Raido rune card reversed. Rune Raido - meaning and application in fortune telling

Riding is associated with movement, taking the initiative, determination, mastery of the situation, leadership, choice of direction. Raido is associated with making a conscious decision; people turn to it for help when they want subjugate circumstances, stand at the helm, take control of what is happening and choose your own course. That's why this Rune is directly related with a choice of life path. Movement occurs not only in the external world, but also in the internal. Such as spiritual quest or the search for purpose, meaning. The Raido rune symbolizes freedom and self-responsibility, even in cases where it is necessary to come into conflict with the norms currently accepted in society. Working with the power of this Rune means living with your own mind, going your own way, to be a driver, not a passenger, and especially not a horse, keep everyday circumstances under control, and not go with the flow, while it is necessary to expand your sphere of influence. This opportunity is given to those who have a well-developed magical will, the ability to manage their ego so how a rider controls a horse.

The power of this rune is sometimes depicted as eight-spoke wheels, each spoke shows the direction of the wind and one possible path to awareness. In most magical traditions the year is divided into 8 parts: 2 equinoxes, 2 solstices and 4 four holidays (Lammas, Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane). These holidays are celebrated to this day with rites, ceremonies and rituals.

Raido is associated with ritualism. A ritual is a series of repeated actions that are designed to influence a person’s consciousness. This psychological tool helps to isolate yourself from the everyday everyday self and pave the path to the subtle worlds, raising consciousness to high vibrations. With the help of rituals, magicians control circumstances, which again brings us back to the Raido rune.

Raido is associated with cyclicity, rhythm and the orderly passage of time, it controls spiral development and is associated with repetitive movement. The movement of planets, stars, natural cycles is all spiral movement. As a result, a change in daily and lunar rhythms, seasons, as well as black and white stripes in life is established.

But at the same time Raido is the everyday meaning of path and road. And the fact that this is worldly should not be perceived as something less valuable, all aspects are important, otherwise the integrity of the picture will disintegrate.

So, Raido gives direction both outward and inward. She indicates the path of Destiny, according to which you can fulfill your mission, God’s plan for you, will help you show personal creativity to enrich the world with new knowledge. And this is the purpose of man, and if he failed to reveal his potential, did not give the world anything new, then he will not fulfill his mission. Movement in a direction that does not coincide with the Mission leads a person to troubles. He will be constantly thrown back, to the line from which his movement went in the wrong direction. To fulfill your task, you need to have certain qualities, and they are acquired precisely during the passage of the Path with all its obstacles and obstacles. And Raido helps in this difficult but important task.

Meaning in personal relationships:

In straight position:
Active dating period. The rune will help pave the way to a new partner and establish mutual understanding. It is possible that separation will be better for both of you. In general, the runes tell you that for relationships .

High probability of rupture. Your roads diverge.

Work and finances:

In straight position:
Good time for acquisitions. Business trips. For the sake of the project, you will have to fuss and run.

Poor completion of commercial transactions.

In medical matters:

Reversed Rune:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints, legs, knees, etc.).
  • If there was a question about well-being - apathy, passivity, suspended animation.

Rune Raido(Raido) is the fifth numbered rune of the Elder Futhark. The name translates as “path” or “riding”. The sign is responsible for a person’s movement forward, including movement in space and internal growth in the right direction. The Raido rune correlates with the “third eye” chakra and with the sacral center, which is located in the solar plexus.

The shape of the rune is not random; the point at the top is directed to the right and points to the future, and the “leg” protruding in the same direction encourages action.

The meaning of the direct rune

First of all, the meaning of the Raido rune implies the road, events related to travel and horseback riding. In a deeper sense, the symbol marks the path of life and helps a person develop the necessary physical and spiritual qualities to make this path productive and meaningful. Along the way, a person must find himself, “pump up” his abilities, answer the questions that concern him and find harmony.

Raido is the ideal talisman for a traveler; it is an energetically strong sign that gives a person many tips and protects him from dangers on the road. One of the interpretations of the Raido movement is philosophical, “life is like a road”, at the end of which a person is destined for a good, happy ending. The symbol helps to perform the right actions throughout the entire journey, but only if a person always remembers the goal and strives with all his might to achieve it.

The meaning of the reversed rune

The Raido rune inverted symbolizes surprise, most often it is also associated with the road. This is an indication of an unplanned trip for an unpleasant reason, large financial expenses associated with travel, an accident or a natural disaster caught on the road.

The symbol in reverse outline warns that at the moment you need to maintain good spirits and continue to move forward. A valuable experience awaits ahead, albeit an unpleasant one - acquaintances and business partners can seriously fail in common affairs, and how the relationship will remain depends greatly on the wisdom and self-control of the fortuneteller.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

Among the Slavic runic symbols, the Rainbow symbol is closest in meaning to Raido. It personifies the bridge that connects the two banks of the river, the shortest path from one point to another. This is a journey, the intervention of the Gods in order to quickly approach the desired goal, sometimes with the help of magical intervention. Unlike Raido, which means not only the time spent on the road, but also the road itself and the path of life along which a person can walk throughout his life, Rainbow has a more short-term effect. It is impossible to stay on it for a long time; the Gods do not give access to it to everyone, but only to achieve a specific goal and for a very short period of time.

Application of the Raido rune in magic

Modern practicing magicians use Raido to protect themselves on the upcoming journey. The symbol is drawn three times in the air above the car, representing the destination in order to reach it on time. Raido is also included in runic spells to attract travel into your life or to successfully pass a driving test at a driving school.

Visualizing Raido in red helps you feel a surge of energy - this method is especially often used before jogging or cycling.

For career advancement, the sign is included in runestavs with Soulu. To meet your spiritual mentor on a journey, you need to hold the wooden die with Raido in your working hand and repeat the name of the rune.

In the upright position, Raido means a road; depending on the neighboring symbols and the question itself, it will become clear which area of ​​life this road belongs to. If we are talking about moving from point A to point B, then it will be a pleasant journey with good travel companions. In matters of spiritual development, Raido means the very beginning of the path, where a person still doubts the correctness of the decision made. The rune under no circumstances advises giving up your spiritual quest; on the contrary, the path of self-development is the most correct at the moment.

An inverted Raido is interpreted in fortune telling as a journey, but an uncomfortable one - it could be a trip to visit a sick friend or simply an unplanned business trip, which also undermines the fortuneteller’s budget. Depending on which runes are located in the neighborhood in the layout, you can determine possible problems on the road - an accident, an accident or an unpleasant neighborhood.

For love and relationships

The Raido line in the sphere of love means development, movement forward. Current relationships have a chance to reach a new level; if the fortuneteller is lonely, new love is already looming on the horizon. People who are part of a person’s inner circle have come into his life for a long time, and events associated with them will only be positive. Raido also means a honeymoon, a holiday romance or a date - in general, the beginning of something new after a long period of waiting.


  1. Kenaz - this moment is best suited for sorting out the relationship with a partner, the main thing is to tune in to a positive mood;
  2. Gebo - in order for the current relationship to continue to develop, it is necessary to clarify all differences between lovers.

An inverted rune in a relationship reading means that a quarrel or breakup is possible in the near future. Now you need to control yourself and not deliberately aggravate the situation; in order to save the relationship, you will have to make an effort. If separation is inevitable, Raido says that this is not an accident, but another chance for a person to expand his horizons.


  1. Turisaz - one of the partners does not value the relationship, his actions are thoughtless;
  2. Nautiz - lovers should be patient in order to overcome a bad streak in a relationship with dignity;
  3. Odal indicates the owner in a relationship, who with his jealousy is capable of destroying the couple;
  4. Mannaz - in this union, one partner dominates the second, taking advantage of his compliance and pliability.

For business and work

In career matters, the direct rune predicts the emergence of new projects, tasks and often business trips. A person’s actions show more and more professionalism and business tact, which leads to self-improvement and career growth. Everything that happens happens for a reason, and in this you can trace the influence of higher powers. You need to trust them and use your inner resources to achieve your goals. Openness to the world and the desire to assimilate new information will lead to the fact that all started projects will end in success.

Raido is interpreted as successfully completing negotiations and overcoming difficulties. If there are problems in business, they are all solvable.


  1. Dagaz - soon the income that work brings will increase;
  2. Vunyo - career problems are about to end;
  3. Evaz, the fortuneteller, chose the right field of activity.

An inverted rune is interpreted as a warning about deception. Vigilance and awareness will help you get out of this situation with honor. Raido also means that stagnation in business is due to the indecision of the fortuneteller, and a thorough analysis of the actions committed will help to cope with the negative consequences.

Raido means an unwanted business trip that threatens trouble. There may be sudden checks, the result of which will be unsatisfactory. In general, the symbol is often interpreted as a disruption of plans.


  1. Isa - plans are not feasible in their current form;
  2. Yera (inverted) – the questioner himself is to blame for his problems;
  3. Perth (reversed) - lack of performance by colleagues will have a bad effect on the work of the fortuneteller.

To your health

The effect of the Raido rune on health is extremely positive. In direct form, it means correct and timely prescribed treatment, which will lead to healing of the body and harmonization of a person’s internal state. The rune also indicates a person who needs to move more to improve their well-being. Travel and a change of environment will have a beneficial effect on the state of the fortuneteller.


  1. Berkana - easy pregnancy and successful birth.

When reversed, Raido means that now is not the time to move forward. This applies to both manipulation of a person’s physical condition and spiritual journeys in search of truth.

The fortuneteller should pay close attention to diseases that are chronic in nature - the state of health will worsen if you do not take care of your sores. You need to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle, listen to your body and avoid situations in which the fortuneteller is exposed to stress.


  1. One is mental illness.

Why do you need an amulet with the Raido rune?

Amulets using this sign are made in order to find a painless way out of a difficult situation. Raido helps those who feel lost and don’t know where their goal is to find their way.

A photo or drawing of a rune is used as a protective talisman when traveling; wearing such a talisman is especially recommended for those whose professional activities are closely related to land travel. A more powerful version of the amulet will be a wooden die on which the combination Algiz - Raido - Algiz is carved. This runestav will provide the patronage of the gods for the duration of the trip; it is made on Wednesday - Odin's Day.

Constantly wearing the amulet with Raido will lead to constant travel. If this is undesirable, it is recommended to wear the amulet in doses, and after removal, store it in a separate bag or box made of natural material.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Raido rune?

You need to get a tattoo in a place where the rune will always be in a direct outline - for example, on the back of the head or chest. In general, the direct outline of the symbol has a positive meaning, but Raido should be applied to the skin only after much thought about whether a person is ready to experience its influence all his life. As a tattoo, the rune means not only the fulfillment of a destiny, but also constant moving from one place to another.

As a rune of the day, the sign says that this day should be spent outside the home so as not to lose new impressions.

The sign advises remembering that Raido is the path. Decide on the direction of movement, and the situation will be resolved. Be positive and maintain composure.

Raido warns: do not throw words to the wind, watch what you say. In this case, it is better to act silently so as not to harm others with words spoken in the heat of the moment.


I would like to begin the preface to the article about the Raido rune, the meaning of which we will analyze today, with the words of one famous song: “My roads, my roads, my feet endured, the gods helped.” As you already understand, this symbol of the Elder Futhark is inextricably linked with travel, moving from place to place, roads, paths, changes in events, and life changes. But let's talk about everything in order.

Rune Raido - basic meaning and interpretation

If we turn directly to the name of the rune, it will be deciphered as “riding”. At the same time, here we mean not only the direct process of movement, but also the road itself, the path. Therefore, we can say that, first of all, the meaning of the Raido rune will be associated with travel and trips. And in most situations, the trip that the rune foreshadows will be pleasant, unless, of course, there are “bad” symbols in the neighborhood that promise trouble.

However, like other Futhark runes, Raido has a more extensive symbolic field. So, for example, it can mean a spiritual quest, when a person “searches for himself,” because determining one’s life purpose is also a path, albeit not in the literal sense of the word. Often the rune comes at moments when a person finds himself at a crossroads: when he is just thinking about changing something in his life, or when he is taking the path of change, but still doubts his decision. The meaning of the Raido rune in this case seems to tell him - “Don’t give up, continue this path!”

Raido can also be considered as the principle of movement itself. When we go somewhere, drive, do something, in a word, do not stand still, not only the “scenery” around us changes, but we ourselves change. These internal changes are impossible without movement. Imagine a person who withdraws into himself, sits at home, doesn’t go out anywhere, and has no contact with the world. In this case, we can say that he focuses on only one aspect of reality, slows down his development, stops on the way, while a person must constantly develop, set new goals for himself, go towards them in order to gain new life experience.

The meaning of the Raido rune seems to remind us that we always need to change something, even if these changes are, at first glance, quite insignificant. Small changes always attract big ones. Look: we can, for example, give up sweets. It seems that this is such a small thing, but if we take a closer look, we will see that even this smallest change will attract others: our cholesterol levels will decrease, we will lose weight and, as a result, we will feel better, which means our self-esteem will rise, our attitude towards to yourself. When your attitude towards yourself changes, those around you will certainly notice, and this change will “drag” others along with it. But it would seem that we just stopped eating cakes and putting sugar in our tea. Therefore, it is important to understand that any change affects not only one area of ​​life, but also others - any changes always occur in a complex manner.

What else can be said about the meaning, description and interpretation of the Raido rune? The fact that any path always has a goal, so it is always important to understand where we are going, where we are moving. Each such “small” goal cannot be final, but our entire life path consists of a series of such goals. Without their understanding, our existence will simply lose meaning.

It is also important to realize your own attitude towards the process of movement. Raido is associated with the symbol of the horse for a reason: they say that if you let go of the reins, the horse itself will find the right path. We can say that the rune encourages us to “turn on” our inner wisdom, to trust the forces that guide us - then there will be many discoveries, pleasant surprises and surprises along our path. There is no point in making negative forecasts or interfering - the road will still take you where you need to go. You're not trying to take the driver's seat when you're on a train, right?

The meaning of the inverted Raido rune

The meaning of the Raido rune reversed in most situations will indicate some kind of problem related to travel. This could simply be a trip gone wrong or troubles on the road, for example, a vehicle breakdown, injury, loss of money, or a journey that was associated with unpleasant events (for example, you had to go to another city because of the news of the death of a relative).

As you can see, the inverted Raido rune itself can be interpreted in different ways, but the clarification is best looked at by the surrounding symbols.

  • - inverted Raido: The combination will hint that much more money will be spent on the trip than planned
  • - inverted Raido: The combination will warn that you may have to find yourself in the epicenter of a natural disaster
  • - inverted Raido: This pair will tell you that you will face a conflict or a clash with someone’s aggression or bad intentions

The most positive interpretation of the reverse rune, when there are no “threatening” symbols nearby, is simply an unexpected journey that you did not plan for, for which you were not prepared either financially or morally.

The meaning of Raido in fortune telling for work, business, career

The meaning of the Raido rune in a career, if it falls in an upright position, can be one of three: either it is the successful overcoming of work-related difficulties, or a positive result of work negotiations, or the receipt of some new information. Moreover, in the latter case, you will most likely receive information not in a personal conversation with a person, but in some other way, about which we can say that “the information has traveled its way.” This could be a letter, a telegram, a message sent by email, fax or otherwise via a computer.

  • - Raido: Such a neighborhood will say that a person has chosen the right profession
  • - Raido: The combination of runes indicates that his work will soon bring him much more income than he expected
  • - Raido: The combination predicts the end of the “dark streak” in career matters

Now let's talk about the inverted Raido rune. This symbol will have a negative meaning in business. This could be the collapse of plans that seemed reliable - broken negotiations, a business trip associated with a number of problems, a failed deal. In any case, when the opposite symbol appears in career questions, a person should postpone the matters he is asking about until later.

  • - inverted Raido: It’s better to abandon them altogether and radically reconsider your plans
  • Reversed - Reversed Raido: This is a direct indication that the failure of the questioner will be due to laziness or the mistake of some person
  • Reversed - Reversed Raido: The combination says that our client himself is to blame for his troubles

What does the Raido rune mean in fortune telling about relationships and love?

The meaning of the Raido rune in love is always an indication that the questioner must have a sincere conversation with his partner, resolve all controversial issues and misunderstandings, since it is this conversation that can take the relationship to a new path of development. At the same time, a heart-to-heart conversation, as you understand, does not imply long speeches and mutual accusations - it is better if you raise an exciting topic as if by chance.

  • - Raido: Your relationship will definitely improve after this conversation
  • - Raido: It is important to have a positive attitude when talking

Another meaning of the Raido rune in a relationship is the need for a sense of humor on your part, because this is precisely the quality your cordial partner lacks.

Now let's talk about the reverse meaning of the Raido rune in love and relationships. An inverted symbol in love matters is always a warning that the relationship is at risk. These could be continuous omissions, frequent quarrels, or maybe something more serious. To figure it out, look at the surrounding symbols.

  • - Raido: The combination suggests that the person being asked about is a terrible owner
  • - Raido: The person being fortune-told is too weak-willed, soft, and does not know how to defend his own opinion, which is why he suffers. But remember that if these runes appear on your side in the scenario, then we are, of course, talking about yourself
  • - Raido: A person does not value these relationships, therefore he does not think about the consequences of his own words and actions
  • - Raido: This couple says that you will have to endure for a long time until the end of the “dark streak”

The meaning of Raido in fortune telling

The need for a trip to improve one’s well-being is the main meaning of the Raido rune in health divination if it appears in an upright position. It can be interpreted as advice to go to a resort, a village, a country house or a sanatorium. It is a change of environment and clean air that will help you cope with existing problems.

When Raido falls in the reverse position, you should pay attention to chronic diseases, if you have them, as your health may worsen. It is also recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress if possible, and listen carefully to your own body: even barely noticeable symptoms can become the first alarm bells.

Application of the Raido rune in magic

The meaning of the Raido rune in magic is used in order to get out of a difficult situation with the least losses, when a “hurricane” seemed to sweep through life, sweeping away everything in its path. When a person doesn’t know where to go next, what to take on, how to overcome fear, Raido will help him get back on his feet again, see the goal and go towards it.

What is the amulet with the Raido rune used for?

If we remember that, first of all, the rune is associated with the road, travel and journeys, then it will immediately be clear why a talisman with its image can be used. Of course, this is protection along the way. It is recommended to always carry a photo of the Raido rune with them for people whose life or work involves constant travel: truck drivers, taxi drivers, public transport drivers, as well as tour guides, tourist guides, avid travelers and those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. And even more powerful protection can be provided by a wooden talisman on which the following symbols are carved: rune -Raido-Algiz - such an amulet will provide a person with the protection of the Higher Powers for the time when he is on the road.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Raido rune?

On the one hand, it seems that such a design on the body may suit the category of people that we mentioned when we talked about amulets. But on the other hand, if we remember that the meaning of the Raido rune when inverted changes to the opposite, we can conclude that it is better not to take risks. Or get the tattoo on a place where it will never “turn over”, for example, on the neck or back.

Rune of the Day Raido

This day simply cannot be spent at home, otherwise you will deprive yourself of pleasant new experiences. Go on a visit, take a trip to distant relatives, take a walk around your hometown, or at least take a car ride to the nearest shops - shopping promises to be successful.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, remember that Raido is the path, which means the situation can be successfully resolved if you find the right direction of movement. Consider all options: maybe it will be peace negotiations, a heart-to-heart talk, or a trip to someone for advice. The main thing is to keep your word, don’t make empty promises, don’t criticize anyone unnecessarily.

Questions for meditation on the Raido rune

Understanding the meaning of ancient magical symbols through meditation, look at the photo of the Raido rune, look deep into your heart, and then answer the questions:

  • Have you consciously chosen the path you are following?
  • Do you see the goal you are moving towards, or do you wander aimlessly through life?
  • Are you open to new experiences and aren’t you afraid of them?
  • Do you realize the importance of constant movement, changes, both internal and external?

Changeable, amazing Raido will help you find your true path - don’t even doubt it!

In the esoteric world, Scandinavian rune Raido The Elder Futhark has special significance. Events around us are constantly changing, and we lose touch with reality - not everyone can maintain such a frantic pace. But a wonderful symbol that came to us from the lands of Scandinavia helps us overcome many obstacles on the path to our happiness.

It is important that you find a common language with the rune - treat it with respect and honor. And then she will reward you justly.

Even the name of the runic sign is similar in sound to the word “road”, which translated means “road, journey”. The rune is associated with a movement that always ends successfully - the finale brings long-awaited results. A person is reborn, he is overwhelmed with new emotions. He becomes more perfect, more beautiful, more sensual. The Higher Self is harmonized with consciousness and the personality comes to inner peace and order.

General meaning and description

Inverted position

If you get an inverted Raido in the reading, your journey will not bring the desired result. After the trip there will be an unpleasant aftertaste. On the road, you may catch a cold, quarrel with a friend, or lose important documentation.

You may be unexpectedly sent on a business trip for which you are not prepared.

It is important to know not only what Raido means - pay attention to the adjacent symbols. They will point out the essence of the problem:

  • alliance with Fehu warns about unplanned waste;
  • close proximity indicates future conflicts;
  • but he claims that along the way you will encounter dangerous natural elements.

Meaning in love and relationships

Scandinavian runes of the Elder Futhark
