How to wash a microwave - the fastest and easiest cleaning methods. How to quickly wash the inside of a microwave: useful life hacks for uncompromising cleanliness How to clean grease from inside a microwave

It would seem like a normal washing procedure household appliances may not cause many problems. However, it is not so easy to wash a microwave, and without certain knowledge of how to do this, you can not only lose the warranty on the product, but also simply damage the equipment.

How to quickly clean a microwave at home

During operation, it becomes dirty both inside and outside, so it needs to be washed periodically. To make the process as fast as possible, you need to take a container suitable for use in this technique. A cup or something like that will do for this.

After this, you can take a lemon, cut it in half or into several parts and put it in a cup or prepared container. Next, you need to pour 50-70% of the total volume of water, set the oven to maximum power and leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, the question of how to wash a microwave should disappear almost on its own.

The fact is that lemon releases vapors that soften grease and other types of dirt. This allows you to simply remove everything with a regular damp cloth at the end of the event. But, in addition to this, you can also use orange peel, which will help not only directly clean the device, but also get rid of the unpleasant odor inside the oven.

What else can be used for internal cleaning?

You can also use vinegar. The principle is exactly the same as with orange peel or lemon. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the door must be kept closed after finishing work for another 5 minutes. If the vinegar option is not suitable, then you can use regular baking soda, which every housewife has in the kitchen.

These methods are quite enough to understand how to wash a microwave, but there are several more options that are in no way inferior to those described above. This includes cleaning:

How to easily clean a microwave

If available home remedies do not inspire much confidence, today there is a wide selection of chemical products that are available in specialized stores. There you can buy a special detergent that will easily and quickly remove any dirt without harming your microwave oven.

One of the most common and popular is the Mr. Muscle cleaning product, which in most cases is used to clean glass. It is necessary to spray the detergent on the walls of the oven and set it to work for one minute. However, it is worth remembering that not all devices can be operated empty, so it is better to put a container of water there. After washing the walls, wipe them with a damp cloth.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are a lot of ways to do this, the main thing is to choose the right one and not climb into the oven when it is energized.

A few more nuances and important points

It is strongly not recommended to use with active additives, which can affect the walls and cause corrosion. In extreme cases, you need to use something similar to Mr. Muscle. It is best to rinse the tray, which is constantly rotating, clean warm water. This must be done after first removing it; it should be processed on both sides as carefully as possible.

It has already been said above how to wash a microwave with soda or other means. All this can be used to clean not only the internal surface, but also the external one. Although in most cases it is enough just detergent and a soft cloth. But there is one caveat: you need to try to prevent moisture from getting into the ventilation ducts of the stove, as this can end badly.

How to get rid of persistent odors inside the oven

Every housewife understands that it is not enough just to know how to wash a microwave; you also need to be able to get rid of the odors that appear there during the process of cooking and heating food. There are two ways: use special chemicals, which help to cope with this problem, or use improvised means.

If we decide to use the second method, then for this we will need a 200 ml container with water, a teaspoon citric acid, as well as fresh lemon peel, grated on a fine grater. All this must be mixed and put in the oven at full power for 5-10 minutes. At the end of the time, it is enough to wipe everything inside the device with a damp cloth. This is a fairly simple but effective method that allows you to quickly wash your microwave and get rid of unpleasant odors.

It is advisable not only to periodically wash your microwave oven, but also to try to do it correctly. Avoid contact of water with the lamp, and if this happens, wipe it thoroughly with a dry towel. As noted above, you cannot wash the device while it is energized.

In any case, you need to know how to wash a microwave on your own. However, it is best to try to pollute it as little as possible. To do this, it is advisable to use special lids to cover the food so that it does not contaminate the walls of the oven. Or don’t let it get to a critical state and clean household appliances at least a couple of times a week.

In most cases, all family members resort to the services of this kitchen assistant. As a result, over time, grease stains appear on the surface of the household appliance and inside. Therefore, in today’s article I will tell you how to clean a microwave oven at home and look at safe and effective ways cleaning.

Household appliances make life much easier modern housewife, and not last place The microwave oven is on the list of such assistants. She allows in as soon as possible defrost food, cook a delicious meal or reheat a dish before a meal.

Safety and Precautions

As with others household appliances, cleaning a microwave requires a correct, careful and as safe approach as possible. To protect yourself and your loved ones from problems and unpleasant consequences, listen to the following recommendations.

  1. Before cleaning, be sure to ensure that the device is not connected to an electrical outlet. Keep children, dogs, cats and other pets away from the kitchen until the process is completed.
  2. During the procedure, pay special attention to cleaning the door and sealing rubber bands. The safety of the family largely depends on the purity of these elements.
  3. Apply any product, store-bought or homemade, with gloves. When cleaning the microwave with chemicals, make sure the area is properly ventilated.
  4. In the case of steam cleaning, use a protective stand. Often, under steam pressure, the door opens and splashes of boiling water scatter throughout the room.
  5. Do not use abrasive pads, wire brushes, gels or powders that contain strong acids, hard particles or chlorine. Otherwise, damage the protective layer of the microwave chamber.
  6. Solvents and alcohol are not suitable for cleaning the device. Their use may result in damage to the surface of the equipment, electrical shock or fire.

If you have never cleaned a microwave oven yourself, read the material several times and follow the recommendations. If necessary, seek help from experienced friends.

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes

Sometimes there is a need to quickly clean a microwave oven, but you don’t always have a bottle of commercial chemicals or a time-tested folk remedy at hand. In this case, it comes to the rescue plain water. The water-based microwave cleaning technology is called steaming.

Pour two glasses of water into a plastic container and place in the microwave. Activate the timer for 10 minutes on medium or high power. At the end of the program, unplug the device, remove the container and wipe inner part technique with a cloth or napkin.

Video instruction

The secret of this method is painfully simple. In 10 minutes, the water boils, and under the influence of hot steam, the fat softens. To improve the effect, I recommend adding a little vinegar, citric acid or soda to the water.

Cleaning the inside of the microwave

With regular use, the inner chamber of the microwave becomes dirty, no matter how carefully the owner treats the device. To clean the inner walls of the kitchen utensil, both folk remedies and commercial chemicals are used. Let's figure out what's the best way to deal with fat, stuck food residues and unpleasant odors that appear after cooking chips, fish or meat.

Effective folk remedies

When the amount of fat in a microwave oven becomes catastrophic, some housewives resort to chemistry to eliminate it, others use the safest methods based on folk remedies. And if there are children or allergies in the family, natural remedies become indispensable. Let's consider them.

  • Vinegar. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 150 ml of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a plastic container, put it in the microwave and turn on the timer for 5 minutes at medium or maximum power. After the glass fogs up, turn it off and go over the walls with a clean sponge. This method has a disadvantage - bad smell acetic acid, so after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the oven chamber.
  • Lemon acid . At correct use this tool provides excellent result. Dilute two bags of the mixture with a glass of water and place in the oven in a special container. After operating the appliance for 5 minutes at medium or maximum power, remove the softened fat with a damp sponge.
  • Soda. People who have found metal baking sheets and cast iron frying pans resort to this remedy. Soda copes with the primary task “excellently”, but leaves scratches on the inner surface. In the future, it becomes more difficult to remove contamination, so I recommend using more gentle means for internal cleaning.
  • Lemon. After using lemon, your microwave not only becomes clean, but also smells good. Pour 2 glasses of water into a container, cut the fruit in half, squeeze out the juice, add to the water along with the rest of the lemon. Place the container in the microwave, turn it on for 10 minutes, then wipe the inside with a napkin or paper towel.

Interestingly, it is more difficult to deal with the odor accumulated inside the microwave than with stains. Even citric acid together with detergents sometimes turns out to be powerless. Fortunately, there are substances that absorb third-party odors. These include activated carbon and salt.

Video tips

Place a glass in a large bowl and add 10 crushed tablets activated carbon, stir and microwave overnight. In the morning, you will be surprised to find that the unpleasant odor has disappeared. I advise you to carry out this simple procedure after each comprehensive cleaning.

Purchased chemicals

Thanks to chemical industry available to us a large number of products that quickly and effectively clean the microwave oven. When developing these products, all the requirements set by manufacturers of household appliances are taken into account, so such chemistry is safe for the elements of the device.

The list of effective and popular products is headed by products brands"Mr. Muscle", "Cillit Bang", "AmWay". Powder products are diluted with water before use, and liquids are applied to the surface from a sprayer. Later the area is wiped with a clean cloth.

If you decide to use household chemicals to clean your microwave, be sure to read the instructions. If the stain cannot be removed on the first try, repeat the procedure.

Purchased chemicals have several disadvantages, including high cost. Also, after using such a product, it becomes necessary to thoroughly rinse the chamber. If the oven is not cleaned properly, when heating chemical substances will end up in the dish being prepared. It is not safe.

Housewives are well aware of the disadvantages of purchased chemicals, so they often use folk remedies, which we talked about earlier.

How to quickly clean the outside of a microwave?

When using a microwave, grease appears not only inside, but also outside. If streaks and stains appear on the case, act.

  1. Soda solution - the best remedy for external cleaning. Spray the solution over plastic surface, wait 15 minutes and remove with a damp sponge. Finally, go over with a dry cloth. Use toothpicks and cotton swabs to remove dirt in the seams and around the keys.
  2. Household chemicals, for example, Fakir or Phenolux, are also suitable for surface cleaning. Apply a little product to a clean sponge and walk over the surface. Next, wipe the microwave body with a damp cloth. Remove any remaining moisture with a towel.

Thanks to such simple manipulations without special effort return your irreplaceable assistant to its original appearance, and she will express gratitude in the form of delicious and aromatic treats, for example, baked apples.

For certain reasons, be it a lack of free time or simple laziness, cleaning the microwave oven is often postponed until later. This is not the best way to keep equipment clean. Periodic preventive cleaning is much better, because it saves time and extends service life. What is needed for this?

The microwave oven becomes dirty with frequent use. Both specialized detergents and folk recipes: vinegar, lemon or citric acid, laundry soap. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to deal with dried-on grease and food debris.

How to clean the inside of a microwave oven correctly?

For a long service life of a microwave oven, you need to follow several simple rules when cleaning the device:

  1. Required condition- disconnect the microwave oven from the power supply before wiping, open the door, and allow the device to cool.
  2. Steel wool, brushes, pipe cleaners, and other sharp hard objects should not be used during the cleaning process. The internal surface of the device has a special coating. This thin layer reflects microwave waves. When exposed to hard objects, scratches may appear on the outside and inside of the device, which will later lead to cracks.
  3. Aggressive means household chemicals, which contain chlorine, acid, alkali, or rough abrasive products are not recommended for use.
  4. Clean the external and internal surfaces of the electrical appliance using a minimum amount of water to prevent moisture from penetrating into the elements of the device. It is best to clean the inside of the microwave from grease and other contaminants using a clean, wet wipe, foam sponge or cloth.
  5. If dirt gets into hard-to-reach places, you should not try to disassemble the kitchen aid yourself. To get rid of crumbs and food debris, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle or entrust the microwave oven to a specialist.

To clean the outside of the device, you just need to wipe it with a damp sponge and add any detergent.

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes

The simplest and quick way getting rid of old and not very ingrained dirt - using regular dishwashing liquid or gel.

  1. IN glass containers pour water room temperature, add remedy.
  2. Place the container with the liquid in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 1 minute (until steam forms).
  3. Remove dishes and wipe damp cloth internal surfaces and the door of the device.

The steam will soften old dirt, so the microwave oven can be cleaned without difficulty. For better effect You can add baking soda to a container of water.

How to clean your device with household chemicals

When choosing microwave cleaners, you need to choose gel or spray ones. Conditions of use and cleaning method are written on each package.

When cleaning the microwave oven, you should strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the product manufacturer. It is necessary to avoid getting the spray or gel on the special grids covering the magnetron.

To get rid of grease and stains, you need to apply a purchased product to the inside, bottom and door of the device. If it is a gel, then spread it evenly over all walls; if it is a spray, spray it carefully. According to the attached instructions, leave the microwave for a few minutes, then wipe thoroughly with a damp sponge, then with a soft and dry cloth.

You can clean your microwave oven by ordinary means, which are always at hand.

Getting rid of pollution using traditional methods

Experienced housewives They do an excellent job of removing grease droplets without the use of commercial household chemicals. You can clean your microwave oven using:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • citric acid.

These methods are safe and inexpensive.

How to clean a microwave with vinegar

Vinegar is the simplest and most popular method. It will help deal with dirt inside the microwave oven, unpleasant odors and rust.

  1. Pour into a glass container warm water(200 ml).
  2. Add vinegar essence (3 tbsp.).
  3. Place the dishes in the microwave oven, turn on at a power of 500-800 W for 10 minutes.
  4. After the required time, wipe the internal surfaces of the device with a damp cloth.

Steam with vinegar will perfectly corrode stubborn stains and cope with unpleasant odors. To improve the aroma during such treatment, pour a few drops of any essential oil.

How to clean a microwave oven with lemon

The most pleasant way to cleanse is with fresh citrus fruits. It could be lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange.

  1. Fruit (1 big size or 2 small ones) cut into pieces, place in a suitable plate.
  2. Add water (200 ml) to the container, place in the oven, turn on at maximum power for 5–15 minutes.
  3. After finishing operation of the device, do not open the doors immediately; let the dried dirt stand and soften for about 15 minutes.
  4. Remove grease with a soft, damp cloth, then wipe all walls of the microwave dry.

This method is also good if you do not peel whole citrus fruits, but only the peel. The crusts should be finely chopped. In addition to getting rid of traces of grease, the room will smell pleasantly of citruses.

How to remove citric acid stains

  1. Pour warm water (200-250 ml) into a bowl, add 1 sachet of citric acid (25 g).
  2. Place the plate in the oven and turn it on for 5–15 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination) at full power.
  3. After finishing work, do not open the oven for 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean damp cloth.

Citric acid will perfectly dissolve fat and carbon deposits and soften old dirt.

Other effective ways

Old, forgotten laundry soap copes well with numerous household stains. To clean, you should lather a sponge or soft cloth well, lather it and apply it evenly to the inner walls of the microwave oven. Leave the device for half an hour, then thoroughly wipe off any remaining soap and food.

If the soap solution is not completely removed from the walls, an unpleasant smell of organic burning may occur when the microwave is turned on for the first time.

Others are no less effective and simple method is a “steam room” with ordinary water. But it is suitable for light pollution.

  1. Pour water (200 ml) into a bowl and place it in the device.
  2. Turn the oven on full power for 5-8 minutes. Leave the doors closed for 20 minutes to soften the dirt, then wipe with a damp sponge and a dry, clean cloth.

These methods will allow you to quickly clean the inside of the microwave oven.

First, study the recommendations on how to properly use a microwave oven. To keep the stove clean longer and please your household, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • use a special plastic cap - this will help protect the device chamber from splashes and drops of fat from heated food;
  • if there is no microwave lid, then cling film or parchment paper will do;
  • It is advisable to wipe the inner walls every time after use;
  • You should leave the oven door open for a couple of minutes after use so that the smell of the food disappears and the microwave dries out.

Following these simple tips, the microwave oven will shine much longer, and the housewife will not have to scrub off stubborn old drops of grease.

Almost every family has a microwave oven, so you probably often get questions about how and with what to wash a microwave. One sunny morning I looked into the microwave oven. What I saw there shocked me! How can you wash off carbon deposits, and most importantly, how to do it correctly so as not to spoil the structure and internal coating of the stove?

But I want to reassure you right away: I coped with this difficult task perfectly! And now, dear friends, I will share with you the experience and skills I have acquired. I will be happy to tell you a few secrets that can protect your microwave from excessive contamination.

How to clean inside

Agree that with the advent of microwave ovens, the life of any housewife has become much easier. There is no need to stand near the stove, constantly stirring the food so that it does not burn. It’s much easier with a microwave, no doubt about it. But soon, when the oven becomes covered with greasy soot, the question arises in the family: “Who will remove the greasy deposits, and most importantly, how to properly wash the microwave?”

There are several ways to solve this problem. The simplest means by which you can remove dirt and grime are cleaning agents and detergents intended for oven and microwave ovens. Today, the choice of such means is quite wide. You can purchase gentle, environmentally friendly and safe means or use cleaning products to remove grease, grime and soot, which are known to be aggressive. But often such cleaning products are not as effective as housewives would like.

The main reason for the occurrence of greasy soot and other contaminants is that many people do not use a special lid when heating.

Because of this, food particles fall on the walls of the microwave oven, and greasy splashes harden and dry out. If the oven is equipped with a grill, then the cleaning process becomes a very time-consuming and difficult task.

When cleaning the microwave from dirt, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Dear ladies, if you decide to cook a dish in the microwave or simply heat up food, cover the dish with a special thermal lid, because it was invented precisely to protect the oven from various contaminants. It will protect the inner walls from splashing fat. Agree that it is much easier to wash the lid than a microwave. I assure you that the problem of a dirty microwave oven will not affect you very soon.

We use folk remedies

You can wash the microwave inside and out using available folk remedies that are found in every home. Many of us are skeptical about even the most “harmless” household chemicals. I think you will agree with me: Cleaning products cannot be completely harmless. In addition, they are not always budget-friendly. Therefore, in this article I want to tell you about unique abilities those funds that are in your home.

But the most important thing is that they are truly absolutely harmless. By washing the microwave using one of the suggested methods, you will not fear for the health of your family members, because when heated, fumes from chemical residues will not enter the food.

How to clean a microwave?

How to clean a microwave?

Plain water

It is necessary to wash the inside of the microwave oven, even if you use a special lid. Of course, doing this if you have a lid is very rare. But still, fumes from hot food penetrate through the cracks between the lid and the tray, thereby contaminating the walls of the microwave oven.

The most harmless and in a simple way To clean a microwave at home, use plain water. All you need to do is the following:

  • take some water into a wide container (a glass or cup will not work, since the area of ​​evaporation must be large);
  • place the container in the microwave;
  • turn on the oven for 20 minutes, while setting maximum temperature;
  • When finished, wipe the walls with a soft sponge or rag.

This way you can wash your microwave even when you don’t have enough time or are in a hurry. But this method is only suitable if the dirt is fresh and the greasy soot has not had time to dry. You can't wash off carbon deposits with ordinary water.

Baking soda

Many housewives are accustomed to cleaning everything in the kitchen using baking soda. Small particles effectively remove all kinds of contaminants. However I strongly do not recommend washing your microwave with baking soda, especially if the walls are made of ceramics. This fine and gentle abrasive can leave small scratches and damage the surface. But this does not mean at all that it is universal remedy Can't fix the microwave.

You can wash the inside of the oven using baking soda. For this:

  • fill the container with water a little more than half;
  • add a few tablespoons of baking soda to the water and mix well;
  • install maximum temperature;
  • turn on the microwave for 20 minutes;
  • To effectively clean the inside of the microwave, leave hot water with soda for another half an hour;
  • if there are still drops of fat on the walls, repeat the procedure, but reduce the time to 15 minutes.

You will notice that droplets of moisture have appeared on the walls of the oven. Now you can easily remove greasy deposits. It is enough just to wipe the surface with a soft sponge or cloth.

This method is suitable even for microwaves with the most delicate coating, since it is completely non-contact. Soda in in this case does not come into contact with the surface.


Instead of baking soda, you can use 9% table vinegar. It perfectly destroys greasy plaque when heated:

  • dissolve a few tablespoons of acetic acid in water;
  • place the container in the microwave and set the temperature to maximum;
  • turn on the oven for 30 minutes.

Thanks to this product, you can effectively clean your microwave oven. Plus, you will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Lemon or citric acid

Lemon is an effective remedy that will help you clean your microwave inside and out. I want to tell you about several cleaning methods:

  1. The first method is already familiar to you:
  • squeeze the juice of half a lemon and dissolve in a deep, wide container with water, half filled;
  • set the maximum temperature and turn on the microwave for 30 minutes, during which time the acid will actively destroy greasy deposits and soot;
  • At the end of the procedure, just wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a soft sponge or cloth, slightly moistening it in the same solution.
  1. If you don't find lemon in the refrigerator, you can use citric acid. The cleaning algorithm is the same as with lemon. For half a liter of water you will need a packet of acid.

I can call any of these methods environmentally friendly. In addition, after such washing the smell in the kitchen will be amazing. The citrus aroma will add freshness to both the microwave and the apartment.

  1. A solution of citric acid or lemon can be clean the outside of the microwave. The acid perfectly softens and destroys greasy burnt stains.

There is no need to heat the microwave. Simply wipe the outside with an acidic solution or a slice of lemon, then let it sit for a while and wash with a damp cloth or sponge.

Melamine sponge

IN modern life Melamine sponge has become very popular. Thanks to its structure, it can effectively clean any surface without the use of abrasives.

Just moisten it in water and you can start wiping away dirt and greasy deposits both inside and outside the microwave. During the cleaning process, this sponge resembles an eraser. She literally “scrapes away” the dirt.

It is important to remember that it is not advisable to wash dishes with such a sponge. When working with it, wear rubber gloves.

I can tell you one thing: numerous reviews say that the melamine sponge perfectly cleans the walls of the microwave oven from dried greasy splashes and food debris.

You can purchase such a miracle product at any hardware store or in the household chemicals department of any supermarket.

Laundry soap

Many of you consider laundry soap to be a relic of the past. But I can assure you, dear housewives, that it is in no way inferior to modern cleaning and detergents.

Thanks to its cleansing and disinfecting properties, it will do an excellent job of removing any dirt in your home.

In order to thoroughly clean the microwave inside and out, you need to:

  • grate a small piece of 72% laundry soap on a fine grater;
  • dissolve a tablespoon of the resulting shavings in a small amount of warm water;
  • foam well and apply to the inner and outer walls of the microwave with a sponge or cloth ( do not treat areas with holes for ventilation with liquid solution);
  • leave the treated surfaces for 30-45 minutes depending on the degree of contamination;
  • at the end of the specified time, wash off the soap scum and remaining greasy soot with a sponge;
  • rinse thoroughly clean water, especially from the inside;
  • Wipe the microwave dry.

Laundry soap will not only thoroughly clean your microwave oven, but will also give its surface a pristine shine.

How to wash the outside?

Dear housewives, after washing the microwave from the inside, do not forget that it needs to be thoroughly cleaned from the outside as well:

Microwave care

Now are you convinced that cleaning a microwave is not so difficult? And in order not to bring it to this state, you need to follow simple recommendations for caring for it:

  • After each cooking or heating of food, wipe the microwave with a slightly damp cloth. This way you will protect it from the formation of greasy deposits and soot. By spending just a minute a day, you can spend your precious weekend with your family on a walk, rather than having to stand in front of the microwave for several hours, washing it out of dirt.
  • For removing greasy stains Any detergent will do. Simply spray the liquid onto the inside of the oven and turn it on for a few minutes. setting it to maximum high temperature . After this, remove any remaining detergent with a damp cloth or sponge and wipe dry.
  • Wash the inside of the microwave oven thoroughly if you use special means for ovens.

If you follow these recommendations, after a while you will be able to see for yourself that cleaning a microwave at home is not so difficult. Plus, this activity will not catch up with you soon. Even better, let your husband or adult child clean the microwave themselves at least once. I assure you that after this they will treat her with the utmost care. And they will also follow all your recommendations so that this fate does not befall them again.

Microwave ovens burst into our everyday life rapidly. Just 35-40 years ago they were elements of science fiction, but today it is difficult to imagine a city kitchen without this convenient device. In 5 minutes we defrost frozen foods in it, heat up cooled foods, cook and bake various delicacies. No burning, no excess fat. But the insides become dirty as they are used. Especially if among the users there are not very thrifty teenagers who would not even think of washing the device from dirt and crumbs after use. How to clean a microwave oven from dried-on splashes of grease and liquids?

5 rules for cleaning a microwave oven

  1. Before cleaning the microwave oven, be sure to completely disconnect it from the power supply by unplugging the plug from the outlet.
  2. Never use abrasives or steel wool or brushes.
  3. Try to wash equipment using a minimum amount of water so as not to accidentally flood the moisture-sensitive elements of the device.
  4. Do not use aggressive household chemicals to clean the stove outside or inside.
  5. You should not try to disassemble the device yourself, even if dirt has penetrated inside.

How to clean the inside of a device with household chemicals in 5 minutes

Most companies specializing in the production of household chemicals produce ready-made products. They are usually offered in spray form. The conditions and method of use are written on each package, but usually the process comes down to a fairly simple procedure.

To scrape the inside of the device, you apply the spray to the walls and bottom of the oven, leave it for a few minutes, and then wipe all surfaces first with a damp and then a dry soft cloth. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends applying the product with caution, avoiding contact of liquid or gel with the grids covering the magnetron. But thrifty and thrifty housewives know: you can easily do without purchasing special household chemicals and clean your kitchen utensils in no less effective ways.

How to wash the inside at home: methods with lemon, vinegar, soda and other options

To quickly and easily wipe the inside of the stove, there are at least 5 ways:

  • fresh citrus fruits: lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap.

To avoid having to frequently scrub the internal surfaces from splashes and drops of grease, cover the food with special plastic lids or parchment paper.

How to quickly clean the microwave from grease and burning inside: video

How effective are the proposed methods: live test (video)

There are many more ways to get rid of grease and dirt. Which ones do you use?