When twins have twins. Zodiac sign Gemini: dates of birth

Geminis love to speculate and philosophize. They are very eloquent and also have excellent oratory skills. Geminis truly have a command of words, which is why there are many writers, journalists, and critics among them. Possessing an excellent education, they are very pleasant and interesting people to talk to, interesting interlocutors. At the same time, they are not always loved by those around them, since Geminis do not recognize conventions, do not play by other people’s rules, and often violate the boundaries of decency. Only with age do they come to understand how to coexist with others without causing rejection. Born in early June, around the fifth, Geminis are the most pronounced personalities.

The double-digit influence of the fragment is stronger when the planet is at the end of the sign than at the beginning. If you have Mars, the planet of action, in the last degree of solid and steady Taurus, you'll likely feel Gemini's itchy feet coming your way. But once Mars enters Gemini, the past can quickly be forgotten. even though the planet is technically on the cusp in the last three or first three degrees of a sign, the feeling of having a dual identity is much more ending in one sign than starting in the other.

Gemini love horoscope

Being the partner of a Gemini man is not easy. He must never cease to be surprised, as if kept in constant good shape. For men born under the sign of Gemini, the intellectual level of their partner is extremely important. Thus, the woman in this union can never relax, which is the failure of Gemini in marriage. Gemini men are very often married more than once. This does not mean that they do not know how to love. They just need a woman-muse, and not a good housewife or mother for children. At the same time, the attractive appearance of a lady is far from being in the first place in the list of qualities of an ideal wife for a Gemini man.

The importance of having any planet on the threshold of a sign also depends on the rest of your chart. If you are a 29 degree Cancer Sun and have two planets in Leo, the next sign, proud Leo will be the loudest in your life. Even if you have nothing else in Leo, planets in other Fire Signs, or a Fire Ascendant sign, you will be more outgoing than the average Crab.

Learn more about your birth chart with astrologer Rick Levine. It's always nice when you can not only stay informed, but also be entertained! People with an emphasis on cardinal zodiac signs are in a sense the "pioneers" of the zodiac because they open new roads, start, start, but often lack persistence.

Mutable sign, ruler- Mercury. The element is air.
Lucky days- Wednesday and Sunday.
Bad days- Thursday.
Season- autumn.
Good places- schools, fairs, exchanges, meadows, fields, copses.
Numbers - 3, 5, 12, 18.
Color spectrum- light yellow, purple, gray-blue, orange. Green color- unsuccessful.
Stones– golden topaz, garnet, rock crystal, agate, jasper, beryl.
Metal- gold, silver amalgam.
Flowers- jasmine, narcissus, daisies, poppies, buttercups.
Symbols- twins, mask, hand.
Mascot- mask.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 5, 10, 15 and their combinations 51015...

Born from May 21 to May 31- under the influence of Jupiter - they are smart, have intuition, are inclined to the arts, and are selfless. They find satisfaction in religious thoughts in the absence of fame and money.
Lucky stones: agate, amazonite, rock crystal, moonstone, malachite, jade, obsidian, rhodonite, quartz, sapphirine, carnelian, tiger's eye.
Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Lucky numbers and planets

Corrected zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. They correspond to the peak season period. People with an emphasis on fixed zodiac signs tend to maintain the "status quo", pursuing their goals, tenaciously and fear of change. Mobile zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. They correspond to the end of the seasons. Gemini, the end of spring, Virgo at the end of summer, Sagittarius - the end of autumn, Pisces - the end of winter.

People with an emphasis on mobile zodiac signs are very versatile and easily adapt to new situations. The risk is that they are not constructive between one change and the next. The energy patterns that the 12 zodiac signs represent live within each of us. All twelve zodiac signs are found in our birth chart. For some people, certain zodiac signs will dominate others, but it is clear that all of us, sooner or later, in one dimension of experience and not another, will act under the impulse of these energies.

Character of those born from June 1 to June 10- under the influence of Mars - aggressive. They are mocking and restless, preoccupied.
Lucky stones: Jet, pearl, cat's eye, onyx, opal, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, amber.
Important years: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Born from June 11 to June 21- under the influence of the Sun - natures are unbridled, domineering, irritable, vain and talkative.
Lucky stones: alexandrite, beryl, garnet, emerald, sapphire, topaz, tourmaline.
Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70, 80.

A zodiac sign is something much more complex and deep than a list of personal qualities or a behavioral stereotype. All zodiac signs contain conflicts, ambivalence, duplicity, and shortcomings. Again, the meaning of each zodiac sign cannot be understood unless it is included in the logic of the entire zodiac.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolically represents the seed of the new life cycle: The entrance of the sun in Aries essentially coincides with the beginning of spring, when nature awakens from its long winter hibernation. During this period we see an eruption of vital forces being born, the creative force of nature exploding, floating and abounding in a thousand directions, without any order or fear: importance is born. It is no coincidence that Easter is celebrated at the beginning of spring. In the Christian world, Easter, the day of resurrection, represents the victory of life over death.

Characteristics of Gemini

"When I woke up this morning, I at least knew who I was, but I think I've changed a few times since then."

If you suddenly experience double vision when meeting a Gemini, do not rush to the ophthalmologist. After all, Gemini is remarkable because they are very changeable and have a dual nature. They are prone to quick, sudden changes of places, and not only places, but also work, clothes and even their loved ones. Ruled by fleet-footed Mercury, these people can, like Julius Caesar, do several things at once. So, one of my Mercurian friends manages to iron clothes, feed her child porridge and talk on the phone at the same time. In general, Geminis give the impression that they were born with a telephone receiver in their hand.

Like a flower in bloom, a new personality is born on a psychological level: its first instinct is to form a form, recognize the hidden qualities within itself, study its colors and scents, and only by accepting new impressions and setting several goals can it discover the range of its potential and fully express them .

Under the influence of Aries energy, driven by a strong spirit of initiative and self-determination, various dreams and a thirst for novelty, we throw ourselves into new endeavors, knowing that our young selves are still fragile and uncontrollable. the energy of fire that guides us. In this way, we throw our hearts and souls into something that we spontaneously and immediately commit to without worrying about the consequences of our actions. Therefore, our behavior can often seem immature and reckless to others. we have no past, no future, only the present.

Almost every Gemini knows several foreign languages, but French- most lovely. Geminis generally have an excellent gift of speech and can persuade anyone about anything. That is why they make such excellent traveling salesmen and sales agents. At the same time, they are not ashamed to lie about something, but this is not a real lie, but rather a play of the imagination. For all their tendency to fool others, Geminis rarely take the path of crime and for the most part respect the Criminal Code. All Geminis have the ability to carefully hide their true intentions. Like Pisces, they feel the need to behave in complete contradiction to their true desires. That is why they make unsurpassed politicians and good intermediaries in establishing profitable business relationships and friendly contacts between different people. Many Geminis have the gift of diction and become professional writers, but avoid writing autobiographies, memoirs and, especially, personal letters, since the thoughts they expressed yesterday may completely contradict what they write tomorrow. They read extremely quickly, but have a bad habit of flipping through a book or magazine from the end.

We do everything without a second thought, inhibition or influence, and when we express our feelings or fight for something, we do it spontaneously, openly and sincerely. If Aries energy is not evenly integrated, this need to live every minute of life to the fullest and in the short term, every goal can be expressed as impatience, impulsiveness and instability. This can lead to sudden and unexpected behavior with a tendency to become discouraging when faced with difficult situations, consistency and persistence are necessary.

Geminis are always rushing somewhere, they are fast and elusive, like mercury, so you have to spend a lot of time and effort to catch them in place. They themselves are so full of nervous energy that sparks seem to fly from them.

Externally, Geminis are slender, flexible, above average height, and agile, very often looking younger than their age. Many of them have chiseled facial features, like those of a kamsa. Some have brown eyes, but the majority, whose patron is Mercury, have very beautiful eyes of blue, gray and green. It is by their lively, sharp eyes that they are most easily recognized. Geminis have fair skin, but they tan easily, and their hair ranges from light to dark, sometimes with streaks of a different color, and everyone, both men and women, has a high forehead. Geminis are sharp-tongued and take obvious pleasure when they manage to stump some slow-witted people. Due to their restlessness and hectic activity, Geminis need a long rest, but, unfortunately, many of them suffer from insomnia, which can lead to nervous exhaustion. If they do not carefully monitor their health, they may develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or lungs. They also suffer from rheumatism, arthritis and migraines. It may seem paradoxical, but a nervous breakdown occurs simply from boredom, and not from excess activity. They are always striving to achieve something - fame, wealth, love and something else, but success is not able to satisfy them. It always seems to them that the grass is greener on the other side, the sky is bluer over the other sea, and the stars shine brighter over the other continent. They are in an eternal pursuit of the unknown...

Consequently, we waste our strength and energy by not achieving the success that we want. If instead the desire for life, represented by Aries, is consciously directed and dominant, then we feel enthusiasm and strength growing within us, and every morning is a new beginning. The days become a testing ground where we experiment and discover ourselves. Obstacles become a chance to move forward, to conquer our fears and discover that it's not how you win or lose, but how you play the game.

Gemini lucky numbers

Taurus symbolically represents Mother Earth, the fertile womb who has received the seed and is preparing for pregnancy and growth. Nature must guarantee the survival of the newborn. Thus he becomes passive, receptive, his rhythm slower and pacing. The frantic period of Aries will now be dangerous: the earth, in this phase of the vegetative cycle, needs warmth and nutrition. Likewise, on a psychological level, the personality that emerged under Aries requires consolidation and stability.

Gemini man

Love for the most part brings a feeling of security and the opportunity to lean on a man’s shoulder in difficult times of life. But this rule does not apply to Gemini men. Be prepared for the fact that if you send your life partner to buy a loaf of bread on Monday, he will return with it only on Wednesday. You will never know where he is at a given moment, but at the same time you will not be alone, since an affair with a person born under the sign of Gemini will provide you, thanks to the dualism of his personality, with two lovers at once (thank you that not three or four).

Taurus awakens our conservation instinct and encourages us to focus and focus all our efforts on creating a conducive environment for our physical and psychological growth. At this stage we are highly dependent and influenced by our immediate environment. The instinct is to build a safe haven that holds and protects us and no obstacle can get in our way. We will achieve our goal with determination, persistence, patience and method. However, these qualities, Taurus representative, when not dominant and intelligently controlled, can easily transform into stubbornness and obstinacy.

The Gemini man is the favorite guest of every housewife. He loves communicating with people, and the more there are, the better. He is able to support any conversation, he has a delicate taste, he is “stuffed” with witty anecdotes and aphorisms and knows how to give compliments with charming frankness. In short - Twin is the soul of society. But before you decide to adopt his last name, think about whether you can get used to a man whose future is uncertain, whose whims change with the slightest breeze and whose life's purpose can change radically before the end of the honeymoon. The famous American poet Walt Whitman (also a Gemini) wrote: “Do I contradict myself? But this is impossible, because there are millions of me...”

Moreover, our need for security is so high that every change frightens us, and it is dangerously easy to fall prey to harmful emotions such as possessiveness or jealousy, and remain stubbornly rooted in extreme conventionality and conservatism. Under the influence of Taurus energy, feelings intensify, the most instinctive part of us arises. The purpose of this instinctive desire is not to give free reign to our impulses or the strong passions that live within us, but to ensure survival as life is preserved and the race continues.

Nevertheless, loving a Gemini brings a lot of joy, it is easy and pleasant, unless you touch his spiritual essence and unravel his innermost thoughts, which he will never share with anyone, even with his beloved woman. Try not to bore him, take an interest in everything that happens around him, change with him, don’t let your feminine charm overshadow your sharp mind and maybe you and your chosen one will live to see the golden wedding. But remember the main thing: he needs a life partner who sparkles not with clothes, but with a brilliant, sharp mind. In a word, the “gray house mouse” is not for him.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini

If Taurus's instinctive energy is sufficiently raised and directed toward goals beyond mere impulse gratification, we will be able to fully express our creative potential. Otherwise, we become victims of our instincts, at the mercy of our uncontrollable desires.

Love and marriage

Gemini coincides with the end of spring and with the conquest of the air by vegetation, which rises upward with branches and leaves. This is a time of diversification, intensification of exchanges. Life is now fully expressed through the differentiation of shapes and colors. Each plant shows through its flowers and leaves what it really is, distinctive features its types. Likewise, on a psychological level, Gemini energy is expressed in the desire to open our surrounding world to exchange, communication and discovery of many things.

Financially, Gemini is as unpredictable as in everything else. Either he throws money left and right, and then he suddenly starts counting every penny. But, basically, he is not inclined to hoarding and looks at money and knowledge only as a means to achieve other goals.

Is Gemini jealous? Perhaps not very much, especially since he allows himself to be carried away by other women quite often. Unfortunately, we have to admit that many Geminis get married more than once in their lives. Since two personalities coexist under this sign, they need at least two wives. However, a woman whose intelligence fully matches her husband’s intelligence should not be afraid of adultery, since he will always be interested in her.

We should not be surprised that under the influence of diversified and mobile energy such as air, which we sense very quickly and are intrigued by our immediate surroundings, and the need for physical and mental dynamism grows within us.

At this stage we learn to interpret and adapt the multiplicity, the forever changing experiences to which we are exposed. We learn to transform it into knowledge. The first step is to turn the subjective into purpose, to recognize the eternal conflict between our inner reality and what the outer world offers us. To better understand this concept, we use the example of a child who knows only the intimate and protected family sphere and has to leave his home for the first time to go to school. He must face a completely different world.

Gemini fathers tend to pamper their children, they get along well with them, are friends and can teach them a lot even before school, but mothers have to apply disciplinary measures - after all, such fathers themselves need discipline.

Gemini woman

That man who secretly envies Mormons or Sultans who have a whole harem at their disposal should marry a Gemini woman, since in this way he will immediately have two wives, and sometimes even three or four. But there is a small catch - their very cool temperament. They have so many varied interests that sex is relegated to the background, and then it rather takes the form of romantic love.

It must adapt to the organization of the classroom and space, very different from the familiar and familiar home fire. He must establish relationships and communicate with other students who, in different ways, will have completely different needs and behaviors than his. He must also submit to a new authority, a teacher, whose teachings may be different from those taught by his parents. This experience, rich in important contrasts between what the child knew by then and what he knows to be different, well describes the Gemini phase when we recognize the inadequacy between our subjective reality and what the world offers us.

These women mature quite late, so much depends on how much a man is able to awaken and develop true passion in them. The Gemini girl should not be judged, but rather pitied, since due to the duality of her nature, she can fall in love with two men at once and not know which one to prefer. One, for example, attracts her with his deep erudition and love of art, and the other with his common sense and practical mindset. She herself is changeable, “like the May wind”: today she is lively, cheerful and all full of kindness, tomorrow she is sarcastic and angry with her tongue, another time she is a balanced, hospitable hostess of the house and femininity incarnate. An example is the famous Marilyn Monroe - a Gemini, whom no one has ever seen the same.

Thus, every learning process involves confrontation with difference, newness, and through this dialogue we can learn that our point of view can be constantly revised and expanded by new experiences. And it is through words that we come into contact with others' thoughts, opinions and points of view, which is why communication is so important to this sign. If the ability to strike the right balance between self and experience is well managed, we will become extremely adaptable and able to see things with different points vision will force us to discover that situations are not black or white, but rather are often relative, and we will decisively limit the tendency to rely on dogmas, institutions and established schemes, privileging a lively and original intelligence and a typical intimacy that always knows how to turn the tables.

Until the Gemini woman learns to master and manage her emotions, you will be in for more than one stormy scene. But, fortunately, by the time she gets married, she already knows how to control her actions and behave with dignity. However, a man does acquire several wives, and they are all completely different.

Thus, wife number one will be able to satisfy all the demands of her husband and helps him with good business advice;

Wife number two is subject to different moods. She may take part in some protest demonstration and, forgetting that she has a husband and children, come home long after midnight;

Wife number three doesn't want to do boring housework: her beds aren't made and her kitchen sink is overflowing with unwashed dishes while she's busy writing a play for the theater. But she can talk with her husband about Buddhism and all sorts of things. philosophical problems, responding to the most sophisticated emotional and intellectual needs;

Wife number four is completely absorbed in the children, their progress at school and the games in which she takes an active part. She is not a very strict mother, and the children are easy and simple with her, although she still demands that they do their homework;

Wife number five is a hospitable hostess who knows how to set the table and clean the house before guests arrive, so much so that it is not a shame to invite a minister to dinner. She is exquisitely dressed, wears expensive perfume and is generally created for social life. She loves to attend theater premieres and opening days, where she can see people and show herself off.

Well, here's your little seraglio. If I missed someone, don’t be sad - all the men you know will be green with envy, seeing you with a new woman every time. Take care of her.


And now a few words about Gemini the leader. This person seems to have been specially created to occupy the chair of the president of some company, but he does not intend to spend his whole life in it. He needs to constantly move, and it is not surprising that the carpet in his office is often worn to holes from the fact that he walks back and forth on it. President Kennedy, for example, discharged his nervous energy by rocking in his rocking chair, almost toppling over. Therefore, such people are more likely to be consulting managers or vice presidents, keeping order in the company, rather than remaining chained to a chair from 9 to 5.

When a company appoints a Gemini to a leadership position, one should certainly expect rapid and significant changes. First of all, he will spend the first week becoming thoroughly familiar with how business is conducted in his office. If, when asked why something is done this way and not another, he is answered simply: “We have always done it this way,” this will already be sufficient reason for turning everything around in our own way. Gemini is an enemy of tradition and loves all kinds of innovations. Thus, he will force the furniture in his office to be moved several times, demand additional telephone sets, drive the secretary to white heat with his demands for maintaining a file cabinet, and will change the daily routine in the institution until it completely coincides with his own.

Guessing the mood of a Gemini manager is a completely hopeless task, since today he can monitor the behavior of his employees by the hour and will note even the couple of minutes that you spent swallowing a cup of coffee, and the next day he will not pay attention, even if you take a couple of hours To lunch break. Such a leader usually does not condescend to small details and is always happy to shift responsibility for their implementation onto the shoulders of others, while his restless mind is occupied with “global” ideas and progressive plans that can double or triple the company’s profits. Using his entire arsenal of charming smiles and sweet jokes, the Gemini boss is able to persuade the client into anything, but internally he remains cold as ice - so protective property character awarded to his planet at birth.

A man of a sharp, mocking mind, Gemini will always appreciate the mental abilities of his subordinates and, especially, their sense of humor, so it is easier to get something out of him with a joke than with whining and tears. In general, working under such a person is very interesting, so take advantage of this before he is drawn to another field of activity.


Do you have employees in your company who can think quickly, work quickly and speak quickly? looks younger than his age, smart, caustic, original, restless?

You can rest assured that these are Geminis. Watching them, it is not difficult to understand why they are able to turn any abstract idea into a mathematical formula.

Like people born under the signs of Virgo, Aries and Scorpio, Geminis have an innate ability to mobilize, maintain presence of mind and act quickly in emergency. A typical Gemini will begin to save the situation when his colleagues are just starting to tie their shoelaces. He works best when he is not tied to a 9 to 5 desk. Therefore, as already mentioned at the beginning, it is most rational to use such employees as traveling salesmen and various kinds of agents. With their gift of charm and persuasion, they will make any potential buyer buy a pig in a poke and, moreover, will praise your company so much that you yourself will not recognize it. When there is at least one Gemini in your office, there is an atmosphere of bustling activity, humor and goodwill. And if you want your company to really prosper, put an Aries employee and a Gemini employee in the same room to develop new project. Cover your ears with cotton so you don't go deaf from the decibels their screams produce, but keep a net ready to catch the soap bubbles flying out the door. Perhaps one of them will turn out to be an idea that will bring millions in profit.

A Gemini secretary or typist is a real treasure, as she knows how to compose and type a business letter, based only on a hint of its content. It is also great to use Gemini on the switchboard and as a receptionist (she can handle both functions at the same time), since no one is better than her at receiving a visitor, while at the same time connecting the head of the company with its representative somewhere in Katanga.


Famous people born under the sign of Gemini:
Rudolph Valentino, Thomas Hardy, Paul Gauguin, John Kennedy, Walt Whitman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Marilyn Monroe, Francoise Sagan, P. I. Bagration, A. S. Pushkin, A. T. Tvardovsky.

Home " Planning » When twins have twins. Zodiac sign Gemini: dates of birth. Lucky numbers and planets

General characteristics of the sign

Sign. Masculine, airy, mutable.

Managers. Mercury retrograde and Proserpina retrograde.

Exaltation. Mercury, Proserpina, Ascending Lunar Node.

Exil. Jupiter and retrograde Neptune.

Fall. Descending Lunar Node.

Constitution. Asthenic. The body is slender, often thin. Legs and arms are elongated. Narrow, oblong head. Hair is dark or dark brown. Expressive eyes. A penetrating glance. The gait is fast.

Temperament. Sanguine, nervous, easy, changeable.

Positive traits of character and disposition. Successful combination intelligence and intuition, good perception, quick reaction, mobility, observation, rich fantasy and a lively, vivid imagination, encyclopedic mind, curiosity, honesty, benevolence and goodwill.

Negative character traits. Frivolity, superficiality, variability, unreliability, frivolity, immodesty, talkativeness, dispersion, coldness, rashness in decisions and deeds.

Weak points of the body and body. Hands. Respiratory organs (trachea, bronchi, lungs, especially top part lungs and pleura). Language. Nervous system. Gray matter of the brain. Psyche.

Diseases. The above mentioned organs and body parts. Neurasthenia, neuralgia, speech disorder to the point of muteness, memory impairment, neuroses and psychoses. Manias, phobias, delusions, insanity, epilepsy, kleptomania.

Metal. Mercury.

Minerals. For the talisman - golden topaz, yellow beryl. In general: noble topaz, tiger's eye, chrysoprase, carnelian. Specifics: for those born from May 21 to May 31 - yellow sapphire, yellow agate, yellow beryl; for those born from June 1 to June 10 - beryl; for those born from June 11 to June 21 - jade.

Flora. Laurel, honeysuckle, coffee, tea, hazel, blackberry, madder, verbena, iron ore, jasmine, tansy, privet, mint, rowan, bindweed, pigeon grass, hazelnuts, cereals, peas, beans, beans, potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini , peanuts, grapes, olives, pears, figs.

Fauna. Monkey, fox, rooster, parrot, all songbirds, snakes, spiders, bees, ants.

Microelement. Potassium chloride.

Vitamins. S, V.

Numbers. 5, 12.

Day. Wednesday.

Color. Orange-yellow and yellow-green.

Countries and regions. United States of America, North Africa, Canada, Lower Egypt, Western England, Sardinia, Silesia, Flanders, Belgium, Greece, Armenia.

Cities. Cordoba, London, Melbourne, Nuremberg, Kissingen, Plymouth, Versailles, Mainz, San Francisco.

Geminis are agile, lively, fast and agile. The mind is subtle, flexible, versatile, but absent-minded. On the one hand, Gemini is disposed towards everything real, practical, concrete, and on the other hand, towards the ideal, sublime, even spiritual.

Their nervous and restless character, weak will, lack of energy, and scattered nature prevent them from concentrating on one thing and completing the job they have started. They need a change of impressions; monotony kills them. They are in constant conflict between inner world and reality, between desires and possibilities, which brings them mental discord and keeps them in constant nervous tension. Due to this financial situation Gemini is unstable and subject to fluctuations. The inconstancy and superficiality of feelings make them unreliable partners, so family life often does not bring much happiness.

In business, communication, love and family life, they are hampered by superficiality and a lack of real, deep feelings. The intellectual side prevails over the emotional. Geminis are witty and resourceful, they have fascinating speech and expressive gestures, they know how to keep their interlocutor in constant tension, making him laugh or cry. As interlocutors, Geminis are simply ideal, but as love and marriage partners or as business partners they can be unreliable.

When communicating with Gemini, you should behave easily, naturally and have a sense of humor. Geminis are able to speak freely on any topic that interests you, but it is better to start a conversation with latest news, and one should remember about their intelligence and erudition. If you need to achieve some result from Gemini, during the conversation show your interest, do not cut off mid-sentence, and praise when the opportunity arises. If Gemini is “out of sorts” or trying to get rid of an unwanted interlocutor or some problem, then they use tactical tricks: lies, deceit, flattery, cheeky words and entire phrases that confuse the interlocutor due to a clear lack of logic. Under the guise of innocent laughter, they can easily divert the interlocutor away from the topic and purpose of the conversation.

Talented people are often born under the sign of Gemini, especially if Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Venus are in their sign. Their professions depend not only on the readings of the horoscope as a whole, but also on their spiritual level.

The main areas of activity of Gemini are the world of science and technology: nuclear, space and aviation industries, Computer Engineering, communications, transport, radio broadcasting and television. They achieve particular success in journalism and publishing. They are attracted to the world of art: literature and linguistics. Geminis love active, mobile sport games(such as playing ball, golf), as well as games that train the mind (puzzles, puzzles, crosswords, chess, etc.). They often have “golden hands”, using them in such fields as design, applied sciences and applied arts, where they are helped by rich imagination, vivid imagination, inventive spirit and rationalization abilities.

With normal development until the age of 28, they absorb maximum information, experience, and knowledge in order to reach the culmination point of their development, the peak of their career, and brilliance in society by the age of 56-63, which will accompany them until the end of their days. But it happens, although very rarely, when an individual seems to freeze in his development at the age of approximately 14-16 years, remaining in the infantile stage. Between the ages of 30 and 35, you should be wary of an accident or catastrophe. Their most vulnerable spot is nervous system. Constant nervous overstrain in Gemini can cause nervous disorders and even mental breakdowns.

Now let's look at Gemini men and Gemini women separately.

Gemini men are an equation with many unknowns. They always have at least “forty bags of ideas” with them and the same amount in stock. With their countless ideas and proposals, Geminis besiege literally everyone: employees, superiors, subordinates, numerous friends, like-minded people, even their family. They know how to present the same idea in different ways, depending on who it is intended for.. This is natural, considering that they try to find benefit from everything, even from love, being sincerely convinced that all this is done exclusively in altruistic purposes for the benefit of society. When it comes to conversations and mediation, Gemini men are tireless and unrivaled. Their ideas, plans and intentions are their daily bread, without which they can neither live, nor breathe, nor exist. Therefore, Gemini men are in an eternal search until the end of their lives. One idea is quickly replaced by another, newer, shiny and progressive, more attractive. These new ideas, in turn, give rise to a whole series of new brilliant ideas, which can continue indefinitely. Some of their ideas may turn out to be, if not brilliant, then at least very useful. That is why friendship or cooperation with Gemini men promotes spiritual development and growth.

When it comes to matters of love and marriage, Geminis, both men and women, belong to the "comet" genus. Their feelings are fleeting; during their lives, their views, attachments, houses, things, girls, wives change more than once. At the same time, they remain young until old age, until the supply runs out brilliant ideas and plans.

Gemini women are excellent conversationalists: intelligent, lively, bright and witty. They are cheerful, quickly and easily get along with people. They are able to speak on any topic that you offer them. Many men claim that it is women born under the sign of Gemini who give them a new impetus, a life-giving, refreshing and rejuvenating effect.

Gemini women begin their love affairs early, driven mainly by curiosity and a desire for new experiences. They love to “collect” fans and learn the art of love early. True, it is not so easy to seduce them. If the desire does not come from their side, then they are generally unavailable. Gemini women love to be conquered in a special way, intelligently, gallantly, in the style of the last century, and even better - in the style of the era of Louis XIV. They are attracted to subtle conversations full of hints and witty statements, which, alas, not every man is capable of. Those men who manage to wake them up for real come to them quite late.

All their lives they are looking for their betrothed, their prince. New disappointments leave discord in their souls, doubts, and the search for their one and only begins again. At the beginning of family life, Gemini women are magnificent owners of their salons, wonderful mistresses and assistants to their husbands. But as wives, they are faithful and devoted as long as their husbands are interesting to them and satisfy their needs. Then visits, trips, business trips, excursions, hiking trips, travel, etc. gradually begin. New hobbies appear, a whole string of admirers and lovers, and with them new disappointments and partings, and again new searches. In addition, their psyche is constantly under pressure from parents and close relatives, giving all kinds of necessary and unnecessary advice to the “unwise child,” and in the end they are faced with a string of marriages and divorces. As a rule, every third of Gemini women gets divorced, and every fifth gets divorced 2-3 times. Over time, these women become real “nervous bundles.” To avoid this sad fate, Geminis should set positive goals for themselves. In this case, their energy becomes a creative force, and ingenuity and inexhaustible ideas find application.

Except general characteristics For all Geminis, let’s get acquainted with some of their specifics.

Geminis born from May 21 to May 31 , stubbornly fight for their existence. They are often threatened with premature violent death. Of these, those born from May 21 to May 25 have a strong sense of justice, resourcefulness, ingenuity, prudence, and prudence. They easily find the right partner, are distinguished by their sophistication in love, and in family life by their enterprise and practicality. Their fate often depends on chance. They can easily, without special effort make a career and rise to a high social level or struggle with various prefacies and obstacles all your life. Those born from May 25 to May 31 are often impetuous, ambitious, very demanding, selfish, and have a fair amount of selfishness. Their nature is extraordinary, they are not short of wit. Achieving goals at all stages of life is easy for them thanks to their talent and abilities. In love and marriage they are faithful and devoted. Only with obvious failures do they retreat into the background for a while, hiding in the shadows.

Geminis born from June 1 to June 13 , have a convincing eloquence and a striking duality. Among them, those born between June 1 and June 3 resemble those born between May 21 and May 25 in character. Those born from June 4 to June 13 are surprisingly disciplined and lead an orderly lifestyle. They are sociable, reasonable and efficient. They dream of fame, honors, titles, awards, crave delight and admiration from others, approval and recognition of the public. Love is almost always reciprocated. They fiercely resist other people's interference in their personal lives.

Geminis born from June 14 to June 21 , in their young years they go through a period of grief and disappointment. They are educated, intelligent, have a healthy sense of humor, independent in judgment, and may turn out to be strong personalities, but are subject to frequent bouts of laziness. Their deep and contemplative mind of a philosophical bent is directed towards the sciences, especially the humanities, occult, and secret ones. They love family life, treat people and animals well.

S.A. Vronsky "Classical astrology in 12 volumes"

Gemini is a dual sign. He is characterized by constant duality. Geminis are smart, have diverse interests, and easily adapt to circumstances. Representatives of this sign always seem to have two people. By nature, Geminis are a little irritable and nervous. They are prone to unexpected changes in mood, clothing, work, place of residence, as well as their decisions and opinions.
Geminis love to talk, but don't know how to listen. They cannot tolerate conservatism: neither in people nor in ideas.
Geminis have strong nervous energy, they are fast and graceful, and easily get out of sticky situations. They are able to do several things at the same time. Monotony and punctuality are their enemies. They are often late because they are distracted by something else.
Geminis are excellent politicians: thanks to their mental abilities, they will convince others of anything, they will be able to change the prevailing opinion about them.
As a rule, Geminis have a quick pen and are capable of studying foreign languages.
Geminis often come across as extremely carefree people.
Whatever fantastic business Gemini undertakes, they are lucky. These are the biggest improvers in the world. Their brains are constantly stressed, so they need more sleep.
Geminis strive for ideals in any business, but cannot define it in any way. Money, fame, love - everything is never enough for them, they are always unsatisfied.
Among the representatives of this sign are the largest number of geniuses and talented people both in science and in literature and art.

Zodiac sign Gemini birth dates:

Born from May 21 to May 31.
Jupiter had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are smart, they have an innate instinct and predisposition to the arts, and they do not demand anything in return. In the absence of both money and fame, this type of people often indulges in religious thoughts for self-satisfaction.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Born from June 1 to June 10.
These people are most strongly influenced by Mars at birth, and as a result they sometimes exhibit obnoxious hostility, ridicule, unreasonable anxiety and excessive preoccupation.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Born from June 11 to June 21.
The Sun had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They have an indomitable and domineering character, they are prone to irritation over all sorts of little things, strive for fame, are narcissistic and verbose.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

Zodiac sign Gemini - a child for parents is both a blessing and a problem. Your child is unusually active: he will begin to walk, talk and explore the world earlier than other children, so you always need to be on your guard.

Gemini - date of birth: May 21 - June 20.
Element: air
Patron planet: Mercury.
Color: yellow, pink.
Stone- agate, chrysoprase, beryl.

GEMINI child is
A good sign of spring and summer!
Grow up warm and bright,
Shine like the sun!

You have an unusually active and impressionable child; he flinches at the slightest sudden noise. He is full of curiosity and has trouble falling asleep because he is afraid of missing something interesting. The older your child gets, the more difficult it will be to send him to bed. To prevent fatigue from accumulating, the only way out is to let him sleep longer on his day off. Loves variety in everything: activities, food. He is easily distracted, so it is very difficult to feed his little one. The Gemini child needs constant movement, and nothing should limit his freedom. Therefore, do not try to place your baby in the playpen for a long time. The child does not like to swim. When he gets a little older, you can take your favorite toys into the bath to attract him. His attention is captured by everything that moves: cars, watches, dogs, wind-up toys. He asks a thousand questions and does not always listen to the answers.

Gemini children delight parents early development, but they will thoroughly and consistently engage only in what interests them. Everything comes easy to Gemini, but those born under this sign give up everything halfway, because they constantly want to do something new and switch from one thing to another. His interests are many and varied: today it is playing football, and tomorrow it is playing musical instrument. It is difficult for a Gemini child to stop at one thing; he is attracted to activities in which other people participate. If this child fidgets and spins in place, this is a sign that he is starting to get bored. Geminis are simply unable to sit quietly if the activity does not captivate them.

The astrological symbol for Gemini - twins - means that your child combines two different people, because in the blink of an eye he turns from an angel into an imp, from a quiet mouse into a confidently stomping elephant. Try to bring to the child's attention that this character trait is perceived by others as fickleness and unreliability.

Constantly train him so that he learns to concentrate and achieve a goal, to start a new task only after completing the previous one. Treat him like an intelligent, understanding person, otherwise he will lose interest and respect for you. Your task is to establish a trusting relationship with your child from early childhood, otherwise you will have difficulties during adolescence.

The Gemini child often irritates adults with fast, fussy movements. Be patient, such is the nature of Geminis: doing several things at once comes naturally to them. So, for example, Gemini, while doing homework, often turns on the TV or tape recorder. And if this is not reflected in the grades, do not interfere with your child.

Positive traits: sociable, cheerful, thinks quickly, capable of any type of activity, constant thirst for activity.

Negative qualities: restless, disobedient, fussy, nervous, takes on many things at once and does not complete anything.

Health: A Gemini child needs healthy, full sleep and walks. Geminis may have allergic reactions to medications. The sign is prone to diseases of the stomach and respiratory tract due to nervousness.

What not to do:The Gemini child is too nervous and excitable, so don’t scare him or leave him in the dark. With his wild imagination, he shouldn’t watch scary movies or listen to scary fairy tales before going to bed. Do not punish your child; Geminis are in dire need of communication and do not tolerate loneliness. They love to chat. Forced silence will be punishment enough for them.

Those born between May 21 and June 21 are under the auspices of the constellation Gemini. The influence of this sign is very clearly reflected in people's lives. It is difficult to confuse him with a representative of another zodiac sign. Each Gemini is fraught with a mystery that can never be solved by others. One personality combines opposing character traits that manifest themselves regardless of the generally accepted framework of behavior. It is impossible to predict what a representative of this sign will do in the next moment.

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The actions and desires of Gemini defy logic. Moreover, the representative of the constellation himself does not always know what impulse will capture him. The true nature of this person consists of constant changes of mood and aspirations. Some consider Geminis to be kind and cheerful, while others are sure that these people are angry and withdrawn. It all depends on what side of his personality the representative of the constellation wants to show.


    Versatile Geminis are considered by outsiders to be two-faced and fickle. This characteristic implies a negative connotation, but close people consider representatives of this sign to be the best. This is explained by the fact that Gemini does not control himself in behavior with strangers, acts intuitively depending on the situation, but prefers to show toughness of character right away, and immediately soften the effect with a smile or a compliment. It cannot be said that the representative of the constellation is not aware of his actions; all his moves are carefully thought out. The air element of this sign endowed Gemini with frivolity and determination at the same time. They rarely fall into doubt because they are clearly confident in their priorities. However, they change their decisions with the same ease with which they make them. Geminis are easy-going, their fatigue and apathy disappear instantly if a tempting offer of an exciting party or trip appears on the horizon. Unexpectedly, these people find themselves at a friend’s dacha or in a sultry desert, not even planning a trip to the store in the morning.

    Gemini's momentary hobbies manifest themselves in all areas of their lives. Representatives of the constellation live one day at a time; they rarely think about the future. They simply do not have enough time for idle dreams. The cycle of life events picks them up early childhood and until a very old age does not allow you to stop and rest.

    Geminis are extremely restless. Even while sitting in a restaurant or cinema, they manage to go somewhere, get up and move from place to place. From the outside it seems that their restlessness is aimless, but it is not. The representative of the sign cannot stand planned things. If he needs to produce general cleaning at home, he will simply call guests and, chatting cheerfully with them, will wash cabinets, remove dirt and dust, fold and pack things. As a result, the guests will spend their time aimlessly, and Gemini will carry out his plan unnoticed by everyone.

    The astrological description of men and women of this sign highlights their special charm; they always look attractive and attract representatives of the opposite sex, but they themselves are rarely interested in someone seriously. Gemini loves to lead others by the nose; he will never push away an admirer, sincerely believing that everything is possible in the future. Therefore, representatives of this sign skillfully convince people who are in love with them of sincere friendship and long years keep a person on a short leash.

    The patronizing planet of this sign is Mercury, which influences the manifestation of nobility in a person, therefore Gemini is kind and sympathetic. Relatives and friends often turn to them for help, knowing that Gemini will never refuse. Representatives of this sign love to take care of someone. This is manifested even in small things: men always behave gallantly with ladies, open doors for them, offer their hand when getting out of the car. And Gemini women will never leave a man hungry; they carefully stir sugar in the tea before serving.

    The wards of this constellation are very fair to people, they always try to behave decently. But if a person does not deserve it, you should not expect a good attitude from Gemini. Representatives of this sign are insightful, they intuitively sense the mood and intentions of others and behave accordingly.

    Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


    The opposite sex is invariably drawn to Gemini. Representatives of the sign are extremely charming; you cannot remain indifferent to their charms while being next to them. Only in all the seductiveness there is a constant note of hypocrisy. And this is a completely justified feeling, because representatives of the constellation very skillfully flatter left and right. They themselves don’t know why they do it, they just like to make others love themselves. Astrologers explain this by saying that the symbol of Gemini is a star, so people of this sign really like to stand out from the crowd. And universal love can move them towards this goal.

    Real feelings rarely appear in Gemini; they get so used to constantly playing to the public that they are not always able to recognize the feeling that has arisen in the heart. true love. Women of this sign are often attracted to men, but quickly cool down. They take the choice of their chosen one very seriously, so the slightest mistake on the part of the partner can turn the lady away from this relationship forever.

    Gemini men are real gentlemen; their gallant courtship leaves no chance for women to escape. But in reality it would be worth running. A man of this sign is not inclined to monogamy; he rarely limits his choice to one chosen one. A girl who falls in love with such a gentleman risks being left with a broken heart, because the seductive Gemini very harshly cuts off ties with conquered ladies. A breakup always happens unexpectedly, even for the man himself. Since this partner often does not plan to get married until he turns gray, he ends the relationship as soon as he realizes that the woman has serious plans for him. In this case, he simply disappears from her field of vision without reason or explanation.

    L a romantic union with a representative of this constellation can turn out to be very romantic and exciting, but rarely does anyone manage to lure the freedom-loving Gemini down the aisle; most of these romances end sadly for their partners. If the relationship reaches the stage of serious plans, the chosen one needs to be prepared for anything. Runaway brides and grooms are most often under the rule of this constellation.


    Entering family relationships, Gemini does not plan to change his free lifestyle. These men and women are prone to infidelity, so their spouses need to have nerves of iron. Jealous partners should not even get involved with Gemini; the marriage of such a couple will be painful for both, since jealousy is unlikely to be groundless, and a representative of this constellation is unable to change his behavior.

    Only in adulthood do they develop happy and lasting marriages. A well-fed Gemini is an excellent family man. It is difficult to find the best father for children; Gemini dad will be not only a wonderful teacher for the child, but also a friend. Mothers of this sign love their babies very much, wrap them in care and affection, but at the same time forget about their spouse. Therefore, the husband of such a lady should be patient and wait until the child grows up a little. Then the wife’s love will be distributed to everyone. But while the baby demands attention, this mother cannot be distracted from him.

    Women and men of this sign are very economical, they know how to do housework very well, but they do it only out of personal desire. It is impossible to force a Gemini to do anything. The spouses of these people need to smoothly direct the energy of this sign in the right direction, then the couple’s marriage can come closer to ideal. A good attitude from a spouse will never go unnoticed by a Gemini; representatives of this constellation highly value taking care of them and are sure to respond with reciprocal actions in return.


    The work activity of this sign is not ambitious; Gemini does not strive to occupy high positions, although he cherishes such dreams in his soul. Responsibility in carrying out assigned tasks is inherent in this sign, but management of the team and distribution of resources should not be trusted to it. An emotional representative of the constellation is capable of unexpected actions in accordance with his personal preferences. Therefore, the results of his managerial activities are based not on a reasonable approach, but on momentary impulses in relations with colleagues.

    In the team, Geminis are usually loved. This sign is too flattering to be in the last ranks, so it always insidiously makes its way into the close circle of management and purposefully takes advantage of its position. This trend in behavior is noticed by employees who failed to take the place of “page to the king,” so there is a lot of backbiting and sarcastic remarks about Gemini at work. However, outwardly everything looks as if the representative of this sign does not pay any attention to other people’s bile.

    Talismans and patrons

    Astrologers note that the patron planet Mercury has a positive effect on the zodiac sign Gemini. Her students are flexible in their behavior, they do not like to conflict and cope well with changes, adapting to any circumstances.

    To smooth out negative character traits, representatives of this sign need to carry talisman stones with them. You need to select them based on your period of birth:

    • For those born from May 21 to May 31, alexandrite is suitable, which, like the representatives of the constellation themselves, constantly changes shades. By changing its color, this stone can warn the owner of impending changes in health or the approach of a difficult period in life.
    • Those born in June from the 1st to the 10th need to have a moonstone with them. These Geminis are considered the most windy. And the influence moonstone allows you to become more serious and stick to your chosen goal.