Wooden house with carved platbands. Wooden window frames carved templates pictures

The use of carved platbands in exterior decoration at home can transform any structure, even the most primitive in architecture. The word “platbands” itself is based on the meaning “on the face.” It is not surprising that with such decorations the house acquires recognition, unusualness, originality and completeness of the image.


The platbands themselves perform several functions. Decorative is just one of them. With the help of such elements you can visually make narrow house wider, and the low structure “increased in height.”

Thanks to such decorations, the gaps between window frame and a wall, which in turn leads to a reduction in noise levels from the street.

In addition, dust and water do not penetrate into the cracks, and cold does not penetrate into the house itself. Using carved frames , you can make the building colorful in a national sense and decorate it in an antique style. It is important that the application of these elements is appropriate. Wooden platbands on plastic window


will look as strange as metal ones on a log house.

Carved window frames can be made from plastic, MDF, fiberboard, metal and wood. The most common and common option is wooden. They look great, often striking with rich carvings, and can be restored. Maple, alder or birch, as well as pine, are often chosen as the basis for creating figured elements.

Such wood cannot be called particularly resistant and durable, but it is easy to cut and inexpensive.

For the manufacture of small elements, apple or cherry trees are often chosen.

Products made from beech, oak, larch or ash resist precipitation and temperature changes well, but processing these species is much more difficult.

  • There are several types of wooden platbands: Flat.
  • There is no “decorative subtext” in them. Such models are used for only one purpose - closing cracks in the house in the most economical way. Shaped.
  • The models have a convex surface. They may have protrusions and depressions in the form of cut-out patterns. In such “frames” the windows look very elegant. Window shutters are often especially expressive. Such products are distinguished by their special individuality, originality of shapes and slotted elements. They can fully be called decorative elements of the house. To make these products, you need a vertical milling machine.

The problem with wooden frames is that over the years the material can darken, crack or rot. To prevent this, they must be periodically treated with a protective varnish.

Metal trims look no worse than wooden ones and organically fit into the appearance of the facade, decorated using siding. The material allows you to decorate the product complex patterns and combined colors. Such platbands are durable and can be installed without much difficulty. But we should not forget that metal is susceptible to corrosion, so measures must be taken to prevent traces of rust from appearing on the frame around the windows.

Window PVC is better The whole thing will be decorated with plastic trim. Unlike wooden ones, these can be made in any shape and color. They will not crack over the years, will not rot, and will not be eaten by insects. The products are easy to install. They last a long time and do not require special care.

The only problem is that these products cannot be made independently, and manufacturers do not offer options with truly fine relief carvings.

Fiberboard allows you to make any designs on it and is easy to process. That is why it is often used to decorate windows. To prevent such products from absorbing water over time and deteriorating, they must be laminated before use.

A material similar in structure is MDF - a fine fraction of wood. Essentially this is an improved version of fiberboard. This material can also be used to make platbands; it can be processed no worse than wood-fiber board.

The carving itself also differs by type.

  • Proreznaya. It is created over the entire area of ​​the casing and resembles airy lace.
  • Invoice. IN in this case openwork elements are placed on a solid base, to which they are glued or nailed. With this approach, thinner, lighter and clearer ornaments are obtained than when using blind carvings (not through).

Platbands also differ in the type of installation.

  • Invoices They are simply attached to the wall near the window and nailed with nails without heads, or glued on.
  • Telescopic cr-shaped protrusions are inserted into the gaps between the window frame and the wall. Installing them is not as easy as overhead ones, but they provide more reliable isolation of the joint from external influences.

How to make and install?

To make wooden platbands with your own hands, you will need the following tools.

  • drill and drill bits for it;
  • jigsaw with a set of files;
  • chisels;
  • sandpaper;
  • flap disc for a drill made of sandpaper;
  • sander;
  • milling cutter

First you need to decide on the openwork that will be present on the platbands. People with talent and proper training can make the desired image themselves. You can also find a huge variety of drawings on the Internet.

The selected option must be transferred according to the template onto the board. Sometimes the template has to be enlarged. The simplest thing is to make a printout of the desired size, transfer the diagram to cardboard and cut it out.

The thickness of the board when slotted should be at least 3 centimeters. If the carving is overhead, you can use wood 1 centimeter thick to create the openwork.

When starting the process of creating slotted trims, many people think about whether it is possible to create a design on several of them simultaneously by stacking future products in a stack. After all, the drawing is the same.

A professional with the appropriate equipment can allow this option to solve the problem. As for home craftsmen, they often have jigsaws of insufficient power. As a result, the process of processing several boards at the same time is very slow.

When the lines are straight, the saw works at an acceptable speed; in rounded areas the process takes too long. As a result of the “wholesale” approach, the time gain is not as significant as we would like.

It should also be taken into account that even high-quality saw blades deviate when processing wood that is too thick. Therefore, sloppy cuts may appear on the bottom boards. Therefore, when getting down to business, you need to think carefully about all the nuances of the process.

It is important to position the drawing correctly on wooden blank. To prevent the platbands from cracking, the elements must “run” along the wood fiber.

First you need to cut out the excess wood in certain places. The files are selected so that the required hole diameter is slightly larger than the width of the tool.

A file is installed in the slots obtained at the first stage, and all excess is removed according to the intended pattern. You need to act precisely, but taking into account the fact that the window frame will be viewed from afar, small errors should not puzzle the craftsman too much.

If the product has a figured edge, it is also created using a jigsaw. When cutting too complex a shape, some places may not turn out very graceful. The situation will be corrected by further processing with a chisel. The finished look is given to products at such mandatory manufacturing stages as sanding, priming and painting.

The fastest way to sand is using a sander. With an emery wheel on a drill, the procedure is slower. Manual processing sandpaper takes a lot of time. If you bring the appearance flat surfaces before finishing with a grinder, and sanding the small parts manually, you can get the desired result without delaying the process of creating platbands.

A primer is needed to ensure that the beauty made from wood with your own hands is not exposed to dampness, exposure to the sun, fungus and wood-boring beetles.

Any impregnation for external use is suitable. It is most convenient to immerse the future casing in a container with an appropriate solution for a few minutes. Another option is to go over all the curls and grooves with a brush.

For coloring, you can use different compositions. It is convenient to use wood oil that soaks into it. This coating will only need to be updated after a few years. Before re-processing, you will need to clean the surface and remove dust from it. When choosing this method of protecting a product, you need to take into account that oil is expensive and the choice of colors is limited. If you use opaque paints, you will need to repaint the trim once a year. To keep the products looking neat, old paint

Before applying a new one, it is necessary to remove it, re-prime it, and only then apply a fresh coat. Final stage

  • work - installation of platbands. They can be mounted on a wall or backing board and only then on the façade around the window.
  • It is better to look for boards that have undergone special treatment in hardware stores or sawmills. In no case should specimens have large knots, resin residues or other traces of a negative property that could make themselves felt when creating a pattern. It is best to order boards whose width is 10-15 centimeters and thickness 3-4.
  • Before starting the actual creation of platbands, it makes sense to hone the carver’s skills and the skill of creating a specific design on cheap boards.

If you want to create not just beautiful, but also meaningful products, it is better to take into account the meaning of some elements of the design of the platbands, which have appeared on the facades of Russian-style houses since ancient times - decorations on houses were not only worn decorative function, but also the function of a talisman.

When creating platbands, the owner of the house was given the opportunity to express himself, conveying certain information to others. For example, the sun in the center of the upper part of the casing means energy and life. The snake as a decorative element represents fertility and wisdom. The cross, inscribed in the carved decor of the window frame, symbolizes the harmony of spiritual and material aspirations.

The originality of carved frames for windows and doors is striking in its spirituality. If you are not afraid of carpentry and want to make wooden frames with your own hands, then all you have to do is come up with a composition for framing.

Below are sketches of carved platbands in small size and in mediocre quality. But these templates can be downloaded for free. The main idea is the idea, and the template can be made to the desired size.

How to make templates for carved frames (stencil)

Optimal and simple ways, how to make templates for cutting.

Using a graphic editor

There are many programs for image processing (Photoshop, etc.).


If you don’t want to deal with programs, you can make a photocopy of the drawing and immediately set the desired copy size (enlarge, reduce, compress, expand). Or scan and print the sketch on a printer in the desired format.

Manually - scaling by cells

In the end, you can make a template manually using the technology of scaling (copying) by cells (linear scaling).

By scaling by cells, you can change the proportions of the drawings. For example, you don't like the original form and you want to change it. To do this, when transferring the drawing, keep one of the sides at the original size, and increase the second in the new square.

Scaling by cell

Changing the proportions of a picture when scaling by cells

From drawing to template

Template for platbands The template for platbands is made of cardboard, life-size. A separate template is made for each element, pattern and ornament.

The resulting template is placed on the board and the outline is traced with a pencil.

Making holes You can immediately mark the locations for the holes. Holes are drilled inside the pattern, in places where there will be a turn when carving. First, the internal patterns are cut out, and then the external ornament.

Platband carving

Another way to apply a design to a workpiece is copying.

The method involves the use of carbon paper. A sheet of copy paper is placed on the board, and a drawing is placed on top. The drawing is secured with push pins. An outline is drawn with a pencil and copied onto the wood.

Stencil template for carved trims

Now you know how to make a stencil template for carved platbands.

Templates of carved window frames - photo gallery

Window trim template - 1

Window trim template - 2

Window trim template - 3

Window trim template - 4

Window trim template - 5

Window trim template - 6

Window trim template - 7

Window trim template - 8

Window trim template - 9

Window trim template - 10

Window trim template - 11

Window trim template - 12

Window trim template - 13

Window trim template - 14

Window trim template - 15

Window trim template - 16

Window trim template - 17

Window trim template - 18

Window trim template - 19

Window trim template - 20

Window trim template - 21

Window trim template - 22

Window trim template - 23

Window trim template - 24

Window trim template - 25

Window trim template - 26

Sketch of window frames - rooster

Sketch of window frames in the form of a cockerel on a spire

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - boat

Sketch of window trim - butterfly

Sketch of window frames - leaflet

Sketch of window frames - maple leaf

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (right)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (right)

Sketch of window trim - ornament with goldfish

Sketch of window frames - acorns

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - roses

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (right)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (left)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-2

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-3

Sketch of window frames - ornament with grapes

Sketch of window frames - ornament with flowers

For log buildings, carved platbands simply beg to be used to decorate window openings. Their self-production- not at all a whim or an attempt to save money, because really good craftsmen There are very few wood carvings now.

Minimum required tools

The manufacture of platbands, in contrast to artistic wood carving, involves repeated execution of the same type of operations, resulting in a rather primitive repeating pattern. Therefore, most of the work is done electric tool: this not only increases the processing speed, but also achieves uniform quality in different areas.

1 - jigsaw; 2 - drill; 3 - belt sander; 4 - vibration grinder; 5 - manual milling cutter

The main work is done with a jigsaw and drill. The tool must be reliable and of high quality, capable for a long time be in continuous use. To clean and polish products, it is better to use an electric grinder, at least a simple belt grinder. Quick finishing of the relief is possible using vibration-type machines.

If you intend to add additional small details to the edges of your product, you cannot do without a router. Slopes, chamfers and figured borders can also be done manually, but only if you have a variety of chisels, cutters and specific skills in working with wood.

How to choose wood

For platbands in the best possible way Hard wood species are suitable: oak, birch, ash, maple, alder. Because the thickness finished product relatively small (30-45 mm), hard rocks will be less susceptible to rotting and drying out, therefore, they will retain their appearance longer.

If you plan to decorate carved frames with flat-relief elements with many small details, you should give preference to softer species with a fine texture pattern. Linden, poplar, aspen, walnut and spruce are suitable.

The wood for platbands must be selected and, preferably, chamber dried, with a moisture content not higher than 12%. The presence of traces of warping or other pronounced defects or large branches is not allowed. Ideally, you should immediately order calibrated boards with a width of 100-150 mm and a thickness of 30-40 mm.

The length of the workpieces must be sufficient to completely cover window hole horizontally and vertically with an overlap in each direction of 1.5 times the width of the board. It is important that you initially calculate the number of required blanks and, in addition to them, purchase several more boards of the cheapest species for training and practicing carving skills.

Making templates and stencils

Almost any wood carving begins with applying a design to the workpiece according to a pre-made template or stencil. There are plenty of thread diagrams online; the main difficulty comes down to transferring the lines onto the part exactly and without distortion. Let us warn you right away: do not chase the high complexity of the drawing. A set of even the most primitive elements in correct sequence and with well-chosen indents it impresses with its modesty and quality of processing.

The first option for applying markings is to make a small pattern from plastic or hard sheet material, on which a single element of a repeating pattern is applied. Such a template is sequentially applied to the workpiece and outlined with a pencil.

It is also possible to produce a one-piece template. You need to take a strip of paper of the appropriate width, fold it like an accordion several times, and then cut out the pattern according to the principle of a Christmas tree garland. The resulting tape must be glued onto cardboard or LMDF, and then cut out the desired shapes. This method is welcome for a significant amount of work.

The resulting stencil is subsequently simply applied to the board and outlined with a soft pencil. Ideally, rich but precise cutting lines and boundaries for further processing should remain. When marking out the details, you need to take into account the layout of the pattern so that the platbands form a solid and complete outline, and the repeating pattern is not interrupted inappropriately.

Sampling through holes

The first step is to trim the edges of the workpiece and make holes in the center. Everything is simple with the edges: we cut out the excess with a jigsaw, retreating 1-1.5 mm outward from the marking line for subsequent processing. To cut out shapes in the center of the plane, drill the part at the very line of each cutout, then select the inner contour with a jigsaw.

For the manufacture of large holes It is wise to use core drills. In this case, it is necessary to mark on the template not the contours, but the centers of the circles into which the centering drill bit of the crown will be installed. A similar technique can also be used when making oval holes or elements with small rounding radii: a complex bend is drilled with the appropriate radius, and everything else is cut out with a jigsaw.

When the excess parts of the workpiece are cut out, the cut edges must be carefully processed with a rasp and then with sandpaper. It is recommended to use bars of square, round and rounded profiles, which are filled with sandpaper. This way you'll be less likely to fray the edges and will be able to get straight corners on each edge.

Rectangular ribs look rather rough, so they are smoothed with chamfers and slopes of different profiles. The easiest way to diversify the product is to go along the external and internal contours of the casing with a figured cutter. But manual processing options are also possible:

  • to remove a chamfer, walk along straight edges with chips, keeping the angle of inclination of the handle to the part constant;
  • a semicircular convex bevel can also be made with chips, changing the inclination of the blade, or use a concave cutter for this;
  • a concave semicircular joint is made with a chisel or cutter with a rounded edge. Such elements must be cut out in stages, removing small chips layer by layer and carefully controlling the depth of the tool and the tilt of the handle;
  • if the descent has a profile of a complex shape with several convex, concave and straight elements, this profile is divided into several stages and cut in a strict sequence, starting from the widest outer part and ending with the deepest and shallowest tier.

Blind carving: applying relief

When you're done with the shaping, it's a good idea to vary the remaining flat elements with simple designs or floral designs. Here are the simplest working methods:

  1. A groove (branch, groove) is made with a narrow chisel or cutter with a square, triangular or concave blade shape. The carving is carried out strictly along the line, the relief is selected with small shavings and then polished.
  2. The leaf has several small grooves imitating veins, trimmed with a disc knife. From the center between the veins to each of them, small notches are made with a semicircular chisel, imitating the body of the leaf, then the outer contour is drawn with a thin cutter.
  3. The flat areas adjacent to the descent can be diversified with blind carvings of small ornaments. For example, cut two grooves from the edge, forming a triangle with it, and punch an asterisk in the center.

Wood processing and installation of platbands

Due to carved elements wooden product It has big shape surface, due to which it is more susceptible to aging. Therefore, the wood should be specially treated.

First of all, carvings for placement on the facade, it should be soaked in an antiseptic composition for 5-8 hours, for which you can dig a small trench in the ground and put it there plastic film for temporary arrangement of a bath. After soaking, the parts are dried for several days, stacked with pads every 30-40 cm.

When the wood has dried, it must be thoroughly sanded, achieving smoothness and finally eliminating all traces of sawing and carving. The protective composition is selected according to the type facade finishing, it could be like alkyd enamel, and polyurethane varnish, tinted or transparent.

Finally, for correct installation platbands, the window opening should be framed with a flat lath 10-15 mm thick and such a width that its outer edge is not visible through the carved pattern along the contour of the platband. The purpose of this strip is to eliminate the remaining unevenness of the wall and provide a reliable base for securing the carved element. Often this strip is painted in a color that contrasts with the coating of the casing itself to make the pattern more expressive.

Platbands can be attached with straight or oblique cutting, which depends on the type and density of the pattern. Oblique trimming is performed with a cut on each side at 45°, while the cutting line should pass through identical sections of the pattern and not intersect the figures cut out inside.

With direct trimming, a horizontal element is located between two vertical ones. Their top edge should be 1-2 cm above the crossbar if the cut end is straight. It is also possible to produce on the edge of the thread according to general scheme, if during the manufacturing process you carry out fitting and precise adjustment of the platbands. The fastening of the platbands itself is elementary - ordinary rough nails without a head are used for it. It is only important that the nail pierces the platband and the strip, protruding at least 5 mm from the inside.

Window trims, despite their simplicity, have great importance V decorative design facade of the house. They not only create a neat look and add an element of individuality to the structure, but also perform the more prosaic task of eliminating the gap between the wall and the window frame. In addition, the platbands must withstand the influence of weather factors without losing their qualities.

The function of window trim and a little history

The architrave was first mentioned as an element of the house back in the 15th century. Nowadays, platbands have somewhat lost their relevance, but their function is still unchanged, regardless of the material of the building and its decoration. Due to design features windows of high-rise buildings and in cases where glazing is used, their presence is inappropriate.

Platbands appeared many years ago

Simplified, the casing is wooden frame, having a width of 30-40 mm, which frames the window.

The aesthetic function of this part is important, but the main task is to bridge the gap between the window frame and the wall, which increases thermal insulation and protects against the penetration of dust and moisture from the external atmosphere, and also reduces noise levels. In some cases, if there are shutters, they act as a frame.

Types and types of platbands for windows

Their form can be:

  • curly;
  • flat;
  • rounded;
  • convex.

Flat-shaped platbands are characterized by ease of production and low cost. Convex platbands are made using special machines and, in connection with this, the price of products increases significantly. Carved platbands have great aesthetic value and significant cost.

Platbands are classified according to the installation method:

  • telescopic. They have special projections that fit into the corresponding cavities of the box;
  • invoices.

An important factor when choosing the profile of this window element is the slope, which is performed at the top of the casing. Its purpose is to remove sediment.

Modern materials and requirements for house elements have determined the trends in homeowners' requests. The leaders in popularity are carved platbands made of plastic.

Requirements for platband material

In addition to high aesthetic qualities, the platband must meet practical requirements. Its important qualities are its ability to withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity. In addition, the material must withstand wind loads.

It is important that the material has sufficient strength and is not subject to chipping and cracking. The use of MDF or plywood is out of the question. The properties of these materials are such that they are able to absorb moisture, are prone to cracking, and the paint on them peels off over time. All this is a sign of the fragility of products made from these materials.

In this regard, MDF as a platband material can only be used inside a home. The manufacturability of the material determines its simplicity and relatively low cost. In addition, it does not take much time to receive ready-made platbands. Such platbands on the facade will require constant care and additional processing.

Our ancestors have been making frames from wood for many centuries. Oak and beech are the most common types of wood used for this. Pine and birch have found less use for the production of platbands. Wood tends to absorb moisture, so to increase the service life of the product and its appearance the use of protective coatings is necessary. In addition, over time, wood tends to darken, so restoration of the original shade of the material is required.

When using gypsum as a decorative facade element, they also face the problem of interaction of the material with moisture. When water that penetrates inside the plaster freezes and thaws during temperature fluctuations, such architectural details are destroyed.

There are certain requirements for materials

The use of glass fiber reinforced concrete and polymer concrete makes it possible to avoid negative influence exposure to temperature and moisture. Their use is limited by the significant mass of products. In some cases, when installing such platbands, the increased load on the wall is taken into account and made more powerful.

Polyurethane compares favorably with other platband materials. This is due to the fact that its use does not allow the problems described above, and its characteristics make it possible to create additional thermal insulation. In addition, its weight is comparable to the weight of wood, which facilitates the installation of these facade parts.

How to make stencils for window trim?

Wood selection

Wood for the production of platbands can be used in various options. This may be certain types of it, a combination of rocks by gluing or other connection.

Simple and shaped stencils for window frames are best made from pine.

The production of carved platbands requires that the material be soft. Linden has this quality. The requirements for the material are determined by manual processing of wood.

The choice of wood must be done carefully

Climatic conditions associated with high humidity or significant dryness, as well as significant temperature fluctuations during the day, determine the use of wood with a dense and hard structure. These include oak and birch. Manual processing is difficult, so the use of milling machines is necessary. Such products have a long service life.

Required Tools

Before solving the problem of how to make carved platbands, you need to decide on the tool used for this work. The main tools for this are knives and chisels, various in shape and size.

Tools for work

For independent production of platbands, manual milling devices, jigsaws, and drills are used. A jigsaw is practically indispensable when performing such work, since with its help you can create almost any pattern. In some cases it can be used homemade device, which includes a step-down transformer and nichrome wire.

In addition, you may need to make a tool for filing corners. To make such a device, it is necessary to fasten two wooden slats between three hacksaw blades with a small tooth. When using this device, the spikes are filed with one blade, and the eyes of the product with the other.

How to choose patterns for the platband?

Using technology slotted thread suggests that aspen, alder, linden or coniferous species. The thickness of the board should be in the range from 5 to 50 mm. It is necessary that the selected pattern for the platband be clearly distinguished from a distance, and act as a single whole of the architectural ensemble. Therefore, it is not advisable to create an image with a large number of small elements.

Platband options

For a long time, at the top of the casing there has been a kokoshnik with the image of the Sun. If desired, the top of the casing can be extended using tenons as a connection. Towels - this is the name given to the bottom of the platband. The design must include a drainage slope. The bottom plank should be 10mm thicker than the size of the plank on top of the plank. It is important to maintain the unity of style of both parts.

To avoid cracks in the threads, parts should be placed along the grain of the wood. As a rule, ends and openwork bends, which are thin, have significant fragility.

Structural diagrams

The simplest cut can be made by drilling a round hole using a drill. That is why it is advisable to choose a pattern with a predominance round holes. In most cases, the ornament is made up of repeating elements, each of which is made up of holes and cutouts that have a more complex configuration.

Window trim drawings contain the following elements:

  • bottom bar or profiled belt;
  • vertical slats or frame;
  • top bar.

Part names

To obtain a stencil, you need to stretch the pattern along its length. For this purpose, a life-size image is applied to paper. Places that suggest the presence of slits should be highlighted in color. Then, the resulting drawing is pasted onto the workpiece. Using a drill, drill holes of the appropriate diameter. If it is necessary to work with a jigsaw, make small holes where necessary.

Manufacturing window trims


The direction of opening the window must be taken into account. In the case when it opens outward, the platband should be installed at a distance of 30 mm from the window sashes. In addition, the platbands should not become an obstacle to plowing window frame. Other parameters depend on the geometric dimensions of the windows.

On initial stage for the production of platbands, it is necessary to plan a dry board, the dimensions of which are within the range: thickness up to 30 mm and width 75-150 mm. In this case, the width of the platbands should exceed the corresponding size of the window frame by 25-50 mm. For a better fit of the platbands to the wall surface, select a groove or make a gap of no more than 2 mm so that it is at a distance of 10-15 mm from the edge.

When working with a power tool, you should not make excessive efforts, as if helping it. This may cause it to fail. If you encounter difficulties cutting wood, you should pay attention to sharpening the blade. It is recommended to make long cuts using a wide blade.

How to make fastening of carved platbands

Fastening of platband parts is carried out using blind or through tenons. Moreover, it is believed that the use of the first of them is preferable, since there is no need to decorate the places where the connection occurs.

The grooves for the tenons are made by drilling several holes, the depth of which is slightly greater than the tenon. Removing the partitions between the holes is done with a drill designed for metal. The entry of the spike should be tight, however, without the use of force.

The spikes are secured with dowels made of hard wood. It is not advisable to use glue. This is due to the fact that adhesives are not able to work for a long time under the influence of an aggressive atmospheric environment.

Installation of platbands: features

Installation of platbands is carried out without the use of glue using nails. They are driven in at intervals of 400-500 mm so that the head is recessed into the wood. Most often, the platbands are attached tightly to the box. In some cases, an indentation of 5-20 mm is made on the side, which depends on the direction of opening of the valves.

Platband drawing

The window sill board at the window opening and the platband are installed closely. This design allows you to install bedside tables that protect bottom part platbands.

Upon completion of installation work, it is imperative to carry out protective treatment platbands. You should also apply paint or varnish, which needs to be renewed from time to time.

Photo of interesting design platbands

Beautiful platbands-roses
Platbands are an important part of the architecture of the house
Beautiful platbands
Original platbands

The appearance of the house largely depends on how the windows are decorated. They emphasize, and sometimes even shape, the style of the building. And the main way to give them character is window trim. These are what we will talk about next.

Purpose and classification

Platbands are long narrow strips that frame windows or doors. Based on this principle, a distinction is made between windows and doors. They usually differ in width, but in order to maintain a unified style, they must be made of the same material. In addition, they are made in a similar manner, using repeating elements and painting in the same color.

Door and window frames serve not only to give the building/room a finished look, although this is also important. They also close the technological gap that forms between the door or window frame and the wall. After installing windows and doors, this gap is filled with insulation, but this does not improve the view, and water, dust and sound continue to penetrate into the room, albeit in smaller quantities. So they once came up with the idea of ​​closing that gap with slats, and even decorating them.

Depending on the installation site, the platbands can be external or internal. The protective role is played mainly by platbands for outdoor installation. That’s why they are made from materials resistant to climatic factors (or covered with protective compounds) and the thickness of this material is usually greater. Internal platbands mainly perform a decorative function. They are operated under gentle conditions, therefore the requirements for the properties of the material are different - decorativeness is important, not resistance to climatic influences.

Materials from which window casings are made

Window trims are selected depending on general style home decoration. Houses are built and decorated differently, and accordingly, the materials and style are additional decorative elements choose different ones. TO brick houses, For example, would be better suited plastic or metal, but not wood (this is if there are any trims at all). Windows are also decorated with plastic or metal. For wooden ones, on the contrary, wood is more suitable. But this is not the rule either. The choice of platbands is a personal matter for the owner. He puts in whatever he wants. It is only important to understand all the pros and cons of each material.


Platbands for wooden house, most often made of wood. But any type of wood requires constant maintenance - painting and/or varnishing. Every two to three years you have to renew the coating. Only in this case, products made from it look normal for many years.

Plus wooden window casings is that they can be carved, with curly elements various forms. This gives you an almost endless number of options. There are absolutely simple models– regular strips, perhaps with some additional elements. The choice depends on the style of the house.

Wooden frames are used both on the street side and indoors. Simply, during installation they will use different protective impregnations and coloring compounds.


If PVC windows are installed in the house, then plastic trim is also installed. They are good because all maintenance requires periodic wiping to remove dust and dirt. No other operations are needed.

Plastic trims are made from climate-resistant plastics, adding a dye that is resistant to fading. Components are added to the mass that protect the material from high and low temperatures.

The advantage of plastic platbands is their low price. The downside is a limited selection of models and styles, not a very wide range of colors. There are usually white and a couple of shades of brown available. The rest can only be available upon order, and even then not always. And one more minus - it’s still artificial material. Not everyone wants to install plastic trim on a wooden house. Even though wooden ones are not cheap at all.

The area of ​​use of plastic platbands is indoors or outdoors. If you need external plastic trim, pay attention to temperature regime operation. The plastic must withstand the harshest frosts in your region.


MDF trims are an option for indoor use. You can’t put it on the street - it will quickly become unusable. It is compressed crushed wood fibers from which products are formed. Their surface is laminated with a film, which can be smooth, colored, or imitate the surface of stone (marble, for example) or wood.

If you don't like plastic on the windows, the second option is a budget option– platbands made of MDF. In any case, most often it is them. There are even special models - telescopic. They are good because the special additional board is cut according to the right size, due to which they can change the width and fit into any opening. With their help, the doorway is designed quickly and efficiently.

Care MDF platbands no more difficult than for plastic ones - wet wiping. For severe contamination, you can use non-abrasive (liquid) and non-aggressive (without choir, etc.) detergents.

Metal trims

This type of platbands is usually installed on the street with plastic or metal-plastic windows. This is a thin sheet of galvanized metal coated with weather-resistant paint (usually powder paint).

Metal platbands for windows belong to the budget category. They don't cost very much. Suitable for private houses decorated in modern style. Metal trims go well with houses finished with metal and aluminum composite. The second area of ​​application is for production and office premises. They are good because they combine practicality, durability, and low price.

Arrangement of platbands

Classic window trims consist of four elements: an upper and lower trim, two side strips. They can be connected using a single spike (as in the figure). They can also be connected end-to-end, as they do not carry any load. In this case, they simply fit the planks tightly one to another, securing each element separately.

If the window has a window sill, there is no need for a bottom trim. When installing, first fix the window sill, then the side strips and lastly the top trim.

The width of the platbands is selected individually each time, but is usually in the range of -100-250 mm. When choosing the width, we proceed from two technical parameters:

  • the platband must extend onto the frame by at least 5-10 mm;
  • in order not to interfere with opening the windows, they should retreat from the hinges by 10-20 mm (the further, the wider the shutters open).

The final width is selected based on the style of the house. In some places narrow planks are more suitable - 100-130 mm wide, in others wide ones - 200-250 mm are required. To avoid mistakes, you can “try on” the planks by pinning them on a couple of nails and see from afar which option you like best.

The thickness of the planks for the manufacture of platbands is 20-35 mm. In most cases, a board 20-25 mm thick is used, as this optimal size for independent execution - not too difficult to process, but quite voluminous for obtaining a decorative pitchfork.

Platbands in a wooden house

The most questions arise when decorating windows in wooden house. Most are inclined to believe that only wooden frames are suitable for a wooden house. There is a reason for this - wood with wood looks most organic. But choosing the material is not everything in this case. There are a few important points, which you need to pay attention to:

So the choice of the appearance of the platbands is far from the last of those that will have to be decided. You also need to choose the method of processing the wood, the installation method, and the type of casing too.

Types of wooden platbands

Wood is extremely ductile and very beautiful material, therefore the number of variations in the design of platbands tends to be infinite... All of them can be divided into several types: simple and carved. Simple ones look great on houses in a modern style, carvings are good for ethnic buildings.

Simple in shape from moldings

Industry and private traders sell planks of various sections:

From this molding you can make simple platbands with your own hands. To do this, you need to calculate the amount of material needed (based on window measurements). It should be taken into account that the length of one plank is 220 cm. Do constituent elements You are unlikely to, so it’s worth considering that there will be a lot of scraps. The most successful case is when you can “cut out” two elements from one plank - usually the sidewall and the top/bottom part.

The planks are joined in two ways - at 90° and at the floor 45°. The appearance of the platbands is different. When joined at 45°, a neat frame is obtained; when joined at 90°, a more expressive design is obtained. The protruding edges can be left straight, they can be cut at any angle, rounded, cut into shapes... It’s whatever you like best or whatever you have the skill, desire, or imagination to do.

The simplest homemade platbands

The option differs from the one described above in that we carry out the primary processing ourselves. Edged and unedged boards are suitable. The edged ones produce a modest finish for country house or for a house made of planed/laminated timber. We sand the board first with coarse sandpaper, then with increasingly fine sandpaper. When the surface becomes smooth and even, you can begin cutting.

Nothing complicated at all - just well-processed boards

WITH unedged boards The bark is removed and the surface is also sanded. There are options here. You can achieve smoothness by removing imperfections. You can only remove the top rough layer, leaving all the imperfections of the wood and in the future, only emphasize it during processing.

Carved platbands

Openwork wooden frames for windows are a beautiful, but expensive option. Expensive - if you order their execution, and labor-intensive if you do it yourself. There are, however, simple but effective patterns that, if you have a jigsaw and the desire, you can make yourself.

There are two types of openwork platbands - with slotted and applied elements. Slotted - this is when the holes in the platbands are made through and the wall is visible through them. Overlays are when the window is decorated with ordinary slats, and on top of them are elements of slotted carvings or decorative protruding elements (overlays in the form of rhombuses, rectangles, etc.).

In the case of overlays, contrasting colors are often used. For example, the planks are painted dark, and the openwork is painted light. But this trick is easy only at the installation stage - you can paint both parts separately. Subsequently, you have to carefully apply different paints with a thin brush.

How and why to attach platbands in a wooden house

In a timber or log house, windows and doors are placed on a casing - a special frame of the opening made of wood, which is not rigidly fixed to the walls, but is held in place by friction in a tongue/groove type lock. They make a casing from thick wooden beam. The window or door frame is attached to the casing. When installing platbands, they are also attached to the casing. Since there is no load on them, the planks are usually attached on both sides, retreating 10-15 cm from the edge.

Two types of fasteners can be used:

Fastening to dowels is more labor-intensive, but it is absolutely invisible. If this process is too difficult, use finishing nails.

How to attach platbands to a log wall

There are no problems when installing platbands on timber: the surface is flat and easy to attach to. If the log house is made of logs, everything is more complicated. There are two options:

Which method to choose is your decision. Both are viable and both are not ideal - it is difficult to ensure a tight seal.

How to prevent moisture from seeping under the trim

Ensuring tightness is the main concern when installing platbands on a wooden house. Most questions arise about how to prevent moisture from flowing under the top bar. Water flowing down the wall inevitably gets into the gap between the platband and the wall. There are several options for solving the problem, mostly traditional, but using new materials.

Platbands with wooden “visor”

Such platbands are also called “Finnish”, since almost all houses in Finland are framed in this way. In addition to the traditional four slats, they also have an additional inclined canopy, which is supported by consoles resting on the side slats. It is advisable to choose the angle of inclination of the plank the same as the angle of inclination of the roof or close to it. Although it is an insignificant detail, this finish looks more organic.

When installing, under the canopy in a log or beam, you can make a cut of a few millimeters, “recess” the edge of the canopy there, and seal the remaining gap at the bottom and top with sealant (silicone, frost-resistant, with adhesion to wood).

Finnish platbands are good for everyone, but they don’t go well with carvings. The style is not the same. They are great for a simpler, more concise design. Although, there are similar options in the Russian style, but making them is not at all easy.

Metal visor

Using the same principle - to drain water from the platbands - this method solves the problem. Only a metal strip in the shape of the letter Z is used - part of the standard flashing. The color is selected to match the walls or the color of the cash.

The installation method is the same: they make a cut in the wall, only its size is much smaller - the thickness of the plank is several millimeters. The installation is the same as described earlier: we insert one part into the groove, seal the cracks silicone sealant. The only difference is that the free edge can be secured to the top strip of the trim (using self-tapping screws).

Installing the bottom trim at an angle

The lower strip of the casing can simultaneously serve as protection from precipitation. To do this, it is installed at an angle. The choice of inclination angle is no different - close to the roof inclination angle.

The installation of this strip is simple. It is supported from below by triangles cut out of wood and fixed to the frame. The water will not flow down the wall, but at some distance from it. Here it is important to do it correctly - so that the water does not wash away the foundation.

Photos of platbands for windows of different types

Simple trim with only small carving elements - these are often seen on a Scandinavian-style house

Carved overlay trims - delicate carvings on a dark background

Shutters and trim - this can often be found on old houses