Wooden LED lamp. Wooden lamps

Design trends Interior decoration dictates the presence of natural textures and materials. Moreover, you won’t surprise anyone with Chinese consumer goods. To make the furnishings of the room look decent and original, you can either splurge on designer decoration, or make it yourself. Below we will look at how to make lamps from wood yourself and what nuances need to be taken into account.

Like any thing, a wooden lamp has its pros and cons. Advantages of natural interior elements:

  • Natural materials are not toxic, unlike plastic and synthetic bases. They do not emit a chemical odor and can be installed in children's rooms.
  • Wood is a malleable material; its processing does not require complex equipment or special skills.
  • Wooden lamps give the room a cozy feel.
  • No need to buy wooden blanks. To find a suitable piece of wood, you can go out of town.
  • Wooden lamps are less fragile than glass ones.

But besides the advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  • First of all, wood is flammable material. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the wiring to prevent the wooden lamps from catching fire.
  • Natural materials absorb and evaporate moisture. At big difference In humidity, the material can become deformed and crack.
  • If handled incorrectly, mold or fungal deposits may form on the surface.

When processing coniferous species, they release essential oils which have a beneficial effect on the immune system. But allergic reactions may occur.

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How to choose a tree

To make chandeliers from wood with your own hands, any available species will do. Each type has its own characteristics:

  • Pine lends itself well to processing and has a striped textured base. Since the growth circles are separated by a resin layer, it is not used for small parts. Resin prevents rotting.
  • The cedar has a textured pink base, all the rings are clearly visible in the section. Due to the density of cedar wood, small decorations can be cut.
  • Larch is most often used for making furniture. They are dense, stronger than pine, and are not subject to rotting. It has a brown texture when cut.
  • Oak has a high density, but can split. Therefore, processing it requires a certain skill. The most valuable bog oak. It has a darker surface but is difficult to process.

To determine the quality of a natural material, take several pieces of wood, weigh them, and place them in a container of water. After three hours, take it out and weigh it again. How smaller element absorbed water, the more suitable for work.

They have the greatest strength and outward originality. root sections. The roots have a uniform texture, without annual rings and bizarre shapes.

Step by step instructions

Regardless of the DIY craft option, the wood needs to be prepared. For this purpose, the following are used: fungicidal impregnations, which protect against the development of mold, impregnations to protect against moisture absorption. After treatment with impregnations, the workpieces are well dried.

Simple wooden chandelier

To create a pendant ceiling lamp with your own hands, you can use straight, thick sticks. The main requirement: the diameter must be sufficient to pull the cord. For a do-it-yourself wooden chandelier we will need:

  • thick sticks;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • water-repellent impregnation.


  • drill each stick in the middle;
  • cover with impregnation and dry for 24 hours;
  • insert LED strip into the holes;
  • connect the contacts of each tape to the cable and insulate;
  • hang from the ceiling with staples or a hook.

Interesting video on the topic:

Board lamp

To create a lamp from boards you will need:

  • Four plank blanks to form a rectangular frame;
  • Rectangular mirror as a reflector;
  • Varnish, glue;
  • Drill.


  1. We make a groove on the edge of each board for installing a mirror element.
  2. We make a rectangular blank from four planks, into which we insert a reflector on one side. Secure with glue.
  3. We make a hole with a drill in one block, insert a cable with a socket.
  4. Varnish or paint.

Another option is to insert darkened or multi-colored glass on both sides instead of a mirror. Then the lamp will produce multi-colored light or a muted diffused glow.

Making sconces

For a DIY wall lamp, it is better to choose geometrically correct shapes in the form of a rectangle or square. For creating wooden sconce we will need:

  • flat rectangular blanks 2 pcs;
  • corner block;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • varnish, glue gun.

What to do:

  1. We treat the workpieces with fungicidal and water-repellent impregnation. After drying for two days, varnish or paint.
  2. We connect two blanks in the form of the letter “G” with self-tapping screws.
  3. Between them we install a corner with glue to impart rigidity.
  4. We drill a hole in the upper part for the wire and install the base.

The wooden sconce is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or on a bracket.

An additional lamp can be installed in the L-shaped wall lamp. The color and texture of the wood will be emphasized by the warm, amber shade of the lampshade, and silver-coated glass will add contrast to the texture and color.

Features of making a floor lamp

You can make a wooden floor lamp with your own hands. For the floor lamp, wooden elements will serve as a stand. if you have lathe, then the stand can be made from edged timber. If there is no processing tool, the basis for floor lamp the trunk of a small tree can serve.

In this case, dry the workpiece, remove the bark from the trunk, and sand the surface with sandpaper. Treat with anti-fungal and anti-moisture impregnations. Make a recess on the back side for the wires.

Place the trunk on a stable base. Make a frame on top with wire to install the base. On top you can put a lampshade made of fabric, paper or wood.

Wooden lampshade

You can make it yourself from thin branches. Due to their small diameter they dry faster. Small branches are more suitable for ceiling chandelier because they have less weight than timber or solid wood. With a combination of thin elements, the lamp has an airy silhouette that does not weigh down the interior and makes the light diffuse, giving it an intimate feel.

For the lampshade you will need:

  • branches;
  • thick wire;
  • glue gun;
  • pruner

What we do:

  1. We sort out the sticks. Depending on the shape, we select either identical and even ones, or, conversely, with a large number of bends.
  2. We treat the branches with an antiseptic. If there are no special impregnations, soak for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate, dry at room temperature in a week.
  3. We make a frame from thick stainless wire. The shape can be any: classic trapezoid, ball, rectangle.
  4. We attach the sticks to the frame with glue. Don't forget to leave a gap for installing the base.
  5. We coat the wooden lamp with varnish. It will protect against moisture and fungus.
  6. We insert the socket with the lamp and secure it with wire.

An old hunting-style chandelier might be a wooden cart wheel suspended from the ceiling by a chain. But for such a chandelier you will need ceilings of at least 5 m.

To add an antique flavor, you can artificially age the wood with your own hands. To do this, the workpieces are covered with an uneven layer of Pinotex. After drying, the surface is lightly sanded wire brush, then paint is applied unevenly. After several stages of painting and sanding, the surface of the wooden lamp takes on an aged appearance.

Handmade wooden lamps perfectly complement the interior, making the atmosphere of your home warmer and more comfortable. Original wooden lamps are in quite high demand in Lately, becoming a familiar element not only of the home environment - they can often be found in cafes, restaurants, museums, and other public places.

Such a thing can fit perfectly into the interior and elevate it if you choose materials that best suit the situation.

Features of the material

Natural wood, in addition to its aesthetic properties, has a number of significant advantages. Products made from it are easy to use and environmentally friendly. When heated, wood does not emit toxic substances, but on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on people with chronic respiratory diseases, having medicinal properties. This effect is especially typical for coniferous species.

Wood is a material that is pliable enough to in capable hands master to obtain exactly the forms that he intended. Therefore, any creative design ideas are brought to life. Luxurious photos exclusive wooden lamps easily convince of this.

The material is quite versatile, due to which it can be used widely, in almost any type of interior. Interesting configurations and a variety of shapes allow the item to organically fit into any style.

Lamps made of wood in the interior look solid and noble, moreover, they perfectly coexist with objects from the most various materials: plastic, glass, metal.

Along with the listed advantages, wood also has disadvantages. It is highly flammable, for this reason the product should not be placed in rooms containing fireplaces, gas stoves and other sources of possible ignition.

The material is very sensitive to temperature changes and high humidity, therefore, placing wooden lamps in the bathroom or kitchen is highly undesirable. In addition, wood attracts small pests– termites and other insects. It is advisable to cover the products with special protective compounds, which will prevent their appearance and protect the material from deformation.

When using an electrical appliance, observe a number of simple precautions:

  • place the light source at a sufficiently large distance from open fire (fireplace, stove);
  • remember that the optimal location for the device is considered to be rooms with normal humidity levels and room temperature;
  • wooden lamps do not allow the installation of ordinary incandescent lamps in them: their heating temperature is too high, it is unsafe; use LED, halogen, fluorescent lamps.

Application in various interiors

The versatility of wooden lamps allows them to be used in the design of a wide variety of rooms, regardless of style. They are most appropriate in the setting of a country house, decorated in country, Provence, and oriental styles. The combination of natural simplicity with sophistication is the most valuable quality of wood.

Original “antique” lamps made of wood are widely in demand in retro styles. They are often made in the shape of cart wheels, with candle-shaped lamps located around the circumference. This design is usually used in restaurants, bars, and hotels.

Ceiling models look great in large rooms and living rooms, bringing luxury and elegance to the interior. Spot luminaire options are relevant for small rooms, especially if they have low ceilings.

Lamps suitable for country style simple shapes, without any frills. They may look a little rough, but they will create a feeling of unity with nature and fit organically into the space without conflicting with other objects.

Oriental style requires the use of solid wood, welcomes clear shapes and lines, complemented by oriental motifs.

Characteristic of retro classic options or more original models, stylized as antiques.

Classic makes it possible to use stained glass; a lampshade for a lamp can be made from it; wooden structures have smooth, streamlined shapes.

High-tech allows you to create original designs, combining wood with metal, frosted glass and other materials.

How to make a lamp from wood with your own hands

Of course, by ordering a product in special workshops, you will receive a perfectly made, polished product. However, if you have experience working with wood, you can try to create an exclusive item yourself from the material that is available to you.

DIY wooden lamps are made from:

  • branches;
  • boards;
  • bark;
  • cuts;
  • logs;
  • veneer

If you have an idea that you can’t wait to implement, you can safely get started. First, the wood must be prepared by treating it with protective solutions and impregnations, and wait until it dries completely.

This stage is mandatory: an untreated product will not last you long. The structure is then assembled and fastened together. We invite you to try several original options.

Driftwood lamp

This creative idea will not require much effort or expense to implement - use driftwood found in the forest under your feet. They are exclusive in themselves: every bend of the branch is unique. All you need to do is find a suitable specimen, clean it of bark and excess wood, then dry it thoroughly. For drying, a ventilated place away from direct sunlight is suitable.

After complete drying, you need to sand the driftwood well using sandpaper. Determine the side that will be attached to the ceiling. Using a blade, make grooves on it into which you will lay the wires. After finishing work with the wires, the holes must be carefully filled with putty, and then treated with stain and putty to match the color of the wood.

Cartridges are attached to the ends of the driftwood, you can come up with various ways their fastenings. When finished, treat the wood with varnish. It is necessary to lay several layers and dry each one. Choose acrylic or waterproof varnish.

In a similar way, you can also construct table lamp or sconce - driftwood will serve as an excellent base. This idea is easy to implement even if you do not have carpentry skills.

Chandelier made of branches

Gather carefully selected small branches together so that some of them are perpendicular to the ceiling. Next, you need to attach the lampshades to the ends of the branches, and carefully wrap the wires around them. Instead of branches, you can use real rhizomes if you are lucky enough to find one in the forest.

Find and implement your own ideas - wood gives you a lot of opportunities to experiment using your imagination. You will be rewarded for your creative impulses by receiving a designer product that will become an interior decoration.

Photo of wooden lamps

For all chandeliers, except glass ones, it is better to choose LED bulbs. They heat up less during use.

CBC Life YouTube channel

What do you need

  • Yarn;
  • small photo frame;
  • scissors;
  • 3 sets of wooden hoops of different diameters;
  • 3 identical short and 1 long metal chains;
  • pliers;
  • bulb;
  • lamp pendant.

How to do

1. Wrap the yarn around the photo frame many times and cut. Take a small piece of thread and tie it on top of the yarn so that the ends remain. Cut the threads on one side, where the frame hole is located.

CBC Life YouTube channel

2. Remove the yarn from the frame and fold it in half. Place the knotted thread in the middle so that its ends are at the bottom and the loop is at the top. Details are in the video below. Cut another piece of thread and use it to tie a tassel just below the loop.

CBC Life YouTube channel

3. Make the rest of the tassels in the same way. The quantity depends on the diameter of the hoop. The threads should frame them tightly.

CBC Life YouTube channel

4. Remove the center hoops from all hoops - you won't need them. Open the large hoop and put some of the tassels on them by the loops.

CBC Life YouTube channel

5. Close the large hoop. Place the tassels on the rest in the same way.

CBC Life YouTube channel

6. Make nine pieces of thread. Place the middle hoop into the large one and tie them in three places at the same distance from each other.

CBC Life YouTube channel

7. Place a small hoop inside and tie it to the middle one in three places. These threads should be located approximately in the middle between those that connect the large and medium ones.

CBC Life YouTube channel

8. Turn the design over and straighten the tassels. Tie short chains to a large hoop at equal distances from each other.

CBC Life YouTube channel

9. Use pliers to open the end link of the long chain. Place the attached chains on it and close it.

CBC Life YouTube channel

10. Attach the pendant to the ceiling, screw in the light bulb and thread the lampshade through the bottom. A long chain can be hung, for example, on a hook mounted on the ceiling next to the base of the chandelier.

What other options are there?

There is another way to mount the chandelier. Place a metal ring on the lamp hanger and attach chains tied to the hoop to it. Detailed Process shown in the video below. By the way, the technology for making brushes in it is slightly different. And the author does not use a hoop, but metal hoops.

The tips of the brushes can be painted in a contrasting color:

Or make a gradient chandelier from colored threads, like here:

YouTube channel Coral

What do you need

  • Globe;
  • drill;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker or pencil;
  • lamp pendant;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Remove the globe from the stand. At the bottom, go around the circle with a drill and cut a hole. Details are in the video below.

YouTube channel Coral

2. On the other side at the top, mark a circle the size of the light bulb socket. Go through it with a drill too and cut a hole.

YouTube channel Coral

3. Make several holes on the globe with a drill in any places. You can walk along the edges of the continents or highlight some countries. Light will flow beautifully through the holes.

YouTube channel Coral

4. Attach the light bulb pendant, screw it in and hang the chandelier.

What do you need

  • Balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • thick threads, such as yarn or twine;
  • scissors;
  • lamp pendant;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Inflate the balloon. Mix glue and water in a ratio of approximately 2:1. You can use even less water.

On the part of the ball where the air enters, draw a small circle the size of the lamp pendant. WITH reverse side draw a circle of larger diameter: for convenience, you can outline, for example, a glass.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

2. work surface It’s better to cover it with newspapers or oilcloth and put gloves on your hands. Soak thoroughly in glue solution threads and start wrapping them around the ball.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

3. Continue gluing the threads over the ball, trying not to touch the outlined circles. Arrange them randomly. The density of the layer depends on your taste: you can completely cover the workpiece or leave some free space.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

4. Leave the structure to dry for about two days. Then deflate the ball and carefully remove it.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

5. Thread the socket into the smaller hole, screw in the lamp and hang the chandelier by the pendant.


What do you need

  • Glass bottles;
  • glass bottle cutting machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • decorative wire;
  • lamp hangers;
  • light bulbs.

How to do

1. Rinse the bottles thoroughly and remove the stickers, if any. Cut the bottom using a machine and go around the edge of the cut with sandpaper.


2. Thread the wire into the neck and attach the socket. Randomly wrap the bottles with decorative wire and screw in the light bulbs.


What other options are there?

In this master class, bottles were attached to a wooden base and the chandelier was decorated with artificial greenery:

What do you need

  • Veneer in rolls (very thin sheets of wood);
  • measuring tape;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • parchment;
  • paper clips;
  • glue gun;
  • lamp pendant;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Cut six 90 cm long strips from the veneer.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

2. Iron them through the parchment to even out the veneer.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

3. Place two strips crosswise on top of each other and secure with paper clips. Attach another ribbon to the side.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

4. Make another piece of the same shape from veneer. This triangle should be larger than the previous one.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

5. Place the pieces on top of each other as shown in the photo.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

6. Mark the outline of a small triangle on the bottom piece. Also trace the outlines of the intersecting stripes on both parts. All the details are in the video below.

7. Remove the top part, remove the staples from the bottom in one place. Lubricate the junction of the strips with glue and glue them together.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

8. Treat the veneer in the other two places in the same way. Glue the top piece. Place it on the bottom one along the marked marks and attach it with a gun.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

9. Connect adjacent strips of the upper part with paper clips, as shown in the photo and video below.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

10. Fasten adjacent strips of the lower part, pulling them under the upper ones.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

11. Glue the areas connected by paper clips. On the back side, in the middle, attach the part into which the light bulb is screwed, trace around the inside and cut off the excess.

YouTube channel Søstrene Grene

12. Insert the pendant, secure it to the ceiling and screw in the light bulb.

What other options are there?

Here is a more classic lamp made from veneer:

This is the process of creating an unusual large chandelier with spanning wooden beam light bulbs:

And here we show you how to make a beautiful wooden frame for an old, unsightly lamp:

What do you need

  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 20 l;
  • gold spray paint;
  • black spray paint;
  • lamp pendant;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Carefully cut off the bottle top part. The bottom one will no longer be useful. Remove the cover.

YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka
YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka

3. Cover it on the outside black paint. Let the future chandelier dry completely.

YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka

4. Place the chandelier on the pendant and screw in the light bulb.

What other options are there?

To make this chandelier, we took a five-liter bottle and decorated it with the remains of wallpaper folded using the origami technique:

YouTube channel Wayfair.com

What do you need

  • Basket (for example, straw);
  • pencil;
  • knife or other suitable cutting tool;
  • lamp pendant;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Trace the cartridge in the middle of the bottom of the basket. Cut a hole along the line.

YouTube channel Wayfair.com

2. Insert the cartridge there and secure it from the inside.

YouTube channel Wayfair.com

3. Screw in the light bulb and hang the chandelier from the pendant.

Undoubtedly important element decor of any room are lamps used in the installation of an electric lighting system, regardless of their type and method of placement on elements of building structures.

Wooden chandeliers are a type of lighting product that allows you to create a unique design style for a living room or outdoor building (gazebo, terrace, etc.), expressed in warm and natural colors and creating cozy atmosphere thanks to the natural properties of this natural material.

Features and types of wooden lamps

For your information! A chandelier is a lighting device, the features of which are the presence of several light sources in the design and control of their operation by a switch with two or more keys.

Wooden chandeliers can be of two types:

  • suspended structure - when the lampshade or other element of the lamp on which the light sources are placed is suspended from the ceiling using a bracket and suspension made of a chain or cable;
  • ceiling design – the lamp body is attached directly to the ceiling surface.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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When choosing a chandelier model, you must remember that for safe use suspended structures The ceiling height in the room where the lamp is supposed to be used must be at least 2.5 meters. In rooms with low ceilings ceiling models should be used.

Wooden chandeliers in loft style

The features of wooden chandeliers that determine their popularity and demand are advantages that can be formulated as follows:

  1. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause any allergic reactions.
  2. Appearance finished product creates individuality and natural beauty.
  3. Ease of processing - the ability to make any type of structure with your own hands and at your own discretion.
  4. Easy to maintain and use.
  5. A variety of models produced by different manufacturers allows you to choose a product in accordance with the design style and type of execution.

The disadvantages of wooden chandeliers can also be attributed to their characteristics, because such products are susceptible to damage by microorganisms and insects, as well as exposure to elevated temperatures and moisture.

To reduce the risk of fire for lamps made of wood, lamps that heat up slightly during operation (fluorescent, LED) should be used as light sources. To protect against external negative phenomena, wooden elements must be treated with special protective compounds (antiseptics, stains, etc.).

Using wooden lamps when decorating chalet-style rooms

Scope of application

Wooden chandeliers can be used both in a city apartment and for a country house or cottage, as well as for lighting a free-standing cold gazebo or a terrace adjacent to the house.

Wood is appropriate in almost any design style, be it classic or country, Provence or hi-tech, and also popular in last years eco-style, especially characteristic of a wooden house.

The following video will tell you what various lamps made of wood can look like, including chandeliers used to decorate an apartment or country house:

What materials are used

As a rule, a wooden chandelier is made from strong and durable wood species, such as oak and beech, mahogany and pine, which is the most accessible for making yourself.

In the manufacture of individual models, combinations of several materials can be used to diversify the appearance of the lamp and make it even more individual and beautiful.

An option for making a chandelier lampshade using materials such as metal wire and wooden slats

There can be many combinations of materials used, for example:

  • wood and metal - when the lampshades are made of wood, and the suspension and decoration are made of metal;
  • wood and plastic - in this case, the base of the structure (frame) is made of wood, and the lampshades are made of plastic;
  • wood and glass;
  • wood and textiles - an option similar to the previous one, with the only difference that textiles, rather than glass, are used to make lampshades.

For your information! During production wooden models Not only natural wood is used, but also its processed products, such as plywood and chipboard, veneer and glued boards.

Review of models from different manufacturers

Among the models presented on the domestic market of lighting equipment, you can find wooden hanging chandeliers in the form of geometric shapes and an unusual abstract look, design developments and lamps put into mass production.

Here are some models of wooden lamps that can be purchased currently:

  • "VELANTE 588-706-03."

The Italian brand chandelier is produced in China, its technical characteristics:

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2019 is 5,000.0 rubles.

  • "Crystal Lux Sueno SP6".

The chandelier is manufactured in Spain, its technical characteristics:

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2019 is 21,000.0 rubles.

  • "Eurosvet Clark 70056/6".

The model is produced in Russia, its technical characteristics:

  • "Alfa Pyramid 24533".

The model is produced in Poland, its technical characteristics:

The average cost of a lamp as of the second quarter of 2019 is 7,000.0 rubles.

  • "Arte Lamp Villaggio A3400LM-8WH".

The chandelier is made in Italy, its technical characteristics:

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2019 is 14,000.0 rubles.

How to hang it on the ceiling correctly

Like any lamp, a wooden chandelier must be securely fastened to building structure, which is the ceiling of the room where artificial lighting is installed.

Wood-look ceiling chandeliers can be mounted in several ways, depending on the type of lamp (pendant, ceiling) and its weight.

These may be the following options:

  • on a hook - this option is used for mounting suspended models on a ceiling made of wood;
  • on a bracket (bar) - you can install pendant and ceiling lamps, while the bar is attached directly to the ceiling surface, and a lighting device is hung on it;
  • on a mounting platform - used for those with significant weight; as a rule, the platform comes complete with the lamp.

Option design solution in the manufacture of a wooden lamp.

How to mount a chandelier in each specific case should be decided individually, depending on the model of the lamp, its operating conditions and the type of materials used in the construction of building structures.

Important! If the ceiling is finished with plasterboard, then the installation of the chandelier fastening elements should be carried out to the gypsum board supporting profile or directly to the ceiling surface. The use of a hook wrapped in gypsum board sheets is unacceptable!

How to make it yourself

If you have free time and desire, you can make a wooden chandelier with your own hands.

There can be many options for handmade designs, because for these purposes you can use used lamps, modifying them with wooden decor, or use available wooden blanks and make a completely new device of an individual shape and the desired size.

Important! When making a lamp with your own hands, it is necessary to use factory-made electrical and mounting fittings (holder, hook, strip), which will eliminate the possibility of emergency situation(electrical short circuit, lamp falling).

The simplest design chandeliers made by hand from wooden board And glass jars

To make a chandelier, not only ready-made lumber or wood processing products (plywood, veneer, etc.) can be used, but also tree branches, snags and stumps, which will make the lamp original and unique. In addition, the individuality of the product can be given by decorative elements made from available materials (metal, plastic, etc.), as well as paints that can be used to cover the elements of the assembled structure using different color schemes.

One of the options for making wood with your own hands is presented in the following video:

Lately, wooden lamps are no longer considered something too extravagant. Now this is a completely familiar interior detail that is in great demand among buyers. This popularity is explained by the fact that wooden lamps, especially hand-carved ones, can create a unique warm atmosphere in the interior of home rooms, as well as in offices and public institutions, such as cafes, restaurants, museums, libraries.


The main advantages of wooden lamps are natural material, ease of installation and operation, as well as aesthetic effect. In addition, during the production process such products are coated with special solutions that can prevent deformation of the wood structure and the appearance of harmful insects.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using wood as the main raw material for making lamps.


  • Environmental Safety. The tree does not contain synthetic impurities that can be hazardous to human health. Minimal modifications occur to the wood during processing;
  • When heated, wood releases a number of substances beneficial to the human body. It has a particularly positive effect on patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. Therefore, we can safely say that wood has therapeutic effect, especially if we're talking about O coniferous trees;
  • You can create a product of any shape from wood. Any design idea will be realized in the skillful hands of a master;
  • Wide range of applications. Wooden lamps are suitable for use in almost all types of interiors. They can have the most various forms(round, square, timber-shaped, etc.) and fit into all styles;
  • Aesthetic effect. A lighting fixture made of wood always looks good and elegant. Wood looks harmonious next to objects made from other materials, such as plastic, glass or metal. Built-in design elements will not create a feeling of clutter, but, on the contrary, will advantageously hold together the entire design structure.



  • Low level fire safety. Wood ignites easily and the fire begins to spread quickly. That is why wooden lamps cannot be placed in those rooms where sources are located open flame(fireplaces, gas stoves, etc.);
  • Favorable environment for insects. Indeed, wood is a very attractive material for termites and other small pests;
  • High sensitivity of the material to sudden temperature changes and changes in environmental humidity levels. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to install wooden lamps in the kitchen or bathroom.

The disadvantages of using wooden lamps can be minimized by using special solutions that protect the wood structure from deformation.

To avoid the occurrence of various dangerous situations When using wooden lighting fixtures, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • install the electrical appliance on safe distance from sources of open fire;
  • ideal place in the house for placing a wooden lamp there are rooms with optimal levels of humidity and temperature;
  • Do not install incandescent lamps in wooden lighting fixtures - they can heat up to a critical temperature for such lamps, which can cause a fire. Fluorescent, halogen, and LED lamps are ideal for such products.

Options in the interior

Wooden lamps are not only beautiful, but also very versatile. They are capable of enriching almost any design idea regardless of stylistic orientation. They are most often used when decorating interiors in oriental style. They also look great in a room decorated in a country style - most often country houses or dachas. Here they use models with a natural shade of wood and a minimum amount of additional elements designs made from other materials. A combination of noble simplicity and refined sophistication - valuable property wooden lamps.

Wooden lighting fixtures are also in demand for creating retro interiors. With this detail you can immerse yourself in almost any era. Lately, antique-style lamps in the shape of a cart wheel, on which candle-shaped lamps are placed symmetrically around the circumference, have become increasingly popular. This decor is used when decorating home interiors in the style of the Middle Ages, as well as for stylized public institutions (cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, etc.).


All currently existing models of wooden lamps, depending on the type of construction, can be divided into three groups: ceiling, pendant and spotlight. The most popular are hanging models. This is due to the recent growing demand for retro. Ceiling lamps made of wood are good for large rooms or halls; they will add an element of elaborate elegance to the interior. On the contrary, spot models are ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.

By style, wooden lamps can be divided into several categories:

  • East style. Wood or solid wood without any additional impurities is used as the raw material. When constructing the design for such products, correct geometric shapes and lines are used, as well as motifs characteristic of Eastern cultures (Persian, Japanese);

  • "Country". Models of wooden lamps made in this style do not have excessive elegance and rich decor. In comparison with other similar products, they may look too simple and even a little rough. However, if they are correctly integrated into a suitable interior, they will look advantageous and additionally create a feeling of comfort and unity with nature;

  • Retro. These can be quite extravagant products, stylized to resemble deep antiquity, or classic models that duplicate the fashion of the past two centuries;
  • Modern. Such lamps are created thanks to an advantageous combination of wood and forged elements (grids, volumetric elements or original patterns);

  • Chalet. To create wooden lamps in this style, exclusively natural materials. Any element in a chalet-style interior is designed to emphasize the unity of man and nature;
  • Classic style. Smooth lines and shapes are used here. Such products are mainly made of wood and stained glass. The design can also take the form of a lampshade;

  • "High tech". Creative wooden lamps made in this style consist not only of wood, but also metal, frosted glass and other materials that can reproduce the designer’s fantasies;
  • African style. Such models are only suitable for creating different ethnic interiors. They look rough inside other styles.

How to choose?

If you still decide to purchase any model of wooden lighting, then when purchasing you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • the product must harmoniously complement the interior of the room where it is subsequently intended to be installed, and also be suitable in style. The interior should contain several others wooden elements;
  • the heating parts of the lamp, be it sockets, shades or lamps, must be insulated from the wooden base, which can ignite. It is not recommended to install such a device on a wooden ceiling.

If you are not deprived of imagination and you have time for free creativity, then you can create your own design project wooden lamp, and experienced master woodworking will turn your idea into reality based on sketches. Of course, the services of such a master will not be cheap, but as a result you will get quality product handmade, which will meet all your wishes.

If you have experience working with wood, you can try to make such a thing yourself. There is nothing super complicated about this. The entire workflow can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, all the main elements of the future structure are treated with special solutions and impregnations;
  2. Main stage. The final assembly of the lamp takes place;
  3. Completion. At this stage, the ready-made lighting fixture.

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary tools for this type of work, solutions for wood processing and, of course, the source material itself. All this is freely available. It is important to remember that it is necessary to process the parts of the future lamp, otherwise such a product will be very short-lived.

How to make a lamp from wood with your own hands, see the following video.


There are many different design options wooden lamps. It all depends on the general style of the interior and the purpose of a particular lighting fixture. Let's look at a few of the most popular designs.

  • Wheel. This type of lamps has recently been in great demand among lovers of antique interiors. A cart wheel suspended from the ceiling using chains or slats with built-in candles (stylized light bulbs) can immerse you in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. From a practical point of view, such a lamp is convenient in that the lighting from it is distributed evenly along the entire perimeter of the room;
  • Solid beam with candles. Everything ingenious is simple! The design of this model is further confirmation of this principle. The lamp is a solid log, secured with chains. Such products are perfect as decor in the living room, dining room or bedroom. In the kitchen, such a lamp will look too bulky;