Air handling unit Electrolux (Electrolux). Electrolux air handling units STAR EPVS series with heat and moisture recovery Electrolux ventilation unit

Supply and exhaust Electrolux installations with a hexagonal plate recuperator are created in Sweden. The hexagonal shape of the recuperator made it possible to increase System efficiency, relative to competing models. For installations of this type, there will be work on pumping fresh/purified air both in administrative premises and in industrial, residential and public premises. This trademark has in its assortment models ceiling version installation, or vertical wall. The buyer will be able to select the model that is optimally suitable for a specific type of room.

Let us note the positive points in the characteristics of these models:

  • has a thermal energy recovery system, ventilation system allows you to approach the maximum reduction in costs used to pay heating bills.
  • cleaning the inlet air flow In standard equipment, it prevents the entry of large/medium dust elements into the rooms being refreshed.

The housings of the models of the described devices are covered inside and outside with an insulating noise-absorbing layer (no vibration, quiet operation). The internal parts of the structural elements are made of dense polystyrene foam.

Design and principle of operation of Electrolux air handling unitsEPVS-1100

Supply and exhaust compact ventilation units ElectroluxEPVS-1100 used in small ventilation systems (from 200 to 2000 m3/h). They are often installed in private houses, apartments, small offices, shops, etc.

Components and completeness of the installation:

  • Fans (supply, exhaust)
  • Heat exchanger-recuperator
  • Filtration system (pre-filter)
  • Automation system
  • Additional electric heater
  • Remote Control
  • Instructions, warranty cards, etc.

Compact air handling units Electrolux EPVS-1100 are the easiest to install, since they are supplied in assembled form in a single body. All components are already installed inside the machine.

Schematic diagram installations

Rice. 1 - Schematic diagram of the main components of the installation

PV- fan supply air;
IV— exhaust air fan;
PR- plate heat exchanger;
PF— filter for outside air;
IF— filter for exhaust air;
T.J.— supply air temperature sensor; TL - outside air temperature sensor.

Dimensions and service space

Installation models

Dimensions (mm)

Net weight of the unit (kg)

To install the unit, you only need to hang it from the ceiling or wall, connect it to the air duct system and connect the power supply.

Standard installation diagram

Rice. 2 - Installation diagram

One of the most important parameters This series of air handling units with heat recovery is its high energy efficiency due to the transfer of thermal energy from the removed warm air supply cold.

The efficiency of modern membrane recuperators used in these installations reaches 70%.

The use of Electrolux EPVS-1100 air handling units with heat recovery is especially relevant for our climate, when winter period The year lasts 7-8 months a year.

According to the experience of our research and calculations, the payback for air handling units with recovery occurs on average in 1.5-2 years of operation. Compared to equipment that heats supply air with electricity.

High recovery efficiency is achieved through modern technology using a membrane-type heat exchanger-recuperator with the ability to transfer part of the heat with moisture through the surface of the recuperator.

However, recovery alone is not enough for full heating, so it is necessary to install an auxiliary heater, although its power is already significantly less than what would be needed to heat the same volume of air without using recovery.


Control of this equipment model is absolutely simple. Enabling/disabling and adjusting the necessary parameters is carried out using the control panel:

Fig.3 - Appearance control panel

Advantages and disadvantages of this model of air handling unit

Recommendations for selecting an air handling unit:

It should be noted that this method selection is very indicative and suitable for designing complex ventilation systems.

Aerodynamic characteristics of the installationElectroluxEPVS-1100

If it is necessary to use a longer network of air ducts and there will be high losses, the manufacturer recommends using special booster fans:

Fig.5 - Support fanElectroluxEPVS/EF-1100

They improve plant performance at high pressure losses.

The characteristics show how performance changes with and without the use of booster fans.

More detailed information about Electrolux EPVS-1100 installations is provided by the manufacturer in the installation and operating instructions.

Maintenance and care:

For standard operating conditions (no serious air pollution environment and normal indoor climate), it is recommended to clean or replace filters at least once every 12 months. It is advisable to carry out these procedures once every 3-4 months.

Our specialists will be happy to advise you and select the installation of the required power. Prices for Electrolux STAR PVU depend on their technical characteristics.

The RoomKlimat online store offers a wide selection of ventilation and climate control equipment wholesale and retail at the most affordable prices in Moscow. Our company offers to buy Electrolux STAR series air handling units with a recuperator (with automation), which are highly efficient. Equipment can be ordered on our website with delivery to any region of Russia.

Basic Description

The supply and exhaust units presented in our catalog are designed for supplying, as well as cleaning and removing exhaust air into rooms with small area. This equipment allows you to heat and humidify air without additional energy consumption due to a membrane-type plate recuperator. Installation of supply and exhaust units is allowed both in the serviced room and behind a suspended ceiling.

Standard equipment includes supply and exhaust fans, filters, plate recuperator, system automatic control with remote control remote control(PDU).

The fans are equipped with highly efficient impellers with backward curved blades, asynchronous electric motors, built-in thermal protection using thermal contacts with automatic restart. Sealed ball bearings ensure long service life of this type of air handling unit.

Extremely convenient to use devices from Electrolux, which are the air recuperators of the STAR EPVS series, differ from other devices in their efficiency, quiet operation and high efficiency. They are used to utilize the latent and sensible heat of the air, that is, the supply and exhaust air receive almost the same temperature and moisture content. Recuperators use a special material that allows the supply air to be dried and cooled in the summer, and humidified and heated by the exhaust air in the winter. The material used in recuperators is distinguished by its selective permeability to numerous gases. This feature allows water vapor to freely pass through the walls of the heat exchanger, and pollutants (ammonia, carbon dioxide) - to linger.

Electrolux air handling unit control panel

The ERC-16 air handling unit control panel is equipped with a weekly timer with the ability to turn ventilation on and off up to 3 times a day. In the unit operating mode, the display shows the supply air temperature, fan speed, time, day of the week and filter status. The backlight at the control panel is blue.

Technical characteristics of Electrolux recuperators
EPVS STAR series

Parameter/Model EPVS-200 EPVS-350 EPVS-450 EPVS-650
Price Rub 29 500
42 900
49 200
59 000
Air flow (max) m3/h 205 350
440 650
Power consumption W 75 110
140 190
Recovery efficiency (max) % 85 90 90 90
Noise level (min-max) dB(A) 33 - 39 31- 35 31 - 36 32 - 38
Supply voltage IN 220-240 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz

Parameter/Model EPVS-1100 EPVS-1300
Price Rub 77 600
95 700
Air flow (max) m3/h 1100 1280
Power consumption W 320 450
Recovery efficiency (max.) % 90 90
Noise level (min-max) dB(A) 33 - 41 33 - 41
Supply voltage IN 220-240 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz
Guaranteed outside temperature range –15 … +40°C, relative humidity no more than 80%
The Electrolux STAR EPVS supply and exhaust unit is designed to supply fresh air to the room, purify the supplied air, and remove exhaust air. All STAR EPVS air handling units are equipped with a membrane-type plate heat exchanger. The plate recuperator allows you to significantly reduce energy costs for heating and humidifying the supply air. This happens in the following way: Fresh air, passing through the recuperator, increases (or decreases) its temperature, exchanging heat and moisture with the exhaust air. Fresh and removed exhaust air do not have direct contact and do not mix, thereby the incoming air remains uncontaminated. A special membrane of the recuperator allows only water molecules to pass through from the exhaust air, leaving behind all contaminants. This type of installation is ideal for creating a ventilation system for an apartment or country house.

Electrolux STAR EPVS series

  • Air handling unit with recuperator
  • Built-in automation system
  • Programmable control panel with LCD display

    Weekly schedule programming function

Name Air exchange, m³/h Channel diameter(mm) Noise level, dB price, rub.
200 100 - 23 890.00
350 150 - 32 990.00
450 150 - 41 140.00
650 200 - 48 090.00
Electrolux STAR EPVS-1100 1100 250 - 63 290.00
Electrolux STAR EPVS-1300 1300 250 - 81 990.00

Schematic diagram of the Electrolux STAR EPVS installation

PV - supply air fan;

IV - exhaust air fan;

PR - plate heat exchanger;

PF - filter for outside air;

IF - exhaust air filter;

TJ - supply air temperature sensor;

TL - outside air temperature sensor.

The advantage of this air handling unit is that it is a ready-made, fully functional solution for ventilation of an apartment or country house. The only additional thing you need to purchase is an auxiliary heater.

Installation model
Auxiliary heater power, kW
Auxiliary heater power for installation with additional fan, kW


1,8 2


2,4 3


5 5


6 6


9 12


12 12

The power of the heaters is calculated for maximum expenses air. If the flow rate is less than the maximum, then the heater power is determined as follows:

N = -0.33 × (T+15) × L,

Where N – heater power, kW

T – calculated minimum air temperature for a given region, °C

L – air flow, m3/h

Electric heater connected to the appropriate terminals via a magnetic starter (contactor). The installation controller sends a signal to turn on the heater at an outside air temperature of -10°C. Before the specified temperature is reached, the supply air is heated by the recuperator. Electrolux STAR EPVS air handling units use a plate heat exchanger, the efficiency of which is from 85% (STAR ​​EPVS 200) to 90% (in all other sizes).
You can calculate what air temperature will be after the recuperator using the formula:

t=(t 1 -t 2 )*k+t 2

t - temperature after the recuperator,
t 1 - indoor temperature,
t 2 - supply air temperature to the recuperator (outdoor air temperature),
k is the efficiency of the recuperator.

For example, in a ventilated room, the air temperature is 20°C, the street air temperature is -5°C, the air ventilation system is built on an Electrolux STAR EPVS-350 air handling unit, the efficiency of the recuperator is 90% (max).
That. According to the formula, the air temperature after the recuperator will be equal to:


This calculation is approximate, because the actual temperature will depend on many parameters and will be lower than the calculated one.

Electrolux STAR EPVS air handling units can be operated without a heater, but only up to an outside air temperature of -15 °C. When the supply air temperature is below -15 °C, the air handling unit will go into emergency mode and stop operation for 15 minutes. If after the specified time the air temperature does not increase, the installation will remain in emergency mode.