Message about homemade roses description. English rose – Grace

What a variety of sizes and shapes of bushes, stems, leaves, flowers, aromas this plant has - roses!

By selecting varieties and varieties accordingly, you can literally “drown” your garden in the beauty and aromas of these plants, blooming from early summer until late autumn.
These varieties include the polyanthus rose; if you choose the right species, flowering begins already in May, repeats twice and ends its color before the onset of frost.

That is why roses and is the "queen" of flowers ruling over all other flowers and eclipsing them with their beauty.

History of rose culture

A little about the history of culture, which goes back centuries. Some sources claim that roses appeared on earth even before the appearance of man, i.e. about 6 million years ago.

Other evidence (this is evidenced by excavations carried out in Europe, Asia and North America) claims that roses existed on earth 30 million years ago. Jewelry images of roses were found on the island of Crete in 2800-2100 BC.

Later, about ten centuries, images of roses appeared in painting, architecture and weaving. People tried to convey their admiration for the beauty and grace of a flower through sculptures made of clay, marble, metal, precious stones and even... movements own body: remember how many magnificent dances were dedicated to the rose. Where did the rose come from? The ancestral home of this miracle flower is not yet known for sure. Here the opinions of many scientists differ.

Some believe that the rose first appeared in China, from there later Chinese rose was brought to Europe. Others claim that most European roses come from the Middle East of Persia and Mesopotamia.

It is known that the rose is the favorite flower of the Persians- It is no coincidence that Persia was called Gulistan, the land of rose gardens.

The epithet “queen of flowers” ​​was first awarded to the rose during the period when plants began to be cultivated. This honorary title was awarded to her by the Greek poetess Sappho from the island of Lesbos.

This happened around 600 BC, although the rose looked very modest at that time. At the turn of the Middle Ages, the rose already had the names Rosa gallica (Gallic or French rose), Rosa damascena (Damascena rose), Rosa centifolia (centifolia or Provencal rose), etc. The named varieties of roses can still be found today in their original form in old gardens. Rose gardens and rose gardens initially existed only in princely parks.

In France, Empress Josephine planted her rose garden in the park near the Melmaison Palace, given to her in 1798 by her husband Napoleon the First. In 1814, 250 different varieties of roses grew in the Malmaison rose garden. By order of the Empress, they were collected not only from all over the country, but were also imported from other countries, for example from Holland, which began to engage in targeted breeding of certain varieties of roses relatively early.

A decisive role in the breeding of numerous garden roses played participation in crossing wild species and their natural hybrids, different varieties of old forms of roses.

Since the end of the 18th century, a new stage in the cultivation of roses began. Enormous work was carried out on their hybridization, selection, and introduction; more than 20 thousand varieties were bred.

In 1867, the French breeder F. Guillot, after crossing a tea rose brought from China with a remontant rose, received the first hybrid tea rose, which he called "La France". Since then, hybrid teas (also called noble teas) whose pedigree includes a large number of famous ancestors, have become the most popular group. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the number of varieties of this group alone reached more than 10 thousand.

How many varieties of roses are there, including mutations?(i.e. random changes) there are in the world today we can only say approximately. We are probably talking about a figure close to 30,000. Every year new varieties are added to this number, while the old ones are forgotten and go out of use.

Rose breeding, classical methods

Despite the fact that in modern selection Radiation and chemical mutagenesis have been used for decades, the bulk of varieties are still obtained using classical methods.

These methods have always required exceptional precision, care in selecting parental pairs, crossing, growing seedlings and a lot of time for selecting them.

Breeders have calculated that to develop one single new variety, up to 2000 seedlings are required. It takes years to develop one such variety. Besides breeders claim that there will never be a perfect, perfect rose.

This is because what breeders strive for is not limited to outside, including color, size of flowers or their aroma, and also affects such qualities as flowering duration, resistance to adverse weather conditions and disease resistance. Through continuous breeding work roses are being selected that are close to such almost ideal samples.

Rose scent, chemistry of rose scent

In the rose garden you will, first of all, be amazed by the richness and variety of colors and shapes of flowers, and upon careful examination you will see that the varieties various shapes petals, leaves, color of stems, shape of thorns and difference in aroma. Just like some large fragrant flowers (for example, peonies), roses have a wide range of scents.

In addition to their inherent, as we have already said, “habitual aroma” - roses can smell like irises, violets, apples, citron, clover, hyacinth, moss, orange, laurel, anise, lily of the valley, honey, wine, quince, geranium, pepper, parsley, raspberries. The chemistry of aroma, like color, is very complex, but it has been well studied in roses.

The volatile substances of essential oils are secreted by microscopic small glands on the upper side of the petals and create various aromas. People with a keen sense of smell perceive odors differently and especially when we're talking about

about weak-smelling varieties. There are varieties of roses

, which spread such a strong aroma that even people with ordinary charm can easily identify it. It was found that there is a relationship

between aroma, flower color, temperature and weather conditions. Dark roses smell stronger. Roses with thick petals smell more strongly than those with thinner petals. In cool weather, the aroma of roses is weaker than in warm weather. Roses growing in heavy soils rich in nutrients smell stronger than those growing in light soils. However, the excess nutrients

reduces aroma. N. Ya. Ippolitova

The rose belongs to the genus Rosehip of the Varicolored family. The plant itself is a shrub, the size of which can vary greatly from 15 cm to over 2 meters. The branches of the plant are covered with thorns, and the leaves are green and imparipinnate. We distinguish roses by color. But they differ not only on this basis. They can be dwarf, climbing, bush, tree-like, differ in the shape of the petals and aroma. There are more than 20,000 different varieties of roses, and today more and more new varieties of these beautiful flowers continue to be developed.

The rose flower is heat-loving plant, but it is able to grow and bloom in quite harsh climates. An important condition for flowering plants is sunlight. If the plant is planted in the shade, it may stop blooming or the flowering will be weak.

Rose is the queen of flowers. Every person knows about its existence. This is a very ancient plant. The first mentions of it date back to the 2nd millennium BC. Persia is considered the birthplace of the rose. Today, one of the oldest roses is considered to be a rose growing in Germany on the territory of the Hildesheim Cathedral of the Ascension of St. Mary. It is called the thousand-year-old rose, its height is 13 m, and its trunk diameter is 50 cm. This rose has its own legend: “One day in 885, King Louis went hunting and got lost in the forest. He took the cross off his chest and began to pray. After that he fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw that flowers had blossomed around the cross. rose bush. Later, on that site, he ordered the construction of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady.” During the Second World War, the bush was severely burned, but in May 1945 it came to life again and blossomed.

Hildesheim Cathedral of the Assumption of St. Mary.

Thousand-year-old rose bush.

In the USA (Arizona) in the city of Tombstone in 1885, a rose was planted, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest rose. It occupies 740 m². The diameter of its trunks is 3.7 m.

The most beautiful and expensive varieties of roses in the world:

The most beautiful varieties of roses in the world video

Pierre de Ronsard

This rose was named after the French medieval poet and literary figure. This variety of roses is considered not only beautiful, but also expensive. Louis de Funes was a big fan of these roses.

Hybrid Tea Rose – Rosa Augusta Louise

This variety of roses is one of the best. The color of this rose depends on the weather. It can be pink, wine, champagne or peach. The aroma is reminiscent of a fruity raspberry scent.

English rose – Grace

This flower peach color recognized as one of beautiful varieties English selection. It is shaped like a dahlia with a peach scent.

Rose de Resht

The Portland variety of roses was known back in the 17th century. Rasht is the name of the Iranian city from where this variety came to Europe. This is one of the most the best varieties roses, which is characterized by a strong aroma with long flowering.


This beautiful, rare variety of roses grows in the tropics and can bloom all year round.

Rainbow Rose:

This delightful rose was created by the man who owns the flower company - Peter Van de Werken. Peter cut the stem of the white rose into several sections so that each channel could carry colored water to the petals. There will be as many colors on the rose petals as there are colors.

Rare flower - twin rose:

Sometimes such roses are found in nature - there are two buds on one stem.

The smallest rose

In India, in the city of Indore, florist Sudhir Khetawat bred a rose whose inflorescence is only 1 cm in size. He devoted several years to experimenting with breeding miniature rose at the Pyramid Research Center. This miracle of nature was created thanks to the effect on the rose electromagnetic field, which stops the growth of the plant. This rose belongs to the petite polie variety. The size of its flowers usually reaches up to 3-4 cm. Botanist Sudhir Khetawat called his rose “diamond”. She, as the smallest, was entered into the national book of records. Perhaps in the future it will be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

For many generations, bouquets of roses have been especially valued. They delight with their beauty and luxury.

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Rose is one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, belonging to the genus "rose hips". Today there are about 400 wild species. The pedigree of the rose began, if you trust the research of archaeologists, 35 million years ago. How to grow a rose cultivated plant, began more than 5,000 years ago. At first they were bred in China and Egypt, and a little later they began to be grown for sale in Greece and Rome. This is how this unusually beautiful flower began its “commercial” journey.

The climate in which they are accustomed to growing is temperate. All types of roses are deciduous and covered with thorns. The biology of the rose is not simple. A flower consists of a petal, anther, filament, stigma, style, ovary, sepal and ovary. Knowledge of rose biology helps professionals, as well as ordinary gardeners, achieve maximum decorative effect. The color of these beautiful flowers is also very rich. There is a red rose, white, yellow. For many centuries, the rose has been subjected to crossing and hybridization. Thus, today the choice of roses is very diverse. The breeder Pernet-Dacha was able to develop roses of more interesting colors - peach, orange, copper.

An interesting fact is that the well-known Gallic roses have medicinal properties. The petals are used to make jams, oils, and perfumes. The Gallic rose is unpretentious, so it can be grown on soil that is not rich in fertility. Currently, biology has learned to graft roses, which allows them to be resistant to adverse factors.

Roses are distinguished by height: low (20-50 cm), medium (50-100 cm), high - more than 100 cm (they are decorative, artificially grown).

The rose is a decorative element. For example, you can decorate gazebos and alleys with these flowers.

Roses also differ in flowering time: late spring, early summer and summer. The late spring ones include: rugose, gallica, femoral-leaved, hybrid-polyantha. The variety of early summer ones consists of: park, remontant, some Pernetian, and many climbing ones. The name of this type of rose is very diverse and graceful (Madame Plantier, Ferdinand Meyer, Thousandshon, American Pilar).

Roses also vary in flowering time. Some bloom once, such as park and climbing plants. Remontant and hybrid teas bloom again. But the polyanthus bloom, and the non-polyanthus bloom continuously.

The well-known flower still amazes humanity with its beauty and grace, and therefore is a pleasant gift for any woman.

2, 3, grade. 6th grade

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  • rose flower- a symbol of beauty, since the sophistication of its delicate petals is harmoniously combined with sharp thorns. The rose is a member of the Varicolor family, the Rosehip genus. The plant in most cases is a branched shrub, the stems of which are covered with thorns; the rose has green leaves and large fragrant flowers of a wide variety of colors (see photo).

    There are many legends about the appearance of this flower, but they are all somehow connected with love. According to one legend, the rose appeared thanks to the efforts of the goddess Flora, who was unrequitedly in love with Cupid. The goddess in love decided to create a flower that would represent both sadness and joy. This is how the rose appeared. Seeing the flower, the goddess wanted to say the name of her lover, but instead of “Eros” she only managed to say “ros”. Since then, the rose, which Flora created as a symbol of unrequited feelings, has become an iconic flower for all lovers. Another legend says that the flower was born from the foam that covered the body of the ancient Greek goddess of beauty after bathing. The gods sprinkled the rose with nectar to give it a charming aroma and make it even more beautiful. Initially, the rose was snow-white, but when Aphrodite became aware of Adonis’ injury, she ran into the thicket where her lover was dying, the thorns wounded the goddess’s feet, and drops of her blood painted the white petals scarlet.

    For the first time this amazing flower began to be grown in Ancient Rome. Ancient Roman writers sang the beauty of the flower starting from the 5th century. The Romans grew roses in gardens where previously only beneficial plants (spices, medicinal herbs). During the reign of the Carolingians, roses began to be grown as medicinal flower, also noting the decorativeness and beauty of this plant.

    Garden roses became known at the end of the 18th century; at that time, amazing flowers were brought from Asia. beautiful plants, whose flowers had a pleasant aroma reminiscent of tea. The first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian sources, although Persia is considered the birthplace of the flower. The Persians believed white rose a gift to people from Allah himself. There is a version that the flower got its name in honor of the island where it first began to grow - Rhodes. This flower has been cultivated for more than 5 thousand years, as evidenced by archaeological data. The scarlet rose has always been a symbol of love; in the Middle Ages, the gentleman had to give red roses to his lady.

    Planting and growing

    You can plant and grow a rose on summer cottage, if you create everything for her the necessary conditions. Roses are generally heat-loving flowers, so they should be planted in a sunny place. Very often roses are grown from cuttings, that is vegetative way. This way roses can be grown even in a city apartment.

    For this you will need a cut rose and a potato. Potatoes contain many nutrients that will help the rose take root faster. You should make a hole in the potato where you will need to stick the cut rose. The flower in the potato will take root very quickly; as soon as this happens, the rose along with the potato should be transplanted into the ground.

    Beneficial features

    The beneficial properties of this flower are due to the presence large quantity essential oil. Rose oil is one of the most valuable in cosmetology and perfumery. The aroma of roses is included in many perfume compositions. Essential oil has a positive effect on nervous system, has a slight sedative effect. The aroma of rose stimulates brain function. In order to obtain just 1 gram of essential oil, you need to process about 30 kilograms of petals. There is even a whole valley of roses in Bulgaria, where they grow a very valuable oilseed variety Pink colour. Bulgarian rose oil is considered the best in the world. Products containing rose essential oil are also world famous and are used for facial skin care.

    Rose petals contain fatty acids that restore protective properties skin, relieve inflammation and irritation. A paste of rose petals is applied to various skin problems for 5-10 minutes. Rose petals kill painful microorganisms and promote healing. The gruel from the petals is effective for eczema, acne, and is also used to relieve inflammatory processes in psoriasis.

    Regular baths with rose petals or rose oil can also help solve skin problems. To prepare a medicinal infusion, brew a glass of petals with a glass of boiling water and leave in a sealed container to preserve the essential oils. The infusion should be added to the bath. There is no need to strain it.

    Use in cooking

    In cooking, rose flowers are used to prepare the famous rose jam. The recipe for this healthy sweet is also known under the romantic name “woman’s revenge.” To make jam, 200 grams of rose petals, a kilogram of sugar and a glass of water will be enough. The petals are covered with sugar and left to sugar for two days. After two days, prepare a syrup from sugar and water with the addition of lemon juice, then add petals in sugar to the syrup and cook until tender.

    Wild rose, or rose hip, can also be used to brew an aromatic drink, which is also called “Chinese tea.” To prepare this drink, you will have to prepare the leaves in a special way. The leaves should be dried in the shade for one day, after which they are rubbed in the palms until the leaves release juice. The prepared leaves are poured onto a baking sheet in a small layer and covered with a wet cloth. The baking sheet is kept at a temperature of 26 degrees for 6-10 hours. Then the fermented leaves are dried for 40 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. Tea is brewed as usual, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. The drink turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

    Rose flower benefits and treatment

    The benefits of roses are enormous. So, on its basis you can prepare various wound healing agents. For example, for getting rid of boils, treating burns and skin diseases prepare an ointment from butter and rose petals. For the ointment, a few grams of petals ground into powder and 100 grams of butter will be enough. The ointment turns out to be very tender and fragrant, in addition, it is quite effective due to the bactericidal properties of roses.

    IN folk medicine There are many recipes for using rose oil. This kind of oil is an excellent antiseptic, which significantly expands the range of its use. It is best to prepare rose oil based on olive oil. To do this, pour 2 cups of petals with a glass of olive oil and leave for three weeks in a dark place. During this time, the bottle of oil must be shaken from time to time. Afterwards, the mixture is filtered, and the oil is poured into another bottle. Rose oil is used externally for skin diseases or simply to care for delicate skin; the oil is used internally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking medicinal oil 1 teaspoon twice a day an hour after meals.

    For sore throat and tonsillitis sore throat Treated with rose vinegar. To prepare vinegar, pour rose petals (about 100 grams) with 9% vinegar and leave for one week. For throat diseases, vinegar is diluted with water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water; gargle with this solution several times a day until complete recovery.

    Harm to rose flowers and contraindications

    Rose can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use rose essential oil during pregnancy. Before using an essential oil, be sure to do a tolerance test of this product. To do this, apply a few drops of diluted oil to the bend of the elbow. If allergic reactions occur, use of the oil should be discontinued.

    Indian legend of the rose

    The rose has been held in high esteem in India since ancient times. A law was even created that stated that whoever brought a rose to the king could ask him for anything.

    Goddess Lakshmi is the queen of beauty and the most charming woman in the world who emerged from a rosebud.

    Muslim legend of the rose

    God created the rose. All the plants of the Earth turned to Allah to create a new ruler for them instead of Lotus, who behaves very importantly and arrogantly. Allah granted their request by giving the world extraordinary flower- rose.

    Persian legend of the rose

    The rose is a very revered flower in Persia. Even the country itself was named in her honor - the Land of Roses (Gulistan).

    Fragrant water from roses was used as a cleansing water. According to one legend, when the nightingale saw the magnificent Queen Rose, he was in great delight and, captivated, pressed himself to her chest. But sharp thorns pierced the bird's loving heart, and blood splashed onto the delicate rose petals. This is why the outer petals of roses have a pink tint.

    Rose in Christianity

    An ordinary bush became a rose. after the Virgin Mary hung Christ's swaddling clothes on him. A piece of bread that Saint Nicholas wanted to take to the poor became a rose, as a sign for a good deed.