Ornate rhinestone patterns for interiors. DIY rhinestone applications on clothes: patterns with photos and videos

IN modern interiors The ceiling has long ceased to play the role of an exclusively practical and functional element. Original design surfaces can make the interior complete, unique and inimitable, emphasizing the style of the room. One of the simplest and available ways To make the ceiling interesting and unusual is to apply various patterns and designs to the surface. How to prepare the ceiling for work, and what methods of applying patterns with your own hands exist today - read below.

Ceiling patterns can be completely different: from simple but effective geometric and floral patterns to complex volumetric patterns. You can paint the ceiling yourself. In order for the drawings to turn out high-quality and attractive, the surface for application must first be prepared.

The ceiling preparation process includes the following steps:

  1. Removing old finishes (wallpaper, whitewash, etc.).
  2. Priming the surface and leveling minor unevenness, eliminating defects (such as seams between ceiling tiles) using plaster.
  3. Grinding the surface with sandpaper.
  4. Application finishing putty a thin layer in order to make the ceiling even and smooth.
  5. After the putty has dried, paint the surface in the desired color.

It is better to choose neutral, pastel shades for ceilings with patterns: this way, the color of the ceiling will not distract from the design, and the patterns will look neater.

Geometric patterns for the ceiling

The simplest type of patterns that you can make with your own hands even without artistic skills is a geometric pattern.

To make the ornament clear and even, you can use the following application options:

  1. Make a drawing on paper and transfer it to the surface using a pencil to scale.
  2. Paint the ceiling in the color of the future ornament (for example, white), using thick masking tape to form figures or lines in a random order over the entire surface of the ceiling. Paint the ceiling over the tape in the desired color and remove duct tape after the paint has dried. The result is unique, smooth and clear lines and shapes.

In addition, you can use it to apply simple patterns.

How to make a complex pattern on the ceiling using a stencil

The stencil can be either regular or reverse (only the contours around the element are drawn). You can purchase a template on a specialized website, order an element based on your own sketch, or make it yourself from cardboard or plastic. To make the drawing clear, you need to firmly fix the stencil to the ceiling. This can be done using masking tape or electrical tape.

You can apply paint through a stencil in several stages:

  1. Using a paint roller. This option will give a quick and clear drawing. Before applying a pattern to the ceiling, it is recommended to test the technique on a similar surface in order to adjust the pressure and amount of paint.
  2. Using a brush. This method is good if the stencil contains several elements that need to be done in different colors.
  3. By using aerosol can. Drawings using this method are very light, have clear lines and dry quickly.
  4. Using a foam sponge. The sponge will absorb excess paint and transfer to the surface exactly as much as needed. In addition, in this way you can make patterns not only in one color, but also create spectacular smooth color transitions within the boundaries of one element.

If the edges of the picture are poorly drawn, they can be corrected manually using a thin brush with paint of the desired color. Using a stencil, you can also apply a three-dimensional design (no more than 3 mm in height). To do this, instead of paint, you should use decorative putty.

Drawing with a projector

Drawing with a projector requires more time and patience from the artist than other methods, but the resulting picture is highly artistic and worth all the effort. In addition, this way you can create any design you like. In order to transfer a picture, you need to build a projection on the ceiling, avoiding distortion, trace it along the contours and color it according to the chosen color palette. To ensure an even image, the projector should be securely secured.

In this way, you can transfer both small and simple drawings and more complex, beautiful images to the ceiling. When working with paint, it is important to make the middle of the picture lighter than the contours.

So that the drawing does not fade under the sun's rays and is preserved for for a long time, you should secure it transparent acrylic varnish in several layers.

Ceiling with patterns: other methods of applying patterns

In addition, there are many other ways to apply patterns to the ceiling, for the implementation of which you will have to stock up on special tools or materials. But, each of these methods guarantees high-quality and simple application.

Simple ways to apply patterns include:

  1. Usage textured roller. Construction and arts and crafts stores today offer their customers rollers with a wide variety of textures: from simple geometric ones to detailed images of flowers, birds, animals, etc. The technology for applying patterns is simple: the roller is soaked in a container of paint and rolled over the surface of the ceiling in one direction (repeated application can cover the pattern, making it sloppy).
  2. Application of stamps. In this case, patterns are applied through rubber molds, which can be made with your own hands, ordered on specialized websites, or purchased in handmade stores. Transferring a design using a stamp is very simple; the main thing is to cover the mold well with paint and press it tightly to the decorated surface.
  3. Using stickers. Modern production of printing products makes it possible to choose any design and print it on adhesive paper. At the same time, the drawings can be either ordinary or fluorescent (glow in the dark). All that remains is to paint the ceiling in the desired color or decorate the surface with wallpaper and stick on patterns.

If you want to glue patterns in a certain order, then you first need to mark the ceiling into squares, and mark the location of the stickers with a pencil.

Applying patterns to the ceiling (video)

Applying patterns is a simple and accessible way for everyone to make a ceiling unique. Choose any of the options you like and create beautiful patterns with your own hands to the delight of all family members!

Examples of patterns on the ceiling (photos in interiors)

How to decorate bottles with rhinestones with your own hands.
Look at the photographs, real works of art, aren't they? Of course, you can find something similar in a store, but what will the price be? Meanwhile, it is quite possible for any person to assemble such a product, regardless of vocational training. And the costs can be quite insignificant, especially in comparison with the amazing result.

As for costs, you will need to purchase rhinestones, artificial, plastic, glass or semi-precious minerals, this must be based on your financial capabilities and goals, the size can be 4-5 mm. . Rock crystal crystals were used for the products in the photo.

Work of master (craftswoman) Jamie Brock, theme from the site http://hubpages.com/

Any bottle will do, but it is advisable to choose a base of some unusual shape. Moreover, you don’t have to focus only on wine or cognac; the base can really be anything! Packaging of food, medicine, jugs, vases, you can’t list everything.

More will be needed good glue, This important point work. Anyone who likes it will spend their time and end up with a product that falls apart into parts. The glue used here was E6000, GOOP, the name is not so important, the main thing is that it is suitable for gluing the selected materials and is not too quick-drying. It is advisable to choose a glue package with a dispenser and a sharp spout in the lid.

Need a container, plate or flat plastic jar under rhinestones and a wooden stick with a slightly pointed end.

Gluing rhinestones.

1. We start work from the bottom, to do this we apply glue in a thin line on one side of the bottle just above the level of the bottom. The glue is applied in a thin line; there should be neither too much nor too little.

Next, take a wooden stick and soak the sharp end in glue. There should be very little glue on the end of the stick, just so that it is slightly sticky. Now, with the sticky end of the stick, we grab one rhinestone from the jar and transfer it to the glue line on the bottle itself, lightly press it and remove the stick. An important point here is that the stickiness of the glue on the bottle should be stronger than on the stick.

2. It is more convenient to keep rhinestones next to the bottle, in a flat, shallow container. Using the sticky end of the stick, take the rhinestones one by one and place them in a row on the glue line. It is advisable to glue them tightly, without gaps. If you have correctly determined the amount of glue on the stick, the rhinestones will remain on the bottle and not on the stick.

3. Turn the bottle over to the other side and apply a line of glue in the same way. After gluing the first row of parts, repeat the entire procedure with gluing the second row around the entire bottle. Remember, the glue will remain elastic for some time and it will be possible to correct unsuccessfully applied parts. If the bottle is square, with curves, use the smallest rhinestones on the corners, no more than 4-5 mm. , large fragments are best used on a flat surface.

4. We continue the work by passing around the bottle, row by row, to the very top. If in the future you will use the product only as decorative element, then we will paste the neck with rhinestones.

If the bottle or vase has a lid, then we also decorate it with rhinestones, this will be a wonderful finishing touch. After use, allow the glue to dry completely for at least 24 hours.

Tips and additions.

  • Another way is to apply glue pointwise, with a small drop for only one fragment.
  • If you want to change the color of the bottle itself, then you need to pour a little paint inside, swirl it around, spread it over the entire surface, pour out the rest and let the paint dry. By changing the background of the base you can achieve a completely original play of color.
  • Try to choose rhinestones with taste. For example, as in the photo, fragments made of rock crystal, however, this is far from the only option.
  • You can also cover hard surfaces with rhinestones. plastic dishes, and a metal base.
  • You can make patterns from rhinestones using details different sizes, shapes and colors.

Artificial rhinestones often have one peculiarity: the larger they are, the more fake they look. Smaller sizes are closer to natural in color play. Besides, as they say, science does not stand still. Nowadays they create artificial crystals that only specialists can distinguish from natural ones. For example Swarovski, great quality for less money.

Create cozy atmosphere In the apartment, patterns applied to the ceiling using one of the existing techniques will help. Depending on the preferences of the owners of the living space, all kinds of color and shape combinations are allowed. The main thing is to make a sketch that allows you to evaluate the harmony of the color combination. This can be done using computer technology.

The most common method is to use a figured stencil. You can buy it in a specialized store ready-made option. If you cannot find one, then you will have to take matters into your own hands.

You can make a stencil with the required parameters in a design studio. In this case, it is necessary to specify in advance the exact parameters and the desired image.

Another option for decorating the ceiling covering is PVC lighting. Its structure is easy to imagine using the example of a triple sandwich. A spot lighting system is installed between the main and suspended ceilings. The desired pattern is applied to the surface of the tension covering. There are no restrictions here. You just need to correlate point light sources and beautiful pictures.

For those who prefer more sophisticated designs, designers and builders offer the following options:

  1. Curly type design - involves the use of plasterboard. Some models include PVC elements. It is strongly recommended that you make the correct markings before starting work, otherwise you will have to redo everything.
  2. Plasterboard option based on geometric shapes is one of the modern ways to decorate a room. To begin with, stretch ceiling elements are created based on squares, triangles and circles. The use of other geometric shapes is allowed. The main thing is to make sure there are holes for installing lamps.
  3. A cheaper method is to use polystyrene foam.

When talking about surfaces for applying patterns, designers focus on a common mistake. Often buyers give preference to beautiful, but of little use, coatings. As a result, it is simply impossible to apply a pattern - the surface does not support working with known image transfer techniques. Studying before purchasing will help you avoid this kind of problem. technical characteristics surfaces.

Tips: how to make a pattern on the ceiling using improvised means

You can create patterns on the ceiling using PVC lighting using a panel equipped with point light sources. Its size is at least 120x265 cm. The location of each light bulb directly depends on the chosen pattern.

In order to minimize the physical impact on the structure, the panel is protected with foam on both sides.

As a last resort, polyurethane can be used. A step-down transformer is used as a power supply.

This point is worth paying attention to:

  • The brightness level of the lamps is selected in such a way that the pictures do not fade against the backdrop of intense lighting;
  • A three-dimensional portrait or landscape of several parts requires the installation of side lighting points;
  • The presence of a fuse is mandatory;
  • A device that manually regulates the brightness of the lighting will help you do everything correctly.

Installation of drywall figured design implies a strict calculation of each parameter. It all starts with measuring the ceiling and profile. Only after repeatedly checking the markings made, is it permissible to apply patterns to the ceiling with your own hands.

We fix patterns for the ceiling with different characteristics

Beginners should remember that during the installation process, drywall is fixed with a small margin. This is done so that curved shapes can be removed later. In some cases, this requires bending the sheets.

If we talk about other options, the technology for their creation is as follows:

  1. The use of figured products based on plasterboard is recommended only when a person has sufficient experience. The drawing is divided into several parts, folding like a mosaic. As mentioned earlier, a sketch will help you avoid unevenness or inconsistencies. During the actual installation, the paper sketch is always in front of your eyes.
  2. A stencil is the easiest way to transfer a design to a surface. As additional tool use a spray or brush. The second is used in cases where you need to draw the smallest elements.

Regardless of the chosen method of transferring the image to the surface, you should remember a simple rule.

After applying each coat of paint, allow it to dry. The drying time depends on the characteristics of the substance. At a minimum, you need to spend 10-15 minutes on this.

Otherwise, the drawings will be unnatural, due to partial mixing of colors.

We create drawings and patterns on the ceiling with figured parts

The main technology is colored vinyl installed in niches in the drywall structure. The surface is visually perceived as a complete image, but at the same time the illusion of a mosaic is created.

The following recommendations will help you correctly arrange all structural elements:

  • Materials must be labeled as non-toxic;
  • The joints between elements must be insulated;
  • Each part is fixed at least 3 points.

Vinyl allows you to create rich color scheme images, but they require careful handling. If the room is observed increased level humidity or temperature changes, then this kind of project should be abandoned. It is better to give preference to the idea of ​​​​applying patterns to a PVC ceiling, which has a greater durability.

Beautiful patterns on the ceiling (video)

Whatever pattern is ultimately chosen, it will become the highlight of the room and add an unusual flavor. Friends, family and ordinary guests will definitely appreciate such an experiment. The main thing is to approach the choice of pattern with creative inspiration.

Perhaps some 5-10 years ago, classic design lines were on everyone’s lips. However, design does not stand still; it is constantly evolving and improving. Patterns have replaced the classics. This is one of original ways distract attention and fill everyday life with something unusual.

So, you liked the patterns on the ceiling. All you have to do is choose one of three design options:

  1. Do-it-yourself figured ceiling.
  2. Backlight.
  3. The pattern on the ceiling is formed using a stencil.

If you wish, you can use several methods at once or limit yourself to one. Consider curly ceiling covering and we won’t use backlighting – you can find separate articles about this type of design on our website. Let's focus on the stencil and drawings in general.

In short, draw beautiful drawings not so difficult - you just need to stock up on the necessary stencil. You can make it from thick paper or cardboard yourself.

To make the stencil even denser, you can soak it in drying oil.

Since the pattern is applied to a fairly large area, it is advisable to divide the stencil into even squares. They are assembled on the floor, after applying the desired design, the stencil is cut out. We recommend making all cuts with a sharp knife - this way the ceiling patterns will be clearer. A construction knife with replaceable blades has also proven itself well.

Before applying ceiling patterns, it is necessary to make the surface smooth and uniform. It is most convenient to apply the paint with a sponge, saturating each part of the stencil with it in turn. To create a multi-colored pattern, paint is applied over the printed one through the following stencil.

How to apply a stencil design correctly?

  • First, you paint the surface in the color you like and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Press the stencil to the ceiling and paint over it, lightly tapping it on the paper. We do not recommend moving a brush over the stencil. If paint gets on it, the picture will be blurry. To avoid drips, the brush is only slightly wetted in the paint.
  • When planning to create multi-color designs on the ceiling with your own hands, remember that this process will require much more effort. Each subsequent detail is applied to the vault only after the previous one has dried.

It is very convenient to use a stencil to create a ceiling with a pattern of a starry sky. You make preliminary images and then transfer them to the surface. Don't forget to paint it light blue or dark blue.

Using stamps in design

Patterned ceilings are not a problem if you purchase special prints made from soft rubber. Thanks to them, you can quickly and easily transfer the desired image to the surface. You can make a stamp without outside help.

For this:

  1. Buy thin rubber and carefully cut patterns out of it.
  2. Stick each pattern onto rubber strips - working surface ready!
  3. Glue the blanks onto a block of wood or other object. It must be strong enough.

Next, you simply wet the stamp in the paint of your choice, press it to the surface, creating patterns on the ceiling using the imprint method. We recommend practicing on a sheet of plywood to avoid any unpleasant surprises. For example, the color combination will be unsuccessful, you use too little or too much paint, and so on.

How are images applied with a roller?

But correct use roller can create stunning patterned ceilings. You will need two tools - one made of foam rubber and the other with a pattern. They are tightly connected, forming a machine and rotating freely on their axes.

When creating designs for the ceiling, you dip a foam roller into a container of paint, remove the excess paint, and insert the roller into the machine. Then you place the machine on the surface with the second roller. Only it comes into contact with the base, leaving imprints. Patterns on the ceiling with your own hands are formed when you move the machine with minimal effort. Do this one row after another until the pictures cover the entire ceiling.

Clouds on the ceiling - the easiest way

Fill the room with an atmosphere of romance? Give your child heaven right in his room? It's really easy - and now you'll see for yourself.

  • The ceiling surface is painted blue.
  • Once the first coat has dried, apply a second for a more intense and long-lasting color.
  • To create clouds, you need to moisten a soft sponge in white paint and, lightly patting, cover individual areas with it.

Drawings on suspended ceilings It’s quite possible to do it yourself. There are no strict frameworks, so the homeowner has an almost limitless field of activity. Realize your fantasy the way you like - successful repairs and bright colors in your interior!