How to arrange a living fence at your dacha and what is better to plant as a hedge? Living hedge: photos of beautiful “living” fences and features of their cultivation Do-it-yourself fence from bushes.

A traditional picket or mesh fence reliably protects the area from prying eyes and, most importantly, from uninvited guests. But only a hedge can fit into the landscape as harmoniously as possible; what is the best material to make such a fence from?

Types of hedges in landscape design

The world of plants is incredibly vast, but not all are suitable for solving the problem facing the summer resident. The choice of plants depends on the intended appearance of the future fence and its purpose.

Hedges are used:

  • for external fencing of the site;
  • to divide the territory internally according to functional purpose;
  • for framing flower beds, lawns and mixborders.

In this case, plantings can be of different heights and densities, evergreen and retaining foliage only in the warm season. Shrubs for hedges are given strict shapes by pruning, or the plants retain their natural shape throughout their lives. Fences made from intertwined living shoots of bushes or trees look especially decorative.

To give the hedge the proper density or originality, plants are planted in one, two or three rows.

When planting a living wall, sometimes not one type, but several ornamental plants are used at once, the main thing is that they have a similar growth rate, frost resistance, as well as requirements for soil composition and care.

An excellent example of this approach would be a hedge of different types of currants:

  • golden or fragrant;
  • alpine;
  • blood red.

Evergreens for hedges

Fencing and borders grown using evergreen crops are very popular for a variety of reasons. Among them:

  • high density of green fence;
  • decorative effect that persists even in the cold season;
  • easy tolerability of haircuts, which cannot be avoided if the hedge is to be given a clear shape;
  • slow growth of shoots, helping to maintain the neat appearance of the bush for a long time.

In addition, evergreen plants for hedges do not require complex care and universal. Unfortunately, not many similar crops are adapted to Russian conditions. Almost all of them are conifers.

The leaders in popularity are:

  • spruce of various subspecies;
  • common juniper;
  • dwarf mountain pine.

With the help of plants modern varieties with needles in green, silver and golden colors, it is possible to bypass one of the most weaknesses coniferous plants - the monotony of the color of the hedge.

Evergreen shrubs, such as juniper, are used when planting hedges from deciduous plants. Gradually the intertwining crowns strengthen each other. Ephedra all year round paints the fence in green tones, and the deciduous crop makes its appearance bright and changeable.

Deciduous crops for hedges in the country

Coniferous hedges are almost a classic. But what is better to make a hedge from if you want to decorate the area with something original?

Numerous deciduous crops will come to the aid of the summer resident, which:

  • well adapted to the climate of the middle zone;
  • do not require labor-intensive care and special conditions
  • tolerate pruning painlessly;
  • form a crown dense enough for a fence;
  • change their appearance throughout the year, determining the seasonal appearance of the site.

When choosing species for hedges in the country, it is better to give preference to plants that have proven their unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. Small-leaved varieties with highly branching shoots have proven themselves best as a fence.

The list of such shrubs and small plants is quite large:

  • blackthorn;
  • yellow acacia or caragana;
  • elder;
  • small-leaved elm;
  • snowberry;
  • viburnum;
  • cherry laurel;
  • mock orange;
  • black chokeberry;
  • honeysuckle of non-fruiting varieties;
  • euonymus;
  • hawthorn;
  • vesicular carp;
  • white derain;
  • currant;
  • irga.

The summer resident has at his disposal dozens of worthy deciduous plants, which not only form a reliable and durable hedge, but also attract attention with variegated foliage, like barberry or turf, lush flowering, characteristic of mock orange, lilac, fieldfare, bladderwort, viburnum or hydrangea. There are many plants with decorative or edible fruits. Such shrubs include barberry and euonymus, chokeberry, shadberry and blackthorn. Species with a changing appearance from season to season, like white turf, give the site a special charm.

Choosing plants for a molded hedge

Green fences of geometric shapes, achieved through regular trimming, look incredibly beautiful. However, not all of the deciduous crops listed above can withstand such a procedure. Which shrub is suitable for a formal hedge?

For landings that long years It is necessary to maintain strict forms specified by pruning; it is most important to choose plants with frequent branching shoots and small, quickly renewed foliage. This will help create a semblance of a dense living wall, border, arch over the gate and other structures.

Not only does trimming hedges not harm such crops, the crown of shrubs becomes denser from year to year and copes better with protective function fences.

Another feature of strict forms of shrubs suitable for planting is their small annual growth. The choice of plants in this case is considerable. This:

  • numerous species and varieties of barberry, distinguished not only by height, but also by the color of dense foliage.
  • hawthorn and bladderwort with green or purple foliage;
  • alpine and golden currants;
  • privet;
  • euonymus;
  • japonica.

No matter how resistant the plants are to shearing, they should be subjected to this procedure extremely carefully, having a certain skill in such work.

Having decided to grow a rectangular and then a more rounded fence on your site, you will have to stock up on patience and special hedge scissors.

Free-growing hedges in landscape design

If painstaking work on the formation of shrubs is not to your liking, but closer natural beauty, plants are planted at a short distance from each other so that the crowns intersect, but are not given a single shape. From the outside, such a fence seems airy, but inside its intertwining branches create a strong, impenetrable frame.

What is the best material to make a free-form hedge from? Since the plants are not specifically pruned, their crowns actively grow and can take up a lot of space on the site. Ornamental shrubs in adulthood can have a crown diameter from 50 cm to 3 meters. This is taken into account when selecting crops for planting.

At the dachas small area It is difficult to implement such a project, but it is possible by planting a low-growing border, for example, from Japanese quince, euonymus, some varieties of thuja and juniper. If the summer resident is not limited in space, the list of shrubs and even small trees expands significantly, including beautifully flowering, decorative deciduous and fruit species.

What to plant in a hedge? For an unpretentious green fence that requires almost no maintenance and can winter well in middle lane Russia, suitable:

  • hawthorn;
  • vesicular carp;
  • fieldfare;
  • barberry, which creates dense prickly protection for the area;
  • elder;
  • mock orange;
  • spirea of ​​almost all cultivated varieties;
  • Hungarian and common lilac;
  • different types and heights.

To the hedge in landscape design was not only decoration, but also real protection; it is reinforced with a second tier. It may be higher than the first or lower.

Often the second row is pruned into the shape of a wall or border to support and limit hydrangeas, lilacs, park roses and other species. IN winter time Thanks to such support, the hedge retains its density and, when using conifers, its opacity.

How to make a hedge?

Work on laying planting trenches and planting plants begins only after creating an accurate, well-thought-out plan for the fence. For the external boundaries of the site, green walls up to 2 meters high are more suitable, and in some cases, for example, when adjacent to a busy highway, even higher. Inside the site, borders from 50 cm to a meter high are suitable for zoning space and edging.

Before making a hedge, based on the average height of the plants and the width of their crown, calculate the required number of shrubs. On each linear meter the following is planted:

  • 1–2 large specimens, for example, hawthorn, common lilac, serviceberry, chokeberry, bladderwort;
  • 3–5 plants medium size, which include viburnum, derain, snowberry, barberry, honeysuckle;
  • 5–7 shrubs with a low crown, for example, Japanese quince, spirea, certain varieties of euonymus and thuja.

For single-row planting, a trench 40–50 cm wide and 50–60 cm deep is dug along the line of the future fence. The more rows of plants, the greater the volume of land work. With each row of bushes, the planting trench becomes wider by 30 or 40 cm.

Planting is carried out in mid-spring, using 3-year-old coniferous or 2-year-old deciduous seedlings. Such planting material takes root quite quickly and painlessly. In multi-row hedges, planting is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, adhering to the intervals between shrubs described above. In molded fences, plants are placed closer to each other, and in free plantings - a little further.

Plants for hedges - video

Hedges never lose popularity, despite the variety of modern fences. Thanks to green spaces, the area takes on a very cozy appearance and a special atmosphere. At such a dacha you even breathe differently, and all negative emotions disappear without a trace. Making a hedge at your dacha yourself is not at all difficult; the main thing is to choose the right plants and become familiar with their agricultural technology.

A wide variety of plants are used as green fences, differing in height, bush shape, color scheme, density and other criteria. Depending on the height of the plantings, there are three types of hedges:

The shape of the bushes, and therefore the entire row of plantings, directly depends on pruning. Here, too, there are two types of hedges - free-growing and molded. The first type does not require special care and shape correction, the bushes grow randomly. This option is optimal for those summer residents who prefer natural landscapes. The second type of planting requires mandatory regular pruning, with the help of which the bushes are given geometric shapes. Such hedges look very neat and give original look throughout the territory.

Another parameter for classification is the number of rows of plantings. The simplest type of hedges is single-row, when all the plants are planted in a row at equal intervals from each other. For small bushes this interval is 30-40 cm, for bushes with a wide crown - from 50 to 75 cm, for trees - up to 1.5 m, depending on the species.

In two-row hedges, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern, taking into account the growth factor. All other multi-row plantings are formed according to the same principle, but with one difference: each subsequent row must be higher than the previous one. With such a stepped arrangement, the plants do not block each other, and the entire composition is clearly visible.

Multi-row hedges require a lot of free space, so they are not suitable for small areas. Also, beginners should not do them, since they will require a lot of experience and skill. It is very important to choose the right plants according to the color scheme and density of the bushes so that the overall composition is as harmonious as possible. In addition, all species must have similar requirements for growing conditions and get along well with each other.

Combination of plants for hedges

Based on the type of plants, hedges are divided into coniferous, deciduous and climbing, and each of these types has its own characteristics.


Coniferous fences remain decorative all year round. They are unpretentious in care, easy to shape, and saturate the air with a pleasant and healing aroma. Due to the diversity of species, coniferous plants can be used both as borders and as living fences along the boundaries of the site. They have only one drawback - they grow slowly. Although there are certain types of conifers that are capable of growing much faster than their relatives, for example, thuja and juniper.

Plant typeDescription

Evergreen, winter-hardy, long-lived plant. Has many varieties various shapes– spherical, pyramidal, columnar, spreading and others. Color palette it is also quite wide - the bushes are bright green, dove-gray, bluish, yellow, and light green. The elegant carved shape of the needles gives the thuja a special decorative effect. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates pruning well, and is widely used in garden design.

An evergreen plant of tree and shrub type. In landscape design, mainly shrubs are used, which grow quickly, are easily restored after pruning, and tolerate shade well. The bushes have a pyramidal, spherical, cone-shaped shape in all shades of green.

Evergreen, frost-resistant trees that form impenetrable living walls. The first 10 years develop very slowly, but require practically no care and can easily tolerate formation. There are also dwarf varieties for planting borders, differing spherical shape. The color of the needles varies from dark green to blue

Slow growing long lasting coniferous plant columnar shape. Yew is suitable for both borders and living walls, practically does not require formative pruning, and is undemanding in maintenance

An ideal plant for hedges. It is distinguished by a wide variety of crown shapes and shades of needles. It tolerates pruning easily, recovers well, and is undemanding to soils. The first 5 years it develops slowly, then it produces a large amount of root shoots, which contributes to rapid reproduction

Frost-resistant unpretentious plant for free-growing hedges. Pruning does not help to increase the density of the crown and is poorly tolerated. It develops very slowly, but is resistant to drought, pests and diseases. It is most decorative during flowering.

Features of plants suitable for creating hedges
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Deciduous crops are either deciduous or evergreen. They are characterized by rapid growth, a variety of colors and shapes. Many plants bloom beautifully, filling everything around with a pleasant aroma and bright colors. Such plants tolerate pruning well, easily recover after cutting, and form a dense screen that reliably hides the area from prying eyes. These species are quite demanding on soil composition and moisture, and react poorly to lack of sun. With dense plantings, the decorative effect is reduced; individual plants can be drowned out by neighboring ones and dry out.

Plant typeDescription

Evergreen, very decorative shrub, easy to shape. Ideal for creating living borders, it goes well with any garden plants. Boxwood is unpretentious to the soil, but needs regular watering

An evergreen, beautifully flowering shrub up to 1 m high. In cold regions it can freeze. It does not tolerate drought well and is demanding on moisture, but it can grow both in the sun and in dense shade. The plant has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves

A very graceful deciduous plant. Valued for long-lasting abundant flowering and decorative forms of the bush. Rarely grows up to 2 m, used most often for free-growing hedges

An ornamental deciduous plant that forms an impenetrable thorny hedge. Easily tolerates shaping haircuts, retains its decorative appearance throughout the entire season, and emits a very pleasant smell during the flowering period.

Frost-resistant unpretentious shrub. Most varieties of hawthorn have sharp thorns, so a hedge made from them is a good defense against uninvited guests. The plant has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves, as well as numerous large fruits

Cold-resistant ornamental plant with small white flowers. It tolerates cutting well and holds its shape for a long time, so it is widely used to create hedges of strict geometric shapes. Privet is unpretentious to soil and watering, grows well in partial shade

Drought-resistant, beautifully flowering shrub. Ideal for creating living fences, it holds its shape for a long time after cutting, and has a dense, neat crown. The plant responds well to transplantation, blooms profusely, and is undemanding in care.


Climbing hedges require strong supports, the functions of which can also be performed by a regular fence. Climbing plants grow very quickly and gradually completely hide the support underneath, creating a dense screen of the required height. If you choose flowering varieties, the hedge will look simply magical, especially when combining varieties different terms flowering.

Plant typeDescription

It grows rapidly and forms a dense, continuous carpet of leaves. Hop stems can be easily directed in the desired direction by securing them to a trellis. During the flowering period, very decorative salad-colored cones appear. The disadvantage of the plant is the loss of its decorative effect at the end of summer, when the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

Amazingly beautiful perennial vines with a pleasant aroma. These plants need proper care and well-prepared soil. They grow quite quickly, forming a thick dark green carpet with graceful flowers.

An unpretentious perennial vine. It tolerates cold well, is undemanding to soil, and is best planted in partial shade. The first few years it develops quite slowly, then it forms a dense hedge. Needs regular pruning and shaping

Garden climbing perennial with decorative leaves of various shapes and colors. It grows well in the sun and shade, is undemanding to soil, grows quickly and creates a dense carpet. Combines well with other plants and makes an ideal background for flower beds

Rules for planting plants for hedges

In order for the hedge to have a neat appearance, it is necessary to properly prepare the area. The location for plantings should be chosen taking into account the growth of bushes, especially if you plan to plant along the border summer cottage plot with the neighbor. Many plants are allowed root shoots, and the neighbors are unlikely to like cleaning it up from their side every year. Slate or plastic shields dug into the ground will help to avoid this.

Step 1. Determine the location of the fence and stretch twine or rope along this line. Step back 50 cm on both sides of the rope and dig a trench 30 to 60 cm deep, depending on the size of the root system of the seedlings. Upper layer The soil along with the grass is set aside.

Step 2. First lay the layer of turf that was on top at the bottom of the trench and lightly compact it. The soil removed from the trench is mixed with organic fertilizers and backfilled, leveling the surface well. Having filled the trench to half, water the soil abundantly, after which the remaining soil is added.

Step 3. In soft and moist prepared soil, holes are prepared for seedlings. At single row planting the pits are located in a straight line in increments of 30 to 70 cm, depending on the type of plant. If the planting is multi-row, the holes are made in a checkerboard pattern with appropriate intervals.

Step 4. Water is poured into the holes, allowed to soak in, then the seedlings are carefully transferred from the pots into the holes, leveled and covered with earth. Carefully monitor the density of the backfill - there should be no voids left at the roots. There is no need to tamp too hard either, as this can damage the still weak roots.

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to mulch the soil and trim the seedlings themselves a little to facilitate rooting. Then all that remains is to periodically water the plants and remove weeds in a timely manner. The most best time for planting - the second half of September: root system manages to take root quite well, less moisture is required. Formative pruning is recommended to be done after a year or two, when the bush begins to branch well. First trim in early spring, then in mid-summer, and again before wintering.

First of all, the damaged branches are removed, and then all those that are out of shape. For cutting small hedges, a simple pruning shears will do, but if the plantings are large, it is more convenient to purchase a special electric pruning shears, which will save time and provide a better result.

Video - Do-it-yourself hedge at the dacha: what plants

Video - DIY hedge

At the dacha it is a good alternative to a conventional fence. In addition to the fact that the green screen perfectly protects the site from uninvited guests, it simply attracts admiring glances with its vibrant beauty, enriching everything around it not only with natural aesthetics, but also fresh air. How beautiful and durable a living fence will be directly depends on the correct choice of plants for it.

What plants are suitable for hedges?

When choosing plants to plant on your site as a green fence, it is best to rely not only on taste preferences or comparison of the whimsicality of individual species. The correct guideline in such a matter is the degree of resistance of the selected plant to the climatic conditions of your area. Let's consider three main regions of Russia, which include key natural factors, affecting the growth of “street” plants.

Hedge in the Moscow region

There are many types of plants for planting in the Moscow region; all that remains is to decide what height of hedge you prefer.

Green walls

For those who have decided to literally isolate themselves from the outside world and surround themselves with an impenetrable fence more than 2 meters high, you need to pay attention to the plant species described below.

El Serbskaya makes an excellent evergreen tree for creating a tall hedge. It can reach a height of up to 5 m. The crown diameter of an adult tree is about 8 m. This type of spruce is not at all whimsical and does not need pruning. The needles have a rich shiny dark green color. The variety withstands winter frosts and grows well in urban environments.

Serbian spruce is a whole group of spruce varieties with a radically different appearance. The photo shows a miniature variety of Serbian spruce - Karel.

Fruit trees, namely Niedzvedsky apple tree looks good on any site due to its peculiar crown, the color of which is rich green on top and purple below. The apple tree is especially beautiful during flowering. It has lush purple flowers. This variety bears fruit abundantly with small red apples. The tree is not tall, rare specimens reach a height of 8 m. But it is distinguished by its high growth rate, life expectancy, unpretentiousness and good resistance to diseases, pests and frost.

It is a cone-shaped tree, reaching a height of 4 m in a fence, and up to 20 m in a free planting. With sufficient watering per year, the thuja crown grows in width by no more than 10 cm, and in height by an average of 30 cm. This is a tree with a cone-shaped crown is widely used in landscape design because of its rich bright green color and unpretentiousness. If you want to grow a branched coniferous plant, then regular pruning will help.

Thuja occidentalis "Brabant" responds well to pruning. The photo shows a fairly free version of a hedge made from this thuja, but it allows you to set even more precise shapes.

Hornbeam has a lot of types that are successfully used in landscape design. But the most popular and more suitable for the Moscow region is the common hornbeam. It not only creates an impenetrable hedge, but also perfectly protects the area from noise and dust. It is this variety that is unpretentious, easy to mold and resistant to winter conditions. In addition, the common hornbeam is not susceptible to diseases and is resistant to pests.

An example of a creative green hornbeam sculpture.

Hawthorn- This is a traditional plant in Russia, used as a hedge. The most commonly used species is Prickly, which has powerful thorns and an oval crown. The plant reaches a height of 5 meters. The variety blooms in May with five-petaled flowers of white or Pink colour, the fruits ripen at the end of September and are purple in color with yellow flesh.

An example of a tall hawthorn hedge.

Hawthorn Green-meat. This variety is highly valued in landscape design for its dark, dense greenery, delicate white inflorescences and long spines (up to 1.5 cm). It can grow up to 8 m. It got its unusual name thanks to its dark fruits with green flesh. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 9 years.

Low hedges

Suitable for creating a small green fence any varieties. They are equally unpretentious and resistant to any climatic conditions. It stands out for its decorative qualities barberry thunberg. Its small leaves can have different colors: yellow, red, pink and even brown. Another feature is that it is not susceptible to fungal diseases. But this variety is a slow-growing shrub with inedible fruits, reaching a maximum height of 1.5 m.

Hedge from Thunberg's barberry

It is an unpretentious shrub that grows from 2 to 4 m. Its leaves are distinguished by their oblong shape and shiny dark green color. Flowering begins in early July with small cream flowers with a pleasant aroma. The fruits ripen at the end of September and acquire a small size and glossy black color. In common people they are called wolfberry. Privet is easy to shape, but also looks good growing wild.

A hedge of common privet.

Thuja Western, one of the varieties of which is described above, has high decorative qualities. For hedges, you can use not only the Brabant species. But also, for example, Smaragd. Reaches a height of no more than 2 meters and lends itself well to processing. This variety of thuja belongs to evergreens with a neat bright green crown. It tolerates winter and many plant diseases well.

Decorative living borders

Perfect for creating a small hedge up to 1 meter high. alpine currant. She tolerates cold and wind well, but does not like high temperatures. If you are looking for the best way to make garden figurines of varying complexity, then this particular variety of currant is perfect for this. You can find subspecies with small green or large yellowish jagged foliage.

Attention! Alpine currants are sensitive to aphids, rust and spider mite, so it must be sprayed with fungicide and insecticide. This shrub should also be systematically fertilized in spring and autumn, and affected branches should also be carefully removed.

It is a beautiful shrub with a lush crown and delicate flowers of various colors. The most common are white and pink. This is very heat-loving plant, so it needs to be planted in areas well-lit by the sun and protected from the wind at a distance of about 2 m from each other. She also does not like waterlogging, so in September they stop watering her altogether. Deytsia loves fertilized soil, but it is best to feed it during the flowering period.

In the photo - Deutzia graceful ‘Nikko’

Spiraea japonica is a slow-growing shrub, no more than 60 cm high. But it is distinguished by a lush dark green crown 1.5 meters in diameter and lush red-pink flowering, which occurs in July for no more than 45 days. The shrub is quite resistant to frost and tolerates growing in the shade.

Spiraea japonica Double Pink

Known for its beautiful blooms of lush inflorescences of a soft cream color. It lasts for more than two months. Hydrangea is no more than 1 m in height, but has a very lush crown and large leaves of rich green color. Quite unpretentious and winter-hardy. However, it is susceptible to disease.

Hedge in central Russia

Central Russia has a very harsh climate, so it is better to choose plants for hedges that are unpretentious and resistant to harsh weather conditions.

High fences

In addition to Western thuja, it grows well in this area Spruce Regular and Blue. Both of these species are highly resistant to frost and wind. The first type is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown reaching a height of more than 5 m and crescent-shaped needles. Prickly or Blue spruce is known for the interesting color of its needles: from bright blue to bluish-green. Does not tolerate too fertile soil and a large layer of snow on the branches.

Blue spruce hedge

Red cedar very similar to conifer tree, but differs in small needles - no more than 2 mm. It has a pyramidal and dense crown, which thins out over time in a continuous planting. But this can be corrected by planting shade-loving herbs.

Medium height hedge

In such climatic region they take root well any types of barberry, blackberry, raspberry, hawthorn and spirea. Grows especially well juniper Cossack, which is a shrub whose height reaches no more than 1.5 meters. It is usually used in solitary plantings.

The blackberry hedge is in a “wild style”, but the bushes can look quite neat.

Or as it is often mistakenly called, jasmine is a lush deciduous shrub with delicate flowers of white, cream or soft pink with a scent of varying intensities. The leaves are small, matte, light green. This is a fairly winter-hardy shrub with a powerful root system, although it loves sunny places for landing.

"Curly" hedge

Grapes Maiden It has lush, dense green foliage of a bizarre shape, turning from bright red to lemon yellow in autumn. It is very unpretentious, but is capable of filling a huge area with its sprouts. For those who do not know how to make a hedge with their own hands or are creating it for the first time, then maiden grapes are an excellent solution.

Five-leaf maiden grape 'Veitch Boskoop'

Creates a beautiful decorative vine ivy. It can decorate any fence or building. Refers to slow-growing and shade-tolerant plants that require fertile soils. There are many species that are equally resistant to harsh weather conditions, but differ in the shape and color of the foliage and inflorescences.

Hedge in Siberia

Siberia is rich in all kinds of vegetation, but not much of it is suitable for constructing a hedge.

Medium and high fences

Besides barberry, hawthorn and all kinds of conifers survives well in harsh terrain chokeberry , characterized by high resistance to winds and frost. The dense crown consists of small, glossy, dense green leaves that turn purple in the fall. The height of the tree can exceed two meters.

Derain white very unpretentious and tall plant. Its leaves are light green with white edges. Due to its simplicity and susceptibility to easy cutting, it is widespread in the northern part of Russia.

climbing plants

Maiden grapes are well known in the northern region. But its popularity does not overshadow such a plant as. They are lush with beautiful flowers different colors. This is a fast-growing and very unpretentious bindweed that gets along with any plants.

Represents wonderful decoration internal area. Its shoots die off during the cold period, but grow back very quickly in the spring. The plant is distinguished by large and dark green leaves that densely cover any structure.

Actinidia kolomikta stands out for its increased density of vegetation. Its shade may vary depending on age. During the warm period it blooms with small flowers white about three weeks. In winter, the shoots die off, so actinidia must be pruned in the spring.

Actinidia kolomikta

The choice of seedlings for planting hedges is huge; the main thing is to determine which plants are suitable for yours. climate zone.

About suitable plants in the video

A detailed story about the crops from which you can make a hedge is in the TeleDom program.

How to make a fast-growing hedge in your country house?

A hedge looks especially beautiful in summer days. It will not only protect the site from outsiders, but will also help to form certain zones for various purposes on it.

For a green fence, you can use various growing materials: shrubs, climbing plants and trees. Properly selected plants will delight you with greenery and flowering for many years without losing their decorative qualities with regular care.

Approximate timing of hedge formation

A hedge of plants that grow quickly can be arranged from several types of plantings. Such a fence requires constant care both during the growth of just planted shoots and during the already formed fence. Plants for a hedge are selected so that the hedge is of the same height and density. After all different types greenery grows unevenly - some specimens stretch upward, others manage to expand in width during this time.

A full two-meter hedge can be formed from fast-growing perennial plants in about 2 years.

Plants are selected so that they fence off the area, but do not penetrate into the neighboring area. Both perennials and annuals are used for hedges. Annual plants needs to be replanted annually, which is not always acceptable. Annuals are also not suitable for fencing. outside plot.

Fast growing shrubs

Fast growing bushes - optimal solution to form a dense hedge in a short time. Suitable for fencing an area from the outside specimens with spines. The result will be an impenetrable fence that will qualitatively protect the territory from uninvited guests and animals. Can be selected not only ornamental shrubs, but also fruit-bearing ones. You will receive both a luxurious fence and preparations for the winter.

Shrubs are selected taking into account the characteristics of the site, soil composition and climate. Different kinds bushes can be arranged together.

The specimens are selected so that the resulting fence is approximately the same size. Some shrubs have a negative attitude towards removing the tops. Next we will consider the most suitable species For fast growing hedge.


Shade-tolerant and unpretentious shrub. It is ideal for external hedges. It has beautiful leaves and decorative fruits that are edible. Due to their nutritional properties, the berries are used in folk medicine. The height of the bush is 2-5 m. It blooms from March to April for about two weeks, then the leaves bloom. It bears fruit abundantly in open areas and neutral soil, but grows well under any other conditions.

It is planted in spring or early summer. You can lay out a dogwood hedge in the fall, but no later than 3 weeks before frost. When planting in autumn, leaves are removed from the seedlings. Specimens under two years of age are suitable for planting a hedge. Autumn planting can be covered with foliage for the winter.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

Unpretentious shrub with excellent decorative qualities. The plant has a lush rounded crown. Can grow in the shade, but loses leaves saturated color. The bush is perfect for urban hedges located along highways.

Container specimens are suitable for laying hedges. They can be planted throughout the warm period. Frost-resistant, does not require shelter. Only in very severe frosts can the tips of the shoots freeze.


A thorny shrub that can grow in any soil and is drought-resistant. Has a bad attitude towards stagnant water in the area. Thanks to the thorns, an impenetrable fence is formed.

Both low-growing and tall varieties. The plant is decorative, especially during the flowering period and when the fruits ripen. For the fence you will need a large amount of material. The fruits are suitable for home preparation.


Unpretentious and undemanding in care. The bushes are compact, up to 3 m high, and do not require careful pruning. The fence turns out to be thick and impenetrable. The fruits are edible after frost and have medicinal properties. The hedge is especially beautiful in the spring during the flowering period, when the leaves have not yet blossomed on it. It attracts with its almond aroma.

When laying a hedge, each bush is trimmed, leaving a height of up to 15 cm. This measure allows you to accelerate the growth of the bush. To obtain an impenetrable fence, pruning can be repeated next year. Next, maintain the desired height.

climbing plants

For a fast-growing hedge, you can take annuals, provided that they are placed on a support as decorative element. They are sown quite densely. Such plants will not protect the territory from animals and strangers, but will carefully hide it from unwanted eyes. The plants are renewed every year.

Suitable for one-year fence kobeya, sweet pea, morning glory (twisted panych), decorative beans, nasturtium and others. They are intertwined with each other, resulting in a solid green flowering panel up to 5 m high, depending on the type of annuals.

The following types of perennial plants are also popular.

Climbing (climbing) roses

Very decorative during the flowering period. The fence made from them is impenetrable due to the thorns and interweaving of the vines. It is recommended to separate the bush a little from other flowers. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water. It should not be planted in places where groundwater is located closer than 2 m.

The laying of the fence is carried out in the fall until mid-October. The appearance of the hedge is formed from the second year after planting the bushes. Plants are tied up. A horizontal garter gives only height growth, a vertical garter gives a large number of shoots. This must be taken into account when forming the density of the fence.


Decorative throughout the warm period. To lay the fence, use bushes no older than two years old; they are planted in the fall. Plants grow optimally in open areas. Clematis does not tolerate acidic soils, overwatering and constant dampness, or fertilization with peat and manure. In hot weather, the soil must be protected from overheating by mulching with humus.

In order for clematis to bloom profusely, they must be pruned. For the winter, the bushes are covered, since the root collar of the bush is susceptible to freezing, especially those parts that have not yet risen to the surface.


Decorative bush up to 6 m high. Attracts landscapers with its high decorative qualities throughout the warm season. The hedge can be formed from various varieties of honeysuckle. The result will be a flowering fence in various shades: yellow, carmine red, rose red and orange-yellow. Pairs beautifully with climbing roses.

The fruits are edible; in some varieties they fall off on their own. For the first 5-7 years, only sanitary pruning is needed; the crown of the hedge is formed at a later age.


It is decorative due to its foliage, which develops in large quantities. Fences can be composed of different varieties plants. The bush tolerates shade well, but in too shaded places it loses its foliage. Does not tolerate scorching sun rays. Ivy is not picky about soil, pruning and care, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out.

Trees for fast-growing fencing


Among the trees, the fastest growing is eucalyptus. For landscaping, the varieties Gunny, few-flowered and lemon are used. They are undemanding to soil and drought-resistant. The height of the hedge is adjusted by pruning. It is recommended to cover it for the winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out.


Suitable as a fast-growing hedge, unpretentious to soil quality. Some varieties can be shaped into a bush by cutting the trunk. There are low-growing and dwarf trees, for example, purple willow, goat willow; they are very decorative as a green fence, but love moisture. It is recommended to spray the hedge in hot weather.


It is unpretentious and grows in any soil. The hedge is formed from young shoots no older than a year. The branches are intertwined with each other, creating an impenetrable fence. The tree does not require maintenance. The height of the hedge is controlled by pruning; in this case, a lot of growth appears. Over time, aspen boletuses appear under such a fence.

Field maple

Suitable for hedges 2-4 m high. Does not tolerate acidic soil. It grows equally in the sun and in the shade, and easily tolerates drought and heat. Reacts well to haircuts. It is pruned twice a year, removing thick woody branches. The entire warm period is very decorative, especially in autumn.

You can learn about other types of fast-growing trees from the following video:

Undesirable plants for hedges

It is not recommended to use plants for hedges that grow strongly in different directions, digging into the soil. Such instances include raspberries and blackberries, serviceberry, fieldfare and the like. Such plants should not be planted on the border with another site. They are very difficult to control by pruning.

It is not recommended to plant bushes as a hedge that are susceptible to attack by pests and diseases, for example, viburnum. It is difficult to treat a dense fence with chemicals during an “epidemic”; moreover, such treatment is harmful to health. Such a fence quickly loses its beautiful appearance due to pests; it is extremely difficult to completely protect it from diseases.

Not recommended for fast-growing hedges non-winter-hardy perennials. Frozen specimens will need to be systematically replaced; in severe frosts, the hedge may completely die. You should not plant plants that you need replant periodically. Such a hedge gradually degenerates, losing its original appearance.

Planting and care

Initially, the territory is marked out. Material for a fast-growing hedge can be planted in two ways: dig a trench at least 40 cm deep and 60-100 cm wide, depending on the number of rows, or dig holes for each specimen separately. The planting step is chosen depending on the type of plants.

The minimum distance between specimens for single-row planting is 25 cm for climbing varieties, for shrubs 0.5-1.5 m, for trees - from 1.5 m. For double-row planting, the planting step is from 0.5 m.

It is recommended to replace the soil in the hole with a nutrient composition. The mixture is prepared according to the needs of the plant species. The crown of the hedge is formed during the first 4 years. Not all types of plants need pruning after planting. Typically, in the first 2 years, pruning is not used for climbing varieties and some shrubs. Some plant species, such as conifers, require pyramidal pruning to prevent lower branches from falling off. All types of plants require systematic watering and fertilizing during the period of rooting and growth.