Fachwerk - modern romance and practicality of the Middle Ages. Half-timbered houses (54 photos): style and reliability, proven over centuries Timber half-timbered houses

Half-timbering is a technology for building houses in which the capital load of the building is carried by vertical supports - racks made of timber in the walls of the building. Unlike traditional frame walls, the space between the supports is occupied by dense heavy material - brick, wood, concrete, adobe, clay. At the same time, the load-bearing racks made of timber are not masked in the wall, but remain visible, creating a characteristic appearance of the structure, a special “European” flavor.

Half-timbered buildings have proven their durability. The first peak of their popularity occurred in the Middle Ages. Built several centuries ago, these buildings still perform their functions. Today technology is experiencing its peak in fashion for the second time. The wide design possibilities and reliability of the houses make them popular among customers of frame construction.

History of origin

The history of half-timbered buildings began in the 11th century. Half-timbered timber became widespread in the 14th and 15th centuries in the northern coastal regions, where timber was available and shipbuilding was developed. The ability to carpenter and build ships allowed craftsmen to easily build strong wooden frames for future buildings.

German style.

In the 15th century, half-timbered buildings spread throughout Europe - the northern countries, Holland, England, France, and Switzerland. The reasons for its popularization were the following factors:

  1. The buildings made it possible to save expensive wood and use it only for the construction of the frame, and not the entire wall mass.
  2. The level of carpentry skill has increased, which ensured the reliability of the frames and the strength of future walls.

The peak of popularity of the technology falls on the period from the 15th to the 18th century. Hundreds of thousands of buildings were built in Europe during this period. Half-timbered houses in Germany they received the name Fachwerk, which translated into Russian means “wall of cells” (Fach is a section, cell, panel, “Werk” is a structure).

Modern style.

In England, buildings with a wooden frame were called "half-timber", and in France the technology was called "colombage". In one of the modern versions, half-timbering received another name - Post & Beam or post and beam technology. Her main feature— use of hand-cut logs.

On a note

According to the findings of psychologists, an open demonstration load-bearing frame within the walls instills a sense of confidence in a person.

Half-timbered buildings with a frame visible from the outside have become a hallmark of northern Europe. Today the technology is experiencing a second wave of popularity. With some changes, it spreads beyond Western Europe, to Canada, America and Russia.

Half-timbering and frame technology

At its core, a half-timbered house is a frame structure with wooden frame from load-bearing posts and floor beams that support the main load of the walls and roof. Unlike traditional modern frame houses, the gaps between the beams are filled not with synthetic insulation, but with wall material - brick, stone, concrete, clay, which can be found at the link. The filling material of the walls, “half-timbered” and “frame,” determines the differences in construction technology and in the characteristics of finished buildings.

Comparison factors.Half-timbered buildingFrame.
Service life of the building.Long service life - several hundred years. This is confirmed by hundreds of houses built in the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe.- several decades.
Energy efficiency.Average.High.
Construction speed.Average.Minimum time - the building can be erected in a few months.
Lightness of walls and foundation costs.The walls are heavy; a strong, deep foundation or columnar foundation is required.The walls are light; you can get by with a small, shallow foundation.
Construction cost.The price of a half-timbered house is minimal; the walls are based on the cheapest building material - clay.Medium - requires purchase good insulation and high-quality wall cladding.
Environmental friendliness.High - built from natural materials. Low - built from artificial insulation.
Fire safety.The walls are 80% fire-resistant and smoke-free. Only people can burn out wooden supports and roofing.All materials are flammable and emit acrid, toxic smoke during combustion.
Difficulty in self-construction.Half-timbering is simpler frame technology, especially if you use ready-made house kits half-timbered houses. More difficult to implement, but also available as a ready-made frame house kit.
Possibility of wall restoration.Without removing the roof and disassembling the frame, the wall material can be replaced with another, new one.
Interior design.Any layout is possible, since the internal walls do not bear capital loads. You can arrange large spacious rooms.

A comparative description of half-timbered and frame buildings clearly shows the main differences between the two technologies. The technology of half-timbered houses is a structure made from natural materials, environmentally friendly and durable. Frame construction – new prefabricated building partly from synthetic materials. Moreover, their construction is equally accessible. It is possible to build a half-timbered house with your own hands, just like from a house kit.

Half-timbered building in the forest.

In modern technologies, half-timbered houses are acquiring more and more features of traditional frame buildings. The supports are often masked with panels; for better energy efficiency, the walls themselves are sheathed with insulation or replaced with a layer of heat insulation. Which leads to a mixture of styles, the creation of a new construction option using the characteristics of a half-timbered house and a frame house at the same time. This is how it works.

Construction of half-timbered houses

The design features of half-timbered houses determine their differences from frame buildings. Here are the projects and prices for half-timbered houses, what elements and features are their characteristics:

  1. Each subsequent floor protrudes above the previous one. This is due to the need to protect the wooden beams of the lower floors from getting wet. Floor projections are provided only on the front side. The side walls are blank and smooth. This is due to the history of construction. The density of buildings in the Middle Ages was so high that only the facades of buildings remained open. The ends were tightly adjacent to each other, without passages and the possibility of constructing protruding floors or hanging structures.
  2. Visible beams in the walls of the building.
  3. Inexpensive available wall filler - clay, lightweight concrete.

On a note

Today, external frame elements are often decorative. They are traditionally used in construction, but do not always carry a semantic load; more often they are a sign of style. Such a structure turns into a traditional frame building.

Sometimes style elements are used as external design for brick walls. Beams are attached on top of the brick, which imitate the frame of the building. At first glance, houses with such decor differ little from how half-timbered houses look in the photo. They have the same appearance, but a different construction technology.

Projects and prices

Projects of half-timbered houses are distinguished by a wide variety of interior design. Since walls and partitions do not carry load-bearing loads, their location is subject to design requirements, and not technological necessity.

Frame of the building.

Designing half-timbered houses often involves large spacious rooms and huge windows. Glazing often takes up most of the exterior walls. The use of laminated veneer lumber allows you to reduce the size of its cross-section without reducing strength. Thanks to the small massiveness of the load-bearing elements and the sufficient glazing area of ​​the half-timbered houses, the walls became panoramic. In such buildings is born unique decor, in which street garden forms part of the interior design of the house.

The turnkey price of a half-timbered house does not exceed the cost of frame construction. Therefore, elite panoramic walls have become available to the majority. Thanks to the technology of half-timbered houses, exclusive buildings became the property of the middle class. A real design that transforms half-timbered houses, the video allows you to see all the intricacies of construction.

Technology of half-timbered houses

Today, the technology of constructing half-timbered houses is experiencing a second peak in popularity. Based on this technology, one-, two- and three-story houses are built. At the same time, the technology itself is used in a modified and improved form.

Instead of solid wooden logs, glued and profiled timber is used. They are additionally impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants to prevent rotting and increase resistance to fire.

Panoramic glazing Houses.

The gaps between the vertical supports are filled with insulation, and multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed. Energy-efficient glazing of half-timbered houses, along with insulation, ensures their heat capacity and reduces energy costs during the heating season.

To ensure that the outside walls of the house are not completely transparent, surface coating of glass is used - lamination. From the inside and outside, such a house looks like a spacious, fairy-tale palace.

Step-by-step technology of half-timbered houses

  1. Foundation: USP + its surface waterproofing.
  2. Frame:, vertical columns, top harness, rafters. A one-story half-timbered house - the rafters are placed on top of the frame of the first floor. In two- or three-story construction, the second floor frame is constructed, the supports are attached, and then the second upper frame, rafters. The roof overhang is designed to be quite large - up to 1.5 m. This protects the walls and wooden frame from getting wet.
  3. Roof: traditional choice for frame houses, light metal profiled sheets, flexible roofing.
  4. Filling cells: double-glazed windows, bricks, wood concrete blocks (lightweight concrete with wood shavings, wood chips), foam concrete, clay concrete, multi-layer cake with insulation and wall cladding.

Frame features

The frame of a modern half-timbered house is not only a load-bearing structure, but also decorative element. It divides the wall into segments and gives appearance structure clarity and expressiveness.

Double decker frame house.

The frame of a half-timbered house consists of vertical, horizontal, and inclined elements. Vertical supports support the main load-bearing loads. Horizontal - distribute the pressure of vertical load-bearing elements, making it uniform over the entire area of ​​​​the walls of the house. Inclined - create additional strength, strengthen the structure, make it stable for lateral loads.

The frame elements are connected to each other using metal pins. One of the options for half-timbered construction uses studs along with the excavation of the timber at the joints - the so-called groove.

This system was called Herrenbald. It differs from the traditional frame in the absence of jibs. The stability of the frame is ensured by precise selection of wood at the joints, as a result of which adjacent elements fit tightly together and are additionally secured with through metal pins.

Construction with flat roof.

The technology of half-timbered houses does not require time for shrinkage. However, we must make allowances for mentality. If the timber is solid and dry, shrinkage is not needed. It is also not needed for laminated timber. If the timber is solid and fresh, raw, it is necessary to firmly fasten the frame (with metal pins, nails, with grooves at the joints) and condition it for at least several months. Turnkey half-timbered houses can be completed when the walls of the frame have been insulated and remain Finishing work.

The frame is laid on an insulated foundation. The perfect combination– an insulated Swedish plate or USHP, which simultaneously provides strength, rigidity and insulation of heat loss from the base of the house.

Interior of half-timbered houses

The construction of half-timbered houses ends with the creation of an interior design that can be anything. Traditional classics, medieval Provence or modern minimalism - any style will fit into a real European home.

Often modern trends are used - minimalism, hi-tech, brick style - not plastered walls. Natural wood has retained its popularity in Russia.

Half-timbered houses are a type. A building built using this technology can be easily recognized by its characteristic wall paneling. This type of construction is most common in Europe. In our country, this technology is not yet very popular.

However, half-timbered construction is gaining more and more supporters, which is not surprising. Thoughtful design, the use of natural, environmentally friendly materials are not all the reasons why the number of half-timbered houses is increasing every year.

Features of half-timbered houses

Half-timbered structure (German: Fachwerk - frame structure, half-timbered structure) is a type of building structure in which the supporting base is a spatial section of inclined (at different angles) beams.

These beams are visible from the outside of the house and give the building a distinctive appearance; the space between the beams is filled with adobe material, brick, and sometimes also wood. Half-timbering appeared in the 15th century in Germany and became very popular in Europe, especially in the northern part (from Britain to Poland). In the 20th century, this style experienced a new heyday thanks to the medieval flavor and the effect of natural building materials.

Half-timbered technology refers to low-rise construction, most often such houses have 1 - 2 floors and less often 3 - 4. It can combine several materials: wood, stone, glass. The basis of the building is a frame made of laminated veneer lumber. In this case, the beam is connected under different angles, which gives the frame additional rigidity.

Video: Construction of a half-timbered frame house

Filling the gaps is done with a wide variety of materials. At first, the filling was done with adobe, but now they use brick, glass, OSB, etc.

The walls in half-timbered houses are not load-bearing; the load is taken by the frame, which is not hidden under the cladding, but rather stands out and is the main architectural element.

The building was built according to half-timbered technology It turns out warm due to the use of insulation. An additional bonus is the possibility of unlimited redevelopment. Since the walls are load-bearing, they can be moved or removed without the risk of collapse.

The installation of such a house is quite complicated, but if you have experience working with wood, you can easily handle it yourself. Of course, professionals will cope with this task faster and you can be confident in the quality and reliability of the design.

Construction of a half-timbered building

Half-timbered construction begins with a project. Therefore, it is better to entrust the construction of houses using this technology to specialists. Since the frame uses connections characteristic only for this type of construction, it will be difficult to make independent calculations.

In order to correctly position such connections as: man, half-man, corner man, wilderman or St. Andrew's cross, you need to know this style well and have knowledge of spatial geometry.

Foundation and frame assembly

When the project is already in hand, you can start pouring the foundation and preparing material for the frame. It is better to perform these two actions simultaneously - while the foundation is being poured at the site, frame parts are being made at the factory.

A house built using half-timbered technology is not heavy, so a shallow foundation can be used. After the base is ready, waterproofing is laid on it and piping is done.

Used for strapping wooden beam which is attached anchor bolts. Then the remaining elements are connected in strict accordance with the project.

Wall material

After installing the frame, you can begin to fill the gaps, that is, mount the walls. Any material you like is suitable for these purposes: brick, foam concrete or gas silicate blocks, stone, cement - particle boards, OSB, gypsum fiber, lining () and others.

The main thing is that they meet the following requirements:

  • moisture resistance;
  • good heat saving indicators;
  • strength;
  • light weight;
  • environmental friendliness.

When using materials with heavy weight, the foundation must be adequate. When making walls, it is worth considering that the frame of half-timbered buildings must be open from the outside.

The façade can be finished with decorative plastic slabs imitating brick, but most often it is used.


Of all types of roofs for half-timbered buildings, the gable roof is most often used. A distinctive feature of such a roof is the absence of an attic or attic, and large overhangs. Wide overhangs protect the walls from rain and the room from excess sunlight.

The materials for the roof can be: ondulin, metal tiles and other lightweight materials. Ceramic tiles It is not suitable for half-timbered houses due to its heavy weight.

Advantages of half-timbered buildings

The half-timbered house has a large number of advantages:

  1. a massive foundation is not required - the structure is light, so it is enough to make a shallow-depth tape;
  2. the building does not shrink much - therefore there is no risk of distortion;
  3. half-timbered technology allows you to hide any communications in the niches of the walls or floor;
  4. aesthetics is the main advantage, the house looks as if it came out of a picture of some fairy tale.

It is for these reasons that today more and more people are paying attention to half-timbered construction.


Of course, we should not forget about the disadvantages:

  • High cost of design and installation of the structure;
  • The frame requires constant protection from weathering, mold and fire;
  • In regions with a cold climate, additional thermal insulation will have to be done, which will increase the cost.

The technology for constructing half-timbered houses is considered the most complex, so it is very difficult to build such a house on your own. Therefore, it is better to invite specialists to build half-timbered structures.


Probably many travel lovers have paid attention to Western Europe on charming fairy houses. They themselves are a striking attraction. Today, such houses are starting to be built in Russia, America, and Australia. And yet the most familiar place for them is Germany. Of course, many of our readers have already guessed that we will talk about half-timbered houses. What it is? Let's figure it out.

Studying half-timbered

This is a special building structure of a certain type. In other words, it is a rigid frame made of timber, which is formed by a system of horizontal, diagonal, vertical elements - posts, beams, braces. The gaps are filled with insulating material. At first, clay, stone, and adobe were used. Today, half-timbered houses are built using modern insulation materials, sandwich panels. The choice of such materials these days is huge, so it depends on the preferences of the customer and his financial capabilities. Now you understand what half-timbered timber is. Let's figure out where and how it is used.

The facade of a half-timbered house in the old days was different - it was left in its original form, then they began to cover the building with bricks and plaster. The wealthiest owners covered it with wooden panels.

Today, the façade of a half-timbered house can be decorated in more varied ways. Often the walls are sheathed and then finished in accordance with the wishes of the owners - sheathed with brick or natural stone, clapboard or a wide variety of panels. There is only one constant feature: a half-timbered structure is a structure in which the frame is visible from the outside. When the house is plastered and painted, the frame remains intact. The whole point of this style is that posts, beams, crossbars and braces divide the walls of the building in an original way, thereby giving it a special appeal.

As a rule, a house made in the half-timbered style has a gable roof, less often Today, many designers claim that half-timbered is an architectural style. But initially the meaning of this term is translated from German as follows: Fach - section, Werk - structure. Consequently, a half-timbered structure is a structure made up of sections. That's sorted out.

Half-timbered buildings: what kind of design is this?

According to some sources, this technology has been around for more than five hundred years; according to others, it has already celebrated its 1000th anniversary. But despite this, construction methods have not undergone much change. Just like several centuries ago, the building is built on a rigid wooden frame. True, if you used it before ordinary timber, then today glued laminated timber is used as the most durable. It has no cracks or knots, and therefore looks much more aesthetically pleasing. This is important for such a structure, since the frame is also a decoration of the house.

The construction of half-timbered houses these days is no more difficult than fast construction buildings made of light metal structures. Many people who are thinking about building their own home are interested in half-timbered wood. What kind of design is this, how much more profitable is it? modern buildings, built from new materials according to modern technologies? Let's try to answer these questions.

Style Features

A house built in the half-timbered style, the photo of which you see in this article, does not accept the use of metal - screeds, which can ruin the interior. The elements are still connected with wood - tenons, notches, dowels. It must be said that such connections were used in houses that were already 400-500 years old. Agree, this is a good advertisement for this technology.

The frame of the half-timbered structure is lightweight, which allows you to build houses on a shallow, inexpensive foundation. in the half-timbered style opens up great possibilities for glazing. You can create entire walls of glass. Blind wall openings are usually insulated with glass wool or lightweight aerated concrete. Inside, they are sheathed with gypsum fiber sheet, which significantly improves sound insulation, and in addition, serves as additional protection from the cold.

Where to start construction

Of course, from design. Quality project home is half the success. This means that with proper quality construction work the house will serve the owner for decades. It is better to order an individual project, which will suit the customer even in the smallest details.

Duration of construction

Today you can purchase ready-made frames made at the factory, allowing you to erect half-timbered frames. There is no doubt that this will significantly speed up the process. It takes from two to six weeks to produce it at the enterprise. At this time on construction site preparing the foundation. The frame is installed, filled with insulation, the roof is erected, the exterior and interior walls. This takes another two to three months. It is necessary to create a heating system. It can also be different - oven, steam, water, etc. Laying communications will also take some time. At the same time, we can say that a half-timbered structure is built quite quickly, like any other frame structure.

Half-timbered buildings in Russia

This technology is applicable only for the construction of houses for permanent residence only in warm climates. This was believed until recently. However, technologies are constantly updated, and today architects building half-timbered buildings in Russia use “warm floor” technology, use high-quality double-glazed windows, fill the frame with sandwich insulation, and additionally line the outer walls with brick. As a result of such operations, reliable, comfortable, and withstand very low temperatures the good old half-timbered frames are becoming. There is no doubt that this is a house suitable for permanent residence.

Half-timbered interior

This issue should be approached creatively. You can’t hide the existing beam system anywhere, and is there any need to do so? They carry the spirit of antiquity. They just need to be played in an original way. For this you can use any style - from minimalism to German country.

Beams can be artificially aged if desired, and more can be used in the interior natural wood, lay a “antique” board or tile on the floor. In this case, use high-quality solid furniture. Buy coarse textiles and homemade rugs. Modern technology It’s better to hide it behind cabinet fronts.

If minimalism is closer to you, consider glazing large areas in advance. The rooms will become spacious, flooded with light. Paint the frame and beams White color, and lay bleached parquet on the floor. The walls must certainly be soft, light colors. Install a laconic and compact fireplace, a minimal amount of furniture, and it will turn from a fairy tale into a strict and light home for a modern person.

It should be noted that there is no specific style in which half-timbered buildings are decorated. What kind of style it will be is up to the homeowner to decide. From time immemorial, such houses were united only by the presence of a hearth and a frame.

Interior in half-timbered style

This is a very conventional name. In fact, such a house can be decorated in different ways. Make an accent on the frame by painting it in a contrasting color. Floors can be anything - (tiles are used for this). Just like the outside of the house, the frame should be visible on the interior partitions. The walls in a half-timbered house should be light. Textured plaster is most suitable for this. Beams can be used to organize lighting; in addition, they can be used as shelves or brackets for storing various utensils. It is permissible to use forging in the interior of a half-timbered structure. It could be a horseshoe or even a cart wheel.

Today you learned a little about cute half-timbered houses, found out what their design is, how long it takes to build and how they can be decorated. We hope that you find this information useful and that you will put it into practice someday.

If you don’t know what half-timbered architecture is, then you should remember the characteristic german houses, which appeared in the Middle Ages, but are still popular today. This style is characterized by facades with characteristic dark timber paneling and light wall fillings. Because of the beauty and organic nature of this style, half-timbered construction technology still remains popular in Germany and the countries of Northern Europe.

Properties of modern half-timbering

The construction of houses using half-timbered technology can be confidently classified as frame house construction. In fact, this is one of its varieties. IN in this case functions load-bearing structures makes a frame from wooden beams. Glued laminated timber is ideal for the frame, as it can easily withstand various deformations. To connect frame elements in the corners and among themselves, special methods are used that give additional rigidity to the entire structure.

Important: the main feature of this style is that metal fasteners are not used to connect the frame elements. Beams and beams are connected using dowels, wooden dowels and other wood products.

A half-timbered frame house can be built from different wall materials. In the Middle Ages, adobe was used to make walls. Today, brick, OSB, and sometimes glass are used to fill the wall structure between the beams. In principle, any material can be used, since the wall itself does not serve as a load-bearing structure. The entire load falls on the frame. A characteristic feature of the style is that the frame is not hidden in the wall structure, but rather is put on display, being an architectural element. More often frame beams They make a contrasting dark color against the background of light, sometimes white walls.

The half-timbered house is very warm. This is achieved through the use of thermal insulation materials in the wall construction. An additional advantage of such buildings is their virtually unlimited planning possibilities. Since the wall does not serve as a load-bearing structure, partitions and partitions can be easily removed, moved, changing the layout.

The half-timbered technology of building a frame house is quite complex due to the peculiarities of the installation of the frame. However, if you have certain skills in working with wood, you can easily build such houses yourself. In addition, spatial thinking and knowledge of spatial geometry will not be superfluous.

Advice: it is better to build half-timbered houses from a ready-made house kit. If you want to get a high-quality, strong and durable structure, then it is better to entrust the work of assembling the house to professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

A frame house in the half-timbered style has the following advantages:

  1. The main advantage of such buildings is their aesthetic appeal and unlike other frame buildings. Such houses should be chosen by those who want their home to stand out from the general development with its originality and unusual beauty.
  2. To build any frame house, including a half-timbered one, powerful foundation structures are not needed. A shallow strip foundation or another structure (column or pile-screw) will be sufficient, depending on the geological features of the area.
  3. Since laminated veneer lumber or other wood material that has undergone chamber drying is usually used to install the frame, the structure practically does not shrink. For this reason, the installation of windows and doors, as well as finishing the house, can be done immediately after the construction of the frame. Thanks to this, moving into the house will happen much faster than in other wooden buildings.
  4. Although frame structures exposed, engineering Communication, on the contrary, can be very easily hidden inside a wall or floor structure.

Half-timbered houses have some disadvantages, which are also worth mentioning:

  1. Open wooden structures the frame must be processed periodically protective compounds so that their load-bearing capacity does not decrease. So, you will need fire retardants to protect against burning, antiseptic compounds will help protect the wood from rot and damage by insects, and you will also need solutions to protect from moisture.
  2. When building such a house in a harsh climate, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the walls. As a result, the thickness of the wall structure increases, which entails the need to use more massive beams for the frame.
  3. Regular frame houses will cost less than buildings erected using half-timbered technology.

Installation technology

When installing the frame, a special connection technology is used wooden elements, which only professionals can design correctly. Thus, the following types of connections are used:

  • mann;
  • polumann;
  • corner mann;
  • wilderman;
  • "St. Andrew's cross" and others.

Foundation and frame

Pouring the foundation on the site is carried out independently. In parallel with it, a frame can be manufactured at the factory. It will be much faster if these two operations are performed simultaneously.

After pouring the base and delivering lumber for the frame to the construction site, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Horizontal waterproofing is required on the foundation.
  2. After this, the top trim is made. To do this, a support beam is installed. It must be firmly attached to the base. Anchor bolts are used for fixation.
  3. Logs are attached to the strapping beam. Rolling boards are laid on the cranial bars fixed to the joists. At this stage it is worth insulating the floor. To do this, waterproofing is laid on the floor structure, and thermal insulation material is placed on top of it in the gaps between the joists.
  4. The floor is covered with a layer of vapor barrier on top, and a rough covering is laid.

Next, the vertical beams are installed. For joining inclined, vertical, horizontal and spacer beams, a tenon connection option called “warm” is used. Wooden dowels are used for rigid fixation. The most common options for warm connections:

  • dovetail;
  • secret thorn.

Further installation of structures is carried out in accordance with the project, observing the sequence of stages. Simultaneously with the construction of the supporting frame, partitions are made, which are also mounted using frame-frame technology.

Fillers for walls

After the process of constructing the frame is completed, you can begin to fill the gaps between the frame elements of the walls. It’s easier to say that the sieve of the walls is being filled.

Stone, brick, elements from cellular concrete(aerated concrete, foam blocks, etc.). IN modern houses in most cases, wood sheets and slab materials, namely OSB, moisture-resistant plywood, cement bonded particle boards, lining, gypsum fiber sheets, etc. When choosing a material for walls, it is worth considering that the products must meet the following requirements:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • excellent strength;
  • low specific gravity;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Important: if you use heavy materials (stone, brick) as wall filler, then this should be taken into account at the design stage, because under such a house you need to lay powerful buried foundations. Foundation calculations must be made taking into account the material of the walls.

When filling the frame, it is worth remembering that from the outside of the walls, the frame beams should be visible, that is, the filling material should not completely cover the entire outer surface of the walls. WITH inside can be used at home different variants, here everything depends on the style of the interior.

If you want to build an extraordinary house, then you can use double-glazed windows as wall filler. As a result, you will get maximum natural lighting in the rooms and a panoramic view of the landscape around the house. However, the abundance of glazing does not help retain heat in the house. Even if you install energy-saving double-glazed windows, in areas with harsh winters this will not help retain heat.

As finishing walls you can use any materials:

  • facing tiles imitating brickwork;
  • plaster with decorative compounds;
  • clapboard covering.

Roof of a half-timbered house

Most often in half-timbered house the usual is done gable roof. It harmonizes perfectly with the general architectural style Houses. Characteristic feature such buildings is the absence attic floor and attic. In addition, half-timbered houses are characterized by wide roof overhangs. They protect the walls of the house well from precipitation, and the rooms from the abundance of sunlight in summer.

In the role roofing may act:

  • euroslate;
  • soft roll roofing;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting

Important: due to significant specific gravity It is not recommended to use natural tiles as roofing.

Home interior

Many people who have never been inside a half-timbered house believe that the inside looks the same as the outside. Sometimes the interior of a house is actually decorated in the same style as the exterior. In this case, white tones predominate in the decoration of the room; the style is characterized by a lot of free space and some asceticism.

But besides this, you can use other styles in decorating the premises of such a house. For example, the high-tech style with its abundance of metallic shine and minimalism is ideal for a half-timbered house. Anything looks quite organic in the interior. metal parts, and especially forged products.

Advice: it is worth considering that beams in the interior can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a basis for hanging shelves, hanging cabinets, installing lighting and other interesting solutions.

Few people can remain indifferent to the elegant appearance of the old streets and squares of European cities. Closely standing neat houses of 2-3 floors, with a deliberately open wooden frame, intricately delineating the whitewashed facade, look cozy and gingerbread.

The word Fachwerk (German) (Fachwerk) literally means frame, denotes a spatial structure of interconnected vertical racks, horizontal beams and inclined braces made of oak or coniferous species. The cells formed by the frame elements were filled with improvised materials building materials: raw brick, mixture of clay and straw, mesh reinforced from willow or a natural stone. The medieval builder did not at all bother with covering the wooden parts of the frame, rather for the purposes of economy, but it was this feature that gave the exterior and interior of the houses individuality and charm. A sort of old Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.

The concept of half-timbering in its familiar form was formed about 600 years ago. Having emerged as one of the fastest and cheapest, this housing construction technology turned into an architectural art within 100 years. The lines of the frame acquired a more complex and regular structure, the facades were filled with details for purely decorative, aesthetic purposes, the number of storeys of buildings increased, even entire castles were erected. Despite the apparent lightness and fragility of the structure, many half-timbered houses have served for several centuries without replacing the load-bearing elements of the frame, which characterizes this technology as extremely reliable. And in the usual sense, a half-timbered structure is, in fact, a frame structure.

The half-timbered technology received its rebirth about half a century ago as a kind of response to the demanding demand of those whose eyes were tired of modern reinforced concrete architecture. The basis of modern half-timbering is the Herrenalb system, developed by the German architect Goetz. Houses created using this technology are distinguished by expressiveness, harmony, memorable exterior and high level comfort. Distinctive Features any modern half-timbered structure is a wooden frame with massive posts and beams, a large glazing area (up to 100% of the area of ​​all walls), panoramic windows“to the floor”, wide roof overhangs. The main feature - open frame elements - makes modern half-timbered wood similar to traditional ones.

Despite the seeming impracticality (of course, because we have it that the larger the glazing area, the greater the heat loss), houses built according to the Herrenbald system are perfect for our climate. New technologies have made it possible not to limit the thickness of the walls due to the use of laminated veneer lumber in the frame racks, and the use of modern double-glazed windows significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of windows.

The technology of modern half-timbering began its cautious march across Russia about 10 years ago. At first, cottage villages appeared near Moscow, certainly of a premium class, aimed at a discerning public demanding the very best. And the point is not that the price of building such a house is very high - building a modern half-timbered building is no more expensive than building a similar one in size brick house. But the point is a cunning move by marketers who took advantage of the novelty of technology and “loaded” the beautiful phrase “modern half-timbered timber” with a bunch of excellent epithets: unique, exclusive, trendy, etc. And as you understand, being chosen and status cannot come cheap.

However, the desire for beauty is inherent not only to a select few, and the novelty of technological techniques and, as a consequence, the lack of a sufficient amount of information, encourages our compatriots to bold experiments. Over time, one of the private developers, paying tribute to the spectacular appearance of half-timbered wood, tried to decorate the facades of their houses with budget stylization, reproducing a layout of boards on them that imitated half-timbered wood. Read about how this can be done.

But let's be honest, imitation is imitation, as the user rightly noted in her comment ArtFamily, independently implementing the project."

ArtFamily FORUMHOUSE Member

Imitation is nothing more than graffiti on the wall; the philosophy (or aesthetics) of half-timbered technology lies not in the layouts on the facades, but in the visible structure itself.

Modern fachwerk is not a compromise, it is a young, but already fully formed direction in architecture. And on FORUMHOUSE there are users who realize their dreams within the framework of the principles of the Herrenbald concept - Modern half-timbering. Someone orders a construction set from laminated veneer lumber from the factory. finished project to assemble a true modern half-timbered structure yourself. This is exactly what the user Evgeniy Romanov did, nickname - EvgeniyRomanov what he talked about in his thread

EvgeniyRomanov FORUMHOUSE Member

At the time of construction there was very little, and one might say, almost no information on the network about this technology, but I decided to self-construction, and I had to study for own mistakes. Now it’s much easier for people, they often write and call me, and I happily answer all questions, remembering how hard it was for me when choosing an answer to the questions posed to me in this situation.

Evgeniy chose an insulated Swedish stove as the foundation for his house, which has an area of ​​about 150 meters. Users of the portal who have knowledge of the issue described this choice of foundation as the one that best meets the technology requirements, although not the only one possible. As alternative options MZLF or a pile-grillage foundation with a floor on the ground can be used.

The total volume of glued structures was 28 cubic meters. Moreover, different nomenclature was used for various frame elements. So, section corner posts was 300*300 mm, intermediate – 300*180 mm, internal 180*180 mm, timber 300*180 mm was used for strapping. The figures shown show that the thickness external walls at home can be up to 300 mm, and if, in order to increase energy efficiency, the aesthetics of open racks are neglected, then the thickness can be increased.

The frame of a modern half-timbered frame is assembled using so-called scrums, by connecting vertical and horizontal elements in half-tree notches, which are initially cut at the factory in accordance with the project.

In total, such a constructor has about 500 notches. Unlike a traditional half-timbered frame, where the frame contained jibs that ensured its stability, in the Herrenbald system stability is ensured due to the reliable connection of the nodes and high precision selection of notches, guaranteeing a tight fit of the elements in their places. All nodes are connected by through metal pins.


The assembly of the half-timbered frame began; first, a waterproofing tape was laid under the timber frame. After the harness itself was installed, everything was leveled with wedges, according to the level and level. Then the beam was mounted to the foundation slab with anchors, and we began installing the first columns.

Given the large mass of individual frame elements, its assembly should be carried out by a fairly large team using a crane.


A little advice for those who decide to assemble a half-timbered frame, BUY A HOIST! I've already paid for it 5 times for sure.

Next, the frame was assembled in a logical sequence; after installing the vertical posts, the frame beams were installed, which is the foundation for the second floor. During the construction process, the author’s topic repeatedly raised the issue of cold bridges formed by through metal studs. Evgeniy trusted German pedantry and did not change the project. Subsequent operation showed that when competent system ventilation and operating heating (warm floors), condensation does not form on the studs, and heat loss is comparable to the statistical error.

The rafter system was also made of laminated timber, and its installation was carried out on general principles. The width of the roof overhang was about 1.5 meters, which, in addition to external aesthetics, also carries a practical load - the wetting of the facade during precipitation is significantly reduced, and wide overhangs prevent the heating of the house from direct sunlight. Natural cement-sand tiles were used as roofing.

After completing the installation of the frame, Evgeniy began filling the cells. The façade facing south, as well as some of the cells of other facades, were filled with panoramic energy-saving windows mounted using frameless glazing technology. total area glazing amounted to 85 sq. m. With this technology, even before assembling the frame, grooves are selected in the corresponding posts and beams using a milling cutter. The width of the grooves should be approximately 1 centimeter wider than the thickness of the glass unit; after installation, this space is filled with sealant. The depth of the grooves is such that first the glass unit is pushed into one groove until it stops, then it is inserted into another groove and centered using special stands; after filling with sealant, the bottom strip is mounted.

Note that a modern energy-efficient double-glazed window, the design of which uses multifunctional glass, as well as triplex, has a thermal conductivity coefficient comparable to timber wall 20-22 cm thick, as well as enviable impact resistance.

Frame frames under basalt insulation were installed inside the blind cells of the facade, a vapor barrier was installed on the inside, and sheet windproof material (this could be OSB, MDVP, etc.) on the outside, on which it was attached exterior decoration facade (fiber cement siding) flush with the front plane of the frame posts. With this design, special attention should be paid to vapor barrier, given that the film does not create a sealed contour, but is placed only in cells, leaving the load-bearing elements of the frame open, which requires special care when performing work, as well as the use of special tape.

Technologically, there are many options for filling the cells of the frame - from brick (a la traditional half-timbered timber) to multi-layer pies using basalt insulation special membranes and films, or eco-wool. One of the closest in spirit to traditional half-timbering, as well as an environmentally friendly option, is filling the cells arbolite blocks, followed by plastering.

Methods for finishing the facade can only be limited by your healthy imagination. This and wet facade, and ventilated with imitation or planken upholstery, and decorative: clinker imitating old brickwork, and other options. Although we must understand that the concept of modern half-timbering itself imposes certain stylistic restrictions on the choice roofing material, as well as façade finishing.