Sharpening knives: recommendations from experts. Bringing life back to scissors: ways to quickly and safely sharpen scissors Sharpen a knife with a knife sharpener

We use a knife to prepare food, cut food, and perform other housework. Therefore, it is very important that the knife blade always remains sharp. Theoretically, there is nothing difficult in sharpening knives, but in practice it turns out that not everyone can sharpen a blade well. To have an idea of ​​what to sharpen knives with and how to do it correctly, we recommend reading our article.

Before you start sharpening a knife, you need to find out what material it is made of. There are several types of knives:

    • Carbon steel knives are the most affordable, made from an alloy of iron and carbon, easy to sharpen and remain sharp for a long time. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the knife blade oxidizes from interaction with food or an acidic environment, due to this, rust and stains appear on the knife, and food acquires a metallic taste. Over time, after plaque forms on the blade, oxidation stops.

    • Low carbon knives of stainless steel- made from an alloy of iron, chromium, carbon and in some cases nickel or molybdenum. Stainless steel knives are inferior in hardness to carbon steel, so they quickly become dull and require regular sharpening. The advantages include corrosion resistance.

    • Knives made of high-carbon stainless steel are a higher class of knives, with a higher carbon content and additions of cobalt or vanadium. Due to the higher quality alloy, this type of knives does not require frequent sharpening and is not subject to corrosion.

    • Damascus steel knives are mainly made as edged weapons, but there are also kitchen options. Damascus steel knife is a multi-layer blade made of different alloys High Quality. The disadvantages include the high cost of knives.

  • Ceramic knives have gained popularity due to their sharpness and ability to long time don't be dumb. But in addition to their advantages, ceramic knives have a significant disadvantage, which is their fragility when dropped from a height and poor resistance to fracture.

Sharpening tools

Oselok (sharpening stone)

Sharpening stones are available with different amounts of abrasive grains per square millimeter. Therefore, for rough sharpening and finishing grinding, you need to use bars with a minimum and maximum abrasive content. In the touchstones foreign production information about the number of abrasive grains is on their labeling. Sharpening stones domestic production you have to choose “by eye” or ask the seller which whetstone to use for initial sharpening and which for final sharpening.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpeners are mainly used for sharpening kitchen knives. Although the sharpening process is quick, the quality leaves much to be desired. For this reason, for hunting and sporting knives, it is recommended to use other sharpening methods.

Electric sharpener

Modern models electric sharpeners allow you to achieve high quality sharpening due to the built-in function of automatically determining the angle of the blade. The electric sharpener is great for both household use, and for sharpening knives in catering establishments. The lineup electric sharpeners presented in wide range, so the price may vary, but if you want your knives to always remain sharp, then buy more “advanced” and expensive models.


Musat - designed to maintain the sharpness of the knife edge. In shape, the musat resembles a round file with a handle. Musats are included in knife sets, and many owners often confuse them with a tool for fully sharpening a blade. Please note that with the help of musat you can maintain the sharpness of a sharpened knife, but if the knife has become completely dull, you will not be able to sharpen it with musat.

Sharpener "Lansky"

This sharpener is used for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design of the sharpener allows you to sharpen the blade at the angle you choose. The Lansky sharpener consists of a rod with a removable touchstone and two corners connected to each other. The corners simultaneously serve as a vice for the knife and a scale for selecting the sharpening angle. The sharpener kit also includes sharpening stones of different grits with ANSI markings.

Sharpening and grinding machines

Sharpening machines are used mainly in production for high-precision sharpening of rotating shaft blades. In addition to high-precision machines, there are abrasive wheels with electrically driven and rotating discs for grinding. Sharpening knives on such machines should only be done by an experienced craftsman, because due to the speed of rotation of the circle or disk and high temperature heating, with any unsuccessful movement, the knife blade will become unusable.

Do-it-yourself blade sharpening

Sharpening a knife with a whetstone

Sharpening of a blade made with a sharpening stone is considered to be of the highest quality, of course, provided that it was carried out by experienced master. To sharpen a knife on a whetstone, do the following:

    1. Place a low abrasive grit sandstone on a stationary surface. If the block is small, it can be clamped in a vice.

    1. Holding the knife at an angle of 20-25 degrees relative to the surface of the block, begin moving the knife along the whetstone with the cutting edge forward.

  1. Move the blade along the block so that during movement it touches the surface of the whetstone along its entire length.
  2. As you move, try to maintain the same blade angle.
  3. After making 2-3 movements, turn the knife over and repeat the sharpening process on the other side of the blade.
  4. Thus, alternating sides, sharpen the knife until an edge (burr) appears along the edge of the blade.
  5. Swap the coarse whetstone for a grinding stone.
  6. Sand the knife blade until the edge disappears.
  7. Test the sharpness of the knife by cutting a hemp rope folded several times, or try cutting a sheet of paper.

How to sharpen a knife using a sharpening stone, see also in the video:

Sharpening a hunting knife on a Lansky sharpener

Hunting knives are made of hard steel, so their initial sharpening requires sharpening stones with a low content of abrasive grains.

  • Clamp the knife in a sharpener vice.
  • Place a sharpening stone with a low content of abrasive grains on the rod.
  • Select the angle of the block (for hunting knives it is usually from 20 to 30 degrees).
  • Insert the rod into the desired hole.
  • Lubricate the whetstone with the special oil included in the sharpener kit.
  • Start moving the block along the knife blade, from the base to the tip.
  • Flip the sharpener over and repeat the process on the other side of the knife.
  • Once the edge is formed, change the stone and do the final sanding.
  • Because the Hunter knives are mainly made with a double-sided blade, then after finishing sharpening on one side, change the position of the knife in the vice and begin the sharpening process on the other side.
  • Once you've finished sharpening, polish the knife blade with felt.

How to sharpen knives in a Lansky sharpener, watch the video:

Sharpening scissors

Sharpening of scissors must be done on a special sharpening machine. Sharpening blades using improvised materials (sandpaper, the edge of a glass, etc.) can temporarily improve the sharpness of scissors, but not for long. If you do not have the opportunity to sharpen scissors from a professional, you can try self-sharpening on an abrasive stone. When sharpening you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • The sharpening stone should be fine-grained.
  • The blade is sharpened over the entire surface of the edge at the same time.
  • The angle of the blade should match the factory edge.
  • The movement of the blade along the stone should be from the screw to the tip.
  • Scissors need to be sharpened disassembled.

When sharpening scissors, do not rush; patience will be your ally in this matter.

You can also watch the video on how to quickly sharpen scissors:

Sharpening plane and chisel blades

Sharpening the blade of a plane and a chisel are practically no different from each other. Therefore, the sharpening process described below applies to both tools:

  • Place the chisel on the whetstone at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • Holding the chisel with your hand, fingers free hand press the chamfer against the touchstone.
  • Start running the chisel over the whetstone until a burr forms on the smooth side of the chisel.
  • Change the whetstone to a fine-grained one and do the final grinding of the chisel.
  • Check the sharpness of the chisel blade by removing shavings from the corner of the block.

Besides manual sharpening, the chisel can be sharpened on a machine with a rotating abrasive disk:

  1. Turn on the machine and let the disc reach full speed.
  2. Holding the chisel with both hands, place its bevel against the sharpening wheel.
  3. Be sure to maintain the angle of the chisel, otherwise you will damage the blade of the tool.
  4. Do not press the chisel with great force and do not hold it on the blade for too long, this will lead to overheating of the metal and destruction of the blade.
  5. While sharpening, wet the blade with water.
  6. The final grinding of the chisel blade is best done by hand, using a fine-grained stone or sandpaper.

Do not forget that when sharpening products on a machine, a lot of sparks and small particles are generated that can get into your eyes, so be sure to wear safety glasses. To avoid damaging your hands on the rotating disk, wear gloves.

You can also learn how to sharpen tools from the video:

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools


You can quickly sharpen a knife on a hike or at a picnic using an ordinary cobblestone. Use any stone lying on the ground instead of a whetstone and run the knife blade along its surface. You won't achieve razor sharpness, but you will return the knife to working condition.

Second knife

Sharpen two knives at once, without sharpening stones and devices, it is quite possible. To do this, you need to take a knife in both hands and begin to sharpen the blade of one knife on the blade of the other. After 5-10 minutes of this work, the knives will become sharper than before.

Glass objects

The knife blade can be slightly sharpened on the rough edge of glass or ceramic objects. For example, about the bottom of a glass or the edge tiles. The main thing is that the surface is rough.

Leather belt

A leather belt is more suitable for finishing and shaping a knife blade razor sharp than for rough sharpening. But if there is nothing at hand except a belt, then you can try to sharpen the knife on it. To do this, you need to tighten the belt and start moving the blade along it; you may not achieve strong sharpness, but you will polish the knife to a shine.

By learning to sharpen knives and tools yourself, you will acquire a skill that will be useful to you throughout your life!

Every master has in his arsenal a large number of tools that you may need to create a beautiful manicure. The quality and duration of the work performed depends on how sharp a tool such as tweezers, scissors or tweezers is. In this article we will look at how to sharpen nail clippers and other manicure tools at home.

Types of sharpening manicure tools

It should be noted that the newly purchased manicure tool It must also be sharpened before being used for its intended purpose. Some very expensive brands can give a guarantee, and even then for a while, to use the tool immediately after purchase. You can sharpen the master's tools in the following ways:

  • An individual master is a sharpener who usually comes to the master’s home and sharpens manicure tools using a diamond wheel;

  • A certified workshop specialist who can sharpen any tool at his workplace using a diamond wheel or special machines. But what distinguishes him from an ordinary master is the cost of the service, but on the other hand, the quality of the work. Workshops often provide a guarantee of their work - about six months of tool life, regardless of frequency of use);
  • At home.

Sharpening tools at home

Unlike nail scissors Sharpening wire cutters is much more difficult due to their shape. Therefore, before you start sharpening the tweezers, you should unscrew them. As a rule, 90% of tweezers have play. Next they begin to sharpen with inside blades, and only then proceed to the external ones.

After sharpening, we check the blades for the sharpness of the tweezers; you should not forget, be sure to polish those areas that will come into contact with the skin. How to check the sharpness of blades at home? You can take a napkin or plastic bag and bite it, the cut of sharp tweezers should be even.

It will be easier to sharpen tweezers or any other manicure tool at home, provided that the following necessary materials are purchased:

  • Machine with diamond wheels;

  • Felt sheets or polishing cloths;

  • Polishing stones 8 and 12 thousand grit;

  • Sharpening stone from 2 thousand grit;

  • The machine can be replaced with a diamond knitting needle with low abrasiveness.

Basic rules for sharpening tools

The quality of work performed with hand-sharpened tools is directly affected by the sharpening of tweezers, scissors, nippers, etc. Therefore, you should adhere to basic rules that will help you sharpen the tool correctly:

  • Before sharpening, the entire tool should be unscrewed. Firstly, this will eliminate possible damage, and secondly, it will make the work easier during the sharpening process;
  • The machine should be operated at minimum speed. The sharpening area should not exceed 0.3 mm, and only in one direction;
  • In addition to polishing work, there must also be grinding work;
  • You should not try to use polishing stones with an abrasive less than recommended (less than 8 thousand grit), otherwise the tool will be irrevocably damaged;
  • Do not forget that each tool that requires adjustment of sharpness has its own sharpening angle. Therefore, when sharpening by hand, you should remember this, otherwise there is a possibility of spoiling the cutting function, or they will simply be poorly sharpened;
  • In order not to spoil the instrument, you should practice on another type of instrument, because there is a risk of sharpening the instrument poorly in the first attempts;
  • Using diamond wheels you should be extremely careful when sharpening the corners of the tweezers, because they are very thin there, and accordingly it is easy to change the cutting edge;
  • It is important to know and remember your safety - be extremely careful and use safety aids such as a mask, goggles, gloves, etc.

Checking completed work

After sharpening at home and avoiding injuries during further use of the tool, an analysis of extended work should be carried out. What to pay attention to:

  • The edges of the tweezers should be smooth and even. It is also important to check whether a gap has formed between the cutting edges;
  • The tweezers should be tugged thoroughly in your hand to make sure that all the screws are in place and well secured.

When sharpening a tool such as nail clippers, you can use a regular sandpaper, but this sharpening procedure will have to be done much more often, although there is less effort. Sharpening a manicure tool at home is, in principle, not difficult, provided you have it on hand required material. Although, on the other hand, it’s better to turn to a specialist and forget for six months that the instrument needs to be sharpened.
Video on the topic of the article:

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musat, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the angle of the cutting edge, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

Some people are afraid to sharpen knives at home because they believe that workshops now offer almost nanotechnology, as a result of which the blade will remain sharp longer. We are talking about laser sharpening, as you understand.

So here it is: it's a myth and marketing.

The laser cannot sharpen absolutely anything., the beam simply points to the correct angle (just like in laser level to determine the plane). But it sharpens an ordinary stone, so there is nothing special in such a procedure.

Self-sharpening steel is also a fantasy.

Absolutely everything gets dull, but the higher quality the alloy, the longer the knife lasts. Therefore, there is no point in wasting money on such knives; it is better to buy a good sharpener for ordinary ones.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

Let's start with the most important thing: What knives cannot be sharpened?

If you are doing this for the first time, then you cannot sharpen your favorite and convenient knives.

An incorrect sharpening angle can completely ruin the blade, therefore, it is better to experiment with something simpler, so that you can safely throw it away and not be annoyed.

More You shouldn’t sharpen ceramic knives yourself with regular whetstones.. Only diamond takes ceramics, and if you don’t have such a stone, then it’s better to give the knife to a professional.

But if there is, then you can try to sharpen it yourself, since sharpening technology ceramic knife no different from sharpening steel blades.

Knives made of Damascus steel and damask steel– on the contrary, sharpening on a diamond stone is strictly not recommended, as the blade may crumble.

It is better to give it to a master, since grinding such steel with an ordinary whetstone is not a task for the faint of heart: it is a long process.

Also, You should not sharpen knives with a wavy edge at home.. Moreover, there is no point in taking them to the workshop either, since it is simply impossible to return the saw knife to its original properties.

It’s easier to buy a new one or resharpen it to a regular one.

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

There are many tools for sharpening knives, ranging from electric ones to regular whetstones, which are very inexpensive.

Electric sharpeners

At electric sharpeners two big minuses: expensive price (within 10,000 rubles) and the ability to greatly remove steel when sharpening, which leads to rapid wear of the knife.

But the process is fast, fully automated and there is no need to manually maintain the degree of inclination when sharpening.

How to sharpen a knife on a sharpener is usually written in the instructions that come with the device.


Musat is a good thing, but They won't be able to sharpen a very dull knife., since it is mainly intended for editing. And the effect of such sharpening lasts for a couple of days at most.

How to sharpen a knife with musat is shown schematically here:

Roller blade

Not a bad option for women. Just a couple of movements on the rollers and the knife cuts well (but not for long). They are inexpensive and everyone can afford them.


Sharpeners are skeptical about using sandpaper for these purposes. But the practice of those who use it convinces us that this is a completely acceptable option.

I can't say it's the most comfortable, but if you don’t have anything at hand, and you need to sharpen the knife urgently, then you can use sandpaper. Moreover, the article is not for masters, but for amateurs.

Sandpaper strips must be secured to any wooden base (in the form of a block) using tape. On the one hand - the coarse-grained fraction, on the other - the fine-grained fraction.

Ceramic bar

It’s not worth talking about the price here, since they are very cheap. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you can sharpen it comfortably later.

You need two bars. One with a rougher surface (320 grit), for basic sharpening and edge angle correction, and the second for surface grinding (1000 grit).

The length of the stone should be approximately the same as the longest knife in the house.

Width – the wider, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can read how to sharpen knives with a whetstone below, in a separate block.

Diamond block

Diamond bars don’t cost five kopecks, but the result cannot be compared with an ordinary stone. It’s more comfortable to work with, and it’s also more durable..

It consists of a plastic or aluminum base on which two metal plates coated with diamond grains.

Such bars do not wear off like ceramic ones and even after repeated sharpening they remain smooth, rectangular in shape with sharp corners.

Besides all these advantages there is more benefits:

  • They are not afraid of impact and will not break if accidentally dropped
  • The diamond block is not clogged with steel particles. After sharpening, you only need to rinse it lightly under water and wipe it clean.
  • The sharpening process on diamond stones is very fast, which means that the stone will serve you for a very long time, as it hardly wears down
  • You don't need to buy two bars, as they are made in such a way that one side is rough and the other is for sanding.

There is only one drawback to diamond stones:– price. They are not cheaper than 800 rubles, and if they are, then they are clearly a fake, which will become unusable after five sharpenings.

Japanese water stones

A water stone is also a block. But it should not be used dry, but moistened with water.

During the friction process, a suspension is formed, which simultaneously with sharpening polishes the surface.

They are not cheap, but they wear out quite quickly. So, for simple kitchen knives this is not the best choice.

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

Should not be doing that if this is your first time sharpening a knife.

A couple of seconds is enough to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, in this case the steel gets too hot and it is necessary to cool it during the process, and if this is not done, the edge may crumble.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine is the topic of a separate and extensive article, therefore, we will not focus on this here.

Also be sure to watch this video, it is very on topic.

Since, in this matter, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

But no matter what stone you choose, the sharpening technology is the same. And this is the main thing you should learn.

First, practice on the simplest ceramic block, and when you see what you can do, buy something more expensive.

The most important thing in the sharpening process is to return the original angle of the edge. For kitchen and home knives it is usually standard: from 25 to 45 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the degree, the thinner the cutting edge becomes. Yes, the knife will be sharp, but it will also dull much faster, and also lose its edge shape as soon as it touches something hard.

So, if you want to resort to sharpening as little as possible, you should not make an angle of 25 degrees.

A knife that is too sharp is a rather traumatic thing in everyday life.

It will cut well not only vegetables and meat, but also kitchen towels along with your hands at the moment you wipe it.

And here, pay attention to the fact that the angle in the table is indicated as full, that is, it is the sum of the two sides of the edge. And if you want to sharpen a knife by 30 degrees, then you need to remove 15 degrees from each side of the blade.

Accordingly, if you need an angle of 45 degrees, then remove 22.5 degrees from each side.

You need to maintain this angle during the entire sharpening process, trying not to deviate from the specified value, since the final result depends on it.

Now the question is different: how to fix and calculate this angle by eye?

This can be done as shown in the picture:

After you place the paper, you will know approximately what angle you should hold the knife at.

Well, now let's move on to the sharpening process itself.

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

  1. 1. First things first place the block on the table so that it is convenient for you to sharpen. You can put it under it kitchen towel to prevent slipping.

    There is no need to hold the block in your hands, since in this case there can be no question of controlling the angles.

  2. 2. Wet it with water. This is necessary for better sliding of steel over stone and further easy cleaning bars from metal particles.
  3. 3. Place the knife across the block and start making movements away from you, as if you were sharpening a pencil. It’s best to look at the video we posted in the last block to see exactly what it looks like.

You can’t put too much pressure on the stone, this will not speed up the process at all, but it can greatly deform the edge. Swipe one side of the block 50 times, trying to maintain the angle all the time.

As soon as you notice that a slight roughness, the so-called burr, has formed on the cutting edge, turn the knife over and sharpen the other side.

This is what a hangnail looks like:

Important! If a burr does not form, then continue sharpening. Only this unevenness will show that the steel has been ground down enough and there is no point in sharpening it further.

Once you've finished the second side, the burr may transfer to that side.

In this case, turn the knife again with the other side and sharpen. And do this until it completely disappears.

And only after that you can proceed to grinding the edge on a fine stone. Here you no longer need to move the knife 50 times, 20 times is enough.

And if you want the knife to dull less often, then you can bring the edge to a mirror shine using a regular leather belt, which is lubricated with GOI paste.

In this case, the movements should not be point down, but vice versa. That is, you also “shape” the belt, only in the other direction.

We have described the most basic method, which does not require any special costs and devices. And there is another one, very convenient, but for it you need to build a small machine.

Here's the one in the photo:

As you can see, there is no need to hold the blade during the process, controlling the degree. The inclined and fixed block does everything for you, and the main task is to hold the knife straight, at 90 degrees.

And this, you see, is much easier than maintaining the level of 22.5 degrees (to be honest, this is an almost impossible task for a beginner, even though in theory everything sounds simple).

After all, a deviation of some micron already leads to the fact that the quality of sharpening will not be the best.

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

And it happens that there is absolutely nothing suitable at hand, and you just need to sharpen a knife urgently.

In this case, the following methods will help you out:

  • Sharpening a knife at an angle concrete steps in the entrance (just wash it thoroughly before doing this)
  • Sharpening a knife on an ordinary stone from the street, which looks more or less smooth
  • Sharpening a knife on the rough edge of a ceramic plate or regular cup

We hope that now you will have an understanding of all the ways you can sharpen any knife at home without damaging the blade or yourself.

Scissors are the second most frequently used cutting tool in the kitchen after a knife. Without them, it can be quite difficult to cut up fish, some parts of poultry carcasses, etc. But, unlike the said “king of the kitchen,” their area of ​​use goes far beyond the boundaries of this territory. After all, there are also scissors for gardening, tailoring, manicure, hairdressing, etc. Depending on their purpose, they have different shapes and size. With frequent use, the blades become dull. Therefore, you have to think: is it possible and how to sharpen scissors at home? The tips presented in this article will help solve this problem. Surely some of them will be useful due to their simplicity and ease of use, and they will be used by housewives if necessary.

Method one: how to carry out preliminary sharpening “in a hurry”

It is possible that there are neither special materials nor appropriate sharpening devices at hand. In addition, the problem must be resolved quickly and without delay. After all, there are such situations, for example, when you urgently need to finish cutting a dress, and the scissors begin to “chew” the fabric. In this case, take an ordinary needle and, as it were, cut it, moving the blades with some force. You can use a thin glass object (a bottle neck) or some kind of iron rod for these purposes. Of course, this method How to sharpen scissors does not provide 100% quality results. But for some time you can still experience the tangible sharpness of the blades in practice.

Method two: how to sharpen scissors using sandpaper

The technology for carrying out the work will be similar to the tips described above. To do this, take a small piece of sandpaper and cut it with scissors in different directions. You can also rub the blades with the specified material, pressing lightly from above. In this case, it is necessary to use coarse-grained material, which is easier to process. When working, be sure to take into account that the sharpening area is the outer edges of the scissors. You cannot rub the inner surface, otherwise you may not “cure” the instrument, but ruin it. These two options for sharpening scissors are quite simple and accessible. But for better results, you can use other methods.

Method three: use a file

There are special whetstones that can be used to sharpen not only scissors. These also include various For processing with blades, they are carried out several times on the specified object, which lies on flat surface. With one hand you need to press the block to the table, and with the other hand you need to move the scissors (leaning outside points) in the direction from the handles to the ends. They work a little differently when using a file. It will take some time to sharpen the scissors well. In one hand (working) a file is held by the handle, in the other - open scissors. You can rest the tip against some non-slip surface for support. After a few strokes, carefully test the sharpness of the blade surface with your finger.

Method four: how to sharpen scissors using special tools and devices

There are several types of processing devices. First of all, these are, of course, special machines. By lightly pressing the blade against the rotating disk, sharpening occurs. Of course, this requires a certain skill and skill. There is also a risk of injury to fingers, so children should never be allowed to operate these devices. More simple and very convenient device, especially for direct use by women - a sharpener for knives and scissors, sold in supermarkets and hardware stores. Just one movement - and the blades will be sharp without any additional processing. Therefore, having such an item at hand will be very useful for the housewife.

Sharpening in several stages

So, having studied all the options described, how to sharpen scissors correctly? If there are no special factory devices at home, it is recommended to carry out the work in several stages to obtain the best result. To do this, before machining, remove accumulated dirt from the blades using a cotton swab or a cloth soaked in solvent. Depending on the purpose of the scissors, this may be soil, food residues, paint, fine fabric dust, etc. Removing the extraneous layer will ensure a better result. Then use a file or coarse stone first. After this, to secure the result, use coarse sandpaper, and then fine sandpaper. Finally, lightly tighten the bolt holding the blades together. After all, perhaps it was main reason the fact that the scissors do not want to “obey” the master.

All! The gun is ready to go!