Perennial vines - photos and names of climbing plants for the garden. How to find water on a site using dowsing Climbing vines the power of nature

Grapevine climbing a tree. (Antique cameo, Berlin Museum).

This is one of the oldest systems, described by various ancient authors. With this approach, grapevines can reach enormous sizes, both in height and in thickness (in a humid climate, up to 25-30 cm in diameter: I. Klingen, “Fundamentals of farming in the Sochi district” 1897, p. 109).

I quote an excerpt from I. Klingen’s book “Fundamentals of Economy in the Sochi District” of 1897 concerning the Maglari system (p. 56).
“Near Hisa (near Vardane) Bell observed the establishment of young vineyards. To do this, they uprooted the forest, planted young trees (mulberry, alder), cleared them of the lower branches, and let the vine climb along them according to the Maglari method. Every 7-10 years the vine was removed and cleared of dry and old shoots; the tree on which it climbed was cleaned and freed from excess branches that shaded the vine with leaves. The old vines sometimes reached 3-6 inches in thickness and wrapped around huge ancient oaks, smothering them in their embrace. In the Sochi Valley there were many vines twining like garlands on huge trees.

The following example can serve as a measure of productivity: at the Kuban post, near the mouth of Dagomys, there is an alder tree entwined with a grapevine. Despite the ban issued shortly after the Russians entered the country, one resident cut down an alder tree and extracted exactly 30 pounds of grapes from it. ... Bel was amazed at the abundance of grapes on the trees"

Let me remind you that 1 pood is 16 kg. That. It turns out that 30 poods is 480 kg from one vine!!!

An interesting feature of the Maglari system was that white grapes were most often grown on mulberry, and red grapes on alder. Alder, by the way, is a good nitrogen fixer (due to the presence of appropriate nitrogen-fixing microorganisms on its root system) and is capable of enriching the soil with this important building material for plants.

I will give another excerpt from the book “Fundamentals of Economy in the Sochi District” (p. 112), which compares the effectiveness of the Western viticulture system introduced to the Caucasus with the original Maglari system:

“...Ten dozen such trees (i.e. 120 trees with a vine on each, note. Sobkalov. A.V.) with good care they will give the same harvest of grapes from a tithe (1.09 hectares note. Sobkalov A.V.), as under the current system and care in native vineyards they receive from 6,000 -10,000, and from Imeretians from fifteen thousand vines; one has only to compare the cost of caring for Maglari with Dablari, and the opportunity to look after a hundred vines better than several thousand - and then all fears about the hassle of treating Maglari will disappear by themselves.”

The presence of mycorrhizae and a healthy rhizosphere in the forest garden will protect such vines from fungal and many other diseases, which is what modern vineyard creators are so afraid of when analyzing the Maglari system.

Many of you have probably already seen photos of living bridges in India made from ficus root shoots (if not, see the photo below). But hardly anyone knows that similar miracles of bioconstruction recently took place here in the Caucasus!

Here is an excerpt from the same source:

“Tornau reports that 7 bridges made of poles, boards and vines were built across the Mzymta. The bridges are exclusively suspension bridges: 5 of them are for pedestrians and 2 for horses. Garbe saw such a bridge, made of living vines thrown across the river and despite this, continued to grow.”

From the editor. In continuation of the material about the shrines of Athos, at the numerous requests of friends of our museum website, especially readers, a short note about the miraculous vine of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in the Serbian monastery of Hilandar ( see photo). She became famous for her healing power to resolve infertility of spouses, which has become a mass phenomenon these days, as evidenced by the crowds of suffering women at the waist Holy Mother of God, brought to Russia from Holy Mount Athos:

It should be noted that both the “belts” of the Virgin Mary from Vatopedi and the vine seeds of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming of Hilandar can be completely freely received as an Athonite blessing by all who hope to get rid of their illness, if you send your petition by mail to the address of these monasteries ( see below).

Blessing of the Serbian Royal Lavra, HILENDAR monastery. Holy Mount Athos

On the southern side of the Hilendar Cathedral Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, every pilgrim is struck by a highly grown and highly branched vine, bent down and forming, as it were, a gazebo from its branches ( see photo). Its stem comes out of the wall at a height of one and a half meters from the ground, from the tomb of St. Simeon (Stefan Nemanja), which is located next to the same wall, with inside temple ( see photo).

The Hilendar legend about this 800-year-old vine reads: “When seven years had passed since the death of Saint Simeon (February 13, 1200) and when Saint Sava came from the Kareya cell to the monastery in order to prepare the transfer of the relics of Saint Simeon to Serbia, so that To promote the reconciliation of their warring brothers, the monks of Hilendar cried inconsolably. Then Saint Simeon appeared in a dream to Abbot Methodius and said that his relics needed to be transferred to his homeland, but as a consolation to the Hilendar brothers, a vine would grow from his empty tomb; and as long as it bears fruit, his blessing will rest on Hilendar.”

The fact that this vine has survived to this day and that every year, without exception, it bears rich fruit, although it receives no other care other than pruning, and no measures are taken against Phylloxera or other diseases and pests, is a great thing. The miracle of God is the greatest moral consolation and spiritual encouragement for our Hilendar brotherhood and for all believing Serbs in general.

But this is not the only reason why this vine is exceptional. It also has another property. Its fruits resolve the infertility of spouses who, through faith and prayer, take this miraculous remedy. .

The oldest surviving legend about this dates back to 1585, when a Turk brought his first-born son to leave him in Hilendar to serve God, for he received him, like his other children, after eating the grapes of Saint Simeon.

From then until now, our holy monastery has been constantly distributing this miraculous grape to pilgrims or delivering by mail to those who contact it with a letter. Once upon a time, pilgrims from Russia came in droves to the Holy Mountain and asked for these grapes in large numbers. Now they ask for it from all over Greece, because, especially in Lately, the results from its use are amazing.

Here it will be useful to cite one incident, instructive for those who want to someday taste the grapes of St. Simeon. We will talk about Mrs. Catherine R. from Thessaloniki, who suggested that her husband ask for St. Simeon’s grapes from Hilendar. But he did not agree to this, because he lacked faith. However, his wife took the trouble to obtain these grapes herself in other ways and began to follow the instructions about its use, fulfilling that part of the duties that, according to the instructions, her husband was also supposed to perform. When the Lord blessed them with the first conception, this woman told her husband about her deed; and since then this family, driven by a feeling of gratitude, has maintained constant contact with our monastery.

And the Serbs, since ancient times, when the Khnlendar monks walked among their people, knew about this miraculous grape. In our Hilendar, manuals for its use printed in old times have been preserved to this day. But in recent decades, the Serbs have not asked for it, and younger generations no longer even know about it.

After the screening of the “Film about Hilendar”, our compatriots both at home and abroad have recently again learned everything they need to know about the vine of St. Simeon. The first person who, after watching this film, asked for grapes from this vine, and then received children, was Brother Nicola J. from Worcester (England).

Since the demand for St. Simeon’s grapes has now increased on the Serbian side, the administration of our monastery decided to publish in a new form the old manual on the use of this miraculous grape

Since the people of our time have weakened in faith, and every miracle, not excluding this one, manifested through the grapes of St. Simeon requires strong faith, then before consuming this miraculous grape you need to prepare yourself for it accordingly.

Here is just one example of this. Recently, again in Thessaloniki, such a case occurred. One priest, who had no children, took some of Saint Simeon’s grapes while passing through our Hilendar, but hesitated in consuming it. One day a certain parishioner asked him to get her some of these grapes, and he willingly gave her his. Some time later, on one of Sundays, after the Holy Liturgy, this woman, all illuminated with joy, again thanked this priest for that gift. "... If I had faith I would have children today “- this priest told us just recently when he passed through our monastery again.


There is no better textbook for teaching faith than the Holy Scriptures, and there is no best place and time to live by faith than our daily life. Our Lord Jesus Christ always asked the one on whom he performed a miracle of healing: “Do you believe?” Or after healing He said to the healed person: “Your faith has saved you!” So, our faith is always a precondition for the Lord to show His power over us.

We recommend, therefore, to teach faith, reading chapter 11 of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews, which especially talks about faith, its power and its significance in our lives. You should also read the parallel passages given in the margins of this chapter.

But since our faith is supported and increased by fervent prayer, we need to pay special attention to it. Those who live in prayerful communion with the Lord take His promises from the Holy Scriptures, such as, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7) or “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you” (Mark 11:24), and they ask the Lord - but they ask stubbornly! - so that He would fulfill these promises on them. And He, being our Heavenly Father, always willingly does this to us, for the Lord Jesus Christ tells us in the Holy Gospel: “So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him? "(Matthew 7:11).

And our holy fathers Simeon and Sava were moved by strong faith to leave worldly glory and come to the Holy Mountain and from their Hilendar, again with faith, to revive their entire Serbian people, serving them to this day before the Lord. Let them serve as an example and encouragement for you, infertile parents, to believe in the fulfillment of your parental desire to have children. Pray to them that they will support your faith and complement your prayer with their intercession before the throne of the Most High Life-Giver.

We beg the spouses whom the Lord, after eating the grapes of St. Simeon, blessed with children, inform our Office about this, so that from time to time printed messages about this will strengthen the faith of other childless spouses.

Those who, by God's blessing, wish to have the fruit of their womb should turn with prayers to Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming, who, after leaving his Serbian kingdom, was an ascetic on Holy Mount Athos. He built the Hilendar monastery, in which, after many great labors during his godly life, he died; and for this he received from God the gift of working miracles: resolving the infertility of those spouses who resort to him with faith.

To do this, take grapes and twigs from that grapevine, which miraculously grew from the very tomb of St. Simeon. You need to take three grapes and one piece of cut vine. This piece is dipped in half an oka (650 grams) of blessed water, and both spouses drink this water on an empty stomach for 40 days. Then the husband eats one grape, and the wife eats the remaining two. During these 40 days, spouses must adhere to next rule: eat only fast food and perform fifty prostrations daily: 25 in the morning with the prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us” and 25 in the evening with the prayer “Reverend Father Simeon, pray to God for us.” Anyone who wishes can double the bows, i.e. add another fifty bows a day with the prayer “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.” During this entire time, the spouses must have a separate bed. After these 40 days, the spouses must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and then the Lord according to their faith with His blessing He bestows the fruit of their womb.

After conception, throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, spouses must completely cease marital relations and live in purity. From the life of the prophet Samuel, we see that his mother Anna nursed her son Samuel for three years, living all this time separately from her marital bed in purity, and after that she had more children, although everyone considered her barren, for “everyone wants God, the order of nature is overcome,” and the birth of children is a gift of God, and not a human invention, for the Lord says: “I am the creator of man and the spirit in man.” The Apostle commands parents to remain in fasting and prayer and to subordinate marital pleasures to higher purposes, so that “those who have wives may be as if they had not” (1 Cor. 7:29). After this, he convinces the spouses not to be slaves of the flesh, but to live in the spirit, for all Christians are called by God not to impurity, but to holiness.

Let's look at animals, which, according to the law of nature given to them by God even at the creation of the whole world, and to this day strictly observe this law with absolute accuracy, for after the conception of the fetus they do not allow copulation, not only after birth, but also during the entire period of feeding the baby . But man, as you can see for yourself, becomes to some extent a beast and, indulging in passionate lusts, forgets about his dignity given to him by God, Who created him in his own image and in his likeness - and thereby violates the law God damages nature and thereby evokes the righteous wrath of God on his offspring. The consequences of God’s righteous wrath are also the following: infidelity of spouses, frustration and all kinds of sorrow, incurable diseases from which children suffer, early and untimely death of a husband or wife, as well as children dear to them. And who could list the terrible manifestations of God’s wrath over spouses who have lost the fear of God and moved along the path of carnal wisdom, which is the enemy of God, and over those who do not submit to God and His law. Such kill their children and their offspring up to the third and fourth generation and deprive themselves forever of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spouses must, even before the resolution of their infertility, strictly follow the church rules and fulfill the church rules established for spouses, namely: marital beds must be separated from one another on the night before holidays and Sundays, on the eve of Wednesday and Friday, during all four established The Church fasts, especially during the Great Pentecost, i.e. Great Lent. The rest of the time they can use in chastity and fear of God for married life. For the Lord gave the man a wife as help for living together, and blessed them, and said: “Grow and multiply”; but not for the sake of lustful sensuality, which knows neither time nor measure in its intemperance.

Therefore, we ask you, blessed Christians, our spiritual children in Christ Jesus and dear brothers in baptism: keep your holy marriage in all purity and righteousness of God, following all the commandments of God, and then the Heavenly Doctor of soul and body will resolve your infertility, and you will see the blessing of the Almighty to your family. And for doing works of your mercy to needy brothers in Christ, you will not only receive the gift of having children, but will also inherit the promised Kingdom of Heaven those who love God, and you will be in communion with all works of mercy that pleased God, in which may our True Lord Jesus Christ help us, through the intercession of His Most Pure and Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, the prayers of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streamer, the miracle worker, and all the saints of Athos: may we all inherit the blessed the end of life and we will move from this temporary life to eternal life, where we will glorify the All-Holy Name of the Most Holy, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

(Published by the Hilendar Monastery. Holy Mount Athos. 1966)

Hilandar Monastery Address: MONASTERE HILANDAR 63086, KARYES, MOUNT ATHOS, GREECE Phone: 8-10-30-23770-23797

In order to receive the berries of the healing vine, you just need to write a letter to Mount Athos and indicate in it the names of the spouses in Holy Baptism. The monks do not need any money - it is completely free. In about a month and a half, an envelope with 3 berries will arrive from Athos, with detailed instructions in Russian how to eat them and with the message that the brethren of the Hilandar monastery began to intensively pray to God for the suffering for 40 days, so that the Lord would relieve them of the burden of this illness. The only thing you need to do is pay for the postal parcel (within a dollar) upon receipt at the post office. And the brothers of Hilandar also ask that when your baby begged from God is born, let them know about it and, if possible, send a photo (see video: /).

Blog of the scientific team of the Andrei Rublev Museum.

In this article:

In Ancient Rus', people believed in the power of amulets, relying on their protection from illnesses, enemies and other misfortunes. Through their amulets, they drew the energy of nature and the Sun, never tired of thanking the Gods who generously gifted the Russian people with unique Slavic magical symbols. All of them are carriers of information about the structure of our universe.

Russian amulets are based on Slavic symbolism associated with the Sun; such symbols are called Solar. Each of them has its own name, they have a specific power and carry a certain semantic load. The most common symbol in Rus' was the Swastika, endowed with a multifaceted meaning and various variants of names. It was also called the symbol of “Light”, the symbol of “Primary Fire” or “Life”, and the “Divine symbol”. Patterns of these symbols were used to decorate household items, homes, and clothing. IN different times In Solar Rus', this symbolism could be seen on banknotes.

The cultural history of Rus' throughout its existence was based on folk beliefs, whose roots have deeply sprouted into the past, and preserve the memory of our ancient ancestors. In those distant times, they already sought to comprehend the secrets and subtleties of the structure of the universe. First of all, they needed this knowledge in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from possible danger. Culture changed over the centuries, beliefs and customs changed, but the memory of the ancestors was not erased even after the Baptism of Rus'. The loyal, wise and tolerant Orthodox Church did not destroy the traditional folk worldview; throughout the entire period of its existence, the Russian people used amulets and talismans bequeathed to them by their ancestors.

Features of the Russian folk amulet

A Russian person is devoted to his family and faithful to his land, therefore Russian amulets, like talismans, are mostly associated with real things that are familiar to each of us from childhood. Among these you can find ordinary spoons, bells, miniature hatchets, pokers, brooms, bast shoes, horseshoes, etc. They were widely used not only in the everyday life of Russian people, but also in folk rituals. The people made amulets for themselves with their own hands, hoping for their protection from predatory animals, natural disasters, « evil eye"and diseases.

Russian amulet for home

A house for a Russian person, in terms of its significance and holiness, after the church and Orthodox churches is in second place. Even when setting off on a long journey, he always took on the journey a talisman he created with his own hands, as a reminder of home, family and native land. The earth also acts as a kind of amulet for the house, which had to be built correctly, since the fate of the entire family depended on it.

Modern house in Russian style

In Rus', houses have always been built in favorable energy zones and traditionally adhered to certain rules when choosing a plot of land:

  • Houses were not built in places where lightning struck.
  • Areas that were previously abandoned en masse by people as a result of epidemics, pestilence, war, and natural disasters were considered unfavorable.
  • A house has never been built in a place where human remains have been found.
  • Places where a cart overturned or a shaft broke were considered a mark of the “unclean” and they were avoided.

According to ancient traditions, the Slav built his house with his hands by analogy with the model of our Universe, in the center of which stood a Russian stove - a source of heat, food, light, perceived as a symbol of the Sun.

The cult of home and family has always been the main thing in Rus'. Each element of the house’s design was a specific symbol, as was the decoration of the house.

Its main symbols are Russian folk amulets at home, all of them are listed in the table below:

Name Symbol
Bake Planet Earth. The stove was painted with special protective symbols. Source of heat, fire, life.
Red corner (home iconostasis) Planet Sun; God. Divine protection, patronage, healing.
Walls They were decorated with various symbolic wood carvings. Physical and energy protection habitats
Roof and openings Decorated with symbolic carvings. They did not allow physical negative factors to enter the house, as well as from any evil spirits and evil misfortunes.
Entrance door Central amulet
(various amulets were placed above the door; the door itself was coated with red clay along the contour; curtains woven with patterns with special symbols were hung in the doorway).
Protection of home and family at the level:
Physical (negative weather conditions, enemies, robbers);
Mental (evil spirits, illnesses, troubles).
Threshold/porch The key element of the house was endowed with the greatest protective power (everything was important - from its shape to decoration, including amulets that were placed under the threshold to enhance its magical properties). In pagan and Christian faith was the main protection of a person’s home and clan, the keeper of the family hearth.
The threshold was carefully guarded, since through it one can bring both good and bad deeds into the house.
Vane More often made in the shape of a rooster or horse Charms that warn the owners of the house about danger and scare away evil spirits.

The carving acted not only as decoration, its patterns were carefully thought out and corresponded to ancient Russian protective symbols. Doors and window openings, roof edges, porch.

Carving is a special skill

The threshold and porch in a Russian hut were always endowed with the most powerful amulets and were additionally guarded by the owner himself. Through the threshold (or porch) you can send a lot of negativity, both to the owner of the house and to all members of his family, to the entire family.

A bunch of folk signs associated with the threshold, for example, it is undesirable to just stand on the threshold, smoke or talk, pass things or say hello across the threshold. To protect home and family across the threshold, both Christian and pagan amulets, symbols, spells and prayers were used (and are still relevant today).

The blower in a Russian stove is of particular importance. This place was considered a gate through which the Evil One could enter the house. While the stove was burning or smoldering, the vent was not closed, so as not to get burned from carbon monoxide, but as soon as the last heat went out in the oven, the vent was immediately closed.

Charms to protect the yard

The yard area is part of the personal space of each family, limited by a special fence. In the old days, the fence of a house or plot was built in the form of:

  • wattle fence (from vines or brushwood), in the form of a picket fence (from low wooden slats);
  • board fence;
  • a powerful timber palisade several meters high.

Whatever material the fence was built from, for many centuries the yard was guarded and protected with the help of traditional amulets. These were the simplest household things, in whose powerful protective energy our contemporaries believe. A variety of objects were used as court amulets, all of which were considered magical protective symbols.

Glaciers, jars, pots

Inverted, they were placed on the highest rail of the fence, the fence.

Clay products are still used in making amulets

Since these utensils were usually made from natural material– clay, she was very sensitive to negative energy.

It was believed that a broken or cracked fence on a fence indicates a negative message addressed to the owner of the house or his entire family. In this case, they said that the glechik took on the “thin”; it was not customary to take it with bare hands. Usually it was removed with special tongs and thrown away from the house, and a whole pot was immediately hung in its place.

Old (woven) bast shoes, worn-out shoes, felt boots

The shoe (felt boots or bast shoes) is an old Russian amulet with multi-valued symbolism. For example, having met the Evil One, it was customary to throw your worn-out bast shoes at him and be sure to hit the target; if you didn’t hit, expect trouble or disaster.

A pair of red shoes given by a guy to a girl testified to his sincere love for her; a similar gift from her parents served as a talisman so that her daughter would not stray from the “red” (right) path.

There was a tradition of throwing bast shoes at their rivals. If the bast shoe reached its goal, it was believed that by this action the girl was driving her rival away from her lover, and at the same time removing the love spell that she could cast on her boyfriend.

A pair of shoes attached to the porch or threshold symbolized the strength and prosperity of the owner of the house, a happy family. To scare away all evil spirits and enemies, shoes or bast shoes were hung on a fence or on a post at the gate.

If an unlucky child grew up in a family, he was forced to put on the old bast shoes of the family member who was considered positive and hard-working; with this action, they tried to return the child who had gotten out of hand to the true path.

A pair of symbolic shoes was given to newlyweds for a wedding so that they would live together happily and for as long as possible

The theme of shoes is also found in many superstitions and fortune telling. For example, there was a long-standing custom of telling fortunes about the groom. To do this, the girl, standing in the yard with her back to the gate, threw a bast shoe over it onto the street. Then she watched how the bast shoe lay down - its sock, as a rule, indicated the direction from where the groom should be expected to come.

If a person wanted to travel, but could not decide where exactly to go, it was also customary to throw a bast shoe outside the gate. The man set off in the direction the sock pointed.


Besides decorative function, a horseshoe in Russian culture and traditions has always been used as an effective amulet/amulet. In many countries, it is a symbol of happiness, having a deep meaning rooted in ancient history.

Made of iron, forged on fire by a blacksmith, purified by fire, resembling a new moon in shape (also a symbolic element), a horseshoe was at one time an expensive pleasure. Finding it for a simple poor peasant was considered happiness, since expensive iron appeared in the house, which could be sold at a high price or forged into nails, a scraper, a knife or other necessary item. Later, when iron was no longer such a rare thing, the tradition of keeping a found horseshoe “for good luck” was preserved.

In every European country you can find a legend about a horseshoe; in Christian culture, the legend itself and the tradition of taking care of a found horseshoe are most likely borrowed from the ancient pagan culture of the Celts. They believed that a horseshoe attached above front door, will protect their home from the invasion of otherworldly forces.

In our time, the horseshoe as a talisman has not lost its meaning

Nowadays, the horseshoe is endowed with multiple symbolism, which can be found in the table below:

Placement Function The meaning of the amulet
“Horns” down over the door to the house, on the gate, on the pillars of the central gate Protective (from the evil eye, damage, bad messages and ill-wishers) The guest, having passed through the gate, “lost” his bad thoughts and was disarmed if he came with bad intentions
“Horns” up above the door to the house, on the gate, on the pillars of the central gate. Talisman of wealth, happiness and prosperity Brings good luck, material and financial well-being to the home
On the door (from the inside with the “horns” up) Protective bioenergy Aligns energy flows, reducing the strength of geopathogenic zones in the house
Inside the car Protective Prevents accidents, vehicle breakdowns and various unpleasant road incidents
On the windowsill (on the first moonlit night, “horns” into the room) Wealth/luck talisman, money talisman Helps increase financial situation, attracting money and rapid financial growth
In the ground near the wall of the house (bury on the northwest side) Good luck talisman Brings good luck in business, support in any endeavors


They threw it on top of a fence, picket fence or wattle fence, believing that the Evil One would get entangled in it and would not be able to enter the house. It was also assumed that bad words and thoughts of ill-wishers would not be able to pass through this network.

Toads, mice and other vermin entangled in the net indicated that one of the ill-wishers was taking negative magical actions against the owner of the house and his family.


Placed at the threshold, a broom scared away evil spirits and drove ill-wishers away from the house. It was believed that if, following an unpleasant guest leaving your house, you sweep a path in his footsteps with a broom, this person will never appear in your house again. It should be noted that the broom was not only a shore, it could also cause considerable harm to the family, so in some families they preferred to hide it from prying hands and eyes. Usually the broom-amulet was made by the head of the family with his own hands.

Nowadays you can often see a broom in apartments with the broom facing up.

To ensure prosperity in the house, it was customary to place a broom in the kitchen “on the handle” with the broom facing up. Nowadays, for this purpose, a small decorative broom is often used, on which gifts are attached - several grains of various cereals, corn kernels, real coins, yellow flowers (as a symbol of the Sun, gold), etc. Left in the kitchen as a decoration, such a decorative broom-amulet brings material stability and prosperity to the home.

It was considered wrong to touch a broom with your hands in someone else's house; such a guest could be suspected of hostility and allowed into the house no longer.

Panel amulet

Such panels were specially made in each family, so they were all unique and different from each other. Each housewife made her own panel, decorating it with the symbolism that was most necessary to improve the life of her family.

With the help of special symbolism of patterns, such panels protected the house from unkind people, brought good luck, health, patrons to the family, promoted mutual understanding, love and care for each other among all household members.


Embroidered symbols could be seen not only on clothes, but also on bed linen, towels, towels, tablecloths, curtains, shoes and head decorations. When a young girl got married, she had to have in her dowry all these things, sewn and embroidered by her own hands.

Girls began to be taught needlework from early age. The more a girl had a dowry, prepared by herself, the more hardworking she was considered and the more desirable she was in the groom’s house.


In Rus', a bag has always been considered a symbol of preserving wealth. This symbolism dates back to ancient times, when social inequality was the norm, as a result of which beggars wandered around Rus' with outstretched hands. Behind their backs they had a knapsack (a homemade bag) with all their simple belongings.

This amulet should not be touched by strangers.

For every beggar, such a knapsack was a real treasure. At the same time, rich people also kept their gold and jewelry in bags, but they were made of expensive fabric and embroidered with gold/silver thread, embroidered with stones or embroidered with patterns.

Nowadays, it is customary to place a symbolic bag in the kitchen or in the money area of ​​the house, decorating it with your own embroidered patterns, which necessarily include some key magical symbols. It can be decorated with various symbols, depending on the result that should be obtained - increasing wealth, preserving existing wealth, etc. Inside the bag they place coins for wealth, magical dry herbs for protection and other items that correspond to the wishes of the owner of the house.

Painting on wood, plaster, metal

Painting with colorful symbolic patterns the gates, walls of the house (outside/inside), door and window openings, benches (at the gate and in the courtyard), ovens, barns, barns and carts was also a talisman.

The theme of solar signs, which attract warmth, joy, life, health and happiness into the house, was especially popular.

Amulet for harvest

This Russian amulet symbolized the generous gifts of nature, was used as a talisman for family well-being and was quite good decorative element in the decoration of the house. As a “rural” decor, it is still found today in homes whose interior is made in the “country” style. Often a decorative broom-amulet, decorated with special symbols, is used for this purpose.

To make it, they usually use nuts, dried flowers, bunches of garlic, rose hips, ears of wheat, beans, a small pumpkin, and bright ribbons (the whole composition is tied with them). A braid should be made from colored ribbons; with its colors it symbolizes a joyful and happy life, length and thickness - longevity. The lighter ones of the above symbolic elements are woven into it, the heavier ones can be fixed with glue or sewn on, secured to ribbons with threads.

Each such element corresponds to certain symbols, distinguished by their characteristic magical properties:

Element Meaning in the amulet
Broom Clean base
Scythe Longevity
Bag Prosperity, abundance, wealth
Spoon Prosperity
Onion/hot pepper/garlic/ Protects from evil spirits
Cereals and flour products Prosperity, hospitality and good disposition of the owner of the house (tradition of welcoming guests with loaf/bread and salt)
Pine cone, coins Business success, financial well-being, wealth
Sunflower seeds Symbolizes children in the family
Beans/peas Friendship, mutual assistance, peacefulness
Dried flowers (in a bouquet) Harmony, beauty, protection from evil spirits and “bad” people
Cereals La, and the well-being of family relationships
Female and male figures Integrity of marital/family ties
Corn Health of children in the family
House Happy family, cozy home
Jug Healthy family, family well-being, prosperity
Immortelle Long and happy life
Bay leaf Success in business, fame, respect from others, respect in the family
Poppy Fulfillment of secret desires

There is a huge variety of Russian folk amulets, for the manufacture of which various symbolic elements are used. The table above lists only the main and fairly common symbols.

The Russian people have always treated the gifts of Mother Nature with care and respect, and believed in the existence of her mythical creatures that inhabit all four elements - fire, water, earth and air. There are many legends and fairy tales about kikimoras, water creatures, goblins, brownies and other evil spirits in Russian culture. Russian people have a twofold attitude towards these natural creatures.

He tried to be friends with some of them, to appease some of them, to pay off some of them, and some of them had to be avoided so as not to anger him with his presence on their territory. Some representatives of the Evil One were often hired as assistants to solve various life problems and everyday problems. At the same time, Russian people have always made amulets to protect themselves and their homes from evil spirits; he used long-known folk symbols to create them. A curious character is the brownie; it was believed that this creature lives in every home.


Being the soul of the house, its talisman and amulet, Domovoy patronized the people living in it. Woe to the owner who did not please him, Domovoy tried in all his ways to expel him from the house, and could attract other creatures from evil spirits to this process. He demanded respect for himself; it always depended on whether he would consider the residents of the house his friends and whether this family would live in prosperity and peace. It is noteworthy that with the hands of an unwanted owner he could cause great misfortune in the house.

Sometimes Brownie got so used to the head of the family that when the family moved to a new place of residence, he tried to move with the people, hiding in some household object. Most often, the person himself invited the Housewife to move with him, offering him a broom, a bread spatula or a broom with the words:

Neighbor-Housewife, here's a noble sleigh for you, go to new house together with us!

Options for making a brownie amulet are limited only by your imagination

The brownie sleeps during the day, and at night he wakes up and walks around the house, checking to see if everything is in order. He was always given a specific corner in the house, where the owner forbade all household members to go, so as not to anger the Brownie with his actions. In this place it was forbidden for children to play, place any things, make noise, sit, this place belonged to Domovoy. In every house, Domovushka could occupy different places, his favorite place it was necessary to find, as a rule, it was the warmest, driest and quietest corner. Sometimes he himself willingly suggested and indicated his presence.

The Brownie has noisy fun - he knocks at night, tangles the horses' manes, and hides small things necessary for the owner. To return an item hidden by him (an item that you cannot find in the place where you left it the day before), you should throw a coin into the room with the words:

Neighbor Brownie, here’s a coin for you to play with, and give me mine/my (name of the thing).

After this, you need to leave the room for a couple of minutes and close the door. After this time, you will find the lost item in the place where you left it and looked at it several times before, but did not see it.

Nowadays, the theme of the Brownie is very popular - it is a magnificent element of apartment decor and at the same time an effective and powerful amulet. Each Domovushka must contain 12 symbolic items. They serve as symbols such as dried berries, dough products, dried flowers and other symbols. Its base can be anything, but more often a wooden spoon, a wreath, a horseshoe, a bag or a broom is used for this.

The brownie is the spirit of the house, a mischievous and mischievous creature, but always kind and ready to help the owner run the household, protect the house and family. Often Domovushka warned the head of the family about the impending trouble. You need to make friends with this creature and not forget about it, leave food, give some things, throwing them in its corner.

If you cannot detect its presence in your home, make it with your own hands, this is the best and most powerful amulet for your home.

Charms to protect a child

At a time when medicine was not yet developed enough to save a person’s life from a simple cold, he relied only on the mercy of God and the magical protection of amulets and talismans.

The very first and strongest protective amulet for a child was considered a pectoral cross. They tried to put it on the child during the birth process in order to protect the unbaptized baby from evil forces, since the Guardian Angel appears in children only at the age of one year, and according to some beliefs, at the time of baptism.

The child received his next amulet from Mother Nature herself - this was his first baby tooth, which during the change of teeth should have been hidden and kept throughout his life as a talisman or talisman/amulet. Until the moment the child was toothless, he was considered an easy prey for evil spirits, so it was not customary to leave him alone for a single minute.

An important and powerful amulet for him was the shaky - a kind of hanging cradle, bast or made of wicker, wood or wooden slats, with a canopy sewn from the mother’s skirt.

Inside such a shaky place, two criss-cross knives or scissors (opened in the shape of a cross) were hidden under a child’s mattress. A handwritten version of the prayer “Holy Relics” from Psalm 90 or, optionally, a prayer (also handwritten) to the “Honorable Cross” was also placed there.

The baby was protected from evil spirits that entered the house at night with the help of amulets. For example, a broom at night “on the handle” on the threshold of the baby’s room; an alternative was an ax, also placed on the threshold at night with the blade up.

Protective motanka dolls

There was a custom to deliberately smear a child’s face with soot from the stove so that he would not be recognized and carried away devilry. Soot was also smeared on the skin in the projection of the joints and bones of the child, forming a sacred cross.

A belt embroidered with protective symbols was put on the child when he reached the age of one year. It was a beautiful family ritual, to which neighbors and friends were not invited, but only the baby’s godparents. He was ceremoniously girded with this belt, which was supposed to strengthen his protection outside the house.

The baby's mother, with her caring hands, sewed the belt in advance and embroidered it with a protective pattern, the symbols of which were always passed on to the new generation of the family. In the event of the death or sudden death of a baby, this belt, intended only for him, was buried with him.

At the age of seven, it was customary for a child to pin an ordinary pin (head down) to his clothes, but more often girls wore it.

As a talisman, boys had to carry some sharp object in their pocket - a nail, a planing knife, an awl, handed to him by the hands of their father.

For many centuries, Russian people surrounded their home, themselves and their loved ones with amulets. Nowadays, we use the same protective symbols, although we more often wear them in the form of pendants and other jewelry. Today, along with man-made amulets, you can purchase a ready-made Russian amulet or jewelry with corresponding symbols. Many amulets have lost their relevance over time, some have transformed and taken on a new form, but faith in them magical power has not disappeared from the Russian people.

The owner of a garden plot or a private house in a rural area is always faced with the question of the source of water. Experts know what difficulties you can encounter if you plan to equip a well or borehole. The task of searching for water hidden in the depths of the earth seems simple only at first glance. It is unknown whether there is water on the site and what its quality is. The ancient practice of dowsing can tell you in which direction to search.

In this article

Vine device

Dowsing, or dowsing, is a method of scanning an area using a vine—a freshly cut tree branch. The most suitable species is willow. Firstly, its branches are highly elastic. Secondly, willow is a very resilient tree, which indicates the strong energy of the plant. But if there are no willows growing nearby, then another tree with flexible branches will do. It is important that the branch is not brittle and bends easily.

To make a vine, you should select a forked branch and cut it just below the fork. You should get a slingshot that resembles the letter U. The recommended handle thickness is 8–12 millimeters and a length of 30–50 centimeters; the exact dimensions are selected according to the width of the operator’s shoulders.

Such a tool remains operational for 2-3 days. When a branch dries out and loses its firmness and elasticity, it makes no sense to use it for dowsing.

How to make a frame

In addition to the vine, you can use a dowsing frame made of metal wire to search for water in the area. Such an indicator is sold in stores specializing in esoteric items, but it is easy to make with your own hands. Since working with a pair of indicators shows more accurate results, it is advisable to make two identical bioframes.

  1. You will need two pieces of wire with a cross-section from two to five millimeters and a length of about 40 centimeters, two ballpoint pen housings. Experts recommend choosing a metal with the highest electrical conductivity coefficient, and therefore the most suitable materials for the frame there will be copper, brass or aluminum. However, iron and steel wire will also work for this purpose.
  2. The rod should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The bend is at the point that divides the length of the wire in a ratio of 1:2.5.
  3. We insert the short end of the frame into the empty housing from ballpoint pen. The frame is ready for use.

DIY frame

Where is water most often found?

A slice of soil is like a layer cake, with each layer represented by different rocks. Water, as a rule, lies at the boundary of layers. Depending on the depth, water resources are divided into the following categories:

  1. The groundwater. They are located at a distance of 4 to 5 meters from the surface of the earth. They are also called verkhovodka.
  2. A little deeper is the groundwater layer. The distance to the surface reaches 8–10 meters.
  3. Interstratal waters are located at a depth of 10 to 100 meters.
  4. And finally, artesian waters, which pass at depths of more than 100 meters. Let us immediately make a reservation that it will not be possible to detect such resources using dowsing.

Aquifer diagram

Sometimes the terrain itself gives clues that people are passing nearby. groundwater. By studying the relief and nature of vegetation, you can get an answer to how likely it is to find water underground.

  1. There is very little chance of detecting groundwater in hilly areas, especially at high points.
  2. There is also no point in looking for water if there are mouse holes or a colony of red ants on the site.
  3. A clear sign that groundwater is present is thick green grass in a dry summer. It is also worth paying attention to mosquitoes and midges. These insects sense moisture and hover near it.
  4. The behavior of domestic animals also indicates where the underground source is hidden. Dogs prefer dry areas, and cats are drawn to areas under which waterways run.
  5. Plants can tell you at what depth aquifer. Reed, horse sorrel and coltsfoot indicate a depth of 3 meters. Licorice and wormwood grow where the water is hidden 5 meters from the surface.
  6. Trees indicating a water vein include alder, willow or birch.
  7. Some indicate the proximity of groundwater natural phenomena. For example, creeping fog in the evenings and heavy morning dew.

How to look for water correctly

The search for underground sources is carried out by hydrogeologists, who have in their arsenal scientifically based methods for detecting underground water layers.

Measurements of the electrical resistance of various soil layers allow a specialist to collect data on the basis of which he makes a forecast of the availability of groundwater in a given area. The analysis may give inaccurate results if there are railways And engineering Communication: pipelines, power lines, telephone networks.

A more accurate, but more expensive method is auger drilling, carried out taking into account the hydrogeological map of the area.

Auger drilling

Finding water using frames or vines

Despite the fact that hydrogeologists have modern search methods at their disposal, the vine will serve as a good tool for studying the area for the presence of water. And it is with its help that preliminary searches are carried out.

The principle is quite simple. Water always carries energy, and the vine will certainly react to this energy. In the neutral zone, where there are no underground flows, the vine will remain motionless. And at the point where the aquifer passes, we will notice the indicator moving up or down. The intensity of the deviation indicates the strength of the water flow and the thickness of the aquifer.

It is easier for a beginner to work with two metal frames. Moving slowly around the area, the operator monitors the rotation of the frames. In the neutral area, the frames maintain their original position (directed forward). If the frames begin to converge at some point, this means a reaction to the movement of water underground.

Finding water using a frame

Having marked the possible points of the presence of an aquifer on the ground, you can begin test drilling to verify the readings of the frame.

Samples of the detected water must be sent for examination to a laboratory, where specialists will evaluate its composition and quality.

In this video, a hydrogeologist will tell you how to properly look for water in the area:

When is the best time to dig a well?

So, the location of groundwater suitable for use has been discovered. However, you should not rush to equip a well or borehole.

Weather aspect

The fact is that the groundwater level is not constant. Depends on the time of year and precipitation level. If you dig a well during heavy rainfall, you will later find out that its depth is insufficient. In winter or during drought, groundwater may drop lower, and the well will stop producing water for you. Thus, there is no point in digging a well during the spring flood period or during a very rainy summer.

Astrological aspect

The waxing moon phase is ideal for constructing a well or borehole. The falling moon is unfavorable for this type of work. Moreover, experts recommend clarifying in which zodiac sign the Moon is located. She must be in the element of Water, that is, in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Dowsing is not just about finding water

Allows you not only to search for water personal plot. They have a wide range of applications.

  1. In the distant past, vines were used in mining to discover ore deposits. Treasure hunters, armed with an indicator, tried.
  2. Archaeologists and historians will find the frame useful for searching for ancient burials and cultural monuments of the past. An authoritative expert on dowsing, A. Pluzhnikov, using a frame, recreated the exact layout of the ancient monastery.
  3. There are known cases when the bioenergy frame helped criminologists in investigating complicated cases, pointed to the criminal, and determined the location of missing people.
  4. During combat in Vietnam, the US Army used bioframes to clear plastic mines that could not be found with a conventional mine detector.
  5. Dowsing works effectively in identifying favorable and unfavorable areas of the terrain. This technique helps to choose the right place to build a house or when arranging furniture in an apartment. Areas with a positive energy background are ideal for relaxation. On the contrary, areas with pathogenic energy cause a deterioration in well-being, and with prolonged stay on them they become the cause of serious illnesses.
  6. Dowsing instruments will help not only in finding lost things, but also in determining the quality of food. On the garden plot the most suitable places for planting plants.
  7. Traditional healers use frames to carry out general condition body and individual organs, identify anomalies in the functioning of vital important systems at the earliest stage.
  8. For lovers of esotericism, the frame will provide a lot of detailed information about the aura, chakras and other subtle matters.


Dowsing – good tool to search for groundwater. But achieving accurate results is an art. Mastering the dowsing indicator will take time and patience. You need to spend at least 30 minutes a day training with the frame and develop your powers of observation. Only in this way will you master dowsing to perfection and tune your consciousness to the perception of the subtle world.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!