What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete? Foam concrete or aerated concrete? What's better? Aerated concrete blocks or foam concrete blocks, which is better?

When constructing buildings, the question of choosing a building material almost always arises. In this article we will look at two types of materials for building walls: foam blocks and gas blocks, and try to figure out what to build a house from and what is better - foam blocks or gas blocks.

Technology for the production of gas blocks and foam blocks

These are two types of building materials that are produced from different components and in different ways.

Foam blocks

Foam blocks are made from foam concrete - a porous material consisting of cement, sand, water and foam. Sometimes some other ingredients, such as ash, may be added to them. It becomes porous thanks to special chemical reagents included in the solution. This foamy solution is poured into special forms and after hardening they are obtained finished goods, including foam blocks. Due to their porous structure, foam blocks are lightweight, have low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation. This building material is very durable and strong.

Gas blocks

Now, to answer the question of what is better - a foam block or a gas block, let's consider

Properties also have a porous structure and the same properties that are inherent in foam blocks, but they are manufactured using a different technology. The composition of aerated concrete includes cement, lime, sand, aluminum powder and water. Pores appear when aluminum powder reacts with cement. The finished mixture is stirred and kept for a certain time until it reaches the desired condition. Then the resulting mass is cut into blocks using special strings. Next, they are placed in an autoclave, where all of them evaporate. excess water, they acquire their final appearance and properties and become ready for consumption. They are lightweight and have good soundproofing characteristics, just like foam blocks. Gas blocks have high strength and low thermal conductivity. These indicators are slightly higher than those of foam concrete, but still determining which is better - a foam block or a gas block - is not easy due to the many advantages of foam concrete.

Differences between foam blocks and gas blocks

In search of an answer to the question of what is better - a foam block or an aerated block, it must be said that these materials have only one difference - the high hygroscopicity of aerated concrete. Foam concrete, on the contrary, has low hygroscopicity.

What is better to build from?

Both materials have many similar benefits. So what is the best material to build a house from? A foam block is just as suitable for this as a gas block. Both materials make excellent one-story buildings and they have thermal conductivity indicators that compete with wood and are in many ways superior ceramic brick. Since they do not contain harmful substances, they are environmentally friendly for humans. But gas blocks have one drawback, due to which they are inferior in efficiency to foam blocks - this is the complexity of the technology for constructing walls from this material, due to its hygroscopicity. Aerated blocks are delivered from the factory with a high level of humidity, so after the construction of the house you cannot immediately carry out exterior finishing. You need to wait several seasons until the walls dry completely or install a ventilated facade, and this leads to increased construction costs. So, when determining which is better - a gas block or a foam block, the scales tipped towards the latter because of its efficiency.

Foam block and gas block are the most popular materials today that are used to build warm, cozy and durable houses. In order to figure out whether a foam block or a gas block is better, let’s outline their advantages and disadvantages.

Chemical composition and production technology

Both aerated concrete and foam concrete are essentially fake diamond, made of cellular concrete. Both wall materials are made from environmentally friendly and safe raw materials. But for the manufacture of cellular blocks, different components and production technologies are used, due to which each of the wall materials forms its own special porous structure and obtains its characteristic properties.

Foam blocks gray, with a smooth surface. In the process of their production, the method of mechanical mixing of a cement-sand mixture (lime, water, cement, blast furnace slag and other industrial waste) with the addition of a foaming agent is used. The solution is poured into containers, after which it hardens naturally.

have White color, relief and rough surface. They are made by chemical reaction, and then are further processed to increase strength in an autoclave. The solution contains cement, quartz sand, water, pure lime and aluminum powder, which are mixed at a certain level of humidity and maintained at high temperatures.

Due to the complex and lengthy production process, aerated concrete blocks are usually manufactured in large factories using expensive equipment. While the production of foam concrete blocks is somewhat simpler and more economical - they are often produced in an artisanal way and have an appropriate level of quality.

Comparing the characteristics of materials

1. Product geometry

The foam block is much inferior to the gas block in terms of appearance and in terms of geometry quality:

    the error of aerated concrete products is no more than 1 mm;

    foam blocks have an error of about 3 mm.

The geometry of aerated concrete blocks is close to ideal, which simplifies their installation and makes the process faster. If the error is high, only concrete mortar can be used for masonry, and this in turn entails higher financial costs and time losses during construction.

2. Heat and sound insulation properties

Both types of blocks are distinguished by excellent frost resistance and have good sound insulation, resistant to rotting and fungus formation. But with equal densities, aerated concrete blocks, due to their more porous structure and production method, are somewhat warmer than foam concrete blocks. In addition, their ideal geometry allows for high-quality adjustment of the masonry, removing “cold bridges” and ensuring absolute solidity of the structure.

3. Hygroscopicity indicators

The porosity of aerated concrete blocks is open, while that of foam concrete blocks is closed, which directly affects the water absorption of these materials.

Important! Since aerated concrete blocks are prone to absorbing moisture, upon completion of construction it is necessary to exterior decoration building.

4. Weight

Both wall materials are large in size and light in weight, which greatly facilitates the process of transportation and laying. A standard foam concrete product with dimensions 200x300x600mm weighs 25 kg, while the most popular aerated concrete block with dimensions 250x300x650mm weighs 24 kg. Thus, in favor of the latter, there is, although insignificant, a difference in weight.

5. Strength characteristics

The highest strength indicators are demonstrated by autoclaved aerated concrete blocks, which can be used in low-rise construction for installation external walls up to 3 floors, and without limiting the number of floors when filling the frame, as well as load-bearing and non-load-bearing internal partitions

Foam block disadvantages and advantages:

Simple production method and low cost;

An inexpensive cement composition is used for installation;

Non-ideal geometry of products greatly reduces the convenience of masonry;

High consumption cement mortar;

Reinforcement of all structures is required.

Gas block advantages and disadvantages:

High quality factory production;

Excellent mechanical strength characteristics;

Resistance to external loads, does not crumble during loading and unloading operations;

Simple and quick installation due to minimal error and smooth edges around the entire perimeter;

Suitable for single- and multi-storey buildings using a stiffening belt for the construction of load-bearing walls, for the construction of partitions and filling frames in monolithic buildings;

Partial reinforcement is required only in the ceilings of windows and doorways in multi-storey buildings, during construction one-story houses can be built without reinforcement;

High hygroscopicity;

Placed primarily on construction adhesive;

Cost and reviews

In general, construction is much more profitable in monetary terms than building with bricks. Firstly, the blocks are light in weight, which means there is no need to build a strong foundation for the building. Secondly, cellular concrete blocks have enough big sizes, which allows you to save on the amount of glue or cement, speeding up the construction process. And their high thermal insulation properties allow me to reduce the financial costs of purchasing additional materials for insulation.

If we compare the prices of foam blocks and gas blocks, the former will cost somewhat less, since it is easier to produce and is often made in a semi-industrial or artisanal way, which directly affects its quality. You can buy a cheap foam block and buy a fake, which will crack over time.

The costs of the material are more than offset by durability - a structure made from factory-made gas silicate blocks will be more durable and will last for decades. In addition, you will be able to additionally save on transportation costs, because upon delivery gas silicate blocks do not break, unlike foam concrete ones.

It is easier for novice craftsmen to work with foam blocks when building low buildings and using cement mortar rather than glue. Professionals who use for styling adhesive compositions, they unequivocally assure: in terms of dimensional accuracy, gas blocks certainly take the lead; otherwise, in practice, the performance of both materials is almost identical, and the final cost is compensated by the low consumption of glue.

Gas and foam concrete blocks- these are related building materials. They are made from lungs cellular concrete. These two types of blocks are actively used in low-rise construction. Often developers have a question, what material is better to use?

Knowledge about the method of their production and characteristics will help you choose foam or aerated concrete. They will be discussed in this article.

Which material is better - stronger and warmer?

One of the main advantages of building materials is its strength. This parameter directly depends on the density (specific gravity) of concrete:

  • for foam concrete blocks it ranges from 650 to 700 kg/m³;
  • aerated concrete material has a density of 400-450 kg/m³.

Based on these figures, foam concrete blocks should be more durable. However, it is not. Aerated concrete building material is manufactured using a factory method and using modern technologies. Thanks to this, with a strength of 35 kgf/cm² and a density of 450 kg/m³, it can withstand the same loads as foam concrete with a specific gravity of 650 kg/m³.

Both building materials are considered warm. But which one has a higher rate?

Aerated concrete blocks have lower cold resistance than foam blocks. However, their geometry is ideal. Thereby this material can be placed on a very thin layer of glue. Because of this, a minimum number of cold bridges occurs.

For comparison:

  • the thermal conductivity of D-500 brand gas blocks is 0.12;
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of foam concrete analogs of the D-700 brand is 0.24.

At the last material high level thermal resistance, it effectively accumulates heat. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of heating your home. However, for such a result to become possible, the thickness foam concrete walls should be twice as much as that of enclosing structures made of aerated blocks.

The conclusion follows from this: aerated concrete buildings are warmer (2 times) than foam concrete buildings, with the same thickness of enclosing structures.

What parameters to choose?

Desired qualities of building materials for walls:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • shape convenient for laying;
  • large dimensions;
  • not too much weight.

Foam and aerated concrete blocks have all these qualities. However, there are differences between them.

One of them is the geometry of the blocks. Aerated concrete material It is manufactured only in a factory way. Therefore, it has an almost correct shape. As a result, gas blocks are more convenient to lay, and masonry mortar less is spent. Foam concrete material is often made handicraft, because of this its geometry leaves much to be desired.

There are also differences in the block production technology. Aerated concrete analogues are environmentally friendly. In the production of foam concrete, production waste is often used to replace quartz sand. Moreover, to obtain foam, lye or waste remaining after tanning leather is used. Because of this, the blocks' shelf life is reduced, and their properties of this building material fickle.

Foam blocks are easy to make. This makes it possible to produce them handicraft. The mixed solution is placed into molds in which it hardens. Very often the shape of the material is uneven.

There are also differences in storage conditions for building materials. Aerated concrete building material again wins in this regard, as it is reliably packaged. Thanks to this, it is protected from atmospheric influences and contamination during storage. Foam concrete analogues are not packaged. This is their minus.

Which block production technology is better?

The production material for both types of blocks is lightweight concrete, the structure of which is permeated with small pores (cells). Manufacturing conditions and the ingredients used influence the qualities of these related building elements.

Their production methods differ; cells are formed during different production processes.

Foam concrete blocks are made like this:

  1. First, the components of the solution are mixed.
  2. A foam additive is then added to the mixture.
  3. The ingredients of the solution are mixed mechanically.
  4. The mixture is then poured into molds.
  5. Next, the blocks dry at natural temperature.

The equipment for their production is inexpensive. Therefore, foam concrete blocks are often made in small workshops. Due to worn-out molds, products often have incorrect geometry. The difference in dimensions can be significant, and this reduces the quality of the masonry.

Features of the production of aerated concrete blocks:

  1. The porous structure of the material is formed as a result of chemical interaction between the ingredients of the solution.
  2. To increase the strength of the product, it is processed in an autoclave.
  3. Aerated concrete is produced only in factories. In this case, expensive, technological equipment is used. Therefore, the quality of blocks made from it is higher than that of foam concrete analogues.

Properties that make it worth choosing aerated concrete blocks for construction:

  1. Easy processing. The material can be drilled, sawed and planed. Nails can be driven into it without any problems.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. The blocks are made from natural ingredients, so they do not contain harmful substances.
  3. Fire safety. Aerated concrete is non-flammable, it belongs to fire resistance class 1 and fire resistance category 2.
  4. Long service life. It is about 100 years old.
  5. High level of strength.

For the production of foam concrete blocks, slaked lime, water, Portland cement, blast furnace slag, etc. are used. Sulfide or soap lye is used to foam the mixture.

Aerated concrete is made from Portland cement, quartz sand, slaked lime and water. Aluminum paste is used as an additive. This ingredient is harmful to health, but during the production of the material its particles are dissolved.

Foam concrete has a structure with closed cells. The walls come out warm and have good sound insulation. The material absorbs moisture less than aerated concrete. However, it is still necessary to clad the walls with it.

Aerated concrete's structure consists of small pores and microscopic cracks. It absorbs water more intensely than foam concrete. That's why aerated concrete walls must be protected with moisture-resistant cladding.

Which masonry will cost less?

An important selection criterion is the cost of the blocks and, based on it, the price of construction. Equipment for the production of aerated blocks is expensive, and the production technology is complex and costly. Therefore, aerated concrete blocks are not cheap. They cost 3000-3500 rubles per cubic meter.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks costs several times less. Their manufacturing technology is simpler. Thanks to this, the material costs 2500-2900 rubles per cubic meter.

Aerated concrete blocks are more expensive than their foam counterpart. However, due to their ideal geometry, much less masonry mortar is spent on them, and the walls are more durable.

Before choosing a building material, you should know about the scope of its use. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are in most cases used for the construction of enclosing structures, as well as internal partitions in domestic construction. In addition, they are used to fill frames during the construction of monolithic buildings. The material can be used in the construction of high-rise buildings.

For foam concrete blocks natural drying the scope of application is not so wide. Area of ​​their use:

  • construction of partitions and piers inside buildings;
  • construction of external load-bearing walls of buildings up to three floors high;
  • construction of fences;
  • construction of production facilities;
  • arrangement of thermal insulation layers of ceilings, floors and walls.

For construction residential buildings up to two or three floors high, private cottages and dachas often use aerated concrete blocks.

What building material to choose for the construction of a garage, utility and other non-residential buildings? The blocks for them must be strong, reliable, durable, and resistant to mechanical loads. Aerated concrete meets these requirements, but for reasons of economy it is better to prefer foam concrete. Its characteristics are quite suitable for the construction of non-residential buildings.

If you need to build a bathhouse, it is better to choose foam blocks. Aerated concrete is warm and well soundproofs rooms, but it is less moisture resistant, quickly absorbs water and takes a long time to dry. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this building material for a bath or sauna.

Foam concrete has better moisture resistance and is cold-resistant. Therefore, it is ideal for building a bathhouse.

The choice in favor of gas or foam concrete blocks depends on their characteristics, features and cost. It is easier for amateur builders with little experience to work with the first type of product. They have standardized sizes, high quality and good specifications. Foam concrete blocks may have an uneven surface, but they are cheaper.

Watch the video published in the article. It contains a lot of additional information about what criteria should be used to choose a building material:

Foam concrete and aerated concrete can be used to build a home on your own. Today we will look at the difference between them, give the pros and cons, and study other important aspects. If you have questions, use the comment form below.

Advantages of aerated concrete

What is better - foam block or gas block for the home, we will study at the end of the article. Let's start with the fact that aerated block is produced on the basis of cement, lime, and sand. The building material is created artificially, as a result of which it consists of 80% gas and air. External and load-bearing structures are built from aerated concrete interior walls, partitions, walls for reinforcement.

The positive features include the following characteristics:

No. 1. Low pricing policy

This building material is considered the cheapest today when compared with other similar materials.

No. 2. Easy to use

The gas block is easy to use. Even a person who has absolutely no experience can carry out the work with his own hands. The blocks are large and light, they can be sanded, cut, and transported.

No. 3. High steam capacity

If steam accumulates in the room, due to the air-gas structure, the entire internal circulation will come out. This allows you to maintain the humidity level in the room at the required level.

No. 4. Safety

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are artificially created materials. We'll tell you what the difference is below. But their common feature is safety and non-toxicity.

No. 5. Good insulation

The presented material has excellent insulating characteristics, retains heat for a long time, thanks to which winter time You can reduce your home heating costs. In the summer, you won't have to suffer from the heat because the blocks keep you cool.

No. 6. No need for insulation

The difference between foam block and gas block is that it is better to choose material for single-layer construction. Aerated concrete retains heat, it can be laid out in a single row, so there is no need for additional insulation.

No. 7. Fast drying

It has a fast drying rate. Experts do not recommend plastering these blocks so as not to block the flow of air masses.

No. 8. Sound insulation, dimensions, fire resistance

The features listed above will make your home quiet and not prone to fires. Thanks to the dimensions of the blocks, it will be possible to build quality housing without wasting money. Also, aerated concrete is not susceptible to rodent attacks.

Cons of aerated concrete

Foam concrete and aerated concrete - what is the difference between them, you ask. Negative characteristics should be considered to make own conclusions further.

No. 1. Quickly absorbs moisture

It was mentioned earlier that the material dries quickly. This occurs due to the accelerated absorption of water and moisture in general. Liquid masses accumulate in the cavity of the blocks, so over time they lose their thermal insulation characteristics.

No. 2. Unstable thermal insulation

There are several nuances in working with blocks. Firstly, if you sit them on cement, the thermal insulation is reduced. Secondly, if waterproofing is not carried out immediately after laying aerated concrete, moisture will accumulate in the cavity of the blocks. BUT, compliance with the specified conditions completely eliminates this minus.

No. 3. Destruction

Due to the gas structure, moisture accumulates in the pores, which freezes in cold weather and then thaws. At the same time, the structure of the blocks is very slowly destroyed.

No. 4. Wind transmission

A positive characteristic is that these blocks are “breathable”. But when living in windy regions, this plus will sharply give way to a minus. Cold air flows into the house.

No. 5. Appearance of cracks

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are similar materials. What is the difference: after a certain period of time, the foundation shrinks, so fragile gas blocks simply crack. This can happen over several years. Accordingly, they decrease performance characteristics dwellings.

No. 6. Fragility

The blocks themselves are fragile and airy in structure. If installed incorrectly, there is a risk of damaging the edge or other area. Due to fragility, it becomes necessary to create a support cushion or reinforcing layer.

No. 7. The plaster doesn't stick

When using foam block or aerated concrete, you should know that it is better not to cover the second type of block with plaster. Firstly, it cuts off the air supply. Secondly, it disappears after a certain period of time. These are important aspects for construction.

Pros of foam concrete

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are widely used in construction. Let's figure out what the difference is together. Foam concrete has high thermal insulation rates. It belongs to the category of cellular concrete. The foam block is made by combining sand, cement mortar, aluminum powder and water.

No. 1. Bandwidth

The foam block has good throughput. Thanks to this, an optimal level of humidity is maintained in the house.

No. 2. Light weight

The material in question has a relatively small mass. That is why the load on the foundation is slightly reduced.

No. 3. Big size

Due to the impressive size of the block, construction proceeds a little faster.

No. 4. Using Substitutes

When building walls, instead of classic mortar, you can resort to a special substitute - glue. It costs less.

No. 5. Good surface

Foam concrete has an excellent surface for applying finishing materials compared to other blocks.

No. 6. Environmental friendliness

Foam concrete is made exclusively from environmentally friendly components. Therefore it is completely safe.

No. 7. Fire resistance

The building material in question has excellent fire resistance. Therefore, if a fire occurs, the unit will not catch fire.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are two excellent building materials. Each of them has its pros and cons. So study everything and understand what the difference is.

Disadvantages of foam concrete

If you don’t know what is best for building a house, you need to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies. After this, you can choose aerated concrete or foam concrete.

No. 1. Mandatory finishing

Manufacturers claim that the material is completely safe for the health of others. However, the presence of aluminum powder in the block is questionable. Therefore, it is better to carry out finishing work.

No. 2. Using glue rather than cement

If you use cement instead of special glue as a connecting material, then over time cracks will appear in the building and the thermal insulation will suffer.

What to choose - foam block or gas block, we will consider further. Depending on the characteristics, it is difficult to say which is better for construction. Let's deal with everything in order.

What is better - foam concrete or aerated concrete?

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are high-quality building materials. Let's look at the differences between the blocks and figure out what the difference is. The two materials under consideration have differences in the manufacturing process and technical characteristics.

1. Aerated concrete contains lime, cement, sand, water, and foam concrete uses aluminum powder (foaming agent) instead of lime.

2. The cost of blocks differs. Foam blocks have a slightly higher price compared to gas blocks.

3. If you pay attention to appearance, aerated concrete blocks have better proportions. Therefore, when laying them, there is no need to level the surface with a solution.

4. The composition of materials is different. Therefore, foam concrete blocks are several times inferior in strength to aerated concrete blocks.

5. Foam concrete blocks have much better resistance to moisture. In addition, such material is much easier to protect through waterproofing. Aerated concrete cannot boast of such qualities.

In the article we looked at foam concrete and aerated concrete. The choice is yours; if necessary, study again what the difference is. Both materials are good in their own way. They have a big advantage compared to others building materials in many ways. Don't forget to take into account climatic conditions areas of residence.

Foam concrete is a cellular material. The forming components are Portland cement and sand. Porosity in the material is formed due to the addition of technical foam. Foam concrete blocks are produced using autoclave and non-autoclave methods.

The first option is much stronger, but its cost is higher, and it can only be produced in a factory.

Non-autoclaved foam blocks are produced in small enterprises, sometimes in artisanal conditions, and its cost will be a third lower due to the simplicity of the equipment.

Let's talk separately about the use of a foaming agent to obtain a porous block structure.

Protein foaming agents, as a rule, are produced by imported companies, and therefore are expensive. Their use guarantees high-quality and environmentally friendly products.

It is possible to produce synthetic foaming agents yourself. They are prepared using glue, soda, and soap. When using synthetic foam, the working mixture takes longer to harden, which affects heterogeneity and reduces the strength of the blocks. Sometimes there are questions regarding the environmental friendliness of such products.

The density of the foam block can be varied - from 200 kg/m3 and above. Its weight depends on the previous indicator and ranges from 12 to 47.5 kilograms.

The advantages of foam blocks are:

  • Easy to install, compared with brickwork. Which is due to the size of the blocks.
  • Low price, compared to brick and gas silicate block.
  • Moisture resistance. The block has a closed pore structure, so it does not absorb moisture well.
  • Vapor permeability.
  • Durability and resistance to aggressive environmental factors.
  • The possibility of production in artisanal conditions, as a result of which increases probability of buying homemade products made without technology. You need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer and check product certification.
  • Block geometry. Foam blocks do not always have a perfectly flat surface. This increases installation time and... Thick seams are cold bridges.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas block

Aerated concrete is a more modern block material. In the production of gas blocks, technology is used autoclave curing. Thanks to special processing in autoclaves, the material becomes more durable and hard. Such blocks are characterized by durability and lack of shrinkage. Such blocks can only be produced in high-tech factories and combines.

Portland cement, quartz sand, and lime are used as components in the manufacture of blocks. Hence another name for the blocks – gas silicate. Aluminum powder is added to make it porous., which reacts chemically with lime. As a result, hydrogen gas is formed and pores appear in the material (a cellular structure is obtained).

Gas silicate elements differ:

  • good heat conservation and at the same time the ability to pass air (vapor permeability);
  • resistance to precipitation and temperature changes;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • durability due to low drying shrinkage;
  • resistance to rotting, fungus and mold.

This material is easy to process and does not crumble.

This makes it possible to build absolutely any structures from aerated concrete, including multi-story ones, in as soon as possible. When calculating the amount of materials, it should be taken into account that gas blocks are not only standard sizes(200x300x600 mm), but also of various other shapes.

Compared to foam concrete, gas silicate factory blocks have perfect geometric shapes. This speeds up the laying process and reduces glue consumption. Thin seams from 1 to 3 mm can significantly reduce heat loss in the building.

The disadvantages of aerated concrete include its fairly high cost and the need for delivery from a large plant, which may be located far from the construction site.

He also inferior to foam concrete in terms of moisture permeability. This fact must be taken into account when designing a house. For example, plan a high base of the building (60 cm for the Moscow region) to avoid moisture build-up in the first row of blocks. Plan the facade from facing materials (panels, brick, siding, etc.) or plaster to protect against slanting rain.

Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete

For greater clarity, let’s compare the characteristics of these cellular materials in pairs and find out whether there is a significant difference between them.

Most differences arise from differences in production technology. To form pores in foam blocks, you need to introduce concrete mixture foaming agents. To obtain a cellular structure in aerated concrete, aluminum powder is required, which releases harmless hydrogen during a chemical reaction. There are much fewer visual differences.

Pores are the main advantage of both materials. The air contained in them provides low thermal conductivity.

These production features form part of the differences between aerated concrete and foam concrete. These include:

  1. Structure. Aerated concrete (gas silicate) is similar in structure to a sponge with open cells, which allows the material to quickly absorb moisture and release it just as quickly. In foam concrete, the cells are closed and non-uniformly distributed. Thanks to this, foam blocks practically do not absorb moisture. The walls of a house made of this material need not be treated even in damp conditions. For aerated concrete blocks, a waterproofing layer in wet rooms is desirable. Otherwise, water will seep into the pores and, when frozen, can lead to cracks. Also in damp walls thermal conductivity increases.
  2. Compound. For the manufacture of aerated blocks, only natural components are used. As for the foam block, the foaming agent can be different. Protein is an environmentally friendly option, synthetic is not.
  3. Size. The geometry of the aerated concrete elements is almost ideal; the dimensions do not deviate from the specified ones by more than two millimeters. Thanks to this, the construction of construction projects proceeds with high speed, and the masonry turns out to be highly durable and monolithic. Deviations for foam blocks are much higher (up to 20 mm), which sometimes requires the use of cement mortar to fill the voids. This affects the increase in thermal conductivity due to the increased seam width. In the case of aerated concrete using technology, the remaining rows are glued.

As for the cost, foam concrete blocks, even autoclave ones, are slightly lower in price than aerated concrete ones.

In more detail, how aerated concrete differs from foam concrete during construction can be seen in the table:

Qualities and features Aerated concrete Foam concrete
Strength and density High. With a density of 500 kg/m3, gas blocks can withstand a load of 34 kg/cm2. Load capacity is lower. So, a non-autoclaved foam block holds a maximum of 9 kg/cm2.
Laying On glue. For glue or, in case of disgusting geometry, for cement-sand mortar.
Finishing Fit well Decoration Materials. Finishing materials do not fit well, but in some cases you can do without them.
Thermal conductivity Identical along the entire perimeter, on average equal to 0.12. Changes due to different sizes pores, on average equal to 0.18–0.22.
Price Higher, on average per cubic meter is 4.5 thousand rubles. Below, on average 3 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

The fire-fighting properties of these two materials are the same - they are not flammable. But the sound insulation of aerated concrete is slightly higher than that of foam concrete. However, foam block walls also protect against noise quite well.

Application of gas block and foam block

Foam concrete structures are in most cases less durable. For the construction of load-bearing walls, you should choose only the autoclave option with high density. More often, foam concrete is used to create internal partitions or an insulating layer.


Foam blocks are good for equipping those rooms that are often exposed to moisture.

Although foam concrete is resistant to external influences, including moisture, walls made from it are usually treated with plaster and decorative finishes. This is necessary due to the not very beautiful surface of the blocks and uneven joints filled with mortar.

If you use foam concrete and aerated concrete of equal density, then the latter material will show more high quality heat resistance and strength. Consequently, you can save on , which directly depends on thermal conductivity. Load-bearing walls made from aerated blocks will last many times longer, and in dry rooms, finishing with plaster is not required due to its beautiful appearance and thin seams.

My choice is simple. For residential buildings, use aerated concrete blocks as more smooth material(minimum thickness of seams), manufactured in a factory (strength meets the stated requirements). You just need to solve the issue of protecting the walls from moisture with the help of cladding and a high base. For commercial non-residential buildings (sheds, garages, etc.), foam concrete is quite suitable. The characteristics of strength and thermal conductivity are not so critical here, but you can and should save on the price of the material.

Useful video

In this short story, the author concludes that if we take materials with identical characteristics for comparison, the score will be a draw: