Verbena flowers are perennial or annual. What is an ornamental verbena plant and what are the features of caring for the crop: photo of the flowers of a beautiful plant

in the garden - a great addition to any landscape design. Bright flowers, richly colored leaves - all this is verbena. The plant comes from the tropical regions of America, a representative of the Verbenaceae family, which has more than 200 species of various flowers. Verbena is called differently among different peoples: “herb of Hercules”, “veins of Venus” or “blood of Mercury”.

Sowing verbena seeds for seedlings

Verbena can be propagated in several ways: seeds or cuttings. The flower is becoming very popular in gardening, and knowing how to properly plant verbena seedlings is very important.

Verbena seeds, depending on the type, can be “wrapped” in a thick shell, which noticeably slows down the process of their germination.

You can collect verbena seeds after the flower has bloomed, use the extracted seed material, or buy seeds.

Did you know?If you decide to use your own seeds, remember that varietal characteristics may be lost, and if you decide to use purchased ones, make sure that they do not have the F1 mark - this is how hybrid varieties are usually designated.

So, before planting the seeds, you need to stratify them in order to improve the quality of seedlings.

Seed stratification - a very simple procedure that involves cold treatment of seed material. Stratify the seeds in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. They are laid out on a damp cloth, covered with another piece of damp cloth, wrapped in plastic or placed in a container and refrigerated for several days.

After the seeds have undergone stratification, they can be sown either in open ground immediately (seedless method), or planted as seedlings.

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in March (second decade). They are placed in shallow containers with humus, perlite or sand: the soil should not be too fertilized. Seeds are sown without burying them in the ground. The container with the seeded material must be covered with a transparent lid; polyethylene or glass is suitable for this.

You will notice the first shoots within a couple of days. After this, the container must be moved to a cooler place and very well lit. After 2-3 mature leaves appear, the cover is removed.

Important!During the period when the seeds are just germinating, the film (glass) must be constantly removed for ventilation, and watering at this time is best done using a spray bottle.

After removing the cover, young verbena can be planted in separate pots, deepening the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. After 2 weeks, the first feeding is carried out, and the plant can be planted in a new place. In the northern zone, verbena is grown as an annual.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Once the weather is warm and there are no more frosts, verbena can be planted in open ground. In the middle zone, planting is carried out in mid-May. It is better to choose a place for verbena that is well lit and protected from cold winds and drafts.

If the plant gets direct sunlight, it’s not scary, verbena will cope with it perfectly. Any soil is suitable for verbena, but it should be loose and, preferably, loamy. A layer of drainage will not be superfluous, which will prevent stagnation of water; also, you should not use soil with a high content of humus.

Did you know?If the soil is “acidic”, it can be mixed with ash or dolomite flour, and this will reduce the acidity.

The algorithm for planting verbena is very simple:

The distance between the bushes should be 20-25 cm so that the plants do not interfere with each other.

Combination of verbena with other plants

Verbena flower beds - a great solution for those who want to decorate their garden. Considering the fact that verbena has thousands of color options, it can be combined with almost all garden flowers, or you can decorate your lawn with it, where it will stand out as a bright spot of color.

Verbena goes well with daisies; together they form a sweet and fragrant composition. In combination with marigolds, the composition will turn out to be childishly touching. An impressive ensemble is made up of verbena and roses.

It also looks beautiful with such simple and familiar plants as rudbeckia, cosma, and delphinium. Together they form a composition with a very exotic appearance. Verbena can grow not only in a flowerbed, but also in pots, and looks very good in them.

The process of caring for verbena itself is not complicated, however, it must be carried out comprehensively. Verbena requires abundant watering, but does not tolerate stagnant water. It needs to be watered especially carefully during the period of active growth and reduce the dose of water in the second half of summer.

Important!If you notice that the soil has begun to dry out, it is necessary to loosen the soil.

If your verbena is growing in a group planting, you only need to remove weeds before the bushes grow, but if you grow verbena alone, you need to clear it of weeds throughout the season. There is one secret: if you mulch the soil with leaves or any other material, then you do not need to weed the flower.

Fertilizing verbena needs to be done comprehensively. Organic fertilizers can be applied only once, because otherwise the soil may be overloaded with nitrogen substances. There are no restrictions on the application of complex mineral fertilizers, and they can be applied 1-2 times a month. "Agricolor" has a particularly good effect on growth.

Care also involves ridding the plant of dried inflorescences. If you have properly cared for verbena, it will delight you not only with beautiful blooms, but also with a pleasant aroma.

Collection and storage of seeds

Usually in our area, verbena is used as an annual plant, and after flowering it is cut off, and the soil where the flower grew is dug up. D To collect seeds from your own plants, you need to use the inflorescences when most of the flower boxes have already begun to dry.

Did you know?You can determine the readiness of the seeds by color: the box will turn brown.

The inflorescence selected for “obtaining” seeds must be placed on a flat, flat surface and dried. During the drying period, the material must be turned over so that the raw material does not start to become damp.

When the inflorescence dries, the seeds need to be extracted from the nuts and poured into a paper bag. Don't forget to sign it, indicating the date of collection and variety. If you decide to breed verbena on your own, do not forget that homemade seeds lose their varietal characteristics and may differ from their “parents”.

How to use verbena in landscape design

Verbena is becoming increasingly popular in landscape design. It looks very beautiful in plantings, which among designers are called “bouquet effect” - it looks especially attractive with large flowers of roses and scrubs. In landscape design, the flower is used in both group and single plantings.

The year before last I grew verbena (an ampelous variety) on the balcony of my city apartment. In the past, I decided to buy the same seeds for the house flower bed, which I am arranging together with my neighbor. And in the store we were pleased: it turned out that verbena is not a balcony plant at all, but a compact garden plant.

Therefore, I bought several varieties at once and created a multi-color “picture”. And I look at this - the same verbenas appeared in the flower beds near the neighboring houses. Obviously, their residents liked my flowers, and they secretly collected seeds from us. And we don’t even feel sorry!

It's simple: the seeds of such a crop can be stored for a long time (two years, and in some species even longer), germinate quickly, and the bushes bloom for a long time and brightly.

Verbena (some people call it dove grass) is a healing plant for some people, and a magical flower for others.

The homeland of this decorative culture is not Eurasia, but America, South and North.

You can recognize the plant by:

  • elongated green leaves, shaggy, with teeth along the edges (my guests sometimes confuse the non-flowering verbena bush with mint);
  • bushes of different heights - from 20 cm to a meter;
  • small flowers collected in dense inflorescences, one-color or two-color (the color of verbena flowers can be different - purple, blue, light blue, white, red, yellow, cream);
  • compact, shallow root system.

Verbena blooms from the first week of June to the last week of October. One bush can bloom up to 30 inflorescences at a time.

Cultivated species

In total, botanists have listed about 120 species. Among them are herbaceous plants and shrubs. But here you can see only a few variants of verbena.

  • Hybrid verbena. The most popular decorative species, bred from several varieties. The bush grows to a maximum of 50 cm. It is decorated with a large number of branches, as well as flowers of any shade - hybrid verbena has the most varieties. The most popular: “Cardinal” or “Julia” (large-flowered varieties), “Pink Delight”, “Crystal”, “Amethyst” (compact varieties).

  • Canadian. Low (up to 20 cm) annual. It blooms with lilac, pink or white small flowers.

  • Tough. A species with lilac flowers, creeping tetrahedral stems, and fleecy elongated leaves. The seeds of this species are the most tenacious - their germination remains for a record 5 years.

  • Buenos Aires. The tallest type - the bushes grow up to 120 cm. The stems stretch straight, the side branches begin to grow near the ground. Inflorescences are formed from a large number of small pink flowers.

  • Ampelnaya. A fast-growing annual with shoots of about 60 cm. Flowers can be of various shades.

  • Lemon. A perennial with medicinal properties. It is grown not for beauty (since the flowers of such verbena are not so decorative), but for benefit.

  • Medicinal. It has an antispasmodic effect, and can also stabilize blood pressure and help with intestinal disorders.

Depending on the species, verbena can be either an annual or a perennial plant. However, most of our street verbenas are annuals due to the fact that they cannot survive the frosts of the northern or central zone. And only in the southern regions can perennial verbena overwinter without dying.

How does this plant reproduce?


The most popular and convenient way.

You need to buy and plant seeds in March. Some gardeners germinate them earlier, in winter, but at this time the seeds germinate more slowly.

Everything is done like this:

  1. Soak the seeds in a biostimulant. It could be “Zircon”, succinic acid - there are plenty of drugs in stores for gardeners. But if you couldn’t buy something like that, don’t worry - they will germinate without it.
  2. Pour the seeds into a box with moistened soil (say, peat and sand) on top of the soil. The seeds are very small, do not sprinkle them on top, otherwise the sprouts will not be able to break through.
  3. Cover the box with a piece of glass or a piece of cling film. If it is a clear plastic tray, use its lid.
  4. Germinate seeds at 25 degrees. When the soil dries, spray it carefully.
  5. Sprouts will appear 10-15 days later. However, you can see the first green heads already on the 3-4th day.
  6. Move the box with sprouts to a colder room.
  7. As soon as the sprouts show one true leaf, plant them in separate pots (usually disposable cups). By the way, if you initially sow a seed per cup, the seedlings will not need picking.
  8. 2 weeks later, when the sprouts have recovered from picking, pamper them with nitrogen fertilizer. And if your variety is tall, pinch the stem so that the plant bushes.
  9. Before planting in a flowerbed, the seedlings are hardened off by placing them outside first for half an hour, the next day for an hour, and so on.

Is it possible to collect seeds from your flowers?

Yes. The photo shows what such ripe inflorescences look like. True, the grown flowers may surprise you with the shades of the petals, especially if you had several species or varieties of verbena growing in one flowerbed - the flowers will cross-pollinate and create your own “hybrid”.

On the bushes you need to select ripe “fruits” that are dark brown in color. Lay them out on newspaper and dry them. To prevent them from becoming moldy on one side, turn the fruits over from time to time.

Store completely dried seed in a paper bag.


In spring, cut off the top shoot from the bush so as not to damage it. There should be 4 pairs of leaves left on the cuttings.

Leaves from the bottom of the cutting are removed.

The cutting is stuck into moist soil (the same sand and peat), and germinated under a film or transparent bag. When you see that the cuttings have taken root (new leaves have begun to grow), remove the bag.

Work with rooting cuttings can be seen in this video:

Planting verbena in open ground

  • Site selection. Verbena is suitable for both shade and a lighted flower bed.
  • Temperature. This crop tolerates temperature fluctuations normally, but does not tolerate frosts - if it is -3 degrees or lower outside, the flower will die. Therefore, it is planted in open ground when there is no guarantee of night frosts - at the end of May or beginning of June.
  • Priming. Any composition will do, as long as it is loose. If the soil in the area is too dense, when planting, mix it with sand, and place some stones at the bottom of the holes - they will serve as drainage.
  • Distance between bushes. Ideally - 25 cm to the next seedling. This way the verbena bushes won’t choke each other out, but they won’t leave a chance for weeds.

Caring for verbena in a flower bed

This flower is not capricious, so it is often chosen by summer residents who do not have time to tinker with flower beds every week.

  • Watering. Until mid-summer, the flowerbed needs to be watered frequently (but moderately), then - occasionally. Do not let the soil dry out completely; the roots of the plant need slightly moist soil (although, of course, a complete puddle, on the contrary, can kill them).
  • Loosening the soil. This procedure should be carried out after heavy rain or heavy watering, so that the soil does not become crusty and the roots of the plant can breathe.
  • Nutrition. If you don't have much time to work with your flower beds, apply organic matter once and forget about fertilizers for the rest of the season. Do you like to tinker with flowers? In this case, your choice is “mineral water”; it should be given to verbena 4 times during the summer. But not more often, otherwise, instead of flowers, the bushes will “delight” you with continuous juicy, abundant foliage.
  • Trimming. To make the bushes bloom longer, cut off all faded shoots by a quarter of their length.

What problems might you encounter?

Pests: verbena is afraid of small flies that eat its leaves, which can end disastrously for the flower. Therefore, as soon as you see uninvited guests on the bushes, treat the flowers with insecticides.

Verbena almost does not suffer from diseases.

However, if care is incorrect, some difficulties may arise.

The leaves have turned slightly purple: the bushes are receiving excess moisture. This problem is made worse if the leaves or branches are rotting or the plant shows powdery mildew spots. Cut off all diseased areas and spray the flowerbed with fungicide.


Most gardeners simply “uproot” bushes that have already lost their beauty and throw them away.

However, you can compete for your favorite flower (if it is perennial). In November, dig up a bush, plant it in a pot and place it in a room where the temperature is about 15 degrees. Having warmed up, verbena can begin to grow and even bloom. Do not give her free rein - remove the flower stalks and shorten the shoots to a reasonable limit.

By the way, in open ground, overwintered second-year verbena will bloom before young seedlings.

At the beginning of March, prepare the flower for planting in the ground - carry out the obligatory pruning.

A verbena bush can very successfully overwinter in the house if it is planted in a pot in advance. Here's what it will look like by spring:

Let's summarize...

  • Verbena is a beautiful flowering plant whose flowers bloom from early summer until autumn frosts.
  • The flower can be propagated by cuttings, but it is better by seeds.
  • This crop is planted in open ground in early summer.
  • The flower is unpretentious in care: it requires not too much watering, mineral fertilizing 4 times a season, as well as regular pruning of faded shoots.

The photos of the wonderful verbena are mesmerizing and make you want to plant this flower in your garden. With proper care, verbena grown in open ground or in pots will delight you with flowering until frost.

Verbena is a perennial, highly branched plant belonging to the Verbena family. The flower comes from South America. In open ground it is often grown as an annual plant. Verbena can survive winter only in the southern regions due to the low threshold of resistance to prolonged frosts.

Verbena will bring bright colors to your garden

Depending on the type, the height of the verbena bush ranges from 20 cm to a meter or more. The stems have a straightened or creeping appearance, and can also be leafless and with drooping edges. Verbena leaves are shaggy, oval or round in shape with serrations, and light green in color. The root system is compact. Small flowers are collected in complex umbels of inflorescences. Varieties of verbena come in all sorts of colors: white, pink, lilac, purple, sometimes with a white eye.

Verbena blooms in June and delights with flowering until late autumn. Up to 30 inflorescences can bloom on a bush at the same time. Tolerates frosts down to -3ºС.

Varieties of verbena

Verbena selection includes about 250 species, each of which has its own characteristics.

Hybrid verbena- the most popular variety among flower growers. The bush is compact, highly branched with creeping stems, up to 50 cm high. The flowers are of rich, varied colors.

Hybrid verbena

According to varietal differences, hybrid verbena is conventionally divided into groups:

  1. Large-flowered (“Etna”, “Defias”, “Julia”, “Cardinal”).
  2. Compact (“Amethyst”, “Crystal”, “Dazler”, “Pink Delight”).

Canadian verbena– grown as an annual. The stems are thin, reaching a maximum height of 20 cm. The plant blooms profusely with white, pink or lilac flowers.

Canadian verbena

Hard Verbena– characterized by small lilac flowers in inflorescences. The leaves are elongated, with fibers below. Stems are tetrahedral, creeping. The germination of ripened seeds lasts up to 5 years.

Hard Verbena

Buenos Aires verbena– a tall representative (up to 120 cm). Stems are strong and erect. Side shoots extend from the base of the bush. At the same time, many small amethyst-colored flowers bloom on the bush, which are collected in caps of inflorescences.

Buenos Aires verbena

Ampel verbena- a fast-growing annual species. Used for growing in hanging pots. The shoots grow up to 60 cm and hang down spectacularly. The inflorescences are compact with small flowers of various colors.
The presented photos demonstrate the beauty and diversity of verbena varieties.

Ampel verbena

Separately, we can highlight medicinal and lemon verbena. These are perennial bushes, the flowers of which have medicinal properties and are used to stabilize blood pressure, as antispasmodics, for intestinal disorders. Verbena oil serves as an antiseptic.

Medicinal verbena

Growing and planting verbena seedlings

Verbena is planted as seedlings in open ground. Its seeds are very small and are sown superficially in late February - early March. The seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface. The sown seedling containers are covered with jars or film, thereby creating a mini-greenhouse. Shoots appear after two weeks, after which the shelter is removed and the containers are placed on the brightest windowsill.

Important! To avoid damage to seedlings by blackleg, young sprouts are only sprayed with a spray bottle.

The first true leaves appear after about three weeks. During this period, seedlings are planted in boxes at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Two weeks after picking, the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizer.
When the seedlings reach 8-10 cm in height, they are transplanted into separate cups, and the tops are pinched for greater branching.

The easiest way to grow verbena is by seedling method.

The grown seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. Plantings are possible in June (by this time the seedlings usually already have blossomed inflorescences). The site for planting verbena is sunny and moderately fertilized. The distance between plants should be at least 25 cm.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Rare varieties of verbena that do not produce seeds can be propagated by cuttings. With this method of propagation, all the qualities of the mother bush will be preserved. Procurement of planting material begins in autumn. To do this, the mother bush is dug up with a large ball of earth and placed in a cool room (for example, in a basement) for the winter.

In early spring, the tops of shoots with 4-6 pairs of leaves are cut off for cuttings. The lower incision is made at a distance of 1 cm from the outermost kidney. All leaves except the top two are removed.

Germination of Verbena officinalis cuttings

Cuttings are germinated in containers with sand or sand-peat mixture. The planting material is deepened to the first bud (i.e. 1 cm). The substrate in containers should always remain moist. To do this, cover the containers with cuttings.
Within three weeks, the cuttings will begin to develop a root system, after which new shoots will begin to grow. Rooted cuttings should be planted in open ground at the same time as seedlings.

Verbena care

Planting and caring for verbena is very simple and does not require special skills. Verbena bushes are responsive to intense light and tolerate direct sunlight. Watering is required moderate but regular. In the spring, when the seedlings have not yet gained sufficient strength and strength, watering is carried out more often and more abundantly. Watering is gradually reduced, and by autumn it is stopped altogether.

Verbena is fed with mineral fertilizers several times a season. Manure as a fertilizer does not give the desired result, but only promotes abundant growth of green mass without flowers. Excess fertilizer in the soil leads to poor flowering.

Caring for verbena is very simple: watering, loosening the soil

Loosening the soil is required only at the initial stage of verbena growth. Later, when the crop grows, there will be no need for weeding. To retain moisture in areas, instead of weeding, you can use mulching. Rotted leaves are used as mulch.

Advice. For a spectacular look of a flower bed with verbena, you can use decorative mulching materials.

For abundant and long flowering throughout the summer, you need to trim off the wilted buds.

Verbena is practically not affected by diseases and pests. Rare aphid infestations are controlled with insecticides.

Use in landscape design

In landscape design, low-growing varieties of verbena are used as a green border. In combination with buddleias or camellias, a decorative border will decorate the paths and become a striking element when zoning the garden.

Verbena combined with roses

The long flowering and variety of colors of verbena will decorate works and flower beds. In flower beds, the greatest effect from verbena flowering is achieved with mass plantings. You can dilute the plantings with marigolds, echinocea, ornamental cereals, asters.

Ampel varieties of verbena will decorate balconies, terraces and gazebos. In hanging pots, verbena grows quickly, forming a huge flowering ball.

Verbena in landscape design

Photos of competent landscape design or your own imagination can prompt you to experiment with joint plantings of verbena.

You can find verbena in the gardens of both experienced gardeners and beginners. Abundant flowering of verbena in tandem with minimal care will allow even a novice amateur to create a real extravaganza in the garden.

Planting and growing verbena: video

A magnificent plant that has been giving us its beauty since ancient times is the beautiful verbena. It came to the European continent from America around the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Among the Gauls and Persians, verbena was considered a sacred herb; it was called “The Devil’s Poison”; it was kept in their homes to drive out dark forces; church ministers used vervain branches to cleanse the altar.

Verbena was used as a home talisman. The legendary aroma - tart, sweetish, fresh is associated with calm and confidence. Gardeners turned their attention to it because of the delicately fragrant flowers. Most likely, then their cross-pollination occurred, and a new species appeared - hybrid verbena. Breeders have developed a great variety of varieties of various shades that meet the most diverse needs of amateur flower growers.

Growing verbena is not difficult!

Verbena planting in the ground and care photo

Planting and caring for verbena is not very difficult. The flower requires moderate watering. If not watered regularly, it fades too quickly. Prefers non-acidic, sufficiently fertilized soil.

They love light areas and are relatively tolerant of partial shade. For planting, prepare grooves or holes by laying drainage on the bottom. Fertilize them with compost or leaf humus. Seedlings are planted at a distance of at least 20-25 cm from each other.

As they grow, water them moderately, feed them with inorganic fertilizers, and promptly trim off faded shoots. If desired, you can leave a sprig with ripening seeds and collect them to plant next spring. In this case, it should be taken into account that hybrids do not retain their parental characteristics, and from one specimen you can get plants that are completely different in color and shape.

Growing verbena seedlings from seeds at home

Verbena seeds for seedlings photo

  • In February-March place the seeds on the surface of a moistened flower substrate in a container with drainage holes. We strive to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm between seeds.
  • Sprinkle with a thin layer of humus.
  • Cover with film or glass, so less moisture evaporates and the seeds will germinate faster.
  • Place the seedlings in a semi-shaded place. When the seeds begin to hatch (in about a week or two), you need to add light and carry out daily ventilation for 10-15 minutes.
  • It is important not to overdo it with watering, otherwise the plant may get blackleg; water should not get on the tender sprouts. Water along the edge of the pot so that the water flows down the side directly to the bottom.
  • When all the seeds have sprouted, the cover is removed.

Verbena seeds photo

  • Further care consists only of keeping the soil mixture moist.
  • When the first three true leaves appear, densely sown verbena can be picked into separate cups. Do this carefully so as not to damage the roots. It’s better to help yourself with a toothpick or fork to make it easier to “dig up” plants with a lump of earth.
  • Young plants are fed with liquid complex fertilizer once a week. For branching and more abundant flowering, pinching the growth point above the fourth or fifth leaf is carried out.
  • When growing low-growing hybrids, bush formation is not carried out; they branch well on their own.
  • Before planting in the ground, 10-12 days in advance, you must begin to harden the seedlings, gradually accustoming them to the sun and air outside. Starting from an hour or two, increase the hardening time and on the last day leave the seedlings to spend the night.

Verbena growing from seeds when to plant The photo shows seedlings ready for planting

These are the gorgeous bushes you get in the end. They must be carefully released from the container so as not to destroy the lump of earth and damage the roots. They are transplanted into a flowerbed, having prepared shallow holes, with a depth margin of 2-3 cm in relation to the height of our container. We take a distance between holes of 25-30 cm so that the plants have enough space for active growth and development. We install the seedlings vertically, sprinkle them with soil, and lightly compact them with our palms. Then water thoroughly to moisten the soil well. But don’t overwater, verbena doesn’t tolerate excess moisture. Ideally, a film should not form on the surface; the earth should retain its loose structure.

The video will tell you how to grow verbena from seeds:

Beautiful seedlings are obtained without much hassle; it is enough to simply carry out simple agricultural techniques in a timely manner.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Propagation of verbena by cuttings photo

This method is usually used when you need to preserve a plant you like.

  • Propagation by 5-8 centimeter cuttings taken from the tops of branches is carried out in August-September.
  • They are planted in soil consisting of sand and peat, taken equally, or simply placed in water with a root solution.
  • The cuttings should be covered with glass until rooting. As soon as new shoots appear, the glass or film is removed and the top is pinched.
  • Next spring they can be transplanted into open ground.
  • When transferring rooted cuttings to a permanent place, they are first hardened off, gradually accustoming them to the open air.

How to get a verbena bush from a cutting, watch the video:

A verbena bush you like can be carefully transplanted into a pot, moved for wintering to a room with a low temperature, and cuttings can be cut from it at the end of winter, using it as a mother plant.

How does verbena overwinter?

In cold climates with winter frosts, verbena cannot survive. To preserve the plant, it is dug up and placed in a container, which is placed in a cool room where the temperature does not rise above 15 °C. Flowering is stopped by cutting off the buds before they bloom, and long shoots are pruned and, if necessary, rooted to produce new bushes.

Diseases and pests of verbena

Verbena flowers photo seedlings when to plant seeds

  • Root rot from overwatering can be prevented by good drainage.
  • You can get rid of mites and aphids that attack young plants using an insecticide. Irrigation with tar water (5 drops of birch tar per bucket of water) gives good results.
  • Suffers from leaf miners. If you notice bite marks on the leaves, you should treat the plants with appropriate insecticides.
  • Verbena gets sick very rarely. Just avoid overwatering, which can lead to blackleg and various viral diseases.

Types and varieties of verbena with photos and descriptions

Verbena stricta

Verbena straight Verbena stricta planting for seedlings and open ground

The only one growing independently in the middle zone up to one and a half meters high. The serrated leaves sit on an erect stem. Dark hay-purple flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 40 cm long.

Verbena Buenos Aires Verbena bonariensis

Verbena Buenos Aires Verbena bonariensis planting seedlings and open ground photo

Originally from South America, with climbing stems 90-120 cm high. In its natural form it grows as a perennial. Unpretentious with a pronounced main stem and dark green opposite leaves. Small lilac-blue flowers are collected in spikelets, forming umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Unusual in single plantings.

Verbena Verbena Canadensis

Canadian verbena variety Verbena canadensis ‘Perfecta’ planting and care in open ground photo

The same heat-loving perennial with thin stems 15-19 cm long, pointed, deeply divided leaves. Lilac-lilac-white flowers form an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Abundant flowering is accompanied by self-seeding.

Verbena rigida

Verbena rigida variety Verbena rigida ‘Polaris’ planting and care in open ground photo

A perennial species of South American origin, usually cultivated as an annual, produces brilliant purple or lilac-red flowers in summer. It is characterized by branched, sometimes creeping shoots and wedge-shaped, hard, pubescent leaves.

Verbena hybrid Verbena hybrid

Verbena hybrid verbena x hybrida lanai twister red growing from seeds planting and care photo

Quite common and much smaller in size than the previous one, it includes a group of hybrids with fragrant, variedly colored flowers. Among the many varieties: 'Flame' with bright flowers, 'Sissinghurst' with pale pinks, 'Amethyst' with brilliant blues. ‘Sparkle Mix’ hybrids are distinguished by creeping stems and white flowers. Used in mixborders and group plantings.

Verbena officinalis

Verbena officinalis cultivation and care photo

Herbaceous perennial 25-100 cm high. Erect stem with opposite leaves without stipules and small flowers on spike-shaped inflorescences of pale lilac color. It blooms in June-July, bears fruit in August-September. It grows everywhere in meadows, on old ruins, wastelands, along the banks of rivers and streams. Used for the preparation of medicinal raw materials.

Description of verbena flower

Verbena flowers planting and care photo when to sow seedlings

This genus includes about 250 species, distributed mainly in temperate and tropical climates. The perennial plant is grown by gardeners in their gardens as an annual plant. Plants are highly branched, spreading with serrated, lanceolate leaves. The roots are fibrous. At the beginning of summer, fragrant and very bright clove-shaped flowers are formed, collected in apical scutes of 25-40 pieces with a variety of colors, monochromatic and with an eye in the center.

Flowering begins in June and is accompanied by an abundance of fragrant buds until late autumn. Tolerates light frosts. The size and shape of different species differs significantly. Depending on the variety, it is recommended to grow verbena in a flower bed, flower bed or pots. Arrangers use it with pleasure to decorate bouquets due to the brightness of the inflorescences, as well as their long-term preservation in water after cutting.

Verbena uses

Verbena flowers planting and care photo variety Verbena Lanai Upright Rose with Eye

The healing properties of verbena have been known for a long time; our ancestors used it to treat various ailments. And in the Middle Ages it was a real panacea for many ailments. During epidemics, it was used as a disinfectant and wound-healing agent. It is used in traditional medicine in different countries. Recognized by official medicine. Helps with colds, cholecystitis, rheumatism, sclerosis, as an antipyretic, to normalize metabolism, etc. Decoctions are used by cosmetologists to stimulate hair growth.

Verbena is considered a herb astrologically subordinate to Venus - it is capable of fulfilling any desire, it was used against witchcraft, it was used to cleanse houses, and a drink of love was prepared from its branches. In Rus', dried verbena branches were sewn into clothes and used as a talisman. Planted near the house, it attracts friends and discourages enemies. Vervain is still revered for these magical properties.

Now this is one of the most popular plants; they decorate garden plots, balconies, and window sills. It looks great in flower beds and borders. And hanging flowerpots with ampelous verbena are not inferior in beauty and scattering of multi-colored umbrellas to other inhabitants of the garden or balcony.

Verbena bicolor verbena called ‘Wicked Mad Magenta’ photo

This garden resident has more than 200 species. Below we will consider what kind of verbena plant is, planting and care necessary for lush flowering, photos of various types. Since ancient times, the plant has carried some kind of mysticism. She protected the hearth of the Celts and was part of the love potions of the Druids.

People simply believed in this, but there is actual evidence of its benefits. The plant is actively used by herbalists and helps cope with many ailments.

Such a different verbena

Conventionally, representatives of the Verbenovs can be divided according to several criteria:

  1. There are annual, perennial and semi-shrub species.
  2. The stems are creeping, erect or prostrate. The leaves are also different.
  3. You can choose any color of the inflorescences - there are about 10 of them. There are plain flowers and flowers with an eye.

But all species also have common features. Verbena is a rhizomatous plant. About 50 small flowers are collected in an inflorescence. Flowering can be observed from early summer to November. In our climate, unfortunately, verbena can only be grown as an annual plant - most species cannot tolerate frosty winters.

Now let’s take a closer look at the popular types of verbena and look at photos of flowers.

Verbena perennial straight

This is the only plant species that tolerates frost. The leaves are oval-shaped with teeth along the edges, 9 by 5 cm. The flowers are lilac, the inflorescence is 40 cm long. Flowering is short-lived.

Verbena Buenos Aires

From the name it is clear that the plant’s homeland is in warm countries. There, Buenos Aires verbena reaches 120 cm and grows as a perennial. It has a main stem and side shoots at the base of the bush. The leaves are long, with toothed edges. The flowers are light lilac. Inflorescences are in the form of spikelets, which in turn form umbrella-shaped caps. Flowering is long and abundant. The second name is verbena bonarensis.

Verbena hybrid

A popular species among flower growers in our region. It has creeping, branched or erect stems from 20 cm to half a meter long. The leaves are triangular in shape, with colorless bristles. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences, fragrant. Hybrid verbena can be of two subspecies:

  • large-flowered (up to half a meter tall);
  • compact (up to 30 cm in height).

Verbena ampelous

There are two main varieties of ampel verbena:

  • Imaging;
  • Moon River.

Most often, ampelous verbena is grown in hanging pots.

Verbena officinalis

Perennial medicinal verbena grows up to 80 cm. The leaves are oblong, the flowers are lilac, the inflorescence is in the form of a panicle.

Lemon verbena

It grows up to 2 meters in height, the inflorescence is spike-shaped. This species produces flowers from July to September. Most often, the variety is used to make oil and added to tea.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Verbena has medicinal properties and contraindications. The latter includes individual intolerance. There are many medicinal properties, they vary from species to species. Let's talk about two of the most popular.

Thus, verbena officinalis has an excellent antispasmodic effect. Besides:

  • relieves headaches;
  • helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • diuretic;
  • removes cholesterol from blood vessels.

Lemon verbena has an antiseptic effect and is used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as:

  • sedative;
  • antipyretic;
  • used for liver disorders;
  • helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Planting verbena

Since we grow verbena as an annual plant, let’s figure out how to grow it from seeds. In some cases, seed stratification is required for germination. To do this, you will need a damp cloth, a dark bag and a refrigerator. Place the seeds in a dampened cloth, place them in a bag and leave them in the refrigerator for 5 days.

The stratification procedure is necessary for those types of verbena that have a very dense seed capsule.

After stratification, you can begin sowing. Verbena seeds can be germinated either by seedlings or in open ground. By the way, the first method showed greater germination.

Verbena seeds remain viable for 3-5 years.

In many types of verbena, the percentage of seed germination is up to 30%. It’s worth taking this into account and not expecting a miracle. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. You need to prepare pots with humus, sand or perlite mixed with soil. Next, the seeds are poured in and covered with a thin layer of humus. The containers should be covered with glass and germinated at a temperature of 20 degrees.

Do not forget to sometimes ventilate the seedlings and remove condensation from the glass.

The first shoots will appear in 3 weeks. As soon as they appear, the container should be moved to a cooler place.
Caring for seedlings is simple - you need to maintain water balance. Plants are sprayed when the soil is completely dry.

When the seedlings have two pairs of leaves (around May), you need to pick them into separate pots. When the plants have already gotten used to the new place, you can fertilize them with mineral fertilizer.

In ampelous varieties, the top above the 5-6th leaf needs to be pinched. This promotes better branching of the plant.

When the seedlings have already grown, they can be placed in open ground. A sunny location with fertile loam is best. But verbena can also grow in partial shade on poor soils dug up with sand.

It is important to maintain a distance between flowers so that they do not interfere with the normal development of each other. Thus, low-growing verbenas are planted at a distance of 20 cm, and creeping ones - 25-30 cm.

To avoid harmful stagnation of water, drainage material must be added to each hole before planting.

Verbena planting and care in open ground occurs as follows. Outside, the temperature should already be above 0 during the day, and at night not lower than -3. Otherwise, the plant will die. Make sure that the soil with the seeds is loose - this is the only way the sprouts can break through.

You need to sow on moist soil, do not sprinkle on top. Also, do not forget about timely watering, but do not over-moisten the soil.

How to care for verbena

The rules for caring for the plant are quite simple:

  1. During the period of active growth and flowering, regular watering is needed. Since the end of summer it has been stopped completely.
  2. Loosening is necessary in extreme heat. This is done only after watering to aerate the roots.
  3. When planting verbena in a group, weeding is necessary during the first period of growth.
  4. To avoid fighting weeds and loosening the soil, mulch the soil. Mulch will replace your labor.

As for fertilizer, organic matter and minerals are added. The first is added only once per season. If you fertilize with more organic matter, the verbena will only grow the green part, but you will not get flowering. Mineral fertilizer is applied 4 times.

When you remove faded flowers, verbena will delight you with its beauty and aroma until the first frost.

Dangers to the plant

Verbena is quite persistent and, if the rules of planting and care are followed, it looks like in the photo and practically does not get sick. The danger arises when growing outdoors in a flowerbed in a rainy summer or when it is overwatered. This can result in powdery mildew, blackleg, rot and other similar diseases. That is, the plant will simply begin to rot. Such diseases are quite difficult to cure, so try to avoid waterlogging of the soil and organize good drainage.
Among the pests, mites and aphids can attack verbena. Insecticides will save you from them.

Collecting verbena seeds

When most of the seed pods have turned brown, the seeds are ready to be harvested. To do this, you need to cut off the inflorescence and put it on a sheet of paper to dry. To prevent mold from appearing during drying, the inflorescence must be turned over periodically. When the inflorescence dries, all that remains is to open the boxes and pour the seeds into the bag.

There is no guarantee that the seeds will carry the species of the mother plant. It is impossible to guess what exactly will grow out of them.

Overwintering verbena

Most species in our climate grow as annuals, since at temperatures below -3 degrees the plant dies. In this case, in late autumn, plant debris is removed and the soil is dug up.

In some regions, you can try making verbena perennial. To do this, you need to insulate the root system with sawdust in the fall.

There is only one species that can withstand wintering - verbena perennial erecta. This is a rather rare plant in cultivation that needs preparation for winter. To keep the roots healthy until spring, you need to cut the stems to ground level and cover the base of the bush with spruce branches.

Decorating your garden with verbena of any variety, you definitely won’t regret it. This beautiful and useful plant is not whimsical, beautiful and fragrant.

Verbena from sowing to the first buds - video

This flowering plant has had many names since ancient times: cast iron, iron or pigeon grass. According to popular beliefs, she grew up in those places where drops of the blood of the crucified Christ fell. Depending on the climate, planting and care, verbena can grow as an annual or perennial plant that can decorate any garden plot.

Botanical description

The plant belongs to the whole Verbenaceae family and includes about 250 different species that thrive in the tropical and subtropical climate of the Mediterranean and the American continent, from where it has spread throughout the world.

In Russia, verbena, planting and caring for which is not difficult, grows as an herbaceous plant or shrub, annual or perennial, which is due to its low winter hardiness. Depending on the variety, it has different stems: erect, creeping or prostrate, which can be smooth or slightly rough.

Verbena leaves are dark green in color, slightly pubescent, the edges depend on the type: jagged, dissected or pinnately incised. They are located on the stem in turn or, conversely, in pairs. The inflorescence usually contains 30-50 small flowers 1.5-2.5 cm in size, collected in corollas with 5 petals.

Depending on the variety, proper planting and care, verbena flowers (photo below) are painted in a wide variety of shades of white, blue, yellow, dark red and light blue. They can bloom for a long time, from June to November. Pollination is usually carried out by moths, but due to bisexuality, self-pollination is also possible.

In open ground, verbena can winter safely only in the southern regions, where it grows to a shrub 1 m tall. In the conditions of central Russia, the plant has taken root exclusively as an annual.

History of verbena and its medicinal properties

The origin of the name verbena takes its roots from Ancient Rome, in Latin “verbum” means “word”, where the beauty of its flowers was personified with the goddess of love, Venus. In Egypt they were considered the tears of Isis, in other countries - drops of the blood of Mercury, the herb of mercy or holiness.

Ancient Christians consider vervain to be the baptized blood of Christ due to the fact that it was first discovered on Mount Calvary and was used to stop the bleeding from his wounds. Since then, she has been credited with the ability to ward off evil and heal wounds.

Vervain was not ignored by the Druids, who were in awe of this plant, endowing it with the qualities of healing diseases, reconciling sworn enemies and kindling the fire of love.

Tea verbena, or medicinal (Verbena officinalis) is a perennial plant up to 0.8 m high, has a long stem and oblong leaves with short petioles. Color of flowers with 5 petals, collected in panicles: light purple. All above-ground parts are used for medicinal purposes; the roots are not harvested.

The properties of verbena are used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia. These are antispasmodic and improve blood circulation in blood vessels. This relieves headaches and dizziness and stabilizes blood pressure. The plant is also used to treat stomach diseases and diarrhea, and for throat diseases.

Sowing seeds and preparing seedlings

Verbena is planted and propagated in 3 ways: seeds, cuttings and dividing bushes. Important questions when growing verbena: planting and care, when to sow. A photo of the seeds clearly shows that they are very small and have an oblong shape.

To grow verbena for seedlings, sowing should be carried out no earlier than the end of March - beginning of April. When buying seeds in a store, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life (3-5 years) and take into account that hybrid varieties have lower germination compared to others. Verbena seed harvested from your own garden does not always replicate the varietal qualities of the mother plants.

The soil is prepared light with the obligatory content of humus. It is recommended to pre-stratify the seeds, i.e. keep in a damp cloth in the refrigerator for 3-4 days at a temperature of +2ºС-+4ºС. Then spread it on the soil surface, lightly sprinkled with a layer of humus no more than 5 mm thick, friendly shoots appear after 20-30 days, at room temperature - after 2-3 weeks.

It is imperative to take into account that young seedlings do not like waterlogging due to possible root rot, so glass-covered boxes must be ventilated. At the 2-leaf stage, small verbenas dive into separate pots. After 2 weeks, the first fertilizing is done with complex fertilizers; the finished seedlings can be transplanted into open ground as early as May.

Reproduction by cuttings and dividing the bush

There are varieties of verbena that do not produce seeds. For their propagation, cuttings are used. As preparation, the desired plant is placed in advance for the winter in a cool room with a temperature of up to +10ºС.

The procedure is carried out in February or March, for which the upper part with 4-6 pairs of leaves is cut off from the top of the plant. At the bottom of the cutting there should be a tip at a distance of about 1 cm from the leaf; the lower cut is sprinkled with crushed coal. All leaves need to be removed, except for the very top ones.

The soil for rooting is sand and peat (in equal proportions), sand or perlite. A hole is made with a match into which the cutting sits, and the top of the box is covered with glass or polyethylene. The development of the root system usually lasts 2-4 weeks.

The propagation method by dividing the bush can only be used for verbena officinalis.

Verbena: planting and care in open ground

Such flowers are often planted to decorate garden plots; they take root in any soil and prefer areas with bright sunlight. Loams that allow moisture to pass through frequently after frequent loosening are ideal for planting. When planting on heavier soils, sand is added to them. From below it is better to make a training device from expanded clay or fragments of brick.

Prepared seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of spring at a distance of about 25 cm, preferably in rainy weather. If the soil is dry, add 0.5 liters of water to each hole, then plant a young plant, covering the roots and pressing slightly.

For verbena, planting and care (photo below) are simple and include loosening, watering and fertilizing. Be sure to avoid excess moisture and thickening of plants. Weeding must be done regularly. Later, when the bushes grow, this will no longer be needed.

To avoid drying out the soil, it is better to mulch it with a layer of rotted leaves. It is recommended to water frequently during the active growth phase, and less frequently in the second half of summer.

Fertilizing must be done with complex fertilizers. It should be borne in mind that excess organic matter can reduce the number of buds and increase the growth of green parts due to the large amount of nitrogen, so manure and compost can be applied only once per season. With proper planting and care, verbena flowers (photo below) will delight you with their bright colors for several months.

Overwintering verbena

In the conditions of central Russia, the plant can only be grown as an annual, because it does not tolerate frosts and cold temperatures below -3ºС. However, there is only one variety that can withstand such climatic conditions - this is upright verbena.

In preparation for winter, the stems of verbena, planting and caring for it in the open ground, allowed it to become stronger and grow well, it is recommended to cut it to ground level, then cover it with spruce branches on top. In the spring, new shoots from the preserved root will begin to grow.

Variety of species and varieties

Over the years, breeders have developed many varieties of verbena, planting and caring for which are not difficult. There are erect and creeping plants, ampelous and hybrid.

The most widespread types and varieties of plants are:

  • Straight (Verbena stricta) - comes from North America, where it grows as a perennial up to 1.5 m high, the foliage has a gray-green tint, the flowers are blue-violet, the inflorescences reach 40 cm in length;

  • Moon river is a creeping variety of plant up to 30 cm high, the flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences in the shape of a herringbone, the shade is dark purple;
  • Buenos Aires verbena (Verbena bonariensis) - comes from the countries of South and Central America, in our conditions it is planted as an annual; is an erect bush up to 1.2 m high, has elongated leaves and small flowers of amethyst color, collected in large spikelets; Flowering time: summer to late autumn, seeds in the form of nuts ripen by the end of September.

Ampel varieties of verbena

Covered with colorful flowers, hanging from pots or boxes on the balcony, verbena plants can be a wonderful option for decorating your home or garden. Ampelous varieties are distinguished by their hardiness, drought resistance and a variety of flower colors, which are slightly smaller in size compared to other species.

Popular varieties of ampelous verbena:

  • Snow Queen - has inflorescences of 5 different colors (purple, blue, pink, red, etc.), most often planted in balcony boxes or flowerpots; the length of the hanging stem can reach up to 0.6 m;
  • Tapien - distinguished by openwork leaves and long shoots, flowering is abundant and colorful;
  • Quartz XP Silver - low-growing plants (up to 25 cm), having large inflorescences of light lilac color with silver;
  • Empress Peach - shoots grow 25-50 cm in length, flower color is soft cream.

Growing ampelous varieties from seeds has its own nuances: at the stage of 5-6 leaves, the plant needs to be pinched, which will stimulate its active branching. When planting seedlings on a balcony or in a flowerpot, select an open and sunny place, which is usually done in May-June. On average, 2-3 plants are planted in each pot with a capacity of up to 5 liters. In open ground you can plant 40-50 plants per square meter. m.

When growing ampelous verbena, planting and care consist of loosening the soil during the growth period, regular morning watering every 2 days, mulching with leaves, fertilizing with organic matter and mineral complex fertilizers. During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove faded buds, which stimulates the formation of new ones.

Hybrid varieties

In ornamental gardening, hybrid varieties are very popular, which breeders have been breeding since 1830. Their main difference is the presence of an eye in the center of the flower, as well as its correct shape, as can be seen in the photo of verbena. Planting and caring for plants is completely simple. Numerous flowers of a hybrid form are collected in large inflorescences of up to 50 pieces, the colors are very diverse: from white to bright scarlet and purple.

The most popular hybrid varieties:

  • Wrinkled - decorated with delicate lilac-lilac flowers;
  • Canadian verbena has bright red hues;
  • Defiance grows as a creeping shrub up to a height of 30 cm, has 4-5 cm inflorescences with a bright red hue, in the center there is a greenish-cream star-shaped eye;
  • Etna (Etna) - a small bush up to 50 cm tall, inflorescences up to 6 cm, umbrella-shaped, 45-55 scarlet-red flowers with a cream eye up to 2.7 cm in diameter;
  • Julia - decorated with dark purple flowers with a white center;
  • Schneekenigin is a bush with pure white flowers with a light green eye up to 2 cm in diameter.

The use of verbena in landscape design

This plant is multifunctional and widely distributed in garden plots and cottages. The only drawback is the impossibility of planting it in an apartment, where even with proper planting and care of verbena flowers it will be problematic to provide it with a lot of light, air and night coolness.

The variety of species allows you to use verbena in different situations for decoration and improvement of decorativeness not only on the territory of the site:

  • the formation of bright borders along paths in the garden from low-growing varieties;
  • use in flower beds and flower arrangements, for which it is recommended to select the color of flowers in one shade;
  • mass planting of plants will create the maximum decorative effect, featuring a variety of colors; it can be combined with asters, cereals and marigolds;
  • decorating a front garden, gazebo or balcony using ampelous species of verbena.

The bright colors and variety of varieties of verbena, planting and caring for which are accessible to both beginners and experienced gardeners, will allow this plant to become a decoration for any garden or country house, as well as a balcony in a multi-story building.

The photos of the wonderful verbena are mesmerizing and make you want to plant this flower in your garden. With proper care, verbena grown in open ground or in pots will delight you with flowering until frost.

Description of verbena

Verbena is a perennial, highly branched plant belonging to the Verbena family. The flower comes from South America. In open ground it is often grown as an annual plant. Verbena can survive winter only in the southern regions due to the low threshold of resistance to prolonged frosts.

Verbena will bring bright colors to your garden

Depending on the type, the height of the verbena bush ranges from 20 cm to a meter or more. The stems have a straightened or creeping appearance, and can also be leafless and with drooping edges. Verbena leaves are shaggy, oval or round in shape with serrations, and light green in color. The root system is compact. Small flowers are collected in complex umbels of inflorescences. Varieties of verbena come in all sorts of colors: white, pink, lilac, purple, sometimes with a white eye.

Verbena blooms in June and delights with flowering until late autumn. Up to 30 inflorescences can bloom on a bush at the same time. Tolerates frosts down to -3ºС.

Varieties of verbena

Verbena selection includes about 250 species, each of which has its own characteristics.

Hybrid verbena- the most popular variety among flower growers. The bush is compact, highly branched with creeping stems, up to 50 cm high. The flowers are of rich, varied colors.

Hybrid verbena

According to varietal differences, hybrid verbena is conventionally divided into groups:

  1. Large-flowered (“Etna”, “Defias”, “Julia”, “Cardinal”).
  2. Compact (“Amethyst”, “Crystal”, “Dazler”, “Pink Delight”).

Canadian verbena– grown as an annual. The stems are thin, reaching a maximum height of 20 cm. The plant blooms profusely with white, pink or lilac flowers.

Canadian verbena

Hard Verbena– characterized by small lilac flowers in inflorescences. The leaves are elongated, with fibers below. Stems are tetrahedral, creeping. The germination of ripened seeds lasts up to 5 years.

Hard Verbena

Buenos Aires verbena– a tall representative (up to 120 cm). Stems are strong and erect. Side shoots extend from the base of the bush. At the same time, many small amethyst-colored flowers bloom on the bush, which are collected in caps of inflorescences.

Buenos Aires verbena

Ampel verbena- a fast-growing annual species. Used for growing in hanging pots. The shoots grow up to 60 cm and hang down spectacularly. The inflorescences are compact with small flowers of various colors.
The presented photos demonstrate the beauty and diversity of verbena varieties.

Ampel verbena

Separately, we can highlight medicinal and lemon verbena. These are perennial bushes, the flowers of which have medicinal properties and are used to stabilize blood pressure, as antispasmodics, for intestinal disorders. Verbena oil serves as an antiseptic.

Medicinal verbena

Growing and planting verbena seedlings

Verbena is planted as seedlings in open ground. Its seeds are very small and are sown superficially in late February - early March. The seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface. The sown seedling containers are covered with jars or film, thereby creating a mini-greenhouse. Shoots appear after two weeks, after which the shelter is removed and the containers are placed on the brightest windowsill.

Important! To avoid damage to seedlings by blackleg, young sprouts are only sprayed with a spray bottle.

The first true leaves appear after about three weeks. During this period, seedlings are planted in boxes at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Two weeks after picking, the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizer.
When the seedlings reach 8-10 cm in height, they are transplanted into separate cups, and the tops are pinched for greater branching.

The easiest way to grow verbena is by seedling method.

The grown seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. Plantings are possible in June (by this time the seedlings usually already have blossomed inflorescences). The site for planting verbena is sunny and moderately fertilized. The distance between plants should be at least 25 cm.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Rare varieties of verbena that do not produce seeds can be propagated by cuttings. With this method of propagation, all the qualities of the mother bush will be preserved. Procurement of planting material begins in autumn. To do this, the mother bush is dug up with a large ball of earth and placed in a cool room (for example, in a basement) for the winter.

In early spring, the tops of shoots with 4-6 pairs of leaves are cut off for cuttings. The lower incision is made at a distance of 1 cm from the outermost kidney. All leaves except the top two are removed.

Germination of Verbena officinalis cuttings

Cuttings are germinated in containers with sand or sand-peat mixture. The planting material is deepened to the first bud (i.e. 1 cm). The substrate in containers should always remain moist. To do this, cover the containers with cuttings.
Within three weeks, the cuttings will begin to develop a root system, after which new shoots will begin to grow. Rooted cuttings should be planted in open ground at the same time as seedlings.

Verbena care

Planting and caring for verbena is very simple and does not require special skills. Verbena bushes are responsive to intense light and tolerate direct sunlight. Watering is required moderate but regular. In the spring, when the seedlings have not yet gained sufficient strength and strength, watering is carried out more often and more abundantly. Watering is gradually reduced, and by autumn it is stopped altogether.

Verbena is fed with mineral fertilizers several times a season. Manure as a fertilizer does not give the desired result, but only promotes abundant growth of green mass without flowers. Excess fertilizer in the soil leads to poor flowering.

Caring for verbena is very simple: watering, loosening the soil

Loosening the soil is required only at the initial stage of verbena growth. Later, when the crop grows, there will be no need for weeding. To retain moisture in areas, instead of weeding, you can use mulching. Rotted leaves are used as mulch.

Advice. For a spectacular look of a flower bed with verbena, you can use decorative mulching materials.

For abundant and long flowering throughout the summer, you need to trim off the wilted buds.

Verbena is practically not affected by diseases and pests. Rare aphid infestations are controlled with insecticides.

Use in landscape design

In landscape design, low-growing varieties of verbena are used as a green border. In combination with buddleias or camellias, a decorative border will decorate the paths and become a striking element when zoning the garden.

Verbena combined with roses

The long flowering and variety of colors of verbena will decorate works and flower beds. In flower beds, the greatest effect from verbena flowering is achieved with mass plantings. You can dilute the plantings with marigolds, echinocea, ornamental cereals, and asters.

Ampel varieties of verbena will decorate balconies, terraces and gazebos. In hanging pots, verbena grows quickly, forming a huge flowering ball.

Verbena in landscape design

Photos of competent landscape design or your own imagination can prompt you to experiment with joint plantings of verbena.

You can find verbena in the gardens of both experienced gardeners and beginners. Abundant flowering of verbena in tandem with minimal care will allow even a novice amateur to create a real extravaganza in the garden.

Planting and growing verbena: video

Varieties and types of verbena: photos

In the group of annuals there are many plants that are easy to care for. However, verbena is interesting not only for this quality. Many gardeners grow it in their garden plots because of its rich color palette, abundant and long-lasting flowering. But still, as in the case of any ornamental plant, when planting and caring for this flower, it is necessary to take into account certain features, especially if the gardener has chosen the method of growing from seeds.

Description of the plant

The genus verbena represents the verbena family of the same name, which includes approximately 250 species of annual and perennial plants, whose natural habitat is the tropics and subtropics of America.

  • in the process of growth, it forms an erect, tetrahedral stem, which is decorated with miniature carnation-like flowers with a varied color palette;
  • 30-50 paniculate or corymbose inflorescences are formed on the shoots;
  • and during the flowering period, verbena attracts attention not only because of its beautiful appearance, but also because of its sweetish, very pleasant aroma;
  • oblong leaves grow on short petioles, located opposite each other.

Man first became acquainted with this plant back in the eighteenth century. Although today there are many known species belonging to the genus verbena, hybrid verbena is considered the most popular. As a rule, this name refers to all garden forms and artificially created varieties and hybrids.

Its specialists are among the perennials, but in our latitudes it is grown as an annual plant. By the time of flowering, it grows straight, erect, highly branched stems. The leaves have an oblong shape and reach a length of 5-8 cm, grow on short petioles, located opposite each other. A characteristic feature of stems and leaves is the presence of pubescence. Verbena has small inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm, which have different shapes and are presented in the form of umbrellas of 3-60 pieces.

The attractiveness of the flowers is ensured by a variety of colors, which may include white, pink, yellow, bright red, maroon, salmon, blue or blue shades. The presented list can also include varieties of two-color shape. The first flowers open in June and continue to decorate the area until the first frost. The seeds are very small, have a grayish-brown color, and remain viable for 2 years. Hybrid verbena has become widespread in two main garden forms: large-flowered and low compact.

Verbena is beautiful

In recent years, the assortment of flower growing companies has been replenished with seeds of this type such as beautiful or beautiful verbena. We are talking about a very beautiful annual plant, which during the growing season can grow up to 30 cm in length and 50 cm in width. This flower can be used to decorate hanging flowerpots.

The peculiarity of beautiful verbena is that its stems are decorated with smaller flowers than those of the hybrid one. But the openwork leaves give this variety additional attractiveness. The characteristic color of the inflorescences is gray-purple. The plant begins to bloom in June; signs of wilting appear only in November. Among the varieties of verbena, a species called “Imagination” is very popular. It is distinguished by thin branching shoots that grow up to 50 cm in length. It also has violet-purple flowers. This plant can be grown in balcony boxes, hanging flowerpots and flower baskets.

Verbena bonarensis

Has a great chance of being used in landscape design verbena bonarensis or argentina. Its first habitat is called Central and South America. Adult specimens grow in the form of erect bushes, reaching a height of 100-120 cm. In the flowering phase, thin, strong peduncles grow, which subsequently help to form openwork umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The latter contain small purple flowers. Adult plants of this variety have excellent resistance to late spring frosts. Therefore, you can plant such plants early in the spring and enjoy their appearance until late autumn.

Verbena tough

Represents a group of perennials, first discovered in Central and South America. However, in our latitudes it can only be grown as an annual. During the growing season it forms creeping stems, and the bush does not exceed 50 cm in height. It is characterized by abundant flowering, which begins in June-July and ends only at the end of October. Verbena can have a wide variety of color shades - lilac, pink-lilac, purple-lilac, and grow up to 1 cm in diameter. Usually the flowers of this plant form loose inflorescences. There are also hybrids with white flowers, which are the result of the work of breeders.

Verbena: growing from seeds at home

The main methods used for propagating the crop are sowing seeds and cuttings. When growing verbena at home, the first thing you need to do is sow seeds to obtain seedlings.

Usually the formation of the first seedlings occurs in 20-30 days. An effective procedure is to place the seeds in a growth stimulator, thanks to which you can wait for the first shoots much earlier.

When using bonar verbena seeds for sowing, it is necessary to take into account that stratification must be carried out before placing in the ground. To do this, the seeds need to be placed on a damp cloth, then wrapped in a plastic bag and transferred to the refrigerator, where they should remain for 3-5 days. After such a hardening procedure, seed germination noticeably increases, seedlings become more resilient and better tolerate negative factors. To achieve the highest percentage of germination of Canadian verbena seeds, after collection they are not sown immediately, but only after 2-3 years. Hybrid verbena seeds germinate the worst - out of 100 seeds, no more than 30 are viable.

To get strong and healthy verbena seedlings, you need provide plants with good watering. If you water the planting soil too thoroughly before sowing, then after germination the seedlings, as a rule, develop blackleg and rot. To provide the seedlings with the necessary amount of moisture, it is recommended to spray the plants with a spray bottle, making sure that the soil does not dry out.

After a month, the plants reach a stage of development at which they can be planted into individual pots or containers for seedlings. Over the next two weeks, complex fertilizers are applied to the seedlings, while it is necessary to pinch the tops above the fifth leaf for better bushiness. When growing low-growing varieties, they usually produce many new shoots, so no need to do any forming. A favorable moment for transplanting verbena to a permanent place occurs at the moment when the last wave of returning spring frosts has passed.

In order for verbena seedlings to take root better in open ground, it would not hurt to carry out a hardening procedure before transplanting. To do this, for 2-3 weeks it is taken outside, onto a balcony or loggia, provided that the weather allows for such a procedure. In the evening, containers with crops must be returned back to the room. For varietal and hybrid verbena plants, it is recommended to use the cutting method. It is easy to prepare cuttings from such plants, which quickly take root and enter the flowering phase earlier. Agricultural propagation technology involves the following actions:

  • in the fall you need to dig up the mother bush;
  • then it is transplanted into a flowerpot and kept throughout the winter in a room where it should be cool and light, watering should be regular but moderate;
  • already in March, cuttings must be cut from the mother liquor and transferred to a nutrient substrate for rooting;
  • in the future, the plant is provided with the same care as in the case of specimens that were grown from seeds.

Verbena: planting and care

Photos of the plant during the flowering period are an excellent incentive for those who want to grow verbena on their site. However, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that this will not be easy.

This plant feels good if it is planted in well-fertilized soil containing sufficient organic matter. Then verbena will be able to please with abundant flowering. When planting compact varieties, it is recommended to place the plants no closer than 20 cm from each other.

For creeping species, a slightly different interval is maintained - 25-35 cm. If planting is carried out in excessively dry soil, then first you need to water the holes, adhering to the scheme - 0.5 liters of water per plant. Next, they wait until the water is absorbed, after which the roots of the plants are immersed in the resulting earthen slurry. Then, along the perimeter of the earthen coma of the flower, you need to pour a layer of dry soil and lightly compact the soil around the plant.

During the first two to three weeks from the moment of planting, the plant must be provided with regular watering. Then it will bloom much earlier.

Bearing in mind that in the spring, summer residents do not have much time to do gardening, it makes sense to think about buying ready-made seedlings. To do this you can contact garden centers, shops, markets or plant growing exhibitions. It is best to purchase densely leafy plants for growing in open ground, which should not have overly developed, long shoots, as well as signs of damage by pests and diseases.


Verbena belongs to the group of annual plants, which is known to many experienced gardeners for its unpretentiousness in cultivation. And although many novice flower growers most likely have not heard of this plant before, they should also pay attention to it. After all, their meager knowledge of plant growing will be more than enough to grow strong and healthy verbena plants even by sowing seeds.

Growing and caring for this crop will be significantly simplified if take into account verbena preferences, because it is best when all events are planned taking into account the characteristics of the plant. Then it will thank the gardener with long and abundant flowering.