The water in the boiler does not heat up. The boiler does not heat hot water

Cats don't sleep on cold radiators.

Boiler malfunctions

Typical problems with the operation of heating equipment:

  • malfunction of the built-in pump;
  • the heat exchanger is clogged;
  • The three-way valve does not work.

If the boiler is working and the radiators are cold, experts recommend, first of all, assessing the technical condition of the main heating element. More specifically, to establish whether the built-in device works . This part is a permanent attribute modern equipment and is designed to improve the efficiency of its work. Very often after long downtime In summer, the pump may become clogged or covered with a layer of limescale. As a result, it does not remove the heated coolant from the heat exchanger in a timely manner. The boiler is boiling, but the radiators are cold.

It is strictly prohibited to independently repair such complex equipment as a boiler. IN in this case or a specialist from service center, or a repairman with the appropriate certificate or permit.

Experts do not recommend using ordinary tap water as a coolant, as it is hard. When the coolant temperature increases, dissolved salts settle on the heat exchanger. As a result, the following problem arises: the boiler is working, but the radiators are barely warm. Scale reduces the thermal conductivity of the heat exchanger, so the water in the circuit does not heat up, although the heating element constantly works with excessive energy consumption. You can fix the problem by changing the coolant and cleaning the heat exchanger. This video will help you understand how to clean the heat exchanger correctly:

A double-circuit boiler heats water, but does not heat the radiators. Here you need to pay attention to the serviceability of the three-way electric valve. It is responsible for switching the bypass from heating circuit maintenance mode to DHW and CO mode.

Problems with the heating circuit

The pump must be selected according to the requirements of the heating circuit.

Failures in the operating mode of the heating circuit are not always associated with a malfunction of the main heating element. If the boiler works, but does not heat the batteries, the reason must be sought in the wiring itself.

List of main heating circuit malfunctions:

  • the filter on the return line or the needle tap (Maevsky tap) is clogged;
  • insufficient power circulation pump;
  • the rules for installing a heating circuit with natural circulation have not been followed.

Any of the above problems must be resolved before starting heating season. Otherwise, the room may be left without heat for several days, since the repair involves completely draining the coolant.

So, why doesn’t the boiler heat the batteries if everything worked fine over the previous years? The reason is a dirt plug that has formed on the heating circuit filter and completely blocks the coolant flow. It can be solved simply - the water is drained from the pipes or its circulation is blocked using bypasses, and the filter is cleaned. To prevent a recurrence of such a situation, it is necessary to completely replace the coolant with parallel .

IN gravitational system The slope of the pipes is key.

The second reason why the boiler works but the radiators are cold is the insufficient power of the circulation pump. The performance of the device is not enough to pump the entire volume of coolant in a timely and efficient manner. Or the heating system in the house has branches that are located at a significant distance from the pump. As a result, the circulation pump overheats, the heating equipment operates with excessive energy consumption, and the radiators remain cold. The solution is to change the coolant pumping device to a more powerful one.

If the house has a two-pipe heating circuit with natural circulation of water, and during the heating season it is often noticed that the boiler is on and the radiators are cold, then the reason lies in non-compliance with the slope of the main line. According to regulatory documentation, only the slope of the pipes is 10 mm for each linear meter in a heating system with natural circulation will ensure normal movement of coolant. The result is uniform heating of the batteries throughout the house. If there is no slope, the coolant stagnates, which negatively affects the temperature of the radiators. The problem can be solved by completely redoing the wiring.

Why are the radiators cold when the boiler is running?

Low efficiency of the heating system can be the result of malfunctions of both the circuit itself and the main heating element. In the case of a heating device, it is necessary to pay attention to the three-way valve, the functionality of the pump and the technical condition of the heat exchanger. Typical problems for heating wiring are a clogged filter, insufficient power of the circulation pump and lack of slope of the pipes of the circuit with natural water circulation.

During the operation of a double-circuit gas boiler, each user will encounter certain problems associated with the operation of the hot water supply circuit. These problems are inevitable. They always appear, regardless of the manufacturer of the boiler and its heat exchanger, or the design features of the boiler; it does not matter whether the boiler is wall-mounted or floor-standing. Often the boiler starts to heat poorly hot water or not heat it at all. Especially when you use several points at the same time. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of this problem forever.

In any room where a double-circuit gas boiler is installed, be it an apartment, a country house or an office, there are certainly several places that are points water intake: washbasin in the toilet, shower in the bathroom, sink in the kitchen. All these points are connected to the hot water supply circuit of the boiler.

What happens when hot water is turned on at one point of intake

The double-circuit boiler is set to maintain a certain temperature in the hot water supply circuit. When you turn on hot water at one of the points:

  • the tap continues to flow for some time cold water, which before its opening stood in the pipe,
  • the boiler heats up, and a certain time is required for it to reach the set temperature,
  • after a few seconds, the heated water enters the pipe and begins to move to the intake point,
  • a few more seconds are needed for the hot water to reach the point of intake,
  • an additional few seconds are necessary due to the fact that the incoming water seems too hot to the consumer, and he adjusts the water supply with the mixer.

Thus, at least a few seconds pass from the moment the hot water tap opens until the water supply starts at a comfortable temperature. The further the water intake point is from the boiler, the longer this period of time.

All this time, the user cannot fully use the water and it will be that the boiler does not heat hot water normally. He waits until water arrives at a comfortable temperature. Meanwhile, water at a temperature that is not comfortable for the user simply goes down the drain.

Unproductive water consumption can range from several liters to tens of liters, depending on how far the water intake point is from the boiler.

What happens when hot water is turned on simultaneously at two points of intake

The scheme becomes more complicated if, while using hot water at one point of intake, it becomes necessary to turn it on at another point, for example: when the shower is turned on in the bathroom, it becomes necessary to wash your hands in the toilet washbasin. In this case:

  • the rate of hot water use increases sharply, its consumption increases,
  • weak pressure of hot water appears;
  • the flow of cold water into the boiler increases,
  • a drop in the temperature of the boiler heat exchanger leads to the fact that the water temperature at the first intake point ceases to be comfortable,
  • a few seconds are required to turn on the boiler automation for heating,
  • a few more seconds for both users at two points of collection to be able to use water at a comfortable temperature.

All this time, both users cannot fully use hot water. It arrives intermittently. The unproductive consumption of water, which goes uselessly into the sewer system, increases sharply.

What if one of the users turned off the water? In this case, the consumption of hot water drops sharply. A temperature jump occurs on the heater of a double-circuit gas boiler. As a result, the temperature of hot water increases sharply at the point of intake that continues to operate. The user cannot fully use the water; it goes down the drain until the automation on the boiler is activated, and the water desired temperature will be supplied to the user in a stable manner.

Since such situations are repeated several times every day, the unproductive consumption of hot water increases every day. At the same time, we should not forget about the discomfort that users experience when the supply of hot water is unstable.

Ways to solve the problem

The problem can be solved in ways that require significant investment, for example:

  • use together with a boiler,
  • purchasing a new boiler with a built-in boiler.

However, there is a less expensive, but very productive method - inserting an electric storage heater into the hot water supply circuit. Moreover, for this purpose, any standard heater with a volume of 30 liters is quite suitable, regardless of the manufacturer.

Use a water heater

A water heater embedded in the hot water supply circuit acts as a buffer tank. Its purpose is to equalize the temperature of hot water and smooth out possible temperature surges. The storage water heater and the gas boiler heater are set to the same operating temperature.

Even in case simultaneous switching on hot water taps on different points its intake, all users will initially receive water from the storage tank. Reduced time spent waiting comfortable temperature water. Unproductive water consumption is reduced.

Turning the hot water supply on and off at any point of intake causes a temperature difference in the water leaving the gas boiler. However, this water enters bottom part water heater, and when it exits the upper part, the temperature jump is completely smoothed out.

Connecting the water heater via ball valve allows you to switch to a conventional gas boiler operating system at any time, which can ensure uninterrupted hot water supply in the event of a water heater breakdown.

Using a bypass jumper with a tap in close proximity to the boiler allows you to exclude the boiler from the hot water supply system. If the boiler is under maintenance, using the existing water heater will ensure uninterrupted operation of the hot water supply system.

Use expansion tank

IN winter period, when the boiler's heating circuit is activated, any activation of hot water results in it being turned off so that the hot water supply circuit can turn on. IN summer period, when the boiler does not have a heating circuit activated, each turn on of hot water leads to the gas boiler turning on.

Often the user opens the hot water tap to simply rinse his hands. The boiler turns on or switches, hot water flows through the pipes. But the user may simply not wait for it, washing his hands with cold water.

Meanwhile, frequent and useless turning on and switching of the boiler “eats up” its operating life. Possible way out– installation of a small expansion tank. It is installed in front of the water heater. If there is such a tank, for the first time after turning on the tap, hot water enters the pipe exclusively from the water heater due to the increase in pressure in the tank. Thus, in case of short-term use of hot water, there is no need to turn on and switch the boiler.

Use recirculating pump

The best option is that the water heater is located in close proximity to the hot water intake points. The closer it is, the faster the hot water enters the tap, the more efficiently it is used. If this option for installing a water heater is not possible, then it is recommended to install a recirculation pump.

The pump is installed in the section between the water heater and the hot water intake points, ensuring the slow movement of hot water through the pipes. In addition, if you install a heated towel rail in this section, it will perform its direct function at any time of the year, regardless of the operation of the heating circuit of the boiler.

Efficiency of the proposed method

At a relatively low cost, installing a water heater, expander and pump allows you to:

  • save up to 25 thousand liters of water per year if a family of four lives in an apartment,
  • use water at a comfortable temperature even if several water intake points are operating simultaneously,
  • reduce gas and electricity consumption,
  • extend the service life of a double-circuit boiler.

Individual heating and hot water supply have long ceased to be something unusual. It is convenient and practical, and also allows you not to depend on whims utilities. Well, if some trouble suddenly happens, for example, it turns out that the boiler does not heat the water, then you will have to fix the breakdown on your own.

No, this does not mean that you should arm yourself with a tool and start repairing yourself - for this there are specialized companies that provide such services. If the heating boiler is working properly, but does not heat the water, then specialists will repair it, adjust the boiler according to your wishes, and, if necessary, flush the heating system. All work will be done efficiently and guaranteed.

Modern gas boilers– reliable and powerful heating devices that also perform the function of heating water. They successfully combine seemingly incompatible things - unsurpassed efficiency and compact size. But their uninterrupted operation is only possible if they are regularly Maintenance, detecting and eliminating the slightest faults.

Malfunctions of heating boilers

Mostly, major malfunctions begin to appear during the heating season, when two boiler circuits are operating - heating and water heating. It may happen that it does not start at all, or does not heat well enough. With the launch, the issue will have to be resolved separately, but if the water does not heat up enough, then the reason may be a clogged heat exchanger. As you know, the water quality in our systems is far from ideal, and few users install mechanical cleaning filters in front of the boiler. This is where the heat exchanger becomes clogged, resulting in bad job boiler

Here are the most common malfunctions of gas boilers when they do not heat the water well:

  • periodically switches off spontaneously,
  • smokes a lot,
  • does not develop enough power,
  • makes noise
  • clogged,
  • the pump is broken.

If it happens that the gas boiler does not heat the water, then often the reason is the formation of limescale on the walls of the heat exchanger, which, as it accumulates, becomes very durable and not only reduces the water temperature, but also reduces the throughput of the boiler. The thermal conductivity of scale is tens of times less metal, so it is not surprising that the boiler does not heat the water. If you don't take any preventive measures, then very soon you will have to completely disassemble the boiler and remove deposits mechanically.

This problem can only be helped by timely washing of the heat exchangers, and this should be done regularly, especially if there are no cleaning and softening filters installed in front of the boiler. For washing, special chemicals, but they should be used with great caution, since they are equally destructive to lime deposits and to the material from which the heat exchanger is made. It is best to invite a specialist for this purpose.

For safe and efficient work It is recommended to carry out preventive maintenance on a gas boiler. It is advisable to do this regularly before the start of the heating season; you should not wait for a situation when the boiler does not heat the water. This approach will ensure the duration of its service and economical operation. Major renovation carried out as necessary by a service center employee - it is strictly prohibited to do this yourself.

See also:

The boiler is working but the radiators are cold

Cats don't sleep on cold radiators.

The efficiency of the entire heating system directly depends on the performance of the boiler. Malfunctions of the main heating equipment negatively affect the efficiency of the home heating circuit and lead to excessive energy consumption. That is why any breakdowns, even the most insignificant ones, are given special attention. People’s experiences are understandable if the boiler is working and the radiators are cold. After all, this not only reduces the level of comfort in the house, but also entails expensive repairs. To properly solve a problem, you need to understand its essence. Only a specialist can correctly determine the reasons why the boiler does not heat the batteries. Also read: “Why do radiators heat poorly?“.

Boiler malfunctions

Typical problems with the operation of heating equipment:

  • malfunction of the built-in pump;
  • the heat exchanger is clogged;
  • The three-way valve does not work.

If the boiler is working and the radiators are cold, experts recommend, first of all, assessing the technical condition of the main heating element. More specifically, determine whether the circulation pump built into the device is working. This part is an invariable attribute of modern equipment and is designed to increase the efficiency of its operation. Very often, after a long period of inactivity in the summer, the pump can become clogged or become covered with a layer of limescale. As a result, it does not remove the heated coolant from the heat exchanger in a timely manner. The boiler is boiling, but the radiators are cold.

It is strictly prohibited to independently repair such complex equipment as a boiler. In this case, either a specialist from the service center or a repairman with the appropriate certificate or permit is called to your home.

Experts do not recommend using ordinary tap water as a coolant, as it is hard. When the coolant temperature increases, dissolved salts settle on the heat exchanger. As a result, the following problem arises: the boiler is working, but the radiators are barely warm. Scale reduces the thermal conductivity of the heat exchanger, so the water in the circuit does not heat up, although the heating element constantly works with excessive energy consumption. You can fix the problem by changing the coolant and cleaning the heat exchanger. This video will help you understand how to clean the heat exchanger correctly:

A double-circuit boiler heats water, but does not heat the radiators. Here you need to pay attention to the serviceability of the three-way electric valve. It is responsible for switching the bypass from heating circuit maintenance mode to DHW and CO mode.

Before making a heating register with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the technical base.

Why can't antifreeze be used for radiators? The answer is here.

Problems with the heating circuit

The pump must be selected according to the requirements of the heating circuit.

Failures in the operating mode of the heating circuit are not always associated with a malfunction of the main heating element. If the boiler works, but does not heat the batteries, the reason must be sought in the wiring itself.

List of main heating circuit malfunctions:

  • the filter on the return line or the needle tap (Maevsky tap) is clogged;
  • insufficient power of the circulation pump;
  • the rules for installing a heating circuit with natural circulation have not been followed.

Any of the above problems must be resolved before the start of the heating season. Otherwise, the room may be left without heat for several days, since the repair involves completely draining the coolant.

So, why doesn’t the boiler heat the batteries if everything worked fine over the previous years? The reason is a dirt plug that has formed on the heating circuit filter and completely blocks the coolant flow. It can be solved simply - the water is drained from the pipes or its circulation is blocked using bypasses, and the filter is cleaned. To prevent a recurrence of such a situation, it is necessary to completely replace the coolant with parallel flushing of the entire circuit.

In a gravity system, the slope of the pipes is key.

The second reason why the boiler works but the radiators are cold is the insufficient power of the circulation pump. The performance of the device is not enough to pump the entire volume of coolant in a timely and efficient manner. Or the heating system in the house has branches that are located at a significant distance from the pump. As a result, the circulation pump overheats, the heating equipment operates with excessive energy consumption, and the radiators remain cold. The solution is to change the coolant pumping device to a more powerful one.

If the house has a two-pipe heating circuit with natural circulation of water, and during the heating season it is often noticed that the boiler is on and the radiators are cold, then the reason lies in non-compliance with the slope of the main line. According to regulatory documentation, only a pipe slope of 10 mm per linear meter in a heating system with natural circulation will ensure normal coolant movement. The result is uniform heating of the batteries throughout the house. If there is no slope, the coolant stagnates, which negatively affects the temperature of the radiators. The problem can be solved by completely redoing the wiring.

Is it possible to heat a garage using antifreeze for cars?

Which liquid to clean heating systems should you choose? The selection criteria are described here.

Why are the radiators cold when the boiler is running?

Low efficiency of the heating system can be the result of malfunctions of both the circuit itself and the main heating element. In the case of a heating device, it is necessary to pay attention to the three-way valve, the functionality of the pump and the technical condition of the heat exchanger. Typical problems for heating wiring are a clogged filter, insufficient power of the circulation pump and lack of slope of the pipes of the circuit with natural water circulation.

The boiler does not heat water

This video is the solution to your problem!

Watch to the end and you won’t need to call a specialist.

It is impossible to survive without boiler houses in the climatic zones of Russia. Moreover, this also applies to the warmest regions, Sochi, Anapa and Rostov-on-Don. Winters are still harsh and people cannot survive without heating. Because we can do without heating systems And you definitely won’t get hot water. And only boiler houses can provide the city with all this. Today we will look at the reasons why the boiler does not heat the water - how to solve this problem and what to do about it......

They are very different. It all depends on the heat source. It can be either steam or water. They may vary by location. If the house itself decided to build its own boiler room, then a specially separate room in the house can be allocated for it. Or extensions are made to the house for these purposes. One of the main requirements when constructing boiler houses is good ventilation.

If the boiler operates with steam, then the quality of water purification, and then steam, is very important. high requirements. Therefore, it will definitely not be possible to manage such boiler houses without a whole complex of cleaning installations. This also includes AquaShield electromagnetic softeners, which are highly valued by boiler house employees today.

If a gas boiler suddenly stops heating water, the reasons may be different, but most often when using water from a central water supply without softening units, the cause may be limescale deposits. Moreover, it is hard and difficult to remove. The table shows possible signs reasons for boiler shutdown due to scale formation.

Other reasons for boiler shutdown are simpler. A piece of scale may get stuck in the pipe and block normal operation, and there may be a crack in gas boiler can also contribute to disconnection. But in these cases there will definitely be no scale residues on the walls of the equipment. If the boiler room does not have water softeners for boilers or wastewater treatment plants, then the root cause will of course be water hardness. If the treatment plant is standing and the equipment has been checked recently, then most likely this is not the problem.

If the video did not help you, then try installing anti-scale filters (polyphosphate or electromagnetic) in front of the boiler. Because Hard water and scale are the root cause of malfunctions and breakdowns of gas boilers!

In any case, if there is no cleaning in the system, then you will have to urgently address this cause and solve it. For boiler houses there is a whole range of water softening devices that are suitable:

  • AquaShield;
  • Ultrafiltration and conditioning for steam boiler houses;
  • Ion exchange for economical consumers of gas boilers

The most wasteful process of cleaning and softening will be in steam boiler rooms. There you will have to remove not just all organic and inorganic impurities. Even dissolved gases will have to be removed. Degassing is quite troublesome and costly. But the operation of the boiler depends on the quality of the steam. This is where membrane softeners work to make the water completely isolated.

Many consumers of gas boilers choose AquaShield for the simple reason that it does not require maintenance and does not require spending money on it. But its biggest advantage for boiler equipment was and remains the ability to eliminate even the most difficult places old lime deposits. Usually, to eliminate such residues, the equipment needs to be unscrewed, the parts need to be soaked in aggressive acidic environments and kept there for up to two hours. But even after boiler water treatment it is necessary to clean the surfaces metal brushes or cleaners. If your gas boiler does not heat the water to the required temperature, then the reason is scale deposits. The electromagnet does all this work without damaging the surface, at the molecular level.

Causes and ways to eliminate poor heating of radiators and radiators, as well as the entire system

Change temperature regime Heating malfunctions can be caused by a number of internal reasons. Many of them have a negative impact on System efficiency, increasing energy costs. In such cases, a reasonable question arises - why does the heating not heat up: radiators, batteries, pumps, systems? The first step is to find the causes of the problem.

Common heating problems

General scheme work autonomous heating

The operating principle of any heating system is the efficient transfer of thermal energy from the energy carrier (gas, solid fuel, diesel, etc.) water in pipes. The task of heating devices (radiators, radiators, pipes) is to transfer the resulting heat into the room.

And if the heating radiator does not heat, the reasons for this may lie both in the design itself and in the parameters of the system as a whole. Let's consider the common reasons for a decrease in the efficiency of a heating system:

  • Low efficiency of the boiler heat exchanger. The water does not heat up to the required temperature;
  • A particular radiator does not heat well. Possible reasons– incorrect installation, formation air jams;
  • Change technical characteristics systems - an increase in hydrodynamic resistance in certain sections of the pipeline, a decrease in the bore diameter of pipes, etc. Most often, the consequence of such phenomena is that the heating circulation pump gets very hot.

In some cases, not one, but several of the listed problems arise. Often the main one is the root cause of the appearance of the following ones. Thus, the formation of an air lock affects the increase in hydrodynamic resistance, and as a result, an increased load on the circulation pump occurs.

Do not install on a radiator with poor heating decorative grilles or cover it with a panel. Thus, the already low efficiency of its work will be artificially reduced.

Radiator does not heat up

Heating radiator design

Most often, problems with normal heat transfer occur in heating radiators. This is explained by their specific design - the coolant does not move through one pipe, as in a transport line, but is distributed over several.

In what cases does the heating radiator not heat? There are several factors that directly affect the correct operation of the battery.

Air locks in heating

Installed tap Mayevsky

There are several reasons for the appearance of air locks in the heating system - excess temperature, water evaporation, etc. It is important that the consequence of this is the appearance of places in the line that are not filled with coolant. Most often these are heating radiators. To eliminate them, it is necessary to install a Mayevsky valve - an air valve that releases excess air from the device.

How to determine why a radiator does not heat well? The simplest method is a temperature difference on the surface. At the point where the air lock forms, it will be significantly lower, thereby preventing the normal passage of the coolant. To eliminate it, you must perform the following steps:

  • Using a screwdriver or a rotary lever, the Mayevsky tap is opened;
  • Add water to the system until the coolant begins to flow out of the tap along with the air;
  • Shut off the water supply.

After starting the heating system, the surface of the radiator should heat evenly. Otherwise, repeat the procedure.

For normal heating of the radiator, you need to install an adjustable thermostat. Depending on the set temperature, it will automatically adjust the volume of coolant.

Improper installation and limescale deposits in pipes

Radiator connection installation diagrams

The efficiency of its operation depends on the correct installation of the radiator. It should not be inclined relative to the plane of the floor and wall. If this condition has not been met, then the question will inevitably arise - why the radiator does not heat.

To check the correct installation of the radiator, you can take a standard building level. If the upper plane of the battery has deviations, re-installation should be performed. It is best to use new reinforced fasteners for this.

If after this the question of why the heating radiator does not heat remains unresolved, it is recommended to flush the heating system. This problem is relevant for old pipes and radiators made of steel and cast iron. Over time, a limescale layer accumulates on the inner surface, preventing the normal flow of coolant. There are several ways to perform the washing procedure:

  • Hydraulic. A special pump is connected to the system circuit, which creates high water pressure. Under the influence of this force, the scale is broken into small fractions and retained in the pump filter;
  • Chemical. Special additives act on limescale, which loses its uniformity and flakes off from the inner surface. Subsequently, hydraulic flushing is performed to remove residual debris.

Experts recommend using a comprehensive method to solve the problem in which the radiator does not heat up. After checking the correct installation, the system is flushed, and then filled correctly with the Mayevsky tap open.

If a two-pipe heating system does not heat due to clogged pipes, you need to carefully choose a cleaning technology. For pipelines made of polypropylene, chemical cleaning cannot be done.

The boiler does not heat the radiators

Boiler heat exchanger before and after cleaning

Often, a two-pipe heating system does not heat due to the low heat transfer rate of the boiler exchange circuit. This leads to a decrease in temperature and, as a consequence, a loss of efficiency of the entire system. Not every boiler model provides an easy way to dismantle the heat exchanger. If the heating does not heat well due to the appearance of plaque on the internal elements of the boiler, you can perform flushing without this procedure. To do this you will need a pump with a filtration system. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  • Disconnecting the boiler from common system heating;
  • Connection to the inlet and outlet pipes of the pump hoses;
  • Filling a special cleaning liquid into the boiler heat exchanger;
  • By using centrifugal pump the speed of liquid passage through the boiler increases.

After this, the radiators should not heat up poorly. Particular attention should be paid to the flushing fluid. She shouldn't do any harm metal elements boiler and system. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, the entire system should be rinsed with distilled water.

To avoid the appearance of scale, before pouring water into the heating system, you need to reduce its hardness level. Usage running water not recommended as it contains a large number of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates. They are the main source of limescale deposits not only in the boiler heat exchanger, but also in pipes and radiators.

The best way cleaning the heat exchanger - dismantling it. This way you can not only remove the entire volume of scale, but also ensure its integrity. After this procedure, the heating system should not heat poorly.

Pipelines: reasons for low heating

Determining air pockets in batteries using a thermal imager

Failures in the heating mode are typical for a two-pipe heating system. In this case, the supply line that distributes the coolant to the radiators does not heat. Identification of the “problem” area can be done by measuring the temperature on the surface of the pipes or a thermal imager.

Natural circulation

Pipe slope for heating with natural circulation

What could cause such problems? If the heating does not heat well, the slope of the line may not be observed. This only applies to natural circulation systems. According to the standards, the slope of the pipes should be 10 mm per 1 m.p. In addition, the direction is taken into account - from the accelerating riser to the radiators. For the return pipe, the slope must be towards the boiler.

At the first stage, it is necessary to measure this indicator using a building level. If it meets the standard, but the heating radiator does not heat, there is a possibility of air pockets forming. In this case, an integrated approach is recommended, which includes the following steps:

  • Measuring the angle of inclination. If necessary, change it to the required value;
  • Flushing pipes to remove limescale;
  • Filling the system with coolant with open Mayevsky taps on the radiators.

This technique will eliminate low rate heat transfer from the heating system.

To improve circulation, a circulation pump can be installed in open systems. If it overheats, you need to install an additional one. This is often necessary for branched heating systems.

Forced coolant circulation

Operating principle of the air vent

For a system with forced movement of water in pipes, the formation of air locks can be avoided by using an air vent installed at the top of the system. In part, it performs the functions of an open expansion tank, but it does not reduce the pressure in the pipes to a critical level. Its absence is an indirect cause of poor heating of the radiator.

The specificity of closed heating systems is that it is not necessary to comply with the installation level of the pipes. However, when the critical heating level of the coolant is exceeded, steam is released, which is the main cause of air locks. Since air has a lower density than water, it will concentrate in the upper region of the pipeline sections. If the heating radiators do not heat well closed system– the reason may be a decrease in the volume of coolant in the pipes due to air resistance.

What needs to be done in this case? First of all, check the functionality of the air vents. If left idle for a long period of time, the valve may become covered limescale, which makes it impossible to open it under air pressure.

In addition to this factor, it is necessary to take into account the excess of hydraulic resistance in the system. This is why the heating battery does not heat if the initial calculation is incorrect. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation new system or modernization of the old one - the calculation part of the operational and technical parameters:

  • Selection of pipes of the appropriate diameter - the larger it is, the lower the hydrodynamic resistance. However, this increases the volume of water;
  • The likelihood that a two-pipe heating system will not heat is significantly less than that of a single-pipe one. Therefore, it is preferable to install radiators with parallel connection;
  • Heating of the heating circulation pump occurs due to incorrectly selected power. It directly depends on the calculated hydrodynamic parameters.

For what reasons may the radiator not heat up? This may be due to an incorrectly selected radiator model. Each of them has a certain heat transfer rate depending on thermal regime system operation. These data are indicated in the device passport. If you choose the wrong model, then even with ideal operation of the heating system, the radiator simply will not heat up to the required temperature.

The video shows the main reasons for poor radiator heating for a single-pipe heating system:

One of the problems that can happen when using a double-circuit boiler. The boiler does not heat hot water. The main and most common reason why the boiler does not heat water well is that the heat exchanger is clogged.

In this article I will describe how I treat this problem. This way you can also get out of the situation if you have a double boiler with a plate heat exchanger.

My house has a well and the water is very hard, so I constantly have problems with hot water To remedy the situation, I use citric acid.

This is the task. How to deliver this acid to the inside of the heat exchanger with the least effort. I found this way. At the entrance to the boiler I have a magnetic converter, which is supposed to remove water hardness, but it does not remove it, in my opinion this is a fiction. But the good thing for me is that it is installed right at the entrance to the boiler. You can see it in the photo below.

There is an American nut on it; after unscrewing it, you can easily pour citric acid into the inside of the pipe.

But to do this you need to turn off the water. I have a collector next to the boiler. He is in the photo below.

Now all the channels on it are open and with one easy movement I turn off the water supply to the boiler.

All water is shut off, now you can unscrew the American connection on the magnetic filter. And don’t forget to come up with something from the flowing water from the boiler, there isn’t a lot of it, but it is there. I wrapped up the rag.

Then I pour citric acid into the inside of the pipe.

I screw the American valve back and open the supply valve tap water into the boiler.

Now it is important to understand when the acid will enter the heat exchanger. Since my water tap is located a meter from the boiler, I determine whether the acid has reached the heat exchanger to taste. I just open the tap in short jerks and taste how “sour” it has gone, which means the entire system from the magnetic filter to the tap is full citric acid.

Next, you need to turn off the tap so that your household does not drain all the acid ahead of time.

I charge the system at night and it stays acidic until the morning. In the morning I open the water supply tap to the boiler and drain all the acid. The water will hiss, don’t be alarmed.

The question may arise, will the acid eat away at the heat exchanger? I did some digging on the chemists' forum and came to the conclusion that organic acid (citric acid) is harmless to copper.

I use this method when necessary. If you don’t like how the boiler heats the water or the pressure of hot water has become weak, I take the heat exchanger and treat it with citric acid.

If you have connections to the boiler made of polypropylene, and there is no place to put the acid, then come up with something similar; it won’t take much time.

Water heaters are used as the main or additional source of hot water supply in apartments and country houses. A complex device may fail due to various reasons, breakdowns cause a lot of everyday inconvenience and require urgent elimination. Let's take a closer look at why cold water does not flow into the water heater, why the pressure may decrease, and why difficulties arise with heating.

Water heater

Why is the water heater not working?

First of all, you need to figure out the cause of the problem. Most often, owners of water heating equipment encounter the following malfunctions:

  • The water pressure at the outlet of water heating equipment decreases.
  • The boiler takes in water and heats it, but there is no water coming out.
  • Water does not flow into the tank of the water heating unit.

The boiler is complex system consisting of many pipes various diameters, filters, valves and valves. Failure of any node can lead to malfunction of the entire system.

Boiler design

Here are the main causes of malfunctions:

  • Deposition of insoluble carbonate salts (scale) on pipe walls, valve parts or valves.
  • Ingress of rust particles.
  • Blocking the flow of water with an air bubble.
  • Failure of the valve or valve (jamming of parts).

First of all, you need to find the problem node. To do this, sequentially disconnect the parts from the inlet and see after which unit water stops flowing into the system. Once the problem area is found, repairs can begin.

Important! Any actions related to opening the casing of the water heating device lead to loss of the right to warranty service. Proceed with work only if the warranty period has expired. Otherwise, it is advisable not to violate the warranty rules, but to contact the service center.


Having discovered a problem unit, you need to begin restoring the boiler’s functionality. The course of action depends on the specific reason preventing normal work devices. Let's look at the most common situations.

Scale clogged

Water heater clogged with scale

Scale is deposits of insoluble carbonate salts on the walls of water heating devices. It is found in teapots, washing machines, water heaters.

The amount of scale depends on the hardness of the water. In regions with hard water, even after a year of operation of the boiler, the amount of salts deposited on the walls may be sufficient to completely block the lumen of the heating element tubes or significantly narrow it.

If scale causes the water heater to fail, repairs must be carried out in the following order:

  • Open and remove the protective cover from the water heater.
  • Unscrew the nuts holding the heating element in place and remove it.

Dismantling the heating element

  • Wash the walls of the boiler and the coil of the heating element from carbonate deposits. Dissolve hard crust Organic acid - lemon or oxalic acid - will help. Can also be used industrial products– anti-scale. Soak the part in an acid solution to free it from accumulated deposits.

Cleaning the heating element from scale

  • Using a tester, make sure that the heating element coil has not burned out due to a violation of heat removal by scale.
  • If the spiral is intact, assemble the device in the reverse order of dismantling.

If the heating element fails, you will have to look for a new one or buy a new boiler - you need to choose the most economical solution. If repairs require large financial expenses, it is more profitable to immediately purchase new equipment.

Failure of the pressure reducer

The pressure drops of the incoming water in the system can range from 2.5 to 7 atm. To compensate for surges, a special unit is installed at the boiler inlet - a gearbox. Its task is to ensure equal pressure at the outlet of the boiler and from the tap. If it falls due to a gearbox failure, it is necessary to adjust its operation or replace the broken part.

Low pressure in the main water supply also leads to a drop in pressure at the outlet of the water heating boiler or in instantaneous water heater. Unscrew the hose and check the pressure level: if water comes from the main water supply in a thin stream or does not flow at all, you should wait, as the problem may arise due to repair work. If the pressure has not been restored within several hours, you should contact Vodokanal.

Thermostat failure

If the water leaving the boiler does not heat up enough or does not heat up at all, the cause may be a failure of the thermostat - it is he who is responsible for maintaining constant high temperature. To carry out diagnostics, turn off the power to the boiler and remove the thermostat from the housing.

  • Press the thermostat button.
  • Heat the copper tip of the thermostat. If the node is working properly, the button should turn off.
  • Test the electrical circuits of the thermostat using a tester.

Typically, a thermostat malfunction is caused by the overheat protection tripping. As a result of the operations performed, the device should work, and the problems will disappear after it is installed in place. If the tester shows an open circuit, you will have to replace the burnt out thermostat.

Faucet clogged

If water comes out of the boiler with sufficient pressure, but flows out of the tap slowly, the reason lies in the faucet being clogged with scale or rust. You will need to turn off the water, disassemble the faucets and thoroughly clean the filter mesh. You also need to inspect everything sealing rubber bands and make sure that the valves are working properly.

If water does not enter the boiler

If the described reasons have been eliminated, there is water pressure, but the boiler still cannot be filled, the cause may be an incorrect connection (the inlet and outlet pipes are mixed up) or a clogged mesh filter pad. It's easy to fix these problems: unscrew the hoses, rinse the filter and put everything back in the correct order.

Water heater operation diagram

Another cause of malfunction is breakdown check valve. It is installed at the entrance to storage tank and prevents water from returning to the water supply. It can also release excess pressure when overheated. Over time, the valve spring becomes clogged with particles of scale and rust, causing the valve to jam. Disassembly and thorough cleaning will help resolve the problem. If it was not possible to clean the part and restore its functionality, you will have to look for a replacement.

Having figured out why the boiler may stop working normally and how to eliminate the most common malfunctions, it is worth focusing on preventive measures.

Most breakdowns can be avoided by following simple recommendations care:

  • Do not overheat the water. Lower temperatures mean scale forms more slowly, leading to breakdowns.
  • The design of many boilers includes the use of softening cartridges. Don't skimp on water softening, as this will help you avoid spending on repairs.
  • When leaving for several days, turn off the device without draining the water. But turning it off at night to save energy is impractical due to the high wear and tear on the electrical part.