The herb Korean horny weed is a medicinal plant: photo, description, application. An elf flower in your flowerbed or everything you need to know about the many-sided mountain weed

Botanical characteristics

Korean Horny Goat Weed, translated as Epimedium koreanum, the second name of this representative of the plant kingdom is Korean Epimedium. It is a perennial that grows up to twenty centimeters in height. This plant's leaves are colored light green color, they are quite thin.

The flowers are large, they are beautifully shaped, the petals are white or purple, with a round plate and an awl-shaped spur. They are collected in a brush in a small number or are localized singly. This representative of the plant kingdom blooms for only twenty days.

Distribution of Epimedium Koreana

Epimedium - horny weed is distributed mainly in Far East. It can be found in the forest, where it grows quite in large groups. The plant is considered decorative and rare, so it is protected and included in the Red Book.

Plant part used

The parts of Horny goat weed that are used include its rhizome, as well as the grass; these raw materials are used with therapeutic purpose, since it is rich in chemicals such as flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Since this plant is included in the Red Book, its collection in wildlife you can't do it. But there is a way out if you grow it in your dacha or garden. So, to prepare it, take scissors and carefully cut the stems. Then sort them, you may come across diseased specimens; it is not recommended to use them for subsequent harvesting.

Then lay out the cut raw materials on a pallet and place it where there is sufficient good ventilation, you don’t have to go far, put the container under the canopy. Do not forget to turn the raw materials daily, this must be done, otherwise the bottom layer will become damp, which will lead to the growth of mold and infection of the rest of the grass, in which case you will have to throw everything away.

In order not to take risks and not spoil the raw materials, you can do otherwise and use an automated dryer. These devices are designed for a quick and high-quality process of procuring raw materials; in them it will dry well and will not rot.

After it reaches the desired condition and acquires the necessary dryness, you need to take care of its further storage. To do this, it needs to be placed in woven bags, and it is recommended to lay out the grass quite loosely so that air can circulate freely between it.

It is better to store bags in a suspended state for no more than two years; after this time, the harvested raw materials will be unusable, and you can safely throw it away without even regretting what you have done. The most important thing is not to use it in an expired form, it will not bring any benefit.

Growing Korean Horny Weed

This representative of the flora prefers to grow in shady areas, so when planting it, you should take this feature into account and plant it in an area that does not receive direct sunlight.

It is worth noting that it will grow very slowly, its growth per year is no more than two centimeters. It has fairly good frost resistance, despite the fact that its leaves are thin.

Use of Korean horny weed

An infusion and decoction are prepared from this herb, which have a diuretic and stimulating effect, and they also affect the contractile activity of the uterus. They are used for sleep disorders, anemia, and psychasthenic conditions, and they also have a positive effect in heart failure.


To prepare the decoction, you will need 15 grams of Korean Horny Goat Weed herb; it must be crushed using a ceramic mortar, after which it is poured into an enamel container and a glass of boiling water is poured into it.

Then it is recommended to put the drug on water bath for ten minutes, it is recommended to reduce the heat to low to prevent boiling. Next, remove the broth from the stove, cover it with a lid, and let it brew for a while, and after a couple of hours they begin to filter it.

To strain the broth, you will need double layer gauze, they should cover a small saucepan and pour the prepared broth into it; those cakes that settle on the fabric should be squeezed out, after which they can be thrown away.

The finished broth should be stored for no more than seven days in the refrigerator, since room temperature this drug can quickly deteriorate, as pathogenic microbes will appear in it, which will cause it to ferment.

Consequently, using an expired decoction, you can get food poisoning, which will lead to dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea.

Take only freshly prepared medicine for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, blood in the urine, pain in the joints, as well as colds, hypertension, respiratory pathologies, for example, tracheitis and bronchitis.


Before using a decoction prepared from Korean horny weed for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to first consult a doctor and not neglect his advice. Therapeutic measures should always be comprehensive, that is, it is possible joint use herbal remedies with medications.

A medicinal plant that strengthens the genitourinary system. Aphrodisiac plant.

Plant properties:

Horny goat weed grows in Japan, China, and Korea. The main active ingredient is the flavonoid icariin, which improves the functioning of the reproductive and urinary system in both men and women; in oriental medicine it is considered the most effective means treatment of gynecological and male diseases.

  • Normalizes kidney function and urination, helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Normalizes blood pressure because it thins the blood, dilates blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Due to its property of thinning the blood, it is a means of preventing heart attacks, strokes and many other diseases that are accompanied by thickening of the blood;
  • Improves blood circulation in blood vessels and capillaries, due to which it has a positive effect on the liver, kidneys and reproductive system;
  • Improves potency in men, prevents premature ejaculation, increases sensuality and desire in women;
  • Rejuvenates and prevents the formation of wrinkles, maintains normal skin moisture;
  • Eliminates dizziness, loss of strength, fatigue and stress, acts as an antidepressant, improves memory and attention; has general strengthening and tonic properties.

For men is a natural Viagra - improves erectile function and also promotes growth muscle mass, increases testosterone levels, improves bone strength, improves mood.

Among women Horny weed extract is used for disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Improves ovarian function, normalizes hormonal background. Prevents the development of osteoporosis and hot flashes, normalizes blood pressure during menopause.


horny weed extract 100%


Dilute 1/3 teaspoon of extract (750 mg) in 1/2 glass of water or any drink and drink. Consume in the morning! Take 1-2 times a day. For health and improvement of overall tone, take 1 time a day or every other day; athletes can take 2 times a day.


How the aphrodisiac manifests itself on the 5-7th day of use: men begin to feel an improvement in potency, women begin to increase their libido. To achieve a lasting healing effect, a course of treatment is required.

Take every day for 4 weeks, then break for 10 days. For prostatitis, to improve potency, for gynecological disorders, it is recommended to take it for three months, then continue as needed. When taken once daily, one bottle lasts approximately 15-20 days.

Side effects in case of overdose:

extremely rare, practically never found. In rare cases, tachycardia, excessive excitability and aggressiveness are possible.


individual intolerance; during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor.


10:1 (10 kg of raw materials consumed per 1 kg of extract). Raw materials used: stem and leaf.

Package:bottle with spoon, net weight: 15 g.

Epimedium, or Korean horny weed, is a medicinal plant classified in the barberry family. The rich component composition of the herbal culture ensures its ability to stimulate the male reproductive system. The advantage of using epimedium for medicinal purposes is the absence of contraindications.

The plant is a perennial herb with a creeping rhizome. The leaves are located on the stems or in the root region. The petal-shaped leaf plates have medium-sized teeth.

Plant composition

Pharmacists include the following chemical ingredients in horny weed:

  • steroids (b-sitosterol, campesterol)
  • alkaloids (deoxymethylicariin, magnoflorin)
  • glycosides (epimedin and quercetin, icariside and icariin)
  • flavonoids
  • higher aliphatic hydrocarbons (nonacosane, n-gentriacontane)
  • saponins

Healing properties of epimedium

The benefits of herbal plants for potency

Systematic use of infusions and decoctions based on horny weed leads to an increase in the rate of spermatogenesis, and the number of sperm in the ejaculate increases. A man gets the opportunity to cope with the signs of infertility due to increased sperm activity and an increased likelihood of egg fertilization during sexual intercourse.

In addition to stimulating sperm production, the extract medicinal plant allows you to achieve activation of the testes responsible for the secretion of the male sex hormone. If the body is regularly supplied with a sufficient amount of testosterone, then a man does not experience a decrease in libido and can maintain his usual level of sexual activity.

The components of the medicinal plant help normalize blood circulation processes. Thus, regular use of Korean horny weed can help men suffering from weak and short-lived erections. The use of epimedium-based products will help increase blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the male genital organ, and achieve sufficiently strong and long-lasting rigidity of the penis in an excited state.

The general strengthening properties of the plant substance make it possible to strengthen the body’s immune defense and eliminate negative factors that contribute to the weakening of the reproductive and urinary systems. The herb prevents premature ejaculation in men, allowing for complete satisfaction of sexual partners.

In Chinese medicine, horny weed is considered a highly effective herbal aphrodisiac. It provides increased libido in men and women. Carrying out a course of herbal medicine allows you to stimulate sensory nerves and increase the sensitivity of the pelvic organs. Thus, the use of herbal concentrate increases the amount of pleasant sensations that partners experience during intimacy, increasing the intensity and duration of orgasm.

Other healing properties of horny weed

The plant is used to prevent cardiovascular pathologies. It has the ability to level out increased arterial pressure, eliminate migraines and dizziness. Preparations based on herbal concentrate from epimedium can eliminate weakness of the limbs and increase muscle tone, avoiding rheumatoid joint pain. Medicines It is recommended to use if there is a high risk of developing convulsive attacks, with numbness and contracture of muscle tissue.

Infusions with medicinal herbs are taken by women experiencing menopause. Korean horny weed stabilizes mood, helps avoid sharp changes emotional state and maintain a high level of performance.

The use of herbal teas and decoctions ensures that the required speed of neuronal interaction is maintained. These properties are useful not only for the development of timely sexual arousal, but also for maintaining high level intellectual activity, increased concentration and excellent memory.

The healing properties of the plant help to avoid damage to the kidneys and liver, destructive processes and stone formation in the gall bladder and the development of pathologies of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that the use of drugs based on Korean horny weed is indicated for chronic radiation sickness, since the plant extract produces an intense antitoxic effect.

Epimedium helps cope with frequent urination, regulates fluid levels in the body, and helps eliminate toxins and waste. The positive effects of horny goat weed ingredients provide skin rejuvenation and get rid of shallow expression wrinkles. The use of creams and tonics with the addition of herbs allows you to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Swanson® Horny goat weed extract (sex tonic), 10% Icariin, 500 mg.

Quantity: 120 capsules for 60 days of use.

Each Swanson tablet ® Horny Goat Weed Extract contains 500 mg standardized extract of Horny goat weed, 10% of the extract consists of the flavonoid Icariin, one of the active ingredients this plant.

Horny Goat Weed originates in China, where it is called Yin Yang Huo, because it is a tonic for the feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang). We call it Horny Goat Weed Goryanka.

Goryanka affects testosterone levels in men and increases sexual desire in women. Studies have shown that Horny goat weed increases sperm count, and also stimulates the psyche and dilates blood vessels. In addition, horny weed lowers blood pressure and generally has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Horny goat weed plant- one of the most valuable tonic and strengthening agents in Chinese herbal medicine and is used predominantly to maintain healthy sexual activity.

Modern research confirms that Goryanka:

  • improves kidney function, normalizes urination;
  • normalizes fluid exchange in the body;
  • dilates capillaries and large blood vessels, dilutes
  • blood and helps balance blood pressure;
  • improves circulation in those parts of the bloodstream that nourish the liver and kidneys;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • excites sensuality;
  • prevents premature ejaculation in men;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • helps retain moisture in the skin, which prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • eliminates dizziness;
  • eliminates fatigue, relieves stress;
  • has a general strengthening and mild tonic effect.
  • Studies have shown that horny weed increases levels of adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.
  • Dopamine determines the effectiveness of this plant as a tonic. Increased levels of dopamine in the body trigger a reaction that leads to the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone.
  • In addition, the active substances of horny weed have been shown to increase the sensitivity of nerve endings, which explains the increase in libido and increased sexual sensations.

Goryanka widely used in folk medicineChina, Korea and Japan.

Take according to 1 capsule twice a day , between meals.


Supplement Facts

Serving size - 1 capsule. The package contains 120 servings.

Quantity per serving % Daily Value
Horny goat weed extract (leaves), 500 mg
(10% Flavonoids like Icariin)

†Daily dosage not determined.

Other Ingredients:

Microcrystalline cellulose, acacia gum, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum and silica.

Made in the USA

Shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture.


Horny weed extract

When I told Jerry, the President, that I wanted to see the herb markets, he took it as a clear request to take us to the largest herb market on Earth. "We're going to the herb market in Bozhou, which will require a bit of traveling." Jerry told us. The 12-hour road trip took us from Shanghai, to the coast of Jiangsu Province, China's Central Plains region in the far northwest corner of neighboring Anhui Province. horny weed extract. IN agriculture The diverse region is also home to large-scale cultivation of numerous crops, including an astounding 600,000 acres medicinal herbs! Bozhou has a history of more than 400 years in the commercial cultivation and trade of medicinal herbs, and the city is home to the annual Chinese National Herbal Fair. Of the four major grass markets in China, Bozhou is the largest. Occupying 85 acres, the market is home to over 6,000 traders who sell their wares a healthy five days a week. buy horny weed at the pharmacy, with annual sales of approximately $600 million in the US No amount of advance explanation could adequately prepare for us on a large scale in a market that was packed with thousands of people and thousands of herbal displays. Large jute and hemp bags of loose herbs stood packed opposite each other from one end of the hall to the other. As we fought the topical crowd, Jerry explained the use of various medicinal herbs. When the dealers noticed our obvious interest in Goryanka, they burst into smiles. "Very good for sex," one told us. Also noted, "It will make you sexually strong." The comments we received were pretty universal. I asked about the tonnage that was sold each year. Nobody knew, of course, but traders estimated sales of more than 100 tons per year. Without a doubt, among the amazing spectacle of the world's largest herbs market, horny goat weed price, Horny weed goat has been declared the reigning king of herbal sex enhancers. After our stay in Bozhou, we headed in a southeast direction to a large mountainous region in the northern corner of Zhejiang Province. About ten hours of difficult driving put us there. The next day, as we climbed the majestic mountain, a botanist named Shen explained the collection of Horny goat weed. "All Horny Goat Weed is defined as wild. It grows all over, so there is a lot. We only ever collect leaves, never roots. So Horny Goat Weed is always there. And since no one applies any chemical substances V wild plants"He is clean and pure." The tropical sun beat down on us as we emerged from the forest, and we were sweating as we made our way up the mountains, horny goat weed preparations. “Most of the mountain weed has already been taken this year,” Shen told us. "But further near the peak we will find a lot. The pickers don't like to climb that high." Further up we came to a rock outcrop, where we saw clusters of Goryanka. From this point on, in the direction of the peak, we found numerous clusters that had escaped the attention of the pickers, which were collected by the plant only a month ago. It wasn't climbing Everest, but it wasn't a walk in the park either. We were hot, drenched in sweat and in high spirits. You probably won't drive to pick up. Instead, you'll probably go to a health food store where supplements are available. Look for supplements that deliver around 500 milligrams per capsule. The best products are those that are standard flavonoids called Icariin. You will find horny goat weed products that contain 10 percent Icariin. Two to four capsules a day should be enough to boost your libido and the sagging juices of your sex life. Remember that horny goat weed has been safe to use for over 2,000 years. Cause? It works. While the name may inspire a few laughs, many people are taking a serious look at using the horny goat weed supplement to correct erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is defined as the inability to get and maintain an erection sufficient to have sex. Most men have experienced times when an erection is simply not in the cards. If this happens on a regular basis, though, you may have to have ED. Although you can have ED at any age, it becomes more common as a man ages. In the United States, approximately 5 percent of 40-year-old men and somewhere between 15 and 25 percent of 65-year-old men have ED, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. When you are sexually stimulated, nitric oxide signals a substance called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which causes smooth muscle to relax, causing blood to flow into the three tubular cylinders in the penis, which then leads to an erection.

Horny Weed Root (Epimedium) Ancient China used as an effective amplifier male potency. In fact, this product contains a whole complex of vital healing substances, thanks to which the rhizome has a general healing effect on the human body, helping to get rid of a number of diseases and problems.

Indications for use

Horny goat weed root is a proven remedy for treating:

  • menopause. During the period of female menopause, horny goat weed root normalizes blood pressure and stimulates the release of endorphins, resulting in improved mood and improved well-being;
  • impotence, low libido in men. Horny goat weed is a plant that is most often used specifically to normalize the sexual function of men. The use of horny goat weed stimulates the sensory nerves, which increases sexual activity and increases the production of healthy and productive sperm. This plant also normalizes the secretion of the male sex hormone - testosterone;
  • infertility (male, female).

Beneficial features

Horny goat weed rhizomes have the following effects on the human body:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • exciting. The root increases libido, improves erectile function;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilator;
  • antibacterial;
  • cleansing. Regular use of horny goat weed preparations helps eliminate toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • stimulating reproductive function.
  • speeds up thought processes, improves memory, increases alertness


Like other parts of the plant, the root of horny weed contains a complex of useful substances:

  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • Icariin is a flavonoid that promotes muscle growth and strengthens bone tissue, and also has a Viagra-like effect.

Mode of application

Epimedium root can be brewed as a regular tea drink. For this, 1 tsp. chopped rhizomes are poured into a cup (250 ml) with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The maximum daily dose of roots is 15 g (about 3 tsp), an overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences: increased heart rate, upset stomach, etc.


Thyroid diseases, individual hypersensitivity, lactation, pregnancy.

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