what you want. Be careful and prepare for minor disappointments in advance.
  • If you see in a dream arriving at a station and getting off the train - this has meaning for you good value and says that you will soon get rid of life's problems and difficulties. However, to achieve this, you should make quite a lot of effort and wait a long time for change.
  • If in a dream you are waiting for a long-awaited train and happily get off the train, this indicates that in real life you are anxiously awaiting your vacation and subsequent travels. Take a break from work and give yourself the opportunity to enjoy life.

What is the meaning of a dream in which a person gets off the train?

Carefully analyze the dream in which you see yourself getting off the train. Depending on your feelings and experiences, such a dream can have both bad and good meanings.

Why do you dream about a burning train?

A burning train can have several meanings for a person:

  • A fast-moving train that travels so fast that its wheels smoke and burn indicates impending changes in any area of ​​your life. Depending on the color of the train, the upcoming changes will have such a character and meaning.
  • If a train is rushing along the rails with fire and it is black, this indicates that problems and bad events are approaching you. If the train white- most likely something good will happen.
  • If you saw in a dream just a burning train, then this dream does not always have a favorable meaning for you and most often indicates that something unfavorable will happen to you or your family.

What is the significance of sleeping in a flaming state? What does a burning train mean in a dream?

Why do you dream of a falling train?

A train that you dream about in a bad way: it burns, breaks down, goes off the rails, collapses - it’s always unique and bad sign for you in real life.

A dream in which a train derails and falls has the following meaning:

  • Perhaps he foreshadows the collapse of your hopes and hints to you that your dreams and plans are not feasible.
  • A train that is traveling at high speed, goes off the rails and falls, indicates that perhaps you did not take it at all. correct solution. Think about the events in your life and reconsider your plans.
  • If in a dream you experienced a train crash and at that moment were right in the carriage, this indicates that you will become the culprit of not the most favorable events.
  • If you saw a train fall in a dream and did not experience any disappointment, then in real life you will be able to survive serious problems and avoid serious accusations.

What does a falling train mean in a dream?

Why do you dream about trains and rails?

Most often, a person dreams not of the train itself, but of the rails. Rails symbolize for a person in a dream his life path. Depending on how you saw the rails and what they were like, you should interpret the dream and interpret its meaning.

The meaning of rails in a dream, why remove the rails:

  • If the railway in your dream was smooth and quite safe, this is a good sign telling you that your life will be calm, safe and calm.
  • If your railway was endless, this means that your life will be long and favorable, without unexpected illnesses and adventures.
  • If the railway goes into the horizon, this means that your life will be long and uncertain, the future for you has not yet been determined.
  • If your railway was dirty and destroyed, this indicates that unexpected obstacles and possible troubles will arise in your life.
  • If in a dream you are sitting on the rails, this indicates that someone close to you will soon ask for help.

Why remove the rails?

If in your dream you see a long road on rails with various obstacles, then most likely it will mean a long journey for you with many different challenges. Depending on how you walked or with whom, you can judge whether you can cope with life’s difficulties alone or with the help of loved ones.

If you crossed the rails in a dream, then this is a clear symbol possible danger in the future, if a train is moving along the rails. If you crossed the rails quite easily and calmly, this indicates a good outcome of things in real life.

Why do you dream about being hit by a train?

A dream in which a train crashes is not the most favorable sign and most often it tells you that something unpleasant may soon happen to you. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your health, the health of your loved ones and important plans. If you are planning a trip, cancel it or reschedule it.

Every dream in which you see a train has a meaning for you different meanings and it all depends only on what sensations and emotions you experienced.

Video: “Dream book. Why do you dream about a train?

Dream interpretation of train ticket

Deciphering what a train ticket means in a dream is not so easy. simple task, and many dreamers encounter it. Before turning to various dream interpreters for help, you will have to analyze in detail the aspects of your plot, and based on them, build a future forecast.

The only problem is that in all the diversity of literature it is difficult to find one that contains similar images.

What can you think about?

As the dream book describes, a train ticket is a symbol that foreshadows global changes affecting various aspects Everyday life. The dreamer will decide on an adventure that will bring him a lot of money and the right to own something very significant.

Getting ready to travel by rail

However, you should not rely only on positive wording, because train tickets also have a negative connotation: a great opportunity will appear before the sleeping person, but he will not be able to manage it correctly.

Where did you go?

For most dream interpreters, your direction is of fundamental importance. If you really have planned a trip somewhere, then the dream is in some way prophetic and talks about upcoming adventures. Very soon you will be able to make your dreams come true in real life.

To relatives

Buying tickets for a train going to relatives or close friends means receiving unexpected news that will force you to change your current location, despite your heavy workload.

But you should not do anything rash; before leaving, it is better to notify everyone in advance.

To a loved one

Rush to your lover in a dream

If you dreamed of going to your lover, then, according to the popular dream book, your efforts will make a great contribution to the development of a large-scale project. A meeting with a married man foreshadows a happy occasion, which may come very soon, the main thing is to use the chance correctly.

If you dream of unusual acquisitions when your loved one is far away and there is no opportunity for communication, then this sign reflects pure and mutual love. A married woman whose husband works far from home, having seen such a dream, can only rejoice. Perhaps your beloved man wants to surprise and delight you with his unexpected arrival.

To dream

The dreamer buys a ticket to new town, where, according to his plans, his dreams should be realized - to get a good chance:

  • rapid progress in career ladder;
  • admission to an interesting and promising university;
  • resolution of family problems and troubles.

Buying a travel pass at the railway ticket office in a dream

According to the dreams described above, a train ticket is a favorable symbol that must be used correctly. It is especially valuable for young people striving for new horizons.

Possible junctions

If you encounter any difficulties when purchasing a travel pass, you will have to remember them.

Unfriendly staff

It happens that the cashier could misunderstand you, but what does such a dream mean? If you go to the cash register in a dream, it means you have already made an important decision, and now you need to take responsible steps to implement your plan.

If any problems begin to appear, be it a shortage of tickets, incorrect passport data, sudden departure - all this indicates that it will not be so easy to realize your plans.

If the cost of the ticket turns out to be too high, then to achieve the goal you will need character traits that simply do not exist.

Unusual present

Why did you decide to give your ticket to a beautiful girl? As the dream book writes, you will be able to make a reasonable but difficult decision. Perhaps close friends or relatives will suggest a way out of the situation.

Handing in a ticket for railway transport in a dream

If you handed over a ticket in a dream, then you yourself are giving up the opportunity that has arisen. The dream interpreter warns that the cost of a mistake can be too great, and therefore you need to think several times before making a decision.

Give a ticket small child- to parting with your childhood hopes. You have matured a long time ago, and therefore you will have to look at the world with different eyes.

What could they have forgotten?

Why doesn't the inspector recognize your ticket? To get an answer to this question you will have to turn to the appropriate source. Most likely, your life circumstances will change dramatically, and you simply will not be able to realize your plans.

What does it mean in a dream in which an elderly person buys the right of way, but cannot hit the road? The dream interpreter says that the dreamer’s health will only get stronger, and he will not be in danger of illness.

If the train does not travel along the given route, then this means that a difficult situation is expected to resolve. Perhaps you have chosen the role of an outside observer and are now wondering what to do next. If you missed the train, then the dream reflects the impossibility of carrying out your plans due to your own clumsiness and slowness. Your task is to learn how to correctly prioritize and make a plan in advance to achieve your plans.

Your mark:

Such a dream often means acquiring the right to something, improving one’s material condition, or making a change that the dreamer will now definitely decide to make. Sometimes a train ticket means new opportunity which you decide to implement yourself.

However modern dream book gives a broader interpretation of such a dream than all previous or classic books on dreams. This is what most people dream about buying a train ticket in a dream.

From plans to the future

If a person is just planning something or thinking about when and how to implement his plans, such a dream suggests that you will soon have a real opportunity to make your plans and dreams come true. Pay attention to where exactly your path will be. If the train leaves for the city of your relatives and friends, then in reality you will learn news about them or decide to go to them, despite other matters. Perhaps there will be a compelling reason or opportunity for this.

Why do you dream of getting a ticket to the city where your loved one lives? The dream book interprets this dream as an opportunity to come to him, a happy chance, or that your efforts are not hopeless and you will be able to meet him soon, even if he is married or engaged. After all, in modern world feelings and circumstances change in different directions, therefore, what was inaccessible yesterday can flow into your hands today.

It is very good to see such a purchase of a ticket in a dream if in life you wanted to come to him, but there was no opportunity. Such a dream could mean that the one you love was unavailable, but now everything has changed. Therefore, for lovers, buying a train ticket to the city of your loved one is always a favorable sign, unless you threw it away, lost it, or sold it in a dream. For a married woman whose husband works in another city, a dream predicts news about him and from him, sometimes this person’s unexpected journey to his home. Therefore, such a dream is also favorable.

Why dream of buying a train ticket to a city where your dreams can come true? This dream also means a chance, just to move up the career ladder or enter a university that interests you. This dream is very good for active young people and girls who dream of realizing their dreams, as well as for those who are traveling to a big city with their family. . In any case, holding a ticket in your hands is always a favorable sign that promises you a lot of good things.

Difficulties in purchasing it

It happens that it is not easy to purchase a train ticket and various obstacles arise. Going to the station to the ticket office to get it - you have made an important decision and are taking steps to implement it not in a dream, but in reality. But if there is no cashier, he leaves, does not give you a ticket, does not answer questions, and problems arise with passport data, documents and money - this means that it will be very difficult to implement the given opportunity. If the price turns out to be unaffordable, but in reality you may simply lack certain life qualities or you are simply not mature enough for such a decision.

Selling a ticket in a dream or returning it means you yourself will refuse the opportunity. The dream book writes that very soon the dreamer will change his mind and give up his goal or dream. Transferring, giving, selling or giving it to a child means parting with childhood dreams and hopes. If it goes to a person of the opposite sex, it means that you will give up your love to another person and give up the fight

Giving a train ticket to a pretty girl or guy of your age or to an adult is a reasonable decision to make despite your feelings. Perhaps you will make a decision that is suggested by your parents or adults.

Why do you dream of buying a ticket, but the conductor won’t accept it? The dream book interprets this dream as an unexpected change in circumstances. The dream book writes that at the very last moment you will not be able to carry out your plans due to a change for which you were not ready. It can be unexpected and frightening, and often unfavorable.

Sometimes the dream book writes that for some reason some trip or plans that you have almost completely implemented will be disrupted. Why do you have a dream in which an elderly or sick person buys a train ticket, but cannot yet travel? The dream book writes that he will live a wonderful life and his health will be out of danger.

Such a dream often means acquiring the right to something, improving one’s material condition, or making a change that the dreamer will now definitely decide to make. Sometimes a train ticket means a new opportunity that you decide to pursue on your own.

However, the modern dream book gives a broader interpretation of such a dream than all previous or classic books on dreams. This is what most people dream about buying a train ticket in a dream.

From plans to the future

If a person is just planning something or thinking about when and how to implement his plans, such a dream suggests that you will soon have a real opportunity to make your plans and dreams come true. Pay attention to where exactly your path will be. If the train leaves for the city of your relatives and friends, then in reality you will learn news about them or decide to go to them, despite other matters. Perhaps there will be a compelling reason or opportunity for this.

Why do you dream of getting a ticket to the city where your loved one lives? The dream book interprets this dream as an opportunity to come to him, a happy chance, or that your efforts are not hopeless and you will be able to meet him soon, even if he is married or engaged. Indeed, in the modern world, feelings and circumstances change in different directions, therefore, what was inaccessible yesterday, today can float into your hands.

It is very good to see such a purchase of a ticket in a dream if in life you wanted to come to him, but there was no opportunity. Such a dream could mean that the one you love was unavailable, but now everything has changed. Therefore, for lovers, buying a train ticket to the city of your loved one is always a favorable sign, unless you threw it away, lost it, or sold it in a dream. For a married woman whose husband works in another city, a dream predicts news about him and from him, sometimes this person’s unexpected journey to his home. Therefore, such a dream is also favorable.

Why dream of buying a train ticket to a city where your dreams can come true? This dream also means a chance, just to move up the career ladder or enter a university that interests you. This dream is very good for active young people and girls who dream of realizing their dreams, as well as for those who are traveling to a big city with their family. . In any case, holding a ticket in your hands is always a favorable sign that promises you a lot of good things.

Difficulties in purchasing it

It happens that it is not easy to purchase a train ticket and various obstacles arise. Going to the station to the ticket office to get it - you have made an important decision and are taking steps to implement it not in a dream, but in reality. But if there is no cashier, he leaves, does not give you a ticket, does not answer questions, and problems arise with passport data, documents and money - this means that it will be very difficult to implement the given opportunity. If the price turns out to be unaffordable, but in reality you may simply lack certain life qualities or you are simply not mature enough for such a decision.

Selling a ticket in a dream or returning it means you yourself will refuse the opportunity. The dream book writes that very soon the dreamer will change his mind and give up his goal or dream. Transferring, giving, selling or giving it to a child means parting with childhood dreams and hopes. If it goes to a person of the opposite sex, it means that you will give up your love to another person and give up the fight

Giving a train ticket to a pretty girl or guy of your age or to an adult is a reasonable decision to make despite your feelings. Perhaps you will make a decision that is suggested by your parents or adults.

Why do you dream of buying a ticket, but the conductor won’t accept it? The dream book interprets this dream as an unexpected change in circumstances. The dream book writes that at the very last moment you will not be able to carry out your plans due to a change for which you were not ready. It can be unexpected and frightening, and often unfavorable.

Sometimes the dream book writes that for some reason some trip or plans that you have almost completely implemented will be disrupted. Why do you have a dream in which an elderly or sick person buys a train ticket, but cannot yet travel? The dream book writes that he will live a wonderful life and his health will be out of danger.

If explained in general outline If you dream about a train ticket, then we can conclude that such dreams are dreamed by people who want to completely change their lives. Most likely, they simply began to be burdened by everyday life. Such a dream is symbolic in nature - in a person’s subconscious, the desire to change something directly intersects with leaving.

What if you dream about a train ticket?

Often such dreams are a definite signal for some action. So, for example, if a person buys a ticket in his dream, he should definitely be patient, because in his dream something does not go according to plan as he would like. A train ticket lying on the table symbolizes imminent changes in life, a reassessment of values, and a revision of life's views. A ticket given in a dream means that the owner of the dream needs to devote more attention to his family and friends. Losing a ticket portends awareness of the absurdity of behavior.

Often, when in a dream married woman buys a ticket for ground transport - trouble awaits her in household(breaking household appliances etc.) . Therefore, such a dream is a harbinger of the fact that it is best to carry out prevention in order to avoid large expenses.

What does it portend?

The absence or presence of a train ticket in a dream reflects the real state into existence. If in a dream a person finds himself without a ticket on a train, then in reality he will experience the instability of his strength and feel discomfort from the position he occupies. A deep interpretation of this dream suggests that the person seeing the dream in real life is not doing his job at all and therefore cannot achieve any positive result. Young people dreaming of purchasing a train ticket indicates that they are already completely fed up with relationships and need to find a new passion. But if in the dream the ticket was torn, then soon the person will be able to get rid of the useless burden of responsibility and unnecessary matters.

As evidenced intimate dream book, buying a ticket in a dream speaks of dissatisfaction with your partner and a desire for changes in your personal life. But an accidentally obtained train ticket indicates that the partner is hiding something or keeping something back.

Be that as it may, there is no negative interpretation of dreams associated with a train ticket. Therefore, such dreams are a harbinger of some changes or become a signal that in the near future you need to remember something in your life.