How to assemble a metal lathe with your own hands. Techniques for working on a lathe What products are made on a lathe

  1. Chess
  2. Making a box

If you have a professional tool at hand, you can master its capabilities endlessly. For example, an ordinary construction lathe is often used as a basis for making souvenirs and various decorative items. Beautifully crafted wooden candlestick on lathe looks great in classic interior Houses. A large vase made of wood can amaze the imagination. Sometimes in my hands experienced craftsman a seemingly ordinary piece of wood turns into a real artistic masterpiece. How do they do it? What else can you grind yourself?

A wood lathe allows you to make not only construction blanks, but also various decorative items, which are designed to please the eye and demonstrate the capabilities of the equipment. Any crafts made from wood are very practical, they will always have a place in the house, so you can safely experiment and try to do something with your own hands. The easiest way is to turn a vase from wood; you can easily get a jug, a salt shaker and a box for storing all sorts of small things. You can suggest making chess.


How can you make a vase on a lathe? To make it, you may need a certain tool. In addition to the lathe, you need to take cutters, a plane, a hacksaw, a ruler, a compass, an ax and a saw, sanding paper and a chisel.

The process of turning a vase is extremely simple. True, it should be noted that vases can be complex in configuration and simple. Let's look at how you can carve a simple option.

  • First, a block of wood 10-20 cm long is cut out with a saw.
  • It must be trimmed with a plane, both from the ends and along the length.
  • The workpiece is installed in the machine chuck.
  • The machine is turned on and checked for runout of the part.
  • If it is present, alignment must be carried out.
  • The top layer of wood is removed to a depth of 1 cm.
  • A chamfer is removed at an angle of 45° from the outer end.
  • A drill is inserted into the tailstock.
  • A hole is drilled with a depth less than the length of the workpiece by 3-5 cm. That is, the bottom of the vase is determined.
  • Now, using a cutting tool called a jamb, the cavity of the product is cut out.

Since the vase can have different shapes: straight, oval, and so on, then the boring of the upper surface is maintained accordingly precise shape. After which the product is polished outside and inside. What is sandpaper used for? The wooden product is removed from the machine, the bottom is finished by hand using a plane and sandpaper. After which the souvenir is varnished.


Chess figures are small, so their production requires certain experience and the firmness of the turner’s hand, as well as his eye. To make a figure you will need a small block of wood with a cross section of 50x50 or 60x60 mm. On one side, it is formed into a smaller section, for example, 40x40 or 30x30 mm, as shown in the video.

With this smaller end, the workpiece is inserted and clamped into the chuck. Now you need to cut the free end of the blank with a cutter and press it with the center of the tailstock. A layer of wood is removed with a cutter so that the workpiece becomes round section. After which you can begin making the chess piece itself. You can use traditional forms, or you can get creative.

As soon as the figure is completely ready, it must be sanded and finally cut off from the pressed part of the workpiece. All that remains is to manually varnish it or paint it black or White color. By the way, a wooden candlestick is made on a lathe in exactly the same way. Its length is greater, which means a longer workpiece will be needed.

Making a box

The box is not the most difficult element that can be turned on a lathe. But if this is a product with a lid, then drawings will be required here. After all, the lid must fit into the box and sit on the groove, that is, the lid must be flush with the edge of the product itself.

To make a box, you will need a cylindrical blank, which is installed in a lathe. The main thing is that the workpiece does not reach the bed.

  • First, a layer of wood is removed with a semicircular cutter to give the workpiece a rounded shape.
  • Then you need to work the surface with a joint, that is, make it smooth.
  • After which it is necessary to form the internal cavity of the wooden product. For this, a narrow straight cutter is used. This operation cannot be completed in one pass, so it will have to be carried out in stages.
  • Using a triangular cutter, you can expand the internal cavity to the thickness of the walls.
  • The bottom of the box is leveled with a straight but wide chisel. They also make the groove for the lid.
  • The internal and external surfaces are polished.
  • Apply varnish on top, wax on the inside.

The lid is made of the same material as the box itself. It just requires a thin workpiece, which is fixed in the chuck of a woodworking lathe. First, processing is carried out with a wide straight cutter, that is, it is formed inner part, it can be flat or concave inward. Sanding is required.

Then the outer part is formed, for which the workpiece will have to be turned over. That is, the half-finished part of the lid is cut off and the almost finished inner side is installed in the cartridge. Then the same cutter is used to form outside covers. It can also be flat or convex. Finally, sanding is carried out. After which the finished product is varnished.

In principle, the order in which the sides are made can be changed if there is a handle holder on the lid. To do this, you will have to take a thicker workpiece to sharpen the handle. It can be round, oval or shaped. You can make the handle as a separately turned element and attach it to the lid of the box with adhesive.

The diameter of the lid must correspond to the diameter of the inner groove of the box. That is, the cover should fit freely into the groove.

These are the products you can make with your own hands on a wood lathe. The most difficult of the above decorative items- this is a box. Here it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dimensions, especially with regard to wall thickness. We made it a little thinner, and there is a high probability that it will burst over time. In addition, you will have to strictly adhere to the diameters of the lid and groove on the box itself. If one of the sizes does not match, then either the lid will fall inside the box, or it will end up on the edge of the product.

Therefore, when turning on a lathe homemade crafts wood requires attention and accuracy (the work is not rough). Of course, it is necessary to take measurements with a caliper during the work process.

If in household work there is often a need for turning parts, trimming or sharpening tools, you can purchase the appropriate installation. But for small amounts of work at home, you can make a homemade metal lathe.

Purpose and benefits of home installation

The machine is manufactured for your own economic purposes. Both the complexity of the design and the engine power depend on this. In general, it can perform the same work as professional installations:

  • turning of different surfaces (in the form of cylinders, cones);
  • thread making;
  • pruning work;
  • end metalworking.

Thanks to such a wide functionality, this device can be used to sharpen knives, repair some car parts, cut metal structures, etc.

At the same time, making a lathe with your own hands is a more profitable option because:

  • such a product will cost less;
  • it is not as bulky as many industrial installations;
  • it can be designed and performed for specific tasks required by the owner;
  • It can be easily placed in a garage, shed and mounted on any hard surface.

Features of a homemade lathe

A homemade metal lathe, as a device assembled with your own hands, has a number of operational features, which are important to consider when working on it:

  1. Since work with workpieces is always accompanied by large vibration vibrations, it is important to ensure the same location of the driving and driven installations - they must be along the same axis.
  2. The use of commutator electric motors is an undesirable option, since often in these mechanisms the speed of revolutions per minute can arbitrarily increase; This is dangerous because the workpiece may fly out.
  3. If it is impossible to install another electric motor, then in the case of installing a commutator motor, it is necessary to equip it with a reduction gearbox - this will compensate for the uneven running of the mechanism.
  4. The optimally suitable electric motor is an asynchronous one, whose speed does not deviate significantly.
  5. The driven center may consist of a static or moving structure; in any case, it is made from an ordinary bolt, which is processed so that the barrel takes the shape of a cone - it is with its help that it can rotate.

Preparatory stage: design and drawings

On preparatory stage it is important to understand which components will consist of a future metal lathe. Based on this, suitable units and parts are selected from available materials. It is important to consider what specific tasks the mechanism will be focused on and what it will be used for.

In principle, the installation should consist of the following elements:

  • Electric motor with transmission to the drive mechanism. Working units from old washing machines are often chosen. Usually the power is selected in the range of 1000-1500 W. For household work It's enough.
  • Connecting parts (metal corners, bolts).
  • Housing and metal base (pipe, channel).
  • Running gear – handle for longitudinal movement, bearings.
  • Supporting part (frame structure).
  • Thrust mechanism with cutters.
  • The tailstock and the front headstock – ideally, can be taken from another machine.

The diagram of the finished device is shown in the photo.

When all the parts are available, you can draw up a schematic drawing of the product. You can take the following drawings as a basis.

Lathe in assembled form, its main elements can be seen here.

NOTE. It is best to make a metal lathe with your own hands from metal products (pipes, angles, etc.). Any wooden structure short-lived, and working with the part will be much more difficult.

Making a bed: step-by-step instructions and video

Further actions consist of making support installation(bed), installation of working equipment, connecting it to the electric motor and direct commissioning. The sequence of actions is as follows:

After this, the frame is completely assembled. It is important to take into account that all elements are tightly connected - the slightest slack is unacceptable, since during operation vibration swings will increase the fragility of the mechanism and can lead to damage.

Visual instructions for installing the frame are in this video.

Assembling the mechanism with your own hands: step-by-step instructions and video

Further work is aimed at installing the mechanism itself and fixing it on the working surface. The algorithm is as follows:

Video: DIY mini lathe. Headstock

It is important to do the first start at idle speed, and then check the operation of the entire device on a rough metal part.

Lathe from a drill: assembly algorithm

To use the device in a city apartment, it is quite possible to create a homemade metal lathe from regular drill. It will serve both as an engine and a rotating mechanism. The design is not so powerful, but it is quite suitable for performing small tasks.

It is advisable to attach the drill to metal structure– an old stand is ideal.

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

Video: do-it-yourself lathe from a drill

The installation can also handle wooden products - with its help you can apply simple relief carvings to wooden blank, as shown in the video.

HELPFUL ADVICE. Working on a drill lathe is not limited to just cutting parts and sharpening. You can install a copier on it, with which you can create perfectly similar parts at home in a matter of minutes.

Mini-machine: manufacturing video

Often, for economic purposes, a small homemade metal lathe is required - here is a video with a visual demonstration step by step instructions for its production.

Safety precautions

Compliance certain rules when working on a machine it is necessary, especially if we're talking about about a handmade product.

Preparatory stage

Immediately after assembly, you should run the machine at idle speed for a few minutes and listen to the sounds of the engine: they should be uniform, without extraneous noise. Preparation for work consists of the following steps:

  1. Appropriate clothing is worn, all buttons are fastened and protruding parts are removed.
  2. Before starting work, the workplace should be cleaned full order so that they only lie on it necessary tools- then you can consistently implement the entire plan without unnecessary fuss and waste of energy.
  3. Before each session, the homemade machine must be checked for the integrity of all parts and the reliability of their connections.
  4. It is also important to ensure sufficient lighting of the working surface and correct location source so that your own shadow does not interfere with your work.

Safe work rules

During work, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Removal of parts, as well as cleaning and lubrication of the working mechanism is not carried out during operation.
  2. When processing a part, you need to be on the correct side and on safe distance from the installation itself.
  3. Do not pass any objects or place your hands over the operating mechanism.
  4. If you are working on cutting a part, then the part being cut cannot be supported by hand - it is unknown in which direction it will move at any given time.
  5. It is unacceptable to lean even on stationary parts of the machine, or lean on work surface.
  6. All chips from parts are carefully removed after each working session.

A visual illustration is presented in the diagram.

A visual technology for working on a lathe for hand-made metal is presented in the video.

Features of lathe care

Caring for the mechanism is an essential condition for its long-term, trouble-free operation. Several rules must be followed:

  1. All waste that falls on the working surface of the device during operation must be removed in a timely manner.
  2. To ensure even distribution of oil along the guides, you need to move the carriage 7-8 times back and forth.
  3. All connections need to be tightened periodically, since constant vibration during operation gradually weakens them.
  4. It is important to ensure that the belt tension is always uniform - either too tight or too loose a tension is unacceptable.
  5. All moving parts are periodically lubricated with normal machine oil. In this case, the bearings are lubricated especially carefully - they experience special friction during operation.

NOTE. Lubricant should not get on the drive belts, since in this case friction is greatly reduced, the belt slides along the surface of the pulley, as a result of which the tension weakens.

Professional metal lathes

If you need a professional tool for large volumes of complex work, you should understand what types of metal lathes exist.

Machine diagram

The schematic diagram of the device is shown in the figure.

Types of machines

Depending on their purpose and features of the device, there are several types of metal lathes:

  • Universal ones are designed to perform basic metal work:
  • drilling;
  • milling;
  • turning.

This is the most popular type of device - with their help you can process parts outside and inside, work with flat, conical and cylindrical surfaces. You can carry out complex work on cutting precise threads, processing the ends of parts and drilling holes of almost any diameter.

Depending on the location of the bed, there are the following types of machines:

Types of work on a lathe

Depending on the characteristics of the workpiece feed, as well as on the specific type of metalworking, the following types of work on a lathe are distinguished:

  • Turning with manual or automatic feed.
  • Taper turning.
  • Thread cutting.
  • Drilling holes.

Turning with manual or automatic feed

In this case, it is important to set the top of the cutting part so that it is slightly below the axis with the workpiece. If this cannot be done, then it is better to install another tool or grind the part.

Often, when carrying out such work, the tailstock is not needed - then it can simply be removed

NOTE. If it is not possible to ensure reliable fixation of the workpiece in the chuck, you can use a steady rest.

Many models provide the ability to automatically feed the workpiece. In this case, the cutting part should be located to the right of the workpiece.

While working, it is better to always keep your left hand free so that you can immediately press the emergency shutdown if the workpiece strays from the desired direction.

Taper turning

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The part is secured with a spindle and tailstock.
  • If possible. then the speed of the mechanism is adjusted on the machine. It is selected depending on the softness of the material, which can be determined in advance from the reference book. If this is not possible, it can be established experimentally.
  • Next comes roughing, followed by finishing.
  • If it is necessary to make a so-called Morse cone, it is necessary to shift the centers so that the cone is located under the right angle, as it shown on the picture.

Features of cone turning technology universal machine shown in the video.


On lathes you can make internal or external threads on a workpiece. Threads are applied to both cylindrical and conical products. There are three types of profiles:

  • at right angles;
  • at an acute angle;
  • trapezoidal.

Technologically, the process is performed using a sharp tip of the cutter. The cutter is attached to the support and moves with it, leaving marks on metal product at a certain interval.

Cutters can be either solid or prefabricated with fasteners. Cutters with soldered plates are also manufactured - they are especially durable, since the plates are made of durable alloys (brass).

Drilling holes

For correct implementation When drilling, it is important to prepare the end of the workpiece especially well. It is trimmed to ensure that the surface is as smooth as possible. You also need to make a slight recess at the end so that the work can be done exactly in the intended place. The recess can be made using a drill or cutter.

The size of the holes is adjusted by installing the appropriate drill. If the hole is made smaller, you can drill it out - that is, obtain larger hole due to a wider drill.

Drilling on a lathe

Making a metal lathe with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right electric motor with parameters suitable for the job and ensure the rigidity of all structural connections.

Elements and cutting modes

Before talking about processing methods, let's briefly get acquainted with the elements and cutting mode.

Here we will encounter new concepts: depth of cut, feed, cutting speed.

They are all interconnected, and their magnitude depends on various reasons.

The depth of cut is the thickness of the metal layer removed in one cutter pass. It is designated by the letter t and ranges from 0.5 to 3 or more millimeters during roughing to tenths of a millimeter during finishing turning.

Feed is the movement of the cutter along the machined surface. Numerically, it is expressed in millimeters, denoted by the letter S and indicates the amount of displacement of the cutter per revolution of the part. Depending on the strength of the material being processed, the rigidity of the machine and cutter components, the feed rate can vary from 0.1-0.15 mm/rev to 2-3 mm/rev at high-speed cutting conditions. The harder the metal, the less the feed should be.

The cutting speed depends on the spindle speed and the diameter of the part and is calculated using the formula.

When choosing a particular cutting speed, you need to take into account the hardness of the material being processed and the durability of the cutter, which is measured by the time of its continuous operation before dulling in minutes. It depends on the shape of the cutter, its dimensions, the material from which the cutter is made, and on turning with or without a cooling emulsion.

Cutters with plates made of hard alloys have the greatest durability, while cutters made of carbon steel have the least resistance.

Here, for example, what cutting speeds can be recommended for turning various materials high-speed steel cutter. Its durability without cooling is 60 minutes.

Approximate data on metal cutting speed:

Turning smooth cylindrical surfaces

Smooth cylindrical surfaces of parts are ground with passing cutters in two steps. First, a rough grinding is performed with a rough cutter, quickly removing the bulk of excess metal. The figure shows a straight cutter for roughing:

Rough cutters: a - straight; b - bent; c - Chekalin's designs.

A bent cutter is convenient for grinding the surface of a part near the chuck jaws and for trimming ends. Typically, cutters have a working stroke only in one direction, most often from right to left. A double-sided cutter designed by the innovative turner N. Chekalin allows eliminating the reverse idle stroke of the cutter, reducing processing time.

After turning with a rough cutter, large marks remain on the surface of the part and the quality of the machined surface is therefore low. Finishing cutters are used for final processing:

Finishing incisors: a - normal; b - with a wide cutting edge; c - bent, designed by A.V. Kolesov.

The normal type of finishing cutter is used for turning with a small depth of cut and low feed. A finishing cutter with a wide cutting edge allows you to work at high feeds and gives a clean and smooth surface.

Trimming ends and ledges

Scoring cutters are usually used to trim ends and shoulders on a lathe. Such a cutter is shown in the following figure:

Trimming in the centers: a - scoring cutter; b - cutting the end with a half-center.

It is better to use it when turning parts on centers. In order for the end to be processed entirely, a so-called half-center is inserted into the tailstock.

If the part is fixed at only one end - when processing in a chuck - then a bent cutter can be used to groove the end. For the same purpose and for turning ledges, special scoring thrust cutters are used, which work with transverse and longitudinal feed.

Trimming the ends: a - trimming with a bent cutter, b - trimming persistent cutter and its work.

When cutting ends and ledges, the young master must ensure that the tip of the cutter is always set strictly at the level of the centers. A cutter set above or below the centers will leave an uncut lip in the middle of the solid end.


Slotted cutters are used for turning grooves. Their cutting edge accurately reproduces the shape of the groove. Since the width of the grooves is usually small, the cutting edge of the slotting tool has to be made narrow, so it turns out to be quite brittle. To increase the strength of such a cutter, the height of its head is made several times greater than the width.

For the same reason, the head has a small rake angle.

Parting cutters are very similar to slotting cutters, but have a longer head. A narrower head is made in order to reduce material consumption when cutting.

The length of the head should be selected according to the dimensions of the part and be slightly more than half of its diameter.

When installing slotting and parting cutters, you also need to be very careful and precise. Careless installation of the cutter, for example, its slight misalignment, will cause friction of the cutter against the groove walls, defective work, and tool breakage.

Turning of narrow grooves is carried out in one pass of the cutter, which is selected according to the width of the future groove. Wide grooves are machined in several passes.

The procedure is as follows: use a ruler or other measuring tools to mark the boundary of the right wall of the groove. Having installed the cutter, grind a narrow groove, not bringing the cutter 0.5 mm to required depth- remainder for finishing pass. Then the cutter is shifted to the right by the width of its cutting edge and a new groove is made. Having thus chosen a groove of the intended width, they make the final, finishing pass of the cutter, moving it along the part.

The workpiece installed in the centers should not be cut completely: the broken part can damage the tool. A short part clamped in a chuck can be cut clean using a special bevel cutter.

The feed rate and cutting speed when turning grooves and cutting should be less than when machining cylinders, because the rigidity of the cutting and cutting tools is not high.

Turning cones

In the practice of a young turner, turning cones will be less common than other work. The simplest method is to turn small cones (no more than 20 mm) with a special wide cutter.

When making an outer or inner cone on a part fixed in a chuck, a different technique is used. Turning top part the caliper at an angle equal to half the angle of the cone at its apex, grind the part, moving the cutter using the upper slide of the caliper. This is how relatively short cones are sharpened.

To make long and flat cones, you need to shift the rear center, move the tailstock a certain distance towards you or away from you.

If the part is fixed in the centers in such a way that the wide part of the cone will be at the headstock, then the tailstock should be moved towards you, and vice versa, when moving the tailstock away from the working one, the wide part of the cone will be on the left - at the tailstock.

This method of turning cones has a serious drawback: due to the displacement of the part, rapid and uneven wear of the centers and center holes occurs.

Treatment of internal surfaces

Hole machining can be done various instruments, depending on the required surface shape and processing accuracy. In production, there are blanks with holes made during casting, forging or stamping. A young metal worker will encounter ready-made holes mainly in castings. When processing holes in solid workpieces that do not have prepared holes, you will always have to start with drilling.

Drilling and reaming

Shallow holes are drilled on a lathe using feather and twist (cylindrical) drills.

The feather drill has a flat blade with two cutting edges that turns into a rod. The angle at the tip of the drill is usually 116-118°, but it can be, depending on the hardness of the material, from 90 to 140° - the harder the metal, the larger the angle. The accuracy of the hole when processing with a feather drill is small, so it is used when great accuracy is not required.

Twist drills are the main tool for drilling. The machining accuracy of these drills is quite high. A twist drill consists of a working part and a part of a conical or cylindrical shank, with which the drill is attached to the tailstock quill or chuck.

Spiral drills: a - with a conical shank; b - with a cylindrical shank

The working part of the drill is a cylinder with two helical grooves that form the cutting edges of the drill. The same grooves lead the chips out.

The drill head has a front and back surface and two cutting edges connected by a bridge. Walking along helical grooves The chamfers guide and center the drill. The angle at the tip of a twist drill is the same as a feather drill and can vary within the same limits. Drills are made from alloy or high-speed steel. Sometimes alloy steel drills are equipped with carbide inserts.

The drill is secured in two ways, depending on the shape of the shank. Drills with a cylindrical shank are fixed in the tailstock quill using a special chuck, drills with a conical shank are inserted directly into the hole in the quill.

It may happen that the tapered shank is small in size and does not fit the hole. Then you will have to use an adapter sleeve, which, together with the drill, is inserted into the quill.

Adapter sleeve for drills with conical shanks: 1 - drill shank; 2 - bushing.

To push the drill out of the quill, you need to rotate the handwheel to tighten it into the tailstock housing. The screw will press against the shank of the drill and push it out. Using a special holder, you can secure the drill in the tool holder.

When drilling, you need to carefully ensure that the drill does not move to the side, otherwise the hole will be incorrect and the tool may break. The drill is fed by slow and uniform rotation of the tailstock handwheel or by moving the caliper if the drill with the holder is fixed in the tool holder.

When drilling deep holes, you need to remove the drill from the hole from time to time and remove chips from the groove.

The depth of the hole should not exceed the length of the working part of the drill, otherwise the chips will not be removed from the hole and the drill will break. When drilling blind holes to a given depth, you can check the drilling depth using the divisions on the quills. If they are not there, then a mark is placed with chalk on the drill itself. When a characteristic squeal is heard while drilling, this means that either the drill is misaligned or it has become dull. Drilling must be stopped immediately by removing the drill from the hole. After this, you can stop the machine, find out and eliminate the cause of the squealing.

Reaming is the same drilling, but with a larger diameter drill in an existing hole. Therefore, all drilling rules apply to reaming.

Other methods of treating internal surfaces

In the practice of a young turner, there may also be a case when the diameter of the required hole is much larger than the diameter of the largest drill in his set, when a groove needs to be turned into the hole or made conical. For each of these cases there is a different processing method.

Boring of holes is carried out with special boring cutters - roughing and finishing, depending on the required cleanliness and accuracy of processing. Roughing cutters for turning blind holes are different from roughing cutters for turning through holes. Finishing of through and blind holes is carried out with the same finishing cutter.

Boring cutters: a - roughing cutter for through holes; b - rough for blind holes; c - finishing

Boring has its own difficulties compared to external turning. Boring cutters have low rigidity; they have to be significantly moved out of the tool holder. Therefore, the cutter can spring and bend, which, of course, negatively affects the quality of processing. In addition, it is difficult to observe the operation of the cutter. The cutting speed and feed rate of the cutter must therefore be less than with external treatment, by 10-20%.

Particularly difficult is the processing of thin-walled parts. By clamping such a part in the chuck, it is easy to deform, and the cutter will select thicker chips on the depressed parts. The hole will not be strictly cylindrical.

For proper processing when boring, the cutter is installed at the level of the centers. Then you need to bore the hole 2-3 mm in length and measure the diameter.

If the size is correct, you can bore the hole to its full length. When boring blind holes or holes with ledges, as well as when drilling, a chalk mark is made on the cutter indicating the boring depth.

Trimming of the internal ends is carried out with scoring cutters, and turning of internal grooves with special slotted groove cutters, in which the width of the cutting edge exactly corresponds to the width of the groove. The cutter is set to the appropriate depth along the chalk mark on the cutter body.

Measuring the inner groove: ruler, caliper and template

In addition to boring cutters, countersinks are used for boring cylindrical holes. They are similar to twist drills, but have three or four cutting edges and are not suitable for making holes in solid material.

Spiral tail countersinks: a - made of high-speed steel; b - with hard alloy plates

Very clean and precise cylindrical holes are made using reamers. Both of these tools are used not to widen the hole, but to adjust it to the exact size and shape.

Reams: a - tail; b - back

Making tapered holes

Turning the inner cones is perhaps the most difficult part. Processing is carried out in several ways. Often, conical holes are made by boring with a cutter and turning the upper part of the caliper.

A hole must first be drilled in solid material. To make boring easier, you can drill a stepped hole. It should be remembered that the diameter of the drill must be selected in such a way that there is an allowance of 1.5-2 mm on the side, which is then removed with a cutter. After turning, you can use a conical countersink and a reamer. If the cone slope is small, immediately after drilling, use a set of conical reamers.

The last of the main operations performed on a lathe is thread cutting.

Mechanical thread production is possible only on special screw-cutting machines. On simple machines this operation is performed manually. Techniques hand made external and internal threads are described above.

Measuring tool

In turning, the same tools are used as in metalworking: a steel ruler, calipers, calipers and others. They have already been mentioned before. New here may be various templates that the young master will make himself. They are especially convenient when making several identical parts.

Remember that all measurements can only be made after the machine has completely stopped. Be careful! Do not measure a rotating part!

Precautionary measures

When working on a lathe, you must follow the following rules:

1) you can start working on the machine only after a detailed familiarization with the machine and processing methods;

2) do not work on a faulty machine or with an unusable (dull) tool;

3) securely fasten the part and monitor the serviceability of the fencing devices;

4) do not work in loose clothing: tie sleeves at the wrists, hide long hair under a hat;

5) remove shavings in a timely manner and maintain order in the workplace;

6) do not stop the rotating cartridge with your hands;

7) in case of malfunction, immediately turn off the machine.

Machine care

The more carefully you care for the machine, the better and longer it will work. This simple rule should be firmly remembered and followed carefully. Caring for a lathe comes down to the following.

The main thing is to lubricate all rubbing parts. Before starting work, it is necessary to inspect the machine and check whether there is enough lubrication. You need to pay close attention to the lubrication of the bearings by filling the oil nipples and lubrication holes with machine oil. The machine must be stopped at this time to avoid an accident.

After work, you need to clean the machine, remove the chips, wipe the guides of the frame and calipers, and lubricate them with a thin layer of oil.

The conical holes of the spindle and tailstock quill must be absolutely clean. The accuracy of the machine will depend on their good condition.

Before starting work, you should also check the condition of the drive belt. It must be protected from oil splashes and drops, since an oily belt slips and quickly works. The belt tension should not be too strong, but not too weak: a weakly tensioned belt will slip, and if it is too tensioned, the bearings will heat up and wear out quickly. The drive belt guard should also be in order.

Read more:

  • Basic work performed on a lathe

Lathes have been operating for many decades as the most reliable way process and artistically decorate any homemade product made of wood or metal. Electrical processing gives the product an elegant and completely finished look. Crafts should have a smooth surface and smooth shaped transitions.

Crafts made on wood lathes

For the manufacture of wooden crafts with your own hands, soft tree species are used, such as:

  • maple;
  • alder:
  • Linden;
  • pine;
  • nut.

Products required for hardwood are made primarily from oak or birch. For beauty and picturesqueness, various decorative elements, tinting or paint can be applied to crafts.

To make crafts with your own hands, you don’t have to be a turner or carpenter by profession and be able to make professional drawings. With a lathe at your disposal, you can learn a lot at home.

Wood turning

Most crafts require processing by turning. To make a craft on a lathe in the shape of a vase, plate or glass - objects that have the transverse shape of a circle, the workpiece must be secured in a special chuck of the machine. To fasten long parts, a trident is used, which presses them in with the center of the tailstock.

By moving the chisel along the axis of rotation, the part will be sharpened. This type of turning is called longitudinal. If the homemade product is small, it can be secured with screws to a faceplate or flat disk.

First, you need to mark the workpiece for screws, and then drill a blind hole, the depth of which is equal to the screw-in length of the screw. You can also poke a hole with an awl. To determine the location of the screws, the workpiece must be applied to the strip washer and through the holes that are located along back side, outline the places for the screws.

When processing a flat part on a faceplate, it is necessary to prepare a chisel and, by moving it perpendicularly, grind the workpiece in a frontal or end-to-face manner.

The cutting part of lathes, called the blade, is wedge-shaped. The front and back surfaces form a cutting edge at the intersection. Turning wooden products may involve cutting off a part of the workpiece, marking the centers of rotation, inspecting the condition of the workpiece and giving it the desired cylindrical shape.

Using all the possibilities provided by a lathe, you can achieve the ideal barrel-shaped shape of the desired product with your own hands. You can’t do without turning when making furniture handles and legs.

Making a wooden box

  • First of all, the workpiece must be rounded and the edges removed from it. First, you can use a semicircular cutter, then a smoother jamb cutter, which is used to make indentations, a kind of decorative grooves.
  • Then both sides of these indentations are cut off, which creates bulges on the box.
  • Then we round off the resulting edges.
  • Now you can move on to creating the internal cavity. We move the support bar to the end of the workpiece and start making a recess from the center to the edge with a straight narrow cutter.
  • Then you need to smoothly expand the cavity to the very bottom. To do this, we use the tip of a triangular cutter.
  • Using a wide cutter, we level the bottom, give it the required thickness and make a groove for the lid.
  • Let's move on to sanding. Sandpaper clean the bottom and walls.
  • When everything is ready, use a hacksaw to separate the part from the machine.

The lid of the box should have a dome shape, the size matching the dimensions of the box itself. For this we need a semicircular cutter.

Metal crafts

You can make quite a lot of different intricate crafts from metal, including jewelry elements. Before you start working, you can put the drawings on paper. One of the interesting decorative elements is the figurine “Two people playing checkers.”

We take two nails, no more than 5 cm long, several small nails and four nuts. We bend the nails with pliers, following the contour of the sitting people. Two nuts are “chairs” on which the little men will sit, the other two are the gaming table on which miniature checkers should be placed. The board can be made from a small piece of cardboard, and bitten off nail heads are suitable for checkers. To secure all these figures, use special glue or spot welding.

Owning a lathe, a craftsman with a rich imagination will always be able to decorate his home with his own hands and make a worthy gift to his loved ones in the form of an elegant homemade product.

Video instructions for making the “Dodecahedrons in a Ball” craft on a metal lathe

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How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

bad idea. can't make money like that

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! We must start with something else. See what is in demand in your area. Is it possible to establish sales? You study the technology thoroughly, if you are not a professional. And then you try. I know only one group of artisans nearby, more or less successful. This is a casting from copper alloys for church needs. Everything else is far from metal. They transport meat to Moscow... They transport plastic windows. But this is again a temporary phenomenon... Etc. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

Of course you can earn money, but a little only for the soul. I sharpened fishing equipment, reel floats, etc. Fishing stores will gladly take YOUR goods, homemade products are always in demand, in some cities there are no markets, only for pennies, Add to This is due to the cost of the material. So don’t expect to make a lot of money, but sales if the item is made with high quality are constant. Yes, you can come up with a lot of things if you have free material.

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! IMHO. Here you need to do something very exclusive/unique. Not in terms of accuracy, of course... but, so to speak, artistic value. And one more question for TS. What does it mean to make money? What amounts are implied? You don’t have to answer out loud, it’s a personal matter... but do the math for yourself. How much needs to be done and at what price, say per month.

PS. Another IMHO - it won't work

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

TS gets a two-week break for cross-posting. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

View message Dmitry43 (January 12, 2014 - 13:00) wrote: And another question for TS TS for cross-posting is on rest for two weeks. It's a pity... Well then, let it be just advice on how to make money on tabletop lathes and what can be produced on them!

Good morning everyone. Sorry, but the topic is completely different. I asked, but did not receive an answer from you. I ask the question again: 1) Is it possible to produce something to earn money on tabletop lathes, such as TV-4, TV-6, TV-7, TV-16. as well as desktop milling machines 2) If it is possible to make it, then I ask for advice and ideas. 3) Or this is not for making money and you won’t make money on it. If you ask about this on the forum, then you probably can’t. You can create a workshop and take orders, but you probably won’t get by with small machines to make serious money. And qualifications are needed. And so, indeed, as a part-time job you can do something to order, but as a main source of income it is not effective. Yes, and here you need qualifications and a get-together among those who are interested in your work (something for modellers, auto/motor parts for restorers, all sorts of things for historical reconstruction, some devices for jewelers, artists, I don’t know what else). Making hundreds of simple parts in series on such machines is most likely unprofitable, and not very convenient. You can come up with your own unique product and release it. This refers to a device or device for something, and not just one part. But not everyone can do this anymore. If you want it simple, it’s better to make the keys on a special machine. They are always needed. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! Once upon a time we made a batch of bushings for the clothing industry; it’s quite possible to do it on a small machine. A friend made brass nuts, supposedly for furniture. Inside there was a hexagon on a home press. Then he made a device for quickly cutting threads. He made these nuts in large quantities, and earned very good money. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

A friend made brass nuts, supposedly for furniture

It was probably a long time ago. Now furniture fittings full and for pennies. And other furniture makers have become How to make money on tabletop lathes and what can be produced on them!

Even a small lathe is very necessary. Place it in the garage, open the gate wider (so that everyone can see how you work and what) and start sharpening anything for your loved one. The handles for the files are beautiful, canopies for gates, copper slip rings for car generators, grind the commutators of drills, grinders, starter commutators, etc. In half a year, a stable clientele will appear and people themselves will begin to suggest what can be done on your equipment. You will begin to acquire tools and machines. Those who want are looking for opportunities to use the knowledge and skills they have, and those who don’t want are looking for reasons to refuse. Our people have sooo many problems, you will not be useful.

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! Stop turning the chipmaker into a branch of the Hansa. Let technologies and designs live here, and let’s leave the squabbles about legality there. If you are afraid to make bullets, then you can make bullets. Die-cuts for wads. Matrix for twisting. Purlin rings. If you have access to heat treatment and grinding, then the calibers are for rifle owners. There is a lot to offer modellers. But here it is highly advisable to stew in their environment. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

As one of my friends said, you can’t make money on individual parts. You need to produce at least some kind of ready-made unit.

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

Good morning everybody. Sorry, but the topic is completely different. I asked, but did not receive an answer from you. I ask the question again: 1) Is it possible to produce something to earn money on tabletop lathes, such as TV-4, TV-6, TV-7, TV-16. as well as tabletop milling machines 2) If it is possible to make, then I ask for advice and ideas. 3) Or this is not for making money and you won’t make money on it. You can do this. And if you do this, that’s good money. make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them! Unfortunately, there are no finished products left. But I gave a lot to friends, everyone is happy. This is what I abandoned. As I wrote earlier, you can do whatever you want, the main thing is that this production satisfies YOU. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

You can do whatever your heart desires, the main thing is that this production satisfies YOU.

If it's a hobby. The topic was about making money, which means it’s more important that they BUY it. How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

If making does not bring joy, then there will be no income.

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

You need to make something yourself (finished product) that requires small turned parts

How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

Dear, what was that? How to make money on tabletop lathes and what you can produce on them!

Place it in the garage and open the gate wider (so everyone can see how you work and what)

We periodically walk along the garages and see what you are doing. I think it's the same everywhere. Can you initially give a certain amount, and then cover it and become a plus?

DIY metal lathe

Thanks to metal lathes, people have the opportunity to make some parts themselves. It is not always possible to buy a part for a car or special equipment.

And most often, not because there is not enough money, but if we are talking about old Soviet special equipment or automobile industry products, many models are no longer produced. But nevertheless, this does not deprive the user of the opportunity to use them. Do-it-yourself metal lathes make it possible to do everything you need at home.

Why buy a metal lathe when you can make one yourself. It's not that difficult, and all you need is some drawings, a little patience and some old electrical equipment. Let's look at how to make such equipment yourself.

The main purpose of a lathe

TV 16 screw-cutting lathe

The principle of operation of any lathe is to process the part as it rotates. Thus, the cutter inserted into the plane of rotation will remove unnecessary elements upon contact with the workpiece. Such equipment can be automated, allowing the operator to do the following:

  1. Perform longitudinal turning of a cylindrical workpiece with a smooth or stepped surface;
  2. Process ledges or grooves in a future part;
  3. Perform grooving of external or internal conical surfaces;
  4. Carry out thread cutting, both internal and external, using a cutter or drill;
  5. Ream or countersink holes in a metal workpiece;
  6. Cut off excess parts or cut grooves;
  7. Roll the grooved surface of the workpiece.

The main purpose of using a metal lathe is to process shafts, bushings or disks. Thus, a person gets the opportunity to make an axle, flywheel, sprockets, various liners, etc. from a blank. You can also process body parts on a universal lathe.

There is a certain classification of turning equipment. They are divided as follows

  1. According to turning characteristics. There are as many as 9 subgroups when dividing equipment in this way.
  2. Size range. The classification is carried out depending on the diameter of the workpiece that you will be processing.
  3. Level of specialization. Depending on the profile of the work performed and the capabilities of the equipment.
  4. Machine accuracy class.

The most famous and used for the home workshop are screw-cutting lathes.

They gained their popularity back in Soviet years, when they taught the younger generation to process metal parts. The main purpose of the machines in this group is precisely to train specialists to work with more complex equipment.

This implies ease of operation and mastering of the machine. And high level safety and minimum safety requirements for operator work.

Nowadays such equipment is produced in a modern style. Such models have increased functionality designed for the operation of an enterprise; therefore, it is not advisable to install such equipment at home.

It will be expensive - there is no point in overpaying for functionality that you will never use in your life.

Old TV-16 machines, which were used to equip almost all labor rooms and production workshops for training specialists in educational institutions, ideal for home. The problem is that getting such equipment even from a reservation is very problematic.

You can, of course, buy from a photo on Avito, but you will buy it second-hand, and it is not a fact that the machine will last you a long time, after the old owner.

It is best to do it yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. You will need tools and materials that are not a problem to get. By building a metal machine with your own hands, you will not only get equipment for working with workpieces, but also save a lot of money on the purchase and services of turners.

How the machine works - important structural elements

Design diagram.

Any equipment necessarily has a basis, without which it will not function. In a screw-cutting lathe, such structural elements are:

  1. Headstock and tailstock;
  2. The bed or frame, which is the basis for the equipment;
  3. Electric drive;
  4. Control centers – driven and driven parts of the machine;
  5. A tool rest where the operator will rest the cutting tools to process the part.

This can also include grounding and a protective shield. The first will ensure your safety from defeat electric shock, and the second will protect against chips getting into your face.

The unit will be installed on a special steel. If you manufacture this equipment yourself, the frame is the base.

Advice: it is best to choose a high-quality and durable metal for the base. The stronger the frame, the more securely the equipment will be fixed. This eliminates rattling of the screw-cutting turning unit.

The tailstock will be installed along the frame. This device is movable. The front one is stationary. It is connected by a belt drive to the drive, which causes the workpiece to move.

In turning and screw-cutting equipment, the center, which is the leading one, will connect the motor together with the rotation transmission device. The electric drive itself is best installed on the frame. At home, strong metal corners and profiles are best suited for creating a frame. You will also need some pieces of wood to act as a stand to help eliminate vibration from the equipment.

What is important here is not so much what you will use, but the stability of the finished frame. A motor is suitable as an electric drive; it is best that it be from under washing machine high power.

The entire installation will be powered with a voltage of 380V, so you will definitely need to run wires into the garage that can meet this requirement. You will also need old table, which will be a stand for the machine. It is best to choose a sturdy table made of wood or metal.

The transmission of revolutions to the shafts can be done using a chain, friction or belt drive. A belt is best because it is the most effective, simple and reliable type.

Features of the design of a do-it-yourself screw-cutting lathe

General form homemade machine.

It is not difficult to make a homemade lathe at home. The main thing is to follow a number of rules that will help you do this. The first step is to replace the driven and driving centers of the equipment on the same axis. In this way, the user removes vibrations that may occur during the processing of metal workpieces.

Important! When using equipment with one leading center, you need to install a special jaw chuck or a faceplate.

Thanks to these elements, the user will be able to secure the part for further processing cutting tools.

Important! Under no circumstances should motors be installed as commutator-type electric drives.

If such a unit is not provided with additional counter-load, the torque will be too strong. It will not be possible to grind anything at such speeds. In addition, the part may simply fly out of the clamps, which do not provide sufficient gripping force.

In this way, you can not only damage the workpiece itself, but also suffer badly if it hits a person. For this purpose use asynchronous motor. The essence of its work is that even with an increase or decrease in load, the rotation frequency transmitted to the shafts will not change.

Such a unit will allow the operator to process parts of the following dimensions:

  1. Thickness – 10 cm;
  2. Width – up to 70 cm.
Tailstock– this is a unique structural part of the machine where the driven center is mounted. It can be stationary or dynamic. To move it, a simple bolt is used. By twisting or unwinding, the headstock will move in the direction to the required operator.

Before installing such a bolt, lubricate it with machine oil for better and more comfortable sliding. Only then is it permissible to insert it into the thread, which is designed to move the tailstock of the installation.

To work on creating a machine from improvised means, you will need several simple tools that every person can find

  1. Electric welding;
  2. Bulgarian;
  3. Grinding machine;
  4. Drill with a set of drills;
  5. Spanners;
  6. Measuring tools - calipers along with a tape measure or ruler;
  7. Pen, pencil or marker for marking.

The first step is to think over the drawing, and then proceed with installation.

Design of a future product

Drawings with dimensions.

  1. Length – up to 115 cm;
  2. Width up to 62 cm;
  3. The height of the equipment axis is 18 cm.

Important! These dimensions should not be exceeded when manufacturing a machine in a home-made environment. This can lead to disruption of its geometry during operation.

When you draw up a project, draw out all the details, or download drawings with dimensions from the Internet and work according to the finished plan. If you try to keep all the points in your head, you will definitely make a mistake that will ruin all the equipment.

You will rely on the accuracy of the project and drawing of the future equipment not only during the work process, but also during the purchase of the necessary Supplies.

We create a lathe based on an electric motor

Now let's look at the sequence of assembling a home metal lathe.

  1. We make the frame. According to the drawing, we process the channel or profile corner. We measure and trim what is unnecessary. Using welding, we securely weld the frame so that we get an even rectangle.
  2. Installation of slats and headstocks. A rail with a tailstock on one side will be mounted on it. And weld the front headstock to the other.
  3. Drive installation. An electric motor is installed on the rear side of the frame. It should be placed as close as possible to the headstock, so that with the help of shafts and a belt it is possible to practically ensure the possibility of transmitting rotation to the working part.
  4. Installation of the tool rest. When the previous stage is completed, we install the tool stand. It is not welded, but is made movable using nuts and bolts. The movement of the tool rest should be in a direction perpendicular to the workpiece.
  5. Installation protective casing and putting the belt on the transmission shafts.
  6. Connecting the motor to the network and grounding.
  7. Visual inspection for correct assembly and test run.

Tip: To better understand how to make a machine, watch the video below.

Congratulations - your home lathe is ready. Now you can without special effort manufacture any necessary metal parts for special equipment or cars. You can also now repair certain parts yourself vehicle or household tools.

Modern processing of metal parts is almost impossible without a lathe. To save money, you can make this device yourself.

Making an ego is actually not as difficult as it seems, and a drawing of a lathe can easily be found on the Internet. The design of the machine can be very diverse, as well as its dimensions.

The material for making it at home can easily be found in any garage.

Lathe device

It is impossible to make a lathe with your own hands without knowing its structure, so below we present its main parts:

  • Drive unit. The basis of the mechanism generates power. For a low-power machine, a drive from a drill or washing machine is suitable;
  • Bed. A steel corner or a wooden frame is suitable for manufacturing; this is a kind of load-bearing frame, so it must be strong to withstand vibrations;
  • Tailstock. It is made by welding a corner to an iron plate. It is needed for fixation during processing of the manufactured device;
  • Headstock. Installed on a movable frame, similar to a tailstock;
  • Caliper. Acts as a support for the working part.

The rotational torque is transmitted by the engine to the working part using the following options:

  • Chain;
  • With a belt;
  • Friction.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Belt - the cheapest and most reliable, easy to manufacture. But the belt wears out quickly and needs to be replaced frequently.

The chain one is more expensive, it is more bulky, but it lasts a long time. In terms of its advantages and disadvantages, the friction one occupies a middle position. It is worth noting the fact that photos of a lathe with different gears are available on the Internet, and you can easily study them in detail.

Caliper - extremely important detail machine It regulates both the amount of effort expended during work and the quality of the part.

Moves in different directions and is therefore highly susceptible to wear. Don't forget to adjust it before starting work.

Mechanism assembly sequence

We assemble the machine frame using channels and beams. The larger the parts you plan to work with, the more durable materials the frame should be made of.

To produce the headstock, we will need a hydraulic cylinder with a wall thickness of 6 mm or more. We press 2 bearings into the cylinder. Using bearings large diameter we lay the shaft.

It is necessary to fill the lubricating fluid into the hydraulic booster. Then we install the caliper with guides and pulley.

We install a tool rest to give the cutter stability. At the bottom we attach a small strip of metal, which makes the working part wear-resistant.

Which electric motor to choose?

The motor is the most important part of any machine, because without it it will not function. The total power of the machine depends on its power. A motor with a power of up to a kilovolt (old sewing machines can serve as a donor) is suitable for the manufacture of small parts.

Motors with a power of 1.5-2 kW. used when processing large parts. Never forget to insulate all electrical parts.

For correct installation It is better to call an electrician than to get injured.

How to make a lathe from a drill?

To save on spare parts and simplify assembly, it is allowed to use a drill as a drive. This design has its advantages:


  • the structure can be assembled and disassembled at any time;
  • It is quite easy to carry and transport, because it is quite easy to disassemble it;
  • cost savings;

But this method has its drawbacks, because the drill has a low torque, which will make it almost impossible to process large parts.

It is worth modifying a metal lathe with a drill only when you do not plan a large amount of work and you need to make small parts.

To make this type of metal lathe, you need the usual parts (except for the motor and headstock). The function of the headstock is taken over by the drill.

Due to the compactness of the machine, the role of the bed can be performed by a flat surface or a workbench. The drill itself can be secured using a clamp or clamp.

The following safety precautions must be observed:


  • Upon completion of the machine layout, it is necessary to check the serviceability.
  • the electric motor in the machine must be protected by a casing;
  • the power of the electric motor must be covered by your electrical network;
  • the working tool can only be positioned parallel to the surface of the workpiece. Otherwise it will bounce off;
  • when processing the end planes, the latter must rest against the tailstock;
  • you can start working only using eye protection from chips;
  • after work it is necessary workplace leave it clean.

A woodworking machine requires the same safety precautions as a metalworking machine.

Changing the machine

When it is necessary to install cone-shaped holes, we attach two files so that the shape of a trapezoid is obtained. Next, we mount the device on springs for supplying the file.

To sharpen various blades, we attach a grinding wheel to the engine.

To summarize, I would like to say that assembling the machine is quite simple. It is quite possible to make a homemade lathe at home using scrap materials, which is a fairly economical undertaking.

You can adjust the size and power of the equipment yourself, as well as make the necessary modifications.


Photo of a do-it-yourself lathe