How to repair. Where does ceiling repair begin in an apartment? Removing old sockets

So, main question, which you will have to answer if you are planning to renovate your apartment - where to start? This article is devoted to this issue and reveals it in full. We will help you build a plan for your repairs, calculate all expenses and find out in what order you should carry out major or redecorating.

Let's start with the fact that it is best to start repairs in late spring. It’s already warm enough outside; the technicians, if you want to call them, are not that busy yet. In contrast to the end of summer, because that’s when many repairmen begin to work under pressure. Let's take a closer look at the issue of apartment renovation together.

Getting ready for renovation

Imagine your apartment after renovation

If you have come to our site, then you are planning a renovation, the beginning will not be easy: you need to make sketches of exactly what your house will look like after the renovation is completed, where the furniture will be, what kind of chandelier there will be in the hall or bedroom, where you will place the tiles, where there will be none at all, etc.

One of the ways that will help you decide on the location of the furniture sounds like this: take a centimeter, measure all the corners of your apartment thoroughly and draw in a reduced size on a sheet of Whatman paper (don’t forget about doors and windows). And then - on a separate sheet of paper, your furniture, observing its approximate dimensions and shapes, using the same scale as in the case of an apartment. Then you cut out your “paper” furniture and move it along a sheet of Whatman paper, thereby determining its location.

What are you planning to remodel in your apartment?

Continuing the topic of where to start renovating, I would like to advise you to clearly decide what exactly you would like to redo in your apartment: doors, re-glue wallpaper, carpet or linoleum, replace baseboards, glue or toilet, etc. Don't forget to decide on the location of future outlets.

Drawing up an estimate for repairs

In order to avoid unexpected costs, you should clearly create an estimate for the cost of renovating your apartment.

And to do this, you need, as stated above, to decide what exactly you will be repairing. So, let’s say you want to hang wallpaper in the living room, lay out the bathroom, and also tile the ceiling in the bedroom.

We pick up such a useful object as a tape measure and begin to measure the area of ​​the walls in the living room, the floor in the bathroom and the ceiling of the bedroom. Knowing the area and approximate prices per 1 square meter the required material, you can calculate how much money you will need to invest in renovating your apartment. Do not forget that in order to glue the tiles you will need to use a special glue. What if under your wallpaper uneven wall, then you will also need putty (“primary”, “secondary”, etc.).

We should not forget that not all types repair work You can . Some part of this work should be entrusted to professionals. For example, it is unlikely that everyone knows how to smoothly putty a wall or lay parquet on the floor. What can we say about replacing windows and doors? Thus, find people who will do this or that work, find out the price for it and include it in your cost estimate. Remember that repairs are done for a long time, so you need to save on them, but don’t overdo it too much, so as not to regret it later.

Preparing all the tools

This is also an important part of the preparation before renovating an apartment.

Depending on what you plan to do, you should prepare a toolkit. If you are going to glue wallpaper, and before that level the walls, then do not forget to get some kind of level strip (there are, of course, more professional devices based on lasers), spatulas, and, in the end, a broom. I think you understand the meaning.

Time for repairs

As mentioned above, not only the time spent on repairs is important, but also the time of year in which it is planned. Ideal option It is considered spring when there is enough outside warm temperature so that the rooms can be ventilated, and the repair teams are not so overloaded. At the end of summer, repairmen have a rush: it is very difficult to call them to your home, you have to wait for weeks, and the prices for work are inflated.

Repair order

When you start renovating an entire apartment, you should carefully consider which room it will start in, where it will continue, and where it will be completed.

We are starting to renovate the apartment

Preparing the room

Of course, having decided to renovate one room, all issues related to the move will be immediately discarded. If you need to renovate the entire apartment, then decide - either you live in this apartment, where you are going to do renovations throughout the entire time and move from room to room, or you move in with your mother (sister, brother, etc.) and do renovations in all rooms in parallel, which, firstly, will save your time, and secondly, you won’t have to rest “in the dirt.”

Let's decide why. Everything is very simple, if you have completed the first stage of preparation (you know what exactly you will do in the room, have calculated your future expenses, prepared tools, bought materials), then next you will need to clear the room of everything that is in it. Take the furniture into the next room, remove all the paintings, chandeliers, etc. Despite the fact that this room is about to be very dirty, before renovation it should be vacuumed (swept) and washed of dust.

First of all, the most “dirty” jobs

As the name of the item suggests, you need to do the dirtiest work first. First of all, if you are going to replace windows and doors, do exactly that, including window slopes. The door and the windows themselves do not need to be installed; just install the frames and door frame. Leave all other actions until the end of the repair.

When overhaul you should start tearing off wallpaper, old parquet or linoleum, etc. When all this is done, then start putting putty and other work from the ceiling, then move on to puttying the walls, and if no dirty work is planned on the floor (let's say you have left lay linoleum), then you can put wallpaper on the walls. At the very end, you should hammer in the baseboards. Before filling the walls, we advise you to remember once again where exactly your sockets will be located, and whether there is an outlet for the Internet. You may have to run wiring across the room that can be hidden in your walls. Of course, if the wire goes below, then it can be hidden in the baseboard.

Wall repair

All walls, no matter how smooth they are, should be leveled a little. Measure them using a corner (slat). If the irregularities are small, they can only be detected using special device, then they are not catastrophic. Then just buy plaster or putty. If the walls have strong unevenness or depressions, then use cement mixture.

Floor repair

That’s all, the size of your budget is whether or not to make a new screed, or do without it, immediately laying down a new covering in the form of linoleum, carpet or parquet. Here you make a decision, or resort to the services of masters.

Ceiling repair

The best thing we can advise you is the installation of suspended ceilings. They have built-in lighting fixtures, so you don’t have to hang any chandeliers!

Window and door repair

Apartment windows should be plastic, with improved thermal insulation. All old windows should be replaced with new ones!

Kitchen or toilet renovation

It is best to start renovating the listed rooms with replacing the plumbing! Old pipes that are rusty, although not on the outside, but on the inside, must be replaced with new plastic ones. The riser pipe should also be replaced. To do this, however, you will have to come to an agreement with your neighbors below and above. Why should pipes be replaced? Imagine that you have invested a lot of time and effort into renovations, spent a considerable amount of money, and then a pipe bursts, flooding half of the kitchen. It's a shame. But the neighbors below will also suffer and you will also have to pay for their repairs.

Video about where to start renovating an apartment


We hope we were able to reveal the whole essence of the topic of starting renovations in the apartment. Now you can easily cope with all the difficulties that await you in the process of renovating your apartment. If you have any additional questions, before you start renovating your apartment, ask them below!

An ordinary everyday thing: the apartment clearly requires renovation, and there is little money. How to do inexpensive repair DIY apartments? It seems to be the simplest, most obvious way: superficial cosmetic repairs. That is, wallpapering, whitewashing the ceiling, painting, fixing the creaky floor; Possibly replacing windows.

However, if you calculate the labor costs and consumption of materials, it turns out that by increasing the labor costs by half and the money spent by a quarter, you can give the apartment a completely different look, and for a long time. How much you need to invest specifically depends on prices in the region, but general methods, which can be used to make an apartment cozy and elegant inexpensively, are the same.

Saving Money when renovating an apartment with your own hands, like the Earth in ancient legends, it stands on three whales and a slowly hurrying turtle under them:

  1. We are not afraid of work. Nothing comes from nothing. Either money or labor.
  2. Wherever possible, we don’t change old things that are capital but have lost their appearance, but renew them.
  3. We place maximum savings where it will not affect the quality of work and will not be visible.
  4. We spread the costs of labor and money over time: having planned a renovation in the summer or fall, we spend a year preparing, and then we rush in and do everything quickly. Spending 200-300 thousand rubles at once is a problem, but breaking it up in parts over a year is quite possible. In addition, there will be time for measure seven times and cut once.

Where is it difficult to save money?

The only area where you will have to invite a specialist is to redo and strengthen the electrical wiring, if it is old and weak. The only way to save money here is to negotiate with a DEZ electrician. He will do the work in chunks, in his free time, but the likelihood of hackwork will be even less than with “branded” specialists: after all, he will then have to service it all.

It’s better not to skimp on electricity and wiring, but you can do some things, like installing sockets, yourself.


A good specialized tool makes the job much easier and cheaper. But buying it is expensive. Therefore, it is better to rent a tool as needed. In terms of costs, it will not cost much if you decide on the design in advance and draw up an approximate work plan for yourself.



A sore point when doing cheap DIY repairs is replacing plumbing fixtures. If it is still “alive”, just dirty, then you can clean and paint it. How to do this will be described below. But if there are chips and cracks, then whether you like it or not, you need to replace it.

For such a case, here’s some information for you: new residents, especially in houses above the budget category, often immediately begin major renovations upon moving in, and excellent, completely new earthenware and cast iron plumbing ends up in a landfill. Landfill operators (simply landfill workers) have long since turned this circumstance into a profitable business.

They do not make direct contact with strangers via their office phone, but it is quite possible to reach them using word of mouth methods. The rate is from a third to half of the factory price for a household item. And don’t think that they will take you to the landfill and show you where it lies. In the back room you will be offered a choice of clean, thoroughly washed products, which you can immediately sit on.

Construction garbage

The next sore point is the removal of construction waste. The operation is not cheap and requires paperwork. Exit: basement, barn, cottage or closet and several used bags made of plastic sackcloth, bought for pennies. Construction waste does not sour or rot; it can then be poured into a container at the house dump, bucket by bucket. There is nothing illegal about this.

Slats, boards, timber and plywood

For various utility work and sewing large surfaces, you will need wooden slats and plywood. You can buy slats not planed, but slabs - waste from sawing industrial wood. Croaker is sold raw, but if it is purchased in advance, in March-April, and kept in a dry room until autumn, it will not be inferior in quality to edged lumber.

As for plywood, waste packaging plywood from disassembled used containers can be turned into waterproof in the following way:

  • We buy a 10 liter canister or two PVA putties; it is similar to very thin PVA glue and is cheap.
  • Floor in a country house, barn, attic or some other place non-residential premises cover plastic film. The air temperature is not lower than +13 degrees.
  • We lay a sheet of plywood on the floor, pour a puddle of putty into the center of it and disperse it with a brush.
  • We cover the plywood with plastic, lay down the next sheet, putty in the same way, etc.
  • We place heavier pressure on a foot of plywood soaked in PVA; better - dispersed over the area: bricks, pieces of metal, concrete, old TV and so on.
  • After a week, we repeat the procedure, turning over each sheet.
  • After another two weeks, the smooth waterproof plywood is ready for use. Additional exposure under pressure will improve its quality.

Boards and large pieces of thick timber can also be obtained from used containers - pallets for cargo. Advertisements for their sale are common.


Very economical option repair – and; for thrifty, richer owners - MDF. When sheathing on wooden lathing from slabs, in 80% of cases there is no need to level the walls and ceiling, which already eliminates large expenditures of labor and money.

You can save even more by covering the walls up to your waist or chest, and covering them with non-woven wallpaper up to the ceiling. The work is simplified and cheaper, and the bottom of the walls, which gets damaged and dirty the most, will be reliably protected by durable material.

The most economical option for flooring is. Preparing the floor for it is not required in 90% of cases. But marmoleum is not suitable for the bathroom and toilet; here you will have to fork out money for tiles, especially since you will need only a little of it.

If you want to have a plank-like floor in your rooms, it will not be much more expensive, but the floor may have to be leveled.

The walls in the bathroom can be covered with laminated hardboard instead of tiles - it is hygroscopic and does not require surface preparation.


If you plan to glaze and insulate the balcony, then it is better to do it separately from everything else and in advance: from the end of March to the beginning of May. Outside, but inside it can, instead, be sewn up with plywood, covering it with self-adhesive film.

Windows and doors

When deciding how to renovate an apartment economically, you need to pay special attention to windows and doors: they account for a significant share of the costs. As for windows, here is the most economical option: . It is more advisable to purchase them in March-April, when prices for industrial wood fall, and to install them in late spring - early summer, when the wood dries out properly and shrinks. Installation technology wooden windows quite accessible through openings home handyman average.

It would be better to update the doors. Remember about making your own waterproof plywood? This is how both sides of the door are sheathed, on mounting adhesive, placing the door removed from its hinges on a plastic mat and under pressure. At the same time, you can close the window in the interior door if it is not needed.

The door will become thicker. There are two options here:

  1. Reinstalling hinges - no The best way"for the lazy."
  2. Remove the previous lining from the door; it is most often made from construction cardboard or thin fiberboard, and put a new plywood frame on it. In this case, the chipped corners “go away” immediately.

In both cases new door pasted over with self-adhesive wood-like or other textured material and varnished. And you will be surprised (pleasantly, of course) by its new appearance. And hard plywood cheeks will ensure durability of the door. The doorway slopes are better made from the same plywood: it will be cheaper and more beautiful than replastering.


Toilet and washbasin

Dirty plumbing fixtures, if they are intact, need to be cleaned. The rather expensive active detergents recommended for this can be replaced with much cheaper table vinegar - it is also a weak acid - followed by washing off the soggy deposits with the most ordinary washing powder. Just do not use abrasive detergents - they will scratch the glaze, and objects, especially the toilet bowl, will get dirty very quickly.

For cleaning with vinegar, they make kvasha - a knob made of a rag on a stick. Vinegar is poured where it will not leak, or the kvass is dipped into it, and the drips are cleaned off in a circular motion with pressure. Particularly “stubborn” spots in the recesses are removed with small kvass and technical hydrochloric acid. All this, of course, is done with latex household gloves, a plastic apron and open doors and windows. It is also advisable to wear a respirator, at least a cheap “petal”.

Tiles on walls and floors

Tiles that are not chipped or cracked can be restored using a method well known to motorists; This is how they update the frayed plastic spoilers and bumpers:

  • The entire surface is coated with my Pemolux; Do not use active detergents containing acid! For a bathroom in a Khrushchev building, 1 liter is enough; for a larger one - correspondingly more.
  • After Pemolux, wipe with a rag generously moistened with the same table vinegar: Pemolux is alkaline based, and vinegar neutralizes its residues.
  • Wipe several times with a wet rag “until a clean rag”; Now we have gotten rid of the dirt that has ingrained itself into the surface.
  • We cover the edges of the tiles with masking tape (“paper tape”), except for the seams.
  • We paint the seams using a spray bottle with nitro paint in two layers; the second - after the first has completely dried.
  • Remove the tape, remove splashes and drips of paint on the tiles with a cotton swab soaked in solvent 646 or 647.
  • We buy a can of liquid silicone lubricant at a car market or auto store, and properly spray the tiles with the seams.
  • If the lubricant is absorbed immediately, you will have to spray again.
  • If after 2-3 days there is still silicone on the tile, wipe the surface with a rag soaked in vinegar.

The point of this treatment is that silicone tightens microcracks and pores in which dirt accumulates. Treatment lasts for 3-5 years, and then it can be repeated.


A cast iron capital bathtub can be restored. Complaints about its fragility arise from violations of the technology for preparing the coloring composition and its application. If the technology is strictly followed, the restored bathtub will serve for another 10-15 years.

Heated towel rail

It is not at all necessary to replace it with an expensive one made of stainless steel or brass and make a bypass for it. The heated towel rail is stripped down to metal after cleaning the bathtub for painting with the same cord brush in a drill chuck. If no fistulas are found, it is painted with the remaining compound from painting the bathtub. The look will be no worse than modern branded ones, and the durability will be like that of a bathtub.

Video: economical bathroom renovation


You can save up to 1,000 rubles on fasteners during repairs by using phosphated (black) rather than galvanized or cadmium-plated (shiny). The heads of self-tapping screws and dowel-nails will still have to be sealed, but there is no rain or frost in the apartment.


To make a cheap renovation, you first need to know what needs to be done and how, what the apartment should look like after renovation. Don’t be lazy, talk to the whole family several times, look at more pictures already finished apartments. Design is not something incomprehensibly sublime; Most people are endowed with artistic taste. The professionalism of a designer in most cases comes down to understanding the client’s taste and guessing what he wants. And you, since you are doing it for yourself, need to understand what you want. Up to 50% of the costs of do-it-yourself repairs arise from the fact that they start at random and then correct and redo them along the way.

Sequence of work

And finally, carrying out work in correct sequence: we start from a distance from the front door, and as the work progresses we gradually approach it. Living room, bedroom and can be renovated in any order. Then it's time for the kitchen. We make the hallway the second to last one, and complete the renovation with the bathroom. Savings come from the amount of construction waste (and half of it is waste of materials that were paid for) and from the reworking of soiled and battered waste due to unreasonable organization of work.

Based on the above, you can make a comprehensive renovation of the apartment with original design, spending little more than cosmetic repairs.

Video: reflections on the quality and cost of repairs

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    Ksenia said:

    Last year, renovating a room in a communal apartment cost me a maximum of three and a half thousand. Of these, wallpaper and glue are about three thousand. A friend gave me three kg of putty for free, she filled up small uneven spots, and bought a spatula. I bought a can of paint and a brush. In general, everything has changed with the world, but the appearance has become completely different. Ask your friends for materials more often; many also have some left over after repairs, but it’s a pity to throw them away.

    Olga said:

    We were able to save a lot on finishing the walls, but unfortunately, we didn’t immediately figure out how to do it, so we had one bedroom for the price of a corridor and hallway or a living room with a kitchen.
    The bedroom was wallpapered at a discount (ourselves) - 4,000 rubles, and the rest was plastered by my husband.
    Putty (the most common one) was mixed with acrylic primer and color (we found videos with decorative plaster on YouTube).
    He did it for the first time, but it turned out very well.

    Alexey said:

    When you do the repairs yourself, this in itself saves money. The hired team will do everything to ultimately inflate the price and it is not a fact that the work will be done efficiently. You yourself will always do what you need and save money. You can definitely save money on tools, for example, ask your neighbor =). I have all the tools I need for repairs, so everyone I know saves money on me by borrowing them. The most important thing is to do everything without haste. You need to start with small rooms or with a toilet, a bathroom and slowly do it, calculating the means and design of the renovation.

    Vladomir said:

    I have never been particularly involved in apartment renovations, since due to my military profession, they were all temporary. So on to the little things: paste wallpaper, tint somewhere, tighten it up and nothing more. It all started with obtaining permanent housing in 1994. Then I had to work hard and learn a lot. I literally tormented store clerks and skilled neighbors with questions. However, without hiring anyone, slowly but surely I learned with my own hands how to properly glue wallpaper, lay and adjust linoleum, scrape parquet, move doors, sockets and switches, change plumbing fixtures, lay out brick walls and plaster them, as well as much more. They started coming design solutions. For example, to the general indignation of my parents, I destroyed the pantry (“mother-in-law’s room”), resulting in an almost complete 3rd room. Yes, it was a real school, which later came in handy for me many times! Therefore, it is not in vain that they say: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.” There is no need to talk about significant cost savings at all.

The word “repair” immediately evokes negative emotions in many people. This feeling is due to the fact that this is a very labor-intensive, lengthy and costly process. Especially if the work is done independently. This article describes in detail where to start renovating an apartment, depending on its type, what materials to choose and in what sequence to carry out the work so that the renovation proceeds without problems, and the result exceeds all expectations.

The stages of apartment renovation and the cost of work depend on the condition of the premises, the type of repair and the size of the area covered, i.e. it can be the entire apartment or its individual premises. There is a major, cosmetic and European-quality renovation. Each of them has its own clear sequence of actions, the correct execution of which determines the final result and the duration of the operating period.

Major repairs are considered the most large-scale and labor-intensive, which will require not only a lot of effort, but also significant financial costs. It involves a complete reconstruction of the apartment with possible redevelopment, replacement of windows, doors, utilities, ceiling, wall and floor coverings. This usually starts from scratch.

How to legalize an apartment redevelopment that has already been done. How to obtain permission to redevelop your own home.

Interior design selection

Where to start renovating a room or apartment as a whole? From the choice of room decoration style. Properly selected interior design will help create comfortable and stylish housing. His choice depends on the taste, character and outlook on life of the owner of the apartment. Today there is a variety of interior styles with distinctive features, which should be studied before making repairs in order to be able to successfully implement the chosen direction.

Designers divide all existing style trends into certain groups:

  • classic, which includes Provence, Empire, Baroque, English and antique styles;
  • ethnic style covers Japanese, Egyptian, African, Scandinavian and Chinese styles;
  • modern style combines country, modern, classicism and minimalism.

The most popular remains classic design interior Characteristic Features directions are considered pomp, grandeur, functionality, evoking aristocracy and noble grace. All interior elements indicate the high status of the apartment owners.

The premises are decorated in restrained pastel colors. Business card becomes massive expensive furniture with carved patterns self made. There is an unusual painting on the ceiling. IN classic style Large-sized apartments are often designed in which there is no need to save on free space.

Modern youth prefers to decorate the premises in modern style. This is especially justified for apartments with small area. Everything here should be simple, restrained and concise. The premises contain a minimum amount of furniture, which must be compact, mobile, functional and modern. Dilute the calm palette decorative finishing rooms can be decorated with bright decorative elements.

The ethnic direction reflects the owner’s predisposition to a certain culture, the main features of which are embodied in the interior design. With help modern technologies and finishing materials, you can make your dreams come true and create an imitation of your favorite country in your apartment. This direction is chosen non-standardly thinking people with a great love for adventure and travel. You can see each style more clearly in the photos of renovated apartments.

Where to start renovating an apartment: basic strategy

After the design project of the apartment has been developed and the question of what sequence to carry out the repairs has been decided, you can begin to carry out the work, which consists of the following stages:

  • preparatory stage;
  • rough work;
  • finishing of the room.

Where to start renovating an apartment with your own hands? WITH preparatory stage, which consists of performing a complex of dismantling work. This applies to both new buildings and old apartment. Regardless of what kind of repair is planned, cosmetic or major, all surfaces must be cleaned of old finishes. At this time, the window blocks are dismantled with the subsequent installation of more quality products. The front door also needs replacing. Here you may need to expand or reduce the doorway. Based on the project, partitions are dismantled and erected, sealed or installed doorways for installing interior doors or creating arches.

Helpful advice! Repairing a room with your own hands should begin with dismantling the interior doors.

Surface preparation is one of the most important stages DIY repairs. Where to start the process depends on the condition of the foundation. This stage includes cleaning the walls, ceiling and floor of the old coating and eliminating all defects on the surface of the structures using building materials. It is the quality of the work at this stage that will determine how firmly and neatly the new finishing coating will adhere.

First of all, the ceiling is cleared of the old coating. The whitewash is washed off with a brush dipped in water. Old putty is removed using a grinder with an iron brush.

Take off regular wallpaper from the walls you can use a spatula, having previously moistened them with water. Vinyl wallpapers They are quite resistant to moisture, so they can be removed using a steam generator or an iron. If there is no such device, you can use a regular iron with a steaming function, which is brought to the wall at a distance of 10-15 cm. Under the influence of steam, the wallpaper easily comes off the wall. You can remove the paint using a sander with a special attachment or a hair dryer. Next, you need to remove the old floor covering.

Helpful advice! If the project involves the installation of a suspended or suspended ceiling, the old coating does not need to be removed. It is enough to treat all problem areas with a strengthening primer and antiseptic.

Where to start renovating an apartment with rough finishing in a new building

Where to start decorating an apartment depends on its condition structural elements. Usually the developer performs minimum required works, without strictly adhering to the technology of their implementation and without the use of high-quality building materials. Therefore, all elements of the room require rough rough finishing of the apartment with your own hands or with the help of specialists, which consists of performing the following activities:

  • dismantling old and building new non-load-bearing structures based on a new layout;
  • window replacement;
  • preparing holes in the walls for laying new utilities according to the developed scheme;
  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of technological communications: water supply, drainage, heating, ventilation, inter-block air conditioning line;
  • leveling all concrete surfaces;
  • installation of insulation and sound insulation;
  • floor screed.

After completing the rough repair work in the apartment, finishing of the premises is carried out. The solution to the question of how to plan repairs at the final stage will depend on the type of finishing material and the method of its installation. For example, if the walls and ceiling are painted or covered with wallpaper, then Finishing work They start from the ceiling, then the walls are tiled and the flooring is laid. In case of suspended ceiling installation work is carried out after finishing the walls.

If parquet is installed, the work is carried out before finishing the walls and ceiling, so as not to damage the surface. Doors can be installed both before and after finishing the walls. If there is no casing, then the door leaf is installed before finishing to be able to seal the joint between the wall and the door frame. In the case of a platband, the gap is filled with foam, and the platband is attached to the wall after finishing the walls.

After all the finishing work has been completed, they begin installing skirting boards, sockets, switches, trim, lighting and plumbing fixtures. Then it is produced spring-cleaning, after which you can begin arranging furniture and decorative elements. This is the sequence in which repairs are carried out on your own.

Where to start renovations in a rough apartment: installation work

The list of installation work when performing repairs from scratch includes:

  • construction of non-load-bearing partitions;
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • work related to the installation of electrical wiring and other communications.

Construction of non-structural interior partitions carried out on the basis of a previously developed plan. For installation of structures, gas, foam concrete blocks, brick or metal frame with plasterboard finishing.

Concrete blocks create a strong structure that can withstand significant cantilever loads. Therefore this is the most suitable option if there is a TV hanging on the wall or wall cabinet. The surface needs basic plaster for further decorative finishing.

Much less often, partitions are erected from building bricks. This is explained by the fact that the structure occupies a significant part of the free space. After all, in order for it to be stable, the thickness of the partition must be at least 170 mm. In addition, this design creates a significant load on the base.

The most popular option is to create a partition from a metal frame, which is covered with plasterboard. The design has good sound insulation and does not create a significant load on the supporting element of the building.

Helpful advice! IN plasterboard partitions it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded parts that will withstand the load from possible suspended structures .

Window installation and entrance doors should be entrusted to specialized organizations, the quality of whose work will determine the nature of the apartment’s protection from the cold and the likelihood of burglars entering.

Features of installation of communications

Where to start with your own repairs after remodeling your apartment? From performing electrical wiring and laying other utilities. First, all plumbing work must be completed. New radiators are installed and the pipelines are connected to the general heating system. Pipes are laid out to connect faucets, toilets, washing machine, sinks, bathtubs, shower stalls, water heaters and dishwasher. Before installation, you should clearly know the location and connection details of all devices.

Hot and cold water supply pipes can be hidden in wall niches or mounted in plasterboard or plastic boxes. It is recommended to use polypropylene as a material for pipes, which has high strength and performance characteristics.

Helpful advice! The size of the holes for laying plumbing communications should be twice as large as the diameter of the pipelines, which is due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the material.

Electrical wiring is usually done hidden. All cables and wires are laid in wall grooves, above a suspended or suspended ceiling, or in the floor under a screed.

Important! When performing repairs panel apartments Wall gating for future electrical wiring is performed only vertically. Horizontal sections are mounted at the junction of the wall and floor or under the ceiling.

Work must begin with markings, which are carried out on the basis of the developed apartment plan. Using this marking, the walls are chipped. The size of the holes is determined by the number and thickness of the cables being laid. In new buildings, all electrical wiring is installed from scratch, starting from the electrical panel. In old apartments, when carrying out major renovations, you can also completely change the electrical cables, or install individual sections of it necessary to connect electrical appliances based on a new design project.

At this stage, it is necessary to provide for the laying of cables for the intercom, TV, telephone and Internet, which can also be hidden.

Where does ceiling repair begin in an apartment?

Where to start renovating a rough apartment? All renovation work in an apartment is usually carried out from top to bottom. This means you need to start from the ceiling. In new buildings it is presented in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which must be cleaned, plastered, primed and covered with decorative finishing. If the renovation is being carried out in an old apartment, then at the first stage the surface should be cleaned of old finishing material.

The further plan of action depends on the chosen ceiling design option. If the surface is perfectly flat, then the simplest and cheapest option is to whitewash or paint it. If the foundation requires preliminary elimination of defects using plastering work, then this option will be very labor-intensive and costly.

Another budget-friendly, but not so labor-intensive option is installing ceiling tiles, which even a beginner can do. The base surface does not require preliminary leveling. The main thing is to choose the right quality finishing material and glue.

A more acceptable, but expensive solution is to create a suspended structure made of plasterboard, which can be of any shape and have several levels, which determines the cost and time of work. Thanks to this solution, you can get free space between the ceiling and the structure for laying and installing spotlights.

A modern solution today is to create a stretch ceiling from PVC fabric. The result is a perfectly smooth base of any texture and shade. Installation is carried out in a matter of hours by a specialized team. Before carrying out work, you should first prepare the wall structures. Because the process of installing a stretch ceiling involves making edging from baguettes. In addition, it is necessary to complete all dirty work in the room so that dust and possible contaminants do not settle on the clean ceiling.

Finishing of wall structures

Leveling the walls is an important undertaking, the quality of which determines the durability and aesthetic appearance of the future decorative finish. Usually, when renovating apartments with a rough finish, they are faced with fairly smooth concrete walls, which only need light adjustments using plaster mixtures. However, if the walls are made of expanded clay blocks, gas silicate or brick, quite labor-intensive and costly work is required to level them.

Before you begin leveling the walls, you must thoroughly clean the surface of the old coating. This is a mandatory stage for carrying out major repairs of old apartments. Any cracks or other defects found need to be repaired. To do this, problem areas need to be embroidered, primed and sealed. cement mortar, putty or sealant. Wide gaps and cracks in corners can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Wall alignment can be done in two ways:

  • plastering walls with building mixtures;
  • finishing of walls with gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets.

The first option involves the use of plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement. If the wall has minor unevenness, visual alignment is performed using a building level. If the surface has a significant difference, then it is advisable to perform leveling using beacons. This is especially important when the walls will be painted. When installing furniture along flat wall eliminates the possibility of cracks occurring.

Along with leveling the wall surfaces, you should finish the door and window openings. To do this, you can use plaster, drywall or plastic panels.

The second option is preferable when the walls are made of brick or have significant unevenness. Using plaster turns out to be an unreasonably costly and time-consuming undertaking. GKL or GVK sheets are mounted on a previously installed metal frame. As a result of this finishing, a gap is formed between the wall and the cladding, into which various communications can be hidden. This process is characterized by the absence of dirty work and low labor intensity. The walls do not require further plastering before finishing with decorative material.

The main disadvantage of this design is its fragility. Therefore, if hanging furniture or appliances will subsequently be placed on the surface, you should take care of the embedded parts that are installed before performing the leveling layer.

Where does floor repair begin?

Repairing the floor in an apartment begins with making a screed, which is used to eliminate significant damage and unevenness of the base relative to the horizon. This occurs by backfilling or filling the floor with a special compound, which forms a perfectly flat surface necessary for further installation of the floor covering. In addition, the screed serves to strengthen the surface of the concrete slab and increase its strength characteristics. Before performing it, it is necessary to create a sound and heat insulating layer. For this purpose, expanded clay is often used, which is laid at least 5 cm thick. Due to the leveling layer, you can raise the floor level or perform a technological slope.

Helpful advice! In the bathroom, it is advisable to set a certain floor slope for water drainage in case of a flood, which will prevent flooding of the entire apartment.

The floor screed can be:

  • concrete;
  • cement-sand;
  • self-leveling;
  • dry;
  • semi-dry.

The traditional method for adjusting the floor surface is the use of concrete or cement-sand mortars, which are advisable to use to eliminate significant unevenness and damage to the surface. They are used when installing heat and sound insulation.

The most practical and modern solution is the use of self-leveling compounds consisting of two mixture options: leveler and leveler. The first is used to eliminate significant unevenness in the base, the second is a finishing layer that creates an even and smooth surface without defects.

However, despite the less labor-intensive process when using these compositions, their cost is significantly higher than traditional mixtures. Therefore, it is advisable to use self-leveling compounds when the difference in height relative to the horizon does not exceed 4 cm.

The semi-dry or dry version is used to level the base when the height difference reaches more than 3-5 cm. This is a good alternative to traditional compositions, however, the new layer will create much less pressure on concrete slab. Therefore, this method is recommended when renovating apartments in old houses and installing carpet and laminate flooring.

The procedure for floor screeding

First you need to prepare the base of the floor. To do this, the old floor structure is opened with the dismantling of baseboards, flooring and old screed. Next, the surface is cleaned of construction debris and dust. If cracks, potholes and chips are detected, it is necessary to carry out repair work using sealing mixtures. To eliminate deep damage, a jointing method is used, which consists of making cuts perpendicular to the crack with a depth of 20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. Next, all damage must be repaired with concrete mortar.

Floor leveling begins with its marking, namely determining the lowest and highest points relative to the horizon. A level is indicated on the walls, which indicates the thickness of the future filling layer. Beacons and guides are installed based on the markings. Pouring the mixture begins from the far corner of the room. The solution is distributed and leveled using a metal rule.

The concrete screed must dry for three weeks. After 24-30 hours after completion of work, it is necessary to wet the surface once a day.

Helpful advice! To obtain a durable and high-quality foundation, it is not recommended to disrupt the natural process of moisture evaporation using heating devices and ventilation of the room.

In a similar way, the floor surface is leveled with a semi-dry solution, which is evenly distributed and compacted using a regular shovel. After complete drying, the surface must be treated with wooden grout. The process is carried out until the floor surface is perfectly flat.

Dry screed involves laying a layer of expanded clay with a fraction of 1-5 mm, on top of which gypsum fiber boards are mounted. They are connected to each other using self-tapping screws with the end edges coated with special glue. This is the easiest way to level the floor, which allows you to obtain a coating of increased strength. After the floor screed has been completed, you can begin installing the selected floor covering.

Turnkey apartment renovation. Price per square meter

Regardless of what kind of renovation you plan to do in your apartment, you can do it yourself or use the services of professionals. You can also attract specialists to perform specific types or stages of work in the entire apartment or in a specific room.

The cost of cosmetic repairs includes the following list of works:

  • dismantling old finishing from room elements;
  • painting or whitewashing the ceiling;
  • partial leveling of walls;
  • gluing non-woven or paper wallpaper;
  • laying flooring;
  • partial replacement of electrical and plumbing;
  • laying tiles.

The cost of such a list of works starts from 2500 rubles/m², which depends on the labor intensity of the process. The renovation will cost 85 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment - 110 thousand rubles, a three-room apartment - 120 thousand rubles. This is all without taking into account the cost of materials.

If it is necessary to perform rough work, which includes installation and dismantling of wall structures, alignment of all elements of the room and electric installation work, the price for services averages 3500-4000 rubles/m².

When it is necessary to complete all electrical installation work on a turnkey basis in a new building, the price of the work will be 25 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 35 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment, and 45 thousand rubles for a three-room apartment.

The cost of a turnkey overhaul is on average 5,500 rubles/m². It all depends on the condition of the apartment and total area premises. Many experts offer premium-class repairs, which include the development of an individual design project. The price of such repairs is about 7,500 rubles/m².

Turnkey apartment renovation price with materials

The cost of repair work, taking into account materials, depends on many factors: the area of ​​the apartment, its current condition (new or secondary housing), the volume and labor intensity of the work stages and the quality of the building materials used. You can approximately calculate the cost of repairs using an online calculator, which is located on specialized websites. Here the average cost of apartment renovation per square meter of area is taken into account. More accurate information can be obtained only after drawing up an estimate in each individual case.

Yes, the cost budget renovation an apartment in a new building with materials will cost an average of 6-6.5 thousand rubles/m². If more expensive ones are used Construction Materials to renovate an apartment, the price of work will be about 11-12 thousand rubles/m². Those wishing to decorate their home with exclusive finishing products must prepare at least 20 thousand rubles/m². The price of repairing secondary housing will be 10-15% lower, which is determined by the condition of the apartment.

Also, the cost of repairs with materials is influenced by the functional purpose of the room. So, renovating a living room will cost 6,000 rubles/m², a corridor - 6,500 rubles/m², a kitchen - 8,500 rubles/m², a bathroom - 8,000 rubles/m², a loggia or balcony - 5,000 rubles/m².

When deciding where to start renovating a house or apartment, you need to study each process in detail. Especially when we're talking about about doing the work with your own hands. If you are not confident in your own capabilities, it is better to entrust all work or a specific stage to professionals who will offer clear plan apartment renovation. As a result, the work will be completed efficiently and in a short time.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Video story

Have you finally decided to update the interior of your home? Then it will be useful to know what stages of apartment renovation await us and how to follow their order. This can lead to many seemingly unnoticeable nuances.

If you determine the order of actions in advance, the result will only please you.

  • This is a chance to significantly save your budget, because you won’t have to redo anything or buy anything in a hurry, while overpaying.
  • The duration of work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a faster completion of the task.
  • The renovation will be really high quality.
  • The first mistake of the owner who decided to start construction works, - thoughtless purchase of building materials. Often, due to haste, he buys a lot of unnecessary things, but what he really needs, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even when shopping for groceries, it’s better to go with a thoughtful list.
    Read where to start repairing.
    It all starts with an estimate. In this case, it is advisable to invite a specialist for consultation, even if in the future only independent work.

    Before starting repairs, it is necessary to develop a project and draw up an estimate
    Having a precisely drawn up plan and a competent list of everything you need, you can get started.

    Work order

    We draw your attention once again: in order to avoid mistakes, rework and downtime during the repair process, be sure to adhere to the prepared plan.

    Step by step steps repairs

    Dismantling the old interior

    It all starts with total preparation. Such work includes:

    • removing old wallpaper;
    • dismantling plaster;
    • destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
    • floor removal;
    • dismantling of surfaces intended for replacement.

    Skip the dismantling stage, moving directly to the next step.

    Interior dismantling

    Installation of communications

    First of all, work is carried out on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all the operations that can destroy the new coatings: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. This stage also includes pipe wiring.
    Read more about this in our articles:

    Electricians remove all old wiring and install new wiring. The safety instructions for placing sockets will help you position electrical elements correctly and use wires with sufficient cross-section. For example, you should take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding at the point to which the washing machine will be connected.

    Creating partitions

    At this stage, you can change the entire layout of the apartment, bringing newness and additional comfort to the interior.

    Using partitions (especially if extra walls removed) you can create an office, a nursery, or divide the bathroom.
    More often, bricks or foam blocks are used for such purposes, less often - plasterboard. Covering new wall soundproofing plaster, you can achieve greater comfort. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the square footage of the rooms; sometimes it is better to leave one large room than to make five small ones. In addition, the creation of unnecessary partitions can lead to disruption natural ventilation apartments. So, when building additional walls, be sure to consult with professionals.
    Articles on our site on the topic:


    For plastering work, it is recommended to use a ready-made cement-sand mixture (CPS) or gypsum plaster, which will get rid of possible errors in independently mixing the proportions of sand and cement. If you do not have sufficient experience in such work, it is still better to hire specialists. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, you don’t have to redo unsuccessful work.
    More details:


    By pouring concrete, we level the floor. The quality of this work will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Surely, you have more than once encountered the problem of leveling a table, chest of drawers, armchairs and, more importantly, a washing machine. Good screed will help you avoid such difficulties in the future.
    More details: .

    Drywall installation

    At least a week should pass between the screed and the installation of drywall so that the room has time to dry.
    We install the iron sectional base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then .
    More detailed articles on this topic.

To prevent repairs from turning into an endless process that takes up time and resources, you need to properly prepare for it. To do this, you need to know where to start repairing. After all, repair work, like any other, needs detailed plan. Of course, in each case there will be factors that will make adjustments to the renovation of an apartment in a new building or a private residential house (inside, outside, with rough finishing), but general steps can be outlined. Based on them, you can take into account most of the parameters that will ultimately affect the entire construction process.

Where to start repairing an apartment, house or new building?

Instructions for step-by-step repair work.

1. Preparatory stage

Prepare a folder, notepad, pen, calculator.

This is something necessary that should always be at hand. Write something down, calculate something, sketch something. In order not to look for the necessary information on scattered pieces of paper, it is better to fold/write everything in one place.

Advice. For ease of planning, you need to divide each room into components - 4 walls, a floor and a ceiling (if you plan, for example, two-level ceiling from drywall) and make notes for each plane separately. This approach is also convenient because exact dimensions can be plotted on the diagram.

Determine the direction of repair and its type

Repairs in a new building with a rough finish are definitely carried out everywhere. But already functioning housing can be partially renovated, i.e. you should immediately decide whether the entire room, part of it (internal and/or external) or a separate room will be renovated. And also determine the type of repair (major or cosmetic), this will affect the further planning process.

Types of repair:

  • Major renovation involves significant changes in the room. May entail replacement of windows, doors, dismantling of walls and floors, replacement of communications. When carrying out major repairs, it is sometimes necessary to contact permitting authorities and involve repair specialists. As a rule, it affects most of the available area.
  • Redecorating more simple. It can be carried out on our own. Since it allows you to update a room at a lower cost, it is recommended to do it every 5-6 years.
  • - a separate category of apartment renovation, involves the development of a design project, redevelopment, use of technological equipment and quality materials in accordance with European construction standards.

Choose an interior style

Today when available various materials and technology, it is possible to choose from various styles interior design. Some prefer outwardly simple high-tech, others prefer modern, and many mix styles, creating a completely individual room. The choice of style will make its own adjustments to the material used.

Search for a repair contractor

You can do the repairs yourself or hire professionals.

Repairing an apartment or house on your own reduces the cost of the project, but increases the degree of risk and execution time. This is due to the fact that many ordinary people only approximately know what, how, with what and in what order to do.

Without knowing the specifics of performing a particular type of work, it is difficult to perform them in parallel. Which, in turn, leads to delays in work. Therefore, even if you decide to work on your own, consult with professionals on key points, technology and choice of material. This will help avoid rework.

Professionals have experience and the appropriate tools. They can take into account the nuances and anticipate many problems. This reduces the risk of doing the job incorrectly, but increases costs.

Advice. It is more profitable to look for a company with turnkey repairs; it will be cheaper than hiring several contractors for different types works

Here the second question arises: how to choose a construction company?

  • Select multiple alternative options. The selection criteria will be: availability of a license to carry out work, period of activity on the market, warranty obligations.

Advice. The warranty for repairs of a house or apartment must be at least one year. This is the minimum period for detecting defects.

  • Familiarize yourself with the website of the construction and renovation company, where specialization, technologies, portfolio (completed projects), etc. should be indicated.

Advice. The versatility of the company and its employees should alert you. Only a highly specialized specialist can perform the work efficiently: a carpenter, an electrician. Those. there should be several people in the team.

Advice. It’s worth asking friends about repairs who have had to choose a company and can give good advice.

  • Visit the office construction company and communicate directly with a specialist who will supervise the work execution process.

Advice. If you immediately name the exact cost of the work, and not the range, then you should think about it. The final price can be set only after familiarizing yourself with the scope of work.

  • Discuss the exact estimate, deadlines for completing the work, and payment schedule.

Despite the unpredictability of repairs, they can be planned and implemented with minimal deviation from the plan.

True, this statement is true only for very scrupulous planning and carrying out work in short time. It should be understood that increasing the repair planning horizon increases the likelihood of unplanned expenses.
Material prepared for the website

An idea or a clear idea of ​​what your house/apartment/room should look like after renovation. This will give you an understanding of the type and complexity of work you have to perform. You shouldn't leave this for later.

To understand what your soul desires, you can visit guests, look at catalogs, and scour the Internet. Ideal project You are unlikely to find it, but it is quite possible to glean some ideas. A more expensive option is to invite a designer. He will offer several design options based on your wishes.

To visualize your ideas, you can make a sketch, sketch, collage picture or even a 3D model.

It is at this stage that it is advisable to get a more or less clear idea of ​​the future appearance of the house - a plan. The plan should indicate: the width of the openings, the location of the furniture, lighting fixtures, appliances, sockets, decorative elements. This makes it easier to do rough work. Of course, choosing the color of the walls can be left for later, but you need to determine in what place to drill the walls for sockets in advance.

Advice. It is better to decide in advance what the walls will be decorated with. For example, walls to be painted require finer sanding than walls to be wallpapered.

How to make an apartment renovation project with your own hands

Design is an additional paid service. You can order it, or you can make it yourself. If you decide to do it yourself, you need:

  • Draw the layout
  • Draw all the walls and number them (make a schematic drawing of the walls)
  • Place the furniture arrangement on the diagram and household appliances, as well as switches, sockets, lamps and other things. All this needs to be noted on the plan, and it is advisable to do it on the walls.
  • Calculate the amount of building material and its approximate cost. (when calculating the material, take into account the margin for installation - fitting, trimming, etc.). With this information, you can look for a repair team. The experts will make their calculations, the results of which will be compared with their own figures (there will probably be discrepancies that can be reconciled).
  • Draw up an agreement with a clear indication of the deadlines for completing the work, methods of payment, garbage removal, and delivery of building materials.
  • Control of each stage of repair. For example, they installed the electrical wiring - they checked it, they did the heating wiring - they checked it.
  • It is advisable to agree on payment upon completion of the work, for example, in stages - they did some work, accepted it, paid for it.

Repair time

Many repairs are carried out at a certain temperature. Therefore, most often it is planned for the warm season. However, at the peak of repair activity, the demand for materials and specialists increases.

This is fraught with missed deadlines and increased prices. Professionals advise starting complex repairs in the spring, at the very beginning of the season.

Accommodation during renovation work

It is more convenient, easier and faster to carry out work in an empty room.

Repair period

Not everyone has the opportunity to leave their home while repairs are being carried out, so you need to plan the work in such a way as to meet the deadlines justified by the technology and be able to carry out the work in parallel.

Sequence of apartment and house renovations by room

When doing a complex renovation, it is better to start with the most distant room and carry out work in several rooms in parallel. If you plan to live in the house during work, then you should start with the kitchen or bathroom.

Why from them? Because these rooms contain the greatest amount of work, which is also difficult to do on your own. And such a small thing as cooking in an already renovated room can lead to the wallpaper or paint getting dirty.

Advice. Many leave balcony repairs “for later” in order to be able to store materials there. If you do not plan to separate the renovation of the balcony and apartment in time, it is better to start from the balcony, and store the materials in the corridor or purchase them in parts.

Planning is carried out not only at the beginning of repairs, but also as the work progresses. And losses from improper planning can be reduced to the following: time, money, nerves, relationships with others (family, neighbors, workers, building materials sellers, etc.)

Sequence of apartment renovation

Work order:

  • Permitting documentation (if redevelopment is planned), plus, it is advisable to agree with neighbors that there will be noise, because Complaining will make the process worse.
  • Dismantling of partitions, openings and removal of garbage (if redevelopment is planned).
  • Installation of interior partitions.
  • Removal of old and installation of new windows.
  • Floor screed (please note that complete drying of the screed takes about a month)
  • Engineering communications (electrical wiring, pipe laying, immediately provide for the cable input for the Internet, cable and television antenna, as well as the laying of the inter-unit air conditioner line, connection of the boiler). These works can be done before pouring the floor.
  • Finishing work. The sequence depends on the type and method (plaster, installation of a frame for drywall).

For example, according to one scenario, the walls and ceiling are first plastered, then everything is cleaned and the garbage is taken out. The ceiling is painted, the wallpaper is glued, the floor covering is laid and finally the baseboards are installed.

Another scenario: if it is expected suspended ceiling, then first the skirting boards are attached to the ceiling, and then the wallpaper is glued, or vice versa, the skirting boards are glued after the wallpaper is glued (this is done much less often). Here you need to coordinate with the requirements of the ceiling manufacturer and with the craftsmen, because everyone has different requirements and consistency.

Doors are installed after wallpapering or before. The installation of interior doors is carried out before the walls are finished so that the joint between the wall and the door frame can be puttied. But, on the other hand, the joint will foam and be covered with a platband on top. It all depends on the type of finishing and timing.

At this stage you will know the following:

  • what work will be carried out, indicating the timing, performers and cost;
  • what materials will be needed for this and in what quantity.

Advice. The more information you have, the more accurate the estimate will be.

The cost must include the following:

  • finishing materials (wallpaper, paint, flooring, etc.);
  • rough materials (putty, primer, bulk mixture, etc.);
  • consumables (painting tape, protective film, sanding mesh, etc.). Despite the insignificant cost, these materials form a separate and very impressive item in the estimate;
  • purchased tools and consumables for them;
  • cost of labor of hired workers;
  • Unexpected expenses. Professionals advise adding from 20 to 50% to the final amount in order to be able to cover the costs that arise during the work associated with changes in the project, incorrect calculations, currency fluctuations or replacement of materials with more expensive ones.

Many at this stage are reconsidering some decisions in order to reduce the cost of the project.

5. Purchase of materials for repairs

It’s easier to buy all the materials in advance and in one place. This will give you the opportunity to get a discount and save on delivery. But, in practice, this is difficult to implement because:

  • different stores offer different prices for the same materials;
  • It may be necessary to return/replace the material, and for most products this can be done within 2 weeks from the date of purchase (more details in the consumer protection law);
  • The customer does not always have the required amount of money.

Purchased materials need to be stored, and not everyone has free space for this. Therefore, you should buy the materials that you need to get started and add them as needed.

6. Apartment renovation - where to start

  • permits. It is necessary to resolve this issue in advance in case of redevelopment of the premises, replacement of heating radiators or drainpipes;
  • protection from damage to what remains in the room during the work. For example, furniture should be covered with covers, and the parquet floor should be covered with durable plastic film or cardboard.
  • dismantling Old partitions, unnecessary built-in wardrobes, damaged screed, peeling paint - all this is removed at the very beginning.
  • replacement or repair of windows, window sills, radiators. To keep them clean after repair, it is recommended to cover them with film.
  • replacement of wiring. You need to map out the location of the wires in advance and choose the correct cross-section depending on the load. It is convenient to lay the wires in corrugations, so they can be easily replaced without destroying the walls;
  • replacement of communications;
  • leveling surfaces, arranging multi-level ceilings, niches, designing slopes, etc.;

Advice. At this time, you can pour the screed onto the floors. In order for it to set, it takes several days, and it will be fully suitable for work in 2-4 weeks. At this time, you can walk on it and perform regular work.

  • gluing ceiling moldings;
  • installation of switches and sockets;
  • flooring installation;
  • door installation. Doors are installed only after the floors have been poured and the type of flooring has been selected. Otherwise, the gaps may be damaged and the doors will not open well.

Advice. To prevent the doors from collecting dust during operation, it is better to remove them or cover them with plastic wrap.

  • wall decoration. Before finishing, you need to check that the putty and primer on them are completely dry. Otherwise, there is a high probability of fungus appearing;
  • installation of plinths and trim on doors;
  • general cleaning of the house. Allows you to get rid of dust that penetrates everywhere during the repair process;
  • installation of furniture and other interior details.


Phased start of renovations in rooms

We have provided general instructions for carrying out repair work. Of course, in each specific case certain adjustments can be made. There will be especially many of them if one or more rooms, or even part of a room, are being renovated.

At the same time, clearing the room of furniture will significantly simplify the work and ensure the safety of things.

Where to start repairing floors, walls and ceilings

Complete (major) or partial (cosmetic) repairs of the ceiling, walls or floor must begin with clearing the surface, removing wallpaper, paint, and flooring. Next, the previous solutions are removed, the surface is leveled, sanded, primed and becomes suitable for final finishing.

Where to start repairing a balcony and loggia

Repair of a loggia and balcony should begin with the dismantling (if necessary) of window blocks and interior decoration. Next, new blocks are installed, the balcony or loggia is insulated. Particular attention is paid to their hydro- and vapor barrier. View final finishing depends on the wishes of the owners. Wood, plaster or plastic - these materials are the most common and have proven their suitability in practice.

Where to start renovating a kitchen

Kitchen renovation requires the most careful planning due to the fact that the kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the house. The presence of a large number of kitchen appliances creates an increased load on electrical wiring. Therefore, repairs here begin with replacing the wiring and installing additional sockets. Attention is paid to the arrangement of ventilation.

Next, the working wall must be tiled. The remaining walls are leveled and painted or covered with washable wallpaper. It is better to use linoleum or tiles as a floor covering. The popular laminate flooring in the kitchen is exposed to moisture, which significantly reduces its service life. The finishing work is carried out last - installation of plinths, trim, painting of radiators. Installation of furniture, built-in and other appliances completes the kitchen renovation.

Where to start renovating a toilet, bathroom (bathroom)

The bathroom and bathroom create the greatest difficulties during renovation. Primarily due to the availability of communications and increased requirements for operational characteristics. When renovating these premises, pipes are replaced, the location of sockets is thought out, and additional exhaust systems. Installation of additional waterproofing, especially when installing a shower. Most often, walls and floors are tiled. Lastly, the plumbing is installed.

It is worth noting that you need to think carefully about the combination of a bathroom and a toilet (WC). The combination option is only acceptable if you have a duplicate bathroom.

Where to start renovating a room

Living rooms, bedrooms, and halls do not have any special requirements. Although in this case everything depends on the manufacturability of these rooms. For example, technology smart House» requires special engineering calculations and increases the cost of work significantly. The renovation of these rooms begins with the removal of furniture and dismantling.

Next are installed door frames. Door leaf, during the work must be removed or protected with film. Moreover, if several rooms need repairs, work can be done in parallel. As for finishing, it is done from top to bottom, i.e. First the ceiling is finished, then the walls and finally the floor. The final touch to the renovation will be the installation of furniture, appliances and decorative elements.

Where to start renovating the corridor

Repairing the corridor occurs last. The work is complicated by the fact that by this time the repairs in other rooms have been completed, and the remaining materials and tools are stacked in the corridor. Thus, first you need to remove all building materials and tools, leaving only what is necessary.

Next, the ceiling is repaired and the floor is filled. It is better to fill it before the weekend and leave the room. This will allow the mixture to obtain the necessary strength. Then they begin the rough finishing of the walls, and at this time the floor will stand. The final stage of corridor repair is the finishing of all surfaces.

  • You shouldn’t skimp on material. Especially on something that will be used for a long time, for example, pipes, radiators, floor screed, etc.;
  • Don't try to do a job yourself that you have no idea about. It will cost more to redo;
  • Don't ignore little things like priming or using sickle mesh when working with drywall. As they say “the devil is in the details”;
  • do not ignore the ventilation provided for in the house plan;
  • draw yourself a wiring diagram so that later there will be no difficulties with repairing it or hanging pictures;
  • When tiling, leave hatches to allow access to key components of the sewer and pipeline system;
  • do not lay smooth tiles on the floor, this is dangerous;
  • do not use household linoleum. Despite the assurances of the sellers, it will not last very long. In addition, it will not hide uneven floors;
  • remember, that plasterboard walls may not withstand increased load (for example, hanging a boiler, TV, heavy shelf or chandelier). In some places it is worth erecting partitions from aerated concrete;
  • buy finishing material immediately before starting work. Otherwise, a situation is possible when there is not enough of it, and the supplier does not have the required color, tone or pattern;
  • When tinting the paint, make a reserve of 1-2 liters. It is better to sacrifice this money than to try to match the paint or repaint the entire apartment;
  • try to allocate space in the apartment for a dressing room and storage room.

When entrusting repair work to a construction team, you should:

  • draw up an agreement for the provision of brigade services;
  • check the progress of work step by step;
  • take a closer look at the tool that is being used. Your job is to pay Consumables, rather than buying the missing tool;
  • If possible, purchase materials together with the team leader. Bad checks are not uncommon these days;
  • be paid only after completing a certain stage of work;
  • make friends with repairmen. And then they will respond in kind.


Here are the key stages of starting and carrying out repairs, each of which must be approached with full responsibility. High-quality repairs can only be done when the process is not left to chance, but is carefully thought out and planned down to the smallest detail.