What is an Internet speed of 100 Mbps. What home internet speed do you really need?

With the arrival of spring, many home Internet providers have updated their tariff lines. “Winter” and “New Year” promotions have been replaced by “spring” ones, but the essence remains the same - providers strive to interest subscribers with a lower cost of standard tariffs. Package offers also remain popular. Banki.ru reviewed the tariffs of seven large Moscow providers (the selection was made based on the size of the subscriber base according to Banki.ru).

Tariffs were considered that offered an incoming Internet speed of 100 Mbit/s. The exceptions are MGTS and AKADO: several tariffs are presented in the rating of these companies with speeds up to 150 Mbit/s. This is due to the fact that MGTS has in its lineup promotional Internet tariffs with a speed of 150 Mbit/s, the cost of which is lower than the standard one of 100 Mbit/s. And AKADO’s tariffs offer speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s when connected via HFC (DOCSIS 3.0 standard).

LLC "Company 2KOM" offers new subscribers the tariff " » at a reduced price and with a discount: in the first three months of service, the subscription fee will be 290 rubles per month, starting from the fourth month - 490 rubles. At the request of the subscriber, you can connect home TV, in this case within the tariff " “The user will pay 390 rubles for the first three months, and starting from the fourth - 640 rubles. For basic “Maximum Opportunities” tariffs for Internet at a speed of 100 Mbit/s, the cost is 549 rubles and 699 rubles per month (without home TV and with TV, respectively).

PJSC "Central Telegraph" (QWERTY brand) ends the "Sweet Life" promotion on April 15, but it has already been replaced by a promotional tariff " ", applications for which will continue until September 30, 2017. The cost of the Internet under the new promotion has decreased and is now 365 rubles per month. At the same time, the provider’s basic tariff - “My Internet 100” - without a promotion will cost 700 rubles.

OnLime (a brand of PJSC Rostelecom in Moscow) offers the most favorable tariff to subscribers who actively use mobile communications. The basic cost of high-speed Internet at the “ ” tariff is 750 rubles per month, however, when connecting as part of the “ ” promotion for two months, the subscriber is given a 50% discount - thus, the cost is reduced to 375 rubles. Starting from the third month, the discount depends on your mobile communications expenses from OnLime. The 50% discount is maintained if expenses are at least 399 rubles per month. And for new subscribers, OnLime offers the “” tariff, where the cost is reduced from 750 to 500 rubles per month (the promotion will be valid when connecting until April 15).

PJSC MGTS has a basic tariff for the Internet with a speed of 100 Mbit/s of 700 rubles per month (if you have a home telephony connection from MGTS, the cost of the Internet will drop to 600 rubles). However, the promotion is valid until August 31 « » , within which you can connect to the Internet at a speed of 150 Mbit/s for 450 rubles per month. And for 549 rubles, the price will also include the “Optimal” TV package, which includes 79 channels.

PJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) offers to the Internet at a speed of 100 Mbit/s. The basic cost is 650 rubles per month, while the tariff can include additional services in the form of installment payments for a Wi-Fi router or home television with 130 channels. Each service will add 100 rubles per month to the cost. A set of Internet, television and a router will cost 850 rubles monthly.

From the provider NETBYNET (WiFire brand) base cost high-speed Internet - 699 rubles per month. As part of the promotion " “The same price includes home television with a package of 127 channels (the promotion is available when submitting an application for connection before May 31).

The review was compiled based on data from the official websites and call centers of providers as of April 7, 2017.



Speed, Mbit/s

A television

Other services (required for participation in the promotion or included in the price)

Cost, rubles per month

Cost, rubles per year (including promotional periods)

29.7 (8th place)

107 channels

Parental control

107 channels

Parental control


23.2 (16th place)

AntennaQa (watching a TV package on a laptop or PC)

mobile connection (not included in subscription fee)

22.5 (21st place)

Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi router

26.9 (11th place)

187 channels

Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi router

*** The first three months cost - 290 rub./month, then - 490 rub./month.

**** The first three months cost is 390 rub./month, then - 640 rub./month.

***** Speed ​​- 150 Mbit/s for network subscribersHFC, 100 Mbit/s for network subscribersEthernet.

What does 100 Mb/s internet speed mean? and got the best answer

Answer from Yustas[guru]

Artificial intelligence
I REPEAT: This is the speed of the LOCAL NETWORK - from you to the provider. Internet speed is much slower

Answer from Semrid[guru]
line speed, decent

Answer from Veronicans[guru]
my speed is normal)

Answer from Angela *That's Hot*[guru]
If 100 Mbps, then this means your connection speed is 100 megabits per second
The file download speed is about 12.5 Megabytes per second. (1 byte has 8 bits)
Most likely you have a dedicated line (twisted pair)

Answer from Marat Yasoveev[active]
normal. Download speed is maintained up to 100 mbsec!

Answer from Spin722[guru]
Very cool speed.
Which provider provides this?
It still seems to me more that this is not the Internet speed, but the speed of the Ethernet port to which the modem is connected.
Have you tried measuring real speed, say on the website speedtest.net?

Answer from Ilya Yukhin[expert]
This speed in pure form does not exist. This covers any connection. Well, let's figure it out.
To begin with: megabyte or megabit? Megabit of course. The bit rate is always measured in bits.
Next, let's start from 1.
1 Mbit/s = 1000 kbit/s (not 1024! this is a stream, not a file!)
1 Mbit - output speed. to calculate the download speed divide original value at 8.
Oddly enough, it is more convenient to divide on the basis of 1024 and not 1000. In fact, the speed is lower, although everyone is accustomed to considering 1024 as the standard. ok, so be it, let's take 1024.
1024/8 = 128.
128 kilobits? kilobyte! 128 kilobytes per second will be the download speed.
Next we multiply by 100.
128*100 = 128000 kilobytes. like downloading a file is 128 megabytes per second... .
figured it out.

Answer from Alexander Oliyarski[newbie]

Answer from OLLEGATOR[active]

Answer from Nikolay Obornev[guru]
no one will give you an INTERNET speed of 100 megabits. This is speed local network. From you to the provider or from you to the modem

Answer from Domka123[newbie]
I have 5 Mbit/sec. I want to upgrade to 100. Tell me, is this a lot? Will it work well?

Answer from Virgil Spardovich[guru]
I download 12 megabytes/s from torrents, if there are seeds, so it depends on which provider, no need to la-la, they give everything and everything is real.

Answer from Inet Yar[newbie]
Question from our subscriber: -Internet speed of 100 Mbit per second is it a lot or a little?
We look at how much or little your Internet speed is
The speed is 100 Mbit/s 100 / 8 = 12.5 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in any quality).
Many people who connect to the Internet are worried about the ability to watch online video. Let’s see what kind of traffic is needed for films of different quality. inet-yar.ru
Broadcast type Video bitrate Audio bitrate (stereo) Traffic Mb/s (megabytes per second)
Ultra HD 4K25-40 Mbps384 kbps 2.6 Mbps (megabytes per second)
1440p (2K) 10 Mbps384 kbps1.2935 Mbps (megabytes per second)
1080p8000 kbps384 kbps1.0435 Mbps (megabytes per second)
720p5000 kbps384 kbps0.6685 Mbps (megabytes per second)
480p2500 kbps128 kbps0.3285 Mbps (megabytes per second)
360p1000 kbps128 kbps0.141Mbps (megabytes per second)
We see that all the most popular formats are reproduced without problems at an Internet speed of 15 Mbit/s. But to watch video in 2160p (4K) format you need at least 50-60 Mbit/s. but there is one BUT. I don’t think that many servers will be able to distribute videos of this quality while maintaining such a speed, so if you connect to the Internet at 100 Mbit/s, you may not be able to watch online videos in 4K.

I decided to write an article and express my opinion and some observations about routers that do not reduce speed and give out Wi-Fi networks stable 100 Mbit/s, or the speed stated according to the tariff of the Internet provider. A very controversial, controversial and popular topic. After all, everyone who chooses a router is mainly looking for a model that does not reduce speed. Or which “breaks through walls”. But that’s a different story :)

The backstory is very simple. Most likely, you yourself have seen and seen from your own experience how routers reduce speed. Or somewhere on the Internet, perhaps in reviews of a particular router, they read a comment about how a certain “deceived” client used the Internet at maximum (according to the provider's tariff) speed, and then I bought this damn router, configured it, and the connection speed dropped several times. Perhaps he still gets almost maximum speed via the cable from the router (for example, 100 Mbit/s), but Wi-Fi is absolutely terrible. The speed dropped to 50, 20, 10 Mbps or even less.

This is exactly the “problem” that almost everyone who connects their devices to the Internet via a Wi-Fi network faces. Yes, the connection speed via the Wi-Fi router drops. How much depends on many factors, which I will discuss in this article. The router is not always the only one to blame. And most importantly, there is no router that would not cut down on Wi-Fi speed. Some people just cut less, some more. At different conditions and external factors.

Why did I write 100 Mbit/s in the title? Because this is the most popular tariff, which is most often connected in cities. Yes, the speed at the tariff may be lower. In this case, you may not even notice a drop in speed after installing the router. For example, if your provider gives you up to 20 Mbit/s. But there are tariffs with speeds up to 200 Mbit/s, 500 Mbit/s or even more. In this case, the loss in Internet connection speed after installing the router can be very large. Here, of course, a lot depends on the router you choose.

Why is the speed lower than what is stated on the box with the router and in the specifications?

But why? Why does the box with the router say N150, N300, N450, or even N600 and higher, but my Internet speed is so low? Support workers of online stores, router manufacturers, or innocent consultants in stores very often suffer from approximately this question :)

Now I’ll explain, and we’ll close the topic with these numbers, which are indicated on the box, or in the specifications for the router. Also, many people see the “Speed” item in the connection properties on a computer or mobile device, and do not understand why the data is so different.

Each router has a certain Wi-Fi network speed index. This is one of the main indicators and criteria when choosing a router. If we consider routers that operate only in the 2.4 GHz range, then the speed there is from 150 Mbit/s, and apparently up to 600 Mbit/s (4 antennas). If we consider dual-band routers that support 5 GHz frequency, then the speed will be higher.

So, all these numbers, up to 150Mbps, up to 300Mbps, are the maximum theoretically possible wireless network speed that this router can provide in ideal conditions and only in theory. In some article I already wrote that these numbers have nothing to do with actual speed, since it depends on many factors.

For example: an 802.11n router that can deliver speeds of up to 300 Mbps (there are most of them on the market now) in theory, in reality it can squeeze out a maximum of 100 Mbit/s. But this is also practically impossible. I'm not even talking about budget models with the N150 index. There is a maximum of 50 Mbit/s.

It turns out that if you have a tariff of 100 Mbit/s, and you bought a router with a speed of up to 150 Mbit/s, then the maximum you can get via Wi-Fi is 50 Mbit/s.

Don't forget that Internet speed primarily depends on your provider. From the tariff. Therefore, before complaining about a slow connection through your router, connect to the Internet (cable from provider) directly to the computer and . Then you will have data to guide you.

The speed also depends on the device itself that you connect to the Wi-Fi router. From the strength of the wireless network signal, from interference, and to some extent from the wireless network settings.

What causes the speed through a Wi-Fi router to drop?

Now about the most important thing. Why is the speed directly the same as stated by the provider, the cable from the router is the same, or slightly lower, but the speed sags over Wi-Fi. Sometimes even very much.

Here, as it were, everything is clear without complicated proceedings. A cable is a cable. According to it, our Internet “flies” onto devices strictly along the designated route, and is not scattered throughout the room, apartment, etc., as is the case with Wi-Fi.

Let's take a closer look and consider the main factors that cause wireless connection speed to drop.

  • I'll tell you a little secret. A router is like a small computer. It contains the main board, processor, RAM, permanent memory, and wireless module. As with a computer, the performance of a router depends on the amount of memory, processor performance and the quality of these elements. The more memory, the more powerful the processor and wireless module, the faster router can process data. And the speed of the Internet and the stability of work even under load directly depend on this. It often happens that the speed seems to be good, but as soon as a load appears on the router, it immediately sags. All this is due to weak and not very high-quality hardware, which is most often installed in budget models.
  • If our computer runs on Windows, then the router also works on its own operating system. In other words, firmware. And a lot also depends on the firmware. If the software part is done poorly, then even powerful hardware will not save you. And if the firmware has many errors, is crude and unfinished, then the connection speed may also suffer because of this. Always update the firmware on your router. This does not always have a positive effect, but it happens that the router starts working better and faster. You need to update the firmware!
  • Each provider uses a specific type of Internet connection. If you set up a router yourself, then most likely you understand what I mean. So, Dynamic IP (DHCP) and Static IP are the simplest and lightest protocols. With them, the router will reduce the speed the least. If the connection is PPPoE, then this is more complicated, the router will waste its resources to connect via this protocol and the speed will drop. And in the case of PPPTP, the speed will drop even more.

    So it’s better to choose a provider that provides addresses automatically, or requires you to enter them manually, but without authorization using a username and password.
  • Wi-Fi client. Simply put, the device that you connect to the router. For example, when measuring speed from a laptop (via Wi-Fi), it may be 15 Mbit/s, and from a phone – 70 Mbit/s. Or vice versa. Why is that? It's very simple, the speed is limited by the slowest device on the network. And if the router gives even 100 Mbit/s, and the module in a laptop or other device has a limit of 24 Mbit/s (this is the maximum real speed for 802.11g), then this is the speed we will get. Outdated Wi-Fi module, lack of support for new standards and technologies, outdated software(drivers) - all this directly affects the speed of your Internet connection. And the router, as you understand, has nothing to do with it.
  • Other external factors. For example, the poorer the signal strength on your device, the slower your connection may be. Each Wi-Fi network operates in a certain range and on a certain channel. And when there are many of these networks around, they begin to intersect and interfere with each other. I would add here more interference from different household appliances, obstacles in the form of metal in the walls, etc.
  • Router settings. From the factory, by default, the router is configured to ensure maximum compatibility with different devices. Including old ones that you may not have. For example, the network operating mode is set to auto mode (b/g/n). And the channel width is 20/40 MHz. But, if you don’t have older devices that only support g wireless network mode, then it makes sense to switch the router to n (only n) mode, and the channel width to 40 MHz.

    Maybe, Wi-Fi speed networks will increase significantly. All these settings can be changed in the router’s web interface, in the section with wireless network settings. I wrote about this in an article.

We figured out the reasons, it seems like nothing was missed.

What router is needed to get maximum speed over a Wi-Fi network?

To get maximum speed over Wi-Fi, we need a modern, powerful (and therefore not the cheapest) router New device (laptop, PC with Wi-Fi adapter, phone, tablet, TV) with modern Wi-Fi module. And preferably a provider with a Static IP or Dynamic IP connection protocol.

If we are talking about modern, wireless network equipment, then it goes without saying that there must be support for the 5 GHz band and the . This support should be both in the router and in the device itself that we connect to the Wi-Fi network. That is, the router must be dual-band. You can read more in the article.

Not only that, according to the 802.11ac standard, the Wi-Fi network speed is much higher (maximum, theoretically possible up to 6.77 Gbit/s) in comparison with the most popular now 802.11n, also in the 5 GHz range (and 802.11ac only works in this range) there is practically no interference.

note on the speed of the WAN and LAN ports of the router. In choosing a router that will reduce the speed as little as possible, we forget that the speed is also limited by the WAN port to which we connect the Internet. And if our tariff rate is 200 Mbit/s, and we installed a router whose WAN and LAN ports can operate at a speed of 10/100 Mbit/s, then it is clear that we will not get more than 100 Mbit/s via cable , nor via Wi-Fi.

If you have fast internet, more than 100 Mbps, then you need a router only with gigabit ports. This is always indicated in the specifications. Even routers in the mid-price range do not always have gigabit (1000 Mbps) ports installed. Be careful.

Routers supporting the 802.11ac standard are now quite available. There are so many models on the market. The only negative is that Wi-Fi network coverage in the 5 GHz range is slightly less than in the 2.4 GHz range. This is true, I have already convinced myself of this. Not critical, but the signal is weaker.

Someimportant points:

  • Dual-band routers distribute two Wi-Fi networks. At 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. So those devices that do not support the new standard will connect in the 2.4 GHz range. If necessary, you can disable an unnecessary network.
  • If you want to squeeze out maximum speed through a Wi-FI router, then do not buy budget models. The more expensive the router, the better the hardware installed in it. And this means more productivity and speed.
  • Don't forget about restrictions on WAN and LAN ports.
  • To achieve maximum speed, update your router firmware and experiment with Wi-Fi settings. Operating mode, channel, channel width.
  • Do not forget that the speed of a Wi-Fi connection also directly depends on the quality, performance and characteristics of the Wi-Fi module of the device on which we measure the speed. You can take measurements on different devices, and you will see that the speed will most likely be different.

You can find more tips on choosing a router in the article.


Any router will reduce the speed of the Wi-Fi network. The only question is how much. But how much the speed will drop depends primarily on the power of the router, support for new standards, the parameters of the Wi-Fi receiver in the device, and the provider (connection type and speed according to tariff), interference, signal level, etc.

If you are just choosing a router, then I definitely advise you to buy a dual-band one. With support for the new 802.11ac standard. And preferably with gigabit ports. Most likely, your new mobile devices already support 802.11ac. If everything works well, then for PCs and even laptops you can buy USB adapters that support the ac standard. I would also advise not to skimp on the router. It’s better to take a good, modern and powerful model that will be relevant for many years to come, than to change the router after a year, and spend the whole year spitting on low speed.

It is clear that everything here is individual, and a lot depends on the tasks that the router must cope with. But in this article we are talking about choosing a router that can provide maximum performance and minimal speed losses.

You can leave questions in the comments and share your thoughts on this matter. Also write what router you have, what the tariff is, and what the Wi-Fi speed is. Maybe you were somehow able to speed up your Wi-Fi and want to share some useful advice.

Just one request, don’t ask me which specific model to buy. The choice is yours. I wrote above how to choose.

What does the concept of “normal Internet speed” mean, what should it be for optimal performance and spending leisure time on a personal computer. The same connection will seem quite sufficient to some, but to others it will seem like an inability to work effectively. What is normal for an Internet cafe, for Moscow State University, for example, “will not be enough.”

Using computers at home raises reasonable questions for users: what speed is a suitable tariff plan.

If the PC owner's finances are limited, when choosing a tariff for home internet he will definitely be faced with a number of offers from providers that prevent him from accepting correct solution. To avoid mistakes, you should know some parameters that determine quality work Internet at home.

To define, you first need to become familiar with the basic concepts.

Bits, kilobits, megabits

Data transfer speed is usually measured in bits/sec. But since a bit is a very small value, kilobits or megabits are used:

  • Kilobit = 1024 bits.
  • Megabit = 1024 kilobits.

With the advent of optical cables, Internet speeds have increased dramatically. If previously 128 kbit/sec was considered normal, today the parameter is measured in megabits and amounts to 100 megabits per second (Mbit/sec).

Therefore, megabits per second is the standard unit of measurement for speed. modern Internet. The conditional classification of Internet communications is as follows:

  • slow – 512 Kbps;
  • low – 2 Mbit/s;
  • average – 10 Mbit/s;
  • high – 50 Mbit/s;
  • very high – 100 Mbit/sec.

You must understand that the lower the speed, the lower the tariff.

A byte is not a bit

Internet users are interested in working with files; their size is usually measured in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes, equal to:

  • Byte – 8 bits.
  • Kilobyte = 1024 bytes.
  • Megabyte = 1024 kilobytes.
  • Gigabyte = 1024 megabytes.

Inexperienced users confuse a byte with a bit. And they get megabits (Mbits) instead of megabytes. This leads to a serious error, for example, when calculating the download time of files.

It is impossible to accurately determine the period for downloading a file, because:

  • Providers indicate the maximum connection speed. The average (working) will be lower.
  • Speed ​​is reduced by interference, especially if a remote router is used.
  • A remote FTP server limits the ability to download, so much so that everything else becomes unimportant.

But it is still possible to establish an approximate time. Calculations will be easier if you round:

  • byte = 10 bits;
  • kilobyte = 1 thousand bytes.

But it's better to just start downloading and determine the download time using the program than to calculate the time theoretically.

What tasks influence the choice of speed?

The lower the Internet connection speed, the smaller the range of available tasks, but the tariff is cheaper. Right choice allows you to feel comfortable without wasting money.

Outlining the circle of interests

The Internet is used to solve various problems:

  • Surfing in in social networks, listening to music.
  • Online games.
  • Organizations of streaming broadcasting (stream).
  • Video calls.
  • Watching videos online.
  • Download music, movies, and other files.
  • Uploading files to cloud storage.

Selecting a connection

When the range of interests has been determined, we set goals for ourselves and choose the appropriate tariff.

Providers offer different kinds connection, for example, 300 rubles per month for Internet access at a speed of 15 Mbit/sec.

The tariff descriptions contain two numbers:

  • the second is transmission (Upload).
  • If the second number is missing, then the speeds are equal. If necessary, this should be clarified with your Internet service provider.

    What internet speed is enough?

    A number of tasks that are necessary for him to work with a PC help the user determine this indicator:

    For social networks and music

    For surfing social networks and listening to music high speed need not. The user will feel quite comfortable with 2 Mbit/sec. Even a speed of 512 Kbps will do, but website pages will open slower.

    To watch videos online

    The following speed indicators are considered normal for watching videos online, depending on the quality of videos and films:

    • SD video (360 p, 480 p) – 2 Mbit/sec.
    • HD video (720 p) – 5 Mbit/sec.
    • Full-HD (1080 p) – 8 Mbit/sec.
    • Ultra-HD (2160 p) – 30 Mbit/sec.

    100 Mbit/s – this speed is more than enough to watch online video in any quality. Since browsing occurs buffering, small speed dips do not affect viewing.

    For streaming

    To organize streaming broadcasts, you need a stable Internet connection. For a high-quality stream, the speed should not fall below a critical level. For video stream:

    • 480 p – 5 Mbit/sec.
    • 720 p – 10 Mbit/sec.
    • 1080p – 20 Mbit/sec.

    But these are risky values. Transmission is the most critical, since broadcasting is uploading data to the Internet, so we focus on it.

    Still, leaps are possible. The tariff is chosen to level them out.

    We calculate the optimal speed for the Internet by multiplying the speed of a high-quality stream by 2.5. For example, let's calculate the speed for 480 p: 5 x 2.5 = 12.5 Mbit/sec.

    Taking into account the fact that the boundary values ​​are risky, we select Upload no lower than 15 Mbit/sec.

    Online Games

    Games are not demanding on speed parameters. For most popular games 512 Kbps is enough. This value is suitable for:

    • "Dota 2".
    • "World of Warcraft".
    • "GTA"
    • "World of Tanks".

    But loading the game and downloading updates at a speed of 512 Kbps will be very slow, since you will have to download tens of gigabytes. In order not to wait for hours, it is better to ensure a speed of up to 70 Mbit/s.

    For games, the determining factor is the quality of the communication channel, characterized by the “ping” parameter. the time during which the signal (request) reaches the server and returns back (response). Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

    Ping is affected by:

    • The reliability of the Internet provider, which consists in the ability to maintain the declared quality of communication.
    • Distance from client to server. For example, the player is located in Sevastopol, and the World of Warcraft game server is in London.

    Acceptable ping values:

    A constant ping value above 300 ms on any server is considered a symptom of serious network connection problems. The reaction time is extremely low.

    For smartphones and tablets

    If the device is connected to a router via Wi-Fi, it will work in the same way as a computer. The difference is that advanced sites offer pages for gadgets with convenient placement of information on a small screen.

    But smartphones and tablets are designed for mobile Internet. Operators cellular communication for working with the Internet they offer:

    • 3G standard – up to 4 Mbit/s;
    • 4G standard – up to 80 Mbit/s.

    The operator's website contains a coverage map with marked 3G and 4G zones. The terrain of a particular area makes adjustments, then instead of 4G there will be 3G, and instead of 3G there will be 2G - the standard is too slow for the Internet.

    4G communication is provided only by devices equipped with modern radio modules.

    IN mobile internet the client pays for traffic, not speed. There is no question of choosing a normal Internet speed for the device. The user selects the appropriate number of megabytes of traffic.

    For video calls

    • voice calls – 100 Kbps;
    • video calls – 300 Kbps;
    • video calls (HD standard) – 5 Mbit/s;
    • voice video communication (five participants) – 4 Mbit/s (reception) 512 Kbit/s (transmission).

    In practice, these values ​​are multiplied by 2.5 to level out the jumps.

    Factors affecting connection speed

    The quality of the connection is affected by the following factors:

    • Wi-Fi standard supported by devices.
    • The frequency at which data is transmitted.
    • Walls and partitions in the signal path.
    • Computer and browser settings.
    • VPN and proxy.
    • Outdated drivers.
    • Interference from other networks.
    • Viruses and malware.

    You can find out the current connection speed (it’s better to check at night) using the SpeedTest service. If it differs greatly from that stated by the provider, you need to find the reason.

    When choosing a connection speed, the number of users connected to Wi-Fi is taken into account. speed characteristics tasks used in parallel mode and taken into account when choosing a suitable tariff.


    You can use the Internet in different ways. It is difficult to list all the assigned tasks. But among those considered, you need to find a similar one and decide on the connection.