Making your own solar panels at home. Making a solar battery with your own hands: take off your rose-colored glasses and learn from other people’s mistakes How to make a solar battery at home

A homemade solar battery is a full-fledged replacement for manufactured solar panels, because it is in no way inferior in power.

Main stages of manufacturing

  1. Frame assembly.
  2. Making the substrate.
  3. Preparation of photosensitive elements and their soldering.
  4. Fastening the plates to the substrate.
  5. Connecting diodes and all wires.
  6. Sealing.

Selection of photosensitive plates

They are the main element of the future installed on . The power of the entire home-made installation will depend on their features. You can install:

  1. Monocrystalline plates.
  2. Polycrystalline wafers.
  3. Amorphous crystal.

The former are able to create greatest number electric current. Their performance is manifested in conditions excellent lighting. If the light intensity decreases, their effectiveness decreases. In such conditions, a panel with polycrystalline plates becomes more productive. She's at poor lighting retains its usual low efficiency of 7-9%. Monocrystalline ones boast an efficiency of 13%.

Amorphous silicon lags behind in performance, but due to being flexible and invulnerable to impacts, it is the most expensive.

The best photosensitive elements are expensive. This applies to those plates that do not have a single defect. Defective products have slightly less power and are much cheaper. These are the kind of photovoltaic cells that should be used for your home-made power source.

The world's most popular online stores (where there are the largest number of offers for) sell photographic plates of different sizes. For your battery, you need to buy photosensitive elements with the same dimensions. When purchasing, or even better, when developing a project, you should consider the following nuances:

  1. Photocells of various sizes generate current with different strengths . The larger the size, the greater the current. In this case, it will be limited by the current strength of the smallest element. It does not matter that the panel contains a plate with twice large sizes. The panel will issue electricity with the strength that the current created smallest element. That's why large elements They will “rest” a little.
  2. Voltage does not depend on size. It depends on the type of elements. It can be expanded by connecting the plates in series.
  3. The power of the entire installation for a private house or cottage is product of voltage and current.

Calculation of panel characteristics

The solar panel must generate an electrical current that can easily charge 12-volt batteries. To recharge them, a high voltage current is required. It is very good when the current created by solar panels has a voltage of 18 V.

None of the small photosensitive elements produce such voltage. You need to find out the characteristics of the current that one photocell can create. Sellers often indicate these numbers.

For example, one plate produces a current with a voltage of 0.5 V. To get 18 V at the solar panel output, you need to connect 36 photocells in series. In this case, the total voltage is equal to the sum of the current voltages obtained on all photosensitive plates. The current strength will not change when connected in series. Therefore, it will be equal to the indicator given by the smallest photocell.

Read also: How to calculate solar panels

If needed increase the current, then you will have to install an additional number of plates and connect them in parallel. Overall Strength current will be the sum of the currents created by each parallel connected plate.

Calculation of solar panels that will stand on the roof of a summer house or private house is done as follows:

  1. Calculate the power of the devices that the solar battery will charge.
  2. Determine the capabilities of the smallest photocell. You can find out this either from sellers or yourself by holding it up to the light and measuring the voltage and current.
  3. Determine the voltage and current of the panel itself. For example, 18 V and 3 A. These values ​​will make it possible to find out the power of the panels. It will be 18x3 = 54 W. For a few hours work LED lamps that's enough.
  4. Compare the power of the light source with the power of electrical appliances. If necessary, adjustments are made to the basic current parameters. They change the power, and with it the voltage or current. Calculate the required number of panels.
  5. Calculate the number of photocells required for one panel. It must be such as to provide electricity with the required characteristics. In this case, the number of plates in one row is determined and the method of their connection is taken into account.

Most projects that relate to how involve the production of a product with an area of ​​1 m². Often the power of such a battery is about 120 W. 10 panels will give more than 1 kW. If you plan to fully provide your home with free electrical energy, then you should develop a project that includes as many panels with a total area exceeding 20 square meters. m. When placing them on sunny side and in places where the light intensity is very high, they can cover the monthly electricity demand of 300 kW. Even for the average home this figure is large.

Making a solar panel frame

It can be assembled from any available materials, which may include aluminum beer cans or rolls of foil. There is no point in throwing away such cans, because you can assemble a good airborne solar collector from them. It will capture the heat of the sun and transfer it from the beer cans into the middle of the house.

Read also: How solar panels work

Materials for making the frame can be:

  1. Wood and plywood, as well as fiberboard.
  2. Aluminum corners.
  3. Glass.
  4. Plexiglas.
  5. Polycarbonate.
  6. Plexiglass.
  7. Mineral glass.

The frame is made from the materials presented in the first two paragraphs.

Wooden frame

If the project involves the use of wood and chipboard, then the process of making a frame at home includes the following steps:

  1. Cutting wooden slats 2 cm thick into segments. Their length depends on the size of the frame. They are determined by looking at the length and width of the rows located at a distance of 5 mm of photographic plates.
  2. Assembling slats into a frame and fastening them with screws. You can make 1-2 crossbars in the middle of the frame. In this case, you will have to divide the photosensitive plates into 2-3 groups.
  3. Cutting one large or several small sheets of plywood 10 mm thick.
  4. Fastening cut pieces of plywood to the frame.
  5. Drilling small holes in the lower and middle sides of the frame. Up to 5 holes are made on one side. They are necessary to equalize pressure during heating of the future solar panel, as well as to remove moisture.
  6. Cutting a substrate for photographic plates from chipboard. It should be placed in the middle of the frame. Therefore, its dimensions should be less than the width and length of the frame by an amount equal to the thickness of the sides, multiplied by 2. The substrate is not yet fixed in the frame.
  7. Painting all elements with light paint. It must be applied in several layers. The paint must be special. It should not fade in the sun. Its color should be light because it reflects the rays, some of which can be caught by the semiconductor wafers.

The transparent part in the form of glass or analogues is fixed at the very end.

In order to do solar battery do it yourself, it is best to use mineral glass. It absorbs perfectly infrared rays, thereby protecting the panel from heating and is able to withstand shock. It's expensive. The worst option is polycarbonate and glass. The latter is heavy and does not withstand impacts, just like beer cans.

Aluminum frame

If the project involves use of 35 mm aluminum corners, then the frame at home is made like this:

  1. Cut the corners into pieces of the required length. In this case, the opposite edges of one side are cut at an angle of 45°.
  2. Holes are drilled near the ends of the uncut sides. Similar ones are made in the middle and near the ends of the sides with cut corners.
  3. Fold the four corners so that they create a frame.
  4. Apply corners 35 mm long and 50x50 mm in size to the corners of the frame, fix them with hardware.
  5. Apply to the inner surface of aluminum corners silicone sealant.
  6. Place the glass on the sealant and press lightly. Wait for the sealant to dry completely.
  7. Fix the glass with hardware that may lie near glass jars. They must be installed at the corners of the glass and in the middle of each side.
  8. Clean the glass from dust.

In recent years, the issue of energy saving has become increasingly acute. Many people are starting to think about how to save energy using a variety of energy-saving technologies. Recently, the use of solar energy in living conditions is beginning to interest more and more people who come to the conclusion that it would be better to install solar panels once, and then get significant savings on their budget. This is relevant in the context of constantly rising energy prices both in Russia and around the world. You can save even more if you figure out how to assemble a solar battery with your own hands. Main feature collection of solar panels will ensure the availability of components and minimal financial investments.







Selecting elements for panels

The great advantage of a self-assembled solar system is that you do not need to install the entire system at once. complex system, the power can be gradually increased. If the collection experience is successful, then you can continue working and increase the volume.

A solar battery is a local generator that operates by converting solar energy into electrical energy using a photovoltaic cell. In order to assemble it with your own hands, you need to select solar modules on the open market. For example, you can buy a SolarCells kit on Ebay, consisting of 36 solar cells, which is specifically designed for self-assembly of the battery. Similar sets can be purchased in Russia.

We are developing a project

The development of the project will depend on where you will place the solar battery and the installation option. Such batteries must be installed at an angle that ensures that the sun's rays hit the photocells at right angles. Don't forget that the performance of a solar panel depends entirely on the light intensity. They need to be installed on the sunny side of the building. Depending on the location of the object, as well as the flow of solar energy in each region, the angle of inclination for the solar panel is calculated.

Worth paying your attention the fact that at the time of designing a system that is supposed to be installed on the roof of a building, it is necessary to identify or calculate the load-bearing capacity of the roof in advance. The roof must fully withstand the applied load, and also provide a margin of safety.

We make a frame

Before making a solar battery, you need to purchase solar cells (36 pieces). According to calculations, one element produces 0.5 Volts of energy, that is, if there are 36 elements, 18 Volts can be obtained.

There is a huge selection of plates available on the market in different sizes, but you need to remember the following when choosing them:

  • All plates will produce the same level of stress regardless of their size;
  • Large plates produce more current;
  • Using plates big size You can get more energy, but be aware of the weight of larger panels;
  • It is not recommended to use plates different sizes in one structural system.

An aluminum corner is used for the frame in the manufacture of solar panels, but you can also buy ready-made frames designed for this purpose. The transparent coating should be chosen according to your wishes, but taking into account the refractive index of light. The most affordable material will be plexiglass, and the least suitable material in terms of its characteristics is ordinary polycarbonate. The best materials for making panels will be materials that have high level light transmission. If you use plexiglass, then during operation you can monitor the contacts in the system.

Installation of the solar battery housing

If we talk about the standard production of one solar battery, it involves the use of 36 photocells with 150x81 mm plates. When calculating dimensions, you need to take into account the presence of gaps between elements of 3-5 mm, which will be necessary when changing the dimensions of the frame under the influence of atmospheric phenomena. The dimensions of the workpiece with the tolerances taken into account will be 690x835 mm and the width of the corner in the frame will be 35 mm.Solar battery that will be made using aluminum profile will be similar to a factory-produced panel and will provide a high level of tightness, strength and rigidity.

To begin with, you need to make blanks from an aluminum corner - frames measuring 690x835 mm. To further fasten the screws, you need to make holes in the resulting frame. Then silicone sealant should be applied without gaps along the inner surface of the corners. This is quite an important point, because... There should be no places that are not filled with silicone. In the resulting frame you need to put transparent sheet made of plexiglass, special polycarbonate or anti-reflective glass.

Please note, that the silicone must be allowed to dry, otherwise evaporation will create an excess film on the photocells.

The laid glass must be carefully pressed against the frame and secured. For good fixation, fasteners must be made around the entire perimeter of the frame. That's it, the frame of the solar battery is almost complete.

Selecting and soldering elements

Also on the same Ebay or other similar store you can purchase solar cells that have already soldered conductors. Be sure to evaluate your abilities, because... Soldering contacts in such a design is a rather complicated process. Responsibility is further increased due to the fragility of the elements.

If you still decide to solder the elements yourself, then first you need to cut the conductors using a cardboard blank and carefully lay them out on the photocell. Then you need to apply acid and solder to the soldering points. For more convenient work, press the conductor heavy object. Next, you should carefully solder the conductor to the photocell, but do not pinch the fragile crystals. According to the specified standards, the silver coating on the conductor must withstand three solderings.

Assembling solar battery elements

When making the first assembly, it is best to use a marked backing, which will help place the elements evenly relative to each other. The base is made of plywood; be sure to mark the corners of the structure. After soldering to the battery cells, reverse side you need to secure a piece of tape for installation and transfer them in a similar way. Only the connecting parts need to be sealed.

Next, the elements need to be laid out on the glass surface. Do not forget to leave space between the elements and press them with a weight. Solder according to the attached electrical diagram. The positive tracks should be placed on the front side, and the negative tracks on the back. Solder all silver contacts. Connect all photocells using this principle. On the extreme elements of the panel, the contacts need to be connected to the plus and minus bus. It is recommended to create a “middle” point - using two additional bypass diodes. The terminal is installed on outside frames For output wires you can use acoustic cable in isolation. After soldering, all wires must be secured with silicone. After assembly, solar panels have the quality of contact soldering as the main problem. That is why experts recommend testing before sealing, which must be performed in each group of elements when soldering is carried out.

If the entire system is properly designed, it will ensure sufficient battery power. When calculating the entire structure, it should be taken into account that during the manufacture of one solar battery it is necessary to use only solar modules of the same size, because in the system, the maximum current is limited by the current of the smallest element.

Standard calculations make it clear that on a fairly sunny day, approximately 120 W of power is obtained from one meter of panel. Naturally, such power will not even allow you to work on a computer, but panels of 10 meters will already provide 1 kW of energy, which will give you the opportunity to provide energy for the main appliances in the house. On average, a family requires approximately 300 kW per month, so a system that is optimally installed on the south side with dimensions of 20 meters will provide the family’s electricity needs. To optimize the use of electricity in lighting, it is recommended to use light bulbs alternating current LED or fluorescent. How to choose similar light bulbs, for example for stretch ceiling can be read.

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative power source. However, in our conditions, their price is often too high, so using everyone available materials And necessary instructions You can assemble a solar battery with your own hands.


This video shows the process of assembling a solar battery.

Today, more and more people are thinking about alternative energy sources. A solar panel is one such device. This is a set of batteries for converting solar energy into electricity. Like others alternative sources, such a device is an expensive pleasure. However, battery installation can be reduced in cost if you make the device yourself. The article will tell and show with the help of video how to design with my own hands panel for generating solar energy at home or other conditions.

The principle of operation of a solar battery

The sun is a free source of energy. You just need to learn how to get it correctly. On a cloudless day, the heavenly body “charges” the earth with approximately 1000 W per 1 square meter. m. This would be enough to meet the household needs of the planet's inhabitants. But so far the device for obtaining such energy is not very accessible to the general population.

A solar panel is a collection of photovoltaic cells. In fact, they are semiconductors, most often made of silicon. Light hits the solar cell and is partially absorbed by it. Energy releases electrons. Present in the photocell electric field directs electrons - and this is current. The solar elements of the module are interconnected and brought to a metal contact, through which the resulting energy is removed for external use.

To create a solar battery at home, you need to take care of the implementation of the following theses:

  1. Design a module that will receive and convert energy at minimal cost.
  2. Provide the maximum possible power (read: efficiency) of the power source.

Solar battery on the roof of a house

To assemble the solar panel you will need:

  • photocells;
  • glass or plexiglass;
  • plywood, chipboard or aluminum corner;
  • sealant;
  • low power soldering iron;
  • soldering tires, flux, tin;
  • multimeter

Where to get solar cells

The photocell is a key part of the future solar battery. Finding and purchasing them at an adequate cost is the main difficulty in designing a solar battery. There are several options available:

  1. Extract semiconductor crystals from diodes and transistors found in old radios and televisions.
  2. Buy on eBay or AliExpress.
  3. Buy in domestic stores, which most often simply resell goods from AliExpress and eBay.

Solar cells

The first method may not require financial costs at all, but for a more or less powerful battery you need to find more than a dozen diodes. In the second option, be sure to take into account the cost of delivery, which can cost several tens of dollars. In addition, in order to make purchases in foreign online stores, you need to go through registration and linking procedures bank card. However, according to reviews, it will still be cheaper than ordering a battery locally (third option).

Advice. Online stores often sell fully working photovoltaic converters that were rejected during the production process (the so-called B-type). Their cost is an order of magnitude lower, but their effectiveness is the same. Broken elements can also be used to assemble a home solar panel.

Before you start looking for solar cells, decide on the tasks you will set for the battery. Next, calculate the required power. To do this, add up the load of devices that you power from the solar panel. Select elements based on this value.

Types of solar cells

Photoelectric converters are small panels with sides ranging from 38 to 156 mm. For more or less normal power you will need at least 35-50 elements. They can be either with or without soldered conductors. The second case will cause more trouble with a soldering iron.

The panels are very fragile. Sellers come up with different ways protect them from cracks and scratches during delivery. But even such measures do not always save the elements. During work, the chance of damaging the elements is even greater: if you bend them, they can burst, if you stack them, they can scratch one another. Minor chipping will not greatly affect the power.

There are two most popular types of solar cells on the market:

  • polycrystalline;
  • monocrystalline.

Polycrystalline ones have a service life of about 20 years. They are quite effective in difficult weather conditions. Efficiency – 7-9%. Monocrystalline converters are more durable (about 30 years) and have higher efficiency (13%). However, they are too sensitive to bad weather: if the sun is obscured by clouds or the rays do not fall at a right angle, the efficiency drops significantly.

Types of solar cells

Selection of frame and soldering of elements

The solar panel is a shallow box. Best in home environment- plywood or from, but you can also use an aluminum corner. It will simultaneously provide support and protection for the elements. For these purposes, for example, 9.5 mm plywood is suitable. The main thing is that the side does not obscure the elements. For reliability, you can divide the panel into two parts.

Photoelectric converters are usually placed on plexiglass or other surface. It is important that it does not transmit the IR spectrum. This is necessary so that the photocells themselves do not heat up. The glass must be degreased before placing the transducers on it. Soldering can be done before or after installing the photocells.

The soldering process looks like this:

  1. On the conductors that will be soldered, first apply flux and solder.
  2. Place the solar cells on the surface, leaving a gap of about 5 mm between them.
  3. Solder the outer parts to the busbars - these are wider conductors (they are usually present in kits with photocells).
  4. Print "-" and "+". For most elements, the front side is the negative pole, and the reverse side is the positive pole.
  5. Draw a "midpoint" to then install shunt diodes (Schottke diodes) for each half of the panel - they will not allow the battery to discharge at night or in cloudy weather.

Sealing panel elements

Sealing elements and panel installation

This process is the final stage of creating a solar energy source. Sealing is needed to reduce negative impact environment to elements. An excellent sealant (it is used abroad) is a compound, but it is not cheap. Therefore, silicone is also suitable for a home panel, but it is quite thick. Start by fixing the system in the middle and sides, then pour the substance into the spaces between the elements. Apply to the reverse side acrylic lacquer, mixed with the same silicone.

Advice. Before starting sealing, once again make sure that the soldering is good - test the panel. Otherwise, it will be difficult to make changes later.

The panel can be operated in the following ways:

  1. An inverter is included in the electrical target, which will convert DC voltage from the solar panel to AC.
  2. The electric target is equipped with a battery and a battery charge controller. They accumulate energy from the solar panel constantly (within the capacity of the battery), even while you are not using it.

Remember: you can always increase the number of elements by expanding the panel. The solar panel will be most effective only on the sunny side of the house. Provide for the possibility of mechanical rotation and changing the angle of inclination, because the sun moves across the sky, sometimes it is covered by clouds. It is also important for efficiency that snow does not stick to the device.

Making a solar panel with your own hands: video

Solar battery at the dacha: photo

IN modern world It is difficult to imagine existence without electrical energy. Lighting, heating, communications and other joys comfortable life directly depend on it. This forces us to look for alternative and independent sources, one of which is the sun. This area of ​​energy is not yet very developed, and industrial installations are not cheap. The solution is to make solar panels yourself.

What is a solar battery

A solar battery is a panel consisting of interconnected photocells. It directly converts solar energy into electrical current. Depending on the system design, Electric Energy accumulated or immediately used to supply energy to buildings, mechanisms and devices.

A solar battery consists of interconnected photocells

Almost everyone used the simplest photocells. They are built into calculators, flashlights, batteries for recharging electronic gadgets, and garden lanterns. But the use is not limited to this. There are electric cars that charge from the sun; in space, this is one of the main sources of energy.

In countries with a lot of sunny days, batteries are installed on the roofs of houses and used for heating and water heating. This type is called collectors; they convert the sun's energy into heat.

Often, entire cities and towns are supplied with electricity only through this type of energy. Power plants powered by solar radiation are being built. They are especially widespread in the USA, Japan and Germany.


The solar battery is based on the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect, discovered in the 20th century by A. Einstein. It turned out that in some substances, under the influence of sunlight or other substances, charged particles are detached. This discovery led to the creation of the first solar module in 1953.

The materials used to make the elements are semiconductors - combined plates of two materials with different conductivities. Most often, polycrystalline or monocrystalline silicon with various additives is used for their manufacture.

Under the influence of sunlight, an excess of electrons appears in one layer, and a deficiency in the other. “Extra” electrons move into the region with their deficiency, this process has received name р-n transition.

The solar cell consists of two semiconductor layers with different conductivities

Between the materials that form an excess and deficiency of electrons, a barrier layer is placed that prevents the transition. This is necessary to ensure that current occurs only when there is a source of energy consumption.

Photons of light incident on the surface knock out electrons and supply them with the necessary energy to overcome the barrier layer. Negative electrons move from the p-conductor to the n-conductor, and positive electrons travel the other way.

Due to the different conductivities of semiconductor materials, it is possible to create a directed movement of electrons. This creates an electric current.

The elements are connected in series to each other, forming a panel of larger or smaller area, which is called a battery. Such batteries can be directly connected to the source of consumption. But since solar activity changes during the day and stops altogether at night, batteries are used that accumulate energy during the absence of sunlight.

The necessary component in this case is the controller. It serves to monitor battery charging and turns off the battery when fully charged.

The current generated by a solar battery is constant and must be converted to alternating current to be used. An inverter is used for this.

Since all electrical appliances that consume energy are designed for a certain voltage, the system requires a stabilizer that provides the required values.

Additional devices are installed between the solar module and the consumer

Only if all these components are present, it is possible to obtain a functional system that supplies energy to consumers and does not threaten to damage them.

Types of elements for modules

There are three main types of solar panels: polycrystalline, monocrystalline and thin-film. Most often, all three types are made from silicon with various additives. Cadmium telluride and copper-cadmium selenide are also used, especially for the production of film panels. These additives help increase cell efficiency by 5-10%.


The most popular are monocrystalline. They are made from single crystals and have a uniform structure. Such plates have the shape of a polygon or rectangle with cut corners.

The monocrystalline cell has the shape of a rectangle with beveled corners

A battery assembled from monocrystalline cells has greater performance compared to other types, its efficiency is 13%. It is light and compact, is not afraid of slight bending, can be installed on an uneven surface, and has a service life of 30 years.

The disadvantages include a significant reduction in power during cloudy conditions, up to a complete cessation of energy production. The same happens when it is dark; the battery will not work at night.

The polycrystalline cell has a rectangular shape, which allows you to assemble the panel without gaps

Polycrystalline are produced by casting, have a rectangular or square shape and a heterogeneous structure. Their efficiency is lower than monocrystalline ones, the efficiency is only 7-9%, but the drop in output during cloudiness, dust or twilight is insignificant.

Therefore, they are used in the device street lighting, they are more often used by homemade products. The cost of such wafers is lower than single crystals, the service life is 20 years.


Tocfilm or flexible elements are made from an amorphous form of silicon. The flexibility of the panels makes them mobile; by rolling them up you can take them with you when traveling and have an independent source of energy anywhere. The same property allows them to be mounted on curved surfaces.

The film battery is made of amorphous silicon

In terms of efficiency, film panels are two times inferior to crystalline ones; to produce the same amount, double the battery area is required. And the film is no different in durability - in the first 2 years, their effectiveness drops by 20-40%.

But when it is cloudy or dark, energy production is reduced by only 10-15%. Their relative cheapness can be considered an undoubted advantage.

What can you make a solar panel from at home?

Despite all the advantages of batteries industrial production, their main disadvantage is their high price. This trouble can be avoided by making a simple panel with your own hands from scrap materials.

From diodes

A diode is a crystal in plastic case, acting as a lens. It concentrates the sun's rays on a conductor, resulting in an electric current. By connecting a large number of diodes together, we get a solar battery. You can use cardboard as a board.

The problem is that the power of the energy received is small; to generate a sufficient amount you will need a huge number of diodes. In terms of financial and labor costs, such a battery is much superior to the factory one, and in terms of power it is much inferior to it.

In addition, production drops sharply when illumination decreases. And the diodes themselves behave incorrectly - spontaneous glow often occurs. That is, the diodes themselves consume the energy produced. The conclusion suggests itself: ineffective.

From transistors

As in diodes, the main element of the transistor is the crystal. But it is enclosed in a metal case that does not allow sunlight. To make the battery, the housing cover is cut off with a hacksaw.

A small power battery can be assembled from transistors

Then the elements are attached to a plate made of textolite or other material suitable for the role of a board and connected to each other. In this way, you can assemble a battery with enough energy to operate a flashlight or radio, but you shouldn’t expect much power from such a device.

But it is quite suitable as a low-power camping energy source. Especially if you are fascinated by the creation process itself and the practical benefits of the result are not very important.

Craftsmen suggest using CDs and even copper plates as photocells. It’s easy to make a portable phone charger from photocells from garden lanterns.

The best solution would be to buy ready-made plates. Some online sites sell modules with minor manufacturing defects at a reasonable price; they are quite suitable for use.

Rational placement of batteries

The placement of the modules greatly determines how much energy the system will produce. The more rays that hit the photocells, the more energy they produce. For optimal location The following conditions must be met:

Important! The battery current is determined by the performance of the weakest element. Even a small shadow on one module can reduce system performance by 10 to 50%.

How to calculate the required power

Before you begin assembling the battery, you need to determine the required power. The number of cells purchased and the total area of ​​finished batteries depends on this.

The system can be either autonomous (supplying the house with electricity on its own) or combined, combining the energy of the sun and a traditional source.

The calculation consists of three steps:

  1. Find out the total power consumption.
  2. Determine Sufficient Capacity battery and inverter power.
  3. Calculate required amount cells based on insolation data in your region.

Power consumption

For autonomous system You can determine it by your electric meter. Divide the total amount of energy consumed per month by the number of days and get the average daily consumption.

If only some of the devices will be powered from the battery, find out their power from the passport or markings on the device. Multiply the resulting values ​​by the number of hours of work per day. By adding up the obtained values ​​for all devices, you get the average consumption per day.

AB capacity (rechargeable battery) and inverter power

AB for solar systems must withstand a large number of discharge and discharge cycles, have low self-discharge, withstand high charging current, operate at high and low temperatures, while requiring minimal maintenance. These parameters are optimal for lead-acid batteries.

Another important indicator is capacity, the maximum charge that the battery can accept and store. Insufficient capacity is increased by connecting batteries in parallel, in series or combining both connections.

Calculation will help you find out the required number of batteries. Let's consider it to concentrate the energy reserve for 1 day in a battery with a capacity of 200 Ah and a voltage of 12 V.

Let's assume that the daily demand is 4800 V.h., the output voltage of the system is 24 V. Taking into account that the losses on the inverter will be 20%, we will introduce a correction factor of 1.2.

4800:24x1.2=240 Ah

The depth of battery discharge should not exceed 30-40%, let's take this into account.

240x0.4= 600 Ah

The resulting value is three times the battery capacity, so to store the required amount you will need 3 batteries connected in parallel. But at the same time, the battery voltage is 12 V, to double it, you will need 3 more batteries connected in series.

To obtain a voltage of 48 V, connect two parallel chains of 4 AB each in parallel.

The inverter is used to convert direct current into variable. Select it according to peak, maximum load. On some consuming devices, the inrush current is significantly higher than the rated current. It is this indicator that is taken into account. In other cases, nominal values ​​are taken into account.

The shape of the voltage also matters. The best option- pure sine wave. Suitable for devices insensitive to voltage surges square shape. You should also consider the possibility of switching the device from the battery directly to solar panels.

Required number of cells

Insolation rates vary greatly in different areas. For correct calculation you need to know these numbers for your area; the data is easy to find on the Internet or at a weather station.

Insolation table by month for different regions

Insolation depends not only on the time of year, but also on the angle of the battery

When calculating, focus on the lowest insolation levels during the year, otherwise the battery will not generate enough energy during this period.

Suppose the minimum indicators are in January, 0.69, the maximum in July, 5.09.

Correction factors for winter time are 0.7, for summer time - 0.5.

The required amount of energy is 4800 Wh.

One panel has a power of 260 W and a voltage of 24 V.

Losses on the battery and inverter are 20%.

We calculate consumption taking into account losses: 4800 × 1.2 = 5760 Wh = 5.76 kWh.

We determine the performance of one panel.

Summer: 0.5×260×5.09= 661.7 Wh.

In winter: 0.7×260×0.69=125.5 Wh.

We calculate the required number of batteries by dividing the energy consumed by the performance of the panels.

In summer: 5760/661.7=8.7 pcs.

In winter: 5760/125.5=45.8 pcs.

It turns out that for full provision, in winter you will need five times more modules than in summer. Therefore, it is worth immediately installing more batteries or winter period provide a hybrid power supply system.

How to assemble a solar battery with your own hands

The assembly consists of several stages: manufacturing the case, soldering the elements, assembling the system and installing it. Before you start work, stock up on everything you need.

The battery consists of several layers

Materials and tools

  • photocells;
  • flat conductors;
  • alcohol-rosin flux;
  • soldering iron;
  • aluminum profile;
  • aluminum corners;
  • hardware;
  • silicone sealant;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • glass, plexiglass or plexiglass;
  • diodes;
  • measuring instruments.

It is better to order photocells complete with conductors; they are specially designed for this purpose. Other conductors are more fragile, which can be a problem during soldering and assembly. There are cells with already soldered conductors. They cost more, but significantly save time and labor costs.

Buy plates with conductors, this will reduce operating time

The frame of the housing is usually made of aluminum angle, but it is possible to use wooden slats or 2x2 square blocks. This option is less preferable as it does not provide sufficient protection from weather conditions.

For a transparent panel, choose a material with a minimum refractive index. Any obstacle in the path of the rays increases energy loss. It is desirable that the material transmits as little infrared radiation as possible.

Important! The more the panel is charged, the less energy it produces.

Frame calculation

The dimensions of the frame are calculated based on the size of the cells. It is important to provide a small distance of 3-5 mm between adjacent elements and take into account the width of the frame so that it does not overlap the edges of the elements.

The cells are available in various sizes; consider a variant of 36 plates, 81x150 mm in size. We arrange the elements in 4 rows, 9 pieces in one. Based on these data, the dimensions of the frame are 835x690 mm.

Making a box

Soldering elements and assembling modules

If the elements were purchased without contacts, they must first be soldered to each plate. To do this, cut the conductor into equal pieces.

  1. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard the right size and wrap the conductor around it, then cut it on both sides.
  2. Apply flux to each conductor and attach the strip to the element.
  3. Carefully solder the conductor along the entire length of the cell.

    Solder conductors to each plate

  4. Place the cells in a row one after another with a gap of 3-5 mm and solder them together sequentially.

    During installation, periodically check the functionality of the modules

  5. Transfer the finished rows of 9 cells into the body and align them relative to each other and the contour of the frame.
  6. Solder in parallel, using wider bars and observing polarity.

    Place rows of elements on a transparent backing and solder them together

  7. Output the “+” and “-” contacts.
  8. Apply 4 drops of sealant to each element and place the second glass on top.
  9. Let the glue dry.
  10. Fill the perimeter with sealant to prevent moisture from getting inside.
  11. Secure the panel to the housing using corners, screwing them into the sides of the aluminum profile.
  12. Install a Schottke blocking diode using sealant to prevent the battery from discharging through the module.
  13. Provide the output wire with a two-pin connector, and then connect the controller to it.
  14. Screw the corners to the frame to secure the battery to the support.

Video: soldering and assembling a solar module

The battery is ready, all that remains is to install it. For more efficient work, you can make a tracker.

Manufacturing of the rotary mechanism

simplest swivel mechanism easy to make yourself. The principle of its operation is based on a system of counterweights.

  1. From wooden blocks or an aluminum profile, assemble a support for the battery in the form of a stepladder.
  2. Using two bearings and a metal rod or pipe, place the battery on top so that it is centered on the larger side.
  3. Orient the structure from east to west and wait until the sun is at its zenith.
  4. Rotate the panel so that the rays fall on it vertically.
  5. Attach a container of water to one end and balance it at the other end with a weight.
  6. Make a hole in the container so that the water flows out little by little.

As the water flows out, the weight of the vessel will decrease and the edge of the panel will rise up, turning the battery behind the sun. The size of the hole will have to be determined experimentally.

The simplest solar tracker is made on the principle of a water clock

All you need is to pour water into the container in the morning. This design cannot be installed on the roof, but for garden plot or the lawn in front of the house, it is quite suitable. There are others, more complex designs tracker, but they will require large expenses.

Video: how to make your own electronic solar tracker

Battery Installation

Now you can conduct a test and enjoy free electricity.

Module maintenance

Solar panels do not require special maintenance, because they have no moving parts. For their normal functioning It is enough to clean the surface from time to time from dirt, dust and bird droppings.

Wash the batteries with a garden hose; if there is good water pressure, you won’t even need to climb onto the roof to do this. Make sure that additional equipment is in good working order.

How soon will the costs be recouped?

You should not expect immediate benefits from a solar power supply system. Its average payback is approximately 10 years for an autonomous system at home.

The more energy you consume, the faster your costs will pay off. After all, both small and large consumption require the purchase of additional equipment: battery, inverter, controller, and they account for a small part of the costs.

Also consider the service life of the equipment, and the panels themselves, so that you don’t have to change them before they pay for themselves.

Despite all the costs and disadvantages, solar energy is the future. The sun is a renewable energy source and will last at least another 5 thousand years. And science does not stand still; new materials for solar cells are appearing, with much greater efficiency. This means that they will soon be more affordable. But you can use the energy of the sun now.

A solar battery is several photocells assembled in one housing that supply electricity to the consumer. The photocells themselves are becoming more accessible every day, largely due to the fact that China has begun to produce them in good quality.

Selecting photocells for a solar battery

  1. Polycrystal or single crystal. There is no clear answer; polycrystalline modules are cheaper, but they have lower energy efficiency. Most industrial manufacturers prefer polycrystalline solar cells. Neither of these are produced in Russia, so we make purchases on com or
  2. Dimension. There are sizes 6x6 (156 x 156 mm), 5x5 (127-127 mm), 6x2 (156 x 52 mm) inches. You should take the last ones. The fact is that all photocells are very thin and fragile, they break easily during installation, so it is more profitable to break a small photocell. Also than smaller size one element, the easier it is to fill the battery area.
  3. Soldered contacts. Each plate will be connected in series with the others, so you will have to work a lot with the soldering iron. Soldered contacts to the panels greatly facilitate this work. It will be much easier to connect such contacts to a common bus. If there are no such contacts, you will have to solder them yourself.

Tools and materials


  • Aluminum corner 25x25;
  • Bolts 5x10 mm – 8 pcs;
  • Nuts 5 mm – 8 pcs;
  • Glass 5-6 mm;
  • Glue – sealant Sylgard 184;
  • Adhesive-sealant Ceresit CS 15;
  • Polycrystalline photocells;
  • Flux marker (a mixture of rosin and alcohol);
  • Silver tape for connection to photocells;
  • Tire tape;
  • Solder (you need thin solder, because excessive heating will damage the photocell);
  • Polyurethane foam (foam rubber), 3 cm thick;
  • Thick polyethylene film 10 microns.


  • File;
  • Hacksaw for metal with blade 18;
  • Drill, 5 and 6 mm drills;
  • Open-end wrenches;
  • Soldering iron;

Step-by-step photo instructions

It is described in as much detail as possible how to assemble a solar battery with your own hands from photocells on an aluminum frame.

File the corners on one edge on each side of the aluminum corner at 45 degrees.

Cut the corners with a hacksaw at 45 degrees. For convenience, you can use a miter box:

On each side of the corner you should have the following design:

Cut aluminum corner

We make staples to connect the corners:

We attach the corners with the cut corners to each other
We place the corner perpendicularly and mark a cutting line on it You should get 4 connecting corners

On the sides of each resulting bracket we find the center and drill a hole with a diameter of 6 mm:

Finding the center of each side of the bracket
Hole in bracket

We make markings through the hole in each bracket on the corner. To avoid confusion later, we mark each corner and each bracket with a number:

Marking holes “in place”
We put numbers so as not to confuse them later

Drill holes in the corner with a 5 mm drill, it should look like this:

Holes in the corner

We assemble the frame using bolts and nuts:

Using sealant, glue the glass into the assembled frame:

Silicone should be used to treat the joints outside and inside.

Degrease the glass surface from the inside and lay out the photocells face down so that the contact bars are parallel:

Connect the photocells together with tape, so they will not fall apart during further operations.

Connect the elements together according to the diagram:

Connection diagram of photocells in a battery

Assembling the sealing structure:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from a sheet of polyurethane foam, 1 cm smaller than the inside of the frame on each side;
  2. Solder the resulting rectangle into plastic film using tape or a soldering iron

The structure fits inside the frame:

Foam rubber is placed inside the frame

The frame along with the foam rubber is turned over and removed. All that remains are the photocells laid out and taped together:

Remove the aluminum frame
Photocells on foam rubber

Sylgard 184 sealant is applied to the entire surface of the photocells with a brush and covered with a frame with glass on top:

Sealant on photocells
Cover the photocells with a glass frame

We place the weight on the glass for several hours, during which time the air bubbles should be removed:

Bubbles go away in 2-3 hours

After 12 hours, remove the weight and tear off the foam. The battery is ready to connect!

Mistakes when assembling a solar battery with your own hands

Several typical mistakes made when self-assembly panels about which I would like to warn.

  • Assembly on a frame made of wood or chipboard. A solar battery assembled with your own hands pays for itself only if it lasts for several years, so an unreliable timber structure is definitely not suitable for it, because It will swell and lose its shape in a year or two. The design is bulky and heavy, difficult to transport and carry.
  • Careless storage of Sylgard 184. If you do not use up the entire jar of this glue, after use it should be transferred to a smaller container so that the residue does not come into contact with the air inside it. Otherwise, after six months of storage, all the glue may harden.
  • Use of plexiglass. The battery is always in the sun (this is its essence), so it gets very hot. Plexiglas is very poor at removing heat from photocells. This reduces their effectiveness. Each degree above 25 °C reduces efficiency by 0.45%. But this is not the main disadvantage of plexiglass! At temperatures above 50 °C, it deforms in all planes, breaking the contacts inside the circuit, depressurizing the battery and rendering it unusable.
  • Insufficient attention to insulating connections. When assembling solar panels for your home with your own hands, it is better to use special connectors (MC4) that connect several panels into a single network. The fact is that in the future they may have to be dismantled for repairs, turning in the other direction, replacing elements, etc. Twisting the contacts “tightly” or using connection terminals for this purpose that are intended for internal work is not the best option.


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