Half-timbered house: history and construction features. Half-timbered houses: photo, construction technology Half-timbered technologies

Travelers, without going into details, dubbed the ancient houses with protruding supports “gingerbread houses.” In fact, these buildings are built in the half-timbered style, which has an interesting and long history. It began in the 13th century. The first buildings appeared in Bavaria, over time the fashion captured the whole of Germany and flowed to Europe.

With the gradual development of technologies and materials, new possibilities for frame construction began to open up. And the advent of double-glazed windows with increased thermal insulation made it possible to equip buildings with transparent walls located not only in middle lane, but also in the north.

Half-timbered houses

So, half-timbered houses - what is it? The German word "fachwerk" literally translates as "framework". A half-timbered building is a spatial structure made of interconnected vertical posts, horizontal beams and inclined braces made of pine needles or oak. The areas between the elements were filled with various building materials: brick, a composition of straw and clay, reinforced mesh made of willow or natural stone.

In the Middle Ages, when building a half-timbered house, they did not particularly care about covering the wooden frame, rather for economic reasons. But it was precisely this feature that gave the external and internal appearance of the building individuality and charm. Behind short term it became clear that German technology was accessible and fast, since the construction of a half-timbered house took about a month.

The new style was also appreciated by wealthy Germans, because external view the house was attractive, wooden frame gave the building lightness and solidity. At the beginning of the 16th century, two-story residential buildings with leveled and whitewashed walls. During use, the wood darkened, creating a contrast against the snow-white background. This is how the German half-timbered building arose.

Gradual technology changes

In Europe, they also learned what it is - half-timbered houses, and quickly appreciated all the advantages of the Bavarian technology:

  • unusual appearance;
  • the use of cheap and accessible materials;
  • short construction period;
  • construction on your own;
  • simple house foundation;
  • warm walls that preserve optimal temperature regime inside the home.

When the technology reached the north, the distances between the beams began to be filled with stone, and clay was applied on top of it. For insulation, the frame was sewn up with wood. Gradually, each nation made its own amendments, depending on the available building materials and weather conditions.

Architectural changes

Over time, the wooden frame began to be covered with stain and paint. This way we managed to make it more visible against a white background, and also protect it from destruction.

Architects also made changes to the traditional half-timbered style, combining it with modernism, and began to use modern materials:

  • Glass was added to the wood. It became possible to perform glazing half-timbered houses, that is, insert glass between the beams.
  • Appeared metal beams. With their help, it was possible to open up the interior space, remove partitions and unnecessary supports.

Features of frame construction in half-timbered style

So what is it - half-timbered houses? You already know the answer to this question. It's time to understand the features of this technology:

  • Light and warm frame houses. This includes structures with an open frame and panel models, when insulation is laid in the spaces between the supports and sheathing is done on both sides. Such houses can be built on any soil, including flooded ones. For reliability, it is enough to pour a support-column or light pile foundation. Filling the strip base is possible only in areas with deep freezing of the ground.
  • For modern houses it is necessary to draw up a project and carry out complex calculations. All this requires large expenses. But costs can be significantly reduced if you resort to standard design. In this case, to give the façade of the house originality, you will need to use your imagination or invite a designer. Examples of half-timbered houses (photos) can be seen below.
  • The main nodes of a half-timbered structure are the strappings in the lower part along the perimeter and at the connection of each level. Any layout of the house can be easily changed by rearranging the partition to suit your taste, and hiding cables and pipes in the walls.

Features of the half-timbered architectural style

Designs in the German half-timbered style are very diverse. Modern projects use different materials, but the style adheres to all the nuances that were outlined back in the 16th century:

  • frame made of wood and painted brown or brown;
  • sections intersect diagonally with slats and form various shapes from triangles;
  • rectangular shape of the building;
  • gable roof with attic;
  • railings on balconies, made of the same beams as the frame (most often they are made to protect the space above the entrance and windows, imitating a canopy);
  • the perimeter of the second floor is larger than the first and overhangs it, protecting the wall from raindrops;
  • the walls of the house can be made of brick or plastered (in modern projects, half-timbered houses are often glazed, especially on the ground floor, in the living room area).

New technologies in half-timbered style

This style can be called the basis of all frame house construction. The technology for constructing half-timbered houses is made of supports, transverse beams and slopes, like everything modern frame construction. The only thing that has changed over time is the thickness of the beams (they have become much thinner).

In a modern half-timbered house it is difficult to recognize ancient European facades, since they have become much more perfect and have received what they so lacked in the Middle Ages. It's primarily about protection and functionality. Now all buildings are covered sheet material and are provided with external protection by using technological finishing(siding, PVC panels, etc.).

Everyone only benefited from these changes - continuous cladding gave the building strength, reliability and rigidity, that is, now there is no need to install powerful beams and racks. Exterior finishing completely protects the house from weather influences, such as freezing, fading in the sun and weathering, thereby extending the life of the material.


Today, facades with distinctive half-timbered (frame) elements are no more than a stylistic solution for the house. Of course, no one has been making clay walls for a long time. Now the sinuses are filled with environmental or mineral wool, and not so long ago it became fashionable to use straw filler.

One of the common solutions is frameless glazing of half-timbered houses. The technology involves the formation of a glass facade, without noticeable components of the supporting frame. WITH outside Only translucent panels and sealant strips are visible. Frameless glazing of half-timbered houses creates the illusion of lightness of the entire structure.

How to build a one-story half-timbered house with your own hands?

Before you start drawing up a plan, you need to think about all the stages of work:

  • preparatory impregnation of lumber;
  • frame installation;
  • “stuffing” the frame box with thermal insulation elements;
  • roof installation;
  • external and internal finishing.

You already know what it is - half-timbered houses. Now let's find out how to build such a structure yourself. It is not so difficult to erect a structure in the half-timbered style. It’s just that professionals will need half as much time - two weeks.

Step-by-step instruction

By purchasing finished project, the customer receives all the components and parts of the house in numbered packages. The elements are connected with special pre-prepared seams. The whole process is reminiscent of assembling a wooden construction set, only later you will receive perfect home. The stages of work are not very different from a conventional frame structure, but there are some features:

  • Pouring a lightweight foundation. Since the technology of half-timbered houses does not imply the use of heavy materials, a shallow strip base is quite sufficient.
  • Covering the trim with waterproofing. A waterproofing layer must be laid on top of the base. Ideally, this should be roofing material laid on bitumen lubricant.
  • Bonding strapping beam metal anchors. This is very important to do before building the frame.
  • Connecting vertical and horizontal elements using braces.
  • Installation of internal partitions from small timber. They are attached to the floor with frame dowels.
  • The connection at the top of the frame frame with the rafter system.
  • Fastening wall panels. The installation is carried out in such a way that the structural elements remain visible, that is, they fill the frame from the inside.
  • Installation of internal partitions.
  • Installation engineering communications.
  • Roof installation.
  • Finishing a half-timbered house (photo examples can be seen below).

Finishing in half-timbered style

Not everyone has the opportunity to build a house using precise technologies. But even the simplest frame structure will look like a “gingerbread house” if the finishing is done correctly.

To perform exterior decoration in the half-timbered style you need:

  • The use of board material, for example, DSP, is a practical and durable product that has a long service life. This material is also convenient because you don’t have to worry about sawing, since the tiles can be easily cut with a grinder and attached to the walls with ordinary screws.
  • Plastering walls. This is not an easy job, but it must be done to increase the heat-saving properties of the house - a thick layer of plaster perfectly protects against wind and freezing.
  • When constructing half-timbered structures in harsh winter conditions, it is recommended to replace double-glazed windows with other materials. For example, you can use a decorative polyurethane panel and timber with a section of 150*150. The result is a perfect imitation of the half-timbered style. No one will even guess that the technology is broken. The panels are attached to the facade with liquid nails or construction adhesive.

As you can see, making a “gingerbread house” out of a standard structure is not at all difficult. Another advantage of imitation is that the structure can be erected from brick, stone, sip-panel or blocks, and the exterior finishing can be done in half-timbered style.


To summarize, we can say with complete confidence that building a house using German technology is no more difficult than any other. Anyone who intends to build their own home or cottage can make the dream of many come true - living in a house that at least looks like a European one. In any case, a half-timbered house will absolutely stand out from others with its originality.

Frame building construction methods have been known for a long time. The construction of buildings using the half-timbered method became most widespread in Northern Europe back in the Middle Ages. The presence of a sufficient amount of natural building material - pine wood - made it possible to quickly build reliable and warm buildings. In distant Japan, buildings built using half-timbered technology are also known. The buildings date back more than 1000 years ago.

Features of half-timbered technology

Construction using half-timbered technology is very popular among modern lovers of country life. is an elegant and harmonious composition combining wood, glass and stone. The appearance of such a building is always original and recognizable. The house is distinguished by high performance qualities, is durable, and is quickly erected. These facts are fundamental for many customers when choosing materials and construction methods country house or personal cottage.

Construction of a house using the half-timbered method begins in the same way as any other house with laying the foundation. The basis of the future building is a poured reinforced monoblock foundation. The depth and other dimensions are calculated by designers taking into account the quality of the soil and the design features of the building.

To build a half-timbered house, beams from pine trees are needed. The creation of a load-bearing frame is carried out strictly in accordance with the design documentation, which calculates the load-bearing capacity of the building and possible slopes. With this technology, walls are not load-bearing, but only divide the space into rooms. The material from which the walls are made can be light and inexpensive.

Special conditions, which are allocated to the foundation during construction using half-timbered technology, are not as rigid as when using other technologies. Due to the fact that the building frame is quite light and stable, it is possible to use a shallow foundation. A half-timbered house has light and rigid walls that are connected to each other with spikes, metal brackets and plates. The lower part of the house frame is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts, reliable waterproofing is carried out, and Bottom part The building is covered with polystyrene foam to insulate and prevent dampness. As a result, the building is distinguished by its lightness and elegance of design.

Construction using half-timbered technology allows the use different material for filling the cells of a half-timbered structure. The internal walls are filled with special thermal insulation and vapor barrier boards using a thin layer of aluminum. This is done to prevent moisture from entering the room. All walls are puttied, sanded and decorated using any known method of the customer’s choice. To design the interior, it is possible to use any known style applicable in residential construction.

Erection of the frame of a half-timbered building

Construction begins with, in which the amount of consumables is calculated in detail, technological stages works, foundation construction. Pouring the foundation precedes the start of construction of any house. installed on a reinforced concrete foundation, the depth of which is calculated in each specific case. This fact is influenced by the characteristics of the soil and the depth of groundwater. How long the house itself will last depends on how carefully the foundation is laid.

Enables the customer to receive an original and unique house in its design. The technology allows the use of axial structures when planning space; architectural projects of half-timbered houses in each specific case can be as unusual as the customer wishes.

Pine timber is used to construct the frame structure of the house. Often this is a specially made timber, prepared and protected from moisture and rotting by various impregnations that protect the wood from weathering. To construct the frame, glued or sanded wooden beams are suitable, which are subsequently coated with a special varnish. Wood is a fairly pliable material to be exposed to weather fluctuations, and to maintain a residential atmosphere in a building it is necessary to use special thermal insulation materials.

The frame of a half-timbered house is a rigid and lightweight structure made of beams, stable and reliable. Frame-frame construction will allow you to solve several engineering problems simultaneously:

  • reduce construction time,
  • create a stable and durable structure.
  • ensure the reliability and durability of the building under construction.
  • minimize the use of wood in the construction process.
  • construct a building at the most economical cost.

The frame of the building, including walls, roof, terraces, is connected securely in places invisible to view using wooden spikes and metal brackets. This ensures the safety and stability of the building. Many years of experience in the construction of half-timbered houses in the north allows us to create structures that are resistant to hurricane winds, low temperatures, high humidity.

Decorating a half-timbered house

When the frame frame of the half-timbered house is ready, they begin to fill the cells of the structure. The frame can be covered with a variety of materials, which makes it possible to give an interesting and original appearance to the building. The internal cells are filled with special materials, which are sewn on top with antiseptic plywood boards. The use of thermal insulation and waterproof fillers will make your stay comfortable and cozy. The sound insulation provided in the technology will increase the comfort of the home.

Exterior finishing of the walls of the house is carried out after the installation of windows and doors. The possibilities for decorating areas of external walls are very diverse. The installation of wooden panels is suitable here; stone is often used for exterior decoration. In combination with a large number of double-glazed windows, such a house looks solid and beautiful. The half-timbered technology provides a large number of windows, which makes the building light, airy and elegant. Windows can be either opening for ventilation or blind, display windows. This will fill the interior with light and retain heat. The hermetic silicone seal is complemented by trims with soft felt insulation.

Laying of engineering networks and communications is most often done inside the floor. This is hot and cold water supply for the kitchen and bathroom, outdoor electrical cable and internal use for lighting and household needs. Water heated floors are more suitable for heating. Internal pipes water supply and sewerage systems made of polypropylene are durable, lightweight and economical. Electrical wiring to sockets and switches is laid inside the walls.

Roof for a half-timbered house

The roof decorates any home, use various options When building using half-timbered technology, it makes it possible to create various architectural options. The most commonly installed gable truss structure roofs without attic space. Wide overhangs protect the house from direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitation. Terraces that border the level of the roof overhang create a natural extension of the premises of the house.

Ceilings interior spaces It is advisable to install at home using wooden structures or plasterboards. Variety of decorative materials for interior decoration will create a unique look for your home.

Modernity of the house

Houses built using half-timbered technology are distinguished by their originality, uniqueness of internal and appearance. Such a house can be built with fairly small financial investments. The affordability of the building allows many city residents to realize the dream of living in their own country cottage. The simplicity and convenience of the design will ensure comfortable living. The technology of modern cottage villages provides all the necessary amenities for their residents, despite the distance from big cities.

Houses built using beam technology, using wooden building materials such as laminated veneer lumber, are becoming increasingly popular among customers. Large windows on the entire wall allow you not only to admire the landscape, but also to become part of the beautiful natural landscape. Half-timbered houses cope well with various atmospheric loads, such as strong wind, rain and snowfall. Frame technology allows you to create elegant buildings with high strength. The rigid frame of a building made of posts, beams and braces carries the main load, which is transferred to the foundation. Walls are enclosing and dividing structures. , built using half-timbered technology, have been standing in Europe for more than three hundred years. For those who were not familiar with such structures, visiting a house built using half-timbered technology produces indelible impression its beauty and solidity. The possibilities that this technology opens up for design are very large and varied. The wooden frame of the house is treated with weather-resistant varnishes, complemented with modern materials, and retains an indescribable feeling of unity with nature. The house that has it all modern advantages For comfortable life, can give boundless joy to the family living in it.

Half-timbered construction projects

Fachwerk technology came to us from Europe. When constructing buildings, the northern countries used crushed stone, stone, and other building materials to fill the openings of the building frame in order to save wood building materials. At the same time, the houses were very durable and had a long service life, which lasted for hundreds of years. Skilled carpenters were able to use an ax to create masterpieces of medieval architecture that lasted from 300 to 500 years.

Modern projects The construction of half-timbered buildings is only vaguely reminiscent of buildings built in past centuries. Today builders offer a variety of bricks and polished wood. The cost of construction depends on the construction material and the area of ​​the house you want to build. The designers will present a finished project, equipped with communications and engineering networks and structures. The use of half-timbered construction technology is possible when constructing as residential buildings, cottages and dachas, and for the construction of public buildings - hotels, mini-hotels, non-standard office buildings. Construction using this method has a number of serious advantages, such as the durability and reliability of the building. The structure has a relatively light weight. To create a foundation, there is no need to drive piles, creating a particularly powerful foundation.

Finishing the facade using the half-timbered method

The cost-effectiveness of construction distinguishes construction using half-timbered technology from other methods. Finishing the facade does not require the use of expensive materials. If the customer wants to finish the facade with an imitation half-timbered style, then it is quite acceptable to use polyurethane substitutes instead of expensive wooden beams. Externally, the building looks great and has aesthetic appeal. Durability and resistance to external weather conditions will allow you to serve long years without worrying about deterioration performance qualities And appearance. The half-timbered elements are attached to the external columns using assembly ladders. Filling the voids with thermal insulation and then using finishing materials will allow you to create an imitation of the style without violating the uniqueness of the building.

Today, construction and decoration in the half-timbered style is fashion trend among those customers who want to build a durable, strong and beautiful house at an economical cost. The construction time for such a house is shorter than when building a cottage made of brick or other traditional building materials. Renaissance ancient technology emphasizes the practicality and reliability of this method. The use of thermal insulation materials makes it possible to save energy resources for heating the cottage. You can order a project based on available design documents for houses of various sizes. For particularly demanding customers, architects are ready to finalize projects in accordance with individual requirements. Having started building a house in the spring, by autumn you can have a ready, warm home for the whole family. The building is environmentally friendly; its attractive aesthetic appearance will always delight both the residents of the house and the guests who come to visit.

How to build a half-timbered house

For those who, having studied all the methods of building a cottage for themselves, settled on the method using half-timbered technology, it is worth turning to professionals to order work for the design and execution of work. The choice of land for a half-timbered house is very diverse, there are practically no restrictions. Choosing a place for your future home must be based on your own preferences. The architectural possibilities when choosing a cottage style are very wide; the project can be made in an unpretentious peasant style and a rich, fancy version for those customers who want to have big house for a family consisting of several generations. The house is suitable for year-round living, since during the development of project documentation, the supply of all utilities necessary for a modern comfortable life is developed.

Thermal conductivity and the absence of moisture and dampness inside a half-timbered house are achieved through the use of natural building materials and modern heat-insulating and water-absorbing materials, which are used in the construction of a cottage. The area of ​​the house, as well as the number of floors, is selected depending on the wishes of the customer, taking into account the number of permanent residents in the house and the purpose of the building. Build a dacha on suburban area possible using interesting, ready-made standard projects. In order to ensure the reliability of the construction, it is possible to go to the site and inspect finished building where people live. The reliability and stability of the building is ensured by the frame-axial structure. The axles create space between the posts, thereby providing design options.

Stages of construction of a half-timbered house

When starting to build a half-timbered house, it is worth remembering the main features of this particular construction method. Exterior decoration using the half-timbered method is different from any other and is the main architectural feature, emphasizing the external expressiveness of the building. Frame elements break up the white walls, making the building look elegant and simple at the same time. The entire complex of works on the construction of the facility can be divided into the following stages:

  • Development of design documentation and construction estimates.
  • Construction of the foundation for the future building.
  • Construction of the frame of the house.
  • Installation of OSB boards and filling of frame openings with thermal insulation materials.
  • Painting of walls - putty, sanding, painting.
  • Installation of ceilings, floors, utility networks.
  • Design work indoors.
  • External works on finishing the facade of the building.
  • Breakdown local area in accordance with the design project.

All this work is carried out strictly in accordance with project documentation, where each section is written. Engineering and geodetic parameters are calculated for the correct and reliable laying of the foundation. A building that was erected by a professional team of workers under the guidance of competent engineers and designers can stand for hundreds of years. The construction method using half-timbered technology is designed for long-term use of the house. At proper care maintenance of wooden structures, maintenance of the house, and regular repair work, the cottage will serve more than one generation of the family, giving joy and pleasure. Considering the speed of construction and the cost-effectiveness of the method, we can confidently say that such a building is most suitable for climatic characteristics and operating conditions in Russia.

Anyone who is sure that frame houses are a technological tribute to modern economy and protection environment, and our distant ancestors built exclusively from wood or stone - he is mistaken. In Europe, the construction of frame dwellings was widely practiced 500 years ago, and before that it was perfected for several more centuries. The technology was called “half-timbered”, which is translated from German as a frame structure.

Externally, a half-timbered house is very easy to recognize. The hallmark of this technology is beams protruding from the walls, which form a pattern of straight and inclined lines. This solution is beneficial at least because of ease of installation and ease of use.

Ancient house built using half-timbered technology, Germany

Evolution of technology

The wooden frame is one of the oldest inventions. He was known to the builders Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and their colleagues in Ancient China. Being one of the oldest methods of construction, half-timbering was common in those places where it was necessary to take care of saving wood. Simple at first, the technology underwent changes over time, developing and becoming more complex. The basis of the first buildings were beams (logs or poles) dug into the ground or clay, which served as the floor. The filling of the walls was most often also made of clay, and the roof was topped with a thatched roof.

Such a structure could not last long - the dug-in support pillars gradually became saturated with moisture, rotted and collapsed. Later, they figured out how to install the frame supports on a stone cushion sunk into the ground, and reinforce the clay for the walls with straw, branches or reeds. Over time, the development of crafts (especially shipbuilding) made it possible to produce new structural parts, beams and posts of progressive rectangular cross-section. The experience of generations of builders has shown that inclined frame parts - struts and struts - significantly improve the stability of the structure.

The construction of half-timbered houses is very popular in Scandinavia, for example in Sweden

Half-timbered houses spread throughout Europe, including the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Holland, Switzerland and France. In each country, the technology was modified, adapting to local conditions (in England, for example, walls were additionally insulated with sheep's wool). The stone foundation and logs appeared only in the 15th century.

Half-timbered houses were a common feature of the urban landscape of the 15th and 16th centuries, especially in Northern Europe - Britain, Germany and Poland. In the 18th century, the half-timbered style began to be replaced by other architectural finds and construction methods. It was remembered in the 70s of the last century, in the wake of interest in the environmental friendliness and practicality of medieval technology.

The hallmark of half-timbered wood remains its decorativeness. The frame of beams, which darken over time, remains visible, the walls are covered with light plaster, and the house takes on an elegant, festive look. In different countries, the frame beams were installed in their own way (in England and France vertically, in Switzerland and Germany - at angles), which made it possible to create an infinite variety of picturesque facades.

Modern house in half-timbered style

Modern technology

Half-timbered buildings are still a common type of structure in Europe with a recognizable load-bearing base of beams, prominently protruding beyond the plane of the facade. Modern construction techniques have preserved the classic half-timbered structure, while expanding the list of materials used. Houses using half-timbered technology are still a combination load-bearing structure And wall panels.

As a basis, a rigid spatial frame is made of timber elements (often made of wood coniferous species). The frame forms cells, which are then filled with materials chosen for the walls - from traditional natural to innovative.

The use of frame-frame construction solves several problems:

    Allows you to build a durable structure with stable parameters.

    Reduce housing construction time.

    Minimize wood consumption (and, therefore, budget).

The construction of a modern house is fast and technologically advanced

Features of building a house using half-timbered technology

With the advent of new materials and tools, the construction of houses using half-timbered technology has undergone many changes over the past few decades, maintaining main principle style - frame. The changes affected almost all structural elements:

    Foundation. Since the frame of the house is light and rigid, in most cases a shallow foundation is installed, the parameters of which are calculated taking into account the properties of the soil and the features of the project. Then the base is waterproofed and insulated with expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The foundation and the lower part of the frame are connected with anchor bolts.

    Frame. For changing traditional material(logs and poles) came with technologically advanced glued or polished timber. The structural parts (fragments of walls, roofs, terraces) are securely joined with wooden elements (dowels, tenons, dowels). Connections are made in special ways (poluman, mann, wilderman, “St. Andrew’s cross”), which must be correctly designed and positioned. Many projects use metal fasteners. Wooden elements are protected from damage with complex preparations (antiseptic, fire retardant) and varnished.

    Load-bearing walls. A feature of the technology - the filling between the beams - is not a load-bearing basis, the walls only divide the space. This opens up almost unlimited redevelopment possibilities.

    Filling wall cells. Any material is suitable for filling the cells. Internal partitions are filled with slabs with high heat and vapor barrier properties. The surface of the walls is puttied and decorated without any special restrictions.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Half-timbered house: wall material

The filler can be brick, stone and blocks of cellular concrete(foam and aerated concrete), but in the last decade there has been a tendency to use slab materials(OSB, cement bonded particle boards, drywall). It is preferable to use materials with the following characteristics:

    lightness and strength;

    moisture resistance;

    high heat-saving properties;

    environmental friendliness.

Sectional fragment of the structure (features of wall filling)

A traditional feature of the style is the method of filling - the frame is not hidden from the facade, but serves as an effective architectural detail. Internal surfaces are designed in accordance with the chosen style. For finishing choose facing materials (for example, with imitation brickwork) or plastering, which is still popular (often with decorative compounds).

A half-timbered house belongs to wooden housing construction, but the trend modern design All-glass walls become when the glazing area of ​​the house occupies at least 60% of the wall surface. This option is not designed for mass construction, since it is difficult to implement, expensive and controversial in regions with long, harsh winters (even if energy-saving double-glazed windows are installed). The design will be advantageous next to a pond or slope, when there is an illusion of merging the landscape and the interior.

A modern interpretation of the style - an elite half-timbered house with a flat roof

Roof for half-timbered

Classic European half-timbered buildings were often built with a storey overhang (where the top story protrudes above the bottom). The purpose of this architectural technique was to protect the house from precipitation - during rain, water flowed not onto the foundation, but onto the ground. In modern half-timbered houses protective function is performed by a roof with wide overhangs, borrowed from the chalet style.

Fits perfectly into the architectural style of the house gable roof, in which, in addition to overhangs, there is one more characteristic feature– lack of attic and attic. Traditionally, natural tiles can serve as a roof; although metal tiles, ondulin and soft roofing are more common.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses

Advantages of a half-timbered structure:

    Durability. It is difficult to blame the Germans for the lack of a rational approach and practicality. German builders know a lot about durability, and you don’t have to look far for evidence - many houses in Germany last 200-300 years. Of course, this also plays a role correct operation buildings, but this does not detract from the builders’ ability to select and use quality materials and methods of processing them.

    Aesthetic appeal. If you want to highlight your home, a half-timbered house is one of the most suitable options.

House designed on a slope

    Multivariate. The house adapts to any climatic conditions. The technology allows you to design large rooms (60-70 m²) without supports.

    Construction time. Approximately 3 months.

    Saving. Consists of reducing foundation costs.

    Minimum shrinkage. The frame made of chamber-dried laminated veneer lumber practically does not shrink, which allows you to avoid delays in finishing the interior.

    Openness of the design. Allows maximum use solar lighting, which is so lacking in autumn and winter. At the same time, design features do not cause difficulties with the placement of engineering communications (technological niches are provided for them in the walls and floor).

Video description

About projects of half-timbered houses in the following video:

The disadvantages of half-timbered structures are:

    Price. The development and implementation of such a project using half-timbered technology will cost more than a similar frame house of equal area. The budget is affected by the price of energy-saving double-glazed windows and laminated veneer lumber.

    Treatment. Wooden parts require regular treatment to extend their service life.

House with a lot of wooden elements that need protection

    Additional expenses. May be required if half-timbered housing is being built in a region with low winter temperatures. An effective layer of thermal insulation will increase the thickness of the walls and, consequently, the cross-section of the wall beams. Additional cash injections will require the installation of heated floors and a modern heating system.

    Fragility. A large amount of glass calls for caution. Provide safe life triplex and armored glass will help.

When designing, attention is focused on the following aspects:

    Deadlines. Construction company, for example "EcoComplete", is capable of erecting a half-timbered house as quickly as a frame-panel one. The house kit is manufactured at the factory according to the provided drawings. The speed of assembly is determined largely by the qualifications of the builders.

High-quality laminated veneer lumber is the basis of a durable structure

    Construction materials. The service life of a half-timbered house depends on the quality of the supporting beams. For a durable frame, beams made of denser and more resinous wood (for example, larch) are needed. High-quality parts have a certificate, which guarantees good drying and the absence of defects (cracks and cracks) on the surface of the timber.

    Design of ventilation and heating systems. A house with most of its walls occupied by glass needs a well-thought-out heating and ventilation system. For houses created according to an individual project, energy-saving triplex (tempered laminated glass) is selected, which does not increase heating bills and prevents the formation of moisture on the windows.

Subtleties of design

You can emphasize and enhance the originality of a home built using German technology in different ways. The following solutions will complement the recognizable architecture:

The contrasting facade is noticeable in any weather

    Using arched windows. Arched windows with wooden shutters will emphasize the originality of the architectural design.

    Enhancing color contrast. It can be considered a traditional style sign. Role decorative element The half-timbered house features a red-tiled roof and doors painted in a contrasting color to the façade.

Imitation of half-timbered style

Sometimes standard frame houses are stylized in the German style. To give the façade a spectacular, noble look, light and expensive materials are used. wooden beams, and decorative prototypes are made of polyurethane. Such parts are light in weight (even a child can lift them), are easy to install and are presented in a rich variety of materials. color palette. Artificial beams also look authentic in the interior, as a ceiling structure.

Classic style of a half-timbered house

Interior features of a half-timbered house

The interior appearance of a half-timbered house does not necessarily have to match the exterior. The peculiarity of the technology (the ability to control volume and zone space in different ways) provides unlimited possibilities for interior design. Using beams and rafters, you can create both traditional and modern styles:

    Half-timbered style(German, Scandinavian, country). The emphasis is on the color of the walls and beams: light walls require a dark frame, and vice versa. The floor is made of wood or stone (intentionally aged tiles), the walls are covered with plaster or paint. A fireplace, forged and wicker elements, and natural fabrics fit perfectly into the style. It is convenient to fasten shelves on beams, mount lighting or home appliances.

    Minimalism(or high-tech). Modern style It’s easier to play around in spacious and bright rooms with large-scale glazing; just paint the walls white (cream) and decorate the space with laconic furniture. Metal (especially forged) parts will look easy and organic in such an environment.

    Classic. No one will stop you from decorating the partitions with wallpaper and decorating the house with high-quality furniture, elegant lamps and expensive textiles, changing your home beyond recognition.

Video description

About the construction of a half-timbered chalet house and the technology itself, see the following video:

In what cases is it advisable to choose a half-timbered house?

Experts agree that the share of such houses in Russia, although increasing, remains small. Interest in the technology of constructing half-timbered houses manifests itself in different ways:

    In the economy segment. When price and energy efficiency are of paramount importance, competition with laminated veneer lumber and frame-panel houses is strong. The main advantage turned out to be unclaimed - panoramic glazing, inappropriate on a small plot of land surrounded by curious neighbors.

    In business class. The area of ​​the plot often does not allow the construction of housing with window openings on the entire wall. The budget of representatives of this category allows them to pay attention not only to cost, but also to beauty, which unexpectedly results in the construction of an imitation half-timbered house with false beams.

Facade of a modern house in half-timbered style

Projects and prices

Stylish and respectable half-timbered houses, the construction of which is most practical to entrust construction organization with solid work experience, takes about 3 months. In order for the house to be comfortable and durable, the connection of the project to the site is entrusted to a qualified specialist who is able to take into account the features of the relief. The price of the structure is affected by:

    Architecture and design. The more intricate they are (layout, location of the fireplace), the harder and more expensive the house. Modern designs often designed with balconies and terraces.

    Glazing degree. building with large windows difficult to heat, and energy-efficient double-glazed windows are not an option for every budget.

    The quality of the house kit elements. It's about wooden parts and method of insulation.

Project of a half-timbered house with a large glazing area

Average price of a house using half-timbered technology in the Moscow region:

    without finishing and utilities starts from 29-34 thousand rubles/m²;

    in business class (turnkey) – 40-45 thousand rubles/m²;

    luxury housing – from 65-70 thousand rubles/m².

Projects of classic and modern half-timbered houses cost:

    In the economy segment. Up to 100 m² – 1,100-1,600 thousand rubles, up to 200 m² – 1,800-2,400 thousand rubles, up to 300 m² – 2,700-4,500 thousand rubles.

    In the business segment (2 floors). Up to 100 m² – 4,300-5,900 thousand rubles, up to 200 m² – 6,400-8,900 thousand rubles, up to 300 m² – from 9 million rubles.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects half-timbered houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Video description

How not to build a half-timbered house in the following video:


Modern houses, built in the half-timbered architectural style - an unusual detail in the Russian countryside landscape. Such buildings attract those who like to experiment with internal space; modern technologies make such buildings environmentally friendly, energy-saving and adapted to the continental climate. Among all wooden houses namely, half-timbered structures with panoramic windows allow you to feel the presence of nature and harmony with it.

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Half-timbered houses have become one of the business cards medieval architecture. Features of this architectural style it becomes clear from the word itself - the German Fachwerk, consisting of two semantic parts: Fach, which means part, panel, section, and Werk - structure. Medieval technology turned out to be so successful that half-timbered houses - frame house projects, which appeared in Germany in the 15th century, are again popular centuries later.

Construction of half-timbered houses: technologies tested over centuries

Created in Germany, half-timbered houses, the construction technology of which has undergone virtually no significant changes, appeared as a result of an acute shortage quality wood V medieval Europe. Therefore, a wooden frame was created from wood, and the space between the beams was initially filled with clay, which was replaced by more durable materials: stone and brick. Another undoubted advantage in the Middle Ages was the ability to quickly restore a destroyed or damaged half-timbered house with your own hands. For the constantly warring Europe of that time, this was very important.

The basis of a half-timbered house is a complex wooden frame consisting of horizontal, vertical and diagonal elements, which are main feature half-timbered architectural style. Diagonal elements - braces located between beams and racks, add rigidity and strength to the structure. To create the frame structure, wood was used - spruce, oak, fir, Douglas fir, and the strength of the frame is achieved through accurate calculation of loads and precise connection of all parts.

The vertical arrangement of the beams has fully justified itself - today you can find houses built more than 500 years ago. The reason for such longevity is that rainwater flows quickly along a well-polished vertical beam, practically without lingering or being absorbed. And in this fundamental difference half-timbered houses from traditional log Russian huts, in which the logs were located horizontally and, as a result, absorbed more moisture, which led to a faster gradual destruction of the wood.

Half-timbered houses: revival of popularity

Interest in half-timbered houses was revived in the mid-70s of the last century, primarily due to the emergence of new, technologically advanced materials. Modern tendencies design made it possible to give a new sound and content to what had already become classical methods decoration and construction. And although modern half-timbered houses differ quite seriously from classical examples, they are also popular among lovers of classic European rustic style.

If clay was initially used to fill the space between the beams, then wooden panels, stone or brick, then with the advent of double-glazed glass technology it became possible to build half-timbered houses with full glazing. Full glass facade it looks very impressive and elegant, while maintaining the visual division of the wall - the main architectural feature of buildings in the half-timbered style.

One of the features of half-timbered architecture is decorative function frame. This is its main difference from ordinary frame houses, in which the load-bearing beams are hidden during finishing. The special arrangement of frame elements not only visually divides the façade into panels various shapes, but also creates a bizarre pattern (they are also called “figures”): “man”, “St. Andrew’s cross”, “wild man” and others.

Advice! To make the exterior of the house more decorative and attractive, corner posts decorate carving, and the heads of the beams protruding onto the facade are given curly forms, for example, horse's head, races, etc.

At the same time, modern technologies have made it possible to obtain warm "glass House– installed special, low-emission double-glazed windows allow short-wave solar radiation to pass through, but at the same time acts as an insurmountable barrier to long-wave thermal radiation. As a result, to calculate the heating power of such a house, the formula traditional for stone and concrete houses is often used - 1 W of power per 10 m 2. At the same time, the glass only looks fragile from the outside - in fact, it is made using technology and can reach a thickness of up to 6 mm. In addition, even if suddenly, which is unlikely in normal conditions, such glass will break, the fragments will not fly to the sides - they will remain hanging on the elastic polymer film.

As a result, using a half-timbered structure, it is possible to create large glazed areas, turning the entire facade into one large glass wall. This makes it possible to realize the effect of merging with nature and the surrounding space. The landscapes that surround the house seem to become part of the interior.

Another reason for the increased popularity of half-timbered houses was the use of glued timber instead of ordinary wood, which made it possible to build a very strong frame. At the same time, the frame elements (laminated veneer lumber and metal fastenings, which connect the frame elements) additionally act as a decorative part of the exterior and interior of the building. In addition, the durable frame allows you to create any building layout in which spacious open spaces with external glass walls are adjacent to cozy and quiet secluded rooms inside the building. And since the concept bearing wall» is absent in principle, the entire load falls on the frame, in such a house you can easily carry out redevelopment at any time.

The use of laminated veneer lumber for the frame made it possible to get rid of a number of disadvantages characteristic of natural wood:

  • increased fire safety - laminated veneer lumber ignites when more high temperatures, how ordinary tree. In addition, it does not burn, but smolders, retaining its shape and load-bearing capacity to the last, thereby giving significantly more time than natural timber for the evacuation of people
  • no shrinkage - over time, laminated veneer lumber practically does not change its properties linear dimensions, which allows you to begin interior and exterior finishing immediately after installing the frame

  • immunity to moisture, resistance to mold and fungi
  • high strength - according to this indicator, laminated veneer lumber is 2 times superior to solid wood

Half-timbered houses are firmly associated in the mind with something fabulous and European. Surprisingly, the creation of these buildings, in principle, does not require significant effort, and installing them on a suburban area is quite feasible. To do this, you certainly need to know construction technologies and use high-quality materials. When you look at houses in the half-timbered style, you want to touch them with your hands and, if not live in them, then live in them for a while in order to appreciate this building as it deserves.

History of appearance

Translated from German, “fachwerk” means “working panel”. This construction technology appeared back in the Middle Ages, when wealthy residents, for whom ancient Roman building construction techniques were completely inaccessible, were forced to rework them to suit their capabilities. The Romans, as you know, made many military campaigns, during which they built frame houses in the conquered territories. For this we used wooden log houses, which were filled with cement and gravel and thus received a frame. Later it was filled with brick and stone. Characteristic feature of these buildings, the vertical posts of the frame, struts and horizontal beams were brought to the surface. After the base and walls of the house were whitewashed with lime, the wooden components of the house stood out more and more against their background, creating a unique identity of the home.

In the period from the 14th to the 16th centuries, German, English and other European half-timbered houses were improved, and the technologies for their creation were perfected. As a result, each part of Europe developed its own decorative patterns and motifs for these buildings. They were often very complex.

Modern half-timbered houses (video)

Construction of the foundation and installation of the frame

The construction of a half-timbered house begins with the preparation of the site. It is very important to test the soil for strength. Half-timbered houses can be built on the basis of any foundation designed to create wooden house, but in terms of their weight they are quite light, having minimal impact on the soil. Accordingly, if the soil is prone to heaving and there is a lot of water inside it, then the building will be extremely unstable. To do this, the choice of foundation should be approached with all responsibility. In some cases, you can be content with columnar, slab or pile foundation, but sometimes you will need to create a tape version.

Half-timbered houses, since they have a wooden frame, largely depend on high-quality waterproofing. To do this, a layer is laid on the surface of the foundation waterproofing material and only then the strapping crown is mounted. Its cross-section must be at least 50x200 mm. All beams must be treated with antiseptics before installation to protect the wood from pests. In addition, all wooden elements are coated with a fire-resistant liquid. The binding crown subsequently becomes the basis of the frame, because all its lower parts are attached to it.

Invisible wooden wall elements, which will be hidden under the cladding, create edged boards(45x145 mm). They are also treated with materials to prevent fire and protect against pests.

The rigidity and strength of the frame of a half-timbered house is achieved by creating hidden spikes and “ dovetail" Outwardly, they may look somewhat dubious, but houses built using this technology have been standing in Europe for more than 300 years, which is the best proof of the strength of such fastenings.

After installing the frame, the house requires the creation hipped roof, which is carried out using the standard for this method rafter system. Metal tiles are most often chosen for roofing. IN general outline A half-timbered house is created like any frame house, with the only difference being that the walls are covered.

Dovetail connection

This old method fastenings wooden beams between themselves. However, it is still considered the most complex and time-consuming to create. It is best used at a distance between joints of 3 to 4 m. This is enough for half-timbered houses to receive good rigidity. As a rule, even in the most critical places of the supporting structure, the use of a “dovetail” is completely justified and does not lead to premature repairs.

Distinctive features of the style

Half-timbered houses are always wooden structures. Their basis is vertical racks, horizontal beams and braces (the so-called beams that fix the walls of houses diagonally). The pitch between the racks is traditionally kept at a distance of 3 to 4 m. Fastenings between beams and beams can be visible and invisible. In the first case, a dovetail is used, and in the second, a hidden tenon. To do this, a groove is created on one beam, and a tenon on the adjacent one.

Half-timbered houses (video)

Wall cladding

In the old days, clay and reeds were actively used for insulation and wall covering, but now the need for this has completely disappeared. Most often used for home insulation basalt wool, and for wall cladding, cement particle boards (CPB) are used, which connect the load-bearing parts of the structure. In addition, you will need a special windproof and vapor barrier material.

The inside of the house is sheathed with the usual plasterboard slabs or glass-magnesium sheets (SML). The latter type of cladding is quite unfamiliar in the post-Soviet expanses, but at the same time it makes it possible to qualitatively replace plasterboard, asbestos-cement boards, gypsum-fiber sheets and other similar materials. Its advantages are that it does not burn at all, does not absorb moisture, and withstands shocks well. That is, it is very difficult to break a glass-magnesium sheet.

Exterior wall finishing

The exterior of the house is finished using ordinary putty and white paint. All floor beams must be left untreated. The half-timbered style also requires that all roof overhangs not be hemmed, and that the braces, posts and beams remain visible. The only thing that can be done is to treat them with a special tinted wood impregnation to highlight them against the background of a white wall.

Finishing the façade of the half-timbered structure will require careful selection plastic windows, which should have a brown wood color. Today, there are many color designs for half-timbered houses with different dimensions and plans. Designers offer their clients various options The colors of the beams range from light brown to black. Accordingly, it is quite possible to create a half-timbered house with your own hands using one of them.