Methods for marking coatings. Protective coatings

State standard Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging


Are common requirements

Unified system of corrosion and aging protection.
Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings.
General requirements


( STComecon 5293-85,
STComecon 5294-85
STComecon 5295-85,
STComecon 6442-88
STComecon 6443-88,
STComecon 4662-84
STComecon 4664-84,
STComecon 4665-84
STComecon 4816-84)

Date of introduction 01.07.87


This standard applies to metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings (hereinafter referred to as coatings) produced by electrochemical, chemical and hot (tin and its alloys) methods, and establishes General requirements(hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the surface of the base metal and coatings during their production and quality control of the base metal and coatings.

The standard does not apply to coatings used as technological sublayers, to nickel, nickel-chromium, copper-nickel and copper-nickel-chrome coatings that have only a decorative purpose, and does not take into account changes in coatings that appear during assembly and testing of the product.

Requirements not provided for by this standard, related to the specifics of parts, production and coating requirements, are indicated in the regulatory technical and (or) design documentation.

Compliance of coatings with the requirements of this standard is controlled by methods in accordance with GOST 9.302-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. The surface roughness of the base metal according to GOST 2789-73, microns, should be no more than:

R a 10 ( Rz 40) - under protective coatings;

R a 2.5 ( Rz 10) - for protective and decorative coatings;

R a 1.25 ( Rz 6.3) - for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings.

The surface roughness of the base metal for functional coatings must correspond to that established in the technical regulations and (or) design documentation for the product.

The specified requirements for surface roughness do not apply to non-working internal surfaces of parts that are difficult to access and non-working, threaded surfaces, cut surfaces of stamped parts up to 4 mm thick, corrugated surfaces, as well as on parts whose base metal roughness is established by the relevant standards. The need to bring the surface roughness to the established values ​​must be stipulated in the design documentation.

1.2. Sharp corners and edges of parts, except in technically justified cases, must be rounded with a radius of at least 0.3 mm; the radius of curvature of parts for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings is at least 0.5 mm.

1.3. The following is not allowed on the surface of parts:

rolled scale, burrs;

delaminations and cracks, including those revealed after etching, polishing, grinding;

corrosion damage, pores and cavities.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. The surface of cast and forged parts must be free of gas and shrinkage cavities, slag and flux inclusions, joints, underfills, and cracks.

Permissible deviations on the surface of cast parts (type, size and quantity) are established in the regulatory, technical and design documentation.

1.5. The surface of parts made of hot-rolled metal must be cleaned of scale, pickling sludge, corrosion products of the base metal and other contaminants.

1.6. The surface of parts after machining must be free of a visible layer of lubricant or emulsion, metal shavings, burrs, dust and corrosion products without the introduction of particles of foreign material.

1.5, 1.6.

1.7. The surface of parts after abrasive treatment, for example, hydrosandblasting, tumbling, etc., must be free of etching sludge, slag, corrosion products and burrs.

1.8. The surface of ground and polished parts must be uniform, without nicks, dents, burns, marks, burrs, or defects from the straightening tool.

1.9. On the surface of parts after heat treatment (annealing, hardening, normalization, tempering, aging, as well as heat treatment carried out to improve the adhesion of subsequent coatings) there should be no nicks, scratches, cracks, bubbles, corrosion foci, delamination, warping.

1.10. Welded and soldered seams on parts must be cleaned, continuous around the entire perimeter to eliminate gaps and penetration of electrolyte into them.

Defects that appear when cleaning seams made with medium-melting solders must be eliminated by soldering with the same or low-melting solders.

On the surface of soldered seams, uniform spreading of solder up to 10 mm wide is allowed, individual non-through pores, cleared of flux residues and not violating the tightness of the solder seams.

Seams on parts made of titanium alloys must be made in ways that prevent oxidation.

Mechanical cleaning of seams on parts made by molten salt soldering is not allowed. Soldered seams on such parts must be smooth and tight. There should be no flux residues or silumin splashes on the surface of the parts.

Glue joints on parts must be continuous, without swelling, bubbles and voids, have no gaps into which electrolyte can penetrate, do not contain excess glue in the heat-affected area and be cleaned mechanically.

It is not allowed to apply chemical and electrochemical coatings to parts that have adhesive joints.

1.11. The surface of electropolished parts should be smooth, light and shiny without etching, burns, cracks, unwashed salts, or corrosion products.

The degree of gloss is not standardized.

The following signs on an electropolished surface are not rejected:

uneven shine in areas that have undergone different thermal and mechanical treatments;

individual matte and whitish areas on the surface of parts, which are not subject to decorative requirements;

lack of electropolishing effect in hard-to-reach places: cracks, gaps, blind holes with a diameter of up to 15 mm, through holes - up to 10 mm, as well as holes and recesses that are difficult to reach for electropolishing;

traces of water stains;

lack of shine in welding areas;

traces of contact with the device in the form of matte and dark areas;

mechanical polishing (if necessary) of contact points with the device and to obtain exact dimensions parts after electropolishing;

black dots on the thread, unless otherwise indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation;

traces of mechanical processing of the base metal before electropolishing and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal.

1.9-1.11. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2. 1. Requirements to appearance coatings

2.1.1. The surface of the polished coating must be uniform, shiny or mirror-like.

On a mechanically polished surface of the coating, except for a mirror surface, single hair-like scratches or dots from polishing pastes and straightening tools in an amount of no more than 5 pieces are not considered as rejection marks. per 100 cm 2 , polishing the edges, slight waviness (shrinkage) of the coating on brass parts, unless there are special requirements in the design documentation.

2.1.2. On the surface of coatings, unless there are special instructions in the design documentation, the following signs are not rejected:

traces of machining and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal;

slight waviness of the coating surface after drawing, revealed after etching;

dark or light stripes or spots in hard-to-clean holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, in welded, soldered seams, heat-affected zones and places where the cladding layer was removed;

uneven shine and uneven color;

non-uniform color of coatings on parts made of clad metals with partial machining;

traces of water drips, chromating and phosphating solutions without salt residues;

shiny dots and streaks formed from contact with measuring instrument, devices and from collision of parts during the coating process in drums, bells and mesh devices;

change in color intensity or darkening after heating for the purpose of dehydration and testing of adhesion strength, removal of insulation and impregnation;

single black dots in areas intended for filling with compounds, sealants, adhesives;

lack of coverage:

in pores, places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting;

on welded and soldered seams and near them at a distance of no more than 2 mm on one and the other side of the seam and in internal corners mutually perpendicular planes, subject to subsequent additional protection of these places;

in places where the part comes into contact with the device, except for special cases specified in the design documentation.

2.1.3. When two coatings are deposited on the surface of a part next to each other without insulation or with the use of insulation, as well as when local coatings are deposited, if this does not affect the performance of the product, the following signs are not rejected:

displacement of coating boundaries up to 2 mm, and for coatings with gold, palladium, rhodium and their alloys up to 1 mm in one direction or another;

individual point inclusions of one coating on the surface of another; point inclusions of coating metal on the insulated surface;

darkening of the metal at the border of the coatings;

tarnished colors on uncoated surfaces.

2.1.2, 2.1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. Coating thickness requirements

2.2.1. Exceeding the maximum coating thickness is not a defect if it does not affect the assembly and performance of the product.

(Amended edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.2.2. In holes, grooves, cutouts, in concave areas of complexly profiled parts, on internal surfaces and interfaces of one-piece assembly units, it is allowed to reduce the thickness of the coating by up to 50%, and for chrome coatings - none, unless there are other requirements in the design documentation for the thickness of the coating in these areas .

2.2.3. In blind smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 12 mm and in through smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 6 mm, the thickness of the coating at a depth of more than one diameter (or one width) is not standardized; The absence of a coating is allowed if the design documentation does not specify the requirements for the thickness of the coating in these areas.

2.3. The coating must be firmly adhered to the base metal.

2.4. In appearance, thickness and other indicators, the coating must comply with the requirements of Table. 1 -19.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.5. The conditions for storing and transporting parts must exclude mechanical and chemical influences that lead to damage to the coating.

Table 1

Zinc and cadmium coatings. Chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings. Phosphate coating on zinc coating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the zinc coating is light gray or silver gray with a bluish tint.

Cadmium plating color is light gray or silver gray

The color of the zinc coating with colorless chromating is silver-gray or silver-gray with a bluish tint. Slight rainbow shades are allowed.

The color of the zinc plating with iridescent chromating is greenish-yellow with iridescent shades.

The color of the cadmium plating with iridescent chromate is golden yellow with iridescent hues.

Khaki zinc plating color with various shades.

Khaki to brown cadmium plating color with chrome plating.

Zinc plating color with black chromating black or black with green tint. Gray and rainbow shades are allowed on concave areas of parts with complex configurations.

matte surface after surface preparation by hydrosandblasting and metal sandblasting, tumbling, etching;

darkening or weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment;

darker or more light shade chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, sharp edges, corners, places of contact with the device, between coils of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes around the holes;

single mechanical damage chromate coating not more than 2%. total area.

The color of the phosphated zinc coating ranges from light gray to dark gray. Not a defective sign, minor white coating in blind holes, grooves, etc.

The phosphate coating on the zinc coating must be uniform and dense.

The following are not allowed on the surface:

sludge deposition;

uncovered streaks or spots;

scratches reaching the base metal;

pockets of corrosion;

contamination from oils, greases or surfactants - for coatings intended for the application of paints and varnishes.”

Thickness for zinc and cadmium coatings

Mass of coating per unit surface area

Colorless chromate coating - up to 0.5 g/m2.

Rainbow chromate coating - up to 1.0 g/m2.

Khaki color chromate coating - over 1.5 g/m2.

Phosphate coating intended for impregnation - at least 5.0 g/m2.

Coating intended for paint and varnish coating - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402-80


The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Protective properties

When testing chromate coatings with a solution of lead acetate, a continuous dark spot should not appear until the specified time has elapsed.

When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

Flushing completeness The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish coating should not exceed three times its value

original value

Oil capacity

Oil absorption capacity of the phosphate coating - not less than 2.0 g/m2

table 2

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the copper coating ranges from light pink to dark red. The shade is not standardized.

The color of high-tin copper-tin alloy coating is light gray to gray. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the low-tin copper-tin alloy coating is light yellow. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the copper-zinc alloy coating is from light yellow to light pink.

On the coating, tarnished color, copper build-up on the coating obtained for the purpose of protection against carburization, and darkening of the coating during storage before assembly are not considered to be defective.


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of copper in alloy coatings:

M-O(60) - from 50 to 60%;

M-O(88) - from 70 to 88%;

M-C(90) - from 70 to 90%;

M-C(70) - from 55 to 70%


Coatings intended to protect against cementation must not have pores

Functional properties

Table 3

Nickel plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of matte nickel plating is light gray with a yellow tint, bright nickel plating is light gray. A darker color is allowed in holes and grooves on internal surfaces, concave areas of parts of complex configurations and places where assembly units are mated.

The color of the electroless nickel plating is gray with a yellow tint.

Darkening and rainbow shades after heat treatment, and matte spots due to uneven etching of the base metal are not rejection signs.

The color of black and thermally oxidized coatings ranges from black-gray to black. Tarnished colors allowed


In accordance with the requirements of the design documentation.

The thickness of black nickel plating is not standardized.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nd (Npb.Nb) in relation to the total thickness of the coating is 50-70%; the thickness of the top layer is 50-30%.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb.Ns.Nb) in relation to the total coating thickness is 50% or more; middle layer - up to 10%, top layer - up to 40%.

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel two-layer coating Nd (Npb.Nb) up to 0.005%; in the upper 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb.Ns.Nb) up to 0.005%; on average - no less than 0.15%; in the upper - 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating 3-12%


No more than three through pores per 1 cm 2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length. When the coating thickness is less than 24 microns or the thickness of nickel with an underlayer is less than 12 microns, it is not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


Table 4

Chrome plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the shiny coating is light gray with a bluish tint.

The color of the matte finish is light grey.

The color of the hard (wear-resistant) coating is light gray with a bluish or milky-matte tint.

The color of the two-layer (corrosion-wear-resistant) coating is light gray.

The color of microporous and microcracked coatings is from light gray to gray with a blue tint. The color of the microporous shiny coating obtained from electrolytes with trivalent chromium ranges from light gray to dark gray.

The color of the milky coating is light gray.

Single point depressions up to 2% of the total area with a chromium thickness of more than 40 microns and a network of cracks with a chromium thickness of more than 24 microns are not considered rejection signs. The color of the black coating is black with a blue or brown tint.

A gray tint in internal corners, recesses and holes of complex-profiled parts is not a rejection sign


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation


No more than three through pores per 1 cm2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length, unless otherwise specified in the design documentation*.

The porosity of milky chromium with a thickness of less than 24 microns, protective and decorative two-layer with a thickness of less than 21 microns and wear-resistant chrome with a thickness of less than 40 microns is not standardized*.

Number of pores on the surface of a microporous coating (X mp) when assessed using optical microscopes with a magnification of at least 100 × should be at least 10,000 per cm 2.

The porosity of black chrome is not standardized.

On the surface of the chrome microcrack coating (X mt) there must be at least 250 cracks over a length of 1 cm in all directions, forming a network of cracks

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Coating hardness - according to GOST 9.303-84

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

*Requirements apply to coating on steel parts.

(Amendment. IUS 1-1991)

Table 5

Tin coating and tin alloy coatings

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of fused and unfused coatings ranges from light gray to gray. The melted coating is shiny. Uneven shine on one part is allowed.

The color of the tin-nickel alloy coating is light gray.

Pink and purple shades are allowed.

The color of the tin-lead alloy coating is from light gray to dark gray. The shade is not standardized.

Metal deposits that do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the functional properties of the coating are not a rejection sign.


Chemical composition

Tin coatings intended for use in contact with food products must contain no more than 0.1% lead and no more than 0.025% arsenic

Mass fraction of tin in alloy coatings:

O-H(65) - from 50 to 70%;

O-S(60) - t 50 to 70%;

O-C(40) - from 30 to 50%;

O-C(12) - from 8 to 15%.

Mass fraction of bismuth in O-Vi alloy coating (99.8) from 0.2 to 4.0%


No more than three through pores per 1 cm2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length, unless otherwise specified in the design documentation.

When the coating thickness is 6 microns or less, it is not standardized

Functional properties

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


*Requirements apply to coating on steel parts.

Table 6

Hot coatings with tin and tin-lead alloy

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of tin coating is from light gray to gray, the color of tin-lead alloy coating is from gray to dark gray.

The coating is shiny or matte, smooth. The degree of gloss is not standardized.

slight sagging and uneven thickness of the coating that do not interfere with soldering or operation of the part;

splashes and drops of metal firmly adhered to the base, which do not interfere with the work of the part, on non-working and working (based on the sample) surfaces, as well as on surfaces on which coating is not intended, except for sliding surfaces; dark spots

on the coating on the internal surfaces of blind holes;

a slight bump along the entire length of the wire and a depression from the contact of the wire with the guide roller, which does not reach the base metal;

non-uniform color of the coating.

Not allowed:

rough sagging;

dark spots, dots, white or brown non-erasable film;

cracks, coating peeling, uncovered areas;

solder splashes on working surfaces coated with precious metals (gold, silver, palladium, etc.);


acid flux residues

Chemical composition

Not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

The chemical composition of coatings with tin-lead alloys must correspond to the chemical composition of the main components of solders in accordance with GOST 21930-76 and GOST 21931-76

Table 7

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Silver plating and silver-antimony alloy plating

The color of silver plating and silver-antimony alloy plating is silver-white.

The color of the silver coating made from electrolytes with shine-forming additives and the silver chromated coating is white with a yellowish tint. Color of silver plating obtained chemically

, white.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

dark spots, stripes and tarnished colors in blind holes, grooves, and concave areas of parts of complex configuration;

darkening of the coating during storage before assembly and color change from light pink to light brown after heat treatment, pressing into plastic, provided that the functional properties are preserved


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

The mass fraction of antimony in the coating with the Sr-Su alloy is from 0.4 to 2%


Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 8

Gold plating and gold alloy plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Gold plating color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow

The color of the gold-nickel alloy coating is from light yellow to yellow.

The color of the gold-cobalt alloy coating is from orange-yellow to yellow


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

The mass fraction of nickel in the coating with the Zl-N alloy and the mass fraction of cobalt in the coating with the Zl-Ko alloy - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 9

Palladium plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the coating is from light gray to gray with a yellow tint.

Single dark spots, iridescent shades from light brown to purple, formed during heating, provided that the functional properties are preserved, are not a rejection sign


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 10

Rhodium plated

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color light gray with blue tint


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product.

Table 11

Chemical oxide coating on steel and cast iron

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Chem. Ox (including after impregnation with oil) on parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels is black with a blue tint.

On parts produced by casting, black coating with gray or brown shades is allowed.

The color of the coating on parts made of high-alloy steels is from dark gray to dark brown with a cherry tint.

The color of the coating on parts made of cast iron and silicon-alloyed steels ranges from light yellow to dark brown.

The color of the coating on parts made of high-carbon tool steels is black with a gray tint


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Variation in color and shade is allowed on parts that have undergone local hardening, welding, carburization, cold hardening and other mechanical processing;

On a Chem.Ox coating. after testing, there should be no centers of corrosion, with the exception of sharp edges and ends of springs, on which no more than three points of corrosion are allowed per 1 cm 2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length

Table 12

Coating obtained by chemical passivation
on corrosion-resistant steels.

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Chemical Pass.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

must match the color of the metal being processed.

rainbow shades, depending on the grade of steel, including in places of welding and bending;

slight darkening;

traces of mechanical finishing;


black inclusions in the form of individual small dots

Table 13

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Chemical oxide and anodic-oxide coatings on copper and its alloys

The color of the coating Khim.Oks and An.Oks from dark red with a brown tint to black with a blue tint

traces of mechanical finishing of the surface of the base metal;

partial lack of coating on sharp edges;

darkening between the coils of springs with a small pitch.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

The following signs are not considered defective:

rainbow shades;

darkening of the coating between the coils of springs with small pitches;


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

non-uniformity of the varnish film in color and drips of varnish after varnishing, which do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the performance of the product

When tested on the Chem.Pass coating, the color of the drop should not change to blue before the specified time has elapsed

Table 14

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Chemical oxide coating on aluminum and its alloys

The color of the Him.Ox coating is from gray-blue to dark blue or from light green to green or yellow

on alloys of grades D16, D1, D24F - greenish-blue with or without rainbow shades;

on casting alloys - blue-gray with black and brown streaks.

The color of the Him.Pass coating matches the color of the base metal.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

The color of the Khim.Oks.e coating ranges from colorless to light blue or light yellow; golden yellow to brown with iridescent hues on wrought alloys; gray with yellow and brown streaks on cast alloys.

dark and light stripes in the rolling direction, soldering and welding areas;

darkening on parts soldered by high-temperature soldering;

separate stains from chrome salts around holes, in places of contact of parts with fixtures, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, around pores and places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting;


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

identification of the structure of the base metal

Table 15

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the An.Ox coating is from light gray to dark gray, on parts made of cast alloys from light gray to dark brown. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the painted coating must match the color of the sample. The shade is not standardized. On multicomponent and cast alloys, reflections of various tones are possible.

The color of the coating is from milky to gray, rainbow shades are possible.

The color of the An.Ox.nhr coating is from light green to yellow-green, on multicomponent and cast alloys from gray to dark gray. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

dark dots and spots as a result of revealing the heterogeneity of the structure of the base metal;

dark and light stripes in the rolling direction, places of welding, lapping, work hardening, places where there is no cladding layer;

yellow spots from chromium salts around holes, in places of contact of a part with a device, in places of mating of one-piece assembly units, around pores and places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting.

The color of coating is from light gray to black, yellow-green shades are allowed.

The color of the An.Ox.eiz coating is from light yellow to dark brown or from light gray to dark gray.

The color of and An.Ox.eiz coating after filling with chromates is from yellow-green to brown-black.

The presence of microcracks on the An.Ox.eiz coating is not a defect if they do not affect the functional properties.

The color of the An.Ox.emt coating is from light gray to dark gray, depending on the alloy used, enamel-like. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the painted coating must match the color of the sample

Coating color Anotsvet light brown, gray-blue, blue-black, golden, golden-bronze, bronze, gray-brown.

A lighter tone is allowed on the internal surfaces of parts


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Quality of coating filling

After testing, the weight loss of the sample should not exceed 20 mg/dm 2 for products intended for use in an open atmosphere, and 30 mg/dm 2 for products intended for use in an enclosed environment.

After testing, the coating should not be painted or only slightly colored!

When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the An.Ox.eiz coating should not exceed three times its initial value

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

During testing, no change in color of a drop of the test solution should be observed until the specified time has elapsed.

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 16

Anodic oxide coating on titanium alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Anotsvet from blue to blue, pink, green, yellow. The shade is not standardized.

Traces of mechanical finishing of the surface of the base metal are not a rejection sign

An.Ox coating color from light gray to dark gray


Not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 17

Chemical oxide and anodic oxide coatings
on magnesium and magnesium alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the Chem.Ox coating ranges from straw yellow to dark brown or black.

The color of the Him.Phos coating is from light gray to dark gray.

The color of the coating is yellow, green or grey-black. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

tarnish colors; stains formed during re-oxidation; pinpoint areas of metal without coating around the pores; gray spots with a smearing coating on the ML-5 alloy;

black spots on machined surfaces resulting from local heating of the metal during mechanical processing


The thickness of the coating Khim.Oks is not standardized, An.Oks - in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation

Table 18

Phosphate coating on steel and cast iron


Coating requirements


The color of the coating is from light gray to black, after impregnation with oil, emulsion or after hydrophobization from dark gray to black.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

heterogeneity of crystal sizes in areas of local hardening, welding, cold hardening, different surface roughness in decarburized areas;

white deposits that can be removed by wiping;

phosphate sludge deposits on non-working surfaces;

traces of a copper electrode on parts welded by spot or roller welding;

stains, stains and sagging after wiping with emulsion, varnish or after hydrophobization, which do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the performance of the product;

yellow spots from chrome salts around holes, places of contact of the part with the fixture and places of mating of assembly units, spots around pores and inclusion points allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting

Mass of coating per unit surface area

The mass of the coating per unit surface area before impregnation is at least 5 g/m2;on a rough surface R a

1.25-0.63 microns, it is allowed to reduce the coating mass per unit surface area in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Weight of coating per unit surface area before applying paint and varnish in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402-80

The coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure.

Protective properties

When tested in accordance with GOST 9.302-88, the color of the drop should not change within the specified time, or after testing there should be no foci of corrosion on the coating, with the exception of sharp edges, junction points of one-piece assembly units, where no more than three point foci of corrosion per 1 cm 2 are allowed surface area and per 1 cm edge length

Oil capacity

Not less than 2.0 g/m2

Flushing completeness

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the coating intended for paint and varnish should not exceed three times its original value.

Table 19

Chemical oxide chromate and phosphate coatings on zinc alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the Chemical coating is greenish-yellow with iridescent shades; if there is a copper alloy, the color of the coating is gray-blue; the color of the Him.Phos coating is from light gray to gray.

The following signs are not considered defective:

matte surface and weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment, hydrosandblasting, tumbling And etching;

a darker or lighter shade of chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and on concave sections of parts of complex configurations, at the interfaces of one-piece assembly units, on sharp edges, corners, at points of contact with the device, between turns of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes near the holes

single mechanical damage to the chromate coating no more than 2%


Not standardized


3.1. Before coating, 2-5% of parts from a batch, but not less than three parts, and for parts of a single production, each part is checked for compliance with paragraphs. 1.1 -1.10.

3.2. Semi-finished products (tape, wire, etc.) are subjected to incoming inspection for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for delivery and the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1-1.6.

If there are unsatisfactory results, repeat inspection is carried out on a double number of parts.

If unsatisfactory results of re-inspection are received on at least one part, the entire batch is rejected and returned to the manufacturer.

3.3. If it is impossible to control the quality of coatings on parts, for example, large and heavy parts of a single production, it is allowed to carry out control on witness samples or guarantee the quality of the coating by the correct execution of the technological process, confirmed by an entry in the technological process control log.

Witness samples must be made from the material of the parts, have the same surface roughness and coatings applied using the same technology as the coatings on the parts.

The shape and dimensions of witness samples are developed by the enterprise and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The same witness samples and parts can be used for different control tests.

3.4. Parts on which the coating was tested by destructive methods, as well as parts whose coatings do not meet the requirements of this standard, are allowed to be submitted for acceptance after re-coating.

3.5. Control of the appearance of coatings is carried out on 100% of parts.

It is allowed to use statistical control methods according toGOST 18242-72.

Control of the appearance of the coating on parts coated in bulk and in automatic lines can be carried out on a sample of 2% of parts from each batch.

3.6. Control of the thickness of the coating is carried out before its additional processing, with the exception of brushing, polishing, grinding, chroming and phosphating.

The thickness of the nickel coating, including that obtained chemically, is controlled before heat treatment.

3.4-3.6.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. 3.8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. To control coating thickness, adhesion strength and other quality indicators, from 0.1 to 1% of parts, but not less than three parts, are selected from each batch.

In technically justified cases, for example, for small-scale products or products coated with precious and rare metals and their alloys, it is allowed to select a sample of less than 0.1%, but not less than three parts.

Control of coating thickness by metallographic method can be carried out on one part.

Control of coating thickness on parts processed in automatic lines may be carried out at least once per shift.

3.10. The adhesion strength of coatings subjected to heat treatment, melting, brushing, grinding and polishing is assessed after these operations.

3.9, 3.10. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.11. Control chemical composition Alloy coatings are carried out at least twice a week, and also after adjusting the electrolyte.

The content of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating and sulfur in protective and decorative nickel coating can not be controlled, but can be guaranteed by the correct execution of the technological process.

3.12. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.13. Control protective properties coatings obtained by Chem. Paz, An. Oke and Him. Ox on copper and its alloys intended for operation in conditions 1 according toGOST 15150-69, as well as the specified coatings, additionally protected by a paint coating, are not carried out.

Control of protective properties of coatings Ox and Chem. Phosphorizing on steel and cast iron can be carried out before or after their additional processing.

3.14. The need to control the mass of the coating per unit surface area, oil absorption, completeness of rinsing, porosity, quality of coating filling, protective properties of chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings, phosphate coatings on zinc coatings and structures are established in the regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

3.13, 3.14.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.15. If unsatisfactory results are obtained for one of the indicators during selective inspection of coatings, repeated inspection is carried out on twice the number of parts in the sample.

If the results of repeated inspection of coatings on one part are unsatisfactory, the entire batch is rejected or, in case of discrepancy in appearance, subjected to continuous inspection.

Repeated testing of the adhesion strength of coatings is not carried out. If unsatisfactory results are obtained during sampling control, the entire batch is rejected.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).



I.L. Motiejunas , Ph.D. chem. sciences; V.V. Protusyavichene; D.G. Kovalenko; G.V. Kozlova , Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leaders); N.G. Alberg; T.I. Berezhnyak; G.S. Fomin , Ph.D. chem. sciences; E.B. Davidavičius , Ph.D. chem. sciences ; S.Z. Navitskene; B.A. Arlauskiene

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 02.27.86 No. 424

3. Inspection frequency 5 years

4. The standard corresponds to ST SEV 4662-84, ST SEV 4664-84, ST SEV 4665-84, ST SEV 4816-84, ST SEV 5293-85, ST SEV 5294-85, ST SEV 5295-85, ST SEV 6442- 88, ST SEV 6443-88 regarding technical requirements

The standard complies with ISO 1456-88, ISO 1458-88, ISO 2081-86, ISO 2082-86, ISO 2093-86, ISO 6158-84, ISO 7599-83

5. Instead of GOST 9.301-78


7. REISSUE with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in March 1989, October 1989 (IUS 6-89, 1-90)

GOST 9.301-86

Group T94


Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging


General requirements

Unified system of corrosion and aging protection.
Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. General requirements

MKS 25.220
OKSTU 0009

Date of introduction 1987-07-01


1. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 02.27.86 N 424

2. The standard corresponds to ST SEV 4662-84, ST SEV 4664-84, ST SEV 4665-84, ST SEV 4816-84, ST SEV 5293-85, ST SEV 5294-85, ST SEV 5295-85, ST SEV 6442- 88, ST SEV 6443-88 regarding technical requirements

3. The standard complies with ISO 1456-88*, ISO 1458-88, ISO 2081-86, ISO 2082-86, ISO 2093-86, ISO 6158-84, ISO 7599-83
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and further in the text can be obtained by following the link to the website - Database manufacturer's note.

4. INSTEAD GOST 9.301-78


Item number

Introductory part, 2.4

6. EDITION (October 2010) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in March 1989, October 1989 (IUS 6-89, 1-90), Amendment (IUS 1-91)

This standard applies to metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings (hereinafter referred to as coatings) produced by electrochemical, chemical and hot (tin and its alloys) methods, and establishes general requirements (hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the surface of the base metal and coatings during their production and control quality of base metal and coatings.

The standard does not apply to coatings used as technological sublayers, to nickel, nickel-chromium, copper-nickel and copper-nickel-chrome coatings that have only decorative purposes, and does not take into account changes in coatings that appear during assembly and testing of products.

Requirements not provided for by this standard, related to the specifics of parts, production and coating requirements, are indicated in the regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

Compliance of coatings with the requirements of this standard is controlled by methods in accordance with GOST 9.302.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. The surface roughness of the base metal according to GOST 2789, microns, should be no more than:

10 ( 40) - under protective coatings;

2,5 ( 10) - for protective and decorative coatings;

1,25 ( 6.3) - for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings.

The surface roughness of the base metal for functional coatings must correspond to that established in the technical regulations and (or) design documentation for the product.

The specified requirements for surface roughness do not apply to non-working internal surfaces of parts that are difficult to access and non-working internal surfaces, threaded surfaces, cut surfaces of stamped parts up to 4 mm thick, corrugated surfaces, as well as to parts whose base metal roughness is established by the relevant standards. The need to bring the surface roughness to the established values ​​must be stipulated in the design documentation.

1.2. Sharp corners and edges of parts, except in technically justified cases, must be rounded with a radius of at least 0.3 mm; the radius of curvature of parts for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings is at least 0.5 mm.

1.3. The following is not allowed on the surface of parts:

rolled scale, burrs;

delaminations and cracks, including those revealed after etching, polishing, grinding;

corrosion damage, pores and cavities.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. The surface of cast and forged parts must be free of gas and shrinkage cavities, slag and flux inclusions, joints, underfills, and cracks.

Permissible deviations on the surface of cast parts (type, size and quantity) are established in the regulatory, technical and design documentation.

1.5. The surface of parts made of hot-rolled metal must be cleaned of scale, pickling sludge, corrosion products of the base metal and other contaminants.

1.6. The surface of parts after machining must be free of a visible layer of lubricant or emulsion, metal shavings, burrs, dust and corrosion products without the introduction of particles of foreign material.

1.5, 1.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.7. The surface of parts after abrasive treatment, for example, hydrosandblasting, tumbling, etc., must be free of etching sludge, slag, corrosion products and burrs.

1.8. The surface of ground and polished parts must be uniform, without nicks, dents, burns, marks, burrs, or defects from the straightening tool.

1.9. On the surface of parts after heat treatment (annealing, hardening, normalization, tempering, aging, as well as heat treatment carried out to improve the adhesion of subsequent coatings) there should be no nicks, scratches, cracks, bubbles, corrosion foci, delamination, warping.

1.10. Welded and soldered seams on parts must be cleaned, continuous around the entire perimeter to eliminate gaps and penetration of electrolyte into them.

Defects that appear when cleaning seams made with medium-melting solders must be eliminated by soldering with the same or low-melting solders.

On the surface of soldered seams, uniform spreading of solder up to 10 mm wide is allowed, individual non-through pores, cleared of flux residues and not violating the tightness of the solder seams.

Seams on parts made of titanium alloys must be made in ways that prevent oxidation.

Mechanical cleaning of seams on parts made by molten salt soldering is not allowed. Soldered seams on such parts must be smooth and tight. There should be no flux residues or silumin splashes on the surface of the parts.

Glue joints on parts must be continuous, without swelling, bubbles and voids, have no gaps into which electrolyte can penetrate, do not contain excess glue in the heat-affected area, and be cleaned mechanically.

It is not allowed to apply chemical and electrochemical coatings to parts that have adhesive joints.

1.11. The surface of electropolished parts should be smooth, light and shiny without etching, burns, cracks, unwashed salts, or corrosion products.

The degree of gloss is not standardized.

On an electropolished surface

uneven shine in areas that have undergone different thermal and mechanical treatments;

individual matte and whitish areas on the surface of parts, which are not subject to decorative requirements;

lack of electropolishing effect in hard-to-reach places: cracks, gaps, blind holes with a diameter of up to 15 mm, through holes - up to 10 mm, as well as holes and recesses that are difficult to reach for electropolishing;

traces of water stains;

lack of shine in welding areas;

traces of contact with the device in the form of matte and dark areas;

mechanical polishing (if necessary) of contact points with the device and to obtain accurate dimensions of the part after electropolishing;

black dots on the thread, unless otherwise indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation;

traces of mechanical processing of the base metal before electropolishing and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal.

1.9-1.11. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Requirements for the appearance of the coating

2.1.1. The surface of the polished coating must be uniform, shiny or mirror-like.

On a mechanically polished surface of the coating, except for a mirror surface, single hair-like scratches or dots from polishing pastes and straightening tools in an amount of no more than 5 pieces are not considered as rejection marks. by 100 cm, polishing the edges, slight waviness (shrinkage) of the coating on brass parts, unless there are special requirements in the design documentation.

2.1.2. On the surface of coatings, unless there are special instructions in the design documentation, the following signs are not rejected:

traces of machining and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal;

slight waviness of the coating surface after drawing, revealed after etching;

dark or light stripes or spots in hard-to-clean holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, in welded, soldered seams, heat-affected zones and places where the cladding layer was removed;

uneven shine and uneven color;

non-uniform color of coatings on parts made of clad metals with partial machining;

traces of water drips, chromating and phosphating solutions without salt residues;

shiny dots and streaks formed from contact with measuring tools, devices and from the collision of parts during the coating process in drums, bells and mesh devices;

change in color intensity or darkening after heating for the purpose of dehydration and testing of adhesion strength, removal of insulation and impregnation;

single black dots in areas intended for filling with compounds, sealants, adhesives;

lack of coverage:

in pores, places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting;

on and around welded and soldered seams at a distance of no more than 2 mm on one side or the other of the seam and in the internal corners of mutually perpendicular planes, subject to subsequent additional protection of these places;

in places where the part comes into contact with the device, except for special cases specified in the design documentation.

2.1.3. When two coatings are deposited on the surface of a part next to each other without insulation or with the use of insulation, as well as when local coatings are deposited, if this does not affect the performance of the product, the following signs are not rejected:

displacement of coating boundaries up to 2 mm, and for coatings with gold, palladium, rhodium and their alloys up to 1 mm in one direction or another;

individual point inclusions of one coating on the surface of another; point inclusions of coating metal on the insulated surface;

darkening of the metal at the border of the coatings;

tarnished colors on uncoated surfaces.

2.1.2, 2.1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. Coating thickness requirements

2.2.1. Exceeding the maximum coating thickness is not a defect if it does not affect the assembly and performance of the product.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2.2. In holes, grooves, cutouts, in concave areas of complexly profiled parts, on internal surfaces and interfaces of one-piece assembly units, it is allowed to reduce the thickness of the coating by up to 50%, and for chrome coatings - none, unless there are other requirements in the design documentation for the thickness of the coating in these areas .

2.2.3. In blind smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 12 mm and in through smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 6 mm, the thickness of the coating at a depth of more than one diameter (or one width) is not standardized; The absence of a coating is allowed if the design documentation does not specify the requirements for the thickness of the coating in these areas.

2.3. The coating must be firmly adhered to the base metal.

2.4. In appearance, thickness and other indicators, the coating must comply with the requirements of Table 1-19.

Table 1

Zinc and cadmium coatings. Chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings. Phosphate coating on zinc coating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the zinc coating is light gray or silver gray with a bluish tint.

The color of the cadmium coating is light gray or silver gray.

The color of the zinc coating with colorless chromating is silver-gray or silver-gray with a bluish tint. Slight rainbow shades are allowed.

The color of the zinc plating with iridescent chromating is greenish-yellow with iridescent shades.

The color of the cadmium plating with iridescent chromate is golden yellow with iridescent hues.

Khaki zinc plating color with various shades.

Khaki to brown cadmium plating color with chrome plating.

The color of the zinc coating with black chromating is black or black with a green tint. Gray and rainbow shades are allowed on concave areas of parts with complex configurations.

The following signs are not considered defective:

matte surface after surface preparation by hydrosandblasting and metal sandblasting, tumbling, etching;

darkening or weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment;

a darker or lighter shade of chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, sharp edges, corners, places of contact with a device, between coils of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes around the holes;

single mechanical damage to the chromate coating no more than 2% of the total area.

The color of the zinc coating with phosphating is from light gray to dark gray. A slight white coating in blind holes, grooves, etc. is not a rejection sign.

The phosphate coating on the zinc coating must be uniform and dense.

The following are not allowed on the surface:

sludge deposition;

uncovered streaks or spots;

scratches reaching the base metal;

pockets of corrosion;

contamination from oils, greases or surfactants - for coatings intended for the application of paints and varnishes

Thickness for
zinc and cadmium coatings

Mass of coating per unit surface area

Colorless chromate coating - up to 0.5 g/m.

Rainbow chromate coating - up to 1.0 g/m.

Khaki color chromate coating - over 1.5 g/m.

Phosphate coating intended for impregnation - at least 5.0 g/m.

Coating intended for paint and varnish coating - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402


The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Protective properties

When testing chromate coatings with a solution of lead acetate, a continuous dark spot should not appear until the specified time has elapsed.

When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution must not change to black within the specified time.

Flushing completeness

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish coating should not exceed three times its original value

Oil capacity

Oil absorption capacity of the phosphate coating - not less than 2.0 g/m

table 2

table 2

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the copper coating ranges from light pink to dark red. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the high-tin copper-tin alloy coating ranges from light gray to gray. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the low-tin copper-tin alloy coating is light yellow. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the copper-zinc alloy coating is from light yellow to light pink.

On the coating, tarnished color, copper build-up on the coating obtained for the purpose of protection against carburization, and darkening of the coating during storage before assembly are not considered to be defective.

In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of copper in alloy coatings:

M-O (60) - from 50 to 60%;

M-O (88) - from 70 to 88%;

M-C (90) - from 70 to 90%;

M-C (70) - from 55 to 70%


Coatings intended to protect against cementation must not have pores

Functional properties

Table 3

Nickel plating


Coverage Requirements


The color of matte nickel plating is light gray with a yellow tint, bright nickel plating is light gray. A darker color is allowed in holes and grooves on internal surfaces, concave areas of parts of complex configurations and places where assembly units are mated.

The color of the electroless nickel plating is gray with a yellow tint.

Darkening and rainbow shades after heat treatment, and matte spots due to uneven etching of the base metal are not rejection signs.

The color of black and thermally oxidized coatings ranges from black-gray to black. Tarnished colors allowed

In accordance with the requirements of the design documentation.

The thickness of black nickel plating is not standardized.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel two-layer coating Nd (Npb. Nb) in relation to the total coating thickness is 50-70%; the thickness of the top layer is 50-30%.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb. Ns. Nb) in relation to the total coating thickness is 50% or more; middle layer - up to 10%, top layer - up to 40%

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel two-layer coating Nd (Npb. Nb) up to 0.005%; in the upper 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb. Ns. Nb) up to 0.005%; on average - no less than 0.15%; in the upper - 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating 3-12%


No more than three through pores per 1 cm of surface area and 1 cm of edge length. When the coating thickness is less than 24 microns or the thickness of nickel with an underlayer is less than 12 microns, it is not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Protective properties

* Requirements apply to coating on steel parts.

Table 4

Chrome plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the shiny coating is light gray with a bluish tint.

The color of the matte finish is light grey.

The color of the hard (wear-resistant) coating is light gray with a bluish or milky-matte tint.

The color of the two-layer (corrosion-wear-resistant) coating is light gray.

The color of microporous and microcracked coatings is from light gray to gray with a blue tint. The color of the microporous shiny coating obtained from electrolytes with trivalent chromium ranges from light gray to dark gray.

The color of the milky coating is light gray.

Single point depressions up to 2% of the total area with a chromium thickness of more than 40 microns and a network of cracks with a chromium thickness of more than 24 microns are not considered rejection signs.

The color of the black coating is black with a blue or brown tint. A gray tint in internal corners, recesses and holes of complex-profiled parts is not a rejection sign

In accordance with the requirements of design documentation


No more than three through pores per 1 cm of surface area and 1 cm of edge length, unless otherwise specified in the design documentation*.

The porosity of milky chromium with a thickness of less than 24 microns, protective and decorative two-layer with a thickness of less than 21 microns and wear-resistant chrome with a thickness of less than 40 microns is not standardized*.

The number of pores on the surface of a microporous coating () when assessed using optical microscopes with a magnification of at least 100 must be at least 10,000 per cm.

The porosity of black chrome is not standardized.

On the surface of the chrome microcrack coating () there must be at least 250 cracks over a length of 1 cm in all directions, forming a network of cracks

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product.


The coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Protective properties

When tested in accordance with GOST 9.302, the color of the drop should not change within a specified time or after testing there should be no foci of corrosion on the coating, with the exception of sharp edges, junction points of one-piece assembly units, where no more than three point foci of corrosion per 1 cm of surface area are allowed and per 1 cm of edge length

Oil capacity

Not less than 2.0 g/m

Flushing completeness

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the coating intended for paint and varnish should not exceed three times its original value

Table 19

Chemical oxide chromate and phosphate coatings on zinc alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Chem. Oks. chrome greenish-yellow with iridescent shades; if the alloy contains copper, the color of the coating is gray-blue; coating color Chem. Phos from light gray to grey.

The following signs are not considered defective:

matte surface and weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment, hydrosandblasting, tumbling and etching;

a darker or lighter shade of chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and on concave sections of parts of complex configurations, at the interfaces of one-piece assembly units, on sharp edges, corners, at points of contact with the device, between turns of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes near the holes;

single mechanical damage to the chromate coating no more than 2%

Not standardized

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.5. The conditions for storing and transporting parts must exclude mechanical and chemical influences that lead to damage to the coating.


3.1. Before applying coatings, 2-5% of parts from a batch, but not less than three parts, and for parts of a single production, each part is checked for compliance with clauses 1.1-1.10.

3.2. Semi-finished products (tape, wire, etc.) are subjected to incoming inspection for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for delivery and the requirements of paragraphs 1.1-1.6.

If there are unsatisfactory results, repeat inspection is carried out on a double number of parts.

If unsatisfactory results of re-inspection are received on at least one part, the entire batch is rejected and returned to the manufacturer.

3.3. If it is impossible to control the quality of coatings on parts, for example, large and heavy parts of a single production, it is allowed to carry out control on witness samples or guarantee the quality of the coating by the correct execution of the technological process, confirmed by an entry in the technological process control log.

Witness samples must be made from the material of the parts, have the same surface roughness and coatings applied using the same technology as the coatings on the parts.

The shape and dimensions of witness samples are developed by the enterprise and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The same witness samples and parts can be used for different control tests.

3.4. Parts on which the coating was tested by destructive methods, as well as parts whose coatings do not meet the requirements of this standard, are allowed to be submitted for acceptance after re-coating.

3.5. Control of the appearance of coatings is carried out on 100% of parts.

It is allowed to use statistical control methods in accordance with GOST 18242 *.
* In the territory Russian Federation GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007 is valid.

Control of the appearance of the coating on parts coated in bulk and in automatic lines can be carried out on a sample of 2% of parts from each batch.

3.6. Control of the thickness of the coating is carried out before its additional processing, with the exception of brushing, polishing, grinding, chroming and phosphating.

The thickness of the nickel coating, including that obtained chemically, is controlled before heat treatment.

3.4-3.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7, 3.8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. To control coating thickness, adhesion strength and other quality indicators, from 0.1 to 1% of parts, but not less than three parts, are selected from each batch.

In technically justified cases, for example, for small-scale products or products coated with precious and rare metals and their alloys, it is allowed to select a sample of less than 0.1%, but not less than three parts.

Control of coating thickness by metallographic method can be carried out on one part.

Control of coating thickness on parts processed in automatic lines may be carried out at least once per shift.

3.10. The adhesion strength of coatings subjected to heat treatment, melting, brushing, grinding and polishing is assessed after these operations.

3.9, 3.10. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.11. The chemical composition of alloy coatings is monitored at least twice a week, and also after adjusting the electrolyte.

The content of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating and sulfur in protective and decorative nickel coating can not be controlled, but can be guaranteed by the correct execution of the technological process.

3.12. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.13. Control of the protective properties of coatings obtained by Chem. Paz, An. Ox and Chem. Oxygenation is not carried out on copper and its alloys intended for operation in conditions 1 according to GOST 15150, as well as the specified coatings, which are additionally protected by a paint coating.

Control of protective properties of coatings Ox and Chem. Phosphorizing on steel and cast iron can be carried out before or after their additional processing.

3.14. The need to control the mass of the coating per unit surface area, oil absorption, completeness of rinsing, porosity, quality of coating filling, protective properties of chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings, phosphate coatings on zinc coatings and structure are established in the regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

3.13, 3.14. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.15. If unsatisfactory results are obtained for one of the indicators during selective inspection of coatings, repeated inspection is carried out on twice the number of parts in the sample.

If the results of repeated inspection of coatings on one part are unsatisfactory, the entire batch is rejected or, in case of discrepancy in appearance, subjected to continuous inspection.

Repeated testing of the adhesion strength of coatings is not carried out. If unsatisfactory results are obtained during sampling control, the entire batch is rejected.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2010

This article presents letter designations(code) type, type and thickness of galvanic coatings, according to GOST 9.306-85 on parts. Examples of recording in the drawings are presented. The designation of galvanizing, chromating, nickel plating, copper plating, chrome plating, anodizing, oxidation, tin plating (tin-bismuth) of metal is shown.

According to GOST 9.306-85

Base metal processing method:

Kravtsevaniye - krts

Electrochemical polishing - ep

Stamping - shtm

"Snow" etching - snzh

Hatching - line

“Pearl-like” treatment - w

Vibration rolling - fbr

Drawing arcuate lines - for

Diamond processing - alm

Drawing hair lines - ow

Satin - stn

Passivation - Chem. Pass

Matting - MT

Mechanical polishing - MP

Chemical polishing - HP

Coating method:

Cathodic reduction -

Condensation (vacuum) - Con

Anodic oxidation* - An

Contact - Kt

Chemical - Chem

Contact-mechanical - Km

Hot - Gore

Cathode sputtering - Kr

Diffusion - Diff

Burning - Vzh

Thermal spraying - According to GOST 9.304-87

Enameling - Em

Thermal decomposition** - Tr

Cladding - PC

* The method of producing coatings colored during the anodic oxidation of aluminum and its alloys, magnesium and its alloys, titanium alloys is designated “Anocolor”.

**The method of producing coatings by thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds is designated Mos Tr

Designation of metal coating (including non-metallic coatings):

1. The coating material, consisting of metal, is designated by symbols in the form of one or two letters included in the Russian name of the corresponding metal.

2. The coating material, consisting of an alloy, is designated by the symbols of the components included in the alloy, separated by a hyphen, and the maximum mass fraction of the first or second (in the case of a three-component alloy) components in the alloy is indicated in parentheses, separating them with a semicolon. For example, coating with a copper-zinc alloy with a mass fraction of copper 50-60% and zinc 40-50% is designated M-C (60); coating with a copper-tin-lead alloy with a mass fraction of copper 70-78%, tin 10-18%, lead 4-20% is designated M-O-C (78; 18).

3. In the designation of the alloy coating material, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the minimum and maximum mass fractions of components, for example, coating with a gold-nickel alloy with a mass fraction of gold of 93.0-95.0%, nickel of 5.0-7.0% is designated Zl- N (93.0-95.0).

4. In designating the coating of watch and jewelry parts with alloys based on precious metals, it is allowed to indicate the average mass fraction of the components.

For newly developed alloys, the components are designated in order of decreasing their mass fraction.

5. In the designation of the coating material obtained by burning in, indicate the brand of the starting material (paste) in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

6. In the designation of solder coating obtained by the hot method, indicate the brand of solder in accordance with GOST 21930-76, GOST 21931-76.

Aluminum - A

Palladium - Front

Bismuth - Vi

Platinum - Pl

Tungsten - B

Rhenium - Re

Iron - F

Rhodium - Rd

Gold - Zl

Ruthenium - Ru

Indium - In

Lead - C

Iridium - Ir

Silver - Wed

Cadmium - Kd

Antimony - Su

Cobalt - Co

Titan - Ti

Copper - M

Chrome - X

Nickel - N

Zinc - C

Tin - O

Oxide - Oks

Phosphate - Phos

Aluminum-zinc - A-C

Nickel-phosphorus - N-F

Gold Silver - Zl-Sr

Nickel-cobalt-tungsten - N-Ko-V

Gold-silver-copper - Zl-Sr-M

Nickel-cobalt-phosphorus - N-Co-F

Gold-antimony - Zl-Su

Nickel-chrome-iron - N-H-F

Gold-nickel - Zl-N

Tin-Bismuth - O-Vee

Gold-zinc-nickel - Zl-C-N

Tin-cadmium - O-Cd

Gold-copper - Zl-M

Tin-cobalt - O-Ko

Gold-copper-cadmium - Zl-M-Kd

Tin-nickel - O-N

Gold-cobalt - Zl-Ko

Tin-lead - O-S

Gold-nickel-cobalt - Zl-N-Co

Tin-zinc - O-C

Gold-platinum - Zl-Pl

Palladium-nickel - Pd-N

Gold-Indium - Zl-In

Silver-copper - Sr-M

Copper-tin (bronze) - M-O

Silver-antimony - Sr-Su

Copper-tin-zinc (brass) - M-O-C

Silver-palladium - Sr-Pd

Copper-zinc (brass) - M-C

Cobalt-tungsten - Co-V

Copper-lead-tin (bronze) - M-S-O

Cobalt-tungsten-vanadium - Ko-V-Va

Nickel-boron - N-B

Cobalt-manganese - Co-Mts

Nickel-tungsten - N-V

Zinc-nickel - C-N

Nickel-iron - N-F

Zinc-titanium - C-Ti

Nickel-cadmium - N-Cd

Cadmium titanium - CD-Ti

Nickel-cobalt - N-Co

Chrome vanadium - X-Va

Chrome-carbon - X-U

Titanium nitride - Ti-Az

Designation of functional properties:

Solid - TV

Electrical insulating - eiz

Electrically conductive - uh

Designation decorative properties coatings:






Slightly rough


Very rough




Colored (color name)

* The color of the coating corresponding to the natural color of the deposited metal (zinc, copper, chromium, gold, etc.) does not serve as a basis for classifying the coating as painted.

The color of the coating is indicated by its full name, with the exception of black coating - part.

Additional coating treatment:

Hydrophobization - gfzh

Filling in water - nv

Filling in chromate solution - nhr

Application of paint and varnish coating - paintwork

Oxidation - ox

Reflow - reflow

Impregnation (varnish, glue, emulsion, etc.) - prp

Oil impregnation - prm

Heat treatment - t

Toning - tn

Phosphating - phos

Chemical coloring, including filling in a dye solution - Color name

Chromating* - xp

Electrochemical staining - el. Color name

* If necessary, indicate the color of the chromate film: khaki - khaki, colorless - btsv; rainbow film color - no designation.

8. The designation of additional treatment of the coating by impregnation, hydrophobization, or application of paint and varnish coating may be replaced by the designation of the brand of material used for additional processing.

The grade of material used for additional coating processing is designated in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the material.

The designation of a specific paint coating used as an additional treatment is carried out in accordance with GOST 9.032-74.

9. Methods of preparation, coating material, designation of the electrolyte (solution), properties and color of the coating, additional processing not listed in this standard are indicated according to the technical documentation or written down by the full name.

10. The order of coating designation in technical documentation:

designation of the method of processing the base metal (if necessary);

designation of the method of obtaining the coating;

designation of coating material;

minimum coating thickness;

designation of the electrolyte (solution) from which the coating is required (if necessary);

designation of functional or decorative properties of the coating (if necessary);

designation of additional processing (if necessary).

The designation of the coating does not necessarily contain all of the listed components.

If necessary, it is allowed to indicate the minimum and maximum thicknesses separated by a hyphen in the designation of the coating.

It is allowed to indicate the production method, material and thickness of the coating in the designation of the coating, while the remaining components of the designation are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

11. Coating thickness equal to or less than 1 micron is not indicated in the designation unless there is a technical need (except for precious metals).

12. Coatings used as technological coatings (for example, zinc during zincate processing of aluminum and its alloys, nickel on corrosion-resistant steel, copper on copper alloys, copper on steel made from cyanide electrolyte before acid copper plating) may not be indicated in the designation.

13. If the coating is subjected to several types of additional processing, they are indicated in technological sequence.

14. The coating designation is written down on a line. All components of the designation are separated from each other by dots, with the exception of the coating material and thickness, as well as the designation of additional paint coating treatment, which is separated from the designation of a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating by a fraction line.

The designation of the production method and coating material should be written with a capital letter, the remaining components - with lowercase letters.

Examples of recording the designation of coatings are given in Appendix 4.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

15. The procedure for designating coatings according to international standards is given in Appendix 5.

16. Introduced additionally (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Designation of nickel and chrome coatings (abbreviated/full):

Nickel, obtained shiny from an electrolyte

with shine-forming additives, containing

more than 0.04% sulfur -/Nb

Nickel matte or semi-shiny,

when tested for tensile strength no less than 8% -/Npb

Nickel containing 0.12-0.20% sulfur -/Hs

Nickel two-layer (duplex) Nd/Npb. Nb.

Nickel three-layer (triplex) Nt/Npb. Ns. Nb

Nickel two-layer composite

Nickel-sil* Nsil/Nb. NZ

Nickel two-layer composite Ndz/Npb. NZ

Nickel three-layer composite Ntz/Npb. Ns. NZ

Chrome regular -/X

Chrome porous -/Chp

Chrome microcracked -/Hmt

Chrome microporous -/HMP

Chrome “milk” -/Hmol

Chrome two-layer HD/Hmol. X. TV

Zinc 15 microns thick with khaki chroming - Ts15. hr. khaki

Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny, with a sublayer of nickel 9 microns thick - Nsil9. H. b

Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny, with an underlayer of copper 30 microns thick and three-layer nickel 15 microns thick - M30.Nt15. H. b

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Introduction date for newly developed products 01.01.87

for products in production - when revising technical documentation This standard specifies the designations of metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings in technical documentation.1. Designations of base metal processing methods are given in table. 1.

Table 1


Base metal processing method


Kravtsevaniye KRC Electrochemical polishing ep
Punching shtm "Snow" etching snzh
Hatching str Pearl processing and
Vibration rolling FBR Drawing arcuate lines dl
Diamond processing alm Drawing hair lines ow
Satin finish stn Passivation Chem. Pass
Matting mt
Mechanical polishing mp
Chemical polishing HP
2. Designations of methods for obtaining coating are given in table. 2.

table 2

Coating method


Coating method


Cathodic reduction - Condensation (vacuum) Con
Anodic oxidation* An Contact CT
Chemical Him Contact-mechanical Km
Hot Gore cathode sputtering Kr
Diffusion Diff Burning Vzh
Thermal spray According to GOST 9.304-87 Enameling Em
Thermal decomposition** Tr Cladding PC
* The method of producing coatings colored during the anodic oxidation of aluminum and its alloys, magnesium and its alloys, titanium alloys is designated “Anocolor”. ** The method of producing coatings by thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds is designated Mos Tr table 2 3. Coating material consisting of metal is designated by symbols in the form of one or two letters included in the Russian name of the corresponding metal. Designations of coating material consisting of metal are given in Table. 3.

Table 3


Name of coating metal


Aluminum A Palladium front
Bismuth In and Platinum Pl
Tungsten IN Rhenium Re
Iron AND Rhodium Rd
Gold Evil Ruthenium RU
Indium In Lead WITH
Iridium Ir Silver Wed
Cadmium CD Antimony Su
Cobalt Co. Titanium Tee
Copper M Chromium X
Nickel N Zinc C
4. Designations of nickel and chrome coatings are given in mandatory Appendix 1.5. The coating material, consisting of an alloy, is designated by the symbols of the components included in the alloy, separated by a hyphen, and the maximum mass fraction of the first or second (in the case of a three-component alloy) components in the alloy is indicated in parentheses, separated by a semicolon. For example, coating with a copper-zinc alloy with a mass fraction of copper 50-60% and zinc 40-50% is designated M-C (60); coating with a copper-tin-lead alloy with a mass fraction of copper 70-78%, tin 10-18%, lead 4-20% is designated M-O-C (78; 18). In the designation of the alloy coating material, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the minimum and the maximum mass fraction of components, for example, coating with a gold-nickel alloy with a mass fraction of gold 93.0-95.0%, nickel 5.0-7.0% is designated Zl-N (93.0-95.0). In the designation coatings of watch and jewelry parts with alloys based on precious metals, it is allowed to indicate the average mass fraction of the components. For newly developed alloys, the components are designated in order of decreasing their mass fraction.6. Designations of alloy coatings are given in table. 4.

Table 4


Name of alloy coating material


Aluminum-zinc A-C Nickel-phosphorus N-F
Gold Silver Zl-Sr Nickel-cobalt-tungsten N-Ko-V
Gold-silver-copper Zl-Sr-M Nickel-cobalt-phosphorus N-Co-F
Gold-antimony Zl-Su Nickel-chrome-iron N-H-F
Gold-nickel Zl-N Tin-bismuth O-Vee
Gold-zinc-nickel Zl-C-N Tin-cadmium O-Kd
Gold-copper Zl-M Tin-cobalt Eye
Gold-copper-cadmium Zl-M-Kd Tin-nickel HE
Gold-cobalt Zl-Ko Tin-lead O-S
Gold-nickel-cobalt Zl-N-Ko Tin-zinc O-C
Gold-platinum Zl-Pl Palladium-nickel Pd-N
Gold-indium Zl-In Silver-copper Sr-M
Copper-tin (bronze) M-O Silver-antimony Sr-Su
Copper-tin-zinc (brass) M-O-C Silver-palladium Wed-Fd
Copper-zinc (brass) M-C Cobalt-tungsten Co-V
Copper-lead-tin (bronze) M-S-O Cobalt-tungsten-vanadium Ko-V-Va
Nickel boron N-B Cobalt-manganese Co-MC
Nickel-tungsten N-V Zinc-nickel C-N
Nickel-iron N-F Zinc-titanium C-Ti
Nickel-cadmium N-Kd Cadmium titanium CD-Ti
Nickel-cobalt N-Co Chrome vanadium H-Va
Chrome-carbon X-Y Titanium nitride T-Az
Table 4 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 7. In the designation of the coating material obtained by burning in, indicate the brand of the source material (paste) in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.8. In the designation of solder coating obtained by the hot method, indicate the brand of solder in accordance with GOST 21930-76, GOST 21931-76.9. Designations of non-metallic inorganic coatings are given in table. 5.

Table 5

10. If it is necessary to indicate the electrolyte (solution) from which the coating is to be obtained, use the designations given in mandatory appendices 2, 3. Electrolytes (solutions) not specified in the appendices are designated by their full name, for example, Ts9. ammonium chloride. xp, M15. pyrophosphate.11. Designations of the functional properties of coatings are given in table. 6.

Table 6

12. Designations of decorative properties of coatings are given in table. 7.

Table 7

Name of decorative property

Decorative coating feature


Shine Mirror zk
Brilliant b
Semi-shiny pb
Matte m
Roughness Gladkoe ch
Slightly rough US
Rough w
Very rough Vsh
Picturesqueness Pictured calculation
Texture Crystalline cr
Layered sl
Color* - Color name
* The color of the coating corresponding to the natural color of the deposited metal (zinc, copper, chromium, gold, etc.) does not serve as a basis for classifying the coating as painted. The color of the coating is indicated by its full name, with the exception of black coating - part 13. Designations for additional coating processing are given in table. 8.

Table 8

Name of additional coating treatment


Hydrophobization gfj
Filling in water nv
Filling in chromate solution NHR
Application of paint and varnish coating paintwork
Oxidation ok
Reflow opl
Impregnation (varnish, glue, emulsion, etc.) prp
Oil impregnation prm
Heat treatment T
Toning tn
Phosphating phos
Chemical dyeing, including filling in a dye solution Color name
Chromating* xp
Electrochemical dyeing email Color name
* If necessary, indicate the color of the chromate film: khaki - khaki, colorless - btsv; color of rainbow film - no designation.14. The designation of additional treatment of the coating by impregnation, hydrophobization, application of paint and varnish coating may be replaced by the designation of the brand of material used for additional processing. The brand of material used for additional processing of the coating is designated in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the material. Designation of a specific paint and varnish coating used as additional processing is carried out in accordance with GOST 9.032-74.15. Production methods, coating material, designation of electrolyte (solution), properties and color of the coating, additional processing not listed in this standard are indicated according to the technical documentation or written down by the full name. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 16. The order of coating designation in technical documentation: designation of the method of processing the base metal (if necessary); designation of the method of obtaining the coating; designation of the coating material; minimum coating thickness; designation of the electrolyte (solution) from which the coating is required to be obtained (if necessary); designation of functional or decorative properties of the coating (if necessary); designation of additional processing (if necessary). The designation of the coating does not necessarily have all the listed components. If necessary, the designation of the coating may indicate the minimum and maximum thickness separated by a hyphen. It is permitted to indicate the method of production, material in the designation of the coating and the thickness of the coating, while the remaining components of the symbol are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 17. Coating thickness equal to or less than 1 micron is not indicated in the designation unless there is a technical need (except for precious metals). 18. Coatings used as technological coatings (for example, zinc during zincate processing of aluminum and its alloys, nickel on corrosion-resistant steel, copper on copper alloys, copper on steel made from cyanide electrolyte before acid copper plating) may not be indicated in the designation. 19. If the coating is subjected to several types of additional processing, they are indicated in technological sequence.20. The coating designation is recorded on a line. All components of the designation are separated from each other by dots, with the exception of the coating material and thickness, as well as the designation of additional paint coating treatment, which is separated from the designation of a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating by a fraction line. The designation of the production method and coating material should be written with a capital letter, the remaining components – with lowercase letters. Examples of recording the designation of coatings are given in Appendix 4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3). 21. The procedure for designating coatings according to international standards is given in Appendix 5. 21. Introduced additionally (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).




Name of coating



Nickel, obtained shiny from an electrolyte with brightening additives, containing more than 0.04% sulfur - Nb
Nickel matte or semi-shiny containing less than 0.05% sulfur; relative elongation during tensile testing of at least 8% - Npb
Nickel containing 0.12-0.20% sulfur - NS
Nickel two-layer (duplex) Nd Npb. Nb
Nickel three-layer (triplex) Nt Npb. Ns. Nb
Nickel two-layer composite – nickel-sil* Nsil Nb. NZ
Nickel two-layer composite Ndz Npb. NZ
Nickel three-layer composite Ntz Npb. Ns. NZ
Chrome regular - X
Chrome porous - HP
Chrome microcracked - Hmt
Chrome microporous - Hmp
Chrome "milk" - Hmol
Chrome double layer XD Hmol. H. tv
* If necessary, the technical requirements of the drawing indicate the symbol chemical element or the formula of the chemical compound used as the substance to be precipitated. Note. It is allowed to use abbreviations and indicate the total thickness of the coating. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).




Base metal

Name of coating

Main components


Aluminum and its alloys Oxide Chromic anhydride chromium
Oxalic acid, titanium salts emt
Boric acid, chromic anhydride emt
Magnesium and its alloys Oxide Ammonium bifluoride or potassium fluoride fluorine
Ammonium bifluoride, potassium dichromate or chromic anhydride fluorine. chromium
Ammonium bifluoride, sodium dichromate, orthophosphoric acid fluorine. chromium. phos




Base metal

Name of coating

Main components


Magnesium and its alloys Oxide Potassium dichromate (sodium) with various activators chromium
Potassium dichromate (sodium) with various activators, hydrofluoric acid and potassium fluoride (sodium) chromium. fluorine
Magnesium and its alloys Oxide Caustic soda, potassium stannate, sodium acetate, sodium pyrophosphate mill
Steel, cast iron Oxide Ammonium molybdate mdn
Steel Phosphate Barium nitrate, zinc monophosphate, zinc nitrate ok
Cast iron Phosphate Barium nitrate, phosphoric acid, manganese dioxide ok
Magnesium and its alloys Phosphate Barium monophosphate, phosphoric acid, sodium fluoride fluorine
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).






Zinc 6 microns thick with colorless chromating Ts6. hr. bcv
Zinc 15 microns thick with khaki chromate Ts15. hr. khaki
Zinc 9 microns thick with iridescent chromating followed by paint coating Ts9. hr/paint
Zinc 6 microns thick, oxidized black Ts6. ok. h
Zinc 6 microns thick, phosphated in a solution containing barium nitrate, zinc monophosphate, zinc nitrate, impregnated with oil Ts6. Phos. ok. prm
Zinc 15 microns thick, phosphated, hydrophobized Ts15. Phos. gfj
Zinc 6 microns thick, obtained from an electrolyte that does not contain cyanide salts Ts6. non-cyanide
Cadmium 3 microns thick, with a nickel sublayer 9 microns thick, followed by heat treatment, chromated H9. Kd3.
Nickel 12 microns thick, shiny, obtained on a vibro-rolled surface followed by polishing fbr. H12. b
Nickel 15 microns thick, shiny, obtained from an electrolyte with a brightener Nb. 15
Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny, with a sublayer of nickel 9 microns thick Nsil9. H. b
Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, with a sublayer of semi-shiny nickel 12 microns thick, obtained on a satin surface stn. Npb12.X
Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny with an underlayer of copper 24 mm thick and two-layer nickel 15 microns thick M24. Nd15. H. b
Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny, with an underlayer of copper 30 microns thick and three-layer nickel 15 microns thick M30.Nt15. H. b
Chrome 0.5-1 microns thick, shiny with an underlayer of a two-layer nickel composite coating 18 microns thick Ndz 18. H. b
Chrome two-layer 36 microns thick: “milky” 24 mm thick, hard 12 microns thick Xd36;
Hmol24. X12. TV
Coating with a tin-lead alloy with a tin mass fraction of 55-60%, 3 microns thick, fused O-S (60)3. opl.
Coating with a tin-lead alloy with a mass fraction of tin 35-40%, 6 microns thick, with a nickel sublayer 6 microns thick H6. O-S(40) 6
Tin coating 3 microns thick, crystalline, followed by paint coating 03. kr/lkp
Copper 6 microns thick, shiny, tinted Blue colour, followed by application of paint and varnish coating M6. b. tn. blue/paint
Gold-nickel alloy coating 3 microns thick, with a nickel sublayer 3 microns thick H3. 3l-N(98.5-99.5)3
Gold 1 micron thick, obtained on the surface after diamond processing Alm. 3l1
Chemical nickel 9 microns thick, hydrophobized Chem. H9. gfj;
Chem. H9. gfzh 139-41 Chemical phosphate, oil impregnated
Chem. Phos. prm Chemical phosphate, obtained in a solution containing barium nitrate, zinc monophosphate, zinc nitrate
Chem. Phos. ok Chemical oxide conductive
Chem. Oks. uh Chemical oxide, obtained in a solution containing sodium hydroxide, potassium stannate, sodium acetate, sodium pyrophosphate, followed by application of a paint coating
Chem. Oks. stan/paint Chemical oxide, obtained in a solution of potassium dichromate (sodium) with various activators
Chem. Oks. chromium Chemical oxide, obtained in a solution containing ammonium molybdate, impregnated with oil
Chem. Oks. mdn. prm Anodic-oxide solid, filled in chromate solution
An. Oks. TV NHR Anodic-oxide electrical insulation with subsequent application of paint and varnish coating
An. Oks. eiz/paint Anodic oxide solid, oil impregnated
An. Oks. TV prm; An.
Oks. TV oil Anodic-oxide, obtained on a hatched surface
line An. Oks Anodic-oxide, obtained colored green in the process of anodic oxidation
Anotsvet. green
Anodic oxide, electrochemically painted dark gray An.
Oks. email
dark grey Oks. email
Anodic-oxide, obtained on a chemically polished surface, chemically painted red HP An. Oks. red
An. Oks. chromium Anodic oxide, obtained in an electrolyte containing chromic anhydride Anodic oxide, obtained in an electrolyte containing oxalic acid and titanium salts, solid mt. An. Oks. emt
Hot coating obtained from POS 61 solder Gor. Pos 61
Silver 9 microns thick, with a sublayer of chemical nickel coating 3 microns thick Chem. H3. Wed9
Coating obtained by chemical passivation, hydrophobized Chem. Pass. gfj




1. The base metal and coating material are designated by the chemical symbol of the element. The base metal material, consisting of an alloy, is designated by the chemical symbol of the element with the maximum mass fraction. The main non-metallic material is designated NM, plastic – PL. The coating material, consisting of an alloy, is designated by the chemical symbols of the components included in the alloy, separating them with a hyphen. The maximum mass fraction of the first component is indicated after the chemical symbol of the first component before the hyphen.2. The designation of methods for obtaining the coating is given in table. 9.

Table 9

3. Designations for additional coating processing are given in table. 10.

Table 10

* The color of the chromate film is indicated by: A – colorless with a bluish tint; B – colorless with a rainbow tint; C – yellow, rainbow; D – olive (khaki). Coatings A and B belong to the 1st class of chromate coatings, coatings C and D, which have higher corrosion resistance, belong to the 2nd class.4. The designation of types of nickel and chromium coatings is given in table. eleven.

Table 11

Name of coating


1. Chrome regular
2. Chrome without cracks
3. Chrome microcrack
4. Chrome microporous
5. Nickel polished
6. Nickel matte or semi-shiny, requiring polishing
7. Nickel finish is matte or semi-gloss and should not be mechanically polished.
8. Nickel two-layer or three-layer
5. The designation is written on a line in the following order: the chemical symbol of the base metal or the designation of a non-metal, followed by a slash; the method of coating, in which the chemical symbol of the sublayer metal is indicated; the chemical symbol of the coating metal (if necessary, the purity of the metal is indicated in parentheses) percent); a figure expressing the minimum coating thickness per work surface in microns; designation of the type of coating (if necessary); designation of additional processing and class (if necessary). Examples of designations are given in table. 12.

Table 12



International standard designation

1. Zinc coating on iron or steel 5 microns thick
2. Zinc coating on iron or steel 25 microns thick with colorless chromate coating of the 1st class
3. Tin fused coating 5 microns thick, applied to iron or steel over a nickel sublayer 2.5 microns thick
4. Silver coating on brass 20 microns thick
5. Gold plating with 99.5% gold content copper alloy thickness 0.5 microns

Cu/Au(99.5) 0.5

6. Microcracked chrome coating up to 1 micron thick, on shiny nickel 25 microns thick, on plastic

Pl/Ni 25 bCrmc

7. Coating with a tin-lead alloy, with a tin content of 60%, 10 microns thick, fused, over iron or steel with a nickel sublayer 5 microns thick


Appendix 5 Added additionally (Change No. 3).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Academy of the Lithuanian SSRDEVELOPERSE.B. Davidavichus, Ph.D. chem. sciences; G.V. Kozlova, Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leaders); E.B. Romashkene, Ph.D. chem. sciences; T.I. Berezhnyak; A.I. Volkov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T.A. Karmanova2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated January 24, 1985 No. 1643. The date of the first inspection is 1992; inspection frequency – 5 years4. Instead of GOST 9.037-77; GOST 21484-765. REFERENCE REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS 6. REISSUE with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1985, February 1987 (IUS 1-86, 5-87)Change No. 3 was made, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated May 22, 1992 No. 498 (IUS 8-92)
  • GOST 9466-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of steels and surfacing. Classification and general technical conditions
  • GOST 9467-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types
  • GOST 26804-86 Barrier-type metal road fencing. Specifications
  • GOST 19231.0-83 Reinforced concrete slabs for covering tram tracks. Specifications
  • GOST 21924.0-84 Reinforced concrete slabs for covering city roads. Specifications
  • GOST 21924.1-84 Prestressed reinforced concrete slabs for covering city roads. Design and dimensions

State standard of the USSR

Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging


Are common requirements

Unified system of corrosion and aging protection.
Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings.
General requirements


( STComecon 5293-85,
STComecon 5294-85
STComecon 5295-85,
STComecon 6442-88
STComecon 6443-88,
STComecon 4662-84
STComecon 4664-84,
STComecon 4665-84
STComecon 4816-84)

Date of introduction 01.07.87


This standard applies to metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings (hereinafter referred to as coatings) produced by electrochemical, chemical and hot (tin and its alloys) methods, and establishes general requirements (hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the surface of the base metal and coatings during their production and quality control base metal and coatings.

The standard does not apply to coatings used as technological sublayers, to nickel, nickel-chromium, copper-nickel and copper-nickel-chrome coatings that have only a decorative purpose, and does not take into account changes in coatings that appear during assembly and testing of the product.

Requirements not provided for by this standard, related to the specifics of parts, production and coating requirements, are indicated in the regulatory technical and (or) design documentation.

Compliance of coatings with the requirements of this standard is controlled by methods in accordance with GOST 9.302-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. The surface roughness of the base metal according to GOST 2789-73, microns, should be no more than:

R a 10 ( Rz 40) - under protective coatings;

R a 2.5 ( Rz 10) - for protective and decorative coatings;

R a 1.25 ( Rz 6.3) - for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings.

The surface roughness of the base metal for functional coatings must correspond to that established in the technical regulations and (or) design documentation for the product.

The specified requirements for surface roughness do not apply to non-working internal surfaces of parts that are difficult to access and non-working internal surfaces, threaded surfaces, cut surfaces of stamped parts up to 4 mm thick, corrugated surfaces, as well as to parts whose base metal roughness is established by the relevant standards. The need to bring the surface roughness to the established values ​​must be stipulated in the design documentation.

1.2. Sharp corners and edges of parts, except in technically justified cases, must be rounded with a radius of at least 0.3 mm; the radius of curvature of parts for hard and electrically insulating anodic oxide coatings is at least 0.5 mm.

1.3. The following is not allowed on the surface of parts:

rolled scale, burrs;

delaminations and cracks, including those revealed after etching, polishing, grinding;

corrosion damage, pores and cavities.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. The surface of cast and forged parts must be free of gas and shrinkage cavities, slag and flux inclusions, joints, underfills, and cracks.

Permissible deviations on the surface of cast parts (type, size and quantity) are established in the regulatory, technical and design documentation.

1.5. The surface of parts made of hot-rolled metal must be cleaned of scale, pickling sludge, corrosion products of the base metal and other contaminants.

1.6. The surface of parts after machining must be free of a visible layer of lubricant or emulsion, metal shavings, burrs, dust and corrosion products without the introduction of particles of foreign material.

1.5, 1.6.

1.7. The surface of parts after abrasive treatment, for example, hydrosandblasting, tumbling, etc., must be free of etching sludge, slag, corrosion products and burrs.

1.8. The surface of ground and polished parts must be uniform, without nicks, dents, burns, marks, burrs, or defects from the straightening tool.

1.9. On the surface of parts after heat treatment (annealing, hardening, normalization, tempering, aging, as well as heat treatment carried out to improve the adhesion of subsequent coatings) there should be no nicks, scratches, cracks, bubbles, corrosion foci, delamination, warping.

1.10. Welded and soldered seams on parts must be cleaned, continuous around the entire perimeter to eliminate gaps and penetration of electrolyte into them.

Defects that appear when cleaning seams made with medium-melting solders must be eliminated by soldering with the same or low-melting solders.

On the surface of soldered seams, uniform spreading of solder up to 10 mm wide is allowed, individual non-through pores, cleared of flux residues and not violating the tightness of the solder seams.

Seams on parts made of titanium alloys must be made in ways that prevent oxidation.

Mechanical cleaning of seams on parts made by molten salt soldering is not allowed. Soldered seams on such parts must be smooth and tight. There should be no flux residues or silumin splashes on the surface of the parts.

Glue joints on parts must be continuous, without swelling, bubbles and voids, have no gaps into which electrolyte can penetrate, do not contain excess glue in the heat-affected area, and be cleaned mechanically.

It is not allowed to apply chemical and electrochemical coatings to parts that have adhesive joints.

1.11. The surface of electropolished parts should be smooth, light and shiny without etching, burns, cracks, unwashed salts, or corrosion products.

The degree of gloss is not standardized.

The following signs on an electropolished surface are not rejected:

uneven shine in areas that have undergone different thermal and mechanical treatments;

individual matte and whitish areas on the surface of parts, which are not subject to decorative requirements;

lack of electropolishing effect in hard-to-reach places: cracks, gaps, blind holes with a diameter of up to 15 mm, through holes - up to 10 mm, as well as holes and recesses that are difficult to reach for electropolishing;

traces of water stains;

lack of shine in welding areas;

traces of contact with the device in the form of matte and dark areas;

mechanical polishing (if necessary) of contact points with the device and to obtain accurate dimensions of the part after electropolishing;

black dots on the thread, unless otherwise indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation;

traces of mechanical processing of the base metal before electropolishing and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal.

1.9-1.11. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2. 1. Requirements for the appearance of the coating

2.1.1. The surface of the polished coating must be uniform, shiny or mirror-like.

On a mechanically polished surface of the coating, except for a mirror surface, single hair-like scratches or dots from polishing pastes and straightening tools in an amount of no more than 5 pieces are not considered as rejection marks. per 100 cm 2 , polishing the edges, slight waviness (shrinkage) of the coating on brass parts, unless there are special requirements in the design documentation.

2.1.2. On the surface of coatings, unless there are special instructions in the design documentation, the following signs are not rejected:

traces of machining and other deviations allowed by the regulatory and technical documentation for the base metal;

slight waviness of the coating surface after drawing, revealed after etching;

dark or light stripes or spots in hard-to-clean holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, in welded, soldered seams, heat-affected zones and places where the cladding layer was removed;

uneven shine and uneven color;

non-uniform color of coatings on parts made of clad metals with partial machining;

traces of water drips, chromating and phosphating solutions without salt residues;

shiny dots and streaks formed from contact with measuring tools, devices and from the collision of parts during the coating process in drums, bells and mesh devices;

change in color intensity or darkening after heating for the purpose of dehydration and testing of adhesion strength, removal of insulation and impregnation;

single black dots in areas intended for filling with compounds, sealants, adhesives;

lack of coverage:

in pores, places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting;

on and around welded and soldered seams at a distance of no more than 2 mm on one side or the other of the seam and in the internal corners of mutually perpendicular planes, subject to subsequent additional protection of these places;

in places where the part comes into contact with the device, except for special cases specified in the design documentation.

2.1.3. When two coatings are deposited on the surface of a part next to each other without insulation or with the use of insulation, as well as when local coatings are deposited, if this does not affect the performance of the product, the following signs are not rejected:

displacement of coating boundaries up to 2 mm, and for coatings with gold, palladium, rhodium and their alloys up to 1 mm in one direction or another;

individual point inclusions of one coating on the surface of another; point inclusions of coating metal on the insulated surface;

darkening of the metal at the border of the coatings;

tarnished colors on uncoated surfaces.

2.1.2, 2.1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. Coating thickness requirements

2.2.1. Exceeding the maximum coating thickness is not a defect if it does not affect the assembly and performance of the product.

(Amended edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.2.2. In holes, grooves, cutouts, in concave areas of complexly profiled parts, on internal surfaces and interfaces of one-piece assembly units, it is allowed to reduce the thickness of the coating by up to 50%, and for chrome coatings - none, unless there are other requirements in the design documentation for the thickness of the coating in these areas .

2.2.3. In blind smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 12 mm and in through smooth and threaded holes and grooves with a diameter (or width) of up to 6 mm, the thickness of the coating at a depth of more than one diameter (or one width) is not standardized; The absence of a coating is allowed if the design documentation does not specify the requirements for the thickness of the coating in these areas.

2.3. The coating must be firmly adhered to the base metal.

2.4. In appearance, thickness and other indicators, the coating must comply with the requirements of Table. 1 -19.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.5. The conditions for storing and transporting parts must exclude mechanical and chemical influences that lead to damage to the coating.

Table 1

Zinc and cadmium coatings. Chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings. Phosphate coating on zinc coating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the zinc coating is light gray or silver gray with a bluish tint.

Cadmium plating color is light gray or silver gray

The color of the zinc coating with colorless chromating is silver-gray or silver-gray with a bluish tint. Slight rainbow shades are allowed.

The color of the zinc plating with iridescent chromating is greenish-yellow with iridescent shades.

The color of the cadmium plating with iridescent chromate is golden yellow with iridescent hues.

Khaki zinc plating color with various shades.

Khaki to brown cadmium plating color with chrome plating.

The color of the zinc coating with black chromating is black or black with a green tint. Gray and rainbow shades are allowed on concave areas of parts with complex configurations.

matte surface after surface preparation by hydrosandblasting and metal sandblasting, tumbling, etching;

darkening or weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment;

a darker or lighter shade of chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and concave areas of parts of complex configurations, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, sharp edges, corners, places of contact with a device, between coils of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes around the holes;

single mechanical damage to the chromate coating is not more than 2%. total area.

The color of the phosphated zinc coating ranges from light gray to dark gray. A slight white coating in blind holes, grooves, etc. is not a rejection sign.

The phosphate coating on the zinc coating must be uniform and dense.

The following are not allowed on the surface:

sludge deposition;

uncovered streaks or spots;

scratches reaching the base metal;

pockets of corrosion;

contamination from oils, greases or surfactants - for coatings intended for the application of paints and varnishes.”

Thickness for zinc and cadmium coatings

Mass of coating per unit surface area

Colorless chromate coating - up to 0.5 g/m2.

Rainbow chromate coating - up to 1.0 g/m2.

Khaki color chromate coating - over 1.5 g/m2.

Phosphate coating intended for impregnation - at least 5.0 g/m2.

Coating intended for paint and varnish coating - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402-80


The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Protective properties

When testing chromate coatings with a solution of lead acetate, a continuous dark spot should not appear until the specified time has elapsed.

When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

The phosphate coating on the zinc coating must be uniform and dense.

original value

Oil capacity

Oil absorption capacity of the phosphate coating - not less than 2.0 g/m2

table 2

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the copper coating ranges from light pink to dark red. The shade is not standardized.

The color of high-tin copper-tin alloy coating is light gray to gray. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the low-tin copper-tin alloy coating is light yellow. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the copper-zinc alloy coating is from light yellow to light pink.

On the coating, tarnished color, copper build-up on the coating obtained for the purpose of protection against carburization, and darkening of the coating during storage before assembly are not considered to be defective.


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of copper in alloy coatings:

M-O(60) - from 50 to 60%;

M-O(88) - from 70 to 88%;

M-C(90) - from 70 to 90%;

M-C(70) - from 55 to 70%


Coatings intended to protect against cementation must not have pores

Functional properties

Table 3

Nickel plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of matte nickel plating is light gray with a yellow tint, bright nickel plating is light gray. A darker color is allowed in holes and grooves on internal surfaces, concave areas of parts of complex configurations and places where assembly units are mated.

The color of the electroless nickel plating is gray with a yellow tint.

Darkening and rainbow shades after heat treatment, and matte spots due to uneven etching of the base metal are not rejection signs.

The color of black and thermally oxidized coatings ranges from black-gray to black. Tarnished colors allowed


In accordance with the requirements of the design documentation.

The thickness of black nickel plating is not standardized.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nd (Npb.Nb) in relation to the total thickness of the coating is 50-70%; the thickness of the top layer is 50-30%.

The thickness of the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb.Ns.Nb) in relation to the total coating thickness is 50% or more; middle layer - up to 10%, top layer - up to 40%.

Chemical composition

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel two-layer coating Nd (Npb.Nb) up to 0.005%; in the upper 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of sulfur in the bottom layer of nickel three-layer coating Nt (Npb.Ns.Nb) up to 0.005%; on average - no less than 0.15%; in the upper - 0.05-0.09%.

Mass fraction of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating 3-12%


No more than three through pores per 1 cm 2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length. When the coating thickness is less than 24 microns or the thickness of nickel with an underlayer is less than 12 microns, it is not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


Table 4

Chrome plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the shiny coating is light gray with a bluish tint.

The color of the matte finish is light grey.

The color of the hard (wear-resistant) coating is light gray with a bluish or milky-matte tint.

The color of the two-layer (corrosion-wear-resistant) coating is light gray.

The color of microporous and microcracked coatings is from light gray to gray with a blue tint. The color of the microporous shiny coating obtained from electrolytes with trivalent chromium ranges from light gray to dark gray.

The color of the milky coating is light gray.

Single point depressions up to 2% of the total area with a chromium thickness of more than 40 microns and a network of cracks with a chromium thickness of more than 24 microns are not considered rejection signs. The color of the black coating is black with a blue or brown tint.

A gray tint in internal corners, recesses and holes of complex-profiled parts is not a rejection sign


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation


No more than three through pores per 1 cm2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length, unless otherwise specified in the design documentation*.

The porosity of milky chromium with a thickness of less than 24 microns, protective and decorative two-layer with a thickness of less than 21 microns and wear-resistant chrome with a thickness of less than 40 microns is not standardized*.

Number of pores on the surface of a microporous coating (X mp) when assessed using optical microscopes with a magnification of at least 100 × should be at least 10,000 per cm 2.

The porosity of black chrome is not standardized.

On the surface of the chrome microcrack coating (X mt) there must be at least 250 cracks over a length of 1 cm in all directions, forming a network of cracks

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Coating hardness - according to GOST 9.303-84

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

*Requirements apply to coating on steel parts.

(Amendment. IUS 1-1991)

Table 5

Tin coating and tin alloy coatings

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of fused and unfused coatings ranges from light gray to gray. The melted coating is shiny. Uneven shine on one part is allowed.

The color of the tin-nickel alloy coating is light gray.

Pink and purple shades are allowed.

The color of the tin-lead alloy coating is from light gray to dark gray. The shade is not standardized.

Metal deposits that do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the functional properties of the coating are not a rejection sign.


Chemical composition

Tin coatings intended for use in contact with food products must contain no more than 0.1% lead and no more than 0.025% arsenic

Mass fraction of tin in alloy coatings:

O-H(65) - from 50 to 70%;

O-S(60) - t 50 to 70%;

O-C(40) - from 30 to 50%;

O-C(12) - from 8 to 15%.

Mass fraction of bismuth in O-Vi alloy coating (99.8) from 0.2 to 4.0%


No more than three through pores per 1 cm2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length, unless otherwise specified in the design documentation.

When the coating thickness is 6 microns or less, it is not standardized

Functional properties

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure


*Requirements apply to coating on steel parts.

Table 6

Hot coatings with tin and tin-lead alloy

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of tin coating is from light gray to gray, the color of tin-lead alloy coating is from gray to dark gray.

The coating is shiny or matte, smooth. The degree of gloss is not standardized.

slight sagging and uneven thickness of the coating that do not interfere with soldering or operation of the part;

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish coating should not exceed three times its original value

on the coating on the internal surfaces of blind holes;

a slight bump along the entire length of the wire and a depression from the contact of the wire with the guide roller, which does not reach the base metal;

non-uniform color of the coating.

Not allowed:

rough sagging;

dark spots, dots, white or brown non-erasable film;

cracks, coating peeling, uncovered areas;

solder splashes on working surfaces coated with precious metals (gold, silver, palladium, etc.);


acid flux residues

Chemical composition

Not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

The chemical composition of coatings with tin-lead alloys must correspond to the chemical composition of the main components of solders in accordance with GOST 21930-76 and GOST 21931-76

Table 7

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Silver plating and silver-antimony alloy plating

The color of silver plating and silver-antimony alloy plating is silver-white.

dark spots on the coating on the internal surfaces of blind holes;

, white.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

dark spots, stripes and tarnished colors in blind holes, grooves, and concave areas of parts of complex configuration;

darkening of the coating during storage before assembly and color change from light pink to light brown after heat treatment, pressing into plastic, provided that the functional properties are preserved


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

The mass fraction of antimony in the coating with the Sr-Su alloy is from 0.4 to 2%


Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 8

Gold plating and gold alloy plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Gold plating color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow

The color of the gold-nickel alloy coating is from light yellow to yellow.

The color of the gold-cobalt alloy coating is from orange-yellow to yellow


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Chemical composition

The mass fraction of nickel in the coating with the Zl-N alloy and the mass fraction of cobalt in the coating with the Zl-Ko alloy - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 9

Palladium plating

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the coating is from light gray to gray with a yellow tint.

Single dark spots, iridescent shades from light brown to purple, formed during heating, provided that the functional properties are preserved, are not a rejection sign


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 10

Rhodium plated

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the chemically produced silver plating is white.


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product.

Table 11

Chemical oxide coating on steel and cast iron

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Chem. Ox (including after impregnation with oil) on parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels is black with a blue tint.

On parts produced by casting, black coating with gray or brown shades is allowed.

The color of the coating on parts made of high-alloy steels is from dark gray to dark brown with a cherry tint.

The color of the coating on parts made of cast iron and silicon-alloyed steels ranges from light yellow to dark brown.

The color of the coating on parts made of high-carbon tool steels is black with a gray tint


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Variation in color and shade is allowed on parts that have undergone local hardening, welding, carburization, cold hardening and other mechanical processing;

On a Chem.Ox coating. after testing, there should be no centers of corrosion, with the exception of sharp edges and ends of springs, on which no more than three points of corrosion are allowed per 1 cm 2 of surface area and per 1 cm of edge length

Table 12

Coating obtained by chemical passivation
on corrosion-resistant steels.

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Chemical Pass.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

must match the color of the metal being processed.

rainbow shades, depending on the grade of steel, including in places of welding and bending;

slight darkening;

traces of mechanical finishing;


black inclusions in the form of individual small dots

Table 13

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Chemical oxide and anodic-oxide coatings on copper and its alloys

The color of the coating Khim.Oks and An.Oks from dark red with a brown tint to black with a blue tint

traces of mechanical finishing of the surface of the base metal;

partial lack of coating on sharp edges;

darkening between the coils of springs with a small pitch.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

The following signs are not considered defective:

rainbow shades;

darkening of the coating between the coils of springs with small pitches;


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

non-uniformity of the varnish film in color and drips of varnish after varnishing, which do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the performance of the product

When tested on the Chem.Pass coating, the color of the drop should not change to blue before the specified time has elapsed

Table 14

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Chemical oxide coating on aluminum and its alloys

The color of the Him.Ox coating is from gray-blue to dark blue or from light green to green or yellow

on alloys of grades D16, D1, D24F - greenish-blue with or without rainbow shades;

on casting alloys - blue-gray with black and brown streaks.

The color of the Him.Pass coating matches the color of the base metal.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

The color of the Khim.Oks.e coating ranges from colorless to light blue or light yellow; golden yellow to brown with iridescent hues on wrought alloys; gray with yellow and brown streaks on cast alloys.

dark and light stripes in the rolling direction, soldering and welding areas;

darkening on parts soldered by high-temperature soldering;

separate stains from chrome salts around holes, in places of contact of parts with fixtures, places of mating of one-piece assembly units, around pores and places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting;


acid flux residues

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

identification of the structure of the base metal

Table 15

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the An.Ox coating is from light gray to dark gray, on parts made of cast alloys from light gray to dark brown. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the painted coating must match the color of the sample. The shade is not standardized. On multicomponent and cast alloys, reflections of various tones are possible.

The color of the coating is from milky to gray, rainbow shades are possible.

The color of the An.Ox.nhr coating is from light green to yellow-green, on multicomponent and cast alloys from gray to dark gray. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the blackened silver coating is from a dark gray daughter.

dark dots and spots as a result of revealing the heterogeneity of the structure of the base metal;

dark and light stripes in the rolling direction, places of welding, lapping, work hardening, places where there is no cladding layer;

yellow spots from chrome salts around the holes, in the places of contact of the part with the device, in the places of mating of one-piece assembly units, around the pores and places of inclusions allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting.

The color of coating is from light gray to black, yellow-green shades are allowed.

The color of the An.Ox.eiz coating is from light yellow to dark brown or from light gray to dark gray.

The color of and An.Ox.eiz coating after filling with chromates is from yellow-green to brown-black.

The presence of microcracks on the An.Ox.eiz coating is not a defect if they do not affect the functional properties.

The color of the An.Ox.emt coating is from light gray to dark gray, depending on the alloy used, enamel-like. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the painted coating must match the color of the sample

Coating color Anotsvet light brown, gray-blue, blue-black, golden, golden-bronze, bronze, gray-brown.

A lighter tone is allowed on the internal surfaces of parts


In accordance with the requirements of design documentation

Quality of coating filling

After testing, the weight loss of the sample should not exceed 20 mg/dm 2 for products intended for use in an open atmosphere, and 30 mg/dm 2 for products intended for use in an enclosed environment.

After testing, the coating should not be painted or only slightly colored!

When testing a phosphate coating, the color of a drop of the test solution should not change to black within the specified time.

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the An.Ox.eiz coating should not exceed three times its initial value

The phosphate coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure

During testing, no change in color of a drop of the test solution should be observed until the specified time has elapsed.

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 16

Anodic oxide coating on titanium alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


Coating color Anotsvet from blue to blue, pink, green, yellow. The shade is not standardized.

Traces of mechanical finishing of the surface of the base metal are not a rejection sign

An.Ox coating color from light gray to dark gray


Not standardized

Functional properties

In accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) regulatory and technical documentation for the product

Table 17

Chemical oxide and anodic oxide coatings
on magnesium and magnesium alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the Chem.Ox coating ranges from straw yellow to dark brown or black.

The color of the Him.Phos coating is from light gray to dark gray.

The color of the coating is yellow, green or grey-black. The shade is not standardized.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

tarnish colors; stains formed during re-oxidation; pinpoint areas of metal without coating around the pores; gray spots with a smearing coating on the ML-5 alloy;

black spots on machined surfaces resulting from local heating of the metal during mechanical processing


The thickness of the coating Khim.Oks is not standardized, An.Oks - in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation

Table 18

Phosphate coating on steel and cast iron


Coating requirements


The color of the coating is from light gray to black, after impregnation with oil, emulsion or after hydrophobization from dark gray to black.

The color of the Him.Pass coating must match the color of the metal being processed.

heterogeneity of crystal sizes in areas of local hardening, welding, cold hardening, different surface roughness in decarburized areas;

white deposits that can be removed by wiping;

phosphate sludge deposits on non-working surfaces;

traces of a copper electrode on parts welded by spot or roller welding;

stains, stains and sagging after wiping with emulsion, varnish or after hydrophobization, which do not interfere with assembly and do not affect the performance of the product;

yellow spots from chrome salts around holes, places of contact of the part with the fixture and places of mating of assembly units, spots around pores and inclusion points allowed by the normative and technical documentation for casting

Mass of coating per unit surface area

The mass of the coating per unit surface area before impregnation is at least 5 g/m2;on a rough surface R a

1.25-0.63 microns, it is allowed to reduce the coating mass per unit surface area in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Weight of coating per unit surface area before applying paint and varnish in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402-80

The coating intended for paint and varnish must have a microcrystalline structure.

Protective properties

When tested in accordance with GOST 9.302-88, the color of the drop should not change within the specified time, or after testing there should be no foci of corrosion on the coating, with the exception of sharp edges, junction points of one-piece assembly units, where no more than three point foci of corrosion per 1 cm 2 are allowed surface area and per 1 cm edge length

Oil capacity

Not less than 2.0 g/m2

Flushing completeness

The specific electrical conductivity of water after washing the coating intended for paint and varnish should not exceed three times its original value.

Table 19

Chemical oxide chromate and phosphate coatings on zinc alloys

Indicator name

Coverage Requirements


The color of the Chemical coating is greenish-yellow with iridescent shades; if there is a copper alloy, the color of the coating is gray-blue; the color of the Him.Phos coating is from light gray to gray.

The following signs are not considered defective:

matte surface and weakening of the color intensity of the chromate coating on parts after heat treatment, hydrosandblasting, tumbling And etching;

a darker or lighter shade of chromate coating in holes and grooves, on internal surfaces and on concave sections of parts of complex configurations, at the interfaces of one-piece assembly units, on sharp edges, corners, at points of contact with the device, between turns of springs with a small pitch;

matte stripes near the holes

single mechanical damage to the chromate coating no more than 2%


Not standardized


3.1. Before coating, 2-5% of parts from a batch, but not less than three parts, and for parts of a single production, each part is checked for compliance with paragraphs. 1.1 -1.10.

3.2. Semi-finished products (tape, wire, etc.) are subjected to incoming inspection for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for delivery and the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1-1.6.

If there are unsatisfactory results, repeat inspection is carried out on a double number of parts.

If unsatisfactory results of re-inspection are received on at least one part, the entire batch is rejected and returned to the manufacturer.

3.3. If it is impossible to control the quality of coatings on parts, for example, large and heavy parts of a single production, it is allowed to carry out control on witness samples or guarantee the quality of the coating by the correct execution of the technological process, confirmed by an entry in the technological process control log.

Witness samples must be made from the material of the parts, have the same surface roughness and coatings applied using the same technology as the coatings on the parts.

The shape and dimensions of witness samples are developed by the enterprise and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The same witness samples and parts can be used for different control tests.

3.4. Parts on which the coating was tested by destructive methods, as well as parts whose coatings do not meet the requirements of this standard, are allowed to be submitted for acceptance after re-coating.

3.5. Control of the appearance of coatings is carried out on 100% of parts.

It is allowed to use statistical control methods according toGOST 18242-72.

Control of the appearance of the coating on parts coated in bulk and in automatic lines can be carried out on a sample of 2% of parts from each batch.

3.6. Control of the thickness of the coating is carried out before its additional processing, with the exception of brushing, polishing, grinding, chroming and phosphating.

The thickness of the nickel coating, including that obtained chemically, is controlled before heat treatment.

3.4-3.6.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. 3.8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. To control coating thickness, adhesion strength and other quality indicators, from 0.1 to 1% of parts, but not less than three parts, are selected from each batch.

In technically justified cases, for example, for small-scale products or products coated with precious and rare metals and their alloys, it is allowed to select a sample of less than 0.1%, but not less than three parts.

Control of coating thickness by metallographic method can be carried out on one part.

Control of coating thickness on parts processed in automatic lines may be carried out at least once per shift.

3.10. The adhesion strength of coatings subjected to heat treatment, melting, brushing, grinding and polishing is assessed after these operations.

3.9, 3.10. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.11. The chemical composition of alloy coatings is monitored at least twice a week, and also after adjusting the electrolyte.

The content of phosphorus in chemical nickel coating and sulfur in protective and decorative nickel coating can not be controlled, but can be guaranteed by the correct execution of the technological process.

3.12. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

3.13. Control of the protective properties of coatings obtained by Chem. Paz, An. Oke and Him. Ox on copper and its alloys intended for operation in conditions 1 according toGOST 15150-69, as well as the specified coatings, additionally protected by a paint coating, are not carried out.

Control of protective properties of coatings Ox and Chem. Phosphorizing on steel and cast iron can be carried out before or after their additional processing.

3.14. The need to control the mass of the coating per unit surface area, oil absorption, completeness of rinsing, porosity, quality of coating filling, protective properties of chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium coatings, phosphate coatings on zinc coatings and structure are established in the regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

3.13, 3.14.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.15. If unsatisfactory results are obtained for one of the indicators during selective inspection of coatings, repeated inspection is carried out on twice the number of parts in the sample.

If the results of repeated inspection of coatings on one part are unsatisfactory, the entire batch is rejected or, in case of discrepancy in appearance, subjected to continuous inspection.

Repeated testing of the adhesion strength of coatings is not carried out. If unsatisfactory results are obtained during sampling control, the entire batch is rejected.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).



I.L. Motiejunas , Ph.D. chem. sciences; V.V. Protusyavichene; D.G. Kovalenko; G.V. Kozlova , Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leaders); N.G. Alberg; T.I. Berezhnyak; G.S. Fomin , Ph.D. chem. sciences; E.B. Davidavičius , Ph.D. chem. sciences ; S.Z. Navitskene; B.A. Arlauskiene

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 02.27.86 No. 424

3. Inspection frequency 5 years

4. The standard corresponds to ST SEV 4662-84, ST SEV 4664-84, ST SEV 4665-84, ST SEV 4816-84, ST SEV 5293-85, ST SEV 5294-85, ST SEV 5295-85, ST SEV 6442- 88, ST SEV 6443-88 regarding technical requirements

The standard complies with ISO 1456-88, ISO 1458-88, ISO 2081-86, ISO 2082-86, ISO 2093-86, ISO 6158-84, ISO 7599-83

5. Instead of GOST 9.301-78


7. REISSUE with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in March 1989, October 1989 (IUS 6-89, 1-90)