Cutting the pipe at the desired angle. How to cut a pipe at an angle

Metal is the material that the angle grinder (angle grinder) was originally designed to work with. Nowadays it is used to cut reinforcing bars, various metal sheets, and pipes various diameters, brick, concrete, stone, tiles and other building materials. Thanks to the availability a variety of attachments The grinder also allows you to polish and grind the surfaces of products. Cutting metal with a grinder is one of the main, most frequent work. To reduce the likelihood of injury, it must be performed correctly, with strict adherence to general and personal safety requirements.

Bulgarian belongs to the category of relatively dangerous power tools. You can get injured from a flying disc or a tool falling out of your hands. In both cases, the danger is associated with high speed rotation of the device's electric motor.

To increase the efficiency of the grinder, expand it functionality, in practice they use such additional accessories:

  • tripods;
  • retainers.

Their use makes it possible to improve the quality of sawing metal workpieces and increase the accuracy of the process. Working conditions also improve in terms of safety, and productivity increases.

The use of additional accessories allows you to use the tool as a machine designed to perform different types of work.

To make the cutting process as safe as possible, working on metal with an angle grinder should follow a number of rules. They are conventionally divided into preparatory and main (working) activities.

Before cutting begins, a number of manipulations must be carried out.

If possible, the material to be sawn should first be securely fixed, for example, in a vice, in order to eliminate possible accidental movements.

Holding workpieces in your hands or between your knees is prohibited.

Correct use of the tool

  1. When you start sawing any part using an angle grinder, you should adhere to these rules.
  2. When cutting metal, you need to hold the grinder firmly, with both hands.
  3. Do not place the working tool on the ground or table (do not let it out of your hands).
  4. Required periodically for about 5 minutes stop to rest, and to keep the disk cool.
  5. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the cutting wheel, preventing it from being pinched by the edges of the workpiece being cut.
  6. Do not leave the tool plugged in unattended.
  7. Use only discs of the correct size as specified in the operating instructions for the device you are using.
  8. Get the job done better on a flat surface so that the body position is stable.
  9. Make sure that the power cord is kept away from the rotating circle, sharp edges, and objects heated above 100 degrees.
  10. Movements not directly related to cutting must be performed only with the power tool turned off.
  11. You need to position yourself on the side or behind the tool, doing the work with your own hands so that parts of the body are not in the cutting plane.

When cutting metal with a grinder is finished, you should wait until the disk stops completely and disconnect the power cord of the tool from the mains. Afterwards, it is recommended to ensure that there are no signs of fire. When cutting materials, a right-handed person should correctly hold the handle of the device in the area of ​​the on/off button right hand. Left hand At the same time, it is located on a handle screwed into the body of the power tool from above.

It is unacceptable to perform work using an angle grinder in a very tired state, or while under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic or narcotic drugs.

As for the question of which direction—toward or away from you—the disk of a switched-on angle grinder should rotate, there is no definite answer.

The operating instructions indicate that the first option is correct. This is due to the fact that the resulting sparks fly away in the direction opposite to the operator, without causing harm. Also, fragments of the circle will fly in that direction if it breaks into pieces.

But if the rotating disk jams towards itself, the tool will fly off towards the worker. For this reason, many specialists prefer to cut metal so that the circle rotates “from itself”. A power tool torn out of your hands will fly in the opposite direction. This reduces the likelihood of injury, and clothing, shoes and gloves will protect the user from flying sparks.

To cut metal of different types and thicknesses, use appropriate cutting wheels of various thicknesses and diameters. The algorithm for sawing sheets is as follows.

  1. To cut using a grinder, sheet metal is first laid on a flat surface.
  2. Mark with chalk (marker) exact dimensions cut fragments on the surface of the sheet.
  3. Sawing is carried out along the marked lines, without changing the angle of the initial inclination of the disk to work surface to prevent jamming and damage to the power tool.

If sawing skills sheet metal grinder are not available, it is recommended in advance practice on soft material- this will give you the opportunity to feel the operation of the instrument.

It must be taken into account that the lower proximal segment of the disc cuts metal more effectively.

When cutting a sheet of metal, the following recommendations should be taken into account to obtain a high-quality result.

  1. To improve cooling, a sawing area is required water, which will also increase the life of the circle.
  2. You should start cutting metal only when the disk is rotating: you cannot turn on the tool if the stationary circle is in contact with the surface of the workpiece.
  3. To saw tin (thin sheet metal) or cut out various geometric shapes, it is more convenient to use small, worked out circles(“bits”)
  4. You should not press the grinder with significant force: cutting should take place almost only under own weight Angle grinder.
  5. If the cutting wheel stops in the slot (when the power tool is turned off), then work can be resumed only after it is removed.

If sawing the sheet occurs slowly, you should change the working nozzle. Excessive load on the angle grinder when cutting metal will lead to overheating or jamming of the rotating wheel.

Cutting a round hole in metal using an angle grinder

In practice, it is often necessary to cut a circle in metal, and the only tool available is an angle grinder. But it is quite enough for this purpose. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. Draw a circle with a compass on the surface of the metal or on a pre-made paper (cardboard) template with chalk or a marker.
  2. Holding the grinder at an angle to the surface of the sheet, make a preliminary marking cut of the metal along the marked contour, making short movements with the disk (sawing in small sections).
  3. Then, moving the nozzle in the same way, deepen the slot until it is completely cut out.

Need to cut along the outer contour of the circle so as not to reduce the size of the circle. If its diameter is small, then they cut by touching the metal with a disk point by point (without longitudinal movement of the nozzle). The round hole will have an oblique cut, as well as some minor flaws (they depend on the skill of the worker). Afterwards it is processed, if necessary.

The whole cutting process round hole in sheet metal using a special device is shown in the video:

Features of working with thick metal, copper, cast iron, aluminum

When it is necessary to cut thick metal into separate fragments, it is recommended to additionally perform the following steps:

  • constantly cool the area of ​​contact between the metal and the disk using cold water due to strong heating of the slot site;

  • make all cuts only in a straight line;
  • different curved contours should be cut out in separate straight sections of short length, removing unnecessary parts;
  • You need to completely cut the workpiece in several approaches, deepening the slot with each subsequent one;
  • if you need to cut corners, I-beams, channels, rails, then each of their structural parts is sawed separately.

Cutting cast iron, stainless steel, as well as non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum and copper, is carried out using special circles designed to work with these materials. All necessary information about the discs is contained in the markings of these products, printed on their sides. In this case, the circles differ in the composition of the fillers:

  • in some, the additive is a super-strong material that can cut alloy steel;
  • others use mild binders.

Cutting stainless steel with conventional metal cutting discs is prohibited, because they contain substances that lead to accelerated corrosion of the cut site. Aluminum and copper are very viscous non-ferrous metals. They are sawed using a grinder, pouring kerosene the slot formed by the disk. In this case, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules.

Cutting pipes from different metals is a popular operation when carrying out repair and construction work. It is necessary to cut off the products when installing sewer and heating systems, water lines. In this regard, the grinder copes well with various tasks. Discs for work are selected according to the material from which the pipe is made.

Using an angle grinder makes it possible to:

  • sawing pipes under different angles, for example 45 and 90 degrees;
  • cut products large diameter;
  • cut profile (rectangular or square) pipes smoothly;
  • perform longitudinal cutting of tubular blanks;
  • sawing cast iron pipes;
  • cut thin-walled tubes.

If you need to cut a large diameter pipe, then using a grinder allows you to complete this work without significant financial costs. But at the same time, labor productivity is low, and the risks are considerable. When long pipes lie on supports, only saw off hanging parts. If you cut in the center, the cutting edges will jam the cutting wheel, which will lead to jamming of the tool and possible injury.

Specialists not only cut pipes from different materials at the required angles, but also cut out holes of the required shapes in them. Working with specialized and round blanks is carried out in a similar way, with mandatory compliance with safety regulations.

Sawing pipes at different angles

It is necessary to cut round and profile pipes at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees when laying various communications. In any case, it is necessary to saw off the pipe evenly so that the elements that need to be connected are connected to each other as tightly as possible.

Res at an angle of 45 degrees cylindrical pipes are carried out as follows:

  • take an ordinary square sheet of paper;
  • fold it exactly diagonally;
  • This template is used to wrap the pipe;
  • use chalk or other marking device to mark the future cutting line;
  • remove the template;
  • clamp the workpiece in a vice;
  • cut off the marked piece of pipe.

When applying the template, either of the two short sides of this triangle should be parallel to the central axis of the pipe.

When to cut at an angle of 90 degrees, the pipes are simply wrapped in a circle (cylindrical) or around the perimeter (profile) with a sheet of paper. After this, mark the cutting line. You can also mark a profile pipe very simply using a regular square.

If it is necessary to cut a significant number of profile pipes at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees, appropriate templates are made from of this material, only with a larger cross-section.

This allows you to perform the required measurements only once. In this case, a construction square or a protractor is used for initial marking. When the template is made, the cut pieces are inserted inside it, marking the cut lines. Then sawing is done.

Templates are also made for other angle values. This method increases labor efficiency.

Features of cutting cast iron and thin-walled pipes Cast iron is. To cut a cast iron pipe with a grinder, proceed in the following sequence:

  • mark the cutting line;
  • put under the pipe wooden beam ok, which will serve as her support;
  • make a cut along the contour several millimeters deep;
  • insert a chisel into the recess made;
  • the instruction is hit hard and sharply with a hammer.

After the impact, the pipe will split along the cut line. Its edges will be quite smooth. If necessary, they are further processed.

To perform longitudinal sawing of a pipe, it is also important precise marking. To apply it, various devices are used, for example, construction thread (“beat”). The entire sawing process should be carried out carefully, slowly, so as not to stray from the marked line.

Thin-walled pipes are one of the varieties of this type of product. They are often made of non-ferrous metals: copper or aluminum. Cutting them is a difficult task. In this case, you should use grinder wheels that match the material of the workpiece.

Sawing thin-walled tubes must be done very carefully, because they can easily become deformed even when a slight load is applied.

To reduce the likelihood of bending of the cut part, various bulk fillers are poured inside it, for example, ordinary purified sand.

Cutting corrugated sheets and metal tiles

Quite often in practice one has to face the need to cut a profile sheet or metal tile. These materials are made of steel, which is coated with zinc and polymer protective layers and painted.

There are different opinions regarding the possibility of using a grinder for cutting them. The installation instructions say that the corrugated sheet cannot be sawed using an angle grinder. To do this you need to use other tools. But they need to be purchased, which is not always justified by the volume of work to be done, and also requires additional financial investments. When there is no tool other than an angle grinder, before sawing with a grinder, you should know the possible Negative consequences.

  1. If you cut metal tiles or corner corrugated sheets grinder, That protective covering in the cut area and a little near it will be destroyed, and the cut edge will begin to rust.
  2. The material is removed from warranty.
  3. Flying sparks can not only ruin the appearance of the rest of the sheet (sear the paint), but also damage the polymer coating.
  4. The edge of the cut may turn out to be torn.

All considered negative consequences can be minimized if you cut corrugated sheets or metal tiles with a grinder, following the following recommendations:

  • carry out all work immediately before installation;
  • treat cuts with anti-corrosion compounds;
  • cover the cut edges with a primer and paint;
  • use metal discs of minimal thickness (up to 1 mm);
  • To keep the edges neat, you need to cut quite quickly;
  • Carefully sand the torn edges.

Before sawing, as usual, carry out marking sheets.

If you need to cut a square, do this:

  • draw it on the surface of the sheet;
  • cut through the material along the marked contour with a grinder;
  • At the end, carefully cut out each corner.

Circles or other shapes are cut out using the same pattern.

Using a grinder for cutting metal tiles and corrugated sheets makes the job easier. It becomes more convenient to perform it, because you can adjust the sheets to size directly on the roof.

In order for metal tiles or corrugated sheets to remain under warranty, you should measure the object and order factory cutting of the sheets. You can also try to choose a material with dimensions such that trimming is not required.

Cutting metal with a grinder is a cheap, practically accessible and quite effective way of sawing it. In this case, appropriate discs without defects should be used for each material. Not only the quality of the result obtained will depend on this, but also own health. When sawing metal, it is imperative to follow safety rules and use tools personal protection. You should always remember that when working with an angle grinder, any shortcomings or inattention can result in injury. Therefore, you need to work with concentration and caution.

Quite often, when performing various construction or repair work, it becomes necessary to cut a pipe. It can be plumbing work, laying pipelines or installing heating systems, but in any case it is necessary to know how to cut the pipe evenly. Some features of performing this task will be discussed further.

One particular example of such a situation is the need to cut a metal pipe at an angle of 45 degrees. Such cutting of material is often required when laying water pipes or heating systems. In this case you have to deal with steel pipes. For these purposes, conventional cylindrical pipes are usually used. If we are talking about the installation of some kind of metal structures, then profile pipes of rectangular or square cross-section are more often used. The main problem here is that in order for the elements to be connected to coincide, the cut must be as smooth as possible, which means that especially close attention should be paid to marking the material.

In cases where cutting at an angle is required, a simple square sheet of paper can be used as a marking template. It must be folded strictly diagonally, and then wrapped around the pipe with the template. In this case, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the side of the sheet, which is located closer to the end of the pipe, is perpendicular to its central axis. Next, using marking material, a series of dotted lines is applied and after the marking is completed along the entire circumference, the template can be removed.

If there is cutting to be done profile pipe, then it is advisable to make a special template from the same pipe, but with a larger cross-section. In this case, you will only have to use the measuring devices once. To apply markings you will need to use a protractor or a construction square. After sawing off the template, the pipes to be cut can simply be inserted into it and marked. This approach will significantly save work time and cutting a profile pipe at 45 degrees will be convenient.

As for what to use when carrying out work, you should choose the most suitable and familiar one. It can be a simple one or an angle grinder with a cutting disc installed.

90 degree cutting

When the need arises to cut at 90 degrees, the situation is even simpler. In the case of cylindrical elements, you can use the same sheet of paper that is used to wrap the pipe as a template. It is important to ensure that the edge of the sheet is smooth and matches the entire circumference. After marking is applied, the element to be cut is fixed and the cut is made.

The video shows the process of cutting a pipe at 90 degrees.

How to cut a profile pipe evenly

You can cut a profile pipe in much the same way, but here it will be easier to use a square. The device is applied to each side in turn, for which the element to be cut will need to be rotated, and markings are applied. Next, the pipe must be firmly secured and work can begin.

Any suitable tool can be used for sawing. If you have to cut a lot of pipes, then it is advisable to make full-fledged templates from scraps. In this case, measuring and marking work will have to be done only once.

Large diameter pipe cutting

When it is necessary to cut a large diameter pipe, a number of special devices and tools can be used. This may be necessary if, for example, a pipeline needs to be repaired.

  • Bulgarian. The use of an angle grinder is justified from the point of view of the availability of tools and the comparative cheapness of the work. However, you should not count on greater productivity in this case; in addition, carrying out work in this way is associated with considerable risk.
  • Roller machine. Such devices are also often called pipe cutters. In essence, such a device is the same grinder, but more suitable for this type of work. The machine includes a special frame where the element to be cut is fixed, as well as a holder with installed cutting rollers, which do the actual work. It is important to understand that each machine must be purchased for specific tasks, that is, for the size of the pipes.
  • Gas cutting. This option is most often used when working with large diameters. Cutting is carried out due to the action of a high-intensity flame, and the waste produced is blown away by gas pressure. The method can be considered the most practical and effective.

There are other options for accomplishing the task, such as using plasma, waterjet or laser cutting, however, in private use they are practically not used.

How to cut a cast iron pipe

If the pipe is made of cast iron, then in order to cut it smoothly you will have to apply certain knowledge. The fact is that this material is characterized by high fragility, which means that before cutting such a pipe, you need to determine an algorithm of actions.

  • We mark in the same way as steel pipes.
  • At the cutting site, you need to place a wooden beam as a support.
  • Next you need to make a cut of a few millimeters around the entire circumference.
  • After this, a chisel is inserted into the groove and a sharp and strong blow must be applied with a hammer.

As a result, it will split along the line, forming a fairly even cut area, which can be further processed if necessary.

How to cut lengthwise

Another frequently asked question is how to evenly cut a pipe lengthwise with a grinder. Here the algorithm of actions will be approximately the same as for transverse cutting. It is important to pay attention to marking. You can, for example, use painting thread, which is usually used when marking walls. In this case, it is necessary to firmly fix the pipe. The sawing process itself must be done carefully and slowly, since when sawing long elements there is a high probability of the cutting disc slipping from the marking line.

How to cut thin-walled pipes

Another type of pipe is thin-walled products. They are usually made from non-ferrous metals such as aluminum or copper. Cutting thin-walled pipes is more difficult, since the probability of element deformation is high. In this case, you can use some kind of filler, such as sifted sand. As a tool, you can use a grinder, a hacksaw or a special machine. It all depends on the specific situation.

cutting metal pipes- a rather labor-intensive, but completely do-it-yourself process. At the same time, working with round pipes is not fundamentally different from cutting a profile pipe. The main thing to remember is that when performing work you must follow safety rules.

In various situations, home craftsmen often come to the question of correct marking for precise cutting of pipe blanks at an angle of 45 degrees. Today there is a huge selection of tools for both domestic and industrial cutting of pipes at any angle. The cost of such devices can be quite high.

How to cut a pipe at an angle

It is proposed to consider methods for marking workpieces for cutting at an angle of 45 degrees in living conditions without the use of expensive professional equipment.

Marking and cutting the pipe

Pipe Angle Cutting Tool

The process of marking the workpiece to be cut seems quite simple. But it should be noted that roundings made during the manual marking process will create an irreparable error after cutting, which will lead to inconsistencies and the formation of defective products. In order to eliminate such defects, it is necessary to make a simple tool for clearly marking the profile parts. At the same time, cutting products at an angle of 450 is much easier.
A regular piece of U-shaped steel profile, made at an angle of 45 degrees, will be a reliable tool for accurately cutting pipes. In this case, the size of the profile for the ruler must be selected so that it becomes possible to easily position the profile pipe to be cut in it.

Manual pipe cutting tool

To perform such a marking correct angle you need to have the following tool additional tool:

  1. Goniometer;
  2. Metal scriber;
  3. Bulgarian;
  4. Cutting disc;
  5. File.

Angle pipe cutter
How to properly cut a pipe at an angle

Making a measuring tool for cutting pipes is easy. To do this, it is necessary to cut a segment 20-30 cm long from a profile blank. Using a protractor, mark an angle of 45 degrees at any end of the segment. Next, use a grinder to cut off the profile. The resulting template must be tested for accuracy. In case of deviations, process the measuring device with a file.

Using such a marking tool made with my own hands, the process is much simplified, especially with a large volume. To mark, you just need to place the profile pipe to be cut in the made device and draw the correct angle using a scriber. During the marking process, the length of the products is controlled. Next, you need to cut the pipe clearly along the marking lines using a grinder. It is worth noting that first the pipe is cut along diagonal marks on both sides, then straight marked lines are cut. Such templates for cutting pipes at an angle of 45 degrees will save enough time and money.

Marking and cutting round pipes

Pattern for cutting pipes at an angle
pipe pattern at an angle of 45

In case of cutting round pipes At a 45 degree angle, a tool made for rectangular pipes is not quite suitable. For a more accurate, streamlined drawing of the cutting line at an angle, it is recommended to use a paper pattern that is wound around the workpiece.

Patterns are developed in modern world using computer programs.

The cutting line changes depending on the angle and pipe diameter specified in the program. Common patterns can be found on the Internet or you can remember our painted rulers from school.

Precise pipe cutting looks simple at first glance. This task is quite problematic, especially if you need to make a cut at a certain angle or a cut of a complex configuration. You can do this either with your own hands or with the help of a specialized tool.

Much here depends on the diameter of the product, the wall thickness, the material from which the pipe is made and, of course, the tool itself.

What tools are there?

Pipe cutting tools, like most existing tools, come in manual and electric versions. Both of these niches, in turn, contain specialized professional and applied amateur tools ().

For example, the question of how to cut a metal-plastic pipe can be solved in two ways.

On the one hand, there is a professional pruner, but on the other hand, you can use a regular hacksaw.

  • If we talk about pipes from various types plastic, then for material with a cross-section of up to 75 mm, a lot of special scissors are produced; professionals call them pruning cutters. Since plastic material is quite dense, all pruners are equipped with a gear mechanism that serves to increase the compression force. The price for such scissors starts from $10 and, depending on the quality, can reach up to $150.
  • The next professional in cutting plastic is the disc pipe cutter. If the pruner works on the principle of ordinary scissors, then the cut is made using a sharp, heavy-duty disc. He presses himself against the wall and, rolling around it, makes an incision.

A pipe cutter is indispensable for thin-walled products, since cutting a metal-plastic pipe with a thin wall with pruning shears is difficult because it wrinkles.

  • The question of how to evenly cut a large-diameter pipe is easily solved by professionals; for this purpose, there is a guillotine adapted for cutting round products. Its operating principle is classic, with a knife on top and a semicircular bed on the bottom.

The device can be electrically driven and cut using hydraulics. There is also a guillotine with a manual, screw drive.

  • In addition, there are a lot of specialized machines. Thus, lathes are used for perpendicular cuts. If the question arises of how to cut a pipe at 45 degrees or at any other angle, then, as a rule, band saws are needed.

Important: the main difference between a professional tool and an amateur one is that the cut is performed with extreme precision. Plus, the edge does not require additional processing after finishing the work.

  • But the necessary device is not always at hand, and buying it separately is expensive and does not always make sense. The leader among amateur tools is considered to be an ordinary hacksaw. It can easily cope with both metal and plastic, the main thing is to mark it correctly, but more on that later.
  • Every good owner always has an angle grinder. With its help, having a certain skill, you can quite accurately unravel pipes of small and medium diameter. The big advantage of the grinder is that it can be used to work on any material, from polyethylene to cast iron or steel.
  • At the end of our rating is a jigsaw. It is undoubtedly possible to work with it, but it is difficult to make precise cuts, plus the edges of the pipe will need to be further refined.

Using a tool such as a pruning shear or a disc pipe cutter does not require special training; it is easy to work with them efficiently. It's a completely different matter when you have to use improvised means.

Making a perpendicular cut

There are several opinions on the topic of how to cut a pipe at 90 degrees. As in any business, a lot depends on the correctness of the markings. The most reliable the folk way is to use a sheet of paper or masking tape.

It is easier to work with tape; you need to carefully, without creases or distortions, stick it around the perimeter of the pipe. If both sides of the strip meet clearly, without shifts, then you already have 90º.

The product must be securely fastened before cutting, otherwise the pipe will rotate and you will not be able to unravel it smoothly. Ideally, of course, it is better to clamp it in a vice, but at the dacha you don’t always have such luxury. A small diameter pipe can be tied to a stool or table.

To a large-diameter product, you need to attach 2 wooden support bars in parallel, which will prevent the pipe from rotating. It is most convenient to fasten with tape; a few turns made on both sides of the cut will securely fix the product.

Advice: before cutting the pipe evenly with a grinder, in some cases it is better to fasten it only on one side, leaving the other hanging. You need to cut from top to bottom to avoid pinching the disc.

Returning to how to cut a large-diameter pipe, it should be noted that with a hacksaw or grinder, such a product should be cut into sectors, gradually.

In the case of a cast iron pipe, the instructions are slightly different:

  • It is necessary to make a shallow cut around the perimeter;
  • After this, use a chisel and hammer to “tap” this cut;
  • At a certain point, the pipe should burst according to the markings.

Oblique cut

In this topic, the most pressing question is how to cut the pipe at 45 degrees. Among traditional methods There is a unique way of marking: you need to take a square sheet of paper and carefully fold it in half diagonally, after which it is wrapped around the pipe with the folded side. The ends of the sheet should be connected, and the oblique border of the sheet will be the 45 degree mark.

But the most famous, simple and convenient device for corner cutting is the miter box. This tool is a U-shaped product consisting of strips. The two opposing planks have precise cuts at the desired angle. The pipe is placed inside the miter box, secured and cut with a hacksaw according to the ready-made markings.

You can find some more tips in the video in this article.


As you can see, without having a professional tool, it is possible to cut pipes of different diameters, and quite efficiently. The main thing is not to forget to process the edge of the pipe after cutting; many inaccuracies can be eliminated with a file or sandpaper ().

When constructing or laying a pipeline, you often have to deal with cutting profile pipes. And the difficulty is to make the cut perfectly smooth without burrs. We'll look at a few basic cutting methods and tools. metal parts perpendicular and at an angle.

Basic cutting methods

The method for cutting metal products with a square cross-section largely depends on the type of device chosen. Therefore, we list the types of tools with which the work can be done:

  • Hacksaw machine;
  • Bulgarian with a frame;
  • Gas flame and laser installation;

The first two types of tools involve mechanical cutting of products, while gas-flame and laser installations involve thermal cutting. Let's look at each device for cutting metal products in more detail.

Hacksaw machine

This tool consists of a handle, a mobile frame, a cutter and an adjustment screw. Before cutting, the product is secured using a vice and then cut. Mechanical machine for cutting profile pipes, it is quite convenient to use, but has several disadvantages:

  • The cutter may become very hot during operation;
  • Mechanical cutting takes a lot of time;
  • The edge of the cut pipe will have burrs that will have to be sanded down.

Abrasive disc machine

In fact, this is the same grinder, which is simply fixed in a special frame for convenience. This tool is quite dangerous, but allows cutting at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees. Before using such a device, you need to take into account several nuances, otherwise you may get injured during operation:

  1. The machine must be well fixed on a horizontal surface;
  2. Cutting a profile pipe should only be done with glasses or a special mask;
  3. The movement of the tool itself must coincide with the rotation of the metal disk;
  4. Before work, the metal pipe must be securely secured in a vice.

Working with an angle grinder is quite difficult even to an experienced master, so don’t pick up the instrument if you’re hearing about it for the first time. The cutting of metal parts is demonstrated in more detail in the video.

Laser equipment

Laser cutting of a profile pipe will be one of the highest quality and less labor-intensive compared to mechanical processing options. This is professional equipment that gives an absolutely even cut, which no mechanical tool is capable of. Thanks to laser equipment, you can easily make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees, which is very difficult to achieve when using a cutter or grinder.

Pipe profile cutting to size:

  • The maximum thickness of the metal layer is 6.5 mm;
  • Maximum part radius – 80 mm;
  • The maximum length of the material is 3-3.5 m.

The photo shows a laser machine that automatically cuts metal parts.

Features of cutting at an angle of 45 degrees

Cutting a profile pipe at an angle of 45 degrees poses some difficulties. After all, when marking manually, large errors can be made, which is why during the assembly process the elements may not fit together. To cope with the problem, it is best to make a small template from a part with the same cross-section.

Creating a template:

  1. Using a protractor, measure a 45-degree angle on a small piece of pipe;
  2. Using a machine with a grinder, make a cut and sand the edges of the workpiece;
  3. Now paste the profile with smaller diameter into a ready-made template;
  4. Make markings using a homemade protractor.

Cutting a profile pipe at an angle can be carried out with tools for both thermal and mechanical processing of parts.


Fireless cutting of metal parts involves the use of tools that often do not give a very clean cut. After work, the edge of the part must be sanded to remove all burrs. Equipment for thermal cutting does not have this drawback, but it is used mainly in manufacturing enterprises.

IN Everyday life we are constantly faced with the need to lay pipelines from various materials, be it water supply, sewerage, heating, installation of cable ducts or even construction frame structures in the house or at the dacha. This article will tell you how to cut a pipe evenly for certain purposes, if you do all the work yourself, that is, provides detailed instructions all technological operations. In addition, let's talk about the variety of tools for amateur or industrial use.

What tools are used to cut pipes?

At first glance it may seem that cutting pipes is quite simple process, not worth special mention. However, this is not quite true. It’s one thing when you don’t need precise, even cuts at an angle of 90º or any other, since no further welding or joining of the ends will be performed. And it’s a completely different matter when you need to make an absolutely precise cut. Note that if it is necessary to cut oblique ends with exact angle, it is worth consulting with experienced professionals.

Separately, it is worth mentioning pipes with a large diameter, when joining which a cut of exactly 90º must be ensured. Be that as it may, all these operations are performed using special equipment.

Tools for home and semi-professional use

To install water supply or sewerage systems, heating and ventilation circuits in home construction or in the provision of construction services, tools from this category are often used.

Among the most common devices are:

  1. Cutters with pruner design. This tool is used for cutting polymer pipes whose cross-section does not exceed 75 mm. The gear mechanism of the device allows you to apply the force necessary for work. The design of such a cutter includes a special shelf on which the pipe is laid, which ensures an even cut at exactly 90º. Prices for such tools can be very different, it all depends on their quality, dimensions, capabilities, manufacturer and other factors.
  2. Disc type pipe cutter. In such a device, the pipe is cut by a special disk, which is made of durable material and has sharpened edges. Using a lever cutting disc is pressed against the surface of the pipe and carried along its cross section.

The optimal solution for such a tool would be for cutting PVC pipes used in the assembly of indoor and outdoor sewage systems. In the same time, metal-plastic pipes This type of pipe cutter cannot be processed, since the material is deformed under the load.

  1. Guillotine knife. The principle of its operation is probably familiar to everyone educated person. At the top of the structure there is a blade that goes down along special grooves and makes an even, clear cut. For convenience, you can get a device with an electric drive. This device makes cutting easy and convenient. large quantity pipes At the same time, in places of sale you can also find tools with a screw mechanism.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. This seemingly simple tool can be successfully used to cut pipes from any material. The main thing is not to overdo it during the work so that the saw blade does not break from excessive effort.

Since cutting off the pipe evenly with a hacksaw will not work, burrs will still appear, the ends will have to be cleaned using a file or shaver. Otherwise, when joining pipes, the seams may not be tightly sealed.

  1. Angle grinder, or, in other words, grinder. The process of how to evenly cut a pipe with a grinder is not particularly difficult. For operation, disks are installed on it required diameter and perform cutting. Moreover, processing can be carried out on pipes with different sections and any materials, be it polymers or metal.
  2. Electric jigsaw . Although this tool is also widely used in construction, it is not very suitable for cutting pipes, since it is quite difficult to cut the pipe straight.

Therefore, there are many convenient tools, which are easy to operate, so you don’t need to look for difficult paths when everything can be done quickly and easily.

Besides hand tools for work in the household and small construction, there is also professional equipment that is used in industry and for laying large main water lines.

Industrial equipment

IN professional construction and when working with large engineering objects, the question of how to evenly cut a large diameter pipe is solved by using special equipment. Quite often these are stationary units with a certain set of qualities.

Among the most interesting and functional devices are the following:

  1. Lathe of various modifications. Using such a machine, you can evenly cut a profile pipe for both ordinary water supply and especially durable products through which liquids with an aggressive environment will pass.

The maximum cross-section of the pipe to be machined will vary depending on the distance between the support heads and the diameter of the holes in the spindle. These units can be called universal, because they can carry out cutting, chamfering, and also carry out a number of other actions, often in automatic mode.

  1. Cutting machines belt type . Such units are used for cutting pipes of water supply or sewer lines, previously laid in trenches or installed in a building.

cutting draw machine can process pipes even those subjected to quite severe deformation. Additionally, such a cutter can chamfer the required shape.

  1. Cutting machines with circular knives. Equipment of this type is capable of cutting pipes from any metals, including non-ferrous ones. In addition, they have no restrictions on the shape of the product - they can be either round or profiled, with a fairly large cross-section.

As a rule, such units are installed on conveyor belts and are additionally equipped with a machine, which, after cutting, collects and packages a given number of pipe sections, which will then be sent to customers.

  1. Disc cutters manual type . They are used mainly in cases where cutting a large number of pipes is required directly at the places where they are laid. These machines have a special clamp that tightly grips the pipe during cutting, preventing it from shifting and deforming. Thanks to this quality, such equipment can be successfully applied to metal-plastic, copper or steel pipes.

A number of disc-type cutting machines have a built-in orbital welding and rotation system, which allow cutting and subsequent joining of parts with one mechanism. Such a device can be very useful if it is necessary to perform a very large amount of work on cutting, welding or joining pipes without having stationary equipment.

However, such a multifunctional device is not necessary if you have a small amount of work to do that does not require complex mathematical calculations and compliance with standards.

Often, you can cut pipes evenly using simple improvised tools that every owner has.

Pipe cutting technique

Let us immediately note those cases when work must be done to install a heating system.

In this situation, you will need to purchase a special pruner - it will allow you to cut the pipes evenly without deforming them, and its cost is low. But more simple work can be done with simple improvised means.

Straight cut

An even cut at an angle of 90º can be made only after marking has been applied. Use a piece of paper or masking tape. The latter is preferable, because it is attached directly to the surface and does not move.

The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure a piece of the required length, mark this place with a line with a marker.
  2. Next, stick tape along the resulting mark around the circumference of the pipe. The smoother you apply the adhesive tape, the better - it is optimal that the wide edges meet as accurately as possible. This will allow you to accurately cut the pipe according to the mark.
  3. The next step is to secure the pipe in a vice or press it to a flat plane so that it does not move during operation and an even seam is obtained. Note that one end of the pipe must be left in a free position so that during the cutting process the disk is not pinched by the walls. Cutting starts from top to bottom.
  4. The last thing you need to watch out for is how to cut the pipe smoothly with a grinder. To do this, you need to guide the disc as accurately as possible along the edge of the adhesive tape.

In cases where tubular products with large sections are being cut, the work must be done in small sectors. To do this, the pipe will have to be constantly rotated around its axis upon completion of the next cut.

When working with cast iron pipes, the procedure will be slightly different. First, a continuous cut is made along the entire diameter of the product, then, using a chisel and a hammer, the resulting groove is gradually tapped, as a result of which the pipe should split strictly along the cut line.

Miter cutting

In this case, we will tell you how to cut a pipe at an angle of 45º. Marking will be needed in this case too.

To apply it you will need a square sheet of paper that needs to be folded diagonally. The resulting triangle is wrapped around the pipe and fixed. This will create an angle of 45º.

You can, of course, try to lower the pipes at the desired slope into the water, then the boundary of the wet surface will serve as a marking. However, it is best to use special device for corner cutting - with a miter box.

The shape of the miter box looks like an inverted letter “P”. Ready-made holes with different angles have already been made in its opposite walls. It is enough just to place the pipe inside the device and cut it by running a hacksaw along the selected grooves.


Thus, it is quite simple to make an even cut of a pipe from any material yourself. There are only a few tricks in this matter that will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out all the work and build yourself the necessary object for your household or dacha. We also note that it is better to check the measurements several times before starting cutting, because you can accidentally make a mistake and ruin the material, incurring additional financial losses.

What tools are used to cut pipes?

Tools for home and semi-professional use

Industrial equipment

Pipe cutting technique

Straight cut

Miter cutting

In everyday life, we are constantly faced with the need to lay pipelines from various materials, be it water supply, sewerage, heating, installation of cable ducts, or even the construction of frame structures in a house or country house. This article will tell you how to evenly cut a pipe for certain purposes, if you do all the work yourself, that is, it provides detailed instructions for all technological operations. In addition, let's talk about the variety of tools for amateur or industrial use.

At first glance, it may seem that cutting pipes is a fairly simple process that is not worth special mention. However, this is not quite true. It’s one thing when you don’t need precise, even cuts at an angle of 90º or any other, since no further welding or joining of the ends will be performed. And it’s a completely different matter when you need to make an absolutely precise cut. Note that if it is necessary to cut oblique ends at an exact angle, it is worth consulting with experienced craftsmen.

Separately, it is worth mentioning pipes with a large diameter, when joining which a cut of exactly 90º must be ensured. Be that as it may, all these operations are performed using special equipment.

Tools for home and semi-professional use

To install water supply or sewerage systems, heating and ventilation circuits in home construction or in the provision of construction services, tools from this category are often used.

Among the most common devices are:

  1. Cutters with pruner design. This tool is used for cutting polymer pipes whose cross-section does not exceed 75 mm. The gear mechanism of the device allows you to apply the force necessary for work. The design of such a cutter includes a special shelf on which the pipe is laid, which ensures an even cut at exactly 90º. Prices for such tools can be very different, it all depends on their quality, dimensions, capabilities, manufacturer and other factors.
  2. Disc type pipe cutter. In such a device, the pipe is cut by a special disk, which is made of durable material and has sharpened edges. Using a lever, the cutting disc is pressed against the surface of the pipe and guided along its cross section. Read also: “How to choose a pipe cutter for steel pipes and how to use it.”

The optimal solution for such a tool would be for cutting PVC pipes used in the assembly of indoor and outdoor sewage systems. At the same time, metal-plastic pipes cannot be processed with such a pipe cutter, since the material is deformed under the load.

  1. Guillotine knife. The principle of its operation is probably familiar to every educated person. At the top of the structure there is a blade that goes down along special grooves and makes an even, clear cut. For convenience, you can get a device with an electric drive. This device makes it easy and convenient to cut a large number of pipes. At the same time, in places of sale you can also find tools with a screw mechanism.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. This seemingly simple tool can be successfully used to cut pipes from any material. The main thing is not to overdo it during the work so that the saw blade does not break from excessive effort.

Since cutting off the pipe evenly with a hacksaw will not work, burrs will still appear, the ends will have to be cleaned using a file or shaver. Otherwise, when joining pipes, the seams may not be tightly sealed.

  1. Angle grinder, or, in other words, grinder. The process of how to evenly cut a pipe with a grinder is not particularly difficult. To work, discs of the required diameter are installed on it and cutting is performed. Moreover, processing can be carried out on pipes with different sections and any materials, be it polymers or metal.
  2. Electric jigsaw. Although this tool is also widely used in construction, it is not very suitable for cutting pipes, since it is quite difficult to cut the pipe straight.

Consequently, there are many convenient tools that are easy to operate, so there is no need to look for difficult ways when everything can be done quickly and simply.

In addition to hand tools for work in the household and small construction, there is also professional equipment that is used in industry and for laying large main water lines.

Industrial equipment

In professional construction and when working with large engineering projects, the question of how to evenly cut a large-diameter pipe is solved by using special equipment. Quite often these are stationary units with a certain set of qualities.

Among the most interesting and functional devices are the following:

  1. Lathe of various modifications. Using such a machine, you can evenly cut a profile pipe for both ordinary water supply and especially durable products through which liquids with an aggressive environment will pass.

The maximum cross-section of the pipe to be machined will vary depending on the distance between the support heads and the diameter of the holes in the spindle. These units can be called universal, because they can carry out cutting, chamfering, and also carry out a number of other actions, often in automatic mode.

  1. Belt Type Cutting Machines. Such units are used for cutting pipes of water supply or sewer lines, previously laid in trenches or installed in a building.

The cutting belt machine can process pipes, even those that have undergone quite severe deformation. Additionally, such a cutter can chamfer the required shape.

  1. Cutting machines with circular knives. Equipment of this type is capable of cutting pipes from any metals, including non-ferrous ones. In addition, they have no restrictions on the shape of the product - they can be either round or profiled, with a fairly large cross-section.

As a rule, such units are installed on conveyor belts and are additionally equipped with a machine, which, after cutting, collects and packages a given number of pipe sections, which will then be sent to customers.

  1. Manual disc cutters.

    They are used mainly in cases where cutting a large number of pipes is required directly at the places where they are laid. These machines have a special clamp that tightly grips the pipe during cutting, preventing it from shifting and deforming. Thanks to this quality, such equipment can be successfully applied to metal-plastic, copper or steel pipes.

A number of disc-type cutting machines have a built-in orbital welding and rotation system, which allow cutting and subsequent joining of parts with one mechanism. Such a device can be very useful if it is necessary to perform a very large amount of work on cutting, welding or joining pipes without having stationary equipment.

However, such a multifunctional device is not necessary if you have a small amount of work to do that does not require complex mathematical calculations and compliance with standards.

Often, you can cut pipes evenly using simple improvised tools that every owner has.

Pipe cutting technique

Let us immediately note those cases when work must be done to install a heating system.

In this situation, you will need to purchase a special pruner - it will allow you to cut the pipes evenly without deforming them, and its cost is low. But simpler work can be done with simple improvised means.

Straight cut

An even cut at an angle of 90º can be made only after marking has been applied. Use a piece of paper or masking tape.

How and with what to cut pipes of different sections and materials: options for solving the problem

The latter is preferable, because it is attached directly to the surface and does not move.

The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure a piece of the required length, mark this place with a line with a marker.
  2. Next, stick tape along the resulting mark around the circumference of the pipe. The smoother you apply the adhesive tape, the better - it is optimal that the wide edges meet as accurately as possible. This will allow you to accurately cut the pipe according to the mark.
  3. The next step is to secure the pipe in a vice or press it to a flat plane so that it does not move during operation and an even seam is obtained. Note that one end of the pipe must be left in a free position so that during the cutting process the disk is not pinched by the walls. Cutting starts from top to bottom.
  4. The last thing you need to watch out for is how to cut the pipe straight with a grinder. To do this, you need to guide the disc as accurately as possible along the edge of the adhesive tape.

In cases where tubular products with large sections are being cut, the work must be done in small sectors. To do this, the pipe will have to be constantly rotated around its axis upon completion of the next cut.

When working with cast iron pipes, the procedure will be slightly different. First, a continuous cut is made along the entire diameter of the product, then, using a chisel and a hammer, the resulting groove is gradually tapped, as a result of which the pipe should split strictly along the cut line.

Miter cutting

In this case, we will tell you how to cut a pipe at an angle of 45º. Marking will be needed in this case too (more details: “How to cut a pipe at an angle - marking options for round and profile pipes”).

To apply it you will need a square sheet of paper that needs to be folded diagonally. The resulting triangle is wrapped around the pipe and fixed. This will create an angle of 45º.

You can, of course, try to lower the pipes at the desired slope into the water, then the boundary of the wet surface will serve as a marking. However, it is best to use a special device for corner cutting - a miter box.

The shape of the miter box looks like an inverted letter “P”. Ready-made holes with different angles have already been made in its opposite walls. It is enough just to place the pipe inside the device and cut it by running a hacksaw along the selected grooves.


Thus, it is quite simple to make an even cut of a pipe from any material yourself. There are only a few tricks in this matter that will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out all the work and build yourself the necessary object for your household or dacha. We also note that it is better to check the measurements several times before starting cutting, because you can accidentally make a mistake and ruin the material, incurring additional financial losses.

If the beginning of the strip coincides with the end, then you have applied the tape correctly. If the beginning of the tape strip and the end do not coincide by more than 2 mm, it is better to re-glue it. The tape should be applied smoothly, without wrinkles or distortions. The wider the tape, the more accurate the resulting line will be.

Before cutting the pipe, it is advisable to secure it to make cutting easier. If you don’t have a carpentry workbench (and where would you get one in an ordinary apartment), you can screw it to an old table or to old stool two wooden bars so that a pipe is placed between them. In this case, the pipe will still need to be held, but it will not move. If you need to make a lot of cuts, then it is better to make special bars and press the pipe with them:

Now you can cut, you can do this in the following ways:

1. A hacksaw for metal.

The most common method. The only drawback is that the cut may turn out crooked. To avoid this, it is advisable not to cut right away, but to turn the pipe 3-6 times. It will look something like this:


A jigsaw.

The fastest and most convenient way after scissors.

7 ways to cut metal pipes

But the cut can also turn out to be a little oblique on sewer pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. Here, too, it is advisable not to cut immediately, but to turn the pipe 2-3 times. If you need to saw off a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more, then you first need to drill a series of holes with a thin drill (2.5-3 mm) to insert a jigsaw file into the pipe.

3. Hand-held circular saw.

This method is only suitable for thick-walled water pipes.

If the cut is not very even or straight, the end of the pipe can be treated with sandpaper. And at the end sewer pipe For better joining, you need to remove the chamfer; this can be done with a knife, but it’s more convenient to use the same sandpaper.

How to cut a pipe evenly with a grinder?

When working with construction or plumbing tasks, you need to know how to cut a pipe evenly with a grinder. In this article we will look at quick and easy ways of how to properly cut a pipe with a grinder so that the result is perfect.

Cutting pipe at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees

If you need to cut a pipe at an angle of 45 degrees, which is often required when laying water and heating pipes. Often steel and cast iron pipes that have a cylindrical shape are used. IN installation work Rectangular or profile pipes are used. However, you should cut the pipe correctly with a grinder so that you can easily connect it later. Therefore, you should carefully mark the pipe.

Some craftsmen try to mark the cutting area using a tape measure, but we warn you that the result will most likely be negative. And for a positive result, consider the following recommendation from professionals.

Take a sheet of paper or cardboard, preferably A4, fold it diagonally and wrap it around the pipe where you plan to make an even cut.

The edges of the paper must be absolutely aligned with each other. And the side of the paper that is closer to the end of the pipe was perpendicular to the axis. Then mark a cutting line in a circle.

If you need to cut exactly at an angle of 90 degrees, then solve the problem quickly using paper or masking tape. Wrap it around the pipe so that the ends match. Make an even mark and saw off.

How to cut a profile pipe evenly?

Craftsmen advise using a square when cutting a profile pipe. To do this, apply the square to the sides one by one, and turn and apply marks with smooth movements. After the steps, secure the pipe and cut.

Cut the pipe straight

Prepare yourself a template that will be useful in the future and will save time. Better action make with a grinder, so the cut will be smoother.

How to cut a cast iron pipe?

When working with cast iron pipe, keep in mind that it is a fragile material. Therefore, we will find a way to cut such metal without damage.

Before starting work, make notes for the cut, as you would when working with steel pipes. Place a wooden beam for support. Run a grinder around the circumference of the pipe, making small cuts. Then take the chisels, insert them into the groove and hit them hard with a hammer. Please note that Bakelite-based cutting discs are used to cut cast iron pipes.

If you don’t have a grinder at hand to cut a cast iron sewer pipe or other purposes, use a hacksaw, chisels or special pipe cutters.

How to cut a gas pipe?

Cutting a gas pipe is a dangerous action, so it is best to leave it to professionals. But if you are confident in your abilities, then to cut metal, take a grinder, welding, hacksaw, or gas welding.

Trimming instructions:

  • Before work, turn off the gas supply riser. Then release the rest of the gas from the pipe. To do this, light the gas in the burners and wait for it to go out.
  • After these steps, cut. Using a welding method, the metal base burns when exposed to high temperature. The result is fast and effective. But remember that for pruning or rooting gas pipes Again, experience is needed.

Methods for cutting large diameter pipes

For cutting large diameter pipes, such as sewer pipes, there are a number of reliable tools available. Next, let's look at some of them in detail:

  • The grinder is inexpensive and affordable option, but is considered not the safest to work with such materials. If you decide to use this method, be careful and use protective equipment.
  • A roller machine (pipe cutter) is a tool adapted for such manipulations. The device is attached and material removal begins. The clamping force is adjusted using mechanical devices. It is important to note that machine models differ in shape, so before use, consider the size relationship with the pipe.
  • Gas cutting is the most popular option for cutting larger diameter pipes and sheet metal. The cut occurs due to the action of a high intensity flame, the metal melts and leaves the cut area with a gas flow. This method is convenient and effective.

How to cut a pipe lengthwise correctly?

A quick way to cut a pipe lengthwise using a grinder:

  • Pay main attention to the markings.
  • For this case, use painting thread, which is widely used when marking walls.
  • Before starting work, secure the pipe and, using small movements, carefully saw the pipe.
  • It’s better not to rush, but delicately and slowly process parts of the pipe, so cutting disc will not jump off the marking lines. Remember safety precautions.

How to cut thin-walled pipes?

Thin-walled pipes are made of non-ferrous metals: aluminum, copper. Such work should be done delicately, as there is a high probability of deformation of the material. For cutting, fillers such as sand are used. Actions can be carried out using a grinder or a special machine.

To summarize, we emphasize that cutting metal pipes is a complex process, but every willing master can improve it. Using the advice of professionals, you can easily cope with cutting pipes of various sizes and materials. Also, do not forget to process the edges of the pipes after cutting with a file or sandpaper. And the most important thing to remember when starting such actions is safety precautions. When starting work, wear a special suit (casing), mask or closed-type glasses. Your hands should also be reliably protected from sparks, so use thick gloves.