Code to open the metacom intercom. How to hack a Metacom intercom and write a new key into its memory

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Code "VIZIT"

If the initial settings have not been changed, then the code for opening can be of 4 types: *#423; 12#345; 67#890; *#4230.

To open the door using the service menu, we enter: #999. Next, we wait for two short signals and only after that enter the code: 1234 (standard), if the code does not work, then try the following: 0000; 9999; 3535; 12345; 6767. A positive response is 1 beep, a negative response is 2.

The service menu is controlled using 2 combinations and 3 buttons.

  • First: “2” (short pause), “#” (another pause), “3535” - with this combination we simply open the door.
  • Second: “3”, “put the key on the intercom”, “#” (wait sound signal) – in this way we add our key to the database.

By pressing “4” we erase all keys from the intercom memory.

There are 2 ways to open the Digital intercom:

The first case - the intercom is marked with the letter “M”. To open such a system, enter:
“07054”, if it doesn’t work, then “call button”, “41”, or “call”, “1410”.

The second case, when the house has apartments numbered (100, 200, 300, 400), then we do this:
“call button”, “apartment number (100, 200)”, “call”, “2323; 7272; 7273 (one of three options)."


You can open the METAKOM intercom using 3 different schemes:

  • The first: “press the call button”, “enter the number of the first apartment of the entrance”, “press call again”, “the display shows the word COD”, “enter the code - 5702”.
  • Second: “65535”, “call”, “1234”, “call”, “8”.
  • Third: “1234”, “call”, “6”, “call again”, “4568”.

There is another METAKOM, which is slightly different in the opening method (METAKOM MK - 20 M/T).
To do this, we try 2 combinations:

  • “call”, “27”, “call button”, “5702”.
  • “call button”, “1”, “call”, “4526”.

Advice: if there is such an opportunity, it is better to call some apartment and state the essence of the problem (I think there will be kind people who will open it for you). Although more often the answer “ours” works.

Code "ELTIS"

Eltis intercoms were, are and will be the easiest to open, due to the fact that the special codes on them are of the same type and simple.

There are only 2 options for opening this intercom:

  • "call button", "2323"
  • "call key", "7273"

As you can see, everything is very simple.

Manufacturers of such locks are developing new security systems, improving existing models.

General concepts about the Metakom intercom

This lock consists of several components: a processor with a power supply and a digital panel. It opens using an identifier key. It is enough to bring the key to a special contact point on the intercom. The process of its use is built on the exchange of data in microcircuits and the memory of the key and lock. The chip contains code information that opens the door. This code cannot be changed throughout the entire period of operation. All keys developed by Metacom are designed to work exclusively in this system and have a durable housing and shock protection. Picks can withstand temperature changes from -40C...+75 ºC and are not influenced electromagnetic field. If the key breaks, it is possible to repair it.

Two types of keys have been developed that can accommodate up to 508 types of identifiers:

In addition to using an ID key, it is possible to open the lock using special code, consisting of four digits. The owner of the code can change the settings software, changing the code to any necessary combination.

There are also contactless master keys, which are produced in the form of plastic cards or key fobs. The production of such instruments is carried out according to the Em marine system and are used in Proximity systems.

Principles for changing device settings to gain keyless access

In the case when it is necessary to register in the system new key identification, you must use the following scheme.

In order to erase from the device memory all programmed identification keys for a specific apartment:

  1. Call key.
  2. Code combination 1234.
  3. Call key.
  4. Call key.
  5. Dial the apartment number on the device panel.
  6. Call key.
  7. Dial code 70111.

To record an apartment number in the device memory:

  1. On the intercom display, dial the code combination 65535.
  1. Call key.
  2. Dial code 1234.
  3. Call key.
  4. Dial the apartment number on the digital panel.
  5. Call key.
  6. Press number 7 on the number pad.

To delete a saved identification key:

  • Call key.
  • Code 1234.
  • Call key.
  • Password 990111.

Entering information to ensure that the new identification key is recorded:

  • On the intercom display, dial code 65535.
  • Call key.
  • Code 12134.
  • Call key.
  • On the digital display, dial the number combination 99.

How to open the Metakom intercom without a key

This question is very relevant, since keys are often lost or forgotten at home or away. In such a situation, how can you get into the apartment without it? The lock can be opened using certain combinations programmed into the code. These ciphers have a varied number set, depending on the lock model.

To open the lock using the keyless method, you can use the following combination:

  1. Call button.
  1. Dial the number of the apartment that is the first in the entrance.
  2. Call button.
  3. A “Cod” button will appear on the on-screen panel.
  4. 5702 is the digital ibah that must be entered.

An additional combination of actions that allows you to open a combination lock without a key:

  1. 1234 is a combination that must be entered on the digital keypad.
  1. Call button.
  2. Key 6.
  3. Call key.
  4. 4568 – digital combination that opens the lock.

If these actions do not bring the desired effect, there are additional algorithms for opening the intercom:

  1. Enter the digital combination 65535 on the screen panel.
  2. "Challenge" digger.
  3. Enter one more digital key 1234.
  4. Call button.
  5. Key 8.

If none of the above combinations brings the desired effect, you need to select the appropriate combination depending on the device model. Scheme for accessing the lock without using a key for the Metacom M/T MK-20 model:

  1. Call key.
  2. On the panel, dial the number combination 27.
  3. Call key.
  4. Digital combination 5702 on the panel.

You can also use an additional variation of the code dial to open the intercom lock:

  1. Call key on the panel.
  2. Dial 1 on the digital screen.
  3. Call key.
  4. Dial combination 4526 on the digital display.
  5. Bring the empty ID key to the reading point to enter it into the memory of the intercom lock.

Our universal key opens the following MODELS of intercoms:
Metakom MK-2003
Metakom MK-20TME4
Metakom M-10
Metakom MK-99.2-TM
CYFRAL CCD-20 (approx. 70%-80%)
Cyfral 2094/tc (no more than 50%)
Factorial DM-20TM
Metakom MK99.2-TM
Raikmann PROEL KDC-1803
Vizit SM-100
Visit of BVD-341
Visit of BVD-431
Visit of BVD-311
Visit of BVD-313
Visit of BVD-342
Visit of BVD-M200
Metakom MK-2003-RF
and etc.

Video clip, clearly demonstrating universal keys In action

As you know, to set up an intercom you need to enter the programming mode, for which you need to enter the installer code, i.e. dial password. Having entered the programming mode, the master receives all rights to change the functions of the entire intercom.
Therefore, intercom manufacturers paid quite close attention to this part of intercom programming... But they implemented it in different ways...

Intercoms considered for apartment buildings, which have become widespread in Russia. We deliberately do not present here codes that are used not to open the door, but to configure them and which are needed by non-engineers only for hooligan reasons.

Information on hacking is provided for the following intercoms:

Barrier II and IIM, 4
VIZIT ( different models)
Cyfral (various models)

First of all, the question is: are there special intercom codes for opening doors by special services? Correct answer: no, modern intercoms do not have such codes (except for Barrier IIM). But there is forgetfulness of engineers who, as a rule, do not change master passwords during installation.

Hacking Barrier II and IIM intercoms

Remember those old “Soviet” intercoms with mechanical locks and a flat magnetic key? For 2M there is permanent opening code - 1013. But they were rare then, and even more so now. In general, these intercoms were opened with 2 magnets, for example from a disassembled key. You just move them around the key pad until they go off.

Barrier - 4

The same, only without buttons (single-user, designed for front doors with concierges). The key has 3 magnets.

VIZIT intercom codes

General note: If there are no * and # on the keyboard, use C and K instead. C - * K - #.

Non-display models with LEDs ( SM/M/N 100-200):
If the standard settings have not been changed, then the code *#4230 or code 12#345 leads to the opening of the intercom.
In newly installed intercoms, the codes *#423 and 67#890 are likely

You can log in service menu:
#999 - beeps 2 times - (master code, default 1234) - beeps 1 time. If the code is not correct, it will beep with a two-tone signal. Master code can be 1234, 6767, 3535, 9999, 12345, 0000, 11639.

2 + # + 3535 Opening the intercom.
3 - Programming keys for entry. (Apply key + #, wait for beep + *).
4 - Erasing keys from memory.
* — Exit the mode.
# — Installation confirmation.

For intercom VISIT BVD-3xx(without display and LEDs), ( with right-sided or central location of the tablet)
opening the door - press 1 in the menu.
Doesn't always work BVD-34x (with left-handed receiver)
To be confirmed for them.

Cyfral intercom codes

To open the door we try:
a) If there are apartments in the entrance with numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, etc., then you can try to enter the codes:
call (code 1) call (code 2)
where code 1= "round apartment number" (100...900),
code 2= 2323 or 7272 or 7273.

For other intercom models (with the letter "M") suitable code:

"B" 41 "B" 1410. Sometimes it helps to simply enter 07054.

Intercom CCD-2094.1M(burning or flashing dash on the display) - dial the code B+0000 either opening immediately, or the service menu (inscription ON) - then press 2 . Either, the inscription OFF- then, alas, the quick access mode is turned off.

Cyfral CCD-2094M intercom codes

Code 0000 "B" + pause 2 seconds. The inscription "cod" appears. Enter the code 123456+"B" or 456999+"B" (rarely 123400+"B"), pause 2-4 seconds, read "f0". Access to the menu is now open. To quickly open, just press code 601.

If we want to come regularly, we can write it down in memory Cyfral intercom your key. Press the bell and hold until the message appears, then enter the code 123456 (or code 123400). We got into service mode. In service mode, press 5, then enter the number of the existing apartment, the intercom will write TOUCH, attach the key - it is in memory. (For models with flat optical keys, instead of the apartment number, dial 600, insert the key and press call).

Eltis intercom codes

Typically the opening codes are:
"B" 100 "B" 7273
"B" 100 "B" 2323
But if it doesn't work, you can try other options from Cyfral.

METAKOM intercom codes

We press call, then the number of the first apartment in the entrance, call again ("COD" will be displayed), then code 5702... If it doesn't work, then we try the codes: 65535+"B"+1234+"B"+8 or or 1234+ "B"+6+"B"+4568.

Only for intercoms MK-20 M/T codes:
or "B"+1+"B"+4526

And more about intercoms MK-20 M/T: Their firmware does not and will not contain protection for master keys. Even without knowing the service password, if you bring a blank tablet, the intercom will enter programming mode automatically!

Rainmann intercom codes

For Rainmann 2000 models and those with a dot on the left on the display.

Press the “key” button + 9 8 7 6 5 4. A double squeak should be heard. Then enter the code 1 2 3 4 5 6, the letter “P” will appear. Entered the menu. Further:
4 - Door lock.
6 - Turn off the intercom.
8 - Open the door.

DomoGuard intercom codes

Long press on "C", it will squeak.
Then quickly enter the code: 669900, + call button + number one greater than last apartment at the entrance. The display should read "F---".
Got on the menu.
Open the door - code 080
Remember new key - code 333
Disable door lock - code 071

Hacking Blink intercom

The only single-user intercom on the list. It has no screen, no keyboard, and mechanical locking. It is installed in houses with a concierge, so breaking it only makes sense at night. We find false bolts of an unusual shape on the lower section of the socket. These are contacts backup power. When 9 volts are applied to them (and they are just the width of the Krona contacts), the intercom is open.

Code intercom T-Guard

Code "B"+00000+"B"B" (the last two presses - quickly!) - the door is open.

Some general remarks for hacking intercoms:

In winter, intercoms with touch keypads (DomoGuard, Rainmann) are affected by hypothermia. We take a normal lump of snow and lean it against the keyboard. When the display shows “Err” (10-20 minutes), the intercom will unlock the lock.

Many wizards change the installer code (password) from the default (processor code) to another one. This is usually done so that no one else can change the intercom settings.
Now, to enter programming mode, you need to enter a new code... The old one has been changed and is no longer valid.

No codes work, what should I do? Calmly. If the intercom has a magnetic lock (not a mechanical one!), then place one foot where the door opens and pull strongly on the handle. When pulled, the door opens, but nothing is broken.

For regular visits:
We seize the moment when the intercom door is open and stick several layers of tape onto the magnet. At the same time, we leave a small area of ​​the surface for contact. At first glance, the intercom works as usual, but you just have to pull the door harder and voila, it’s open.

Methods for hacking other intercoms are currently being clarified.

The easiest way is to open all intercoms using one all-terrain key watch the video!