Lugol spray official instructions. Treating a child's sore throat with Lugol's solution - review

To treat inflammation in the mouth and throat, a variety of local drugs, the action of which is based on the destruction of bacteria at the site of the disease and the removal of the inflammatory process. To achieve such results, both modern, well-advertised formulations and time-tested, well-known products can be used. Lugol spray is an antiseptic drug and is an improved form of a product that has long been known to everyone. Its use is possible for both children and adults, and the effectiveness will be high in any case.

Composition of the drug

The product is available in dark glass bottles with a dispenser in volumes of 25, 30, 50 and 60 milliliters. Lugol's action is based on the inclusion of molecular iodine in an amount of 1%. Auxiliary components of the composition are potassium iodide (necessary for dissolving iodine in water), purified water and glycerol. The substance has a rich red-brown color and a specific iodine aroma. The spray belongs to the group of low-toxic products.

What does Lugol's spray with glycerin help with?

The drug in question has a local irritating effect and also acts as an antiseptic, thereby destroying bacteria in the application area. Using the product in the form of a spray allows you to get a pronounced local effect, which is especially important for sore throat to combat unpleasant symptoms.

Lugol exhibits activity in both gram-positive and gram-negative environments. Regarding Staphylococcus aureus, the effect of the drug is not pronounced, however, with long-term use, a pronounced positive effect is observed (according to research data, in the vast majority of cases of treatment for staphylococcal tonsillitis, the result was positive). But iodine is not at all effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Glycerol in the composition acts as a means of preventing fluid retention in tissues, relieves swelling of the treated area, and also promotes the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane.

When using the spray, there is no excessive absorption of the product through the skin and mucous membranes; negative effects can only occur if the product is accidentally swallowed in a large volume.

Indications for use for the throat

Based on the directions of activity of the drug, it is obvious that its use is advisable for various infectious and inflammatory processes localized in the oral cavity and pharynx. The effectiveness of the drug is high for purulent tonsillitis, but when an elevated temperature appears, its usefulness is lost. Also, the drug cannot be combined with thiosulfate, as it neutralizes iodine. The use of the spray is not recommended together with essential oils. The product has an exclusively local effect and therefore cannot act as the only method of therapy.

Instructions for use for children and adults

Before you start using a new bottle, you need to make a few presses with the sprayer into the air so that the liquid can rise through the tube and the sprayer will dispense a full dose. The patient needs to position the dispenser nozzle towards the affected area (it is advisable to achieve the most accurate contact with the affected areas) and perform the prescribed number of sprays. Usually 5 procedures are required during the day. In order to avoid getting the drug into the lower respiratory tract during spraying, you should hold your breath.

After the procedure, the tip should not be removed from the bottle again, as there is a risk of damaging the spray system and rendering the bottle functionally unusable. It is worth considering that storing the drug at temperatures above 40 degrees and at sunlight prohibited, since under such conditions active iodine quickly decomposes.

How to spray on skin

The product can be used by analogy with a solution as part of the treatment of skin damage due to infection, as well as for the treatment of burns of both a chemical and thermal nature. The drug is sprayed several times onto the damaged area of ​​the skin to achieve complete coverage of the affected area with the spray. Sometimes more effective method It turns out that lotions are created from pieces of fabric pre-moistened with a spray.

Applications for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis and laryngitis

For pharyngitis, sore throat, laryngitis and other types of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx, it is most convenient to use a spray. The treatment is carried out one spray 4-6 times a day throughout the entire period of the disease - this dosage is standard and suitable for all patients, but it can be adjusted by the attending physician. It is worth understanding that this form of the drug has clear advantages:

  • precise dosing, which makes the use of the product safe in childhood;
  • economical consumption;
  • high efficiency due to targeted local impact.

When irrigating the throat, you should be prepared for the fact that the drug has a specific aroma and taste, and can also provoke a slight burning sensation. That is why spraying sometimes provokes a gag reflex.

At what age can the medicine be used in children?

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it can only be used after reaching the age of 5 years. This limitation is due to several factors. Thus, for children, especially under one year of age, the spray form of drug administration is dangerous due to the high probability of laryngospasm. Secondly, iodine easily penetrates into the general bloodstream and easily spreads throughout the body, which, given the small weight of the baby, increases the risk of developing an overdose reaction. In addition, Lugol is a rather active drug, and in children it can cause irritation and even burns of the mucous membranes. For children over 5 years old, the usual dosage is 1 injection three times a day.

Is it possible to swallow Lugol's spray?

Lugol's spray is intended for topical use, but given that it is used to treat the oral cavity, the possibility of ingestion is not excluded. It is worth understanding that a slight ingress of the composition into the digestive system, although undesirable, will not cause harm. Only ingestion of the product in large volumes, which can cause severe irritation and burns to the mucous membranes, is considered dangerous.

Lugol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate that its use may pose a potential danger to the developing fetus, but only if it is used expectant mother in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and for a period exceeding 4 days. The local effect of the drug makes it possible to use it for short periods of time. early stages pregnancy.

As for breastfeeding, you will have to stop using Lugol. Iodine (especially when dosages are exceeded) penetrates into breast milk, and could potentially affect function thyroid gland baby.

Overdose and side effects

Considering the specificity of the form of the drug in question and the experience of its use by patients, an overdose situation is unlikely. But in the event that the drug accidentally enters the body large quantities, unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • severe irritation of the respiratory tract, which threatens chemical burns and the development of spasms;
  • upon penetration into the digestive tract, severe irritation of the mucous membranes occurs and disruption of the thyroid gland may occur.

Overdose is treated with the standard method - gastric lavage or intravenous administration of an iodine neutralizer (sodium thiosulfate).

Long-term use also threatens the development of side effects from the drug, namely an allergic reaction. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, runny nose, swelling of the respiratory tract, and increased production of tears and saliva. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor.


The first point in contraindications to the spray is individual intolerance to products with iodine. Restrictions also include:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • dermatitis due to herpes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

The use of the product on the skin is prohibited in the presence of acne, boils and urticaria.


Lugol's spray is many times more expensive than a simple solution, but its price still remains affordable for most patients, especially compared to other remedies prescribed for sore throat. Spray available various companies, and the product itself remains fully replaceable. Thus, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find drugs produced by Lekar (Russia), Valensis (Lithuania), Vialine from IPOK cosmetics (Russia), etc.

Lugol has no analogues in composition, so we can single out only a few products that can also be used for infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat as antiseptics: Adjisept, Vokasept, Hexoral, Rinza, AngiSept, Hepilor, etc.

Children's Lugol's spray is an antiseptic intended for topical use, which contains molecular iodine. Below are instructions for using Lugol spray for children and adults, dosage and reviews of effectiveness.

This substance has a local irritant and antiseptic effect, suppresses bacteria in gram-positive and gram-negative flora. Molecular iodine is also effective in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, including yeast. When the substances included in the drug get on large surfaces of the mucous membranes, a local effect is exerted, which in case of purulent sore throat allows eliminating the symptoms of the disease in a short period of time.

Lugol's spray for children is not effective enough against Staphylococcus aureus, but with prolonged use it can suppress the staphylococcal flora. In 80% of cases, treatment of sore throat caused by Staphylococcus aureus was successful. Instructions for use indicate the fact that this remedy is not effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa because it is resistant to molecular iodine.

The price of the drug depends on the manufacturer and varies from 100 to 130 rubles. Reviews of Lugol in the form of a spray used for purulent tonsillitis leave much to be desired, because of the occurrence of side effects and weakening of the antiseptic properties in in this case can rarely be avoided.

Action of the drug (pharmacokinetics)

Instructions for use of the drug provide extensive information about the effects of Lugol on the body. When using the drug, a small amount of the active substances included in its composition is absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin.

Molecular iodine, when interacting with the oral mucosa, is converted into iodides by 30%. If the drug was accidentally swallowed, you should seek help from a doctor. Iodine is rapidly absorbed and excreted through the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, through sweat and feces.

Indications for use

Lugol spray is prescribed in the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and pharyngeal area in adults and children. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use this remedy for the treatment of purulent sore throat. During lactation, the drug can be used only if the expected benefits for the woman outweigh the potential risks for the child.

The instructions for the drug inform you what to take medicine for angina, it should not be taken together with medications that contain thiosulfate, because this substance inactivates iodine. Lugol in the form of a spray is not recommended for use with ammonia solutions and essential oils. Acidic and alkaline environments, pus and blood weaken the antiseptic properties of Lugol.

This spray should be used only for mild forms of purulent tonsillitis, if the heat, then using Lugol is not effective. In this case, doctors prescribe oral antibiotics and recommend interrupting the course of treatment with the spray.


Taking Lugol in the form of a spray is not recommended for purulent sore throat for those people who have increased sensitivity to the molecular iodine included in the drug. If you are intolerant to other components, you should not use the medicine.

Experts advise patients with decompensated kidney and liver diseases, dermatitis herpetiformis and thyrotoxicosis to be treated with Lugol spray with caution.

Side effects

Lugol's for sore throat for children and adults should not be taken without a doctor's prescription, because this remedy has a number of adverse reactions on the body:

  • Rhinitis;
  • Hives;
  • lacrimation;
  • Acne;
  • Salivation;
  • Angioedema.

The listed consequences are allergic in nature, and, given patient reviews, occur quite rarely. Basically, for angina, the drug effectively fights not only the symptoms of the disease, but also helps eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Instructions for use of Lugol recommend that if side effects occur, contact a specialist for assistance.

Dosage and overdose

For purulent sore throat, Lugol is taken topically no more than 4-6 times a day in the form of irrigation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx and pharynx. It is recommended to spray the drug with one click on the spray head. When the medicine gets on the mucous membrane, you should hold your breath. Contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes should be avoided, but if this cannot be avoided, it is recommended to rinse the affected areas with sodium thiosulfate solution or plain water.

Considering the statistics and reviews of patients using this drug, an overdose is unlikely. But if, nevertheless, a larger amount of the drug enters the body than is recommended in the instructions for use, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Irritation of the upper respiratory tract - burn, laryngobronchospasm;
  • Penetration into the gastrointestinal tract – development of hemoglobinuria and hemolysis.

Treatment of overdose is carried out by gastric lavage (if the drug is ingested) with a 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, sodium bicarbonate solution and intravenous administration of 30% sodium thiosulfate in an amount not exceeding 300 ml.

A lethal dose is considered to be approximately 300 ml of the drug, which contains 3 molecular iodine.

Advantages and disadvantages of using Lugol spray

  • High efficiency and pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • Economical consumption and reasonable price (100 rubles);
  • Accurate dosing, ease of use for sore throat in children;
  • Possibility of use for the prevention of thyroid diseases.

The disadvantages of this drug include its specific taste and smell. Reviews about this medicine indicate the fact that when treating a throat in children, the moment the medicine hits the mucous membranes, a gag reflex occurs. After irrigation, an unpleasant burning sensation appears in the throat, which leads to crying and childish whims.

The price of Lugol spray is 10 times higher than the cost of a solution with a similar composition - this is another significant drawback. Reviews from patients who are treated with Lugol in the form of a spray dispute the fact that the solution is supplied in uniform doses, because the stream from the sprayer depends on the power of pressing the dispenser.

Despite the fact that the price of Lugol in the form of a spray is overpriced, it is still more convenient to use the drug in this form. The effectiveness of the drug, according to most experts, is great if used as recommended and under the supervision of a doctor.

"Lugol" is one of the drugs that is familiar to everyone since childhood. The drug is effective for throat diseases caused by infection. Relieves inflammation and renews the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. The instructions for use of the Lugol spray indicate that the drug is antiseptic and suitable for topical use.

"Lugol" is available as a spray for atomization and a solution for external use. The liquid is bottled in dark glass bottles. Depending on the release form, it has a spray nozzle or a dropper. The first option is in great demand due to its ease of use.

Thanks to the spray, the medicine is applied easily and quickly with one click. In the second case, you cannot do without a cotton swab. It is moistened in liquid, and then the affected areas are lubricated. Despite this type of use, the medicine is also purchased for the treatment of various diseases. The drug is safe to use and effective, therefore it is prescribed to children and adults.

The description of all drugs is almost the same, with the exception of some additional components. The main component of Lugol is iodine. If a person buys a solution with glycerin, it is clear from the name that it contains this substance. Glycerin is necessary because it creates a protective film on damaged tissues, which has an enveloping effect and eliminates swelling. Excipients are potassium iodide and purified water.

There is another variety of “Lugol” - “Vialine”. Works in the same way as a glycerin-based solution or regular spray. It differs in composition. Vialine is based on sea ​​salt and other additional components. Salt liquid destroys pathogens, disinfects damaged tissue and promotes rapid healing.

How does Lugol spray work?

Iodine - main component medicines with bactericidal properties. The action is the ability to disrupt the metabolic processes of pathogenic organisms. When iodine comes into direct contact with gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, viruses, bacteria and fungi begin to coagulate and die as a result.

Iodine is well absorbed by the human body and takes part in the formation of thyroid hormones.

Pros and cons of the drug

Due to the list of advantages, many expensive medicines are inferior to Lugol. Benefits of use:

  1. Low cost.
  2. High efficiency.
  3. Economical use.
  4. Safety in use.
  5. The hygiene of the medicine is due to the well-thought-out release form.
  6. It is used as a prophylaxis for thyroid diseases, as it contains iodine.

If a person uses the medicine according to the doctor's instructions, an overdose is impossible. The dispenser on the bottle does not allow you to inject more product than you should.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. Iodine can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. If the patient has a reaction to iodine, the doctor should be informed.
  2. Not every patient can tolerate the specific taste of the drug. This often triggers a gag reflex.
  3. The use of Lugol's spray in childhood often leads to laryngospasms.
  4. When applying the product to the mucous membranes, a person may feel a burning sensation. Because of this, the patient refuses reuse spray.

If Lugol with glycerin was chosen for treatment, it is important to know that it has a viscous consistency. The substance in the composition envelops the mucous membranes. But children and adults do not like this structure. They experience discomfort during application of the drug. If the drug is used incorrectly and carelessly, iodine can get on clothes, and the stain cannot be removed.

Indications and contraindications

Lugol spray is prescribed to patients for the treatment of various pathological conditions. Iodine helps with sore throat. Used for sore throat and fungal infection tissues of the oropharynx. Facilitates the patient's condition with chronic tonsillitis.

Regarding angina, when the disease is purulent, it is used simultaneously with other medicinal components. Used for pharyngitis in adults. It is highly effective against laryngitis. Heals wounds and ulcers in a sore throat and speeds up the healing process.

Indications for use also include inflammation of the gums. "Lugol" spray is an excellent prophylactic remedy after tooth extraction. Allows you to avoid the spread of infection throughout the oral cavity. Treats such unpleasant ailments as stomatitis and glossitis, caused by bacteria or infection.

In what cases is it prohibited to use?

It is not recommended to use for treatment if there is mechanical damage to the tonsils. Patients with kidney and liver pathologies are also recommended to refrain from using Lugol. The spray is prohibited among children under 3 years of age. Contraindications include individual intolerance to iodine. Hypersensitivity to this component can cause serious illness in humans.

Directions for use and dosage for adults

Usage depends on the chosen form of the drug. The spray is used no more than 6 times a day. Adults irrigate the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and pharynx by pressing the bottle dispenser once. The instruction manual recommends holding your breath during this time.

When using the spray, avoid getting the liquid into your eyes. Otherwise, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membranes with plenty of water.

If a person does not know how to use the drug, they should carefully study the instructions and consult their doctor. When treating diseases of the ENT organs, you can rinse sore throat. Adults are advised to irrigate the nasopharynx no more than 3 times a week to maintain a healthy condition. The duration of therapy is determined in each specific case individually.

Using the solution is a little different. This may be the usual form of the drug or with the addition of glycerin. How are the mucous membranes treated in this case? All the patient needs to do is soak cotton wool in the solution and apply it to the affected area.

Features of taking "Lugol" spray in children

New parents often wonder at what age they can give Lugol to their babies. The instructions indicate that the spray is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age. What is the reason for such categoricalness? The ban is due to children’s lack of understanding of how to behave if the solution gets into the oropharynx.

The baby feels some unpleasant liquid and wants to swallow it as quickly as possible. If iodine enters the digestive tract, it causes irritation. The substance also penetrates the thyroid gland, causing dysfunction. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully carry out treatment for young children.

Lugol is also contraindicated for babies under one year old, since the body is in the process of formation. Doctors recommend using. Injection of the drug is more easily tolerated by patients compared to lubrication. In addition, it is less traumatic. The dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the disease and the patient’s well-being.

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women take it?

The use of Lugol's spray in conditions such as pregnancy is prohibited. While the instructions contain important point Contraindications include pregnancy in the first trimester. At the beginning of gestation, iodine can penetrate into the thyroid gland and lead to its dysfunction. If the organ begins to function incorrectly, this negatively affects the development of the baby. Pregnancy can also be complicated - the fetus stops developing and a miscarriage is possible.

In this matter, the approach to treatment is not so categorical. At breastfeeding"Lugol" is allowed, but there are some nuances. Treatment can be carried out on a woman only after examining the disease and the well-being of the mother and child. If the benefit of use outweighs the risk to the child’s body, the doctor prescribes Lugol.

Overdose and side effects

"Lugol" is an effective and safe drug. But even in this case, it can provoke side effects. Urticaria and rhinitis are noticed in adults and children. There is abundant production of saliva, the eyes fill with tears. The skin also suffers, as it becomes covered with a small rash.

The fact that the nervous system is suffering can be understood by a person’s nervousness, bad sleep at night time. Hyperhidrosis develops. In adult patients, tachycardia is diagnosed. Diarrhea and other digestive system disorders may occur.

Drug interactions

"Lugol" in the form of a spray is often included in complex therapy for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs. The potency of the solution may be reduced if the treatment medium is coated with blood, pus or fat. The effect of the drug slows down in acidic and alkaline environments. "Lugol" is a medicine that cannot be combined with essential oils and solutions that contain ammonia.

Iodine contributes to the deterioration of medical items made of metal.

special instructions

Before using Lugol, it is recommended to cleanse the mucous membranes of blood, purulent secretions and mucus. This rule will allow you to quickly obtain a therapeutic effect from use. Lugol is prohibited for patients with increased iodine production. This phenomenon is observed in people with thyroid dysfunction. If the need for treatment is too high, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Conditions for purchasing and storing the drug

The spray is freely available in pharmacy kiosks. To purchase, you do not need to have a doctor's prescription with you. Due to the simple components in the composition, the medicine has an acceptable cost. It is very common and therefore available in every pharmacy.

The spray remains suitable for 3 years. For long-term storage, it is necessary to keep Lugol in a dark place to avoid direct sunlight. This place should be cool. If a stored drug becomes expired, it is thrown away, since instead of being useful, it can cause harm.

The patient is prohibited from replacing the drug on his own. If Lugol is not suitable, you should inform your doctor. He will select the most effective analogue among all available ones. Each drug has its own contraindications, special medicinal composition and instructions for use. Treatment with the selected analogue has age and dosage restrictions.

Iodine in the drug acts as an antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance. The Lugol's shape allows it to be used safely, easily and quickly. Despite the antiseptic effect, it does not have negative influence on the body as a whole. The components of the drug act exclusively at the site of the lesion. In order for the therapy to be beneficial, it is recommended to follow the specialist’s instructions, not to exceed the dose and observe the frequency of use of the spray.

Sore throat is an infectious disease that stimulates the inflammatory process in the larynx and palatine tonsils. To relieve pain and eliminate pathogenic bacteria, doctors recommend using Lugol's medication for purulent sore throat. The medicine is prescribed as a component of complex therapy after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Before administration, you need to identify all the advantages and disadvantages of the drug, as well as determine its method of use.

Characteristics, composition and release form

Using Lugol reveals positive results with a therapeutic effect on sore throat. The drug has an antibacterial effect on the affected area and exhibits antiseptic properties. By using Lugol, a long-lasting bactericidal effect is stimulated.

Lugol's action is revealed thanks to active component, which is molecular type iodine, diluted in advance with distilled water for ease of use.

Auxiliary components that further increase the effect of the drug are potassium iodide and glycerol. The first allows iodine to dissolve more effectively in the liquid, the second softens the effect of iodine irritation on the affected area.

As part of combination therapy, Lugol has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, killing staphylococcal bacteria. Although the latter have sufficient resistance to iodine.

Lugol is recommended for use in the development of purulent tonsillitis in children and adults. It works most effectively during the inflammatory process affecting the oral mucosa. Lugol can be used for various forms and types of sore throat. At the first symptoms of the formation of a sore throat, its effect is revealed to be effective.

In the pharmacy, Lugol is sold in the form of a spray and solution. The drug does not differ in internal composition. The only difference is the design of the bottle. When diluted, the drug is placed in a dark-colored glass bottle.

In the case of a spray bottle, there is an additional spray nozzle. This device is more suitable for spraying the product onto the tonsils and back wall larynx in the treatment of children. The solution is convenient for the treatment of sore throat in adults. Each form of release is good and useful in its own way.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Patients who have tried Lugol in solution and spray for purulent sore throat highlight the following advantages of the medication over other medications:

  1. Increased effectiveness of Lugol for angina, due to its persistent antiseptic effect;
  2. Lugol is consumed very economically, so Lugol in spray and solution is used for a long period;
  3. Is budget option– its price does not exceed 10 rubles. for a solution, and a spray costs 100 rubles;
  4. The use of iodine to treat sore throat has an additional positive effect on the entire body, especially on the thyroid gland;
  5. Implements preventive measures to saturate internal organs with iodine in case of iodine deficiency.

At correct use Lugol's solution for angina does not cause side effects and is completely harmless. Otherwise, uncontrolled use can provoke a number of disadvantages when affecting the affected area:

  1. If Lugol is taken incorrectly during a sore throat, it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction;
  2. If not handled carefully, dirty, dark stains remain on clothes;
  3. When treating children, the drug is poorly tolerated by young patients due to its specific aroma and original taste;
  4. A prohibition for carrying out therapeutic effects with this remedy is high body temperature.

If the medicine is used incorrectly negative effect affects not only the affected area, causing a chemical burn, but also the entire body. The disease provokes inflammation of the liver, kidneys and problems with the digestive organs.

Instructions for use for sore throat

Before using Lugol for sore throat, you must read the instructions for use and consult your doctor about the possibility of using it for a child or an adult.

To obtain a positive effect, the affected area should be treated with the drug up to 5 times a day. The procedure should be carried out after eating and rinsing the mouth with soda or other medicinal solution.

When treating the affected area, a large surface is disinfected: both the area where the pathogenic microflora is located and the healthy area. If the product is used long time with angina, not only staphylococcal bacteria are eliminated, but also other viruses and fungi.

The Lugol treatment procedure is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. A gauze or cotton swab is wrapped around a finger or a cotton swab;
  2. Having dipped the swab into the solution, squeeze it out to remove excess solution and, pressing slightly, pass it over the palatine tonsils;
  3. Having passed a cotton swab once over the tonsils affected by sore throat, the next time it should be replaced with a new one. This is necessary so as not to provoke the growth of the affected surface by self-inoculation of pathogenic bacteria.

When using the spray as a medicinal effect, you should also initially rinse your throat and tonsils and only then spray Lugol. The instructions recommend carrying out the procedure no more than 2-3 times a day. After applying the solution or spray to the oral cavity, it is not advisable to eat or drink liquid for 30 minutes.

But with any exposure during a purulent sore throat, you should remember that an inflammatory process occurs in the throat and when you touch it, you feel severe painful discomfort. Therefore, you should not try to remove all the pus from the tonsils at one time. Purulent exudate forms inside the follicle and without antibiotic therapy it cannot be eliminated on its own.

Contraindications and side effects

Before use, it is necessary to determine how Lugol works and whether it is possible to use it to treat purulent tonsillitis. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with contraindications and side effects. Highlight following situations, in which Lugol is prohibited for therapeutic effects:

  1. Children under 6 years of age;
  2. Thyroid, renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  3. Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  4. The period of bearing a child and the time of feeding the baby with breast milk.

When using a spray to treat a sore throat, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not accidentally come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes or open areas skin. If this occurs, it is necessary to immediately rinse the affected area.

If contraindications or dosage according to the instructions for use are not followed, symptoms may occur. side effects. They manifest themselves in the following health problems:

  1. Skin rash, burning, itching, redness upper layers epidermis;
  2. Breathing problems due to a specific aroma;
  3. Impaired functioning nervous system patient;
  4. Excessive intake of iodine into the body, which leads to sleep disturbances, tachycardia, and anxiety.

If any side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the product. You need to take antihistamines and consult a doctor.

Thus, Lugol acts as an effective remedy that relieves inflammation and swelling and disinfects the affected areas during the development of sore throat. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of use and dosage. Correct Application quickly eliminates pain and removes purulent exudate.

Dosage form:  topical spray Compound:

active substance: iodine 12.5 mg;

Excipients: purified water 37.5 mg, glycerol 85% 1175 mg, potassium iodide 25 mg.


Transparent viscous liquid of red-brown color, with the odor of iodine.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Antiseptic ATX:  

D.08.A.G Iodine preparations


Iodine-containing antiseptic. The main active ingredient is a molecular one that has an antiseptic effect ( bactericidal effect in relation to gram-positive and gram-negative flora, as well as against pathogenic fungi and yeasts, staphylococcus is more resistant, however, with long-term use of the drug in 80% of cases, suppression of staphylococcal flora is observed, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant) and a locally irritating effect. When applied to large surfaces of the skin, it has a resorptive effect: it actively affects metabolism, enhances dissimilation processes, participates in the synthesis of T3 and T4, and has a proteolytic effect.

Potassium iodide improves the dissolution of iodine in water.

Glycerol prevents fluid retention in inflamed tissues, reduces tissue swelling, and forms on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes protective film.

The drug is low toxic.


If accidentally swallowed, it is quickly absorbed. The absorbed part penetrates well into tissues and organs and accumulates in the tissues of the thyroid gland. It is excreted by the kidneys (mainly), to a lesser extent in feces and sweat. Penetrates into the milk of lactating women


Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx in adults and children.


Hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the drug.


Use with caution in patients with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and dermatitis herpetiformis.

Pregnancy and lactation:

The drug poses a potential danger to the fetus if used by women during the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy for more than 4 days.

Iodine passes into mother's milk and may potentially affect thyroid function in breastfed infants.

Directions for use and dosage:

The drug is applied topically 4-6 times a day to irrigate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, pharynx, spraying the spray with one press of the spray head.

The injection of this drug is targeted and the sprayer, depending on the disease, should be directed directly to the site of inflammation (see figure).

Do not allow the drug to get into your eyes. If this occurs, the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water or sodium thiosulfate solution.

In case of use new packaging of the drug, remove the protective cap, put on the nebulizer head with the tip and press the nebulizer head several times.

After using the drug, it is not recommended to remove the nebulizer head with tip. the following reasons:

It is quite difficult to remove the spray head with the tip (which prevents accidental leakage of the drug), there is a high risk of getting dirty during the removal process, and since the drug contains , these stains are difficult to remove;

Contact of the drug with wet surface- there is no need to rinse the tip from the inside (it is enough to wash the tip hot water outside or wipe with alcohol solution).

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

With long-term use - the phenomena of "iodism": rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema, salivation, lacrimation, acne.

If the following or other symptoms occur when using the drug: side effect You should consult your doctor or pharmacist.


Symptoms: irritation of the upper respiratory tract (burn, laryngobronchospasm); if ingested - mucous membranes of the digestive tract, development of hemolysis, hemoglobinuria; lethal dose- about 3 g (about 6 spray bottles).

Treatment: gastric lavage with 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, sodium bicarbonate solutions, 30% is administered intravenously - up to 300 ml.


Iodine is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate. Contained in the drug oxidizes metals, which can lead to spoilage metal objects.

Pharmaceutically incompatible with essential oils and ammonia solutions.

An alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of fat, pus, and blood weaken the antiseptic activity.

If Lugol's spray is used orally, the effect of medications that suppress thyroid function may decrease, and thyroid function indicators may also change.

Iodine preparations may enhance the irritating effects of certain drugs (for example, acetylsalicylic acid) on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Special instructions:

Sunlight and temperatures above 40°C accelerate the breakdown of active iodine.

Release form/dosage:Topical spray, 12.5 mg/ml. Package:

50 ml bottles dark glass, screwed on with a lid with a dispenser complete with a sprayer and a tip and instructions for medical use, placed in a cardboard pack.