How to acquire supernatural abilities. Every person can develop unique superpowers.

Many people doubt whether superpowers exist, while others successfully develop them in themselves. It is no secret that the human brain is not used to its maximum possible capacity. This is confirmed by the fact that in emergency situations, for example, when a person is being chased by an angry dog, an unsportsmanlike person can jump over a two-meter fence. That is why people who think about how to awaken superpowers in themselves often cope with this task quite successfully.

How to develop superpowers?

Today, no one will be surprised by a person who has the ability to clairvoyance or predict the future. In addition, superhearing, telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, and astral travel are possible. Let's look at how to develop some of them.

  1. In order to develop superhearing, start by cleaning your ears. To do this, buy cleaning candles at the pharmacy; 2-3 for each ear will be enough. After this, your hearing will improve on its own. To practice, you need to spend as much time as possible in silence and solitude. Go out into nature, visit quiet parks, sit down, close your eyes and listen to every rustle. This way you will get used to catching little things and echoes. Next, you can practice at home in a dark room - to do this, take a comfortable position, plug your ears with earplugs and relax. At first it will seem to you that you do not hear anything, but later it turns out that echoes of something cosmic and unknown are reaching you. Repeat the practice daily, and you will begin to hear more and more clearly what other people do not hear.
  2. If you are interested clairvoyance, then you will have to practice meditation, since this is one of the fastest and most proven methods. However, in India this is achieved even more successfully by using narcotic substances, but this method cannot be used. Just practice meditation, setting yourself, for example, to see the future in visions, and what at first seems like a fantasy will soon take on a more real form.
  3. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without physical impact. IN in this case developing your abilities will be very simple: place a feather or other light object in front of you and imagine how it moves to the side. After several weeks of this practice, you can try to direct your gaze to the pen and try to move it with your mind, and, as they say, it will actually move.
  4. Levitation is the ability to soar above the ground, which is attributed to some enlightened individuals. It is believed that it is possible to change the polarity of one's own gravity, which will give the same effect as the repulsion of two magnets with the same pole. But for this they have not yet come up with another way other than the deepest spiritual enlightenment, which consists of an ascetic lifestyle, renunciation of worldly worries and endless meditation.

Each person has his own inclinations. Some write poetry easily, others have no problem understanding the intricacies of higher mathematics. Likewise, superpowers can be completely different, and if you are unsuccessful at something in one area for a long time, it is quite possible that your talents are in something else. The question of how to discover superpowers in yourself, or at least understand what area they come from, is very difficult, but if you want, you will definitely cope with this task.

How to try to gain superpowers: two ways

No matter how difficult the question of how to recognize in yourself may be, this can be achieved by reading a lot of literature on the topic and communicating with those who have already achieved success.

The easiest way to develop is to find yourself a teacher. In many cities, both organizations and individual specialists will offer you such services. Remember, real professionals will explain all the details to you in detail and take care of your safety.

You can try learning from books, using prayers, mantras or meditation. This is where, as a rule, any person begins to enter the world of the unknown.

Psychics are not born, but made. Even if you were born with the gift of a sixth sense, this does not mean that you will not need to work on yourself. There are a number of useful exercises for developing psychic abilities.

The ability of foresight is a consequence of a number of very important conditions. Several factors influence your ability to guess the future: the correct state of mind and body (this is why meditation, yoga and controlled breathing are so important), tuned energy and a developed brain. Based on this, 5 exercises can be distinguished for the development of extrasensory abilities. To find out how strong you currently are, use our article on five ways to find out if you can see the future. This will help you draw conclusions about what you can do and what to focus on in your training.

Useful exercises for beginner psychics

Exercise one: developing intuition. Extrasensory abilities directly depend on intelligence. Many scientists believe that the ancient humans who were our first ancestors had incredibly strong brains. It did not work like ours, but at almost 90% of its total capabilities. This allowed people to communicate contactlessly, at the level of thoughts. Scientific research suggests that intuition and déjà vu are a kind of ancestral heritage that can sooner or later manifest themselves in every person.

The more active your brain is, the more likely you are to be able to see the future. The development of both logic and abstract thinking will help to reveal psychic abilities. To do this, you need to read more and study the exact sciences. An effective activity would be to try to predict what awaits you in the near future. Write down your thoughts and expectations so you can check them later and compare them with reality. The more often you have the deja vu effect, and the more often coincidences appear, the better. Déjà vu is when you think you have experienced the current life situation in past.

Exercise two: learn to feel your aura. The fact is that a person is surrounded by an energy field. To predict the future or guess people's moods without words, learn to understand your energy. Almost every person has ever experienced this feeling when unpleasant negativity comes from someone. Here you are sitting next to a person who feels bad and is nervous. You begin to feel negative and also become infected with a bad mood, as your biofield is reconfigured and synchronized with his biofield.

The exercise is to learn to feel the boundaries of your field and, by letting someone into it, feel the changes. Spread your arms out to the sides as far as possible. These are the approximate boundaries of your biofield. By stretching your arms forward in front of you, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the other person is sitting in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the person’s wavelength, catching his energy waves.

Exercise three: meditation. Since we have lost our extrasensory abilities given to us by nature at the dawn of civilization, concentration is now very important. The fewer vain thoughts in our head, the easier it is to find answers to questions about the future or what you want to see.

One way or another, you need to relax as much as possible. You can meditate for this. If you want to clear your mind at home or just want to practice without distractions, sit comfortably or even lie down. Next, everything is very simple - you need to imagine yourself in a special place where there are no people. The most best options: space, the top of a snowy mountain, just darkness or a cloud you are sitting on. The main thing is breathing. Breathe deeply and as little as possible. Clear your mind of everything to feel the energy of the world around you, which permeates you from head to toe. Try it at home, and then you can do it anywhere.

Exercise four: they say that prophetic dreams- this is not the machinations of witches, but also a natural gift given to us in order to see the future. Famous stories about prophetic dreams - good for that example. This is truly one of the best ways predictions, since the brain at this time is deprived of thoughts about work and affairs, and therefore can interact extremely effectively with biofields.

As for the methodology for developing this area of ​​extrasensory perception, try before going to bed to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and think about what you are interested in seeing. If these are issues of betrayal, then think about your loved one. If this is an exam, then imagine that you are already in the process of passing it. This will help you see prophetic dream, but in the beginning you shouldn’t give such an interpretation to everything you see. Watch yourself, and if there are results, then you are on the right track. Lucid dreaming can also reveal unknown facets of your potential. A significant contribution to this direction was made by the ideas of Stephen LaBerge, which may be useful to you too.

Exercise five: Despite all the scientific arguments, scientists have no explanation for how some witches or seers can see the future. They say that reflective surfaces help us see what is hidden from our eyes. In this regard, the best assistant will be a mirror, which, according to experts, is the border between worlds. It shows the future only to a select few. Special classes will help you find out whether you are chosen for this or not.

To check your strength and its presence as such, you will need two mirrors that will create an endless tunnel. Place them around you to try to see what you desire in the endless mirror reflections. Do this in complete silence, calm and darkness. But be careful, because if the biofield is not strong enough.

Finally, I would like to say that scientists draw a clear parallel between eye color and extrasensory abilities. Previously, we wrote about what eye color most clearly reflects a person’s predisposition to the sixth sense. Good luck with your learning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Date: 2014-07-08

Hello site readers.

I can say with confidence that almost every person dreams of having superpowers. Such a desire does not arise just like that. There are a number of reasons, which I will definitely talk about below. How to develop superpowers– the main topic of this article. And in general, is this possible? Are there techniques that can awaken what is rightfully ours? Just read and understand.

First I want to talk about the reasons why a person wants to have superpowers. I am sure that films and cartoons from the Marvel Comics series (X-Men, Spider-Man) awaken in us the desire to have super strength. All men want to be super men and heroes. After all, it is clear from films that heroes are respected, they are famous, people need them. Their life is a continuous adventure, a storm of emotions. They stand out from the crowd because of their superpowers.

Ordinary life is boring and routine. Few people succeed in managing their lives. Every day the same thing. So a person mentally plunges into the world of his illusions, where everything is subject to him. But these are just fantasies in the head, and nothing more. I want this to be real. That's why a person asks the question: “How to develop superpowers?” .

What is a superpower? Is it really the ability to ride on a web, lift locomotives, run fast, teleport, become invisible, and so on? Yes, these are superpowers, but they are not real yet. I have never seen a person fly, although monks from Tibet can lift themselves 50 centimeters off the floor. I have never seen and will never see how a person can lift a train, although I heard a story about a mother who lifted a weight of several hundredweight, under which her baby was partially lying. I heard a story where a man, while running away from an angry dog, jumped onto a three-meter brick fence or a wall.

That is, we can conclude that a person has similar superpowers, but they are activated in extreme situations, and not always and not for everyone. So what should we do now? Is it really true that in order to develop superpowers, you need to create extreme situations for yourself in which adrenaline will be in full swing?

You don’t really want to run away from a dog in order to jump onto a three-meter wall. Or place the baby under a pile of weights in order to lift it later. This is stupid and ridiculous. But there are other situations due to which a person acquired superpowers. You can find out about them in the video below.

It says that being struck by lightning has always awarded a person with superpowers. By the way, at the beginning of the video you will see a frame where a bolt of lightning hit a man twice, and it’s like water off a duck’s back. He gets up and moves on. He should have died on the spot, but he's probably a superman. After the lightning strike, I'm sure something changed in him. A person always changes after a lightning strike. One man spoke all the languages ​​of the world after being struck by lightning. began to see the future and get information from the outside. Everyone was amazed at the enormous abundance of his ideas.

But don’t even think about shocking yourself to awaken superpowers. This is dangerous to life and health. So I warned you.

Another theory of awakening superpowers is clinical death. All people change after such an event. Almost all victims begin because outside they suddenly began to realize that they were not living the way they needed to. Many of them acquire superpowers. Also not best idea to awaken superpowers. I would even say the dumbest in the world.

Of course, we have superpowers, but they are hidden and awaken in extreme situations, that is, when it is necessary, and even then not always. I dare say that it is unlikely that it will be possible to develop superpowers with special exercises. It is not so easy to activate the hidden reserves of the brain that are firmly dormant.

So how do you develop superpowers? Perhaps the only thing I can advise you is to study the book by Jose Silva -. If you even master this, it will be very cool. Receiving information from outside, as Nikol Tesla did, is the most important ability.

Many people don't know what to do or what to do. And if you find yourself in such a situation, you can always extract the necessary information from external source. It's great to know that you will always find a way. However, you will have to practice. You will have to go into a trance and do something there. I think you will figure it out for yourself when.

Watching movies and TV series: "Smallville", "X-Men", "Heroes", "Charmed", I noticed one strange thing. For some reason, all the heroes despise their superpowers, they want to live as mortals and ordinary life. In all the films, there is an endless hunt for people like them. For some reason, all the main characters strive to be like everyone else - not to stand out from the crowd. It is we, looking at them, who dream of being like them, of having what they have, but here they are, dreaming of being ordinary.

If you start watching these films carefully, you will discover this trend yourself. It feels like we are being hiddenly told to be like everyone else and not stand out in any way. That is, to be a cog in the whole mechanism.

But a person still subconsciously wants to stand out from others. Superpowers can compensate for this. However, you can stand out from others without having superpowers. It is enough to behave like other people. Most boys and girls are afraid to show themselves. They

What a person can get beyond his capabilities can make him different from other people. This does not mean that you can use the acquired knowledge and opportunities uncontrollably!

You will learn some techniques for entering a trance to develop incredible superpowers!

Preparatory activities

  1. Learn to relax, concentrate your energy and bioenergy. Meditation is one of the important components of any superpower. What else do you need to learn? Enter a trance state at any time, at any second! It is thanks to trance that professional wizards and magicians begin to do their magic.
  2. Buy a comfortable and beautiful notebook. You need it to keep a diary! Are you a little surprised? Of course! Open your notebook. Fold the first sheet in half. On one side of the sheet, write down the dream you had. Fill the other side with the events that happened on that very day. Place your diary in places that quickly catch your eye. Read everything you managed to write in three months. Analyze, draw conclusions, look for coincidences.

Trance technique for entering trance

Here are trance techniques for entering a trance to possess some superpowers in real life:

"Rotate your eyes quickly"

Lie down or sit down so that your head rests firmly on something. Raise your eyes upward, keeping the tension in them. Start rotating them randomly. Take a deep breath and hold the “received” breath. After seven seconds, lower your eyelids and relax completely. Repeat everything a second time. Hold the exhalation for five seconds, inhale, close your eyes (for a moment), open them, lift them to the ceiling and again concentrate on your breathing. Remaining able complete relaxation, you won’t even notice how you enter a trance state.

"Weightlessness and lightness"

Look for a hard surface. Lie down on her. By the way, don’t take pillows, as you’ll have to do without them. Relax and take off the clothes that bother you. Monitor your breathing, but don't control it. Repeat the long “so” (as you inhale) and the long “ham” (as you exhale). You won’t even notice how “so-ham” will be repeated automatically. This means that you gradually begin to enter a trance.

Relax every muscle in your body. Say (mentally) the following: “my eyes relax, my eyelids relax, my lips relax, my nostrils relax...”. Speak to all parts of your body. Walk over the entire body four times in a row. Repeat a fifth time if you do not feel numbness. You must reach the point where you no longer feel your “physicality.” Repeat any mantra. It’s best to repeat this: “om-mm,” “om-mm,” “om-mm.” Imagine that there is a solar disk between your eyebrows. Imagining that it is shining, repeat the same mantra. Look at the sun as if you see it right in front of you (in your real life). Why all these “performances”? The fact is that when you learn to clearly imagine the sun, then it will be very easy for you to see absolutely any person, absolutely any object in front of you.

"Musical Delight"

Choose any calm and beautiful composition, which you really like. Put it on repeat. Turn it on. Focus on each note, listen to it. The more attentively you listen to the melody, the more you will relax, the faster you will “plunge” into a state of trance. If nothing works, then you will have to change the musical composition. There can be several compositions (but no more than three).

"Brain Setup"

Sit down at any soft sofa. Remove all objects that will distract you even a little. Give yourself a clear statement: “I’m going into a trance…. I easily fall into a trance state... I feel good...” Focus on these thoughts and relax. If meditation doesn’t work, then “work through” your thoughts again. Try going into trance for thirty minutes without taking breaks or coffee breaks.

Maximum sensitivity

Learn to feel your own fingers and your own hands as much as possible.We tell you how such sensitivity develops. Let's start with the hands. Rub your hands together. Place them parallel to each other. Open them (very slowly). Wait until you feel the warmth between them. Make the exercise more difficult by doing it with the hands of any person.

Don't share your aspirations with anyone

Keep them secret even from your closest girlfriends and friends. After all, no one is immune from the manifestation of hidden hatred and hostility!

Love is the source of superpowers!

Turns out that true love helps to discover and develop superpowers. When a person falls in love, incredible things happen to him.

Let's tell a story on this topic.

Real life story

In one of the inconspicuous courtyards of the metropolis lived a pretty girl Masha. She loved life and enjoyed it as much as she could. The day came when she realized that life was even cooler than she could have thought.

One day she met a neighbor and fell head over heels in love with him. Maria so wanted him (the guy’s name was Sanya) to pay his attention to her! The girl thought for a long time about how she could attract Sasha to her, but nothing came to her head in love.

A week has passed. Maria knew that time was passing very quickly. She understood that something urgently needed to be decided. She was lucky because chance “led” her to the right book. The girl was so captivated by its pages that she did not have time to notice how the book ended.

In the book it was written that one girl realized that she had learned to read palms when she fell in love with the guy from the neighboring house. Masha called her sister into her room and asked her to show her her palm. Victoria laughed and refused. Maria voiced the same request in the presence of Sasha... He neither laughed nor hesitated. He immediately extended his hand to the girl... And she realized that she saw not lines on her hand, but the future!

This means that you can fall in love so that something is revealed in you that you had not noticed in yourself before. Good luck to you in Love!

Learn to manage natural elements. . .

Do not miss. . .

Make your dreams come true. . .

Always remember. . . !


Study information about the development of abilities Today there is a lot of similar material, both on the Internet and in newspapers and books. This information is very versatile. Look at as many sources as possible to own opinion about development opportunities.

Don't tell your loved ones about your activities. Not everyone will approve and understand your intentions. Relatives and loved ones may be opposed, which can lead you astray. You can tell us about yours later, when you achieve clear results.

Exercise regularly Only systematic exercise will bring success. Developing superpowers requires a lot of time, self-discipline and does not guarantee quick success.

Choose a method For successful training, set a goal and choose the appropriate method for developing your abilities. Currently, there are many schools, directions, trends and courses for the development of unusual qualities. Check out the offers of such development centers and attend classes. But remember that sometimes there are charlatans among teachers; approach the choice of teaching soberly. Never go to extremes. Follow your path, taking in only the good. Trust your intuition!


  • how to develop superpowers

To become a special agent, you need to be of interest to this service and have a number of qualities - endurance, extraordinary intelligence, health and abilities, and also be ready to die for your ideas.

Chases, shootouts, secret appearances and passwords... All this sounds tempting to those who dream. What is needed for this?

How does this happen

It must be said that secret people, as a rule, are recruited. If a person has an irresistible desire to become a special agent, he can contact the nearest branch or the FSB and express his intentions. It's hard to say what will happen next. If they are interested in a person based on any criteria, they can accept him into the agent staff. Recruitment, which is carried out by the intelligence services of all countries, is structured the same everywhere. A number of activities are being developed that help identify a motive that can influence the person of interest.

Here are the basic ideas for recruiting agents:

Ideological and political. This connection between the agent and the intelligence service is the strongest. The person who took this step may be motivated by disappointment in the current policy, infringement of rights, and more. Such agents are always ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of an idea.

Compromising. Everything is clear here too. Incriminating evidence is sought on a person of interest to the intelligence services, which in the future will serve as a guarantee of a long and fruitful service.

Material. Money is the best incentive. The more interesting an agent is to the intelligence services, the more he is paid. Wanting to curtail cooperation, the agent stops paying altogether.

Moral and psychological, based on feelings of greed, vanity, revenge and others. However, this is not very good for creating a strong agency. good foundation. Perfect option- this is when such an idea is supported by one or more of the above ideas.

Qualities that special agents possess

Many people are eager to become an intelligence agent, but in reality they don’t know how to do anything and don’t want to. But this requires superpowers. For example, you need to speak several world languages ​​very well. And not just speak, but speak in such a way that native speakers perceive the agent as one of their own. Sociability, the art of winning over your interlocutor and the ability to have a good command of body language, that is, not only with your voice, but also with facial expressions, posture and gestures, are highly valued.

A person must have a good understanding of technology, be able to work with listening devices, and have an “A+” knowledge of