What insulation materials are used to insulate a frame house. Which insulation is better to choose for a frame house? Cross insulation of the walls of a frame house from the outside

Popularity frame houses is growing more and more, because now you can live in them permanently. But for this it is necessary to reliably protect it from the effects of cold, wind and other adverse atmospheric manifestations. Therefore, it is important to consider careful insulation of the constructed frame structure. To do this you need to select required insulation, which will reliably protect from the cold and provide comfortable cozy atmosphere dwellings.

What is the best insulation for a frame house?

There are many materials designed to protect homes from the cold. They all have many positive qualities and are not without features that you need to know. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • geographical location of the future home;
  • ease of use;
  • environmental safety;
  • affordable price.

The individual qualities of coatings, the ability to effectively retain heat, and behavior in extreme conditions, for example, in a fire, are also taken into account. To make a meaningful choice of material, you should familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

Types of insulation for frame houses

Based on their origin, insulating coatings are divided into natural and artificial. Natural insulation materials include coatings organic origin. They are based on clay, peat, sawdust, as well as artificially created materials on a natural basis: ecowool, expanded clay and other types of bulk materials. Over time, artificial insulating coatings were invented, which are good heat insulators:

  • Styrofoam,
  • mineral wool,
  • polyurethane foam.

Pros and cons of insulation

Materials for protecting frame buildings from the cold have both positive qualities and their disadvantages. For example, when using bulk expanded clay and slag, it will be necessary to install an additional frame on the outside or secure an additional layer of panels, inside of which the bulk material is placed and compacted. Still, it may settle over time, so it will need to be added.

Mineral wool, like foam plastic, is easy to use, does not require the construction of additional frames and panels, fastening is carried out to intermediate inexpensive bars. This material is durable and will not settle during use. Outside for the walls of the house on top of such insulating layers Any finish can be used: brick, siding, wood panels etc. A waterproofing coating will be required inside.

To make a smart choice, you need to study the properties of insulation.


Among artificial coverings, polystyrene foam was the first to be invented and was for a long time the most in demand. It is inexpensive, easy to cut, resistant to moisture, lightweight, and easy to install. A particularly attractive property of polystyrene foam is its neutrality to moisture, so there is no need to use moisture-proof films.

The cost of foam insulation is insignificant, which is also attractive. The walls are covered with foam plastic mainly from the outside. This material is susceptible to fire and, when burned, emits toxic, toxic smoke. In addition, it has low soundproofing qualities and is very fragile, requiring caution when working. It was noticed that the foam was “to the taste” of rodents. These shortcomings are compensated by the low price, which is why it is still in demand.

Mineral wool

Among high-quality insulating coatings, the leading place today can be given to mineral wool. It is produced in the form of dense rectangular slabs of different thicknesses. The slabs are easy to cut, so cutting them to the required size is simple.

The plates have:

  • good thermal insulation,
  • sound absorption,
  • neutral to fire,
  • durability in use.

The main disadvantage is the presence of components harmful to people. Fine dust of these substances, entering the human body, can cause serious illnesses. Therefore, indoors, sheets must be covered with a film that protects not only from steam and moisture, but also prevents its harmful effects on humans.

The disadvantages include excessive hygroscopicity. This circumstance forces us to protect the walls with outside film. At proper insulation this coating will serve its purpose for a long time.

Polyurethane foam

Modern insulating materials include polyurethane foam. It is intended for spraying onto a surface and has many positive qualities.

Among them:

  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • lack of hygroscopicity;
  • does not form mold and fungi;
  • combustion resistance;
  • convenience when insulating hard-to-reach places;
  • speed of application.

The disadvantages are:

The complexity of the application, requiring skills in using a pneumatic gun when spraying, as well as the high cost, have limited the use of polyurethane foam in insulating buildings.


IN Lately gain popularity insulation material, called ecowool. It refers to natural class insulating coatings. The basis is cellulose made from recycled materials. The crushed paper pulp is impregnated with special components that give the cellulose fire-retardant properties. Ecowool has a number good qualities, which make it attractive for use as protective coating buildings from the cold. These qualities include:

  • high thermal protection;
  • good sound insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fungi and mold;
  • inability to shrink.

She also has disadvantages. They are the same as polyurethane foam. When using ecowool, the use of special equipment is required, so it is better to entrust the work to a specialist. This increases the cost of work. Ecowool insulation is carried out in two ways: dry and wet.

At wet method Glue and water are used as binding elements. After application, the coating should dry for several days. In the dry version, the material is loosened in large capacity using a drill, and then laid out on an insulated surface and compacted. If you wish, you can master the second method yourself, saving on paying for the work of a specialist.

Expanded clay and other bulk materials

Artificially created bulk insulation on a natural basis includes expanded clay. It is obtained by firing foamed clay in a special way. Its structure is very porous and light.

Depending on the size of the resulting granules, expanded clay is divided into:

  • expanded clay sand, small particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 5 mm;
  • expanded clay crushed stone, angular particles ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm;
  • expanded clay gravel, round particles ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

This material has good fire resistance, frost resistance, environmentally friendly, and non-hygroscopic.

In addition, expanded clay has:

  • high strength;
  • good sound insulation;
  • inertness to chemical reagents;
  • reasonable cost.

The use of expanded clay and other bulk substances as protection from the cold is limited by some of their features. The main limitation is due to the fact that loose expanded clay, slag and others have a tendency to caking and settling, exposing part of the insulated surface. Therefore, during work, careful compaction is required to achieve the required coating density to prevent shrinkage.

Expanded clay is mainly used to cover floors and other horizontal surfaces. Walls with expanded clay and other bulk materials are rarely insulated; they are used mainly in areas where the air temperature is not lower than - 20 o C, since its discrete structure does not allow the penetration of cold. Before you fill in such insulation, you should insulate the outside. Working with bulk materials is labor-intensive. Therefore, they are used only when necessary.

What needs to be insulated in a frame house

For complete and high-quality protection of a frame dwelling, not only the walls should be insulated. It is necessary to carry out thermal protection of the floor, the inner surface of the roof, and all places where cold street air can penetrate. Typically, for the ceiling and roof, sheets are used that are thicker than the thickness of the sheets used to insulate walls and other structures.

September 6, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Today I want to talk about how to choose insulation for frame house. This is a specific structure consisting of a timber frame covered with sheet material, therefore the comfort and energy efficiency of the entire building depends on the quality and efficiency of the thermal insulation layer. Therefore, special requirements are placed on the materials used.

Specifics of insulation of frame housing

A comfortable indoor microclimate and the amount of energy spent on maintaining it directly depends on the thermal insulation material used for the walls of the building. And this rule applies to the greatest extent to a frame house, since the materials used in its construction have a fairly high thermal conductivity coefficient, and their thickness leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, the only barrier to cold or heat outside is insulation. At the same time, the dimensions of the walls and the material of the enclosing structures significantly limit the choice, because thermal insulation for such a building must have several features, which I described in the table below.

Characteristic Description
Low thermal conductivity The insulation material must have excellent heat-retaining properties. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the thinner the insulating layer should be. For a frame house optimal thickness thermal insulation is from 10 to 15 cm. But the final decision on how much insulation needs to be installed is made depending on the climatic conditions of the area where the house is operated.
Light weight I advise you to choose a material that does not place significant additional load on the building envelope. A frame dwelling is already not particularly durable, so you should not aggravate the problem by installing heavy insulation.
Vapor permeability The sheet materials with which the walls are sheathed allow air to pass through well. Therefore, I would advise buying insulation that does not prevent its infiltration. This will extend the service life wooden structure and provide a comfortable microclimate for living inside with a normal level of humidity.
Fire safety Safe to live in wooden house can only be built using non-flammable insulation materials that do not ignite in a fire and do not support combustion. As a last resort, it is necessary to purchase thermal insulation containing fire retardants.
Environmental friendliness To protect the people living in the house, I recommend using an environmental thermal insulation material, which does not release toxic chemical compounds into the air, regardless of operating conditions.
Hygroscopicity Walls of a frame house, regardless of method exterior finishing, are constantly exposed to atmospheric moisture (during rain and melting snow). Therefore, it is better to use waterproof insulating materials or those that do not change their technical characteristics depending on the moisture content inside.
Antiseptic The insulating layer must be protected from the appearance of harmful microorganisms inside, which can not only impair the effectiveness of insulation, but also have a destructive effect on the enclosing structures (wood is susceptible to rotting). In addition, I would advise choosing a material that does not harbor insects and rodents.
Strength For a frame house, it is very important that the insulation used retains its original dimensions throughout its entire service life, and its shrinkage is minimal.
During construction, the distance between the racks for the insulation is calculated in such a way that the slabs of material fit as closely as possible to each other without forming islands of cold. Affordable price

Considering that the estimated cost of constructing a frame house is low (when compared, for example, with a brick building), the insulation also needs to be chosen cheaper, but in no case sacrificing quality.

In the next section I will talk about popular types of insulation, and based on this information you can decide for yourself which insulation is best for a frame house.

Characteristics of materials used Let's consider which insulation to use for thermal insulation of a frame dwelling. In my opinion, the best way

Several varieties are suitable, which are shown in the diagram below: Well, now let's determine the most best material

for work.

Basalt mats

This thermal insulation material is made from a mineral of volcanic origin - basalt. The collected raw materials are melted at high temperature, after which ultra-thin threads are formed from the melt. Subsequently, they are formed into mats or slabs by gluing with phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Thanks to the use of basalt and a special production technology, the material in question acquires some features, especially from the point of view of its use for thermal insulation of a frame structure.

  1. I will describe the most important of them in more detail: Low thermal conductivity.

The insulation consists of a large number of thin fibers, oriented in different directions and glued with resin in such a way that there are many spaces filled with air between them. Thanks to this, the material acquires a very low thermal conductivity coefficient. The exact value of this parameter is between 0.032 and 0.048 W/(m*K) and depends on the density of the slabs used. To reliably insulate frame house

, it is enough to use several layers of basalt mats with a total thickness of 10 to 15 cm.

  1. This exactly corresponds to the cross-section of the beams that form the basis of the building. In other words, the insulation is completely placed inside the frame and covered with sheathing sheets. There is no need to construct additional sheathing on top or inside. Basalt mats can safely be classified as hygroscopic thermal insulation materials. Unlike, for example, fiberglass, insulation fibers do not absorb water. And to increase water-repellent properties, the necessary substances are added to the resins used for gluing.
    Water absorption of basalt insulation boards is no more than 2% of its own volume. In this case, the liquid that gets inside does not increase the thermal conductivity of the material and is quickly removed outside. To evaporate it, ventilation gaps are usually made in the outer cladding of a frame house.
    In some cases, the material is covered with vapor-permeable membranes, which do not allow the insulating layer to get wet during rain and prevent the fibers of the mats from fraying.
  2. High vapor permeability. Basalt insulation It has an open structure, so it does not interfere with air infiltration through the enclosing structures. As a result, the liquid contained in the wood has the opportunity to freely evaporate during the operation of the building, and the level of humidity in living quarters is automatically regulated.

The vapor permeability coefficient of mineral wool (0.49 mg/(m*h*Pa)) is much higher than, for example, plywood (0.02), which is usually used for wall cladding frame house. Therefore, the insulation will not become a bottleneck that limits the “breathing” of the building.

  1. High fire safety. Basalt fibers are made from a mineral of volcanic origin, so they have a very high temperature melting (more than 1000 degrees Celsius).
    According to the requirements of fire safety standards (NPB number 244-97), mineral mats made of basalt fiber belong to the category of non-combustible insulation. They do not ignite when exposed to open flame and limit further spread of fire.
    What is very important is that when the walls of a home burn, the insulation does not emit toxic smoke, which can harm human health and complicate the evacuation of the inhabitants of the house.
  2. Mineral wool, due to its open structure and random arrangement of fibers, perfectly absorbs structural (shock) and airborne noise. This is very important for a frame house, the enclosing structures of which do not differ in thickness.

Another important point– reducing the reverberation time of sound waves. In other words, mineral wool insulation protects the inhabitants of the home not only from external noise, but also limits the propagation of sound waves through internal ones.

  1. High strength. Basalt mats can withstand very heavy loads. At 10% deformation, the insulation has a compressive strength reaching 80 kPa.
    The special beauty of the material is that it retains its geometric dimensions throughout its entire service life, regardless of temperature and humidity. Installed inside the walls, it does not shrink or fall off, forming gaps through which heat escapes.
    Typically, the pitch of the racks for insulation is calculated in advance and adjusted to the size of the mineral mats that will be used in building the house.
  2. High antiseptic and chemical resistance. The material does not undergo biocorrosion, regardless of air humidity and the method of its operation. Inside mineral mats and, accordingly, frame walls, mold and fungi that can destroy the wood do not grow.

Another advantage of mineral wool is that its fibers are not destroyed by mice and insects. Therefore, I recommend using such insulation for construction country houses and similar suburban dwellings.

Thermal insulation material tolerates contact well with many chemicals and does not create an acidic environment that promotes corrosion. metal elements, used during the construction of a house using frame technology.

  1. Highly environmentally friendly. The insulation discussed in this section is made from gabbro-basalt, therefore, by definition, cannot cause harm surrounding nature and human health.
    However, formaldehyde resin is used for gluing resins, which can release toxic substances during operation. To reduce negative impact of this substance on the human body, mineral mats are subject to thermal effects during production. The formaldehyde emission level fully complies with established standards.

Moreover, as you use possible harm decreases from mineral wool.

I believe that mineral wool is the best option for home insulation. The only limitation is the rather high price of the material. Therefore, for people who want to save as much as possible, I offer another option for insulation - polystyrene foam.

Foam boards

This insulating material is made from polystyrene by foaming it with steam. As a result, a large number of thin-walled polymer granules are formed, filled inside with atmospheric gas. Slabs are formed from them using a non-press method, which are used for insulation of various buildings, including frame houses.

As in the previous case, I will focus on describing the important technical characteristics of this material:

  1. I will describe the most important of them in more detail: Styrofoam is a material that is 98% air and the rest is very thin walls that hold the gas in place. Thanks to this, it acquires a very low thermal conductivity coefficient - less than that of mineral wool.
    The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material ranges from 0.028 to 0.034 W/(m*K). In other words, the heat-preserving properties of hardened polystyrene foam are quite enough to save heat inside a frame house in winter and prevent it from overheating in summer.
    If we take block foam with a density of 34 kg per cubic meter, then the thickness of the insulating layer is sufficient for middle zone Russia will be 10 cm, which fits well into the standard cross-section of timber used in the construction of the frame.
  2. This exactly corresponds to the cross-section of the beams that form the basis of the building. In other words, the insulation is completely placed inside the frame and covered with sheathing sheets. There is no need to construct additional sheathing on top or inside. Given the closed cell structure of polystyrene foam, it absorbs liquid very poorly. When the surface of the material is moistened, it absorbs no more than 4% of the liquid during the first 24 hours. After this, water absorption stops completely.

Two conclusions follow from this:

  • Firstly, the material does not require additional protection in the form of a waterproofing membrane, and its technical characteristics do not deteriorate as it gets wet.
  • Secondly, the thermal insulation layer is able to withstand a huge number of freezing and thawing cycles, since there is no water inside it, which, when crystallized, destroys the structure of the material.

  1. Low vapor permeability. In this indicator, the insulation differs sharply from the mineral wool described above. Its vapor permeability coefficient is 0.05 mg/(m*h*Pa), which is comparable to monolithic concrete. Therefore, the thermal insulation layer sharply limits air infiltration, although it does not stop it completely.
    When using polystyrene foam to insulate a frame house, I advise installing the insulation in such a way that the frame of the house has contact with environment, that is, it ensured the removal of moisture from the wood during operation.
    It is also advisable to equip a reliable ventilation system, otherwise water vapor generated as a result of human activity will accumulate inside.
  2. High fire hazard. Regulatory documents regulating fire safety building materials, polystyrene foam belongs to the category of very flammable materials (G4). Combined with the wood used for construction, this makes the home very dangerous to use.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that in the event of a fire, the insulation spreads the flame further and emits black toxic smoke, which limits visibility, complicates the evacuation of people and the elimination of the fire, and can also cause serious poisoning.

To avoid at least part negative consequences, I recommend using material marked with the letter “C” for work, which contains fire retardants that promote self-extinguishing of the flame. Well, no one has canceled the treatment of wooden parts of the house with fire-prevention impregnations.

  1. High sound insulation properties. Polystyrene foam protects rooms well frame construction from structural noise, but does not absorb well sound waves spread through the air.
    If you want to achieve complete silence inside your home, in addition to polystyrene foam, you need to use additional material with a high sound absorption coefficient. As an example, I can cite foam rubber (polyvinyl chloride foam) or mineral wool.
  2. High strength. Despite its brittleness to fracture, the material has an excellent coefficient of compressive strength. Like mineral wool, insulation of sufficient density can withstand a force of 80 kPa at 10% surface deformation.

Another important point is dimensional stability. Once installed between the frame posts, the insulation retains its width, length and thickness throughout its entire service life.

The only feature is low elasticity. The insulation cannot be bent and placed between the frame, so it is important to carefully observe the dimensions when installing timber or cutting foam boards.

  1. High antiseptic properties and good chemical resistance. Research has long proven that the existence of microorganisms on the surface and inside the foam is impossible. That is, there is no need to worry about rotting and molding of the insulation layer.
    But polystyrene is susceptible to destruction by rodents. Mice love to gnaw passages inside the material and make nests, although they do not feed on it themselves. Therefore, when using the material, I recommend additional protection of the material.
    The insulation in question withstands the effects of most chemical substances used in construction. Antiseptic and fire-prevention impregnations, as well as (with the exception of oil) used in the construction of frame houses do not destroy the material.
    An important point is that foam plastic should be reliably protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Direct sunlight can destroy the material.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The insulation described in this section, if the conditions for its installation in a frame structure and subsequent operation are observed, does not harm human health in any way.

As you can see, polystyrene foam is suitable for insulating a frame house, but with some reservations. And I would advise using it only if the cost of the material is the determining factor in your choice.

Polyurethane foam

It is a porous material resulting from chemical reaction two components, occurring immediately before applying insulation to the heat-insulated surface.

I consider polyurethane foam separately due to the fact that it is almost impossible to use for self-insulation dwellings:

  • firstly, you need to purchase or rent a spraying installation with a compressor;
  • secondly, you need to be able to work with it.

But no one is stopping me from telling you about the features of this insulation. Perhaps this will help you make a choice in favor of innovative polyurethane foam rather than obsolete, but no less popular mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

  1. I will describe the most important of them in more detail: When applying polyurethane foam to the surfaces being treated, it is possible to regulate the density of the material. Thermal conductivity also depends on it, which ranges between 0.019 and 0.035 W/(m*K).

Therefore, hardened polyurethane foam fits perfectly into the rule I derived that all insulation should be placed in the space between the sheathing sheets of the frame structure. It is enough to place a 10 cm thick layer of polyurethane foam in the gap between the frame beams in order to avoid problems with unproductive losses of thermal energy during the heating season.

  1. This exactly corresponds to the cross-section of the beams that form the basis of the building. In other words, the insulation is completely placed inside the frame and covered with sheathing sheets. There is no need to construct additional sheathing on top or inside. Like polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam has a very low water absorption coefficient. A frozen layer of insulation can absorb no more than 2% of its own volume, which is even less than that of other cellular insulation.
    To further enhance the water-repellent properties of the foam, castor oil is added to one of its components.
    In other words, there is no need to take any measures to insulate polyurethane foam from moisture. However, this does not mean that the thermal insulation layer does not require external decorative finishing. After all, this substance is destroyed by other natural factors.
  2. Low vapor permeability. The material is among the leaders in this indicator. The vapor permeability coefficient of polyurethane foam with a density of, for example, 40 kg per cubic meter is no more than 0.05 mg/(m*h*Pa). That is, after hardening, the foam completely stops air circulation through the frame walls.

A particular danger (when compared with polystyrene foam) is that when sprayed, foam covers the elements of the building’s frame, so the moisture inside the not completely dry beams is locked inside and can cause premature destruction of the building.

To avoid this, when constructing a frame dwelling, I advise using only well-dried lumber and ensuring the possibility of ventilation of the wooden parts.

  1. High fire safety. Despite the fact that, like polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam is made of polymer components, it belongs to the category of fire-resistant, self-extinguishing and low-flammable materials. Increased fire resistance The insulating foam is given special additives.
    Treated with polyurethane foam wooden parts frame houses receive additional protection from fire. In special cases, you can use specialized, fire-resistant polyurethane foam, a layer of which is applied on top of the base one. However, it costs much more and this method of insulation can only be used in rooms where there is a high risk of fire (furnace rooms in a bathhouse or boiler room in a house).
  2. High sound insulation properties. The ability of polyurethane foam to absorb sound waves directly depends on the rigidity of the frame on which it is applied, as well as the density of the material itself.

In any case, sprayed insulation protects interior living spaces from impact structural noise and partially protects against sounds propagated through the air. There is a special highly elastic polyurethane foam that can act as a reliable sound insulator.

  1. Strength. A material of a certain density (over 35 kg per cubic meter) has such high strength characteristics and compression resistance that it can be treated on top with thin-layer cement plaster.
    An important property of the insulation under consideration is its almost zero shrinkage coefficient. When applied, the foam increases in size, and after the end of the chemical reaction it hardens and retains its size until the end of operation. And on geometric parameters insulation is not affected by ambient temperature and humidity.
    Another advantage of polyurethane foam is that when applied inside a frame structure, it adheres tightly to the surface and fills all the cracks, defects and irregularities. As a result, the appearance of cold bridges that reduce the energy efficiency of the building is eliminated.
  2. Antiseptic and chemical resistance. Like mineral wool, polyurethane foam is neutral to biological damaging factors. Mold and mildew, as well as other harmful microorganisms, do not appear on the surface of the insulation. But unlike polystyrene foam, mice don't like polyurethane foam.

As for chemical resistance, the insulating foam is not damaged chemical solutions contained in other building materials. Due to low vapor permeability and chemical neutrality, the insulation reliably protects the metal fasteners of the frame structure from damage.

However, polyurethane foam has an inherent disadvantage of polystyrene foam - poor resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The hardened insulation layer must be protected from the sun by external cladding.

  1. Environmental friendliness. After polymerization, the foam has almost zero emission of harmful substances. However, during spraying the material emits harmful substances, therefore, it is necessary to work with it only in a special suit and carefully protect the respiratory and visual organs.

If for some reason you do not want to use mineral wool, I advise you to try polyurethane foam. But to obtain a high-quality result, it is better to seek help from special companies that deal with thermal insulation of buildings using polyurethane foam.


Based on the considered characteristics of thermal insulation materials, you can independently decide which insulation to choose for a wooden frame house. The instructions presented in the video in this article will help you to insulate such a home yourself.

What do you think is the best material to use for thermal insulation of a frame house? You can leave your thoughts on this issue in the comments.

September 6, 2016

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To achieve comfortable stay in the house during winter period it is necessary to think about insulation at the construction stage. This will prevent cold air from entering the room and ensure compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. You can do the insulation of a frame house yourself. Step-by-step instruction for each type of structure is given below.

Why is it necessary to insulate a house?

Using thermal protection of structures in contact with cold air, the following problems can be solved:

  • condensation from inside the premises;
  • the appearance of dampness, mold and mildew;
  • increased heating costs;
  • non-compliance temperature regime living space and a decrease in the comfort of living in it.

In addition, competent technology for insulating a frame house can extend the service life of the main structures of the building.

Materials for thermal protection

House insulation can be carried out using the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;

Types of mineral wool

There are two classifications this insulation. The first is based on the raw materials used for manufacturing:

  • basalt;
  • glass;
  • slag.

The most popular is the insulation of the walls of a frame house and other basalt structures. mineral wool.

The second classification is based on the form of insulation:

  • rigid slabs;
  • roll material.

It is worth noting that glass wool is only available in rolls.

For floors, rigid slabs that can withstand fairly high loads are suitable. Insulation of the walls of a frame house can be done using both slabs and rolls. For mansard roof best used slab material. This will allow you to easily install mineral wool insulation between the rafters.

Insulated frame house structures

Before insulating a frame house, you need to decide which structures require this additional measure.

You can protect the following building elements from the cold with your own hands:

  1. first floor floor;
  2. attic floor (if the attic is cold);
  3. attic roof;
  4. exterior walls.

Do-it-yourself insulation work can be done both outside and inside. It is best to install thermal insulation between the studs, as this will ensure competent work material. Insulation wooden house applying mineral wool from the inside of the wall will greatly simplify the work and allow events to be carried out in any weather conditions.

Double-layer insulation – guarantee of 100% thermal protection

An insulation scheme from the outside is possible if the insulation from the inside is not sufficient and additional insulation is required. Peculiarities:

  • external thermal insulation material should not create a barrier to steam. Otherwise, the resulting condensation from water vapor will accumulate between two layers of insulation, which is fraught with the formation of mold and mildew;
  • thickening the house wall

Based on all of the above, it follows that thermal protection of a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool should be carried out only in exceptional cases when the scheme from the inside is not applicable.

Wall insulation

Double-layer insulation (double frame)

To guarantee comfortable living during the winter period, it is important to take care of the thermal protection of the walls. To reliably insulate walls with basalt or other wool from the outside with your own hands, you need two-layer insulation. Adhere to the following layer order:

  1. interior decoration;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. insulation with mineral wool (2 layers with offset racks);
  4. windproof membrane;
  5. OSB-3 for sheathing;
  6. external decoration of the facade.

It is important to remember that the scheme for using this type of insulation requires the presence of a ventilated layer with a thickness of at least 4 cm. This is necessary due to the high hygroscopicity of the material. So that the insulation retains its performance characteristics, it is necessary to remove excess moisture from its surface. This is ensured by the circulation of cold air outside the surface of the mineral wool.

Most often, the technology for insulating the walls of a frame house is the following diagram: the material is not laid on any side, but between the frame posts. This allows you to reduce the overall thickness of the wall and significantly reduce the construction time of the building. Mineral wool is fixed between the frame posts, after which sheathing is done on both sides.

Vapor barrier and wind protection when doing DIY work are arranged similarly to the previous cases: steam protection is on the inside, and wind protection is on the outside.

When thermally protecting walls from the inside under curtain façade The order of layers is as follows:

  1. interior decoration;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. mineral wool;
  4. superdiffusion membrane;
  5. wall design;
  6. façade finishing.

Insulation of floors

A wooden frame house is characterized by ceiling beams. When arranging thermal insulation with your own hands, insulation boards are laid between load-bearing structures ceilings You can also use rolled materials, but spreading them will require preliminary installation of the bottom sheathing or continuous flooring.

When insulating with mineral wool in the form of rigid slabs, the step wooden beams It is better to take the ceilings so that there is a clear gap of 580 mm between them. This will ensure maximum convenience

When doing things with your own hands, you need to remember that the vapor barrier is located from the inside of the room, and the waterproofing is on the cold air side. In the case of interfloor ceilings, protection from steam should be provided from the ceiling.

Insulation attic floor

It is also important to remember that when working with any type of mineral wool, it is better to prevent particles of the material from getting on your skin and into your lungs. For this, it is best to use gloves and a mask. Workers must also have special clothing that completely covers their arms and legs.

Insulation of pitched roofs

The DIY installation technology is similar to ceilings. The pitch of the rafters, as in the previous case, is selected to maintain a clear distance of 580 mm.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. installation of the rafter system;
  2. laying a waterproofing layer on top of the rafters;
  3. thermal insulation;
  4. installation of vapor barrier;
  5. top and bottom sheathing;
  6. laying roofing material;
  7. interior ceiling decoration.

Preparatory work

Before properly insulating a frame house, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces. To do this, follow simple steps:

  1. treating all wooden house structures with antiseptic compounds to prevent damage by various microorganisms;
  2. cleaning the surface from dirt and dust;
  3. elimination of significant irregularities.

These simple do-it-yourself manipulations will ensure that the insulation is securely attached to the structures and has the longest possible service life.

Currently, a large number of owners country houses who are built on stilts with their own hands, ask the same question: what insulation to choose and should it be taken?

The fact is that insulation materials for frame houses are presented in the widest range, and each of them has its own characteristics, therefore, in order to choose a material for insulating the facade from the outside, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular products.

1 Features of insulation for the facade of a frame house

Before you begin purchasing and further installing the material that will be used to ensure thermal insulation of a frame cottage on stilts from the inside and outside, it is best to study their characteristics in detail.

When building a frame house on stilts with your own hands, you need to correctly choose the best material with which thermal insulation will be formed from the inside or outside.

It is better to spend some time and understand how the insulation scheme works and how not to make a mistake with the choice of material, than to rush headlong into choosing to cover the surface of the facade with low-quality or, as is often the case, simply unsuitable material.

All materials presented on the modern construction market for finishing and insulating floors and facades with your own hands, both inside and outside, are divided into two main categories.

Insulation for a frame house can be either organic or synthetic. At the same time, their installation scheme in many respects has a large number of similar key points, despite the fact that the production technology differs significantly.

The best choice of insulation for finishing the facade of a frame house with your own hands, both outside and inside, can be made based on the detailed information received, as in the case of.

Insulation frame bath and her flooring can be achieved with her own hands using organic materials such as:

  • Wood shavings;
  • Peat;
  • Tyrsa;
  • Hemp.

In addition, insulation of a frame bath can be done from the outside and inside using inorganic insulation materials. It could be:

  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool as shown.

Modern technology insulation allows you to insulate the floor and frame of the house at the same time different types insulation materials, but it is better to choose one and use it to insulate a frame house from the outside.

It is worth considering that most of the materials presented are quite suitable for floor insulation; the installation technology also provides for such options.

It is better to choose insulation for the floor according to the same parameters as the choice of material for finishing the walls from the inside.

The installation plan for floor insulation can be general. Due to their modernity, inorganic insulation materials are distinguished by a number of properties.

Organic materials are better due to their greater environmental friendliness and naturalness. However, before you start installing them from the inside of the frame with your own hands, or insulating the floor surface with them, you should take into account the insufficiently high level of practicality.

Organic insulation materials, as a rule, are distinguished by such qualities as high flammability, excessive moisture holding capacity and reduced thermal insulation properties.

1.1 Foam plastic and mineral wool

Foam plastic, as a material that can be used to insulate the floor and facade of a frame house, has been deservedly popular for quite a long time.

This insulation exhibits good performance properties and is lightweight and low cost. Polystyrene foam is practically unable to absorb moisture.

When using this material there is no need to use steam and moisture-proof membranes. A significant drawback is the high degree of flammability.

When ignited, the material emits black and extremely toxic smoke. Foam plastic is fragile and therefore for installation you should pay attention to pressed sheets.

The cost of the work will be quite low even compared to ecowool or stone wool. This leads to the conclusion that polystyrene foam is not the most the best option for insulating a frame house (especially from the inside).

Mineral wool is rapidly gaining momentum in popularity. It is presented on the market in the form of high-density slabs, which are filled with a light fibrous substance.

1.3 Ecowool and stone wool

1.4 Expanded clay and other bulk materials

When using bulk materials for a frame house, there are a number of limiting factors. The most common problem associated with the use of bulk materials is that during operation they begin to settle over time.

In this case, the previously insulated surface becomes uninsulated. This phenomenon significantly reduces the thermal insulation performance, therefore, when backfilling such materials, they must first be carefully compacted.

In most cases, bulk materials are used to insulate floors in frame houses. Before backfilling the insulation, care should be taken to ensure waterproofing on the outside of the facade. It is not recommended to use any membrane partitions.

For this it is impossible would be better suited material such as glassine. In most cases, insulation work involving bulk materials is quite complex and time-consuming and therefore, in most respects, they are much inferior to mineral wool.

2 Features of insulation with natural materials

Many experts claim that when used natural materials as insulation they will not be able to last long enough and after a few years they will lose their original properties.

However, European builders have repeatedly proven that when using a clay mixture with the addition of straw, shavings or sawdust, a frame house is insulated with the required degree of reliability.

The so-called sawdust concrete can also be used for this, but the process of its production is quite complicated, along with the fact that the cost of natural components is quite low.

In this regard, the presented material has a significant advantage over polyurethane foam and mineral wool. Along with this, the processes associated with its subsequent processing and preparation require considerable concentration of effort.

2.1 What type of insulation is best?

Polyurethane is generally recognized as the most well-proven insulation for frame houses. It is presented in the form of two liquid components, which, when mixed, form the finished substance. Its undoubted advantage is its high degree of convenience.

After it completely fills all the free space between the walls, excess material is easily cut off.

In addition, polyurethane is not able to absorb moisture, so it does not need to create an additional waterproofing layer. In second place will be natural insulation materials, which can easily be placed between the uprights of the main frame.

A mixture consisting of clay, straw and sawdust will have good thermal insulation characteristics and ideal environmental cleanliness.

2.2 What insulation should I use for a frame house? (video)