Homemade cutting machine and table. Do-it-yourself metal disc cutting machine drawings How to make a do-it-yourself metal cutting machine

Permanent work cutting of metals and wood materials requires the use of a cutting machine. By using electric tool It is possible to quickly and efficiently cut metal structures. A disc cutting machine is used to form blanks for profile pipes, channels, rods and other rolled metal parts.

The equipment is used on large manufacturing enterprises, for mass work, band saws and hacksaw machines are used. The complexity of the metal structure of special machines makes it impossible to use them in limited areas. The cutting machine can be used under any conditions, which makes it popular. A circular saw is responsible for cutting work.

Classification of disc cutting machines

Disc metal cutting machines are divided into 4 main categories. A universal tool applicable to all types of metals is a disk machine of the first category. The disc element of the cutting equipment allows processing metal products in large quantities. Subsequent classes differ in power and performance; a cutting machine of the fourth category is used for domestic purposes and is not equipped with full functionality like professional equipment.

There are many types of industrial and household machines. The main difference is the number of cutting edges; two main types are offered for use:

  1. The design with one disk element has low power and efficiency. Single-head machines have limited functionality and low cutting speed. They are used when cutting one element; they allow you to cut frame profiles or pipes and prepare equipment.
  2. A cutting machine with a design of two cutting elements allows you to process metal in several directions at once. The two-head equipment has a rigidly fixed head, the second rotating cutting element moves. The productivity of the tool doubles, so this tool is suitable for large-scale production and automated process conditions. When working with a frame profile, one pass is enough, which significantly saves time.

Several types of cutting machines are used, and they are also divided according to the method of feeding the tool. It is necessary to select the equipment correctly in accordance with the requirements for it. Only in this case is it possible to recoup the costs of cutting metals during subsequent work.

Classification according to the method of feeding the cutting element

Available for sale a large number of machines, before purchasing, it is important to understand how the cutting element feed system works. The cutting element can be fed in the following ways:

  • front feed of cutting disc;
  • a device with the implementation of lower feed of the cutting element;
  • a structure whose base works in a pendulum manner.

The metal base of the cutting machine can be floor-standing or table-top when used. In the first case, a larger diameter disk is installed, which allows cutting a larger volume of parts. Desktop equipment is more mobile and has a reduced weight.

Types of disk machines

In addition to tool feeding, we have developed various shapes, design of cutting saws. The most common are abrasive cut-off saws, usually cutting and cut-off saws. The selection of design depends on the specific type of task and metals.

Cut-off disk machines for metal used when cutting profiles various types, non-ferrous metals. The metal structure does not have the characteristics of increased productivity; it is used in small-scale production and for free tasks. It is used with square and channel metal; depending on the density of the metal, the optimal number of revolutions is selected. The machine is economically located in relation to consumables, this is possible due to the processing of the disk metal structure increased speed and power of the electric drive.

The abrasive cutting machine is capable of processing metals of any profile and thickness. Used for cutting into single pieces different angles, up to 45 degrees. It is used in preparatory shops for cutting long rolled metal products. Models with dust extraction allow comfortable cutting in limited space. Also, more expensive modifications provide a liquid supply for cooling the disk element and an automatic chamfering design.

Cutting of metals supplied in coils is usually done using cutting-off machines. Several types of steel are supplied in packaged form or in coils:

  • rods of various sections;
  • wire;
  • pipe strips;
  • reinforcing steel.

The device is implemented in such a way that the mechanism captures the beginning of the material and runs it through the rule. The aligned part is automatically cut and transferred to the tray with finished products. Cutting machines the right type, regardless of purpose and dimensions, are equipped with various unwinders:

  • driven;
  • mechanized;
  • stationary
  • roller impact.

Cutting machines are mainly used in mass production, where it is required high accuracy cutting, slight cut roughness. A variety of modifications allows you to select a disc cutting machine in accordance with the needs and production volumes.

Device of a disk cutting machine

Metal parts are made of hard steel alloys for more uniform and stable operation. The platform consists of a rigid base made of metal. The cutting machine can be stationary or removable; some types are equipped with a vice for securely holding the workpiece during cutting.

The disc is made of carbide steel or high-speed elements. Depending on the type of structure, a wheel with an abrasive surface is used, which allows you to process chamfers and edges from burrs. On stationary disk devices for working on metal, a gear drive is used, it provides reliable connection and long-lasting performance.

The belt type of mechanical energy transmission is installed on portable devices in which weight is important. Having low power designs of the fourth category are connected directly to the disk mechanism.

Manufacturing of a disc cutting machine, preparation of tools and

If you have certain plumbing experience and a place to carry out work, any circular saw It is possible to make it yourself for metal. A disc cutting machine for metal involves dangerous actions with the cutting element at high speeds. It is important to comply with everything design features disk device, make accurate calculations before assembly.

A homemade cutting machine for working with metal is made in the following order:

  • Safety comes first, so protective covers are prepared for the cutting elements.
  • In order to bring cutting disc into action, it is necessary to connect the electric motor. The drive is selected depending on the type of machine; it can be a belt or gear drive.
  • The drive pulley is installed on a pre-prepared drive shaft. A purchased or self-made cutting disc is mounted to the pendulum. In this situation top part The installation acts as a pendulum on which the motor and disk are located.
  • On the frame of the future machine, a place is prepared for the spark arrester and workpieces.
  • After installing the pendulum to the frame, the electric motor wires are installed.
  • At the end of the work, a test run and debugging of the nodes is carried out.

An electric motor is one of the most important components of a metal disk design. It is necessary to install a circuit diagram for the cutting machine with a start button, as well as an emergency stop. The engine is placed in such a way as to correctly connect the electrical circuit through the machine. The engine is fixed to the frame, the best material for connection there are bolts and nuts. The switch box is located in close proximity to the electrical part of the motor.

Work methodology

The principles of making a machine with your own hands consist of several rules that are taken into account before carrying out any actions. A cutting machine is made from available tools and materials, so it is important to follow consistently to obtain a high-quality tool:

  1. From the right choice transmission depends on the pressure of the cutting element on the metal and the engine torque. An overtightened chain or belt can break, stopping metal cutting.
  2. The vice is used to avoid exposure to vibrations, ensure comfortable work, safe working conditions.
  3. The cutting angle is selected only in necessary cases, the range is from 45 to 90°. In standard situations, craftsmen prefer cutting metals at right angles.
  4. The diameter of the cutting machine disc is selected depending on the type of metal that needs to be processed. The increased diameter can easily cope with thick-walled parts. Protection should be considered; working without a casing is unsafe and can cause injury if the disc is deformed.

Use as cutting tool angular grinder possible when working with bulk workpieces. The design has two variations, when the grinder is fixed motionless, and also by fastening the workpiece. In the first case, accuracy is lost, because the part is not attached to the frame; when moving the tool manually, safety rules must be observed.

How to calculate the required pulley diameter

The diameter of the drive pulley is calculated according to the rated motor power and speed. Positioning on one side can lead to the nut unscrewing, so the pulley or tool of the metal cutting machine is located on opposite sides of the structure. The maximum permissible rotation speed is marked by the disk manufacturer in the operating instructions. For example, it is possible to take an engine with maximum speed shaft rotation is 1500 rpm, the diameter of the pulley attached to the shaft is 6.5 cm. The necessary task is to obtain an output disk rotation speed of about 3000 rpm, for this we calculate:

  • The length of the shaft along the perimeter is calculated from the formula 3.14 × 6.5, the result is 20.41 cm.
  • The value is multiplied by required amount revolutions, it turns out 61230 cm.
  • Next, the result is divided by the nominal speed of the electric drive, which is equal to 40.82, indicating the length of the pulley along the perimeter.
  • The value is divided by the number π, resulting in a pulley diameter of 13 cm.

The maximum permissible value on the cutting disc can be taken as the number of revolutions; in this case, it is necessary to select a higher power of the electric drive.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt

Calculation of the belt length of a homemade machine is based on the following parameters:

  • radius of the drive pulley mounted on the drive;
  • distance from center points two pulleys;
  • parameters of the size of the pulley to the axis.

Calculating the length of the belt is not difficult, it is important to consider some factors. The cutting machine operates under significant loads, so the degree of belt tension is important, otherwise the drive will slip. Should be selected quality product, if the belt breaks, damage to the disk or workpiece is possible.


The machine table is a frame made of a metal channel. It is possible to make a frame from a corner, the connections are made by welding.

A channel is installed on the frame from the top; its purpose is to guide the parts during the cutting process. The racks are fastened with a bolted connection; if necessary, the channel can be replaced in accordance with the work on the cutting machine.

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Carrying out the process of cutting metal and metal structures using machine tools is much simpler, safer and more comfortable than using hand tools and tools. But not every tinkerer can purchase a high-quality machine.

This is the reason that many people prefer to construct such mechanisms with their own hands, using what is in everyday life, for example, saws or grinders.

Why are cutting machines needed?

Summer cottages always require minor repairs: replace a greenhouse pole that has decayed over time, make a fence for land plot made of metal, repair garden wheelbarrow or a trolley - cutting metal at right angles or with a bevel is always necessary. Complete preparations for any metal products easier and more quickly due to the machine.

Using cutting machines, you can cut any materials: steel, cast iron, copper. Cutting is done at angles of 45º and 90º. You can make products with your own hands from pipes of all diameters. As a rule, cutting mechanisms are used for cutting semi-finished products into measured lengths.

Metal processing equipment can also be used to process other materials, eliminating the work of the cutter. Machine made with my own hands, compact, it is possible to install it under a canopy, and in winter time move it to the workroom.

You need a flat and hard surface with lighting. A similar corner can be found on the site of any building. All-welded and dismountable equipment designs are used. In order to reduce manufacturing costs, the device can be periodically given to neighbors for temporary use.

Cutting machine device

Any work that involves either metal or wood requires a cutting process, for which special cutting equipment is used. The application of this device is incredibly wide: from everyday needs and everyday life, to large plants and factories.

It should be noted that machines of this type are mechanisms that will allow you to perform transverse cutting of metal.

Cutting machines can cut parts from any type of metal: from copper and PVC profiles to large steel blanks. Semi-finished products can be cut at right and sharp angles. Using a cutting machine, you can cut pipes of large and medium diameters.

The most important mechanism of the device, its “soul,” is an electric motor and a working element – ​​a cutting wheel, which are connected to each other through gear or belt drives. Each of these types has its own advantages. For example, the inherent easy running of the belt, resistant to various types loads, less noisy. It can even be mounted on a massive cutting machine.

The gear train is oversized, and due to this feature it is suitable for a miniature homemade cutting unit. Therefore, in the process of purchasing a cutting mechanism, you need to look at the type of gear used.

Almost any type of machine is equipped abrasive wheels, but sometimes you come across mechanisms on which a carbide disk is installed. Moreover, all such metal saws are equipped with a vice that securely fixes the product or semi-finished product.

Video: homemade cutting machine from an angle grinder.

Homemade metal cutting machine: manufacturing instructions

A machine made with one’s own hands has an undeniable advantage: it is made to meet the requirements of a specific craftsman and the products planned for future production. To work you will need:

  • 24th corner;
  • 10th channel;
  • pipes;
  • welder;
  • rolling bearings;
  • electric drive;
  • container for mounting an electrical circuit;
  • start toggle switch;
  • starting circuit;
  • winding;
  • drill.

Assembly progress:

  1. From corner No. 24 and using an angle grinder, cut the blanks onto the frame with your own hands, its dimensions are 400x600x1200 mm;
  2. Using a welding machine, the workpieces are welded together;
  3. Channel No. 10 is welded as a guide, which at the same time will add strength to the entire structure.
  4. Using screws, two vertical supports are secured to the channel;
  5. Using pipes, make a frame 400x600 mm for subsequent installation of the electric drive and shaft at the required angle;
  6. On the “tail” part of the frame there is a plate with a fixed electric motor. It is advisable to apply asynchronous motor, since he is unpretentious. Depending on the future purpose, you can give preference to a motor whose power will be in the range of 1.5...3 kW and “power it” from three-phase network. If it is possible to use only a 1-phase network, select a motor with 1/3 power greater than the calculated value, connected using capacitors;
  7. Using a lathe, make the shaft and flanges, pulley and supports. The flange must protrude by 30.32 mm.
  8. Install the support bearings and pulley;
  9. The installation of the box with the electrical circuit is carried out directly in the lower area of ​​the frame.
  10. A 12 mm shaft is attached between the racks, onto which the sleeve is placed. The distance between the shaft and the bushing must be kept to a minimum and a sliding fit must be ensured.
  11. A rocker arm from the 10th channel (L=800 mm) is welded onto the bushing using a welding machine; the ratio of the arms of the rocker arm is 1 to 3. Its stroke is limited by a chain.
  12. An electric motor is installed on the short section of the rocker, and a cutting mechanism is installed on the long section.
  13. A belt drive is laid from the electric motor to the shaft.

Capacity price for electrical diagram, made with your own hands, will be slightly lower compared to those purchased at a hardware store. To extend the power supply to the equipment, you need a three-pole circuit breaker, from which power is supplied to the electric motor, button emergency shutdown and starting circuit.

The emergency button is connected directly, the electric motor is connected using a box and an automatic machine. This will ensure complete safety and electrical protection of the equipment you make.

Based on the above, making a cutting mechanism with your own hands is not only cheaper, but also more practical, since during its manufacture you yourself adjust its parameters and make adjustments for its future operation.

Also, having done this procedure once, you can repair such equipment without any problems. Moreover, if necessary, you can earn money by making cutting equipment with your own hands.

Video: homemade metal cutting machine with your own hands.

The grinder is a very useful and versatile tool. With its help you can cut metal, stone, tiles and, of course, grind surfaces, but sometimes it is much easier and more accurate to perform these works stationary machine. Fortunately, you can make a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands.

Pros and cons of a homemade machine

If you have to hold an angle grinder in your hands quite often, you have probably already experienced its disadvantages. The weaknesses of the instrument lie in its main advantage – mobility.

Firstly, it is not always possible to secure parts during cutting, and the slightest vibration can lead to destruction of the abrasive disc, which, in turn, can lead to serious injuries.

Secondly, with a mobile version of the tool it is quite difficult to control the precise perpendicularity of the cut, take into account the thickness of the disk in relation to the mark and the material being cut, and even hold it if necessary.

Thirdly, it is quite difficult with a tool to cut several parts of the same size, especially if we are talking about twigs and small pipes - after cutting you also have to trim the parts.

And, of course, keeping both hands busy and extremely tiring concentration when working, since an angle grinder is one of the most dangerous tools. What's it worth? kickback– sudden kickback of the tool when the rotating abrasive disk jams in the workpiece. The danger of a kickback lies not so much in the throwing of the tool, but in the concomitant destruction of the circle. At such high speeds, abrasive fragments can seriously injure the operator.

The kickback occurs especially often when a cut is completed, when only a small bridge connects the parts. In this case, it is recommended to stop the tool without cutting the workpiece to the end, remove the circle and cut the part with reverse side. A cutting machine that can be constructed from available materials, is able to solve all of the above problems and provide additional security.

Photo gallery: DIY tool

Should I buy or not?

Finding a ready-made machine on store shelves that at first glance satisfies your needs is enough simple task. But it is unlikely that there will be a design made entirely in accordance with your requirements, and they are different for everyone. In such cases, owners of machine tools try to improve or remodel them, but are faced with very serious obstacles - either the manufacturers made the machine from alloys that are very difficult to work with by welding, or they did not take into account the little things that you need specifically - for example, an accurate ruler or a more elastic spring. Remaking someone else's is much more difficult than making your own.

Simplest homemade machine for a small grinder can be done at a minimum of cost and in just a few hours.

From metal pipe and corners

The finished design of such a machine will be a long metal pipe that serves as both a frame and a handle. Closer to one end, a transverse metal strip with two holes for fastening the grinder is welded.

The pipe in this design is both a handle and a fastening

On the same side, the pipe is attached to one side of a small piece of angle on a movable shaft, while the other side of the angle itself is attached either to the work table, or simply to the floor in the workroom. On the opposite side of the fastening, it is necessary to fix a spring, which will allow the entire structure to return to its original position. That's all - the machine is ready, you just need to secure the angle grinder correctly. Of course, this option is for the most simple work with metal, and for complex ones, where precision is required, the structure should be more stable and solid.

Video: cutting machine from scrap materials

Cutting machine with bed (drawing)

Required tools and materials

To make a cutting machine you will need following materials and tools: steel angle, profile pipe, sheet of metal for the platform (or a lighter version made of chipboard), welding machine, channel, drill, shaft, several identical bearings, a small diameter pipe, a spring, as well as a relay and pedal. Welding, if you think about it, can be replaced with strong bolts, that's why you need a drill. By the way, this option will also allow you to disassemble the machine if necessary.


The manufacture of the machine should begin with cutting parts onto the frame. To prevent damage expensive material, carefully study the numerous drawings that can be found on the Internet or follow the models on the shelves. In the latter case, draw up the drawing yourself, you don’t need any special skills for this - the main thing is to present it on paper finished design and its proportions. Each grinder needs its own drawing, because the tools are from different manufacturers may differ radically - in some places you can remove the handle, in others you will have to come up with a stand for the entire grinder! Plus, under different sizes The disk needs a different frame. Below are several diagrams.

Photo gallery: diagrams of cutting machines made from grinders for metal and tiles


The simplest frame consists of two frames on a common axis. The lower frame should be fixed to a platform - metal or chipboard. If the grinder is large, it is better to use metal. The upper frame, to which the angle grinder is screwed, should rotate vertically relative to the lower one, like a pendulum. A spring is needed to fix the original position. A fastening is welded to the lower frame, which consists of a clamping angle and a movable clamp.

The frame of the bed can be made of metal


It is very important to provide measuring parts in the machine, thanks to which you can cut workpieces with an accuracy of up to 1 mm. IN in this case A movable ruler with a limiter welded to the tube is best suited. Having exposed with her help Exact size and secured with the end screw, you can get to work.


For ease of operation, provide in the design a starting pedal or button with switching through a low-voltage 12 V relay. Through it, voltage will be supplied to the angle grinder. With the help of such a simple design, we free up our hands, achieve an accurate, even cut without using a vice, and also save time on accurate measurements. This tool will replace a cutting saw for metal, and if necessary, you can always return the angle grinder to its mobile state.

Video: metal frame for an angle grinder

Video: homemade machine with a ruler for metal


When working with an angle grinder, stationary or manual, you should always remember safety. In the case of a stationary option, you need to take into account the direction of the tool and the position of the protective casing - it is important that the casing completely hides the area in which the operator is located. If you have a machine, you will probably have a desire to use the tool for other purposes than for its intended purpose - for example, attach a saw blade for wood to an angle grinder, which is absolutely forbidden to do!

Wood is a heterogeneous material; it may contain knots or even nails. The rotation speed of the grinder significantly exceeds the set speed of a standard sawmill, which will very quickly lead to saw blade into disrepair.

But, besides this, unlike abrasive and grinding discs, saws have sharp teeth that pose a high risk. Risking your health for a quick cut is simply unreasonable. After installing the tool and the new disk, the operation of the grinder should be checked for at least 1 minute at idle speed - the circle should rotate completely freely, without excessive vibration, without touching the casing.

It’s not that difficult to make a cutting machine from a grinder yourself. And in the future, this tool will help you save time and effort.

“From the master class presented by the author, you will learn how you can make a cutting machine yourself with a 3-phase motor and a bunch of scrap metal. Every self-respecting master is simply obliged to have an angle grinder in his workshop, but long work With the help of an angle grinder, back problems begin, because when processing and sawing metal you have to bend over, which is not very professional. Many people today convert grinders into cutting machines, which greatly increases labor productivity. But our author went even further and created the machine absolutely from scratch, having a 3-phase motor still made in the Soviet Union and metal in the form of an angle, a pipe and a sheet. A table was also welded from a corner, and its thickness is 5 mm.

It is quite convenient to work with such a machine; you no longer have to bend your back over the metal, but simply place the workpiece on the table, clamp it with a yew and lower the sawing part. With a powerful engine installed at 1500 rpm, metal cuts like butter.

So, let's look at what exactly the author will need to assemble the machine?


  1. 3 phase electric motor 1500 rpm
  2. corner
  3. professional square pipe
  4. dye
  5. bearings
  6. screw
  7. spring
  8. cutting disc
  9. sheet metal 2 and 5 mm
  10. pipe
  11. plywood
  12. automatic shutdown
  13. belt


  1. lathe
  2. Bulgarian
  3. welding machine
  4. drill
  5. hammer
  6. file
  7. calipers
  8. set of wrenches

The process of creating a cutting machine

And so, first of all, the author begins to grind the spindle onto lathe, it is sharpened for 306 bearings and has a diameter of 30 mm. On the one side seat under the pulley, and on the other, respectively, for installing the cutting wheel and the thread for its fastening.

Scheme and drawings.

2 pieces are cut from the pipe - these will be the seating rings for the bearings.
The bearing is inserted into the ring and placed on the spindle.
After that, another piece of pipe is cut, it will connect 2 landing rings.
It grabs at the edges, the main thing is not to weld the bearing itself)))
As already mentioned, a pulley is attached to one side.
And on the other side there will be a cutting disc installed.
After that, a machine frame is made with holes made for adjusting and tensioning the belt.
Fitting and installation of an electric motor.
Next, the master works on making a protective casing for cutting disc.
What is 2 mm metal and corner used for?
The corner of the casing is welded to the machine frame.
The hinge is made of 2 pipes different diameters by inserting one into the other.
A table was welded from a corner and a 5 mm sheet of metal.
A hinge is welded to the tabletop.
The master makes the handle from professional pipe and steel rod.
This is what happens.
To secure the workpiece, a vice is needed and it will be made from a water valve.
One corner remains stationary, and the second moves and clamps the workpiece.
A cover is also made to protect the belt.
The machine is connected.
Spark protection
Plywood shelves have been added to the bottom of the table. Painting. And this is what the machine looks like when completed. Our master has such a wonderful and powerful cutting machine; now he can work calmly and without straining his back for a longer time, and this increases productivity and income accordingly. Assembled machine made from scrap metal, it looks almost worse than the factory analogue, and most importantly, you will get such a miracle machine almost free of charge (if you have the necessary components and spare parts) If you liked the material, then we invite you to join our group

I have long wanted to build a workshop for myself abrasive - metal cutting machine. Cutting metal with a grinder is not always convenient. The grinder copes well with cutting sheet steel, but cutting off the corner exactly and profile pipes using an angle grinder takes a long time and is not always convenient. It is necessary to mark on all sides and cut off the workpiece on one side. Cutting is done on the ground in a bent position, holding the workpiece with your foot. Your back gets tired and sparks fly in all directions. And cut straight round pipe even more difficult and longer. It is more convenient to do this on metal cutting machine, when there is no need to bend over, and the workpiece is securely and securely fixed in the machine. It is very convenient to make or on such a machine. The machine was made from “what was at hand.” I tell and show you what I got, and you make your own adjustments and make the machine even better from “what is at hand.” I do not consider it advisable to describe the entire manufacturing process in detail; I will only focus on the important (in my opinion) points.

The manufacturing process must be performed in the following order:

  1. Manufacturing the shaft on which the cutting disc and drive pulley will be installed. Assembling the entire assembly and installing it on the pendulum (I call the upper, moving part of the machine, on which the cutting disk and motor are installed, a pendulum).
  2. Engine installation. Connecting the motor to the cutting disc shaft with a drive belt.
  3. Manufacturing protective covers for cutting disc and drive belt.
  4. Manufacturing the pendulum mounting shaft
  5. Manufacturing of a machine frame with a device for securing the workpiece, a spark arrester, preparation for installing electrical...
  6. Installing the pendulum on the frame.
  7. Wiring.
  8. Test run. Adjustment and debugging.

I made the machine in a different sequence and was faced with constant alterations and adjustments, which caused the process to drag on. If I decided to make a machine now, I would do everything in this order.

Before starting to make the cutting machine, I studied the experiences of other people, from which I realized that:

  • The motor must be installed at least 3 kW. if the cutting disc is 400 mm.
  • The disk speed must be at least 3000 per minute.
  • It is more convenient to place the disc on the shaft on the right, and the drive pulleys on the left; this will not allow the nut securing the cutting disc to turn loose during operation.
  • bearings for the cutting disc shaft are suitable for both 205 and 204 (I used 205)

I installed a 3-phase motor, since I have a 380V voltage in my workshop. If your voltage is 220 V, in this case you will have to install starting capacitors; there is a lot of information on how to do this on the Internet.

Next, look at the photographs of the manufacturing process.

The protective cover lifts up to replace the used disc with a new one. To do this, you need to unscrew just one M8 bolt from above.

Possibility of adjusting the tilt of the rocker using metal plates. I did not install bearings on this shaft, but simply drilled holes for lubrication on top and plugged them with M6 bolts.

I borrowed the vice for clamping the workpiece from an old factory-made cutting machine, but I had to modify it a little. In this vise, the clamping screw nut can be divided into two halves, which is very convenient when installing and removing the workpiece.

There is no need to create a return mechanism; just change the alignment of the rocker shaft.

Spark arrester. 97 percent of all sparks end up in a removable container.
Using the stop bolt (bottom), you can adjust the maximum angle of inclination.

How to calculate the required pulley diameter.

We will assume that the cutting disc should rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm. The discs contain information about the maximum permissible rotation speed of 4400 rpm. So you decide for yourself at what speed your disk will rotate, the main thing is that it should not exceed 4400 rpm.

To calculate pulley diameters you need to know:

  • engine speed
  • cutting disc shaft rotation speed

Calculation example:

Our engine rotates at a speed 1500 rpm

The cutting disc must rotate at a speed 3000 rpm

We have a pulley for the shaft of a cutting disc with a diameter 65 mm.

What kind of shaft should be on the engine?

  1. We calculate the length of the perimeter of the existing shaft: number Pi (3.14) multiply by the diameter. 3.14 x 65mm = 204.1 mm (shaft perimeter length).
  2. We multiply the resulting number by the required shaft speed: 204.1 mm x 3000 rpm = 612,300 mm/min.
  3. divide what you get by the engine speed: 612 300 mm/min / 1500 rpm = 408.2 mm (engine pulley perimeter)
  4. divide the result by Pi: 408.2mm / 3.14 = 130mm We need a pulley of this size in order to spin the cutting shaft at a speed of 3000 rpm.
  • Do you have pulleys of other diameters available?
  • You only have a suitable pulley for the engine and you need to select a pulley for the cutting disc shaft
  • You don't have pulleys yet and are planning to buy or make them.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt?

The following data will be required for the calculation:

  • drive pulley radius
  • driven pulley radius
  • distance between pulley centers.

Calculation example.

We have two pulleys with a diameter 65mm And 130mm, respectively, their radii 32.5mm And 65mm. The distance between their centers is variable (in order to tension the drive belt), for an example of calculation we take the length between the centers 500mm.

We count half the circumference of each pulley in millimeters and add to the resulting number two distances from their centers (since the belt passes from one pulley to another and returns back to the first).

32.5mm x 3.14 (Pi) = 102.05mm (half circumference of the first pulley)

65mm x 3.14 = 204.1mm (circumference of the second pulley)

102.05 + 204.1 + 500 + 500 = 1306 mm (required drive belt length).

For a more accurate calculation, you need to takeminimum And maximum the length of the distance between centers, choose something in between that suits you.