How to save on basement siding. More about siding

There is an opinion that finishing a facade is a complex and time-consuming undertaking that requires not only a huge set of tools, but also special skills and knowledge, which can only be obtained at the relevant universities. In this article we will debunk this myth and tell you how to siding a house, independently and without the involvement of specialists, whose services are often more expensive than the entire repair.

Choosing siding

In fact, this is one of the main points in the question of how to decorate a house with siding. And indeed, first of all, you need to choose and buy the material, but what to do when there is such a variety of it in the store that even experienced specialists sometimes get lost.

It differs in quality, strength, wear resistance, visual appeal and of course cost. Often, it is the price that becomes the fundamental factor when choosing finishing materials, but you always want the notorious combination of “high quality and inexpensive”.

Let's look at the most popular types of siding, in ascending order of cost.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl, or more simply put, plastic, is one of the most popular materials for production today. Almost everything in the world is made from it, and if you come across houses lined with siding that imitates brick, wood (see) or even ceramic tiles, as shown in the photo at the beginning of the article, know that this is vinyl, since only it can be given absolutely any shape and color.

Many argue that plastic is toxic and can be harmful to health, but this is talk from the same section as harm from radioactive radiation cell phones that each of us uses every day.

There will always be opponents to everything, but if you are completely unbiased, you can recall a whole list of the positive qualities of vinyl:

  • Completely resistant to moisture and even a large number water. Vinyl siding can be washed without fear of it rusting or losing its color.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. Of course, you can cut or scratch, but only diamonds are resistant to this, but when hit, the plastic bends and returns to its original shape.
  • Vinyl is resistant to all types of chemical and petroleum solvents, which can be used in everyday life. It can be washed with strong detergents and even wipe off accidentally spilled paint with white spirit.
  • Plastic does not absorb dirt and foreign odors, which is especially important, if the siding of houses takes place in the city, where foreign odors and soot from car exhaust gases are constantly present.

And of course, the price is affordable compared to all other types, which will be discussed below.

Important! Due to the high popularity of vinyl siding among ordinary buyers, it most often becomes a victim of counterfeits, so you need to choose it very carefully, and it is better if it is a recommended store or seller.

Metal siding

It was he who was the predecessor of all modern types of siding, and even after years, it does not lose its popularity. The secret of such longevity is quite simple, few materials can compete with the strength and durability of metal, but this, of course, is subject to high-quality painting, which in those distant years was often lame, which is why the finish began to rust a few years after installation.

Today the situation has changed radically, and modern paints have become so durable that even houses located on the sea coast and constantly exposed to salt do not lose their appearance for many, many years.

There's no point in describing positive traits metal siding, they are both on the surface and understandable, but the disadvantages are worth mentioning:

  • Despite the paint's resistance to fading and natural influences, it is very easy to scratch, and it is from this place that the metal will begin to rot, and soon the bloodthirsty rust will completely corrode the entire segment.
  • Heavy weight. Considering that many modern houses are built from lightweight aerated concrete or expanded clay, metal finish with enormous weight, creates a colossal and unwanted load on the walls.
  • Small selection of external data. can be painted in any color, but you can forget about texture patterns and imitations.

Advice! When buying metal siding, be very careful when transporting it, since it is at this moment that most damage and scratches occur, and you will not be able to return an unusable panel to the store.

Ceramic siding

In our country this material is relatively new and not particularly widespread, although it has been used in Europe for a very long time. - this is the most expensive material of all listed here, but its cost is fully compensated quality characteristics and appearance.

To list all the advantages of this type facade finishing We will need a separate large article, so we will briefly dwell only on the most significant of them:

  • Ceramics is a super durable material, which is not easy to damage even with a strong desire.
  • This siding gives the house additional sound and heat insulation., which allows you to significantly save on energy.
  • The appearance of ceramic siding cannot be compared with any other materials.
  • It is completely resistant to any natural influences, not to mention water or solvents, and add to this the fact that glossy surface itself repels dirt, and we get a facade that practically does not need regular cleaning.

Ceramic siding has two significant disadvantages, which make this material less common: the first is, of course, the price, and the second is the complexity of installation. Of course, you can decorate a house with ceramic siding with your own hands, but you can definitely avoid a huge number of damaged expensive panels will not work. In addition to the types listed above, you can also recall cement, acrylic and even wood siding, but we have already moved away from our main topic, so it’s time to move directly to the finishing.

Facade preparation

Do-it-yourself siding on a house, like any other renovation, begins with preparatory work, and in our case, this factor is even more important than the finishing itself.

To make the whole process go smoothly and without unnecessary delays, here are some useful and important tips:

  1. Compose full list everything you need and keep it at hand at all times so you don’t forget anything.
  2. All the tools should be at hand so as not to waste time and nerves looking for some kind of screw or hammer.
  3. Buy siding panels with a small margin. It will be useful in case of a manufacturing defect or in the future if one of the segments is damaged.
  4. In order to correctly calculate the required amount of siding, make a scale drawing of your facade; this will be much more accurate than an estimate “by eye” or online calculators.
  5. If you are using vinyl siding, before installation, let it lie outside for several hours. This is necessary so that the plastic takes its shape after thermal deformation.

So, everything is ready and you can get to work.

Stage one - marking

Before covering the house with siding with your own hands, you need to apply markings to the facade to determine the locations for attaching the sheathing guide profiles. This is quite simple to do, you need to break the wall of the house exactly in half and put a mark in this place, after which, each of the two resulting segments should be halved again and put marks again.

In this way, we divide the wall until the distance between the two marks is from 30 to 60 centimeters. These are the places where the guide battens will be attached, and since they stand strictly vertically, we draw lines from each mark, upward, guided by the readings of the building level.

Now, we divide each line into segments of 30-60 centimeters, and our marking is ready, we can move on to the next stage.

Stage two - making the sheathing

Before covering the house with siding, it is necessary to assemble the sheathing according to the markings that we made at the previous stage.

There are three options for the material:

  1. Wooden beam. The cheapest, but the least quality material for sheathing. In outdoor conditions, the tree quickly becomes unusable: it dries out, gains moisture, and is attacked by bark beetles.
  2. Metallic profile. A higher quality material, but with one significant drawback - upon contact with water, the metal begins to rust, as a result of which hard-to-remove yellow stains may appear on the surface of the siding.
  3. Metal profile with galvanized coating. The most expensive, but at the same time high-quality material. The galvanized coating prevents the metal from rotting and protects it from exposure to water and moisture.

You can choose any of listed options, but in the case of wood, it must first be treated with special impregnations that prevent the appearance of the bug.

So, the material for the sheathing has been chosen, which means it’s time to pick up a hammer drill and drill holes on the vertical lines, in the places where we put the marks. When the holes are drilled, we take metal braces to fix the profiles, and use fastening dowels to mount them on the wall.

Now, we bend both ends of the guy perpendicular to the wall and set the guides, guided by the readings of the building level.

Important! The straighter and stronger the guides are, the easier the installation of the siding itself will be.

And in order to clearly understand the technology of making sheathing, we suggest you watch the video in this article, which shows detailed instructions this whole process. That's all, our sheathing is ready, which means that the most difficult part is over, and the most important part remains. final stage our finishing – installation of siding.

Siding installation

As we said above, installation of siding is the simplest stage and it begins with a starting panel, which is attached parallel to the ground with a distance of a few centimeters from the base. For ease of installation starting bar, some craftsmen suggest attaching it around the perimeter of the facade wooden beam. This will serve as a starting point and can be easily removed when finished.

But regardless of whether you install a control bar or not, the starting bar should lie perfectly horizontally. The evenness of the entire finish depends on this, and with a house height of three meters, a distortion on the starting panel of just two millimeters can be detrimental.

So, launch pad securely fixed, and it’s time to attach decorative additional elements. We start with the corners, both internal and external. After them, we proceed to the installation of the H-profile and door and window frames.

That's all, all that remains is to assemble the siding panels, and this process is very similar to playing the children's designer. There is nothing complicated here, we simply insert the panel into the grooves of the decorative elements and hook it with the groove to the previous segment.

To make the process even easier and help you avoid complications in the future, we’ll give you a few current advice, which should not be neglected:

  • Never screw a self-tapping screw through the body of the panel. There are special mounting holes for this. Otherwise, the segment may simply burst and have to be thrown away.
  • When tightening the fastening screw, do not press the panel against the guide. It should seem to hang on him. This is necessary for seasonal thermal expansion, which is inevitable for vinyl and metal types siding.
  • Cutting siding panels into right size, leave small gaps between panels and decorative elements. They are still needed for the same thermal deformations.

Difficulty may arise only at the fastening stage finish bar, which will have to be cut along its entire length to fit it to size. So, the finishing is ready, and finally, in order to consolidate all the knowledge gained in this article, we invite you to watch how the siding of a house is covered in a video. Have you noticed how quickly and efficiently this process is accomplished by specialists? The same thing should happen for you.

Vinyl siding is modern look finishing material, used for the design of facades. With its help you can give a neat and original appearance to any structure. The material is quite easy to install, but it will not be possible to simply nail it to the walls of the house. To do this, you will need additional elements for vinyl siding, the sizes of which differ depending on the manufacturer of the finishing material.

The production of vinyl siding began in the late 50s of the twentieth century. Externally, it is no different from facade boards, but its main advantage is durability. It will not lose its appearance for decades. It is not afraid of temperature changes, it is not afraid of showers, winds and snow, so it can be used in almost any climatic conditions.

On a note! High-quality vinyl siding does not fade for more than 10 years. During this time, it is quite possible to have time to build several extensions, but at the same time they will not differ from each other in color. Of course, we are not talking about low-quality material.

Vinyl siding is produced by the extrusion method, when raw materials are pressed through special holes, resulting in long vinyl strips of certain parameters. The resulting tape is cut and shaped, giving it a working profile.

Moreover, in most cases, siding is now produced using the so-called co-extrusion method, when the siding panel is made of two layers, with the layers being connected to each other at the molecular level. The main outer layer makes up approximately 20-25% of the total thickness of the panel and protects the finishing element itself from negative impact natural factors such as precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. And the inner layer holds the shape of the product and is necessary for the panel to be durable and frost-resistant.

Vinyl siding contains the following substances.

Vinyl siding has become one of the most popular for good reason. It still has a lot of advantages, in addition to those listed above. These are durability, ease of maintenance, fire safety and excellent resistance to chemicals.

However, in order to cover the facade with vinyl siding, it is not enough to buy the panels themselves - you will also need additional elements. Which, by the way, also perform an aesthetic function.

Vinyl siding prices

Why are additional elements needed?

Additional parts for installing siding panels are used to achieve several purposes. This facilitates the installation process, gives a finished look to the facade of the building, and secures the panels to the walls of the house. Thanks to them, the entire finish will hold as firmly as possible and last longer - due to corner additions, for example, it is possible to achieve greater tightness of the entire cladding, which means that moisture and wind will have less impact on the main walls of the building. If you use special parts for installing siding, then finished design will not rattle during stormy weather outside, which is especially important for windy regions.

On a note! If you refuse to use additional elements when covering the facade of a house with siding, then you will give a complete and beautiful view the building will not work. There will be cracks and gaps everywhere, and the structure will look sloppy.

All additional siding elements have special holes, which allow them to be tightly and securely joined to the siding panels. In this case, the perforation has an oblong shape, which makes it possible to take into account the temperature coefficient of expansion and helps to avoid deformation of the material under the influence of temperatures. Overall, between installed panels and the additions should not have any gaps or cracks.

Attention! Any swelling of the panels is the first sign of improper installation of elements or low-quality finishing material.

Types of siding additions

There are two types of additional parts used for siding installation. Is it decorative or load-bearing elements. The former are used only for the decoration of the building, while the latter are necessary directly for the installation of the finishing panels themselves.

Elements that are necessary for installing siding.

  1. necessary for the design of vertical seams, doors and windows; the siding panels themselves will be inserted into it. It is also used to decorate soffits, the ends of pediments, and can be used to decorate corners, but the joint will not be closed as well as when using special corner elements.
  2. Starting strip or bar necessary in order to begin installation of siding panels. This is the main element, without which the facade cladding process cannot be started. The plank is installed either at the very bottom of the building or at the edge of the wall (depending on the cladding method - horizontal or vertical), and the panels themselves are attached to it.
  3. Corner elements necessary for decorating internal or external corners of a building. At the same time, separate types of add-ons are sold for both.
  4. connecting is used to connect two siding panels if the sheathed facade is too long. The element also provides connection between soffit panels.

Special decorative elements necessary for installation of siding.

  1. Finishing bar, thanks to which you can beautifully complete the decoration of walls with siding.
  2. Window trim and platband, are used to decorate windows and doorways, if they are recessed into the wall.
  3. Gutters necessary to drain water from the walls of the building during rain.
  4. Bevels for cornices are used to design slopes and cornices when they are small in width.

On a note! The material used to make the additional elements is the same as the siding panels themselves. They differ from siding only in their structure, shape, and size.

Prices for additional elements of vinyl siding

Additional elements of vinyl siding

Video - Additional elements for siding

Why do you need to consider sizes?

All additional elements have their own sizes. They differ from each other in length, width, configuration. Moreover, differences are observed not only between different elements, but also between identical ones produced by different manufacturers.

On a note! Even from the same manufacturer, but in different lines, additional elements may differ in parameters. Moreover, there are no special standards that would regulate the size of siding and its components.

The length of one siding panel may vary depending on different manufacturers from 2.5 to 4 m, width - from 20 to 30 cm. Even the thickness can range from 1 to 1.2 mm. In the same way, the additions differ from each other by small but still noticeable amounts.

That is why it is so important to correctly take into account all the parameters of both the siding itself and its additional elements when calculating the amount of materials required for cladding the facade of the house. And you need to buy all the components from one selected manufacturer, so that later during the installation process there are no questions or inconsistencies. The dimensions of the extensions and siding panels must also fit together and fit together.

Vinyl siding "Alta-Profile"

Scaffolding prices


Dimensions of additional elements

Now let’s take a closer look at the sizes of siding components from different manufacturers. The products of the following companies are especially popular: VOX, Grand Line and Döcke.

The VOX company produces vinyl siding, ideal for facades. residential buildings, and office buildings. The products are distinguished by their durability and quality. Simplicity of installation allows you to cover the facade yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Table. Dimensions of siding components from VOX.

Name and imageParameters, m

Panel length – 2.7, width – 0.3

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.05

Length – 3.05

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.05

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.81

Length – 3.81

Grand Line siding is a high-quality finishing material that is present on Russian market for more than 10 years. The company is one of the few that produces both metal and vinyl siding.

Vinyl siding Grand Line

Table. Dimensions of siding components from Grand Line.

Name and imageLength, m









Döcke siding is one of the best products of this type on the market. Siding panels and components for them are produced from high-quality raw materials.

Siding and additional elements "Doke"

Table. Dimensions of siding components from Döcke.

Name and imageLength, m

3.05 or 1.85 (working width 0.305)













In order for siding installation to be quick and easy, it is necessary to approach the selection of materials and components with all responsibility and attention.

  1. You should only choose materials from a trusted manufacturer, who has been on the finishing materials market for many years. If it is necessary to create extensions to the building, it will be much easier to purchase exactly the same siding as before. But a fly-by-night company may disappear from the market, and then you will have to work hard to find at least externally similar material and components.
  2. You only need to buy the siding and the siding from one company. This will avoid inconsistencies in the size of the finishing material, which will simplify installation and save nerves.
  3. It is best to buy elements specially designed for this purpose for finishing certain parts of the facade. Thus, it will be possible to achieve maximum protection of the walls of the house directly. Otherwise, cracks and gaps may form, although some additional elements are relatively interchangeable.

Siding is well suited for both expensive country cottage, and for simple country house. However, siding panels alone are not enough for finishing - you will also need other parts, which are called additional elements, including.

Calculation of additional elements

One of the main stages during preparation for covering the facade with siding is the calculation required quantity additional elements. The following instructions will help you do it.

Step 1. You need to arm yourself with a tape measure, a pencil, paper and a calculator: all heights, lengths and widths, as well as window and door openings, and corners of the house are measured. Then an exact diagram of the structure to be sheathed is drawn, indicating on it all the measured parameters with maximum accuracy.

Calculation example for siding panels

Important! When making calculations, be sure to take into account the amount of waste and buy finishing material with some reserve. This applies to both siding and additional elements. Waste is about 7-10%. With a complex structure configuration - up to 15%.

Step 4. The number of corner strips is calculated as follows: the number of internal and external corners, and then each value is multiplied by the height of the corner. The final result is divided by the length of the corner strip.

Advice! It is better to count the number of planks separately for all corners, so that you do not have to make too many connections and assemble corner planks at one of the corners from pieces and trimmings. Such joints are very striking.

Step 6 The H-profile is calculated if there are connections between two siding strips in length. Here you have to count piece by piece.

Step 7 The number of window strips is calculated individually (so that there are no joints that spoil the appearance), provided that one J-profile is not enough when installing siding. That is, if the door or window opening is recessed more than 20 cm into the wall of the house.

Video - We take measurements and calculations of siding and components

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it will not be possible to do without additional additions when installing siding. At a minimum, you will have to buy a starter strip in order to attach siding panels to it. But it is better not to neglect the other elements, especially since they will speed up and facilitate the installation of finishing materials on the facade of the house.

Modern cladding of buildings, giving the structure a presentable appearance, slows down the “aging” process, that is, it protects the facade from the action of various natural factors. The natural desire of every person is for the finishing of the building to be not too expensive, but at the same time to look decent, require little labor during its installation, and not be difficult to maintain.

There is a fairly high demand for specialized decorative panels. One of these building materials is siding, which was first used in North America since the middle of the 20th century. Today, covering a house with siding is quite common.

Buy siding better in winter, because in the summer, at the height of the construction season, its price will certainly increase by 10-15 percent. At the same time, it’s a good idea to conclude an agreement with the seller, even if it’s verbal, about the possibility of returning excess fittings to the store, of course, if the remaining material is not damaged by you.

You can install the panels yourself. Using a simple tool, you will get the job done in a couple of weeks, while saving 70-80% of money on inviting specialists. First, you will have to look at a building already covered with siding, familiarize yourself with the details of the work, or consult with installers in order to avoid mistakes during installation.

Over time, the surface may deteriorate and will need to be replaced. To simplify the task, we recommend choosing panels of traditional colors, which are certainly available in any store. If the canvas is the same tone, it is easier to replace it. If different panel colors are used, then you cannot do without an H-profile. In order to save it, the panels will have to be installed overlapping.

Considering that the dimensions of the siding are such that residues may appear when working with it, you can save money when designing eaves overhangs. Soffits designed for this purpose have perforations for better ventilation. Externally similar to siding, they exceed its price by 60%. It will be more economical to use leftover siding, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the terrain will take on a slightly different look.

Composite corners, including price per linear meter, cost half as much as solid external corners. By joining two J-profiles together, you can find an alternative to solid outside corners. Just don’t forget about the need for sealing. To do this, you need to cover the facade with solid corners, and the back of the house with composite profiles. It will also look presentable.

In any case, you will benefit by using siding when decorating your home - it will protect your home from destruction and make it attractive in appearance.

- one of the most convenient and affordable external cladding materials.

It can be installed on a completely landscaped area among flowering flower beds and freshly painted structures.

There will be no traces left, unlike plastering or painting walls, when stains stained with mortar or paint will inevitably appear.

In addition, to install siding, you do not need to hire a large team; two people are enough, and if increased accuracy of work is required, you can do everything yourself.

No special knowledge is required to install siding; you just need to be careful and comply with certain conditions.

The difference between basement siding and regular siding:

  • Another form of panels - in contrast to the narrow and long lamellas of conventional siding, the base panel is close to a rectangular shape, the sheets are shorter and wider.
  • The material is somewhat thicker because Bottom part at home is exposed to higher loads, risk mechanical damage hers is much higher.
  • The panels generally imitate brick or stone, which is unusual for conventional types of siding.

Basement siding quickly began to be used to completely decorate the walls of a house.. It turned out that the imitation of brick and stone masonry in the canvas looks more attractive than the repetition of log or timber frames.

In a short time, basement siding became a serious competitor to conventional types of siding, which necessitated the introduction of a different name for the material. IN Lately along with the term “basement” the name “ façade panels", which is also not entirely accurate, but is more true.

The terminology in cladding descriptions is often confused and not always used correctly. To avoid errors, you should clarify exactly what type of material you are talking about.

The materials for basement siding are:

  • Polypropylene.
  • Vinyl.
  • Metal (galvanized steel, aluminum).

Basement siding is made from the same materials as regular siding; it has similar properties and technical characteristics.

Technological techniques for installation are almost the same, with a slight adjustment to the size of the panels. Basement siding, in fact, is almost no different from ordinary traditional siding; its panels also require the presence of component elements.

Why do you need siding components?

The panels of basement or regular siding themselves are designed to create a plane, cladding fabric. Finishing corners, edges of the canvas, covering openings and other elements of the building's architecture requires specialized parts.

They are called additional elements, are made of the same material as the panels and have a completely matching appearance. With the help of additions, you can carefully finish any element of the facade - a difference in wall levels, an outer or inner corner, create support platform to install the first row of panels and carefully complete the canvas.

In addition, if you use components of a different, contrasting color with the main panels, you can get an interesting decorative effect and add variety to the cladding fabric.

The installation of components is carried out before the installation of the main panels, since most additional elements have grooves for fixing the panels and are the basis for them.

The installation rules apply to the same extent to the additions - the need to create temperature gaps, loose fastening to load-bearing structures to create the ability to move elements when heating or cooling.

In addition to the enhanced decorative effect Forming a neat and complete sheathing fabric, the extensions perform the function of strengthening, sealing and increasing the strength of the connection of all siding elements.

The importance of these functions determines the attitude towards the extensions as the main parts of the cladding.

Description of components

The composition of components for siding includes elements for various purposes- from primarily decorative (accessories) to exclusively structural. Some elements are interchangeable, i.e. it is possible to use some parts instead of others.

This mainly applies to the design of external and, especially, internal corners. In addition, there are several ways to design window and door openings, which are selected depending on the installation depth of the window or door block relative to the outer plane of the wall (depending on the width of the slopes).

The main condition for the use of add-ons is full compliance of all cladding elements, which requires that they be manufactured by the same manufacturer and belong to a single line of material.

Some companies produce standardized additional elements suitable for all types of siding that are produced by this company. This unification is convenient for the consumer, who is insured against unpleasant mistakes when purchasing cladding materials.


The specificity of using additional elements is that each of them is created for a specific task and has a specific installation method. Therefore, there is little point in talking about components as a whole; we must consider them separately.

Starting bar

The starting bar is used as support element for mounting the bottom row of panels. In accordance with its purpose, it is installed first, i.e. the name speaks for itself - the entire siding installation process starts with it. Structurally, it consists of a lock for connecting to the panel and a nail strip for fixing to the subsystem (sheathing).


A universal element, which in cross-section resembles a bracket that covers the edge of the panel. Can be used for various purposes - from decorating corners (in the absence of special profiles) to finishing the canvas along the top edge. The J-bar is also used when creating large-depth window or door openings to connect siding to the window frame.

Corner profile

The purpose of the corner profile is to design the internal or external corners of the house, finishing the perimeter of window or door openings, building ledges, etc. For basement siding, corner profiles are made taking into account the pattern of the panels, although elements with different patterns can be structurally used (sometimes this is used for decoration).

In addition to the corner profile itself, a special support element is often made that replaces the sheathing - it is installed on the wall and serves as a support for the profile. This design makes it easier to create sheathing, since the requirements for corners are higher - the subsystem must correspond to the siding elements.

If necessary, the corner profile can be replaced with two J-bars, the shelves installed tightly next to each other in the right place. This method is usually used to save money in inconspicuous places, since from an aesthetic point of view the corner profile is much preferable.

The listed elements are the most important and necessary for installing siding.

The full list of extras is much wider and includes such elements as:

  • Window strip.
  • Finish bar.
  • Platband.
  • Soffit.
  • Docking strip.
  • H-profile.
  • Wind board, or chamfer.
  • Drain strip.
  • Accessories.

The use of all elements is determined by necessity (the presence of appropriate components), installation is carried out in accordance with all general rules siding work.

Most often, all of them are installed before installing the panels, since they serve as additional fixing elements for them.

Most of them are not produced for basement siding, but the specificity of these elements allows for use with non-standard panels.

How to calculate

Correct calculation of the number of additions will save time during installation, which can be spent purchasing missing elements. Considering the priority of installing components, they should be calculated carefully using special tools.

In addition, you should have a small reserve in case of damage, unforeseen circumstances or changes in the original plan. When calculating all additional elements in the best possible way

To avoid the mistake, you can use a working drawing - a development of all the walls of the house to be finished. In this way, you can clearly imagine the amount of a particular element.

In addition, you should carefully measure the perimeter and height of the walls of the house; this will be needed to calculate the starting strip, connecting and H-profiles, and corner strips. When calculating the perimeter, all protruding elements, partitions and other details of the house’s architecture must be included.

In the same way, you need to measure the perimeter of window and door openings. This will help determine the number of trims, window trims, J-strips and other necessary elements.:

  • The following equipment is required for installation
  • corner.
  • hammer drill.
  • punch.

cutter Components should not be counted according to total length

profile, but by the number of installation areas, since the joints of the extensions are undesirable - they look sloppy and violate the tightness of the canvas.

When counting components, it is necessary to take into account the number of fasteners, screws or nails and other accompanying elements required during installation.

Useful video

In this video you will learn everything about components for siding:

Conclusion When installing siding, the components are full-fledged cladding parts and are not considered only as decoration elements. Correct calculation and full compliance of additional elements and main panels are the main condition for successful implementation finishing works

and long service life of the casing. To avoid installation errors, it is recommended that you read the instructions included with the material upon purchase. The information received will resolve a lot of questions and help produce correct installation

and achieve optimal results for the entire home decoration.

In contact with Siding - the most of those used for the external cladding of buildings. There are already several publications on the intricacies of its choice on our website (see, for example: and also). The popularity of this material is due to the presence of significant.

However, there are also very serious disadvantages. We will dwell on one of them, namely the fact that installation of siding requires a larger number of additional components.

This feature is especially important, since if the approach is not well thought out, it can lead to additional (and very significant!) installation costs. Let's figure out exactly what parts the money is spent on when facing

Smooth and beautiful walls modern cottages, sheathed with environmentally friendly and durable vinyl siding - this is how houses and villages are seen today, and it is no longer possible to imagine modern house construction without it.

The final beauty is given to the siding by additional elements, putting the final point in the austere beauty of the renovated house.

Additional elements required during installation

They are quite numerous and can often replace each other (by the way, reasonable savings can be based on this). We will list the main ones to bring you up to date.

Additional element is the key to durability

Don’t think that you can radically save on details; consult someone who actually ate the dog when it came to installation, and he will tell you that when you save on little things, you lose on the main thing - quality and beauty.

If you use only ordinary panels, then the cladding at the bottom of the structure will remain unfastened, and the chamfer on top will not be protected from moisture penetration. To attach the lower border of the siding, there is one of the additional elements - the starting board. This is where the installation begins.

Starting panels, depending on the requirements, are available in wide or narrow configurations. Narrow ones are installed when the base and bottom of the panels are located at the same level, and wide ones - when they are located lower and should cover the base of the house. The board is made of vinyl.

If a more rigid fastener is required, then metal is used; when repairing the lower row, it provides a rigid fastening. It performs the same function when installed near door and window openings.

The ends of the soffits (the panels facing down when installing the roof) are covered by an H-profile; it has a standard and wide size. Standard size functional, and wide and also beautiful.

The panel joints in the corners of the house are covered with a special corner profile; if necessary, it is secured with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam fills voids and seals parts. This is done before installing the siding so that the foam does not get on it and interfere with its natural movements.

An important part of the additional components is the J-profile. It not only covers and protects the siding from rain and snow, but also a decorative element.

Sometimes they make an improvised profile by cutting off the bottom of the panel, but its heel is too narrow and installation is inconvenient, so it is better to use a standard profile so that the side cladding is completely closed and looks professional and beautiful.

The upper chamfer is shielded with a finishing strip or a J-profile with a narrow heel is used. It can be either double or single. An additional series of accessories are installed before the siding is hung, corners are cut strictly to size, profiles and trims are used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for structural rigidity.

  1. When choosing vinyl siding, you need to clearly understand all its diversity; the types of siding relate not only directly to the panels themselves, but also to additional elements.
  2. Take an order from one company in full; you should take additional elements and siding in one place. The main and determining factor is not only the texture, but also the color, the shades of which can vary greatly.
  3. If a difference in color shades is found in a batch purchased in one place, just call and they will exchange the product for you.
  4. Ordering from one place saves money on delivery, since when ordering delivery from another place, you will have to transport heavy boxes and bulky items by car again.
  5. It is possible that the guarantees that the company gives are unlikely to be given in the place where you can buy it at a small discount.

The saying about the miser who, saving on small things, loses more in the future, is also true in relation to additional elements. Prefer quality and professionalism to immediate and illusory benefits. They will pay for themselves handsomely, giving your home a dignified and presentable look, and will retain warmth and comfort in use for many years.