Intercom metacom code for opening the door. How to open any intercom without a key? (Cyfral, Visit, Metacom, Eltis)

Let's say you work as a courier, you forgot your keys, you want to surprise your loved one, and so on. How to quickly get into the entrance if you don’t have the keys to it?

Of course, you can simply dial the number of any apartment on the intercom and ask to be let in. But if this does not help, access codes and universal keys come into play.

We'll talk about them today.

First, know what awaits you legally

This article is for informational purposes only. You use all information below at your own risk.

Important: if you enter someone else’s entrance, this will not be considered illegal entry into the home. But if you damage the intercom or the door, then this is already a break-in, damage to property and liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Do not try to open the door by applying a stun gun to the intercom key reader! Some intercoms are protected from this, but most models fail when hit by a shocker.

There is also Art. 36 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. She says that apartment owners own, by right of common shared ownership, the common property of the house, for example, entrances, elevators, basements.

This means that the owner of any apartment has the right not to let into the entrance of a stranger. And he may ask you for documents that certify your right to be in the entrance.

If you just walked into the entrance, it’s unlikely that it will come to court and fines, but they can make some noise. If the residents prove that you entered the intercom code for personal gain, then this is a reason to go to court.

And one moment. If you have an intercom at your entrance, but you don’t want to pay for installation, maintenance and keys, have every right . Contact the intercom company and present your registration. They are not required to give you a key, but must provide you with an access code that will allow you to open the door and enter the entrance.

What kind of locks are on intercom doors?

Appearance electromechanical lock

Entrances with intercoms usually have either electromagnetic or electromechanical locks.

Electromagnetic lock - a coil of cable with a steel core, which is usually installed in door frame. When voltage is applied to the coil, it attracts the ground metal plate, fixed to the door leaf.

Typically, an electromagnetic lock is powered by a DC power source. The higher the power of the lock, the more difficult it is to tear it off door leaf from the box.

But if the electromagnetic lock is old or cheap, you can try to forcefully pull the door towards you. Some models are designed for holding force only 50 kg(but more often 700 kg or more). It is not so much the strength that is important, but the sharpness of the jerk.

WITH electromechanical lock this won't work. Here the bolt and latch fit into the grooves on the door frame; you cannot get them out of there by jerking the door.

Another option is to take powerful electromagnet. It is necessary to position it with reverse polarity to the holding plate to compensate for the field from the coil.

Where to get and from what to power the electromagnet, history is silent...

Finally, intercoms sometimes open a regular lighter. You need to remove the piezoelectric element from it and strike a spark several times on the key reader. But this risks damaging the intercom.

Secrets of intercom manufacturers: loopholes and tricks to open

Access codes are known for intercoms of popular brands. They do not guarantee that you will get into the entrance, but... they increase the likelihood.

At the factory, standard firmware is loaded onto intercoms with the same codes. During installation, intercom specialists do not change the default settings in approximately 90% of cases. That's why factory codes are triggered often, but not always.

Vizit intercoms

To get started, you should try the standard combinations:

▪ 12#345
▪ 67#890
▪ *#423
▪ *#4230
▪ *#3423
▪ #196.

If the keyboard does not have the “*” and “#” buttons, press “C” and “K” respectively.

The service menu of the device can be called with code #999. If the call is successful, the intercom will emit two intermittent beeps.

After this, you can enter one of the combinations:

▪ 1234
▪ 12345
▪ 0000
▪ 9999
▪ 3535
▪ 6767
▪ 7056
▪ 11639.

After a successful combination, the intercom will emit one short signal and open the door. In case of failure - two signals: try the next combination.

To exit the menu, press “*”.

By the way, if you successfully entered the menu with code #999, you can press 3 and attach it to the reader new key. If the intercom has enough memory, it will remember your key and you can open the entrance door with it.

Metakom intercom

Models with a numeric keypad can be opened as follows:

1. Press "B" (call button).
2. Enter the number of the first apartment in the entrance.
3. Press "B". After this, the message COD may appear on the intercom display.
4. Dial combination 5702.

You can try to open Metacom MK-20TM intercoms with a clean tablet key. It starts the programming mode and at the same time opens the door.

Cyfral intercoms

Here everything is a little more complicated: the combinations depend on the model. For example, if the model has the letter “M”, the combination “B” – 41 – “B” – 1410 can work. Sometimes instead of “B” there is a call button with a bell symbol.

You can open the entrance with the CCD 2094 intercom if you go to the service menu and enter the combination 0000. For the CCD 2094M, the combination 0000 - “B” works. After this the logic is the same:

1. “COD” will appear on the screen.
2. Enter the combination 123400, 123456 or 456999, press "B".
3. When you see “F0” on the screen, enter 601.

The CCD 2094.1M model can open the combination “B” – 0000. Usually after this the message “ON” appears on the display. This means that the installers did not change the standard codes. Press 2 and the door should open. If you saw the inscription “OFF”, then when installing the intercom, the quick entry mode was disabled.

In addition, if there are apartments No. 100, 200, etc. in the entrance, you can use the code: the number of such apartment is “B” - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

You can also try combinations “B” - 2751 or 07054.

Forward intercoms

Universal codes for these intercoms:

▪ “K” – 1234
▪ “K” – 557798 – “K”
▪ 2427101
▪ 123*2427101.

If there is no K button on your keyboard, press the key button instead.

You can add your key to the intercom memory by entering the combination 77395201*0*, then attaching the key and pressing “#” twice.

Eltis intercoms

The logic is the same - entering combinations:

▪ “B” – 100 – “B” – 7272
▪ “B” – 100 – “B” – 7273
▪ “B” – 100 – “B” – 2323.
▪ “B” – call button.

If that doesn't work, you can try entering 200, 300, 400, etc. instead of 100.

Sometimes the combinations 9876 – “B” or “B” – 12342133123 help.

If the installers changed the standard codes, you can try to find out the new value. Press "B" and wait 20 seconds. Five numbers will appear on the screen for a split second. Memorize them or take a video on your smartphone. The numbers can be used in the combinations above.

Factorial intercoms

Models from the factory open with simple combinations:

▪ 000000
▪ 123456.

But most often installers remove them.

Marshal intercoms

For these intercoms you need to know the number last apartment at the entrance. Add one to it, enter this number. Then dial the combination “K” - 5555 or “K” - 1958.

Intercoms Laskomex

Often, the installers of these intercoms provide residents of the entrance with a four-digit code that will allow them to open the door without a key. To get into the entrance, you need to press the “B” button, enter the apartment number and this code.

Intercoms are a common means of restricting access to the entrance or other territory of strangers. Cases vary, so residents apartment buildings may be looking for options on how to open a Metacom intercom. If you know the model, anyone can overcome the electronic barrier.

How to open a Metakom intercom without a key

The Russian company Metacom has been producing intercom systems of various configurations since 1995. The company offers everyone:

  • audio intercoms;
  • video interphones;
  • individual (for one subscriber);
  • multi-tenant (can serve from 10 to 999 apartments).

If we consider the equipment of intercoms, they come with or without a display, i.e. in professional language - digital and coordinate. For each of specified types devices, a separate hacking of the Metacom intercom is provided. Experts note that models with a screen are more difficult to open than those without one.

Devices from a Russian company that produces security equipment are popular because... have a lot positive characteristics. The advantages include:

  • memory;
  • backlight;
  • possibility of connecting additional equipment;
  • communication with the dispatcher;
  • minimum mechanical switches;
  • opening with Touch keys Cyfral or Memory and contactless cards;
  • the ability to enter an individual user code;
  • programming.

The memory of branded devices can contain up to 260 million combinations of numbers, which cannot be changed during the entire service life of the electronic security guard. You can connect up to 4 CCTV cameras to Metacom, enhance it with light and sound signal s depending on the wishes of the subscriber.

The built-in programming capability helps to change the access code to the apartment if desired or necessary by the customer. The device is coated with a special paint that ensures water and dirt resistance. Metacom 2003 intercoms and other models work when temperature conditions from -43°С to +75°С.

Metacom devices are distinguished by their ease of installation. People who have minimal knowledge of electronics and have tools on hand can handle the intercom on their own.

The lineup Metacona includes such popular intercoms as:

  • MK1-EM;
  • MK2003.2-MFE;
  • MK2007-RF-E;
  • MK2012-TM4E;
  • MK1-XR-N;
  • MK1-XR-E-RF;
  • MK2-X-TM;
  • MK2-X-RF;
  • MK-10;
  • MK-20 M/T.

Branded devices are installed not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. They have earned the trust of users in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia.

Using the menu where you can change electronic settings and personal coding, you can get into the entrance without much effort. The system offers 3 adjustment options:

  • systemic;
  • service;
  • custom.

Those who want to enter without a key or chip need access to the last point, but they must take into account whether the device has a display or not. This difference fundamentally changes the hacking system.

Instructions for models with display

Models with a display have a number of distinctive qualities, which depend on the modification of the device. To hack the intercom and open the entrance doors, you need to press the letter “B”, which means “call”, the number of the first apartment in the entrance, again you need to press the call button and wait until the word “Cod” appears on the screen, after which the combination 5702 is entered.

If you were unable to get into the entrance, you can try another operation. To do this, press sequentially:

  • 65535;
  • 1234;

If the factory settings have not been changed by the installer, you can try to open a Metacom device of any brand using the sequential dial 1234 - “B” - 6 - “B” - 4568.

If the first option does not work, you can press a command on the keyboard that opens screenless models “B” - 1 - “B” - 4526. Experts note that such a set, consisting of calls and numbers, in some cases is also suitable for digital devices.

To change the individual code that is assigned to each subscriber at the time of concluding the contract (it is also registered there), you need to enter the device settings menu by pressing the code on the intercom 65535 - “B” or Call - 1234 - “B” - 99.

If you dial the combination 65535 - “B” - 1234 - “B” - 990111 on the device panel, the subscriber’s data will be erased. To prevent anyone from getting into the entrance from the selected apartment, you can dial on the intercom the code from 65535 - Call/В - 1234 - Call/В - В/Call - subscriber number - "В" - 70111.

If for some reason the apartment number was deleted from the memory of the external “computer”, using the combination “65535 - B - 12 - 34 - B - Apartment No. - B - 7” you can restore it without calling a technician.

From the listed combinations it is clear that the numbers 1234 are the factory setting for accessing the memory of any Metacom screen model.

Instructions for models without display

Experts say that devices without a screen are easier to hack. Opening the Metakom intercom without a key occurs by dialing “B” - 27 - “B” - 5702 on the panel. The door will unlock in 1-2 seconds.

The MK modification intercom without a display is considered the most burglary-resistant among contact devices with complex system PIN codes and programming. To deceive the electronic security guard and unlock the doors, for the Metakom MK-20 M/T model they use the sequential introduction of burglar commands “B” - 1 - “B” - 4526. This code information is used when you need to enter a new key into the device’s database. In this case, after entering the command, the desired chip for encoding is placed against the hole for the magnet.

It happens that it is enough to type four 0s after the “B” button, and the system goes into error, thereby unblocking the passage.

Universal codes

The developer provides universal code Metakom intercom for different models. You can find out the master code from the company that services the device. With his help:

  • program an electronic lock;
  • change system settings;
  • tie and unfasten keys;
  • set and change master passwords.

For models with display MK 2003, MK 2007 and MK 2012, the following algorithms exist:

Are commonВ-1234567
To rewrite apartment codes to change 1234 to another65535 - B - 1234 - B - 9 - 3 - new universal code - B
Changing the login password for keyless entry65535 - B - 1234 - B - B - apartment number - B - 0 - new password - B
To create a universal master key, use the following set of commands:65535 - B - 1234 - B - B - Apartment No.
- to add your key to the list of magnets that open the apartment, attach the tablet and dialAT 7
- to remove all chipsB - 7 - 0 - 11

Such commands will work provided that the universal code 1234 has not been changed by the installer or others. To exit the program menu, you need to press and hold the door opener button.

For models without display type MK 10 and MK 20:

It happens that master key codes intended for models without a screen may be suitable for digital models.

Models designed for installation in the private sector or those used by one owner are difficult to hack. In 90% of cases they do not have a hole for a magnetic key and touch sensors infrared sensors. Such models have increased durability and an anti-theft system.

other methods

  • A master key, which can be ordered from specialized workshops, will help you open the Metakom intercom door. Emergency responders, utility and courier organizations have such electronic “master keys”. In the workshops where keys are made, there is a set of codes for all intercoms located in the city, which is applied to a magnet or card.
  • Another way to get into the entrance apartment building Without a key and connections with the installer, you can use a battery. The main thing is that its flat side fits the round pad for the magnetic key.
  • The legal way to get into the entrance is by dialing the apartment number of friends or neighbors. Arriving at an unfamiliar house, if the subscriber does not answer, you can call the first selected apartment and explain the reason for wanting to enter.
  • To prevent the doors from closing tightly, you can hang a 5-kopeck coin on a magnet. This method will prevent the doors from closing tightly and will create the appearance of a working device.
  • You can force the device to check its settings. To do this, you need to press B and 0 several times alternately. After some time, the system will be forced to unlock the doors, because will begin to reboot. A person will have no more than 6-7 minutes to enter. In this case, the lock will either lock or open.
  • Illegal, but effective method, which does not require entering even 3 digits, is a force effect. Attackers used to open intercoms using a crowbar or other device. But this method may entail criminal liability.
  • The electronic brain of the device will “turn off” if you turn off the power to the entrance or the door itself. It happens that when you simply pull the door handle, it gives way and lets you into the entrance. In this case, the closing tightness depends on the strength of the lock magnet. It will help reduce the blocking force and impact in the area that is located 15 cm down from the button panel.
  • If the intercom model has infrared sensors, you can cause a door error by blocking 2 of them. According to the standard, the sensors are located along internal corners device, and you can close several with your fingers without effort. If there is no one nearby, then, without attracting attention, stick opaque tape or tape to the corners. It will take 5-10 minutes to display “Err_” on the screen. After which the magnet will release the door.
  • You can open any intercom using a stun gun. If you bring the device to the place where the code is read from the key and turn on the discharge, the door will jam and the passage will open.
  • In some cases, the method works by heating the weak point of the device. For example, you can increase the temperature of the key hole with the fire of a lighter.
  • Some models of intercoms, especially those with a magnetic sensor, are doused with sticky, long-drying liquid or paint from a can or can by attackers. This action disables the electronic security guard. But this method can act in opposite directions: one - the system will jam and the door will open, the other option - the device will stop responding to keys, which will make it even more difficult to get into the entrance.

Intercom screens are made of impact-resistant glass, so you should not hope that breaking it will damage the structure. There is no need to try to insert something thin, for example, a nail file or a bobby pin between the device body and the door. The device will not move away from the door; the installers make sure that the intercoms “sit” firmly in the socket.

Nowadays, high-rise buildings and private buildings are protected by intercom systems. With the development of technology, code devices are also being modernized. There is no universal code for all intercoms, because... The manufacturer is trying to increase the level of security for customers and makes the code from numbers individual. To overcome the obstacle, you need to know the model of the electronic watchman and understand the settings. But there is no point in resorting to illegal intrusion.

Metacom digital intercom is used in apartment buildings residential buildings. It consists of a digital panel and a processor equipped with a power supply. Among users, the question often arises: how. There are two options: using an identifier or special code. Thanks to its configuration, the device has a good degree of protection against unauthorized entry.

The controller built into the processor allows you to open the Metakom intercom using two types of keys: Touch Memory and Touch Cyfral. The device memory can hold up to 508 identifiers. The door can be opened using a special four-digit code. Users have the opportunity to change program settings according to their preferences.

Distinctive features of Metacom identifiers

To understand how to open the intercom, you need to know the configuration and operating principle of the key mechanism. The keys are developed by Metacom and are intended to work exclusively in this system. The master key is simple in design, different affordable price, the ability to carry out repairs, is equipped with a durable housing. The keys of this system are electronic and individual.

The Metakom intercom key has high consumer qualities and is very reliable in operation.

Magnetic master keys are resistant to vibration and shock, and are also not susceptible to external influences electromagnetic field. They can withstand temperature differences from -40º to +75º. The best for manufacturing are RW 1990.

Photo of the calling panel without a monitor

The use of a contact key is based on data exchange. Each is equipped with a chip and memory. It contains code information. Today there are about 260 million possible binary codes. The code cannot be changed during the entire service life.

The intercom key can also be contactless. Its production is carried out according to generally accepted standard Em-marine. Contactless master keys are used in the Proximity system. They are made in the form of key rings or plastic cards.

Method 1: Codes on the screen

You can open the device using special combinations. The options for such encryption schemes vary depending on the equipment model. For keyless entry You can try using the following algorithm:

  • Press the call button;
  • Number of the first apartment in the entrance;
  • Call;
  • Wait until “Cod” appears on the display panel;
  • Enter digital key 5702.

If the above actions did not allow access, you can open the Metacom intercom of other models using the following codes:

  • Code 65535;
  • Call button;
  • Digital key 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 8.

Another keyless entry option is the following combination:

  • Enter combination 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 6;
  • Call;
  • Dial combination digital key 4568.

How to open the intercom if the above combinations were not successful? First of all, you need to understand the device model. For example, for the Metakom MK-20 M/T model, you can try using the following keyless access scheme:

  • Call button;
  • Combination 27;
  • Call;
  • Code 5702.

Another working diagram:

  • Press Call;
  • Dial number 1;
  • Press Call;
  • Dial code 4526;
  • Bring the empty identifier to the reader and enter it into the device’s memory.

The video shows how to open the Metacom intercom without a key using the codes:

Method 2: Changing Software Settings

It is not always possible to unlock the Metacom intercom without a key. If the identifier is lost or damaged, you must program a new one into the device’s memory. To do this, you can use the following scheme:

  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, apartment number, Call, number 7. This combination will allow you to write the apartment number into the device’s memory;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, Call, apartment number, call, then the numbers 70111. This combination will delete all programmed master keys for a specific apartment;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, then numbers 97111. This set will allow you to delete all Master keys;
  • Code information 65535, Call, 1234, Call, numbers 99. Entering information will ensure that a new identifier is recorded;
  • Password 65535, Call, 1234, Call, numbers 990111. Using the password, the saved ID will be deleted.

The settings menu in Metacom intercoms is divided into three types:

  • Service;
  • Systemic;
  • Custom.

To enter the system settings menu, just dial the combination: 65535, call, 1234, call, 9. To display service menu settings on the calling panel, you need to dial the following information: 65535, call, 1234, call. To access the user menu, you need to dial the following code: 65535, call, 1234, press the call key twice.

You can open some models of such intercoms using a magnetic master key, the so-called tablet.

Contact picks can fit several mechanisms. You can use such an identifier after entering the code from the universal identifier into the device’s memory. In the future, this master key will be used as a suitable (initial) one.

Another solution to opening a Metacom intercom without an initial master key is to use a manufactured universal identifier. There is no need to select code configurations. The master key has a built-in chip with code information. In their manufacture, factory versions of firmware are used, so in most cases the programmed and provided information are the same.

The video shows how to open the Metakom MK 20 intercom door:

If you forgot or lost the key to the entrance, knowledge of the service intercom code will help keyless open the door. But the number of companies producing access devices is large. We will focus only on those that are popular in our country.

What is an intercom?

An intercom (intercom system or intercom and locking device) is a set of devices that restrict access to a room. Typically consists of the following components:

  • Lock. The predominant type is electronic, however, on some models, electromechanical can be installed;
  • Communication block. Allows you to establish an audio (in some modifications - video) connection between a specific apartment and a visitor who is located outside front door.

IN modern devices There is additional features, such as:

  • fire alarm installation or burglar alarm, connecting it to the console of the relevant structures;
  • emergency call from a rescue device;
  • facial recognition function (on certain models equipped with video surveillance).

The degree of functionality and additional capabilities of the system depend on the wishes of the customer and greatly influence the final cost of the installed equipment.

A little history

Since ancient times, humanity has tried to protect its personal property from external attacks. Inventing various devices and devices that prevent “strangers” from entering the home.

The discoverers and inventors of complex locking devices are considered to be the ancient Chinese (where would we be without them), the Egyptians and the inhabitants of the interfluve. Around the same period, the first locks were developed independently of each other.

First of all, access restriction devices were necessary for rulers of states who wanted to ensure the security of their treasuries. The stored wealth pushed others to commit illegal actions - it was impossible to completely trust anyone, even close relatives.

The first copies were made of wood. For several centuries, wood was the main material for making locks. Subsequently losing primacy to metals and alloys.

The oldest is found on the territory of modern Iraq in late XIX V. exhibit. Archaeologists estimate its age at 2700 years. It is a wooden box, inside of which there is a movable bolt that locks the door.

With the development of metalworking, combined locking devices - wood and metal - appear. In such locks, the key and latch were made of metal (or alloys) and the body remained made of wood. Such specimens were used in Ancient Greece and Rome.

The so-called “Roman castle” was distinguished by a massive key made of bronze. It was the first to use the principle of “rotating” the key; the device contained spring components.

IN Medieval Europe Iron was used in production. The most common were padlocks 2 types. Their name had a geographical reference:

  • "German" lock type. A distinctive feature is the angled end of the bolt and the spring that secures it in the “closed” state. To close such a lock it was enough to simply slam the door. When unlocked, turning the key (just over 90 degrees) moved the locking plate, compressing the spring.
  • "French" . It had a spring that prevented the bolt from accidentally moving. When opening, the key turned several turns.

Technical revolution of the 19th-20th centuries. brought innovations to the design of locks. New types and types of them appear. In addition to mechanical ones, electronic and coded devices are becoming widespread. Which can be opened by entering an alphanumeric sequence, magnetic card, fingerprint, etc.

Intercom systems have been developed to restrict access to the entrances of apartment buildings.


All devices are classified depending on:

  • Number of connected users.
  • Video signal transmission capabilities.

Based on the number of connected users, we will conditionally divide intercoms into 2 large groups:

  • With a small number of subscribers – they are individual devices. Installed on entrance doors in private houses and small companies.
  • WITH a large number subscribers. They are used at the entrances of high-rise apartment buildings.

Transfer if possible video signal highlight:

  • Audio intercoms. When there is an incoming call, the user of such a system has only audio contact. The advantages of this type include low cost and ease of installation of equipment. The disadvantages are the lack of eye contact and insufficient security (by calling any apartment and introducing yourself as a doctor, police, etc., you can get into the entrance).
  • Video intercoms. Allows eye contact with the caller. The equipment of such an intercom contains a video camera with IR illumination. It is possible to install several cameras that provide images from different positions, which is a “plus” of the system. Another bonus is the ability to connect recording devices, which will allow for round-the-clock video recording of what is happening. The only disadvantages include the cost of the equipment.

What does an intercom “consist” of?

An intercom system is a complex of equipment constituent elements which are:

1 Main unit (panel) for calling. Located on the front door or next to it. Allows you to enter a room or call a user living in the house. Has protection against vandals. Comprises:

  • — buttons with numeric characters for dialing, call and reset buttons. All buttons have a backlight function;
  • — speaker and microphone, which provide audio contact between the subscriber and the visitor;
  • — a device for reading a key (card);
  • — in models with video communication there is a surveillance camera.

2 Switching device. Represents internal organization, which connects the input unit to the intercom inside the apartment when dialing a number. It does not stand out externally, it is the electronic filling of the intercom.

3 Subscriber device. Located in the apartment, it is an intercom that allows you to communicate with visitors. It looks like a handset (if video communication is supported, there is an LCD screen). Includes a button for remote opening of entrance doors.

4 Lock. Connected to the main unit and the switching device, it receives commands to open them. The configuration depends on the intercom model and can be represented by both electromagnetic and electromechanical device. The disadvantage of the first is complete dependence on electricity from the network. If it is disabled, the door will automatically unlock. Also, this type of lock can be damaged relatively easily. The advantages include ease of manufacture and durability due to the absence of moving parts, low price.

How to open a door with an intercom?

There are several ways to open an entrance door equipped with an intercom:

  • Introduction of digital sequence. These codes can be individual for the residents of each apartment, or general - one combination is used by all residents in the entrance. The latter option reduces the security of the intercom device, because very quickly becomes the “owner” of the password a large number of citizens (friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.). Individual passwords are more reliable and protected from unauthorized use (the number of those “initiated into the secret” depends only on the resident). At the same time, in certain models, the subscriber receives a sound signal on the internal device, warning that someone has used the apartment code to enter the entrance. In addition to those mentioned above, there are also “service codes”. Their use is limited to a certain contingent. These passwords are used by local police officers, doctors, and public utility employees.
  • Magnetic card. It is applied to a special reading device on the call panel.
  • Using the subscriber's device, which is located in the apartment. When a call comes in, the subscriber presses a button on the device, signaling the lock to open.

If everything is clear with the last opening option, then we will consider the first 2 in more detail.

Opening codes

There is no universal sequence that could open any door - this is an axiom. But different manufacturers There are certain “factory” codes specific to a particular brand.

We have prepared an overview of such codes that will help open the doors to the entrance of the house in case of loss or absence of the key.

When installing the equipment, the installer may change the factory settings. If the given combinations are invalid, contact your intercom company and ask for an access code.

Useful table

ManufacturerPossible combinations
Factorial1. 000000 2. 123456 3. hold the number “5” for several seconds, after the message “180180” press “call” 4 “call”
Croncombination "951"
TechcomThe algorithm is as follows: - Dial a 3-digit code (any combinations). When you press the number of each subsequent number, do not release the previous one. - Hold for a few seconds, then release one button at a time in the reverse order (“123” pause “321”). - Enter the sequence 4321В3В
Laskomex1. “Call” + apartment + 4-character password (issued during installation of the system, unique for each apartment). 2. “button with the image of a key” “0” “key” “0” “key” “0” “key” “0” (4 total combinations key+0)6666. When the “P” symbol appears, press “8”. After 30-40 seconds the door will open.
Build Master1. 1234 2. 6767 3. 3535 4. 9999 5. 12345 6. 0000 7. 11639 After entering the number sequence (1 to 7), simultaneously press “Call” + “cancel” 8. “Call” 1234
MarshalYou must enter the number of the last apartment in the entrance, increased by "1" and dial one of the codes: - "K5555" - "K1958"
Forward1.К557798К 2.2427101 3.123*2427101 4.К1234 5. Enter the sequence 77395201*0* (or 5755660*0*). Attach the existing key, press "#" + "#". Your key will be entered into the database. 6. If there is a hole below the reader, insert a long wire there. The door will be open.
Eltis1. "call"100"call"7273 2. "call"100"call"2323 3. "call"41 "call"1410 4. 07054
Cyfral CCD1. "call"0000. "ON" will appear. On some models you must additionally press "2". 2. 0000 "call" - the value "cod" appears. We dial 123456 "call" or 456999 "call" (another option is 123400 "call"). The inscription should change to "FO". continue to enter code 601.
Visit1. #999 2. #4230 3.12#345 4.*#432 5.67#890 The “*” and “#” icons on some models are replaced by the “C” and “K” symbols.
Metacom1. "Call" number of the first apartment in the "Call" entrance. After “cod” is displayed, press 5702. 2.65535"Call"1234"Call"8. 3.1234 "Call" 6 "Call" 4568. 4. "Call" 27 "Call" 5702. 5. "Call"1"Call"4526

Keys and duplicates

The biggest misconception of most people is the idea that the locking device is demagnetized in the process of “applying” the key to the reading device.

In fact, everything is much more complicated. The key is a small microcircuit devoid of energy supply. The microcircuit contains a specific code, the data of which is recorded in the memory of the intercom itself. When applied, the code on the media is compared with the data available in the database. If a match is made, the doors will unlock. The reading process takes 1-2 seconds. Codes can only be changed using software. This operating principle is the most “popular”.

There are also other types of keys that are used in intercoms.

  • Contactless - make it possible to open locks remotely. This type is less common, but has a higher degree of protection. Looks like a keychain.
  • Resistor based switches - the access code in such models is the capacity of the installed resistor. The degree of protection is low, it is easy to make duplicates.
  • Reed switches - are a pair of magnets. One part of the reed switch part is contained in the key, the second in the main intercom unit. The degree of protection is also low.
  • Optical - is a plate with printed micro-holes. Enough high degree protection against counterfeiting. The disadvantage is that such a key gets dirty quickly, which negatively affects its performance; frequent replacement is necessary.

6 secrets that are important to know

To fully understand the problems associated with intercom system keys, we have selected answers to the most pressing questions for you.

Secret No. 1

Key, blank, clone – basic concepts. The key contains a specific digital sequence necessary to open the intercom lock. This unique combination is prescribed at the manufacturer. A clone is a copy of a key made in a workshop according to your order. A blank is a blank, does not contain data and is used in the production of duplicates (clones). There are blanks different types– with and without the possibility of rewriting. Sometimes, mistakenly, a duplicate that is not recorded in the device’s memory is called a workpiece, which is fundamentally incorrect.

If several copies were made from one key, they will all have the same access rights as the original. No additional steps are required to load data into the intercom system.

Secret No. 2

One key can be used to open multiple systems. Factory keys, as noted earlier, contain certain codes. When reading them, the intercom system checks the code with the one in its database. Therefore, to be able to use the key on several devices, it is enough to enter your key into the intercom memory. At the same time, the “tablet” itself does not need reprogramming.

At the same time, keep in mind one “BUT”. All devices must be from the same manufacturer, otherwise writing to the intercom memory will become impossible.

The same applies to the so-called “blanks” - blanks for forming keys. An empty key must initially be “endowed” with a code using special software, and only then the entered sequence must be entered into the intercom. Which is not able to program the “blank” on its own.

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Everyone, at least once in their life, has lost the keys to the entrance or did not know how to enter the house if a friend was suddenly delayed and it was pouring rain outside. The Metakom intercom can be opened without a magnetic key, but this article is not for those who are going to break into the door, but for people who find themselves in a difficult situation and act only to enter their own apartment.

PHOTO: It is not necessary to use a magnetic key; you can open the door in several ways

There are two types of locking devices - with and without a display. In the first case, you can only open the door with a key, and in the second, you can use several hints.

The Metakom brand intercom can withstand strong temperature fluctuations and remains in working order even in frosty conditions of -45ºС or heat up to +75 ºС. For each entrance and individual subscriber, a personal code is created.

Related article:

How to open an intercom without a key: Vizit, Forward, Cyfral, Eltis, Keyman, Factorial, Blink, Domoguard, T-Guard, Rainmann, Metakom; the principle of operation of the intercom and the main methods of opening it - read the publication.

Design features, principle of operation of Metakom intercoms

Main features of intercoms of this brand:

  • high strength and burglary resistance. Damage is virtually eliminated due to durable paint coating. High-quality electronics are used;
  • The microprocessors in the device are designed taking into account all the latest technologies. They don't fail like they did high voltage, and with sharp changes temperature;
  • Connection is very simple, this greatly simplifies the process and installation becomes cheaper.

It is almost impossible to hack such a device. If you want to get into your apartment, but have lost the key, call your neighbors, or use a few tricks.

How to open a Metakom intercom: distinctive features of identifiers you need to know

The device that is given to apartment owners at the entrance - a magnetic key - is very well protected. It continues to operate correctly even at very high or low temperatures, as well as for various mechanical influences. Data exchange between the main device and the unlocking device is based on the principle of data transfer to the receiver from a magnetic jumper. Today there are a huge number of digital combinations and it is impossible to find one that matches a specific door.

All identification devices are completely individual and work only with the Metakom system, and the keys are made different types, including contactless. The key can be in the form of a “tablet” or a plastic card.

How to open the Metacom intercom without a key: existing methods

For each version of the device, certain codes are selected, they are always different. Depending on the type of intercom, you can choose several different ways to open the door without a key. First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of a display on the panel.

Unlocking a door with a Metakom intercom: instructions for models with a display

The easiest option is to enter the individual apartment code. It is stated in the contract issued upon registration, however, apartment owners very often forget it, or do not even know about its existence. If this method does not work because the owner of the apartment has forgotten the code, you can choose other options.

You should try entering standard code– 1234 and press the “call” button. However, it can be changed by installers during installation.

Another option is to indicate the very first apartment number from the entire entrance; it can be 1, 215 or any other number. A message should appear confirming that the code works. After this, enter the numbers 5702 and you need to wait a few seconds. This is usually enough to unlock the lock, but if it still won't open, you can try a few more complex combinations.

Another combination is 65535/B, after which the code 1234/B and the number 8 are immediately entered. If this does not help, then you can check the latest option - 1234/B and B/6/B/4568.

If this code does not work, all that remains is to wait for the neighbors to open the door.

Intercom "Metakom" without a display: how to open the device without a key

If the intercom does not have a screen, you can use several methods:

  1. Dial command B/1/B/4526.
  2. Enter the code B/27/B/5702 and wait a bit.

There are no other options. You can try to reprogram the device and enter a new key, but these are already radical measures that should be resorted to only if you need to get home very urgently, and your relatives will not return soon.

How to open the Metakom intercom without a key: codes for reprogramming

Intercom reprogramming – complicated thing, which can have unpleasant consequences not only for the owner of one apartment, but also for the entire entrance, so this method is not recommended.

If reprogramming the intercom is extremely important, you should seek help from specialists. The support number is usually indicated on the intercom itself and you can quickly contact the technician using it.

Features available when entering special codes

If, when installing the intercom, the single code 1234 was changed by the craftsmen, then you will not be able to enter the entrance; it is best to wait until one of the neighbors comes out. If the settings have not been changed, you can use some functions:

  • 65535/В/1234/B/9/3/ then a new cipher, universal, is introduced and after that /В – changing the standard cipher to another;
  • 65535/B/1234/В/B/apartment number/B/0/new password/В – code for changing the password only for your own apartment.

The use of other codes is strictly not recommended, because they contribute to the reprogramming of the device. A situation may arise when even experienced master subsequently will not be able to figure out what code was entered and none of the residents will be able to get home, there will be only one option left - to change the intercom, and this is not a cheap pleasure.

In this case, the same signal is transmitted to the new key.

How to open the Metakom intercom with a magnetic master key

If you need to get into the apartment as quickly as possible and there are no other options left, you can try to add a new key to the already prepared list using the command 65535/В/1234/В and your apartment number. Then a tablet key is applied, after which you need to dial B/7 and delete the programmed code B/7/0/11. Then, to enter the entrance, the key that was originally issued but stopped working is used.

All these methods will only work if the settings were not changed during installation. If the technician installed security, you need to take out an agreement with the company that installed the intercom and come to the office, where a new key will be issued.