How to choose photo wallpaper: rules for choosing photo wallpaper, combination with regular wallpaper, recommendations when choosing an image. How to choose wallpaper for your apartment: tips and tricks How to determine the color of wallpaper

Repair is not an easy task, but sooner or later every person faces it. Wall decoration is one of the key elements future interior, so it is very important to know how to choose the right wallpaper. If the wallpaper fits harmoniously into the interior, then the atmosphere of the home will become more homely and comfortable. A careless attitude to this issue can ruin even the most best design apartment, making the room tacky or overly depressing.

Today, the choice of this finishing material depends on fashion trends, preferences of the apartment owner, his age and income. In any case, it is advisable to select different types of wallpaper for each room. You can read about what types of this finishing material are presented on the markets and how not to make a mistake with your choice.

How to choose the color of wallpaper?

There are two main wallpaper colors: cold and warm with numerous variations. For living rooms, you should not give preference to overly bright colors, and an additional color accent will not hurt in the kitchen or hallway. If the rooms are adjacent, it is customary to wallpaper them with the same or similar colors: beige and brown, red and brown, purple and blue, and so on.

Using colors you can dim the brightness of the sun's rays in well-lit rooms. Use gray-green, violet, blue, lilac and violet tones. Wallpaper in orange, beige, red, pink, and yellow shades will bring a drop of warmth to northern rooms. The ability to vary patterns will help to visually change the dimensions of rooms: volume can be added with the help of discreet patterns, and rich and expressive colors will make a large room more comfortable. If indoors low ceiling, give preference to wallpaper with a horizontal pattern. For small rooms with high ceilings It also has its own tricks: the wallpaper can be combined by dividing it into two or three parts with a border, the bottom one should be dark, and the top one should be lighter.

Fans of unusual design can experiment and choose original options - a combination of plain wallpaper with colorful materials. In this case, it is better not to use massive patterns; geometric shapes, a modest floral pattern or unassuming polka dots will suit perfectly. You can wallpaper rooms in different colors, but with the same ornament. For one wall you can choose wallpaper with a pattern, and for the other three - plain, but matching in color.

When decorating a room, you need to take into account everything: the color of the ceiling, furniture, the material from which the windows and doors are made. or paint, but you should not actively use all kinds of applications, stucco molding or drawings.

If there are no cornices in the room, the wallpaper can not be extended to the ceiling, using a wide frieze. If the wallpaper is plain, you should buy a frieze decorated with floral or architectural patterns; if the wallpaper has a pattern, the frieze or border should be plain. If the room is heated through panels behind which there are heating devices, such panels cannot be covered with wallpaper. It is enough to paint it with a paint that matches the tone and apply the design using a stencil.

How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

If the interior of your bedroom is already ready, you need to choose the right shades and patterns. Do not neglect plain wallpaper: it will make the room cozy and spacious, and the flat surface can always be decorated with paintings, photographs, ikebana and other decorative elements. If you want to buy textured wallpaper or material with a pattern, it may be a not too bright print, abstraction, stripes, imitation of natural materials or repeating elements.

When choosing a color, trust your feelings: if you are a romantic by nature, choose beige, peach, light green or light silver. If you are attracted to bright emotions, choose rich greens, purples and reds; variations of orange and yellow are also suitable. Fans of original solutions can paint in different colour all four walls.

Rooms that are too elongated can be visually expanded by covering the walls near the window with richer, darker wallpaper, and those near the door with lighter wallpaper. Also interesting option- photo wallpaper or a combination of two shades. Visually, you can highlight the wall at the head of the bed or opposite it.

If the room is square, it is customary to highlight only one wall with a bright color. For small rooms, the ideal option is pastel shades. You can visually divide the bedroom into two levels: on the top you can place wallpaper with a pattern, and on the bottom - plain wallpaper, emphasizing the beauty of the pattern on the top. The line between the two levels is drawn using a contrasting border. There is also such a design move as gluing wallpaper in layers, with one color being dominant and the other emphasizing it. You can complement the decor with contrasting decorative elements and accessories. Read more about how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom

How to choose wallpaper for the living room?

The living room or hall is one of the most visited rooms in an apartment or house. The most popular finishing option is the use of wallpaper in various shades of the same color. Using this technique, you can make the recreation area lighter, and the dining room slightly darkened, contrasting.

If you want your living room to have a touch of sophistication, it's worth it. This kind of interior is always in fashion; you can also use tapestry or painted fabrics - this is an ideal option for a classic style.

A more exotic option for decorating the walls of a hall is wallpaper made from different types of plant fibers: reed, papyrus or bamboo - such an interior will look unusual, while being environmentally friendly, resistant to sunlight and moisture.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room?

It requires a special approach to design: it should be bright, cozy and appropriate to the age of the owners. The background can be light green, blue, pink, beige or light yellow.

When choosing wallpaper, you should be guided by three criteria: environmental friendliness, practicality and beauty. You can choose a thematic design, but do not use too bright colors. The main background should be neutral; accents can be placed using friezes and accessories, or one of the walls can be covered with brighter wallpaper. A colorful panel will look beautiful and harmonious in the playing area. You need to be more careful when choosing a pattern: repeating pictures quickly get boring, it is better to give preference to story-based wallpaper or a single pattern that can be complemented with other interior items. For example, flowers and butterflies on the wallpaper will be in perfect harmony with a green carpet, symbolizing a lawn.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen?

If you want to highlight the beauty of your kitchen set, it is better to give preference to plain wallpaper. You can decorate one wall with bright colors - for example, a work or dining area.

Also a good purchase would be wallpaper that imitates a natural stone, tile or wood. The relief structure gives maximum resemblance to natural materials, while such wallpaper is a more economical option. If you like Decoration Materials with a pattern, stick to the same style. For classic interior the same type of elaborate patterns is suitable, for country style - wallpaper with drawings of fruits, vegetables or floral patterns, for modern style - geometric patterns. If the kitchen is small, you should not paint it in dark colors or choose wallpaper with large patterns. Be careful when choosing the main background; under different lighting conditions, the wallpaper may look completely different.

If the kitchen or dining room has a small winter Garden or just a corner with plants, it can be separated using strips of wallpaper pasted diagonally. It is better to choose washable wallpaper, with a vertical pattern, so that caring for flowers does not become a problem. Correctly chosen wallpaper will bring beauty and comfort to your home, which family members and guests will certainly appreciate.

The concept of “repair” affects every adult at least once in their life. Among the important elements of the interior created in a residential space, we highlight the issue of wall decoration. The modern market of finishing materials offers many options for wall design; let’s focus on how to choose the color of wallpaper.

Attention ! The atmosphere of the room, its comfort and coziness depend on the right choice.

Any mistake when selecting wallpaper leads to very unpleasant consequences: damage to the design, waste of time and money.

Rules for choosing wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper these days, factors such as the material wealth of the apartment owner, his personal preferences, and fashion trends in design and interior are taken into account. Let's try to figure out how to choose wallpaper for photo wallpapers, what you need to take into account in order to achieve your goal.

Choosing a color

IN modern design In the interior, two color compositions are used: warm and cold. In addition, you can use their various shades. Very bright colors - no The best decision for decoration of residential premises. It will be difficult to choose tulle for such wallpaper. It would be right to make a bright color accent in the kitchen.

Advice ! When wallpapering adjacent rooms, use wallpaper that is similar in tone.

If the room is well lit by natural sunlight, you can “mute” it a little with purple, lilac, blue shades. For rooms with windows facing north, be sure to choose light laminate or linoleum, transparent curtains, and warm wallpaper colors.

Advice ! For dark living spaces, pink, beige, red, and yellow tones are suitable.

If you know the rules for modifying patterns on wallpaper, you can get the visual effect of increasing or decreasing the size of the room. Discreet patterns give it additional volume, while rich and expressive shades will add coziness and homely warmth to a spacious room. If the ceilings are high, it would be correct to use dark laminate or linoleum or light tulle. The lower part of the walls is decorated with dark canvases, and top part decorated with light colors. For a dark room, thick curtains may not be used, but in a sunny room they will help to “escape” from the annoying sun “bunny” in the morning.

For lovers unusual interiors, will fit non-standard solutions. You can combine plain wallpaper with bright linoleum or laminate flooring. Neutral curtains will complement the created image.

Advice ! It is better not to use heavy patterns, but to limit yourself to a modest floral pattern, undemanding polka dots, and geometric shapes.

Unusual solutions

You can wallpaper a room with multi-colored wallpaper that has the same finish. One wall can be decorated with wallpaper with a pattern, the three remaining walls can be decorated with plain wallpaper, matching in color.

When decorating a room, be sure to take into account the color of the linoleum or laminate on the floor, window frames, curtains. Rules for selecting wallpaper for decorating a room are presented in the video fragment

If the room does not have cornices installed, you can not glue wallpaper to the ceiling, but use a wide border. For plain canvases, a frieze with an interesting architectural pattern is suitable. For wallpaper with a pattern, it would be correct to take a plain frieze.

Attention ! Wallpapering the panels through which heating is supplied to the room is not allowed, as this is a direct violation of safety regulations.

It’s better to simply paint them or apply a pattern on them identical to the pattern on the wallpaper, using a stencil.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

This room is intended for complete relaxation; laminate flooring is mainly laid here; linoleum in the bedroom is a rarity. To properly decorate this room, it is important to follow certain rules.

The tulle in this room is chosen transparent, without bright ornaments. Linoleum or laminate should be in harmony with the furniture elements. For a small bedroom it would be correct to use plain wallpaper. With their help, you can visually expand the space in the room, filling the room with the atmosphere that is conducive to proper rest after a difficult day at work. Smooth walls can be decorated with paintings, photographs, and other types of design. Fans of “convex” wallpaper or canvases with an original image can choose canvases that imitate natural materials, contain abstraction, a not very intrusive print, and identical elements. When choosing a color scheme for wallpaper, you can be guided by personal preferences; for lovers of a romantic mood, peach, light green, beige, and silver tones are suitable. Fans of bright passionate emotions will like unusual tulle for windows, rich colors for wall decoration. You can choose a different color for each wall, for example, green, red, yellow, purple.

How to choose the right laminate, tulle, wallpaper? These questions concern any home owner. If the room is elongated, for it visual expansion they paste over the walls near the window opening with a bright color, and at the doors they use light colors. Interesting solution is the use of photo wallpaper. If you select a wall opposite the bed or at its head for them, you can get the effect of visually expanding the room.

For a square room, it is allowed to highlight only one wall with a bright accent. IN small room The ideal option would be to use pastel shades, light laminate or linoleum. To create a visual division of the bedroom into two levels, you can use patterned wallpaper on the upper section, and plain wallpaper on the lower section. In a similar way You can highlight the beauty of the drawing.

To identify the boundary between these levels, you can use a bright border. Designers use a technique in which one color is chosen as the dominant color, and the second simply emphasizes it. Accessories or unusual decorative elements will make the created image complete.

Rules for selecting wallpaper for the living room

The living room or hall are considered the most visited rooms in the apartment. To finish the floor in such rooms, a high-strength laminate or linoleum is used. In priority dark shades floor coverings to make them easier to care for.

Wallpaper for decorating the hall is chosen in several shades of the same tone. Using this option, the room is divided into several zones: the light part will be light, the dining area is decorated in darker colors. When decorating a living room in a classic style, the laminate is replaced with parquet boards made from expensive wood. The walls are covered with fabrics with tapestry or painting.

A non-standard option for decorating a living room is considered to be canvases made from a variety of plant fibers: reed, bamboo or papyrus. Such an interior will look exotic, and the materials used will be environmentally friendly, resistant to high moisture and sunlight.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room

This room should be bright and cozy, so it requires a special approach. Of the shades suitable for this room, the best would be beige, light green, pink, blue tones. When choosing wallpaper for this room, be guided by the following criteria: practicality, beauty, environmental friendliness. The drawing can be selected on any subject, taking into account the wishes of the owner of the room.

The main color is chosen to be neutral, the emphasis is on an unusual border or decorating one wall with bright wallpaper. The gaming area will look harmonious with a bright panel with a storyline from a popular animated film or fairy tale. The sun and clouds on the walls will complement the green linoleum or carpet.

Choice for kitchen decoration

The sophistication of modern kitchen furniture can be highlighted using plain wallpaper. You can hang bright wallpaper on one wall, for example, to highlight the dining area. An excellent purchase for a room such as a kitchen would be materials that imitate tiles, wood, and natural stone. The convex structure will not only be similar natural materials, but also quite a budget option.

For classic cuisine, the same type of patterns would be a good solution; for the “country” style, you can purchase images with vegetables or fruits; and for the “modern” style, geometric patterns would be a good solution.

Advice ! Dark colors are not suitable for the kitchen, especially if it is small.

Changing wallpaper is one of the most popular ways to update your interior. The variety of colors allows them to be used in both budget and luxury finishing options. When choosing wallpaper, you should consider several factors at the same time:

  • terms of Use;
  • price;
  • environmental friendliness of the materials used in their production;
  • durability.

Our article will help you choose wallpaper that meets all the requirements.

Types of wallpaper

Which wallpaper is better: vinyl, paper or non-woven?

There are two types of paper wallpaper: single-layer - simplex and two-layer - duplex. Double-layer sometimes have protective covering, giving them moisture resistance. Most often they are smooth, but they can also be patterned.

The basis non-woven wallpaper is a non-woven material based on cellulose. The top layer can be made of paper, vinyl, non-woven or fabric. Depending on this, the properties of such wallpapers differ radically. Vinyl Wallpaper can be smooth, embossed and even imitate silk-screen printing. The base is paper or non-woven fabric. Textile Wallpaper is made on a paper, vinyl or non-woven base by gluing fabric onto it - linen, cotton, jute, velor, synthetic fibers.

Liquid Wallpaper is a mixture of cellulose fiber, decorative additives and glue. This type of wallpaper is gaining more and more popularity. What type of wallpaper is better to choose? Each has its own pros and cons, which the following table will tell you about:

Wallpaper type




Low price;

Environmental Safety;

Just glue;

Allow the walls to “breathe”.


Burn out in the sun:

They are afraid of moisture.



Keeps shape well;

Can be used for painting.

High price;

Wallpaper with a paper top layer is not resistant to moisture and mechanical damage.


Very durable;

Durable – service life is at least 10 years;

Moisture resistant;

Universal – big choice colors and textures allow you to match them to almost any interior style;

High price;

The complexity of the sticker is that it can only be glued end-to-end.


Excellent decorative qualities;

Environmental friendliness;

Variety of colors and textures;

Good noise and heat insulation.

High price;

fastidious in care;

Absorbs odors;

Unresistant to mechanical damage.

Liquid wallpaper

Environmental friendliness;

Convenient application - there is no need to select a pattern and join the canvases together;

It is enough to prime the surface before application.

Relatively high price;

Sensitivity to moisture - to impart water resistance it is necessary to apply several layers of special varnish;

Poor color palette.

When choosing wallpaper you need to consider:

  • safety of materials used in their manufacture;
  • the conditions under which they will be used;
  • price;
  • durability.

Based on the available data, the best wallpaper for a bedroom or living room is non-woven, liquid or textile.

Paper or wallpaper made from hard evaporated vinyl are well suited for children's rooms. It is best to cover the walls in the kitchen and hallway with vinyl wallpaper.


What glue is best for wallpaper?

The durability of the repair and the appearance walls You should not try to glue thick vinyl wallpaper with glue for regular paper, it simply will not withstand the weight of the rolls. If you use glue for embossed textured wallpaper when working with light paper ones, then they will certainly stick. But it is possible that the wallpaper will have to be torn off from the wall along with the plaster during the next renovation.

There are universal adhesives suitable for all types of wallpaper. But experts advise choosing glue depending on the type of wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper adhesive needs to be thick, viscous, and with good adhesion. The following brands of vinyl wallpaper adhesives received the greatest number of positive ratings: Kleo Smart 5-6; Axton Vinyl; Metylan Vinyl; Quelyd Special Vinyl; Swedtex Vinyl.

These are starch-based adhesives. The cheapest of the above is Axton Vinyl, the most expensive is Swedtex Vinyl.

Vinyl wallpaper adhesive based on methylcellulose has a thick consistency; it is chosen for the densest and heaviest wallpaper. The top three look like this:

  1. Pufas Euro 3000 Special vinyl;
  2. Metylan Granulate Premium;
  3. Moment Vinyl.

Pufas is economical in consumption, Metylan is ideal for working with heavy textured wallpaper. Moment Vinyl is the most affordable.

Good ones for working with paper wallpaper: Moment classic; Metylan Universal Premium; CMC (carboxymethylcellulose); Quelyd-Express and Quelyd-Superexpress; Kleo Standard.

Each of them has its own characteristics: Moment Classic is suitable for one- and two-layer paper wallpapers, Metylan Universal Premium, Quelyd-Express and Quelyd-Superexpress dry quickly, Kleo Standard dilutes well and does not leave stains after drying. The cheapest option is CMC, which is also non-toxic.

  1. EXCLUSIVE NON WOVEN is especially good for textile wallpaper and silk-screen printing;
  2. Metylan Non-woven fabric is the most versatile, suitable for gluing lime and concrete surfaces;
  3. Quelyd Special non-woven fabric - does not react with paint, so this is the best option for wallpaper for painting.

The most expensive and high-quality is EXCLUSIVE NON WOVEN, the cheapest is Quelyd Special non-woven fabric.

When choosing glue, you must take into account:

  • type of surface to be pasted;
  • density and specificity of wallpaper;
  • financial opportunities.


Rules for choosing putty

You need to choose putty for walls based on two criteria - composition and functions.

The composition of putty can be gypsum, cement and acrylic. Each material has its own characteristics. Gypsum putty is very plastic, allows you to level the surface well, does not shrink after drying, but is afraid high humidity. Cement is resistant to moisture, but it takes a relatively long time to dry and shrinks slightly. Acrylic putty is the best option for finishing. It is petrol-shrinkable and quick-drying.

There are two types of wallpaper putty: starting and finishing. The starting one is intended for leveling large wall defects. It can be applied to concrete and brick bases. If it is necessary to eliminate serious surface defects, then it is permissible to apply several layers of the starting composition. The thickness of each layer can reach up to 10 mm, and each of them is reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

The finishing composition is designed to smooth out minor defects and make the surface smooth. The thickness of the applied layer does not exceed 2-3 mm, therefore it is not suitable for eliminating deep cracks and irregularities. There are also more expensive universal mixtures that simultaneously perform both of these functions.

It is better to buy finishing materials from one manufacturer.

Wallpaper for the kitchen

Which wallpaper to choose for the kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Often the kitchen also serves as a dining room. This is where the family gathers at the dining table, and where the housewife spends a lot of time preparing food. Therefore, you need to choose wallpaper for the kitchen so that it pleases the eye and creates a positive mood.

At the same time, the kitchen often has high temperatures and humidity; during cooking, fat splashes and settles on surfaces. Therefore, wallpaper for the kitchen should withstand frequent wet cleaning.

The best option for the kitchen is thick, moisture-resistant wallpaper with good vapor permeability. The markings on the rolls will help determine the type of wallpaper. High-quality vinyl wallpaper with perforations, made on a non-woven backing, is perfect for decorating walls in the kitchen. They are not afraid of moisture, resistant to fading, and micropores do not interfere with air circulation in the room. The widest range of colors and a rich selection of textures is another argument in their favor.

Wallpaper made from natural materials and paper wallpaper, even coated with special impregnations, is not the best choice for the kitchen; they will very quickly lose their attractive appearance. In addition, they absorb odors, which are so abundant in the cooking area.

Wallpaper for the living room

What wallpaper to choose for the living room

The living room is a place for relaxing, receiving guests and quiet family evenings. Therefore, it is important to choose wallpaper that will create a favorable atmosphere for everyone. Wallpaper for the living room should harmoniously complement general style interior

Silk-screen printing is a type of paper-based vinyl wallpaper made by hot stamping. The top decorative layer is made of natural or synthetic threads that create a fancy pattern. These wallpapers are very beautiful, silky to the touch, easy to care for, and retain the brightness of their colors for many years.

Textile wallpaper is also perfect for wall decor in the living room. They look very elegant, give the interior a chic and noble look, and emphasize good taste owner. Such wallpaper has excellent heat and sound insulation.

Eco-friendliness and naturalness are still a current trend in interior design. Bamboo, cork or wallpaper made from plant materials are perfect for decorating living room walls. In addition to excellent decorative qualities, such wallpaper is absolutely safe.

Non-woven wallpapers cannot boast the same variety of colors and textures as vinyl ones. However, they have advantages - they are made of safe materials and can be painted up to 10 times.

Wallpaper for the bedroom

Which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

Wallpaper made from natural materials is well suited for bedroom walls. They create a pleasant atmosphere of closeness to wildlife, are very decorative and absolutely safe.

Textured bamboo wallpaper allows you to hide uneven walls. They are produced in different color solutions and with different widths of elements.

Cork wallpaper is made from the bark of the cork tree. They have good heat and sound insulation, pleasant tactile and decorative qualities. This is enough plastic material, so this wallpaper can be used to cover convex and concave surfaces.

Jute wallpaper is made from crushed plant parts applied to a sheet of unbleached paper. The resulting coating is very similar in appearance to textile fabric.

Liquid wallpaper is one of the best options for decorating walls in the bedroom. They are made of safe materials, allow air to pass through, have good sound insulation, and are durable. Available with various decorative additives: marble chips, mica, textile fibers, mother-of-pearl.

Wallpaper for the hallway

What wallpaper to choose for the hallway

Wallpaper for the hallway should be dense, resistant to mechanical damage and resistant to wet cleaning. A good option– these are washable wallpapers or those that can be painted.

Vinyl wallpaper fully meets these requirements. They tolerate wet cleaning, retain their decorative qualities for a long time and are affordable. Non-woven wallpaper can also be used to cover the walls in the hallway. The undoubted advantage of this type is its suitability for repeated painting. The most expensive, but also the most durable material for walls - fiberglass wallpaper. This type combines the advantages of vinyl and non-woven wallpaper.

The materials for making such wallpaper are quartz sand, soda, limestone and clay. The woven fabric is impregnated with a solution of modified starch.

Fiberglass wallpaper is characterized by very high wear resistance and is not susceptible to mechanical damage. They can be cleaned and washed without fear of damaging the surface. The claws and beaks of pets will also not be able to damage such a coating. Fiberglass wallpaper lends itself well to painting, which only emphasizes its texture. The service life of such wallpaper reaches 30 years.

Wallpaper for furniture

How to choose wallpaper to match the color of the furniture

IN harmonious interior all the details fit together well. When choosing wallpaper that matches existing furniture, you need to be guided by one principle - you need to focus on either the walls or the furniture.

For example, if the furniture is made in bright colors or active geometric patterns are used in its decoration, then it is better to cover the walls with plain wallpaper. And vice versa - if the furniture upholstery is kept in a restrained color scheme, then unusual accents on the walls will help add zest to the interior.

There is one more rule - all shades must be from the same group: warm ones go well with warm ones, cold ones look most advantageous with cold ones. Moreover, the same rule also works with contrasting color combinations.

There are several general rules:

  • There should be no color competition between furniture and wallpaper; they should harmoniously complement each other. At the same time, monochrome is not an option; the furniture will simply get lost against the background of wallpaper of the same color;
  • if the furniture is unremarkable, then the emphasis can be transferred to the walls;
  • If the furniture is unusual, then you should not distract attention from it with too bright wallpaper. It is better to choose calm colors or plain wallpaper.

When choosing wallpaper for furniture, take into account the interior and design of the room, its size, location and lighting.

Children's room wallpaper

Which wallpaper is preferable for a children's room?

Perhaps the most stringent selection is made of wallpaper for a children's room. This is understandable, because they must be absolutely safe.

Most cheap option– cover the walls with paper wallpaper. As soon as the baby grows up, he will probably want to test the strength of all the surrounding objects, and wallpaper will not be an exception. Paper wallpaper is completely safe, and its fragility is in this case doesn't play a big role.

Fiberglass wallpaper is much more expensive than paper wallpaper, but it will also last much longer. They have many advantages - resistance to mechanical damage, environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity and the ability to withstand repeated repainting. There is only one minus - the high price.

A compromise option for walls in a nursery is liquid wallpaper. They are easy to restore; just dilute the required amount of dry mixture with water, apply it to the damaged area of ​​the wall and smooth it out. If the child has already grown up, then you can introduce him to this activity; he will probably find it very exciting.

Such wallpaper is safe, has a pleasant texture, and has good sound and heat insulation properties. It allows the walls to “breathe”, and the air in the nursery will not be stagnant.

Wallpaper combination

How to combine wallpaper correctly

With all the wealth of choice, it happens that realizing your plans design solution fails with ready-made wallpaper. Or if you need to zone space in one room. In this case, you can try to combine several types of wallpaper in the interior of one room.

First, it’s worth assessing the shape, height, location of windows and doors in the room. In spacious rooms with high ceilings, the main problem is creating a cozy environment. A combination of wallpaper with two patterns will help solve this problem without unnecessarily cluttering the space with furniture and decorative elements.

Good idea for small room– plain wallpaper on three and bright trim on the fourth. It is better not to use wallpaper with a large pattern in the decoration of small rooms; this will further emphasize its miniature size. The optimal solution is wallpaper in light colors with small elements or plain ones.

If you need to visually adjust the shape of a long narrow room, you can stick it on the end walls light wallpaper, and on the long side ones - dark.

Three walls in square room It’s better to cover it with the same wallpaper, and on the fourth one to create a bright accent in the form of an ornament, a flower or a bright pattern. For a successful combination of wallpaper, you need something to unite them: color, pattern or texture. This way you can achieve a harmonious combination of different wallpapers with each other.

You should not combine wallpapers of different quality with each other, this will only highlight the shortcomings of cheap wallpaper. For a combination, you need to use wallpaper of the same thickness, otherwise the joints will look sloppy.

Decorating the walls with wallpaper is the most effective way to make the kitchen cozy and stylish and even correct some of the shortcomings of the room. For example, with their help you can create the illusion of space if the kitchen is small. The main thing is to choose the right shade and pattern of wallpaper.

  • The main guideline in choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is the color of the furniture. After all, it is the walls and kitchen furniture occupy most of the space.

Our guide will help you make your choice and give you some professional tips for combining wallpaper and furniture. Also here you will find 112 photos of kitchens with wallpaper of different colors, in which you can see ready-made color solutions and ideas.

7 main rules

Whether you're planning a kitchen design from scratch or just want to change the wallpaper to update your interior, these 7 tips will definitely help.

  1. Make friends with the color wheel. When deciding on the color of wallpaper for your kitchen, you can use the designers’ favorite “tool” – the color wheel. You can buy it at a craft store or search the Internet for its online version.

The principle of working with a circle is quite simple - you need to “play” with color combinations using ready-made color schemes.

Scheme 1. Monochromatic combinations: colors from one segment of the chromatic circle are combined. That is, the wallpaper is matched to match the headset. To prevent the monochrome palette from seeming too boring, it is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern (see photo below). You can also complement the interior with contrasting accents, an abundance of light colors, or simply expressive textures/materials.

Blue kitchen with blue patterned wallpaper

Brown wallpaper without a pattern in the kitchen interior

Scheme 2. Contrasting combinations: opposite colors are combined. So, for example, you can match a blue set with wallpaper with an orange print, since in the circle blue is opposite orange. And so that the combination of contrasting colors does not seem too harsh, it is better to use complex shades (for example, in addition to a blue set, you can choose not pure orange wallpaper, but terracotta).

Scheme 3. Harmonic combinations: “neighbors” around a circle are combined. According to this principle, to green kitchen set you need to choose wallpaper of a yellow-green or blue-green hue. You can dilute this range by incorporating contrasting or neutral tones into the interior.

We have listed three main schemes, but in fact there are many more of them (the principle of triads, distant pairs, intermediate tones, etc.). Below you can see several diagrams.

  1. If there is not enough sunlight in the kitchen, then you should choose light and warm wallpaper. For example, white, cream, butter, light coral or pastel pink. Bright clean wallpaper warm colors(for example, orange, yellow, red, etc.) can also be used, but in small quantities and provided that the color of the headset is neutral. The photo below shows good example how the northern and small kitchen was made lighter and “sunny” with yellow wallpaper and white furniture.

  1. In the interior of a small kitchen White wallpaper works best, perhaps with a small and not flashy pattern. White wallpaper in combination with a white set will give the effect of a boundless and air-filled space, even if it is very cramped.

White wallpaper reflects light, making the space brighter and visually expanding the walls.

Light wallpaper with a white set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

It turns out that dark wallpaper no place in a small kitchen? This is not entirely true. If you paste, say, black wallpaper on one wall, and cover the remaining partitions with lighter wallpaper, then you will get the effect of a deeper space, the black wall will seem to move deeper into the room.

  1. Wallpaper in cool colors (blue, cyan, turquoise) is indicated for rooms that are flooded with sunlight most of the time. Otherwise, the walls will look dull and literally “freeze” the space. However, in a small dose and in combination with a large proportion of warm shades (for example, if the floor is wooden), “cold” wallpaper is acceptable.

  1. In general, wallpaper in warm colors is most suitable for the kitchen and dining room., since they have a good effect not only on appetite, but also on communication between household members.

Wallpaper in cold colors, on the contrary, reduces appetite; against their background, food seems less appetizing. For those who strive for moderate nutrition, this can work into their hands.

  1. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of color, having looked at some nice wallpaper, do not rush to buy it right away, but rather ask/order a sample for testing. The fact is that the option you liked in the store may appear slightly differently at home due to different lighting. In addition, it may simply not match the shade of your headset.

Most often, samples are provided free of charge, and online stores deliver them to your home for a fee.

Wallpaper testing is carried out as follows: the sample is hung on the wall and then simply observed at different times of the day. Ideally, it should look good in dim light, in bright sunlight, in artificial light, and in natural light.

By the way, it is useful to check a wallpaper sample for compatibility with other interior elements: floor tiles, apron, furniture upholstery, etc. By collecting and laying out all the samples on one board, you will see whether your idea is successful or if something needs to be changed. Compiling such boards (they are also called mood boards) helps professional designers create the most harmonious combinations of colors, prints and textures.

  1. And the last, and very important practical advice. After choosing wallpaper, check that all the rolls are from the same batch, and also make sure that you have taken at least 10-15% of the material stock.

Wallpapers of the same color and article, but released in different batches, are always slightly different (due to production characteristics). The difference in shades may seem insignificant, but on the walls it will be very noticeable.

For this reason, wallpaper should always be purchased with a reserve. If suddenly there is not enough material, finding rolls of the same batch will be problematic or impossible.

How to choose wallpaper to match the color of your kitchen - gallery of photo ideas with tips

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For a white kitchen

Choosing a wallpaper color for a white kitchen is both difficult and easy at the same time, because absolutely any shade suits it.

  • For a traditional white kitchen, wallpaper in natural and calm colors is best suited: blue, gray, beige, brown, blue, green, mustard, terracotta and burgundy.

  • For a modern white set, you can choose wallpaper not only in the shades listed above, but also in more contrasting, darker and pure colors. For example, it could be wallpaper in bright yellow, lime, black, purple, turquoise or hot pink.

Green floral wallpaper in a small white kitchen

Photo wallpaper will also look good in a modern white kitchen.

Our choice: We like best the combination of a white set with yellow, yellow-green or beige-yellow wallpaper. In such a kitchen, even on the cloudiest day it will be sunny.

For beige and cream kitchens

The best colors for a beige kitchen set are: white, green, beige, brown tones, as well as blue, turquoise and light blue wallpaper.

Classic beige kitchen with beige wallpaper

Beige wallpaper in the kitchen in Provence style

  • Our choice: a combination of a beige kitchen with white and blue (see photo example below), blue or gray-blue wallpaper.

For brown kitchen (wenge, all shades of wood)

If you have a brown kitchen, then you can choose wallpaper of any warm shade - from vanilla to mustard. Walls of green, olive, blue, turquoise and light blue will also be a good background for brown furniture.

For blue and light blue kitchens

Depending on the color of the walls and the level of lighting in the kitchen, with a blue or light blue set it can be calm and fresh or cold and uncomfortable. To achieve a successful result, choose beige or milky white wallpaper. Wallpaper with a yellow or orange print also works well.

Our pick: We especially like the combination of a blue/blue kitchen with sand or yellow wallpaper.

For a gray kitchen

A gray set has the ability to ennoble its companions and pacify them a little. The most successful combinations gray kitchens will have white, pink and yellow wallpaper.

For a green kitchen

A green kitchen will be pleasing to the eye when paired with: red, burgundy, orange, yellow, brown, blue and light blue wallpaper.

For a yellow kitchen

A yellow kitchen goes perfectly with white. This duet works especially well in dark kitchens, with windows facing north. You can also choose black and white wallpaper for the yellow set as in the photo below, soft lilac, blue, light blue, turquoise, brown, red, coral and green.

Do you want to make yellow color more strict and elegant? Then we advise you to choose light gray or beige wallpaper.

For an orange kitchen

Orange is one of the most invigorating and active colors, so all additional shades should balance and “quench” it. Blue, turquoise and light blue wallpaper will refresh an orange kitchen, gray wallpaper will make it more elegant, and green and white will bring coziness. Also combined with orange and its shades are red, yellow, pink, purple and lilac.

For red and burgundy kitchens

Nowhere does red furniture look as harmonious as in the kitchen, as this color stimulates the appetite and makes the space cozy. However, in large areas, red can be irritating, so it needs to be combined with more good-natured shades (white, green, beige) or with cool, restrained tones (blue, cyan, turquoise). Also, wallpaper in a red kitchen can have a print in yellow, orange, brown and burgundy.

For black and black and white kitchens

In fact, for a black set, just like for a white one, wallpaper of any color is suitable. But to prevent the interior from turning out too dark, it is better to use wallpaper in light colors, wallpaper with a white background and a colored print, or wallpaper in cheerful colors that can dilute the gloom of black. For example, it could be yellow, white-yellow, pink, white-green wallpaper.

Our choice: black kitchen with yellow or yellow-white wallpaper as in this collection of photos.

To decorate your interior beautifully, you need to think about harmonious combination color range walls and furniture. Such important detail can fill a room with light, visually expand, narrow or lengthen the space, create a cozy atmosphere, and place the necessary accents. Compliance simple rules and tips on how to choose wallpaper for furniture, will make the design truly unique and unique!

Types of wallpaper

There are several basic wallpaper options. Information about their characteristics, properties and range will help you make a choice in favor required material.

Vinyl wallpapers

This is one of the most popular wall covering variations. The basis of the composition is special paper or non-woven material coated with polyvinyl chloride. The advantages of this choice include reasonable price and wide range of colors. The disadvantages are airtightness.

Non-woven wallpaper

Many experts consider them best choice for any room. Such wallpapers are characterized by high moisture resistance, breathability and environmental friendliness. The disadvantages include little choice patterns and colors, which, however, is not a problem for classic, Scandinavian, minimalist and constructive styles, which are famous for their laconicism and consistency.

Liquid wallpaper

They are purchased in powder form, which is diluted with water when applied. An excellent solution for creative people. You can experiment with shades and fix the desired one with a protective varnish. This will help prevent the paint from washing off.

Paper wallpaper

Environmental friendliness, air permeability, and a reasonable price are the main positive criteria for paper wallpaper. Negative aspects include the lack of moisture resistance and rapid fading.

Fabric wallpaper

A spectacular colorful coating that will easily fit into the design of any room. The only downside can be considered the lack of moisture resistance, which is especially important for the kitchen and bathroom.

Choosing the color of wallpaper for furniture

The main rule for creating a bright color scheme in a room is the harmony of shades or their contrast. In the first case, the space will look light, delicate and gentle, in the second - extravagant, bright and original. We have compiled a small list of interesting tips on choosing colors for different furniture:

1. For dark furniture beige, white, lemon and pistachio (light green) wallpapers are suitable;
2. The following colors will be ideally combined with white furniture: pink, turquoise, coffee, green, blue and yellow. Wallpaper with a golden pattern or geometric pattern can also serve as a beautiful background;
3. For furniture in black, you need to choose a burgundy, gray, beige or silver finish;
4. Gray furniture can be easily shaded with blue, green, pink, white and yellow tones;
5. The correct design for brown furniture is beige, olive and white wallpaper;
6. Suitable colors for beige furniture: green, light red, blue and white.

Do not forget also about the rule of placing accents. This means that the overall decor will look much more sophisticated if the furniture and walls do not blend together, but are not equally colorful.

For example, modest furniture will look great against the background of bright walls, and simple plain wallpaper will look great against the background of extravagant furniture.

It is very important to be able to use the little tricks of specialists that will help make all your interior dreams come true. You can mention the following secrets for choosing the color/tone of wallpaper for furniture:

Wallpaper can serve as a background for beautiful furniture, but should not get lost against its background;
- A surface with a motley pattern can distract from old or unremarkable furniture;
- If you cannot find the desired wallpaper color in the proposed range, you should buy paintable wallpaper and create your own unique shade yourself;

To highlight stylish furniture, you need to give preference to beige and yellow wallpaper;
- Additional light sources ( LED bulbs) will help surfaces look more saturated or, on the contrary, muted (optional);
- Light and “airy” wallpaper will skillfully remove the boundaries between furniture and space;
- Furniture with gold accents looks luxurious against a background of cream or sand color, wood - against a white background, metal - against a light blue background.

Selecting wallpaper for furniture in different rooms

It's no secret that colors can influence emotional condition and a person's mood. Each room has its own harmonious range of shades.

Wallpaper for bedroom furniture

Bedroom design needs to be taken into account. If the furniture, its arrangement and color palette are made in the avant-garde, art deco, modern or minimalist style, then light-colored wallpaper will be an excellent choice, which will serve as a wonderful element of relaxation.

In the case of original (unusual shapes) or natural (stone or wood) furniture, you should use neutral wallpaper with colorful inserts in the form of mosaics or geometric shapes. This contrast will create a creative and inspiring atmosphere.

Wallpaper for furniture in the living room

The hall most often contains bulky furniture. You can dilute it combined wallpaper, which can make one part of the room more calm and comfortable, and the other – rich and juicy.

If the furniture in the living room is made in light shades, you can choose a beige wall covering with bright inserts or colorful wallpaper with light splashes. If this classic style, it is better to stick to neutral tones.

Wallpaper for furniture in a children's room

A room for small children most often contains furniture of interesting designs, unusual beds and bright shelves. This perfect place for photo wallpapers that will complement the atmosphere of joy, childhood and emotions.

A calm child will be comfortable in a bright room (beige, peach, lemon wallpaper), and an active child will be comfortable in a colorful one (photo wallpaper with cartoon characters).

To prevent the space from seeming too busy and cluttered, you can make one wall (which is located behind sleeping place) neutral, and the rest - brighter.

Wallpaper for furniture in the kitchen

Nowadays hardly anyone buys separate furniture to the kitchen. Built-in projects are becoming more and more popular. They range from dark gray to light yellow.

In this case, it is worth remembering that wallpaper can look organic if the color is chosen one or two shades lighter than dark furniture and one or two shades brighter than light furniture. You can also make furniture and walls in the same tone. It looks practical and beautiful in the kitchen.

Wallpaper for bathroom furniture

Do not forget that wallpaper should not only harmoniously emphasize the aesthetics of the room, but also meet such important criteria as moisture resistance and breathability. The perfect solution for a bathroom with any furniture - pastel colors. They are always relevant, especially in the bedroom and bathroom.