Take in adopted children. Concept of foster family

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“I want to adopt an adopted child, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to be a mother” (Maria). “We lost our son three years ago, I would like to take the baby from the orphanage, but my husband is against it” (LANA). “The doctors said that I wouldn’t have children. Mom says that she will be glad to have an adopted grandson, but I don’t even know...” (Lena_31). These are remarks from various adoption forums.

People want to accept adopted children into their families various reasons. Do these reasons matter for your future relationship with your child? Psychologist Larisa Rudneva, director of the project “Together for Children. School foster parents».

Mission - to help

“All candidates for adoptive parents evoke the deepest respect. We psychologists do not take on the mission of making a judgment: this one is suitable, but this one is not. When candidates come to our School, I tell them: “You and I are becoming employees. We will share the knowledge we have. We want to be useful in your noble and difficult cause.

And the first thing we will pay attention to is motivation: the reasons why you want to take an adopted child into your family. And how aware you are of these reasons.

In 2016, we opened the ninth group. More than 100 candidates for adoptive parents have already received from us a state-issued certificate, which gives the right to accept a child into a family. And these are the motives I most often encounter in my practice.

1. Parents with experience

Often adult couples want to become adoptive parents. They have many years of marriage behind them, they have children - one, two or more - who have already grown up and become so independent that they minimally need help, support, and attention from their parents. And the parents themselves have enough strength, attention and resources to raise more children.

As a rule, these are middle-aged couples who, due to their age, cannot or have decided not to give birth to any more children, but at the same time understand that they are ready to give care, support and love to those children who find themselves in a difficult situation.

This motive evokes respect and reassurance among psychologists. This is the motive of mature individuals, it is stable, they have weighed and decided everything and are unlikely to change their mind under the influence of new circumstances. They have extensive parenting experience, they know that problems happen, but there are no insoluble problems, they can be dealt with.

2. Bereaved Parents

The second category is heavyweight couples emotional state, such as parents who have lost their children. This is the most severe, greatest pain that can befall a person. In this case, we, psychologists, will make every effort, knowledge and skills to help cope with this pain so that it does not turn into a black abyss that sucks in both parents and children who may appear in this family. In such cases, we strongly recommend psychological assistance and we really support such couples when they decide to go to an orphanage and start helping children as volunteers. This work helps them better understand how they feel when interacting with children and realize how ready they are to be foster parents.

3. Parents without experience

The third category of adoptive parents are couples who, for some reason, cannot have their own children. Most often, these are people who took a long time to decide to adopt a foster child. And we, psychologists, are trying to make this decision from a hypothetical, ideal one to become as practical and understandable as possible. Therefore, our School pays a lot of attention to training. During the trainings, future adoptive parents play out typical family situations, discuss them and gain communication skills with children.

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In this article:

Some couples who are unable to conceive their children decide to adopt a child. Many of them want to go through all the joys and trials of parenthood: staying up at night from the baby’s colic at night or cutting the first teeth, seeing the baby’s first hesitant steps and much more. In this case, they decide to adopt a newborn baby - a “refusenik.”

Adopting a child directly from the maternity hospital is not an easy procedure. A large number of couples want to adopt a newborn child in order to begin raising him themselves. Citizens of Russia and foreign citizens can take a child from the maternity hospital, subject to all necessary rules.

Queue for guardianship

The demand for abandoned children is very high, so if you are determined to adopt a newborn child, take a turn. To get on the list of families wishing to adopt a child, contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

While waiting, you need to collect all the required documents for adoption. The procedure takes place through the court with the participation of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the prosecutor.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • Photocopies of two passports (of the future adoptive mother and father);
  • Application for guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • Health certificates of future adoptive parents;
  • Consent of the husband or wife, certified by a notary;
  • Act (conclusion) on the inspection of living space by the housing commission;
  • Act (conclusion) on the inspection of living space by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • Statement of personal account;
  • Extract from the house register;
  • Certificate of income of both parents;
  • Characteristics from places of work (position, responsibilities, compliance with discipline).

Mandatory requirements for adoptive parents:

  1. Certificate of no criminal record for both parents (given to the police department);
  2. Permission to adopt, certified by a notary;
  3. Certificates of absence of diseases (you must visit a tuberculosis, skin and venereal disease, drug addiction, psychoneurological, oncology clinic, take tests for AIDS). The certificates must be drawn up on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, contain the conclusion of the commission, the signatures of the commission members, individual seals, the seal of the medical institution, the resolution of the therapist and neurologist;
  4. An extract on the number of people registered in the apartment and rights to living space, an extract from the personal account of the apartment;
  5. A copy of the marriage certificate;
  6. Brief autobiography.

After the turn has come and all the documents have been collected through the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the procedure for registering the adoption begins. The total time depends on the speed of providing the data requested from the adoptive parents and on the appearance of the desired child in the maternity hospital.

The requirements for adoptive parents are very strict and serious: they are healthy and energetic people who can get positive reviews, have a regular salary, the necessary conditions for living with a child. The created commission will evaluate the possibilities for adoption, check all the documents and information provided and draw up a written conclusion. A negative conclusion can be appealed in court.

Also, the total family income must be greater than the subsistence level and consent to adoption must be mutual. Be sure to discuss all the details with your spouse so that during the interview, the commission is confident in your honesty and integrity.

Information about newborns for whom an official refusal has been written is immediately sent to the official authorities. Among maternity hospitals where you can adopt a newborn child, it is better to choose maternity hospitals in large cities, since many come from the regions for the birth. This will significantly reduce your waiting time.

Try not to be nervous, calmly and decisively go towards your goal in order to prepare as best as possible for the procedure of adopting a newborn child and, despite a large number of nuances to make this event quick.

Useful video on how to adopt a child

Sooner or later, the overwhelming majority of people have a desire to have children. However, alas, not all people are capable of fertilization, conception and birth of a child. But don’t despair - physiological infertility is not a reason to refuse the opportunity to hear “Mom and Dad” addressed to you. An adopted child can become your own if you want it.

In Russia, there are several types of transfer of a child to a new family: adoption, guardianship and others. This article will discuss such a form as the child's host family. Similar form family education arose in Russia not so long ago - a little over ten years ago. And many people do not have sufficient information or do not know about it at all.

But it is precisely this form of raising a foster child that is most accessible to the average family. The conditions under which it is possible to take a child into a foster family are more lenient than for adoption. First of all, the guardianship authorities take into account the decency and trustworthiness of the family, its desire to have children, and only then factors such as:

  • Health status of adoptive parents.
  • Size wages adoptive parents.
  • The state of living conditions of adoptive parents.

To create a foster family, it is necessary that the foster parents and local guardianship authorities enter into an agreement on the transfer of the child to the family.

Agreement on creating a foster family

The agreement is drawn up in a strictly prescribed form. It stipulates such nuances as:

  • The period for which a child is placed in foster care.
  • The conditions in which the child will live, study and be raised.
  • All those responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of adoptive parents.
  • All rights of adoptive parents.
  • Those responsibilities that the guardianship and trusteeship authorities undertake in relation to the family that has adopted the child.

The agreement is drawn up in two copies and signed by two parties - a representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and one of the adoptive parents. One copy is kept by the guardianship authorities, and the second is given to the adoptive family.

The contract is valid for the entire period for which it is concluded. However, there are a number of certain cases in which the contract may be terminated prematurely. Such cases include:

  • Serious illness

Illness of one of the adoptive parents, which does not allow them to properly fulfill their responsibilities towards the child.

  • Change in the marital status of the adoptive family

If the spouses divorce, the agreement on raising a child in a foster family may be canceled by decision of the guardianship council. In the event of a divorce, adoptive parents must notify the guardianship council of this fact within three days.

Of course, if there is a slight change in the financial situation for the worse, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities will not insist on removing the child from the foster family. However, in the event that the adoptive parents have lost their jobs or housing, the guardianship board will make a realistic assessment of whether the adoptive parents can properly support the minor child.

  • Personality conflicts between adopted children and parents

Of course, the process of adaptation of a child in a foster family very rarely proceeds smoothly, without any rough edges. However, if conflicts between a child and adoptive parents arise regularly and are violent, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities may raise the issue of premature termination of the contract.

  • Conflicts between children in a foster family

All of the above applies equally to conflicts between children in the family. If parents fail to stabilize the psychological situation in the family and create a favorable microclimate, the contract may be terminated prematurely.

  • Other unfavorable factors

The occurrence of any other unfavorable factors that interfere with the normal upbringing and development of a child in a foster family can also lead to early termination of the contract.

  • Returning an adopted child to his biological parents

It is very rare, but situations still occur when people deprived of parental rights are restored to their rights in relation to the child. This happens if the parents begin to lead a normal lifestyle, create conditions favorable for the child’s life, and they manage to convince the court of this, the child can be returned to them. Accordingly, the contract with the adoptive family is terminated early.

  • Adoption of a foster child

Parents who accept a child into their family should be well aware of the fact that foster care is not adoption. And the child’s data is in the general database of children subject to adoption. And it may happen that your adopted son or daughter will be attracted to some other married couple. And if they decide to adopt a child, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities will terminate the contract.

State payments to foster families

The state provides support to such foster families. At the moment when a foster family is created, a one-time payment is made from the regional budget in the amount of 10,000 rubles for each child. Such a payment is made only once.

Further, throughout the entire term of the contract, a certain amount is paid for the maintenance of each of the adopted children. The amount of payments is set by the administration of each Federal District of Russia. These cash intended for purchase:

  • Stationery
  • Household goods
  • Clothes and shoes
  • For partial payment of utilities

In addition, all foster families, which include three or more children, both adopted and their own, are entitled to all the benefits that are provided for by Russian legislation for large families. The foster family should begin receiving payments as soon as the child is placed in foster care.

Salary of foster parents

Another feature of a foster family is the fact that foster parents receive a salary for their work raising a child. Its size varies and depends on facts such as:

  • Depending on how many children were accepted into the family.
  • Depending on the health status of adopted children.

Today, for two adopted children, parents receive 4 minimum salaries, for three or more - 5 minimum salaries.

In case if adopted child has not reached the age of three, or has any deviations, both mental and physical development, the amount of pay for foster parents increases by another 30%.

Responsibilities of foster parents

When deciding to take an adopted child into their family, parents should think carefully about everything and take this step only consciously, and not guided only by a rush of noble emotions. After all we're talking about not about any toy or thing that can be put on a shelf as unnecessary. The first emotional outburst passes quickly, and living side by side is very rewarding for the little man and you. long time, and perhaps for the rest of your life.

When accepting a child into the family, parents take on a number of responsibilities. For example, the following:

  • Engage in raising a child.
  • Monitor his health condition carefully.
  • Create a psychological atmosphere favorable for the child in the family.
  • Monitor your child's learning process.
  • Protect the rights of the child and represent his interests, including in court.

However, as a rule, if parents love their adopted child, fulfilling these responsibilities does not burden them. Otherwise, it’s not worth starting the whole epic with creating a foster family, otherwise this idea will turn into a headache and will bring nothing but disappointment.

Rights of adoptive parents

However, in addition to a number of responsibilities, adoptive parents also have rights:

  • Adopt a foster child

Any married couple that meets certain requirements has the right to submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities about the desire to create a foster family.

  • The right to personal education of a child

The rights to raise an adopted child are exactly the same as the rights to raise your own. No one has the right to tell adoptive parents how to raise a child and in what ways, unless this upbringing does not harm the physical condition and psychological health child.

  • Right to receive cash benefits

As already mentioned, any such family is entitled to receive a monthly allowance for each adopted child.

  • Right to benefits

There is a certain number of benefits that are entitled to any adoptive family. You can find out a list of these benefits from your guardianship and trusteeship authority.

  • Right to free healthcare

Despite the fact that adoptive parents cannot obtain compulsory health insurance for their child, medical care for these children is also free. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities should take care of receiving the poles.

  • Right to wages

As already mentioned, all foster parents have the right to timely payment for their work in full.

  • The right to benefits provided for by pension and labor legislation
  • Right to increase in seniority

According to Russian legislation, the total length of service includes the time during which parents care for adopted children.

Rights of an adopted child

Children taken into foster care retain a number of rights, such as:

  • Right to alimony

All children whose biological parents are deprived of parental rights retain the right to receive child support, regardless of whether they are in foster care or not.

  • Right to receive a social family

A child being raised in a foster family has the right to receive a disability or survivors pension.

  • Right to use living space

An adopted child has the right to retain ownership of the living space that belongs to him or to the right to use it.

  • The right to maintain contact with relatives

If the adoptive parents do not object, the child can periodically meet and communicate with his blood relatives and biological parents.

Summing up

So, after reading this article, you have received the maximum full information about such a form of raising children left without parental care as a similar family. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. And who knows, maybe it’s a family like this that will make you feel like parents.

And remember that it is not so important whether the child is adopted, taken into guardianship, or accepted into a foster family. The most important thing that is necessary for a happy future together and a prosperous tandem “Parents - child” is your complete understanding of the child, your willingness to accept him and, of course, the most important component of success is a huge and boundless love for the child!

Reading time: 8 minutes

The number of couples who, for a variety of reasons, do not have children, increases every year. And I really want the house to be filled with children's laughter. The problem of a childless marriage can be resolved through the adoption procedure. How to adopt a child from an orphanage, so that he, even if genetically foreign, eventually becomes family and friends, bringing the joy of raising his own child into the life of the spouses.

Who can become an adoptive parent

Before placing a child in the hands of new parents, the state, in the role of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, must make sure that the foster family does not consist of people who have been convicted, have been deprived of paternal rights, are disabled, and will be able to provide the child with decent living and upbringing conditions . The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons who can act as an adoptive parent:

  1. According to the Civil Code, any mentally healthy citizens can become adoptive parents, provided they reach 21 years of age. The exception is for those who are already related to this child - then the requirements for the age of the adoptive parent may be lowered.
  2. Both a married couple who are officially married and people living together without registration can become a mother and father.
  3. Adoptive parents must be at least fifteen years older than the child.
  4. If only a husband or wife wants to adopt a child, the other parent must write written agreement, notarized.
  5. A single woman or a single man is allowed to adopt a baby. In this case, the single mother or father is subsequently assigned this status with corresponding benefits.

Can a single woman or man adopt a child?

In Russia, the adoption of a child by a single woman or man is not legally prohibited. But in practice, it is much more difficult for a single mother or a single man to become an official parent, even if he has a good job and cozy home– specialists from trustee bodies will look more closely at such adoptive parents. The procedure for single people to assume parental rights is not fundamentally different from the standard procedure. Therefore, whether you are married or not does not really matter.

For whom is this not possible?

Not everyone is allowed to adopt a child, and the categories of these persons are strictly prescribed by law. If you cannot provide for a child, you have no home, you are in poor health, you have a criminal record, in all these cases the baby will suffer. According to the law, you cannot adopt children:

  1. Disabled people, both fully and partially recognized as incapable of work, as well as couples where one spouse is disabled.
  2. People undergoing treatment or registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.
  3. People deprived of maternal or paternal rights.
  4. For those who have already officially adopted a child, but lost the right to do so due to their own fault.
  5. For those who do not have a residence permit or live in an apartment or house that does not meet sanitary requirements.
  6. Having low earnings, which makes it impossible to provide the child with at least a living wage.
  7. Same-sex married couple.
  8. If at least one future parent has a criminal record.

What does it take to adopt a child from an orphanage?

If you decide to adopt a child, remember that the adoption procedure is lengthy. After you have found the child, you will need to collect a package of all necessary documents, submit them to court to make a decision on adoption. Sometimes you may need the help of a lawyer.

You need to study Russian laws related to the adoption procedure. A candidate applying for the role of an adoptive parent, in addition to his rights and obligations, must study the powers of the guardianship authorities. The rules for adopting a baby, the addresses of orphanages, baby homes or maternity hospitals can be found in the department for adoption and protection of children's rights, as well as from representatives of district guardianship authorities (ROO). You can find information about orphans and refuseniks there, from representatives of the ROO.

Some trustee bodies and charitable institutions may place brief information about children, photos and videos of babies on the Internet. Please note that such organizations can only give you information about children, but they do not have the right to act as intermediaries for their adoption. To avoid any additional problems, please contact us exclusively. public services guardianship Carefully monitor how legal the adoption procedure is.

What documents are required

A special commission appointed by the guardianship authorities must review your documents and issue its conclusion no later than a month later. This conclusion will be required when submitting to judiciary to obtain permission to adopt. To obtain the right to adopt a child, you must submit an application to the regional guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of registration, accompanied by:

  1. A short autobiography.
  2. Medical certificate issued at the place of residence. The certificate must confirm that the spouses do not have diseases contraindicated for adoption. To do this, you will have to visit the AIDS center, tuberculosis, drug addiction, oncology, dermatovenerological and psychoneurological dispensaries. Certificates must be prepared on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  3. A copy of your marriage registration certificate, if available.
  4. Notarized consent that your wife or husband is not against adoption (if only one spouse is going to become the adoptive parent).
  5. A certificate from the place of work, or a certificate issued in form 2-NDFL. From it, the ROO will learn about your position and the amount of monthly payments. If candidates are entrepreneurs, then they must submit an income statement.
  6. At the place of registration of candidates, do not forget to take an extract from the personal account or house register. The statement must list the people living at this address. If the future parents are homeowners, then present a certificate for the apartment or house.
  7. A certificate obtained from the police about no criminal record.
  8. A positive reference issued at the place of work for both spouses.

Payments to families

Adoption is the legally preferred form of child placement today. Unlike children in care, an officially adopted child receives social and legal rights, including the right to inheritance, just like his own child. In addition to federal ones, adoptive families are entitled to regional payments and child benefits, which you need to find out about in your city. Adoptive parents are entitled to the following types of federal payments:

  1. One-time benefit. It is paid once when the adopted child is transferred to the parents. The initial indexed benefit amount is 8 thousand rubles.
  2. Maternity benefits (but if at the time of adoption your child was older than three months, you will not receive benefits).
  3. A monthly benefit paid based on the average earnings of the adoptive parent over the last 2 years. Paid until the child reaches one and a half years old.
  4. Maternity capital for one parent, in the presence of two or more children, both natural and adopted.
  5. A payment of 100 thousand rubles is also given for each child in the following cases:
  6. Disability of the adopted child.
  7. If at the time of adoption the child is over seven years old.
  8. When adopting children who are related by blood (who are brothers or sisters).

How to adopt a newborn from a maternity hospital

Adopting a baby directly from the hospital can be difficult. Many couples, for many reasons, want newborn babies; in order to adopt a refuser, they have to get on a waiting list, which, in addition to contacting the ROO, requires submitting an application about the desire to adopt an infant.

It is best if you start looking for a refusenik yourself. Representatives of local guardianship and trusteeship authorities tell you that in the district maternity hospital Are there currently no refuseniks? You have every right to apply to the guardianship of other districts with the conclusion issued to you. And if the search for the baby is successful, the maternity hospital offers you an abandoned baby, then the guardianship is obliged to give you all the necessary information about the baby. Then you go to meet a child who desperately needs a home and family.

Having decided to adopt a baby, you sign an application for adoption and, together with the guardianship authorities, submit an application to the judicial authorities for a decision. final decision. As soon as the court gives its permission, you can officially be considered the parents of the baby, and receive an official birth certificate and a note in the passport from the registry office.

Please note that it will not be possible to take a child who is only a few days old. Those who refuse are transferred to the children's hospital from the maternity hospital, where they undergo medical examination. The state is obliged to provide guardians and adoptive parents with maximum information about the health of the baby being transferred to the family - future parents must be notified if the child has Down syndrome or any other serious illness.

On average, medical examination takes one month, and if there are specific candidates for parents, it takes a little faster. Please note - a child who was kept in orphanage, is rarely healthy, but this can be corrected with proper care and love. It is more difficult to take a child under one year old than an older one. There is a queue for such kids, but there is always a chance.

The happiness of being a parent is incomparable. Being next to your baby from the first seconds of his life, seeing his first hesitant and cautious steps, hearing stupid and funny words...

But what should those whom nature has deprived of this happiness of being a mother or father do? Don't despair. In such a situation, there is still a chance to become a happy parent - to adopt a child. A single woman or man, or even entire families who do not have children of their own, will thus be able to not only help themselves, but also give a happy childhood to a child who is unlucky in life.

What is adoption

IN Russian Federation To adopt a child means to take him into your home, into your family, under your roof. Give him, in addition to your last name, affection, love, and care.

During adoption, the same rights and obligations arise between the child and the new parents as in ordinary families by blood relationship. But whether there will be the same love depends on you.

So, how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital or orphanage? What needs to be done for this and where to go? This is a rather lengthy procedure, and it consists of several mandatory steps.

Stage one: becoming adoptive parents

First, you need to make a request to the guardianship authority in the place where you live. Only there can you obtain permission to adopt a child. Documents to be submitted:

a) a statement of the established form;

b) certificate of income or document from the place of residence permanent job, where the position you hold and your salary are indicated;

c) a certificate of ownership of real estate (housing) or an extract made from;

d) a copy of your financial account;

e) a medical certificate of the established form, which is issued to citizens wishing to become adoptive parents;

f) a certificate confirming that you have no criminal record;

g) autobiography;

h) marriage certificate (copy) for citizens who are members of it.

All documents listed above must be issued a maximum of 1 year ago. In addition to the medical certificate, which is valid for 3 months. When submitting documents, you must present a passport or other identification document).

What is needed to adopt a child, besides submitting the documents listed above? Good conditions residence. After all, employees of the guardianship authority will visit you to check how you are living. And they will draw a conclusion about whether you are able to provide your unborn child with a normal existence.

Then, within 15 days (working days) from the day the application was submitted, the guardianship authority must draw up a conclusion on whether you can become adoptive parents. When positive result you will be given a corresponding document, which is valid for one year, and will be registered as citizens who are adoptive parents. In case of refusal, you will also be sent a corresponding conclusion and all documents will be returned within five days.

Stage two: choosing a child

If you receive a positive response and register, the guardianship authority will tell you how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital or orphanage. After this, you will be provided with all the information about the children who are allowed to adopt. You have the right to receive detailed and reliable information about your child, including information about whether he or she has any relatives. If you wish, you can contact any medical institution to have your child examined.

Then the guardianship authorities will issue a referral to visit your chosen child at the place of residence. This document is valid for ten days and applies to visiting only one child. In the event that good reasons the deadline has been missed, it can only be extended upon appropriate application.

After receiving the referral, you can safely go to a meeting with the child to get to know him, communicate, study his documents and medical report on his health. The latter must be done under signature.

Then you are obliged to notify the guardianship authority in writing about how you visited the child and what decision you made about him. This must also be done within a ten-day period while the issued referral is valid.

If for some reason you decide not to accept a proposed child into your family, you have the right to receive another referral to visit another applicant.

How to get information from data banks

All orphans whose adoption is permitted in accordance with the law are entered into regional and federal data banks. To obtain the relevant information, you must submit the following documents:

a) a copy of your passport, birth certificate or other document that proves your identity;

b) a conclusion issued by the guardianship authority that you can be an adoptive parent;

c) an application requesting information and selection of a child who meets your wishes;

d) questionnaire.

The application with the documents attached to it is considered within a ten-day period. The guardianship authority is obliged to send new profiles of children once a month that correspond to your wishes. Fifteen days are provided for their study.

Stage three: court approval

It is possible to officially and legally adopt a baby or older child in our country only through the court. The basis for starting legal proceedings is an application for adoption. It is filed with the court at the place of residence of the child being adopted.

The application must be properly completed and the following documents must be attached to it:

a) if you are not married - birth certificate (copy), if you are - marriage certificate (copy);

b) a certificate issued by a medical institution regarding the state of health;

c) certificate of income;

d) for real estate (housing) or an extract made from the house register;

e) a document confirming that you are registered as an adoptive parent.

All of the above documents must be submitted to the court in two copies. The meeting on this issue is closed and takes place in the presence of the prosecutor, an employee of the guardianship authority and the child who is already fourteen years old. Your appearance in court is required. From the moment the court decision comes into force, within 3 days a copy of this decision will be sent to the registry office for registration of adoption at the state level.

Stage four: formalizing the adoption

The last thing you need to do to adopt a child is to get everything legal. This is done by the civil registry office. In order to register adoption, you need to write an application or apply verbally. To do this, you need to present your passport and a positive court decision. If you do not do this yourself within a month, then the registration of adoption will be carried out by the registry office independently on the basis of a court document.

The registry office issues a new birth certificate for the child, where your names will already appear in the “mother” and “father” columns. However, if the child remains with his biological parents, no changes will be made to his birth record.

Now you have the right to personally pick up your child. But do not forget to notify the guardianship authority with which you are registered about everything within 10 days from the date the court makes a positive decision.

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital

Taking a baby from a maternity hospital is much more difficult than from shelters or baby homes. The fact is that in our country there are many more couples who want to adopt a newborn child than those who are ready to accept older children into their family.

The guardianship authorities, as well as the courts, treat such adoptive parents with increased attention.

So, the main requirement for this procedure is that the age difference between the future parent and the child is at least 16 years.

A statement of desire to become an adoptive parent must be notarized.

In addition to meeting all of the above requirements, you must undergo a full medical examination for mental disorders, skin and venereal diseases, oncology and nervous system disorders.

Who cannot be an adoptive parent

1) persons recognized in court as having limited legal capacity or incapacity;

2) spouses, if one of them is incapacitated or has limited legal capacity;

3) persons deprived of parental rights by the court;

4) persons who, due to their health status, are unable to fulfill parental responsibilities;

5) former adoptive parents, if the court previously canceled the adoption due to their fault;

6) citizens removed from guardianship by court;

7) unemployed or low-income citizens who are unable to provide a living wage for an adopted child;

8) persons previously convicted of serious crimes;

9) persons without a fixed place of residence;

10) citizens who live in premises that do not meet technical and sanitary standards.

Money issue

The amount of payments depends on many factors: where you live, whether you work, how old the adopted child is, etc.

Which is paid upon adoption of a child, is 8,000 rubles. This is a general federal benefit. There are also separate one-time payments in the Moscow region: for each child - 20,000 rubles. If you adopt another baby under the age of six months, you will receive an allowance of 5,000. For the third - 15,000. For each subsequent one - 20,000 rubles.

If you do not work and adopt a child under three months, you also receive benefits. These are payments in the amount of the average monthly salary calculated for the last 12 months worked.

The Mystery of Adoption

Many people try to adopt a child under one year old, because they think that this way it is easier to hide this “terrible” secret. Others, on the contrary, do not think that there is anything shameful in this, and from childhood they reveal the whole truth to their adopted child.

By Russian legislation all those who are aware of the adoption procedure (employees of the guardianship authorities, the registry office, the judge who made the decision and others) are obliged to maintain this secret. For its disclosure, responsibility comes: from a fine of 80,000 rubles to arrest for four months.

However, any person over 18 years of age has the right to obtain in the court archive all information about his adoption, as well as about his real parents.