Anthurium diseases, Anthurium does not grow - what to do? Why do anthurium have dark dry spots on the leaves? Anthurium brown spots on leaves.

Anthurium is the flower of kings, which pleases with long, noble flowering regardless of the time of year. Red, white, pink, purple plates appear on a mature bush and last for several months without characteristic features aging. But only healthy plant can please with abundant and rich flowering. That is why every gardener should know not only how anthurium grows, but also study leaf diseases (see photo below) and ways to treat the bush so as not to lose the plant completely.

Anthurium flower diseases, as a rule, arise due to violations of the rules of care. The flower with its entire appearance asks for help, signaling a loss of comfort. Common causes of trouble are:

But it happens that they appear on the leaves of anthurium brown spots due to insect infestation or disease. It is worth noting that despite the presence of third-party negative factors, it is improper care leads to a general weakening of the plant’s supporting forces and to the development of infections.

To avoid any questions about what to do when the anthurium leaves turn yellow, you need to create optimal conditions maintaining your green pet.

Signs of non-communicable diseases:

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium occur when agricultural practices are violated. The plant reacts especially painfully to drafts in winter period.

Infectious diseases in popular culture are caused by the introduction of spores into the body of a plant. Microbes develop very rapidly and can destroy not only the infected specimen, but also their neighbors on the windowsill. IN closed space Fungal spores multiply and are transmitted from plant to plant very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, treatment with special chemicals is necessary.

Causes of fungal infections:

The development of fungal infections is much easier to prevent. For these purposes, professionals recommend adding charcoal to the soil or using the long-acting Glyokladin product, which will help protect against phytovirus, fusarium and other troubles.

Fungal diseases of anthurium and their treatment

When immunity decreases, the plant may be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as:

A healthy plant is extremely rarely subject to fungal infections, and therefore the gardener should make every effort to create optimal conditions for the bush.

Yellowness of leaves

Yellow spots on anthurium leaves are the first signs of a gardener's mistakes. The most common reasons their appearances are considered:

  • Illiterate watering or use of hard, cold water.
  • Unregulated application of nutrients.
  • Dry ambient air, especially in winter when central heating is on.
  • Keep in a dark place.

As a result of prolonged maintenance of the flower in a room with incorrect conditions it becomes depleted, yellowness spreads and fungal infections or rot forms.

But before determining the anthurium disease and how to treat the problem, you should observe the nature of the drying of the leaf. Perhaps this is the natural aging of the leaf plate. Age-related yellowing begins from the edge of the leaf and spreads to its center. Over time, the leaf blade loses its juiciness, turns brown, dries and falls off. Many gardeners are interested in: is it necessary to remove yellow leaves? Professionals recommend using a clean instrument for the procedure, and sprinkle the cut areas with crushed powder. charcoal. It is necessary to remove yellow plates, as they not only reduce the decorative effect, but also draw nutrition from the plant.

If the leaves of an anthurium turn yellow, and the reason is improper care, the gardener should adjust the conditions as quickly as possible and help the plant regain its strength. If the cause is fungal infections, then you can’t do without the use of chemicals.

Blackening of foliage

Improper maintenance of anthurium leads to the appearance of diseases. One of the common ones is blackening of the leaf blade. Reasons for curling, blackening and drying of the leaves of a flowering bush:

Insects - pests of anthurium

Anthurium or the flower of “male happiness” is quite resistant to pests. However, it can become “home and dinner” for:

Keep an eye on this and do not leave the anthurium in drafts during ventilation. It is better to initially place it in a place where, when opening the windows, gusts of wind from the street will not hit the plant.

Unsuitable room temperature

Being a heat-loving tropical plant, anthurium tolerates summer temperatures up to +28°, if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. It tolerates cold much worse.

When the air temperature drops, the leaves of Male Happiness become covered with black spots, after which the plant dies quite quickly.

Anthurium should not be allowed to stay in a room with an air temperature below +16° for a long time., even in winter it should be higher for this heat-loving flower.

The owner of the anthurium needs to carefully monitor temperature conditions and the absence of drafts in the room.

Important! The critical temperature for the well-being of the plant is +16°.

Calcium salts in the soil

If a suitable microclimate has been created for anthurium, but the leaves still turn black, the reason lies in unsuitable soil. It must be replaced with a substrate for aroids, which can be bought at a gardening store or ordered online.

Also you can make a mixture of chopped moss, peat and turf soil (2:2:1). A mixture of equal proportions of peat, sand and leaf soil is suitable; you need to add a small amount of charcoal or pine bark to it. At 1/3 of the height of the pot, you need to lay out drainage, for example, from expanded clay.


These are tiny insects that can live on anthurium leaves. Because of them, small black spots appear in the form of dots.

  1. You need to carefully examine the plant; if insects are found, it should be removed away from other indoor flowers.
  2. The scale insects are removed manually with a cotton swab dipped in an insecticide solution.
  3. After this, wipe the leaves with a cloth soaked in a soap solution with the addition of kerosene.

It is unlikely that you will be able to notice all the scale insects at one time., you need to re-inspect the leaves and stems for several days.

Why does the plant become covered with yellow specks?

Excess moisture in the soil

Do not turn the soil in the pot into non-drying mud. There is no need to wait for the soil to dry completely; you need to water it when its top layer has dried, but adequately and little by little.

Important! You cannot leave water in the pan; it must be drained immediately.

If in the room high humidity air, for example, the anthurium is located next to a huge aquarium, it needs to be watered even less often, the soil in the pot will remain moist for a long time.

Chlorine in irrigation water

You cannot water anthurium with tap water. You can only use filtered liquid that is suitable for drinking.

Do not water with water that has been in the refrigerator, because low temperature water can harm the root system of this delicate flower.

If it is not possible to water with filtered water, tap water should be collected in a wide container, for example, a bucket, and left open in the room for a day so that the excess chlorine disappears and the water itself becomes warm.

Pot too small

The problem is solved by transplanting into a suitable pot. In the new one, there should be 2-3 cm from the walls to the root.

Attention! Anthurium needs a narrow tall pot. Ceramic ones are not suitable, the best option is plastic ones.

Excess fertilizer

In spring and summer, it is necessary to feed no more than once every 2-3 weeks with azophoska at a concentration of 1 g/l with the addition of potassium humate in an amount of 200-300 mg/l. Organic fertilizers are fed no more than once a month.

Lack of light

Anthurium does not like the scorching rays of the sun, but it is also too far from the window in its shade. The best option– western and eastern windows or place it on a table next to a south window.

Natural aging

If all the leaves are green and healthy, new young ones are growing, the plant is provided with proper care, but one or more lower leaves yellowed, they need to be cut off. This is a natural process, no need to worry about it.

Causes of dry spots

Excessive air dryness

You should regularly spray water around the plant from a spray bottle or install a humidifier.

Insufficient watering

Anthurium does not like excessive soil moisture, but The earthen ball should not be allowed to dry out completely. The plant will tolerate this especially poorly if it remains in dry soil for several days.

If you want the plant to remain healthy, be sure to ensure regular and moderate watering.

The owner of the plant should also remember that anthurium is very sensitive to changes in humidity, so they must be smoothed out as much as possible when the heating is turned on.


This fungal disease. The leaves begin to appear, and gradually the dry spots move to the center. All affected leaves must be cut off and the plant treated with a fungicide.

You can find out what other diseases, besides anthracnose, can threaten anthurium.


All leaves below, above and stems are treated with a special preparation against aphids.

Roots lack oxygen

What to do if brown spots form?

Below is a video from which you can find out what to do if brown spots appear on the anthurium leaves, and how to prevent this disease:

You will find more information about the occurrence of brown spots on plant leaves.

Photos of diseased plants

Here you can see what flowers with similar problems look like.

Foliage care

You need to regularly wipe the dust off the leaves with a damp cloth. A thick layer of dust should not be allowed to remain on the leaves for too long, as this will cause them to “suffocate.” Creating a plant comfortable humidity air using a spray bottle, spray water nearby, but so as not to get on the leaves, otherwise after drying there will be unsightly traces of drops on them.

In order for anthurium leaves to be green and healthy, proper care of this rather capricious plant, the creation of a suitable microclimate, as well as the correct watering and feeding regime are important.

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Brown spots on the leaves are often found in the houseplant anthurium. What to do in this case? Before answering this question, it should be noted that this phenomenon is considered a very bad sign for the culture, because anthurium is a luxurious indoor plant with shiny, weighty green plates, beautiful flowers. That is why it will be important to know what to do with brown spots on anthurium leaves, why they appear, and how to prevent this problem from occurring in the future. We will talk about this in the article.

Features of plant care and cultivation

Anthurium is a very capricious plant regarding care and maintenance. Some species are grown exclusively in greenhouses. It is also important to take into account when growing a plant the fact that the juice of the crop consists of harmful toxins that can negatively affect the mucous membrane of various human organs and systems. So that you never have a question about what to do with brown spots on anthurium leaves, you should follow some rules for growing this plant. Features of care are as follows:

  1. It is recommended to grow the flower in partial shade or on a windowsill where there is diffused light, since anthurium does not like bright lighting. At the same time, in winter it is important to provide the anthurium with artificial additional lighting. If this is not done, the plant will not be able to produce flower stalks.
  2. IN summer period the air temperature in the room should not be more than 25 degrees Celsius, and with the arrival of winter, the plant can develop at an air temperature of 14–16 degrees above zero.
  3. To prevent the anthurium flower from dying, you should avoid places where there are drafts.
  4. It is recommended to water the plant a little warm water. IN summer time Watering is carried out once every three days, and with the arrival of winter - once a week. The remaining water after watering must be poured out of the pan, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.
  5. You should also ensure good humidity in the room. The leaves need to be sprayed systematically, but this should be done so that water does not get on the flowers.
  6. Twice a month, feed the anthurium using a mineral solution or organic fertilizers. It is necessary to feed during its flowering, as well as during the active growth of anthurium.
  7. It will be better if the anthurium grows in self-made soil. To do this, you need to mix humus (2 parts) with leaf soil and peat (1 part each), with sand (0.5 parts). Add crushed bricks or cones as a drainage layer.
  8. It is important to note that after purchasing an anthurium in a store, it must be transplanted into another, suitable-sized container with the correct substrate.

At home, the plant can be propagated by cuttings. Cuttings for this purpose are cut from the tops of the flower with aerial roots. They are planted according to the rules in pre-prepared containers. But how to avoid brown spots on anthurium leaves? What to do? It must also be protected from attacks by various insects: scale insects, aphids, and fungal infections.

Why do brown spots appear on anthurium leaves?

If mistakes are made with watering, the feeding schedule is disrupted, the air in the room is very dry, the lighting is incorrect, then the leaves of the plant will gradually begin to dry out. When brown spots appear on the leaves of anthurium, the reason for this may be a sharp change in temperature or growing the plant in a cold room. If the cultivation characteristics are violated, the flower begins to hurt and may even die. Therefore, it will be important to know the main reasons why brown spots or spots of a different color appear on the leaves of anthurium.

Wrong fertilizer

If there is a shortage nutrients and elements, then slow growth, young small leaves are noted. Leaf blades become brown due to a lack of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium or magnesium. It is recommended to feed a houseplant with ready-made liquid products. The affected anthurium is fed once a week. When the flower gains strength again, fertilizing is reduced to once every 2 weeks. If there is an excess of fertilizers, brown dry spots may also form on the leaves of the anthurium. To save a flower, you need to transplant it into new soil, washing the roots.

Black leaves

The following reasons can lead to blackening of leaf plates in anthurium:

  • direct sunlight;
  • drafts;
  • air temperature that does not meet the requirements;
  • a large amount of calcium salts in the soil.

Why do anthurium leaves have brown spots and black spots? If such a dark brown, almost black coating on the leaves is due to an excess of calcium salts in the soil, then it is necessary to replace the soil containing humus and peat. After this, the flower is watered with softened water.

If the leaves of the anthurium begin to turn black due to drafts, then the pot needs to be moved to another place. If the leaf blades turn black due to direct sunlight, you need to make a shaded place for the plant. It is also important to provide the pot with more diffused light or partial shade.


We continue to look at why the anthurium leaves are covered with brown spots. If the leaves are covered with light brown, yellow spots and begin to curl, this indicates that the flower has been attacked by aphids. If you want to save the plant, it must be treated by special means or tobacco tincture.

If the shoots are covered with cracks and the leaves are stained, then the flower has been attacked by a mealybug. To combat it, karbofos is used. Dark brown spots on the leaves appear due to a scale insect attack. Such pests must be removed manually, and the flower must be treated with a solution of laundry soap and kerosene.

Brown spots

Brown spots on anthurium leaves, photos of which are presented in our article, may occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect feeding. It is necessary to fertilize with fertilizers with a balanced composition.
  2. At low temperatures, the leaves become covered with small brown dots.

If you notice brown spots on anthurium leaves, the reason may be that the flower stem may have suffered from a pest such as a mealyworm, which can be destroyed with special preparations sold in flower shops.

Yellow spots

Leaves turn yellow in winter due to lack of light. This phenomenon can also be caused by watering with water containing chlorine, as well as heavy metal oxides. If you want to avoid yellowness, it is recommended to water the plant with rain, melted water or pre-settled water at room temperature. If water accumulates in the pan, the roots will begin to rot and the leaves will turn yellow. It is necessary to moisten the soil moderately and remove excess liquid from the pan. A flower in a small pot may also produce yellow leaves. Then it must be transplanted into the largest container.

The leaves are drying up

Anthurium leaves dry out due to too dry air, poor watering, diseases, and aphids. The frequency of watering will depend on the time of year. The soil should dry out by about a third of the pot between waterings. To increase air humidity, spray the leaves with water daily. When the leaves dry out at the edges and then dry out completely, it means the flower has suffered from anthracnose. To combat the disease, treat the plant with a systemic fungicide.

Dried tips can form due to a lack of oxygen directly in the root system. Replant the anthurium in soil with cones or charcoal.

Flower age

Most often, leaves turn yellow due to aging. Age change affects more the foliage that is located closer to the ground surface. In this case, the yellowness spreads throughout the entire leaf, due to which elasticity and juiciness are lost, the leaves become brown. After some time, they disappear on their own if they are not removed first. If the plant is well cared for, the loss of old foliage will not harm the flower, because healthy young leaves will begin to grow at the top.

Yellowing leaves do not benefit the plant, they only take away its strength; it is better to cut them off in time. If you remove the old leaves, the flower will begin to develop and become attractive. To cut dead leaves, it is recommended to use scissors or a knife treated with alcohol so as not to introduce infection into the stem. Sprinkle the cut area on the trunk with crushed charcoal. When the leaves have turned yellow but have not lost their juiciness, they cannot be torn off by hand so as not to injure the main stem, so use a sharp tool for this purpose.

Other possible problems when growing a plant

The size of the leaf blades and flowers will be affected by the age of the anthurium. The older the plant is, the smaller and paler the flowers will be. Every year the trunk becomes more bare, because the leaves below die off. Some varieties continue to grow luxuriantly, but with small rosettes, and some with only one rosette.

To help the flower continue to bloom profusely with large flowers, you need to rejuvenate it. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the plant so that you get a stalk with two or three aerial roots. Plant it in prepared soil. To make it develop better, it can be placed in a growth stimulator before planting. The cuttings need to be cared for systematically, sprayed with warm water. Flower growers often encounter this problem - the anthurium dries out and does not bloom. This problem usually results from:

  • lack of lighting;
  • temperature conditions that do not meet the requirements;
  • high temperature in winter;
  • improper watering;
  • low air humidity;
  • dry inflorescences on the plant.

If you want to return flowering to the plant, it is recommended to change the conditions of maintenance and remove the inflorescences after they begin to fade.


Now you have learned why anthurium leaves may turn black or yellow, and what to do in such a situation. The plant may change the color of the leaves to yellowish or brown due to improper care, as well as attacks by pests. That is why it is important to provide the crop with proper care, fertilizing, timely watering, and replanting as necessary. It is important to determine main reason problem, eliminate it in a timely manner, thus saving the life of the anthurium.

There are fungal, viral and non-infectious diseases of anthurium that affect the plant due to improper care or infection through water, soil, or insects. The vast majority of diseases can be easily prevented by following basic flower care rules. The correct watering regime will help you avoid fungal infections. viral diseases carried by insect pests, it is important to ensure prevention with insecticides. Non-infectious diseases of anthurium are very easy to overcome; it is enough to provide comfortable conditions plant maintenance.

Causes of anthurium diseases, their treatment

The leaves are turning yellow

If the leaves of an anthurium turn yellow during cultivation, many owners do not know what to do, but the reasons for the trouble are obvious: the problem is often caused by errors in care and uncomfortable conditions, to which the flower quickly reacts with protest.

Leaf damage is a sign of a sick flower

Conditions that determine why the tips of leaves and flowers dry out on anthuriums:

  • irrigation in direct sunlight;
  • dim light in the room;
  • deficiency of nitrogen bait;
  • small flowerpot;
  • watering with hard, too cold and unsettled water.

Yellow or brown spots on the leaves of a plant often signal diseases that require surgical treatment. Waterlogging of the soil and low temperature air is threatened by bacterial and fungal diseases of anthurium leaves:

  • fusarium is introduced when changing soil;
  • chlorosis occurs with a lack of iron and magnesium;
  • septoria is a consequence of drafts, cold, humidity;
  • rot forms at high air humidity; leaves may turn brown if overwatered.

On a note! Don't forget about natural feature old anthurium, when the leaves turn yellow natural cause. What to do? The right decision During the period of crop renewal there will be a reduction in watering and fertilizing.

Why do leaves and flowers turn black and dry?

Blackened anthurium is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Watering cold water. Optimal temperature liquid used to moisten the crop - 22-26 degrees. The permissible deviation from room temperature is 2-3 degrees.
  2. Rotting of the rhizome. The solution to the problem of why anthurium leaves turn black should be sought in improper watering. Excess moisture causes blackening and death of the plant.
  3. Fungus on anthurium roots. With insufficient drainage, the flower begins to suffocate and dry out. To prevent the disease, you should loosen the soil and create additional holes in the pot.
  4. Hard water. Excess calcium negatively affects magnesium and potassium levels. The percentage of capacity of iron, manganese, zinc, and boron also decreases. A deficiency of useful elements causes anthurium to dry out.
  5. Excess fertilizer. The dosage should be halved or feeding should be temporarily stopped.
  6. Moisture deficiency. Symptoms – the leaves began to curl and darken, changing their usual shape. It is worth paying attention to spraying the crop or placing a tray of water next to it, providing increased humidity to the plant.

Blackening of anthurium leaves

On a note! Pests are the most dangerous enemy for the anthurium flower. Why leaves and flowers turn black and dry, the reason should be sought as a result of the vital activity of whiteflies and aphids. If fears are confirmed, the affected areas are washed with soapy water and treated with pesticides.

Sticky leaves how to treat

Anthurium does not grow

If the anthurium does not grow, what to do is determined by the gardener based on the conditions of the crop, where the main factor is the location in an open and well-lit place, without drafts. Often, amateurs make a mistake when planting a flower. The soil is not suitable for the plant, replanting or drainage is required - additional reasons why anthurium does not grow.

Remember! The flower prefers plastic containers, deep-fiber substrate and does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Pots for young individuals are changed once a year, for adults - after 3-4 years.

Fungal diseases of anthurium, their treatment

Microscopic fungi may remain on the plant when purchased or appear when abundant watering. Anthurium is a moisture-loving crop, the likelihood of bacteria spreading is as high as possible.

Downy mildew

The leaves of “male happiness” are covered with white, yellowish spots, back side gray spores are observed. The source of the disease is a microscopic fungus that is extremely sensitive to humid air. It is easy to cure downy mildew - just reduce the air humidity and treat the crop with contact fungicides (Topaz, Acrobat).

Rust on anthurium treatment

If light spots appear on the upper side of the leaf, and brown spots-pustules on the lower side, there is a high probability that the anthurium has begun to suffer from a fungal infection such as rust. At the bottom of the leaves, spores develop quite quickly, the spots merge together, and the leaves dry out. To treat the disease, fungicides are used (Albit, Alirin, Fitosporin).

Rust is a common disease of anthurium

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium is transmitted in many ways, including water and air. New fungal spores can grow due to temperature changes and chemical attack. Fungal wilt of anthurium produces a light pink coating on the root collar and wilting of the leaves. The main measure to combat fusarium is prevention, for example, feeding the soil with the antifungal drug Glyokladina. Systemic pesticides “Vitaros”, “Rovral”, “Fundazol” are also well proven in the fight against fusarium.


Fungal mycosis appears on the leaves as red spots surrounded by yellow lines. The leaves begin to gradually wither and the plant dies. The main method of treatment is to treat the crop with copper-containing fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, "Kuproksat").


A fungal disease leads to thinning and drying of leaves. Dry brown spots appear on the edges or in the middle of the leaf blades. Will help in the fight against anthracnose systemic fungicides(“Fundazol”, “Acrobat”, “Ridomil Gold”). The fungal spores are quite tenacious; if the anthurium cannot be saved, you should treat the neighboring plants with pesticides, heat the old pot and grow a new individual in a safe environment.

Late blight

Symptoms of the disease are the appearance of purple-brown spots on the leaves, their rapid development on the plant and damage to the roots. To destroy late blight, systemic fungicides are used, including Fitosporin-M, Fundazol, Alirin-B, and Previkur. You will definitely have to replace the soil, put the roots in clean water, rinse and burn the pot. Root system also treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Indoor anthurium, in addition to diseases, can dry out or rot under the influence of insects: aphids, thrips, spider mite, scale insects or whiteflies. If pests appear, you will need a soap solution or insecticide; you will have to treat the crop once every 2-3 days.


It is easy to recognize that anthurium is infested with aphids by yellow, curled leaves, sticky secretions, and the plant begins to quickly die. The simplest pest control measure is warm shower or spraying the plant with a soap solution (20 g of laundry soap per 6 liters warm water). More effective solution will be the use of drugs: “Antitlin”, “Aktara”, “Aktellik”.

Aphids on anthurium


Spider mite

Spider mites are issued at outside the leaves have small yellow specks that merge into huge spots. A cobweb appears at the bottom of the leaf, full of small insects. Ticks love high temperature and dry air. As soon as the flower turns yellow, it is important to urgently treat the leaves with soapy water, clean them from insects and wipe them mineral oil. Adjust humidity and temperature conditions.


Whitish or golden-brown tubercles on anthurium leaves are the first signs of a scale insect sucking out vital juices home flower. An ordinary needle will allow you to remove the pest from the leaf. Single specimens are also cleaned with a toothbrush and wiped with a cotton swab soaked in kerosene - the scale insect will suffocate under the kerosene film.


The flower looks depressed, the leaves curl and become discolored, the buds and flowers fall off. It is worth carefully examining your pet, especially the underside of the leaves. Perhaps the plant has become a haven for insect pests - whiteflies. Small moths with many larvae suck out the vital juices of the anthurium. The consistency of whitefly secretions on the upper part of the leaf resembles a sticky shiny coating, similar to sugary stains. When whiteflies appear, experts advise using chemicals: “Aktara”, “Konfidor”, “Akarin”, “Iskra”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”, “Tanrek”.

Whitefly on a healthy plant

Non-communicable diseases


If, in bright light, green foliage is visible yellow spots, the culture suffers from poor nutrition (lack of magnesium and iron). It's important to take care of regular feeding plants with fertilizers for decorative flowers.


Yellow-green bumps and ring-shaped yellowing are a consequence of low temperature in combination with high humidity. If you forget about regularly feeding the anthurium, the plant will not have the strength to resist smallpox, and it will take a long time to revive the culture.


When a flower is diseased with enation, uneven curvature of the leaves, ugly and humpbacked appearance, anthurium may turn black. The disease progresses in cold rooms with drafts and sudden changes in dry and humid air.

How to save an anthurium if there is a stump with leaves left

Anthurium requires urgent transplantation

Anthurium is a beautiful and unpretentious exotic crop. When keeping a plant at home, it is worth establishing proper care and disease prevention. The flower will decorate the interior for more than 10 years.

Anthurium is beautiful and exotic, but when growing it you often have to deal with diseases capricious flower. Anthurium can become ill either from improper maintenance and care, or from various diseases; it is also attacked by pests. In this article we will look at all the most common ailments and diseases of anthurium and find out how to treat the plant.

general information

Anthurium or, as people say, “ male happiness"- a tropical flower, heat-loving and delicate. The plant is very sensitive to external conditions, watering, fertilizing and other care. Deviating from proper agricultural technology, soon you can notice the flower’s malaise.

If you see that the anthurium looks bad, is weakening, the leaves are turning yellow, suspicious spots appear on them, or other alarming symptoms are observed, you should inspect the flower as soon as possible.

Having identified a problem, you need to start eradicating it. In most cases, this requires normalizing living conditions and paying more attention to care. However, sometimes the anthurium gets sick quite seriously - then more effective measures have to be taken.

In total, there are three major factors that cause anthurium disease:

  • violation of agricultural practices and maintenance in unsuitable conditions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pest damage.

Each of these factors hides many specific reasons that cause flower malaise in individual cases.

Violation of agricultural technology and conditions of detention

These reasons are the most common when cultivating an exotic beauty at home. Most often, it is because of improper care and maintenance that the flower begins to hurt. Fortunately, the situation in this case can be corrected quickly, the main thing is not to delay it.

No flowering

The problem is most often associated with violation of the conditions of detention. In much rarer cases - with infectious diseases. The following factors can cause the cessation of flowering:

  • too cool external temperature (below +18 degrees);
  • keeping the plant in drafts;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • stagnation of water in the pot.

The last reason is the most common. Anthurium roots are very sensitive to soil moisture levels, and allowing the soil to become waterlogged is critical for the plant.

What to do

Flowering is caused in this case by eradicating the cause that gave rise to the absence of buds. In any case, additional feeding with complex minerals will not hurt.

Spots on leaves

Often, improper care leads to the appearance of unsightly spots on the leaves, slow growth, and changes in foliage color (see photo). Sometimes you can see spots Brown not only on the leaves, but also on the neck of the plant. The first step is to evaluate what kind of stains appeared:

What to do

The nature of the stains should be assessed and the cause of their appearance should be eliminated. But if the plant is flooded, it is recommended to transplant it into another pot with dry soil. Before replanting, trim off rotten roots.

The flower dries up

This usually happens due to insufficient hydration soil, less often - due to too low air temperature.

What to do

As in other similar cases, it is necessary to correct the situation by normalizing the conditions of keeping and caring for the plant. That is, water and place the flower in more warm room. Feeding won't hurt either.


This disease is expressed in the drying of the flower, deformation of the leaves, and the appearance of ugly growths on them (see photo). The disease is non-infectious in nature and why it appears is still unknown. However, it has been noticed that enation is more often observed after the anthurium has been exposed to sudden temperature changes.

What to do

You can cure a flower in this way: you should normalize the conditions of its maintenance and prevent strong temperature fluctuations. Gradually, the plant will return to normal, and unsightly defects in its appearance will disappear on their own. Don’t forget to feed the plant so that its immunity is always high.


Although this is a disease, as in the previous case, it is, however, non-infectious, non-contagious and occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of care and poor maintenance. The symptom is unsightly growths on the leaves of a convex shape (see photo).

What to do

The pot must be removed to a warmer place, protected from direct sun and drafts. Usually this is enough.

Other ailments

It happens that anthurium grows very poorly and develops poorly. The cause is usually a lack of nutrients. In this case, you need to either apply fertilizer or (if the soil is severely depleted) transplant the plant into a fresh substrate.

The leaves turn yellow and dry out, and root collar turns brown and mold appears on it due to critical waterlogging of the flower. In this case, you cannot hesitate - urgent resuscitation measures are necessary. It is necessary to replant the anthurium and remove all damaged, rotten fragments.

Attention: after removing the affected parts, do not forget to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal or ash for disinfection and faster healing.

Infectious diseases of anthurium

Anthurium, due to its delicate constitution, suffers from infectious diseases quite often. But still less often than from violations of agricultural technology. You should not despair if the flower is affected by some kind of disease - thanks to high level With modern fungicides and timely treatment, almost any situation can be corrected. Next, let's look at the most common diseases.

Anthracticosis and septoria

These are fungal diseases that most often affect anthurium. A symptom of both diseases are brown and reddish spots that appear on the leaves (see photo). The tips of the leaves may also turn black.

What to do

Watering for fungal diseases must be reduced, since it is often waterlogging that causes them. Treated with chemical fungicides. The composition of fungicides must include copper - it is this mineral that helps to quickly deal with the causative fungus. The soil also needs bactericidal treatment: Abiga-Pik is suitable for this purpose.

Affected parts should be removed and burned before processing. If the processing does not produce results, you will have to part with the flower: it is destroyed along with the soil. The pot may still be useful, but it needs to be thoroughly washed, treated with a disinfecting solution and thermally treated.

Gray rot

The disease is also fungal in nature and first affects the trunk of the plant, then the shoots, and lastly the leaves (see photo). The infection spreads very quickly, and as soon as possible the affected areas of the flower die.

What to do

It is necessary to get rid of rot immediately, as soon as the first signs are noticed. Highly effective chemicals should be used - only they can be guaranteed to save the plant. Traditional medicines will not help in this case.

All affected fragments should be removed, followed by chemical treatment. There should be at least three such treatments - after short breaks. If the case is already advanced and treatment does not help, the flower is destroyed.


This fungal disease causes the anthurium foliage to wilt and fall off. The disease affects the roots of the plant, therefore it is extremely dangerous and often leads to the death of the flower. The first sign is a sudden and sharp wilting, wilting of the anthurium. Peduncles bend at an unnatural angle, the foliage suddenly and strongly turns yellow (see photo). With this disease, the fungus penetrates the plant tissue, clogging vital vessels.

What to do

A sick flower should be urgently isolated from others. indoor plants. If the disease has not yet seriously affected the plant, you can try to cope with it with additional mineral supplements, increasing the immunity of anthurium.

And if the disease has not yet affected the root, you can try to cope with fusarium with the help of copper fungicide. Experienced flower growers use the following method:

  • remove the plant from the soil, wash it off the ground;
  • soak the roots in a solution of Fundazol (weak);
  • cut off affected and rotten parts of the plant;
  • transplant the anthurium into new soil and new pot.

If the treatment has no effect, the flower is destroyed.

If the roots are already affected, you can cut off the top of the flower and try to root it. Hold before placing in the ground bottom part tops in Fundazol solution for half an hour.

The best way to combat this dangerous disease- prevention and prevention in principle of its occurrence. When planting a flower, in order to prevent fusarium, it is recommended to add several granules of the drug Trichodermin to the soil. In addition, it is necessary to constantly take care of maintaining the health and high immunity of the plant.


This disease cannot be confused with another, since the symptom of rust is very characteristic brown-rusty spots on the leaves. The spots spoil the decorative appearance of the flower and gradually spread, becoming wider, the foliage then dries out and falls off. Look at the photo of anthurium leaves affected by rust.

What to do

Rust should be treated by treating the flower with chemical and alcohol fungicides. Treatment is carried out every 3-4 days for two weeks. Suitable medications include:

  • Ordan;
  • Topaz.

Fitosporin-M can be used as a preventative against rust.

With this disease, you cannot spray the plant, as fungal spores can quickly spread to healthy leaves. The treatment is carried out by wiping the leaves with a fungicidal solution.

Root rot

The disease usually occurs due to systematic waterlogging of the flower. The disease is dangerous as it can lead to the death of the plant.

What to do

The anthurium is removed from the pot, the roots are inspected and those affected by rot are cut off. The remaining healthy rhizomes are treated with Maxim or Fitosporin-M, and then transplanted into a new pot with dry soil. Do not forget to read the description of the drugs to choose the correct dose and proportions. You should not water the plant for some time after transplanting.

Powdery mildew

The disease usually occurs due to keeping the plant at low temperatures simultaneously with waterlogging.

What to do

If the flower is flooded, a transplant is required. In other cases, you can get by by moving the pot to a warm place and spraying with Acrobat and Topaz.

Pest infestation


Since pests multiply very quickly, you need to get rid of them quickly. Fortunately, removing aphids is not difficult: you just need to buy a suitable insecticide and treat the plant. A day after treatment, the leaves should be washed with water to wash off dead and still living insects. And such washing of the leaves will protect against chemical burns.


What to do

When the scale insects multiply, the insects can be seen with the naked eye: treatment should then be undertaken urgently. The flower must be isolated from other plants and washed with water.

Then an insecticidal treatment is carried out, a day after which the flower should be washed again. There should be two treatments in total. If the scale insect has not yet had time to reproduce, you can try to deal with it using a regular soap solution.


This pest is the easiest to deal with, since it can be noticed almost immediately. The scale insect covers the leaves with a whitish coating, which immediately catches the eye. However, if rescue measures are not taken quickly, the scale insect may even destroy the anthurium.

What to do

You can cope with the misfortune by washing the flower with a soap or alcohol solution. After treatment, you must also rinse clean water. To ensure a guaranteed result, the treatment is carried out in two stages: the second one a week after the first.

Whatever ailment happens to anthurium, useful general tips care and maintenance will come in handy in any case.

Air humidity level

When growing tropical flower It should be remembered that high air humidity is a vital necessity for it. The humidity level should be 70-80%, if less, then only for a short period.

To ensure such humidity in our apartments, you will have to either spray the plant more often, or purchase a special humidifier, or place the flower on a tray with wet expanded clay. The last option is the least labor-intensive and does not require any expenses.

Why is spraying not the best solution? Because water leaves whitish, unsightly spots on the leaves.

If the flower grows in a dry room, it will get sick more often and is more likely to be affected by spider mites. In addition, dry air leads to:

  • drying and yellowing of foliage;
  • in severe stages - to curling and blackening of leaves;
  • drying of buds - both those that have blossomed and those that have not yet bloomed.

Air temperature

Since this plant is heat-loving, it must be kept at a temperature not lower than +18 degrees in summer and +16 degrees in winter. The best option and most suitable for the flower would be to keep it from May to September at a temperature of +25-28 degrees.

Drafts and cool wind blows are completely contraindicated for the plant. Under the influence of drafts, the roots of anthurium often rot, its flowers and leaves freeze. And spraying in winter followed by opening the window for ventilation is the most reliable way destroying a flower.


Anthurium needs abundant lighting, which is important for its lush and long flowering. However, the plant does not tolerate being in direct sunlight (especially at midday). In nature, it grows in the lower tiers of tropical forests, shaded from above by tall trees.

Place the flower in a place that is sufficiently lit but shaded. In winter, anthurium for normal functioning additional lighting will be required.

Watering and substrate features

The flower grows best in moist, permeable, loose soil. Watering should be done only with soft water without impurities of salts and bleach. If the air humidity is high, it is not worth watering often.

So, we found out what diseases and why anthurium suffers and found out how to cure the plant in each case. Main measure to combat diseases - proper care of the plant and maintaining it in suitable conditions. By complying with the requirements of agricultural technology, you will greatly reduce the likelihood of flower disease. Well, if the plant does pick up an infection or pests, you shouldn’t hesitate with treatment: the sooner you start taking action, the greater the chances of success.