Wet façade cons. Wet facade - pros and cons

Even at the design stage of a building for various purposes, it is necessary to resolve a number of issues. Therefore, when exterior decoration you need to decide on the choice: wet facade or ventilated. To do this, you need to understand the features of each option.

Pros and cons of a wet facade

Finishing the facade using “wet” technology consists of the following stages:

  1. Installation of insulation, which is attached to the external part of the building using a special adhesive composition. Additionally, the material is also fixed with dowels. There can be several options for thermal insulation material: expanded polystyrene, mineral wool (pressed), polystyrene foam.
  2. Reinforcement for which fine mesh is used and adhesive composition.
  3. Finishing using plaster mixtures. For example, cement, decorative, textured.

The listed levels of finishing are gradually applied to the façade, ultimately forming a durable structure. In addition, the wet facade also has a number of other advantages:

  • fire safety, due to the fact that the plaster and glue used are not susceptible to fire and become protection for the lower thermal insulation layer;
  • small weight;
  • simplicity of finishing work.

The disadvantage of façade finishing made using “wet” technology is the high cost of the materials used. In addition, the work will require a perfectly flat surface. In the absence of this, the cost of finishing increases, since the walls will have to be leveled during the process.

Pros and cons of a ventilated façade

A ventilated facade is a structure that is installed on the surface using specially designed guide profiles and brackets. Due to the use of a large number of building elements (anchors, profiles), the work will require a person with skills in this area. No adhesives are used here for fastening; everything is fixed mechanically.

In general, the technology for installing a ventilated facade is as follows:

  1. Brackets are fixed on the facade surface.
  2. Thermal insulation material is being installed, for fastening which disc-shaped dowels are used. As a rule, slabs from mineral wool, the characteristics of which include good vapor permeability.
  3. A film is laid on top of the thermal insulation layer.
  4. Next, horizontal and vertical guide profiles are attached, which serve as the basis for laying the final decorative layer. Panels made of fireproof plastic, galvanized metal or porcelain stoneware can be used here.

The positive qualities of a ventilated facade include:

  • the ability to mask all wall irregularities and other defects;
  • good level of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • long service life.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a ventilated facade will be fireproof only if only mineral materials. The use of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is not recommended due to its high flammability.

The disadvantages of a ventilated facade include the fact that when using high-quality materials, the cost of finishing as a whole will be very high. And it is better to trust the work only to qualified specialists. This will also require additional costs.

So it’s still better to choose

The choice of a ventilated facade or a wet facade depends on many factors. It is believed that the first option has an advantage due to the presence of space between the finishing itself and the insulation, which allows free circulation air flow and removal of moisture and condensation. Hence the name “ventilated facades”.

But this system may not be suitable for every building. This is due to the significant mass of the cladding, especially if the issue concerns porcelain stoneware slabs. Here it is necessary to take into account the load-bearing capacity of the walls of the building. The most suitable finishing is for walls made of concrete.


Both ventilated and wet facades have their pros and cons. Before making a choice, you need to study them and choose the option that will satisfy your requirements and expectations. It is important that the finish is strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing, and everything else depends on the preferences of the owner.

One of the most effective ways to insulate a house is the so-called wet facade plaster. High-quality insulation walls residential buildings– extremely important stage construction and repair. That's all today more owners private homes are aware of this. Spending once a large sum on the purchase of materials, they save a lot of money in the future. After all, as practice shows, it is through the walls that a residential building loses up to 40% of heat. Therefore, if you reduce heat loss, you can reduce energy consumption, which means saving a lot of money.

Many homeowners, choosing the best way when insulating a house, we are forced to choose between regular and wet plaster. But if the first option is widely known, then much is known about the second less people. Therefore, it will be very useful to talk about it in more detail.

What is a wet façade?

If, when creating conventional ventilated facades, other materials are used, then when producing wet facades, special mixtures are used, which include a large number of water. This is where the name “wet facade” comes from.

Ready-made mixtures containing polymers are available for sale, but if desired, you can make them yourself. This allows you to save significantly when purchasing building materials. But in this case, it is worth considering that the quality of the mixture will be lower than that of the purchased one. This is due to the complexity of manufacturing and special composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any building material or technology has a number of advantages and disadvantages. You need to know about both the first and the second in order to make a deliberate, informed choice, which you won’t have to regret even after many years.

To begin with, we list the main advantages characteristic of wet facade plaster:

  1. Occupies a minimum of space, practically without increasing the volume of the house.
  2. The service life in most regions of our country with moderate humidity and relatively small daily and annual temperature changes is about 25 years. All this time, the facade will not need repairs, which require additional time and money.
  3. This type of insulation does not increase the load on bearing structures, which means you won’t have to strengthen the walls or install an additional frame.
  4. Despite its simplicity, this technology can significantly reduce thermal conductivity and increase the sound insulation characteristics of buildings.
  5. A huge variety of colors - the owner of the house can use decorative plaster of the color that, in his opinion, looks the most advantageous.

Unfortunately, this method of insulation decorative plaster has certain disadvantages:

  1. It is advisable to protect plastered surfaces from dirt and dust. If dust settles on the surface of the walls before the plaster has hardened, the appearance of the house will be affected.
  2. It is not advisable to use this technology in the cold season. In cases where this is necessary, it is necessary to use special heat guns, as well as scaffolding covered with film, which complicates the work process and significantly increases the cost of the work.
  3. It takes at least a few days for the plaster to completely harden. There should be no precipitation during this entire time; you must carefully monitor the weather forecast before you can begin finishing the façade of the house.
  4. Carrying out work in hot weather summer days undesirable - when it gets very hot in the sun, the plaster can dry out and crack. Therefore, it is better to choose either the end of spring, the beginning of autumn, or early morning, late evening, when the sun is not so hot.

Now you know about the most important features plaster wet facade and you can do right choice, carefully weighing the main pros and cons.

Thermal insulation

The modern market of thermal insulation materials offers many excellent options that differ in a number of properties: cost, efficiency, the possibility of self-application, complexity of installation, etc. But still, the two most widely used materials are polystyrene foam and mineral wool. Which one to choose for home insulation? Let's compare the options with each other.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of both materials is approximately the same. Of course, if you take a new, high-quality and undamaged sample. Therefore, neither option has significant advantages here.

An important indicator is flammability. And here mineral wool wins by a serious margin. Expanded polystyrene, for all its advantages, is a flammable material. It not only melts under the influence of fire, but also supports combustion well. Mineral wool is completely resistant to combustion, and some brands can withstand temperatures up to 1000° C.

But during installation, foam plastic is much lighter and more convenient. Thick sheets easy to cut with a hacksaw or sharp knife, quickly fixed on the surface. Mineral wool, even supplied in mats, does not provide such convenience. But it also has its advantages. Joining two edges of mats is much easier than joining two sheets of foam. There will almost always be a small gap between the latter, which can play the role of a cold bridge, significantly reducing the effectiveness of insulation.

Finally, for some reason, polystyrene foam is very popular with mice and rats. They often create extensive labyrinths in this material. Of course, because of this, the thermal insulation properties are noticeably reduced. Rodent pests did not notice such attention to mineral wool, which can be called an important advantage.


If you are interested in wet plaster of the facade, the technology of its construction should be carefully studied in order to avoid mistakes when doing the work yourself.

The first step, as with other work, is preparing the base. The wall must be level. If mineral wool can still hide small cracks and even protrusions, then polystyrene foam cannot boast of this. Even a protrusion of a few millimeters can cause the sheets to bulge, and this will definitely not add attractiveness to your home. Therefore, unevenness needs to be leveled out - simple plastering will do this. But after this, you need to let the plaster dry completely - moisture should not collect under the thermal insulation material.

It is also necessary to check the surface for weak areas (crumbled brick or rotten wood). Such defects should be ruthlessly eliminated.

Many building materials are highly absorbent. Wood is the leader here, but this figure is also quite high for brick. Because of this, it is necessary to coat the surface with a primer.

The next step is to install the base profile. It will allow you to evenly distribute the load from the insulation with the layer of plaster. Yes, the load is not too great, but this does not mean that this stage cannot be taken seriously enough. After all, this element also has the function of protecting the bottom row of heat-insulating material from precipitation.

The profile is installed at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground. Self-tapping screws are used for fixing on wood, and self-tapping screws with dowels on brick or concrete. The distance between the fastening points should not exceed 20 cm. To corner joints turned out to be as smooth as possible, it is advisable to use a corner profile specially designed for this purpose.

When the profile is installed, you can begin installing the insulation. To do this you will need reliable glue. Make sure it matches the one you choose thermal insulation material. Some adhesives contain solvents that can damage polystyrene foam.

You should retreat 3-5 cm from the edge of the mat or slab, after which apply a sufficiently thick layer of glue around the perimeter. The glue is applied to the inner area using the dot method. When using the insulation mentioned above, the adhesive must cover at least 40% of the area. If you decide to use lamella mats, then the glue must be applied evenly over the entire area. After this, the insulation is pressed tightly against the wall. It is enough to hold it for a few seconds for the glue to set and be able to support the weight. If glue has come out around the perimeter, it must be carefully and quickly removed.

The bottom row is applied first, and after its completion, the top rows are applied. It is advisable to lay them randomly, that is, like bricks, and not strictly one above the other.

After three days, the glue will set securely, and it will be possible to secure the insulation with spacer dowels for greater reliability. Their choice should be approached very responsibly - their length should be sufficient to pass through the thickness of the insulation, glue and reliably fix the material on the wall.

After this, you can begin applying the base layer of reinforced plaster. You can start this stage no earlier than three days after installing the thermal insulation - during this time the glue will reliably harden, and unnecessary moisture will not accumulate under the plaster.

A special adhesive composition is applied directly to the insulation. The layer should be thick enough so that the reinforcing mesh can be buried almost entirely in it. Immediately after installing the mesh, a second layer of glue is applied, completely hiding it - in this case, the two layers will harden almost into a monolith, reliably mesh reinforced, increasing their ability to withstand bending and tensile loads. Optimal thickness the resulting layer should be 4-5 mm.

And finally final stage– finishing. Facade plaster must be applied to completely dry glue. So you should wait 5-7 days, depending on the temperature and humidity, and wind intensity. It is best to choose a special one finishing material, having high vapor permeability, resistance to mechanical loads and moisture resistance. Optimal temperature application – from +10 to +20° C.

The technology for installing wet plaster on a facade is quite simple; with the proper level of theoretical training and accuracy, even a person far from the construction industry can handle this work.

Useful video about insulating walls using plaster

IN modern world question effective insulation the cost of houses is very acute. Approximately 40% of the heat from houses escapes through the walls, which leads to an unjustified increase in energy costs. To solve this acute problem, wet facades are most often used. What is a “wet facade” and how can it improve the thermal insulation performance of a building?

The essence of the new technology Wet facades

The innovative thermal insulation system received its name due to the fact that adhesive solutions are used when attaching the facing material. These can be liquid and semi-liquid mixtures based on viscous polymer materials or formulations made independently using water.

The main feature that distinguishes a wet façade from other insulation options is its multi-layer nature. Three main layers of the structure can be distinguished: a layer of heat-insulating material, the main one and the decorative one. When designing such a system, the main attention is paid to the choice of insulation.

Types of wet facades

When building a private house for insulation, you can use polystyrene foam or mineral and polystyrene foam boards. There are several types of wet facades:

  • Mineral, in which the insulation is mineral wool. It is covered with a layer of mineral reinforcing compounds, and mineral or silicone plaster is used at the finish.
  • Organic, using polystyrene as insulation. Organic mass is used for the base coating, and organic or silicone plasters are used for the finishing coating.
  • Combined, in which both mineral materials and polystyrene foam are used.

Installation of a wet facade

Installation of a wet facade is not complicated: insulation is made with a special polymer-cement mortar
attached to the wall. Instead of glue, you can use metal fasteners or liquid nails.

The next layer is applied on top of the insulation - the base layer, which is a fairly rigid layer of fiberglass and synthetic materials. This layer protects the insulation from mechanical damage on the one hand, and on the other, it serves as the basis for a decorative coating, which is a light decorative plaster.

Advantages and disadvantages of new technology

New construction technology solves two problems simultaneously: decorative and thermal insulation. That is why it can be used both to increase the thermal insulation properties of the house and to improve it appearance.

Wet steel facades good option decoration of old buildings. The entire multi-layer structure is relatively light in weight and can therefore be installed on concrete houses, as well as those built from logs, timber or even chipboard.

The innovative technology compares favorably with other options for designing building facades:

  • its low cost;
  • additional sound insulation;
  • improving the appearance of the building;
  • possibility of repair and renovation.

But before starting work, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with all pros and cons of a wet facade. The following advantages can be added to the treasury of advantages:

  • is a leader among in various ways thermal insulation of buildings;
  • increases the level of comfort of the room;
  • can last about 30 years without repair;
  • saves inner space at home, as it is installed outside;
  • does not require additional strengthening.

However, wet facades cannot be called ideal option insulation. They also have their disadvantages, related, first of all, to compliance with the conditions when performing work:

  • they cannot be installed at temperatures below 5 degrees;
  • it is impossible to work with them in conditions high humidity, because the glue solution should dry evenly;
  • Drying of materials in direct sunlight is unacceptable;
  • Care should be taken to protect it from the wind, as dust and dirt may get onto the surfaces being treated.

Based on these requirements, you should choose the right time to work with wet facades. The optimal period for installation will be from late spring to early summer. Early autumn is also suitable for work.

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Many home craftsmen and professional companies are increasingly using so-called wet facades to decorate their homes. What it is, you need to find out before you think about whether it is worth using this technology to update the external walls of your house. The wet facade is equipped with a heat insulator, which is extruded polystyrene foam or other material with qualities that will give the system strength and resistance to external influences.


Wet facade, as its name implies, involves the use of a wet application method exterior finishing. That is why any façade that uses an adhesive composition or a wet mixture can be called wet.

Semi-liquid adhesive compositions can also be used in the work, which are quite feasible to purchase in ready-made form. You can buy a ready-made mixture or one that requires additional dissolution before starting work.

wet type

The wet facade must contain three main layers, one of which is heat-insulating, fixed to the rough surface with glue. As a rule, a polymer cement solution is used as an adhesive composition. Among its positive features one can highlight high-quality adhesion to the load-bearing surface and any type of insulation. Polystyrene foam can be used as insulation. But it is also used; for carrying out this kind of work it is necessary to purchase it in the form of rigid slabs.

A wet façade requires the presence of another layer, which is the base material. It is based on a rigid layer designed to protect thermal insulation from external mechanical influences. It is on the base layer that the decorative coating is attached. Traditionally it is customary to use it in tandem with reinforcing mesh. In the vast majority of cases, the solution is based on fiberglass with impregnation, which protects against alkali.

If you have chosen a wet facade, the installation technology assumes that it also contains an external decorative coating. The most popular material at the same time acts textured plaster. It is quite easy to apply and has a low cost. In addition, it is also valuable that it does not affect the walls and façade of the building with its weight, since its mass is insignificant.

Advantages of a wet facade

If you are interested in wet facades, what they are, you need to find out more. It is worth paying attention to the positive features of this finishing method. Among the most important, as already mentioned, is cost. So, if you do the work yourself, then square meter finishing will cost approximately 300-800 rubles, the final price will be affected by the cost of the plaster and thermal insulation used in the work. Another advantage is the fairly extensive color scheme. This also applies to invoice solutions. But if there is a need to change the color, the surface can be painted in any shade.

Installation of a wet facade requires the presence of insulating material, which allows you to obtain practical finishing With thermal insulation characteristics. If you are just starting to build a house and know that the facade will be finished wet method, then you can save on work, because the walls will then be insulated. Yes, and on ourselves building materials really save money, since the thickness of the walls can be such that it is enough to ensure strength.

When considering wet facades, what they are, it is imperative to understand and take into account that such systems have little weight, despite their multi-layer nature. This indicates the possibility of thermally insulating a capital building with stone walls. Can be ennobled in this way and frame houses, which are installed on a columnar or strip base. Due to the fact that the insulation will be strengthened outside the living space, the usable area of ​​the building will remain unchanged.

Dew point offset

When you consider wet facades, what they are is important to understand. After all, if you do not take into account all the features of such a system, then you can make your choice in favor of a less profitable and not so attractive solution for your home.

It is also important to take into account that the location of the insulation outside the external walls is very advisable, because this allows you to move the dew point beyond the main walls. Whereas if thermal insulation is made with inside premises, you will have to think about combating condensation and moisture from the outside sealing material. All these circumstances indicate that a wet facade, work on which will be done independently, does not imply problems associated with the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

Disadvantages of a wet facade

It must be remembered that everything has its drawbacks, and the facade arrangement system using wet technology is no exception. Such work can only be done in the warm season. In addition, bad weather can also prevent the continuation of work, which can delay the completion of the process for some time. If this requirement is not taken into account, then dirty spots will remain on the surface of the facade. In addition, the approximate service life of a wet facade does not exceed 30 years, which is significantly less compared to other types of external wall construction.

During operation, the duration of preservation of the original appearance of the walls can be reduced; this can be influenced by temperature changes. Thus, if there is a large difference between their values, this fact can greatly affect the durability of the facade.

wet facade

A wet facade, the installation technology of which requires the use of several layers, may involve the use of not only adhesive mixtures. If there is a need to reduce the cost of work, then you can use less expensive analogues, however, when purchasing, it is important to take into account that the adhesive composition must have certain characteristics, among them excellent steam permeability, as well as resistance to frost and external influences. The adhesive mixture can not only strengthen the material, but also level the surface.

The “wet facade” system, as mentioned above, can be based on mineral wool or expanded polystyrene slabs. If we compare, the first option has excellent thermal insulation qualities, especially good ones. But today many people refuse fiberglass, since it is not so durable, which makes it vulnerable.

Technical characteristics of the thermal insulation layer

If you decide to choose a wet facade for arranging it, then you need to purchase one that has a tensile strength of 15 kPa or higher. If you use a material that does not have such impressive strength, then the facade will not endure wind loads.

As for density, it should vary between 130-180 kg/m3. This requirement must be taken into account so that the layers of plaster do not crumble. This material must also have alkali resistance, which is equal to 12.5 pH or higher. This requirement is due to the fact that an alkaline reaction occurs between the materials, which can damage the thermal insulation. The thickness of the slabs is also important. The difference between them should not be more than 3 mm. This is necessary to ensure that the facade is aesthetically pleasing. Water absorption of the material should not exceed 1.5% of the volume of insulation.

Characteristics of the polystyrene foam layer

If you are installing a wet façade, it is important to choose the right materials. So, if the insulation layer is based on polystyrene foam, then certain requirements are imposed on it in terms of strength, which cannot be less than 100 kPa. As for density, this figure can vary from 15 to 25 kg/m3. A flat surface is also important here; deviation is allowed no more than 0.5%.

Characteristics of the plaster layer and external coating

It is important to take into account that the plaster layer must also meet certain characteristics. Thus, the density of the layer should be in the range from 145 to 200 g/m2, while the thickness should be approximately 3-5 mm.

It is important to choose for the decorative layer the right material, which must necessarily have increased vapor permeability characteristics. But it is recommended to choose a density equivalent to 1.6 g/m3. If you comply with all these requirements when choosing a material, then the wet facade will meet all the characteristics quality system, which will last for as long as necessary.

The “wet facade” finish today continues to be popular for the reason that the house looks very presentable after the work, and the costs do not break the owners’ pockets.

Warmth in the house is the key to a cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

But with the onset of cold weather, many are faced with the problem of ineffective internal heating, since walls without thermal insulation are not able to retain heat.

Accordingly, most of the heat simply evaporates, which leads to an increase in heating costs. To avoid these problems, the external walls of the building should be insulated.

We will consider the most practical and effective insulation technology - finishing the facade using the wet method.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wet facade

There are many ways to insulate a facade; each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Wet facade, the name of which implies the use of solutions and compositions on water based, combines such advantages as practicality and efficiency, its use will allow you to save money, as well as reliably and durablely insulate the walls of your home.

The wet façade installation technology has a long list of advantages, and most importantly, it does not require large expenses.

One of the main advantages of a wet facade over other insulation methods is the smaller number of temperature bridges, or so-called cold bridges - these are sections of the wall that have weak thermal resistance.

Temperature bridges are one of the main reasons for poor thermal insulation, as well as the formation of condensation.

List of all the advantages of using a wet facade:

Have this method and its shortcomings, but they are much smaller:

Based on the above information, we can say that the wet facade is affordable and effective way finishing of external walls and their thermal insulation.

Wet façade design

The main components of the design of a wet facade are a layer of insulation, a reinforcing mesh and a layer for decorative finishing plaster and other finishing materials.

Also during installation, adhesives, fastening dowels and solutions are used.

In total, the cladding consists of 5 layers:

  • adhesive composition;
  • primer layer;
  • insulation material;
  • reinforcing layer;
  • the last layer for decorative finishing.

Installation of a wet facade

So, let's look at three stages of work: preparatory, installation and finishing.

Preparation for installation work

First, you should treat the surface on which the cladding will be installed.

When processing walls, you should perform the following steps:

Fastening plinth profiles

The base profile is a strip that is used to distribute the load from thermal insulation boards, as well as to protect the boards from moisture.

The base profile should be installed at a distance of 0.4 m from the ground layer level.

The profile can be secured using self-tapping screws and dowels. Their number depends on the mass of the thermal insulation layer. On average, this is one step of 10-15 cm.

To install the profile in the corners, use special corner profiles.

Installation of the thermal insulation layer

Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool boards are used for thermal insulation.

The plates are attached to the surface using glue in the following sequence:

  • glue is applied to the surface along the perimeter of the slab, with a distance of 3 cm from the edge;
  • in the middle of the slab, the glue is applied pointwise, it must cover at least 40% of the area;
  • The plates are pressed tightly against the wall and each other. Excess glue is removed;
  • after the glue has dried (after about 3 days), the thermal insulation layer is attached using dowels.

Next, you should install a reinforcing layer and finish the surface with plaster:

  • Apply glue to the insulation layer and embed the reinforcing mesh in it;
  • Apply a layer of the same special glue on top of the mesh;
  • After the reinforcing layer has dried (3-7 days), apply facade plaster over it.

This completes the installation process of the wet facade.

Cost of a wet facade

The average price for a wet facade from specialized companies is about 1,200 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

To install the facade with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

In general, installing a wet facade does not require large costs and labor-intensive work. By following the instructions, you can carry out all the necessary work yourself.

Video tutorial on installing a wet facade