Garage gadgets and tools. DIY garage accessories - homemade machines, tools

A good owner always has his own workshop, which he fills with equipment and devices to suit his needs. Some things can be bought, but others can be built with your own hands. And we must not forget about the garage, because all the necessary equipment should also be there.

It is impossible to provide for everything that might ever be needed. Therefore, we will consider the most basic machines and mechanisms that can be useful when working with wood or metal.

How to make a universal machine with your own hands

There is a huge amount of different types of equipment, many of which in one form or another can be made independently. Craftsmen have even learned to combine several functions in one device.

For example, you can make a universal mechanism from a regular drill that will work like:

  • a circular saw;
  • grinding;
  • cutting;
  • sharpener;
  • turning.

To make it, you need to attach a drill to the frame. A board with a thickness of 20–25 mm is chosen as the base. The drill is fixed to that part of the body that is intended for attaching another handle.

The place of fixation on the tabletop is selected based on the size circular disk, grinding wheel, cutter, sharpening stone.

To secure the drill, use a firmly fixed threaded rod and nut. Rigidity of fixation is achieved using epoxy glue and, as an addition, a pin 2 mm in diameter. We build a moving sole and that’s it, the base is ready.

To get a homemade circular machine, install saw blade 15 cm in diameter onto the drill chuck and make a slot for it in the bed. The saw blade must be protected by a metal casing.

If you plan to use a flat cutter instead of a disk, you need to additionally make a rectangular slot or widen the hole for the saw.

From this “circular” saw you can build a cutting mechanism. To do this, on a rigidly fixed surface we install a rotating bracket, a miter box that sets the cutting angle, guides and devices that secure the workpiece.

We combine this with circular saw on the bed. Grinding and turning machines are assembled using the same principle.

Video: homemade circular saw + plane

Making a circular saw with a frame

If you want to have a separate circular saw, then you can easily build it from a manual circular saw bought in a store. Such homemade mechanism not designed for too heavy loads, but suitable for occasional use on the farm.

We take a bed of suitable size and attach a manual circular saw to it, make the maximum cut and leave it in that position. We turn the base over with the circular side down and place it firmly on the frame with legs.

We make a guide and everything is ready to go. Pay special attention to the height of the machine; it should be comfortable for you to work with it, and its height should be commensurate with your height.

You may also need a pipe bender in the workshop. This is a device that allows you to bend pipes from almost any metal, as well as strips. Bent pipes are required when a person decides to make, for example, a greenhouse or greenhouse or something else like that.

There are different types of pipe benders, let’s say, made independently. There are very simple ones, and there are others that are similar in design to factory ones, but they are more difficult to manufacture.

The simplest option homemade pipe bender we get it by sawing the board on one side in a semicircle. Then this workpiece is attached to a stable surface and a limiter is mounted next to it - a wooden part that has space up to the semicircular workpiece, into which one end of the pipe is inserted.

Video: we will equip the workshop ourselves

Features of homemade devices and equipment

You can talk for a long time about what equipment you can make for your workshop with your own hands. But everyone has their own needs and capabilities. In addition to homemade devices, there should be places to store tools, as well as a workbench.

You should take the construction of a workbench seriously. You need to think about what will be attached to it, where it will stand, and what materials to build it from. The tabletop can be made of metal or wood.

You can immediately attach a circular saw, for example, or a jigsaw, various kinds of vices, clamps, and so on. It all depends on your idea and need for this or that equipment. But the workbench must be the right height, comfortable, stable and well made.

Also in the workroom, various types of cabinets and pencil cases for placing and storing existing tools, which you can assemble with your own hands, are very useful. You can equip separate places for storing large tools and separately for small ones, for example, a separate open cabinet for drills.

How you organize working space, the convenience of work depends on how quickly you can find the necessary tool or part and, ultimately, your comfortable state of health.

Video: wood lathe

What can be done for the garage

Often, a garage becomes not only a place to store a car, but also for many necessary tools, and sometimes a workshop at the same time. Therefore, here you need to have:

  1. Tools for car repair.
  2. Spacious racks for their placement.
  3. Garage workbench.
  4. Hooks.
  5. Shelves or brackets for tires.
  6. Lamps and heaters.

These devices are easy to assemble with my own hands. The organization of the garage space should be well thought out. Everything should be placed conveniently and not take up much space. Think about whether you need a workbench and where to put it, what size it will be and in what places to place racks and shelves.

A workbench will be needed if you are repairing your car yourself. Typically, all tools are located on shelves and racks next to the workbench. Spare tires are stored either on a special rack or hung on brackets on the walls.

Place all fuels and lubricants on a separate rack. Most often, some difficulties arise with storing small parts: screws, nuts and the like. You can take small ones for this glass jars with screw caps.

Screw the lid to the shelf below, sort all the small items into separate jars. This way you can save space and put things in order, and the search for the right screw, drill or nut will now be reduced to a minimum.

For these purposes, you can choose another option. You will need magnetic tape, small transparent plastic containers with durable lids and metal flat washers. Fix the magnetic tape vertically in the place you need.

Attach metal washers to the bottom of the containers. Sort all the small fasteners into ready-made containers and hang them on a magnetic strip.

For repairs you will also need inspection hole. And if it is not possible to equip it, then you can build two overpasses to lift the front or rear or side of the car. This will allow you to fully carry out all repair operations. Overpasses are made of timber and durable boards or metal, if possible.

Well, in the end, good lighting is very important for the garage. It can be general and as an addition to portable and local lamps. And make sure that there is more than one outlet in the garage. If you are repairing the car yourself, then you need to think about ventilation of the room.

Video: 29 DIY projects for the garage

A variety of accessories for the private garage, designed and manufactured on our own, allow for better and more efficient vehicle maintenance. Their creation requires minimal financial costs. Wherein homemade equipment in most cases, its capabilities are in no way inferior to expensive factory analogues.

Stand for electric drill - simplify the drilling process

In a private garage, over time, more and more different tools and equipment used for maintenance appear vehicle. The owner should ensure that they are comfortable and rational storage in such a way that the most necessary devices are always at hand, and rarely used ones are hidden away. To solve this problem, you need to draw a basic sketch and create shelves or. Ready-made options There are many such designs on the Internet. And it’s not difficult to come up with a shelving system yourself.

More problems arise when you need some rare homemade items for the garage. For example, many car owners use when servicing their car and performing various works around the house electric drill. Often, with its help, it is necessary to make perfectly even holes with axes strictly perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece. Anyone who has tried to achieve such a result knows that it is not at all easy. As a rule, the holes are skewed. A drill stand can solve this problem. To build it with your own hands, you need to stock up on:

  • rod or calibrated tube;
  • a platform from a milling cutter (manual), which has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time due to its wear and tear;
  • sheets of plywood.

It is also permitted to use another suitable platform as a base for the stand. The main thing is that it is level and has areas where you can install new long guides. The function of the latter in our case will be performed, as you already understood, by metal rods or calibrated tubes. The process of building a rack is truly simple. Let's describe it.

First we cut a box from a sheet of plywood. It must be done clearly geometric parameters available drill. Then it is necessary to secure our power tool as securely as possible for drilling holes in the box prepared for it. Fixation is best done using special wing nuts. After this, we make two holes in the box and pass tubes (rods) - guides - through them. We mount a handle on top of them. With its help, we will move the drill to drill holes vertically.

Advice. If you want to control the drilling depth, it is advisable to additionally equip the design with a quick-release clamp. It will act as a movement limiter for the drill. All the work described will not cause the slightest problem for a more or less experienced home craftsman. And in the end we will get easy-to-use and very useful homemade equipment.

Mini knife sharpening machine - reliable and compact

Now let's try to make a device that will allow you to sharpen kitchen and any other knives. We proceed like this:

  1. 1. Take an unnecessary sheet of metal (in any garage it is sure to be lying somewhere in the corner and waiting in the wings).
  2. 2. We fix a threaded bolt at the bottom, and at the top metal plate weld a small corner.
  3. 3. Place a nut on the bolt thread. It serves as a hinge for the lateral movement of our device. With its help you can change the sharpening angle of knives.
  4. 4. We weld another one to the described nut. We got a ready-made hole for the rod in the bolt. It is easy to make from thin wire.

The clamp in the machine will be the top part of the sheet. We make two holes in it. We apply a clamp to the frame. Then we cut another hole. It must be end-to-end (common to the plate and clamp). Next, we make carvings in the bed, taking into account the length of the bars for turning. They are optimally made from artificial diamonds. There is no more wear-resistant and at the same time inexpensive product in nature. And we’ll make clamps for the beams in a couple of minutes from a piece of ebonite or plexiglass.

All that remains is to drill an additional hole on the plate, placing it away from the knife, and cut a thread for the bolt, which will be used to tighten it. Compact and quality tool ready for sharpening! We put it on a shelf in the garage and use it as needed. Machines made according to the described scheme can be taken with you even on a hike. These garage sharpeners weigh little and take up minimal space.

Crane beam for the garage - let's make vehicle repairs easier!

Maintenance and simple car repairs in a home garage are greatly simplified if there is a crane in the room. Look at the photo below. It shows how convenient and useful a garage structure can be constructed without much effort.

We will make the transverse rod from a pipe with a cross-section of 10 cm, the supports for it from pipes 11 cm. Important! Racks homemade design it is recommended to make from square profile pipes with dimensions of 10x10 cm. They will provide the device with good stability. We attach the rod to the supports with M16 bolts (you can use other fasteners), fix the bevels and the base using a 10x10 cm corner.

We buy a lifting cable at the nearest construction store. We take the rollers for it from the elevator door drive mechanism. Notice! The rollers need to be well secured. This operation is best performed using a narrow (5 cm) metal strip. The lifting of objects on the crane beam will be ensured by a worm gear hand winch. And don't forget to attach another set of rollers to the vertical posts. They will allow you to move the crane beam throughout the garage without any problems.

DIY compressor - homemade for advanced drivers

Workbenches, hanging shelves and others useful crafts Any car enthusiast can build it for storing equipment. It is more difficult to make machines with your own hands and special equipment. But with the right approach to the matter, it is possible to cope with such tasks. Let's assemble a compressor that can be used for blowing vehicle components and mechanisms, painting a car, and monitoring tire pressure.

We will need a 10-liter air receiver (a device with a slightly larger or smaller volume is suitable), a refrigeration unit (old, not used for a long time), and also:

  • adapters;
  • inexpensive filter regulator (feel free to purchase the cheapest one);
  • oxygen pressure gauge for the receiver;
  • fastening clamps;
  • hose (approximately 200 cm) designed for 20 bar pressure.

The compressor assembly process is simple. The receiver has outputs at the bottom, middle and top. The bottom one is necessary for draining oil and condensate, the middle one is for installing a pressure gauge. The flow is supplied to the consumer through the upper compressed air. We connect all the required elements to the outputs of the device and secure them with clamps. We connect the filter regulator to the receiver panel. Next to it there will be a button to start the unit. Maximum regulator pressure at homemade device should not exceed eight atmospheres, the minimum is two.

It is advisable to additionally equip the compressor emergency valve. This inexpensive item will be fully guaranteed safe operation homemade device.

We will place the completed compressor near the wall on a rack or shelf. It will not interfere when moving around the garage, while at the same time being always at hand for the home craftsman. Advice. The old compressor must be thoroughly cleaned of rust before use. And then buy aerosol can with paint and paint the unit.

Pulley for adjusting the speed of homemade machines and other crafts

We will briefly describe other popular tricks that are easily made from used tools and unnecessary things. Let's make, for example, a pulley for any machine in the garage. The material for its assembly can be textolite, metal, or plywood sheets. The last option is the simplest:

  1. 1. Cut out two larger circles and one smaller one in plywood blank. The diameter of the holes made must correspond to the cross-section of the shaft installed on the machine.
  2. 2. Place all the circles on the screw, use a nut to tighten them firmly. Instead of this fastener, it is allowed to use good glue. It will securely fix all the elements into a single structure.
  3. 3. Additionally, we tighten the details of the craft with screws.
  4. 4. Use a file or sandpaper to process the homemade pulley, apply a couple of layers of drying oil to it.
  5. 5. After drying, place the made device on the chuck of any mini-machine (for example, an electric drill). And we use the tool for our own pleasure, because now we can choose its rotation speed and control the load on the electric motor of the unit.

If necessary, it is possible to make a toothed pulley. To do this, it is enough to cut narrow grooves (tubules) in a small circle. This part of the operation must be completed before assembling the pulley.

if you have electric jigsaw, which is not used because the file holder is broken, does not need to be sent to a landfill. There are little tricks to give your instrument a second life. On its platform it is possible to assemble a simple table jigsaw. We take a square of metal and solder a bolt into it. We get a new file holder! Solder it to the old holder.

Then we make a stationary desktop. We take a plywood sheet and cut it to the size of the jigsaw. To the rear plane work surface attach a wooden stand (use durum varieties), we install furniture legs on the front. Next, we mount the working structure on a suitable base plate. Use a refurbished and improved jigsaw to your health.

As they say, there is never too much space in the garage. Men who spend a lot of time in the garage will agree that in some cases every minute and every square centimeter of free space counts. This is why a garage handyman needs competent organization workspace. Here various people help and help in every possible way. devices for storing building materials and work equipment, machine parts and other things necessary for work. To ensure that your electronic, garden and garage gadgets are always in their place, use the following devices:

    • stands;
    • shelves;
    • retractable panels;
    • racks;
    • organizers for tools.

Also, for clarity, we offer do-it-yourself homemade products for the garage and home craftsman - the YouTube video will reveal all the nuances of organizing the workspace and suggest fresh ideas.

DIY crafts at home with your own hands

Man has been making homemade crafts since prehistoric times. Actually, all industrial processes are the improved once handicraft or home-made developments of folk craftsmen. Sometimes we don’t even think about the fact that we pay for things that we can do with our own hands. DIY homemade schemes are easy to find online, and the materials can be purchased at a hardware store or found at home.

For example, from cardboard box and a piece of fabric You can make a convenient portable organizer for towels and other textiles.
The topic of storing all sorts of little things is inexhaustible, fortunately, as is the number of ideas. Good ideas for decor You can also draw from ordinary things - let them be buttons or empty tin cans.
Cool shelves are made from ordinary drawers. How do you like this idea?

As you managed to understand, if there is detailed instructions It’s not that difficult to make homemade products with your own hands at home. The video will help you understand all the nuances of this enjoyable activity. Useful tips, interesting ideas- Everyone should watch it.

DIY crafts for the garden and garden with your own hands

At the dacha there is usually some free time for creativity and arrangement of the surrounding space. That's why It's worth having a few on hand fresh ideas to implement them on your own summer cottage. Do-it-yourself country crafts at home can be brilliantly simple. From scrap materials you can make unexpected and extremely useful things for home use.

Ordinary pebbles turn into fairy-tale animals.From an old teapot It makes a wonderful flower pot.

Used tires– it has already become a classic in the world garden figures.Stylish lamps for country interiors – do it yourself from an ordinary jar and candles (don’t forget about safety precautions).
great idea for a small cottage.
Do-it-yourself homemade products for the garden and garden are often made by yourself, without unnecessary time and financial costs. Perhaps you had no idea how useful they would be for the household plastic bottles. Plastic bottles that have gone out of use can serve as the basis for an incredible decorative flower bed. Cool “blooming” pillars will significantly decorate your garden space.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture, successful homemade products: photos and drawings

In the previous sections, we told you about homemade products that will become indispensable for the household and home life. However, we should not forget about rest, before which, nevertheless, you will have to work a little. Cozy armchairs, various tables and benches, swings and hammocks- all this country and garden bliss can settle on your site. We invite you to familiarize yourself with photo instructions and manufacturing drawings. garden furniture. We have selected the best options for you.

Since time immemorial, a car storage room has been considered not only a place of rest after working day, but also a unique workshop. The men equipped it, creating various homemade products for the garage with their own hands. In the territory small space You need to arrange a huge number of things for convenient use and secure storage. Enterprising craftsmen do not lag behind their ancestors, but continue what they started, using modern methods and technology. Consider popular ideas original designs for the work area of ​​real men.

When setting up a room for parking a car, you must follow the basic safety rule. The entrance gate or door should be easy to open and access to it should always be free.

Homemade products for the garage - a wise approach to modernizing space

Almost every car enthusiast can build a “house” for an iron horse with his own hands. The main thing is to tune in to the fact that this is a constant and long-term process. It doesn't hurt to use creativity, skill, and strong determination to achieve your goal. Practical advice from experts will help those who are ready to get down to business create original homemade products for the garage. In addition, it brings enormous satisfaction when ordinary objects are transformed into a necessary and valuable thing.

Car tire storage

Experienced drivers change the “shoes” of their car every season. Where is the best place to store tires so that they do not lose their properties? Simple homemade product for the garage, made with your own hands, will forever solve this painful issue.

For proper storage tire design, the key role is played by the type of wheel design: with or without a disc.

Car tires mounted on rims are stored hanging or in stacks. For the first option, simple materials are used:

  • metal cables;
  • chains;
  • luggage straps

They are often fixed to the ceiling, load-bearing wall or to a beam located in the upper part of the room. An original craft for a garage with your own hands is driving metal hooks or pins into the wall. They are stuffed over the entire area of ​​the wall, the main thing is that the wheels do not touch each other.

Metal pins should not protrude beyond the edges of suspended structures.

Car tires that do not have rims are stored standing up. Suitable shelves are made for them by welding profiled pipes with a diameter of 30 mm or a corner. The width of the structure is 4 times the width of the wheel plus 15 cm for free placement on a shelf. The height of the rear part of the structure is 10 cm higher than the outer volume of the tire. This DIY garage fixture is hung on the wall.

The tire storage area must be protected from sunlight so that the rubber does not lose its properties.

The good owner has everything at hand

To set up a work area in the garage, experienced drivers first determine in which part to place it. If the room has a rectangular shape, then it is convenient to build a “creativity corner” along the entire width of the back wall.

This useful DIY device for the garage will help solve three main problems:

  • compact layout large quantity of things;
  • ease of use;
  • free movement indoors.

For a wide garage, it is better to place the structure along one of the side walls or as corner option. In this matter, the garage owner makes his own decision based on the size of the room.

A wonderful idea for a garage - do it yourself wooden table or workbench. For the design you will need:

  • profiled pipe or metal corner;
  • boards;
  • moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard;
  • fasteners;
  • set of tools.

Using welding equipment, the frame of the future table is made, which is sheathed with plywood or chipboard. Alternatively, the structure can be made entirely of wood. To compactly fill the space, shelves are installed under the tabletop, where plastic or wooden containers are placed.

In addition, craftsmen use various tricks in the garage - they build a rack from plastic canisters with their own hands. Identical containers with the handle at the top will do. One of the sides is cut out, turning the canister into original box for the car enthusiast's valuables. Then the containers are placed on a wooden or metal rack, as shown in the photo. Such garage storage systems serve car enthusiasts long years. Because plastic is not afraid of dampness, temperature changes and is resistant to mechanical damage. As a result, the wise master has all the details at hand, which means he works without distractions.

Folding table for small spaces

A simple design that can be made from an old cabinet will help you set up a work area in a small garage. For the design you will need:

First, mark the future structure using a level. Through holes are drilled on a wooden block and attached to the wall using anchor bolts. Then the prepared table surface is connected to it using moving curtains. The design fits perfectly into small room and is used only when necessary.

Ideal place for tools

Every driver has a whole arsenal of tools at his disposal. Some of them are used quite often, others - once a year. The original homemade garage gadgets are simple solution question. They contribute to perfect order in the room and also decorate its interior.

Organized people who keep everything in its place can benefit from locked drawers for tools and car parts.

One of the devices is performed in a simple way. A metal reinforcing mesh (cage size 10 cm), which is made of wire (diameter 2 mm), is attached to the wall. Some parts of the cage are bitten off, then folded back and made into hooks or crossbars.

Motorists hang on them:

  • hand saw for metal;
  • watering can for fuel;
  • various rubber hoses;
  • small car spare parts.

Another way to organize valuable tools for car enthusiasts is a shelf for screwdrivers. To do this, the board (about 15 cm thick) is thoroughly sanded, bringing the surface to a smooth state. Next, drill holes different sizes(one or two rows). Each of them is cleaned to prevent the appearance of splinters. Attach the structure to the wall using brackets, after which screwdrivers or chisels are inserted into the holes. A similar device is made to store hand tools. A board is nailed to a vertical surface. One of its sides is pre-sawed off so that it is convenient to hang pliers and wire cutters different types and pliers.

To place battery equipment in the garage, a special shelf is built. Its upper part has a flat base. At the bottom, protrusions of different formats are sawn through, where suitable parts for battery tools are placed. This approach allows the car enthusiast to quickly find the things he needs, especially in critical situations.

Portable lighting systems

As you know, there are no windows in garage spaces. During daylight hours, light enters only through a door or gate. When repairing the underbody of a car, it is very difficult to do without. Experienced motorists advise making a portable lamp.

By creating the most simple design, take a regular cartridge and connect it with electric wire, at the end of which a fork is attached. For lighting, a regular incandescent or housekeeper lamp is suitable. The main thing is that it fits the cartridge.

To protect fragile glass, you can make a lampshade out of it. A medium-thick milky-colored vessel that perfectly diffuses light is suitable. The design is used to illuminate the most hidden places of the car and distant areas of the room.

Compact stand for electric drill

When performing various works in the garage, they are often used. The tool needs to be treated with care, so you need to keep it in a safe place. In addition, it is easier to drill holes on a flat and stable surface without distortions. It’s easy to make an original stand for an electric drill if you listen to the advice of experts.

First, assemble the main components of the structure:

  • flat area of ​​an old milling machine;
  • calibrated tube or rod;
  • sheet of plywood.

A box is made from thick plywood that matches the size of the electric drill. Two holes are made in it with a drill. Next, the drill is attached to the box using special nuts. The structure is installed on the rack towards the base. A handle is attached at the top of the rack, next to the barbell. A standard ruler is installed along the base, which serves as a limiter for the unit. In this position, working with a drill is much more convenient. The holes are smooth and without visible deviations.

The useful do-it-yourself garage items shown in the photo clearly demonstrate the skill of modern car enthusiasts. the main objective Arranging a car house consists of rational distribution of the work area and convenient placement of valuables. Thanks to this, it will be comfortable to work, relax and even communicate with friends in the garage.

Do-it-yourself garage lathe - video

You just need this - video

By on home garden Many car owners use their garage as a workshop, gradually filling it with practical devices that make car repair and maintenance easier. Many of them can be made independently using the recommendations presented in this article.

Many garage workshop tools can be...

Homemade garage tools: for storing tools in the garage. Homemade gadgets for the home workshop

By on house garden

Many car owners use their garage as a workshop, gradually filling it with practical devices that make car repair and maintenance easier. Many of them can be made independently using the recommendations presented in this article.

Video of homemade machines and devices for the home workshop

Many accessories for a garage workshop can be made independently; the video below demonstrates some of them.

Garage homemade products are devices that make garage life much easier; in addition, they work no worse than factory machines. By equipping your workshop with such devices, you can independently produce the necessary parts for your car, as well as various crafts for home or cottage.

Video of homemade tools and accessories for the garage

It is difficult to predict in advance what devices may be needed when repairing a car, however, there are some homemade products, some of which are used most often. Some of them can be seen in the video below.

Drawings of homemade devices

Pipe bender for profile pipe

Pipe bender - useful in household a device that allows you to bend metal or polymer pipe at a certain degree. Bent pipes are often used in the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses, installation of heating and other needs. Using the presented drawing, you can make a manual pipe bender yourself.

Small homemade vise

A vice is a practical device used when performing plumbing work. With its help, it is possible to reliably fix a part requiring metalworking in a certain position.

Consists of this device from several parts:

  • base plate;
  • 2nd lips – movable and non-movable;
  • lever;
  • chassis screw.

Using a small-sized bench vice, the drawing of which is presented above, it is convenient to sharpen and otherwise process small parts.

Wood CNC Router

Having a CNC milling machine in your home workshop allows you to perform a whole range of wood machining work.

A homemade milling machine consists of several components and parts:

  • bed;
  • calipers designed to move cutters;
  • caliper guides;
  • spindle with installed cutter;
  • microcontroller or switching board with microcircuits that provide automation of the machine;
  • electric motor with power supply;
  • drivers responsible for transmitting commands from the controller to the electric motor;
  • a vacuum cleaner for collecting sawdust generated as a result of the operation of the machine.

A DIY CNC milling machine allows you to perform engraving and milling work.

Homemade tools for car repairs

A windshield wiper arm remover is a special tool that facilitates the process of removing wiper arms. You can make it yourself from a piece of reinforcement, a six-channel channel and a ten-bolt. To do this, use a drilling machine to make 14 holes and weld 2 nuts on both sides of the hole and a handle from the fittings, screw the bolt into the workpiece and, putting on heat shrink, screw in the threaded rivet. The tool is ready.

Another version of the device for shooting windshield wiper arms is shown in the photo below.

Another useful thing homemade device, with which you can manually re-align the wheels yourself. Another version of this device can be seen in the photo below.

When carrying out major car repairs, you usually cannot do without a lift. A device made in a factory is not cheap, and is not needed very often, so it can easily be replaced with a device made at home.

Homemade machines and devices for the garage

By making devices for tire fitting and balancing, you can carry out this work yourself, significantly saving money on car maintenance. In addition, such devices will come to the rescue if it is not possible to come to a specialized tire shop.

In your garage workshop you can equip universal machine for tire fitting using scrap materials - metal pipes and the hub.

When performing various crafts for the home, it often becomes necessary to drill a straight hole. This is difficult to accomplish a regular drill, but if you make a stand for a drill, like the one shown in the photo, then it will be much easier to drill without distortions. This design can be made from various materials. For example:

  • made of metal;

  • made of wood.

Using the diagram presented below, you can make your own drilling machine from a drill.

Usage homemade press will allow the garage workshop to produce products using the pressing method. Such a device can be made from hydraulic jack, fixed at the top of the frame, in turn welded from scrap materials. The pressure in this case is directed downward.

Another version of a homemade press, the design of which involves attaching a jack at the base of the bed. In this case, the pressure process is carried out upward.

Using a homemade press, you can straighten, bend sheets of metal, compress cardboard, and fasten individual elements. The video below demonstrates how to make such a necessary device yourself.

Tool storage devices in the garage

Having order is the key to comfortable use of workspaces in the garage. To ensure this order in the workplace, special organizers are designed to make it convenient to store and easy to find. necessary tools. You can make such devices yourself, using available tools.

Simple and in an accessible way keep hand tool, is a wall organizer made from tin cans attached to a sheet of plywood. Additionally, you can nail several hooks or nails to it to conveniently hang the measuring and electric tool. In the absence of tin cans, PVC pipes can be used as holders various diameters, cut into pieces and screwed to a sheet of plywood or chipboard.

It's even easier to do special device for storing screwdrivers. To do this, you need to take a wooden block and drill holes in it. the right size. Mount the finished holder on the wall. On the same holder you can organize a storage system for chisels and chisels. It is enough to cut out special holes in a wooden blank. In the same way, you can make a holder for power tools by cutting out the corresponding holes in a wooden shelf.

An interesting way to store tools is shown in the photo above. Its principle is based on the use of magnetic tapes attached to metal strips. Using such a system, it is convenient to store drills, keys and other metal tools.

Comfortable and practical organizers for storing screws, bolts, nails and other small items, you can make your own from transparent plastic cans with lids. To prevent them from taking up space, you should attach them by the lid from below to the shelf. This and other ways to store tools allow you to efficiently use space in the garage and have everything you need at hand.

The video below demonstrates how to set up a simple and convenient tool storage system in your workshop or garage.

Homemade woodworking tools for the home workshop

Homemade milling machine

Homemade milling machines can perform one or more operations. Preference, of course, is given to multifunctional devices that save space in the garage workshop. With their help you can:

Make indentations of a certain shape;

Drill holes

Make grooves;

Process workpieces.

The simplest milling machine can be made on the basis of a drill. To do this, it is fixed to a steel profile or to a plywood body, and a rotating clamp is placed opposite it. Parts are processed using special cutters held by hand.

Homemade lathe

DIY creation lathe allows you to make dishes, interior decor and furniture from wooden blanks. Such a device will become an affordable alternative to industrial production and will help realize your creative potential. A homemade lathe can be made from individual components and parts:

  • an electric motor used as an electric drive for the machine;
  • a headstock, which can serve as an electric sharpener;
  • tailstock made from a drill;
  • stop for cutters;
  • transverse guides;
  • a frame made of metal profiles or beams.

Front and tailstock lathe are the main working elements, between which the wooden blank. The rotating movement from the electric motor is transmitted to the workpiece through the front headstock, while the rear headstock remains static, responsible for holding the workpiece. If you equip a homemade lathe with additional devices - a baluster, a trident, a copier and others, then its functionality will increase significantly.

The video below demonstrates how to make a lathe with your own hands.

Homemade drilling machine

If necessary, drill precise holes in metal, plastic or wooden parts, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use a drilling machine. Unlike a drill, which vibrates strongly during operation, this device provides high-quality results, regardless of the material and thickness of the workpiece. You can make a simple drilling machine yourself by using the same home drill, but installing it in a vertical position on a frame made of furniture board and attaching it to metal stand. If necessary, such a machine can be equipped with an asynchronous motor.

As a rule, home craftsmen do not stop at making the machines themselves. Very often they work to improve existing equipment.

The video below demonstrates useful devices for a lathe, expanding its functionality.

Homemade metal tools for the home workshop

These do-it-yourself devices for the home workshop are designed to facilitate the metalworking process. They are usually made from scrap materials and tools.

Among the most popular devices are:

  • pipe benders;
  • press;
  • vice;
  • milling, metalworking, turning, drilling and thicknessing machines;
  • devices for drill sharpening, knives and other tools.

With their help, a home craftsman can make practical devices for a summer house, garage, and also equip comfortable home. Examples of useful machines and devices in the household can be seen in the photo below.

Homemade circular saw

Homemade thickness planer

Homemade cutting machine for metal

The video demonstrates how to make some useful household devices.

Taking into account the presented recommendations and drawings, any House master will be able to make useful devices for the garage and machines for his workshop, arrange an ergonomic space in it, and realize his creative abilities.

DIY garage gadgets: all the most useful things

Tags: Garage, DIY

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D la rational use space, communications and do-it-yourself garage accessories from scrap materials are used. It is necessary to use walls and an underground level in the process, place machines inside the room, and organize normal lighting.

Homemade gadgets for the garage

For comfortable operation of a room intended for car storage, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • the tool must be as accessible as possible;
  • storage spaces equipped with shelves/racks are much more convenient;
  • workbenches, inspection pits, homemade machines and do-it-yourself garage accessories expand the capabilities of the car owner;
  • the cellar allows you to save space;
  • The productivity of work and minor repairs depends on the quality of lighting.

Depending on the dimensions of the building, the area occupied by equipment, fixtures, and communications should not be more than 10–20% of the size of the garage floor.

Storage spaces, racks, workbenches

In 80% of cases, do-it-yourself garage fixtures are built to store accessories, tools, and vehicle equipment. It should be taken into account that the most bulky parts of the car are sets of winter/summer tires, depending on the season.

It is more convenient to store wheels on brackets of the following design:

  • two triangular frames from a corner, connected by jumpers from any rolled metal;
  • triangles are attached to the wall, wheels are installed perpendicularly load-bearing structure, slightly falling between the jumpers.

This is the most economical option storing tires in the off-season. The most popular among car enthusiasts are straight and corner workbenches. The lower space is usually filled with shelves or drawers; sharpening machines, vice.

It’s easier to build a wooden workbench yourself, but it has a shorter lifespan than its rolled metal counterpart, which needs to be welded. If in load-bearing walls During construction, corners for shelves were not included; it is easier to make racks from rolled metal or lumber.

Original hanging shelves are suitable for storing long items

The design and arrangement of shelving inside each garage is too individual to follow general recommendations.

Inspection pit and cellar

A necessary accessory for a DIY garage is an inspection hole. Moreover, the owner does not have to carry out all the repairs himself. Underground communications can be used in the following cases:

  • inspection of chassis, steering, brake system before a long trip;
  • oil change, which allows you to save money and does not take much time;
  • minor repairs that can be carried out by the owner's qualifications.

It is more convenient to make the entrance to the cellar from a hole, as this will allow you to concrete several steps instead of using an extension ladder.

The main nuances of these designs are:

  • swelling clay soils harmful to underground structures;
  • therefore, all elements of the pit and cellar are insulated from the outside with expanded polystyrene;
  • sand or crushed stone is used in the underlying layer before concreting and backfilling of the pit sinuses;
  • Drains are laid along the perimeter of underground structures at the base level to collect and drain water.

The width of the pit should allow the driver to enter it without lighting.

Lighting and ventilation

More often used in garages parallel circuits lighting fixtures. One lamp allows you to use a specific area, several devices are turned on during a major renovation or a visit to the cellar. Minimum consumption electricity is provided LED lamps. Daylighting devices have a greater resource.

Cars use toxic, harmful fuels and lubricants, so do-it-yourself garage ventilation devices that allow you to create air exchange are becoming relevant. The influx is organized from below:

  • garage - vents in the masonry, protected by bars;
  • cellar - pipe from the garage or from the street.

The hood is mounted under the ceiling of the cellar, the roof of the garage, or has the form of vents in the main walls at the highest points.

Ventilation in the garage with your own hands. From this publication you will learn why garage ventilation is so important, what air exchange schemes exist, and installation nuances.

Other useful ideas

Useful accessories for the garage with your own hands can be made from used dishes, equipment, and materials left over from construction. For example, by gluing the lids of plastic cans horizontally/vertically, the owner receives convenient transparent containers for equipment or hardware, which are always at hand.