We want to take the child into the family. The reasons for such actions may be different

Many married couples dream of having a child, but not everyone succeeds in doing so. Therefore, they begin to think about adoption.

Adoption implies the formation of family ties between the child and his new parents, the emergence of responsibility, special rights and obligations.

The person who decides to take from orphanage child must be an accomplished person.

A potential adoptive parent must be aware that with the appearance of a baby in his family, parents are obliged to bear responsibility throughout their lives.

Let's look at how to adopt a child from an orphanage in 2019, what requirements the law imposes on candidates, and what are the responsibilities of the new family in relation to the adopted child.

Requirements for adoptive parents

Adoption is a long and complex process that is not limited to paperwork with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (CCA). An adoption case must be considered in court.

The procedure and its main provisions are regulated by the Family Code (Chapter 19). You can adopt children who have not yet turned 18 years old.

Who can take a child from an orphanage is regulated by Article 127 of the RF IC:

There are no age restrictions for adoptive parents. The main thing is that they have good health and can provide for their child financially at a decent level.

The age difference between the new parents and the adopted child should not be less than 16 years, but there are exceptions, and the court makes a decision individually in each case.

But if the adoptive parent is the spouse of the child's biological parent, the age difference is not taken into account. An exception is also made for the child’s uncle, aunt, other relatives and godparents.

Video: Conditions for adopting a child in Russia

The candidate for adoption must be physically able to care for the child and take responsibility for raising the child.

The candidate must not have the following diseases:

A person who wishes to adopt a child from an orphanage must support him.

Potential adoptive parents must have a regular income that exceeds the cost of living for several people.

Usually, when making a positive decision on adoption, the court requires more high level income.

When submitting documents, the adoption candidate indicates all available sources of income.

The following additional sources are considered: salary from a second job, funds from leasing movable and immovable property, interest on deposits in the bank and from borrowers.

People who dream of becoming parents are worried about what else is needed to take a child from an orphanage. Potential candidates must have their own home.

If the apartment is mortgaged, this procedure usually does not prevent you from adopting a child, but your total income, taking into account the deduction of the monthly mortgage payment, should be enough to support a minor from an orphanage. This point should also apply to other credits and loans.

The area should also be sufficient for all family members to live: it is important that the apartment has a place for sleeping, playing, and studying. It is a huge plus if there are schools and other educational institutions nearby.

A mandatory requirement is compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards: cleanliness, absence of insects and rodents. People with chronic forms of infectious diseases should not live in the same living space as adopted children.

Persons of the same sex over 9 years of age cannot share a room unless they are a married couple. If the adopted child is over 9 years old, he must have separate room. The same applies to the situation if a person adopts a brother or sister.

If a couple decides to adopt and meets all the requirements, they should start by collecting documents. Also, future potential parents enroll in courses at the School of Adoptive Parents.

Training lasts about one and a half months, can be remote. The school is intended for candidates for adoption.

Designed to develop key parental competencies that are necessary for raising children placed in the family of citizens. Information lectures are held, and parents are also prepared psychologically.

It is not necessary to take courses if the child is being adopted by his relatives, or by persons who were already adoptive parents once, and the adoption has not been canceled.

Let's find out what documents are needed to adopt a child from an orphanage.

Potential adoptive parents must collect the following documents:

Documents must be prepared in two copies (for the PLO and the court).

Video: Procedure for adopting a child

Guardianship and adoption authorities (CAB)

Citizens who decide to adopt a child with a full package of documents go to the Public Education Center. After completing the paperwork potential parents awaits a visit from PLO officers to his home.

A housing inspection report is drawn up. The living space must be well-groomed, clean, and tidy.

Within 15 days, employees prepare a conclusion. If the impression of citizens who wish to adopt a child is positive, they are recognized as candidates for adoptive parents.

If a refusal follows, it must be issued in the form of an official letter indicating the reason.

The search for a child can be carried out through the Federal Data Bank of Orphans (http://www.usynovite.ru/db/?p=3&last-search) or a database of video profiles of orphans, also through the public educational institution at the place of residence or the Regional State Traffic Safety Inspectorate operator about orphans.

In the database, a child can be found by region, gender, presence of relatives, year of birth, even name. There are a lot of questionnaires for children with the fifth and fourth health groups.

The OOP issues a referral to visit the child. The document is valid for 10 days.

A candidate for adoptive parents can meet with one of the children. Has the right to communicate with the child, get acquainted with his documents, confirm the fact of familiarization with the medical report on the health status of the selected child.

If candidates wish to see other children, they may receive a different referral.

If potential adoptive parents do not appear at the appointed time to meet the child twice without objective reasons, they are removed from the adoption process as irresponsible and unreliable people.

After choosing a child, candidates submit an application to the court asking to be allowed to adopt the child. The court makes a decision no later than two months after filing the application.

Adoption is carried out by the court. Candidate adoptive parents submit an application with the following information:

The application must be accompanied by all the same documents that were provided to the PLO, as well as a document that confirms the registration of the person as a candidate for adoption.

The case is considered in a closed court session, in which the candidates themselves, PLO officers, the prosecutor, a child over 14 years old, and his biological parents take part.

The rights and obligations of new parents are established from the moment the court decision enters into force. The court sends a copy of the decision to the civil registry office at the place where the decision was made within three days.

Adoptive parents must personally pick up the baby from child care facility, presenting the consent of the court, and register the adoption with the registry office.

A child in a family is preferable to orphanage, but often it is very difficult for adoptive parents to prove that they meet all the requirements.

One of the families received approval from the PLO for adoption and chose a 9-year-old boy from the orphanage with whom they developed a good relationship.

The boy's biological mother was invited to the trial, who had previously served a sentence in prison, and after her release did not take part in the life of her child. The boy remained in the orphanage.

At the court hearing, the mother repented and began to promise the court that she would take the child. The boy was confused, but the court did not give permission for adoption, and he was left in an orphanage.

Subsequently, it turned out that the mother did not have a regular income or her own living space, and the boy remained in the orphanage.

Often decent and worthy people who dream of becoming parents and adopting a child are faced with legal formalities and cannot fight them.

Let's find out how to take custody of a child from an orphanage.


An alternative to adoption is guardianship. The child is accepted into the home as a foster child. Guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, guardianship over children 14-18 years old.

A guardian has almost all the same rights as parents. But the guardianship authorities regularly monitor the conditions of his detention, upbringing, and education.

Appointed for a term or indefinitely. Guardianship is often used as an interim form of adoption. The level of responsibility is high, but not complete.


  • the decision on guardianship is made by the head of local government and is processed faster than in court adoptions;
  • they pay a monthly allowance to the ward, help the guardian in organizing the child’s education, recreation, and treatment;
  • after 18 years of age, the child is allocated living space;
  • requirements for guardians are less stringent.


  • the child may feel inferior due to incomplete belonging to the caregiver's family;
  • PLO officers may intervene;
  • a candidate for adoption may appear;
  • contacts with the child’s biological relatives are possible;
  • It is difficult to change a child’s surname, but the date of birth is not changed.

To obtain the opportunity to adopt a child, future guardians contact the Public Education Office. Registration may take about three months.

At various forms When a child is placed, adoptive parents and guardians have the same requirements regarding their state of health.

Candidates must not have previously been deprived of parental rights or removed from the duties of a guardian or adoptive parent due to their fault.

Is it possible to take a child from an orphanage for the weekend?

Not all couples have the opportunity to adopt or foster a child. Then, in some cases, they are allowed to take the child away for a while.

Guest mode is also used to get to know the child the family wants to adopt more closely.

This arrangement is even easier and faster, but guest mode is not recommended for children under adolescence. Upon returning to the orphanage, young children perceive it as if they are being abandoned again.

Having been a “guest” once, children and even teenagers then wait for weeks and hope that they will come back for them. “Guest mode” is not only an opportunity to temporarily live in a normal family, but also an emotional burden on the child.

Young children become attached very quickly. And if they are constantly returned and “tied” again, they will forget how to trust.

A child will not be transferred to a family if:

  • this will be contrary to the child’s wishes, create a threat to his life, health, and violate his rights and interests;
  • It turns out that the child’s parent, deprived of parental rights, lives with the citizen who took the child “on a visit.”

The total period of stay cannot be more than three months. In some cases it is extended to six months.

If the child’s biological parents were unable for some reason to properly fulfill their obligations, this can be done by adoptive parents, guardians or adoptive parents.

But both candidates for adoptive parents and guardians must understand that a new family member is a responsibility, it is forever. They will have all the same responsibilities as the biological family.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Number of pairs, according to the most various reasons those without children increases every year. And I really want the house to be filled with children's laughter. The problem of a childless marriage can be resolved through the adoption procedure. How to adopt a child from an orphanage, so that he, even if genetically foreign, eventually becomes family and friends, bringing the joy of raising his own child into the life of the spouses.

Who can become an adoptive parent

The state, in the role of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, before transferring the child into the hands of new parents, must make sure that foster family does not consist of people who have been convicted, have been deprived of paternal rights, are disabled, and will be able to provide the child with decent living and upbringing conditions. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons who can act as an adoptive parent:

  1. According to the Civil Code, any mentally healthy citizens can become adoptive parents, provided they reach 21 years of age. The exception is for those who are already related to this child - then the requirements for the age of the adoptive parent may be lowered.
  2. Both a married couple who are officially married and people living together without registration can become a mother and father.
  3. Adoptive parents must be at least fifteen years older than the child.
  4. If only a husband or wife wants to adopt a child, the other parent must write a written consent certified by a notary.
  5. A single woman or a single man is allowed to adopt a baby. In this case, the single mother or father is subsequently assigned this status with corresponding benefits.

Can a single woman or man adopt a child?

In Russia, the adoption of a child by a single woman or man is not legally prohibited. But in practice, it is much more difficult for a single mother or a single man to become an official parent, even if he has a good job and cozy home– specialists from trustee bodies will look more closely at such adoptive parents. The procedure for single people to assume parental rights is not fundamentally different from the standard procedure. Therefore, whether you are married or not does not really matter.

For whom is this not possible?

Not everyone is allowed to adopt a child, and the categories of these persons are strictly prescribed by law. If you cannot provide for a child, you have no home, you are in poor health, you have a criminal record, in all these cases the baby will suffer. According to the law, you cannot adopt children:

  1. Disabled people, both fully and partially recognized as incapable of work, as well as couples where one spouse is disabled.
  2. People undergoing treatment or registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.
  3. People deprived of maternal or paternal rights.
  4. For those who have already officially adopted a child, but lost the right to do so due to their own fault.
  5. For those who do not have a residence permit or live in an apartment or house that does not meet sanitary requirements.
  6. Having low earnings, which makes it impossible to provide the child with at least a living wage.
  7. Same-sex married couple.
  8. If at least one future parent has a criminal record.

What does it take to adopt a child from an orphanage?

If you decide to adopt a child, remember that the adoption procedure is lengthy. After you have found the child, you will need to collect a package of all the necessary documents and submit them to the court to make a decision on adoption. Sometimes you may need the help of a lawyer.

You need to study Russian laws related to the adoption procedure. A candidate applying for the role of an adoptive parent, in addition to his rights and obligations, must study the powers of the guardianship authorities. The rules for adopting a baby, the addresses of orphanages, baby homes or maternity hospitals can be found in the department for adoption and protection of children's rights, as well as from representatives of district guardianship authorities (ROO). You can find information about orphans and refuseniks there, from representatives of the ROO.

Some trustee bodies and charitable institutions may place brief information about children, photos and videos of babies on the Internet. Please note that such organizations can only give you information about children, but they do not have the right to act as intermediaries for their adoption. To avoid any additional problems, please contact us exclusively. public services guardianship Carefully monitor how legal the adoption procedure is.

What documents are required

A special commission appointed by the guardianship authorities must review your documents and issue its conclusion no later than a month later. This conclusion will be required when submitting to judiciary to obtain permission to adopt. To obtain the right to adopt a child, you must submit an application to the regional guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of registration, accompanied by:

  1. A short autobiography.
  2. Medical certificate issued at the place of residence. The certificate must confirm that the spouses do not have diseases contraindicated for adoption. To do this, you will have to visit the AIDS center, tuberculosis, drug addiction, oncology, dermatovenerological and psychoneurological dispensaries. Certificates must be prepared on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  3. A copy of your marriage registration certificate, if available.
  4. Notarized consent that your wife or husband is not against adoption (if only one spouse is going to become the adoptive parent).
  5. A certificate from the place of work, or a certificate issued in form 2-NDFL. From it, the ROO will learn about your position and the amount of monthly payments. If candidates are entrepreneurs, then they must submit an income statement.
  6. At the place of registration of candidates, do not forget to take an extract from the personal account or house register. The statement must list the people living at this address. If the future parents are homeowners, then present a certificate for the apartment or house.
  7. A certificate obtained from the police about no criminal record.
  8. A positive reference issued at the place of work for both spouses.

Payments to families

Adoption is the legally preferred form of child placement today. Unlike children in care, an officially adopted child receives social and legal rights, including the right to inheritance, just like his own child. In addition to federal ones, adoptive families are entitled to regional payments and child benefits, which you need to find out about in your city. Adoptive parents are entitled to the following types of federal payments:

  1. One-time benefit. It is paid once when the adopted child is transferred to the parents. The initial indexed benefit amount is 8 thousand rubles.
  2. Maternity benefits (but if at the time of adoption your child was older than three months, you will not receive benefits).
  3. A monthly benefit paid based on the average earnings of the adoptive parent over the last 2 years. Paid until the child reaches one and a half years old.
  4. Maternity capital for one parent, in the presence of two or more children, both natural and adopted.
  5. A payment of 100 thousand rubles is also given for each child in the following cases:
  6. Disability of the adopted child.
  7. If at the time of adoption the child is over seven years old.
  8. When adopting children who are related by blood (who are brothers or sisters).

How to adopt a newborn from a maternity hospital

Adopting a baby directly from the hospital can be difficult. Many couples, for many reasons, want newborn children; in order to adopt a refuser, they have to stand on a waiting list, for which, in addition to contacting the ROO, it is necessary to submit an application about the desire to adopt an infant child.

It is best if you start looking for a refusenik yourself. Representatives of local guardianship and trusteeship authorities tell you that in the district maternity hospital Are there currently no refuseniks? You have every right to apply to the guardianship of other districts with the conclusion issued to you. And if the search for the baby is successful, the maternity hospital offers you an abandoned baby, then the guardianship is obliged to give you all the necessary information about the baby. Then you go to meet a child who desperately needs a home and family.

Having decided to adopt a baby, you sign an application for adoption and, together with the guardianship authorities, submit an application to the judicial authorities for a decision. final decision. As soon as the court gives its permission, you can officially be considered the parents of the baby, and receive an official birth certificate and a note in the passport from the registry office.

Please note that it will not be possible to take a child who is only a few days old. Those who refuse are transferred to the children's hospital from the maternity hospital, where they undergo medical examination. The state is obliged to provide guardians and adoptive parents with maximum information about the health of the baby being transferred to the family - future parents must be notified if the child has Down syndrome or any other serious illness.

On average, medical examination takes one month, and if there are specific candidates for parents, it takes a little faster. Please note - a child who was kept in an orphanage is rarely healthy, but this can be corrected with proper care and love. It is more difficult to take a child under one year old than an older one. There is a queue for such kids, but there is always a chance.

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital? More and more orphaned or abandoned children in our country are finding a new family. Children are taken into care, into foster families, and adopted. The greatest demand, especially among childless families, is for babies who have just been born. Parents wait for years to adopt a newborn, as the waiting list is huge and does not come quickly. But not everyone knows how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital, what are the requirements for documents and adoptive parents.

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital

Quite often, unfortunately, young mothers in maternity hospitals abandon their newborn children. The reasons for refusals may be different:

  • early pregnancy, when the parents of a minor mother persuade her to leave the baby in the maternity hospital;
  • studying at a university, when a mother prefers a career to the fate of her baby;
  • birth trauma or other pathology, as a result of which the child is born sick;
  • lack of funds or lack of housing;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction.

It is these children, the refuseniks, that new parents are waiting for. But before you become one, you need to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities to adopt a newborn baby from the maternity hospital.

If you are firmly convinced that you need a child from the maternity hospital whom you will make happy, then look for a guardianship authority or department in your city or region.

The statement you write there will be your first real step towards your child. In the application you will need to indicate your details, as well as describe what kind of child you want to take into your family: age, eye and hair color, etc.

There are requirements for adoptive parents that you must fully comply with, these are:

  • health. The guardianship authorities will receive a form on which you must undergo a medical examination. You should not have infectious diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, or chronic diseases.
  • income. The income for each member of your family must be higher than the cost of living established in your region.
  • living conditions. You will need to provide documents for the apartment or house where you are going to bring your baby. The guardianship authorities, after you collect all the papers and bring them to them, will come to you to inspect your home to make sure that the child will live in good conditions.
  • if the adoption is registered in the name of a wife, then the written consent of the husband is required, and vice versa.
  • you need to get a police certificate stating that you have no criminal record.
  • Preparation. You need to take courses for future adoptive parents. An exception can be made only for those who have already adopted children and have undergone mandatory training. You will be given a certificate of completion of the course.

All these documents for adoption will go to the table of the commission, which will decide your fate: to be your parents. adopted baby or not. You will be notified of the refusal within 5 days, but if after 5 days no news has been received, it means that your documents have been approved by the commission, and after 2 weeks you will be invited for permission.

And only after receiving the commission’s conclusion about your suitability to be adoptive parents, you will be in line for your baby. This is one of the disadvantages of infant adoption. There is no waiting list for children after one year of age.

The procedure for adopting a child from a maternity hospital

Let's start with the fact that it is almost impossible to receive a child directly from the maternity hospital. He is in the maternity hospital for several days, then he is transferred to a children's hospital. There he is thoroughly examined, and he spends some time in the department. Then he is transferred to the orphanage. At this time, the mother who abandoned the baby can still come to her senses and take the child, even if adoption documents have begun to be drawn up for him. And this is the second minus. In practice, this happens, although rarely.

And third: it takes time to prepare adoption documents for the court, then you need to wait for the court hearing, and wait 10 days before the decision comes into force. Adoption in our country is carried out only by court decision, and nothing else. Therefore, adoption from a maternity hospital is rather a myth. You can receive your baby when he is already 2-3 months old. Although anything can happen in life.

But let's return to the stages of adoption. Your turn, in the end, has come, you have collected all the documents again (!), again received permission from the guardianship authorities and met your future son or daughter, you liked the child, and what next?

Take care of checking your baby's health. Look at his medical record. Do everything with your child possible tests, Ultrasound and more. They should do this for you for free. The child may have diseases that have not yet made themselves felt, but the results of the examination will show them. And if you do not want to connect your life with a sick child, or you do not have the means to treat him, then it is better to refuse immediately. Your permit will be valid for 3 months, during which time you will be able to find healthy child. If you are satisfied with everything, inform the guardianship authorities about your choice and, together with them, go to submit documents to the court.

This time, the application you write must contain a request for adoption and the details of the baby that you want to assign to him. You can:

  • give him your last name and patronymic;
  • change name;
  • change the date and place of birth.

The latter is more important if you faked pregnancy in order to keep the adoption secret (Article 139 of the Family Code). The date can be changed by up to three months either way and is permitted upon adoption.

To maintain secrecy, the trial is held behind closed doors; in addition to the adoptive parents, the guardianship authorities and the prosecutor are present.

After the court establishes the adoption, you will receive an extract (after 10 days), and with it and your passports you will go to the registry office, where you will be issued a birth certificate for your child.

With the help of the guardianship authorities, you can agree that the child and mother are discharged from the maternity hospital on the appointed day, film all this on video for history and go home to raise your baby.

You can learn about how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital, a baby home or an orphanage, and the requirements for adoptive parents in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, articles 122-144.

A foster family is one of the forms of arrangement for raising children left without parental care. Citizens who want to foster someone left without parental care are called foster parents...

I. General provisions

1. A foster family is one of the forms of placement in the upbringing of children left without parental care. Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to foster a child (children) left without parental care are called adoptive parents; a child (children) transferred to a foster family for upbringing is called a foster child, and such a family is called a foster family.

Adoptive parents in relation to the adopted child (children) have the rights and responsibilities of a guardian (trustee).

2. The total number of children in a foster family, including relatives and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

3. A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family.

An agreement on the transfer of a child (children) is concluded between the guardianship and trusteeship authority and the adoptive parents in the form according to Appendix No. 1.

The guardianship and trusteeship authority issues a certificate of the established form to the adoptive parents in the form according to Appendix No. 2.

4. The guardianship and trusteeship body promotes the creation of foster families, provides foster parents with the necessary assistance and monitors the living conditions and upbringing of the child (children).

5. The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence of alimony and inheritance legal relations arising from legislation between foster parents and adopted children. Russian Federation.

II. Procedure for organizing a foster family

6. Adoptive parents (parents) can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

  • persons recognized by the court as incompetent or partially capable;
  • persons deprived of parental rights by court or limited by court in parental rights;
  • removed from the duties of a guardian (trustee) for improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by law;
  • former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled by the court due to their fault;
  • persons with diseases that make it impossible to take a child (children) into a foster family.

7. Persons wishing to take a child (children) into foster care submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at their place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of becoming foster parents.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • certificate from the place of employment indicating the position and size wages or a copy of the income statement, certified in the prescribed manner;
  • a document confirming the availability of housing for a person (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into foster care (a copy of a financial personal account from the place of residence and an extract from the house (apartment) register for tenants of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock or a document , confirming ownership of residential premises);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if married);
  • a medical certificate from a medical institution about the health status of the person(s) who wishes to take the child into foster care. The procedure for examining the health status of persons wishing to take a child into foster care is determined by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.

A person applying to obtain a conclusion on the possibility of being a foster parent must present a passport, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, another document replacing it.

8. To prepare a conclusion on the possibility of becoming adoptive parents, the guardianship and trusteeship authority draws up an act based on the results of an examination of the living conditions of persons (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into foster care.

9. Based on an application and an inspection report on the living conditions of persons (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into a foster family, the guardianship and trusteeship authority, within 20 days from the date of filing the application with all the necessary documents, prepares a conclusion on the possibility of becoming foster parents . In this case, their personal qualities, state of health, ability to fulfill the responsibilities of raising children, and relationships with other family members living with them must be taken into account.

If a person (persons) expresses a desire to foster a child with poor health, a sick child, a child with developmental disabilities, or a disabled child, the conclusion must indicate that the adoptive parents have the necessary conditions for this.

The conclusion about the possibility of being foster parents is the basis for selecting a child for the purpose of transferring him to a foster family.

10. The guardianship and trusteeship authority brings the negative conclusion and the refusal based on it to conclude an agreement to transfer the child to a foster family to the attention of the applicant within 5 days from the date of the decision. At the same time, all documents are returned to the applicant and the procedure for appealing the decision is explained.

11. For the selection and training of persons (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into foster care, as well as to monitor the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them, the guardianship and trusteeship authority, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may create departments for the placement of children for foster care.

12. The guardianship and trusteeship authority provides foster parents with information about the child (children) who can be placed in a foster family and issues a referral to visit the child at his place of residence (location).

When selecting a child (children) from educational institutions and medical and preventive institutions, institutions social protection population or other similar institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation and organizational and legal form, the administration of these institutions is obliged to familiarize the person(s) wishing to adopt a child(ren) with the child’s personal file and a medical report on his state of health.

The administration of the institution is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law for the accuracy of the information provided about the child.

13. For a child transferred to a foster family, the administration of the institution (or the person who has the child) submits the following documents to the guardianship and trusteeship authority:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • documents confirming legal basis to transfer a child to a foster family (death certificate of the parent (parents), a copy of the court decision on deprivation of the parent (parents) of parental rights, declaring the parents incompetent, missing or deceased, an act confirming that the child was abandoned, and others) ;
  • conclusion about the state of health, physical and mental development child, issued by an expert medical commission in the prescribed manner.

14. The basis for concluding an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) for upbringing to a foster family is an application from the person(s) wishing to take the child (children) for upbringing, with a request for transfer to them for upbringing specific child, which is submitted to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence (location) of the child.

The application is accompanied by a conclusion on the possibility of becoming adoptive parents (valid for one year) and the documents specified in paragraphs 7 and 13 of these Regulations.

An agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to a foster family is concluded between the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence (location) of the child and the adoptive parents.

15. An agreement on the transfer of a child (children) for upbringing to a foster family must provide for the period for which he is placed in a foster family, the conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education of the child (children), the rights and responsibilities of foster parents, responsibilities in relation to the foster family of the body guardianship and trusteeship, as well as the grounds and consequences of termination of such an agreement.

16. Adoptive parents are obliged to raise the child (children), take care of his health, moral and physical development, create the necessary conditions for them to receive an education, to prepare them for independent life. Adoptive parents bear responsibility to society for their adopted child(ren).

17. Adoptive parents (parents) are the legal representatives of the adopted child (children), protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special authority.

The rights of adoptive parents cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the child (children).

18. Adoptive parents have the right to place children in preschool educational institutions on a general basis.

19. The agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family may be terminated early at the initiative of the adoptive parents if there is good reasons(illness, changes in family or property status, lack of mutual understanding with the child (children), conflict relationships between children and others), as well as on the initiative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority in the event of unfavorable conditions in the foster family for the maintenance, upbringing and education of the child (children) ), in the case of the return of the child (children) to the parents, in the case of the child (children).

All property and financial issues arising as a result of early termination of the contract are resolved by agreement of the parties, and if a dispute arises, by the court in the manner prescribed by law.

III. Transferring a child (children) to a foster family

20. A child (children) left without parental care is transferred to a foster family for upbringing:

  • orphans;
  • children whose parents are unknown;
  • children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, have been declared legally incompetent, are missing, or have been convicted;
  • children whose parents, for health reasons, cannot personally raise and support them, as well as children left without parental care who are in educational, medical and preventive institutions, social welfare institutions or other similar institutions.

21. At the request of persons (persons) who have the necessary conditions, it is possible to transfer to them a child (children) with poor health, a sick child (children), a child (children) with developmental disabilities, a child (children) to be raised in a foster family. - disabled person.

22. When transferring a child (children) to a foster family, the guardianship and trusteeship authority is guided by the interests of the child.

23. The transfer of a child (children) to a foster family is carried out taking into account his opinion and with the consent of the administration of educational and treatment institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions in which the child is located.

The transfer of a child (children) who has reached the age of 10 years to a foster family is carried out only with his consent.

24. Children who are related to each other, as a rule, are placed in one foster family, except for cases where, for medical reasons or other reasons, they cannot be raised together.

25. For each child transferred to a foster family, the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the administration of educational and treatment institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions provide the following documents to the foster parents:

  • birth certificate;
  • an extract from the child’s developmental history (history of the newborn) about the state of health;
  • a certificate about the state of health of the mother and the progress of labor (in case of transfer of the child from the maternity hospital, maternity ward of a medical institution);
  • document on education (for school-age children);
  • documents about parents (copy of death certificate, verdict or court decision, certificate of illness, search for parents and other documents confirming the absence of parents or their inability to raise their children);
  • certificate of the presence and location of brothers and sisters;
  • an inventory of the property belonging to the child and information about the persons responsible for its safety;
  • documents confirming the assignment of previously occupied living space to a minor;
  • a copy of the court decision to collect alimony, documents confirming the right to a pension, a pension book for a child receiving a pension, a document confirming the existence of an account opened in the child’s name at a banking institution.

These documents are transferred directly to the adoptive parents no later than two weeks after the conclusion of the agreement on the transfer of the child (children) to be raised in a foster family.

26. A child (children) placed in a foster family retains the right to the pension due to him (in case of loss of a breadwinner, disability) and other social payments and compensations, which are transferred in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to accounts opened in the name of the child ( children) in a banking institution.

The child (children) also retains the right of ownership of residential premises or the right to use residential premises; in the absence of residential premises, he has the right to be provided with residential premises in accordance with housing legislation.

27. Guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the location of the property (including living quarters) of the child (children) ensure control over its use and safety.

28. The child(ren) in a foster family has the right to support personal contacts with blood parents, relatives, if this does not contradict the interests of the child (children), his normal development, and upbringing. Contact between parents and child(ren) is permitted with the consent of the adoptive parents. In controversial cases, the order of communication between the child (children), his parents, relatives and adoptive parents is determined by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

IV. Financial support for a foster family

29. For the maintenance of each adopted child (children), the foster family is paid monthly money for food, the purchase of clothing, shoes and soft equipment, household items, personal hygiene, games, toys, books and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for pupils educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

For a child (children) placed in foster care for one year or more, funds are allocated for the purchase of furniture.

30. Local government bodies, based on established standards of material support, allocate funds for an adopted child (children) at actual prices in a given region.

Local governments, based on the decisions they make, allocate funds to foster families for heating, lighting, Maintenance housing, purchasing furniture and paying for household services.

The funds allocated for the maintenance of the adopted child (children) are transferred monthly, no later than the 20th day of the previous month, to banking institutions to the bank accounts of the adoptive parents (parent).

Size Money, necessary to support the adopted child (children), is recalculated quarterly, taking into account changes in prices for goods and services.

31. When transferring a child (children) for upbringing to a foster family for a period until he reaches the age of majority, the adoptive parents are paid money until the child (children) reaches the age of 18 years.

32. The amount of remuneration for foster parents and the benefits provided to a foster family depending on the number of children taken into care are established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

33. Adoptive parents keep records of expenses in writing regarding the receipt and expenditure of funds allocated for the maintenance of the child (children). Information on the funds spent is submitted annually to the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Funds saved during the year are not subject to withdrawal.

34. To purchase food, the foster family is assigned by the local government directly to bases and stores supplying educational institutions.

35. The foster family has a priority right to receive vouchers for children, including free ones, to sanatoriums, health camps, as well as rest homes, sanatoriums for joint recreation and treatment of foster parents with children.

36. Issues of material and housing support not covered by these Regulations are considered and resolved by local government bodies.


We are from Novosibirsk.

Yes, it’s a large family, but we had one child from an orphanage, and the agreement was like a foster family since we have three children.

Good afternoon. I have the following question: since 2004, we have concluded an agreement with our administration (guardianship department) on a foster family; we have two natural children and one adopted child, and this child turned 18 years old on December 1, 2015, but he is currently studying at educational institution“Do our children have the right to free travel on public transport since they all study in different educational institutions?

Hello!!! My “foster family” family took in a boy. The boy is 5 years old, his name is Bogdan, a nice child. He has been living with us for seven months, in fact, according to the documents, 4 months, because... It took 3 months for registration. So, during these four months, only four thousand were transferred per child. I contacted the guardianship authorities, but there was no response. Tell me where I should go best to resolve this problem.

My husband and I organized a foster family. labor is officially disabled. I have an agreement with the city administration, but I was denied payment of child benefits for the care of children under 1.5 years old due to this very contract. it is legal?

09/30/2008 00:16:39, mother

I would like to ask a question: when creating a foster family, am I entitled to paid leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old? I called the local social security (Asha Chelyabinsk region). I was told that if a foster family, then social insurance does not reimburse the employer. The same thing is written on the social insurance website for 2007. How to be. For me (I live alone) a foster family - best option at least for two years, and then, when I go back to work, I can adopt.
Thanks in advance for your answer. On Friday I need to decide what I choose.

08/20/2008 21:00:39, Svetlana

If you are in Russia, then they told you nonsense...

Can I be denied custody based on the fact that the child is small (3 years old)? In the DR where he is located, I was told that their children are subject to adoption only, and guardianship is only for close relatives.

Comment on the article "Regulations on foster families"

Adoptive family. Tell me if I have to work in order to take a child into a foster family, according to the contract... I have an adoption conclusion in my hands.


There are two of you? 40 thousand for the eyes is enough. Whether you work or not doesn't matter. It is important that the amount of money is greater than the cost of living multiplied by the number of family members.

Registration is not enough - payments are made at the place of residence or after adoption in Moscow time.

Monthly payment for the maintenance of children in foster care.
15,000 rub. for a child under 12 years of age;
20,000 rub. for a child aged 12 to 18 years.
25,000 rub. for every disabled child under 18 years of age.
If there are three or more children in the family:
18,000 rub. for each child under 12 years of age;
23,000 rub. for each child from 12 to 18 years old.

Payment of monthly remuneration to adoptive parents. If there are three or more adopted children in a foster family, remuneration is paid to both foster parents
RUB 15,155.00 for each child taken into care;
25,763.50 rub. for the education of every disabled child.


It seems to me that if you are in the mood for two, then take two at once, and brothers and sisters, it will be more difficult for them to get settled, and it may be easier to adapt. And double adaptation... well, it will be more difficult if only one child starts to settle in, and you follow the second one and get a kickback. I’ll say right away that my opinion on this matter is purely theoretical. I didn’t take two children at the same time.
By age: due to my character, I would consider the option “from 5 years old” - this is already its own planet. There will be less competition than two-year-olds with their third-year crisis. And the requirements for mom are different. In some ways it’s harder, but in some ways it’s easier. I took an eight year old for 2 and 4. It turned out well.

And I would recommend either peers or younger. Gender generally doesn't matter. Everything depends on you. The boys are mostly crazy. They take a lot of effort and energy. If you have a dad, then everything becomes much simpler. If there is more than one, I would recommend siblings, or in turns. At least in half a year. It will be easier for you, because yours is still small. Based on own experience After half a year, children become calm and domesticated. +/- month. If you want, look at our albums) (0000,1234, 020213 - passwords.)

I do not agree. A foster family is formed under a contract for the transfer of a child to a family. The agreement is drawn up in Moscow. When moving to Krasnoyarsk, a supplementary registration certificate will be issued.


Buy an apartment before marriage or enter into a prenuptial agreement that will specify ownership of the property

You're moving in with your fiance for now, aren't you? This means you need to have a lease agreement.
Here you inform the OOP about the imminent move (I would do this no earlier than a week in advance), take the child’s file, terminate the PS agreement, register as quickly as possible in the area in which you will live, and that’s it. And about moving from rented housing to purchased housing - also, according to a simplified scheme))

11/27/2012 11:03:31, Anch

Foster care and mortgages. Good day, confectioners! Our situation is as follows: we have had a substation for 2 years, now we are expanding - we are selling our two-room apartment, buying three-room apartment.


Thank you all very much for your answers! I'll take a lot of things into consideration. But while you were answering me, I talked with my real estate office and also went to Sberbank. In short, I will focus on the consumer one, yes, the percentage is higher, but the hassle, payments and paperwork are several times less. And in this case, everyone is very happy with my 2NDFL from Social Security! Well, I'll overpay
and okay... But quickly, because the deal is coming soon. Thank you, konfyanki! And good luck to everyone)))

It's great you have it! And here, in the Rostov region, the salary of the PR is paid by the guardianship. Or rather, the accountant from the education department, who is in charge of the guardianship money, calculates it.

Foster family and payments. Tell me, in a foster family, in addition to paying the parent’s salary, money is also paid to support the child? In Moscow it is 15 thousand...


Salary and child support are paid. It’s unlikely that you won’t be able to not work, since this money won’t be enough for you.

No more than eight children are sent to a foster family, well, that’s all. PS was, as it were, conceived for difficult cases, but now it can take one child into it.

The child's last name does not change, since you are not legally his parent. When the child reaches the age of 14, if he wants, he can take your last name when receiving a passport. And unlike adoption, where it’s kind of a secret and all that, the adoptive parent does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with biological relatives, if this does not harm him, and much more. As well as inspections and reports. Dirty in short.

Volunteers do everything they can))) But not every child can be placed in a family. Some children are in kindergarten temporarily at the request of their parents, and there are other things there. And so this is an option that has the right to life. This is how I met my son.

If you can justify to the guardianship that all conditions will be created for the children to sleep, study and relax, then they will not refuse you.

But here the question is a little different. You are planning 2 children without having the slightest idea about these children. For an unprepared person, two grown-up children is cool))) There is every chance that you will not cope and will return the children back. It’s not as easy as it seems, but then everything is perceived with a smile and it seems that the whole adaptation is bullshit, and when the process itself is in full swing, then there’s a kind of displeasure. Take one child, then the second (if the desire has not disappeared by then). There is no need to drive horses and act like heroes. You can't help all children, but if you take one child out of the system, that's already a big deal. The child needs loving mother, and not overwhelmed by everything that is possible and impossible)))

But this form of relationship under 18 years of age is contractual. Risk - there is a possibility that the child will be returned to the birth family or put up for adoption. BUT with the consent of the adoptive parent or guardian. The agreement may be terminated at the initiative of one of the parties. For example, the administration will not have the funds to pay wages and may either offer to re-register the relationship or terminate the contract and take the child. So far.

If the child’s mother is alive and could theoretically show up, then I would only lean toward adoption. Because here the child is MY, period.
Foster family and patronage are in this sense the most powerless forms. If I understand correctly, a child can be taken away (biologically or for adoption), simply by notifying you “please deliver him on such and such a date to such and such a place.”
With guardianship, it’s still better... but if the biological person is restored to his rights and wants to take the child away, the litigation will not be weak, it will ruin his nerves.

28.07.2006 11:58:51, -=-

Guardianship or foster family? Legal and legal aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children...


I'll try to tell you. There are a lot of thoughts, there are pros and cons in this project. The advantages are mainly of a material nature. The adopted child is assigned a pension, a small one, it is transferred to his account and upon reaching adulthood he receives it. The adoptive parents are paid something like a salary or, rather, it is simply money to support the child. A little less than 60 dollars. (the salary of a nurse in Lviv is the same). What else. At the age of 14, a child is put on a waiting list for housing. Benefits when entering a university. Once a year, the child’s health is provided for by the state. check. If a child is sick and requires expensive treatment (surgery), then it is easier to obtain funds for treatment (but this is in words). Once every 2 years, a foster family with all their children, regardless of origin, are invited to the School of Adoptive Families for 2 weeks. As a rule, it is in the south, by the sea. For half a day the parents study, the teachers work with the children, then all the families get to know each other, communicate and relax together (I liked this the most :))
But all this splendor (for me, at least) is crossed out by a thick line - the child is not mine, and if the project is curtailed or the lady in the administration changes her mind, then...
:) Do you know what thought came to my mind? :) What's better? :) Young, energetic, rich, cheerful lover, the life of the party and a smart guy, ready to have fun and dance the night away and give a million Red roses. Or a husband, in a cozy thick warm home shirt, clinging to whose shoulder you watch a movie on VCR, who brings tea with lemon and quietly kisses your temple. He can be gloomy and taciturn, and sometimes in the morning he quietly gets up and entertains the baby so that you can sleep an extra hour. Well, who is better? :) Who cares, really? :) That's the way it is here. Someone wants to give family, love and normal life an orphan, and someone just wants a child, their own. My husband is categorically against it, only adoption, I’m trying to reason. I like everything until I reach the last point - and that’s it.

Girls, I went, I’ll write about everything tomorrow, okay? In a word - the project is, of course, very good, but not my way.

Until now, in our country, despite the efforts of individuals and the state, the number of orphans has not decreased. Every day, refuseniks from maternity hospitals arrive in orphanages, and children whose presence in their family is life-threatening arrive in orphanages. Government agency- a temporary measure, but not a way out plight little man, from whom the closest people turned their backs. A child cannot grow up happy outside of a family, which means that more than anything else he needs new, loving parents. In such situations, the only effective measure is a foster family. It's about about the collective image of all families that implement, take custody, arrange guardianship or resort to any other form of placing a child in a family.

What is a foster family

The following forms of foster families can be distinguished:

  • Adoption – a child is accepted into a family as a blood relative. He becomes a full-fledged member of the family with all rights and responsibilities.
  • Guardianship – a child is accepted into a family for the purpose of upbringing and education, as well as to protect his interests. He can retain his last name; his natural parents do not receive an exemption from the responsibility for his maintenance. Guardianship is established for children under 14 years of age, and from 14 to 18 years of age guardianship is issued.
  • Foster care – a child is raised in a family on the basis of a tripartite agreement between guardianship authorities, a foster family and an institution for orphans.
  • Foster family – a child is raised at home by a guardian on the basis of an agreement that determines the period of transfer of the child to a foster family.

The experience of adopting orphans exists, and it is successful. However, the ability to accept a child is not given to every person - you need to listen carefully to yourself and try to find answers to internal questions. If you can’t make a decision on your own, you can always talk to a psychologist. It will help you “look” inside yourself and understand what exactly you need from life. Perhaps this is not at all helping the child, but a desire to satisfy some personal ambitions. In this case, you should not count on adopted children - they are not at all obliged to meet your expectations.

An adoptive family, like any other, may face a number of problems with the arrival of a child. The ability to solve them without loss largely depends on the willingness to accept the little person and on the competence of the adoptive parents. The more clearly people understand what they are getting into when they decide to raise a foster child, the better. Of course, in most cases it will be more difficult for adoptive parents to cope with their functions than for relatives. The reason is simple - children who have experienced a tragedy (be it the death of loved ones, the destruction of a family, or the deprivation of mom and dad of parental rights) experience a deep emotional drama. Staying in an orphanage, where there is not a single relative, causes no less damage to the child’s psyche. There is no one to count on and no one to share experiences with. In child care facilities there are only people doing their jobs. Even if they do it flawlessly, there will be no replacement for parental love.

Adaptation of a child in a foster family

Adaptation in a family lasts on average up to a year and is quite difficult. Illnesses may worsen, unexpected tears and hysterics may arise, denial of everyone and everything (“I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “go away”) and even aggression may appear. All this is natural and will certainly pass over time, provided that the parents are educated and sincerely loved.

Adaptation of a child in a foster family can be divided into several stages:

  • The preparation stage, when the child is just visiting new parents, comes to visit before the baby is finally accepted into the family.
    During this period, adoptive parents try to make the child feel comfortable in the house, give gifts, praise and encourage him in every possible way. The child is trying to please the new parents. It is very important not to rush things and not to put pressure on the child to call his parents “mom” and “dad”.
  • The stage of crisis when the child begins to behave completely differently than the adoptive parents are used to observing.
    The process is natural and should be considered as the correct development of relationships. If a child shows his bad sides to new parents, this is a sign of a trusting relationship.
  • The adaptation stage when the child begins to feel at home in the new family.
    His appearance and behavior change, the baby becomes independent and more self-confident. It should be remembered that any change in the family can cause psychological trauma to the child.
  • The stage of stabilization, when the family finally becomes a family.
    The adopted child is calm, although he may be disturbed by memories of past life, and adoptive parents are satisfied with the state of their family.

The best way to “spread the straw” in advance is to acquire contacts of the necessary specialists: doctors, neurologists, psychologists in advance, before the child arrives in the family. And, without hesitation, at the first difficulties, turn to them.

How to become foster parents

Which children are placed in foster care:

  • children left without parental care who are in social protection institutions, treatment and preventive, educational or other similar institutions;
  • children whose parents, for health reasons, are unable to support and raise them;
  • children whose parents have been deprived or limited in parental rights, have been declared incompetent by a court or have been convicted;
  • children whose parents are unknown;
  • orphans

Algorithm for creating a foster family

  • A candidate for foster parents submits to the Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship a package of documents according to the list with an application for issuing an opinion on the possibility of being a foster parent.
  • Within 3 days from the date of submission of the above documents, Department specialists conduct an examination of the living conditions of the candidate for adoptive parents and the inspection report is approved by the head of the guardianship authority within 3 days. The inspection report is drawn up in two copies, one of which is sent within 3 days to the citizen who has expressed a desire to accept the child into the family. The inspection report can be challenged by a citizen in court.
  • Within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, a decision is made on the appointment of a foster parent or on the candidate’s ability to be a foster parent, on the basis of which a referral is issued to an organization for orphans and children left without parental care to get acquainted with the child, his personal file and medical report on his state of health.
  • If the decision is positively made, the candidate writes a statement of intent to accept the child into the family.
  • An organization for orphans and children left without parental care, as a legal representative, sends the child for a commission examination of his health status (as for adoption) and, together with a medical report, with his consent to transfer the child to a foster family, submits a package of documents to the Department for child.
  • Management is preparing normative act on the possibility of transferring a child to a foster family: on the appointment of a guardian (adoptive parent) to perform duties for a fee, on the need to pay money for the remuneration due to the foster parent and for the maintenance of the child.
  • The department concludes an agreement with the adoptive parent on the transfer of the child to a foster family and, in addition to the agreement, prepares individual conditions transfer of the child, a certificate of the adoptive parent and gives a memo to the adoptive parent with the child’s documents.
  • If the candidate is from another municipality, the personal file is transferred to the municipality at the place of actual residence of the adoptive family to assign payment of funds and monitor the conditions of upbringing and maintenance of the child.
  • Adoptive parents are assigned monthly cash payments for the maintenance of children placed in foster families, the amount of which in 2013 was 6,543 rubles. 80 kopecks, and a monetary reward due to the adoptive parent in the amount of 2,500 rubles (if a family is raising a child under 3 years old and a disabled child, then an additional payment to the monetary reward is assigned in the amount of 20%).
  • Schoolchildren are paid compensation for travel of 310 rubles. 88 kopecks. When placing a child into a family, the adoptive parent is paid a one-time allowance of about 12,000 rubles.

How to adopt a child?

Requirements for adoptive parents

Adoptive parents (parents) can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

  • persons recognized by the court as incompetent or partially capable;
  • persons deprived of parental rights by court or limited by court in parental rights;
  • removed from the duties of a guardian (trustee) for improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by law;
  • former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled due to their fault;
  • persons with diseases that make it impossible to take a child (children) into a foster family.

Adoptive parents are the legal representatives of the adopted child, protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special powers.

Persons wishing to take a child (children) into foster care submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at their place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of becoming foster parents.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • A certificate from the place of employment indicating the position and the average salary for 12 months, or another document confirming the income of citizens;
  • An extract from the house register from the place of residence or another document confirming the right to use the residential premises or the right of ownership of the residential premises, a copy of the financial personal account from the place of residence;
  • A certificate from internal affairs bodies confirming the absence of a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morals, and against public safety;
  • Medical report on health status;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (if the citizen is married);
  • Autobiography;
  • A document confirming the availability of housing for a person (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into foster care (a copy of the financial and personal account from the place of residence and an extract from the house book (apartment) book for tenants of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock or a document confirming ownership of residential premises);
  • Written agreement adult family members, taking into account the opinion of children over 10 years of age living together, on the adoption of a child into the family;
  • A copy of a certificate or other document on completion of training (except for close relatives of children, as well as persons who are or were guardians (trustees) of children and who were not suspended from performing their duties, and persons who were or are adoptive parents and in relation to whose adoption has not been cancelled).

The first thing every person thinking about adoption needs to do is discuss their desire with the people closest to them: their spouse and children. By the way, the widespread stereotype that only families who are deprived of the opportunity to give birth to their own should raise adopted children is not only far from the truth, but also harmful. On the contrary, families that already have children, have experience in raising children, understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to raise children. But let's get back to family members. Only if consensus is reached, and there are no those left in the house who are “categorically against”, can we move on to action.

The second step is training at a school for foster parents. Finding the nearest one is very simple: just contact the guardianship authority at your place of residence. They will direct you there. On average, classes last two months and this is not only a necessary, but also an enjoyable stage on the path to placing a child in your family. A few weeks before graduation, you can safely start collecting documents. With intensive immersion in this issue (if both spouses take leave for this purpose), the procedures will take one to two weeks.

Medical documents have been completed, a certificate of completion from the foster parents' school has been received - now is the time to return to foster care. The specialist will inspect the living quarters of potential adoptive parents, help fill out forms, write an application and prepare other Required documents. After this, you will have to wait two to three weeks for a decision. An important point is that future adoptive parents must already at this stage choose the form of placing the child in their family - adoption, guardianship, foster family, and so on. The difficulty of this procedure is that it is impossible to guess in advance what status the child you meet and fall in love will have. If, for example, there is only “adoption”, it is no longer possible to take him under guardianship. Therefore, consult with a specialist on how best to proceed.

Finding a child is the most difficult and lengthy stage. There will be many difficulties, disappointments and worries along this path. Despite the fact that there are about 600,000 children in Russia who live without a family, child care institutions are often in no hurry to part with them. And very often, especially when looking for a child under 3 years old, you will hear from child care specialists “we don’t have children.” Why this happens is the topic of a separate article. The main thing is don’t stop and don’t despair. Do you have children. Do not limit your search only to your place of residence - potential adoptive parents in Russia have the right to search for a child throughout the Russian Federation. With persistence and faith that you are doing the most important thing in life, your baby will definitely be found. And you will be together.

Experience of adoptive parents

One of the most important moments successfully overcoming difficulties in raising adopted children is communication with other parents who are in a similar life situation. Sharing experiences and feeling “I’m not alone with my problems” always gives strength and helps to look at things realistically. Ideally, you need to find an organization that helps place children and at the same time provides subsequent support for the family. We are talking about all kinds of non-profit foundations, structures and communities of adoptive parents. Communication with like-minded people is very important - both at the stage of making a decision, searching for a child, and at the very beginning of life together. However, you shouldn’t break off the relationship in the future. For adopted children, this is also a unique opportunity to feel at ease and understand that the most beloved and closest ones are not necessarily those who gave birth to you. But definitely those who love, who are nearby every day, from morning to night.

  1. Try not to be guided by the opinions of people who are not adoptive parents themselves: they have no real idea about orphans.
  2. Do not hesitate to conduct the necessary medical and psychological examination of the child before making a decision. In any case, it is necessary: ​​you need to clearly understand what is to be treated and how.
  3. It doesn’t hurt to remember all the time that genes shape temperament, character, and are responsible for health, but not for a person’s destiny. Criminals and drug addicts are the result of upbringing and the surrounding society.
  4. Seek help from psychologists and lawyers. Specialists provide free consultations at the Centers for Social Assistance to Family and Children.
  5. Do not hurry. In case of doubt, uncertainty or family problems, wait. Resolve your issues and continue to communicate with other adoptive parents.
  6. If you cannot “recognize” your child, use your sense of smell. Smells clearly work on an unconscious level, suggesting “my person” or not.
  7. Don't try to imagine the image of a child in advance: everything will be completely different from what you expected. And not even as other adoptive parents told you - each case is individual.
  8. A child left without parents has a lot of difficult and bad things in his past. He will get rid of this burden gradually, with the help of a new family. Don't rush things - it takes time.
  9. Don't expect instant love from your adopted child. What matters is what you have already changed to better life little person.
  10. Let your child be himself. Observe his interests, talents and help consolidate them. Allow your baby to grow up happy.

Diana Mashkova