Linoleum with a felt base is warm. Which linoleum is better for an apartment - household or semi-commercial, foam-based or felt? Which linoleum is better - foam or felt?

Hello Dear blog readers! Get ready, as this topic will be very voluminous and dedicated to which linoleum is best for an apartment. In the modern construction market you can see hundreds of options of varying quality and from different manufacturers. Color variations linoleum can also excite the imagination. Why is linoleum so popular? The fact is that this is the most popular flooring among the population with average income. They also love it for its durability and ergonomics. In our topic, let's start with everything in order.

Summary of this article:

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment - domestic, commercial or semi-commercial?

There is no specific and uniquely correct answer to this question. If we start talking about household linoleum, then, as the name suggests, it is used mainly only in residential areas.

Among the advantages in it are the following:

  • Economical. It has a very attractive price.
  • Very easy to care for. You don't need any expensive special equipment.
  • As we stated, it has a rich color palette.
  • Very elastic and easy to transport.
  • It insulates the room well.
  • Has good moisture resistance.

As for the semi-commercial option, it is worth saying that it is something between the household and commercial options. It can be laid in areas with moderate traffic, which, in principle, means that you can lay it if you have a home big family. It has almost the same advantages. It's just a little more expensive.

It’s up to you to decide which linoleum is best to lay, commercial or semi-commercial, or household. All options are well suited for home use. The last thing that could be noted is that when choosing household linoleum you still have great freedom in terms of color and type of coating (there are those imitating wood, parquet and others).

Commercial linoleum is not often used for laying on apartment floors, because... its cost compared to household and semi-commercial types is very high. If the budget for repair costs is “rubber”, then this is a very good option flooring, which will easily serve you for more than 10 years without any jams, creases, etc.

Which linoleum is better - foam or felt?

Foam-based linoleum is usually made using foamed PVC onto fiberglass. The advantage of foam-based linoleum is its strength. Also resistant to high moisture. One of the disadvantages of such linoleum is the price, which is several points higher than its analogues.

As for the felt base, the advantages of such linoleum include its elasticity and softness of the coating. This, by the way, directly affects the comfort of use.

This option is much cheaper than a foam base, but unlike the latter, the pattern in linoleum with a felt base is applied to its entire thickness, which means that when “wiping” it will not lose appearance.

Based on this, we can conclude that in this matter you should be guided by what is most important to you - durability and strength or appearance. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

What sizes of linoleum are there?

Now let's move on to the numbers part. As for the size of linoleum, the situation is as follows:

  • By building regulations The thickness of linoleum ranges from 0.7 mm to 4.5 mm. There is also an option less than a millimeter thick, but such material, as you might already guess, is completely unsuitable for everyday use.
  • The most common thickness of linoleum is from 1.5 to 3 mm. Thanks to this thickness, sound insulation and thermal insulation are well maintained.

How wide is linoleum?

Regarding width, the following options are available on the construction market:

  • 2 meters.
  • 2.5 meters.
  • 3 meters.
  • 3.5 meters.
  • 4 meters.
  • 5 meters.

As you can see, there are enough variations in width, which will allow you to avoid a large number of seams when laying. We already spoke in more detail about the possible width of linoleum once in an article - be sure to study what width linoleum is.

What classes is linoleum divided into based on wear resistance and fire safety?

According to wear resistance, linoleum is divided into the following classes:

  • Virtually indestructible (dense wear-resistant linoleum).
  • Lightly abraded.
  • Moderately abrasive.
  • Heavily abraded.

As for fire safety, things are much more interesting here. To protect yourself, you should choose it according to the following parameters:

  • Flammability.
  • Toxicity.
  • Smoke formation.
  • Speed ​​of smoke spread.

Now in more detail..

Flammability is one of the most important indicators fire safety. In this regard, linoleum has the following marks - from G1 to G4. IN in this case G1 indicates low or no flammability, while G4 is an indicator of easy flammability.

When purchasing coverage, be sure to pay attention to these labels. Especially if the linoleum is placed in a room where there is frequent contact with fire. Practice shows that G4 linoleum is prohibited from being laid where it is necessary to evacuate people in case of fire.

As for toxicity, this indicator characterizes the amount of toxic substances released during a fire. The toxicity level here is determined in a similar way to the flammability marks - from T1 to T4.

The T1 coating is low-toxic, while the T4 coating is highly toxic and can cause rapid poisoning of the body when the material burns.

Smoke production is another important factor. It shows the amount of smoke released during combustion. D1 – practically does not emit smoke when burning. D4 – during combustion it is formed a large number of smoke and the room becomes smoky very quickly.

The speed of smoke spread refers to the indicators above. RP1 – smoke spreads slowly or does not spread at all. RP4 – when a fire occurs, almost instantaneous smoke occurs.

To summarize, let’s say that when choosing linoleum, do not forget to pay attention to all the accompanying marks. This will protect you and your home from unforeseen circumstances.

According to European standards, linoleum has a certain two-digit marking. The first number characterizes the type of room. The second is the intensity of the load.

The first number is as follows:

  • 2 – living quarters.
  • 3 – office premises.
  • 4 – production premises.

The second number is as follows:

  • 1 – low load intensity.
  • 2 – average load intensity.
  • 3 – high load intensity.
  • 4 – very high load intensity.

If you choose linoleum, then follow the following markings:

  • 21 – premises for short-term use (this includes, for example, bedrooms)
  • 22 – linoleum for living rooms, kitchens, children's rooms.
  • 23 – linoleum for hallways, corridors and places common use in communal apartments.

These are the main residential markings. After them there are already markings for the numbers 3 and 4. This linoleum is already suitable only for hotels, commercial premises, shops, warehouses, etc.

Is natural or artificial linoleum better for an apartment?

This question is very interesting and almost always excites the minds of those who are going to choose linoleum. So let's figure out which linoleum to choose for your apartment.

In the production of linoleum from natural components, oak bark flour and ordinary wood flour are used. Various organic oils and pine resin are often added.

Practice shows that linoleum made from natural ingredients is an environmentally friendly material and is especially popular among those people who have children or allergies.

It is suitable for those who decide to save money, but it is worth remembering that this material not as fireproof as its natural counterpart (due to the lack of oils). It also has a rather unpleasant chemical smell.

Our advice is the following - if you are faced with the choice of natural or artificial linoleum, then pay attention to such factors as the frequency of use of the room and the presence of children or pets. These are the most basic things to focus on.

These two concepts may turn out to be a dark forest for the average buyer. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems, and we will help you not to get confused in this terminology and easily distinguish one material from another and not make a mistake when purchasing.

Heterogeneous linoleum what is it?

Heterogeneous linoleum is linoleum that consists of several layers. Their thickness is usually from 2 to 6 mm. The basis of such linoleum is reinforcing fiberglass, which is coated with PVC.

Various patterns are applied to the PVC on top. It is worth saying that heterogeneous linoleum is a rather difficult material to produce.

Homogeneous linoleum what is it?

Unlike heterogeneous linoleum, homogeneous is a homogeneous material. Its thickness varies from 1.5 to 3 mm. Also, the main difference between homogeneous linoleum is that it provides a narrower selection of patterns.

It is also worth considering that this linoleum already has a specialization - it is most often used in shops and corridors public places, front doors

Now let's move on to the main question - which of these two linoleum is better for an apartment?

The answer will be clear - the best option for an apartment is a heterogeneous option. Homogeneous ones have one very unpleasant property - it is almost impossible to clean it with ordinary detergents due to the presence of lime in it.

It absorbs dirt well and may need to be cleaned Grinder, which is not a very good option at home. Therefore, it is worth leaving this option more for technical rooms.

As for heterogeneous linoleum, in terms of cleaning, the usual detergent soap-based, which is always available at home.

Most people are interested in a reasonable question - which company is the best linoleum for laying on the floor in an apartment? We answer... Today, linoleum from the Tarkett company is considered the best and most reliable option.

Of course, there are other linoleum manufacturers, whose products can also be safely laid on the floors of apartments. For example, such as – Grabo (Grabo), Forbo (Forbo), Ideal (Ideal), Gerflor (Gerflor), Juteks (Juteks) and others.

Their price/quality ratio is very good, i.e. when laying on the floor, you can be sure that the floor covering will not wear out to holes in the coming years.

That's all. Now you know which company (brand) is best to lay linoleum on the floor in your apartment. The choice is naturally yours - we only give advice and recommendations.

Next, we will consider the nuances of choosing linoleum for a certain type of home space. This is a very important part of our article, since, based on all of the above, you can see that linoleum is not such a simple material as it might seem at first glance.

Which linoleum to choose for the kitchen?

There is no need to hide the fact that linoleum has become already traditional material for the kitchen, which never ceases to be popular. The kitchen is a very finicky place, so the choice of flooring should be approached with the utmost care.

Most main question What should you consider when choosing linoleum - natural or synthetic coating?

If you decide to choose a natural coating, you can be sure that it will consist of environmentally friendly materials. It will have the following advantages:

  • The coating will be hygienic.
  • Fire resistant thanks to natural materials.
  • You can choose from a wide variety of coloring pages.
  • It is resistant to heat, which means that a heated floor system can be installed underneath it.

Synthetic material differs from natural material only in some respects. Advantages of synthetics:

  • Has dielectric properties.
  • Resistant to heat.
  • It has a low price, unlike its natural counterpart.

So what should you choose? Here it is worth considering that natural material is more expensive, while synthetic material is more accessible. The main advice is that if you have the money, then of course you should choose the natural option.

But if you decide to save money, then synthetics will also be a good choice. We talked in more detail about choosing linoleum specifically for the kitchen in the article - I advise you to study which linoleum for the kitchen to choose.

What is the best linoleum for the bathroom?

Regarding the choice of linoleum for the bathroom, there are the following basic tips that must be strictly followed:

  • Choose waterproof linoleum. In the bathroom the humidity is much higher than in other parts of the house/apartment.
  • You should definitely choose options with a coating that has ribbed elements. They will protect you from unexpected falls, since linoleum becomes a very slippery surface after water gets in.
  • Also choose linoleum that will be resistant to physical activity objects pressing on him ( washing machine, sink, etc.), and also, which will withstand exposure to various detergents.

Masters advise using homogeneous coatings in the bathtub.

How to choose the right linoleum for the bedroom?

Everyone knows that a person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom. And for the bedroom, linoleum only from natural materials.

Since such linoleum is bactericidal, it will have a pleasant effect on your well-being. It also withstands sunlight well and does not emit harmful substances into the air.

By the way, natural linoleum in the bedroom is very suitable for people with allergies or bronchial asthma.

How to choose the right linoleum for a living room in an apartment?

For the hall you should choose household linoleum. Pay attention to the thickness - it should be average, since the hall is a place with moderate load.

A semi-commercial option is perfect. It must have a wear resistance class of 21-23. Good options for the hall you can call linoleum on a jute or felt basis.

These materials are quite elastic, soft and retain heat well. It is very pleasant to walk on them and they are absolutely safe for your health. A nice bonus is that these materials are easy to wash and easy to care for.

If you have pets, then due to the antistatic properties, wool will not stick to them (the materials).

Which linoleum should I use for the hallway and corridor?

Most craftsmen advise choosing semi-commercial type linoleum for the hallway and corridor. It is ideal for the reasons that the corridor is the place with the highest traffic in the apartment.

Semi-commercial linoleum will not allow shoe marks to appear on it. Also, practice shows that it is almost impossible to damage this coating by force.

Choose semi-commercial linoleum on a foam basis - it will last longer, unlike other options. As for colors, semi-commercial linoleum, although not replete with the same print options as are available in household ones, still has plenty to choose from.

How to choose linoleum for a children's room?

The most basic advice in choosing linoleum for a children's room is naturalness. Among children Lately there may be a large number of allergy sufferers and linoleum made from natural materials in this case will best choice from your side.

Remember that a children's room is a rather aggressive place. Your child will play with toys there and drop things on the floor. Naturally this will affect its integrity.

The second main piece of advice is to avoid frequent replacement of the flooring, you should choose linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm for the children's room. Foam-based household linoleum is perfect.

As for colors, it is better to choose a material as bright as possible for the children's room. This will delight and cheer up not only you, but also your child.

Which linoleum is best to lay on a wooden floor?

Perhaps most people experience severe wear and tear on wooden surfaces. This is especially true for gender. Over time, it loses its original appearance, which even careful polishing cannot restore. What to do in this case? The answer is simple - lay linoleum. But the next question arises - which linoleum is best placed on a wooden floor?

For laying on a wooden floor, it is better to choose linoleum with good thermal insulation properties. In combination with wood, this will give an excellent effect and heat will be retained in the room for a long time. As for its options, it all depends on the room in which it will be used, so it’s up to you to decide whether to choose a household, semi-commercial or commercial option.

As for the specifics, fabric-based linoleum is well suited for wooden floors. Also linoleum without a base, which has a uniform structure. Experts also recommend colloxyl linoleum; it is flexible and easy to install, but if the room is not ventilated for several days, a slight chemical smell remains.

Which linoleum is better to lay on a concrete floor?

Since a concrete floor is an inhospitable, cold covering, when choosing linoleum you should give preference only to multilayer options with a foamed and insulated base.

Why only this type? If you choose any other linoleum, then, of course, it will also fit well on concrete, but all year round you will notice that the floor is cold. This can have a major impact on your health.

Is it possible to paint linoleum and with what paint?

It just so happens that not everyone has the opportunity to immediately re-cover the entire coating after defects appear on the linoleum. Most resort to cunning methods. One of them is painting. Let's say straight away - linoleum can be painted. Another question is what coloring composition should I use to make sure it doesn’t turn out worse?

The most popular paints for linoleum are oil, alkyd and acrylic options. With them in order:

  • Oil paints are the most a budget option. If you follow the dynamics of development of the construction market, then this paint is already outdated. But it fits well on the surface and does not create unevenness. Of the minuses, one can highlight only a rather sharp and bad smell during painting and during the drying process. Also, this paint must be renewed periodically, as it wears off over time.
  • Alkyd paints are much more advanced, unlike the oil version. This paint is very elastic, resistant to water and is distinguished by its durability. It also does not fade in the sun. Dries quite quickly (in just a couple of hours). The only negative is that, like the oil version, it has a pungent odor when painting.
  • Acrylic paints are the most suitable option for linoleum. Dries quickly and holds up well mechanical damage. The service life of such paints is very long. One of the nice little things is that the paint composition withstands chemical attack well (especially useful when you need to wash the floor with various means).

As we were able to find out, linoleum can be painted. The approach to paint depends only on the size of your budget. Of course, if it is not big, then they will suit you oil paints, if average or good - then alkyd and acrylic. But practice shows that it is better to pay money once for good material than to spend a lot of money on redoing the work later.

Is linoleum harmful to health?

After everything that we have listed in this article, a specific question creeps in - is linoleum harmful to health? As we found out, linoleum can be made from natural material, or PVC and its analogues. The first one, of course, is completely safe.

The second can be harmful to children and adults with allergies. In fact, with proper care, linoleum made from artificial materials will also be safe. Simply, you should not neglect the rules of installation and care of the latter.

Most importantly, remember:

  • If you have artificial linoleum, then ventilate the room at least once a day.
  • Do not place artificial material in children's rooms and bedrooms.
  • Use only specialized detergents.

One of the most popular coatings is linoleum. It consists of materials that provide high strength, wear resistance and reliability of the coating. This material is relatively inexpensive, but has high performance qualities. Linoleum can be commercial, semi-commercial and household. Insulated linoleum is used in rooms with too cold concrete or wooden floors. It may have a different basis: you need to pay attention to this when purchasing it.

When the room has a cold floor, it requires either thorough insulation or the use of materials that can provide the surface with thermal insulation. Linoleum is an excellent coating that does not require large material costs, unlike installing a heated floor. Insulated linoleum is used to insulate the floor without additional material costs.

Thick linoleum is often used to cover uneven surfaces to hide cracks and deformations in the floor.

Linoleum can have a different base with a complex structure. At the same time, manufacturers offer a wide range of coatings with a variety of patterns: geometric, abstract, thematic. This linoleum is elastic, which ensures comfortable movement on the surface.

Types of bases for linoleum:

  • Foamed. Characterized by a complex structure. It consists of a top decorative layer. The middle layer is made of foam rubber. It creates excellent thermal insulation and also protects against the penetration of excess noise. The material is quite effective, despite its thinness. The coating is practical and easy to care for.
  • Warm. It consists of a film that is glued to the base of a jute or felt surface. The coating has a soft, pleasant surface. The disadvantage is that the top layer is vulnerable to damage. This material should not be laid in a room with high traffic, or in a room with high humidity.

The choice of material quality directly depends on where the linoleum will be laid. It is important to consider the characteristics of the room, its traffic, humidity level and floor finish. Reviews about each type of warm linoleum can be read on the Internet.

How to choose the right warm linoleum

Modern warm linoleum is no longer made from natural materials. Artificial materials have proven their reliability, strength and wear resistance. Warm linoleum can be divided into several types, depending on what base it has. Methods for laying linoleum also depend on what materials it is made from.

For example, linoleum with a felt base can be laid on the floor without preliminary screed.

For installation in residential areas with cold floors, especially on the first floors, felt linoleum is used, which perfectly stores heat and does not allow cold to pass through. It is this kind of linoleum that is best used for a summer house if it is not possible to install a heated floor. In order for linoleum to last for a long time, when choosing it you need to follow the advice of professionals.

Tips for choosing warm linoleum:

  • Linoleum based on jute or felt is best laid in a room with high level humidity.
  • If the floor will bear a heavy load, it is better to lay foamed linoleum on it.
  • It is important to select linoleum decor to match general style into the interior. When laying, make sure that the design or pattern matches.
  • The width of the linoleum should be such that there are not too many joints on the floor.

The choice of linoleum should be influenced by how wear-resistant it is. The service life of the surface will depend on the class of linoleum. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to product quality certificates.

Foamed linoleum layers

The structure of foam-based linoleum is quite complex. The thickness of linoleum is large enough to provide the surface with heat and make it even. Linoleum with this type of base has a beautiful appearance, which contributes to its popularity among consumers.

One of known species linoleum, which is widely popular and is distinguished by quality characteristics, is Tarkett.

This is linoleum with a heat-insulating surface, wear-resistant, durable and at the same time breathable. Its base consists of six layers, each of them performs its own function. Linoleum is thinner than felt-based flooring, but the addition of fiberglass makes it much stronger.

Foamed linoleum layers:

  • Transparent layer for protection;
  • Decorative;
  • Foam layer;
  • Primed layer;
  • Bottom foam layer;
  • Back layer.

This is the most practical type of flooring. It is easy to care for and wash. It is only important to remember that it is better to clean linoleum every day, and not just once after it becomes impossible to wash it from accumulated dirt and dust.

The process of laying linoleum with pile

This type of coating requires specific attention. It should be noted that choosing linoleum is a simple matter, because they choose it for a long period of time. The material has a two-cavity structure, which affects the characteristics of linoleum and its performance.

Linoleum with pile is perfect for those who love warmth, comfort and coziness: it is soft, elastic and easy to cover the floor surface with.

But it is worth noting that this material can only be laid in a dry room, since moisture can destroy the structure of linoleum and render it unusable. If the floor experiences heavy loads, it is likely that linoleum with pile may not withstand it. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to take into account all the nuances and characteristics of the room in which linoleum is to be laid.

How to prepare the floor:

  • Remove old coating. Assess the condition of the floor without it. The finish must be good, otherwise repair work will need to be carried out.
  • Lay a substrate that will serve as a transition layer. It is better to choose the jute option - it has a natural base.
  • Covering the floor with plywood sheets will give the surface strength.
  • Carry out waterproofing if the floor is covered with wood. To do this, you should put a film. Cover it with fiberboard, prime it, and cover it again with film.

The film floor is laid on top of this entire floor structure. Experts do not advise laying chipboard under linoleum - it’s quite brittle material which can cause the floor to collapse. Linoleum with pile is perfect for dry living spaces with normal humidity levels.

Types of insulated linoleum (video)

Insulated linoleum allows you to significantly save on installing heated floors. It is usually used to cover cold concrete wooden surfaces. Linoleum can have several bases, but they all differ in their heat and sound insulation function. This quality largely depends on the thickness of the coating. You need to choose the material very responsibly, taking into account the characteristics of the room in which the linoleum will be laid. Linoleum comes in three types: household, commercial and semi-commercial. When purchasing, be sure to check the product quality certificate.

Recently, household and semi-commercial felt-based linoleum has become very popular. Let's look at the features and advantages of this material.

What did felt give to linoleum?

A patent for the production of PVC material saw the world 150 years ago. Since that time, linoleum has not lost its popularity, despite the existing disadvantages:

  • significant residual deformation;
  • low ability to resist moisture;
  • inability to absorb noise;
  • poor protection from fire and combustion;
  • low level of thermal insulation.

Linoleum with a felt base is almost completely devoid of all these negative aspects. Instead, he demonstrates:

  • The deformation has become noticeably less, and all due to the elasticity and softness of the multilayer structure;
  • The noticeable hardness of the coating has disappeared. Now it is springy, even if it lies on a concrete base;
  • Felt-based linoleum demonstrates excellent sound insulation properties;
  • The felt is impregnated with specific anti-flammable additives. This does not exclude the possibility of fire, but makes it minimal and not so large-scale.

If we summarize all this, we can say the following: linoleum on felt is a coating that retains heat well, is almost soundproof, durable and capable of maintaining a decent appearance over a significant period of use.

Existing varieties

There are mainly two types of felt linoleum on the modern market.

The first option provides for the presence of five layers, each of which fulfills its “responsibilities”:

  • The external one, which is a transparent polymer, reflects all external negative influences.
  • The second one also carries protective function, and has a thickness of 0.7 mm.
  • The third is decorative, responsible for the aesthetics of the coating.
  • The fourth is the very layer of felt that distinguishes this type of linoleum.
  • The fifth is represented by a layer of dense polyvinyl chloride.

In the second case, linoleum already consists of 7 layers, namely:

  • The outer layer is made of polyacrylic or PVC.
  • The second, consisting of the same PVC, reinforcing protective properties. The existing GOST obliges manufacturers to make this layer 0.15-0.8 mm thick.
  • The third is decorative.
  • The fourth is foamed PVC.
  • The fifth is stabilizing fiberglass.
  • Sixth – Felt backing.
  • The seventh is additional waterproofing that preserves the felt.

Application nuances

In general, household and semi-commercial modern felt-based linoleum exhibits the following disadvantages:

  • Need in careful preparation base, which should be dried well;
  • Welding felt linoleum on a felt base should be done by a professional. The coating must be monolithic, covering the entire area of ​​the room with a single sheet;
  • If it is not possible to achieve joint-free installation, the joints must be well protected from possible moisture penetration. How to glue linoleum joints in this case? Buy moisture resistant adhesive tape, which holds together two separate pieces of material from the inside;
  • The first samples of coating showed noticeable shrinkage, approximately 1 cm for every 5 m. Now manufacturers are saturating the market with heterogeneous felt linoleum, which almost does not shrink. Again, if you are not completely confident in the quality of the purchased product, it is better to leave 5-centimeter gaps between the walls and the panel, which will then be covered with material.

In order for the coating to fully demonstrate its advantages, it is necessary to properly glue the linoleum on a felt base, adjust it to the dimensions of the room, and securely press it down with baseboards.

Do-it-yourself welding of linoleum

At home, it is impossible to connect individual sheets of material using the hot method, which is considered the best in terms of strength and tightness. Home craftsmen can only cold weld linoleum on a felt base, which involves the use of PVC-based glue, plasticizers and tetrahydrofuran.

The product is produced in the form of a tube with a thin needle, from which, when pressed, the linoleum glue itself is supplied. Since it contains chlorine, the edges of the joining parts dissolve, and the frozen seam comes out smooth, even and almost invisible.

Self-gluing linoleum on a felt base using the method cold welding can be produced using the following types of glue:

  • For new and hard surfaces. This composition is very liquid, leaves no traces after “welding”, and eliminates even minimal gaps;
  • For repairing old material that has come apart at the seams, burst or been cut during use. This glue is much thicker than the previous one, tightly fastens seams up to 5 mm wide, and its excess can be easily scraped off with a stationery knife;
  • Professional, made for PVC linoleum on a felt-polyester base. Absolutely transparent and provides an elastic joint.

Carrying out “welding” work

The process of gluing linoleum on a felt base is as follows:

  • The parts to be welded are glued together with masking tape.
  • An incision is made in the middle of the tape, coinciding with the joint.
  • A needle from a tube of glue is inserted into the slot and the glue is supplied uniformly.
  • If the substance gets on an unprotected part of the linoleum, there is no need to try to wipe it off immediately. This can damage the drawing. It's best to wait for the excess to dry completely and scrape it off.
  • The tape is removed after 5-10 minutes, and after two hours the glue will set firmly.

In principle, these are all the subtleties of how to weld linoleum on a felt base on your own. The main thing is to be careful, consistent and not to rush anywhere.

Opinions about felt linoleum

Given what the product has, it is logical that there are consumer reviews about it. What are they? Let's get a look:

  • “’s been sitting great in my hallway for a couple of years now. There is no humidity in the apartment, it was installed on concrete screed in one piece, didn’t cook anything, just pressed it down with baseboards and thresholds...”;
  • “...if you buy it, weld it in the store right away. It’s difficult to weld normal seams yourself at home, it’s expensive to hire a craftsman, few people take it, and the glue itself will cost a pretty penny…”;
  • “...I cooked it myself, it’s okay, you just have to not twitch and do everything carefully. If something goes wrong, the seam will just be a little noticeable. But I have patterned linoleum, and in general, my joints are not noticeable...”

Linoleum insulated with felt eliminates the need to take care of additional heat-insulating materials and carpets, washes well and retains its appearance for many years in a row. In addition, its cost is completely justified, because there are significant savings on adhesives, substrates and work in general.

The choice of flooring is one of important stages home improvement. Despite the variety of flooring materials, linoleum can be called a classic. This is a practical, cheap and durable material that has many advantages. You can find different types of linoleum on sale. One of them is felt-based linoleum.

What is special about this type of flooring? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How to choose material? What do users say about it? We will look at the answers to all questions, which will help you have a complete picture about felt linoleum.

Advantages and disadvantages

Everyone knows what linoleum is. This is a floor covering made from polymer materials. Felt-based linoleum is an insulated option. It is used for concrete floors to make operation more comfortable. Felt-based linoleum has disadvantages and advantages that characterize the material.

The advantages of the products include:

  1. Easy to care for. Dust and dirt will not be visible on the surface. Cleaning is a pleasure. The covering is easy to vacuum, sweep and wash. It is not afraid of wet cleaning.
  2. You can do the work of laying felt material yourself. This saves money. In addition, the floor does not need to be pre-prepared to perfection. The products are laid directly on the subfloor.
  3. Easy to use. Unlike wood or tiles, it is more pleasant and comfortable to move around. Many people walk on it barefoot, not afraid to drive a rolling pin into their feet.
  4. Due to the felt layer, the product acquires excellent sound and thermal insulation. This allows you to walk on the floor barefoot and not get sick. And if this is the second floor, then the felt material will protect it from noise from the first floor.
  5. The product has an affordable price, with all the positive aspects.
  6. A large assortment of products allows you to choose a variety of patterns on the surface. You can create harmonious design premises.

The disadvantages of the products include:

  • small service life. Frequently used coating will last no more than 10 years;
  • in comparison with its brother, foam-based linoleum, felt material is not as resistant to mechanical impact and is less wear-resistant;
  • although upper layer Can be washed, the roll material itself is afraid of moisture. This means that the scope of use is decreasing. Use felt linoleum for the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms with high humidity it is forbidden.

There are clearly more positive aspects to felt linoleum. This is what makes the material so popular among many developers. The price-quality ratio also tempts many. But the choice of products depends on several other factors.

Structure of felt-based products

Although the thickness of linoleum is not very large, the products have a rather complex structure. It consists of several layers that play their role. Most often, the number of layers does not exceed 6. The bottom layer is the substrate, which consists of felt. It is due to this that linoleum acquires excellent thermal and sound insulation properties with a small thickness. The felt layer reaches 3 mm, no more. To make the rolled material tougher, it contains a layer of fiberglass. Another layer is decorative. This is what we see: drawing, imitation of material and patterns on the surface. Since it passes through the entire thickness of the layer, it can not wear off for a long time and retain its original appearance.

Roll material needs protection. This is why a protective layer is created. It consists of thin PVC, 0.15-0.8 mm thick. Another layer is applied behind it, protecting the product from dust and dirt that can penetrate the structure. This layer is made of polyurethane or polyacrylic.

Linoleum tarkett

Felt-based Tarquette linoleum is one of the best products that occupies a leading position in the market. The company produces sexual materials best quality. You can find linoleum on sale different colors and textures. The product is protected by a thick ball. With it, the coating is quite wear-resistant and can be used in high-traffic areas.

Now regarding the classes of linoleum. When choosing a product, first of all you need to know its classification. In Russia they use the European classification of products. It is a combination of two numbers. The first indicates the type of room where the roll material can be used, and the second indicates the load exerted on the coating. Here's an example:

  • 2 - used for residential premises;
  • 3 - used for office-type premises;
  • 4 -- production premises.

Second digit:

  • 1 - low wear resistance;
  • 2 - average wear resistance;
  • 3 - high wear resistance;
  • 4 - very high wear resistance.

If we talk about Tarkett linoleum, then it is class 23/32. Its thickness is 3.2 mm, 0.5 mm of which is the protective layer. Class 23 is used for the corridor, common area. It is also placed in the hallway. Class 32 is used for children's institutions and boutiques. It can be seen in fitting rooms and office-type premises. The most wear-resistant linoleum is class 43. It is used for industrial production, warehouse premises. For normal use, semi-commercial felt-based linoleum is suitable.

Rules for choosing warm linoleum

The main task when purchasing is to choose correct option, suitable for a particular room. To do this we will consider general recommendations concerning linoleum as a floor covering, as well as the features of felt products. Here's what to consider:

So, if you need to additionally insulate your concrete or wood floor, then felt-based linoleum is an excellent solution. But its properties do not allow the material to be used in some rooms. And if treated with care, the coating will last for many years. To do this, it is recommended to regularly clean the surface and perform wet cleaning.

Bonding linoleum on a felt base

Choosing linoleum is one thing, but laying it is quite another. Sometimes the store does not have a product that is suitable in width for the room. In this case, the linoleum is glued together. How to do it? There are several options for exactly how to do this.

Linoleum is joined in these simple ways.

What is good about felt-based linoleum? How to properly glue such linoleum? Which linoleum base is better - foam or felt? Let's look at these questions in our article.

So, what questions should you ask when choosing linoleum?

Does it suit your interior? Will it be able to withstand the load on the floor? Does it meet the requirements?

Which is better - foam or felt? Which linoleum to choose? What are the basics of linoleum?

Types of linoleum

The quality of linoleum and its properties depend entirely on its base - the part that is in direct contact with the subfloor made of wood or concrete.

The most important characteristics of the coating depend on the thickness and structure of this part: heat and noise insulation, its service life and strength, shock absorption, which can reduce the load on musculoskeletal system a person when walking on the floor, as well as the ability to mask unevenness.

The base of linoleum, in turn, can consist of two types of materials: PVC or felt.

PVC-based linoleum (or foamed linoleum): the most main feature of this composition - its moisture resistance and resistance to high and point mechanical loads - thanks to this, all “dents” left by heels or table posts disappear from the floor.

However, it should be remembered that this base is thin (1.5-3.5 mm), i.e. Such linoleum does not have excellent elasticity, which makes it hard and poorly shock-absorbing.

In addition, its structure is unstable with respect to high temperatures– if the floor heating exceeds 27 o C, then the foamed linoleum may lose all its quality properties.

Felt-based linoleum: this composition has high environmental characteristics, due to its thickness (up to 5 mm) it has high elasticity and shock absorption, noise insulation, retains its appearance for a long service life, and is also not demanding in terms of maintenance.

At the same time, this basis has a number of disadvantages: the main one is low moisture resistance, as a result of which fungus can develop in the linoleum and rotting can begin.

The most durable among these types of coatings is commercial. Its thickness ranges from 8 to 10 mm, which gives it particular wear resistance, and its service life exceeds 20 years, but at the same time, in terms of ease of installation and aesthetic content, this option is worse compared to other types of linoleum.

Questions about purchasing and laying felt linoleum

When choosing linoleum, you should pay attention to the following things: an unhealthy shine and a pungent odor indicate that the product is extremely Low quality and even life-threatening!

To understand that linoleum is ready for use, you should check the GOST numbers on the packaging: if there are not two, but one, then the linoleum was manufactured in violation of technology.

It is best to buy felt linoleum for private homes and large premises only in large stores where temperature conditions are observed.

You should also be guided by the rule that the floor should be laid with only one texture of linoleum: a mosaic of different rolls increases the likelihood of deformation of the coating and the floor as a whole.

In addition, you should be guided by three characteristics of linoleum: the level of wear resistance, the overall thickness of the coating and the thickness of the protective layer. For your home, it is recommended to choose class 23 linoleum, specially designed for rooms with low level mechanical load.

In this case, the thickness of linoleum should be at least 3 mm.

Where is the best place to place felt linoleum? First of all, this is a living room, bedroom or children's room.

You should not lay felt linoleum in the bathroom and other rooms with a high moisture content: this material has poor resistance to water; instead, in these situations, it is better to use foamed linoleum.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following features of installing felt linoleum:

Some samples of felt linoleum show shrinkage of approximately 1 cm per 5 m, which is why entrepreneurs are increasingly inclined to produce a heterogeneous material that practically does not shrink.