A cute selection of pictures and quotes about your beloved mother. Photo session of mother and baby

26-year-old top model Natalia Vodianova and her husband, hereditary Lord Justin Portman, are the happy parents of three children: 7-year-old son Lucas, 2-year-old daughter Neva and one-and-a-half-year-old Victor. Last year, Natalya put an end to her modeling career, deciding to devote herself to her family. The last show in which she participated was the Valentino collection at Paris Fashion Week. Immersed in family troubles, Natalya does not forget about charity: she established the “Naked Hearts” fund to help sick children.

Photos of 44-year-old Elle Macpherson, the owner of a magnificent figure and long legs— appeared on the covers of Sports Illustrated six times. Today, the sizzling Australian beauty, a representative of the Revlon brand, has two sons - Flynn (10 years old) and Cy (5 years old) from her marriage to Swiss millionaire Arpad Busson. In an interview with the British magazine Hello! the model once admitted that she considers motherhood her greatest achievement. Elle is modest; she manages to run her own lingerie line, Elle Macpherson Intimates, no less impressively.

Over the past few years, 42-year-old Cindy Crawford - whose shape has changed only for the better over the years of her modeling career, and then happy marriage and motherhood - has preferred to lead a quiet lifestyle. Appearing at a Thanksgiving charity event with her family last year, Cindy proved that she is not only a successful supermodel, but also a generous mother. She gave all her beauty to her children, Presley (9 years old) and Kaya (7 years old). The son was doubly lucky - he inherited his mother’s signature birthmark: a small birthmark lurking just above upper lip, on right side faces. Cindy is not going to leave the fashion world forever: last year she starred in a photo shoot for French Vogue and presented a line of furniture, carpets and bed linen.

A few weeks after the birth of her second son, Heidi Klum walked the catwalk for Victoria's Secret. Now her family already has three children: two sons in common with the singer Seal - 3-year-old Henry and two-year-old Johan and 4-year-old daughter Heidi Leni from the manager Formula 1 Flavio Briatore Seal raises Leni as his own daughter and 35-year-old Heidi considers herself the happiest woman in the world and, probably, the most tireless as a 35-year-old supermodel manages to look after a large family, conquer the podium, and host two shows. on TV, appearing nude for the cover of German GQ magazine and representing the line cosmetics Heidi Klum Very Sexy Makeup is a mystery to the whole world.

Czech supermodel Eva Herzigova, also known as the “Marilyn Monroe of the 90s,” conquered Paris as a teenager. On June 1, 2007, the model and her friend, Italian entrepreneur Gregorio Marcia, had a son, George. “I had an amazing pregnancy - no morning sickness,” recalls 35-year-old Eva. - From the first to last day I walked with a smile.” The model admits that she has never felt as good and comfortable as she did during pregnancy and would like to remain in this position for at least a few years. But while this is not possible, she continues to be Karl Lagerfeld’s favorite model and appears in fashion magazines.

The birth of a child is a real miracle for every mother, and a professional photo session of mother and baby at home, outdoors or in the studio allows you to capture every moment of happiness and get original photos. Moreover, it can be arranged not only in the summer, but also winter time of the year.

Features of preparation for a photo shoot

For a photo shoot with children younger age it is not necessary to use it at all a large number of clothes and suits. Just pick a few original accessories and interesting hats to get unusual photos. The most important thing is to choose the right background for your baby's photo shoot. The more varied it is, the brighter and more interesting the photos will be. You can use various blankets and plain fabrics as a background, since bright patterns can distract children’s attention from taking photographs, and then it will be extremely difficult to take a photo.

The mommy participating in the shooting also needs to prepare carefully:

  • hairstyle and makeup - do not make them too bright, conspicuous, or appearance must be as well-groomed as possible
  • clothes - these should not be expensive evening dresses, but it is not recommended to use a dressing gown either; you can choose a wardrobe in the family look style, when the outfits of a woman and a child contain similar elements, or the clothes are made in the same color scheme

Ideas for professional photography at home

Little children are real fidgets, so the photographer needs to choose the right moments to capture the first smile, steps, and bright emotions. A photo session of mother and child will be a breeze, since babies are not afraid of anything next to the person closest to them. And although you will have to wait about two weeks for photographs of a mother and child taken by a professional, it is worth it, because the result of the work will be high-quality photos.

To make photos with children under one year old beautiful, bright and memorable, you cannot do without the participation of a parent. A photo session between a mother and her child at home takes 3-4 hours, all this time the newborn is in her arms. Feeding, rocking and many other moments allow you to get amazing shots.

Original ideas for photographing a mother with children under one year old at home:

  • babies under 5 months mostly lie down - at this time you can take beautiful pictures of a sleeping baby, laid by the parent on a previously prepared background, and with the help of available things and clothes you can make your daughter or son’s dream come true
  • from 6 months the baby already begins to sit up and crawl - you can put his favorite toy next to him, and when he crawls towards it, take good pictures; at this age you can also use soap bubbles, which bring indescribable delight to both little girls and boys

For filming, your baby can wear an elegant dress, an original hat or headband with beautiful flower, and put on a bow tie for a newborn boy or dress him in an original suit, a bunny, for example, and give him a bright carrot in his hand. Beautiful photos are taken when a woman breastfeeds her baby.

Features of shooting in the studio

Photographing a mother and child in a photo studio is ideal for little children who cannot yet walk independently. Here you can create an atmosphere using various props home comfort, in which both the mother and her daughter or son will be as comfortable as possible. Professional photography is also necessary if you plan to capture several images at once, which is difficult to do at home. The image for a sleeping baby when shooting in a studio can be chosen taking into account the interior features of the room.

The presence of a huge number of accessories in the photo studio will allow you to diversify the themes of photographing mothers and children. But at the same time, when going to an event, you should take with you your favorite book or personal items that your child associates with home. It is equally important to have items on hand that will not only add zest to the finished photographic material, but will also be able to amuse the main participant of the event. As decoration you can use multi-colored lanterns, boxes, bright jewelry, fruits, etc.

Professional outdoor photography

There are a huge number of advantages to professional photography on the street or in your own garden. To do this, you do not need to select special poses, since all participants are more spontaneous, and it will be easier for the photographer to catch a good shot. In addition, photographs taken outdoors contain much more emotion, light, air, smiles and freedom than those taken in a closed room.

For photographing mothers and children in nature, you can choose different places. This could be a walk together in the park, playground, cherry or Apple orchard, field of sunflowers or bright flowers. The decorations will be trees, grass, ponds, stumps, etc.

A mother can take pictures with her children both in summer and winter. In summer, nature appears in all its glory, but no less beautiful shots are obtained in what would seem to be not the most suitable time for filming - the winter season.

There are a lot of options for obtaining original photographic images, here are some of them:

  • You can sit a little girl with you on the green grass, and place a basket of fruit or a mountain of gifts next to her.
  • if the baby understands what is being said to him, you can ask him to take an interesting pose
  • Mommy, sitting on her knees, can put her child on her back

The baby does not need photographs at all. Parents and play are the only things that really interest him. To make a photo session of mother and baby original, it is important to choose the right theme and children's activity, which will not only be able to interest him on for a long time, but it will also look beautiful in the finished photographs.

- the only person on earth who will say “I love you” completely disinterestedly, without expecting anything in return. They simply love their children, sincerely believing that they have the most beautiful, smartest children. This is probably why quotes about mom with deep meaning are so often searched on the Internet - sometimes you want to tell her “I love you,” but your tongue seems to stick to the roof of your mouth, refusing to speak.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to upbringing or lifestyle. It is important that you can choose now beautiful pictures with gentle inscriptions for mom, choose your favorite phrases about mom, and send them to her at any time, as soon as you want to tell her kind words.

Mom will also appreciate funny pictures with perky inscriptions with humor, or maybe she will like cool photos with her name, decorated ?

On the topic of motherhood different times the greatest minds reflected, writing down their statements with precise meaning, and how good it is that they have reached us! It becomes clear that the institution of motherhood has not changed one iota, and then and now we write to our mother, our most beloved, most precious.

The relationship between mother and child is not always replete with only tenderness and love. This is not the most pleasant topic, but who among us doesn’t remember how your mother forced and persuaded you to do something that you really wanted, but she didn’t like? But years pass and you realize that she did all this for your sake, all her actions were filled with meaning. And that company that you weren’t allowed to go out with ended badly, and that party that you weren’t allowed to go to ended badly.

And about this side of mothers’ characters there are photos, aphorisms, and cool sayings in our selection. Sometimes they are funny, uplifting, and sometimes these pictures, seemingly with simple inscriptions, make you think and, perhaps, cry.

You can download pictures for your beloved mother completely free of charge and then save these for yourself beautiful photos with inscriptions on the desktop.

Let all your friends see the coolest pictures, if you like our selection of images with captions about your beloved mother, just select the appropriate icon social network at the bottom of the post to save it on your page.

The pictures are accompanied by elegant inscriptions, and all the aphorisms found here will appeal to even the strictest mother. What mother wouldn’t melt when she hears “I love you” from her child? Of course, “I love you” will immediately follow with a hug! Well, of course, if you are nearby. If for some reason your parent is far from you, do not be lazy to send her your photo and our funny aphorisms that will definitely cheer her up. Don't hesitate!