Alder or pine and equipped. What is solid birch and furniture, which wood to choose from

What to choose - inexpensive doors made of pine or alder, oak or ash? Are you sure that they are entirely made of wood, or are you used to taking the seller’s word for it? Perhaps, but we want to surprise you that not all doors that have a bright pattern of growth rings on the surface are made of solid, that very natural solid wood.

There is a category of doors called veneered. Although the seller who presented the design as from natural wood, was also right. How does this happen? What do interior doors made of solid wood and veneered models have in common and how not to become a victim of an irresponsible seller who passes off an inexpensive design as an elite one.

In this article, together with the employees of the “Into the House” door store, we will talk about approaches to comparison, about the most common types of solid wood used in the production of interior doors, and we will characterize them from the standpoint of strength, durability and cost. After this, you will learn what natural veneer is and how canvases are covered with it. In the end, we will certainly answer the question - which is better: a veneered door or a solid mass, we will highlight positive sides and disadvantages of each type of product.

Solid pine doors

Perhaps the most widespread coniferous species, covering a gigantic range, including in Russia. Pine grows quickly, is easy to process, is inexpensive, is moisture resistant and looks beautiful - these prerequisites are enough to become the most common material in the production of interior doors. But let's not lump everything together. The fact is that the manufacture of pine doors is presented in two ways:

  • Firstly, material is the basis of almost all structures. Panel, milled, drawer, molded, panel doors are made from pine. It acts as a base (well, don’t take expensive oak or ash for these purposes), and in order to refine the structures, they are covered with MDF panels and finished with different types of films;
  • Secondly, the doors themselves are made of 100% solid pine.

In the first case, we are talking about combined models presented in the low and medium price segments. But we should dwell on the second one in more detail, because it is precisely such products “without fear and reproach” that can be called solid pine doors.

Such a close proximity of pine to humans somehow does not allow models made from inexpensive wood to be included in the elite category. On the other hand, the absence of a shortage is only to the advantage of buyers, because pine doors, including for this reason, are among the cheapest in the line.

Door made of knot-free solid pine with clear varnish

The budget option for installing interior doors with the resinous smell of pine needles is not the worst. Please note that pine will give you the opportunity to admire its pronounced artistic design and beautiful color, like no other tree from the list of those that are more often used in production. Add to this the high resin content, lightness, and forest aroma - and perhaps you should think about not overpaying for expensive oak or beech.

Soft wood is well processed, so it does not cause difficulties in the process of sawing, gluing, and creating decorative ornaments. The surface can be easily varnished, tinted and painted. Pine doors stand, as it were, on the border between budget and premium segment designs.

Pine has no equal in the brightness of its pattern and aroma.

Why hide the beauty created by nature? Many buyers think so, and therefore prefer to use materials for surface treatment without decorative functions. It can be stain, wax or clear varnish. Of course, bare wood is relevant in interiors of the corresponding style - Provence, country or classic. If the surface needs to be given color or shade, wax or varnish is more often used for pine.

The wide design possibilities of these materials and their manufacturability expand the scope of use of doors and solid wood. It is enough to choose the color, texture, decorations for furniture, walls, cornices, accessories, floors or baseboards in order to logically fit the canvas into any interior - from tight minimalism to luxurious art deco.

Alder - if you need it also beautiful, inexpensive, but stronger

Alder, like pine, is inexpensive natural material for the production of interior doors. In terms of price and strength, hardwood is approximately in the middle position among representatives growing in Russia. Alder is not much more expensive than pine. In terms of density, it exceeds its coniferous representative by about 20%.

Wood is hygroscopic. The process of drying workpieces is not so troublesome and takes less time. To give stability, the models are treated with special compounds. If you apply wax, varnish, or stain to the surface, you can leave the pattern of growth rings in its original form or tint the door, giving it a brutal appearance.

Thorough drying reduces internal stress to a minimum. There is hardly any need to worry about cracks appearing on the surface of the door if it is well impregnated and does not have open pores.

Door and arch made of solid alder under white primer with walnut patina

Solid alder doors are a unique way to use a relatively inexpensive model in stylish expensive interiors. It is enough to give the surface a lighter or darker shade to get an exact imitation of oak, wenge, ash, etc. And yes, alder is the very option that fits perfectly into the good old classics.

Interior doors solid alder trees cost 10-12 thousand rubles. The service life, subject to operating conditions, reaches 20 years.

Solid oak doors

Solid oak is considered the best, and therefore the most expensive, in a line of five common types of wood. The high cost is justified by the slow growth of trees and the excellent technological data of the noble plant. The wood fibers are located very tightly to each other, the distances between the growth rings are minimal, due to which oak has the highest density and a very hard surface.

The hygroscopicity of oak is perhaps its only drawback. Its moisture resistance is equal to that of alder. This, however, does not prevent him from leading the TOP of the most popular materials. Having undergone a drying procedure in accordance with all the rules, as well as treatment with truly effective compounds, oak becomes absolutely insensitive to moisture, otherwise it would not be used so often in the production of entrance doors.

Solid oak door coated with translucent caramel paint

Of course, oak doors are not cheap. Price of wood models high grade installed for far 30-40 thousand rubles, and it is not at all necessary to decorate the canvases with carved capitals and cornices. The wood itself is already beautiful in its original form. Please also note that untreated oak has a wide range of colors - from bleached to rare and expensive stained. Such doors often decorate interiors where natural themes are welcome - classic, Provence, country, romanticism, loft, etc.

It is not advisable to decorate a solid oak door with cheap films or veneer. The nobility of such models lies in their naturalness and beautiful texture, which gives the products monumentality.

The following are used as finishing materials:

  • Wax;
  • stain;
  • Paint.

The right solution is to tint the surface in accordance with the color of the floors, baseboards, furniture or accessories.

And remember: oak is endowed with unique properties - its strength and hardness only increase over the years. Moisture does not penetrate into the rock, so microorganisms do not grow in it. It is difficult to scratch, it lends itself well to restoration. These qualities, as well as the beauty of the material, were and are highly valued by manufacturers.

Solid ash doors

From the point of view of manufacturers of interior doors, ash is considered a very convenient and ergonomic species. You will be surprised, but it is stronger than oak, and shows better results in tensile and bending tests. At the same time, ash wood is elastic and flexible. Such doors withstand a humid atmosphere better because the wood is not as hygroscopic as oak and beech. Although for manufacturers this factor brings more inconvenience, since the material is more difficult to treat with impregnating compounds.

Still, wood is wood. Ash doors can hardly be installed at the entrance to a house without careful processing. But interior doors made of ash are presented in the collections of many factories.

Some manufacturers offer much more rational decisions and take ash as a basis when creating entire interiors of offices, libraries, dressing rooms, and kitchens. To say that it is beautiful is to say nothing. An interior door made of elite wood is part of the overall classical ensemble, composed on the basis of aged furniture facades, natural parquet and wall panels. And most importantly, ash grows faster than oak and costs less.

Do you want the same thing, but cheaper? – There is also a solution: try a door made of inexpensive solid pine, covered with ash veneer. Externally, it cannot be distinguished from solid canvas, but it weighs less, and you will be able to save money, at least on beautiful handles.

How to distinguish an oak door from an ash door?

It is difficult for a person who is not knowledgeable about the appearance of different tree species to distinguish solid ash from solid oak by looking at the surface of the product. Both representatives have a characteristic, very beautiful drawing with bright large stains. Some irresponsible manufacturers, taking advantage of the inability of buyers to understand types of wood, pass off ash as oak, taking advantage of the difference in price.

On the one hand, clients benefit, because in some respects ash is superior to its more expensive counterpart. On the other hand, you are overpaying, and it looks, at the very least, unfair.

The presence of core rays on the surface of the door indicates that this is oak, not ash.

The logical question is how to distinguish ash from oak? When choosing a door, carefully inspect the surface. The ash tree is dotted with only stains. If it is solid oak, then you will probably find at least one lamella on the surface that stands out from the overall pattern. And the whole point is in the core rays, which look like short, parallel, non-intersecting light segments.

Ash tree is decorated different ways– from simple painting to aging, the formation of abrasions and creating the visual effect of damage by a beetle, patination, etc.

Beech doors are strength, stability and low price

Soft tangential pattern – characteristic beech doors. Representatives of this elite species, just like solid oak and ash, have 3 key indicators, thanks to which it can be used in the production of doors. This:

  • High density;
  • Hard surface;
  • Elasticity.

Manufacturers love beech for its uniform structure, which manifests itself in the material’s flexibility for all types of processing. At the same time, it is unique. Having gone through all the stages of drying and preparation for production, the surface of the wood becomes very hard and perfectly smooth, without microscopic splinters, which is why beech is considered one of the most favorite types of raw materials among manufacturers of tableware and toys.

Compared to its two “older” brothers – oak and ash – beech absorbs moisture more strongly, which means responsibility for the quality of the product, its reliability and “good behavior” during operation falls on the manufacturer. The external advantages and life expectancy of the door depend on how correctly the drying regime is followed and the finishing materials are selected. Let's be honest - due to the capricious behavior of beech, not every manufacturer will want to get involved with it. If such products are present in the collection, then the management is not looking for easy ways, and is doing the right thing, because depriving people of the elegant beauty and naturalness that is inherent in solid beech is, to say the least, blasphemy.

Doors made of solid beech under enamel with patina

The price of interior doors made of beech is lower than the cost of the same products made of oak and ash. As you can see, this is a worthy alternative, elevated to the rank of “elite”, and at the same time allowing you to save money.

How do beech doors look: differences from oak and ash

A beech door is easy to distinguish from its “relatives”. It has a uniform structure without pronounced artistry. Beech does not have those same resin stains. Such wood is not suitable for finishing using brushing technology - on the contrary, beech doors are sanded, bringing the surface to perfect smoothness. After processing, it becomes smooth and stable. This allows you to use for finishing enamel. Thanks to high-quality drying and the use of appropriate impregnation compounds, beech loses sensitivity to moisture. It does not dry out or crack if there are no defects on the surface.

The traditional colors of beech doors are walnut and white enamel. If you want more decorative properties, order a door coated with enamel and gold. The wood lends itself well to milling. It is used to produce door structures with molded, baguette panels or with classic straight inlays.

Common processing options:

  • Painting with enamel - white or in any color from the RAL catalogue;
  • Toning;
  • Varnish coating - colorless or in colors walnut, mahogany, gold, honey, coffee, vanilla, kuindzhi, etc.

With a huge range of compositions for finishing luxury wood, it is not difficult to choose the material to match the color of the floor or furniture.

How are doors made from solid wood and which ones are better?

Imagine the situation - you bought expensive interior doors, installed them in different rooms in the house, and already with the arrival of the warm (or vice versa, cold) season, when the microclimate in the apartment became different, they felt that the canvas was closing tightly or not closing at all. Another option is that the door reacted differently and this is the result: cracks appeared in the structure, cracks formed on the surface, the panels became loose and came out of the grooves freely. What is the reason? – Of course, due to incorrect production technology. Most likely, the manufacturer did not comply with technological standards during the wood drying process, and then skimped on surface treatment.

Drying is a process aimed at removing moisture from the mass, which as a result becomes stable. The optimal wood moisture content is no more than 10%. Maintain the indicator at the same level in rainy summers, in heat, cold, when heating devices, impossible. This means that you need to look for other ways that will not only dry the workpieces to the required standard, but also make them moisture-resistant and not susceptible to environmental influences. How to achieve this? – By using special technology for the production of solid wood doors.

The case when laminated veneer lumber is better than solid wood

You understood correctly. Solid wood doors are not actually made from a single piece of wood, but from panels glued together. You think it’s a matter of price - and you’re wrong, although the greatly inflated cost of solid solid doors, which sometimes reaches the price of a car, is also taken into account. Still, it's not about the money.

Each tree has a unique structure, but it is not the same in different parts of the trunk. The array closer to the core and on the surface has different densities. There are also knots and defects on it. It is difficult to process, including drying, such a workpiece, so it is easier to saw the tree and dry the timber with a smaller thickness.

The second point is the removal of internal stress, which is the cause of the appearance of cracks during operation. To obtain a single piece of wood, several pieces of wood are glued together, and they are laid so that the fibers of adjacent fragments are directed in different directions. In this way, it is possible to extinguish the tension that forms inside the array under the influence of a variable environment. Sometimes manufacturers use a different array stabilization technology. To prevent the wood from drying out and cracking due to strong changes in humidity, a stabilizing layer of MDF panel is inserted into the core of the workpiece.

Paneled doors - a design proven over the years

It doesn’t matter what type of wood is used to produce interior doors - all models are produced using the same technology. The process is divided into 3 stages:

  • Drying;
  • Preparation of parts and assembly;
  • Surface treatment.

Drying takes at least 20 days. The main thing is to have an idea about physical properties each type of wood and use a unique drying mode. At the end of the stage, the moisture content of the workpieces is changed with a moisture meter.

Assembly is carried out using re-glued solid wood technology, using high-quality adhesives and a press. The result is a board with multi-directional fibers that will resist expansion and contraction when exposed to high humidity. The slabs are used to make frames and panels.

Sectional paneled door made of solid oak

Surface treatment boils down to impregnating it with compounds that make the wood hydrophobic. This can be staining, tinting, varnishing, waxing, or coating with enamels.

What is a spliced ​​array, using pine as an example?

In the case where the solid wood has many defects or knots, like solid pine, these defects must be removed. They are simply cut out, and the resulting short bars are spliced, in other words, glued back into long lamellas. In this case, the adhesive joint is made serrated (on a microspike) so that the gluing area is larger and the adhesive joint is stronger. From such spliced ​​bars (lamellas) a slab is assembled and trim parts and panels, or the entire door, are cut out of it.

Fragment of a pine door made of spliced ​​solid wood

Which solid doors are more durable?

By durability we mean the time during which the door will serve the owner, maintaining its normal appearance. This mainly applies to the surface door leaf and molded products. Because it is the surface that gradually accumulates traces from various impacts, chips, scratches, etc., turning into an ugly, “dead” piece of furniture. How long the door surface will resist depends on its characteristics such as hardness. Hardness varies greatly depending on the type of wood. It is determined using the Brinell method.

The method works like this: a 1cm steel ball. in diameter are pressed into the surface being tested with a force of 100 kg. Then I calculate the hardness based on the diameter of the formed hole. The indicators for the most popular breeds are as follows:

  • Pine 2.5
  • Alder 3
  • Oak 3.7
  • Buk 3.8
  • Ash 4

As we know and see from indicators, oak and beech have sufficient hardness to preserve the beauty of the surface in its original form for a long time. These breeds are difficult to scratch even metal object. Ash is even better. But pine is so soft that marks remain even if you press it with your fingernail. Therefore, the statement that pine quickly accumulates damage and becomes untidy is quite justified. The alder is somewhere in the middle, let’s put it this way: you can’t push it through with a fingernail, but you can with keys. And of course, everything really depends on the coverage. Varnish, paint and enamel will make the surface of the wood much more protected.

Which doors are more likely to crack?

Cracking is a reaction to changes in humidity in the layers of solid wood, which leads to a critical increase in internal stresses. To prevent such a reaction, the raw material (wood) must be properly dried before manufacturing the doors. Initially, the moisture content of the wood is about 70%, but it needs to be dried to 10%. During such thorough drying, many different processes occur with the wood. Without going into details, let's say that the wood should dry for a long time, slowly, in stages. Drying is a very important and costly process, which takes about 20 days and requires the use of expensive equipment - drying chamber. It is at this stage that manufacturers are most tempted to save money and time. And this ends with the fact that ready-made doors crack at the first change in the climate in the room (for example, turning the heating on or off).

The most difficult and capricious species in terms of drying are pine and beech. They do not forgive any mistakes. If technological inaccuracies were made at the drying stage, expect surprises.

What can I advise buyers - purchase products from trusted factories. Amateurs usually don’t bother with beech because of its cost. But with pine it is quite possible to run into an unscrupulous manufacturer who likes to save money.

Which solid wood doors react more strongly to humidity?

The reaction to moisture of solid wood doors depends on the type and how and with what their surface is treated. There are “breathable” coatings: oil, wax, paint. There are compositions that completely close the pores: primer, enamel, varnish. If we talk about the hygroscopicity of the wood itself, then beech absorbs moisture best of all. At the same time, it warps and cracks easily, so it is better to use dense coatings for it. Alder and oak also absorb moisture well and only become stronger because of this, but at the same time they change greatly in size, so such doors are not made without coatings. Ash absorbs moisture least of all, but is highly susceptible to harmful influences external environment, that's why they don't make it from it entrance doors, unlike oak. Pine wood contains a huge amount of resin and this is a natural barrier to moisture. This is why pine doors are sometimes used without any coating at all.

Which array has better sound insulation?

The sound insulation of interior doors largely depends on the tightness of the door leaf to the narthex (the presence of a seal on the frame) and the presence of a glass insert in the door leaf. If there is no glass, but the seal is in place, we can already talk about the properties of the wood species itself. Rocks with a loose, porous structure have the best insulating properties. And this applies not only to sound, but also to heat. In our case, it is, of course, pine. It’s not for nothing that pine doors are used in saunas! The higher the density of wood, the worse the sound insulation.

If we try to characterize doors made from solid wood of different types in a nutshell, we get the following:

  • Oak: durable, very beautiful, expensive, tolerates the external environment well;
  • Beech: cheaper than oak and ash, just as durable, but more capricious and has an inexpressive pattern;
  • Ash: very beautiful texture with ornate growth rings, it is even stronger than oak, but not suitable for the street;
  • Alder: ordered pattern, reasonable price, good combination of properties and cost;
  • Pine: beautiful, well processed, the most affordable, has a persistent pine smell, perfectly insulates any room, but is very soft.

How to choose solid wood doors by pattern, color and design

It’s difficult to take it and describe in a nutshell the beauty and advantages of doors made of natural wood. This is exactly the case when it is better to see it once. If we use allegory to help, then the lineup interior doors can be compared to military ranking. Solid wood doors are, of course, elite troops, such as the Air Force, Special Forces, special Moscow garrison. Everything that is not an array is the middle peasants and the lower guard echelon.

As usual, our elite has all the best - here is aristocratic tolerance, manifested in the severity of forms, lack of brightness and impeccable execution. Or pompous pomposity, distinguished by incredibly beautiful carvings, dazzling gilding, highly artistic cornices and stained glass windows. Or an expensive oak antique, “wrapped” in patina, which is destined to become the most expensive lot at a prestigious auction on the planet.

A strict and beautiful array is the best constructor in the hands of door designers

Door design is a combination of style, color, and decor. The design style is selected in accordance with the theme of the interior. Conventionally, models can be divided into:

  • Classic;
  • Belonging to one of the modern trends.

In the first case, this is actually classic, as well as luxurious art deco, empire, to some extent Provence and country. Modern trends - industrial loft, modern, minimalism, Scandinavian, etc.

Classicism is easier to express with the help of an array, because it gravitates towards everything natural. The characteristic features of such doors are:

  • Straight, as well as slightly curved panels or their milled imitations;
  • Natural, non-flashy surface - without or with tinting, coated with varnish, wax, stain;
  • The use of different numbers of panels - from 2 to 10 or more;
  • Glass inserts;
  • Aged surface.

Such designs look great against the background of antique furniture. They are often installed in offices and living rooms, and due to the use of various types of finishing compounds, they are ideally matched to the tone of the floor, baseboards, and furniture.

What they look like modern doors– depends on the specific style:

  • Scandinavian ones are a delicate white surface without frills;
  • Art Deco - on the contrary, a lot of decor, ornate ornaments, cornices, capitals, elevations, milled trim, patina, gold, appropriate fittings;
  • Minimalism: only canvas and a simplified handle model to the point of maximalism. All. Even hidden hinges are used to disguise the canvas and make it one with the wall.

Note that a paneled door offers an abyss of modeling possibilities. Here you go:

  • Strict straightforwardness is for classics;
  • A pair of unusually shaped panels, with the one above repeating the other (lower);
  • Figured panels: rectangular at the bottom and top, oval in the middle, between the two central crossbars;
  • Beautifully curved, with glass inserts and artistic painting;
  • In a cross-shaped harness.

We can talk about color options for an indecently long time: choose to match the details or finishes available in the interior - linen, milk, biscuit, light oak, walnut, beige. Strict and solid classics – as always, without competition.

Just imagine - the way the panels are attached also affects the appearance of the canvas.

The connection of the panels with the strapping elements is carried out according to the tongue-and-groove principle, but even here there are discrepancies. Inserts are attached in two ways:

  • Kalevochny;
  • Baguette.

In the first case, we are dealing with a molded door leaf. Kalevki - the so-called panels with narrowed edges - are simply inserted into the cutout and secured with tenons. Inserts can be made from elite wood, inexpensive pine or veneered MDF.

Baguette doors can be easily distinguished by the frame - a baguette fixed around the perimeter of the inserts. This is a more decorative design option. It is used in interiors where pomposity and pomp are welcomed, for example, in living rooms in the art deco style, French classics, rococo, etc. Panels made of hard wood and glass are used. Attach the decorative element to studs or glue.

Decoration of interior doors made of solid wood is carried out using additional elements. More often used:

  • Baguette;
  • Platbands;
  • Cornices;
  • Capitals.

We paint, whitewash, cover...

Finishing of canvases is carried out for three purposes:

  • Protect the surface from moisture and other factors;
  • Wood is tinted: more noble shades are obtained from light shades rich colors. Customized to match the color of the floor, furniture, baseboards;
  • Improve decorative characteristics

There are several types of materials for external processing, which are used to protect wood from moisture and other environmental factors, as well as to give the natural surface shine, a barely noticeable tint or a completely different color. This:

  • Wax;
  • Stains;
  • Lucky;
  • Enamel or paint.

The vast majority of structures are subject to a change in natural color. As a rule, a dark shade is obtained from a light shade, so as a result of applying the composition, the original color is lost. The exception is doors made of solid pine. Soft, beautifully textured wood with high level Resin content is installed in saunas, baths and cottages. The surface is carefully treated with wax or colorless varnish, and this is done to preserve natural beauty material.

In other cases, pine and alder varnish, choosing different shade options. To do this, the varnish is diluted with toners in the ratio of 1 kg of oner per 50 kg of varnish, if maximum saturation is required. To weaken the tint, add less toner.

Oak and ash stain translucent paints. They select compositions with different shades, but which do not lie tightly on the surface, and therefore do not hide the wood texture.

Alder and beech have an inexpressive pattern. Suitable for them enamels– substances with high density that form an impenetrable film on the surface and, accordingly, hide the texture.


Produced on the basis of oil - flaxseed, jojoba, olive. Apply to a previously cleaned surface. Supplied in liquid (ready) and solid form. If the mass has a thick consistency, it is diluted with water to the desired state. Before applying the wax and after it dries, the wood is sanded. It protects the material from water and dirt just as well as varnishes.

Fragment of a solid pine door under white wax

The decor must correspond to the elite status of the array

Solid wood doors love decoration. To make them elegant or, on the contrary, more monumental, different techniques are used:


Carved decor is matched to furniture inserts and cornices. Carving is performed in two techniques:

  • Directly on the canvas;
  • With the help of overlay elements - they are made from the same array.

It is milled on the surface of the canvas or has a through nature, producing an openwork pattern. Suitable for Empire, Art Deco, Baroque, Rococo, Classic styles.

Artificial aging


  • Stain of the appropriate color;
  • Patination;
  • Brushing.

Treatment with stains

At first glance, the word “stain” seems unknown. In fact, everyone who likes to decorate their home with objects made of natural wood is familiar with this material. This processing method is liked by everyone - both users and manufacturers, because it is not so labor-intensive, does not require a lot of physical effort, is carried out quickly, is inexpensive, but the treated surfaces look incredibly impressive.

Before applying the stain, the surface is cleaned and lightly brushed. Afterwards, a composition is applied to the array, which is selected to match the color of the furniture or floor.

Staining of doors is not carried out on surfaces made of MDF and chipboard - only solid wood and a shade that matches the style. The result is a coating that exactly imitates the surface of very old oak, ash or other species, with a clearly visible wood grain on a matte background.

Fragment of a solid oak door with Bog Oak finish


The name of the technology comes from the word patina. This is the name given to a greenish coating that appears over time on objects made of bronze, brass or other metals. People who come up with new technologies for aging natural wood simply borrowed this term and called it a very interesting way of processing solid surfaces, and it is interesting for those who want to decorate a kitchen, living room, bedroom in a classic, Provence, country, loft style, while using aged wood effect.

To make it easier to imagine what patina looks like in interiors, here are a few examples:

  • Gilded shimmers at the joints of the panels are on a white canvas. A technique used to decorate royal palaces. To create a single ensemble in the room, you can use golden-colored curtains, bog oak parquet flooring, gold-plated accessories and fittings;
  • For Provence - rough surface finish of natural wood, a lot of abrasions, white and gray combinations;
  • Very suitable option for Loft. There are a lot of scuffs and an emphasis on everything natural. The door color can be any. The patina is selected several tones darker, even black;
  • Pot deco, baroque – the same white and gold theme.

Patinated elements are also used in oriental styles and neoclassicism.

Double doors in solid alder with patina


The technology did not arise spontaneously - it, like other wood processing options, was learned from nature. Remember what a fresh cut of oak, pine, ash looks like, and what it looks like after a few years. At first it is light, exuding a pleasant resinous aroma. Under the influence of external factors, it darkens, and if the boards have not been covered with a protective layer for a long time, and they have been in open areas for many years, then water, coarse snow, strong wind did their job. Perhaps you have seen somewhere - an old gray fence or a building made of boards with pronounced growth rings. It’s as if a rough brush was passed over the surface to remove some of the fibers and leave in their place indentations of varying depths.

Brushed solid oak door surface

Man-made brushing is carried out in approximately the same way, but they came up with a technology to significantly speed up the process natural processes. But there are also some nuances here:

  • Brushing is more suitable for varieties with not very hard wood, but is most often used on oak, ash, larch, and walnut;
  • The technology is practically not used when processing rocks with a homogeneous structure, where the distance between the growth rings is very small, and they are not clearly expressed.

The cleaned surface is carefully rubbed with a hard wire brush to remove soft fibers. The process is repeated several times, and to achieve different decorative effect, brushing is carried out to different depths - a maximum of 2 mm. Two-color painting helps to further emphasize the relief texture: dark tones are used for recesses, light tones for upper layers. At the end the door is varnished. Thus, it acquires an incredibly impressive appearance, and protection so that this artistry lasts as long as possible.

What are veneer doors and how are they made?

First, about what veneer is. That's what they call it finishing material, which covers the base of the door - either the entire leaf or individual parts of the structure. It is obtained from the same wood: all species used in the manufacture of interior doors are used. That is, veneer is the same solid mass, or rather, its cut with a thickness of 0.3-1 mm. Accordingly, the veneered surface behaves in the same way as a solid wood model.

Question - why use veneer if you can just make a door from oak, beech or another species? There are several reasons that make the use of veneer advisable:

  • You can reduce the cost of the door if you make a model from inexpensive solid pine, cover it with MDF, chipboard, and then with natural veneer. You will get a status product with an outstanding design at a relatively low price;
  • If the door is installed in a partition made of plasterboard or other material that cannot withstand heavy weight loads. A door made of solid wood has a decent weight, and in order not to deprive oneself of the pleasure of enjoying a stylish interior, doors are made from lightweight material and covered with veneer, for example, oak.

How to veneer doors

In theory, everything looks simple. They take a workpiece: the main thing is that its dimensions are stable. Otherwise, the base may increase or decrease in size, which will lead to cracking of the veneer and the product will become unusable.

MDF is usually used as a base - a moisture-resistant modified board with high density. In terms of construction, it can be a door of any size, with different surface decoration options, including milled, molded, paneled, drawstring, with carved, convex baguettes, and the listed types of doors are veneered using different technologies:

  • If the canvas is a monolith with a flat or milled surface, then the veneer is applied entirely;
  • If this is a prefabricated structure, then each element is glued separately, trying to make joints in that part of the panels that will go into the groove and will not be visible from the outside;
  • In molded structures, the frame is first finished, and then triplex is inserted.

Veneered door with triplex glass - a solid door of this design cannot be damaged

So, a veneered door is, in any case, a combined system consisting of three layers:

  • Bases: frame or moldings made of solid pine, LVL timber;
  • Substrates – MDF;
  • Natural veneer.

Veneer bends well, but it is still wood, and it does not have the same plasticity as, for example, PVC. Finishing a flat surface is not difficult. The situation is more complicated with the cladding of deeply milled models or paneled structures with complex relief. Veneering in such cases is performed in two ways:

  • Using traditional technology: the work requires special skill and experience, only real professionals who specialize in the production of veneered structures can handle it;
  • The frame and smooth surfaces of the panels are veneered, and differences in height at the junction of reliefs and at the ends of the panels are painted in the color of the veneer.

Veneering is indeed a less expensive production technology. The whole point is to protect the surface and give it a perfect look. That is, to turn a low-segment door into a Premium, and sometimes Luxury, door, while paying a price that is adequate to the labor costs.

Which is better – veneer or solid pine

So it’s difficult to immediately say which doors are better: those covered with veneer or those made of solid pine. Here we need a detailed analysis of at least 2 characteristics - design and strength, from which durability is born.

Design Differences

At first glance, there are none. Indeed, veneer is the same solid wood, only thin, so if you compare two absolutely identical structures - solid wood and veneer, it will be difficult to distinguish one from the other by growth rings, texture and color, but it is possible.

Solid pine has a unique and very beautiful pattern. The bright woody texture and aroma will tell you that this is a real conifer. Such doors are the basis of interiors in Provence, Scandinavian and other styles, built on natural materials.

Veneer has an ordered structure and is more often used in modern design trends. Therefore, in the case of veneer, although you will lose that very natural charm, you will have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of textures and patterns.

Door with ash veneer veneer, painted white, maintaining texture


Solid pine has a resinous structure and is therefore one of the most moisture-resistant. These doors are often installed in establishments with permanent high humidity and frequent changes in temperature (in saunas, baths). They are also used in country interiors, where it is assumed seasonal accommodation, so air humidity and temperature are hardly controlled.

The surface of pine doors is softer than those of veneered doors coated with varnish. This results in lower mechanical strength and a tendency to scratch. Although many are sure that the presence of small chips and cuts on the pine surface only makes it even more attractive and natural.

If both models have undergone high-quality processing, then they will last approximately the same.

Which is better – doors made of solid alder or natural veneer?

Solid alder is more expensive than pine and is superior to it in a number of indicators. To start studying the collection of alder doors, the minimum price filter will have to be set at 10,000 rubles, and this is the “medium and medium plus” segment.

Take a look at the veneered doors category - for this money, most of the catalog will open in front of you. The choice here is really huge. It covers all types of styles, colors, and accommodates a ton of design options, including luxury oak veneers, beautiful grain patterns, glass, and more.

Solid alder and veneer have approximately the same surface hardness values. Both the veneered door and the wood undergo careful treatment before entering an aggressive environment, so both options are equivalent in terms of moisture resistance.

Double door covered with ash veneer, painted according to the RAL catalogue, preserving the wood texture

What to choose? – Most likely, this is a matter of taste and life aspirations. If you are obviously distrustful of man-made coverings and gravitate towards natural materials, which means we buy a door made of alder. It is cheaper than oak, but looks respectable and lasts at least 20 years.

A veneered door is chosen if you need to achieve exact similarity of colors and textures with other surfaces in the interior or if you like a brighter design.

Oak veneer or solid oak doors – which is better in design, strength, price

This is the highest echelon of interior door production. A privileged caste that includes models with the highest price. Each of the two types of structures—meaning solid oak and veneer—is a leader in its segment: for the first, the price range starts at 25 thousand rubles, for the second, at 8 thousand rubles. The extreme cost of solid oak doors is sometimes equal to the price of a car, but a veneered product with an exquisite design can be bought for 20 thousand rubles.

Oak veneer door

Oak doors look more natural. Their matte finish, as well as the unique profile of the baguette panels and the beautifully selected pattern of the lamellas, emphasize that the product belongs to the elite collection. Have more expensive designs costing from 35,000 rubles. web thickness increased: usually standard width at 40 mm increase to 50 mm. This solution allows you to create deeper and more skillful reliefs on the surface. You don’t need to look closely at the door and study its sections to understand what it is made of.

Finishing methods

The advantage of veneered doors is the ability to create a wide range of designs. In the manufacture of such structures, techniques are sometimes used that cannot be applied to solid wood doors. This concerns the choice of color, the arrangement of fibers, the combination of patterns, the ability to use ultra-modern processing options, for example, to produce doors with glossy surfaces and triplex glass inserts.

The design of solid oak doors is also varied, but in this case other, more expensive and labor-intensive decorative techniques are used. The most common method is brushing, which involves removing surface fibers to a depth of 2 mm.

The bottom line is this: beauty will be there in any case. Still, ask yourself a question: are you ready to overpay for status, for 100% naturalness and prestige, or are you not so principled, so you are ready to settle on veneer, especially since you are convinced of the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Sometimes deciding on the choice of material for doors is not so easy. It seems that everyone is good in their own way. We decided to tell you the difference between such valuable wood species as pine and alder, so that you can make your choice.


So, here are the obvious advantages of alder:

No. 1. Dense, elastic structure, due to which doors made of this material are durable.

No. 2. Remarkable moisture-resistant properties that allow you to install doors in a wide variety of rooms.

No. 3. It can retain heat, which is also very important.

No. 4. Durable material that provides doors with a long life in houses, apartments, and cottages.

No. 5. It has a beautiful, clearly defined texture, so the doors are always presentable, luxurious and solid.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages, or rather just one:

No. 1. The material needs additional care.

Characteristics of alder

This tree species is very interesting. It has remarkable properties and a dense structure, so doors made from it perfectly insulate sound, have good tightness, and therefore can retain heat inside the room. Many people are afraid to install alder doors in bathrooms and toilets, and for good reason, because they are well suited for such rooms.

Alder doors are easy to process, so we can create products with a wide variety of carvings. You can use durable and beautiful glass as decoration. And for finishing it is easy to use veneer of other types of wood.

If you are worried about durability, then alder is very suitable for you. Doors made from this material, like any other made from solid wood, last an incredibly long time.

Above we wrote about the presence of one disadvantage of alder. And it lies in the fact that several years after the purchase, the door will need to be restored. This is done by removing the old layer of paint or varnish and applying a new one. In practice this is not that difficult.


Now let's look at the positive properties of pine:

No. 1. It is very easy to process, which saves time and effort.

No. 2. It has a beautiful wood texture, so pine doors look great.

No. 3. It is durable, which allows you to invest in doors one time at a time long years.

The disadvantages include the following:

No. 1. It has a soft structure, so it is not suitable for all rooms.

No. 2. Susceptible to fungus and various microorganisms if not treated.

No. 3. Needs additional care.

Characteristics of pine

Wood is very easy to process due to its softness. And this allows you to create various types of carvings and decorate doors to your taste. Plus, products made from this material can boast of durability and good sound insulation.

Due to their soft structure, pine doors absorb moisture very well, so it is best not to place them in bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms where there is steam.


It cannot be said that one material is significantly better than another, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice should depend on several parameters:

  • the type of room where they will be installed;
  • personal preferences regarding the material.

If you are still undecided on your choice, we suggest contacting our specialists. They will help you do optimal choice for your home. And if necessary, they will produce doors and install them.

Solid wood, as a material for making door panels, is considered a classic of the genre. Reviews from owners of interior doors show that they fully justify the trust of consumers. Photos of good quality oak doors, affordable pine or alder doors demonstrate the beauty of the products.

Types of interior doors

Doors perform a number of functions indoors, making your stay in the room more comfortable and cozy:

  • zoning of premises;
  • heat and sound insulation, preventing the penetration of foreign odors;
  • the ability to privacy in the room;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • addition, and not rarely, and the main accent in interior design.

Interior doors are classified according to the method of opening, design features and the material used.

According to the opening mechanism interior doors are classified into:

    Swing– the most common type of interior doors. These doors open in one direction. They can be single or double-leaf, solid or partially glazed.

    Sliding(compartment doors) – when opening, they “ride” along guides. Such doors are very relevant in small rooms, since no additional space is provided for their use.

    Pendulum– open in two directions. The design features of such doors do not allow the use of heavy wooden panels.

    Folding (accordion)– consist of several narrow plates that fold when opened. Relevant in small rooms.

Classification by design features:

    panel - consist of a solid shield. You can easily try to make such doors yourself.

    paneled – more complex design, consisting of a wooden frame with diapers inserted into it. This design allows you to combine the materials used and expands design possibilities. Moreover, paneled doors are quite light and have good sound insulation.

Types of wood used

Wood is a natural material that can breathe warmth and harmony into the interior. For the manufacture of interior doors, an array of several valuable wood species is used, each of which has unique properties.

Solid oak– noble, strong and durable material. Oak doors are a symbol of the wealth of the owner of the home. The wood has a very dense, pale pink texture with dark veins. Over time, it acquires a darker shade, more noble and seasoned. When properly processed, wood retains its mechanical properties for decades. The only drawback of solid oak is the heavy weight of the product.

Solid beech– has a light pink and cream tint and a smooth, uniform structure. The flexibility of raw materials in processing allows us to produce various configurations of interior doors suitable for different styles interior The doors have proven themselves well, but experts note that solid beech wood reacts to changes in the level of humidity in the room.

Solid ash– surpasses oak in strength. Flexible, pliable material allows the manufacture of doors of any configuration. The color palette is also widely represented - from light cream (under the bark) to dark shades(at the core). The subbark layer of wood has higher mechanical properties. Interior doors made of solid ash do not deform over time, do not respond to changes in humidity levels and temperature in the room, and do not require special care.

Solid alder– wood is characterized by a pronounced texture. When processed, small fibers appear on the surface, creating a marble effect. Solid alder is red, bright shade and are famous for their resistance to moisture. Indoors, wood emits a smell that calms the nervous system.

Solid pine– the most affordable type of wood with a pleasant, soothing aroma. However, solid pine is relatively short-lived and does not respond well to changes in humidity.

Pros and cons of solid wood doors

Solid wood doors, like any other, have a number of advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account when choosing.


  • naturalness, naturalness;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • high-quality moisture exchange (the ability to absorb and release moisture if necessary);
  • high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • respectable appearance.


  • the need for regular restoration;
  • exposure mechanical stress(scratches);
  • complicated installation;
  • heavy weight of the door.

Depending on the type of wood used, both the positive and negative properties of solid wood doors may vary. For example, solid pine doors are susceptible to moisture and can swell and crack over time.

Door measurements and main points during installation

When choosing a door leaf, it is important to accurately take all the necessary measurements. This way, further installation will be completed correctly.

Advice. It is advisable to take all measurements after completing work on the floor covering or to take into account all possible changes (thickness of the screed, covering, carpets)

The width is measured at 3-4 points of the opening. To determine the size finished product It is worth taking the minimum measurement value and taking into account the construction gap (5-10 cm).

The height of the opening is measured in the same way. It's worth remembering that standard height doors are 200 cm, so the height of the doorway should be at least 207-210 cm.

The thickness, depending on the existing wall dimensions, can be adjusted using additional panels.

It is important to know! The standard thickness of the door frame is 7.5 cm.

Interior doors made from solid wood are not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, trust their installation better to a specialist. Incorrectly inserted fittings can irreversibly damage the door.

Doors can have different degrees of readiness for installation:

  • subject to assembly (adjusting the dimensions of the box and trim, inserting fittings, etc. is carried out by a master);
  • ready for installation.

Main rules for installing solid doors

    After purchasing, a solid wood door needs to be “adapted” to the humidity and temperature in the room. To do this, unpack it and leave it for several days.

    Accurate marking for fittings. Mistakes are not allowed here.

    Maintaining gaps between the door leaf and the frame of at least 2 mm at the top and side; the bottom gap is at least 6 mm; if decorative floor coverings are used, the gap is increased.

    Installation is carried out on three pairs of loops. The upper and lower loops are cut in at a distance of 25 cm from the edge, the middle loops are installed in the center.

Advice. Solid wood doors are quite heavy, so for easier installation of the door leaf it is recommended to use semi-hinged awnings.

Very often, materials such as lining (shalevka), imitation timber or eurolining are used in the decoration of buildings. It is worth noting that these are practically the same finishing material. So, eurolining is an ordinary lining that has European standards, both of the board itself and the sizes of the tenons and grooves for them. Imitation timber is an analogue of eurolining, but differs from it in thickness and does not leave grooves during installation.

These finishing materials are classified according to several parameters: by type of profile, by size, by the species of trees used and by the type of wood. The choice of the required type of wood depends on where the shalevka will be used.

The most popular and effective material for lining is pine. This is a fairly practical product used in construction. It is reliable and easy to use, has high strength, and can retain its appearance for many years. In addition, high levels of noise absorption and thermal insulation make this material very popular.

Pine has antibacterial properties and has a healing effect especially on the respiratory and nervous systems. The only disadvantage of this material is that it cannot be used in the lining of baths and saunas. For these purposes, it is better to choose a different type of wood. But, as you can see in the photo, it is ideal for cladding ceilings and walls on terraces, gazebos and rooms.

Larch paneling

Larch is the only tree that rivals oak in its density. A shawl made from this material has high strength and durability. Due to its high gum content, larch is better able to resist the appearance of mold and fungi than other tree species. Thanks to this property, finishing elements made from this type of wood are ideal for finishing rooms with high humidity, especially baths and saunas. The proposed material can withstand even significant changes in temperature and humidity.

Cedar lining

Due to the conditions in which this tree grows, the material has high quality and the ability to withstand any external influences. It is worth noting that cedar shalevka is not treated with antiseptics due to its excellent resistance to rot. Despite the fact that cedar is resistant to moisture, it is not recommended to decorate baths with it. Since at high temperatures cedar releases resin.

Among the finishing materials, lining made from Canadian and Siberian cedar is distinguished. Canadian cedar has unique antiseptic properties and is ideal for storing heat. Finishing from Siberian cedar belongs to elite finishing materials. As you can see in the photo, it has an unusual texture, and is also able to withstand heating without releasing resin up to 140 degrees. During use, it does not dry out or swell, and during processing it bends and polishes well.

Linden has several varieties, but they are all very soft material and are easy to process as required. Linden absorbs water well, which is why it is the best finishing material for rooms with high humidity, especially baths. It is humid conditions that allow this tree to show all its medicinal properties. Linden shalevka not only absorbs sound excellently, but is also resistant to temperature changes. It is worth noting that when heated, the material creates a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Alder paneling

This material is well suited for interior work, as alder absorbs heat well and does not react to moisture. At high temperatures, alder shalevka does not warp or crack. Main decorative advantage of this material, as can be seen in the photo, there are a variety of colors, shades and textures of wood, which allows you to create unique interior. In addition, due to its resistance to moisture, alder is often used in underwater structures.

Oak paneling

Oak wood is the strongest and most durable material. Thanks to its positive properties, oak shalevka is an elite material. So, in addition to strength, oak exhibits better resistance to moisture and decay processes than others. It is worth noting that there is such a type of finishing material as shalevka made of calm oak. Due to the specific nature of the fastening, this fitting is laid in a horizontal direction, which allows you to obtain a perfectly smooth and even surface.

Aspen paneling

Aspen flooring is mainly a budget option. Aspen is not particularly popular, and in vain. Some shortcomings in appearance are compensated for by the low price, and in terms of its qualities, aspen is not much inferior to other types of wood.

Lining is the most popular natural finishing material today. The quality of finishing directly depends on the correctly selected material. And therefore, the choice of the type of wood from which the shalevka is made should be taken very seriously.

Wooden interior doors have a lot of positive qualities - strength, good sound insulation properties, frost resistance, and finally, it is an environmentally friendly material. But many consumer qualities depend on the type of wood - interior doors made from solids of two different species (see what solid wood is) can have different properties, forming the price. And the range of these prices can be quite significant. In this article, we will learn the properties and characteristics of most of the species used in the manufacture of doors, based on which you can understand which one is best suited for your interior doors.

All trees are divided into two types: coniferous and deciduous. Wood coniferous trees does not have particular strength (with the exception of larch) and is used in the manufacture inexpensive doors. Doors made of hardwood have excellent strength and hardness - it is from their wood that elite door models are made. This is the type we'll start with.



Oak doors are considered one of the best and most expensive - the highest quality luxury interior doors are made from the wood of this tree. Oak grows slowly, which, combined with the highest consumer characteristics, determines the price of products made from this species - it is high.

Oak belongs to the valuable tree species of the beech family. Thanks to the high density of wood, solid oak has equally high hardness (3.7 on the Brinell scale), which only increases over time, and excellent strength - oak products are incredibly durable.
However, high fiber density increases hygroscopicity and reduces the thermal conductivity characteristics of oak products - doors made of soft wood with a looser fiber structure retain heat better in the apartment and are less susceptible to changing shape with increasing humidity (swell less). For the same reason, solid oak is quite sensitive to the drying regime - if it is disturbed, cracks may appear.

Oak wood has a fairly wide range of exquisite color shades from yellow to brownish, which tend to darken after some time. If you need a high-quality interior door with excellent properties in all respects and you are willing to pay for it, then oak doors will be an excellent option.


Continuing the series of hard tree species, let's move on to ash, which belongs to the olive family. In many qualities, ash is not inferior to oak: the density of its wood is comparable to the latter, and the hardness is even higher (3.9 on the Brinell scale). Ash wood has very high wear resistance and resistance to various mechanical impacts. In addition, the wood of this species has elasticity, viscosity, excellent flexibility and at the same time less hygroscopicity. TO positive aspects Without any doubt, the rapid growth of ash is also worth mentioning, which reduces the cost of the species.

The range of color shades of ash is very wide - it can be pinkish or brown, and the texture of the wood is similar to oak.

Considering all of the above, you can understand that ash is quite a serious competitor to oak, and if you don’t like the latter, then ash will be an excellent replacement - interior doors made from this wood will be very durable and practical.


Beech is a cheaper substitute for oak and ash. Like its sister oak, beech grows slowly. This species is also valuable, has a dense fiber structure, and after drying acquires excellent strength: the hardness of beech is higher than the hardness of oak (3.8 on the Brinell scale).
The disadvantages of beech include a higher reaction to increased humidity - its hygroscopicity is higher than that of oak and ash. Accordingly, the wood drying regime is very important - it is believed that only large enterprises with the appropriate technological base can provide high-quality drying.

Beech wood has a fine, uniform pattern of light tones.

Beech has excellent wear resistance and doors made from this wood are reliable, durable and of good quality, but you have to pay less for these qualities compared to previous species.


Maple continues a number of valuable species. The wood of this tree has exceptional hardness - 4.7 on the Brinell scale. Accordingly, maple doors are very durable and have excellent consumer qualities. In the old days, maple was specially made important details- this fact, perhaps, serves as the best proof of the strength of wood.

Some of the most common maple varieties include white maple, also called sycamore, and Norway maple. Maple wood is light in color, finely porous and tough. Having low hygroscopicity, it resists moisture well and does not warp.

In front of everyone positive qualities doors made of maple are not very common - just go to the Internet to see this.

If you want exceptionally durable doors at a reasonable, affordable price, then maple doors may be your only option if you can find a maple door manufacturer in your area.


If we talk about the middle price segment, then walnut can be called its top. This is a breed whose name most often refers to European and American black walnut, is considered valuable, and has a dense (3.5 on the Brinell scale) somewhat lower than oak, as well as hardness, but walnut is less susceptible to exposure to a humid environment. In a word, the golden mean, if you do not take into account the characteristics of Brazil nut, which has incredible hardness and density of wood.

The color spectrum and fiber structure are considered aristocratic and it is difficult to disagree with this. Despite the rather wide range of colors, walnut has its own color: just remember that there is a “walnut” stain.

Due to the beauty, quality of wood and their price, interior doors made of walnut have become widespread and are manufactured by many manufacturers, so finding them will not be difficult.


Alder, which in most cases means European alder, also called black alder, does not have particular hardness and is not a valuable tree species. But its wide distribution area, ease of processing, and especially drying, during which alder does not crack or warp, have led to its widespread use in the manufacture of doors for interior spaces. The only drawback of the breed is the softness of its wood, which at the same time has viscosity and holds screws and nails well.

One of controversial issues is the resistance of the rock to moisture. Wikipedia and GOSTs clearly indicate that alder wood, when in contact with a humid environment, easily rots (but at the same time it is perfectly preserved under water). At the same time, it is well known that alder was used for log houses in wells, bathhouses, and it is used to make excellent lining for saunas - that is, it is used in damp places where rotting of the wood is simply unacceptable. But in any case, resistance to rot can be ignored - it is difficult to imagine such dampness in the rooms that the doors begin to rot. In addition, the doors are always impregnated with compounds that prevent the appearance of fungus and rot.

The color range of alder does not have the breadth of other species, but it is uniform. Its combination with a characteristic, uniform grain pattern makes alder wood recognizable.

Doors made of alder are widespread, they are made by many manufacturers, so their prices are very affordable and accessible to all segments of the population.



It was not without reason that we started with larch - thanks to its remarkable qualities, it stands out from a number of coniferous species. Larch wood has a hardness unusual for conifers. (3.2 on the Brinell scale), only slightly inferior to beech and oak. Not afraid of dampness, it perfectly resists rotting and fungi. The only relative disadvantage of larch is its heavy weight due to its high fiber density.

There are several types of this breed, differing in color, fiber structure and price. In most cases, doors are made from Canadian and Siberian larches that grow in cold regions - they have all the above-mentioned qualities. Wood from trees grown in warm regions is of poorer quality and has a low price.

If doors made of dense hardwood are not affordable for you or they are not available in your region, then a larch door will be an excellent option - over time, its wood only becomes stronger.


If we are talking about the lower price segment, then pine doors are the undisputed leaders. Their advantages are low hygroscopicity, low weight and, due to the wide growing area of ​​the tree, price.
Pine wood does not have many knots, due to its resin content it reacts poorly to changes in humidity and temperature, and the loose and porous structure of the fibers allows pine doors to perfectly retain heat in the room.

The loose structure of the fibers, in addition to its advantages, also determines the main disadvantage - the low hardness of the rock, which is why solid pine doors are often covered with oak veneer - this combination provides a reasonable price and good resistance to mechanical stress.


The characteristics of spruce wood are very similar to pine, but there are still slight differences. Spruce wood is less resinous, moister, softer, and more susceptible to rotting and fungus formation. The porosity of spruce is higher and therefore spruce doors will store heat even better.

The spruce wood is light, almost white with a yellowish tint. The grain pattern is less pronounced than that of pine, but spruce contains more knots that are smaller in size. In a word, doors made of spruce and pine are practically no different from each other and many manufacturers sell them at the same price.

Exotic breeds

Now let's look at exotic species, doors from which are not often made and not on every corner, but offers for which can still be found. Their price is in most cases higher (with similar consumer qualities), but what can stop a true esthete?

Red tree

The term “mahogany” combines many valuable and semi-valuable species - meranti, nyato, teak and others. To understand how many proposals there are for making doors from such rocks, try searching for them on the Internet - you will not find an abundance.

All representatives of the red breeds have excellent strength and excellent mechanical characteristics, high wood density and hardness. Is it worth pursuing doors made of such species, when high-quality doors made of oak have the same magnificent qualities, the question is rhetorical and everyone decides it in their own way.

Needless to say, cabinet doors don't come cheap. However, there are always exceptions - there are mahogany doors made in Europe with an appropriate price, there are offers from domestic producers, and there are also offers to sell Chinese interior doors made of mahogany at some unthinkable, bargain-basement prices for breeds of this level.

Ebony (ebony)

Under ebony Several trees of the genus Persimmon from the ebony family are hidden. Ebony wood, sometimes called ebony, is a valuable species, has strength, a beautiful, clearly defined fiber structure and a special, dark color.

Ebony is very hard (twice as strong as oak) and has excellent resistance to impact loads. The high density of fibers with the minerals they contain, along with strength, also determines the weight of ebony products - it is high.

Doors made of ebony can be called one of the most best options, if we are talking about exotic breeds. The price to pay for its excellent properties is the price - ebony is difficult to process and even more difficult to dry for a long time, which directly affects the cost.

Concluding the review, I would like to draw attention to one the most important moment. Regardless of the type of wood, the wood must be well and properly dried, maintaining technological processes. This is extremely important when ordering doors made of hard wood - oak, ash and especially beech, which have high hygroscopic properties. It would seem that these are the problems of the manufacturers, but if after a while cracks appear in your door or they “lead”, then, you see, their problems will become your problems.

It should be noted that the review lists the most common species, but occasionally you can find doors from other species - excellent doors from cherry and chestnut, someone manages to make doors from hornbeam, a durable but capricious tree, there are doors from pear, birch, and regional-scale workshops sometimes use what grows on hand.

Lastly about prices. It should be understood that miracles do not happen - QUALITY door made from cheap pine, if it is really high quality, it can cost more expensive than doors from the middle price category, made by someone unknown in violation of all technologies, where the first place is to reduce the price by any means.