How to do vertical waterproofing of a foundation. Effective methods of waterproofing different types of foundations

There is a not entirely correct opinion that during the operation of the foundation, no changes affect it. It does not rot, does not decompose and does not rust. On the one hand, this is true, but all this is possible thanks to high-quality foundation protection. What does this protection include? Waterproofing.

It's no secret how negatively liquid can affect concrete. Without waterproofing, the base will collapse, which reduces the operating time of the entire house. And groundwater can also harm the foundation. This article is devoted to the issue of waterproofing strip foundation. You can do all the work yourself. We'll consider suitable materials and technology for working with them. And thanks to comparison, you can make a choice.

Coating material

A fairly common material for waterproofing. The work is done quite simply, according to the principle of applying paint. It is enough to apply the material to the waterproofing tape, completely covering the surface of the finished foundation. As coating waterproofing all kinds of bitumen mastics are used, cold or hot, liquid glass, etc.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Excellent elasticity.
  3. No seams.
  4. High hydrophobicity after coating.
  5. Ease of work. No sophisticated equipment or professional skills are required.
  6. High level of adhesion to concrete surface.

Disadvantages of the material: Short service life. After 6 years, the applied mastic will become brittle and inelastic. Cracks form on the surface through which water can leak. The solution to the problem is repair work and re-coating with a layer of mastic.

Due to its low cost, repairs can be made once every 7-8 years. But, there is another solution - materials with inclusions of components such as polymers, rubber and latex. Thanks to them, adhesion improves, the level of elasticity becomes even higher, and the service life is extended.

The matter is not at all difficult. First, preparatory work is carried out: the surface of the foundation is cleared of debris, dust, dirt, etc. Then the foundation must be treated with a deep penetration primer to ensure better adhesion. After waiting for it to dry, all that remains is to apply waterproofing to the foundation, leaving no untreated areas. You can apply the mixture paint brush- maklovitsa.

Additionally, watch the video showing how to waterproof a strip foundation with your own hands.

Roll material

Another inexpensive option that is widely used in construction. An obvious representative is roofing felt, which is used for waterproofing strip foundations. In addition, you can choose from aquaizol, isoelast and other roll materials. building materials.

They are widely used in construction, from foundation and roofing work to the construction of swimming pools and road surfaces. They are suitable for protecting concrete against high pressure groundwater. If the house does not have a basement, then the strip foundation is waterproofed horizontally and vertically.

There are several types of roll waterproofing materials:

  • pasting, which are fixed to the surface of the foundation with bitumen mastic or other composition with adhesive characteristics. Some materials have a self-adhesive layer, which is very convenient;
  • floating, applied by fusing to the surface. The burner heats the layer, which becomes sticky when heated.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Ease of installation.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Excellent properties to repel water.
  4. They have high mechanical strength.
  5. Reliability.

Foundation coating technology

  1. Surface preparation: clean, dry, even.
  2. Application bitumen mastic onto the surface (if it is self-adhesive or a weld-on material, then the roll is immediately glued to the base).
  3. Roofing felt or other material is glued onto the prepared base.
  4. It is important to overlap the joints by 15 cm. Solder the joints gas burner.

Sprayed material

Counts innovative technology. The peculiarity is that it successfully fulfills all the functions and stated requirements. The method can be used for any type of foundation. You can not only do the job from scratch, but also repair the old waterproofing coating. Used for both foundation and roofing work.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Ease of work.
  3. No seams.
  4. Hardens quickly.
  5. Non-toxic and safe for health.
  6. Resistant to UV rays.
  7. Elastic.

There are a lot of advantages, and only two disadvantages - cost and high-tech equipment for work.

Foundation coating technology

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Application of the material using a special sprayer using a seamless method.
  3. Surface reinforcement using geotextiles.

Penetrating material

It is considered the most effective and expensive way to waterproof a strip foundation. Typically, the penetrating mixture is made based on cement, special additives and quartz sand. According to the principle of application, the process resembles plastering walls. But, you can also purchase material applied by spraying or coating. After application, crystals are created in the concrete voids, which repel the liquid, preventing it from penetrating inside.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Versatility and ease of application.
  2. High-quality waterproofing.
  3. Durability.
  4. No seams.
  5. Health safety.

The technology for applying penetrating waterproofing to the foundation is described in this video.

Some features of base waterproofing

It is logical that it is better to protect the foundation from liquid even at the stage of its construction. Then it's much easier to do. If for some reason there is no waterproofing, but the building is already standing, or you just need to carry out repairs, then the process is not easy. You will have to dig the foundation, but do the work in stages so as not to disturb the structure. Start working from the corners of the building, ending with the foundation walls.

Advice! If we talk about the material itself, then ideally combine vertical and horizontal insulation (when the first layer is applied in a vertical position, and the second in a horizontal position).

After the foundation has been dug, you need to clear it of soil (you should not use water). A brush will come in handy. The surface must be perfectly clean, without inclusions. All holes, cracks and seams are filled with cement mortar and bitumen. Now you can carry out waterproofing using the method of your choice. So, you can protect your foundation from negative influence water.

After all the work is completed, the base is dug back. It is important that everything is dry before then.


Waterproofing the foundation with your own hands is a very realistic goal. If you follow these instructions and carefully carry out the process, then you will succeed! Don’t be afraid to take on this kind of work; although it’s responsible, it’s not scary.

Waterproofing the strip foundation of a residential building is necessary to prevent moisture from sediment and groundwater in the concrete and reinforcing elements included in the foundation structure. Wetting of concrete provokes destruction of the foundation due to the expansion of frozen water in the capillaries of the concrete tape and leads to corrosion of steel reinforcement, reducing the strength properties of the foundation of the house. Owners of individual buildings are able to independently correctly carry out work on waterproofing the foundation of their home, possessing certain knowledge in this area.

The destructive effect of moisture on the foundation of a building occurs when water interacts with the materials of the foundation structure. The porous structure of concrete, saturated with capillaries, contributes to the constant absorption of moisture from concrete environment and groundwater. In order to make the strip foundation of a residential building as protected as possible from a damp environment, it is necessary, in accordance with (previously SNiP 2.03.11-85), to ensure its waterproofing using methods of primary and secondary corrosion protection (clauses 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7). Foundation waterproofing falls into the category of secondary protection based on application. protective coatings or treatment with special compounds.

Scheme of waterproofing strip foundation.

Builders carry out measures to apply waterproofing materials to the foundation, taking into account external factors, affecting the foundation of the house:

  • Atmospheric precipitation and melt water;
  • Groundwater.

To guarantee the protection of the foundation from the penetration of sedimentary and melt water, it is enough to make a high-quality blind area around the perimeter of the entire building. To implement waterproofing against ground moisture it is necessary to take into account a complex of initial data, among which the main ones are:

  1. Type of groundwater near the structure;
  2. Depth of groundwater passing near the building;
  3. Heterogeneity of soils in the construction area;
  4. Purpose and planned operation of the house.

Let's consider how these factors influence the choice of foundation waterproofing method.

Type of groundwater

Groundwater has direct influence on the formation of the groundwater level (GWL) in the area of ​​the construction site and on the degree of soil moisture near the foundation. The diagram below shows the distribution patterns of the two main types of groundwater in soil:

  • Verkhovodkas are local centers of water formation that have a seasonal nature of existence. Verkhovodka lies near the earth's surface, forms and exists only during times of high environmental humidity, disappearing during dry periods;
  • Groundwater that occurs near the surface of the earth and has a territorial regional distribution. Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal fluctuations.

As mentioned above, to protect against high water, it is enough to make a good blind area and storm drainage. Protection from groundwater will depend on its depth. This dependence is discussed below.

Depth of groundwater

“Recommendations for the design of waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures” Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings, M., 1996 (amended in 2009), determined that waterproofing of structures must be carried out above the maximum ground level by no less than 0.5 m (p. clauses 1.8 and 1.9). Since the average value of fluctuations in the level of hot water in many regions of the Russian Federation, according to the results of geological surveys, is accepted within 1.0 m, then in order to guarantee protection of the foundation from ground moisture, it is recommended to adhere to this indicator as a basic reference point when choosing waterproofing for the base of a building, depending on the depth of the hot water. . In particular:

  • When the water level is less than 1 m below the base of the foundation, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation;
  • If the groundwater level is located more than 1 m deeper than the foundation, hydraulic protection may not be installed.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing the water level as a consequence of infrastructure development in the region. As well as the maximum groundwater level for past seasons.

At a high level of hot water exceeding the lower level of the foundation base, in addition to waterproofing, it is necessary to additionally make local drainage to remove moisture from the foundation, as prescribed in “Design and construction of bases and foundations of buildings and structures” (Chapter 11).

Soil heterogeneity

Heterogeneity of soils with different chemical composition leads to chemical aggression of groundwater in relation to concrete in the foundation until its destruction (concrete corrosion). The use of special corrosion-resistant concrete grade W4 is required when pouring the foundation and highly reliable waterproofing made from materials resistant to aggressive environments.

Purpose and planned operation of the house

If there are equipped basement premises for functional purposes such as a gym, workshop, etc. increased demands are placed on the reliability of waterproofing in order to prevent deterioration of the microclimate in these rooms.

Properly arranged waterproofing of the strip foundation of a residential building requires compliance with three basic principles for constructing a waterproofing system for the foundations of buildings of any purpose:

  1. Continuity of each layer of waterproofing along the entire perimeter of the waterproofing;
  2. Installation of a waterproofing layer only on the side exposed to moisture, i.e. waterproofing the foundation should be carried out outside, but in no case inside the basement;
  3. Preliminary special preparation of the outer surface of the foundation for subsequent application of waterproofing material.

Types of waterproofing of strip foundations

According to clause 5.1.2 of the set of rules (formerly SNiP 2.03.11-85), waterproofing of a concrete structure is ensured:

  • Paint and varnish and mastic coatings;
  • Coating and plaster coatings;
  • Pasted insulation;
  • Impregnation of the surface layer of the structure or other surface treatment methods.

In relation to strip foundations, taking into account modern technologies When applying waterproofing, vertical waterproofing is divided according to the method of installation into the following types:

  • Coating (painting);
  • Welded;
  • Plastering;
  • Stickable;
  • Injection;
  • Impregnating;
  • Sprayable.

Coating (painting) waterproofing

Waterproofing using coating technology is based on the use of bitumen and bitumen-polymer emulsions and mastics with the formation of waterproof films on the surface of the foundation.

Coating waterproofing protects the foundation from the penetration of capillary ground moisture in low-moisture soils when groundwater is removed 1.5-2 meters below the basement floor level. In the presence of hydrostatic pressure, it is permissible to use coating technology in the following options:

  • Bitumen mastic is used for pressure no higher than 2 m;
  • Bitumen-polymer mastic - for a pressure of no more than 5 m.

Mastics are applied in 2-4 layers. The thickness of the coating waterproofing depends on the depth of the strip base and is:

  • 2 mm – for a foundation with a laying depth of up to 3 meters;
  • 2-4 mm – for a foundation with a laying depth of 3 to 5 meters.

The advantages of coating bitumen protection are as follows:

  • Relatively low cost;
  • No special requirements for the qualifications of performers;
  • High elasticity;
  • Excellent adhesion.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the short service life - after 6 years the insulation loses its elasticity. The waterproofing layer becomes covered with cracks, which reduces the overall level of waterproofing. To increase the shelf life of the insulation, polymer additives are added that provide increased performance characteristics waterproofing coating.

The technology for applying mastic is simple. A special primer is applied to the pre-prepared surface with a roller or brush, providing deep penetration into the foundation material. After the primer has dried, bitumen mastic is applied in layers.

Welded and glued waterproofing

These technologies relate to methods of waterproofing with roll materials. They are used as independent measures for waterproofing, and as an addition to the coating method. When using adhesive waterproofing, traditional roofing felt is used, which is fixed to the foundation surface treated with a bitumen primer.

With glued waterproofing, the thickness of the waterproofing layer reaches 5 mm. The use of 2-3 layers is allowed.

Roofing felt can be fixed with special adhesive mastics in several layers with an overlap of 15-20 cm. If the fixing of roofing felt is carried out by heating with a gas burner, we will obtain fusing technology. From modern materials, instead of roofing felt, roll waterproofing materials are used - Technonikol, Technoelast and other materials for fusing on polymer based polyester, which increases the wear resistance of the coating. The service life of such waterproofing is 50 years.

Plaster waterproofing

Laying waterproofing using the plaster method is identical to plastering walls using beacons with your own hands. For insulation, mixtures of moisture-resistant components such as polymer concrete and hydroconcrete are used. The minimum thickness of the applied layer should be 20 mm.

The advantages of the plastering method include the low cost of materials and ease of implementation.

Among the disadvantages it is necessary to note:

  • Average level of moisture resistance;
  • Short service life, after 5 years cracks appear through which water can leak.

Injection waterproofing

The injection method of waterproofing is based on pumping special polymer injector mixtures under pressure into the pores of the foundation. For injection technology, materials are produced on a mineral or polyurethane basis, with a density close to ordinary water. If you use polyurethane-based compounds, then waterproofing each square meter you will need at least 1.5 liters, while acrylic-based mixtures will require much less. Perforation for injection is performed using conventional hammer drills or drills; the dimensions of the holes (from 25 to 32 mm) are determined by the diameters of the injection packers and capsules. Upon completion of the injection process, the perforation is sealed with a cement-sand mixture of normal composition.

This technique is based on the impregnation of concrete with special organic binding materials that fill the capillaries of the concrete and form an anti-hygroscopic layer in the concrete up to 30-40 mm deep.

The technology of spraying waterproofing material requires the use of a special sprayer. While the cost of materials is high, their use is economically justified for waterproofing foundations of complex configurations that are difficult to process in other ways.

Drainage as an auxiliary measure

The arrangement of drainage systems is intended to remove excess moisture from the foundation system of a building at a high level of groundwater. According to clause 11.1.15 of the set of rules, drainages are divided into general and local. Their use in combination with waterproofing helps protect the foundation from the penetrating effects of ground moisture.

The arrangement of waterproofing of a strip foundation is a complex technological process that requires a clear understanding of each stage of the entire event. Only in this case will a long period of trouble-free operation of the house be ensured.

The construction of the foundation is the first and most critical stage in the construction of any building, therefore each phase of its construction is of great importance. And if no one will argue with the fact that it is impossible to save on strengthening the foundation, then on the issue of its waterproofing, opinions are not so clear. Some people mistakenly believe that waterproofing the foundation is more desirable than mandatory. This is wrong. The lack of water protection can have an extremely negative impact on the strength of the foundation. We will tell you in this article what types of waterproofing are used for different types of foundations and how to do it correctly with your own hands.

Why do you need water protection for your foundation?

Before we look at the different types of waterproofing, it is important to understand why it is so necessary.

The foundation is exposed to moisture on all sides: from inside it is moistened by soil and wastewater, and from the outside - precipitation and melting snow.

The main material from which the foundation is made, namely concrete, itself is not afraid of moisture. But it is not a waterproofing material either, therefore, moisture can get both inside the concrete and seep through it.

This is fraught with two unpleasant consequences: firstly, under the influence of moisture, the reinforcement inside the concrete can corrode and rust, which will lead to weakening of the entire structure. Secondly, moisture, penetrating through the foundation into the structure, can become fertile ground for the formation of various fungi and microorganisms.

It is these two problems that foundation waterproofing is designed to solve.

High-quality waterproofing of the foundation is the key to the reliability and durability of the building

General rules

For device high-quality waterproofing it is necessary to know not only the basic requirements for its installation, but also the characteristics of each specific site where construction is being carried out.

  • The foundation must be reliably protected from groundwater. If their level is higher than the foundation level, then in addition to waterproofing it is necessary to build a drainage system.
  • The function of protecting the foundation from external moisture is performed by the blind area.
  • When installing waterproofing, it is necessary to take into account the composition of local groundwater.

For example, if so-called aggressive water is detected at a construction site, it will be necessary to use appropriate materials for waterproofing.

  • You should take care not only of the foundation itself, but also of the walls in the basement and on the ground floor.

Features in the process of building a house

The most the right decision There will be a waterproofing device during the construction of the foundation.

In this case, it becomes possible to protect the foundation strip not only on the sides and top, but also from below, which will be almost impossible after the foundation has already been laid.

The main feature of foundation waterproofing during construction is the construction of a lower waterproofing layer, which takes the “main blow” when protecting the structure from groundwater.

There are several technologies for creating lower waterproofing - a cushion of sand and crushed stone and a direct layer of insulating material.

The structure of the waterproofing cushion resembles a layer cake

As for the processing of the walls and the upper part of the foundation, any of the technologies that we will talk about can be used during construction.

Waterproofing the finished foundation

If waterproofing work was not carried out during the laying of the foundation, this significantly complicates the task and does not make it possible to protect the structure in full.

Waterproofing a finished foundation begins with preparing a trench around the entire perimeter. If this is not done, only the outer part of the tape can be processed, which will significantly reduce the protective properties of the structure.

Without first excavating a trench, waterproofing a finished foundation is almost impossible

The depth of the trench must be at least 50 centimeters, otherwise waterproofing the grounded part of the foundation will be ineffective.

The foundation surface is checked for chips and cracks. If found, they should be sealed with a solution, after which a layer of plaster should be applied over the entire surface of the foundation. When the plaster has dried, the selected waterproofing material is applied to it. And after the waterproofing layer has dried, the trench is buried and a blind area is built on top of it.


Based on its purpose, foundation waterproofing is divided into two types: anti-filtration and anti-corrosion.


Anti-filtration waterproofing is used where there are “aggressive” waters or the level of groundwater pressure on the foundation strip is quite high. To install this type of waterproofing, it is necessary to carefully study the soil characteristics and the composition of groundwater. In addition, such insulation requires complex design, so it is better to invite specialists specializing in this type of work to install it.


Anti-corrosion waterproofing is the most common type of foundation water protection

Anti-corrosion waterproofing is the most common type of moisture protection, which can be easily done with your own hands. Such waterproofing can be applied different ways: pasting, painting, impregnation and other methods.

Depending on the type of location, there are two types of anti-corrosion waterproofing: horizontal and vertical.


Horizontal waterproofing serves as protection against moisture penetration into the building itself.

Designed to protect foundation walls from capillary absorption. As a rule, two horizontal insulation systems, independent of each other, are created: the first under the basement floor and the second on top of the foundation slabs at the main support points.


The main task of vertical waterproofing is to protect the foundation from groundwater

It is located from the base of the foundation to the level of splashing rainwater. The method of application and thickness of such waterproofing are determined before the construction of the foundation begins.

Water-repellent materials

Modern foundation waterproofing can be done using various materials.

Let's look at the most popular of them.

Bituminous mastic or, as it is also called, bitumen resin, is the most common and cheapest material for waterproofing. The technology for applying mastic is classified as a coating method for waterproofing. IN metal container big size place 7 parts resin and 3 parts waste machine oil. Light a fire under the container and heat the mixture until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, using a brush or roller, the solution is applied to the surface of the foundation.

The method of applying bitumen mastic is practically no different from conventional painting.

Please note that hot resin can cause serious burns! When working, be sure to follow safety regulations!

Hot mastic not only covers the foundation from above, but also penetrates into the pores of the concrete, providing a fairly good level of protection from moisture.

Roll materials

Several types of materials fall into this category. All of them are a base that can be rolled up (hence the name), with a waterproofing layer applied to it. Rolled materials can be used either independently or in combination with other water-repellent agents.

The most common of the rolled materials is roofing felt. It is quite convenient to use and has a relatively low cost. To attach roofing felt to the foundation walls, just heat it up and apply it to the surface of the tape.

The most reliable way to lay roofing felt is fusing

Rolled materials also include rubitex, technoelast, stekloizol, hydrostekloizol and others. Unlike roofing felt, which is based on construction cardboard, these materials are made on the basis of polyester, which significantly improves their quality, but at the same time makes them more expensive.

This material is very easy to apply to any surface using a roller or brush. It has excellent water-repellent properties and, importantly, is completely non-flammable. In addition, liquid rubber allows you to make the waterproofing layer seamless, which undoubtedly improves the characteristics of the coating.

Liquid rubber is applied using a spray bottle

Plaster and screen insulation

Such compositions allow you to simultaneously level the surface and make it moisture resistant. The principle of working with plaster waterproofing is practically no different from the process of applying conventional plaster.

Applying plaster waterproofing is practically no different from applying conventional plaster

The only difference is that the screen insulation includes water-repellent components such as hydroconcrete, polymer concrete and asphalt mastics.

A modern waterproofing material that can be classified as a roll material. True, unlike them, the mats on both sides have a base made of polypropylene geotextile material. Between the layers of the base there is a layer of special granules. When in contact with water, the granules swell, forming a dense water-repellent gel.

Between the two protective layers are granules that, after contact with water, turn into a water-repellent gel

Photo gallery: materials for waterproofing

Foundation with finished waterproofing made of bentonite mats One of the most common materials for waterproofing is bitumen mastic. Liquid rubber is sold in the same cans as bitumen mastic
After application, liquid rubber forms a continuous waterproof layer Roll waterproofing based on polyester A universal material suitable for both horizontal and vertical waterproofing
One of the most reliable and durable types of waterproofing is bentonite mats. Plaster waterproofing can be applied either with a spatula or with a regular brush.

Comparison of materials

To make it easier for you to compare all the “pros” and “cons” of various materials, we have combined them into a table.

Table “Characteristics of materials for waterproofing”

Material Advantages Flaws Price

Suitable for any type of foundation. Possibility to completely apply waterproofing alone.

The coating lasts no more than five years.One of the cheapest waterproofing options.
Roll waterproofingA universal material suitable for both horizontal and vertical waterproofing.Necessity preliminary preparation surfaces.Wide price range - from low (roofing felt) to high (technoelast, stekloizol).
Reliable waterproofing material with a long service life.Quite a complex application technology. The need for preparatory work.Average price category.
Plaster insulationPossibility to avoid surface preparation.The need to use an additional layer of waterproofing.Average category, but due to savings on preparatory work may be classified as low.
One of the most reliable and durable materials.Hardly ever.High price category.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of various types of foundations

Monolithic (slab) foundation

Monolithic foundation with finished vertical waterproofing made using the coating method

Monolithic construction in last years is becoming the most popular, so we will begin to consider waterproofing technologies with a monolithic foundation. Since the method of water protection for this foundation is practically no different from protecting a slab foundation, we will combine them into one section. The only difference is that components can be added to the monolithic foundation at the pouring stage to increase its water-repellent properties.

Waterproofing a monolithic foundation begins with a “pillow”. Which, as a rule, is made of bulk material (sand, gravel or crushed stone) coated with a water-repellent layer. The walls and top of the foundation can be protected with either rolled or coating waterproofing material.

It is more preferable to use a coating material, since it, penetrating into the pores of concrete, provides more high level protecting the foundation from moisture.

If waterproofing is carried out with roll materials, then they must be laid in at least two layers, with a seam overlap of 10-15 centimeters.

When waterproofing prefabricated foundation special attention should be paid to joints and seams

Moisture protection of strip foundations has a number of features. It can also be performed using both coating and roll materials. At the same time, do not forget about waterproofing the ends of the slabs, and also that before applying the waterproofing material, it is necessary to carefully seal all the joints between the slabs and the recesses and irregularities that appeared during installation.

Sealing of seams is mandatory in all cases, except those when plaster waterproofing is used as the first water-repellent layer.

Columnar foundation

IN in this case the coating method of waterproofing was used

It is a series of supports located at the corners of the walls of the building, as well as at their intersection points.

Waterproofing a columnar foundation is a rather complex process. For this purpose, it is best to use a combined bulk and coating type waterproofing. That is, during pouring, special water-repellent mixtures should be poured into the foundation formwork, and after hardening, the surface of the piles should be treated with coating mastic.

When choosing a mastic, you should give preference to a material with a penetrating effect.

Video: installation and waterproofing of a columnar foundation

When waterproofing the foundation of a bathhouse, special attention is paid to the horizontal layer

Waterproofing the foundation of a bathhouse requires a special approach. Firstly, when laying it, it is advisable to lay at least three layers of roofing felt or other rolled material, and secondly, do not forget about high-quality waterproofing of the lower log of the log house. For this purpose, you can use special mastics and antiseptics, but they must be applied at least twice as thick as when building an ordinary wooden house.

Waterproofing the foundation is a rather complex and expensive process. But in no case should you save on it, since in this case you risk not only getting an “unhealthy” atmosphere in your home, but also jeopardizing its reliability. Good luck with your renovation!

Born in 1977 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Graduated from Donetsk Polytechnical Institute(now Donetsk State Technical University) in specialty Automated systems management. Worked at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1997 he moved to Moscow, where for 8 years he worked in several construction teams.

The destructive effects of moisture are prevented by waterproofing the strip foundation throughout the life of the house. The materials used, the methods of their application, and the durability of the protection may vary.

The choice is made taking into account the entire complex of conditions of the construction site - geology, climate, building density, neighboring buildings.

Protection from natural factors

Engineering-geological study of the site in combination with the characteristics of the climatic zone will determine the magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in the groundwater level (GWL).

The depth of occurrence is conventionally divided into two values:

  • Above 2 m (high);
  • Below 2 m (low).

During floods, heavy melting of snow, or after heavy rains, the water level in the ground can rise up to 2 meters. Seasonal variations must be taken into account at their worst.

The influence of reservoirs is felt at a distance of over 1 km from the place where the facility is built. The necessary waterproofing of a strip foundation is done with your own hands if the distance from its lower boundary to groundwater does not exceed 1 m.

Prospective accounting of changes

An important stage in choosing waterproofing before starting work is to make allowances for the future, to look a little further, after the house is built. The hydraulic component can be affected by:

  • Increased pressure on the support due to dense construction of the site. The water will rise;
  • Long-term cycle of changes in water saturation of layers;
  • Changing the drainage system of neighboring areas (including the arrangement of catch basins, dams, wells);
  • Disruption of the movement of high groundwater (creation of a monolithic obstacle to the flow in the ground on slopes) due to the new construction of houses with buried strip foundations.

Types of waterproofing

Moisture comes to the surface of the poured monolith from above (precipitation), from the sides, and from below. It is necessary to create a barrier to absorption in two directions:

  1. Horizontal. Rolled materials cut off the capillary rise from the foundation to the walls, from the pillow to the concrete. The blind area needs to be used to prevent water from seeping from the soil surface to the concrete of the outer part of the foundation. For this purpose, a screed with a slope of 2÷3° must protrude beyond the roof cut by no less than 0.3 m. The drainage removes incoming water, prevents it from seeping through the bedding of the monolithic base of the house and serves in conjunction with the blind area, but at a buried level .
  2. Vertical. Prevents groundwater from seeping into the foundation structure. Capillary insulation prevents water from entering the concrete, free-flow insulation protects against seasonal fluctuations in water saturation of the layers, anti-pressure insulation prevents the penetration of groundwater.

Doubts about the need for insulation arise at the stage subsequent to pouring non-buried tapes directly into a trench dug in dry ground. The presence of a cushion provides a break before rising drops of moisture. If the solution is placed in a form covered with film, the foundation of the constructed house will last a long time.

Horizontal waterproofing should be done in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87. The procedure for waterproofing work for the foundation of a house is established by SNiP 3.04.01-87, SNiP 2.03.11-85, SNiP 3.04.03-85

Separation by application method

Depending on the consistency of the material, the application method can be:

  • coating;
  • spraying;
  • pasting;
  • impregnation;

Methods performed by certified specialists:

  • injection;
  • shielding.

If capillary rise of moisture predominates on the surface of the house located underground, then coating, spraying, bitumen or polymer compositions(liquid rubber). Whether the mastic is hot or cold depends on the composition.

Rolled materials (films, geotextiles, roofing felt) are glued to the previously prepared surface with an overlap, after heating with a burner, rolling out air bubbles with a roller.

Impregnating compositions penetrate deeply into the structure monolithic concrete(blocks) and create a water-repellent layer of vertical insulation from water of sufficient thickness.

If the house has a basement, cellar, ground floor, waterproofing vertical walls Tapes, after hardening, are required.

The injection method is used as a repair measure for cracked foundations or those with internal cavities. The method is expensive, but sometimes the only possible one if it is not available technical access to the surface being repaired, there is deep damage to the load-bearing belt of the house after it is built.

Shielding is an expensive, rarely used method. Consists of installation protective casing from special mats or slabs.

Material selection

Qualities of the polymer material from which the foundation tape is waterproofed:

  • Water repellency (hydrophobicity);
  • Waterproof structure;
  • Elasticity, adhesion after application to a rough surface;
  • Adhesion to concrete;
  • Manufacturability (quite easy to process, install under construction conditions, ability to join into a solid surface after soldering or gluing);
  • Durability in the ground under repeated temperature fluctuations.

The most common brush coating materials are bituminous mastics. Do-it-yourself application allows you to thoroughly fill all surface pores with a fluid composition.

Cover all parts in 3-4 layers, allowing to dry for a day at each stage. The advantages include the possibility self-execution work, maintainability of any individual section, availability of material.

When applying the hot method, it is necessary to observe safety measures and use personal protective equipment.

Use of dry plaster mixtures with hydrophobic additives for coating is possible if the composition is frost-resistant. However, even in favorable conditions, after 10-15 years, cracking occurs, requiring repair. Hydraulic resistance is not high.

Installation of material

If you apply roll materials, you won’t be able to do it yourself. Assistants are invited to this stage. SNiPs allow the use of:

  • fiberglass;
  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • brizol;
  • hydroisol (gidrostekloizol);
  • polyisobutylene.

When spraying liquid rubber, you must not only know how to use a sprayer, but also cover the resulting surface of the lower part of the house with geotextile for protection over the entire area. Can also be applied with a brush.

The materials are glued from top to bottom. Vertical rows must be made with a 0.4 m separation at the joints of the seams. At the next stage, the corners are armored, after closing the vertical walls, with the same sheet, 0.2-0.3 m overlapping in each direction. They use gas-flame burners, propane in cylinders and protective equipment.

Watch the video on how to waterproof a strip base.

Liquid rubber is not stored in its finished state. You need to calculate how much will be used immediately when you open the package or mix the two-component composition. Under the rubber you need a primer.

The service life will be 50-70 years.

Important points

According to GOST 12.3.009, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The maximum moisture content of poured concrete is no more than 4%;
  2. Waterproofing using spray or paint compounds is carried out after the primer has completely dried;
  3. The thickness of the waterproofing layer ranges from 0.3 cm to 0.6 cm.

If the house is built close to the groundwater level, it is necessary to carry out lining work (SNiP 3.04.03-85). The protection is made from sheets of rubber and vulcanized at the joints.

How to make drainage

If there is a high groundwater level, heaving soil, horizontal waterproofing of part of the house includes a drainage system.

Watch the video on how to properly install strip base drainage.

Drainage happens:

  • Annular. A distance of 5-8 m from the walls in the form of a continuous or open circle.
  • Wall-mounted. The distance from the walls is equal to the width of the foundation. The depth is no more than its depth.
  • Plast. The pipes are laid under the building area.

The outlet pipes are laid in a permeable filler (coarse crushed stone, sand) and discharged into a drain tank, which must be built outside the site.

During construction country houses and cottages at the planning stage, in order to increase the service life and reliability of the foundation, do not forget about treating it with high-quality layers of waterproofing materials. Currently, there are many ways to perform this procedure, but one of the most effective is penetrating waterproofing of the foundation.

Features of waterproofing materials

Treatment of the foundation of a house is necessary to ensure the durability of concrete and prevent premature destruction from the harmful effects of moisture.

However, most modern waterproofing materials have a porous structure, which makes them vulnerable to environmental factors.

Maximum resistant building materials: a natural stone or concrete, under prolonged exposure to moisture can crack and collapse, which subsequently negatively affects the entire erected structure.

Possible base protection technologies and their characteristics

Currently, there are many ways to waterproof a house, each of which has its own individual set of advantages and disadvantages. In order not to make a mistake in choosing optimal option, the functional characteristics of each of them should be taken into account.

By degree of focus protective properties waterproofing can be:

  • vertical type (installation work is carried out, as a rule, on the ground part of the base to ensure protection of vertical walls);
  • horizontal type (involves the production of a protective layer around the perimeter of the entire foundation, including the lower elements).

By type of materials used as a starting material:

  • bitumen mastic;
  • liquid rubber filler;
  • plaster.

In addition, there is a classification of waterproofing according to the direction of action: penetrating, screen and roll.

The choice of one or another option depends on the functional purpose of the building being erected, natural and climatic characteristics terrain, as well as the type and structure of the soil on which construction is planned.

Installation of a horizontal waterproofing layer

The presented type of house waterproofing is planned at the stage of marking the base, since its functional purpose is determined by protection from the harmful effects of moisture on the lower structural elements.

Along with this, the arrangement of such waterproofing will perfectly play the role of high-quality drainage system, which will evenly drain excess water.

The construction of this protective layer takes a significant amount of time, about 10-12 days, but the use of horizontal waterproofing is the only way to protect the underside of the foundation.

The question of using this type at high groundwater boundaries is especially acute, since it is precisely due to the formed drainage cushion that the constructed foundation will function reliably for a long period of time.

Most effective horizontal type when constructing a strip foundation with a large area of ​​contact with the ground, however, it is possible to use it with other types of foundations.

Installation technology

Ruberoid is one of the best insulating materials

In progress installation work the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. Depending on the type of soil, a 30-40 cm layer of sand or fine crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the prepared pit. The equipped site is compacted with high quality.
  2. Filling is performed on top of the formed substrate concrete screed with a layer thickness of 10-15 cm.
  3. After waiting for the concrete to completely harden, we begin treating the resulting surface with mastic and then laying layers of rolled roofing felt.
  4. We repeat the activities described in the previous paragraph, after which we begin to equip the foundation itself.

Waterproofing with plaster

The most popular method of installing waterproofing is based on filling the finishing layer. With the development of modern technologies, special additives began to be added to the putty, increasing the duration of operation of such a coating and giving it high performance characteristics.

The advantages of plaster waterproofing include:

  • moderate cost;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • no need to use special tools and equipment.

However, like any building material, a solution based on limestone and sand has a number of disadvantages:

  • low levels of waterproofness;
  • short service life;
  • Due to the weakness of the foundation to moisture, cracks and chips appear soon after placement (1-2 years), which must be regularly lubricated to avoid more intense destruction.

Installation of plaster is carried out by preparing a solution and then applying it to the prepared surface with a spatula or rule.

Creating a screen

One of the new methods of arranging waterproofing, which involves installing concrete slabs or mats with clay filler. Installation of the protective material is carried out using dowel nails.

The fundamental difference between fastening mats and slabs is their fixation. In the first case, the protective material is placed overlapping with a margin of 10-15 cm, and in the second - joint to joint with subsequent sealing of the seams.

Clay material, due to its high density, provides high protection against moisture and does not require periodic repairs. The advantages of such insulation are a long period of operation and the possibility of use on any soil.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating foundation waterproofing is a relatively new procedure using cement-based products, the operating principle of which is based on the spraying of special, already prepared mixtures. The presented group of building materials, due to the presence of a water component in its composition, gives the solution the ability to penetrate into the porous structure of concrete.

Subsequently, when hardened, excess moisture is removed during chemical reactions, and the capillaries of the processed material are reliably plugged, forming a poorly soluble film around the perimeter of the entire surface.


  • durability;
  • ease of application;
  • no need to prepare a solution;
  • Possibility of processing basements and basements.

Before performing work, the surface to be treated should be prepared (cleaned from dirt and dust). Having completed this procedure and allowing the walls to dry, we spray the solution. By using a sprayer, the special composition penetrates 10-15 cm deep concrete foundations, providing a reliable waterproofing effect.

To ensure high-quality waterproofing, it is recommended to apply at least two layers of a protective agent.

Liquid rubber filler

Heated rubber is an effective means for arranging foundation waterproofing or basement Houses. Significant disadvantages of this method are the excessively high cost and the need to use special equipment for application.


  • long period of operation;
  • solid surface;
  • reliability of coverage;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • easy installation.

Depending on the class and density, it is better to lay liquefied rubber in several layers: the first – rough (its purpose is to fill the voids of the porous base materials) and the second – finishing (to form an external monolithic protective layer). The spraying process is carried out using special equipment. The only drawback of such devices is high consumption protective composition.

Watch the video on how to insulate the base using liquid rubber.

Waterproofing with mastic

One of the most economical options protection of the foundations of the house, the application features of which include:

  • possibility of use in regions with temperate climates, since at high temperatures this material may melt, and at low temperatures may crack;
  • need to maintain high temperature when applied to surfaces;
  • melting point from 60°C.

The defining advantages of mastic are:

  • ease of application of layers and reliability of the coating due to the elasticity of the composition;
  • blocking the pores of concrete surfaces from moisture;
  • low pricing policy.

Before purchasing bitumen mastic, it is advisable to study its composition to determine the presence of impurities in it that increase resistance to various temperature changes. In addition, you should pay attention to the duration of operation and the possibility of use as a waterproofing material.

This method of protection is recommended for use when constructing foundations on soils with a low groundwater limit. It is better to apply the mastic onto the prepared base with a hard brush in several layers. Each subsequent layer should be coated after the previous one has completely dried.

Roll view

The presented type of waterproofing involves the use of roll materials: roofing felt, a combination of fiberglass and polyester, as well as a bioresistant covering waterproofing. The installation of waterproofing with the presented means allows you to best protect the foundation from moisture due to the integrity and optimal density of the raw materials.

Advantages of roll materials:

  • moderate pricing policy;
  • high degree of protection;
  • long period of operation.

In terms of efficiency, the named materials differ little from each other, therefore wide application Due to its low cost, it finds roofing felt.

Watch a video about modern materials for base insulation.

Roll panels can be attached both vertically and horizontally. In most cases, to increase the degree of protection of the supporting element, it is usually pre-coated with a layer of mastic. During installation, the material is heated with a burner, after which it is fixed to the surface. Due to this feature, it is ensured reliable connection and high seal density.

The most rational way to place roofing felt panels is horizontal installation, since the overlap of each layer ultimately forms a kind of “staircase” along which water is discharged.


In conclusion, I would like to answer the question of whether waterproofing the foundation is necessary. A well-made and protected base is the key to the durability and reliable functioning of the entire structure. Moisture has a strong destructive effect and is one of the most active harmful environmental factors, so it is better to protect yourself and your home in advance by ensuring reliable protection house supports.