Aspirating detector for low temperatures. Application of aspirating fire detectors

Fire safety is an important aspect of human life. Each of us, while at school, at work, at home or anywhere else, must be protected from external threats, including fire. Timely detection of the source of danger can help quickly find and eliminate it, protecting more than one life, as well as minimizing material costs. Aspirating detectors - effective method ensure the safety of people and premises, protect them from fires. The features of these devices will be discussed in the article.

General information

The word "aspiration" is of Latin origin. Translated aspiro means “I inhale.” It is this word that gives an idea of ​​the general mechanism of operation of the device. In an aspiration fire detector, it consists of sampling air masses within a certain controlled room. The extracted air is analyzed in order to detect threats and identify combustion products in a timely manner.

The main task for which experts developed such a device is to search for areas where the fire has just begun to spread and has not yet created a serious danger.

Latest technology

Aspiration detectors, according to expert estimates, currently account for 12% of the total fire protection systems market in Europe. Their forecasts indicate that this figure will only grow. The development of new types of aspirators makes it possible to more actively use the device, expanding the scope of its use, as well as to fully realize in practice all the advantages of such systems in a wide variety of fields of activity.

The technology that enables the detector to operate is one of the most advanced among similar devices aimed at early detection of a fire. The idea is to create a flow of air that the system absorbs directly from the controlled room, as well as its further transfer to a special optical fire sensor. Thanks to this operating mechanism, aspiration devices can detect fires at the earliest stages of their occurrence - even before a person can feel or see smoke. The device will detect the danger even in the process of smoldering objects, heating of surfaces (evaporation of insulating substance on cables, etc.).

Principle of operation

The IPA aspiration fire detector consists of a number of pipes combined into a system where there are special openings for the intake of air masses and an aspiration device equipped with a turbine to maintain air flow.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple, but effective. Sensors installed in the system optically monitor the received air. Considering the level of required sensitivity of the device, laser or LED detectors can be installed in it. The pipes are mounted in the room where the work will be carried out, while the aspiration device - the control unit - is placed in any other place from where it is convenient to maintain and control the system.

Application area

Today, aspiration detectors equipped with ultra-sensitive lasers provide the most successful fire protection. smoke detectors. Such systems are excellent for providing fire safety power plants with different principles energy production, large hangars with aircraft, automotive and other types of equipment, rooms intended for storing fuel and flammable mixtures, highly sterile production areas, hospital buildings with diagnostic equipment and other rooms with high-tech devices.

Initially, the systems were developed specifically for objects of high importance, the safety of which was a top priority. Security of material assets, large volumes Money, expensive equipment, the replacement of which can entail serious expenses, as well as stopping everything production process- the main purpose of aspirating detectors. In such places, it is extremely important to find and eliminate the resulting threat as early as possible, before smoldering has begun, before an open fire appears.

It is equally important to ensure the safety of premises with large crowds of people. There systems must have a particularly high level of sensitivity compared to standard devices. These can be large exhibition centers, cinemas, stadiums, entertainment and shopping centers. At objects of this kind, a preliminary signal, which only receives service staff building, makes it possible to eliminate the cause of the fire without resorting to mass evacuation, and, accordingly, panic among visitors.


The IPA aspiration detector has a number of advantages compared to traditional systems:

  • Smoke may simply not reach point-type devices installed in large rooms. Aspirator in in this case ensures the entry of air masses through all openings from any part of the room. Ventilation and air conditioners will not affect the quality of the system;
  • This type of detector minimizes the effect of air stratification in a high room, where warm air located closer to the ceiling, interferes with the flow of smoke and prevents a timely response to a fire.
  • Designers often face serious problems when decorating rooms where the fire safety system makes it impossible to implement one or another idea. The aspiration type of device allows you to hide all external structural elements. It is enough just to make a couple of holes under the ceiling, the diameter of which is a couple of millimeters. It is impossible to see them even with the naked eye.


An aspiration system will help ensure the safety of valuable equipment and people at a high level.

Operational efficiency will allow you to avoid serious material costs, stoppages of the production process and human casualties, without requiring complex care or investing a lot of money to install it.

Alarm loops (inputs)

Depending on the type of connected detectors, when programming the configurations of Signal-10 blocks ver.1.10 and higher; "Signal-20P" ver.3.00 and higher; "Signal-20M" ver.2.00 and higher; "S2000-4" ver. 3.50 and higher, inputs can be assigned one of the types:

Type 1 - Fire smoke two-threshold

The AL includes fire smoke detectors or any other normally open detectors. The unit can power detectors via a loop.

Possible modes (states) of AL:

  • “Disarmed” (“Disarmed”, “Disabled”) – the alarm loop is not controlled (can be used when servicing the system);
  • “Attention” – the activation of one detector is recorded (with the “Blocking fire entry re-request” parameter enabled);
  • “Fire 1” – the alarm goes into this state in the following cases:
    • activation of one detector was confirmed (after re-query);
    • the activation of two detectors was recorded (with the “Blocking fire entry re-request” parameter enabled) in one alarm loop for a time of no more than 120 s;
    • The second transition to the “Attention” state of different inputs included in the same zone was recorded in a time of no more than 120 s. In this case, the input that switched to the “Attention” state first does not change its state;
  • “Fire 2” – the alarm goes into this state in the following cases:
    • the activation of two detectors (after a re-request) in one alarm zone was confirmed in a time of no more than 120 s;
    • The second transition to the “Fire 1” state of different inputs entering the same zone was recorded in a time of no more than 120 s. In this case, the alarm system that switched to the “Fire 1” state first does not change its state;
  • “Open” – loop resistance is more than 6 kOhm;

In general, when using smoke detectors powered by an alarm loop, the “Fire input re-request blocking” parameter should be turned off. When the detector is triggered, the device generates an information message “Sensor triggered” and re-queries the alarm loop status: resets (short-term switches off) the alarm loop power supply for 3 seconds. After a delay equal to the value of the “Input analysis delay after reset” parameter, the device begins to evaluate the state of the loop. If within 55 seconds the detector is triggered again, the alarm goes into the “Fire 1” mode. If the detector does not trigger again within 55 seconds, the alarm loop returns to the “Armed” state. From the “Fire 1” mode, the AL can switch to the “Fire 2” mode in the cases described above.

The “Fire input re-request blocking” parameter is applied if the detector is powered from a separate source. Detectors with high current consumption (linear, some types of flame and CO detectors) are usually connected using this scheme. When the “Fire input re-request blocking” parameter is enabled, when the detector is triggered, the device generates an information message “Sensor triggered” and immediately switches the alarm loop to the “Attention” mode. From the “Attention” mode, the AL can switch to the “Fire 1” mode in the cases described above.

Type 2. Firefighter combined single-threshold

The alarm system includes fire smoke (normally open) and heat (normally closed) detectors. Possible modes (states) of AL:

  • “On guard” (“Armed”) – the alarm system is controlled, the resistance is normal;
  • “Arming delay” – the arming delay has not ended;
  • “Attention” – the loop goes into this state in the following cases:
    • a smoke detector was triggered (with the “Blocking fire entry re-request” parameter enabled)
    • activation detected heat detector;
    • smoke detector activation confirmed (after re-query);
  • “Fire 2” – the alarm goes into this state in the following cases:
    • the second transition to the “Fire 1” state was recorded for different alarm zones entering the same zone in a time of no more than 120 s. In this case, the alarm system that switched to the “Fire 1” state first does not change its state;
  • “Short circuit” – loop resistance is less than 100 Ohms;
  • “Failure to arm” – the alarm system was violated at the moment of arming.

When a heat detector is triggered, the unit goes into Attention mode. When a smoke detector is triggered, the unit generates the information message “Sensor Triggered.” When the “Blocking fire re-request” option is disabled. input” block performs a re-query of the alarm loop state (for more details, see type 1). If the activation of the smoke detector is confirmed, the AL switches to the “Fire 1” mode, otherwise it returns to the “Armed” mode. From the “Fire 1” mode, the AL can switch to the “Fire 2” mode in the cases described above. When the “Block re-request by fire” option is enabled. input”, the device immediately switches the AL to the “Attention” mode. From the “Attention” mode, the AL can switch to the “Fire 1” mode in the cases described above.

Type 3. Fireman's thermal two-threshold

Fire thermal or any other normally closed detectors are included in the AL. Possible modes (states) of AL:

  • “On guard” (“Armed”) – the alarm system is controlled, the resistance is normal;
  • “Disarmed” (“Disarmed”, “Disabled”) – the alarm loop is not controlled;
  • “Arming delay” – the arming delay has not ended;
  • “Attention” – one detector has been triggered;
  • “Fire 1” – the alarm goes into this state in the following cases:
    • the activation of two detectors in one alarm zone was recorded in a time of no more than 120 s;
    • the second transition to the “Attention” state was recorded for different ALs included in the same zone in a time of no more than 120 s. In this case, the alarm system that switched to the “Attention” state first does not change its state;
  • “Fire 2” – the alarm loop goes into this state if a second transition to the “Fire 1” state of different alarm loops belonging to the same zone is detected in a time of no more than 120 s. In this case, the alarm system that switched to the “Fire 1” state first does not change its state;
  • “Short circuit” – loop resistance is less than 2 kOhm;
  • “Open” – loop resistance is more than 25 kOhm;
  • “Failure to arm” – the alarm system was violated at the moment of arming.

Type 16 – Firefighter manual.

Addressless manual (normally closed and normally open) fire detectors are included in the AL. Possible modes (states) of AL:

  • “On guard” (“Armed”) – the alarm system is controlled, the resistance is normal;
  • “Disarmed” (“Disarmed”, “Disabled”) – the alarm loop is not controlled;
  • “Arming delay” – the arming delay has not ended;
  • “Fire 2” – a manual call point has been detected;
  • “Short circuit” – loop resistance is less than 100 Ohms;
  • “Open” – loop resistance is more than 16 kOhm;
  • “Failure to arm” – the alarm system was violated at the moment of arming.

When manual fire call points are triggered, the unit immediately generates a “Fire2” event, through which the “S2000M” remote control can send a control command to the fire automatic systems.

For each loop, in addition to the type, you can configure additional parameters such as:

  • "Arm Delay" defines the time (in seconds) after which the device attempts to arm the alarm system after receiving the corresponding command. Non-zero “Acquisition Delay” in systems fire alarm It is usually used if, before arming the alarm zone, it is necessary to turn on the device output, for example, to reset the power supply to 4-wire detectors (relay control program “Turn on for a while before arming”).
  • "Input analysis delay after reset" for any type of loop, this is the duration of the pause before starting the analysis of the loop after its power is restored. This delay allows you to include detectors with big time readiness (time of “calm down”). For such detectors, it is necessary to set the “Input analysis delay after reset”, slightly exceeding the maximum readiness time. The unit automatically resets (turns off for 3 s) the power supply to the alarm loop if, when arming this loop, its resistance turned out to be less than normal, for example, a smoke fire detector in the alarm loop was triggered.
  • “Without the right to disarm” does not allow you to disarm the alarm system in any way. This parameter is usually set for fire alarms to avoid their accidental removal.
  • "Auto-receive from non-receipt" instructs the device to automatically arm an unarmed alarm as soon as its resistance is normal within 1 s.

Maximum length alarm loops are limited only by the resistance of the wires (no more than 100 Ohms). The number of detectors included in one loop is calculated by the formula: N = Im / i, where: N is the number of detectors in the loop; Im – maximum load current: Im = 3 mA for AL types 1, 3, 16, Im = 1.2 mA for AL type 2; i – current consumed by the detector in standby mode, [mA]. The principles for connecting detectors are described in more detail in the operating instructions for the corresponding units.

  • optical-electronic threshold fire smoke detector IP 212-31 “DIP-31” (does not require installation of additional resistors for AL type 1),
  • manual electric contact fire detector IPR 513-3M,
  • fire detector combined gas threshold and thermal maximum-differential SOnet,
  • electric contact remote start device UDP 513-3M, UDP 513-3M isp.02.

The use of these detectors ensures their full electrical and information compatibility with the units in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53325-2012.


Each BOD has relay outputs. Using the relay outputs of the devices, you can control various actuators, as well as transmit notifications to the monitoring station. The operating tactics of any relay output can be programmed, as well as the trigger binding (from a specific input or from a group of inputs).

When organizing a fire alarm system, the following relay operation algorithms can be used:

  • Turn on/off if at least one of the loops associated with the relay has entered the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state;
  • Turn on/off temporarily if at least one of the loops associated with the relay has entered the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state;
  • Flash from the on/off state if at least one of the loops associated with the relay has switched to the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state;
  • “Lamp” - blink if at least one of the loops connected to the relay has switched to the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state (blink with a different duty cycle if at least one of the connected loops has switched to the “Attention” state); turn on if the associated loop(s) are taken, turn off if the associated loop(s) are removed. In this case, anxiety states have higher priority;
  • “Central monitoring station” - turn on when at least one of the loops connected to the relay is taken, in all other cases - turn off;
  • “ASPT” - turn on for a specified time if two or more loops associated with the relay have switched to the “Fire 1” state or one loop to the “Fire 2” state and there is no violation of the technological loop. A broken technological loop blocks switching on. If the technological loop was violated during the relay control delay, then when it is restored, the output will be turned on for the specified time (violation of the technological loop suspends the counting of the relay activation delay);
  • “Siren” - if at least one of the loops connected to the relay has switched to the “Fire 1” state, “Fire 2” switches for a specified time with one duty cycle, if to the “Attention” state - with the other;
  • “Fire monitoring station” - if at least one of the loops associated with the relay has entered the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” or “Attention” state, then turn it on, otherwise turn it off;
  • “Output “Fault” - if one of the loops associated with the relay is in the “Fault”, “Failure to Arm”, “Disarmed” or “Arm Delay” state, then turn it off, otherwise, turn it on;
  • “Fire lamp” - If at least one of the loops associated with the relay has switched to the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state, then blink with one duty cycle, if in “Attention”, then blink with a different duty cycle if all associated with the relay the loops are in the “Armed” state, then turn them on, otherwise turn them off;
  • “Old monitoring station tactics” - turn on if all the loops associated with the relay are taken or removed (there is no state “Fire 1”, “Fire 2”, “Fault”, “Failure”), otherwise turn off;
  • Turn on/off for a specified time before taking the loop(s) associated with the relay;
  • Turn on/off for a specified time when picking up a loop(s) associated with a relay;
  • Turn on/off for a specified time when the loop(s) associated with the relay are not removed;
  • Turn on/off when removing the loop(s) associated with the relay;
  • Turn on/off when taking the loop(s) associated with the relay;
  • “ASPT-1” - Turn on for a specified time if one of the loops associated with the relay has switched to the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state and there are no broken process loops. If the process loop was violated during the relay control delay, then when it is restored, the output will be turned on for the specified time (violation of the process loop suspends the counting of the relay activation delay);
  • “ASPT-A” - Turn on for a specified time if two or more loops associated with the relay have gone into the “Fire 1” state or one alarm loop has gone into the “Fire 2” state and there are no broken process loops. A damaged process loop blocks switching on; when it is restored, the output will remain off;
  • “ASPT-A1” - Turn on for a specified time if at least one of the loops associated with the relay has switched to the “Fire 1”, “Fire 2” state and there are no broken process loops. A damaged process loop blocks switching on; when it is restored, the output will remain switched off.
  • At “Fire 2” turn it on/off for a while.
  • When “Fire 2” blinks for a while from the OFF/ON state.

Signal-20M control panel in autonomous mode

"Signal-20M" can be used to protect small objects (for example, small offices, private houses, shops, small warehouses, industrial premises, etc.).
The buttons on the front panel of the device can be used to control inputs and outputs. Access to buttons is limited using PIN codes or keys Touch Memory(256 user passwords are supported). User permissions (each PIN code or key) can be flexibly configured - allow full control, or allow only re-arming. Any user can manage an arbitrary number of loops; for each loop, arming and disarming powers can also be configured individually. The outputs are controlled in a similar way using the “Start” and “Stop” buttons. Manual control will occur in accordance with the programs specified in the device configuration.
Twenty alarm loops of the Signal-20M device provide sufficient localization of the alarm notification at the mentioned objects when any fire detector in the loop is triggered.

The device has:

  • Twenty alarm loops, which can include any type of non-addressable fire detectors. All loops are freely programmable, i.e. for any loop you can set types 1, 2, 3 and 16, and also configure other configuration parameters individually for each loop;
  • Three relay outputs of the dry contact type and four outputs with control circuit health monitoring. You can connect actuators to the relay outputs of the device, and also transmit notifications to the SPI using a relay. In the second case, the relay output of the object device is included in the so-called “general alarm” loops of the SPI terminal device. The operating tactics for the relay are determined, for example, turn on during an alarm. Thus, when the device switches to the “Fire 1” mode, the relay closes, the general alarm loop is broken and an alarm message is transmitted to the fire monitoring station;
  • Keyboard and Touch Memory key reader for controlling the state of inputs and outputs on the device body using PIN codes and keys. The device supports up to 256 user passwords, 1 operator password, 1 administrator password. Users can have rights to either arm and disarm alarm loops, or only arm, or only disarm, as well as start and stop outputs in accordance with the control programs specified in the device configuration. Using the operator password, it is possible to switch the device into test mode, and using the administrator password, enter new user passwords and change or delete old ones;
  • Twenty alarm loop status indicators, seven output status indicators and functional indicators “Power”, “Fire”, “Fault”, “Alarm”, “Shutdown”, “Test”.

Block-modular PPKUP based on the S2000M remote control and BOD with non-addressable loops

As mentioned above, when constructing a block-modular control panel, the “S2000M” console performs the functions of indicating system states and events; organizing interaction between the components of the control panel (controlling display units, expanding the number of outputs, docking with SPI); manual control of inputs and outputs of controlled units. It is possible to connect threshold fire detectors of various types to each of the BODs. The inputs of each device are freely configurable, i.e. for any input you can set types 1, 2, 3 and 16, and assign other configuration parameters individually for each loop. Each device has relay outputs, with which you can control various actuators (for example, light and sound alarms), as well as transmit an alarm signal to the fire monitoring notification system. For the same purposes, you can use control and starting units “S2000-KPB” (with controlled outputs) and signal and starting blocks “S2000-SP1” (with relay outputs). Additionally, the system is equipped with display units “S2000-BI isp.02” and “S2000-BKI”, which are designed to visually display the status of the inputs and outputs of devices and conveniently control them from the duty officer’s post.
Often the “S2000M” remote control is also used to expand the fire alarm system during the reconstruction of the protected object to connect additional units for various purposes. That is, to increase the performance of the system and its expansion. Moreover, the expansion of the system occurs without its structural changes, but only by adding new devices to it.

Addressable threshold fire alarm system in ISO "Orion" can be built on the basis of a block-modular control panel consisting of:

  • Reception and control unit “Signal-10” with address-threshold mode of alarm loops;
  • Smoke optical-electronic threshold-addressable detectors "DIP-34PA";
  • Thermal maximum-differential threshold-addressable detectors “S2000-IP-PA”;
  • Manual threshold-addressable detectors "IPR 513-3PAM".

Additionally, relay blocks “S2000-SP1” and “S2000-KPB” can be used to expand the number of system outputs; indication and control units “S2000-BI isp.02” and “S2000-BKI” for visual display of the status of inputs and outputs of devices and convenient control of them from the duty officer’s post.
When connecting the indicated detectors to the “Signal-10” block, the device loops must be assigned type 14 - “Fire addressable-threshold”. Up to 10 addressable detectors can be connected to one addressable threshold loop, each of which is capable of reporting its current status upon request of the device. The device periodically polls addressable detectors, monitoring their performance and identifying a faulty or triggered detector.
Each addressable detector is considered as an additional virtual input of the BOD. Each virtual input can be disarmed and armed using a command from the network controller (S2000M remote control). When arming or disarming a threshold-addressable loop, those addressable detectors (virtual inputs) that belong to the loop are automatically removed or taken.
The addressable threshold loop can be in the following states (states are given in order of priority):

  • “Fire 2” – at least one addressable detector is in the “Manual fire” state or two or more addressable detectors connected to the same input or belonging to the same zone have switched to the “Fire 1” state in no more than 120 s;
  • “Fire 1” - at least one addressable detector is in the “Fire 1” state;
  • “Disabled” – at least one addressable detector is in the “Disabled” state (within 10 seconds the device has not received a response from the detector. That is, there is no need to use a loop break when removing the detector from the socket, and the functionality of all other detectors is maintained);
  • “Fault” – at least one addressable detector is in the “Fault” state;
  • “Failure to arm” – at the time of arming, at least one addressable detector was in a state other than “Normal”;
  • “Dusty, maintenance required” – at least one addressable detector is in the “Dusty” state;
  • “Disarmed” (“Disarmed”) – at least one addressable detector has been disarmed;
  • “On guard” (“Armed”) – all addressable detectors are normal and armed.

When organizing an address-threshold security alarm system to operate outputs, you can use operating tactics similar to those used in a non-addressable system.
In Fig. An example of organizing an address-threshold fire alarm system using the Signal-10 block is given.

Addressable analogue fire alarm system in ISO "Orion" is built on the basis of a block-modular control panel, consisting of:

  • Control and control panel “S2000M”;
  • Two-wire communication line (BPK) controllers “S2000-KDL” or “S2000-KDL-2I”;
  • Fire smoke optical-electronic addressable analogue detectors "DIP-34A";
  • Fire thermal maximum-differential addressable analogue detectors “S2000-IP”;
  • Fire addressable analog gas and thermal maximum-differential fire detectors "S2000-IPG", designed to detect fires accompanied by the appearance carbon monoxide in enclosed spaces, by monitoring changes in air chemistry and temperature environment;
  • Fire smoke optical-electronic linear addressable detectors “S2000-IPDL isp.60” (from 5 to 60 m), “S2000-IPDL isp.80” (from 20 to 80 m), “S2000-IPDL isp.100” (from 25 to 100 m), “S2000-IPDL isp.120” (from 30 to 120 m);
  • Fire addressable thermal explosion-proof detectors “S2000-Spectron-101-Exd-M”, “S2000-Spectron-101-Exd-N”*;
  • Fire addressable infrared (IR) flame detectors “S2000-PL”;
  • Fire addressable infrared (IR) flame detectors “S2000-Spektron-207”;
  • Multi-band addressable fire detectors (IR/UV) “S2000-Spectron-607-Exd-M” and “S2000-Spectron-607-Exd-H”*;
  • Multi-band addressable fire detectors (IR/UV) “S2000-Spektron-607”;
  • Multi-band (IR/UV) addressable fire detectors “S2000-Spektron-608”;
  • Multi-band (IR/UV) explosion-proof addressable fire detectors “S2000-Spektron-607-Exi”*;
  • Multi-band (IR/UV) explosion-proof addressable fire detectors “S2000-Spektron-608-Exi”*;
  • Fire manual addressable call points “IPR 513-3AM”;
  • Fire manual addressable call points with a built-in short circuit insulator “IPR 513-3AM isp.01” and “IPR 513-3AM isp.01” with a shell protection degree of IP67;
  • Addressable remote start devices “UDP 513-3AM”, “UDP 513-3AM isp.01” and “UDP 513-3AM isp.02”, intended for manual start of fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems, unblocking emergency and evacuation exits;
  • Fire detectors manual explosion-proof addressable "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-N-IPR-A", "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-N-IPR-B", "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-M-IPR- A", "S2000-Spektron-512-Exd-M-IPR-B"*;
  • Manual explosion-proof addressable fire detectors “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-N-IPR”, “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-M-IPR” *;
  • Explosion-proof addressable remote start devices “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-N-UDP-01”, “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-N-UDP-02”, “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-N-UDP- 03", "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-M-UDP-01", "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-M-UDP-02", "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-
  • M-UDP-03"*;
  • Explosion-proof addressable remote start devices “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-N-UDP-01”, “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-N-UDP-02”, “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-N-UDP- 03", "S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-M-UDP-01", "S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-M-UDP-02", "S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-M-UDP-03" *;
  • Branching and insulating blocks “BREEZ”, “BREEZ isp.01”, designed for isolating short-circuited sections with subsequent automatic recovery after the short circuit is removed. “BREEZE” is installed in the line as a separate device, “BREEZE isp.01” is built into the base of fire detectors “S2000-IP” and “DIP-34A”. Special versions of detectors “DIP-34A-04” and “IPR 513-3AM isp.01” with built-in short circuit insulators are also produced;
  • Address expanders “S2000-AR1”, “S2000-AR2”, “S2000-AR8”. Devices designed for connecting non-addressable four-wire detectors. Thus, conventional threshold detectors, for example, linear detectors, can be connected to the addressable system;
  • Alarm loop expansion units “S2000-BRShS-Ex”, designed for connecting non-addressable intrinsically safe detectors (see section “Explosion-proof solutions...”);
  • Addressable radio expanders “S2000R-APP32”, designed for connecting radio channel devices of the “S2000R” series into a two-wire communication line;
  • Devices of the S2000R series:
    • Fire point smoke optical-electronic addressable analogue radio channel detectors “S2000R-DIP”;
    • Fire thermal maximum-differential addressable analogue radio channel detectors “S2000R-IP”;
    • Fire manual addressable call points "S2000R-IPR".

When organizing address- analog system For fire alarms, “S2000-SP2” and “S2000-SP2 isp.02” devices can be used as relay modules. These are addressable relay modules, which are also connected to the S2000-KDL via a two-wire communication line. “S2000-SP2” has two relays of the “dry contact” type, and “S2000-SP2 isp.02” has two relays with monitoring of the health of the actuator connection circuits (separately for OPEN and SHORT CIRCUIT). For the S2000-SP2 relay, you can use operating tactics similar to those used in a non-addressable system.
The system also includes addressable security and fire sound sirens “S2000-OPZ” and light table address sirens “S2000-OST”. They are connected directly to the DPLS without additional relay units, but require a separate 12 - 24 V power supply.
The S2000R-APP32 radio expander allows you to control the S2000R-Siren light-sound radio channel siren. To control another fire load via a radio channel, the S2000R-SP unit is used, which has two controlled outputs.
Additionally, relay blocks “S2000-SP1” and “S2000-KPB” can be used to expand the number of system outputs; indication and control units “S2000-BI” and “S2000-BKI” for visual display of the state of inputs and outputs of devices and convenient control of them from the duty officer’s post.
The two-wire communication line controller actually has two alarm loops, to which a total of up to 127 addressable devices can be connected. These two loops can be combined to organize a ring structure of the DPLS. Addressable devices are fire detectors, addressable expanders or relay modules. Each addressable device occupies one address in the controller memory.
Address extenders occupy as many addresses in the controller’s memory as loops can be connected to them (“S2000-AP1” - 1 address, “S2000-AP2” - 2 addresses, “S2000-AP8” - 8 addresses). Addressable relay modules also occupy 2 addresses in the controller memory. Thus, the number of protected premises is determined by the addressable capacity of the controller. For example, with one “S2000-KDL” you can use 127 smoke detectors or 87 smoke detectors and 20 addressable relay modules. When addressable detectors are triggered or when addressable expander loops are disrupted, the controller issues an alarm notification via the RS-485 interface to the S2000M control panel. The S2000-KDL-2I controller is functionally the same as the S2000-KDL, but has an important advantage - a galvanic barrier between the DPLS terminals and the power supply terminals, the RS-485 interface and the reader. This galvanic isolation will improve the reliability and stability of the system at facilities with complex electromagnetic environments. It also helps to exclude the flow of equalizing currents (for example, in case of installation errors), the influence of electromagnetic interference or interference from equipment used at the site or in the event of external influences of a natural nature (lightning discharges, etc.).
For each addressable device in the controller, the input type must be specified. The input type indicates to the controller the tactics of the zone and the class of detectors included in the zone.

Type 2 - "Combined firefighter"

This type of input is intended for addressable expanders "S2000-AR2", "S2000-AR8" and "S2000-BRShS-Ex" (see section "Explosion-proof solutions..."), in which the controller will recognize CC states such as "Normal" , “Fire”, “Open” and “Short circuit”. For “S2000-BRSHS-Ex” the “Attention” state can be additionally recognized.

Possible input states:

  • “Attention” – “S2000-BRShS-Ex” recorded the AL state corresponding to the “Attention” state;
  • “Fire” – the address expander has recorded the AL state corresponding to the “Fire” state;
  • “Break” – the address expander has recorded the loop state corresponding to the “Break” state;
  • “Short circuit” – the address expander has recorded the AL state corresponding to the “Short circuit” state;

Type 3 - "Fire Thermal"

This type of input can be assigned to “S2000-IP” (and its modifications), “S2000R-IP” operating in differential mode, to “S2000-AR1” various designs, controlling non-addressable fire detectors with a “dry contact” type output, as well as addressable detectors “S2000-PL”, “S2000-Spektron” and “S2000-IPDL” and all modifications. Possible input states:

  • “Taken” – the input is normal and fully controlled;
  • “Disabled (removed)” – the input is normal, only faults are monitored;
  • “Failure to arm” – the controlled parameter of the control system was not normal at the time of arming;
  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Fire” – the addressable heat detector has recorded a change in temperature corresponding to the condition for switching to the “Fire” mode (differential mode); the address expander recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Fire” state;
  • “Fire2” – two or more inputs belonging to the same zone went into the “Fire” state in no more than 120 s. The "Fire2" state will also be assigned to all inputs associated with this zone that had the "Fire" state;
  • “Fire equipment malfunction” – the measuring channel of the addressable heat detector is faulty.

Type 8 – “Smoke addressable analog”

This type of input can be assigned to “DIP-34A” (and its modifications), “S2000R-DIP”. In standby mode, the controller requests numerical values ​​corresponding to the level of smoke concentration measured by the detector. For each input, pre-warning “Attention” and “Fire” warning thresholds are set. Trigger thresholds are set separately for the “NIGHT” and “DAY” time zones. Periodically, the controller requests the dust content value of the smoke chamber, the resulting value is compared with the “Dusty” threshold, which is set separately for each input. Possible input states:

  • “Taken” – the entrance is normal and fully controlled, the thresholds “Fire”, “Attention” and “Dusty” are not exceeded;
  • “Disabled (removed)” – only the “Dusty” threshold and faults are monitored;
  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Failure to arm” – at the time of arming, one of the “Fire”, “Attention” or “Dusty” thresholds has been exceeded or a malfunction is present;
  • “Fire2” – two or more inputs belonging to the same zone went into the “Fire” state in no more than 120 s. The "Fire2" state will also be assigned to all inputs associated with this zone that had the "Fire" state;
  • “Fire equipment malfunction” – the measuring channel of the addressable detector is faulty;
  • “Service required” – the internal threshold for automatic compensation of dust content in the smoke chamber of the addressable detector or the “Dusty” threshold has been exceeded.

Type 9 - "Thermal Addressable Analog"

This type of input can be assigned to “S2000-IP” (and its modifications), “S2000R-IP”. In standby mode, the controller requests numerical values ​​corresponding to the temperature measured by the detector. For each input, the temperature thresholds for the preliminary warning “Attention” and the warning “Fire” are set. Possible input states:

  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Attention” – the “Attention” threshold has been exceeded;
  • “Fire” – the “Fire” threshold has been exceeded;
  • “Fire2” – two or more inputs belonging to the same zone went into the “Fire” state in no more than 120 s. The "Fire2" state will also be assigned to all inputs associated with this zone that had the "Fire" state;

Type 16 – "Firefighter manual"

This type of input can be assigned to “IPR 513-3A” (and its versions); "S2000R-IPR"; AL of address expanders. Possible input states:

  • “Taken” – the input is normal and fully controlled;
  • “Disabled (removed)” – the input is normal, only faults are monitored;
  • “Failure to arm” – the controlled parameter of the control system was not normal at the time of arming;
  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Fire2” – the addressable manual call point is switched to the “Fire” state (press the button); the address expander recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Fire” state;
  • “Short circuit” – the address expander has recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Short circuit” state;
  • “Fire equipment malfunction” – malfunction of the addressable manual call point.

Type 18 - "Fire Launcher"

This type of input can be assigned to addressable “UDP-513-3AM” and their versions; AL of address expanders with connected UDP. Possible input states:

  • “Disabled (removed)” – the input is normal, only faults are monitored;
  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Activation of the remote start device” – the UDP is transferred to the active state (pressing the button); the address expander recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Fire” state;
  • “Restoring the remote start device” – the UDP is transferred to its original state; the address expander recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Normal” state;
  • “Break” – the address expander has recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Break” state;
  • “Short circuit” – the address expander has recorded the CC state corresponding to the “Open” state;
  • “Fire equipment malfunction” – EDU malfunction.

Type 19 – "Firefighter gas"

This type of input can be assigned to S2000-IPG. In standby mode, the controller requests numerical values ​​corresponding to the carbon monoxide content in the atmosphere measured by the detector. For each input, pre-warning “Attention” and “Fire” warning thresholds are set. Possible input states:

  • “Taken” – the input is normal and fully controlled, the “Fire” and “Attention” thresholds are not exceeded;
  • “Disabled (removed)” – only faults are monitored;
  • “Arming delay” – the input is in the arming delay state;
  • “Failure to arm” – at the time of arming, one of the thresholds “Fire”, “Attention” has been exceeded or a malfunction is present;
  • “Attention” – the “Attention” threshold has been exceeded;
  • “Fire” – the “Fire” threshold has been exceeded;
  • “Fire2” – two or more inputs belonging to the same zone went into the “Fire” state in no more than 120 s. The "Fire2" state will also be assigned to all inputs associated with this zone that had the "Fire" state;
  • “Fire equipment malfunction” – the measuring channel of the addressable detector is faulty.

Additional parameters can also be configured for fire inputs:

  • Automatic re-arming - instructs the device to automatically arm an unarmed alarm as soon as its resistance is normal within 1 s.
  • Without the right to disarm – serves to enable permanent control of the zone, that is, a zone with this parameter cannot be disarmed under any circumstances.
  • The arming delay determines the time (in seconds) after which the device attempts to arm the alarm after receiving the corresponding command. Non-zero “Arming Delay” in fire alarm systems is usually used if, before arming a non-addressed alarm loop, it is necessary to turn on the device output, for example, to reset the power supply to 4-wire detectors (relay control program “Turn on for a while before arming”).

The S2000-KDL controller also has a circuit for connecting readers. You can connect various readers operating via the Touch Memory or Wiegand interface. From the readers it is possible to control the state of the controller inputs. In addition, the device has functional indicators of the operating mode status, DPLS lines and an exchange indicator via the RS-485 interface. In Fig. An example of organizing an addressable analogue fire alarm system is given.

As mentioned above, the radio channel expansion of the addressable analogue fire alarm system, built on the basis of the S2000-KDL controller, is used for those premises of the facility where laying wire lines for one reason or another is impossible. The S2000R-APP32 radio expander provides constant monitoring of the presence of communication with 32 radio devices of the S2000R series connected to it and monitoring the status of their power supplies. Radio channel devices automatically monitor the performance of the radio channel, and if it is highly noisy, they automatically switch to a backup communication channel.
Operating frequency ranges of the radio channel system: 868.0-868.2 MHz, 868.7-869.2 MHz. The emitted power in transmission mode does not exceed 10 mW.
The maximum range of radio communication in open areas is about 300 m (the range of operation when installing a radio system indoors depends on the number and material of walls and ceilings in the path of the radio signal).
The system uses 4 radio frequency channels. At the same time, up to 3 “S2000R-APP32” can operate on each channel in the radio visibility zone. “S2000R-APP32” connects directly to the DPLS of the “S2000-KDL” controller and occupies one address in it. In this case, each radio device will also occupy one or two addresses in the S2000-KDL address space, depending on the selected operating mode.
The operating algorithms of radio devices are described above in the section devoted to the types of “S2000-KDL” inputs.

If it is necessary to equip a fire alarm for an object with explosive zones, together with an addressable analogue system built on the basis of the S2000-KDL controller, it is possible to use a line of specialized addressable explosion-proof detectors.

Multi-band flame detectors (IR/UV) “S2000-Spektron-607-Exd-...” (with special protection against false alarms for electric arc welding); thermal "S2000-Spectron-101-Exd-...", manual and UDP "S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-...", "S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-..." are manufactured in accordance with the requirements for explosion-proof equipment groups I and subgroups IIA, IIB, IIC according to TR TS 012/2011, GOST 30852.0 (IEC 60079-0), GOST 30852.1 (IEC 60079-1) and correspond to the explosion protection marking РВ ExdI/1ExdIICT5. The explosion protection of these detectors is ensured by the shell. Thus, the DPLS line in a hazardous area must be made with an armored cable. Connection of DPLS to detectors is carried out through special cable entries. Their type is determined when ordering depending on the method of cable protection.

The shell of detectors marked – Exd-H is made of of stainless steel. They are recommended to be installed at facilities with chemically aggressive environments (for example, petrochemical industry facilities).

For manual call points“S2000-Spektron-512-Exd-...” marking –B indicates the possibility of additional sealing of the detector using seals, and –A the absence of such a possibility.

According to the standards, detectors and UDP “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-...” and “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-...” can be used in the same way. Moreover, they have the same explosion protection markings and the same degree of protection of the internal volume by the shell. At the same time, detectors and UDP “S2000-Spectron-535-Exd-...” provide the maximum speed of issuing “Fire” signals (or control signal in the case of UDP). But they should not be used at sites where there is a possibility of unauthorized (accidental) activation of the device. Detectors and UDP “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-...” have maximum protection against abnormal operations (including due to the presence of a seal). But because of this, the speed of issuing an alarm (control - in the case of UDP) signal to the system is somewhat reduced. They also have unique applications (for example, metal ore mines where magnetic anomalies are possible) due to the optoelectric operating principle. In addition, the products “S2000-Spectron-512-Exd-...” are somewhat more expensive.

For the operation of flame detectors in the area low temperatures(below - 40oC) a thermostat is built inside - a device that, with the help of heating elements, is automatically capable of maintaining the operating temperature inside the case. To operate the thermostat, an additional power source is required. Heating is turned on at a temperature of -20oC.

Multi-range flame detectors (IR/UV) "S2000-Spectron-607-Exi" (with special protection against false alarms for electric arc welding) and multi-range flame detectors (IR/UV) "S2000-Spectron-608-Exi" have an explosion protection level of "extra explosion-proof" » marked OExiaIICT4 X according to TR CU 012/2011, GOST 30852.0 (IEC 60079-0), GOST 30852.10 (IEC 60079-11). The explosion protection of these detectors is ensured by an intrinsically safe “ia” circuit and an antistatic shell. Connection to the DPLS is carried out using a conventional cable through the spark-proof barrier “S2000-Spectron-IB”, installed outside the hazardous area.

These detectors are recommended to be installed at gas stations, gas and oil refineries, and painting booths. For explosive areas, an explosion-proof multi-band (IR/UV) radio-channel flame detector “S2000R-Spektron-609-Exd” has been developed, connected to the expander “S2000R-APP32”.

Addressable explosion-proof detectors operate according to the “Fire Thermal” tactic. The algorithm of their operation is described above in the section devoted to the types of “S2000-KDL” inputs.

To connect other types of explosion-proof detectors, intrinsically safe barriers “S2000-BRShS-Ex” are used. This block provides protection at the level of an intrinsically safe electrical circuit. This method of protection is based on the principle of limiting the maximum energy accumulated or released by an electrical circuit in emergency mode, or dissipating power to a level significantly below the minimum energy or ignition temperature. That is, the voltage and current values ​​that can enter the danger zone in the event of a malfunction are limited. The intrinsic safety of the unit is ensured by galvanic isolation and the appropriate selection of the values ​​of electrical clearances and creepage paths between intrinsically safe and associated intrinsically hazardous circuits, limiting voltage and current to intrinsically safe values ​​in the output circuits through the use of compound-filled spark protection barriers on zener diodes and current-limiting devices, ensuring electrical clearances, leakage paths and integrity of spark protection elements, including due to their sealing (filling) with a compound.

"S2000-BRSHS-Ex" provides:

  • receiving notifications from connected detectors via two intrinsically safe loops by monitoring their resistance values;
  • power supply to external devices from two built-in intrinsically safe power supplies;
  • relaying alarm messages to the two-wire communication line controller.

The X sign after the explosion protection marking means that only explosion-proof electrical equipment with the type of explosion protection “intrinsically safe electrical circuit i”, which has a certificate of conformity and a permit for use, is allowed to be connected to the connecting devices “S2000-BRShS-Ex” marked “intrinsically safe circuits”. Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision in explosive areas. “S2000-BRSHS-Ex” occupies three addresses in the address space of the “S2000-KDL” controller.

It is possible to connect any threshold fire detectors to the S2000-BRSHS-Ex. Today, the company ZAO NVP "Bolid" supplies a number of sensors for installation inside an explosive zone (explosion-proof version):

  • "IPD-Ex" - optical-electronic smoke detector;
  • "IPDL-Ex" - optical-electronic linear smoke detector;
  • “IPP-Ex” - infrared flame detector;
  • "IPR-Ex" - manual call point.

The “S2000-BRShS-Ex” inputs operate according to the “Combined Firefighter” tactic. The algorithm of their operation is described above in the section devoted to the types of “S2000-KDL” inputs.

When building distributed or large systems against fire protection, in which more than one S2000M remote control is used, there is a need to combine local subsystems at the top level. For this purpose, the central display and control panel of the Orion TsPIU, certified according to GOST R 53325-2012, is intended. It is built on the basis of an industrial PC with redundant power with a special full-featured version of the Orion Pro workstation software installed on it and allows you to create a single workstation for indication and control fire protection systems individual houses in residential areas, factories, multifunctional complexes.

TsPIU "Orion" is installed in a room with round-the-clock presence of duty personnel, in which local network information from individual S2000M remote controls is compiled. That is, the TsPIU can simultaneously interrogate several subsystems, each of which is a control panel controlled by the S20000M remote control, and organize network interaction between them.

TsPIU "Orion" allows you to implement the following functions:

  • Accumulation of PS events in the database (according to PS triggers, operator reactions to alarm events, etc.);
  • Creating a database for a protected object - adding loops, sections, relays to it, arranging them on graphic plans of premises for monitoring and control;
  • Creating access rights for duplicate PPKUP object management functions fire protection(alarm resets, starting and blocking the start of automation and warning systems), assigning them to duty operators;
  • Survey of control and monitoring devices connected to the control center;
  • Registration and processing of fire alarms occurring in the system, indicating the reasons, service marks, as well as their archiving;
  • Providing information about the state of PS objects in the form of an object card;
  • Generating and issuing reports on various PS events.

Thus, software, used in the Orion TsPIU, expands the functionality of the S2000M consoles, namely: it organizes interaction (cross-communications) between several consoles, maintains a general log of events and alarms of almost unlimited volume, allows you to specify the causes of alarms and record the organizational actions of operators (calling the fire department security, etc.), collect statistics of ADCs of addressable analogue detectors (dust, temperature, gas contamination) and smart power supplies with information interfaces.

Traditionally, it is technically possible to connect S2000M remote controls to a PC with an installed Orion Pro workstation. In this case, due to the lack of certification of the PC according to fire standards, the automated workplace will not be part of the control panel or control device. It can only be used as an additional dispatch tool (for redundant visualization, maintaining event logs, alarms, reporting, etc.), without control functions and organizing network interaction between several consoles.

The assignment of automatic fire alarm tasks to software modules is shown in Fig. 9. It is worth noting that the devices are physically connected to the system computer on which the Orion Pro Operational Task software module is installed. The device connection diagram is shown in structural diagram ISO "Orion". The block diagram also shows the number of jobs that can be simultaneously used in the system (AWS software modules). Software modules can be installed on computers in any way - each module on a separate computer, a combination of any modules on a computer, or installing all modules on one computer.

The Orion TsPIU can be used in stand-alone mode or as part of an existing Orion Pro automated workstation. In the first case, the CPU will include the following modules: Server, Operational Task, Database Administrator and Report Generator. In the second of all the CPU modules, it is enough to use the Operational task, which will connect via a local network to a PC with an existing Server. In this case, the CPU will fully retain its functionality in the event of loss of connection or failure of the PC with the Server.

All devices intended for fire alarms in ISO "Orion" are powered from low-voltage power supplies (VPS) direct current. Most devices are adapted to a wide range of power supply voltages - from 10.2 to 28.4 V, which allows the use of sources with a nominal output voltage of 12 V or 24 V (Fig. 3-7). A personal computer with a dispatcher's workstation can occupy a special place in the fire alarm system. It is usually powered from the mains alternating current, stabilization and redundancy of which is provided by uninterruptible power supplies, UPS.
Distributed placement of equipment over a large facility, which is easily implemented in the Orion ISO, requires providing power to the devices at their installation sites. Taking into account the wide range of supply voltages, it is possible, if necessary, to place power supplies with an output voltage of 24V at a distance from consumer devices, even taking into account a significant voltage drop on the wires.
There are other power supply schemes in addressable analogue fire alarm systems based on the S2000-KDL controller. In this case, addressable detectors and relay modules S2000-SP2 connected to the two-wire signal communication line of the S2000-KDL controller will receive power via this line. With this power supply scheme, the controller itself and the “S2000-SP2 isp.02”, “S2000-BRShS-Ex” units will be powered from the power supply.
If we consider the case of radio expansion of an addressable analog system, then in accordance with clause of GOST R 53325-2012, all radio devices have a main and backup autonomous power supply. At the same time, the average operating time of radio devices from the main source is 5 years and from the backup source is 2 months. "S2000-APP32" can be powered both from external source(9 -28 V) and from the DPLS, but due to the high current consumption of the device, in most cases it is recommended to use the first power supply circuit.
Basic normative document, which determines the parameters of the IE for fire alarms - . In particular:

1) The IE must have an indication:

Availability (within normal limits) of main and backup or standby power supplies (separately for each power supply input);

Availability of output voltage.

2) The IE must ensure the generation and transmission of information to external circuits about the absence of output voltage, input power supply voltage at any input, discharge of batteries (if any) and other faults controlled by the IE.

3) IE must have automatic protection from a short circuit and an increase in the output current above the maximum value specified in the TD on the IE. In this case, the IE should automatically restore its parameters after these situations.

4) Depending on the size of the object, powering the fire alarm system may require from one IE to several dozen power sources.

To power fire alarm systems there is a wide range of certified power supplies with an output voltage of 12 or 24 V, with a load current from 1 to 10A: RIP-12 isp.06 (RIP-12-6/80M3-R), RIP-12 isp. .12 (RIP-12-2/7M1-R), RIP-12 version 14 (RIP-12-2/7P2-R), RIP-12 version 15 (RIP-12-3/17M1-R), RIP-12 isp.16 (RIP-12-3/17P1-R), RIP-12 isp.17 (RIP-12-8/17M1-R), RIP-12 isp.20 (RIP-12-1/7M2 -R), RIP-24 isp.06 (RIP-24-4/40M3-R), RIP-24 isp.11 (RIP-24-3/7M4-R), RIP-24 isp.12 (RIP-24 -1/7M4-R), RIP-24 isp.15 (RIP-24-3/7M4-R)

These RIPs, designed to power fire automatic equipment, have information outputs: three separate relays, galvanically isolated from other circuits and from each other. The RIP monitors not only the presence or absence of input and output voltages, but also their deviations from the norm. Galvanic isolation of information outputs greatly simplifies their connection to any type of fire alarm and automation devices.

All devices and instruments included in the fire alarm system belong to the first category of power supply reliability category. This means that when installing a fire alarm, it is necessary to implement a system uninterruptible power supply. If the facility has two independent high-voltage power supply inputs, or the ability to use a diesel generator, then it is possible to develop and apply an automatic transfer switch (ATS) circuit. In the absence of such a possibility, uninterruptible power supply is forced to be compensated by redundant power supply using sources with a built-in or external low-voltage battery. In accordance with SP 513130-2009, the battery capacity is selected based on the calculated current consumption of all (or group) fire alarm devices, taking into account ensuring their operation at backup power in standby mode for 24 hours plus 1 hour in alarm mode. Also, when calculating the minimum battery capacity, it is necessary to take into account the operating temperature, discharge characteristics, and service life in buffer mode.

To increase the operating time of the RIP in backup mode, additional batteries (2 pcs.) can be connected to RIP-12 isp.15, RIP-12 isp.16, RIP-12 isp.17, RIP-24 isp.11, RIP-24 isp.15 .) with a capacity of 17A*h installed in Box-12 isp.01 (Box-12/34M5-R) for RIP with an output voltage of 12V and Box 24 isp.01 (Box-24/17M5-R) for RIP with an output voltage of 24V . These devices are presented in a metal case. These microprocessor-controlled products have protection elements against overcurrent, polarity reversal and battery overdischarge. Information is transmitted to the RIP about the state of each battery installed in the BOX using a two-wire interface. All cables for connecting the Box to the RIP are included in their delivery package.

At facilities where there are special requirements for the reliability of fire alarm operation, you can use power supplies with a built-in RS-485 interface: RIP-12 isp.50 (RIP-12-3/17M1-R-RS), RIP-12 isp.51 ( RIP-12-3/17P1-P-RS), RIP-12 isp.54 (RIP-12-2/7P2-R-RS), RIP-12 isp.56 (RIP-12-6/80M3-P- RS), RIP-12 isp.60 (RIP-12-3/17M1-R-Modbus), RIP-12 isp.61 (RIP-12-3/17P1-R-Modbus), RIP-24 isp.50 ( RIP-24-2/7M4-R-RS), RIP-24 isp.51 (RIP-24-2/7P1-P-RS), RIP-24 isp.56 (RIP-24-4/40M3-P- RS), RIP-48 isp.01 (RIP-48-4/17M3-R-RS), which during operation continuously measure the network voltage, battery voltage, output voltage and output current, measure the battery capacity and transmit the measured values ​​(on request) to the S2000M remote control or Orion Pro workstation. In addition, these sources provide thermal compensation of the battery charge voltage, thereby extending the service life of the battery. When using these power supplies, using the RS-485 interface, on the S2000M remote control or on a computer with an Orion Pro workstation, you can receive the following messages: “Network failure” (mains supply voltage below 150 V or above 250 V), “Power supply overload” ( RIP output current is more than 3.5 A), “Failure of the charger” (the charger does not provide voltage and current to charge the battery (AB) within the specified limits), “Failure of the power supply” (if the output voltage is below 10 V or above 14.5 V ), “Battery malfunction” (voltage (AB) is below normal, or its internal resistance is higher than the maximum permissible), “Battery alarm” (RPC case is open), “Output voltage cutoff”. RIPs have light indication and sound signaling of events.

If there are no surge protection devices (SPDs) in the power supply circuit of the facility, or as an additional level of protection, it is recommended to install protective network units BZS or BZS isp.01, placing them directly near the network inputs of redundant power supplies or other equipment powered directly from AC mains 220V. In this case, to automatically restore the system’s functionality, BZS isp.01 is used.

To distribute the load current, suppress mutual interference between several consumer devices and protect against overloads on each of the 8 channels, it is recommended to use protective switching units BZK isp.01 and BZK isp.02.

For compact placement of fire alarm and automation devices on site, cabinets with redundant power supplies can be used: ShPS-12, ShPS-12 isp.01, ShPS-12 isp.02, ShPS-24, ShPS-24 isp.01, ShPS-24 isp.02.

These devices are a metal cabinet in which ISO Orion devices can be installed: Signal-10, Signal-20P, S2000-4, S2000-KDL, S2000-KPB, S2000- SP1", "S2000-PI" and others that can be mounted on a DIN rail. The devices can also be installed on the front door using additional DIN rails included in the MK1 mounting kit. ~220 V circuits are protected automatic switches. The cabinet contains two rechargeable batteries 12 V with a capacity of 17 A*h.

Inside the cabinet there are:

  • power supply module MIP-12-3A RS with an output voltage of 12V and a current of 3A for “ShPS-12”;
  • or power supply module MIP-24-2A RS with an output voltage of 24V and a current of 2A for “ShPS-24”;
  • switching unit BK-12" or BK-24 which allow you to organize:
    • seven power supply channels for devices with individual overcurrent protection;
    • connecting seven devices to the RS-485 interface line and a network controller to an output with “reinforced” protection for connecting external devices;
  • automatic switches for overcurrent protection of power modules and additional connected consumers with a rated supply voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz.

ShPS-12 isp.01/ShPS-24 isp.01 are equipped with a window through which it is possible to visually monitor the devices installed inside. ShPS-12 isp.02/ShPS-24 isp.02 have a housing protection degree of IP54.

And it can be difficult to figure out what types of devices need to be installed in a particular room. Let's consider the question of what aspiration fire detectors are, their design, operating principles and areas of application.


An aspirating fire detector is a device that captures combustion products (liquid or solid particles) arising from a fire and transmits a fire signal to the control panel.

The sensor is a system unit with air intake tubes extending from it, in which, at a certain distance, several holes are drilled for air intake. Inside the central unit there is an electronic receiver that analyzes incoming air samples.

Depending on the size of the controlled room, air intake tubes can be of different lengths, from several meters to several tens of meters. But in this case, additional fan adjustment is required to achieve the optimal air intake speed.

Collecting tubes can be made from different materials. Thus, in factory workshops, where the air temperature can heat up to 100 degrees, pipes made of metal alloys that are resistant to high temperatures are used. Plastic-based pipes are indispensable in facilities with non-standard ceilings where there are many bends.

Aspiration detectors are mostly designed as smoke detectors, but some models combine smoke and gas components at the same time.

According to the level of sensitivity of the devices, aspiration smoke fire detectors are divided into three types: A - high accuracy, where the optical medium is not denser than 0.035 dB/m; B – increased accuracy from 0.035 dB/m and above; C – standard from 0.088 dB/m and more.

Principle of operation

Through a special aspirator, air is sucked into the intake pipe system. Next, it goes through a two-stage filter. At the first stage, the air sample is cleared of dust particles.

In the second filter, clean air is added so that the optical elements of the device, if there is smoke in the air sample, are not contaminated and the established calibration is not violated.

After passing through the filters, the intake air enters a measuring chamber with a laser emitter, which illuminates and analyzes it.

If the sample is “clean”, then the laser light will be straight and precise. If smoke particles are present, the laser light is scattered and recorded by a special receiving element. The receiver issues a fire signal to the monitoring or control panel.

Aspiration devices are very accurate in their operation, as they can detect a fire in initial stage, through continuous air sampling and analysis.


The main advantage of such detectors is their operation in rooms with high ceiling heights. Type A (high-precision) detectors are used in areas with a ceiling height of up to 21 meters. Device type B – up to 15 meters, C – 8 meters. This is due optimal performance devices in a certain space. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in incorrect operation of the sensors.

As mentioned above, the length of the air intake pipes can vary, up to several tens of meters. Therefore, they have several holes for air intake. They are located at a distance of 9 meters, and from the walls - 4.5 meters.

Air intake pipes do not have to be installed on the ceiling. In some special premises it simply does not exist, so the pipes can be attached to metal structures or hidden under finishing elements, leaving small holes for additional capillary tubes.

The pipeline can have several bends, thereby expanding the controlled area and reducing the likelihood of false alarms. Also, for additional protection, it is possible to install pipes vertically on the walls, connected directly to the expected location of a possible fire. This method of placing pipes is an undeniable advantage of aspiration detectors.

If there is a need for rotation when installing pipes, then the bending radius must be at least 90 mm. Turning should be avoided where possible as it slows down the air flow. There must be at least 2 straight meters of pipe per turn.

At the connection point of the pipeline with the electronic unit, the straight length of the tube should be about 500 mm, and the exhaust pipe - 200 mm.

The central unit of the device is installed either in the most controlled area or outside it, for example, in rooms with extreme conditions, where heat air, humidity, pollution.

If the device is operated in a very dusty or polluted room (woodworking shop, construction warehouse), then the external filters. It is also possible to additionally install a pipe backflow system to eliminate contaminants.

In rooms where temperature changes and condensation in the pipeline are possible, it is advisable to install additional device inside pipes to collect moisture.

The use of aspirating fire smoke detectors is possible in explosive areas. In this case, the unit is taken outside the controlled area, and installed in the air intake pipes special devices– explosion-proof barriers. They prevent dangerous gas mixtures from entering the pipeline.


The wide range of sensitivity of aspirating fire detectors makes it possible to use the devices in various rooms:

IPA detector

The aspiration fire detector IPA TU4371-086-00226827-2006 is a single unit, inside of which there are five working zones: vacuum, injection and coarse cleaning, fine filtration, measurement of air samples, terminal connections. Also on the body there is an electronic fire analysis compartment:

  • “temperature” – reacts to an increase in indoor temperature;
  • “smoke” - sensitive to optical changes in the air environment;
  • “gas” - measures and analyzes deviations from the established norm of gases in the air;
  • "flow" - captures changes in gas air flow.

On one side, the incoming air intake pipeline is connected to the device, and on the other, the exhaust pipe. A fan-aspirator is located in the vacuum compartment. The maximum pipeline length is 80 meters. The distance between the intake holes is 9 meters.

IPA is designed to protect residential and industrial premises, as well as tunnels, mines, cable ducts, etc. The device takes samples from the air, analyzes them and transmits the signals to the control panel: “Normal”, “Alarm 1”, “Alarm 2”, “Start”, “Start 30s”, “Accident”.

The sensor is operated at ambient temperatures from -22 to + 55С. Does not tolerate direct sunlight on the electronic unit, as well as the presence of acids and alkalis in the air that can cause corrosion. Resistant to vibrations with frequencies from 50 to 150 Hz.

I.G. Not bad
Head of Technical Support Department at System Sensor Fire Detectors, Ph.D.

Per share aspiration systems currently accounts for 7% of the European fire detector market and is trending towards growth in this segment. Interest in aspirating fire detectors is also increasing in Russia, since this is often the only type of detector that provides high level fire protection in difficult conditions of placement and operation. In 2006, the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia developed and approved "Recommendations for the design of fire alarm systems using aspirating smoke detectors of the LASD and ASD series" taking into account the provisions of the European standard EN 54-20

General provisions

An aspirating smoke detector is a detector in which air and smoke samples are transported through a sampling device (usually through pipes with holes) to a smoke sensing element (a point smoke detector) located in the same unit as the aspirator, e.g. turbine, fan or pump (Fig. 1).

The main characteristic of an aspiration detector, like any smoke detector, is sensitivity (that is, the minimum value of the specific optical density in one of the samples at which the detector generates a “Fire” signal). It depends on the sensitivity of the point smoke detector used, as well as on the design of the sampling device, the number, size and location of holes, etc. It is important to ensure approximately the same sensitivity for different samples, that is, a balance in sensitivity. Other important characteristic aspiration detector, not taken into account for a point smoke detector, is transportation time, the maximum period of time required to deliver an air sample from the sampling point in the protected room to the sensitive element.

Test room

To determine the sensitivity of an aspiration detector according to the EN 54-20 standard, tests are carried out on test fires in a room measuring (9-11) x (6-8) m and a height of 3.8-4.2 m (Fig. 2), as with testing of point smoke detectors according to EN 54-7 standard. A test fire source is installed on the floor in the center of the room, and on the ceiling three meters from its center in a 60° sector there is an aspiration detector pipe with one air intake hole, as well as a meter for the specific optical density of the medium m (dB/m) and a radioisotope meter concentration of combustion products Y (dimensionless quantity).

It is allowed to test no more than two samples of aspiration detectors simultaneously, and their air intake openings must be located at a distance of at least 100 mm from each other, as well as from the elements of the measuring equipment. The center of the light beam of the optical density meter m must be at least 35 mm from the ceiling.

Test sites for point smoke detectors

Point fire smoke detectors according to the EN54-12 standard are tested against smoke from four test sources: TF-2 - smoldering wood, TF-3 - smoldering cotton, TF-4 - burning polyurethane and TF-5 - burning n-heptane.

The TF-2 hearth consists of 10 dry beech blocks (humidity ~5%) measuring 75x25x20 mm, located on the surface of an electric stove with a diameter of 220 mm, which has 8 concentric grooves 2 mm deep and 5 mm wide (Fig. 3). Moreover, the external groove should be located at a distance of 4 mm from the edge of the slab, the distance between adjacent grooves should be 3 mm. The power of the stove is 2 kW, the temperature of 600 °C is reached in approximately 11 minutes. All tested detectors must be activated at a specific optical density m of less than 2 dB/m.

The TF-3 hearth consists of approximately 90 cotton wicks, 800 mm long and weighing approximately 3 g each, suspended on a wire ring with a diameter of 100 mm, mounted on a tripod at a height of 1 m above a base of non-combustible material (Fig. 4). Cotton wicks should not have protective coating, if necessary, they can be washed and dried. The lower ends of the wicks are set on fire so that smoldering appears with a glow. All tested detectors must be activated at a specific optical density m of less than 2 dB/m. The TF-4 fireplace consists of three mats of polyurethane foam laid one on top of the other, containing no additives that increase fire resistance, with a density of 20 kg/m3 and dimensions of 500x500x20 mm each. The hearth is ignited from a flame of 5 cm3 of alcohol in a container with a diameter of 50 mm, installed under one of the corners of the lower mat. All tested detectors must be activated when the concentration of combustion products Y is less than 6. The TF-5 source is 650 g of n-heptane (purity not less than 99%) with the addition of 3% by volume toluene (purity not less than 99%) in a square pan made of steel measuring 330x330x50 mm. Activation is carried out by flame, spark, etc. All tested detectors must be activated when the concentration of combustion products Y is less than 6.

Classification of aspirating detectors

Aspirating detectors, unlike point smoke detectors, according to the EN54-20 standard are divided into three sensitivity classes:

  • class A - ultrasensitive;
  • class B - high sensitivity;
  • class C - standard sensitivity.

The sensitivity limits for detectors of different classes for various types of test sources are given in Table. 1. Class C aspirating detectors are equivalent in sensitivity to point detectors and are tested using the same test centers. The only difference is that the end of the test is determined 60 seconds after reaching the boundary conditions. Obviously, this time is required to account for the time it takes to transport the sample through the pipe. Aspirating detectors of classes A and B have a significantly higher sensitivity compared to a detector of class C. For example, for test fires TF2 and TF3, the sensitivity of an aspirating detector of class B is 13.33 times higher, and class A is 40 times higher than that of Class C detectors and point smoke detectors. Such high performance are achieved through the use of laser point smoke detectors with a sensitivity of 0.02%/Ft (0.0028 dB/m) and higher as a smoke-sensitive element. In addition, taking air samples from the controlled room and creating a constant flow of air in one direction through the smoke chamber with an aspirator puts even a conventional optical detector in a more advantageous position than when installed on the ceiling, where efficiency is significantly reduced due to the significant aerodynamic resistance of the protective mesh and smoke chamber at low air speeds. Under conditions of constant air flow, the sensitivity of the smoke detector is more stable, and its value practically does not differ from the results of measurements in a wind tunnel according to NPB 65-97, which simplifies the design of fire alarm systems using aspirating fire detectors. Addressable analog aspiration detectors with programmable sensitivity can belong to several classes (A/B/C). In accordance with their range of measuring the specific optical density of the medium, they can generate, in addition to the “Fire” signal, one or more preliminary signals, for example “Attention” and “Warning”, at earlier stages of the development of a fire hazardous situation. A laser aspiration detector is essentially a high-precision meter of the optical density of the medium entering the central unit over a wide range. To adapt to different conditions operation and for programming several thresholds, usually about 10 discretes are sufficient (Table 2).

Test centers for aspirating detectors of classes A and B

To measure the sensitivity of aspiration detectors of classes A and B, test fires several times smaller in size are used. In test fires TF2A and TF2B, instead of 10 beech bars, only 4 or 5 bars are used (Fig. 5), in fires TF3A and TF3B, instead of 90 wicks, approximately 30-40 are used.

It is physically difficult to ensure slower development of a polyurethane foam lesion compared to the test lesion TF4, therefore lesions TF4A, TF4B are absent in the EN54-20 standard. It is much easier to form test lesions TF5A, TF5B with n-heptane: the dimensions of the tray and the volume of n-heptane used are reduced. Compared to the area of ​​the TF5 test lesion, the area of ​​the TF5B lesion is 3.56 times smaller, and the area of ​​the TF5A lesion is 10.89 times smaller (Table 3). Reducing the size of the test spots alone for testing highly sensitive class B and ultra-high-sensitive class A aspiration detectors was not enough. To create minimum smoke concentrations under the ceiling in the test room, a ventilation system is installed (Fig. 6) at half the height of the room and at a distance of 1 m from the fire in the horizontal projection. When working ventilation system smoke from the test fire does not accumulate under the ceiling, but is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the room. Thus, reducing the size of the test source and the distribution of smoke throughout the room made it possible to ensure a slow increase in the optical density of the medium, which made it possible to measure with high accuracy the sensitivity of the aspiration detector at a level of less than 0.01 dB/m. As an example in Fig. Figure 7 shows the dependence of the specific optical density for the test lesion TF3A. It should be noted that the optical density when using test fires when measured in dB/m increases linearly, which makes it possible to evaluate the gain in time for determining a fire hazardous situation with increasing sensitivity of the smoke detector.

Reducing the concentration (dilution) of smoke

If there are several holes for sampling, the smoke concentration in the air sample decreases in proportion to the volume of clean air entering the pipe through the remaining holes (Fig. 8). Consider the case with 10 air intake holes. To simplify the calculation, assume that the same volume of air passes through each hole. Let us assume that smoke with a specific optical density of 2%/m enters the pipe through one air intake hole, and clean air enters through the remaining 9 holes. The smoke in the chimney is diluted clean air 10 times, and its density upon entering the central block is already 0.2%/m. Thus, if the response threshold of the smoke detector in the central unit is set at 0.2%/m, then the signal from the detector will appear when the optical density of the smoke exceeds 2%/m in one of the holes. In table Figure 4 shows data for assessing the effect of smoke dilution for a different number of air intake openings in the pipe. How larger number air intake holes in the pipe, the more pronounced the effect of reducing the sensitivity of the aspiration detector is. In reality, calculating the dilution of smoke with clean air is more complicated than described above. It is necessary to take into account the size, number and location of air intake openings, the presence of corner joints, tees and capillaries in pipe system, diameter, etc. In addition, to equalize the air flows across the holes, and, accordingly, the sensitivity, a plug with a hole is installed at the end of the pipe, the area of ​​which is several times larger than the air intake holes, which should also be taken into account in the calculation. When designing a fire alarm system using aspirating fire detectors, it is necessary to use a computer calculation program for a specific type of equipment. In practice, smoke usually enters simultaneously through several adjacent openings. This is the so-called cumulative effect, which is most pronounced in high rooms. Therefore, when increasing the height of the room, it is not necessary to reduce the distance between the pipes and between the holes in the pipes. According to the British standard BS 5839-1:2001, aspirating detectors of standard sensitivity class C are allowed to protect premises up to 15 m high, high sensitivity class B detectors up to 17 m, ultra-high sensitivity class A up to 21 m. One air intake vent protects an area of horizontal projection in the form of a circle with a radius of 7.5 m.

Airflow control

It is extremely important to control the air flow through the smoke detector in the aspirating detector assembly. A decrease in air flow indicates clogging of the holes in the pipes, an increase indicates a leak in the pipe connection or mechanical damage to the pipeline. In these cases, a malfunction occurs - a decrease in sensitivity.

Monitoring changes in the level of air flow in an aspiration detector is equivalent to monitoring the condition of the loop (for open circuit and short circuit) when using point fire detectors. In addition, there is a need to store the “normal” air flow value in non-volatile memory in case of power failure. To be able to measure air flow deviations from the norm, it is necessary to ensure high stability of the aspirator performance throughout the entire service life of the aspiration detector, i.e. at least 10 years. Thus, despite the apparent simplicity of constructing an aspiration detector, it practical implementation impossible without knowledge of the laws of aerodynamics, use high technology and special computer programs.

According to the requirements of the EN54-20 standard, the aspirating detector must signal “Fault” when the air flow changes by ±20%. During the tests, the amount of air flow in the pipe is initially measured using an anemometer when air is supplied through the pipe in normal mode. After this, only an anemometer and two valves are installed in front of the block (Fig. 9). Valve 2 is set to the middle position, and with the help of valve 1 the initial air flow is set with an accuracy of ±10%. After this, valve 2 increases the air flow by 20%, and then reduces it by 20%. In both cases, the formation of the “Fault” signal is monitored.

Requirements for installation of aspirating detectors

The requirements for the installation of aspiration detectors are given in the Recommendations of the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia. One zone, protected by one channel of an aspirating fire detector, can include up to ten isolated and adjacent rooms with a total area of ​​no more than 1600 m2, located on one floor of the building, while, in accordance with the requirements of NPB 88-2001 *, isolated rooms must have access to common corridor, hall, lobby, etc.

The maximum height of the protected room, as well as the maximum distances in horizontal projection between the air intake opening, the wall and between adjacent openings are given in table. 5. When protecting rooms of arbitrary shape, the maximum distances between air intake openings and walls are determined based on the fact that the area protected by each air intake opening has the shape of a circle 6, 36. (Fig. 10)


Class B aspirating detectors provide an increase in system sensitivity by more than 10 times, and class A by 40 times compared to point-type smoke detectors. Recommendations for the design of fire alarm systems using aspirating smoke detectors, developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Fire Protection Research of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, determine wide possibilities for protecting various types of objects with aspirating detectors.

Help me figure out the IPA aspiration detector?
Certificate of conformity С-Ru.ПБ01.В.00242
Aspiration fire detector IPA TU 4371-086-00226827-2006
Operating manual DAE 100.359.100-01 RE clause 2.9 The detector detects the occurrence of a fire with the generation of notifications and ranking by degree of danger in accordance with clauses 2.12.2, 2.12.3 (at the input connection to the suction pipe detector) with standard class A sensitivity according to GOST R 53325-2012.
Note – When a fire is detected and danger signals “Alarm” are issued
Ga 1", "Alarm 2", "Start" the data of all measurement channels is taken into account simultaneously
tions of fire factors and their sensitivity is adjusted interconnectedly.
clause 4.1 The detector is made in a sealed housing, consisting of five
separate compartments (discharge, discharge and coarse cleaning, fine cleaning, measuring
rhenium and terminal connections). Inside the case under the top panel there is
electronic module compartment with channels for measuring fire factors:
- “Temperature” - reacts to changes in the temperature of the controlled environment;
- “Smoke” - reacts to changes in the optical density of the gas-air environment;
- “Gas” - reacts to changes in the concentration of installed gases;
- “Flow” - reacts to changes in gas-air flow and filter contamination.

Here is an excerpt from SP5 clause 14.2... when one fire detector is triggered that satisfies the recommendations set out in Appendix P. In this case, at least two detectors are installed in the room (part of the room), connected according to the “OR” logical circuit. The placement of detectors is carried out at a distance no greater than the normative one.
R.1 Use of equipment that analyzes the physical characteristics of fire factors and (or) the dynamics of their change and provides information about its technical condition (for example, dust content).
R.2 The use of equipment and its operating modes that exclude the impact on detectors or loops of short-term factors not related to fire.

It follows from this that the aspiration detector complies with Appendix P, and therefore we do not reduce the distance between the detectors and make two air intake holes in each room, but there is one more point in the manual:

Operating manual DAE 100.359.100-01 RE clause 6.10 The location of intake openings in the protected room must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of clause 13.3 of SP 5.13130.2009

We read SP:

13.3.2 In each protected room, at least two fire detectors should be installed, connected according to the logical “OR” circuit.

Note - In the case of using an aspiration detector, unless specifically specified, it is necessary to proceed from the following position: one air intake opening should be considered as one point (addressless) fire detector. In this case, the detector must generate a malfunction signal if the air flow rate in the air intake pipe deviates by 20% of its value. original value, set as an operating parameter.

1. That is, by connecting the device to the S2000-KDL, we register the address of the device, and the IPA detector becomes addressable and paragraph 13.3.2 is already in effect?
2. But the question arises, then why does paragraph 6.10 of the operating manual mean that IPA can be connected, for example, to Signal 20, but at the same time we reduce the distance and install three detectors per room?
3.The manual states that it can be used as an air duct plastic pipes, is metal-plastic suitable?
4.Are all generated commands displayed on the S2000 console?
5.For example, there is a warehouse wooden planks, height 12.8 m, length 60 m, width 25, stacks of boards do not exceed a height of 4 m, boards are loaded directly inside, that is, the transport enters directly into the warehouse. Naturally, there is no heating, there is dust, the wind is blowing, but consider the street, do you think it is advisable to use this type of fire detectors?