Types of matching keywords Yandex Direct. Cheat sheet: keyword operators in Yandex.Direct

Key phrases are words or phrases that determine who your ad will be shown to.

On Yandex search, ads are shown for queries that entirely contain the key phrases you specify. When displayed on networks, the system automatically selects ads whose key phrases coincide with the topic of the site or the interests of the user.

Work principles

Key phrases work differently in search and online.

  • On search
  • On networks

The key phrase determines for which queries an ad from the group can be shown on Yandex search and on YAN search sites.

For example, if you specified the phrase tours to mars, then your ads can be shown based on queries tours to mars, last minute tours to mars, inexpensive tours to mars, buy tours to mars etc., but will not be shown on requests tours to the moon or Is there life on Mars.

When displaying, the system takes into account all forms of a word within one part of speech, including singular and plural forms. For example, according to the phrase travel mars an ad can be shown if a user asks: travel mars or travelMars.

Ads can be shown for queries that contain synonyms for your keyword phrase. For example, by keyword inexpensive tours ad can be shown upon request cheap tours.

The key phrase determines the theme of the sites and the interests of the user, in accordance with which the ad can be shown on networks. For example, an advertisement for the sale of tours to Mars could be shown on a page about travel or to a user who is interested in flights to Mars.

How to add keywords

Key phrases can be added separated by commas when creating or editing an ad in the field New keywords. Only letters, numbers, the “-” operator and other Direct operators are allowed. It is acceptable to use a dot in decimal fractions. Letter case and word order are not important.

The length of the key phrase cannot be more than 4096 characters (including negative words, spaces and Direct operators). The number of phrases per group is no more than 200. The number of words for one key phrase is no more than 7.

Adding or changing a key phrase occurs within 3 hours. To add keywords for an individual ad, create a new group for it.

If key phrases overlap (one contains another), then negative keywords are automatically added to them. In this case, the keywords no longer compete when choosing an ad to display.

Repeated words in a keyword phrase are combined. For example, instead of the phrase Baden Baden only the word will remain Baden. Ad impressions will be shown as requested Baden Baden, or simply upon request Baden.

Functional parts of speech and pronouns, as well as any words that do not carry additional meaning (stop words), are automatically excluded from the user's request when selecting ads for display. For example, when a user requests how and when to travel to Mars Ads containing the keyword will be selected for display travel mars. How, And, When, on will in this case be stop words.

Remember that stop words are respected in all languages. For example, if the keyword is given IT services, ads will be shown for non-target queries stylist services or legal services, because itin English- this is a pronoun. To ensure that the stop word is not excluded from the query, you need to fix it using the “+” operator.

Safe words

Yandex is improving the algorithms that are responsible for selecting key phrases suitable for a search query, so the presented list of stop words changes over time and may be incomplete.

Russian and Ukrainian English
Russian and Ukrainian English

Many SEO specialists know that the method of collecting frequency from Yandex.Wordstat has one significant drawback - the lack of difference in the frequency of queries that have the same words, but in a different order. For example, even the exact match operator "!" gives the same frequency for the queries “online movies” and “online movies”:

But we know that this is actually not the case. There is a certain number of people who searched for “movies online”, and there is a certain number of people who searched for “online films”, and these numbers do not have to be equal at all.

How to find out the “true” frequency of a search query in Yandex?

Until recently, everything was not easy: optimizers had to resort to tricks to understand which word order in a query is more frequent. Here the frequency of keywords from Google AdWords and the most frequent word form given in the left column of Yandex.Wordstat came to the rescue, but all these methods were extremely far from ideal.

But quite recently everything has changed for the better: Yandex.Wordstat began to support the operator “” (square brackets), which previously existed only in Yandex.Direct! This operator, according to Yandex, “Allows you to fix the order of words in a search query.”

What does this mean in practice? Now, using this operator, we can finally find out the “true” frequency of any request in Yandex!

As you can see, the query “online movies” actually has a frequency 10 times lower than “online movies”!

And of course, this operator is now supported by our RUSH ANALYTICS service!

How to use it?

If this option is active, then all selected frequency types (except general) will take into account word order. That is, if you noted only the frequency of “keyword” (in quotes), then the frequency for the request “[keyword]” (in quotes) will be collected. And if you have marked 2 types of frequency: “in quotes” and “with an exclamation mark”, then both of these types of frequency will be collected with the new operator. In other words, when the checkbox is checked, the standard frequencies are replaced with similar ones, but taking into account the word order.

Attention! "General" frequency (broad match without all operators) is not supported with the new "Consider word order" option! When working with the new option, please select only the frequencies “” and “!”.

Why are Yandex search operators needed?

When making a search query, Yandex does not take into account or distinguish the following::

  • Word order (for Yandex, the requests “buy tickets Moscow St. Petersburg” and “buy tickets St. Petersburg Moscow” are the same request);
  • Singular and plural (the requests “order a book” and “order books” are the same);
  • Cases (queries like: director, director, director, director, director - for Yandex - one word);
  • Masculine, feminine, neuter (queries: “colored”, “colored”, “colored” - the same request);
  • Unions and prepositions (“in”, “as”, “a”, “y”, “on”, “to”, etc. - all prepositions, conjunctions and words that do not carry meaning are ignored by Yandex);
  • First, second, third party (I will “buy”, you will “buy”, he will “buy”, they will “buy” - for Yandex this is the same request “buy”);
  • Yandex does not distinguish between adjectives and adverbs (“wet” and “wet”);
  • Yandex does not distinguish between verbs, participles, and gerunds (queries like: “get out”, “cleaned up”, “getting out”).

As a result, Yandex Direct may display your advertisement for non-targeted user requests that are similar to your target requests. To avoid untargeted ad impressions, Yandex Direct operators are used to help more correctly specify key phrases for advertising.

Special operator characters are used in Yandex Direct to indicate the desired type of match along with the keyword. Yandex Direct operators can be applied to the entire keyword or to each word/element or group of words/elements of a keyword and combined.

Keyword operators in Yandex Direct help you create the right keyword, add negative keywords, or create an exact query in the wordstat.yandex.ru service. You need to know what types of operators are used and how they are used in setting up advertising campaigns.

Types of operators

Special characters and operators allow you to more accurately formulate a key phrase, negative phrase or query when selecting words. There are six types of operators:

  • plus "+"
  • minus "-"
  • Exclamation point "!"
  • quotes "" ""
  • round brackets "()"
  • square brackets ""

Each operator is placed either before a word (+, -, !,) or at the beginning and end of a phrase (”…”, (…), […]). These operators are used both when selecting phrases in the Wordstat service and in Yandex Direct campaigns.

Operators can be combined using mathematical symbols (+, -, =, /, *, %, etc.), punctuation marks, apostrophes, hashtags. Some characters in the ad work as operators, for example, in #word# in the ad, the key phrase highlighted ## will be substituted for the word.

This provides flexibility in setting up keyword matches. Several different matching operators can be applied to a keyword at the same time:

Here is a list of operators with examples of key phrases and queries for which ads will or will not be shown.


What is he doing

Example Keyphrase

When shown

When not shown

Fixes the form of the word (number, case, tense).

buy a ticket to! Moscow

buy a ticket to Moscow

buy a ticket in Moscow

Fixes stop words.

work + at home

work from home

household chores

work at home

Fixes the number of words. Display for queries containing a phrase without additional words.

Repeated words are counted as one word.

"to buy a car"

to buy a car

buy a car

buy a red car

"buy a car on credit in Moscow"

buy a car on credit in Moscow

buy a car loan in Moscow inexpensively

buy a KIA car on credit Moscow

Fixes the order of words. In this case, all word forms and stop words are taken into account.

tickets [from Moscow to Paris]

tickets from Moscow to Paris

plane tickets from Moscow to Paris

tickets from Paris to Moscow

Moscow tickets

cheap tickets from Moscow to Paris

Group words for complex queries.

buy a car (inexpensive|VAZ)

buy a car inexpensively

buy a VAZ car

In the word selection service, operators will work on the “By Words” and “By Regions” tabs. In the Query History tab, only the + operator works.

Below is a brief summary of the match types and their implementation:

Match type


Example: bar stools

Implementation in Direct

100% match between the keyword and the user's request.
Typos, very close spellings and incorrect keyboard layout are also taken into account.

bar chairs
fhyst cnekmz
bar stools
bar stools
bar stools

"!bar chairs"

"[!bar chairs]"

The user's query consists only of the same words as the keyword. But they can be in any order and in all their word forms.

bar chairs
bar stools
bar chair
bar stool
bar stool
bar stool
And. etc.

"bar chairs"

Exactly - wide

The search query contains an exact match keyword, but it can also contain any number of additional words on the left and right.

bar chairs
buy bar stools
bar stoolssale
buy bar stools Italy
bar stoolsinexpensive in Kyiv

Bar chairs

Or even more precisely

[!bar chairs]

Fine+ - wide

The search query contains an exact match keyword, but it can also contain any number of additional words on the left and right.

bar chairs
bar stoolsbuy
bar chair hawker versailles
sale of bar stools
buy bar stool Ukraine

[bar chairs]
[bar stools]

The search query contains all the words from the keyword, but it can also contain any number of additional words. Words from a keyword can be in all their word forms and can be located anywhere relative to each other.
Synonyms of words from the keyword and similar words are also allowed.

bar chairs
bar equipment chair
sale of bar chairs for home

drawings of wooden bar stools

bar stool

chairs for bar counters

height of bar table and chair
Kyiv bar stool size

bar chairs

Wide +

The search query contains at least some of the words from the keyword, but it can also contain any number of additional words. Words from a keyword can be in all their word forms and can be located anywhere relative to each other.
Synonyms of words from the keyword, words with the same root (for example, bathtub and bathroom) and similar words are also allowed.

bar chairs
bar and cafe chairs
high bar chairs
bar stools
designer bar chairs
bar round tables
chair to bar counter

bar equipment and furniture
bar kitchen table and 2 chairs
ikea bar stools

selling high bar stools
swivel bar chairs
wooden high chair

bar chairs

And you also need to enable impressions for additional relevant phrases

Another example showing how an operator cuts off unnecessary audiences is the sale of Kia cars. If the name of the car is typed in Russian, then quite often you can get caught by billiard lovers. For example, the request “buy Kia”. If you want not to show advertising for billiard cues to people who want to buy a Kia car, then write:


this will be shown for queries:

buy a Kia car

buy kia sportage

and will not be for:

buy a billiard cue

buy a cue

Thus, Direct offers several types of operators:

  • Broad match
  • Force a word to appear in a query (mainly used for prepositions and conjunctions)
  • Phrase matching
  • Match with fixed word order in the query
  • Exact match
  • Negative words

Let's take a closer look at them.

Broad match

Broad match - a request without any specifications. This is the default option. Ads will be shown to everyone who enters a query in Yandex containing all forms of a given keyword (cases, singular/plural, etc.), plus any other words. This match type is only recommended if all others do not generate enough hits for the keyword.

For example, when entering a query:

"Tour to Turkey"

Ads will be shown for search queries:

“cheap tours to Turkey”

“what to take with you on a tour to Turkey”

“download essay tour of Turkey without registration”

and many others.

With such a wide audience, the number of impressions increases, the CTR of ads decreases, and the cost per click increases. As a result, the advertising campaign budget and the speed of its expenditure increase. However, when there are very few targeted queries (less than 30-50 per month), filtering unnecessary queries will be more time-consuming, and it makes sense to use broad match.

Minus word (operator -)

This operator allows you to exclude unnecessary and non-target words from the query. For example, in order not to sell air conditioning systems to those who are writing a term paper on a specified topic, the word abstract with a minus sign is added to the keyword air conditioning system.

air conditioning systems - abstract

Another example: they launched an advertisement for the sale of scooters with the key phrase “buy a scooter.” At the same time, we don’t want the ad to be shown for queries like “buy a scooter on sale” and “buy a used scooter.” If you do not use the minus operator “-”, the ad will appear based on unnecessary phrases:

Let's rephrase the key phrase into “buy a scooter - sale - used”. This will exclude impressions based on unnecessary words.

Advertisers often use long lists of negative keywords. This allows you to narrow the target area, but there will still be untargeted impressions that will reduce the CTR of the ad. One option is quotation marks (using phrase matching).

Phrase matching (operator "")

A keyword enclosed in quotation marks "" will be shown for queries containing only that keyword in its word forms. An example is the keyword “ticket to Moscow from Vladivostok”. The ad will be shown for the following queries:

“ticket to Moscow from Vladivostok”

“ticket from Vladivostok to Moscow”

“ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok”

And it will not be shown to those who search:

“buy a ticket to Moscow”

“cheap ticket to Moscow from Vladivostok”

“ticket for a ship from Vladivostok to Moscow.”

Words inside quotation marks are considered to be forced into the request. That is, the key query “buy a ticket in Moscow” is equivalent to the key query “buy a ticket + in Moscow.”

Another example:

"floor air conditioner"

the display will be in case of requests:

“buy a floor air conditioner”

"inexpensive floor air conditioner"

"floor air conditioner Moscow"

“buy a floor-mounted air conditioner inexpensively”

If you want to show an ad only for the phrase “floor air conditioner,” then enclose the phrase in quotation marks—“floor air conditioner.”

If you enclose a phrase in quotation marks “,” then impressions will be for all variants of queries containing only these words in any form (the so-called phrase match).

For the key phrase “buy a dress inexpensively” there will be impressions for the requests “I will buy an inexpensive dress”, “buy dresses inexpensively”, etc. But there will be no advertising for the requests “buy a beautiful black dress inexpensively”, “I will buy an inexpensive dress in an online store” etc. If some words are repeated in a quoted phrase, they are counted as one and make it possible to substitute any addition.

When to use quotation marks? They are used: for high-frequency requests, securing them with an increased rate; for quick testing when you need to check something without spending hours, days, weeks collecting negative keywords; if there are a lot of garbage requests.

Or an example in Wordstat. Let’s take the quoted phrase “buy a dress in an online store in Moscow.” The preposition “in” is used twice in it, so any word can appear instead of one of them.

What if you used all keywords in phrase matching, eliminating negative keywords? At first glance, this seems like a great idea: you can build the broadest kernel possible, but no matter how much time you spend building the kernel, you still won't be able to cover everything. Managing such a huge campaign will be extremely difficult.

Match with fixed word order in the query (operator)

The square brackets operator in Direct fixes the order of words in a phrase. All stop words and word forms are taken into account here.

Example: you are interested in a flight from Paris to Moscow, but not from Moscow to Paris. To specify the exact word order, write the query like this:

air ticket [Paris Moscow]

Thus, the square brackets [ and ] indicate in what order the keywords should appear in the user's query. If the word order is different, ads will not be shown.

If you simply set the keyword ticket St. Petersburg-Khabarovsk for an advertisement in Direct, the ad will be shown to those wishing to fly from Khabarovsk to Moscow (buy a ticket Khabarovsk-St. Petersburg), and vice versa (buy a ticket St. Petersburg -Khabarovsk). If you specify [St. Petersburg-Khabarovsk], then the ad will be shown only when searching for a ticket St. Petersburg-Khabarovsk or buy a ticket St. Petersburg-Khabarovsk, but not when searching for a return ticket

This allows you to specify the proposal and increase its effectiveness.

Listing words in one phrase (operator () and |)

Operator () and | - Responsible for grouping keywords for complex queries.

Usage example:

Let’s take two search phrases denoting the same service:

"order office cleaning"

“order office cleaning.”

The grouping operator allows you to make one from several complex queries. In the example above, this would be the request “order (cleaning) of the office.”

Force a word to appear in a query (operator +)

Yandex Direct does not take into account prepositions and conjunctions in the key phrase unless they are forced to be added to the key phrase. Such words are called stop words.

The plus + operator is placed before the stop word, which must be in the request. Most often used with prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions that Direct does not otherwise take into account.

For example, with a key query:

ticket + to Moscow

the ad will not be shown to those searching for tickets in Moscow, but will be shown upon request for tickets in Moscow.

Exact match (operator!)

The operator allows you to fix the word form of the keyword in the query (case, declension, number, etc.). An exclamation mark is placed before the required word.

Combining Operators

Operators can be combined with each other. For example, you could specify the following keyword:

car rental by driver -!with -!without

or, let’s say, we sell tickets in Novosibirsk. Then we clarify the preposition “in” with a plus. We get +v. And we clarify the form of the word Novosibirsk, we get!Novosibirsk, since if we do not specify the form of the word, we will be shown for queries containing “ticket Novosibirsk”, for example, “buy a ticket to Novosibirsk. As a result, we get the phrase “ticket + in! Novosibirsk”:


Operators in Yandex Direct are a very useful tool that should not be ignored. The examples should make it clear how to use match operators and in what cases their use will save your advertising budget.

Formulate key phrases correctly, clarify lists of negative keywords, and use operators correctly.

How to use operators in Yandex Direct

Correctly used operators in Yandex Direct are able to bring only targeted traffic to the site, cutting off unnecessary transitions. Often in an advertising campaign there are problems of illiterate use or lack of operators. As a result, the client spends part of the money on advertising for indirect requests that are only partially relevant to him, or simply limits his coverage.

Using an operator in a key phrase requires certain skills and experience, so often many beginners prefer to simply minus unwanted phrases. As a result, ads stop showing for a number of requests, including targeted ones.

Some people rush to launch a campaign under tight deadlines, neglecting the time to finalize it and missing out on difficult moments when working with operators.

Sharing Operators

Sometimes it is necessary to indicate several characteristics of a product at once. In this case, the parenthesis operator helps. For example, how to find out key phrases for all queries containing: white, brown, green and black gloves. Let’s take “buy gloves” as the main request. Then we need to set in the Wordstat line:

“buy gloves (white|brown|green|black)”

This operator helps to find out statistics for complex queries and speeds up the process, since there is no need to specify separate phrases for each characteristic.

When working with operators, it is often not enough to use them alone. In order for the query statistics to be as complete as possible and include only queries of interest, you must be able to combine several operators.

Using operators in Wordstat

The Yandex Wordstat word selection service (used to collect the semantic core for an upcoming or existing advertising campaign) also works with operators. They operate on the following tabs: “By words” or “By regions”. In the service section called “Request History”, only the “+” operator command is used.

Sometimes it is important to find out the exact number of requests for a given phrase/word (frequency). Let's take the query: “red roses”. In order to find out how many people are looking for this particular phrase, you need to set the keyword in the following format: “!red!roses”

If you need to collect all the secondary information about the phase, without changing the phrase itself even by case, then you need to use square brackets. Let’s say for a site with movie trailers, you need to see what users are asking for with the phrase: “about the Wild West.” In this case, the phrase should be set like this: [+about!the wild!west].

Another example. Let's say there is a dream book website, and you need to decide on the topic of the next material. To do this, you need to ask a query like:+in!sleep. In this case, Wordstat will display the most popular queries about dreams.


Use combinations of different operators. Knowing their types and purpose, you can skillfully use them in key queries, which will increase not only its effectiveness, but also increase the return on the advertising campaign as a whole.

Consider word order. Let's say you are selling houses located on the water. It would be correct to use the following operators in one of the key phrases in the advertising campaign: “[houses on!water]”. Thus, the advertisement will be displayed for the following phrases: “houses on the water” or “house on the water.” But for such sets of phrases as “water at home” or water at home” (which in this case are not needed), it will not be shown.

Do not overdo it. Often all of the above operators are present. Conflicts arise and the meaning of using operators is lost. The correct combination of several combinations for maximum focus on attracting the necessary targeted traffic is a skill available only to experienced specialists.

Try not to cause conflict between negative keywords and keywords. Exclude the intersection of the stop word from the list in the ad group settings and enable it using some operator.

Conversion on request

Up to 80% of non-converting traffic can come from Yandex Direct, and if it is not monitored and filtered out, you will have to overpay impressive sums simply for visitors, and not for buyers. Therefore, an important issue is tracking conversions.

Conversion can be direct or delayed. Direct conversion - the user clicks on the ad and immediately makes a conversion on the site (reaches the designated goal in the metric within one session). Delayed conversion - he clicks on the ad, closes the site, after some time returns to the site and buys something (makes a conversion). About half of the conversions are deferred, and they can also be tracked.

Direct conversions are displayed directly in the interface, in Yandex Direct statistics. Pending conversions can only be tracked through Yandex Metrica.

Let's go to the campaign statistics. To see which ads and search queries bring customers and which do not, select the “Phrases by day” tab. A metric with configured target actions should already be connected to the site. If the metric has not been configured, then there will be no statistics.

Click the "Show advanced settings" button. Select your main goal - conversion. This goal is called an Order:

Click the Show button. “Total for the campaign” data will be displayed at the top, and statistics for each ad and for each request below. The Goal Price column is interesting. This is the ratio of the amount of money spent on advertising to the number of conversions received from the spent budget. The goal price is calculated as a total price for the entire campaign and for each request and ad. Below are statistics for each ad and each request.

You can see how much was spent on impressions, which ads (the Total Expense column), and how many conversions they brought. If ads or requests are identified that have already spent a lot of budget in comparison with the average conversion cost for the entire campaign, but they did not convert, such ads or requests can be disabled (by going to the campaign and finding the ad by number).

It is interesting to compare the amount spent on a particular ad with the average conversion cost for the entire campaign, and draw conclusions about stopping certain ads, certain requests.

All these statistics work only on direct conversion. But deferred conversions most likely occur for the same queries as direct ones.

Yandex Metrica

You can get a lot of information from Metrica statistics, including statistics for assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct.

To do this, Metrica must be connected and target actions must be configured. If targeted actions are configured on the site, then you can track where the person came from and performed the targeted action. That is, you can track converted traffic.

If Direct and Metrica are on the same account (login), then Direct reports will show data on achieving the goals assigned in the metric. If Direct and Metrica are on different accounts, it is advisable to register the metric counter number in the advertising campaign settings in Yandex Direct. Based on statistics, you can make adjustments to your advertising campaign in Yandex Direct.

The goal is to identify ads from which real clients come (perform targeted actions on the site), and in a campaign for YAN network sites, to determine the sites from which clients come and from which they do not. Based on this information, you can disable or reduce costs for ineffective requests and stop displaying ads on YAN network sites from which there are no real applications. The analysis should be carried out at least two months after the launch of advertising in Direct.

Going to statistics, we get to the “Statistics by day” tab. Additional settings allow you to view data on the target. All goals assigned in Yandex Metrica and achieved by users who came through advertisements in Yandex Direct will be displayed here. By default, all targets are selected.

If you need to look at statistics on achieving a specific goal, then select it. Next, disable “Search” and “Context”, leaving only “Total”. If one campaign works for both search and context (YAN), then it is better to make a cut first for search, then for YAN (context) sites. Check the box “Detailed statistics on ads” and click “Show”.

You can see on which ad how much money was spent over the selected period of time, how many clicks it generated, how much goals were achieved (how many real clients came), the cost of achieving the goal from a specific ad. For each ad there will be statistics for each day of its impressions, below - Total.

The average goal achievement for all ads is shown at the very top in the statistics for all ads (Total data for the campaign, column “Goal price”).

If there are ads that have already spent twice the average cost of achieving the goal, and the goals from them have not been achieved, then it makes sense to stop them. The point of studying Yandex Metrica statistics to adjust campaigns is to compare the cost of achieving the goal for each ad with the average cost of achieving the goal for all ads, and stop those ads on which a lot of money was spent. This saves advertising budget by disabling displays of ads that only generate clicks without real applications.

Call tracking MANGO OFFICE

The effectiveness of keywords can be measured using MANGO OFFICE call tracking.

Call tracking is a service that measures the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in terms of conversions to calls and sales. The process is fully automated; no special skills are required.

Data about which source, advertising channel, campaign, contextual ad, keyword or banner brought the client is provided in simple and understandable reports. Based on them, you can improve advertising, turn off advertising that does not sell at all, and then redistribute the budget. Advertising analytics systems - Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica, Yandex Direct - are already integrated with call tracking.

Typically, dynamic call tracking is offered immediately with a certain number of numbers. Whether you will need the entire pool of phones is unknown. But you will pay for it in full. In the MANGO OFFICE call tracking system, you pay only for specific number displays to your website visitors. There are no more subscription fees for numbers, and their number is not limited. An unlimited number of spoofing numbers guarantees maximum call tracking accuracy. One site visitor – one number.

You can combine call tracking and CRM data, obtaining the entire history of customer interactions with the company. Installing the service is very easy. Just copy the script to any part of the page code.

Call tracking MANGO OFFICE will provide all the necessary tools for collecting data on advertising - analysis of statistics with any level of depth: from detailed information on each site visitor to data on the effectiveness of advertising channels and campaigns. It allows you to manage contextual advertising, optimize advertising campaigns for conversions using hot integrations with popular contextual advertising management systems Origami or K50.

MANGO OFFICE call tracking allows you to track not only calls, but also forms for feedback requests and callbacks. It can track the top performing keywords that bring internet users to your site. It helps to determine which advertising campaign the call was made from, what advertising source and channel the call came from.

Keyword matching in Direct is a control of audience reach using restrictions placed on the keyword. Without knowing about the match types in Yandex Direct, you can easily crap yourself by running an ad using the phrase buy a carpet, and then not get sales from it, because they were shown based on requests magic carpet price in Zazhopinsk.

Match types in Yandex Direct

There are 3 types of matches in Yandex Direct - broad, phrase and exact. In appearance they differ slightly only in punctuation, but in meaning they differ very much. To divide them into matches, you need to use Yandex Direct keyword operators

Broad match in Yandex Direct

By loading a phrase into the campaign buy a carpet without using Yandex Direct keyword operators and negative keywords, you will appear by request buying a flying carpet myth or reality. In other words, without specifying the type of match, you will show up for any near-thematic or same-root garbage that will never lead to a purchase.

Phrase matching in Yandex Direct

Phrase matching in Direct is used by lazy directologists who are too lazy to collect negative comments.

Quote operator in Yandex Direct

The same key phrase " buy a carpet", this time framed in quotation marks «..» on both sides, means that impressions will ONLY be based on the phrase "buy a carpet" in different declinations. Show up for requests "buying a carpet", "carpets purchase".

Garbage queries will no longer appear here, so there is no need to collect negative keywords either. Crystal clear traffic, but greatly reduced in coverage.

For requests like "buy a carpet in St. Petersburg» you won't show up anymore.

It makes sense to use keywords in quotes in Yandex Direct if you have already searched in broad matching, and in search queries all sorts of crap constantly pops up that you have to downvote every day. In other words, if there is garbage traffic for a phrase in broad matching, but there was none during parsing, we put the phrase in quotes and change its matching from broad to phrase.

Exact match in Yandex Direct

An order of magnitude more accurate than phrase matching. Characterized by the insertion of an exclamation mark before certain words in a phrase.

Exclamation mark in Yandex Direct

Phrase "!buy!carpet", taken in quotation marks, if we are still bothered, we will put an exclamation mark in front of each word - we will fix the word form. Now there will be no display of ads for phrases other than “buy a carpet”, without any declensions or conjugations.

Exclamation mark helps not to show up for queries "car after repair" when you advertise using a phrase "!car repair"- fix the word form of the word “ !repair".

Match modifiers (operators) of keywords in Yandex Direct

Operators for keywords in Yandex Direct are punctuation marks. Quotes «..» , Exclamation point ! , square brackets [..] , minus sign .

I already explained about quotation marks and exclamation marks. Next - about pluses and square brackets, to take into account auxiliary parts of speech and word order in a phrase.

Yandex Direct symbols and operators.

There is one more modifier - a plus sign «+» . It must be placed before prepositions, particles and other auxiliary parts of speech, because if it is not placed, this part of speech will not be taken into account. Sometimes this is VERY important, because it radically changes the meaning of the phrase.

A simple example: a company is engaged in custom tailoring.

If you use the phrase "custom clothing", where is the preposition "on the" is written without the plus sign, then the displays will be for the requests “clothes order”, “order clothes home”. Do you understand the meaning? Here they are no longer looking for a tailor or tailoring shop, but are looking for a READY product that they can put on themselves and go for a walk. In other words, the phrase "custom clothing" Although it is commercial, it is NOT TARGETED for us.

What does plus mean in Yandex Direct?

If you put the sign “ + ", and the phrase will take the form "clothing + custom", then impressions will begin upon request “clothes + to order”, “to sew clothes + to order”, “tailor atelier clothes + to order”, and the phrase will take on a completely different meaning, which will be our target.

Word order in the Yandex Direct key phrase

For some advertisers, it is important to consider the order of words in a phrase. Very often, this is needed by logistics companies or tour operators, for whom the phrases "Ticket Moscow St. Petersburg" And "ticket spb moscow" have different meanings, respectively, different target links for ads.

To fix the word order, you just need to put the phrase in square brackets [ … ] .

Then the phrase [ticket Moscow St. Petersburg] will acquire the word order and MEANING we need.

Square brackets can be combined with exclamation marks and pluses, fixing the word form and taking into account functional parts of speech.

Keyword matches in YAN campaigns

Everything listed above is only true for search campaigns. By using matching operators in phrases for YAN, you significantly reduce your audience reach, because the key phrases there are a description of the topics of the sites for displaying ads. In short, operators in YAN are harmful and dangerous, don’t use them.

Google Match Types

Everything there is similar, only the square brackets correspond to an exact match in Direct, and the fixation of the word form will be the sign “ + ” before each word, placing a plus + in front of each word in a broad match phrase, this will be analogous to a broad match with negative words from Direct.

In contact with

In order for contextual advertising to bring interested visitors to the site, it is not enough to select keywords; it is important to use them correctly. One of the basic stages is selecting the appropriate type of match. In this article, I will tell you what types of keyword matches there are and how to work with them.

How do match types work in Google Ads?

This match type is designed for maximum coverage: ads will be shown for all possible search queries related to the keyword: misspelled phrases, different word forms, different word orders.

This type is advisable to use when you need to attract the maximum amount of traffic, or you are working with a very narrow topic. Learn more about working with broad match.

When using broad match for search campaigns, you need to choose your negative keywords carefully (I'll talk about this in more detail later).

Campaigns targeting the Display Network often use broad match keywords to avoid narrowing their reach.

By using a modifier, you can control which words appear in search queries. In this case, words can be in different word forms and with errors, and their order does not matter.

By default, you can't select this match type in your account or Google Ads Editor interface.

You need to select broad match and add a “+” sign to each word (use AutoCorrect for convenience). Please note that the keywords “+buy +gift” and “+gift +buy” are duplicates (“keys” in your account that compete with each other).

Before prepositions and conjunctions, the “+” sign can be omitted so that advertisements are shown both for phrases containing a preposition or conjunction, and without them.